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Expert AI 4.0

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Канцлер Шольц



  • Вы хотите поиграть в ванильную HOI IV, но не можете найти нужный уровень сложности, потому что ИИ играет в игру на уровне новичка? Этот мод для вас. Почти все в ИИ, что можно модифицировать, было переработано (добавлено более пятидесяти тысяч строк сценария), чтобы создать более эффективный ИИ.
  • Это включает в себя дизайн дивизий, производство дивизий, производство оборудования, варианты, исследования, дипломатию, строительство, морские вторжения, идеи и многое другое. Другими словами, насколько хорошо ИИ управляет своей страной в целом. В ванильной игре есть абсолютно огромный простор для улучшения в этих областях. Что НЕ исправлено, так это то, как ИИ перемещает свои дивизии, флоты и т.д., за исключением изменений здесь и там. Эта область в основном не поддается модификации.
  • Этот мод предназначен для игры с включенным историческим ИИ. Играть в неисторические кампании можно, но крайне не рекомендуется. ИИ не получает никаких бонусов, если вы не включите их сами.

Помимо того, что этот мод делает ИИ более эффективным, он также добавляет совершенно новые возможности ИИ, такие как:

  • Сценарная система фокусировки армии ИИ, которая позволяет любому ИИ выбирать из широкого спектра различных стратегий и логически определять приоритеты исследований и вариантов дизайна соответственно, а не делать одно и то же каждую игру. Существует более 400 вариантов шаблонов, на которые ИИ может ориентироваться при создании дивизий, что придает ему адаптивность и добавляет реиграбельность игре.
  • Новые решения по военной координации и дипломатические действия для игрока, позволяющие влиять на действия союзников: начинать скоординированные морские вторжения, менять приоритеты производства, проверять запасы, координировать ленд-лиз.

Также имеется гибкий инструмент настройки в игре (CTRL-SHIFT-O), который позволяет настраивать сложность и ИИ различными способами в любой момент игры:

  • Изменить определенное поведение ИИ или игровой баланс.
  • Настроить стратегию строительства любой страны (армия, авиация, флот), начиная от специфики состава и ширины шаблонов и заканчивая маршрутами сухопутной доктрины и составом флота.
  • Добавляйте различные типы настроек сложности: от простых бонусных модификаторов до модификаторов масштаба и даже свободного порождения дивизий и техники, пока не найдете нужный вам вызов.

Этот мод имеет крайне ограниченную совместимость с другими некосметическими модами из-за обширной переработки ИИ. Не пытайтесь совместить его с любым крупным модом.


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Read before combining mods:

If you are playing Expert AI then I assume you care about the AI knowing how to play the game. If so, do NOT use any mods that change the gameplay even if they are somehow compatible (unless explicitly mentioned otherwise). This mod's AI is ultimately designed to play well only with the vanilla gameplay with attention paid to the smallest details possible and by changing the game you are undoing the work this mod does.

There is no simple rule to determine what is compatible with this mod. Usually cosmetic mods are fine. Anything else - no matter how simple, even if it apparently has nothing to do with the AI - that adds/changes content (focuses, decisions, events), changes gameplay or tweaks parameters should be used with caution.

It is very easy to break the AI in this mod with an incompatible mod and it could lead to the AI not researching or producing anything, completely nonsensical historical behavior as well as a number of less obvious issues that make the AI worse. Just because you can start a game and get no errors or crashes doesn't mean there are no serious issues.

Even a mod that does "simple" changes to the map or adds a focus tree for some minor can break this mod (or vice versa) because quite often they change vanilla tech trees or change vanilla events and such. It depends entirely on how the other mod was implemented.

The best way to tell if it is compatible is to read the other mod's description. If it mentions that it is compatible with virtually everything then it is probably fine to use.

The second best way - and the safest by far - is to look into both mod's files yourself and see if any files used by Expert AI are also used by the other mod. Anything that is shared especially in /common is going to have unpredictable consequences and at the very least a dependency should be set up for one of the mods.

Paradoxos Mod Manager

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This mod allows you to easily check file conflicts and fix load orders.

To make a national focus mod work for example, you'll have to give it higher load priority than EAI. There will usually be file conflicts but you have to make sure no common files are in conflict. Files that related to the modded country (name of the country is in the file name) are usually fine to overwrite, while any technology file conflict is absolutely not going to work.

Updated list of compatible mods

-Cosmetic mods like Unique Infantry Equipment etc.
-Historical Portraits
-Operation Overhaul (EAI is a required mod for this)

Compatible provided give them load priority:

-UMC Germany
-Deutschland Erwache 2: Toasted Germany
-Many other national focus mods that are built similarly to these two mods. However I recommend you only use focus mods for countries that you are playing and not for the AI.


This section is very outdated as of 1.5 that changed how mods work together



-OVERHAUL MODS: "Kaiserreich", "Black ICE", "Great War", "Road To 56", "Vanilla+" and other overhaul mods. Even if the game doesn't crash, using any of these mods will break the game.

-"Historical National Focus Dates"

-"Random Country Placement", "The Resource War"

-EQUIPMENT MODS: "Improve Any Equipment" - to be on the safe side, don't use mods that edit equipment files unless you make sure it doesn't override files used by EAI.

-"Combat Tactics Fixed" - change the load order to make it somewhat compatible.

