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Hearts of Iron 3 / День Победы 3


Компания Paradox Interactive, анонсировавшая третью часть "Дня победы" (русский вариант названия), сразу успокоила старых поклонников: значительного упрощения бояться не стоит. Особенности жанра предполагают внимательное отношение к мельчайшим деталям, и отдать даже некоторые из них на откуп традиционно туповатого AI было бы кощунством и неуважением по отношению к фанатам. А потому разработчики обещают, что во второй половине 2009-го года (а раньше ожидать приквел смысла нет) мы увидим старый добрый Hearts of Iron, но с обновлённой графической составляющей и небольшой работой над ошибками, без которых не обходится ни один проект.

Казалось бы, события прошлого не изменятся, с какой точки зрения их не рассматривай. И уж тем более не изменится мир, принимавший в них участие. Но игровую вселенную разработчикам расширить несложно, и Paradox Interactive это с удовольствием сделала. Нам обещают 150 играбельных государств и десять тысяч провинций. Каждый регион можно вовлечь в войну практически на любом этапе (временные рамки сторилайна - с 1936 по 1948 год) и тем самым повернуть ход истории в другую сторону. Некоторые державы входят в мощные правительственные альянсы, коих в игре будет аж три штуки: Западные Союзники, Коммунисты и Фашисты. Кто есть кто, думается, объяснять не надо: любой школьник осведомлён об основных вехах Второй мировой. Небольшим странам придётся укреплять своё положение на международной арене другими способами: дипломатией, силовыми угрозами или же просто деньгами.

Поскольку масштабы Hearts of Iron 3 существенно увеличились, в Paradox Interactive решили избавить игрока от наиболее рутинных процессов. Например, локальные битвы теперь не нуждаются в строгом надзоре со стороны геймера. Сидящий за компьютером "покловодец" выполняет скорее административные функции: решает глобальные задачи, задаёт направления атак и определяет тактику ведения войны. Всё остальное сделают командиры на местах. Девелоперы уверяют, что данное новшество не является упрощением, которого так боятся верные поклонники: в огромном мире "Дня победы" без разумного делегирования полномочий не обойтись. Конечно, особенно важные бои можно взять под личный контроль - но необходимость в этом будет появляться не очень часто.

Ещё Hearts of Iron 3 может похвастаться такой особенностью, как полное отсутствие словосочетания Game Over. Даже если ненавистные враги захватили родную страну, сравняли с землёй столицу и взяли на себя правительственные полномочия, не всё потеряно. У вас остаётся последний шанс - ведение партизанской войны, управление которой будет осуществляться с территории другого государства. О методах пока толком ничего не известно, но, думается, разработчики воспользуются историческими примерами, благо их хватает.

Что можно сказать определённо: Hearts of Iron 3 свою аудиторию будет завоёвывать геймплеем, а не визуальной стороной. Ведь, судя по скриншотам, последняя явно далека от современных изысков. За основу взят значительно устаревший графический движок Europa Universalis 3. Вот только буйству красок, радовавшему нас в одноименной игре, в третьем "Дне победы" места не найдётся: нас ожидает привычная для игр "про войну" унылая серо-зелёная цветовая гамма.

До релиза Hearts of Iron 3 осталось немало времени, поэтому пока рано делать выводы, насколько качественный продукт мы увидим на полках магазинов. Одно понятно точно: Paradox Interactive явно не хочет портить репутацию бренда, а потому изо всех сил старается и учитывает пожелания фанатов. Надеемся, что результат превзойдёт наши ожидания.

Источник: www.stopgame.ru

Hearts of Iron 3 TRAILER










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Наконец-то появился официальный Manual. Будет что изучить за время оставшееся до релиза: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=415533

Демо выложат в сеть завтра в 8 вечера.

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Наконец-то появился официальный Manual. Будет что изучить за время оставшееся до релиза: ]]>http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=415533]]>

Демо выложат в сеть завтра в 8 вечера.


А полная версия все-таки 7го выходит? Кто то говорить про 4 августа на gamersgate.com.

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А полная версия все-таки 7го выходит? Кто то говорить про 4 августа на gamersgate.com.

Там в комментариях в этой теме написали, что 4 авг это дата, когда коробочки с игрой окажутся у продавцов в интернет-магазинах. Но официальный релиз все равно 7-го числа. Правда это не исключает того, что у пиратов она может появиться раньше.

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А будут ли сценарии вроде "Бездны"?

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Johan из Paradox Interactive обещает подробное "Стратегическое Руководство" (Strategy Guide) тем кто зарегистрирует игру на официальном форуме. Если кто-то купит официальную англоязычную игру пожалуйста скачайте этот документ и выложите куда-нибудь в общий доступ.

