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Oxygen Not Included

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Дата выпуска: 30 июля 2019;

Разработчик: Klei Entertainment;
Издатель: Klei Entertainment;
Жанр: Sandbox;
Платформы: РС;
Язык: основные языки мира, включая русский.
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In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony's survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they're not simply surviving, but thriving...

Just make sure you don't forget to breathe.




Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система

ОС: Windows 7 (64 bit)

Процессор: Dual Core 2 GHz

Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ

Видеокарта: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent)

DirectX: Версии 11

Место на диске: 2 GB



Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система



Компания, создавшая такой шедевр как «Don't Starve!», предлагает своим игрокам новое творение под названием «Oxygen Not Included». Суть игры заключается в строительстве колонии в недрах астероида. Игра выполнена в вертикально-двумерном виде и наполнена задорным юмором. Чтобы ваша колония развивалась и не погибла, помимо добычи основных элементов: воды, еды и кислорода, вам предстоит построить множество конструкций, причем делать это нужно, хорошо продумав их расположение.


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@Deadwalk Пишет на уборной и отделителе углерода труба заблокирована. Как ее разблокировать, а-то не работают.

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8 часов назад, Иммануил_Кант сказал:

@Deadwalk Пишет на уборной и отделителе углерода труба заблокирована. Как ее разблокировать, а-то не работают.

эм я не телепат но проверь чтобы у строения трубы были подведены (надеюсь не путаешь водные трубы с газовыми,  знаю знаю просто спросил малоли =)) ) на вход и выход т.е. к примеру если у сортира труба только на вход, а сливная не подведена то работать не будет.  опять же слив должен куда то вести обычно грязную воду сливают либо на гидропонику (орехи растят) либо заводят на очиститель. а от него либо сразу в систему либо сливают в резервуар С чистой водой.

Еще можно накапливать если строишь бассейн для паку но тогда там герметизация нужна иначе всю базу завоняет.


Но если чисто технически то чтобы разблокировать трубу разбираешь кусок трубы и строишь заново (это на тот случай когда неправильно подал содержимой например грязную воду по ошибке подал на вход сортира или ванной). Еще играет роль давление в трубе поэтому чтобы регулировать подачу жидкостей или газов после насоса ставят фильтр давление, а уже от него идет разводка по базе.


У углеродного очистителя тоже две трубы на вход чистая вода, на выходе грязная.


Если это не тот случай тогда нужно больше инфы ну и скрин кинь.

Изменено пользователем Deadwalk
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Только что, Deadwalk сказал:

эм я не телепат но проверь чтобы у строения трубы были подведены (надеюсь не путаешь водные трубы с газовыми,  знаю знаю просто спросил малоли =)) ) на вход и выход т.е. к примеру если у сортира труба только на вход, а сливная не подведена то работать не будет.  опять же слив должен куда то вести обычно грязную воду сливают либо на гидропонику (орехи растят) либо заводят на очиститель. а от него либо сразу в систему либо сливают в резервуар С чистой водой.

Еще можно накапливать если строишь бассейн для паку но тогда там герметизация нужна иначе всю базу завоняет.


Но если чисто технически то чтобы разблокировать трубу разбираешь кусок трубы и строишь заново (это на тот случай когда неправильно подал содержимой например грязную воду по ошибке подал на вход сортира или ванной). Еще играет роль давление в трубе поэтому чтобы регулировать подачу жидкостей или газов после насоса ставят фильтр давление, а уже от него идет разводка по базе.


У углеродного очистителя тоже две трубы на вход чистая вода, на выходе грязная.


Если это не тот случай тогда нужно больше инфы ну и скрин кинь.

В общем, с последнего сообщения - я начинаю третью игру.



в режиме водяная система


в обычном режиме с надписью труба заблокирована




в режиме водяная система два туалета на одной трубе слива и одной трубе подачи


Нижний туалет в обычном режиме


Перестраивать систему труб или разбирать трубу? Если разбирать то где?

Изменено пользователем Иммануил_Кант
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12 минуты назад, Иммануил_Кант сказал:

В общем, с последнего сообщения - я начинаю третью игру.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. скриншоты очистителя (Скрыть)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

в режиме водяная система

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

в обычном режиме с надписью труба заблокирована


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. туалеты (Скрыть)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

в режиме водяная система два туалета на одной трубе слива и одной трубе подачи

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Нижний туалет в обычном режиме


Перестраивать систему труб или разбирать трубу? Если разбирать то где?

не правильная подача воды, делай подводку от главной трубы к источникам, а не напролом

вот пример простой пример замкнутой системы с очистителем




Изменено пользователем Deadwalk
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Только что, Deadwalk сказал:

не правильная подача воды, делай подводку от главной трубы к источникам, а не напролом

вот пример простой пример замкнутой системы с очистителем

Спасибо, коллега:)

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@Иммануил_Кант а с окислителем ты путашь вход с выходом 

зеленная на вход

белая выход


т.е. на зелень подаешь чистую воду, а через белую откачиваешь загрязненную


Изменено пользователем Deadwalk
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Только что, Deadwalk сказал:

а с очистителем ты путашь вход с выходом 

зеленная на вход

белая выход

С туалетом тоже, я по твоему скриншоту уже понял ;)

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1 минуту назад, Иммануил_Кант сказал:

С туалетом тоже, я по твоему скриншоту уже понял ;)

норм бывает 

я обычно когда провожу одну трубу над другой то  у перемычек забываю развернуть правильно, а потом думаю какого она не течет )))

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Только что, Deadwalk сказал:

@Иммануил_Кант а с очистителем ты путашь вход с выходом 

зеленная на вход

белая выход

Снес трубы: это пипец какой-то, все залило :(


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1 минуту назад, Иммануил_Кант сказал:

Снес трубы: это пипец какой-то, все залило :(

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

лол каму то не повезло с койкой у сортира


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Только что, Deadwalk сказал:

лол каму то не повезло с койкой у сортира

Начну заново. С учетом новых знаний ;)

Изменено пользователем Иммануил_Кант
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@Deadwalk не знаю поможет тебе, но я уже с 6 дупликов, строю два исследовательских стола и один суперкомп. Ускоряет исследование хорошо. 

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7 минут назад, Иммануил_Кант сказал:

@Deadwalk не знаю поможет тебе, но я уже с 6 дупликов, строю два исследовательских стола и один суперкомп. Ускоряет исследование хорошо. 

