Проблема с установкой модов. - Страница 2 - Моды и моддинг - Strategium.ru
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Проблема с установкой модов.


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А что это за моды  у тебя на картинке?

Изменено пользователем Grevon

  В 4/22/2021 в 3:26 PM, Grevon сказал:

А что это за моды  у тебя на картинке?


Это Real Space, он больше косметический чем добавляет что-то для геймплея

Появляется больше разновидностей звезд, планет и ещё пару нововведений, но вообще мод хороший и вносит разнообразия. Можете ещё на smods полный список изменений посмотреть

  В 4/8/2020 в 6:41 AM, Rolly сказал:

Вместо варварской замены файлов можно всё нормально решить. Давно говорят, что у парадоксов проблемы с кириллицей в пути к папке, например. Поэтому


1)файл .mod надо кидать как и написано C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod

2)создать папки /workshop/content/281990 в папке с игрой, где в пути нет кириллицы, например, как у меня стоит E:/Stellaris

Тогда получится путь, куда надо кидать папки мода E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990

3)открыть блокнотом файл .mod из папки C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod и исправить в нём путь C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 на E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 и сохранить

Тогда лаунчер будет находить файлы .mod где положено и потом идти по пути, который может прочитать (русского он не знает) в этом файле. Сейчас он не может прочитать путь и просто решает, что мод пустой, потому что в лаунчере смотрит только на существование файла .mod


Огромный Респект за инфу, сейчас все заработало, пол дня с бубном плясал))). Благодарю!

  В 3/29/2020 в 9:12 AM, wladimiron сказал:

Вы просто должны заменить файлы оригинальной игры на файлы мода.  Например распаковали мод видите в моде папку common кидаете ее с заменой  в папку с ориганальным Стелларисом и так далее все папки в моде имеют аналогичное название такое же как в оригинальной игре..

добавлено 1 минуту спустя

Вы просто должны заменить файлы оригинальной игры на файлы мода.  Например распаковали мод видите в моде папку common кидаете ее с заменой  в папку с ориганальным Стелларисом и так далее все папки в моде имеют аналогичное название такое же как в оригинальной игре..


В лаунчере игры названия моде не будет, но по факту мод в игре будет.  Все проще простого.


какой то лютый писец - я ничего не понимаю. можете нормально по пунктам расписать.спасибо. 

насчет файла .mod( у меня нету такого файла) полное название файла? куда класть? что в нем(в самом файле прописывать и как)?

ну и остальное по пунктам.извините когда вы кратко мне непонятно((((.я раз 10 перечитал этот пост и все равно не понимаю.

я не пират, стимверсия игры есть. просто хочу поиграть в версию 1.9.


Извините, у меня проблема. Я установил моды на Stellaris (Пиратка), они не запускались перепробовал почти всё, в том числе и менеджер модов, и некоторые из приведённых здесь вариантов-ничего не помогло. Можете помочь? Могу скинуть краш лог(только с менеджера, ибо через лаунчер у меня всё запускается всё, только без модов, поэтому краш лог не генерируется). Помогите, кто может, пожалуйста.

P.S. Моды скачивал через сайт playground.ru, поэтому ничего не могу о них сказать, кто их выложил мне неизвестно

Краш лог:


