Dev Diary - Officer Corps Recap & AI Improvements - Архив - Перейти к содержимому

Dev Diary - Officer Corps Recap & AI Improvements

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The AI

And now, on to a topic that is sure not to evoke strong opinions from anybody here: the AI.
During the development of La Resistance, work was begun on adding additional tools through an imgui that allow modders and users to see various internal data. In NSB, a significant amount of time was spent adding to this tooling and providing support for future AI development, as well as laying the groundwork for easier iteration on AI behaviour and more.

One of our new in-game tools for assessing AI font priorities. These tools will be available for modders, who can continue to fine-tune AI for their own needs through the use of strategies and defines. Here, you can see that the AI has evaluated the topmost defense order as desiring a minimum of 7 divisions, an 'ideal' count of 8, and a maximum count of 50. Defense orders tend to fluctuate quite heavily in 'ideal' unit counts: they tend to be quite elastic to make up for units not needed elsewhere.
While much of the work done here was investment for the future, we’ve also made some pretty big changes to the way the AI evaluates where it commits its troops and more.
While it can be hard to indicate objective improvements in terms of AI, there are several key areas we aimed to improve for this release:
Use of specialized divisions - the AI for assigning armor and special forces to appropriate fronts has received some improvement. The practical upshot of this means you ought to see fewer armor divisions assigned to inappropriate orders (garrisons, pure defensive lines etc), and mountaineers used in frontlines that have the right terrain types.

Did I mention the AI likes tanks?
Unit weight distribution - combined with the new supply system, the AI evaluation of where to put units has been totally overhauled. In practical terms, this is likely to manifest as seeing the AI commit more troops to defend key areas (ports & coasts), care more about the active supply situation on frontlines, and provide something slightly resembling a defense in depth for their own core territory, even during active frontline pushes elsewhere.

You can see that the AI considers supply carefully when assessing front unit distribution. There are certain circumstances in which the logical supply capacity of a front can be exceeded by the AI - notably when a defensive frontline is facing a numerically superior foe, or when the AI determines that it needs to win a war fast.

Once Moscow has fallen, the supply situation can get pretty dire as you push east.
Naval Invasions - logic for AI naval invasions has seen significant improvement. You should be encountering larger, less frequent naval invasions overall. The Ai will try to take advantage of weak points in coastal defences, and generally be more keen to invade to support theaters. This got so scary we had to turn the new capabilities down several times (of course, these can be tuned back up).

Counters - while it can be difficult to determine a ‘right’ time to switch templates or create a specialized template, we’ve improved logic for majors utilizing specialized divisions such as Tank Destroyers in relevant circumstances. You should see the AI care a little more about what you throw at it.

Buffer Fronts - Several AI strategies now involve the use of buffer fronts. These are specially defined area defense orders which will request a proportion of national divisions to man them. Where these differ from regular garrison orders, is that these fronts will ‘loan’ their unit distribution counts to nearby fronts or invasion orders.

For example, the heatmap below show the distribution of US troops several months prior to Overlord. The troops stationed in Alexandria and the UK are using buffer fronts, which will supply frontlines in europe, in order to avoid having to relocate troops from much further away. Here you can see the (somewhat anachronistic) defense of Greek territory being supplied by the buffer front in Alexandria, which is in turn supplied with divisions from the US mainland (arriving through the Mediterranean).




The locations and weightings of these are instructional only.


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@legis49 Добрый день.

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Надеюсь на понимание:smile173:

Как я могу удалить топик?

18 минут назад, legis49 сказал:

Как я могу удалить топик?

Удалять не надо (да пользователи и не могут удалять темы), я его просто переместил в архив раздела.

2 часа назад, Москит сказал:

Удалять не надо (да пользователи и не могут удалять темы), я его просто переместил в архив раздела.

Спасибо. Я виноват 

Только что, legis49 сказал:

Спасибо. Я виноват 

Всё норм, префекты тут для этого и есть:) Если будут вопросы - обращайтесь.

9 минут назад, Москит сказал:

Всё норм, префекты тут для этого и есть:) Если будут вопросы - обращайтесь.


2 минуты назад, legis49 сказал:


Между прочим, сообщение, состоящее только из цитат и смайлов считается флудом:108196:

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