-TECH MODS: Anything that changes or adds technologies: "Expanded Technology", "Expanded Industry". Either that mod won't work properly or the AI will be broken. Note that many mods actually edit techs (focus tree mods etc.) despite not being a "tech mod".

-"Ultimate Expanded States"," Nationalism Expanded", other mods that change national focuses for majors and some minors with DLC focuses. Exception: the mod has load priority AND the countries which it affects are not AI. You can in some cases allow compatibility by editing the name of the mod to give it load priority but even then you must make sure that the mod only edits the focus tree. Some focus mods like "China National Focus" are closer to an overhaul than a simple focus mod, which can't be made compatible.


-DECISION MODS: assuming they were scripted in a compatible way, they should work.

-"Operation Overhaul" - this overhaul mod has built-in compatibility with Expert AI

-Cosmetic mods: WW's Map, equipment/tech/model graphics mods etc.

-Focus trees for minors except for the big ones like "China National Focus" which changes more than just a focus tree. More likely to work if you are the one playing the country with a modded focus tree, there are several ways for the AI to break if they play with the modded focus tree.

-Generally speaking mods that don't edit the vanilla files. Mods that add completely new stuff probably work: "Faction Manager", "Formable Nations", "Coring States", "White Peace Expanded".

-"Increased Resources"

-"Enhanced Peace Conference", "Player-Led Peace Conferences"

-"Bigger Production Menu" and others like that.

-"Historical Portraits & Expert AI: compatibility submod"


-"Better Mechanics: Frontline". Using two AI mods is generally a bad idea so I don't recommend it. There are overlapping AI strategies causing issues as well as overwritten AI settings that EAI needs in order to work better. If you give Expert AI load priority, these is less chance of a conflict.

-"New World Order", "Hearts and Minds" - some parts of these mods won't function but they may still be used, HOWEVER the effect on the game is hard to predict.

-"Better Post-War Europe" - Some GER AI diplomacy changes from Expert AI won't work (it will behave more like vanilla).

-"Realistic Casualties and Manpower" - technically works but highly likely to cause serious problems for the AI regarding how many units it builds

-"Expanded Resources" - might mostly work, may or may not cause AI issues.

-"Beautiful States" - might work but only on non-historical focuses.

-Mods that rebalance major parts of the game, such as industry or combat in a way that significantly changes how the game is played. It might technically work but the AI won't adapt to it.

Отредактировано Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ; 18 июн. 2020 в 9:27


Некоторые аспекты геймплея были немного перебалансированы, чтобы обеспечить более интересные партии (см. документацию по моду здесь).


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Gameplay changes:

This mod tries not to change the balance too much. What works in vanilla in terms of builds and such should work just the same in this mod. There are a couple of changes aimed at slowing down the pace of the game as well as nerfing some aspects that make the game much more difficult for the AI.

-Forts are much more expensive per upgrade (from 500 to 1500 cost per additional level).

-Division XP level gives less combat bonus (from 25% to 10% per level).

-Entrenchment combat bonus reduced by 50%


Overall mod design

The basic idea is to create a more competetive AI by scripting the AI to take advantage of the game mechanics in every way possible. That means I've had to heavily edit the game files to modify the AI behavior and create many event driven scripted AI systems that help the AI make the right choices which explains the limited compatibility with other mods.

Scripted AI does not mean railroaded (except in the sense that the AI should not make bad choices if possible) or a cheating AI. These systems simply give me far more control over what the AI should do under certain circumstances. They replace partially or completely some parts of the vanilla AI because there are nuances to the game that the vanilla AI just can't figure out on its own.

In fact a lot of the mod is designed to create a more dynamic AI but in a way that makes sense. The AI is not locked into building the same things every game as in vanilla for example, there is a huge variety of army configurations it can choose to build its army around (and of course it adjusts its research, variant, production etc. priorities accordingly). There are scripted AI systems that guide the AI's lend-lease, invasions and such which simply consider the AI's situation and try to come up with a sensible strategy.

Laws, political power use, leader recruitment, construction, variants, production, diplomacy and more... these are all heavily scripted in the mod and almost all of them are shared by every AI country in the game so they are not simple pre-determined paths that the AI follows every game. What the mod DOES "railroad" is that it makes a historical game actually progress historically(*relative* to vanilla) and even that is implemented in a way that allows the AI freedom within reason.

99% of this mod deals with improving the country management i.e. the big picture of the AI and NOT the details of how it moves its divisions, what kind of fleets it makes and where it sends them and what not. So there is rarely any point bringing up what the AI did or did not do with some unit!

Below are descriptions of what this mod does in various areas but there are too many changes to write everything down.


Game customisation/Difficulty configuration

This mod has a lot of settings for customising the AI behavior or the difficulty. This mod is not going to hold your hand and tell you what you should use. You should have a general idea of what you want and how difficult you need the game to be. If you aren't sure, you should simply start with the normal difficulty and see how it goes.

General AI settings change the AI behavior in one way or another. There is the "AI army focus" setting that influences what types of armies the AI makes. Challenging mode allows the AI to create full 40 width armies for example (but it is a bit random). Historical mode restricts the AI to only build sub-40 width divisions and limits the general randomness of their choices that other settings have. Random setting allows the AI to go wild essentially (Germany going Mass Assault, building carriers and 10w infantry etc.). Normal setting is essentially the same as Challenging but the AI will not build 40-width templates except for armor.