ага еще полезно в расписании разбивать всех на две смены

чтобы во первых не было очередей в туалет

во вторых пока одни спят вторые пашут и если что то пошло не так на базе, то и отремонтируют и построят без задержек


Ну и еще в игре есть фишка, что статы от профы дубликант, получает сразу. т.е. ее не обязательно выкачивать на максимум. Простой пример всех дубликантов я делаю учеными (они получают бонус к науке,  а она влияет на скорость роста всех навыков),


Второй пример бывает дубель с нужными статами, но огромным минусом к силе (-5 обычно) это значит что от будет еле ползать по базе ну и носить мало сможет, так вот если его сделать его уборщиком и затем сразу посыльным то это сразу выравняет минус и он будет нормальным.  Только помни чем больше проф у дубликанта тем больше он загоняется на мораль и тем раньше начнет истерить и требовать роскоши.

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Только что, Deadwalk сказал:

ага еще полезно в расписании разбивать всех на две смены

чтобы во первых не было очередей в туалет

во вторых пока одни спят вторые пашут и если что то пошло не так на базе, то и отремонтируют и построят без задержек


Ну и еще в игре есть фишка, что статы от профы дубликант, получает сразу. т.е. ее не обязательно выкачивать на максимум. Простой пример всех дубликантов я делаю учеными (они получают бонус к науке,  а она влияет на скорость роста всех навыков),


Второй пример бывает дубель с нужными статами, но огромным минусом к силе (-5 обычно) это значит что от будет еле ползать по базе ну и носить мало сможет, так вот если его сделать его уборщиком и затем сразу посыльным то это сразу выравняет минус и он будет нормальным.  Только помни чем больше проф у дубликанта тем больше он загоняется на мораль и тем раньше начнет истерить и требовать роскоши.

И ты молчал об этом >:(

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2 часа назад, Иммануил_Кант сказал:

И ты молчал об этом >:(

ну а что ты хотел игра такая

тут полно мелких деталей и нюансов и с каждым патчем все больше.


К примеру тот же холодильник который жрет энергию спокойно можно заменить ямой в 2 клетке в которой строишь пару коробок для еды. (обычно по две коробке от лестнице с каждой стороны), далее просто ждем и когда ее заполнит углекислый газ (тяжелее воздуха поэтому скапливается внизу базы там же обычно строю кухню первую) и в итоге стерильная атмосфера и еда не портится и без затрат энергии.

Причем если строить именно как сказал, то они даже в нее спускатся не буду, а брать или закидывать продукты с уровня пола или с лестницы.


Еще есть самый простой пример со складом. Если налить немного воды и построить склад  то можно хранить вонючие ресурсы(туже слизь для грибной фермы или хлорный камень ) не загрязняя кислород на базе.


Кстати раз вспомнил о складе. Если придерживаться принципа 1 склад = 1 вид ресурса. + стараться убирать все накопанное на склады. То это сильно снимет нагрузку с компа и памяти и игра не будет лагать даже на среднем пк и большой карте.


особенно актуально под конец игры когда открыта вся карта. Лагать начинает из за того что валяется куча ресов, а игра в реальном времени отслеживает температуру и другие параметры у каждого по отдельности. На складе же ресы хранятся в стаке и воспринимаются за один  ресурс (если настроил склад на 1 ресурс) просто с большой массой.








Изменено пользователем Deadwalk
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В 02.11.2018 в 21:34, Deadwalk сказал:

тащу науку к элетролизеру +водородный генератор и закрываю головняк как с воздухом так и с энергией.

И получаете головняк с водой...
Мне, как перфекционисту, трудно рыть хаотично.

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7 часов назад, Repka сказал:

И получаете головняк с водой...
Мне, как перфекционисту, трудно рыть хаотично.

Не с водой проблем вообще нет. Ее завезли больше чем надо, а вот с теплом да будет, но оно и так есть такова механика игры.


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New Things

  • New Pedestal Building: Use it to increase the decor value of various objects while displaying them for your Duplicants
  • New Artifact Objects: Bring them back from outer space for decorative display in your colony
  • New Decor Items: Corner Decorations, Carpeted Tile, Trim Tile, new Painting and Statue variations, new Pot types for plants
  • New Master Artist role allows the creation of the best forms of art (and the Astronaut role finally has its own hat too!)
  • Increased Automation: Critter Sensor outputs a signal based on the number of critters and eggs in a room
  • New Sight-Seeing Module: Send Duplicants to space for a huge morale and productivity bonus


  • Duplicants no longer freeze in place when taking medicine, locking a door, or rummaging through lockers
  • Duplicants no longer crash the game by trying to talk about the mopping UI icon
  • Extensive changes to Duplicant assignment allows assignment to properly persist when Duplicants go into space
  • Duplicants will no longer get stuck trying to work at unreachable Ranching Stations
  • Duplicants are less likely to choose an incompletable fetch over a completable one. Prevents a lot of the "dancing" Duplicants
  • Duplicants no longer get stuck if there is a Mourn chore they can't reach it
  • Attack orders are properly restored on load
  • Duplicants no longer get stuck on a Fetch chore forever if there is an Attack chore
  • Fixed crash when Dupes try putting on an Exosuit
  • Jet Suit Duplicants will no longer "bounce" in place
  • Duplicants will no longer wake up to cheer if they're on a daytime sleep schedule
  • No matter how bad a Duplicant's stats, they'll never work slower than 50% speed (75% for construction).
  • Jet Suit locomotion and multitool usage now has a full animation set
  • Jet Suit sound effects completed
  • Hair should no longer flicker when Dupes get into and out of bed with a hat
  • Added in some eyes that were missing from various Duplicant animations
  • Disease idles and expressions are more consistent with the actual disease
  • Some movement transitions from Fire Poles to Ladders and vice versa have been added
  • Duplicants will return their suits when idle
  • Finishing eating food no longer causes intermittent crashing
  • Duplicants can no longer become ill after they have died
  • Burying a Duplicant no longer causes a crash
  • Correct animations play when a Duplicant dies and is carried away

Critters and Plants

  • Shove Voles no longer crash the game upon dying
  • Shove Voles no longer show as “entombed” when underground, since that's their happy place
  • Shove Voles can no longer move through doors and tiles made of refined metal, or other very hard materials
  • Critters on walls and ceilings should no longer fall due to gravity
  • Shove Voles are better at avoiding Meteors
  • Shove Voles are more aware of what kind of ground they are on/in for movement and animation
  • Hatches are no longer invisible on load
  • Meteors no longer launch critters around because of numerous unintended effects
  • Shove Voles no longer get stuck if they can't find anything diggable
  • Plants no longer consume water if wilted on load
  • Bagged Critters no longer fall when carried by a Duplicant
  • Fixed Shove Vole head colour
  • Added art for the Gas Grass seeds and harvested plant
  • Full Baby Shove Vole anim set added
  • Shove Vole plays correct animation when emerging from the ground
  • Shove Voles correctly render as "buried" when idling in a solid
  • Added Shove Vole sound effects
  • Frost Buns once again use grains, and not plants, as an ingredient
  • Sleet Wheat seeds should always show as "Cooking Ingredients" and not "Seeds" in the resource list and storage containers/fridges.
  • Slicksters no longer freeze if they can't reach their favourite pee spot
  • Pufts no longer get confused if there's a door above them when they try to poop
  • Potted plant decor updates correctly after wilting and unwilting
  • Baby Puft blinks correctly
  • Duplicants will pick up Pacu with their Multitool rather than bagging them directly
  • Fix a crash when uprooting plants from Farm Tiles and Planter Boxes
  • Vole Pups will no longer fail to dig
  • Decorative plants contribute to a room's decor calculations


