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Russian Universalis

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Не скоро еще появиться стабильно работающая версия под 1.11.3-4? А то мод классный, постоянно с ним играл, но вот после перехода с 1.9 начались траблы, пока играю только с лайт-руссиком. Автор, не бросай мод! Народ его ждет, народ надеется!

Ссылка на комментарий

Нужно подредачить решение на Австрийскую Империю, а именно перевод.

Еще я сделал модификатор, его сюда кидать?

любым доступным способом, главное чтоб я увидел)
Не скоро еще появиться стабильно работающая версия под 1.11.3-4? А то мод классный, постоянно с ним играл, но вот после перехода с 1.9 начались траблы, пока играю только с лайт-руссиком. Автор, не бросай мод! Народ его ждет, народ надеется!
И какие проблемы со свежей версией, кроме как перевод имен отсутствует местами?
Ссылка на комментарий

И какие проблемы со свежей версией, кроме как перевод имен отсутствует местами?

Я, если честно, с 1.9 мод не ставил, почитал комменты, а там ахтунг ))

Скачаю, поставлю, посмотрю.

А перевод имен вообще фигня, я уже и на англ. версии играть приноровился, но когда на своем, на русском - удобнее. ))

Я так понимаю, после установки мода можно (и даже нужно) Lite-руссик выключить?

Изменено пользователем proconsul
Ссылка на комментарий

Millenarian Emperor

Есть ли у кого проблемы с формой правления под названием "Деспотичная Монархия" ? Она отображается как нет формы правления?

Также во время, когда идёт реформация и уже близка к Религиозной войне в Священной Римской Империи между Лютеранами-Реформаторами и Католиками, при автосохранении или же просто сохранение сейва в ручную.

Игра вылетает сразу же, при попытке загрузить потом сохранение, пишет "файл поврежден"

Log.Нажмите здесь!
 [sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[sound.cpp:250]: Sound click not found.

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx/fonts/vic_18e_grey.tga.

[bitmapfont.cpp:286]: Missing font file: gfx/fonts/vic_18e_grey.fnt

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Unexpected token: font, near line: 47

" in file: "interface/countryhistory.gui" near line: 47

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of RUS_CAVALRY_1 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of RUS_CAVALRY_2 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of RUS_CAVALRY_3 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of RUS_CAVALRY_4 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BUR_INFANTRY_1 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_INFANTRY_1 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_INFANTRY_2 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_INFANTRY_3 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_INFANTRY_4 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_1_rider added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_2_rider added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_3_rider added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_4_rider added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_1 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_2 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_3 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of BYZ_CAVALRY_4 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_INFANTRY_1 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_CAVALRY_1 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_INFANTRY_2 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_CAVALRY_2 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_INFANTRY_3 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_CAVALRY_3 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_INFANTRY_4 added to entity system

[pdx_entity.cpp:1643]: Duplicate of NOV_CAVALRY_4 added to entity system

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/AfghanMarathaWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 71

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 71

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 91

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 91

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 118

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 118

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 138

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 138

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 158

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 158

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 186

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 186

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 206

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 206

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 226

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 226

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/AngloSpanishWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/ArgentineWarofIndependence.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/ArgentineWarofIndependence.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/AustroHungarianWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/BohemianRevolt.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 66

" in file: "history/wars/BohemianRevolt.txt" near line: 66

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 64

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 64

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 87

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 87

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/CastillianSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 58

" in file: "history/wars/CastillianSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 58

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfNovgorod.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfTheInca.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 52

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfTheInca.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/CrusadeOfVarna.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/DutchPortugueseWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 80

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 80

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 102

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 102

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/FifthOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 79

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 79

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 100

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 100

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 120

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 120

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 180

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 180

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 200

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 200

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 220

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 220

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 240

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 240

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 89

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 89

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/FirstBarbaryWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/FirstBarbaryWar.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/FirstItalianWar.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/FirstOttomanHabsburgWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/FirstOttomanHungarianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 46

" in file: "history/wars/FourthVenetianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 58

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 58

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 100

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 100

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 151

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 151

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 173

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 173

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 195

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 195

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoItalianWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 72

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoItalianWar.txt" near line: 72

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoSpanishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 54

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoSpanishWar.txt" near line: 54