You have the option to directly configure every detail of the AI's army focuses for any country. You might want to do so if you think a certain strategy would be better for it for example. Keep in mind that the AI balance is delicate... making Japan build 40 width infantry just because it works for you doesn't mean it works better for the AI than 26-width infantry with artillery.

Difficulty settings are all about buffing the AI in one way or another and do not make the AI "smarter", and these settings are meant to be FAR MORE extreme than any vanilla difficulty setting (which can still be used, for milder buffs). They do not give the AI bonuses it doesn't need in this mod due to AI improvements, such as buffs to political power, research or divisions but focus on the AI weaknesses instead.

The hardest setting is literally meant to be impossible, although it may not be in practice. You should not be surprised if the game becomes unwinnable. Fortunately I've created the mod in a way that you can adjust any setting on the fly, in the middle of your campaign! You don't like how the war is going on some front between two AIs? Throw some buffs their way. You set the difficulty too high and you can't get anywhere? Simply remove it.

Note that the difficulty presets in the startup popup are not the absolute highest difficulty you can set in the mod. They are a combination of various settings and do not include any country-specific difficulty settings. For a given campaign it would be harder if you specifically boost the countries you will be fighting (USA, USSR as Germany etc.).

I'll say this much: if you choose a major country - especially one of the big three - you cannot expect an actually hard game without buffing the AI some amount. The amount of course depends on how good you are, how much you exploit the game mechanics, how much you exploit the AI weaknesses, and how much your roleplay rather than min-max.

These settings are scripted to be as "realistic" as possible when having such extreme bonuses. For example the AI gets a massive reduction to equipment production cost, but only if it is low on that specific equipment and loses the bonus after it has enough. The AI may get free divisions with the Reinforcement setting, but the amount of divisions depends on their industry and size. The desperate defense settings only apply while the AI is losing, and scale accordingly to capitulation progress. Dynamic settings are only active for countries at war with a player and depend on proximity of the player and their allies etc. None of the mod settings directly buff the combat ability of the AI's troops (only one setting buffs entrenchment/planning speed). That's it. There's no dark juju in the mod creating superhuman AI troops - only the vanilla sliders do that.


Military coordination decisions

There are several ways to influence your allies in this mod through decisions (some of which cost command power). You can tell them:

-what to build, what kind of divisions to make (and thereby changing their research priorities as well) (and check their stockpiles as well).
-which country to naval invade, and to spefically tell your allies NOT to invade.
-to stay away from fronts controlled by you.
-who to lend-lease.

Do note that they do not give you absolute control over what the AI does. You can't force it to naval invade if it thinks it is a bad idea. It may sometimes send troops to your borders even if you forbade it. Etc.



Vanilla AI's construction in this mod is essentially replaced by two scripted systems: one which periodically queues buildings for the AI and another that creates priority construction projects for the AI.

These systems allow me to control exactly how the AI constructs buildings: which locations it should prioritise, how many of specific buildings it wants, when it should build them. They allow me to create detailed strategies for specific countries, such as having USSR focus on civilian factories for the early-mid part of the game and also priorities building its industry beyond the Urals.

The purpose of the priority construction system is to allow the AI to build certain critical buildings as soon as possible instead of sitting at the bottom of the construction queue due to other queued buildings or a massive amount of damaged buildings waiting to be repaired. It calculates the time it would need to build that building and creates a decision/project that reserves the selected amount of civilian factories for the construction duration.

Some of the things these systems allow the AI to do:
-build radar stations in good locations and focus on upgrading them instead of having a lot of small and useless radar stations, and it'll try to provide coverage for its entire territory eventually
-build effective industries (they are aimed at historical campaigns, a building strategy for an early war would look very different and it obviously can't do both - it can adapt to the situation somewhat however)
-build refineries, anti-air, airbases, silos, infrastructure generally with better placement and in better circumstances than in vanilla
-exploit its resources better by prioritising infrastructure in states with tons of resources when needed



AI's variant creation is replaced with a scripted AI system that makes sure it creates good variants for the right equipment with the right priorities. Its priorities depend on the type of army the AI wants to create, so that a country focusing on medium armor divisions will upgrade medium armor first and so on. It will also avoid wasting XP on upgrading tier 1 equipment. It will pay attention to details such as saving its current XP for the equipment that it is researching instead of using it for its current equipment, and instantly upgrading the equipment that it just finished researching so as to avoid making double production line switch and losing efficiency.

Army Production

Division production is entirely rewritten. Each AI country builds an army composition for itself at the start of the game. It makes choices such as focus on heavy armor or medium armor, CAS vs TAC production, doctrine choices, which type of special forces and how much it will build and so on. Some decisions are weighed based on things like resources, other focuses it selected (Base Strike is more likely for carrier focused countries, Battlefield Support is more likely for CAS focused countries and so on).

Most countries are also restricted on default settings to focuses that make sense so that Germany doesn't go for carriers or USSR doesn't build strategic bombers from the start. There are various customisation options to change this at the start of the game however. Even on default setting, most AI countries will change their army from game to game and prioritise research and designs accordingly.

Each AI country has a dynamically calculated army manpower cap that depends primarily on the number of building slots it has. It is not a division number cap because the number of divisions you field depends on the size of your divisions. This cap limits countries to more reasonable army sizes, reduces lag and allows it to adjust its army size as its industry improves or territory grows.