  • Neural Vacillators can now be properly assigned after recharging
  • Neural Vacillators are now prioritizable
  • Hooked up recharging animations for Neural Vacillator
  • Destroying a rotated door no longer lets the Robo-Miner dig out adjacent floors
  • Lavatories, Showers, and Sinks no longer get immediately blocked if you run the pipe "across" the output port by storing the last "use" in an output storage
  • Fixed a crash when trying to build outside the game grid
  • Oil Wells correctly save/load their depressurization percentage
  • Fixed many buildings still accepting delivery when entombed or otherwise disabled
  • Smart Storage Bins now actually consume power
  • Manual Generators should no longer allow multiple Duplicants to operate them
  • Metal Refineries will stop working if output pipe is blocked
  • Metal Refinery calculation for the amount of heat added to the coolant is now much more correct and stable
  • The order of placement for Bridges and Tiles shouldn't matter anymore
  • Telescopes shade the Duplicants working at them so they won't get sunburned
  • Bunker Doors no longer have access controls
  • Egg Incubators now have a "Continuous" option
  • Liquid Reservoir meter now shows as empty when the building is empty
  • Added Liquid Reservoir sound effects
  • Finalized art for the Virtual Planetarium
  • Improved animations for the Jet Suit Checkpoint
  • Jet Suit Checkpoint full animations hooked up
  • Canister Filler animations now match the functionality of the building
  • Updated Canister Filler sound effects
  • Fixed layering for Heavi-Watt Joint Plate
  • Telescope "finished working" animation should play correctly
  • Space Cadet Centrifuge, and several other buildings, should only play its final animation once
  • Auto-Sweeper animations play once again
  • Robo-Miner laser sounds added
  • Virtual Planetarium sound effects
  • Algae Terrarium has new "emptying" animation
  • Outhouse meter gets correctly reset when cleaning completes
  • Paintings and Sculptures use Job traits to determine the quality of the artwork, rather than the Creativity skill. (Creativity skill still affects the "work time" for completion)
  • Overhaul of decor values for decor items
  • Canvases now require Reed Fiber to construct
  • Telescope door sound effects added
  • Algae Terrarium interact sound effects added
  • Tweaks to Robo-Miner sound effects
  • Tweaked high frequencies of Overlay Activation sound
  • Fish Release sound effects added
  • Fish Release "drop" timing adjusted
  • Doors correctly exchange temperature with their environment once again
  • Dupes will face the correct direction when putting a Pacu in the Fish Release
  • Jet Suit recipe will show on the Exosuit Forge as soon as the matching Research is completed
  • Rottable foods will no longer rot in Electric Grill storage
  • Sculptures and Canvases can now be flipped
  • Fixed a crash when placing or constructing buildings off the edge of the world
  • Duplicants will not try to construct buildings in invalid locations such as off the edge of the world

Elements and Materials

  • Fullerene can now be stored in Storage Bins
  • Various elements are more correctly sorted in the elements list and in Storage Bin filters. Only affects new bases or elements which haven't yet been discovered in a base.
  • Food items now have unlimited stack size (instead of 10), but will only stack with other foods that have a rot within 10%. This will help with massive amounts of Sleet Wheat, though the wheat will have to be emptied and reinserted into Storage Bins in order for the restacking to trigger.
  • Added "Industrial" entities to Sandbox spawner
  • Lowered freezing point of Super Coolant
  • Raw Metal is now called Metal Ore to prevent confusion with Raw Mineral
  • Non-Elemental materials (i.e Fiber) can now apply bonuses to buildings
  • Reed Fiber now has a 10% decor bonus
  • A "full" Regolith tile reduced from 1840kg to 1000kg
  • Gases show in the Materials list (as Breathable and Unbreathable gas)


  • More space and rocketry strings can be localized
  • Astronauts no longer lose their consumables settings
  • Astronauts no longer lose their skill levels if the game is loaded while they're in space
  • Critters and Plants can once again be returned from space
  • Rocket Modules can no longer be deconstructed or melted while the rocket is in space. If the rocket modules in your save file have already been destroyed, that rocket will have to be rebuilt, but further launches will not have this problem
  • Command Modules won't melt the contained atmosuit while in flight
  • Rocket Fuel Tanks are insulated, so the steam won't condense while fuelling
  • It is now possible to select a space destination for analysis after the previous one has completed
  • Fixed various crashes when the Command Module lands and tries creating the stored Duplicant
  • Rocket destinations are more stable, so it should no longer be possible to swap a destination mid-flight, or for two rockets to share a destination by accident.
  • Selection mechanics and icons on the Starmap screen improved to make it more clear which rocket is going to which destination
  • Rocket Fuel Tanks and Oxidizers no longer drop all their fuel on slider adjustment. If the slider is set below the current amount stored, a Duplicant will come empty the difference
  • Rocket travel times are now based on the simulation’s progress, so cycle counts will match up even at high speeds or with bad lag.
  • Rocket Logic has been reworked: The Space Scanner now turns off when the rocket is grounded, is on when launching, off while in space, on when close to landing (based on dish network quality), and on while landing. The Command Capsule only emits a signal while grounded, ready, or while taking off.
  • Fixed a possible crash when building a new rocket
  • Added a fuel meter to the Steam Engine
  • Oxidizer tanks have been split into Solid and Liquid Oxidizer Tanks. Existing rockets may require reconfiguring
  • Newly created rockets have randomly generated names
  • Prevent the destinations of long-gone rockets from highlighting on the Starmap screen
  • Fix various crashes on load that could occur from rockets being destroyed in space
  • Any Duplicant who was "lost in space" from a rocketry bug will magically reappear at the Printer Pod
  • Duplicants won't leave the rocket unless there is a Gantry in place
  • Astronaut Duplicants returning from space really have to pee
  • Astronauts can be unassigned from rockets on the first try after loading a game


