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Dev Diary — Strigoi (Silfae)Нажмите здесь!


For the next version I've fleshed out two more bloodlines, today we'll be talking of the Strigoi.

Both Strigoi and Strigany have been added on the map, both in the Badlands and beyond, to provide for several starting point, some of them are tribal, like Vorag, others use the Blood Pact, like the Carsteins.

Strigoi are seclusive and rancorous, very unlikely to give anyone the blood kiss, regardless of the circumstances, therefore, while the turning decision is still aviable, each turning comes with a high price on piety for the vampire performing it.

Strigoi can also go in hibernation by decision. While hibernating, the ruler is forced into a regency and his special troops are disbanded. Getting into a hibernation on the other hand provides with a bonus on monthly piety gain (which, as you know, is employed by necromancers to do their summonings, amongst other things) and it makes their capital province a lot harder to siege (increased attrition, garrison and fort level).


Both Strigoi and Strigany get a specific prepared invasion casus belli, activated by decision, to take back their homeland. The casus belli scopes by King-tiers, but only inside the Strygos Region (which is most of the Badlands). Besides that restriction, it works as a vanilla prepared invasion: you get a timer, during which you receive event troops and you can declare war at any time on any potential target; if you wait to long, you lose the opportunity and the event troops.


The invasion takes or vassalizes titles as usual, same as the vanilla prepared invasion. Prepared invasions can be issued for as long as the ruler is lower tier than Emperor (no limitations due to your current realm size) and Strygos has not been reformed. Once that happens, the casus belli is no longer accessible for anybody.


To reform the High Kingdom of Strygos you must be either Strigoi or Strigany, directly own the capital duchy and county (Mourkain), directly own the Kingdom of Strygos, completely control all of dejure Strygos and completely control one of the other two dejure Kingdoms (Badlands or Khernarch).

Recreating the High Kingdom grants the Empire title and automatically creates the dejure encompassing all the three Kingdoms and it unlocks a duchy-tier casus belli over the remaining dejure out of your reach, which, unlike the prepared invasion, can be used against other Strigoi/Strigany as well.


Once the High Kingdom has been restored, Strigany will pour in from the rest of the Old World, which will quicken culture conversion of the controlled provinces and you will also have the option of keeping the new Strigany culture or readopt the old Voragi customs (which mostly means just slightly different hats and courtier names).


Finally, Strigany (or Strigoi with Strigany courtiers) have the option of sending caravans ashore through targetted decision. You can choose who to put in charge, but the destination is randomly picked within diplomatic range and other parameters. Once your courtier is in place (provided the local ruler doesn't kick him out) he will cycle every season or so through a small event chain, determining how well or ill received where his merchants during their travel in the foreign land, giving you part of his profits. Success is determined by the courtier's stewardship and diplomacy scores, failure grants a bad province modifier on the province in which the caravan is selling wares, which makes the owner more likely to expell the Strigany from his realm by decision. Every season, when receiving the possible profits from the caravan, the ruler can decide to call the courtier back or let him keep travelling to the same place. If the courtier stays long enough and has success in his travels to the same location, the Strygan community might grow large enough to build a tribal holding in the province, which will be granted to the courtier and vassalized to your ruler.

And that's about it for now.

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Господа разрабы пилят некрархов и регулярку у Империи:

НекрархиНажмите здесь!

Дневник разрабовНажмите здесь!
 Hey Everyone,

just thought I'd let everyone know about a new development that will be coming in the next version:

Empire State Troops.

Now anyone with the Urban Feudalism or Imperial government form will be able to right click on a county title in their de jure kingdom and use it to found a State Troop regiment.


These regiments will be vassal mercenary companies and can be found on the mercenary tab.


The regiment's title and CoA will be based on the County they are founded in, as well as the type of regiment and how many of that type have been founded in that province. So as you can see in the image below, since this was the first halberdier regiment founded in Helmgart, it's called the "1. Helmgart Halberdier Regiment" if there had been one founded before this it would be the "2. Helmgart Halberdier Regiment" etc.


While this will be pretty substantial increase to imperial power, it does come with a few draw backs. The first being that as these regiments are actually led by characters, they can join factions and try to exert influence on how your realm is run. The second drawback is that due to these standing armies, your vassals will give you much less levies as a result. The vassal levy bonuses from crown authority and the levy laws have been halved for all characters able to recruit state troops.



Anyways, these are still being tweaked and worked upon, but they're in a good enough state where I figured I let you all know about them. If you have any questions or thoughts on this, please post them here.

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Я же говорил!Нажмите здесь!
 Alright, a little less for both of these bloodlines, so I'll be covering them together.

Blood Dragons have been given a couple of new rulers, although they've lost the Red Keep, as it should be by lore. The major new player for them is the Red Duke, of course, who will begin the game tangled in a claim war for Aquitaine with Bretonnia.


Some penalties have been set for turning, both for Blood Dragons and some of the other bloodlines. Now turning an unworthy character will incurr in a a prestige/piety penalty, as discussed already in the previous diary. Whereas Strigoi incurr in a penalty regardless of the character, due to their reclusive nature, Blood Dragons will only have to pay the price if their selected character is maimed, deformed or has less than 10 martial. Necrarchs will pay a similar price unless the chosen victim is their mage apprentice.


Blood Dragons, akin to Witch Hunters, can create dynamic "mercenaries" to swell their numbers. Unlike a Witch Hunter's Chapter though, a Blood Dragon Knightly Order is disbanded on the death of its holder and is only tributized to the creator, not vassalized.


Each time you turn a character who is fit to be a Blood Dragon (which is determined as stated above by high martial and no physical defects), you increase your Standing Knights variable. Each time you reach 10 points, you can spend them to create ten special permanent event troops.

But isn't ten troops too little?


Well.. not if they are Vampire Knights.

Both the old retinue and the Knightly Orders will be made up of this new unit type, which, while coming in very small numbers, can be really devastating on the field.

A last feature for flavour would have been going questing, as Knights do, but, sadly, the coding of flavour takes much more time than the coding of mechanics, therefore I'm fairly certain I won't be able to get it ready for the next update.


Now, as for what concerns the Necrarchs... They've been added scattered around the Old World as single-county rulers, but, since the initial idea was of them appearing only as courtiers and since that decision came from how reclusive and relatively passive they are in lore, do not expect to do much with them.

Each Necrarch obtains for free a special Necrarch Tower building in his capital holding, this represent the impregnable trap-filled, overly enchanted towers they usually bury themselves into and, in terms of gameplay, it makes their capitals very hard to siege, pretty much on the same level of a dwarven hold, if not more.