There are no country specific templates in the mod (and therefore no historical divisions): there are around 400 templates that the AI will choose to design towards depending on the situation. The AI adapts its division designs to its land doctrine and the overall type of army it wants to build and also includes some random variation in designs from game to game and some ability to adapt to its situations. Template width varies between 10/20/26/40. This is different from the vanilla where the AI has predetermined designs that it will go for every game.

Some examples:

-anti-tank infantry with line AT, medium or heavy tank destroyers depending on the tech paths it chose
-armored division designs with more or less sp. artillery
-motorized designs with light, medium sp. artillery or motorized rocket artillery
-countries with superior firepower use support artillery and rocket artillery
-facing enemy divisions with high armor, it will add more piercing to its AT divisions and armor divisions
-upgrading to 40w+ armor divisions if it has tons of tanks in the stockpile
-Mass Assault countries will upgrade width to match the tech bonus.


Navy Production

The AI specializes in a number of different ship types rather than trying to build and research all of them which is inefficient. The specific types depend on the country (usually they choose the types they already have 36's techs for). It will not bother building early ship types. Although you can make the AI build submarines, they normally do not because the AI can't manage them. The AI also adapts its dockyard assignment priority according to its convoy situation and how many screen ships it has relative to its capital ships.

Air Production

Similar to navy production, the AI's priorities have been focused on producing fewer types of aircraft so that it can produce up-to-date and upgraded types rather than as in the vanilla, build every type of aircraft whether it is needed or not.

The AI will not produce interwar aircraft and it adjusts its air production according to the current situation. For example if Italy or UK have very few fighters left, rather than continuing to produce bombers it will refocus its efforts on building fighters until it has a respectable air force.

Countries other than UK and USA may also produce strategic bombers if the situation is right for it but generally most countries build fighters and either TAC or CAS. CV aircraft has a lower priority in this mod unlike in vanilla where the AI builds 1:1 ratio of ftr:cvftr etc.



Major work has gone into giving the historical focuses mode an actually historical progression... to a certain extent. This mod is NOT a 100% correct simulation of WW2 and it's not meant to be. Most decisions by the AI are scripted to be flexible while keeping in mind that in a standard historical game, you can expect the major events to unfold historically in broad terms.

You will run into AI behavior when playing on historical focuses that doesn't happen in vanilla and seems inexplicable. However the reason for these (if they are not bugs) is usually historically motivated. For example Italy will not want to join Axis until Germany has "proven" itself by taking out Poland and breaking through the low countries. Nor will Hungary or Romania want to join until Germany has taken over western Europe (they will join after doing their Axis focuses). There is additional behavior scripted in case of some ahistorical outcomes.

USA and Nat. Spain AIs are restricted from joining a faction prematurely for historical reasons (they will join later depending on how the war goes). A lot of specific behavior has been scripted into the AI, such as Finland joining Axis for Barbarossa or Germany/USSR/Japan keeping up their non-aggression pacts instead of cancelling them far too soon. A ton of AI logic has been added to the most important focuses and decisisions related to war declarations and such to make the game more historical and to avoid non-sense situations even if the game is slightly derailed from history. Some concessions have been made regarding historicity for the sake of the AI and to avoid every game playing out exactly the same.

AI can react to "illegal" justifications (not backed up by a core, claim, national focus or event). Nearby countries may guarantee your target, send them volunteers and lend-lease if possible and will view you negatively. They may also join a faction if the world tension is very high and consider you a major threat. You can avoid this by making non-aggression pacts or by improving relations with the surrounding countries for example. This is to make national focuses for war declarations more useful and to make the AI more active instead of just waiting to be conquered.

German and Japanese factions will keep declaring wars if they have nothing left to do (so if Germany has taken out USSR, it will keep invading countries that it sees as targets) rather than becoming "dead" AIs. There are also a couple of optional settings that allow the AI to justify wars on its own and to focus on specific ideologies for ahistorical campaigns.



A bunch of AI logic has been added to various decisions. AI will try to take advantage of all the obviously beneficial decisions that boost its country in some way, like improving its stability by various decisions, while avoiding the obviously bad ones (or improving stability when it is not needed for example).

As mentioned before, the bigger diplomatic decisions have been adjusted so that the AI doesn't veer too far off course in a historical game.



AI's willingness to lend-lease is massively increased in this mod (possible to disable through the settings) with a ton of logic added so the AI utilizes it in the right situations. There are many factors to this but for example, "enemy of my enemy" is a valid reason for the AI to support a country such as the Allies supporting USSR against Germany. In this case the entire Allied faction helps out USSR unlike in vanilla where only USA is scripted to support USSR in a very limited/predetermined fashion.

Some other situations where in this mod the AI likes to lend-lease: wars against countries that have a different ideology, countries that have the same ideology. There are also some limits like a democracy doesn't want to support a country with another ideology in an offensive war (USSR vs Finland for example).


Naval Invasions

AI naval invasions are handled by yet another scripted AI system rather than the vanilla AI. Specifically this relates to which countries the AI targets with naval invasions. The actual execution of naval invasions is generally the same as vanilla, except the AI prefers more concentrated invasions.

The scripted AI naval invasion system considers several things when choosing an invasion target, for example:
-AI faction members will generally try to join the faction leader when it is invading. This will create faction-wide coordinated naval invasions that have a better chance of success. Else they may join the strongest faction member instead (e.g. USA in Allies).
-They will factor in things like their current manpower, army size, check that they are not being invaded at home and so on before trying to naval invade someone else.
-If it has not made progress on the invasion after a certain amount of time, it will try to target some other country if possible



AI research has been heavily edited to refocus its priorities according to what type on an army it builds. For example, if the AI intends to ignore tanks and only build infantry and use line-AT against enemy armor, it will also ignore tanks and heavily prioritise AT techs. If it only plans on building CAS, it will not bother researching TAC and so on. To stay competetive, focusing its research where its needed is critical which is something the vanilla AI lacks.

