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[M&T] MEIOU and Taxes 2.0

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Я доиграл до 1367 года, но время идёт всё ещё очень медленно, иногда подгружая секунд 10 новый месяц. Ситуация исправится или мне идти за новым ПК?:D

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22 часа назад, yukine сказал:

Я доиграл до 1367 года, но время идёт всё ещё очень медленно, иногда подгружая секунд 10 новый месяц. Ситуация исправится или мне идти за новым ПК?:D

В начале партии около 5-10 лет игра будет идти медленно. Надо ж прогрузить все переменные, модификаторы и тд. Потом станет лучше. Но со временем скорость опять начнёт падать, а вылеты участятся (на 1800 годах вылеты могут быть раз в 1-2 года). Если терпеть это нет ни сил ни желания, то можете поставить мод Fast Universalis. Графика будет уже не та, но вылеты будут намного реже.

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Серж Барнаул

Можно ли играть в мод на версии 1.28? И как? Обычным путем вылетает при запуске. 
Не известно ли - работают ли мододелы над адаптацией к новому патчу?

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Версия 2.51 для 1.28 выйдет на этих выходных.

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .



#v2.51 Open Beta

Port to v1.26 (Mughal) patch.

Port to v1.27 (Poland) patch.

Port to v1.28 (Spain) patch.


# Map

Fixes the position of the port of Corinthia.

Fixes the Mozambic coast.

Changes the Senegambia province setup.

Reworked province terrain.

Updated romanisation of Qazaq and Nogay provinces.


# Missions

Adds holy site missions for Muslim nations.

Adds missions for Poland and Lithuania, for Polotsk and Smolensk.

Adds missions for Holland, Gelre, Utrecht, Friesland, Kleves, Flanders, Hainaut, Brabant, Liege, Namur and Luxembourg.

Adds Lower Saxony missions for BRE, LUN, BRU, HIL, LPP, GTG, MUN, OSN, TCK, RAV, PDB, MRK, OLD, HOY, MDN, HAM, FRB, FRD.

Adds Swabian missions to WUR, OET, HOH, AUH, FUR, BAD, FRE, ULM, RTH, AUG.

Adds Pomeranian and Holsteiner missions to DIT, SHL, LAU, MKL, PWO, PST, PSP, PKA, MST, WRL, FRL, RUP.

Adds Rhenish and Franconian missions to PAL, BRG, KOL, JUL, TRI, NAS, MAI, DCP, STR, NUS, BMB, WBG, HNU, HNU, FAL, WDK, HES, ZIE, FRK, AAC, FRF, FRW, FRS, FST.

Adds Saxony missions to ANH, MFD, MBG, MEI, SAX, SBG, THU, ERF, SCH, REU, HEN, MAG.

Adds Bavarian missions to FRR, NUR, PSS.

Adds Austrian missions to Tirol, Styria, Salzburg.

Adds Swiss missions to Switzerland and Basel.

Adds missions for the Papal States.

Adds missions for Mediterannean Crusaders and Cilician Armenia to become the Eastern or the Latin Roman Empire.

Adds country-specific mission trees for the nations of the Arabian peninsula, Cilician Armenia and Moldovia.

Adds missions for the Maghreb nations.

Review of Brandenburg/Prussian missions.

New descriptions for Generic missions.

Adds localisation to all Colonisation missions.

Adds missing mission description for Rome.

Africa missions (slave trade, modernisation and wealth) now set to slot 8.

Adds missions for Cornwall, courtesy of lreheart.



Any independent or tributary tag which has "Losing Popular Support" modifier, but neither has a capital in China nor claims the Mandate will lose the modifier on Bi-yearly recalculation.

Made Yuan degeneration event applicable to all tags of Mongolic and Tungusic culture groups.

Chinese Empires with Territorial Princes will no longer be able to annex their Military Commissions through normal means.

Territorial Princes will now receive religion of their overlord at the beginning.

Reaffirm Emperorship decision will no longer be available if any tag with Red Turban Rebel flag is present in the game.

In the rare case of Chinese Empire changing dynasty due to heir dying during consort regency the Empire will get an option to change name, lose 50 Mandate and all Military Commissions will declare independence.

Losing control of capital will decrease the Mandate by 50.

