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Технические проблемы Crusader Kings 2

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Если ваш вопрос уже затерялся в недрах темы, а ответа так и нет - не надо задавать его повторно, просто напишите нам.




Системные требования, указанные на официальном сайте


  • Windows XP/Vista/7 64-bit,
  • Intel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+,
  • 2 GB RAM,
  • 2 GB free hard drive space,
  • NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900 video card,
  • Direct X-compatible sound card,
  • DirectX 9,
  • 3-button mouse,
  • keyboard,
  • speakers,
  • Internet connection for multiplayer MULTIPLAYER UP TO 32 PLAYERS.


  • Mac OS X 10.9 or later,
  • Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor (2GHz or better),
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM,
  • Hard Disk Space: 2 GB,
  • Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 6750 / NVIDIA GeForce 320 / NVIDIA GeForce 9600 or higher,
  • Peripherals: Mouse, keyboard,


  • Ubuntu 14.4 LTS,
  • Processor: Intel PentiumR IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+,
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM,
  • Hard Disk Space: 2 GB,
  • Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 6750 / NVIDIA GeForce 320 / NVIDIA GeForce > 9600 or higher, 1024MB graphics memory required,
  • Peripherals: Mouse, keyboard,




Технические вопросы

  1. Разархивировать файлы мода в папку [Мои документы]\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\ . Если в [Мои документы]\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\ папки mod\ нет, то создать. В папку [Папка с установленной игрой]\mod\ ставить моды крайне не желательно, так как некоторые оттуда работают, а некоторые (большие моды) откровенно глючат.
  2. Запустить лаунчер ck2game.exe
  3. Переключиться на вкладку Mod.
  4. Поставить галочку напротив выбранного мода.





Обновить драйвера ATIhttp://support.amd.com/ru-ru/download ,

или обновить драйвера NVidiahttp://www.nvidia.ru/Download/index.aspx?lang=ru

Обновить directXhttps://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/179113

Обновить vcredist x86https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=5555

Обновить vcredist x64https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=14632

Обновить .NET Framework 2https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=1639

Обновить .NET Framework 4https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=17851



Переустановить vcredist.



Переустановить DirectX.



Редактируйте файл настроек вручную: C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\settings.txt

Здесь и далее username - ваше имя пользователя.

В первую очередь начать стоит с отключения деревьев. Заменить "draw_trees=yes" на "draw_trees=no" (без кавычек).

Обладатели лицензии могут почитать эту тему (на английском, требуется ключ от игры для доступа). Там собраны моды, сильно упрощающие графику.



В настройках игры - Документы\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\settings.txt - проверьте и замените значения в указанных строках:


	draw_terrain=yes	   # отображение текстуры земли
	draw_water=yes		 # отображение водной поверхности
	draw_borders=yes	   # отображение границ, при отключении становится грустно
	draw_trees=no		  # леса
	draw_rivers=yes		# реки (не судоходные); лучше не отключать
	draw_postfx=no		 # постобработка (в том числе улучшенное освещение)
	draw_sky=no			# облака (и отражение в воде)
	draw_bloom=no		  # подсветка отражающих поверхностей
	draw_tooltips=yes	  # всплывающие сообщения-подсказки при наведении и маркер мини-карты; лучше не отключать
	draw_hires_terrain=no  # текстуры земли высокого разрешения (качественного отображения на больших мониторах); для нормальной работы требуется современная видеокарта с высокой производительностью
	draw_citysprawl=no	 # смена представления поселений в провинции с россыпи домиков (yes) на тип столицы провинции (no)

low_res_textures=yes # текстуры низкого разрешения (на больших мониторах\разрешениях смотрится немного размыто)

В целях оптимизации допустимо отключение лесов (деревьев), постобработки, облаков и блошиного рынка (домиков). Сжатые текстуры обязательны.

Блум и высококачественные текстуры по умолчанию отключены.



C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II

Удаляем всё, кроме сейвов и скриншотов.



Идём в папку C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II. Удаляем там папки interface и gfx, меняем в файле settings.txt настройки графики на следующие строки:


Запускаем игру. Если всё будет в порядке, то можно вернуть назад ваше разрешение/фулскрин.

Если чистка кэша не помогает, причина может быть в том, что при моддинге вы забыли добавить новому владению собственный герб.


У кого глючит гербы после обновления делаем следующее: заходим в папку с игрой, находим interface, там ищем coat_of_arms.txt, в текстовом файле находим

texture = {
	file = "gfx\\coats_of_arms\\dynasties.tga"
	size = { x = 16 y = 4 }

в графе size меняем на size = { x = 51 y = 1 }, сто процентов все исправляет.