The AI is also scripted to change doctrines at the start of the game depending on what kind of an army it wants to build. It will also take advantage of the manpower techs in the mobile warfare tree if it runs out of manpower. There are tons of other scripted behaviour added to make sure the AI gets certain critical techs on time and understands which tech to prioritise over another.



Law selection AI is also handled by scripted/event based AI because it is a critical part of the game. A crucial change is that the AI is now able to store away political power for critical needs whereas normally the AI would spend PP as soon as it has enough for anything. This stored PP is only used for changing laws, and these laws have specific priorities depending on the situation.

This means that it can upgrade important laws as soon as they become available; for example democratic countries must be able to immediately upgrade manpower laws once they get into a war, which they do now since they have extra PP saved for bad days.

The AI will try to avoid the higher manpower laws with heavy penalties as long as possible, preferring to switch land doctrine branch (for MW) or switching away from Total Mobilization.

Economy law upgrade is the highest priority during peacetime and most countries will try to get War Economy as soon as possible.

Trade law selection logic is calculated based on average resource needs and current resources in order to maximise efficiency. Small countries will mostly stick to Free Trade while bigger countries with a lot of resources will gradually lower it as their industry expands.



AI will not choose useless advisors and it highly prioritises getting the useful advisors in a sensible order. Majors have a more specific order while minors tend to have a high priority on just infantry advisors and a few others.

Marshal and general recruitment is handled with scripted AI. It will compare the number of generals, marshals and divisions to figure out how many of each it should have. It is capable of promoting generals as well.

Leader ability use logic has been overhauled. The AI will save up command power so that it can use abilities for larger armies, it will try to use abilities for armies when it makes sense e.g when over half the army is attacking over a river, it should use makeshift bridges and so on. It should avoid using last stand and force attack when it is low on infantry equipment. Lastly it should almost always be using its command power for something and not let it sit at maximum.

Leader trait picking logic has been overhauled. The AI has high priority on traits like logistics wizard, ambusher, fortress buster, improv. expert and it no longer wastes trait slots on bad traits.


Combat AI

There are not many changes to the actual land combat AI (numerous issues have been fixed by patches). The AI is willing to cancel bad combats much sooner than before, and it is more conservative about executing battleplans when its units have low strength for example.

Naval AI is mostly unchanged but the AI prefers very big fleets now. You can expect fleets as big as 150 ships from the bigger countries. One important change is that the values for repair priority have been overhauled so that the AI knows when to withdraw its damaged ships from combat and to avoid fighting battles with poor odds. This also has an effect on how your fleets behave (low priority repair is much safer now, while high priority is slightly more safe than vanilla high priority).

Air AI has been tweaked to make the AI use air superiority to support its divisions, which I consider its most important role. There is unfortunately a cost in other air AI areas which can't be solved, such as the AI being reluctant to defend against strategic bombing.



Many other changes/fixes like:

-National focus order on historical mode has been edited so that the AI gets the most out of it and takes advantage of the continuous focuses properly.
-Stuff I forgot to mention.
It's a big mod.

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"Something something does this fix the AI moving its divisions or ships this or that way"

No, no, no. The worst issues from the vanilla game are still present. Some specific cases may be better but overall it is the same. See the documentation for more information.

"Does this help performance by fixing AI division spam?"

The AI won't spam thousands of divisions in the late game, so yes. There is however a performance cost to all the additional AI scripting in this mod. The game is a little slower from the beginning but lags out less during the late game.

"I picked Germany, set sliders to max and steamrolled all of Europe/world by 1939."

This is a sandbox game so you can play any way you like. However there are several problems with this: 1) Germany is by far the easiest nation, 2) the sliders only very marginally help the AI (so use more buffs through the EAI config), 3) there's a reason why many MP games use a massive list of house rules. The game is completely unbalanced without them and if human players can't deal with it then the AI sure as hell can't.

"Something ahistorical happened on historical mode."

This mod will not force the game to play out exactly historically whether it's Germany always losing by 45 or China not getting annexed by Japan. If you want to see some nation perform better, give it bonuses.

"Can you make this compatible with my favourite mod X?"

It is unlikely that I will integrate other mods into Expert AI (or the other way around). This mod is created around the vanilla HOI4 with painstaking effort to make an AI that understands how to play vanilla efficiently. An AI mod this extensive will never be compatible with most gameplay or overhaul mods out there without major rework.

Common issues asked about that probably can't be fixed in this mod or are things that are intended

AI country has "strategic reasons" against you in diplomacy. Usually intentional on historical mode. For example Italy refuses to join Germany against the Allies until Germany has broken through the French lines (similar to what happened historically). Conditions are usually flexible though so the game doesn't get stuck.

AI USSR does not understand that it should defend instead of constantly attacking Germany. AI in general does not understand how or when to defend.

Commonwealth minors refuse to invade Germany/Italy ever since 1.6. Could be some hardcoded limit because they don't have a lot of ships or they are too weak against those nations.