Decreased the impact of devastation on Mandate from -5 to -2.

Japan will be granted cores on provinces being given up by Shugo only if they lay in Japanese Islands or were cored by Shugo.

All daimyo receive a malus to Trade range, limiting them only to Japan nodes at the game start.

Tandai and Kanrei get a bonus to trade range.

Denounce Shogunate decision can now be also taken when the number of provinces owned by a subject is equal or bigger than Shogun's.

Becoming Emperor of Japan as Shogun is a one-time chance only. Once player back downs it will no longer be possible to rise to the throne again.

Lowered the MP cost of all Japanese decisions from 500 to 200.

Player always has access to Denounce Shogunate decisions which sets him free.

HEE event about Queen Jeongsun for Joseon will now add her as a consort if player owns Rights of Man.



Added system to mass build Forts, Roads and Canals.

Reworked the AI.

Optimises DG minority modifier assignments.

Optimise POP using the regiongroup = { region = {} } syntax.

Purges constant faction adjustment system.

Reworks 'heathen temples' events and setup.

Adds corruption to centralization, until we have bureaucracy corruption.

Nation formation rewards in missions now optional (apart from the Bretagne, the Castile and the Sweden civil wars).

Removes decisions for nation formations that were moved to missions.

Removed the Estate Menu, as Estates are now a Basegame feature.

Changed Threashhold of the Italien power system.



Tweaked POP Data for non Soviet Europe, Afghanistan and Ferghana.

Adds new province group & province names for the Roman Empire.

Use Turkman primary culture for Eretna.

Minor adjustment to Anatolia setup.

Tweaks the country colours of Siena and Naples.

EGY is now primary for Egyptian culture, but can revolt only if cores are on the map.

Removed additional Muslim minorities from Champa before 1500.

Updated and expanded Japanese namlists for all tags and default culture names.



Faction balances.

"r" is now a shortcut for rebel suppression.

Removed the "Spread our religion at court" Decision.

Great Temple construction progress is now shown in the Province Modifier.

There should be longer a ban on offering a royal marriage to Moldavia or Wallachia if the tags change religion.

Rewritten events about Moldavia and Wallachia switching overlords. It will no longer happen unless LD is above 75.

The selection of potential overlord for Moldavia and Wallachia is now dynamic and any neighbouring Christian state with at least 10 cities can be chosen.

Mouth Athos event for Moldavia will only fire if the province Chalcidiki is owned by Non-Orthodox tag and has Great Lavra modifier.

Curta de Arges event for Wallachia will build a temple is Arges if there's none present.

Moving the Seat of Power event for Wallachia will actually move the capital to Bucharest.



Fixes the opinion modifiers in the Castilian Civil War disaster events.

Fixes an issue with event-driven general creation.

Fixes a localisation issue in a Burgundian event

Fixes "divide by zero" error log reports.

War of the Roses will block Great Britain forming again.

A Dutch event had tradition swapped to fix a localisation issue

Fixes the event_target error log reports regaridng vassal integration feature.

Ensures all legitimacy/tradition effects have an effect.

Fixes some bugs with Incan and Aztec empires creation.

Fixes to core and permaclaim assignements on nation formation.

Fixes bug where everything outside of Europe was a potential HRE province.

Offensive War Modifier is now properly removed, if you are only in a defensive War.

Fixes the history files for Morocco.

Fixed Land redistribution event between Poland and Lithuania.

Fixed unbalanced event options in Pragmatic sanction event option.

Fixed errors in Mark Brandenburg event chains.

Fixed Canal localization to not refer to rivers to build canals anymore.

Adds missing event pictures.

Fixes a bug of missing missions for Bearn and Foix.

HRE Title Missions do now also accept higher then reqired Titles.

Adds back East Asian spice trade missions.

Fixes to Florence mission tree, Medici Bank mission now doesn't lead anywhere.

Fixes the absence of country-specific mission tree in Auvergne.

Assemble the Army Mission isnt autocompleted anymore, due to Ottomans or Turkish Empire not being present.

Fixes an issue with missions requiring ownership of SSC provinces.

Fixes the Burgundy mission requiring a truce with Armagnac.

Fixes the Rhine natural border mission of France requiring provinces on the other side of the Rhine.

