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Light Grey 203 сообщений
JLRomik 170 сообщений
Deceased WhiteBear 109 сообщений
AndrG 107 сообщений
nagatofag 84 сообщений
Tempest 78 сообщений
tabularasa 57 сообщений
Horazon 47 сообщений
Germes 46 сообщений
Iamneo94 46 сообщений
Fagoth_Fatalist 45 сообщений
MetallAlximist 43 сообщений
Chestr 41 сообщений
Aiv 39 сообщений
Alien 37 сообщений
Sakā 33 сообщений
Master_Al 32 сообщений
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Gefallenus 29 сообщений
alexis 24 сообщений
kuishi 22 сообщений
Varisg 21 сообщений
Эльфин 20 сообщений
Belphegor. 20 сообщений
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Два с лишним года не играл в ЕУ4, но режим самоизоляции все изменил. Решил сделать какую-нибудь ачивку, выбор пал на Нагаур. Честно сказать такой перерыв сделал ее получение весьма сложным и долгим(сд
Сделал только что сам за Тверь. С Московией был в соперниках, но мои союз не давал в военную фазу перейти конфликту. Мы на пару всех в округе Рюриковичей захватили, оставалась Рязань - мой союзник. В


Cherrypicking. Довольно странная и не совсем игровая ачивка: Нажать на кнопку во взаимодействии с вассалом много ума не надо Что такое трехзвездочный генерал никто точно не з
Eat Your Greens поучилась со 2-го раза. Докладываю: Развивался в сторону Бенгала, после захвата манипура и трипуры согласился на союз Джанпур. Дальше просто - война Бенгалу, отдал Джанпуру Г
Может кому пригодится.. Я смог сделать "All That's Thine Shall Be Mine" только отключив локализацию. Похоже, что игра таки различает "Greedy" и "Жадный".

Тогда так. Исламский культ вы уже получили. Все западноафриканские фетишистские культы со старта у вас. С Генуей достаточно граничить. Рано или поздно ивент выскочит. Я в первоначальном сообщении опеч
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Light Grey - Норвежское дерево -1.3.2-1.5 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. и Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
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achievement_for_the_glory = {
id = 1
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_for_the_glory_tooltip
has_country_flag = have_diploannexed
achievement_grand_army = {
id = 2
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { army_size_percentage = 0.99 }
happened = {
army_size_percentage = 0.99
achievement_grand_navy = {
id = 3
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { navy_size_percentage = 0.99 }
happened = {
navy_size_percentage = 0.99
achievement_defender_of_the_faith = {
id = 4
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_defender_of_faith = no
happened = {
is_defender_of_faith = yes
achievement_until_death_do_us_apart = {
id = 5
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_royal_marriages = 1 }
happened = {
num_of_royal_marriages = 1
achievement_that_is_mine = {
id = 6
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_for_the_glory_tooltip
has_country_flag = conquered_province
achievement_victorious = {
id = 7
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_for_the_glory_tooltip
has_country_flag = has_won_war
achievement_emperors_new_clothes = {
id = 8
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { tag = HAB }
happened = {
is_emperor = yes
achievement_down_under = {
id = 9
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = australia_region
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
has_discovered = ROOT
happened = {
australia_region = {
owned_by = ROOT
is_colony = yes
achievement_isnt_this_the_way_to_india = {
id = 10
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
tag = CAS
NOT = {
north_america = { has_discovered = ROOT }
south_america = { has_discovered = ROOT }
happened = {
north_america = { has_discovered = ROOT }
south_america = { has_discovered = ROOT }
achievement_azur_seme_de_lis_or = {
id = 11
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = FRA
provinces_to_highlight = {
is_core = FRA
happened = {
all_core_province = {
owned_by = FRA
achievement_not_so_sad_a_state = {
id = 12
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = POR
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
continent = africa
region = brazil_region
NOT = { owned_by = POR }
happened = {
africa = {
owned_by = POR
is_colony = yes
brazil_region = {
owned_by = POR
is_colony = yes
achievement_seriously = {
id = 13
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_seriously_tooltip
has_country_flag = killed_tenkey
achievement_its_all_about_the_money = {
id = 14
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
treasury = 3000
achievement_respected = {
id = 15
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
prestige = 100
legitimacy = 100
stability = 3
achievement_true_catholic = {
id = 16
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_cardinals = 2 }
visible = {
religion = catholic
happened = {
num_of_cardinals = 3
achievement_truly_divine_ruler = {
id = 17
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = {
AND = {
dip = 5
mil = 5
adm = 5
happened = {
dip = 5
mil = 5
adm = 5
achievement_grand_coalition = {
id = 51
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_coalition_members = 6
achievement_italian_ambition = {
id = 18
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
culture_group = latin
happened = {
tag = ITA
achievement_cold_war = {
id = 19
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_cold_war_tooltip
has_country_flag = cold_war
achievement_royal_authority = {
id = 20
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_royal_authority_tooltip
has_country_flag = installed_union
achievement_viva_la_revolucion = {
id = 21
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_viva_la_revolucion_tooltip
has_country_flag = supported_rebels
achievement_brothers_in_arms = {
id = 22
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_brothers_in_arms_tooltip
has_country_flag = brothers_in_arms
achievement_no_pirates_in_my_carribean = {
id = 23
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = carribeans_region
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
carribeans_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
achievement_master_of_india = {
id = 24
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
capital_scope = {
continent = europe
provinces_to_highlight = {
superregion = india_superregion
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
deccan_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
coromandel_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
bengal_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
hindusthan_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
west_india_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_sweden_is_not_overpowered = {
id = 25
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = SWE
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 1
province_id = 2
province_id = 3
province_id = 6
province_id = 9
province_id = 11
province_id = 19
province_id = 25
province_id = 27
province_id = 28
province_id = 30
province_id = 33
province_id = 34
province_id = 35
province_id = 36
province_id = 37
province_id = 38
province_id = 39
province_id = 40
province_id = 41
province_id = 42
province_id = 43
province_id = 45
province_id = 46
province_id = 47
province_id = 48
province_id = 1841
province_id = 1842
province_id = 1858
province_id = 1930
province_id = 1935
province_id = 1981
province_id = 1982
province_id = 2994
province_id = 2995
province_id = 2996
province_id = 4113
province_id = 4165
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_core_province = 1
owns_core_province = 2
owns_core_province = 3
owns_core_province = 6
owns_core_province = 9
owns_core_province = 11
owns_core_province = 19
owns_core_province = 25
owns_core_province = 27
owns_core_province = 28
owns_core_province = 30
owns_core_province = 33
owns_core_province = 34
owns_core_province = 35
owns_core_province = 36
owns_core_province = 37
owns_core_province = 38
owns_core_province = 39
owns_core_province = 40
owns_core_province = 41
owns_core_province = 42
owns_core_province = 43
owns_core_province = 45
owns_core_province = 46
owns_core_province = 47
owns_core_province = 48
owns_core_province = 1841
owns_core_province = 1842
owns_core_province = 1858
owns_core_province = 1930
owns_core_province = 1935
owns_core_province = 1981
owns_core_province = 1982
owns_core_province = 2994
owns_core_province = 2995
owns_core_province = 2996
owns_core_province = 4113
owns_core_province = 4165
achievement_my_armies_are_invincible = {
id = 26
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
land_morale = 7
achievement_this_navy_can_take_it_all = {
id = 27
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
naval_morale = 7
achievement_winged_hussars = {
id = 52
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
unit_type = eastern
happened = {
has_unit_type = polish_winged_hussar
has_global_modifier_value = {
which = cavalry_power
value = 0.5
achievement_the_pen_is_mightier_than_the_sword = {
id = 28
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
tag = HAB
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
tag = HAB
personal_union = 3
achievement_traditional_player = {
id = 29
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
army_tradition = 90
navy_tradition = 90
achievement_its_all_about_luck = {
id = 30
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_its_all_about_luck_tooltip
has_country_flag = beat_big_leader
achievement_all_belongs_to_mother_russia = {
id = 31
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
primary_culture = russian
primary_culture = novgorodian
primary_culture = ryazanian
happened = {
tag = RUS
achievement_at_every_continent = {
id = 32
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no #No South America in Random New World.