[13:52:54][pdx_ugc.cpp:52]: No UGC backend available for current platform.
[13:52:54][pdx_store_pops.cpp:251]: [POPS Store] Not logged in to PDX Online.
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 5 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 6 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 7 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 8 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 9 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 10 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 11 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 12 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 77 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 133 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 134 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 135 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 136 in localisation/adc_l_russian_reactor_list.yml
[13:52:54][localization_reader.cpp:138]: Invalid key name at line 318 and column 2 in localisation/russian/isbtitan_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:197]: Expected quotation mark (") at line 315 and column 27 in localisation/russian/map_dip_messages_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 69 in localisation/spacemerchant_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 71 in localisation/spacemerchant_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 139 in localisation/spacemerchant_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 149 in localisation/spacemerchant_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 151 in localisation/spacemerchant_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 153 in localisation/spacemerchant_l_russian.yml
[13:52:55][localization_reader.cpp:223]: Expected quotation mark (") at end of line 170 in localisation/spacemerchant_l_russian.yml
[13:53:05][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: possible_starbase, near line: 246
" in file: "common/ship_sizes/00_ship_sizes.txt" near line: 249
[13:53:05][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: possible_starbase, near line: 30
" in file: "common/ship_sizes/01_colossi.txt" near line: 33
[13:53:05][game_singleobjectdatabase.h:279]: Failed to cache an item for CShipSizeDatabase! Key: lithoid_colonizer
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: should_ai_use, near line: 2
" in file: "common/buildings/41_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 2
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 6
" in file: "common/buildings/41_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 8
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: should_ai_use, near line: 2
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 2
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 6
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 8
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: planet_army_build_cost_mult, near line: 18
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 18
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: spaceport_ship_build_speed_mult, near line: 21
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 21
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_military_station_small_build_cost_mult, near line: 22
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 22
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_military_station_medium_build_cost_mult, near line: 23
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 23
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_military_station_large_build_cost_mult, near line: 24
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 24
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_mining_station_build_cost_mult, near line: 25
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 25
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_colonizer_build_cost_mult, near line: 26
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 26
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_terraform_station_build_cost_mult, near line: 27
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 27
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_orbital_station_build_cost_mult, near line: 28
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 28
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_outpost_station_build_cost_mult, near line: 29
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 29
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_corvette_build_cost_mult, near line: 30
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 30
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_battleship_build_cost_mult, near line: 31
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 31
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_cruiser_build_cost_mult, near line: 32
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 32
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_destroyer_build_cost_mult, near line: 33
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 33
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: spaceport_ship_build_cost_mult, near line: 34
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 34
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: planet_building_cost_mult, near line: 36
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 36
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: planet_unrest_add, near line: 38
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 38
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: modifier, near line: 54
" in file: "common/buildings/42_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 58
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: should_ai_use, near line: 2
" in file: "common/buildings/43_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 2
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 6
" in file: "common/buildings/43_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 8
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: should_ai_use, near line: 2
" in file: "common/buildings/44_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 2
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 6
" in file: "common/buildings/44_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 8
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: should_ai_use, near line: 2
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 2
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 6
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 8
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: tile_resource_food_mult, near line: 17
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 17
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: tile_resource_minerals_mult, near line: 18
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 18
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: tile_resource_unity_mult, near line: 19
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 19
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: tile_resource_energy_mult, near line: 20
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 20
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: pop_migration_speed, near line: 25
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 25
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: garrison_health, near line: 27
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 27
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: planet_unrest_mult, near line: 28
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 28
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: pop_fortification_defense, near line: 29
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 29
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: pop_consumer_goods_mult, near line: 30
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 30
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: pop_xenophobia, near line: 32
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 32
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_resource_influence_add, near line: 34
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 34
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: pop_war_happiness, near line: 37
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 37
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipclass_military_station_hit_points_mult, near line: 45
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 45
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: faction_influence_mult, near line: 48
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 48
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: navy_size_mult, near line: 49
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 49
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_leader_cap, near line: 51
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 51
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_sector_cap_add, near line: 52
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 52
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_core_sector_system_cap, near line: 53
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 53
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_border_mult, near line: 54
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 54
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: planet_fortification_strength, near line: 55
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 55
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_upkeep_mult, near line: 56
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 56
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: army_upkeep_mult, near line: 57
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 57
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_military_station_small_upkeep_mult, near line: 58
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 58
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_military_station_medium_upkeep_mult, near line: 59
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 59
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: shipsize_military_station_large_upkeep_mult, near line: 60
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 60
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: spaceport_module_cost_mult, near line: 61
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 61
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: trait_points, near line: 63
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 63
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: planet_sensor_range_mult, near line: 64
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 64
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult, near line: 65
" in file: "common/buildings/45_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 65
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: should_ai_use, near line: 2
" in file: "common/buildings/46_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 2
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 6
" in file: "common/buildings/46_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 8
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: should_ai_use, near line: 2
" in file: "common/buildings/47_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 2
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 6
" in file: "common/buildings/47_capital_buildings.txt" near line: 8
[13:53:06][section.cpp:165]: invalid ship size "lithoid_colonizer".  file: common/section_templates/colonizer.txt line: 14
[13:53:06][section.cpp:234]: Section Template DEFAULT_COLONIZATION_SECTION2 has no compatible size, in file common/section_templates/colonizer.txt, between line 12 and 20
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_reactors.txt line: 132
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_reactors.txt line: 328
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_reactors.txt line: 524
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_reactors.txt line: 720
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_reactors.txt line: 916
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_reactors.txt line: 1151
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_thrusters.txt line: 100
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_thrusters.txt line: 259
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_thrusters.txt line: 428
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_thrusters.txt line: 591
[13:53:06][component.cpp:675]: Invalid ship size restriction lithoid_colonizer at  file: common/component_templates/00_utilities_thrusters.txt line: 756
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 9
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 9
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: acceleration, near line: 10
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 10
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: tracking_add, near line: 11
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 11
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: evasion_add, near line: 12
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 12
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: shield_hp_add, near line: 13
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 13
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: weapon_damage, near line: 14
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 14
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: fire_rate_mult, near line: 16
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 16
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_ftl_warp_range_mult, near line: 20
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 20
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_reparation_speed_mult, near line: 25
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 25
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_sensor_range_mult, near line: 28
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 28
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_auto_repair_add, near line: 30
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 30
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_combat_speed_mult, near line: 34
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 34
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: acceleration, near line: 38
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 38
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: research_speed, near line: 39
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 39
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_combat_speed_mult, near line: 49
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 49
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: acceleration, near line: 51
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 51
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: research_speed, near line: 53
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 53
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_upkeep_mult, near line: 64
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 64
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_shield_regen, near line: 69
" in file: "common/component_templates/42_utilities_drives.txt" near line: 69
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: cost, near line: 15
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 15
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: acceleration, near line: 21
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 21
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: tracking_add, near line: 22
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 22
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: evasion_add, near line: 23
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 23
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: shield_hp_add, near line: 24
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 24
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: weapon_damage, near line: 25
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 25
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: fire_rate_mult, near line: 27
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 27
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_armor_regen_mult, near line: 31
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 31
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_shield_hp_mult, near line: 32
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 32
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_shield_regen_mult, near line: 33
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 33
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_reparation_speed_mult, near line: 34
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 34
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_sensor_range_mult, near line: 37
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 37
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_auto_repair_add, near line: 39
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 39
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_combat_speed_mult, near line: 43
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 43
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: acceleration, near line: 46
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 46
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: research_speed, near line: 47
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 47
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: ship_combat_speed_mult, near line: 54
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 54
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: acceleration, near line: 56
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 56
[13:53:06][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: research_speed, near line: 57
" in file: "common/component_templates/44_utilities_roles.txt" near line: 57
[13:53:06][ship_design_templates.cpp:457]: Section template "DEFAULT_COLONIZATION_SECTION2" has specified unknown entity.
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][lexer.cpp:281]: File 'common/name_lists/NSC-Human.txt' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:xl_cannon
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:StrikeCruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Battlecruiser
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Carrier
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Dreadnought
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:Flagship
[13:53:06][namelist.cpp:597]: Error: Failed Reading Ship Names!
    Reason: Invalid Ship Size:supportship
[13:53:06][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [lithoid_colonizer].  file: common/global_ship_designs/global_ship_designs.txt line: 28
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Наша экономика процветает! Некоторые богатые компании из нашей империи ищут у нас аудиенцию.] events/space_merchant_events.txt:31
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Пусть они уходят, возможно, примем их в другой раз.] events/space_merchant_events.txt:47
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.1 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.2 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.3 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.4 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.5 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Благодаря нашим инвестициям, экономика нашей империи выросла с невероятной скоростью!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:110
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.10 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 147
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 150 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 151 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 158
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 161 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 162 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 169
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 172 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 173 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 180
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 183 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 184 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 191
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 196 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 203
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 208 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 215
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 220 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 227
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 232 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 240
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 245 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 252
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 257 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 264
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 269 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 294
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 297 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 298 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 305
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 308 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 309 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 316
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 321 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 328
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 333 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 340
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 345 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 352
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 357 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 364
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 369 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 376
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 381 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 388
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 393 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 400
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 405 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 412
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 417 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 442
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 446 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 453
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 457 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 464
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 468 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 475
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 480 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 487
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 492 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 517
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 521 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 528
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 532 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 539
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 543 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 550
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 555 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 562
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 567 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 592
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 596 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 603
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 607 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 614
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 618 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 625
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 630 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 637
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 642 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 667
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 671 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 672 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 679
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 683 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 684 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 691
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 695 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 696 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 703
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 707 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 708 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 715
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 720 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 721 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 728
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 733 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 734 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 741
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 746 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 747 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 754
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 759 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 760 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 767
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 772 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 779
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 784 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 791
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 796 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 803
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 808 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 815
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 820 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 827
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 832 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 839
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 844 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 851
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 856 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 863
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 868 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 875
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 880 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 881 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 906
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:7461]: Failed to read key reference mercenary_army from database  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 922
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 929 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 930 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 937
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 942 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 949
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 954 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 961
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 966 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 973
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 978 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 985
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 990 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 997
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1002 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1009
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1014 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1021
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1026 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1033
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1038 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1045
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1050 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1057
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1062 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1069
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1074 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1081
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1086 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1093
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1098 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1123