The Necrarch bloodline trait has also been tweaked to give them a lot of monthly piety and a learning bonus, which means there will hardly be a time when you won't be able to raise at least a small horde of undead through the Necromantic summoning ritual. Furthermore, several of the regular casus belli won't apply on the Necrarch rulers and, as a mortal, the easiest way of getting rid of them is fabricate and press direct claims on their lands.

All of this comes to a cost, obviously. As a Necrarch you won't ever be able to appoint either a Chancellor or a Court Chaplain, thus all of their job actions are permanently beyond your grasp. And, you yourself will have no access to most of the casus belli.

You shall only be able to annext territories by tributizing them, otherwise, you'll receive a new raiding casus belli, akin to the Chaos Dwarves' one, for your neighbors.


As you may already know, this kind of casus belli doesn't make you gain any land, but unlocks special events on sieging a holding's capital.


You might be interested to know this casus belli is not restricted to Necrarchs, but rather to Nagashi. So, if, while studying the old book as Carstein, you decided to devote yourself to the Great Necromancer, you too shall be able to use it.

The "samples" you gain from your raiding can be spent through another decision.


Experimenting on subjects captured during the raid can have different outcomes, depending on what do you decide to do with them. You can either produce special event troops, increase your piety or increase your learning.


Finally, as a vampire of another bloodline, you can always ask a magic item to be commissioned to any independent Necrarch within your diplomatic range. The decision works exactly like the normal commission magic item decision, with the exception that the Necrarch can of course refuse the request freely.

And that's about it for now.

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Я же говорил!Нажмите здесь!
 Alright, a little less for both of these bloodlines, so I'll be covering them together.

Blood Dragons have been given a couple of new rulers, although they've lost the Red Keep, as it should be by lore. The major new player for them is the Red Duke, of course, who will begin the game tangled in a claim war for Aquitaine with Bretonnia.


Some penalties have been set for turning, both for Blood Dragons and some of the other bloodlines. Now turning an unworthy character will incurr in a a prestige/piety penalty, as discussed already in the previous diary. Whereas Strigoi incurr in a penalty regardless of the character, due to their reclusive nature, Blood Dragons will only have to pay the price if their selected character is maimed, deformed or has less than 10 martial. Necrarchs will pay a similar price unless the chosen victim is their mage apprentice.


Blood Dragons, akin to Witch Hunters, can create dynamic "mercenaries" to swell their numbers. Unlike a Witch Hunter's Chapter though, a Blood Dragon Knightly Order is disbanded on the death of its holder and is only tributized to the creator, not vassalized.


Each time you turn a character who is fit to be a Blood Dragon (which is determined as stated above by high martial and no physical defects), you increase your Standing Knights variable. Each time you reach 10 points, you can spend them to create ten special permanent event troops.

But isn't ten troops too little?


Well.. not if they are Vampire Knights.

Both the old retinue and the Knightly Orders will be made up of this new unit type, which, while coming in very small numbers, can be really devastating on the field.

A last feature for flavour would have been going questing, as Knights do, but, sadly, the coding of flavour takes much more time than the coding of mechanics, therefore I'm fairly certain I won't be able to get it ready for the next update.


Now, as for what concerns the Necrarchs... They've been added scattered around the Old World as single-county rulers, but, since the initial idea was of them appearing only as courtiers and since that decision came from how reclusive and relatively passive they are in lore, do not expect to do much with them.

Each Necrarch obtains for free a special Necrarch Tower building in his capital holding, this represent the impregnable trap-filled, overly enchanted towers they usually bury themselves into and, in terms of gameplay, it makes their capitals very hard to siege, pretty much on the same level of a dwarven hold, if not more.

The Necrarch bloodline trait has also been tweaked to give them a lot of monthly piety and a learning bonus, which means there will hardly be a time when you won't be able to raise at least a small horde of undead through the Necromantic summoning ritual. Furthermore, several of the regular casus belli won't apply on the Necrarch rulers and, as a mortal, the easiest way of getting rid of them is fabricate and press direct claims on their lands.

All of this comes to a cost, obviously. As a Necrarch you won't ever be able to appoint either a Chancellor or a Court Chaplain, thus all of their job actions are permanently beyond your grasp. And, you yourself will have no access to most of the casus belli.

You shall only be able to annext territories by tributizing them, otherwise, you'll receive a new raiding casus belli, akin to the Chaos Dwarves' one, for your neighbors.


As you may already know, this kind of casus belli doesn't make you gain any land, but unlocks special events on sieging a holding's capital.


You might be interested to know this casus belli is not restricted to Necrarchs, but rather to Nagashi. So, if, while studying the old book as Carstein, you decided to devote yourself to the Great Necromancer, you too shall be able to use it.

The "samples" you gain from your raiding can be spent through another decision.


Experimenting on subjects captured during the raid can have different outcomes, depending on what do you decide to do with them. You can either produce special event troops, increase your piety or increase your learning.


Finally, as a vampire of another bloodline, you can always ask a magic item to be commissioned to any independent Necrarch within your diplomatic range. The decision works exactly like the normal commission magic item decision, with the exception that the Necrarch can of course refuse the request freely.

And that's about it for now.


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"Ладно,чутка поменьше про оба этих рода,так что я расскажу про них вместе

Кровавым Драконам выдали парочку новых правителей,хотя они потеряли Крепость Крови,как это должно быть по бэку.Основной персонаж за них-это Красный Герцог,который,конечно же,начнет игру с объявленной войной за обладание Аквитанией.

Установлены штрафы от превращения для Кровавых Драконов и некоторых других династий("к ламиям разраб вообще не прикасался,человек,работающий над ними забросил моддинг.Как раз создатель birthright'a").Теперь,обращение неподходящих персонажей будет грозить потерей престижа/веры,как это было описано в предыдущем дневнике.Если Стригои получают штрафы,зависящие от персонажа,ввиду их затворнической натуры,то Кровавым Драконам придется расплатиться только если выбранный персонаж увечен,обезображен или имеет меньше 10 военного навыка("забыл как в русификаторе обозвали").Точно так же и с Некрархами,только если выбранная жертва не их ученик.

Как и Охотники на Ведьм,Кровавые Драконы могут создать динамических "наемников",чтобы увеличить свою численность.Однако,в отличии от Охотников орден Кровавых Драконов будет распущен после смерти основателя и принадлежит только ему,без возможности вассализации.