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А вот и первый патч подоспел :rolleyes:

Описание первого патчаНажмите здесь!
 Readme for 1.1

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# Changes for 1.1 below.

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- AI Improvements


* Misc AI

- The production AI will now fill up the queue with infantry or militia divisions if no other needs and have available IC + manpower.

- AI won't care about spam penalty when it comes to influencing.

- AI may now invite countries currently at war to its faction.

- Japan will no longer declare war on the USA if the usa is in the axis.

- All AI countries in factions will now influence if they can.

- AI should now be a bit smarter about how to spend DI for influencing.

- Bigger countries will no longer spam smaller for debts.

- AI countries will now only mobilise when they have less than 20% between neutrality and effective threat.

- AI will no longer join factions if a stronger neighbour is in a hostile faction.

* Unit AI

- Fixed some movement correction glitches

- Rewrote how reserves are handles by the AI, and it will use garrison type units more for that.

- Improved handling of very damaged units

- HQs no longer counted as "infantry" archetype in force needs

- More focused on seizing VP provinces

- Use of expeditionary forces between AI nations outside the regular diplomatic framework

- Substantial rewrite of inter-area allocation of troops, taking into account more factors.

- Very safe pathfinding (used by the AI) will now avoid provinces under attack

- Fixed some problems with troop allocation in puppet/master areas

- Fixed a problem that prevented some fleets at sea from ever moving again

- Fixed a problem causing unit ping pong effects.

* Garrison AI

- Improved initial unit selection, with more efforts at a stable garrison force, and more logical troops will be used.

- Adjusted France vs Low Countries border prios

- Fixed a problem where zero prio provinces were still being added to the garrison province list (causing odd garrisoning of borders with friends)

- Rewrote a function to choose more logical troops

- Adjustments to emphasize coastal provinces

- Fixed a bug with return of garrison divisions to fronts

- Fixed a bug that might have affected front distribution a bit

- Will no longer pull divisions from lower prio provinces to garrison higher prio ones (caused a lot of shuffling when some units had to stomp partisans etc)

* Front AI

- France should be more prepared on the Belgian border

- Fixed a slight distance bug

- Adjusted stance org thresholds

- Fixed a "Parkinson" bug

- Fixed a bug with attack orders sometimes being cancelled at once

- Fixed an issue with overestimation of current strength and org for both friendly and enemy units

- Will now consider army experience

- Many improvements to breaking out of pockets

- More aware of dig in factor

- Better handling of multiple fronts in the same theatre with few total divisions

- Improved some distribution code

- Will now be more intelligent about troop distribution around encircled enemy provinces

- Added a bunch of missing modifiers to odds calculations

* Air AI

- Fixed a bug in Logistical Strike missions

- Fixed an issue with constantly splitting and merging MR and Interceptors

- Fixed some more issues with carrier bases being used for the wrong air types

- CAGs will now properly be used to pound enemy units when invading

- Tactical bombers will prioritize invasion targets if they are in range

- Support for flying bombs and rockets

- Added support for nukes

- Added logistical strike missions

- CAGs should no longer get mixed up with other air types

- Fixed a bug with tactical bombing targets

- Day/night and weather checks

- Paradrop AI: Fixed a bug with it forgetting its intended target

* Naval AI

- Optimized rebase checks

- Proper patrol missions added

- Fixed an issue with inter-theatre submarine allocation

- May now take patrolling or convoy escorting fleets for Naval intercept missions

- Adjusted naval superiority checks to make the AI less scared of naval missions

- Will no longer patrol with unescorted capital ships

- Fixed an issue with obsolete orders not being cleared correctly

- More legal move checks

- Fixed some issues with fleets getting "stuck" due to no valid path

- Fixed a problem with rebasing of submarines to their correct theatre in the absence of actual enemy targets

- Fixed an issue with damaged fleets getting stuck at sea

- Improved convoy raiding checks

- Fixed an issue with fleets in combat or retreat not correctly being recalled to base on damage

* Transport AI

- Fixed a bug with one invalid route (no path) locking up all transportation

- Fixed a bug with the best embarkation port selection

- Will not be as particular about hogging transport ships if they are not needed

- Will never use mot/mech/arm to garrison islands

- Should reset the transport target of armies on detachment from a hierarchy

- Fixed a problem with "shuttle transportation" (transporting some units before the rest have reached the embarkation port)

* Invasion AI

- Fixed a bug with single divisions not conquering a whole island even if it was undefended

- Player directed targets will now receive the needed divisions from the theatre main area if at all possible (not in combat etc)

- Fixed a problem with invasions not launching due to waiting for escorting fleets that had already joined

- Should now target port provinces only

- More prone to respect player set invasion beaches

- Adjusted "needed divisions" check for invasion targets

- Reduced the division needs in non-warzones to make more units available for invasions


- Gamebalance Changes


* Units

- Implemented individual officer ratios per unit type.