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1142 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1149
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1179 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1186
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1237 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1262
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1267 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ядерный реактор] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1272
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1274
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1278 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1279 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Термоядерный реактор] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1285
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1287
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1291 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1292 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Реактор холодного синтеза] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1298
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1300
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1304 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1305 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Реактор антиматерии] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1311
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1313
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1317 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1318 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Реактор нулевой точки] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1324
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1326
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1330 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1331 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Отражатели] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1337
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1339
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1343 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1344 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Улучшенные отражатели] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1350
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1352
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1356 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1357 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Щиты] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1363
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1365
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1369 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1370 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Улучшенные щиты] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1376
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1378
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1382 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1383 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Гиперщиты] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1389
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1391
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1395 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1396 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Нанокомпозитные материалы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1402
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1404
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1408 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1409 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Металлокерамические материалы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1415
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1417
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1421 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1422 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Материалы из пластали] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1428
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1430
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1434 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1435 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Материалы из дюрастали] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1441
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1443
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1447 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1448 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Нейтрониевые материалы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1454
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1456
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1460 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1461 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Химические двигатели] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1467
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1469
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1473 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1474 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ионные двигатели] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1480
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1482
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1486 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1487 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Плазменные двигатели] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1493
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1495
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1499 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1500 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Импульсные двигатели] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1506
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1508
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1512 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1513 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1539
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1544 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1551
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1556 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1563
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1568 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1575
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1580 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1587
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1592 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Красные лазеры] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1597
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1599
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1603 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1604 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Синие лазеры] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1610
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1612
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1616 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1617 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [УФ-лазеры] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1623
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1625
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1629 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1630 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Рентгеновские лазеры] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1636
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1638
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1642 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1643 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Гамма-лазеры] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1649
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1651
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1655 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1656 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Плазмометы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1662
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1664
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1668 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1669 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Плазменные ускорители] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1675
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1677
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1681 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1682 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Плазменные пушки] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1688
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1690
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1694 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1695 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Дезинтеграторы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1701
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1703
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1707 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1708 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ионные дезинтеграторы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1714
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1716
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1720 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1721 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Фазовые дезинтеграторы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1727
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1729
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1733 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1734 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Протонные пусковые установки] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1740
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1742
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1746 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1747 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Нейтронные пусковые установки] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1753
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1755
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1759 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1760 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ускорители масс] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1766
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1768
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1772 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1773 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Спиратроны] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1779
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1781
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1785 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1786 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Рельсотроны] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1792
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1794
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1798 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1799 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Улучшенные рельсотроны] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1805
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1807
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1811 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1812 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Гаусс-системы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1818
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1820
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1824 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1825 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Автопушки] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1831
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1833
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1837 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1838 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Разрывные автопушки] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1844
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1846
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1850 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1851 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Автопушки «Буря»] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1857
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1859
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1863 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1864 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Кинетическая батарея] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1870
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1872
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1876 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1877 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Кинетическая артиллерия] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1883
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1885
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1889 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1890 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Зенитная батарея] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1896
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1898
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1902 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1903 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Зенитные орудия] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1909
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1911
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1915 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1916 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Зенитная артиллерия] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1922
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1924
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1928 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1929 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ядерные ракеты] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1935
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1937
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1941 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1942 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Термоядерные ракеты] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1948
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1950
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1954 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1955 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ракеты с антиматерией] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1961
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1963
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1967 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1968 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Квантовые ракеты] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1974
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1976
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1980 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1981 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ракета-хищник] events/space_merchant_events.txt:1987
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 1989
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1993 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1994 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Космические торпеды] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2000
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2002
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2006 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2007 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Бронированные торпеды] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2013
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2015
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2019 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2020 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Разрушительные торпеды] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2026
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2028
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2032 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2033 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Ракетный рой] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2039
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2041
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2045 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2046 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Вихревые ракеты] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2052
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2054
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2058 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2059 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Активные меры противодействия] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2065
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2067
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2071 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2072 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Взаимосвязанные системы поддержки] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2078
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2080
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2084 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2085 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Прогнозирующие алгоритмы] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2091
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2093
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2097 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2098 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Применение кораблей носителей] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2104
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2106
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2110 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2111 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Улучшенный штурмовик] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2117
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2119
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2123 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2124 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Продвинутый штурмовик] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2130
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2132
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2136 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2137 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2163
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2166 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2167 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2174
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2177 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2178 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2185
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2188 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2189 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2196
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2201 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2208
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2213 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2220
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2225 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2232
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2237 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2244
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2249 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2256
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2261 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2268
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2273 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2280
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2285 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2310
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_unity effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2313 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2314 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2321
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_unity effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2324 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2325 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2332
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_unity effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2335 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2336 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2343
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2348 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2355
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2360 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2367
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2372 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2379
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2384 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2391
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2396 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2403
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2408 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2415
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2420 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][trigger_impl.cpp:556]: Not a valid assign operator '>' from events/space_merchant_events.txt line : 2427
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2432 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [У нашего инвестора хорошие новости! Инвестиции, которые мы сделали, были завершены!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2480
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Отлично] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2484
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2484 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2484 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.71 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [У нашего инвестора хорошие новости! Инвестиции, которые мы сделали, были завершены и успешны!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2491
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2495 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2495 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.72 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [У нашего инвестора хорошие новости! Инвестиции, которые мы сделали, были завершены и очень успешны!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2502
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2506 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2506 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.73 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [У нашего инвестора хорошие новости! Инвестиции, которые мы сделали, были завершены и потрясающе успешны!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2513
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2517 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2517 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.74 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [У нашего инвестора плохие новости! Инвестиции, которые мы сделали, потерпели неудачу!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2524
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Плохо!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2528
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2528 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2528 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.75 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [У нашего инвестора плохие новости! Инвестиции, которые мы сделали, потерпели катастрофическую неудачу!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2535
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Проклятье!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2539
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]:  effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2539 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_influence effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2539 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.76 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Наши инвестиции подошли к концу!] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2546
[13:53:06][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [Хорошо] events/space_merchant_events.txt:2550
[13:53:06][effect_impl.cpp:571]: add_unity effect at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2550 accepts only yes or no as values
[13:53:06][event.cpp:1089]: picture for event StarMerchantEvents.80 is referencing inexistent picture GFX_evt_space_merchant
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: trait_points, near line: 22
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 22
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: trait_points, near line: 59
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 59
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_robot_maintenance_mult, near line: 82
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 82
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_robot_maintenance_mult, near line: 115
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 115
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: navy_size_add, near line: 248
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 248
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: mod_megastructure_build_cost_mult, near line: 321
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 321
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_border_mult, near line: 345
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 345
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: tile_resource_unity_mult, near line: 434
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 434
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: planet_clear_blocker_cost_mult, near line: 501
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 501
[13:53:07][persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unknown modifier: country_core_sector_system_cap, near line: 628
" in file: "common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt" near line: 628
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: RABOTa-i-DoMA
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: RABOTa-i-DoMA_desc
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:634]: Building RABOTa-i-DoMA is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/buildings/RABOTa-i-DoMA.dds
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: STROITELSTVO
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: STROITELSTVO_desc
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:634]: Building STROITELSTVO is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/buildings/STROITELSTVO.dds
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: RESURSI
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: RESURSI_desc
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:634]: Building RESURSI is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/buildings/RESURSI.dds
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: NAUKA
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: NAUKA_desc
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:634]: Building NAUKA is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/buildings/NAUKA.dds
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: MEGAIMPERIA
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: MEGAIMPERIA_desc
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:634]: Building MEGAIMPERIA is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/buildings/MEGAIMPERIA.dds
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: DIplomatia
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: DIplomatia_desc
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:634]: Building DIplomatia is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/buildings/DIplomatia.dds