  • Fix broken Database links in the descriptions of the Gas Grass and Gassy Moo
  • Updated Database entries for Creatures and Jobs
  • Added missing Database entries for Swamp Lily, Dusk Cap, Gas Grass, Sleet Wheat
  • Adding Database entries describing different game systems at a high level
  • More POI buildings are inspectable
  • Updated Critter Database entries
  • Multiple new discoverable lore entries
  • Disabled incomplete/nonfunctional entries


  • Entombed ore won't create a cell if the mass is too low now
  • Fixed issue where buildings that produced elements would sometimes start producing other elements after a save/load
  • Mass is no longer lost when multiple items stack together on the same frame
  • Conveyor Receptacles will allow a single item to exceed their storage limit so they won't stall the whole line
  • Various buildings are stricter about disallowing inputs and outputs to overlap, such as Heavi-Watt Joint Plates. These have never worked correctly, but now at least you won't be able to create new overlaps. If you correct any existing overlaps, a save/load will be required to put the game back into a consistent state.
  • Heavi-Watt Wire can no longer pass through Pneumatic Doors
  • Heavi-Watt Joint Plates can connect properly even if they were a "replacement" for an existing tile
  • Fixed crash if building a Wire Bridge at the edge of the map
  • Fixed crash if drag-placing logic bridges over buildings with logic ports
  • Fixed crash when destroying a building that had or has overlapping ports
  • Duplicants exhaling in shallow water will no longer "break" the puddle with their CO2
  • Duplicants will no longer fall through Pitcher Pumps
  • Hypothermia, Heat Stroke, and Sunburn are now "minor diseases" which don't require a medical cot, and last a shorter time.
  • Path finding will no longer try wrapping around the map
  • Decor can no longer be seen through Mesh and Airflow tiles, but can still be seen through Windows
  • Regolith Meteors once again drop enough Regolith to blanket the surface in a protective layer and prevent destruction of the surface. The deeper the layer, the less Regolith meteors will deposit, up to about 8 tiles.

UI and Presentation
Selected Object and Sidescreens

  • Major revision to the recipe screen for fabrication buildings like the Cook Station and Refinery. Currently they all use the same UI. Now, the UI allows setting a number or infinite amount of any recipe, and recipes without ingredients will be skipped automatically. This UI will be further developed during the testing period
  • Fixed egg icons for critter morphs
  • Updated Drecko description to mention their unusual diet
  • Clarified launch checklist for Empty Cargo Bay
  • Smart Battery and similar side screens allow text input
  • Temperature Sensor can now be configured to any temperature (even ones higher than the sensor's melting point)
  • Temperature Sensor slider has dynamic sensitivity to allow easily scrubbing through useful temperature ranges
  • Many side screens with sliders now have an extended slider range, and 'quick set' buttons next to the text input
  • Rottable items contained in buildings no longer have a blank bullet underneath their name

Main Game View

  • Items in storage are no longer hoverable/selectable from the main view.
  • Prevent "ghost" progress bars from cluttering things up
  • Removed progress bars when Duplicants are just hanging out at the portal

Tools and Menus

  • Building material selection is saved to the save file so you don't have a surprise after a load
  • Building material selection scrolls into view when a building is selected
  • Sandbox filters for Brush, Spawner, etc. automatically focus the input field
  • Move command for Duplicants no longer cancels on right click
  • Build Menu building list is now up to 5 rows tall
  • Build Menu hides unresearched buildings to reduce the number of apparent options in the early game
  • The last 4 categories in the Build Menu hide until at least one building in them has been researched
  • Build Menu icons for oxygen buildings improved to visually imply an oxygen creation function
  • Renamed Algae Deoxydizer to Oxygen Disperser for early-game clarity
  • Tool Menu tooltips cleaned up
  • Tool Menu has been split into "major" tools and "minor" tools
  • Copy Settings now copies door access controls, logic sensors, Smart Batteries, Oil Wells, valves, lures, Coal Generators, and Conveyor Receptacles, as well as all the recipe-based production buildings.
  • Copy Settings will work between similar buildings, such as Pneumatic Doors and Airlock doors.
  • Dimension numbers are now shown for draggable rectangular tools (dig, deconstruct, etc)
  • Lengths are now shown for conduit tools (pipes, wires, etc)
  • Clarification pass for Priority descriptions
  • Added in some "ground" to the Robo-Miner blueprint art to imply it goes against something when rotated
  • Added in some "water" to the Pitcher Pump blueprint art to imply where the surface of the liquid ought to be
  • Wires and pipes no longer play a hookup sound when dragging over a port of a different kind
  • Tool filter checkbox alignment fixed
  • All buildings in the build menu have standardized line weights
  • New button in the build menu to make a copy of the selected building
  • Better tooltips when trying to place a building at an invalid location

Situational Awareness

  • When a building is newly researched the <!> icon shows on the building as well as the menu, until that building is clicked.
  • "What this Duplicant is Doing" status item now always shows at the top of their status list
  • Calories Available in the main HUD now displays calories per food rather than count
  • Calories Available is now sorted
  • Oxygen Generation tutorial message has been split into two notifications and reworded for early game (“Need an oxygen source” message) and mid game (“Not enough oxygen production” message)
  • Tooltip for active infections has been cleaned up
  • Fixed broken Drowning tooltip
  • Better tooltip for death due to low health

Info Screens and Overlays

  • Visual distinction between planets that can and can't be analyzed has been improved
  • Added descriptions for space destinations
  • Jobs Screen is now bound to "J" by default
  • Removed unnecessary items from showing tooltips in the Logic Overlay
  • Temperature Overlay once again shows the temperature of all items
  • Research Screen should no longer hide techs off the side or bottom

Text Cleanup

  • General cleanup of many building descriptions
  • Clarifying early-game tooltips and notifications
  • Renaming of several early-game buildings to help make their meaning and usage more clear
  • Fixed duplicated Transformer descriptions
  • More element names in building descriptions link to the Database
  • Mouse input instructions for tools have been simplified
  • Updated various strings pertaining to exosuits
  • Attribute multipliers (e.g. Decor +10%) now show correctly


  • Meteor strings are now localizable
  • Updated Russian translations
  • Updated Korean translations
  • Updated Chinese translations


  • Startup screen displays better at more resolutions


  • Three new "Ambient Songs" added to increase musical variation between existing Standard Songs


  • Various unique IDs were being reused by accident, resulting in mysterious errors with assignments, object spawning, element spawning, effects appearing, and more. Numerous hard-to-reproduce bugs may have been resolved by this.
  • Fixed crash when writing Database unlocks to hard drive
  • Fixed a crash if the game initializes with a tiny resolution
  • Fresh Linux installs would often get stuck on a white or black screen caused by a strange resolution change. Resolution is now forced on startup to resolve this
  • Animations will no longer flicker when a path is completed
  • Fixed looping animations sometimes not looping
  • Fix a crash in text rendering


  • Optimizations to path probing and path finding
  • Reduced memory usage for many effects and temporary objects
  • Improved performance of object stacking
  • Reduced memory usage of Database entries
  • Stop calculating gravities for objects which aren't falling
  • Improve memory usage of a variety of situations, which will also help with lag spikes.
  • Reduce the memory usage of some debug and logging code
  • Flow of gasses/liquids in pipes is now multithreaded for improved CPU usage
  • Building temperature calculations are greatly sped up
  • Some optimizations to critter AI food search

Please bear in mind: the game is not stable enough at this point for us to recommend modding, but we're starting to make changes with modding in mind. The changes below are mostly focused around taking datastructures that were hard to extend (enums and fixed-length arrays) and make them into lists and hashes so that modders can push their own data into the game without too much headache.