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 84

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 84

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 112

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 112

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 134

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 134

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 157

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 157

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 207

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 207

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 229

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 229

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 255

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 255

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 275

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 275

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 72

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 72

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 37

" in file: "history/wars/HabsburgValoisWar.txt" near line: 37

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/HabsburgValoisWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 61

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 61

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 81

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 81

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 103

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 103

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 88

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 88

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/ItalianFourYearsWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/ItalianFourYearsWar.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/KalmarWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 53

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 53

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 75

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 75

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 95

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 95

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 120

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 120

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 180

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 180

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 201

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 201

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 48

" in file: "history/wars/LivonianWar.txt" near line: 48

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/MoldavianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 54

" in file: "history/wars/MoldavianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 54

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/MughalRajputInvasion.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/MuscoviteLithuanianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/NeapolitanWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/NorthernSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 37

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanCommonwealthWar.txt" near line: 37

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanPolishWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSafavidWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 70

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 70

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 130

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 130

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 151

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 151

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanWallachianWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/PalatinateWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/PalatinateWar.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 63

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 63

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 85

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 85

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 155

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 155

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 177

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 177

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 197

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 197

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 218

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 218

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 238

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 238

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 258

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 258

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 279

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 279

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 303

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 303

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 326

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 326

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 348

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 348

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 368

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 368

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 392

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 392

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 413

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 413

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 435

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 435

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 456

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 456

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 476

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 476

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 500

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 500

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 523

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 523

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 543

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 543

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 565

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 565

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 585

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 585

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 606

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 606

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 626

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 626

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 651

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 651

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 673

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 673

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 693

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 693

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 713

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 713

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 733

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 733

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 753

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 753

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 773

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 773

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 793

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 793

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 818

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 818

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 838

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 838

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/PersianMughalWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 55

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 55

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 78

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 78

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/PolishSwedishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 76

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 76

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 96

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 96

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 117

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 117

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/SchmalkaldicWar.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloMarathaWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 52

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloMarathaWar.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondBishopsWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondInterTimuridWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/SecondMuscoviteLithuanianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 45

" in file: "history/wars/SecondOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 45

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 85

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 85

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 68

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 68

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 112

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 112

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 136

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 136

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 184

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 184

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 206

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 206

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 228

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 228

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 248

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 248

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 272

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 272

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 294

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 294

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 318

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 318

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/SixthOttomanHabsburgWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/SwabianWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/TalikotaWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 43

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 43

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 65

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 65

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 87

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 87

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 60

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 60

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 82

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 82

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/TheLongWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/ThirdOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/ThirteenYearsWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 55

" in file: "history/wars/ThirteenYearsWar.txt" near line: 55

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 82

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 82

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 111

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 111

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 139

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 139

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 177

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 177

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 210

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 210

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 234

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 234

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 293

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 293

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/UsunHasanWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/WallachianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfDevolution.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 75

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 75

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 108

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 108

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 46

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 66

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 66

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 130

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 130

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 150

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 150

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 172

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 172

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 213

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 213

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 233

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 233

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 131

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 131

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 152

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 152

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 172

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 172

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 213

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 213

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 234

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 234

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 275

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 275

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 296

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 296

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 322

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 322

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 347

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 347

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 377

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 377

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 397

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 397

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 418

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 418

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 456

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 456

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 478

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 478

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 499

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 499

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 43

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 43

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 136

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 136

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 156

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 156

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 178

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 178

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 203

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 203

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 225

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 225

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 70

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 70

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 92

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 92

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 116

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 91

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 91

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 115

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 115

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 61

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 61

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 134

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 134

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 162

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 162

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 189

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 189

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 211

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 211

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 239

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 239

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCognac.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfThePublicWeal.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 63