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: Anomalia
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:586]: Missing building Localization Key: Anomalia_desc
[13:53:07][building_type.cpp:634]: Building Anomalia is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/buildings/Anomalia.dds
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2054
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1690
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1443
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 973
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1057
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1664
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1575
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 839
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2041
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1417
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1123
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1638
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 703
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1404
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 294
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1755
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2028
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1859
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1638
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 215
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1716
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1404
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1976
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2244
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 528
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 791
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1352
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1599
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2332
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1690
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1859
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1846
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2041
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 728
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1794
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1262
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1508
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 352
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1069
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 906
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1300
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 539
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 715
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1924
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 779
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1989
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2002
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2427
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2015
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1963
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2119
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1742
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1551
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 679
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 754
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 997
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1539
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1872
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2106
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1352
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1563
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1365
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1911
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2002
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1729
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1430
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2028
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1093
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1482
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2080
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 875
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1508
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2015
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1313
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2132
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 728
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1950
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 815
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1807
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1807
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1885
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2256
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1300
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 442
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2093
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2067
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 691
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1274
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2196
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 985
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1937
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 803
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2208
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1081
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 592
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 741
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 240
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1768
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1898
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2220
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1820
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2185
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1045
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1846
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1443
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 264
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1703
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2310
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1937
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1149
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 203
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1287
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1820
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1976
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 487
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1033
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 158
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1482
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1625
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 827
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 191
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1021
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 316
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2067
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 252
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1729
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1186
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1365
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1378
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1794
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2232
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1326
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 767
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 741
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 340
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 412
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 305
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1664
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1612
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 875
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 517
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1911
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1833
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1885
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1755
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 328
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 550
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1456
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2415
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 667
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1587
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1326
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 625
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1339
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 937
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 679
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1274
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1716
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2132
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 475
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2403
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2268
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2379
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1391
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2343
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 703
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2367
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 637
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2054
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1495
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2391
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2321
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1872
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1950
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 376
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 562
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 754
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 691
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1963
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 180
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2163
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 147
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1417
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 603
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1833
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 364
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1391
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 388
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1703
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1677
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1651
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1469
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1469
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 715
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1313
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1781
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1378
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1009
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2080
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 906
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1898
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 400
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 464
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger has_country_edict is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 14
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 453
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1495
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 851
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1781
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1287
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 667
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1651
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 614
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2106
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1430
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2355
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 169
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1768
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1742
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1339
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2174
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1599
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1625
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 227
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1677
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2093
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1456
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 949
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1612
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2280
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 863
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 961
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2119
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger influence is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1924
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1664]: Scripted Trigger energy is invalid at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1989
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2054]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1690]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_ascension_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2428
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1443]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_5 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1093
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 973]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1057]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1664]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2380
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_colony_add_pop_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 413
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 870
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_faction_happiness_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2257
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1575]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_4 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1034
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 839]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_minerals_budget.txt line: 254
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2041]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_colony_speed file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 388
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 2105
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 230
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1417]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2343
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1123]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_ascension_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2427
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1638]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1010
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_engineering_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 638
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1348
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_arcology_project]!  file: common/decisions/02_special_decisions.txt line: 955
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia]!  file: scripted trigger has_galactic_wonders at file: common/ai_budget/00_influence_budget.txt line: 202 line: 1
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2337
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 2544
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1022
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 253
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_influence_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2221
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_food_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 328
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 703]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 252
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1404]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 335 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 294]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1755]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 216
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 1393
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/necroids_events_1.txt line: 54
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 27
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 441
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/planet_destruction_events.txt line: 945
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 815
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2028]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_faction_happiness_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2256
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_minerals_budget.txt line: 138
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 755
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_food_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 317
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_edicts_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2269
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_xeno_compatibility]!  file: common/game_rules/00_rules.txt line: 1508
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1859]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1638]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_hyper_drive_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 780
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 215]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1716]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2304
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1404]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1976]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2244]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2093
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 528]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 791]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1352]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1599]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2332]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 172
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 283
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1690]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1009
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fighters_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1587
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1859]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1846]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_4 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1021
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2041]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2012
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_4 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1082
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 728]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1304
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_minerals_budget.txt line: 413
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1794]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_upgrade_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 863
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1418
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 371
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1262]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 387 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_hyper_drive_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 779
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1773
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 203
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1508]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 204
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/planet_destruction_events.txt line: 1954
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 1343
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 866
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_minerals_budget.txt line: 227
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 352]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_minerals_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 973
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 208
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1069]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 215
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 906]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1300]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1523
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 539]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 827
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 715]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1924]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 779]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1989]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1069
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1814
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2002]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 699
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 242
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2427]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_happiness_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2404
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2015]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1963]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 2115
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2119]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 227
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1742]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1551]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_growth_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 352
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/traits/02_species_traits_basic_characteristics.txt line: 213
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_growth_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 376
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 679]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1269
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 754]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 997]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1539]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 228
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 348 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1872]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 804
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_5 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1034
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_growth_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 364
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2106]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1352]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1563]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 439 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1365]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2168
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/crisis_events_3.txt line: 4300
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_colony_add_pop_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 401
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/envoy_events.txt line: 2273
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1911]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2002]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1729]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1430]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1058
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2028]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2379
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1093]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_influence_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2196
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1482]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 137
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_faction_influence_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2244
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 998
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_dark_matter_budget.txt line: 50
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1058
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_faction_influence_add file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2232
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_engineering_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 625
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_building_build_speed_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 949
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2080]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 241
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 361
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 440
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1593
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 875]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 839
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_physics_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 487
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1508]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2015]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1313]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2132]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 816
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 728]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_physics_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 475
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_arcology_project]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_influence_budget.txt line: 43
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1950]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 815]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 306
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3729]: Invalid technology "tech_spaceport_5" for "has_technology" trigger. file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2106
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2036
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: scripted trigger has_gw_matter_decompressor at file: common/megastructures/06_matter_decompressor.txt line: 26 line: 1
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 985
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1807]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1807]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/casus_belli/05_nemesis_casus_belli.txt line: 67
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 840
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1885]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2256]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1300]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 442]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1010
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2093]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2067]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 691]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1274]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 192