В папке с игрой идете в gfx\flags и смотрите, не стоят ли монголы-королевства, вместо империй. Должны быть e_timurids и т.д. Если k_timurids, переименовываете и проверяете.

  • k_il-khanate.tga -> e_il-khanate.tga
  • k_timurids.tga -> e_timurids.tga
  • k_golden_horde.tga -> e_golden_horde.tga



Почти наверняка необходимо обновить драйвера видеокарты.

Попробуйте фикс для гербов государств. Если не помогло, то сначала читаем это сообщение, потом спойлер "У меня ничего не работает, с чего начать?" в шапке.


  • Попробуйте изменить настройки гаммы из меню игры.
  • Удалите файл с настройками - settings.txt (C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II)
  • Попробуйте установить последнюю версию драйвера для видеокарты.
  • Попробуйте полностью переустановить игру.

Если ничего из вышеперечисленного не помогло, то скачайте архив, разархивируйте и скопируйте содержащийся в нем файл в папку gfx\FX с перезаписью. Обладатели лицензии могут также найти его на форуме Парадоксов.



Коды для консоли собраны в этой теме, различные эксплойты и абуз игровой механики тут (часть описанного может уже не работать из-за исправлений последних патчей).



В ОС Windows 7 папка save games находится по адресу:

C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II

Если нужного сейва там нет, - проверьте находящиеся там папки модов. Он сохранен там.

Если Вы планируете выложить сейв на форум, он отлично сжимается WinRar. К примеру, при максимальном сжатии я получил 7,4% от размера оригинала.



Нажмите F11 для скриншота экрана. Скриншоты сохраняются всё в той же папке - C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II



Зайдите в папку с установленной игрой (туда, где находятся исполняемые файлы). Для обладателей лицензии, купленной в Steam, это папка ...\Steam\steamapps\common\crusader kings ii

Создайте там текстовый файл userdir.txt со следующим содержанием:


Где D:\Miscellaneous\CK2stuff\ - желаемый путь хранения этой большой папки.

ВАЖНО! Не забудьте перед удалением папки из документов скопировать необходимые сохранения/скриншоты в новую папку.



В файле settings.txt (C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II) найти строку Fullscreen = no и заменить на Fullscreen = yes



Любые, начиная с 1024 пикселя по горизонтали и 768 пикселей по вертикали. При этом частота обновления экрана должна превышать 50Hz. Так что можно поставить нужное вам вручную.

В файле settings.txt (C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II) ищете строки


И меняете на нужные.

Если поставить значения, меньшие минимальных, то игра запустится всё равно в 1024*768.



Что-то вроде "installing for the first time, c++ etc".

Чтобы от него избавиться, необходимо удалить файл installscript.vdf в папке с игрой.





С 1630 по 1641, TCP и UDP.



Вы можете выбрать версию игры в Стиме. Нажмите правой кнопкой на Crusader Kings 2 в своей «Библиотеке Стима», выберите пункт меню «Свойства», там найдите вкладку «Бета-версии». В выпадающем списке выберите нужную версию и нажмите ОК — ключ для доступа к бета-версии не потребуется.




Скорее всего это из-за шифрования, введенного в патче 2.1 для того, чтобы файлы сохранения занимали меньше места на компьютере. Если вам необходимо что-либо отредактировать, наиболее простой способ это сделать — загрузить игру и сохраниться ещё раз, сняв галочку под списком сохранений. После этого вы сможете отредактировать нужное без необходимости извлекать файл программами и прочих ухищрений.



Рецепт знаком многим игрокам, кто играет или играл в моды для Mount & Blade Warband.

Подходит для операционных систем Vista или Win7 32 bit, там стоит ограничение на использование приложением оперативной памяти, даже если её в избытке. Возможный вариант решения проблемы с сохранениями для Windows XP x32 расписывается здесь.


Снимается/решается так:

Работает только с правами администратора.

В меню Пуск -> Выполнить, введите cmd и нажмите клавишу ВВОД.

В командной строке введите "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2990" без кавычек и нажмите клавишу ВВОД. Перезагрузка.


Возврат к исходным настройкам производится так.

Все вышеперечисленное для пунктов выше. Меняем только строчки.

Для вин 7 и Виста.

Введите "bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVA" без кавычек. Ввод. Перезагрузка.