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 63

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 83

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 83

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 103

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 103

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 123

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 123

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 143

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 143

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 170

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 170

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 190

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 190

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 214

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 214

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 236

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 236

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 258

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 258

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 286

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 286

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 44

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 44

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 64

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 64

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 84

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 84

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 106

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 106

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 126

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 126

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 150

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 150

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 170

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 170

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 190

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 190

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 212

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 212

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 232

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 232

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 252

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 252

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 272

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 272

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 292

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 292

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 312

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 312

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 341

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 341

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 365

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 365

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 385

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 385

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 405

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 405

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 435

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 435

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 477

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 477

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 513

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 513

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 533

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 533

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 553

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 553

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 83

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 83

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 157

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 157

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 181

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 181

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 203

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 203

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 227

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 227

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 278

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 278

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 298

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 298

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 320

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 320

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 342

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 342

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 362

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 362

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 384

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 384

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 76

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 76

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 96

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 96

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 116

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 142

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 142

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 162

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 162

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 212

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 212

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 232

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 232

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 252

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 252

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 89

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 89

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 149

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 149

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 169

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 169

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 189

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 189

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 209

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 209

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 229

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 229

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 0 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 150001 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 150002 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 564711 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 56471 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 56472 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 56473 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 56474 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6300001 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6964715 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6964716 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6964717 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6556479 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6700001 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 600002 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 600003 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6800001 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 6800002 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 564722 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 564733 53. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 564744 53. Already exists in game.

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_for_the_glory

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_grand_army

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_grand_navy

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_defender_of_the_faith

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_until_death_do_us_apart

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_that_is_mine

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_victorious

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_emperors_new_clothes

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_down_under

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_isnt_this_the_way_to_india

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_azur_seme_de_lis_or

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_not_so_sad_a_state

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_seriously

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_its_all_about_the_money

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_respected

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_true_catholic

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_truly_divine_ruler

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_grand_coalition

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_italian_ambition

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_cold_war

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_royal_authority

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_viva_la_revolucion

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_brothers_in_arms

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_no_pirates_in_my_carribean

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_master_of_india

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_sweden_is_not_overpowered

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_my_armies_are_invincible

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_this_navy_can_take_it_all

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_winged_hussars

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_pen_is_mightier_than_the_sword

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_traditional_player

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_its_all_about_luck

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_all_belongs_to_mother_russia

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_at_every_continent

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_spain_is_the_emperor

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_an_early_reich

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_poland_can_into_space

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_world_discoverer

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_chrysanthemum_throne

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_trade_hegemon

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_basileus

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_agressive_expander

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_kaiser_not_just_in_name

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_norwegian_wood

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_african_power

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_no_trail_of_tears

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_one_night_in_paris

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_definitely_the_sultan_of_rum

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_market_control

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_ruina_imperii

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_luck_of_the_irish

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_world_conqueror

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_three_mountains

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_jihad

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_sunset_invasion

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_just_a_little_patience

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_turning_the_tide

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_double_the_love

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_liberty_or_death

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_nobody_wants_to_die

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_in_the_name_of_the_father

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_rising_sun

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_five_colonies

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_re_reconquista

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_turn_the_table

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_great_khan

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_four_for_trade

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_grand_armada

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_je_maintiendrai

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_a_protected_market

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_queen_of_mercury

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_a_pile_of_gold

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_sons_of_carthage

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_the_princess_is_in_this_castle

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_electable

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_vasa_or_wettin

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_sinaasappel

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_one_king_to_rule

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_venetian_sea

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_iron_price

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_total_control

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_center_of_attention

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_this_revolution_was_crushed

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_a_manchurian_candidate

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_land_of_eastern_jade

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_thats_a_silk_road

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_my_true_friend

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_marshy_march

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_shahanshah

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_die_please_die

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_holy_trinity

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_switzerlake

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_king_of_jerusalem

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_krabater

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_lion_of_the_north

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_guaranteer_of_peace

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_servitor_of_jagannath

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_bengal_tiger

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_prester_john

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_auld_alliance

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_gothic_invasion

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_kow_tow

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_barbarossa

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_georgia_on_my_mind

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_albania_or_iberia

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_spice_must_flow

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_raja_of_the_rajput_reich

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_sun_never_sets_on_the_indian_empire

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_over_a_thousand

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_draculas_revenge

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_arabian_coffee

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_even_better_than_piet_heyn

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_a_sun_god

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_on_the_edge_of_madness

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_magellans_voyage

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_imperio_espanol

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_blockader

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_this_is_persia

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_kirishitan_japan

[pdx_achievements.cpp:430]: Invalid achievement: achievement_hessian_mercenaries

[pdx_achievements.cpp:616]: Failed to load global statistics, error no: 2

[gfx_dx9.cpp:2818]: GfxCreateTextureFromFile failed with error: An undetermined error occurred

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: .