Каждый раз,когда вы обращаете персонажа в Кровавого Дракона(который подходит под критерии) вы увеличиваете переменную Рыцарской Репутации.Каждый раз,зарабатывая 10 очков,вы навечно получаете ивентовый отряд из 10 рыл.Не маловато-ли?

Ну...если они не Кровавые Драконы.

И старая гвардия("как retinue обозвали здесь") и рыцарские ордена будут укомплектованы этим новым юнитом,который,в малых количествах может оказать разрушительный эффект в бою.

Последней фичей для придания особенности будут квесты("которые разраб не запилил для этой версии,ждите.Из обещанного-поиск драконов на фарш и поиск Абхораша").


А сейчас,что касается Некрархов.Они разбросаны по карте как правители с одним лишь баронством,но учитывая,что изначально они задумывались как придворные и какие они затворники,не ждите многого от них.

Все некрархи бесплатно получают "Башню Некрарха"("КО"),уникальное здание,отображающее неприступную башню,нашпигованную ловушками,в геймплейном плане она усложняет осаду столицы,делая её по сложности равной дворфийской,если не сложнее.

Родословная Некрархов раздает им веру и повышает ученость,что позволяет поднимать толпы нежити."

А еще смертные не смогут предъявлять обычные CB на их земли,они могут устраивать рейды на столицу и единственный способ победить их-фабриковка претензии на их землю.Все это также касается нагашитов,так что если решите почитать книжечку о Нагаше и стать великим некромантом,то вам выдадут такие же фичи.Хэв фан.

Изменено пользователем EternityKing
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А сейчас,что касается Некрархов.Они разбросаны по карте как правители с одним лишь баронством


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Alright, time for some screenshots with fabulous Skink crests.

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Lizardmen will be coming with a complete set of mechanics alongside their portrait pack, so let's get to it.

First of all, Lustria has now a little more variety to it, besides Lizardmen and Amazons, we've added Pirates, Estalian colonies, Pygmies and even a Beastman, whose tiny realm you can see right down there in the first screenshot.

The Lizardmen themselves will receive a brand new tribal-ish government form, they do not need to reform to anything, but they can hold both tribal, castle and city holdings. Most of Lustria is still tribal, but the city-temple capitals of the big Lizardmen realms have been fully upgraded.

ДжунглиНажмите здесь!

It has been a long time coming, but there you go, now cutting the jungle is a proper settlement decision, so that you may focus your efforts wherever you prefer. And you will need the function more than before: besides preventing dino rampages (which have been toned down and are now the only revolts Lizardmen have to worry about), you'll need to cut down the jungle if you want to restore the ancient cities to their glory.

To turn a Lustrian tribal holding into a castle or city you need not only to cut down the jungle in the province to its minimum level, but you have to build the hillfort/market to its final stage, as if it was a tribal capital. This is for each holding and note, that it is not Lizardmen restricted: to civilize Lustria as an outsider you'll also have to go through this process, although, unlike a Lizardman, you will keep getting the Wrong Holding modifier all the while.

As for what concerns inheritance, well, Lizardmen are asexuate clones, so you won't be playing the marriage game with them, nor have to worry much about successors, as they are locked in Open Elective.

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You can influence the succession by picking a preference, although keep in mind that if your pick is not a Skink Priest and a Skink Priest is in your court, he will always take precedence. Same thing of course, if you pick no preference and there's a Skink Priest in your court.

Skink Priests are not taught, they spawn sporadically (especially if you have none in your court) every half a century or so, but only if you have a Spawning Pool building (which is unavailable for tribal holdings).

Skinks are cohoperative and tend to be content with their assigned task, you are therefore unable to fabricate claims.

УправленецНажмите здесь!

Instead, your Chancellor can be sent out to recover any trace of the Old Ones in Lustria, increasing your Technology Spread Rate.

On the other hand, the special government allows you free revokation on dukes, so you should be able to handle your own demesne with ease.

Speaking of which, I've splitted the targetted decision to assign a title to a unmarriable character (the one used currently just for orcs), so that now only the AI gives the title randomly. As a player, you can now first target the courtier/vassal with a decision, assign a flag to him, then target the title with another decision to grant it.

Now, if Skinks tendentially work well together, revolts don't happen for the most part, claims can't be made, what about the internal strife?

Well, you might have glimpsed at it in the first picture and yes, that was no mistake, Lizardmen will be using Decadency.

Or, rather, Misalignment.

Несогласованность(несоответствие) с ПланомНажмите здесь!

The more a Skink acts erratically, against what should be the basic behavior of a Skink, or against what is presumed to be the Great Plan, or misunderstands or has a Slann in his care harmed, his level of misalignment increases.

Traits may cause it to rise and fall, sacrifical wars (if won) may help reducing the level, but of course, most importantly, keeping tabs on the sleeping Slann.

ТрактовкаНажмите здесь!

Each every while a contention could come up regarding something about the Slann in your care. As the Hierophant charged with interpreting his signs, you should give your opinion.

Once you've declared what the Slann meant by doing whatever he did, all your vassals and your Priest courtiers will give their opinion about your opinion.

Несогласие с трактовкой.Нажмите здесь!

Now, if they agree with you, you lose misalignment, if they disagree with you, you gain misalignment (with the opinion of the Priest adding or retracting double the value). The opinion of the other Skinks is influenced by their traits (a zealous Priest is more likely to think the Slann is trying to communicate some ominous prophecy rather than just stretching his neck) and the Slann's traits (a gluttonous Slann might be just hungry after all). So.. be careful what you pick. The bigger your realm, the more vassals and priests to satisfy, the greater the potential backlash.

As said before, another way of reducing Misalignment is through war, so, let's pick it up against one of our Pygmy neighbors...

Цветочные войныНажмите здесь!

Flower Wars are Wild Hunt-like cb (no land gain involved) available to every Old Ones Group ruler (so Amazons and Pygmies can use them too). During the war, you will raid provinces, with the usual popup event on siege to take prisoners. The difference is, once the war is over, if you've won, you can still lose, if you do not have collected enough sacrifical victims (counted by variable).

Immediately after you've won the Flower War, you get an event. If you didn't round up enough victims, you gain decadence, if you did round up enough victims you not only reduce your decadence percentage, you get to choose to which of the Old Ones you sacrifice them to, which will give you a temporary boost.

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If you really go overboard with the victims (unlike this case), you may even sacrifice them to Sotek, which increase your misalignment again, but gives an even greater boost than any of the Old Ones.

Keeping your misalignment level down is something to keep track on. While there are no random adventurer doomstacks appearing on 100%, if you get over 60%, your vassals will start factioning to get you out of command.