Еще один вариант:

1. ПКМ по Мой Компьютер --> Свойства --> Дополнительно --> Загрузка и Восстановление --> Параметры --> Правка.

2. К строке

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

дописываем /3GB /USERVA=2990

3. В итоге у нас получается вот такая вот строка:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /3GB /USERVA=2990

4. Сохраняем изменения и перезагружаем компьютер.




Всем зарегистрированным пользователям на заметку: чтобы решить техническую проблему, рекомендуется строго последовать установленному шаблону.

  1. Операционная система. Вкратце расписать железо вашей системы. Обязательны сведения о процессоре, видеокарте, количестве оперативной памяти. Остальное по желанию, но чем подробнее, тем лучше. Если вы сразу скажете, что у вас два монитора, то это поможет побыстрее решить проблему.
  2. Версия игры. (Наименование, версия мода) - в том случае, если запускаете игру с какой-либо модификацией.
  3. Скопировать технический код ошибки из файла error.log. (Путь: Мои документы\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\logs\). Рекомендация, если логи не содержат технического кода ошибки, то скопируйте из Журнала событий Windows XP(7), путь - Пуск\Панель управления\Все элементы панели управления\Администрирование\Управление компьютером\Журналы Windows\Приложение.
  4. Описать ошибку.

Заранее спасибо.


Изменено пользователем Alex de Kler
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Купил CK 2 в Стиме, сам играю на Macе (не советаю покупать для геймплэя) возникла проблема при загрузке флагов, до этого играл нормально, сейчас вылетает, игру переустанавливал, в идеале все должно работать нормально, почему возник такой баг не понимаю, если есть решение проблемы прошу отписаться :rolleyes:

Process: ck2 [546]

Path: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/ck2.app/Contents/MacOS/ck2

Identifier: ???

Version: ??? (???)

Code Type: X86 (Native)

Parent Process: launchd [139]

Responsible: ck2 [546]

User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2014-08-03 22:25:04.953 +1000

OS Version: Mac OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)

Report Version: 11

Anonymous UUID: C084051D-48C5-5526-979C-B83480A5DC9C

Crashed Thread: 0 MainThrd Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:

abort() called

terminating with uncaught exception of type CFileException

Thread 0 Crashed:: MainThrd Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x92bc5952 __pthread_kill + 10

1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x93792167 pthread_kill + 101

2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x92b7829c abort + 155

3 libc++abi.dylib 0x96d846c9 abort_message + 169

4 libc++abi.dylib 0x96da5499 default_terminate_handler() + 292

5 libc++abi.dylib 0x96da2c30 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 14

6 libc++abi.dylib 0x96da264b __cxa_throw + 116

7 0x00fd44ad CArchiveFile::CArchiveFile(CString const&, EFileType, bool, CString const&, bool) + 1027

8 0x00fd40a4 CArchiveFile::CArchiveFile(CString const&, EFileType, bool, CString const&, bool) + 54

9 0x0058c5f7 CFlagTexturemap::CreateTexturesFromDisc(CString const&, CTitleDatabase*, CEU3Graphics&) + 14315

10 0x004af58b CEU3Graphics::LoadFlagTextures() + 115

11 0x0029532e CCKApplication::InitGame() + 3718

12 0x00290093 CCKApplication::Init() + 463

13 0x006afd06 main + 14949

14 0x00006965 start + 53

Thread 1:

0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x92bc6046 __workq_kernreturn + 10

1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x93792dcf _pthread_wqthread + 372

2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x93796cce start_wqthread + 30

Thread 2:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager

0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x92bc6992 kevent64 + 10

1 libdispatch.dylib 0x9b676899 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 238

2 libdispatch.dylib 0x9b676532 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52


Изменено пользователем kerlin
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Всем привет ;)

Кто-нибудь знает как побороть проблему с ошибкой "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library", вышибает из игры бывает и при сохранении, раньше никогда такого не было.. помогите ^_^

Версия стимовская 2.1.5, переустанавливал, Microsoft Visual C++ обновлял, драва тоже, что ещё сделать то можно??? :mad: Я уже отчаялся :020:

Изменено пользователем Dragtar
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Исчезают армии! :001: см. под спойлером:

ОписаниеНажмите здесь!






Значит следующее: веду осаду, на календаре 7 октября, армии в полном составе (1 и 2 картинки). Доходит дело до 13 ноября - никто не нападал, раз - и исчезает часть армий (3 и 4 картинки).