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: .

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/AfghanMarathaWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 71

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 71

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 91

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 91

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 118

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 118

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 138

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 138

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 158

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 158

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 186

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 186

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 206

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 206

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 226

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 226

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/AngloSpanishWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/ArgentineWarofIndependence.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/ArgentineWarofIndependence.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/AustroHungarianWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/BohemianRevolt.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 66

" in file: "history/wars/BohemianRevolt.txt" near line: 66

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 64

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 64

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 87

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 87

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/CastillianSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 58

" in file: "history/wars/CastillianSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 58

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfNovgorod.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfTheInca.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 52

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfTheInca.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/CrusadeOfVarna.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/DutchPortugueseWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 80

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 80

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 102

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 102

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/FifthOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 79

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 79

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 100

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 100

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 120

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 120

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 180

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 180

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 200

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 200

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 220

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 220

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 240

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 240

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 89

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 89

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/FirstBarbaryWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/FirstBarbaryWar.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/FirstItalianWar.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/FirstOttomanHabsburgWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/FirstOttomanHungarianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 46

" in file: "history/wars/FourthVenetianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 58

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 58

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 100

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 100

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 151

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 151

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 173

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 173

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 195

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 195

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoItalianWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 72

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoItalianWar.txt" near line: 72

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoSpanishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 54

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoSpanishWar.txt" near line: 54

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 84

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 84

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 112

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 112

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 134

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 134

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 157

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 157

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 207

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 207

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 229

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 229

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 255

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 255

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 275

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 275

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 72

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 72

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 37

" in file: "history/wars/HabsburgValoisWar.txt" near line: 37

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/HabsburgValoisWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 61

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 61

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 81

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 81

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 103

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 103

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 88

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 88

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/ItalianFourYearsWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/ItalianFourYearsWar.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/KalmarWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 53

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 53

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 75

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 75

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 95

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 95

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 120

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 120

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 180

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 180

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 201

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 201

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 48

" in file: "history/wars/LivonianWar.txt" near line: 48

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/MoldavianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 54

" in file: "history/wars/MoldavianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 54

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/MughalRajputInvasion.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/MuscoviteLithuanianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/NeapolitanWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/NorthernSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 37

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanCommonwealthWar.txt" near line: 37

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanPolishWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSafavidWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 70

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 70

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 130

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 130

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 151

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 151

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanWallachianWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/PalatinateWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/PalatinateWar.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 63

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 63

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 85

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 85

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 155

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 155

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 177

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 177

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 197

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 197

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 218

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 218

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 238

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 238

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 258

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 258

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 279

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 279

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 303

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 303

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 326

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 326

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 348

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 348

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 368

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 368

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 392

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 392

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 413

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 413

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 435

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 435

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 456

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 456

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 476

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 476

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 500

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 500

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 523

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 523

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 543

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 543

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 565

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 565

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 585

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 585

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 606

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 606

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 626

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 626

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 651

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 651

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 673

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 673

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 693

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 693

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 713

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 713

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 733

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 733

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 753

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 753

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 773

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 773

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 793

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 793

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 818

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 818

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 838

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 838

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/PersianMughalWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 55

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 55

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 78

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 78

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/PolishSwedishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 76

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 76

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 96

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 96

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 117

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 117

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/SchmalkaldicWar.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloMarathaWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 52

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloMarathaWar.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondBishopsWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondInterTimuridWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/SecondMuscoviteLithuanianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 45

" in file: "history/wars/SecondOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 45

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 85

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 85

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 68

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 68

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 112

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 112

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 136

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 136

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 184

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 184

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 206

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 206

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 228

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 228

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 248

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 248

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 272

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 272

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 294

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 294

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 318

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 318

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/SixthOttomanHabsburgWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/SwabianWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/TalikotaWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 43

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 43

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 65

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 65

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 87

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 87

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 60

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 60

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 82

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 82

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/TheLongWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/ThirdOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/ThirteenYearsWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 55

" in file: "history/wars/ThirteenYearsWar.txt" near line: 55

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 82

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 82

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 111

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 111

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 139

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 139

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 177

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 177

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 210

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 210

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 234

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 234

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 293

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 293

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/UsunHasanWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/WallachianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfDevolution.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 75