- Units will now get starting experience depending on laws if nothing is scripted in the oob.

- Support for officer needs at naval and air units added.

- Increased practical gains for non capital ships.

- Engineers are now much faster.

- Tweaked marines, engineers and bergsjaegers combat abilities in various terrains fitting their capabilities.

- Armor, Heavy Armor and Super Heavy Armor are now worse in bad terrain.

- Planes will now always repair at midnight GMT, combat and in air won't stop them.

- Reserves no longer get an extra bonus on lesser manpower rotation.

- Reworked reserve status to be per brigade, to make it easier for the player.

- Starting manpower is now properly reduced in scenarios when wars have been ongoing for a while.

- Retreating units ignore fuelstatus for movement speed now.

- Rebasing fleets take supplies and fuels directly from capital now.

- Ships in non-friendly ports that can't move will not be sunk.

* Combat

- There is now an auto pushback damage event when a province is taken by a new controller.

- Increased basic terrain penalties.

- Increased penalties from combat on weather.

- Dropped xp gain for airunits dramatically. (almost a factor of 10)

- Rewrote shatterlogic and how reserve units gets reinforced. Now shatter percentage is compared to highest strength that unit has had, and not maximum possible.

- Runway cratering is now a bit more lethal.

- Added in proper restrictions for pathfinder to not allow entry where a unit can't attack.

- Breakthroughs and Delays now impact attack delay.

- Retreat province now less likely to be a front province

- Airunits will not automatically intercept airunits at the airbase unless they have the order for it.

- Reduced damage to convoy raiders a bit, and increased damage on convoys a bit.

- Fixed some penalties for cavalry in some terrains.

- Correct default penalties for attack for terrain is now used.

- Attack delays are now reduced every hour during a battle to a minimum of one.

* Weather

- Rewrote temperature impact on combat to be a more sliding scale.

- Recoded how lowpressurezones are scripted, so that they can be seasonal.

* Production

- Reduced prices by 50% on metal, energy & rares, and by 25% on oil.

- Fuel is now at crude oil prices.

- Units are now deployed into theatres properly if auto-deploy is on.

- Added a modifier for global resource production for a country.

- Practicals are now applied at finish properly for all building types.

- Highest threat now reduces consumer goods from mobilised troops.

- Reinforcements and repairs are now slightly faster.

* Politics

- A few laws now modify the resource production negatively when IC is modified negatively.

- Revised some ministers to modifiy resource production instead of IC.

- Tweaked occupation policies to be harsher on IC.

- National Unity is now always capped between 1 and 100.

- Tweaked strategic warfare a bit to be less easy to win by just bombing another country and have a 2 to 1 supremacy.

- Strategic warfare impact is only valid at offenses to liberate own territory, not just any adjacent to it.

- A government in exile now loses most of its officers, manpower and constructions.

- Elections can now happen at any day within a month if scripted that way.

* Technology

- Theories are now cheaper to research.

- Revised all naval technologies for a better balance.

- Tweaked starting techs generation to always go for cheapest.

* Diplomacy

- Surrender logics changed to surrender to the one occupying most of the country instead of the faction leader.

- When the all members of a faction is a GiE, it will surrender again to be annexed or puppeted.

- Increased intervals between alignment movement.

- Increased impact of threat & ideology on aligment.

- Decreased repulsion impact on alignment a bit.

- Target countries neutrality is now impacting how easy it is to influence them.

- Only one country in each faction can influence a target country.

- Joining or Inviting to a faction is now free from DI costs.

- Neutrality is now capped at 100%.

- Reduced impact of relations on trade, and increased chances when fighting wars together, or having friendly agreements.

- Puppets can now initiate trade with their masters

- Countries in the same faction or allied will never be considered "highest threat" for a country.

* Intel

- Higher differences in intel now gives more info on the map.

- You can no longer get province details on buildings without decent intel.

- Infrastrucutre map details are now limited by intel.

- Radio is now negative on encryption instead of decryption.

* Misc

- The start of the spanish civil war will no longer cause you to lose more than the set amount of troops.

- There is no longer 15 dissent at start of spanish civil war.

- Splitting troops now cap the amount of landtroops that can go over to the set amount of percent.

- The split_troops effect now splits the manpower as well.