Countrys without Rulers set up no longer get a duplicate title rank assigned.

Fixed localisation issues with some Chinese events and Korean Startup screen.


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Если только Аи подзаточили


но все же-весть благая

а-ну да еще HRE подштукатурили нехудо

Изменено пользователем formico
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Почему мода нет в стиме?

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3 часа назад, Encelad сказал:

Почему мода нет в стиме?

У Гигау (автор мода) проблемы с загрузкой мода в Стим.

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Серж Барнаул
В 23.12.2018 в 17:49, Encelad сказал:

Почему мода нет в стиме?

Появился. Сейчас вторым в мастерской стоит

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Серж Барнаул



 Первый вопрос по самой игре. Кто может подсказать, в чем отличие апанажа (например, Бургундия по отношению к Франции) от просто вассала? Уже понял, что у апанажей собственные вассалы могут быть (у Бургундии есть вассал)

Изменено пользователем Серж Барнаул
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Ссылку, которую Вы дали, в поисковике не даёт никаких результатов. Выходит лишь надпись "Страница недоступна. Сайт ... не отправил данных"

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А в новой версии мода переделывали богомерзкие нововведения прошлых патчей? Вижу что добавили очень много интересного (в основном, миссий), но очень не хочу играть по правилам новой версии игры (для меня ЕU4 закончилась на версии 1.25.1).

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Эллинизм кто-нибудь брал? Оно того стоит?

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Люди, русификатор есть для этого чуда?


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В 03.01.2019 в 14:30, ilja89 сказал:

Люди, русификатор есть для этого чуда?


Кто-то начинал переводить, но было это давно и скорее всего уже заброшено.

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Серж Барнаул
В 30.12.2018 в 17:56, Dragon13 сказал:

А в новой версии мода переделывали богомерзкие нововведения прошлых патчей?

Реформы правительства, изощренные оскорбления и усиленные подавления мятежей войсками при наличии Дхармы точно есть. Свободные политики тоже есть, что при особенности политик в моде позволяет ставить сразу 3 политики со старта. 

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#v2.51 Open Beta 2

Adjusted the Hungarian and Polish inheritance event chains.

Cultural unrest event now a whole cultural area instead of provinces or random cultures.

Reduces the cost of religious conversion.

Couple of tweaks to the Dai Viet setup.



Lübeck once again able to create trade leagues.

Adjustes republican government reforms max_state malus to not give negative states at game start for some nations.

Moves Hansa missions to the right posisition to not block generic mission tree.

Fixes trigger of Reaffirm emperorship decision for chinese fallen emperors that want to reclaim the throne to also be visible for mandate higher than 50.

Fixes Continent region setup for some provinces on western african coast.

Fixes crash because Pobane province wasn't assigned to an area.

Fixes sweden civil war mission giving double boni. (worked around vanilla issue).

Changes startup strings to take account some changes of government reforms to prevent wrong information.

Fixes province interaction button increasing upper class dev when it is 0.

Dummy Tag does now have restricted Diplomatic Actions.

Italian city states can now make alliances with non-city states.

Fixes the first English national idea.

Fixes an issue with minority events displaying the wrong region.

Fixes the revoking free_city status not actually revoking the status.

Adds missing rewards for Granadan missions.

Almohad is now properly formable (provided one has taken the proper start-up event option).

Miaphysites and Chaldean nations can now form the Eastern Roman Empire.

Fixes a number of issues with the Dummy nation not actually being on the map.

Fixes an issue with elephant units.

Fixes a crash linked to Japanese peace treaty.

Fixes the Byzantine Localization.

Fixes faulty French HYW event.

Fixes AI corruption event beeing visible.

Fixes teutonic unite prussia mission having wrong region requirements.

Fixes the Population values of Krakow province.

Central African and Malagasy tech groups no longer excluded from superiority_primitive wargoal.

Fixes the allowed_provinces for the superiority crusade wargoals.

Fixed AI declaring war on Free cities without calculating emperors strength.

Fixed AI declaring war on trade leagues, while not calculating the strength of the whole trade league.

AI emperors no longer ravage the HRE through conquest wars.

Fixes an issue with imperial city legacy reform.