Пробовал перегружать ( 7 октября как раз случайно сделал сейв) - происходит то же самое, но в в разных вариациях, т.е. армии пропадают в разные числа - 4, 7, 10 и т.д. ноября. И в одном случае исчезла лишь нижняя армия.

Денег полно, так что это не объясняет.

Что за нафиг?

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Могу предположить что у вас с вассалами напряжённые отношения, вот они армию и отзывают, но это лишь моя точка зрения, я не знаю точно

Изменено пользователем Demanion
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Могу предположить что у вас с вассалами напряжённые отношения, вот они армию и отзывают, но это лишь моя точка зрения, я не знаю точно

Нет, это не вассальные армии, а наемники (денег ок. 800 золотых). К тому же вассалы отзывают когда начинают восстания, а у меня со всеми отношения > 50.

Изменено пользователем Breton
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Нет, это не вассальные армии, а наемники (денег ок. 800 золотых). К тому же вассалы отзывают когда начинают восстания, а у меня со всеми отношения > 50.

Дак может наёмники завассализированы и их отзывают?Хотя я не знаю может такое быть или нет

Помогите, игра стала вылетать с Runtime error. Даже не знаю что делать

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser
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Исчезают армии!

Ну вот, очередная перезагрузка не помогла. На это раз исчезли 10 ноября, два отряда наемников.

Кто знает - может в Раджах есть какой-то лимит на время призыва наемников? Т.е. раньше можно было призвать отряд и идти с ним всю игру до конца. А здесь может они автоматически отзываются обратно по истечении какого-то срока?

Изменено пользователем Breton
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Помогите, игра стала вылетать с Runtime error. Даже не знаю что делать

Эхх :(

Изменено пользователем Dragtar
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Ну вот, очередная перезагрузка не помогла. На это раз исчезли 10 ноября, два отряда наемников.

Кто знает - может в Раджах есть какой-то лимит на время призыва наемников? Т.е. раньше можно было призвать отряд и идти с ним всю игру до конца. А здесь может они автоматически отзываются обратно по истечении какого-то срока?

Да вроде нет лимита, помню наёмники лет 15 были у меня, ибо воевал много и не распускались

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Еще одна неприятность появилась. Внезапно многие персонажи стали получать одну и ту же фамилию "Тэсэней", хотя однофамильцы не редкость. Но потом оказалось что капитаны всех наемник "переписались" под эту же фамилию. Не очень красиво, ну да ладно. Но теперь вот у испанского герцога Тэсэней вдруг в наследники прописался какой-то индиец с другого конца света но все с той же фамилией Тэсэней. Оба они без отца и матери (т.е. сгенерированные персонажи) но игра их почему-то сочла родственниками.

Что происходит? Кто сталкивался с подобным?

PS: и что самое странное - в сейве значится всего один Тэсэней, какой-то эфиопский граф. ФАК :001:

Изменено пользователем Breton
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Подскажите, пожалуйста, где ещё могут находиться сэйвы игры, кроме "Библиотеки/Документы/Paradox Interactive/СK II/save games ?

Проблема такая: версия 2.16, при сохранении там нужно отмечать галочкой режим сохранения или что-то такое. Тогда сэйв отправляется в папку (см. выше). Если не нажата галочка, сэйв отправляется незнамо куды. Где его искать?

Игра лицензионная, запуск через стим. Спасибо.

Ссылка на комментарий

Подскажите, пожалуйста, где ещё могут находиться сэйвы игры, кроме "Библиотеки/Документы/Paradox Interactive/СK II/save games ?

Проблема такая: версия 2.16, при сохранении там нужно отмечать галочкой режим сохранения или что-то такое. Тогда сэйв отправляется в папку (см. выше). Если не нажата галочка, сэйв отправляется незнамо куды. Где его искать?

Игра лицензионная, запуск через стим. Спасибо.

Могу предположить что ты сохраняешься в облаке

Ссылка на комментарий

Могу предположить что ты сохраняешься в облаке

А как мне посмотреть?

Ссылка на комментарий

А как мне посмотреть?