Germany sometimes does not intercept Allied bombers even though it has enough fighters. Possibly the AI prioritises taking out the USSR airforce so much that it ignores bombers. Sometimes the AI is just a bit slow to shuffle its airwings.

AI cancels ship productions when changing to another design, wasting production.

AI does not produce ship designs with upgraded modules in some cases despite creating designs for them.

AI has unused dockyards. Usually because the AI sets all lines to 1 ship. After every ship, it has to create a new line which can take some time.

AI protects against naval bombers poorly. Probably related to how the AI only reactively sends fighters into naval zones, instead of providing a constant coverage.

AI doesn't protect its submarines, sending them to naval zones with penalties and not caring about threats in the zone.

AI protects its convoys poorly. It can't use its air force to effectively sink subs.

China loses vs Japan. AI China plays worse versus AI Japan on purpose because otherwise AI Japan becomes too weak.

Severe resource prioritization issues with production lines during shortages. E.g when it needs steel for convoys, it instead keeps producing infantry equipment even if it has huge stockpiles of it.

Отредактировано Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ; 12 окт. 2019 в 12:05


Рекомендуемые настройки


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Depends a lot on the player so it is very hard to give recommendations. Generally the idea is for you to start without any AI boosts and then apply whatever bonuses sound good to you in your next campaign.

Some things to keep in mind:

-The mod startup popup that gives difficulty options from "easy" to "impossible" is only for those who don't want to bother with the advanced configuration. You can make it much harder with the advanced configuration and by giving bonuses to specific AI countries or you can disable the bonuses that you don't like. It's simply better to use the advanced configuration.

-Dynamic settings generally mean the mod tries to give the bonuses to countries are fighting you. It adapts to how the game progresses and it's somewhat more realistic and more convenient. Of course it is not nearly as helpful to the AI as you giving that a specific boost to it so that it benefits from it even when at peace and not fighting with you.

Settings that I recommend right now:

-Puppet Egypt. Pretty much necessary to make the AI work in Africa.

-Free convoys (more is better through the custom bonus). AI has serious issues with losing too many convoys, especially Japan.

-Reduced lack of resource penalty. AI has severe resource prioritization issues that often shuts down its entire naval production for example. -50%+ recommended.

-Dockyard production bonus. AI has issues cancelling expensive capital ships mid-production and it also tends to lose a lot of ships in silly ways.

-At least 50% attrition reduction for the AI.

-I always have dynamic Desperate Defense when playing any major.

-If I'm planning on playing a historical game, I usually put a country specific boost on the enemy majors I'll be fighting. Be careful though, this setting can make things really difficult. USSR army with medium/high country bonus will look a lot different.

Military focuses:

-Challenging mode is the mode to use unless you really have something against what the AI does with it.

-Random focuses, historical focuses: significantly less optimized than the other modes.

Отредактировано Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ; 18 мар. 2019 в 19:09




Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Github разработчика

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Русификатор встроенный, но устаревший.

По ссылке можно проверить, на какую версию Expert AI сделан перевод на русский язык. При желание, можно обновить перевод и отправить автору (в стиме или сделать форк в гитхаб)


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Изменено пользователем Maraniro
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Закреплённые сообщения
21 минуту назад, Shweps сказал:

Видимо придется переиграть все заново. А то обидно получается, я учитывая прошлый опыт для войны скопил на Советско-германском фронте 380 дивизий, а эта скотина мало того что объявила войну только 27 декабря 41-го, так еще и слилась за три месяца. Я не особо торопясь взял Берлин 27 марта. Единственно, что сомневаюсь, стоит ли союзникам давать вери хард?


Мод НоМэн я поставил, но я так понял он начатую уже игру не влияет?

на счет НоМэна не скажу, у вас сахара и еще некоторые территории должны быт не активны (если сахара желтая, без принадлежности кому-либо, значит работает)

на счет сложности на усмотрение, если рейх выучит танки, он францию в любом случаи снесет

из важных моментов рейх третьим фокусом берет договор с СССР

и до середины 37года учит Пз3 хотя бы, если этого не произошло => значит поломан, и воевать нормально не сможет

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кстати, вот еще вариант, а может быть вы с ним договор не подписали?

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20 минут назад, lleyton сказал:

на счет НоМэна не скажу, у вас сахара и еще некоторые территории должны быт не активны (если сахара желтая, без принадлежности кому-либо, значит работает)

на счет сложности на усмотрение, если рейх выучит танки, он францию в любом случаи снесет

из важных моментов рейх третьим фокусом берет договор с СССР

и до середины 37года учит Пз3 хотя бы, если этого не произошло => значит поломан, и воевать нормально не сможет


Как раз подписал, в отличие от прошлого раза когда на ваниле играл. В ваниле это не как не сказалось, наоборот он меня этими средними чуть не забодал. Война началась рано, мои КВ-1 просто не успели массово расплодится. а тут подписал, специально с расчетом на изучение Т-54 в 44-ом.


Сахара после установки мода не поменялась, да и не могла наверное, в ней куча войск на тот момент была.

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нужно ли распаковывать

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18 минут назад, MOPKOBKA2000 сказал:

нужно ли распаковывать


не нужно, кидаете  как есть в две папки. В файле readme сказано в какие именно.

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19 минут назад, Shweps сказал:


не нужно, кидаете  как есть в две папки. В файле readme сказано в какие именно.