Восстания несогласныхНажмите здесь!

If you accept their ultimatum, the leader only gets your primary title, if you fight for it (which increases further your misalignment) and lose, you lose all your above County titles.

If your Misalignment goes even further up (over 75%), all the other independent Skink rulers get a free subjugation cb on you to get your realm in line with the design of the Ancients again.

CB на отвернувшегося от Плана ДревнихНажмите здесь!


Getting to 100% Misalignment or having a Slann die in your care will earn you the Defective trait. Once you've got that, both faction and cb are always active, regardless of your Misalignment level and all Lizardmen will strongly dislike you.

After all, if you went that far, clearly you came out wrong from the Spawning Pools and need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Going back to the Slann, they won't be just snoring: there will be that time, every century or so, when a Slann awakes to call for the Lizardmen and use them to get some piece of ancient Old Ones tecnology from some obscure location.

Предсказание слаанаНажмите здесь!

It is like a Crusade, although the Slann's liege is the leader (other independent Skinks receive a scripted event to decide whether to join in or not shortly after the declaration). The target can be any non-Lustrian independent Kingdom. Anywhere.

As you can see, in the case above, the Slann have determined the ancient tablet's location is Sartosa.

Once again, no land is involved in this war, just a huge amount of techpoints, which are given to the most active participant.

And, you know what? The Slann might decide to not sit this one out after all...

Пробуждение слаана.Нажмите здесь!

That's right, through the awesome power of Open Elective I can allow you to play a Slann only when it's fun (that is, when he's awake) as he takes over your Skink's demesne without causing a game over.

This can happen at any war declared by or against a Skink who has a vassalized Slann in his care, although it is a pretty rare event.

You can of course try and awake your Slann forcefully during any war by spending piety, but be aware: it is very likely to fail, and if it does, you misaligned yourself.

Once the war is over, the Slann will go back to sleep and (if he's still alive by that time), your old Skink will retake all his titles, minus the Slann's original demesne, he will return your vassalized little sleeping theocracy, all clean and ready for the next time.

And with this the Dev Diary about Lizardmen is concluded.

Gods, that was long...

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Еще дневник.

Быстрей бы уже релиз.

Ну я имею ввиду они более-менее ведут себя в соответствии с бэком, или же как в классическом СК?

Ну как бы у них открывается КБ на южан.

Несколько раз видел хаоситский кислев, не более.

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Дневник вышел, я понял не все, но чет они намудрили.

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Дневник вышел, я понял не все, но чет они намудрили.

А можно дневник скопировать сюда? :)

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ДневникНажмите здесь!
 It is now time to mention some exciting upcoming changes to the way that magic is dealt with in the mod. These changes, the culmination of five months of coding and experiments mark a significant enhancement to magic and its effects.

For this first Diary I am going to talk about The Magic System, Dispelling, Miscasting and High Magic.

The Magic System.

To begin with magic is being revised to ensure 4 spells for each and every lore. These spells are able to be cast through any mage in your realm. Yes this means that you no longer need to be a mage yourself to cast magic, and instead can direct your vassal mages to cast spells for you. You can also exploit this to ensure that you have 4-5 mages deployed into battle casting spells to dominate and decimate an opposing army before your armies themselves ever meet in combat.


Casting on your Vassal


The requirements then to use magic in this way is to have a magic lore, to have at least magic power 1, and to be in command of a flank or an army. An A.I character can cast magic on their own vocation, and a player may use any Vassal Mage to cast a spell. Your Magic Power Level determines both how much you can cast and how powerful a spell you can cast. When you begin a magic phase, your Magic Power Level is converted to an equal number power points.

Each spell has its own spell power value, that is a required number of power points to cast it. You can actually cast spells until you have used all the power points your mage has, so if you wish to, you can cast a magic missile style spell with a spell cost of 1 four times on your level four mage, or instead cast a single high power spell with a cost of 4 once. After you finish casting your spell, your mage goes onto a cooldown, determined by their magic potential. In this way, both of your magical stats are always going to be relevant.


Dispelling represents one of the unique innovations in the magic system changes. Dispelling works by providing a saving roll for any army you have against an offensive spell cast. Note the saving roll occurs when the spell is cast not when your army is affected, so any effect over time spells can only be dispelled when they are being cast. Dispelling tests the magic power level of the casting mage, against the highest level mage in your army, and depending on how that adds up causes the spell cast to fail. The casting mage can attempt to cast a spell again if they still have power points. Also, a dispelling mage cannot be on magic cooldown, so to use your mage to defend against magic, you cannot be using him/her to attack with magic.


Each spell has a required number of power points to be cast, this determines the power of the spell. More than simply restricting the number of spells that can be cast, the power of the spell also determines the difficulty of casting the spell. This difficulty is modified by your mage's Magic Power Level. If your mage fails at casting a range of affects can occur, this includes losing a Magic Power Level, requiring them to study to regain it, dying, suffering an increased cooldown, or even triggering random mutations. Miscasting exists to provide the mage with some kind of hesitance towards actively casting, the negative effects while random, can be pretty nasty at the wrong period of time.

This is it for the changes to how all magic will behave, now onto the first lore that has been adapted and completed in this system.

High Magic.


Drain Magic.

High Magic is the primary magic of the High Elves, and represents a lore dedicated to the paradigm of magical domination. High Magic achieves this by possessing a paradigm spell called drain magic. This special spell inflicts a modifier on a province that prevents other spell casters from casting, and chooses one random enemy spell caster and puts their magic phase onto cooldown. This spell has a spell cost of 1.


Soul Quench.

High magic's next spell is Soul Quench, a direct damage spell effect. This spell is a simple damage spell that targets an army owned by a character you are at war with, which is in the same province as the spell caster, and then inflicts a percentage of that armies maximum size as damage. This spell has a spell cost of 1.



High Magic's third spell is Apotheosis, a powerful healing effect. Using this spell will regenerate lost troops in your army and help restore morale. This spell does not summon extra soldiers, more it restores up to the maximum amount your armies units naturally can have. It has a spell cost of 2.


Ну и так далее. Я задолбался уже.

In conclusion the substantive focus of the overhaul has been on two elements, to open up the ability for a magicless liege, to wield magic through his subjects, and to make magic casting significant in of itself. Choosing to cast a spell or not to cast a spell can and should potentially make differences to your success on the battlefield. Furthermore it is a design aim of the system to give each lore its own significance and flavour.

Изменено пользователем Sigrael
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Когда её примерно можно ожидать, не знаете?