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 75

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 108

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 108

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 46

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 66

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 66

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 130

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 130

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 150

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 150

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 172

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 172

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 213

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 213

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 233

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 233

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 131

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 131

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 152

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 152

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 172

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 172

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 213

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 213

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 234

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 234

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 275

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 275

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 296

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 296

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 322

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 322

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 347

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 347

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 377

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 377

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 397

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 397

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 418

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 418

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 456

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 456

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 478

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 478

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 499

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 499

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 43

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 43

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 136

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 136

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 156

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 156

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 178

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 178

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 203

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 203

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 225

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 225

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 70

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 70

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 92

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 92

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 116

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 91

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 91

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 115

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 115

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 61

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 61

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 134

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 134

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 162

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 162

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 189

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 189

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 211

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 211

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 239

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 239

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCognac.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfThePublicWeal.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 63

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 63

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 83

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 83

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 103

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 103

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 123

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 123

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 143

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 143

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 170

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 170

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 190

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 190

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 214

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 214

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 236

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 236

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 258

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 258

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 286

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 286

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 44

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 44

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 64

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 64

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 84

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 84

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 106

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 106

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 126

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 126

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 150

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 150

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 170

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 170

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 190

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 190

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 212

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 212

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 232

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 232

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 252

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 252

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 272

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 272

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 292

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 292

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 312

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 312

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 341

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 341

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 365

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 365

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 385

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 385

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 405

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 405

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 435

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 435

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 477

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 477

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 513

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 513

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 533

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 533

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 553

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 553

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 83

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 83

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 157

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 157

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 181

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 181

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 203

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 203

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 227

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 227

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 278

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 278

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 298

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 298

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 320

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 320

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 342

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 342

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 362

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 362

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 384

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 384

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 76

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 76

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 96

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 96

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 116

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 142

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 142

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 162

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 162

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 212

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 212

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 232

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 232

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 252

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 252

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 89

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 89

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 149

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 149

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 169

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 169

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 189

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 189

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 209

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 209

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 229

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 229

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//interface//nobles_icon.tga.

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//interface//faithful_icon.tga.

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//interface//faction_yellow_frame.tga.

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//interface//peasants_icon.tga.

[texturehandler.cpp:228]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//interface//faction_pale_green_frame.tga.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/AfghanMarathaWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 71

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 71

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 91

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 91

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 118

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 118

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 138

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 138

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 158

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 158

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 186

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 186

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 206

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 206

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 226

" in file: "history/wars/AmericanWarOfIndependence.txt" near line: 226

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/AngloSpanishWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/ArgentineWarofIndependence.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/ArgentineWarofIndependence.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/AustroHungarianWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/BohemianRevolt.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 66

" in file: "history/wars/BohemianRevolt.txt" near line: 66

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 64

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 64

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 87

" in file: "history/wars/BurgundianWars.txt" near line: 87

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/CastillianSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 58

" in file: "history/wars/CastillianSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 58

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfNovgorod.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfTheInca.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 52

" in file: "history/wars/ConquestOfTheInca.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/CrusadeOfVarna.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/DutchPortugueseWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 80

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 80

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 102

" in file: "history/wars/EightyYearsWar.txt" near line: 102

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/FifthOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 79

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 79

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 100

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 100

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 120

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 120

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 180

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 180

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 200

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 200

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 220

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 220

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 240

" in file: "history/wars/FinnishWar.txt" near line: 240

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 89

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 89

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/FirstAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/FirstBarbaryWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 51

" in file: "history/wars/FirstBarbaryWar.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/FirstItalianWar.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/FirstOttomanHabsburgWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/FirstOttomanHungarianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 46

" in file: "history/wars/FourthVenetianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 58

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 58

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 100

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 100

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 151

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 151

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 173

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 173

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 195

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoDutchWar.txt" near line: 195

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoItalianWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 72

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoItalianWar.txt" near line: 72

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoSpanishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 54

" in file: "history/wars/FrancoSpanishWar.txt" near line: 54

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 84

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 84

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 112

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 112

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 134

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 134

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 157

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 157

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 207

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 207

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 229

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 229

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 255

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 255

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 275

" in file: "history/wars/GreatNordicWar.txt" near line: 275

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 72

" in file: "history/wars/GunboatWar.txt" near line: 72

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 37

" in file: "history/wars/HabsburgValoisWar.txt" near line: 37

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/HabsburgValoisWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 61