А вот это я не знаю)Я там не сохраняюсь

Ссылка на комментарий

Не заходит в игру вообще, идет загрузка, доходит до загрузки текстур и вылетает просто как закрытие программы, раньше все работало, версия 2.1.6, с любыми ДЛС и модами так делает и без них, хочется сыграть что делать то :(

Вот лог ошибки :( длинный такойНажмите здесь!
 [instanttextboxtype.cpp:92]: Not used, use maxWidth and maxHeight file: launcher/interface/main.gui line: 73

[instanttextboxtype.cpp:92]: Not used, use maxWidth and maxHeight file: launcher/interface/main.gui line: 90

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 423

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 423

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 439

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 439

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 455

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 455

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 471

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 471

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 487

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 487

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8512

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8512

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8513

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8519

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8520

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8522

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: custom_tooltip, near line: 8526

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8597

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8601

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8601

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8602

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8604

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8605

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8608

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8612

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8612

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8613

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8617

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8618

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8620

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8621

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8624

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8625

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8628

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8632

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8632

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8633

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8635

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: end_war, near line: 8636

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8636

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8640

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8640

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8644

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8644

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8648

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8648

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8652

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8652

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 8656

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8656

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 5077

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5089

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 5090

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5101

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: d_the_wall, near line: 5105

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5116

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 5120

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5126

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 5130

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5130

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 5132

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5153

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 5155

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5349

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 5350

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5352

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 5353

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5355

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 5359

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5361

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 5362

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5364

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 5368

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5368

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 5369

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5375

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 5376

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5378

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5382

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5382

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5386

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5386

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5390

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5390

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5394

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5394

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5399

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5399

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: modifier, near line: 5401

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5408

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 5411

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5411

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 6760

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6830

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 6838

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6841

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 6842

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6845

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 6847

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6849

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 6850

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6866

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 6870

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6870

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 6871

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6896

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 6897

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6900

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 6901

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6904

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 6908

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6910

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6914

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6914

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6918

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6918

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6922

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6922

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6926

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6926

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 6929

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6929

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7192

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7192

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: k_north, near line: 7193

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7193

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7194

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7218

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7219

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7257

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7258

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7274

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7275

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7275

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 7276

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7278

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 7279

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7281

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7282

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7311

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7315

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7315

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7319

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7319

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7323

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7323

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7327

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7327

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 7331

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7331

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7410

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7437

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded, near line: 7439

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7439

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7441

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7447

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 7448

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7452

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 7453

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7457

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 7459

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7461

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7463

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7573

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7574

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7590

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7594

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7594

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7595

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7603

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 7604

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7608

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 7609

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7612

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7613

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7701

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7702

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7716

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7720

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7722

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7726

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7726

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7730

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7730

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7734

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7734

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7738

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7738

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 7742

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7742

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 7763

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7763

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: title, near line: 7767

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7767

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: e_iron_throne, near line: 7771

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7775

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: set_character_flag, near line: 7779

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7779

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_sibling, near line: 7780

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7788

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7789

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7794

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7798

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7798

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7799

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7837

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: e_iron_throne, near line: 7839

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7919

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: e_iron_throne, near line: 7921

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8369

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8370

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8442

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 8443

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8455

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 8456

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8460

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 8461

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8464

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8466

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8468

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 8472

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8472

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8473

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8482

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8483

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8531

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8532

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8574

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8575

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8591

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8592

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8685

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8686

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8706

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8707

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8759

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8760

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8763

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8764

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8767

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 8768

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8808

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8812

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8839

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8843

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8843

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8847

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8847

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8851

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8851

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8855

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8855

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 8860

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8860

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 704

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 704

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 705

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 705

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: EMPEROR, near line: 706

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 706

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: empire_none, near line: 707

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 707

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 1228

" in file: "decisions/demesne_laws.txt" near line: 1228

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: EMPEROR, near line: 1228

" in file: "decisions/demesne_laws.txt" near line: 1228

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: BARON, near line: 1229

" in file: "decisions/demesne_laws.txt" near line: 1229

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 39

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 40

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: donated_to_holy_order, near line: 41

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 46

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 47

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 47

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: donated_to_holy_order, near line: 47

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 47

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 16

" in file: "decisions/iron_throne_decisions.txt" near line: 16

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no, near line: 16

" in file: "decisions/iron_throne_decisions.txt" near line: 16

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 8

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 8

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: ROOT, near line: 8

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 8

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 10

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 10

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no, near line: 11

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 11

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 12

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 12

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: joined_independance_war, near line: 12

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 12

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: post_civil_war_wars, near line: 13

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 13

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: supporting_king, near line: 14

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 14

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: neutral, near line: 15

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 15

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: against_king, near line: 16

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 16

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: rebel_leader, near line: 17

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 17

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no_kingship, near line: 19

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 19

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: empire_none, near line: 20