выкидывает с такой бедой

[15:19:06][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/741805475.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[15:19:06][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/741805475.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)

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15 минут назад, MOPKOBKA2000 сказал:


выкидывает с такой бедой

[15:19:06][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/741805475.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[15:19:06][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/741805475.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)


Вы скачали файл в виде архива. Внутри архива один файл с номером и расширением mod и одноименная папка, внутри которой тоже архивированный файл (распаковывать не надо). Весь архив надо распаковать в две папки: mod и common (в папке Мои Документы-ХОИ4), если их нет создать ручками.


Я скачивал тут: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Кстати обратил внимание, 27 мая обновление мода вышло.

Изменено пользователем Shweps
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1 час назад, Shweps сказал:


Вы скачали файл в виде архива. Внутри архива один файл с номером и расширением mod и одноименная папка, внутри которой тоже архивированный файл (распаковывать не надо). Весь архив надо распаковать в две папки: mod и common (в папке Мои Документы-ХОИ4), если их нет создать ручками.


Я скачивал тут: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Кстати обратил внимание, 27 мая обновление мода вышло.

теперь такая беда:

[17:09:26][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/741805475.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[17:09:26][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/741805475.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:46][pdx_audio.cpp:1011]: Missing sound effect: infantry_mg_support_attack
[17:09:46][pdx_entity.cpp:113]: Couldn't find sound effect: "infantry_mg_support_attack"
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:640]: Failed to load global statistics, error no: 2
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: time_is_on_our_side
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: canada_first
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: we_will_build_it_in_a_day
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: transport_tycoon
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: destroyer_of_worlds
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: wunderwaffen
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: united_netherlands
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: vive_la_france
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: master_of_war
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: mine_is_bigger_than_yours
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: no_country_for_old_men
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: poland_can_into_space
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: true_blitzkrieg
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: northern_light
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: nobody_expects
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: the_bell_tolls_for_us
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: the_revolution_triumphant
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: once_more_mate
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: forge_of_victory
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: sunset_invasion
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: duce_nukedem
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: operation_sealion
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: one_empire
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: party_like_its_1520
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: med_plutonium
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: montezumas_revenge
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: big_entente
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: new_world_order
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: vojtek_commander
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: brains
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: district_9
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: our_words_are_backed
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: crusader_kings
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: crusader_kings_2
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: rule_britannia
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: cut_the_strings
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: its_1812_all_over_again
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: the_weapons_of_the_third_emu_war
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: i_am_the_tong_master
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: the_empire_strikes_back
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: the_puppetmaster
[17:09:57][pdx_achievements.cpp:446]: Invalid achievement: freegypt

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короче катал за США

проиграл нах

людишки кончились(((



Изменено пользователем MOPKOBKA2000
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18 часов назад, lleyton сказал:

я для себя использовал статичную систему

для оси задавал: 

Рейх - insanity

Япония - very hard

Италия - hard


для союзников: 

ВБ, США, Франция - very hard

остальные - hard


для начала я бы рекомендовал на 1 пункт понизить

потому как там реально безумие получается)))


А в самой игре при этом какая сложность выставлялась?

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4 часа назад, Demen7 сказал:

А в самой игре при этом какая сложность выставлялась?

за СССР не трогал

усиления не особо что дадут, а офицер предполагает слишком большое изменение стратегии

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На мой вопрос хоть кто нибудь ответит?

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В 26.05.2017 в 18:51, class1999 сказал:

Мне непонятен параметр AI attrition. Там стоять проценты. Чем больше тем сильнее AI враг или наоборот? 

чем больше % тем меньше АИ дохнет от недостатка снабжения

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В 30.05.2017 в 12:05, lleyton сказал:

за СССР не трогал

усиления не особо что дадут, а офицер предполагает слишком большое изменение стратегии


Офицера надо ставить обязательно, как и плюс 50%. В отличие от установок мода, усиление в игре дает не только + производство , но и усиливает сами войска. На мой взгляд оптимально при игре за СССР поставить следующие установки: офицер+ 50% Германии, Японии, Италии+ установки мода Hard Германия, Япония.  и Японию лучше в ось не включать, иначе 100500 дивизий испанцев, итальянцев, фашиков будут тусоваться в пустыне гоби. Если чуствуете. что легкотня, то динамически настройки можно увеличить, команда в консоли event EAI_M.1000

Изменено пользователем Shweps
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Теперь о приятных и неприятных моментах:


Противник стал меньше дохнуть, почти перестал загонять в провинции по 50-60 дивизий, где прокормится могут максимум 10. Перестал беспрерывно атаковать сильно укрепленные позиции с малыми шансами на успех.  Обратной стороной стало, то что он вообще перестал атаковать, фактически он стал атаковать только там где его изначальные шансы высокие. Что тоже неправильно, например свою столицу я бы отбивал не считаясь с шансами и потерями.

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13 часа назад, Shweps сказал:


Офицера надо ставить обязательно, как и плюс 50%. В отличие от установок мода, усиление в игре дает не только + производство , но и усиливает сами войска. На мой взгляд оптимально при игре за СССР поставить следующие установки: офицер+ 50% Германии, Японии, Италии+ установки мода Hard Германия, Япония.  и Японию лучше в ось не включать, иначе 100500 дивизий испанцев, итальянцев, фашиков будут тусоваться в пустыне гоби. Если чуствуете. что легкотня, то динамически настройки можно увеличить, команда в консоли event EAI_M.1000

вот тут не соглашусь

да, дает бонус к силе дивизий, но только на национальной территории (если я щас не путаю конечно)

а это уже завершающая стадия войны

по поводу офицера, я готов смириться с любым усилениям АИ, но резать свое производство. без шансов на его апгрейд..