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 61

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 81

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 81

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 103

" in file: "history/wars/HundredDaysWar.txt" near line: 103

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 88

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 88

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/HundredYearsWar.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/ItalianFourYearsWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/ItalianFourYearsWar.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/KalmarWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 53

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 53

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 75

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 75

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 95

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 95

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 120

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 120

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 180

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 180

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 201

" in file: "history/wars/KoreanSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 201

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 48

" in file: "history/wars/LivonianWar.txt" near line: 48

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/MoldavianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 54

" in file: "history/wars/MoldavianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 54

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/MughalRajputInvasion.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/MuscoviteLithuanianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/NeapolitanWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/NorthernSevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 37

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanCommonwealthWar.txt" near line: 37

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanPolishWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSafavidWar.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 70

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 70

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 130

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 130

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 151

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanSaudiWar.txt" near line: 151

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/OttomanWallachianWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/PalatinateWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/PalatinateWar.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 41

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 63

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 63

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 85

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 85

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 155

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 155

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 177

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 177

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 197

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 197

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 218

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 218

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 238

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 238

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 258

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 258

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 279

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 279

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 303

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 303

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 326

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 326

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 348

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 348

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 368

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 368

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 392

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 392

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 413

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 413

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 435

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 435

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 456

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 456

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 476

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 476

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 500

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 500

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 523

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 523

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 543

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 543

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 565

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 565

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 585

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 585

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 606

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 606

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 626

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 626

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 651

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 651

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 673

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 673

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 693

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 693

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 713

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 713

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 733

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 733

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 753

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 753

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 773

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 773

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 793

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 793

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 818

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 818

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 838

" in file: "history/wars/PeninsularWar.txt" near line: 838

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/PersianMughalWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 55

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 55

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 78

" in file: "history/wars/PolishMuscoviteWar.txt" near line: 78

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/PolishSwedishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 76

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 76

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 96

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 96

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 117

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseRestorationWar.txt" near line: 117

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/PortugueseSuccessionWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/SchmalkaldicWar.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloDutchWar.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 30

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloMarathaWar.txt" near line: 30

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 52

" in file: "history/wars/SecondAngloMarathaWar.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondBishopsWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondInterTimuridWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/SecondMuscoviteLithuanianWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 45

" in file: "history/wars/SecondOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 45

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 59

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 59

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 85

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 85

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/SecondRussoSwedishWar.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 68

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 68

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 112

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 112

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 136

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 136

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 184

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 184

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 206

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 206

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 228

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 228

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 248

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 248

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 272

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 272

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 294

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 294

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 318

" in file: "history/wars/SevenYearsWar.txt" near line: 318

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 35

" in file: "history/wars/SixthOttomanHabsburgWar.txt" near line: 35

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/SwabianWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 34

" in file: "history/wars/TalikotaWar.txt" near line: 34

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 43

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 43

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 65

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 65

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 87

" in file: "history/wars/TheDeluge.txt" near line: 87

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 60

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 60

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 82

" in file: "history/wars/TheDelugeSWE.txt" near line: 82

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 38

" in file: "history/wars/TheLongWar.txt" near line: 38

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 31

" in file: "history/wars/ThirdOttomanVenetianWar.txt" near line: 31

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/ThirteenYearsWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 55

" in file: "history/wars/ThirteenYearsWar.txt" near line: 55

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 82

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 82

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 111

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 111

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 139

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 139

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 177

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 177

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 210

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 210

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 234

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 234

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 293

" in file: "history/wars/ThirtyYearsWar.txt" near line: 293

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 32

" in file: "history/wars/UsunHasanWar.txt" near line: 32

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/WallachianOttomanWar.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 33

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfDevolution.txt" near line: 33

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 75

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 75

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 108

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheAustrianSuccession.txt" near line: 108

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 46

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 66

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 66

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 130

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 130

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 150

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 150

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 172

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 172

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 213

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 213

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 233

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFifthCoalition.txt" near line: 233