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 20

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 114

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 114

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 115

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 115

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 116

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: hbuild3, near line: 116

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no, near line: 117

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 117

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 47

" in file: "decisions/religious_decisions.txt" near line: 47

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 48

" in file: "decisions/religious_decisions.txt" near line: 48

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: ROOT, near line: 48

" in file: "decisions/religious_decisions.txt" near line: 48

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 395

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 395

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 400

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 400

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 401

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 401

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: d_kingsguard, near line: 402

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 402

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: kingsguard, near line: 406

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 406

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 409

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 409

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 410

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 410

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: d_kingsguard, near line: 410

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 410

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: nightswatch, near line: 421

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 421

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: spouse, near line: 422

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 422

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 423

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 423

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: nightswatch.20, near line: 423

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 423

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 51

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 52

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 52

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: empire_e_westerlands, near line: 52

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 52

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1200006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1200008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1200009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1300005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 249 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 249 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100013 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100027 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100026 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100027 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100026 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100027 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100029 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100032 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900024 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900025 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900026 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2700023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900303 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900303 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 12 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 12 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 11 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70071 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70073 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37351 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37004 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3100008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900938 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500010 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900938 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900940 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900940 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900903 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 100 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500063 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 100 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 50020 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800203 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800202 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 45200001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000101 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000101 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770017 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770019 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770039 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770040 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770030 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770501 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4200020 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4200020 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 64017 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900018 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4500016 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61225 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61226 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61228 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61229 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5500202 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2500900 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 301 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 251102 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 251102 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5552801 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5900016 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70067 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70068 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70071 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70073 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900012 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900013 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 38257 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 38314 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7201201 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 250282 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 250283 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 250283 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63073 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63074 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63075 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63077 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63079 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63080 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63181 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63182 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900999 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900902 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900940 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900903 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999909910 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900938 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900944 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900945 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999901945 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900950 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900970 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900951 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900961 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 38264 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900952 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900953 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900953 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900954 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900954 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900953 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900954 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900971 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900976 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900977 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900978 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 8000021 41. Already exists in game.

[texturehandler.cpp:181]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//coats_of_arms//dynasties2.tga.

[texturehandler.cpp:181]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//coats_of_arms//dynasties3.tga.

Ссылка на комментарий

Millenarian Emperor
Не заходит в игру вообще, идет загрузка, доходит до загрузки текстур и вылетает просто как закрытие программы, раньше все работало, версия 2.1.6, с любыми ДЛС и модами так делает и без них, хочется сыграть что делать то :(
Вот лог ошибки :( длинный такойНажмите здесь!
 [instanttextboxtype.cpp:92]: Not used, use maxWidth and maxHeight file: launcher/interface/main.gui line: 73

[instanttextboxtype.cpp:92]: Not used, use maxWidth and maxHeight file: launcher/interface/main.gui line: 90

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 423

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 423

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 439

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 439

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 455

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 455

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 471

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 471

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 487

" in file: "common/traits/zz_ver_0.3.3_traits.txt" near line: 487

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8512

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8512

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8513

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8519

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8520

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8522

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: custom_tooltip, near line: 8526

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8597

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8601

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8601

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8602

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8604

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8605

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8608

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8612

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8612

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8613

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8617

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8618

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8620

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8621

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8624

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8625

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8628

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: clr_global_flag, near line: 8632

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8632

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8633

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8635

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: end_war, near line: 8636

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8636

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8640

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8640

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8644

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8644

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8648

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8648

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8652

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8652

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 8656

" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt" near line: 8656

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 5077

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5089

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 5090

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5101

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: d_the_wall, near line: 5105