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
AND = {
continent = asia
ROOT = {
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
continent = asia
AND = {
continent = africa
ROOT = {
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
continent = africa
AND = {
continent = europe
ROOT = {
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
continent = europe
AND = {
continent = north_america
ROOT = {
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
continent = north_america
AND = {
continent = south_america
ROOT = {
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
continent = south_america
AND = {
continent = oceania
ROOT = {
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
continent = oceania
happened = {
any_owned_province = {
continent = europe
any_owned_province = {
continent = asia
any_owned_province = {
continent = africa
any_owned_province = {
continent = north_america
any_owned_province = {
continent = south_america
any_owned_province = {
continent = oceania
achievement_spain_is_the_emperor = {
id = 33
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { is_emperor = yes }
visible = {
OR = {
culture_group = iberian
tag = SPA
happened = {
tag = SPA
is_emperor = yes
achievement_an_early_reich = {
id = 34
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
culture_group = germanic
happened = {
tag = GER
achievement_poland_can_into_space = {
id = 35
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = POL
happened = {
adm_tech = 32
dip_tech = 32
mil_tech = 32
achievement_world_discoverer = {
id = 36
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
all_province = {
has_discovered = ROOT
achievement_the_chrysanthemum_throne = {
id = 37
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
government = daimyo
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = japan_region
is_empty = no
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = JAP
japan_region = {
type = all
OR = {
is_empty = yes
AND = {
owned_by = JAP
is_core = JAP
achievement_trade_hegemon = {
id = 53
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
capital_scope = {
continent = europe
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 388
province_id = 2999
province_id = 596
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_core_province = 388 # Aden
owns_core_province = 2999 # Hormoz
owns_core_province = 596 # Malacca
achievement_basileus = {
id = 38
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = BYZ
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = morea_area
area = northern_greece_area
area = albania_area
area = macedonia_area
area = bulgaria_area
area = thrace_area
area = hudavendigar_area
area = aydin_area
area = germiyan_area
area = kastamonu_area
area = ankara_area
area = karaman_area
area = rum_area
area = cukurova_area
area = dulkadir_area
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = BYZ
### Balkans
morea_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
northern_greece_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
albania_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
macedonia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
bulgaria_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
thrace_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
#### Anatolia
hudavendigar_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
aydin_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
germiyan_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
kastamonu_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
ankara_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
karaman_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
rum_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
cukurova_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
dulkadir_area = {
type = all
owned_by = root
is_core = ROOT
achievement_agressive_expander = {
id = 39
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_cities = 200
achievement_kaiser_not_just_in_name = {
id = 40
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
capital_scope = { is_part_of_hre = yes }
happened = {
tag = HLR
achievement_norwegian_wood = {
id = 41
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = NOR
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = naval_supplies
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = NOR}
happened = {
NOT = {
any_province = {
trade_goods = naval_supplies
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = NOR }
achievement_african_power = {
id = 42
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = KON
provinces_to_highlight = {
continent = africa
is_empty = no
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = KON }
NOT = { owned_by = KON }
happened = {
africa = {
type = all
OR = {
is_wasteland = yes
is_colony = yes
is_empty = yes
AND = {
owned_by = KON
is_core = KON
achievement_no_trail_of_tears = {
id = 43
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = CHE
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = susquehanna_area
area = delaware_valley_area
area = hudson_valley_area
area = massachusetts_bay_area
area = connecticut_valley_area
area = chesapeake_area
area = piedmont_north_america_area
area = carolinas_area
area = south_carolina_area
area = appalachia_area
area = south_appalachia_area
province_id = 929
province_id = 971
province_id = 2526
province_id = 2539
province_id = 2540
province_id = 2564
province_id = 2565
province_id = 2566
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = CHE }
NOT = { is_core = CHE }
happened = {
has_institution = feudalism
has_institution = renaissance
has_institution = new_world_i
has_institution = printing_press
has_institution = global_trade
has_institution = manufactories
has_institution = enlightenment
susquehanna_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
delaware_valley_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
hudson_valley_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
massachusetts_bay_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
connecticut_valley_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
chesapeake_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
great_valley_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
piedmont_north_america_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
carolinas_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
south_carolina_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
appalachia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
south_appalachia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = CHE
is_core = CHE
owns_core_province = 929
owns_core_province = 971
owns_core_province = 2526
owns_core_province = 2539
owns_core_province = 2540
owns_core_province = 2564
owns_core_province = 2565
owns_core_province = 2566
achievement_one_night_in_paris = {
id = 44
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ENG
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 183
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
OR = {
tag = ENG
tag = GBR
owns_core_province = 183
achievement_definitely_the_sultan_of_rum = {
id = 45
visible = {
OR = {
tag = TUR
tag = RUM
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 295 # Moskva
province_id = 151 # Thrace/Istanbul
province_id = 118 # Rome
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
OR = {
tag = TUR
tag = RUM
owns_core_province = 295 # Moskva
owns_core_province = 151 # Thrace/Istanbul
owns_core_province = 118 # Rome
achievement_market_control = {
id = 46
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_trading_bonuses = 7
achievement_ruina_imperii = {
id = 47
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
NOT = { hre_size = 1 }
NOT = { exists = HLR }
achievement_luck_of_the_irish = {
id = 55
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = TYR
tag = CNN
tag = MNS
tag = LEI
tag = DMS
tag = KID
tag = SLN
tag = ULS
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = british_isles_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
british_isles_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_world_conqueror = {
id = 48
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
is_wasteland = no
is_sea = no
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = {
any_country = {
NOT = {
OR = {
tag = ROOT
AND = {
is_subject_of = ROOT
NOT = { is_subject_of_type = tributary_state }
exists = yes
achievement_the_three_mountains = {
id = 49
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = RYU
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
is_wasteland = no
is_sea = no
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = {
any_country = {
NOT = {
OR = {
tag = RYU
AND = {
is_subject_of = RYU
NOT = { is_subject_of_type = tributary_state }
exists = yes
achievement_jihad = {
id = 50
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = NAJ
religion = sunni
provinces_to_highlight = {
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = { num_of_cities = 200 }
is_wasteland = no
is_sea = no
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { religion = sunni }
else = {
always = no
happened = {
religion = sunni
num_of_cities = 500
num_of_owned_provinces_with = {
value = 500
religion = sunni
achievement_sunset_invasion = {
id = 54
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = AZT
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 227
province_id = 217
province_id = 183
province_id = 236
province_id = 97
province_id = 118
OR = {
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_core_province = 227 # Lisbon
owns_core_province = 217 # Madrid
owns_core_province = 183 # Paris
owns_core_province = 236 # London
owns_core_province = 97 # Amsterdam
owns_core_province = 118 # Rome
# New for 1.3
# Very easy
achievement_just_a_little_patience = {
id = 56
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
is_year = 1820
# Medium
achievement_turning_the_tide = {
id = 57
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
government = steppe_horde
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
has_institution = feudalism
has_institution = renaissance
has_institution = new_world_i
has_institution = printing_press
has_institution = global_trade
has_institution = manufactories
has_institution = enlightenment
# Easy
achievement_double_the_love = {
id = 58
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { personal_union = 1 }
happened = {
personal_union = 2
# Medium
achievement_liberty_or_death = {
id = 59
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1776.7.4
tag = USA
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
is_core = USA
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
is_at_war = no
all_core_province = {
owned_by = USA
# Easy
achievement_nobody_wants_to_die = {
id = 60
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = SON
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 1132
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_core_province = 1132 #timbuktu
# New for 1.4
# Easy
achievement_in_the_name_of_the_father = {
id = 61
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
religion = orthodox
happened = {
patriarch_authority = 1.0
# Medium
achievement_the_rising_sun = {
id = 62
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
capital_scope = {
continent = europe
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = japan_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
japan_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
# Medium
achievement_the_five_colonies = {
id = 63
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
NOT = {
capital_scope = {
OR = {
continent = north_america
continent = south_america
continent = new_world
provinces_to_highlight = {
is_empty = yes
is_sea = no
ROOT = {
NOT = {
colony = 5
happened = {
colony = 5
# Very hard
achievement_the_re_reconquista = {
id = 64
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = GRA
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = iberia_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = ADU
iberia_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ADU
is_core = ADU
# Very hard
achievement_turn_the_table = {
id = 65
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Conquest of Paradise"
happened = {
is_former_colonial_nation = yes