Fixes an issue with Soqotra rebelliousness.

Fixes a number of script errors preventing events and decisions for Dharma trade_republics.

Made AIs to not count the strength of rebellious vassals.

Fixes some issues with government reforms.

Tweaks the localisation of the State Forest event.


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В 05.01.2019 в 21:52, Серж Барнаул сказал:

Реформы правительства, изощренные оскорбления и усиленные подавления мятежей войсками при наличии Дхармы точно есть. Свободные политики тоже есть, что при особенности политик в моде позволяет ставить сразу 3 политики со старта. 

Странно то, что политики нельзя отменить.

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В 06.01.2019 в 21:34, Razer98K сказал:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Патчноуты (Скрыть)

#v2.51 Open Beta 2

Adjusted the Hungarian and Polish inheritance event chains.

Cultural unrest event now a whole cultural area instead of provinces or random cultures.

Reduces the cost of religious conversion.

Couple of tweaks to the Dai Viet setup.



Lübeck once again able to create trade leagues.

Adjustes republican government reforms max_state malus to not give negative states at game start for some nations.

Moves Hansa missions to the right posisition to not block generic mission tree.

Fixes trigger of Reaffirm emperorship decision for chinese fallen emperors that want to reclaim the throne to also be visible for mandate higher than 50.

Fixes Continent region setup for some provinces on western african coast.

Fixes crash because Pobane province wasn't assigned to an area.

Fixes sweden civil war mission giving double boni. (worked around vanilla issue).

Changes startup strings to take account some changes of government reforms to prevent wrong information.

Fixes province interaction button increasing upper class dev when it is 0.

Dummy Tag does now have restricted Diplomatic Actions.

Italian city states can now make alliances with non-city states.

Fixes the first English national idea.

Fixes an issue with minority events displaying the wrong region.

Fixes the revoking free_city status not actually revoking the status.

Adds missing rewards for Granadan missions.

Almohad is now properly formable (provided one has taken the proper start-up event option).

Miaphysites and Chaldean nations can now form the Eastern Roman Empire.

Fixes a number of issues with the Dummy nation not actually being on the map.

Fixes an issue with elephant units.

Fixes a crash linked to Japanese peace treaty.

Fixes the Byzantine Localization.

Fixes faulty French HYW event.

Fixes AI corruption event beeing visible.

Fixes teutonic unite prussia mission having wrong region requirements.

Fixes the Population values of Krakow province.

Central African and Malagasy tech groups no longer excluded from superiority_primitive wargoal.

Fixes the allowed_provinces for the superiority crusade wargoals.

Fixed AI declaring war on Free cities without calculating emperors strength.

Fixed AI declaring war on trade leagues, while not calculating the strength of the whole trade league.

AI emperors no longer ravage the HRE through conquest wars.

Fixes an issue with imperial city legacy reform.

Fixes an issue with Soqotra rebelliousness.

Fixes a number of script errors preventing events and decisions for Dharma trade_republics.

Made AIs to not count the strength of rebellious vassals.

Fixes some issues with government reforms.

Tweaks the localisation of the State Forest event.


мод чуть оптимизировали или еще хуже? 
колонизации в моде нет? из-за вылетов и тормозов так и не поиграл нормально(

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Где-то можно почитать AARы с этим модом?

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MEIOU and Taxes 2.0 это глобальный мод для ЕУ4, полностью меняющий почти все аспекты игры и расширяющий временные границы с 1356 до 1856 года. Мод добавляет в игру население, центры производства, торг


Вика 3 на подходе, но она будет сделана не Парадоксами 


Дневник №3: Население.    


И завершая тему греко-тюркской Босфорской Империи: 1) с опытом пришло понимание, что разницы за какую из сторон начинать (Сербия,Болгария,Византия, Османы)-нет. Лишь начальные декорации разнятся.


Выпустят 2.6 с небольшими правками и сосредоточатся на 3.0.


Дневник №4 "Война". Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .    


M.E.I.O.U. and Taxes v2.51 Open Beta 8 (d85f)Released forEU4 v1.28.3.0 Spain (3ba8) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.    


Да вот что странно,в сякое фентезийное и альтернативноисторическое  УГ переводят,а  такой шикарный мод никто не хочет.Жалко.

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