И это, мод у всех так лагает? Выше 3 скорости играть крайне не комфортно.

При том, что у меня комп мощный.

Да, лагает.

Нет, не знаю когда.

Сделал тут перевод дневника:

Нажмите здесь!

За оригинал спасибо Sigrael

Настало время отметить некоторые грядущие изменения в моде, а именно – магия. Это кульминация пяти месяцев кодирования и экспериментов, улучшение магии и её эффектов.

Первый дневник будет о магической системе, антимагия, высшая магия и неудачные заклинания

Магическая система

Для начала: предусматривается обеспечить каждый лор четырьмя заклинаниями. Они могут быть сотворены любым магов в вашем государстве. Да, это значит, что вам больше не нужно быть магом и самостоятельно читать заклинания. Вы также можете использовать это для преимущества в бою, чтобы 4-5 ваших магов уничтожили армию противника ещё до того, как она встретится с вашей.


Каст на вассалов


Требования для использования лора – как минимум магическая сила, равная единице и командовать флангом. ИИ может использовать магию на своё усмотрение. Ваш магический уровень определяет мощность и количество заклинаний, которые вы можете сотворить. Когда вы начинаете произносить заклинание ваши магические силы преобразуются в то же число очков мощности.

Каждое заклинание имеет свою стоимость в очках мощности. Вы можете произносить заклинания пока у вас есть сила – четыре заклинания по одному очку или одно высококлассное за четыре. После того, как вы закончите произносить заклинание, ваш персонаж уйдет на отдых, длительность которого зависит от его магического потенциала. Так обе ваши особенности будут учитываться.


Антимагия – одна из инноваций в системе. Это спасет вашу армию от агрессивных заклинаний оппонента. Антимагия тестирует магическую силу читающего против сильнейшего мага в вашей армии и даёт вероятность того, что заклинание не получится прочитать. Читающий может снова попробовать произнести заклинание, если у него остались очки. Также, вы не можете использовать заставить мага одновременно использовать магию и антимагию.


Каждое заклинание имеет стоимость в очках, это определяет его силу. Сила заклинания также влияет на его сложность. Сложность зависит от очков мощи мага. . Если маг провалится, то это может вызвать потерю ОМ, смерть или случайные мутации и различные негативные эффекты.

Это общие черты в магической системе, а теперь мы рассмотрим первый лор:

Высшая магия


Высосать магию

Высшая магия – основная для эльфов, а лор является примером магического господства. А достигает она это с помощью высасывания магии. Это заклинание накладывает модификатор, предотвращающий другие заклинания и уводит одно случайное вражеское заклинание на перезарядку.


Подавление души

Это заклинание наносит урон армии, которая принадлежит персонажу, с которым вы находитесь в войне, в той же провинции и наносит урон в зависимости от его размера армии. Стоимость -1



Лечащее заклинание, восстанавливающее ваши потери армии и их мораль. Стоимость - 2


Это было сделано для того, чтобы человек, не знающий магию, мог использовать её через своих вассалов. Выбор «сотворить заклинание» или «не сотворить заклинание» может отразиться на вашем успехе в битве. Кроме того, это особый дизайн для уникальности каждого лора.


Сильно за ошибки не бить :lol:

Изменено пользователем Alex_
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Had скинул дневник, но там были нерабочие скрины, за скрины спасибо Ydaa ;)

ДневникНажмите здесь!
 Лор небес

Лор представляет собой четыре заклинания: предвиденье, предзнаменование небес, цепная молния и комета Кассондра.



Даёт на короткое время модификатор, усиливающий защиту, атаку и преследование. Включается как тактика и позволяет получить стабильный надёжный результат в битве. Не лучший, но и не самый плохой.

Также увеличивает шанс произнесения цепной молнии и кометы.



Предзнаменование Небес.

Мощный положительный эффект заставит армии неподалёку двигаться с повышенной скоростью. Вы можете собрать армию быстрее, но будьте осторожны, ваши враги тоже будут двигаться быстрее. Будем считать, что это заклинание для успокоения погоды и улучшения логистики.



Цепная молния

Первое атакующее заклинание в лоре небес. Уникально тем, что может сработать несколько раз после произношения. Наносит flat (ПП: т.е фиксированный, не в процентах) урон. Одно из немногих заклинаний, позволяющих уничтожить вражескую армию, хоть и с малой вероятностью. Используйте вместе с предвидением чтобы увеличить шанс повторного срабатывания.



Комета Кассондра

Последнее и мощнейшее заклинание из лора небес, призывает громадный объект в место где находится ваш маг с 10 дневным окном (ПП: между кастом и падением), поражая случайную армию на 60% её силы. Это сильнейшее направленное заклинание, хоть оно непредсказуемое и опасное. Оно также имеет больше шансов быть развеяно (ПП: эффект антимагии) или будет неудача при произношении. Однако вам ещё нужен уровень Лорда магии для произношения.

Используйте на свой страх и риск.




После выхода патча нужно посмотреть, может ли метеор задеть свою армию. Если сможет, то я его вообще использовать не буду :lol:

Изменено пользователем Alex_
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Перевёл описание, вставил в шапку дневники о магии

Старая версияНажмите здесь!
 Geheimnisnacht - The Night of Mysteries, as it is known in the Empire. On this night, the dark moon Morrslieb casts its unholy light upon the world below. Sorcerous magic is empowered dangerously, the dead shift in shallow graves, and babies are born into a cursed and uncertain life. It is the night that daemonologist cast the most dangerous pacts and beastmen are driven into a frenzy. On this night, the fate of the world may be decided...

Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht is a total conversion mod for Crusader Kings 2. Set in the year 2010 IC the mod lets you play almost every faction available in Warhammer Fantasy. It features a map that extends from chilly Naggaroth and sweltering Lustria in the west to the impenetrable Mountains of Mourn in the east; From the deadly Chaos Wastes of the north to the blistering deserts of Araby and Nehekhara to the south. Will you fight the forces of chaos, or will you succumb to their cloying temptation? The choice is yours...


  • A brand new map with all the important locations in Warhammer Fantasy
  • 5 different races to choose from, each with their own cultures and names
  • Become a wizard and control the winds of magic
  • Become a Vampire and bestow the Dark Kiss of unlife on others
  • Become the Everchosen champion of Chaos and lead an invasion of the soft lands of the south
  • Become a cultist of the Ruinous Powers or try to remove them from your realm. Careful though, as you never know who exactly may be a thrall to the Dark Gods...

And much more!