colonial_parent = {
vassal_of = ROOT
# New for 1.6
# Very hard
achievement_the_great_khan = {
id = 66
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = KHA
tag = GOL
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = russia_region
region = ural_region
region = crimea_region
superregion = china_superregion
superregion = persia_superregion
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
russia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
ural_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
crimea_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
#China Super Region:
south_china_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
xinan_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
north_china_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
#Persia Super Region:
persia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
khorasan_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
# Easy
achievement_four_for_trade = {
id = 67
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Wealth of Nations"
happened = {
num_of_strong_trade_companies = 4
# Hard
achievement_the_grand_armada = {
id = 68
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_heavy_ship = 500
NOT = { num_of_loans = 1 }
# Medium
achievement_je_maintiendrai = {
id = 69
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
primary_culture = dutch
NOT = { tag = NED }
happened = {
tag = NED
# Very hard
achievement_a_protected_market = {
id = 70
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
mercantilism = 100
# Medium
achievement_queen_of_mercury = {
id = 71
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ZAN
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 1201
province_id = 529
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = ZAN
owns_core_province = 1201
owns_core_province = 529
# Easy
achievement_a_pile_of_gold = {
id = 72
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = {
gold = 10
trade_goods = gold
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
else = {
always = no
happened = {
gold = 10
# Hard
achievement_sons_of_carthage = {
id = 73
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = TUN
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 124
province_id = 125
province_id = 127
province_id = 221
province_id = 222
province_id = 223
province_id = 224
province_id = 226
province_id = 341
province_id = 333
province_id = 339
province_id = 338
province_id = 337
province_id = 336
province_id = 1247
province_id = 1749
province_id = 1750
province_id = 1882
province_id = 2455
province_id = 2461
province_id = 2473
province_id = 2982
province_id = 2986
province_id = 2986
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_core_province = 124
owns_core_province = 125
owns_core_province = 127
owns_core_province = 221
owns_core_province = 222
owns_core_province = 223
owns_core_province = 224
owns_core_province = 226
owns_core_province = 341
owns_core_province = 333
owns_core_province = 339
owns_core_province = 338
owns_core_province = 337
owns_core_province = 336
owns_core_province = 1247
owns_core_province = 1749
owns_core_province = 1750
owns_core_province = 1882
owns_core_province = 2455
owns_core_province = 2461
owns_core_province = 2473
owns_core_province = 2982
owns_core_province = 2986
# Easy
achievement_the_princess_is_in_this_castle = {
id = 74
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
has_female_heir = no
has_heir = no
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
capital_scope = { has_building = fort_15th }
has_female_heir = yes
# Easy
achievement_electable = {
id = 75
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_elector = no
visible = {
capital_scope = { is_part_of_hre = yes }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
is_elector = yes
# New for 1.7
# Easy
achievement_vasa_or_wettin = {
id = 76
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { tag = POL }
visible = {
has_dlc = "Res Publica"
OR = {
POL = { religion_group = ROOT }
PLC = { religion_group = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
OR = {
POL = {
ruler_is_foreigner = yes
dynasty = ROOT
PLC = {
ruler_is_foreigner = yes
dynasty = ROOT
# Medium
achievement_sinaasappel = {
id = 77
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Res Publica"
OR = {
primary_culture = dutch
primary_culture = flemish
provinces_to_highlight = {
superregion = china_superregion
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
is_orangists_in_power = yes
republican_tradition = 99
OR = {
south_china_region = {
type = any
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
xinan_region = {
type = any
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
north_china_region = {
type = any
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
# Easy
achievement_one_king_to_rule = {
id = 78
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = POL
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
government = administrative_monarchy
# Hard
achievement_venetian_sea = {
id = 79
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = VEN
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
NOT = { num_of_cities = 10 }
1320 = { #Constantinople
trade_share = {
country = ROOT
share = 75
358 = { #Alexandria
trade_share = {
country = ROOT
share = 75
# Medium
achievement_iron_price = {
id = 80
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = DAN
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = yorkshire_area
area = east_midlands_area
area = east_anglia_area
province_id = 246
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { culture = danish }
happened = {
246 = { #Northumberland
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
culture = danish
yorkshire_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
culture = danish
east_midlands_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
culture = danish
east_anglia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
culture = danish
# New for 1.8
# Medium
achievement_total_control = {
id = 81
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
owned_by = ROOT
OR = {
NOT = { unrest = 1 }
NOT = { local_autonomy = 0.1 }
happened = {
num_of_cities = 100
calc_true_if = {
all_owned_province = {
NOT = { unrest = 1 }
NOT = { local_autonomy = 0.1 }
amount = 100
# Easy
achievement_center_of_attention = {
id = 82
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
is_reformation_center = yes
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
any_owned_province = {
is_reformation_center = yes
religion = protestant
any_owned_province = {
is_reformation_center = yes
religion = reformed
# Medium
achievement_this_revolution_was_crushed = {
id = 83
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
any_known_country = {
is_revolution_target = yes
war_with = ROOT
capital_scope = {
controlled_by = ROOT
NOT = {
war_score_against = {
who = ROOT
value = -98
# Easy
achievement_a_manchurian_candidate = {
id = 84
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = MJZ
tag = MHX
tag = MYR
happened = {
tag = QNG
# Easy
achievement_land_of_eastern_jade = {
id = 85
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = mexico_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
visible = {
OR = {
religion = buddhism #Theravada
religion = mahayana
religion = vajrayana
happened = {
OR = {
religion = buddhism #Theravada
religion = mahayana
religion = vajrayana
mexico_region = {
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
# Hard
achievement_thats_a_silk_road = {
id = 86
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = silk
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_thats_a_silk_road_tooltip
NOT = {
any_province = {
trade_goods = silk
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
# Easy
achievement_my_true_friend = {
id = 87
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_my_true_friend_tooltip
has_country_flag = helped_rebels_win_war
# Very Easy
achievement_marshy_march = {
id = 88
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
any_subject_country = {
march_of = ROOT
calc_true_if = {
all_owned_province = {
has_terrain = marsh
amount = 2
# Very Hard
achievement_shahanshah = {
id = 89
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ARL
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = PER
# Medium
achievement_die_please_die = {
id = 90
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
has_regency = no
NOT = { adm = 2 }
NOT = { dip = 2 }
NOT = { mil = 2 }
ruler_age = 70
# New for 1.9
# Very Hard
achievement_holy_trinity = {
id = 91
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = PAP
visible = {
has_dlc = "Art of War"
happened = {
tag = PAP
owns_core_province = 379 # Jerusalem
LIV = {
march_of = PAP
TEU = {
march_of = PAP
KNI = {
march_of = PAP
# Medium
achievement_switzerlake = {
id = 92
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = SWI
provinces_to_highlight = {
has_port = no
is_wasteland = no
is_sea = no
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
num_of_cities = 99
NOT = {
num_of_total_ports = 1
# Hard
achievement_king_of_jerusalem = {
id = 93
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = KNI
tag = CYP
happened = {
tag = KOJ
# Easy
achievement_krabater = {
id = 94
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
primary_culture = croatian
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = CRO
1 = { cavalry_in_province = CRO }
# Medium
achievement_lion_of_the_north = {
id = 95
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = SWE
visible = {
has_dlc = "Art of War"
happened = {
religion = protestant
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_lion_of_the_north_tooltip
has_country_flag = won_religious_league_war
# Hard
achievement_guaranteer_of_peace = {
id = 96
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
FRA = {
guaranteed_by = ROOT
RUS = {
guaranteed_by = ROOT
TUR = {
guaranteed_by = ROOT
# Very Hard
achievement_servitor_of_jagannath = {
id = 97
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ORI
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = tropical_wood
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = {
any_province = {
trade_goods = tropical_wood
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
# Medium
achievement_bengal_tiger = {
id = 98
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = BNG
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 454
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_core_province = 454
is_core = 454
# Hard
achievement_prester_john = {
id = 99
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ETH
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 358
province_id = 2313
province_id = 151
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = ETH
religion = coptic
owns_core_province = 358 #Alexandria
owns_core_province = 2313 #Antioch
owns_core_province = 151 #Constantinople
# Hard
achievement_auld_alliance = {
id = 100
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = SCO
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
FRA = { vassal_of = SCO }
# Very Hard
achievement_gothic_invasion = {
id = 101
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = FEO
provinces_to_highlight = {
continent = europe
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
culture_group = germanic
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
primary_culture = goths
NOT = {
any_province = {
culture_group = germanic
NOT = { owned_by = FEO }
continent = europe
# Medium
achievement_kow_tow = {
id = 102
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = MNG
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
any_subject_country = {
religion_group = christian
any_subject_country = {
religion_group = muslim
any_subject_country = {
religion_group = eastern
any_subject_country = {
religion_group = dharmic
any_subject_country = {
religion_group = pagan
# Medium
achievement_barbarossa = {
id = 103
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
culture_group = maghrebi
happened = {
num_ships_privateering = 500
# Medium
achievement_georgia_on_my_mind = {
id = 104
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = kartli_kakheti_area
area = samtskhe_area
area = imereti_area
area = american_georgia_area
area = upper_american_georgia_area