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5116

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 5120

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5126

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 5130

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5130

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 5132

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5153

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 5155

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5349

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 5350

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5352

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 5353

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5355

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 5359

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5361

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 5362

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5364

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 5368

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5368

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 5369

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5375

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 5376

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5378

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5382

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5382

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5386

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5386

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5390

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5390

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5394

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5394

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 5399

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5399

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: modifier, near line: 5401

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5408

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 5411

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 5411

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 6760

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6830

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 6838

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6841

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 6842

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6845

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 6847

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6849

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 6850

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6866

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 6870

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6870

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 6871

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6896

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 6897

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6900

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 6901

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6904

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 6908

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6910

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6914

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6914

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6918

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6918

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6922

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6922

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 6926

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6926

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 6929

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 6929

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7192

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7192

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: k_north, near line: 7193

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7193

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7194

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7218

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7219

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7257

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7258

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7274

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7275

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7275

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 7276

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7278

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 7279

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7281

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7282

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7311

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7315

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7315

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7319

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7319

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7323

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7323

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7327

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7327

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 7331

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7331

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7410

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7437

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded, near line: 7439

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7439

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7441

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7447

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 7448

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7452

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 7453

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7457

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 7459

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7461

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7463

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7573

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7574

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7590

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7594

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7594

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7595

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7603

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 7604

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7608

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 7609

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7612

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7613

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7701

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 7702

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7716

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 7720

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7722

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7726

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7726

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7730

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7730

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7734

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7734

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 7738

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7738

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 7742

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7742

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 7763

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7763

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: title, near line: 7767

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7767

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: e_iron_throne, near line: 7771

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7775

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: set_character_flag, near line: 7779

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7779

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_sibling, near line: 7780

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7788

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7789

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7794

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7798

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7798

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 7799

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7837

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: e_iron_throne, near line: 7839

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 7919

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: e_iron_throne, near line: 7921

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8369

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8370

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8442

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 8443

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8455

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 8456

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8460

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_attacker, near line: 8461

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8464

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: FROM, near line: 8466

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8468

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 8472

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8472

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: ROOT, near line: 8473

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8482

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8483

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8531

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8532

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8574

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8575

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8591

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8592

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8685

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8686

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8706

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8707

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8759

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8760

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8763

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: any_defender, near line: 8764

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8767

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: hidden_tooltip, near line: 8768

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8808

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: if, near line: 8812

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8839

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8843

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8843

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8847

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8847

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8851

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8851

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: factor, near line: 8855

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8855

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Unexpected token: =, near line: 8860

" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 8860

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 704

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 704

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 705

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 705

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: EMPEROR, near line: 706

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 706

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: empire_none, near line: 707

" in file: "decisions/crown_laws.txt" near line: 707

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 1228

" in file: "decisions/demesne_laws.txt" near line: 1228

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: EMPEROR, near line: 1228

" in file: "decisions/demesne_laws.txt" near line: 1228

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: BARON, near line: 1229

" in file: "decisions/demesne_laws.txt" near line: 1229

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 39

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 39

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 40

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 40

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: donated_to_holy_order, near line: 41

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 41

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 46

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 46

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 47

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 47

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: donated_to_holy_order, near line: 47

" in file: "decisions/holy_order_decisions.txt" near line: 47

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 16

" in file: "decisions/iron_throne_decisions.txt" near line: 16

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no, near line: 16

" in file: "decisions/iron_throne_decisions.txt" near line: 16

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 8

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 8

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: ROOT, near line: 8

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 8

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 10

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 10

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no, near line: 11

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 11

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 12

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 12

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: joined_independance_war, near line: 12

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 12

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: post_civil_war_wars, near line: 13

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 13

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: supporting_king, near line: 14

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 14

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: neutral, near line: 15

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 15

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: against_king, near line: 16

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 16

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: rebel_leader, near line: 17

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 17

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no_kingship, near line: 19

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 19

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: empire_none, near line: 20

" in file: "decisions/kingship_decisions.txt" near line: 20

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 114

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 114

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 115

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 115

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 116

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: hbuild3, near line: 116

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 116

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: no, near line: 117

" in file: "decisions/nightswatch_decisions.txt" near line: 117

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 47

" in file: "decisions/religious_decisions.txt" near line: 47

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 48

" in file: "decisions/religious_decisions.txt" near line: 48

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: ROOT, near line: 48

" in file: "decisions/religious_decisions.txt" near line: 48

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 395

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 395

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 400

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 400

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 401

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 401

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: d_kingsguard, near line: 402

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 402

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: kingsguard, near line: 406

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 406

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 409

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 409

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 410

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 410

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: d_kingsguard, near line: 410

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 410

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: nightswatch, near line: 421

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 421

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: spouse, near line: 422

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 422

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 423

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 423

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: nightswatch.20, near line: 423

" in file: "decisions/vassal_decisions.txt" near line: 423

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 51

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 51

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 52

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: {, near line: 52

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 52

[persistent.cpp:35]: Error: "Malformed token: empire_e_westerlands, near line: 52