Новая версияНажмите здесь!
  Geheimnisnacht - Известна в Империи как ночь таинств. В эту ночь темная луна Моррслиб бросает свой безобразный свет на мир. Весь год её орбита, а следовательно, и фазы непредсказуемы, и лишь в одну эту ночь она приближается к миру, усиливая колдовские ветра и преображая их в бури, а тёмная магия собирается в незримые скопления и течения. Именно эти потоки пробуждают мертвецов, уродуют младенцев в материнских утробах и заставляют скот пожирать друг друга. На Гехаймниснахт ослабляются преграды между реальностью и Владениями Хаоса, в эту ночь узкие пути становятся большими, а большие – огромными, что позволяет тысячам демонов до самого рассвета сеять гибель и разрушение в мире смертных.

Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht

Начиная с 2010 года IC вы можете играть за практически любую фракцию, доступную в Warhammer Fantasy.

Карта от холодного Наггарота и жаркой Люстрии на западе до непроходимых гор скорби на востоке. От смертельных пустошей севера к пустыням Арабии и Неехары на юге. Будете ли вы бороться с силами хаоса, или подвергнетесь их искушению? Выбор за вами.


  • Совершенно новая карта со всеми важными местами Warhammer Fantasy
  • 5 различных рас на выбор, каждая со своими культурами и именами
  • Станьте магом и контролируйте ветра магии
  • Станьте вампиром и даруйте другим тёмный поцелуй смерти
  • Станьте вечноизбранным чемпионом и поведите орды на южные земли
  • Станьте культистом разрушительных сил или прогоните их из вашей державы. Будьте осторожны, вы никогда не знаете кто именно является рабом тёмных богов!

И многое другое…


Изменено пользователем Alex_
Исправлена опечатка (в шапке тоже).
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"Привет вам, жалкие человеки-кислевиты.Понимая, что большинство из вас не смогут понять-осознать величайшего из всех скавенов (да-да!), великого мудреца и новатора, правителя Скванеблайта и моего хозяина-повелителя,я решил донести до вас, тупых-недалеких человеков, его слова.Конечно же, ваш северный язык сильно-сильно отличается, поэтому мне пришлось адаптировать названия и из-за этого некоторые великолепные фразы моего господина немного теряют свое великолепие(а вовсе не потому, что я бездарная крыса-крыса, да-да!)."

"Вас приветствуют Владыки Разложения, ничтожные человеки!Это я - Благороднейший и Высочайший Колдун-Инженер Морскиттар, правитель Скавенблайта, Великолепнейший лидер клана Скрайр, и Величайший скавен среди всех-всех!

До моего изысканнейшего внимания было донесено,что некоторые из вас, в своих жалких попытках воссоздать превосходный образ жизни скавенов, потерпели очевидную неудачу.Как от вас и ожидалось-ожидалось!Глупым людишкам никогда не сравниться со скавенами, конечно они не могут притвориться скавенами!

Величайший из-среди всех!Нажмите здесь!

Ой,что это?Нет кнопки пожениться-спариться?И как мне тогда плодить потомство без свадьбы?!Тупые человеки!Все самки-производители нужны лишь для размножения, ради этого они и рождены,да!Можете себе представить самку, занимающуюся чем то-чем то,кроме произведения потомства?Тогда бы она не называлась самкой-производительницой!Тсцк-тсцк...

Самка скавенаНажмите здесь!

У меня много-много производительниц, да-да!У таких важных скавенов как я их просто куча!Давайте я вам покажу одну...Я выберу-возьму одну из родильных нор в моем великом и удивительнейшом городе-крепости Беллхольме, да-да!Самки - ленивые-жирные твари, так что у тебя должны быть родильные норы, где-где бы ты их мог-мог оставить, поэтому они и называются родильными норами!Это очевидно, но мне приходиться все для вас-вас разжевывать, потому что тупые-тупые человеки ничего не понимают в размножении-размножении!Поэтому скавенов и больше чем людишек, вы не знали?

Конечно же нет!

Тупые людишки!

Как только у меня появляются самки при дворе, я могу спариваться с ними когда могу-хочу!И мне не нужно дарить им подарки-кольца для их лапищ-лап, они все равно слишком кривые-жирнющие.

Много производительниц - всегда лучше-хорошо, ведь ты можешь наплодить много-много скавенов, да-да!Скавены не такие как тупые-медленные твари, нет-нет: когда рождается крысеныш,он тут же съедается или уже к первому году готов драться-убивать, понятно-понятно?

Судьба крысеныша в твоих руках!Нажмите здесь!

Иногда крысеныши получаются-рождаются с черным мехом, эти вырастают самыми сильными, из них ты можешь сделать-вырастить штурмверминов или, если ты один их этих глупых-скрытных крыс жалкого клана Эшин, то и ассассинов из них получиться сделать-вырастить.Очень-очень редко рождаются скавены с белым мехом и рогами: это знак большого благословения Рогатой Крысы!Все эти крысята вырастают в могущественных святых Серых Провидцев!Эта тупая самка родила меня обычным жалким крысюком с коричневым мехом, но это не важно!Если производительница тупа и невероятно некомпетентна, то благодаря невероятно-удивительной техно-магии высшего КЛАНА СКРАЙР, величайшем изобретателем ВСЕХ ВРЕМЕН которого я и являюсь,у меня получится вырастить такого крысеныша как полезного-хорошего колдуна-инженера, таким же как я сам-сам!

СВНажмите здесь!

Ничтожные слабаки, не желающие признать мое абсолютно законное право владеть ВСЕЙ Подземной Империей!Я должен поставить их на место, да-да!Я могу преподать им урок, заставить их уважать величайший клан Скрайр с помощью Подчинения, но нет-нет, это не то, что мне надо-хочется!Я хочу их земли-земли, для того чтобы осуществить мой хитроумный мастерский план по начала вторжения на Поверхность!

ТехномагияНажмите здесь!

В отличии от святейших Серых Провидцев,что благословлены своей могущественной-сильной магией самолично Рогатой Крысой, я, как величайший и гениальнейший колдун-инженер, могу найти свою собственную силу, тратя кусочки варп камня, да-да, насыщая энергией свои новаторские машины!Чем больше камня я трачу, тем сильнее заклятье, но для ничтожно-жалких тварей хватит-потратить и один.