province_id = 2025
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
#Original Georgia
kartli_kakheti_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
samtskhe_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
imereti_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
american_georgia_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
upper_american_georgia_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
2025 = {
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
# Very Hard
achievement_albania_or_iberia = {
id = 105
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ALB
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = iberia_region
region = caucasia_region
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
iberia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
caucasia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
# Easy
achievement_spice_must_flow = {
id = 106
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
culture_group = malay
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = MSA
# Insane
achievement_raja_of_the_rajput_reich = {
id = 107
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = NGA
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = north_german_region
region = south_german_region
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
north_german_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
south_german_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
# Very Hard
achievement_sun_never_sets_on_the_indian_empire = {
id = 108
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
visible = {
OR = {
culture_group = dravidian
culture_group = western_aryan
culture_group = hindusthani
culture_group = eastern_aryan
culture_group = central_indic
tag = HIN
tag = BHA
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 236
province_id = 1177
province_id = 667
province_id = 2585
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
OR = {
tag = HIN
tag = BHA
owns_or_non_sovereign_subject_of = 236 # London
owns_or_non_sovereign_subject_of = 1177 # Cape
owns_or_non_sovereign_subject_of = 667 # Hongkong (in Canton)
owns_or_non_sovereign_subject_of = 2585 # Ottawa (in Kichesipi)
# Very Hard
achievement_over_a_thousand = {
id = 109
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = { num_of_cities = 1001 }
is_wasteland = no
is_sea = no
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
else = {
always = no
happened = {
num_of_cities = 1001
# Hard
achievement_draculas_revenge = {
id = 110
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
primary_culture = romanian
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = balkan_region
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = RMN
has_switched_nation = no
balkan_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
# New for 1.10
achievement_arabian_coffee = {
id = 111
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
OR = {
culture_group = turko_semitic
tag = ARB
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = ARB
production_leader = { trade_goods = coffee }
achievement_even_better_than_piet_heyn = {
id = 112
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
OR = {
has_dlc = "Wealth of Nations"
has_dlc = "El Dorado"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_even_better_than_piet_heyn_tooltip
has_country_flag = treasure_fleet_looted
achievement_a_sun_god = {
id = 113
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
continent = south_america
is_wasteland = no
is_colony = no
is_empty = no
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = INC
has_switched_nation = no
has_institution = feudalism
has_institution = renaissance
has_institution = new_world_i
has_institution = printing_press
has_institution = global_trade
has_institution = manufactories
has_institution = enlightenment
south_america = {
type = all
OR = {
is_wasteland = yes
is_colony = yes
is_empty = yes
AND = {
owned_by = INC
is_core = INC
achievement_on_the_edge_of_madness = {
id = 114
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = AZT
is_random_new_world = no
visible = {
has_dlc = "El Dorado"
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_on_the_edge_of_madness_tooltip_95_doom
had_country_flag = {
flag = doom_reached_95
days = 7300
NOT = { has_country_flag = doom_reached_100 }
achievement_magellans_voyage = {
id = 115
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "El Dorado"
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
has_country_flag = circumnavigation_first
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_magellans_voyage_tooltip
has_country_flag = circumnavigation_first
achievement_imperio_espanol = {
id = 116
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
visible = {
OR = {
culture_group = iberian
tag = SPA
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 852
province_id = 835
province_id = 484
province_id = 808
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
OR = {
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
owner_is_colonial_nation = no
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = SPA
852 = { #Mexico
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
owner_is_colonial_nation = yes
835 = { #Panama
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
owner_is_colonial_nation = yes
484 = { #Havana
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
owner_is_colonial_nation = yes
808 = { #Cuzco
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
owner_is_colonial_nation = yes
achievement_blockader = {
id = 117
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_ports_blockading = 10
achievement_this_is_persia = {
id = 118
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
OR = {
culture_group = iranian
primary_culture = azerbaijani
tag = PER
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = anatolia_region
region = egypt_region
area = morea_area
area = northern_greece_area
area = macedonia_area
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = PER
has_switched_nation = no
anatolia_region = {
type = all
owned_by = PER
is_core = PER
morea_area = {
type = all
owned_by = PER
is_core = PER
northern_greece_area = {
type = all
owned_by = PER
is_core = PER
macedonia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = PER
is_core = PER
egypt_region = {
type = all
owned_by = PER
is_core = PER
achievement_kirishitan_japan = {
id = 119
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
government = daimyo
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = japan_region
NOT = { religion_group = christian }
happened = {
tag = JAP
religion_group = christian
japan_region = {
type = all
religion_group = christian
achievement_hessian_mercenaries = {
id = 120
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = HES
happened = {
tag = HES
has_switched_nation = no
num_of_mercenaries = 50
NOT = { num_of_loans = 1 }
# New for 1.12
achievement_baltic_crusader = {
id = 121
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = TEU
tag = LIV
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = russia_region
region = ural_region
region = crimea_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { religion = catholic }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
OR = {
tag = TEU
tag = LIV
russia_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = catholic
ural_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = catholic
crimea_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = catholic
achievement_neither_holy_nor_german = {
id = 122
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Common Sense"
OR = {
capital_scope = { is_part_of_hre = yes }
is_emperor = yes
happened = {
is_emperor = yes
calc_true_if = {
all_country = {
government = imperial_city
NOT = { culture_group = germanic }
amount = 7
achievement_colonial_management = {
id = 123
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Common Sense"
NOT = {
capital_scope = {
OR = {
continent = north_america
continent = south_america
continent = new_world
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_tooltip_colonial_management
calc_true_if = {
all_subject_country = {
is_colonial_nation = yes
has_ruler_flag = appointed_by_overlord
amount = 3
achievement_voting_streak = {
id = 124
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Common Sense"
happened = {
check_variable = { which = voting_streak value = 11 }
achievement_industrial_evolution = {
id = 125
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Common Sense"
OR = {
culture_group = british
tag = GBR
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = northern_england_area
area = mercia_area
area = east_anglia_area
area = wessex_area
OR = {
NOT = { development = 25 }
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = GBR
northern_england_area = {
type = all
development = 25
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
mercia_area = {
type = all
development = 25
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
east_anglia_area = {
type = all
development = 25
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
wessex_area = {
type = all
development = 25
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_city_of_cities = {
id = 126
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Common Sense"
happened = {
any_owned_province = {
development = 60
is_core = ROOT
achievement_one_family_to_rule_them_all = {
id = 127
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
government = monarchy
happened = {
has_regency = no
government = monarchy
calc_true_if = {
all_country = {
dynasty = root
is_client_nation = no
amount = 8
achievement_this_is_my_faith = {
id = 128
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Common Sense"
happened = {
religion = protestant
num_of_aspects = 3
achievement_bleed_them_dry = {
id = 129
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_war_reparations = 10
achievement_subsidize_my_love = {
id = 130
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
is_in_deficit = no
calc_true_if = {
all_ally = {
subsidised_percent_amount = 0.5
amount = 3
achievement_take_that_habsburgs = {
id = 131
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = HUN
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = inner_austria_area
area = austria_proper_area
area = carinthia_area
area = tirol_area
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = HUN
inner_austria_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
austria_proper_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
carinthia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
tirol_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_white_elephant = {
id = 132
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = AYU
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = indo_china_region
region = burma_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = AYU
indo_china_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
burma_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_buddhists_strike_back = {
id = 133
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = CEY
provinces_to_highlight = {
superregion = india_superregion
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { religion = buddhism }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = CEY
deccan_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = buddhism
coromandel_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = buddhism
bengal_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = buddhism
hindusthan_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = buddhism
west_india_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = buddhism
achievement_better_than_napoleon = {
id = 134
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = FRA
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 295
province_id = 50
province_id = 134
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = FRA
owns_core_province = 295 # Moskva
owns_core_province = 50 # Berlin
owns_core_province = 134 # Wien
achievement_big_blue_blob = {
id = 135
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = FRA
provinces_to_highlight = {
continent = europe
is_core = FRA
NOT = { owned_by = FRA }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = FRA
NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
calc_true_if = {
all_core_province = {
continent = europe
owned_by = FRA
amount = 100
achievement_full_house = {
id = 136
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
march = 2
vassal = 3
achievement_black_jack = {
id = 137
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
calc_true_if = {
all_subject_country = {
NOT = { liberty_desire = 50 }
num_of_cities = 5
amount = 21
achievement_a_decent_reserve = {
id = 138
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
manpower = 1000
achievement_six_nations = {
id = 139
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = IRO
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = IRO
is_federation_leader = yes
federation_size = 6
achievement_the_bohemians = {
id = 140
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = BOH
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 373
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = BOH
owns_core_province = 373 #Dublin
is_core = 373
achievement_komenoi_empire = {
id = 141
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = TRE
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = TRE
government_rank = 3
achievement_lucky_lucca = {
id = 142
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = LUC
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 523
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = LUC
owns_core_province = 523 #Lucknow
achievement_fine_goosestep = {
id = 143
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
OR = {
culture_group = germanic
tag = PRU
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = PRU
has_global_modifier_value = {
which = discipline
value = 0.25
achievement_meissner_porcelain = {
id = 144
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = SAX
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = chinaware
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = SAX
has_switched_nation = no
NOT = {
any_province = {
trade_goods = chinaware
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = SAX }
achievement_all_your_trade_are_belong_to_us = {
id = 145
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
monthly_income = 300
1269 = { #English Channel
is_strongest_trade_power = ROOT
1297 = { # Genoa
is_strongest_trade_power = ROOT
1308 = { # Venice
is_strongest_trade_power = ROOT
achievement_grand_duchy = {
id = 146
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { government_rank = 2 }
happened = {
NOT = { government_rank = 2 }
total_development = 1000
achievement_rags_and_riches = {
id = 147
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
development = 11
provinces_to_highlight = {
development = 2
owned_by = ROOT
happened = {
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
development = 11
NOT = {
any_country = {
NOT = { tag = ROOT }
monthly_income = ROOT
achievement_strait_talk = {
id = 148
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ORM
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = ORM
diplomatic_reputation = 10
achievement_academical = {
id = 149
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ATH
provinces_to_highlight = {
NOT = { has_building = university }
owned_by = ROOT
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = ATH
calc_true_if = {
all_owned_province = {
has_building = university
amount = 50
achievement_one_faith = {
id = 150
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
is_empty = no
is_wasteland = no
is_sea = no
NOT = { religion = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = {
any_province = {
is_empty = no
is_wasteland = no
NOT = { religion = ROOT }
achievement_dar_al_islam = {
id = 151
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Star and Crescent"
religion_group = muslim
happened = {
religion_group = muslim
has_country_modifier = unified_islam
achievement_the_uncommonwealth = {
id = 152
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = LIT
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = PLC
achievement_the_burgundian_inheritance = {
id = 153
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = BUR
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = low_countries_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = BUR
FRA = { is_subject_of = ROOT }
HAB = { is_subject_of = ROOT }
low_countries_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_the_third_way = {
id = 154
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
religion = ibadi
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
religion = sunni
religion = shiite
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
religion = ibadi
NOT = {
any_province = {
OR = {
religion = sunni
religion = shiite
achievement_back_to_the_piast = {
id = 155
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = MAZ
tag = SIL
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = POL
achievement_great_perm = {
id = 156
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = PRM
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = russia_region
region = ural_region
region = scandinavia_region
region = west_siberia_region
region = east_siberia_region
region = cascadia_region
region = hudson_bay_region
region = canada_region
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = PRM
russia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
ural_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
scandinavia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
west_siberia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
east_siberia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
cascadia_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
hudson_bay_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
canada_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
achievement_lazarus = {
id = 157
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = SER
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = balkan_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = SER
balkan_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_frozen_assets = {
id = 158
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = NOV
happened = {
1652 = { # White Sea
trade_share = {
country = ROOT
share = 90
highest_value_trade_node = yes
achievement_tatarstan = {
id = 159
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = KAZ
tag = NOG
provinces_to_highlight = {
culture_group = tartar
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
OR = {
tag = KAZ
tag = NOG
NOT = {
any_province = {
culture_group = tartar
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
achievement_terra_mariana = {
id = 160
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = RIG
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = baltic_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
tag = RIG
baltic_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
achievement_blood_for_the_sky_god = {
id = 161
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
happened = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
secondary_religion = nahuatl
achievement_pyramid_of_skulls = {
id = 162
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_nomad = yes
visible = {
is_nomad = yes
has_dlc = "The Cossacks"
happened = {
is_nomad = yes
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_pyramid_of_skulls_tooltip
has_country_flag = have_razed_wealthy_province
achievement_trustworthy = {
id = 163
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_trusted_allies = 5
achievement_the_continuation_of_diplomacy = {
id = 164
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "The Cossacks"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_the_continuation_of_diplomacy_tooltip
has_country_flag = have_threatened_war
achievement_factionalism = {
id = 165
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "The Cossacks"
happened = {
num_of_powerful_estates = 3
achievement_from_humble_origins = {
id = 166
possible = {
is_playing_custom_nation = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 52 }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
total_development = 2000
achievement_ideas_guy = {
id = 167
possible = {
is_playing_custom_nation = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 802 }
NOT = { total_development = 4 }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
monthly_income = 500
achievement_for_odin = {
id = 168
possible = {
is_playing_custom_nation = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
NOT = { num_of_cities = 6 }
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = british_isles_region
region = scandinavia_region
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
british_isles_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
scandinavia_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
achievement_rekindling_the_flames = {
id = 169
possible = {
is_playing_custom_nation = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
NOT = { num_of_cities = 6 }
religion = zoroastrian
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
religion = zoroastrian
has_country_modifier = royal_fires_modifier
achievement_first_come_first_serve = {
id = 170
possible = {
is_playing_custom_nation = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
technology_group = western
capital_scope = {
OR = {
continent = north_america
continent = south_america
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
continent = north_america
continent = south_america
is_wasteland = no
is_sea = no
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
has_switched_nation = no
north_america = {
type = all
OR = {
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
is_wasteland = yes
is_sea = yes
south_america = {
type = all
OR = {
owned_by = ROOT
is_core = ROOT
is_wasteland = yes
is_sea = yes
achievement_mare_nostrum = {
id = 171
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { tag = PAP }
visible = {
OR = {
religion_group = christian
religion_group = pagan
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 101
province_id = 102
province_id = 108
province_id = 111
province_id = 112
province_id = 113
province_id = 114
province_id = 115
province_id = 117
province_id = 118
province_id = 119
province_id = 120
province_id = 121
province_id = 122
province_id = 123
province_id = 124
province_id = 125
province_id = 126
province_id = 127
province_id = 130
province_id = 136
province_id = 137
province_id = 138
province_id = 142
province_id = 143
province_id = 144
province_id = 145
province_id = 146
province_id = 147
province_id = 148
province_id = 149
province_id = 151
province_id = 159
province_id = 163
province_id = 164
province_id = 197
province_id = 200
province_id = 201
province_id = 212
province_id = 213
province_id = 220
province_id = 221
province_id = 222
province_id = 222
province_id = 223
province_id = 226
province_id = 282
province_id = 284
province_id = 285
province_id = 286
province_id = 287
province_id = 316
province_id = 317
province_id = 318
province_id = 319
province_id = 320
province_id = 321
province_id = 325
province_id = 327
province_id = 328
province_id = 330
province_id = 333
province_id = 335
province_id = 336
province_id = 337
province_id = 338
province_id = 339
province_id = 341
province_id = 341
province_id = 353
province_id = 354
province_id = 355
province_id = 356
province_id = 357
province_id = 358
province_id = 362
province_id = 363
province_id = 364
province_id = 378
province_id = 462
province_id = 1247
province_id = 1750
province_id = 1751
province_id = 1756
province_id = 1764
province_id = 1769
province_id = 1773
province_id = 1774
province_id = 1826
province_id = 1854
province_id = 1855
province_id = 1856
province_id = 1882
province_id = 1933
province_id = 1934
province_id = 1974
province_id = 2195
province_id = 2196
province_id = 2296
province_id = 2298
province_id = 2299
province_id = 2302
province_id = 2304
province_id = 2313
province_id = 2325
province_id = 2326
province_id = 2348
province_id = 2406
province_id = 2410
province_id = 2412
province_id = 2447
province_id = 2451
province_id = 2452
province_id = 2453
province_id = 2455
province_id = 2461
province_id = 2465
province_id = 2473
province_id = 2753
province_id = 2954
province_id = 2977
province_id = 2980
province_id = 2982
province_id = 2983
province_id = 2984