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 42

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 42

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 131

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 131

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 152

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 152

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 172

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 172

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 213

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 213

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 234

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 234

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 275

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 275

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 296

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 296

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 322

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 322

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 347

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 347

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 377

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 377

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 397

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 397

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 418

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 418

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 456

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 456

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 478

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 478

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 499

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFirstCoalition.txt" near line: 499

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 43

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 43

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 90

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 90

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 110

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 110

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 136

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 136

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 156

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 156

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 178

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 178

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 203

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 203

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 225

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheFourthCoaltion.txt" near line: 225

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 50

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 50

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 70

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 70

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 92

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 92

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 116

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 140

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 140

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 160

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheGrandAlliance.txt" near line: 160

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 91

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 91

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 115

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheHolyLeague.txt" near line: 115

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 61

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 61

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 134

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 134

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 162

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 162

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 189

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 189

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 211

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 211

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 239

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCambrai.txt" near line: 239

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 39

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfCognac.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 36

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheLeagueOfThePublicWeal.txt" near line: 36

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 63

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 63

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 83

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 83

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 103

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 103

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 123

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 123

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 143

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 143

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 170

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 170

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 190

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 190

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 214

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 214

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 236

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 236

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 258

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 258

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 286

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSecondCoalition.txt" near line: 286

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 44

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 44

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 64

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 64

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 84

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 84

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 106

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 106

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 126

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 126

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 150

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 150

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 170

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 170

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 190

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 190

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 212

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 212

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 232

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 232

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 252

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 252

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 272

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 272

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 292

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 292

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 312

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 312

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 341

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 341

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 365

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 365

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 385

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 385

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 405

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 405

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 435

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 435

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 477

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 477

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 513

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 513

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 533

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 533

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 553

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSixthCoalition.txt" near line: 553

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 40

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 62

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 62

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 83

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 83

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 107

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 107

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 157

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 157

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 181

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 181

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 203

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 203

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 227

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 227

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 254

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 254

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 278

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 278

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 298

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 298

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 320

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 320

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 342

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 342

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 362

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 362

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 384

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession.txt" near line: 384

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 56

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 56

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 76

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 76

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 96

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 96

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 116

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: win, near line: 142

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 142

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 162

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 162

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 192

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 192

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 212

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 212

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 232

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 232

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 252

" in file: "history/wars/WarOfTheThirdCoalition.txt" near line: 252

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 29

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 29

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 49

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 49

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 69

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 69

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 89

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 89

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 109

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 109

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 129

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 129

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 149

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 149

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 169

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 169

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 189

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 189

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 209

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 209

[persistent.cpp:34]: Error: "Malformed token: loss, near line: 229

" in file: "history/wars/Warof1812.txt" near line: 229

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:82]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.


Конечно вряд ли что либо он скажет и покажет корень проблемы, но всё же.

Изменено пользователем Millenarian Emperor
Ссылка на комментарий

Мда наверное перевод названий войн нужно снести. А то долго будем рыскать причину.

Приду проверю. Пока вижу что не вме графические файлы у тебя подцепило и ок 20 несработавших эвентов.

Ссылка на комментарий


Колонии вообще не колонят, то бишь к 1700 Америки голые, несколько колоний есть и все. Колонии первыми идеями берут не экспансию/исследования, а совсем другие идеи. Как это можно исправить? :)

Колониям скучно сидеть в войне в Америках и они тащат свои армии в Европу на помощь мне с:

Ссылка на комментарий


Скачал мод, после его установки по инструкции в шапке теми появилась трабла - вместо названий стран стоят их тэги ну и прочая неруссификация, всякая CREATING_CHECKSUM и прочее.

Проверил файл settings - все норм, стоит l_russian, все моды кроме данного были отключены.

Путем непродолжительных танцев с бубном установил следующее:

1. В файле STTE.mod есть строка archive="mod/"

2. Меняем ее на path="mod/STTE" - все становится красиво.

Это фишка такая B) или просто в сборке мода ошибка?

Ссылка на комментарий

Скачал мод, после его установки по инструкции в шапке теми появилась трабла - вместо названий стран стоят их тэги ну и прочая неруссификация, всякая CREATING_CHECKSUM и прочее.

Проверил файл settings - все норм, стоит l_russian, все моды кроме данного были отключены.