Мои могущественные армии превосходят врага числом: всем мои ничтожные вероломные приспешники ответили на мой приказ и присоединились к силам под моим командованием!Конечно же они ответили-пришли, ведь я настолько щедрый и невероятный, великолепнейший лидер, что они вынужденны подчинятся мне-мне и пресмыкаться предо мной, как-как я этого ВСЕГДА и заслуживаю, да-да!Наши армии превосходят числом все, что может выставить Поверхность, наши города ломятся от клановых крыс, готовых сражаться-умереть за МЕНЯ, их дома-казармы строятся гораздо быстрее странных-хрупких построек на Поверхности благодаря работе рабов-рабов!

Но, Величайший и Великолепнейший, скажите вы, ты, наверняка, после победы над врагами, позволишь им вероломно носить глупые одежки-значки своего клана, оставишь им их уклад и законы, как делаем это мы, глупые человеки с Поверхности, правильно?НЕТ!

Отныне это наша земля!Нажмите здесь!

Клан Скрайр правит этими землями отныне и каждый скавен на этой земле-земле верен клану Скрайр или труп-труп!Не так ли, ничтожные, трусливые-бесполезные приспешники?Конечно же они говорят да-да!

Потому что они сообразительные,да.


Так и есть, сообразительнее человеков, не сообразительнее меня.Я наисообразительнейший скавен, который когда-либо жил-был!



ПоверхностьНажмите здесь!

О,вы думаете-надеетесь,что я не смогу достать вас, таких далеких, в сухости-комфорте под вашим глупым солнцем?Смотрите как я начну свою ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНЕЙШЕЕ завоевание вашей жалкой Поверхности!

Тунели Подземного ЦарстваНажмите здесь!

Вы тупые-глупые людишки, туннели Подземного Царства растянуты-проходят через ВСЮ вашу Поверхность, да-да!Мне всего-то нужно воспользоваться Варпутем, послав свои армии через туннели, прямо к вашей солнечной родине!

ПереходНажмите здесь!

И кто теперь смеется, глупые человеки?КТО ТЕПЕРЬ СМЕЕТСЯ,A?

На поверхностиНажмите здесь!

А в это время мой крысеныш вырос-стал наиспособнейшим колдуном-инженером и отныне будет служить-помогать мне изо всех сил.

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Будет еще много крысят как он, все достаточно сообразительные и хитрые, и все они будут интриговать-гадить рядом друг с другом.Если я пропаду-отлучусь, то они, вероятно, разорвут в клочья целый клан.

Глупые крысюки.

Ой, скажите вы, а не должен ли ты составить план в случае подобной ситуации, о Великий и Невероятный Повелитель?Как это делаем мы, человеки, создавая глупые законы престолонаследования и всякое такое-такое?

Глупые людишки, МНЕ НЕ НУЖЕН ТАКОЙ ПЛАН, потому что я НИКОГДА-НИКОГДА НЕ УМРУ!Я величайший Скавен!Все эти жалкие колдуны-инженеры до меня не преуспели и были убиты, бум-взорваны, но не Я!Я избранный Рогатой Крысы, обреченный на захват мира!Неудачники до меня тоже так думали, но они были не правы, потому что я - это не они!Я!Вот увидите, я смогу!!!"

Изменено пользователем EternityKing
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Dev Diary - Elven Courting & Asur PoliticsНажмите здесь!

Alright, after the Skaven, another dev diary regarding some of the things that have been added in the last update.


Since this update, Elven youth lasts longer, so don't be surprised if you see that you cannot arrange marriages with 16 elves. The new status is represented by the Elven Maiden/Scion traits, who are assigned on adolescent and removed at about 45 years (or if a marriage happens before that).

These traits prevent elves to arrange marriages during their first years of maturity and encourage the AI to search spouses somewhere else other than young landless courtiers.


I've coded a new mechanic that allows elves to court each other, a long event-based process that can allow you to find a spouse in a more dynamic way, taking into account a lot more variables.


Once you start the process, you have a few options to woo your prospective partner, with more made available depending on the traits of your character. Otherwise, you can sink money and prestige, trying to win his favour. The courting process can go on for months, depending on your approach and your success, with each attempt taking a randomized amount of time that can go from 50 to 250 days before receiving notification of failure or success.

The result of the attempt at courting depends on the character's culture and personal traits (so a Druchii might be less swayed by your gardening skills compared to an Asrai).


The more successes one obtains, the more the fiancée is likely to accept your proposal (though, mind you, if your fiancée is not a ruler himself, his liege is the one that gets the last word); if you obtain at least one success, the fiancée will gain the "courting" trait, which prevents other suitors to harrass him, but, if you fail to impress him, he could be open to other offers.


Once you think you're ready, you can stop the courting and propose to your fiancée, picking which kind of marriage are you asking for.

At this point, a lot of variables will be taken into account to determine whether the fiancée accepts or not.


In this example, the suitor wasn't really good at courting, but the fiancée, her liege, owned her a favour for supporting him in a political matter, so he felt compelled to accept the matrilineal marriage.


You might have noticed now Ulthuan is more lively after Conclave update. The Asur culture has been made permanently decentralized, which means the council has always full power in Ulthuan, granting you a lot more ways to plot and gain political influence in the white blob.

In addition to that, there's the new supercourtiers mechanic.


Granting a minor title is no longer an afterthought for the Phoenix Prince. Doing so will create a titular temporary title for the courtier (if he isn't landed already), thus increasing your number of influential people at your court.


In addition to this, your vassals (and even your colonies, if you are interventionist) will ask you to take their sons and daughters into your court, giving them additional influence and the supercourtier status. This costs them of course, but refusing it incurs in opinion penalties.


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это дневники к вышедшей или не вышедшей версии?

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это дневники к вышедшей или не вышедшей версии?

В первых предложениях указано, что к последнему обновлению.

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Dev Diary: Magic GuideНажмите здесь!

Ok, so was meaning to do this before release but have gotten quite sick. Please forgive the lack of screenshots, but it has been mentioned that it is quite crucial to get an explanation out on how magic works.

First there are 12 magic lores currently done. This includes Skaven, Necromancy, High, Dark, and the eight battle lores. There is also a new means to gains magical power over time. This is done passively as a consequence of periodic experience breakthroughs, or as a consequence of actively using magic to dispel or to damage your enemies.


I will explain in brief the concepts that power the magic engine, the parts that while completely invisible behind the scenes, are what are used in calculations for spell success, miscasting, and dispelling.

Caster level

The big honcho stat. Caster Level is a stat that is the primary determinator for spell abilities. If you have magic power you have a caster level. For example should you possess magic_power_1 your caster level will be 1. Caster level can also be influenced by items, buffs, and other things.