  • Tools Menu: Tools is now a List, and helper function CreateToolCollection added.
  • Plan Screen (build menu): Categories are now hashes instead of enums so more can be added.
  • Overlay Menu initialization is easier to hook
  • Overlays are now hashes instead of enums so more can be added
  • Filter screen shows mod-added elements
  • Removed unused fields from Substances for clarity
  • Improve Database error logging for bad keys
  • Adjust startup sequence so that mod-loaded anims have a chance to register
  • Send more mod loading errors to the log file
  • Startup errors have a better chance of showing a crash screen
  • Added ModUtil function that ensures all required assets for an anim are loaded
  • Added base materials for solids and liquids to make stubbing in materials easier
  • Will try loading 'elements.json' from mod folders. This data can overwrite existing element values, or add new elements.
  • Added ModUtil function for creating new substances correctly
  • Localization templates (strings.pot) and translations (strings.po) can be loaded from mod folders. Will make distributing translation mods easier, as well as allow mods themselves to be translated.
  • Assets from Assets.cs are now lists instead of arrays, so mod assets can easily be included and used by existing systems.
  • Added special path to Assets (via Assets.ModLoadedKAnims) that simplifies registering of anims from mods


Final Patch Notes From Testing Branch

These are the changes that went in since 299550 on Testing

  • Fix "Food Source" tutorial hint not recognizing Microbe Musher was built
  • Additional debugging in the fabricators to determine why some crashes are happening
  • Many strings typo fixes and link hookups
  • Fix a crash if you press "launch rocket" before a destination is selected
  • Fix for some fetch chores crashing when their target object disappears
  • Fix a crash in the fabricators when a queue has been completed
  • Remove unnecessary assert which was crashing in some extreme temperature scenarios
  • Copy Settings for doors with access control settings will no longer crash
  • Duplicants in rockets will still be selectable on door access controls


Если коротко то вышло новое дополнение Quality of Life


В оснавном вернулись к старому контенту на основание нытья отзывов с форума и поправили его + завезли пару новых плюшек артефакты из космоса, новый декор, а также инструменты для модинга игры (вот это дейсвтительно интересно) .


Далее команда уходит в отпус на две недели (нг и т.д.) и через 8 недель будет следующий блог улутшений (оринтир 7 февраля)



p.s. вот вы запрятали раздел фиг найдешь сразу


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Вышло очередное обновление для Oxygen Not Included


What's New and Improved?


  • Printing Pod can now print objects other than Duplicants, to give your colony that little extra boost
  • Added a new priority to the Priority tool, "!!". This will make a highest-priority errand and put the base into Red Alert mode until the errand is complete
  • Added a new side screen for Duplicants which shows all the chores they can perform, and what order they will perform them in
  • Added a new "Errands" tab for buildings (other objects coming soon!) which shows what chores are available there and which Duplicants can work on those chores
  • Reports Menu now shows a more accurate and better categorized breakdown of where Duplicants are spending their time
  • Reports Menu now shows how many errands have been created and completed each day
  • "Long Commute Times" notification if Duplicants have a high percentage of travel time in a day
  • New Artifacts can be returned from space missions, either by astronauts or space tourists -- display them on Pedestals for high decor!
    • Eggs can now also be placed on Pedestals
  • Rocket modules now have a "Launch Tower" background that shows where the rocket will land even after it has taken off

There have also been many bug fixes and minor improvements. Check out the full changelist <LINK TODO!!> for all the details!


Change List:

New Features

  • The Printing Pod can now print objects other than Duplicants, to give your colony that little extra boost
  • Added a new priority to the Priority tool, "!!". This will make a highest-priority errand and put the base into Red Alert mode until the errand is complete
  • Added a new side screen for Duplicants which shows all the chores they can perform, and what order they will perform them in
  • Added a new "Errands" tab for buildings (other objects coming soon!) which shows what chores are available there and which Duplicants can work on those chores
  • Reports Menu now shows a more accurate and better categorized breakdown of where Duplicants are spending their time
  • Reports Menu now shows how many errands have been created and completed each day
  • "Long Commute Times" notification if Duplicants have a high percentage of travel time in a day
  • New Artifacts can be returned from space missions, either by astronauts or space tourists -- display them on Pedestals for high decor!
  • Eggs can now also be placed on Pedestals
  • Rocket modules now have a "Launch Tower" background that shows where the rocket will land even after it has taken off


  • Fixed a crash when Duplicants were changing their Atmo Suits
  • Fixed a crash when the object a Dupe was fetching disappears
  • Fixed a crash when Duplicants fall off the bottom of the world
  • Fixed a crash when Duplicants gained experience for delivery
  • Prevent Dupes from trying to eat food that other Dupes are binge-eating
  • Oxygenarian Dupes no longer die upon being printed
  • Duplicants slightly prefer walking to flying in Jet Suits, to prevent wasting fuel
  • Skilled research Duplicants will kick slow researchers off the Research Station
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a Duplicant wearing a suit in Sandbox mode
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Dupe leaves a rocket
  • Fixed a crash when Dupes finish eating
  • Fixed a crash if a Duplicant is deleted while greeting another Dupe
  • Equipping clothes now has a high priority so Duplicants will actually do it
  • Duplicants won't try to equip clothes that another Dupe is trying to deliver somewhere
  • Equipping clothing that's in a storage locker no longer leaves a "ghost" clothing in that locker
  • Fixed clothing equip animation not playing
  • Unequipping clothing no longer leaves "ghost" clothing on the previous wearer
  • Reprioritized Med Bed chores so Duplicants will actually get up to eat and pee
  • Fixed crash when idle Duplicants were looking for a new Errand
  • Fixed various bugs where Duplicants would repeatedly try fetching micrograms of materials
  • Fixed a big where Duplicants would binge-eat micrograms of food
  • Duplicants will prefer to run across the tops of ladders rather than hopping between them