province_id = 2984
province_id = 2985
province_id = 2986
province_id = 2988
province_id = 2991
province_id = 2992
province_id = 3003
province_id = 4316
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = ROM
owns = 101
owns = 102
owns = 108
owns = 111
owns = 112
owns = 113
owns = 114
owns = 115
owns = 117
owns = 118
owns = 119
owns = 120
owns = 121
owns = 122
owns = 123
owns = 124
owns = 125
owns = 126
owns = 127
owns = 130
owns = 136
owns = 137
owns = 138
owns = 142
owns = 143
owns = 144
owns = 145
owns = 146
owns = 147
owns = 148
owns = 149
owns = 151
owns = 159
owns = 163
owns = 164
owns = 197
owns = 200
owns = 201
owns = 212
owns = 213
owns = 220
owns = 221
owns = 222
owns = 222
owns = 223
owns = 226
owns = 282
owns = 284
owns = 285
owns = 286
owns = 287
owns = 316
owns = 317
owns = 318
owns = 319
owns = 320
owns = 321
owns = 325
owns = 327
owns = 328
owns = 330
owns = 333
owns = 335
owns = 336
owns = 337
owns = 338
owns = 339
owns = 341
owns = 341
owns = 353
owns = 354
owns = 355
owns = 356
owns = 357
owns = 358
owns = 362
owns = 363
owns = 364
owns = 378
owns = 462
owns = 1247
owns = 1750
owns = 1751
owns = 1756
owns = 1764
owns = 1769
owns = 1773
owns = 1774
owns = 1826
owns = 1854
owns = 1855
owns = 1856
owns = 1882
owns = 1933
owns = 1934
owns = 1974
owns = 2195
owns = 2196
owns = 2296
owns = 2298
owns = 2299
owns = 2302
owns = 2304
owns = 2313
owns = 2325
owns = 2326
owns = 2348
owns = 2406
owns = 2410
owns = 2412
owns = 2447
owns = 2451
owns = 2452
owns = 2453
owns = 2455
owns = 2461
owns = 2465
owns = 2473
owns = 2753
owns = 2954
owns = 2977
owns = 2980
owns = 2982
owns = 2983
owns = 2984
owns = 2984
owns = 2985
owns = 2986
owns = 2988
owns = 2991
owns = 2992
owns = 3003
owns = 4316
achievement_kuban_cigars = {
id = 172
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = KUB
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 484
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_or_non_sovereign_subject_of = 484 # Havana
OR = {
production_leader = { trade_goods = tobacco }
any_subject_country = {
production_leader = { trade_goods = tobacco }
achievement_kushite_restoration = {
id = 173
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
primary_culture = nubian
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = egypt_region
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
egypt_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
achievement_fezzan_corridors = {
id = 174
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = FZA
happened = {
341 = { # Tunis
trade_share = {
country = ROOT
share = 90
1110 = { # Agadir / Safi
trade_share = {
country = ROOT
share = 90
1132 = { # Timbuktu
trade_share = {
country = ROOT
share = 90
1149 = { # Katsina
trade_share = {
country = ROOT
share = 90
achievement_victorian_three = {
id = 175
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = BSG
tag = BUG
tag = KRW
happened = {
adm_tech = 32
dip_tech = 32
mil_tech = 32
achievement_animal_kingdom = {
id = 176
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = MLB
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = bengal_region
OR = {
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
NOT = { religion = animism }
happened = {
bengal_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
religion = animism
achievement_golden_horn = {
id = 177
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
primary_culture = somali
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = horn_of_africa_region
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
horn_of_africa_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
gold_income = 10
achievement_kinslayer = {
id = 178
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = TVE
tag = YAR
tag = OKA
tag = RYA
happened = {
dynasty = Rurikovich
NOT = {
any_country = {
dynasty = ROOT
achievement_choson_one = {
id = 179
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = KOR
provinces_to_highlight = {
religion_group = eastern
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = {
any_province = {
religion_group = eastern
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = KOR }
achievement_sailor_mon = {
id = 180
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = PEG
happened = {
sailors = 100000
achievement_networking = {
id = 181
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
calc_true_if = {
all_rival_country = {
has_spy_network_from = {
who = ROOT
value = 100
amount = 3
achievement_the_white_company = {
id = 182
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mare Nostrum"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_tooltip_white_company_tooltip
has_country_flag = white_company
achievement_time_bandit = {
id = 183
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_time_bandit_tooltip
has_country_flag = has_stolen_map
achievement_with_a_little_help = {
id = 184
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = RAG
happened = {
is_trade_league_leader = yes
has_guaranteed = TUR
calc_true_if = {
all_known_country = {
is_in_trade_league_with = ROOT
amount = 5
achievement_just_resting_in_my_account = {
id = 185
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_just_resting_in_my_account_tooltip
has_country_flag = has_corrupted_officials
#Start RoM
achievement_cities_of_cibola = {
id = 186
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = PUE
happened = {
num_of_owned_provinces_with = {
value = 7
development = 10
achievement_turkish_delight = {
id = 187
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = CND
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = sugar
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
calc_true_if = {
all_province = {
OR = {
owned_by = CND
owner = {
is_subject_of = CND
NOT = {
is_subject_of_type = tributary_state
trade_goods = sugar
amount = 20
achievement_baa_baa_black_sheep = {
id = 188
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = QAR
happened = {
production_leader = { trade_goods = wool }
achievement_fanatic_collectivist = {
id = 189
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
is_institution_origin = renaissance
is_institution_origin = new_world_i
is_institution_origin = printing_press
is_institution_origin = global_trade
is_institution_origin = manufactories
is_institution_origin = enlightenment
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
is_institution_enabled = renaissance
is_institution_enabled = new_world_i
is_institution_enabled = printing_press
is_institution_enabled = global_trade
is_institution_enabled = manufactories
is_institution_enabled = enlightenment
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_fanatic_collectivist_tooltip
any_owned_province = { is_institution_origin = renaissance }
any_owned_province = { is_institution_origin = new_world_i }
any_owned_province = { is_institution_origin = printing_press }
any_owned_province = { is_institution_origin = global_trade }
any_owned_province = { is_institution_origin = manufactories }
any_owned_province = { is_institution_origin = enlightenment }
achievement_core_fu = {
id = 190
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = CEP
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_core_fu_tooltip
has_country_flag = core_fu
achievement_rozwi_empire = {
id = 191
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = RZW
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = zimbabwe_area
area = butua_area
area = lower_zambezi_area
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
zimbabwe_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
butua_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
lower_zambezi_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
achievement_sudanese_expedition = {
id = 192
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
tag = MOR
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = sahel_region
region = niger_region
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
sahel_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
niger_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
achievement_a_tale_of_two_families = {
id = 193
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
tag = VIJ
tag = BAH
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 1948
province_id = 541
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
OR = {
AND = {
tag = BAH
NOT = { exists = VIJ }
AND = {
tag = VIJ
NOT = { exists = BAH }
owns_core_province = 1948 #Bidar
owns_core_province = 541 #Vijayanagar
achievement_abu_bakr_IIs_ambition = {
id = 194
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = MAL
provinces_to_highlight = {
continent = south_america
OR = {
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
is_empty = yes
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_abu_bakr_IIs_ambition
calc_true_if = {
all_subject_country = {
is_colonial_nation = yes
capital_scope = {
continent = south_america
amount = 4
achievement_consulate_of_the_sea = {
id = 195
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = ARA
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 101 #Genoa
province_id = 112 #Venice
province_id = 121 #Naples
province_id = 148 #Thesaloniki
province_id = 151 #Constantinople
province_id = 137 #Ragusa
province_id = 220 #Valencia
province_id = 317 #Bursa
province_id = 336 #Tlemcen
province_id = 341 #Tunis
province_id = 354 #Tripoli
province_id = 358 #Alexandria
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
owns = 101 #Genoa
owns = 112 #Venice
owns = 121 #Naples
owns = 148 #Thesaloniki
owns = 151 #Constantinople
owns = 137 #Ragusa
owns = 220 #Valencia
owns = 317 #Bursa
owns = 336 #Tlemcen
owns = 341 #Tunis
owns = 354 #Tripoli
owns = 358 #Alexandria
achievement_we_bled_for_this = {
id = 196
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_we_bled_for_this_tooltip
has_country_flag = just_a_statistic
achievement_pick_your_poison = {
id = 197
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = KAF
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 285
NOT = { owner = { is_subject_of = ROOT } }
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_pick_your_poison_tooltip
has_country_flag = pick_your_poison
any_subject_country = {
owns = 285
achievement_not_just_pizza = {
id = 198
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = NAP
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_not_just_pizza_tooltip
has_country_flag = became_great_power_flag
achievement_all_that_is_thine_shall_be_mine = {
id = 199
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_all_that_is_thine_shall_be_mine_tooltip
has_country_flag = greedy_set_from_code
achievement_a_blessed_nation = {
id = 200
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
religion = coptic
happened = {
religion = coptic
num_of_active_blessings = 5
achievement_queen_of_conquest = {
id = 201
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
has_consort_regency = yes
has_female_consort = yes
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_queen_of_conquest_tooltip
has_country_flag = queen_of_conquest
achievement_aaa_credit = {
id = 202
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
is_great_power = yes
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_aaa_credit_tooltip
has_country_flag = aaa_credit
achievement_hoarder = {
id = 203
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
religion = shamanism
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
religion = shamanism
num_of_unlocked_cults = 13
achievement_gentle_persuasion = {
id = 204
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_gentle_persuasion_tooltip
has_country_flag = gentle_convincing
achievement_combined_arms = {
id = 205
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
happened = {
num_of_admirals_with_traits = 1
num_of_generals_with_traits = 1
# Mandate of Heaven below
achievement_turtles_all_the_way_down = {
id = 206
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = KOR
happened = {
has_global_modifier_value = {
which = ship_durability
value = 0.35
extra_shortcut = yes
achievement_the_navigator = {
id = 207
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = POR
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
AND = {
continent = africa
NOT = { africa = { owned_by = ROOT } }
AND = {
superregion = india_superregion