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2196]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/envoy_events.txt line: 2299
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 1024
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 1950
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_add_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2367
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 985]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1937]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 803]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2208]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_food_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 329
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1081]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2436
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_arcology_project]!  file: common/buildings/03_resource_buildings.txt line: 1227
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 592]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 741]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 240]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1768]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_growth_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 365
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_government_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2280
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2355
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 400 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_researchs_speed_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1262
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1558
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1898]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 840
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1824
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1663
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 49
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1735
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2220]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1820]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 403
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2185]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 1015
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 239
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1045]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_nihilistic_acquisition]!  file: common/bombardment_stances/00_bombardment_stances.txt line: 188
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1605
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1846]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 791
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1443]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 264]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 1262
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_5 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1033
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_ascension_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2415
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/war_goals/03_nemesis_war_goals.txt line: 18
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/anomalies/00_anomaly_categories.txt line: 730
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_growth_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 377
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1703]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2310]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_custodian_events.txt line: 340
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1937]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1149]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_add_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 265
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/crisis_events_3.txt line: 4308
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 203]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_colony_speed file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 389
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1287]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1045
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_4 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1094
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1820]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1976]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_custodian_events.txt line: 348
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_food_add_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 340
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 487]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1033]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_influence_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2220
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_energy_budget.txt line: 267
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2205
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 426 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [requires_space_defense_station_3] for custom tooltip fail_text at  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 523
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_army_build_speed_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 937
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 158]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1482]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1383
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1625]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 363
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_food_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 316
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_nihilistic_acquisition]!  file: events/ancient_relics_arcsite_events_1.txt line: 2573
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_universal_transactions]!  file: common/diplomacy_economy/00_diplomacy_economy.txt line: 98
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 827]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_sub_light_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 768
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1070
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 191]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_society_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 551
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1021]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 852
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 316]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2067]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/tradition_categories/00_supremacy.txt line: 29
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1436
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_alloys_budget.txt line: 53
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 374 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 252]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1057
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_energy_budget.txt line: 266
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2356
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1729]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/traits/02_species_traits_basic_characteristics.txt line: 187
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: scripted trigger has_galactic_wonders at file: common/ai_budget/00_influence_budget.txt line: 202 line: 1
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1186]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1244
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 264
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_energy_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1539
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1365]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1378]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_influence_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2197
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1794]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_sub_light_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 767
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_society_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 563
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 986
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/envoy_events.txt line: 2286
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 865
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2232]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 1808
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_energy_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1540
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 2143
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 851
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_faction_influence_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2245
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1326]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 2152
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 767]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 741]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 340]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_society_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 550
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_colony_add_pop_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 413
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_ascension_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2428
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2238
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 412]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 732
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 305]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 229
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2392
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 184
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 195
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_energy_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 962
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1664]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1612]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 875]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 515
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 2746
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_engineering_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 637
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 517]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1911]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_kinetic_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1551
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 282
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_influence_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2208
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1488
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1833]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1885]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1755]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 282
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 221
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 792
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1762
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_government_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2281
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 191
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 328]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 114
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 550]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1752
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_5 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1094
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1456]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 271
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_megacorp]!  file: scripted trigger has_gw_matter_decompressor at file: common/megastructures/06_matter_decompressor.txt line: 26 line: 1
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2415]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1414
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_physics_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 476
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 667]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_colony_add_pop_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 400
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1587]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_energy_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 961
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1326]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_ascension_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2416
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 625]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1339]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 937]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2271
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 679]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1274]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/origin_events_3.txt line: 133 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1716]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2132]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 475]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2370
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_missile_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1564
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_arcology_project]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_minerals_budget.txt line: 315
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2403]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 2748
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 803
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2268]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2379]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_army_build_speed_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 938
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1391]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 998
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2343]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_society_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 562
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_minerals_storage_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 974
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 703]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2367]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 1724
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 240
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 361 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 637]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/decisions/02_special_decisions.txt line: 2192
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 852
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_building_build_speed_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 950
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1725
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 1128
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 215
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_eternal_vigilance]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 371
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2054]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1495]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2391]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/traits/02_species_traits_basic_characteristics.txt line: 138
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1070
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/component_templates/00_weapons_planet_killer.txt line: 147
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2321]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1872]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1950]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 376]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 562]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 2121
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 754]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 256
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 804
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 85
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 691]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3729]: Invalid technology "tech_spaceport_5" for "has_technology" trigger. file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2107
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_2.txt line: 1273
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1963]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 174
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 180]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2163]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 147]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_edicts_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2268
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_4 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1022
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1417]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 603]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 1625
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_enigmatic_engineering]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 211
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_2.txt line: 2072
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1833]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_add_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2368
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_enigmatic_engineering]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 319
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_faction_influence_add file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2233
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1046
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_megacorp]!  file: scripted trigger has_galactic_wonders at file: common/ai_budget/00_influence_budget.txt line: 202 line: 1
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 174
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 364]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1391]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_accuracy_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1576
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 388]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1703]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_enigmatic_engineering]!  file: common/game_rules/00_rules.txt line: 1049
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/technology/00_apocalypse_tech.txt line: 463
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1677]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 1291
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_nihilistic_acquisition]!  file: scripted trigger is_slaver at file: common/resolutions/00_resolutions.txt line: 11750 line: 1
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1651]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1469]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 324 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1469]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 715]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_physics_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 488
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:4014]: is_ship_size trigger at  file: events/progress_events.txt line: 413 has invalid ship size lithoid_colonizer.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1313]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 216
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1781]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 2091
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/planet_destruction_events.txt line: 1254
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 362
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1378]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3729]: Invalid technology "tech_space_defense_station_3" for "has_technology" trigger. file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 525
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1009]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2080]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_missile_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1563
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 906]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/personalities/00_personalities.txt line: 1737
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1898]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 400]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 464]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/resolutions/01_resolutions_nemesis.txt line: 1500
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 14]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: has_country_edict
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 453]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_dark_matter_budget.txt line: 66
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/starbase_buildings/00_starbase_buildings.txt line: 1332
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_add_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2344
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fighters_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1588
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/species_rights/00_citizenship_types.txt line: 668
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1495]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 851]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_mineral_add_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 264
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3729]: Invalid technology "tech_spaceport_6" for "has_technology" trigger. file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 529
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_2.txt line: 1064
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2135
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1781]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/policies/00_policies.txt line: 352
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 1312
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1287]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1425
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 667]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 279
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1651]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_espionage_events.txt line: 1403
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 614]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2106]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_engineering_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 626
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/on_action_events_1.txt line: 8809
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1430]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/colony_events_1.txt line: 4170
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2355]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_menace_objective_events.txt line: 272
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 169]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_researchs_speed_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1263
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_influence_add_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2209
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1768]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_accuracy_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1575
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_fleet_boost_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 816
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_unity_boost_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2391
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/ai_budget/00_dark_matter_budget.txt line: 84
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1742]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_enigmatic_engineering]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 292
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_happiness_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2403
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_navy_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 828
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1339]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2174]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2060
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1599]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1625]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hydrocentric]!  file: common/system_tooltips/00_system_tooltips.txt line: 9
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_food_add_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 341
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_3 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1082
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 227]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_growth_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 353
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1677]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2093]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1456]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 949]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_upgrade_boost_1 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 864
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_colony_add_pop_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 412
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1612]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2280]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_2 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 997
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 314
[13:53:08][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [requires_spaceport_6] for custom tooltip fail_text at  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 527
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 863]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp]!  file: common/technology/00_megastructures.txt line: 516
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1453
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_crisis_events.txt line: 250
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: events/nemesis_operations_events_1.txt line: 694
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: common/casus_belli/05_nemesis_casus_belli.txt line: 79
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 961]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_weapon_kinetic_boost file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1552
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_hive_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 2403
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2119]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1628
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1924]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: influence
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_machine_worlds]!  file: common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt line: 1219
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:3858]: Error in has_modifier trigger, cannot find modifier with key: space_merchant_star_base_cap_4 file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1081
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:1629]: [ file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1989]: Error in scripted trigger, cannot find: energy
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_minerals at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 150