  • Transfer the correct amount of coolant in Metal Refineries
  • Metal Refinery uses the correct amount of coolant when multiple coolants are present
  • Metal Refinery correctly distributes heat across multiple coolants
  • Fixed some cases where recipe-based fabricators were getting stalled
  • Fixed a crash if a recipe was cancelled on the same frame it was completed
  • Using Empty Storage on a fabricator correctly updates the build queue
  • Egg Cracker will once again crack Sun Bug eggs
  • Liquid Fuel Tank no longer drops fuel when the slider is changed
  • Fuel Tank capacity is loaded to the correct value
  • Small Sculpture “mediocre” art is now correct
  • Pneumatic Doors no longer complain about being "flooded" since it never affected them anyways
  • Metal Refinery storage no longer allows liquids to offgas
  • Fixed a crash if the Sink runs out of water while a Dupe is washing their hands
  • Fixed a crash if a Kiln that was in the middle of work was destroyed
  • Door access permissions properly save/load
  • Copy Settings properly cancels orders on the Kiln
  • Fixed a crash if a building near a Transfer Arm is destroyed
  • Fixed a crash if a Suit Checkpoint is destroyed
  • Neural Vacillator no longer tries picking up the assignment of the room it's in
  • Tile and Drywall overlapping is now disallowed in both construction orders
  • Tiles can no longer be built overtop of Gravitas Facility Windows
  • Disabled Research Stations with open delivery errands will no longer prevent other fetches from happening (and other similar issues)
  • Fix crash if deconstructing an assignable building
  • Display Pedestals correctly set decor on load
  • Ladder types and poles can be built on top each other to "replace" existing ladders
  • Bunker Doors properly animate while offscreen, so that their timing can be relied on
  • Fix recipe-based buildings trying to infinitely fetch resources that are immediately destroyed, causing infinite fetches
  • Duplicants can once again walk across the tops of doors, as well as across bunker doors, even when open.
  • Fix Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifiers incorrectly registering as "Too Cold"
  • Prevent crash when a Transport Tube is inoperational
  • Adjusted height of Critter Lure so that there is room for the bait
  • Fixed a few bugs with meters on Rocket parts staying behind after launch or disappearing
  • Meters on Rocket Cargo Bays now reflect the amount of contained material
  • Buildings should no longer cancel active deliveries as soon as a partial delivery is made


  • Pufts should no longer get stuck when trying to poop below a really high ceiling
  • Voles no longer get stuck if they can't reach their poop location
  • Fixed a crash when a critter dies just as grooming starts
  • Critters no longer fall off walls and ceilings when they grow up

UI and Menus

  • Food recipes once again show food quality and effects
  • Elemental recipe descriptions simplified
  • Assignment screens correctly show when a Duplicant is assigned to something else
  • Fixed a crash when rapidly clicking a toggle button
  • Fixed building material panel remaining open in some cases
  • Fixed crash when something assigned to a building is destroyed/removed
  • Fixed a crash when destroying a building assigned to "public"
  • Fixed some crashes when unequipping suits
  • Toilet assignment will correctly update when setting to/from public
  • Recipe screen is more generous about unlocking recipes: now shows a recipe if any ingredient has ever been discovered
  • Recipe screen shows a message if no recipes have been discovered
  • Atmo Suit recipe is unlocked by the associated tech
  • Recipe positions should no longer randomly flip in the recipe list
  • Fixed crash when clicking the "Insufficient Oxygen" notification
  • Fixed crash when hovering over the Errands menu
  • Re-ordered and organized many Database entries
  • Critters no longer show up in the daily reports
  • Fixed crash when selecting materials in Sandbox mode
  • Escape Key will now exit screenshot mode. (Use screenshot mode with alt+s!)
  • Pedestal menu shows proper icons for elements and ores
  • Fixed a crash when selecting a dead Duplicant
  • Hovering objects in the world no longer displays weirdly large tooltips when the game language is Chinese
  • Door permissions correctly update when Dupes go to space
  • Fixed crash when trying to sort Door Access controls by Role
  • "Sleeping" shows at the top of the Duplicant's status
  • Daily Duplicant Time reports are now percentage-based, and use more accurate tracking
  • Daily reports have been reorganized
  • New breakdowns for Duplicant Time have been added to the Reports screen
  • Newly printed and recently deceased Duplicants report time correctly

World and Simulation

  • The shattered planet once again appears in the background of space
  • Fixed a crash when a micro-mass piece of ore gets buried in a tile of the same element
  • Conduit and Electrical networks work even if on the very edge of the world
  • Door access controls correctly modify Duplicants' pathfinding
  • Modified the way doors are represented in the nav grid so that weird rotations don't inexplicably block movement
  • Frozen gases are categorized as "Liquefiable" so they can be properly stored
  • Airflow Tiles and Mesh Tiles block elements from flowing into space
  • Doors prevent elements from flowing into space
  • Conduit flow correctly updates even when there's a building consuming from the conduit: prevents Hydroponic Farms from blocking liquids from flowing down a pipe

Visuals and Sounds

  • Fixed strange dot appearing on Dupe heads
  • Made the Dupe's "arm blur" white instead of red in the "woo hoo!" animation
  • Atmo Suit helmets no longer disappear when using the Incubator, Cook Station, and many others
  • Fixed several cases of incorrect arm/sleeves appearing on Dupes
  • Food no longer disappears while binge-eating
  • Duplicant names will display properly when they are travelling through tubes, emoting, and other animations
  • Pufts return to idle animation after inhaling and pooping instead of freezing
  • Plastic Ladder placer art shows fully
  • Duplicants use the keypad to operate the Molecular Forge instead of punching it
  • Fixed a hitch in Slickster animations while moving around
  • Fixed building HP bar position for small buildings
  • Gases now properly render in front of background objects such as Temp Shift Plates and Drywall
  • Gases now partially render in front of pipes and other background objects to create depth
  • Doors have new back frames to visually convey that they block space and that Dupes can walk on the edges of doors

Text and Strings

  • Fixed formatting errors in the official Russian and Chinese translations
  • Fixed a crash if backspace is pressed in an empty text box when in an IME
  • Correct misleading description of the Creativity stat
  • Renaming of several Errand types to improve clarity between different kinds of deliveries and their categories
  • Reports screen uses more standardized names for Errands
  • Update Smooth Hatch description
  • Add missing string for Compostables
  • Updated Telescript description
  • Clarified text for back wall obstructions
  • Made various untranslatable strings translatable
  • Rocket Checklist text is more descriptive for incomplete items
  • Added priority values to the tooltips on the Priority screen
  • Added descriptions for the new Artifacts

Launcher, Front End, and Systems

  • Resolution can now be set even in windowed mode
  • Resolution is saved and reapplied correctly when the game is relaunched
  • Fixed a crash if you click Shuffle Dupe with both the left and right mouse buttons together
  • Fixed crash when opening the Language options screen
  • Updated Unity to 2018.7.20f1. This should fix a startup crash related to Citrix Desktop and similar programs that were installed on the same machine
  • Updated text rendering library and switched primary body font. Much of the text in the game will look a little different now, please let us know of any strange alignment, spacing, or sizing issues that you notice!
  • Unbound the crash key Shift-F6 because it seems to get bumped a lot
  • Fixed a crash on some machines caused by too many Jet Suit textures
  • Fix a crash when deleting Duplicants or critters in Sandbox Mode


  • Duplicant pathfinding now runs multithreaded
  • Pathfinding and Brain Updates can be run across multiple frames, to prevent large paths from tanking framerate
  • Transfer Arms now only process items once per frame, instead of once per arm

Также игра стала доступна на Epic Game Store.