NOT = { india_superregion = { owned_by = ROOT } }
AND = {
superregion = east_indies_superregion
NOT = { east_indies_superregion = { owned_by = ROOT } }
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
any_owned_province = { continent = africa }
any_owned_province = { superregion = india_superregion }
any_owned_province = { superregion = east_indies_superregion }
achievement_gold_rush = {
id = 208
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
government = steppe_horde
culture_group = tartar
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
tag = GLH
achievement_graze_my_horse_here_and_here = {
id = 209
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
government = steppe_horde
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
trade_goods = grain
trade_goods = livestock
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
government = steppe_horde
calc_true_if = {
all_province = {
owned_by = ROOT
OR = {
trade_goods = grain
trade_goods = livestock
amount = 200
achievement_rise_of_the_white_sheep = {
id = 210
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = AKK
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 416
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1478 }
NOT = { exists = QAR }
owns = 416 #Tabriz
achievement_where_the_heart_is = {
id = 211
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = DAH
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = niger_region
region = sahel_region
is_empty = no
owner = {
NOT = { religion = shamanism }
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
niger_region = {
OR = {
owner = {
religion = shamanism
is_empty = yes
type = all
sahel_region = {
OR = {
owner = {
religion = shamanism
is_empty = yes
type = all
achievement_disciples_of_enlightenment = {
id = 212
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = DAI
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = atleast_10_mahayana_tooltip
calc_true_if = {
all_country = {
religion = mahayana
amount = 10
achievement_first_toungoo_empire = {
id = 213
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = TAU
provinces_to_highlight = {
culture_group = burman
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
tag = TAU
NOT = {
any_province = {
culture_group = burman
NOT = { owned_by = TAU }
achievement_made_in_japan = {
id = 214
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
culture_group = japanese_g
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1655 }
tag = JAP
has_institution = manufactories
achievement_three_trivial_tributaries = {
id = 215
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
OR = {
religion_group = eastern
government = steppe_horde
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
happened = {
calc_true_if = {
all_subject_country = {
is_subject_of_type = tributary_state
OR ={
government = tribal
government = native_council #Not tribal but localized as Tribe
government = siberian_native_council #Not Tribal but localized as Tribe
amount = 3
achievement_qing_of_china = {
id = 216
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
primary_culture = manchu
happened = {
tag = QNG
is_emperor_of_china = yes
achievement_carthago_delenda_est = {
id = 217
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
culture_group = latin
provinces_to_highlight = {
area = tunisia_area
NOT = { devastation = 100 }
happened = {
culture_group = latin
tunisia_area = {
devastation = 100
type = all
achievement_live_long_and_prosper = {
id = 218
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_live_long_and_prosper_tooltip
calc_true_if = {
all_states = {
is_prosperous = yes
amount = 30
ruler_age = 70
achievement_tear_down_this_wall = {
id = 219
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_tear_down_this_wall_tooltip
has_country_flag = have_berlin_wall
achievement_golden_empire = {
id = 220
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
happened = {
in_golden_age = yes
government_rank = 3
achievement_cherrypicking = {
id = 221
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
culture_group = japanese_g
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_cherrypicking_tooltip
has_country_flag = cherry_picker
achievement_banners_need_a_saga = {
id = 222
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
primary_culture = manchu
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
happened = {
num_of_banners = 100
achievement_sweet_harmony = {
id = 223
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
religion = confucianism
happened = {
religion = confucianism
num_of_harmonized = 7
achievement_sakoku_law = {
id = 224
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
religion = shinto
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_sakoku_law_tooltip
check_variable = { which = isolationism_achievement_counter value = 6 }
achievement_absolutely = {
id = 225
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
absolutism = 100
#Third Rome Achievements:
achievement_dovmonts_own = {
id = 226
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = PSK
visible = {
has_dlc = "Third Rome"
happened = {
num_of_streltsy = 100
achievement_redecorating = {
id = 227
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
ironman = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
start_date = 1444.11.11
religion = orthodox
visible = {
has_dlc = "Third Rome"
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 118
OR = {
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
has_state_patriach = no
happened = {
owns_core_province = 118
118 = {
has_state_patriach = yes
achievement_breaking_the_yoke = {
id = 228
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = RYA
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 284
province_id = 303
province_id = 1082
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
owns = 284 #Crimea
owns = 303 #Saratov
owns = 1082 #Kazan
is_subject = no
achievement_back_in_control = {
id = 229
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
culture_group = altaic
provinces_to_highlight = {
superregion = china_superregion
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
is_empty = no
happened = {
tag = YUA
china_superregion = {
OR = {
owned_by = ROOT
is_empty = yes
type = all
achievement_mass_production = {
id = 230
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = OKA
happened = {
wharf = 1
weapons = 1
textile = 1
plantations = 1
tradecompany = 1
mills = 1
farm_estate = 1
achievement_relentless_push_east = {
id = 231
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
culture_group = east_slavic
provinces_to_highlight = {
region = east_siberia_region
has_port = yes
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = { is_year = 1601 }
east_siberia_region = {
type = all
OR = {
has_port = no
owned_by = ROOT
achievement_laughingstock = {
id = 232
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 1983
province_id = 2470
province_id = 4073
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
owns = 1983 #Lolland
owns = 2470 #Haha
owns = 4073 #Hehe
achievement_lessons_of_hemmingstedt = {
id = 233
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = DTT
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 12
province_id = 97
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = { exists = DAN }
owns = 12
owns = 97
achievement_its_all_greek_to_me = {
id = 234
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
primary_culture = greek
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 138
province_id = 504
province_id = 578
province_id = 4104
OR = {
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = GRE
owns_core_province = 138 #Zeta
owns_core_province = 504 #Thatta
owns_core_province = 578 #Roh
owns_core_province = 4104 #Lamba
achievement_52_garhs = {
id = 235
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = GHR
provinces_to_highlight = {
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = {
calc_true_if = {
all_owned_province = {
fort_level = 2
amount = 52
owned_by = ROOT
NOT = { fort_level = 2 }
else = {
always = no
happened = {
NOT = { num_of_loans = 1 }
calc_true_if = {
all_owned_province = {
fort_level = 2
amount = 52
achievement_bunte_kuh = {
id = 236
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = HAM
happened = {
trading_bonus = {
trade_goods = livestock
value = yes
trading_bonus = {
trade_goods = gems
value = yes
achievement_good_king_rene = {
id = 237
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = PRO
happened = {
tag = KOJ
achievement_saladins_legacy = {
id = 238
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = HSN
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = egypt_region
region = mashriq_region
area = aleppo_area
area = tabuk_area
area = medina_area
area = mecca_area
area = asir_area
area = tihama_al_yemen_area
area = upper_yemen_area
area = yemen_area
area = hadramut_area
area = north_kurdistan_area
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
egypt_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
mashriq_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
aleppo_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
tabuk_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
medina_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
mecca_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
asir_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
tihama_al_yemen_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
upper_yemen_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
yemen_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
hadramut_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
north_kurdistan_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
achievement_avar_khaganate = {
id = 239
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = AVR
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = alfold_area
area = transdanubia_area
area = slovakia_area
area = transylvania_area
area = southern_transylvania_area
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
government_rank = 3
alfold_area = {
type = all
owned_by = AVR
transdanubia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = AVR
slovakia_area = {
type = all
owned_by = AVR
transylvania_area = {
type = all
owned_by = AVR
southern_transylvania_area = {
type = all
owned_by = AVR
achievement_protect_the_secret = {
id = 240
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
visible = {
primary_culture = yemeni_culture
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = coffee
OR = {
continent = africa
continent = asia
continent = oceania
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
owner = {
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
happened = {
is_year = 1700
tag = YEM
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = all_coffee_owned_by_you
NOT = {
any_country = {
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
any_owned_province = {
trade_goods = coffee
OR = {
continent = asia
continent = africa
continent = oceania
achievement_great_moravia = {
id = 241
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
visible = {
any_owned_province = {
OR = {
is_core = SLO
is_core = MVA
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 60 # Lausitz
province_id = 134 # Wien
province_id = 135 # Sopron
province_id = 153 # Pest
province_id = 154 # Hont
province_id = 162 # Zemplen
province_id = 262 # Krakow
province_id = 263 # Ratibor
province_id = 264 # Breslau
province_id = 265 # Brno
province_id = 266 # Prague
province_id = 267 # Plsen
province_id = 1318 # Spis
province_id = 1763 # Niederlausitz
province_id = 1770 # Ostmarch
province_id = 1771 # Erz
province_id = 1772 # Pozsony
province_id = 1864 # Somogy
province_id = 2960 # Sadecki
province_id = 2966 # Glogau
province_id = 2967 # Eger
province_id = 2968 # Budejovice
province_id = 2970 # Hradecko
province_id = 4126 # Bacs
province_id = 4236 # Trencin
province_id = 4237 # Olomouc
province_id = 4238 # Liegnitz
province_id = 4240 # Fejer
OR = {
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
OR = {
tag = SLO
tag = MVA
owns_core_province = 60 # Lausitz
owns_core_province = 134 # Wien
owns_core_province = 135 # Sopron
owns_core_province = 153 # Pest
owns_core_province = 154 # Hont
owns_core_province = 162 # Zemplen
owns_core_province = 262 # Krakow