Путем непродолжительных танцев с бубном установил следующее:

1. В файле STTE.mod есть строка archive="mod/"

2. Меняем ее на path="mod/STTE" - все становится красиво.

Это фишка такая B) или просто в сборке мода ошибка?

Ты о чем? там архив лежит.


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Колонии вообще не колонят, то бишь к 1700 Америки голые, несколько колоний есть и все. Колонии первыми идеями берут не экспансию/исследования, а совсем другие идеи. Как это можно исправить? :)

Колониям скучно сидеть в войне в Америках и они тащат свои армии в Европу на помощь мне с:

Эм. Я их механику и не трогал.

Можно скрины.

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Ты о чем? там архив лежит.

Ссори, чет я сам тупанул. Просто раньше была папка STTE, я архив то и распаковал. :wacko: Да и в инструкции по установке мода написано


1. 2 объекта: Каталог мода и лаунчер кидаем по адресу: Мои документы\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\mod\

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Эм. Я их механику и не трогал.

Можно скрины.

Вот. До этого еще играл за Испанию, то же самое было, колонил я один, почти.

В 1.9.2 таких проблем не было.




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Millenarian Emperor
Мда наверное перевод названий войн нужно снести. А то долго будем рыскать причину.

Приду проверю. Пока вижу что не вме графические файлы у тебя подцепило и ок 20 несработавших эвентов.

1) Проблему с формой правления решил, просто заменив файл governments.

Где был косяк с моей стороны не знаю, хотя, неважно теперь.

Жаль, только партию придется начинать сначала.

2) А вот проблему крашей сохранений не решил, ибо нужно проверять. Быть может с решением первой проблемы - не будет второй.

Колонии вообще не колонят, то бишь к 1700 Америки голые, несколько колоний есть и все. Колонии первыми идеями берут не экспансию/исследования, а совсем другие идеи. Как это можно исправить? :)

Колониям скучно сидеть в войне в Америках и они тащат свои армии в Европу на помощь мне с:

Тут вряд ли вам помогут, идеи которые принимает ИИ можно отредактировать в B:\Games\Europa Universalis IV\common\countries.

Но ведь колонии у всех разные могут быть, так что им так задать невозможно, а это значит чистый рандом (случайность), иначе говоря не понятно где с ними связанный файл, скорее всего, это защито в EXEшнике.

Однако, у них свои теги всё же имеются, начинаются и заканчиваются C01 - C100.

P. S.

Вот. До этого еще играл за Испанию, то же самое было, колонил я один, почти.

В 1.9.2 таких проблем не было.

Данные изображения неплохо бы под спойлер загнать, пожалуйста.

Изменено пользователем Millenarian Emperor
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Тут вряд ли вам помогут, идеи которые принимает ИИ можно отредактировать в B:\Games\Europa Universalis IV\common\countries.

Но ведь колонии у всех разные могут быть, так что им так задать невозможно, а это значит чистый рандом (случайность), иначе говоря не понятно где с ними связанный файл, скорее всего, это защито в EXEшнике.

Однако, у них свои теги всё же имеются, начинаются и заканчиваются C03 - C100.

В этом и загвоздка. Впринципе у них есть 1 колонист в нац идеях, и все.
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Эм. Я их механику и не трогал.

В оригинале они берут экспансионные идеи первыми.

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В оригинале они берут экспансионные идеи первыми.
Ща окажется что строчка random_nation_chance = 0 влияет на это)
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Файл Natives из папки common/countries

# Used for colonial nations

historical_idea_groups = {










Изменено пользователем SShredy
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Файл Natives из папки common/countries
Оказалось что раньше идеи колоний лежали в Rebels =) сейчас там для дочерних государств. 1.10 патч. Пираты ещё чистые)) слава богу)
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Millenarian Emperor
В этом и загвоздка. Впринципе у них есть 1 колонист в нац идеях, и все.

Видимо этого недостаточно, к счастью их идеи можно отредактировать и добавить дополнительно одного колониста + еще одного, итого = три колониста.

Хотя мне кажется, что плохая колонизация связана со стоимостью содержания новой колонии, и похоже им элементарно не хватает денег на это.

Больше причин плохой колонизации не вижу.

Файл Natives из папки common/countries

Вот это сюрприз, спасибо не знал.

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А чё он такой легкий то? Немного напрягает...

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