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 151

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_minerals at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 161

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 162

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_minerals at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 172

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 173

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_minerals at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 183

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 184

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_mineral_storage_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 195
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 196

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_mineral_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 207
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 208

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_mineral_boost_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 219
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 220

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_mineral_boost_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 231
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 232

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_mineral_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 244
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 245

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_mineral_add_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 256
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 257

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_mineral_add_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 268
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 269

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_food at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 297

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 298

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_food at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 308

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 309

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_food_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 320
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 321

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_food_add_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 332
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 333

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_food_add_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 344
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 345

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_growth_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 356
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 357

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_growth_boost_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 368
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 369

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_growth_boost_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 380
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 381

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_colony_speed".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 392
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 393

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_colony_add_pop_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 404
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 405

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_colony_add_pop_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 416
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 417

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 446

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 457

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 468

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_physics_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 479
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 480

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_physics_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 491
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 492

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 521

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 532

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 543

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_society_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 554
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 555

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_society_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 566
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 567

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 596

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 607

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 618

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_engineering_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 629
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 630

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_engineering_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 641
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 642

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 671

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 672

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 683

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 684

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 695

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 696

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 707

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 708

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 720

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 721

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 733

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 734

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 746

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 747

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 759

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 760

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_sub_light_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 771
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 772

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_hyper_drive_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 783
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 784

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_fleet_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 795
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 796

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_fleet_boost_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 807
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 808

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_fleet_boost_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 819
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 820

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_navy_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 831
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 832

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_navy_boost_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 843
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 844

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_navy_boost_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 855
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 856

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_upgrade_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 867
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 868

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 880

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 881

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:7474]: create_army_transport: missing or invalid army type file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 919
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 929

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 930

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_army_build_speed_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 941
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 942

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_building_build_speed_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 953
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 954

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_energy_storage_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 965
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 966

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_minerals_storage_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 977
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 978

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 989
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 990

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1001
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1002

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1013
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1014

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_4".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1025
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1026

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_core_sector_system_cap_5".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1037
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1038

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_star_base_cap_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1049
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1050

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_star_base_cap_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1061
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1062

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_star_base_cap_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1073
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1074

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_star_base_cap_4".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1085
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1086

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_star_base_cap_5".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1097
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1098

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1142

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1179

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1237

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_researchs_speed_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1266
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1267

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1278

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1279

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1291

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1292

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1304

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1305

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1317

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1318

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1330

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1331

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1343

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1344

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1356

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1357

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1369

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1370

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1382

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1383

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1395

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1396

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1408

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1409

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1421

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1422

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1434

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1435

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1447

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1448

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1460

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1461

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1473

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1474

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1486

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1487

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1499

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1500

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1512

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1513

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_weapon_energy_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1543
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1544

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_weapon_kinetic_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1555
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1556

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_weapon_missile_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1567
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1568

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_weapon_accuracy_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1579
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1580

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_fighters_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1591
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1592

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1603

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1604

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1616

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1617

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1629

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1630

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1642

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1643

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1655

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1656

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1668

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1669

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1681

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1682

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1694

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1695

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1707

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1708

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1720

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1721

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1733

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1734

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1746

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1747

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1759

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1760

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1772

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1773

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1785

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1786

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1798

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1799

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1811

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1812

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1824

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1825

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1837

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1838

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1850

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1851

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1863

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1864

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1876

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1877

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1889

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1890

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1902

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1903

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1915

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1916

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1928

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1929

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1941

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1942

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1954

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1955

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1967

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1968

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1980

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1981

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1993

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 1994

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2006

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2007

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2019

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2020

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2032

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2033

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2045

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2046

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2058

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2059

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2071

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2072

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2084

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2085

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2097

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2098

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2110

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2111

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2123

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2124

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2136

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2137

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2166

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2167

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2177

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2178

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2188

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2189

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_influence_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2200
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2201

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_influence_add_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2212
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2213

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_influence_storage_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2224
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2225

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_faction_influence_add".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2236
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2237

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_faction_influence_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2248
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2249

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_faction_happiness_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2260
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2261

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_edicts_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2272
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2273

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_government_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2284
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2285

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_unity at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2313

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2314

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_unity at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2324

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2325

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_unity at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2335

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2336

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_unity_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2347
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2348

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_unity_add_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2359
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2360

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_unity_add_3".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2371
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2372

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_unity_boost_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2383
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2384

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_unity_boost_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2395
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2396

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_happiness_boost".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2407
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2408

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_ascension_add_1".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2419
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2420

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:5027]: invalid modifier "space_merchant_ascension_add_2".  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2431
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2432

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2484

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2484

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2495

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2495

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2506

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2506

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2517

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2517

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2528

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2528

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_energy at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2539

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_influence at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2539

[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:808]: Script Error: Invalid scripted effect: add_unity at  file: events/space_merchant_events.txt line: 2550