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What's New and Improved?


  • Printing Pod can now print objects other than Duplicants, to give your colony that little extra boost
  • Added a new priority to the Priority tool, "!!". This will make a highest-priority errand and put the base into Red Alert mode until the errand is complete
  • Added a new side screen for Duplicants which shows all the chores they can perform, and what order they will perform them in
  • Added a new "Errands" tab for buildings (other objects coming soon!) which shows what chores are available there and which Duplicants can work on those chores
  • Reports Menu now shows a more accurate and better categorized breakdown of where Duplicants are spending their time
  • Reports Menu now shows how many errands have been created and completed each day
  • "Long Commute Times" notification if Duplicants have a high percentage of travel time in a day
  • New Artifacts can be returned from space missions, either by astronauts or space tourists -- display them on Pedestals for high decor!
    • Eggs can now also be placed on Pedestals
  • Rocket modules now have a "Launch Tower" background that shows where the rocket will land even after it has taken off

There have also been many bug fixes and minor improvements. Check out the full changelist <LINK TODO!!> for all the details!


Change List:

New Features

  • The Printing Pod can now print objects other than Duplicants, to give your colony that little extra boost
  • Added a new priority to the Priority tool, "!!". This will make a highest-priority errand and put the base into Red Alert mode until the errand is complete
  • Added a new side screen for Duplicants which shows all the chores they can perform, and what order they will perform them in
  • Added a new "Errands" tab for buildings (other objects coming soon!) which shows what chores are available there and which Duplicants can work on those chores
  • Reports Menu now shows a more accurate and better categorized breakdown of where Duplicants are spending their time
  • Reports Menu now shows how many errands have been created and completed each day
  • "Long Commute Times" notification if Duplicants have a high percentage of travel time in a day
  • New Artifacts can be returned from space missions, either by astronauts or space tourists -- display them on Pedestals for high decor!
  • Eggs can now also be placed on Pedestals
  • Rocket modules now have a "Launch Tower" background that shows where the rocket will land even after it has taken off


  • Fixed a crash when Duplicants were changing their Atmo Suits
  • Fixed a crash when the object a Dupe was fetching disappears
  • Fixed a crash when Duplicants fall off the bottom of the world
  • Fixed a crash when Duplicants gained experience for delivery
  • Prevent Dupes from trying to eat food that other Dupes are binge-eating
  • Oxygenarian Dupes no longer die upon being printed
  • Duplicants slightly prefer walking to flying in Jet Suits, to prevent wasting fuel
  • Skilled research Duplicants will kick slow researchers off the Research Station
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a Duplicant wearing a suit in Sandbox mode
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Dupe leaves a rocket
  • Fixed a crash when Dupes finish eating
  • Fixed a crash if a Duplicant is deleted while greeting another Dupe
  • Equipping clothes now has a high priority so Duplicants will actually do it
  • Duplicants won't try to equip clothes that another Dupe is trying to deliver somewhere
  • Equipping clothing that's in a storage locker no longer leaves a "ghost" clothing in that locker
  • Fixed clothing equip animation not playing
  • Unequipping clothing no longer leaves "ghost" clothing on the previous wearer
  • Reprioritized Med Bed chores so Duplicants will actually get up to eat and pee
  • Fixed crash when idle Duplicants were looking for a new Errand
  • Fixed various bugs where Duplicants would repeatedly try fetching micrograms of materials
  • Fixed a big where Duplicants would binge-eat micrograms of food
  • Duplicants will prefer to run across the tops of ladders rather than hopping between them


  • Transfer the correct amount of coolant in Metal Refineries
  • Metal Refinery uses the correct amount of coolant when multiple coolants are present
  • Metal Refinery correctly distributes heat across multiple coolants
  • Fixed some cases where recipe-based fabricators were getting stalled
  • Fixed a crash if a recipe was cancelled on the same frame it was completed
  • Using Empty Storage on a fabricator correctly updates the build queue
  • Egg Cracker will once again crack Sun Bug eggs
  • Liquid Fuel Tank no longer drops fuel when the slider is changed
  • Fuel Tank capacity is loaded to the correct value
  • Small Sculpture “mediocre” art is now correct
  • Pneumatic Doors no longer complain about being "flooded" since it never affected them anyways
  • Metal Refinery storage no longer allows liquids to offgas
  • Fixed a crash if the Sink runs out of water while a Dupe is washing their hands
  • Fixed a crash if a Kiln that was in the middle of work was destroyed
  • Door access permissions properly save/load
  • Copy Settings properly cancels orders on the Kiln
  • Fixed a crash if a building near a Transfer Arm is destroyed
  • Fixed a crash if a Suit Checkpoint is destroyed
  • Neural Vacillator no longer tries picking up the assignment of the room it's in
  • Tile and Drywall overlapping is now disallowed in both construction orders
  • Tiles can no longer be built overtop of Gravitas Facility Windows
  • Disabled Research Stations with open delivery errands will no longer prevent other fetches from happening (and other similar issues)
  • Fix crash if deconstructing an assignable building
  • Display Pedestals correctly set decor on load
  • Ladder types and poles can be built on top each other to "replace" existing ladders
  • Bunker Doors properly animate while offscreen, so that their timing can be relied on
  • Fix recipe-based buildings trying to infinitely fetch resources that are immediately destroyed, causing infinite fetches
  • Duplicants can once again walk across the tops of doors, as well as across bunker doors, even when open.
  • Fix Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifiers incorrectly registering as "Too Cold"
  • Prevent crash when a Transport Tube is inoperational
  • Adjusted height of Critter Lure so that there is room for the bait
  • Fixed a few bugs with meters on Rocket parts staying behind after launch or disappearing
  • Meters on Rocket Cargo Bays now reflect the amount of contained material
  • Buildings should no longer cancel active deliveries as soon as a partial delivery is made