это вообще ломает всю механику

при 30-50% эффективности производства, у вас нету разогнанных линий, вы можете менять производство туда-сюда как вам угодно

решает не качество, а лишь количество военных заводов

на том же офицере, бессмысленно идти в положительный героизм, наиболее эффективной становится стратегия огромного зерга, из 400-600 дивизий

нет, так можно играть, просто не моё


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В 6.6.2017 в 02:26, lleyton сказал:

вот тут не соглашусь

да, дает бонус к силе дивизий, но только на национальной территории (если я щас не путаю конечно)

а это уже завершающая стадия войны

по поводу офицера, я готов смириться с любым усилениям АИ, но резать свое производство. без шансов на его апгрейд..

это вообще ломает всю механику

при 30-50% эффективности производства, у вас нету разогнанных линий, вы можете менять производство туда-сюда как вам угодно

решает не качество, а лишь количество военных заводов

на том же офицере, бессмысленно идти в положительный героизм, наиболее эффективной становится стратегия огромного зерга, из 400-600 дивизий

нет, так можно играть, просто не моё



По поводу эффективности производства, возможно зависит за кого играем. Скажем я играю за СССР и -20 к эффективности производства меня не напрягает, получается вполне исторично. также как и наличие 400 дивизий. Изначально они пустые но по мере развития наполняешь их содержимым, обычно к 43-ему они уже укомплектованы как надо. другое дело Германия, культура производства там была выше, чем в СССР изначально да и принцип формирования дивизий иной: меньше по количеству, но лучше.


Но офицер все-таки необходим, небольшой плюс к защите на национальной территории, периодически заставлял меня лучше планировать операции. На нынешнем этапе ИИ безнадежен, возможно в будущем его запилят лучше и тогда необходимость в усилении отпадет. Но пока ставить игрока и комп в равные положения бессмысленно.

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23 часа назад, Shweps сказал:


По поводу эффективности производства, возможно зависит за кого играем. Скажем я играю за СССР и -20 к эффективности производства меня не напрягает, получается вполне исторично. также как и наличие 400 дивизий. Изначально они пустые но по мере развития наполняешь их содержимым, обычно к 43-ему они уже укомплектованы как надо. другое дело Германия, культура производства там была выше, чем в СССР изначально да и принцип формирования дивизий иной: меньше по количеству, но лучше.


Но офицер все-таки необходим, небольшой плюс к защите на национальной территории, периодически заставлял меня лучше планировать операции. На нынешнем этапе ИИ безнадежен, возможно в будущем его запилят лучше и тогда необходимость в усилении отпадет. Но пока ставить игрока и комп в равные положения бессмысленно.

ну офицер не дает бонусов на нац территорию, это к усилениям

по поводу историчности порезки производства, я бы поспорил

если говорить о производительности труда в целом, то низкая относительно тех же штатов она была как у СССР так и у рейха

и именно СССР выиграл промышленную войну, можно спорить про качество, но в кол-ве он по всем параметрам превзошел немцев

а в игре суть обратная, если играть историчную партию, рейх выигрывает по заводам


ну а так, да ИИ безнадежен, и ни какие усиления его не спасут, ждем введение иерархии командования переработок батлпланов


Изменено пользователем lleyton
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Доброго времени суток. Может кто-нибудь дать ссылочку на этот мод для версии игры 1.4? С помощью сторонних сайтов не получается скачать со стима.

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1 час назад, DmitryTankist сказал:

Доброго времени суток. Может кто-нибудь дать ссылочку на этот мод для версии игры 1.4? С помощью сторонних сайтов не получается скачать со стима.

Поддержу товарища, ибо сам не нашел ссылки. Даже на S-mods нет такого

Просьба к обладателям лицензии: перезалейте мод Expert AI 2.0 под новый патч на какой-нибудь файлообменник, помогите нищим.

Заранее скажу: спасибо добрый человек, дай бог тебе здоровья крепкого, мыслей светлых, мирного неба над головой и успеха в любом начинании!!!

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Мне вот что интересно, может я конечно и не прав но...несколько лет работы, целая контора програмистов, дизайнеров, опытнейших товарищей. на выходе видим стада ИИшных баранов, которые слоняются по кар


Ну справедливости ради, команда разработчиков ХоИ вроде бы всего три человека. Ну то есть в крайних случаях там, когда дедлайны и тл, приходит люди из других команд, но обычно вот так. Я недавно удиви


нигде. купи уже игру.


Погамал, мод отличный, похоже в ХОИ опять вдохнули жизнь)


1.3.2, Айронмен. Играя за СССР, первым делом затеял заваруху в Манчжурии (36 г). Захватил всю территорию вплоть до Пекина (его оставил Китайцам), Ляодунский и Корейский полуостровы, сбросив Японскую а

Белый офицер

Офк стоял, я же не коммунист солдат на убой кидать. Шел по истории, восточная Польша на момент начала войны уже была в руках советов. А еще можете посмотреть у меня на скрине 2 войны, вторая с осью из


А где кроме, стима, можно скачать этот мод?


пытались ли вы настроить мод под себя?   в моде внесены изменения в параметры: показатель окапывания, эффект от опыта дивизий, скорость поступления экипировки в войска. всё это порождае

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