[13:53:08][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [ap_mastery_of_nature_unlocks] for custom tooltip at  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 487
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_mountain_range.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 489
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_volcano.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 490
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_dangerous_wildlife.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 491
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_dense_jungle.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 492
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_quicksand_basin.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 493
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_noxious_swamp.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 494
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_massive_glacier.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 495
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_toxic_kelp.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 496
[13:53:08][effect_impl.cpp:4505]: Error in give_technology effect, Could not find technology with key: tech_tb_deep_sinkhole.  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 497
[13:53:08][localization_util.cpp:25]: Missing localization key [allow_dysons_sphere] for custom tooltip at  file: common/ascension_perks/00_ascension_perks.txt line: 593
[13:53:08][economic_category.cpp:631]: Economic Category: terraforming_ocean. Generated 'mult' modifiers for table 'cost' is never used from script.
[13:53:08][economic_category.cpp:631]: Economic Category: planet_branch_offices. Generated 'mult' modifiers for table 'cost' is never used from script.
[13:53:08][trigger_impl.cpp:22832]: Invalid argument [ap_become_the_crisis]!  file: scripted effect assimilation_effect at file: events/on_action_events_1.txt line: 8347 line: 1
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2514766
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2515577
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2535767
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2536882
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2539269
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2544085
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2549114
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2559635
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2564160
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2564837
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2566893
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2568957
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2570988
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2575070
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2577163
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2582023
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2585817
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2588133
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2590407
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2592724
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2596014
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2598353
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2600427
[13:53:30][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2602504
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2605025
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2607211
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2611960
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2614136
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2623088
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2625601
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2627697
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2629542
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2634430
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2636462
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2638428
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2639663
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2640427
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2666881
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2669203
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2671374
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2677882
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2685531
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2694465
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2695957
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2696761
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2702176
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2705449
[13:53:31][ship_design.cpp:198]: invalid ship_size [].  file: save games/_1584426554/2328.05.15.sav/gamestate line: 2706936



Изменено пользователем Lefrezor

  В 3/3/2022 в 4:12 AM, Lefrezor сказал:

Извините, у меня проблема. Я установил моды на Stellaris (Пиратка), они не запускались перепробовал почти всё, в том числе и менеджер модов, и некоторые из приведённых здесь вариантов-ничего не помогло. Можете помочь? Могу скинуть краш лог(только с менеджера, ибо через лаунчер у меня всё запускается всё, только без модов, поэтому краш лог не генерируется). Помогите, кто может, пожалуйста.

P.S. Моды скачивал через сайт playground.ru, поэтому ничего не могу о них сказать, кто их выложил мне неизвестно

Краш лог:



дружище привет . щас помогу. дело в том что совершенно не ясно какие версии модов в вашей версии скачанной с плэйграунда.лучше всего качать моды из ситма с помощью

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (пока еще работает). был так же сайт Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  но им стим объявил войну и теперь там через жопу моно скачаивать (но осуществимо).

условие наличие игры в стиме(для второго сайта точно) для первого незнаю(проверь). я например все моды к римтоталвар именно так и скачивал. когда заходишь в мод в стиме там указывают какая дата последнего обновления. версия 2.0 это с мая 2018года. поэтому если тебе нужны моды к версии 1.9 то ранее чем май 2018 года.или написать автору мода и попросить.

а сборку с плэйграунда выкинь на помойку. да это муторно все качать и что важно поочереди(все проверять. запускать игру с 1 модом и смотреть работает нормально или нет), но именно так и делаются свои работающие сборки.и никак иначе. долго но за то потом у вас будет все работать.

  В 1/1/2021 в 7:26 AM, G280 сказал:

Также столкнулся с проблемой модов, что Stellaris не видит в лаунчере моды. У меня версия пиратка, версия GOG. Путь с кириллицей прекрасно видит. Никакой папки workshop  в данном случае делать не нужно, ничего вручную создавать также не нужно.


Главное правильно заполнить файл descriptor (если он есть в папке с модом вырезаем его и кидаем в корень папки mod, файл дескриптора должен быть назван точно также, как и папка с модом):


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Открыть файл описания мода в текстовом блокноте и изменить по шаблону:








Огромное спасибо за ваш пост.После двух часов с бубном я нашел ошибку. По крайней мере, если испоьзовать версию игры 1.9.1 ,то в файле мода надо прописать так:


name="Plentiful Traditions"

ошибка в неправильном слэше. у вас слэш такой  , а у меня мод появляется в лаунчере если слэш такой \. БЛИН я два часа не мог допереть, кучу разных вариантов пробовал и лишь в конце заметил насчет слэша. 

новозникла новая проблема. игра пишет что  " У мода не задан параметр supported_version" . я уже пробовал и так писать:

supported_version="1.9.*" и так писать: supported_version="1.9.1" и пробовал менять строки:

remote_file_id и supported_version местами, и все равно игра моды в игре не видит. совершенно не знаю в чем проблема.(в лаунчере моды появились, а в игре нет).

причем, если варварски мод впихнуть в саму игру игра его видит(ради эксперимента делал и так).

я сдаюсь((

подскажите какого рожна игре надо? Спасибо.

  В 5/31/2022 в 11:34 PM, Kerovan сказал:

подскажите какого рожна игре надо? Спасибо.


Зайди в Все установленные модификации, нажми опубликовать модификацию и создай папку с дескрипотором. В папку потом кинешь всё кромке дескриптора из архива. Уже довольно давно игра прописывает модификации в настройках лаунчера и лили ещё где то там. Добавить модификацию не сложно. Вот выдрать её потом из списка настоящий геморой.

  В 6/3/2022 в 12:57 AM, Guardian сказал:

Зайди в Все установленные модификации, нажми опубликовать модификацию и создай папку с дескрипотором. В папку потом кинешь всё кромке дескриптора из архива. Уже довольно давно игра прописывает модификации в настройках лаунчера и лили ещё где то там. Добавить модификацию не сложно. Вот выдрать её потом из списка настоящий геморой.


Ой сапасибо тебе друг за нормальные пояснения. Было совсем не понятно в чем дело. Теперь понятно.Я тебе зелененьким лайкнул. Это означает что все инструкции которые тут в теме выше написанны не правильные. Кстати, поскольку я играю не в стим версию(а играю я в версию игры 1.9.1. В стиме парадоксы ее уже давно убрали.Там нету уже такой версии игры), то опубликовать моды у меня не получится.

Выкрутился, создав мод пустышку, и туда накидал моды. Пробовал эту папку продублировать, но игра не желает другие папки видеть тоже.Ну ладно. Я уже привык к выходкам парадоксов с их парано́йей. А старые версии игры они специально постепенно удаляяют, чтобы стимулировать покупки их новых длси под новые версии игр.Капитализм он такой - все не для людей.