  • Pufts should no longer get stuck when trying to poop below a really high ceiling
  • Voles no longer get stuck if they can't reach their poop location
  • Fixed a crash when a critter dies just as grooming starts
  • Critters no longer fall off walls and ceilings when they grow up

UI and Menus

  • Food recipes once again show food quality and effects
  • Elemental recipe descriptions simplified
  • Assignment screens correctly show when a Duplicant is assigned to something else
  • Fixed a crash when rapidly clicking a toggle button
  • Fixed building material panel remaining open in some cases
  • Fixed crash when something assigned to a building is destroyed/removed
  • Fixed a crash when destroying a building assigned to "public"
  • Fixed some crashes when unequipping suits
  • Toilet assignment will correctly update when setting to/from public
  • Recipe screen is more generous about unlocking recipes: now shows a recipe if any ingredient has ever been discovered
  • Recipe screen shows a message if no recipes have been discovered
  • Atmo Suit recipe is unlocked by the associated tech
  • Recipe positions should no longer randomly flip in the recipe list
  • Fixed crash when clicking the "Insufficient Oxygen" notification
  • Fixed crash when hovering over the Errands menu
  • Re-ordered and organized many Database entries
  • Critters no longer show up in the daily reports
  • Fixed crash when selecting materials in Sandbox mode
  • Escape Key will now exit screenshot mode. (Use screenshot mode with alt+s!)
  • Pedestal menu shows proper icons for elements and ores
  • Fixed a crash when selecting a dead Duplicant
  • Hovering objects in the world no longer displays weirdly large tooltips when the game language is Chinese
  • Door permissions correctly update when Dupes go to space
  • Fixed crash when trying to sort Door Access controls by Role
  • "Sleeping" shows at the top of the Duplicant's status
  • Daily Duplicant Time reports are now percentage-based, and use more accurate tracking
  • Daily reports have been reorganized
  • New breakdowns for Duplicant Time have been added to the Reports screen
  • Newly printed and recently deceased Duplicants report time correctly

World and Simulation

  • The shattered planet once again appears in the background of space
  • Fixed a crash when a micro-mass piece of ore gets buried in a tile of the same element
  • Conduit and Electrical networks work even if on the very edge of the world
  • Door access controls correctly modify Duplicants' pathfinding
  • Modified the way doors are represented in the nav grid so that weird rotations don't inexplicably block movement
  • Frozen gases are categorized as "Liquefiable" so they can be properly stored
  • Airflow Tiles and Mesh Tiles block elements from flowing into space
  • Doors prevent elements from flowing into space
  • Conduit flow correctly updates even when there's a building consuming from the conduit: prevents Hydroponic Farms from blocking liquids from flowing down a pipe

Visuals and Sounds

  • Fixed strange dot appearing on Dupe heads
  • Made the Dupe's "arm blur" white instead of red in the "woo hoo!" animation
  • Atmo Suit helmets no longer disappear when using the Incubator, Cook Station, and many others
  • Fixed several cases of incorrect arm/sleeves appearing on Dupes
  • Food no longer disappears while binge-eating
  • Duplicant names will display properly when they are travelling through tubes, emoting, and other animations
  • Pufts return to idle animation after inhaling and pooping instead of freezing
  • Plastic Ladder placer art shows fully
  • Duplicants use the keypad to operate the Molecular Forge instead of punching it
  • Fixed a hitch in Slickster animations while moving around
  • Fixed building HP bar position for small buildings
  • Gases now properly render in front of background objects such as Temp Shift Plates and Drywall
  • Gases now partially render in front of pipes and other background objects to create depth
  • Doors have new back frames to visually convey that they block space and that Dupes can walk on the edges of doors

Text and Strings

  • Fixed formatting errors in the official Russian and Chinese translations
  • Fixed a crash if backspace is pressed in an empty text box when in an IME
  • Correct misleading description of the Creativity stat
  • Renaming of several Errand types to improve clarity between different kinds of deliveries and their categories
  • Reports screen uses more standardized names for Errands
  • Update Smooth Hatch description
  • Add missing string for Compostables
  • Updated Telescript description
  • Clarified text for back wall obstructions
  • Made various untranslatable strings translatable
  • Rocket Checklist text is more descriptive for incomplete items
  • Added priority values to the tooltips on the Priority screen
  • Added descriptions for the new Artifacts

Launcher, Front End, and Systems

  • Resolution can now be set even in windowed mode
  • Resolution is saved and reapplied correctly when the game is relaunched
  • Fixed a crash if you click Shuffle Dupe with both the left and right mouse buttons together
  • Fixed crash when opening the Language options screen
  • Updated Unity to 2018.7.20f1. This should fix a startup crash related to Citrix Desktop and similar programs that were installed on the same machine
  • Updated text rendering library and switched primary body font. Much of the text in the game will look a little different now, please let us know of any strange alignment, spacing, or sizing issues that you notice!
  • Unbound the crash key Shift-F6 because it seems to get bumped a lot
  • Fixed a crash on some machines caused by too many Jet Suit textures
  • Fix a crash when deleting Duplicants or critters in Sandbox Mode


  • Duplicant pathfinding now runs multithreaded
  • Pathfinding and Brain Updates can be run across multiple frames, to prevent large paths from tanking framerate
  • Transfer Arms now only process items once per frame, instead of once per arm

Также игра стала доступна на Epic Game Store.

На русском описания нет? Сама же игра русифицирована как бы

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Оживим топик. Небольшой  обзор изменений за год.   За прошедший 2017 год парни из Канады неплохо поработали и Oxygen Not Included получил парочку масштабных обновлений.   В порядке


лол каму то не повезло с койкой у сортира  


Frosty Planet Pack — дополнение для Oxygen not Included — будет доступно для покупки уже 18 июля     А пока можно переключиться на бета-ветку игры в Steam и попробовать его бесплат


Вышло обновление Space Industry для Oxygen Not Included   Основные плюшки:   Добавлены новые возможности для выхода  в космос: - Паровой и водородный двигатель для увеличения


i Перенес из раздела Инди игры _________ добавлено 1 минуту спустя Ветки технологий неравномерно развиты. Тут есть еще куда расти 


эм я так нанимаю речь идет об Террариум водорослей, если так то он тратит воду, водоросли и удаляет немного углекислого газа(опционально), на выходе кислород и грязная вода (грязная вода после периоди


Элемент бы войны плюс собери (одень, изготовь оружие) своего солдата сам и еще чужие колонии на других астероидах плюс четыре-пять редких элементов для торговли и обмена. В общем ДФ, только с воздухом


еще как вариант напрашивается сценарий  вернулась ракета, а там по мимо ресов  инопланетная бяка от микробов до мини чужого ))) Но вообще если и добавят то только в релиз должны же они чем то удивить.

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