- Interface Improvements


- A diplomatic message is now only shown for a week.

- Officer needs is now shown in the build interface.

- Added tooltip to continuous checkbox for airmissions and disabled time widgets when checked

- Building effects are now relative.

- Counter values now update at every start of a day.

- Best possible law instead of next possible law is now shown in the alert.

- Changed layout in ledgerpiecharts to fit better

- Added the tooltip for soft and hard attack in the airbuilder screen.

- Improved the election interface.

- Added a message whenever a country gets annexed.

- Unit recruittime is now properly colored.

- Clarified the tooltip for neutrality when declaring war.

- Clarified names of intelligence levels.

- It is no longer possible to ask for debt allowing when a debt is already allowed.

- Invite to faction button no longer visible when target allready in faction

- Now possible to stop aligning to faction leader

- Fixed the interface for allowing and revoking debt

- It is no longer possible to open brigade details window for a unit that already have that screen up.

- If game paused by opening menu, closing it should now unpause it

- Changing options in frontend now tell you what happened only once

- Bad username or password for bonus content now tells you so

- Only one way to change messagesettings from the settings menu now

- Reworked alot of messages to eliminate all tpyos of bad spleling swedes.


- Bugfixes


* Restart/Reload Issues

- Airintercept orders are no longer broken at a reload.

- Fixed a problem which caused some combats to become invalid after a reload.

- Fixed a few issues with save games not being setup properly when loaded.

- Fixed a calculation error for offier ratios at start of scenarios.

- Fixed another reason for out of synch.

* Interface

- Fixed the aircombat goto button.

- Fixed a display issue for technology abilities.

- It is no longer possible to get duplicate convoys through the interface.

- Peace messages are now shown properly again.

- Fixed a glitch with attrition tooltip.

- Fixed a mismatch in toggling auto-resource and auto-supply buttons.

- Research alert now deactivates properly when under ai control.

- Fixed an issue with flickering reserve icons.

- Shift-clicks can not be used to get out attack delays.

- Reinforcement needs can no longer wrap around to negative numbers.

* Units

- Range check on move for naval units added.

- Airunits can now actually raid convoys.

- Fixed a bug with naming of serial brigades.

- Can no longer rebase to neutral bases.

- It should no longer be possible to merge invalid units (cags from different carriers etc).

- Units will no longer leave being a bomb target until they actually LEAVE a province.

- Fixed an inversion of efficiency on repairs in naval/air bases.

- Fixed a few bugs where combats couldn't be selected properly

- Convoy raiders should now be sunk properly if they are damaged for <0strength in a convoy attack.

- Illegal convoys are now tagged as inactive even when autocreation/destruction is off.

- Fixed a problem where naval sorties and intercepts would find units it had no intel on.

- Inactive leaders should no longer be assigned to units through auto-assign.

- Range checks now from base, and not current location.

- Convoys and escorts are cheaper now

- Targetfleet is now saved and loaded in navalintercept orders.

- Supply needs are now calculated properly even when a country is out of supplies.

- Returning expeditionary force no longer requests confirmation of returning party and returns unit after one month

- Nationalist rebels are now separate depending on which country they are aiming to reform.

* Misc

- Alot of compability issues have been tracked down and dealt with, improving general stability for users.

- Influences now end if the target is removed.

- Fixed some issues with liberating countries.

- Puppets are represented more accurately (no embargoes between puppets and overlords etc)

- Calling allies to arms in a limited war should now cost influence as advertised

- Improved and fixed some of the events commands

- Listening stations and escorts are now properly enabled by their techs only and not randomly.


- Database Changes


* Country/Province Setup

- The Dutch capital is now setup correctly in later scenarios.

- Changed the color of Nationlist Spain so that it can be distinguished from Republican Spain more easily

- Positioned some of the naval/air/radar bases more correctly

- Increased the number and level of forts in the later scenarios giving a much better historical setup.

- Added more suitable traits for some of the ministers

* Orders of battle

- Made some adjustments to the senario setups for USA, Japan, France, GC, Germany, Italy and the UK for a more historical and

balanced setup.

- Reworked the historical setup for cags so that they are represented more accurately

* Wars and Diplomacy

- British puppets (Oman, Bhutan and Yemen) are now properly joining the allies in 1939

- Rearranged the victory points in the Soviet Union to give Germany a bigger advantage

- Made some adjustments to the Sino-Japanese War

- Mongolia joins the war in 1941

* Technology

- Made some changes to the tech setup to provide better balance and historical accuracy

- Replaced some of the tech pictures with better alternatives.

* Events

- Reworked some of the decisions and surrender events so that they are better balanced.


Johan Andersson


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