owns_core_province = 263 # Ratibor
owns_core_province = 264 # Breslau
owns_core_province = 265 # Brno
owns_core_province = 266 # Prague
owns_core_province = 267 # Plsen
owns_core_province = 1318 # Spis
owns_core_province = 1763 # Niederlausitz
owns_core_province = 1770 # Ostmarch
owns_core_province = 1771 # Erz
owns_core_province = 1772 # Pozsony
owns_core_province = 1864 # Somogy
owns_core_province = 2960 # Sadecki
owns_core_province = 2966 # Glogau
owns_core_province = 2967 # Eger
owns_core_province = 2968 # Budejovice
owns_core_province = 2970 # Hradecko
owns_core_province = 4126 # Bacs
owns_core_province = 4236 # Trencin
owns_core_province = 4237 # Olomouc
owns_core_province = 4238 # Liegnitz
owns_core_province = 4240 # Fejer
achievement_a_heros_welcome = {
id = 242
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = KAR
happened = {
tag = RUM
achievement_david_the_builder = {
id = 243
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = IME
provinces_to_highlight = {
owned_by = ROOT
num_free_building_slots = 1
happened = {
tag = GEO
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = achievement_david_the_builder_tooltip
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
num_free_building_slots = 1
achievement_voltaires_nightmare = {
id = 244
possible = {
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
happened = {
calc_true_if = {
all_country = {
is_part_of_hre = yes
amount = 75
achievement_pandya_empire = {
id = 245
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = MAD
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = coromandel_region
area = kerala_area
area = mysore_area
area = rayalaseema_area
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
coromandel_region = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
kerala_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
mysore_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
rayalaseema_area = {
type = all
owned_by = ROOT
achievement_prince_of_egypt = {
id = 246
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
tag = LAN
happened = {
tag = EGY
achievement_around_the_world_in_eighty_years = {
id = 247
possible = {
is_playing_custom_nation = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 402 }
NOT = {
any_owned_province = {
NOT = { region = british_isles_region }
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 965 #New York
province_id = 869 #San Francisco
province_id = 2315 #Suez
province_id = 529 #Bombay
province_id = 561 #Calcutta
province_id = 667 #Hong Kong
province_id = 1028 #Yokoshima
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
NOT = { is_date = 1524.11.11 }
owns = 965 #New York
owns = 869 #San Francisco
owns = 2315 #Suez
owns = 529 #Bombay
owns = 561 #Calcutta
owns = 667 #Hong Kong
owns = 1028 #Yokoshima
achievement_hard_bargaining = {
id = 248
visible = {
has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
religion_group = muslim
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
is_defender_of_faith = yes
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = propagated_in_five_moluccan_provinces
check_variable = { which = religion_propagated_in_moluccas value = 5 }
achievement_early_modern_warfare = {
id = 249
visible = {
has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
num_of_regiments_at_full_drill = 100
achievement_sworn_fealty = {
id = 250
visible = {
has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
culture_group = turko_semitic
NOT = { primary_culture = turkish }
government = tribal_federation
happened = {
tag = ARB
tribal_allegiance = 100
achievement_parisian_pasha = {
id = 251
visible = {
government = ottoman_government
has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
possible = {
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_id = 183
has_pasha = no
happened = {
183 = {
has_pasha = yes
achievement_multiculturalism = {
id = 252
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
happened = {
num_of_different_religions_in_court = 4
num_of_different_cultures_in_court = 4
achievement_narcissism = {
id = 253
visible = {
has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
any_army = {
general_with_steam_name = yes
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = general_with_steam_name_won_battle_tt
has_country_flag = general_with_steam_name_won_battle
achievement_levant_turnabout = {
id = 254
visible = {
has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
tag = MAM
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 149
province_id = 151
province_id = 317
province_id = 326
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
happened = {
army_professionalism = 1
NOT = { exists = TUR }
owns_core_province = 149 #Edirne
owns_core_province = 151 #Constantinople
owns_core_province = 317 #Hudavendigar
owns_core_province = 326 #Ankara
achievement_cowardly_tactics = {
id = 255
visible = {
has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
happened = {
any_owned_province = {
has_terrain = mountain
has_supply_depot = ROOT
controlled_by = ROOT
trade_goods = livestock
fort_level = 2
achievement_home_and_away = {
id = 256
visible = {
OR = {
owns = 373 # Dublin
owns = 241 # Cardiff
owns = 248 # Edinburgh
owns = 118 # Rome
owns = 183 # Paris
owns = 236 # London
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 373
province_id = 241
province_id = 248
province_id = 118
province_id = 183
province_id = 236
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
owns = 373 # Dublin
owns = 241 # Cardiff
owns = 248 # Edinburgh
owns = 118 # Rome
owns = 183 # Paris
owns = 236 # London
tag = WLS
achievement_sleepless_in_seattle = {
id = 257
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = coffee
happened = {
coffee = 10
capital = 2485 # Chehalis
achievement_sun_invasion = {
id = 258
visible = {
tag = MAS
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
province_id = 2628
province_id = 852
province_id = 2626
province_id = 853
OR = {
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
happened = {
owns_core_province = 2628 # Tepeacac
owns_core_province = 852 # Mexico
owns_core_province = 2626 # Tullucan
owns_core_province = 853 # Huastec
tag = MAS
achievement_empire_of_mann = {
id = 259
possible = {
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
is_random_new_world = no
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
provinces_to_highlight = {
province_is_on_an_island = yes
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
tag = KOI
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = island_provinces_tooltip
owns_all_islands = yes
achievement_dude_where_s_my_boat = {
id = 260
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rule Britannia"
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
happened = {
num_of_captured_ships_with_boarding_doctrine = 20
achievement_industrial_powerhouse = {
id = 261
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rule Britannia"
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
provinces_to_highlight = {
trade_goods = coal
NOT = { has_building = furnace }
owned_by = ROOT
happened = {
furnace = 10
achievement_chop_chop = {
id = 262
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rule Britannia"
has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = chop_chop.tooltip
num_of_consorts = 6
achievement_bright_spark = {
id = 263
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rule Britannia"
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 2 }
NOT = { nation_designer_points = 202 }
happened = {
innovativeness = 50
achievement_anglophile = {
id = 264
visible = {
has_dlc = "Rule Britannia"
culture_group = british
is_random_new_world = no
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
is_random_new_world = no
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
culture_group = british
happened = {
custom_trigger_tooltip = {
tooltip = anglophile.tooltip
mission_completed = eng_mighty_army
mission_completed = conquer_ireland
mission_completed = conquer_scotland
mission_completed = eng_war_france
mission_completed = eng_reclaim_arm_paris
mission_completed = vassalize_france
mission_completed = eng_discover_america_caribbean
mission_completed = english_colony_in_north_america
mission_completed = english_colony_in_the_carribean
mission_completed = england_discovers_india
mission_completed = england_discovers_australia
mission_completed = eng_mighty_navy
mission_completed = eng_rb_take_gibraltar
mission_completed = eng_rb_take_baleares
mission_completed = eng_rb_take_mediterranean_islands
mission_completed = eng_rb_take_delta
mission_completed = eng_rb_take_bahari
mission_completed = eng_rb_war_of_roses
mission_completed = eng_rb_control_state_religion
mission_completed = eng_rb_empire_status
mission_completed = eng_rb_conquer_burgundy
mission_completed = eng_rb_canada
mission_completed = eng_rb_trade_value
mission_completed = eng_rb_universities
mission_completed = eng_rb_coal
mission_completed = eng_rb_furnaces
mission_completed = eng_rb_brittany
mission_completed = eng_rb_angevin
mission_completed = eng_rb_hre_electors
mission_completed = eng_rb_hre_emperor
mission_completed = eng_rb_spice_islands
mission_completed = gbr_rb_india_landfall
mission_completed = gbr_rb_india_coast
mission_completed = gbr_rb_india_landgrab
mission_completed = gbr_rb_india_princedoms
mission_completed = eng_rb_take_shetland_and_faro_isles
mission_completed = eng_rb_greenland
mission_completed = eng_rb_own_thirteen_colonies
mission_completed = eng_establish_trade_in_home_cot_gb
mission_completed = eng_hanseatic_one
mission_completed = eng_hanseatic_two
achievement_philippine_tiger = {
id = 265
visible = {
tag = CEB
possible = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
normal_province_values = yes
ironman = yes
start_date = 1444.11.11
NOT = { num_of_custom_nations = 1 }
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
region = coromandel_region
area = kerala_area
area = mysore_area
area = rayalaseema_area
area = orissa_area
area = west_bengal_area
area = east_bengal_area
area = arakan_area
area = lower_burma_area
area = north_tenasserim_area
area = tenasserim_area
area = malaya_area
area = malacca_area
area = central_thai_area
area = kalimantan_area
area = north_sumatra_area
area = batak_area
area = minangkabau_area
area = west_java_area
area = south_sumatra_area
province_id = 604
province_id = 2029
province_id = 2380
province_id = 2379
province_id = 2377
province_id = 2376
NOT = { country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT }
happened = {
coromandel_region = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
kerala_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
mysore_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
rayalaseema_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
orissa_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
west_bengal_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
east_bengal_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
arakan_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
lower_burma_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
north_tenasserim_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
tenasserim_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
malaya_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
malacca_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
central_thai_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
kalimantan_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
north_sumatra_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
batak_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
minangkabau_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
west_java_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
south_sumatra_area = {
type = all
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
2379 = {
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
604 = {
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
2380 = {
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
2376 = {
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
2377 = {
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
2029 = {
country_or_non_sovereign_subject_holds = ROOT
tag = CEB
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