  В 4/8/2020 в 6:41 AM, Rolly сказал:

Вместо варварской замены файлов можно всё нормально решить. Давно говорят, что у парадоксов проблемы с кириллицей в пути к папке, например. Поэтому


1)файл .mod надо кидать как и написано C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod

2)создать папки /workshop/content/281990 в папке с игрой, где в пути нет кириллицы, например, как у меня стоит E:/Stellaris

Тогда получится путь, куда надо кидать папки мода E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990

3)открыть блокнотом файл .mod из папки C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod и исправить в нём путь C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 на E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 и сохранить

Тогда лаунчер будет находить файлы .mod где положено и потом идти по пути, который может прочитать (русского он не знает) в этом файле. Сейчас он не может прочитать путь и просто решает, что мод пустой, потому что в лаунчере смотрит только на существование файла .mod


Хай хранят тебя Боги, всё заработало )

  В 4/8/2020 в 6:41 AM, Rolly сказал:

Вместо варварской замены файлов можно всё нормально решить. Давно говорят, что у парадоксов проблемы с кириллицей в пути к папке, например. Поэтому


1)файл .mod надо кидать как и написано C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod

2)создать папки /workshop/content/281990 в папке с игрой, где в пути нет кириллицы, например, как у меня стоит E:/Stellaris

Тогда получится путь, куда надо кидать папки мода E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990

3)открыть блокнотом файл .mod из папки C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod и исправить в нём путь C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 на E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 и сохранить

Тогда лаунчер будет находить файлы .mod где положено и потом идти по пути, который может прочитать (русского он не знает) в этом файле. Сейчас он не может прочитать путь и просто решает, что мод пустой, потому что в лаунчере смотрит только на существование файла .mod


Дык теперь параходовский лаунчер моды не видит, не пойму что за чертовщина. Или мод не работает на новой версии, или я что-то не понимаю. Пиратка.

Изменено пользователем SuperPelmen2002

Канцлер Шольц
  В 4/21/2023 в 9:20 AM, SuperPelmen2002 сказал:

Дык теперь параходовский лаунчер моды не видит, не пойму что за чертовщина. Или мод не работает на новой версии, или я что-то не понимаю. Пиратка.


Проверь файл дескриптор, в шапку закинул гайд.

Castilia's King
  В 6/3/2022 в 12:57 AM, Guardian сказал:

Зайди в Все установленные модификации, нажми опубликовать модификацию и создай папку с дескрипотором. В папку потом кинешь всё кромке дескриптора из архива. Уже довольно давно игра прописывает модификации в настройках лаунчера и лили ещё где то там. Добавить модификацию не сложно. Вот выдрать её потом из списка настоящий геморой.


Огромное тебе спасибо, брань удалена с установкой целый день и так и сяк делая, только твой совет помог.

Изменено пользователем Alterus
Нарушение удалено

  В 4/8/2020 в 6:41 AM, Rolly сказал:

Вместо варварской замены файлов можно всё нормально решить. Давно говорят, что у парадоксов проблемы с кириллицей в пути к папке, например. Поэтому


1)файл .mod надо кидать как и написано C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod

2)создать папки /workshop/content/281990 в папке с игрой, где в пути нет кириллицы, например, как у меня стоит E:/Stellaris

Тогда получится путь, куда надо кидать папки мода E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990

3)открыть блокнотом файл .mod из папки C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod и исправить в нём путь C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 на E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 и сохранить

Тогда лаунчер будет находить файлы .mod где положено и потом идти по пути, который может прочитать (русского он не знает) в этом файле. Сейчас он не может прочитать путь и просто решает, что мод пустой, потому что в лаунчере смотрит только на существование файла .mod


Если кто-то будет интересоваться, то способ все еще рабочий 
Только после /content/281990/папка мода
И внимательнее к / ибо если будете копировать просто свой путь и вставлять в .mod то будет D:\Stellaris\workshop\content\281990\727000451_more_events_mod и лаунчер как в моем случае не видел моды, просто поменять все \ в пути на /

  В 4/8/2020 в 6:41 AM, Rolly сказал:

Вместо варварской замены файлов можно всё нормально решить. Давно говорят, что у парадоксов проблемы с кириллицей в пути к папке, например. Поэтому


1)файл .mod надо кидать как и написано C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod

2)создать папки /workshop/content/281990 в папке с игрой, где в пути нет кириллицы, например, как у меня стоит E:/Stellaris

Тогда получится путь, куда надо кидать папки мода E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990

3)открыть блокнотом файл .mod из папки C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod и исправить в нём путь C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 на E:/Stellaris/workshop/content/281990 и сохранить

Тогда лаунчер будет находить файлы .mod где положено и потом идти по пути, который может прочитать (русского он не знает) в этом файле. Сейчас он не может прочитать путь и просто решает, что мод пустой, потому что в лаунчере смотрит только на существование файла .mod


Для стим-версии можно обойтись и без запуска лаунчера. Всё остаётся также, но в папке C:/Users/_Имя_/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/ файл dlc_load.json открыть или создать как текстовый и поменять разрешение. Если там что-то есть, то оставить, но главное - строка типа {"enabled_mods":["mod/europeans.mod","mod/2990702425.mod"]} Здесь написано, что игра должна найти эти два файла .mod и загрузить по этим файлам описания моды в указанном порядке. Если модов больше, то добавлять также через запятую. Сами файлы .mod должны лежать там же, как написано выше и содержание их также надо редактировать, этот способ всего лишь исключает запуск лаунчера. Проверял для свежей 3.14 Для гог-версии не проверял.

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Также столкнулся с проблемой модов, что Stellaris не видит в лаунчере моды. У меня версия пиратка, версия GOG. Путь с кириллицей прекрасно видит. Никакой папки workshop  в данном случае делать не нужн


Проблема с модами на Стелларис решается элементарно, проверил на себе 2.6.1 версия.   Берем мод, распаковываем в отдельную папку. Распакованные папки мода, без дескриптора копируем с за


Вы просто должны заменить файлы оригинальной игры на файлы мода.  Например распаковали мод видите в моде папку common кидаете ее с заменой  в папку с ориганальным Стелларисом и так далее все папки в м


Можно и так. C:\Users\....\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris Файл   mods_registry.json открыть его и удалить содержание.Возможно просто удалить этот файл.


Извините, у меня проблема. Я установил моды на Stellaris (Пиратка), они не запускались перепробовал почти всё, в том числе и менеджер модов, и некоторые из приведённых здесь вариантов-ничего не помогл


Зайди в Все установленные модификации, нажми опубликовать модификацию и создай папку с дескрипотором. В папку потом кинешь всё кромке дескриптора из архива. Уже довольно давно игра прописывает модифик

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