" in file: "decisions/westeros_civil_war_decisions.txt" near line: 52

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1200006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1200008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1200009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1300005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 249 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 249 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5556003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100013 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100027 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100026 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100027 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100026 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100027 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100029 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2100032 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900024 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900025 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900026 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2700023 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900303 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900303 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 12 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 22 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 23 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 12 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 11 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70071 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70073 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37351 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37004 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 37003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3100008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900938 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500010 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900938 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900940 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900940 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900903 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 100 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3500063 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 100 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 50020 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800003 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800203 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 20800202 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 45200001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000101 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4000101 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770017 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770019 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770039 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770040 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770030 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7770501 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4200020 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4200020 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 64017 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900018 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4500016 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61225 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61226 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61228 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 61229 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5500202 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2500900 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 301 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 251102 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 251102 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5552801 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5900016 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700002 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6700989 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70067 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70068 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70071 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 70073 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2900001 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900012 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 6900013 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 38257 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 38314 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7201201 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 250282 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 250283 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 250283 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63073 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63074 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63075 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63077 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63078 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63079 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63080 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63181 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 63182 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500005 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500006 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500007 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500008 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7500009 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900999 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900902 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900940 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900903 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999909910 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900922 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900938 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900944 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900945 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999901945 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900950 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900970 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900951 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900961 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 38264 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900952 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900953 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900953 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900954 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900954 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900953 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900954 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900971 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900976 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900977 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 999900978 41. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 8000021 41. Already exists in game.

[texturehandler.cpp:181]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//coats_of_arms//dynasties2.tga.

[texturehandler.cpp:181]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//coats_of_arms//dynasties3.tga.


Переустановите полностью игру.

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Переустановите полностью игру.

Переустановил, спасибо сначало все работало, но к вечеру такая же шняга, не каждый же день переустанавливать :blink:

Ссылка на комментарий

Millenarian Emperor
Переустановил, спасибо сначало все работало, но к вечеру такая же шняга, не каждый же день переустанавливать :blink:

Это странно :blink: , наверно тогда что-то в этом релизе не то или дело в вашей системе уже.

Ссылка на комментарий

Игра с 867 года, без модов, все DLC, последный патч.

На 1079 году игра перестала сохраняться. Автосейв просто выкидывает из игры без каких либо сообщений об ошибке.

Пробовал отключить автосейв, поиграть дальше этой даты. Сохранится не возможно, игра просто не делает сейвов. Т.е. нажимаю на кнопку, процесс сохранения пошёл, и ничего...

Цистил пару раз кэш, не помогло.

В чём проблемма ?

Ссылка на комментарий

Игра с 867 года, без модов, все DLC, последный патч.

На 1079 году игра перестала сохраняться. Автосейв просто выкидывает из игры без каких либо сообщений об ошибке.

Пробовал отключить автосейв, поиграть дальше этой даты. Сохранится не возможно, игра просто не делает сейвов. Т.е. нажимаю на кнопку, процесс сохранения пошёл, и ничего...

Цистил пару раз кэш, не помогло.

В чём проблемма ?

Попробуй решение из шапки.

Ссылка на комментарий

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Здравствуйте Т.к. я человек не самый расторопный, решили пока опубликовать решение для Вашего случая отдельно. Не знаю, интересны ли Вам подробности, но т.к. за темой следят другие люди, например


@Kamulodum проблема найдена. Текст самого кб вторжения ацтеков в новых версиях. Сейчас придумаем как лучше исправить. Уважаемый @Labes Вашу проблему уже решил. Но нужно сразу решить и для тех у к


Так в этом наверное проблема. Ведь обе версии хранят свои данные в папке документы ск2 и они путаются между собой.   А запустить игру напрямую можно файлом CK2game.exe Он там больш


@Влад Из Дома Долгоруховых C:\Users\username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod - удаляешь сам файл с расширением мод и сжатую папку мода. Всё. Но, вообще, можно же и не удалять,


Как правильно сказал Aurelius36 тут прямая дорога на 2.8 К тому же под 2.8 можно найти моды. Если  есть возможность , то советую перейти на Linux(например Q4OS - Debian на нересурсоемкой Trinity


Да, это именно проблемы 64бит версии. Ошибки, которые в логах уже несколько лет у игры есть. Дело не в них. А вот файла exceptions.log который как раз описывает причины вылета в 64бит нет. Там вообще

El Búho

Скачиваешь эту версию с какого-нибудь Pirate Bay, если здесь её нет. Больше ничего делать не надо. Все последующие дополнения просто сломают игру.


Здравствуйте. Минус в том, что с отключением DLC отпала часть механик и ивентов. Дело вкуса, но лично мне проще скрепя сердцем начать новую партию, чем продолжить, но без "части" игры. К счастью

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