Spell Power

Spell power is the magical energy the mage uses to cast his spells. Out of the gate, a mages spell power is set to be the same as his caster level when he begins using his magic. This spell power is progressively decreased with each spell that he casts. When he has 0 he can no longer cast spells. This value can be artificially modified by items or buffs.

Dispel Power

Dispel power is the strength you have at preventing other mages from dispelling your spells. This like other stats is set at the same value as Caster Level but can be modified.

Caster Power

Caster Power is how strong your Mage is as a caster. This determines how likely you are to miscast your spell, or how likely someone is to dispel your spell. Like all other stats this is set to be the same as your caster level but this can be modified by items or buffs.

Spells Known Level

You learn one new spell with every level of this stat. Currently this means the only way to know all 4 spells in a lore is to have either caster level 4 or to have this stat at 4 which are one in the same. In some future updates it is possible that this stat will be modified by items, enabling a situation where a weak mage with the right items could effectively cast stronger spells he should otherwise not know, even though his natural magic power is still low.

Magic Power Acquisition.

As part of moving to a more active magic system there was a decision to make magic more usable among your vassals. This led to a problem where miscasting could cause a loss of magic power from your vassal wizards. To solve this we implemented a passive magical experience system, where using magic earns experience points towards gaining more magical power. There is also a very randomized event that can trigger that will give a mage a substantial boost in experience towards gaining a level of magical power. The modifiers that affect this are not just your learning and traits, but whether your character previously possessed this level of magical power.

Magic Resistance.

This is a new stat that will come in the next magic update, so I will spoil a bit about it now. This stat gives a passive resistance to targeted magical effects, as well as providing a defense to your armies from battle spells. When fully implemented expect this to provide to races like dwarves some form of spell protection outside of dispelling.

Lores of Magic.

Lore of High Magic;


High Magic spells all have much lower casting costs and miscasting chances of other lores.

High magic has the spells revealed in the developer diary. These spells are;

Drain Magic: this spell temporarily damages enemy mages magic power level, cast it four times and it will make them temporarily not be a mage.

Soul Quench: A damage spell that does 8% of the enemy army in damage. This also does damage to sieges.

Apotheosis: A healing spell that restores 8% of your armies maximum size.

Flames of Asuryian: A lingering damage effect that will proc in the province for 20 days. it does 3% damage every day. This also does damage to sieges.

Lore of Dark Magic


Dark Magic has high cast costs and higher miscast chance, however it is also the most directly powerful set of spells in terms of raw effects. If High Magic is the rapier of magic, Dark Magic would be the Warhammer. Dark Magic spells on successful casts have a 40% chance to restore 1 spell point so you can keep casting.

Doombolt: A single blast of magic that does 12% damage to the enemy army.

Dark Fury:A blast of magic that does 9% damage to the opposing army, with a 55% chance to hit a second time, and a 55% chance to hit a third time. Each blast can generate spell points, a lucky casting of this spell can generate net spell points.

Bladewind: A wave of damaging magic that does 15% damage, with a 60% chance to be recast.

Amzipal's Black Horror: This spell spawns a ticking effect in a province, doing 10% damage each day, with a 65% chance to move to a neighbouring province, this effect will last for 10 days.

Lore of Necromancy.


The Lore of Necromancy has a relatively unique theme within the magic system, that of sacrifice. Apart from an initial spell that damages a few troops of the enemy while healing a few of your own, necromancy instead relies upon damaging your own troops to cause an effect. Be that damaging morale to restore numbers, or damaging numbers to restore morale, or damaging both to cast a powerful damaging spell at your enemy.

Imbide Life; does 2.5% of the enemy army in damage and 2.5% of your army is restored.

Unholy Life; does 25% of your army is restored and 25% of its current morale is lost.

Unholy Resolve; does 25% of your army dies and 100% of your armies morale is restored.

Damnation of the dead; does 25% of your army dies, and 45% of the enemy army is destroyed.

Lore of Ruin.

The Magic of the Skaven is the last of our magic lores to have a unique set of behavior. Like the other three kinds of dark magic it is more inclined to explode on the user, but Skaven Magic also splits between three different kinds of caster, Grey Seer, Plague Lords and Warlock Engineers.

Plague Lords and Warlock Engineers are both semi-competent mages. Plague Lords get the spells Vermintide and Plague, while Warlock Engineers get Warp Lightning and Cracks of Doom.

Warlock Engineers also have a requirement of taking warpstone to gain defacto levels of magic power. Depending on how much warpstone you take, your caster level will be set to this level. With each successive spell your caster level will be decreased by the amount of spell power the spell required.

The final kind of caster for the Skaven is the Grey Seer. Grey Seers possess the four spells of the Skaven, as well as a unique fifth spell that can only be used while under the influence of warpstone. This spell is the dreaded thirteenth spell that does substantial damage to the enemy and summons new troops for you. Do note that casting this spell immediately ends your magic phase, so do use it with care. Often times there are perhaps more efficient ways of using your magic, but when has efficiency truly minded to the rat-things.

Warp Lightning;The Initial spell for Warlock Engis and Grey Seers, this spell does 5% of the enemy army in damage, with it being boosted to 8% if your high on warpdust. The spell has a chance to trigger multiple times, doing the repeat damage. Used by a warp engi snorting lots of Warp Cocaine, not just has a high chance of nuking the Warlock, but can remove large portions of your enemies army from existance.

Cracked Earth; is the powerful spell for the warlock engis side of the spell tree for skaven, doing 10% of the target in damage, and 14% damage if your high on warpstone.

Plague; the first spell of the vermin tree for the Skaven does 5% of an enemies army in damage, as well as inflicting red pox on army leaders. Taking warp crack will boost this by 3% to 8% damage.

Vermintide: The penultimate spell for plague mages, vermintide will summon 30 giant rats, or 50 giant rats if taking warpstone to fight for your mage.

Thirteen Spell: The ultimate magic of the Grey Seer, this spell does 30% damage to your enemies army, while spawning 350 new troops for you. If you use it you cannot cast any other spells.

Lore of Heavens.


I posted a dev diary for the lore of heavens some months ago, it has however changed somewhat since then.

Heavens is based around trying to stack the deck in your favour. The first spell triggers a series of random events afterwards that can do anything from healing your wounded, to damaging your enemy. This spell leaves a lasting modifier that improves all spells subsequently cast.

Foresight: A random buffing spell, with effects triggering on a random basis afterwards so long as you are in combat. These effects can be healing effects, damaging effects, or even a hidden trigger for some very powerful later spells.

Urannon's Thunderbolt: A nice powerful solid damage spell that does a random amount of damage, either 7%, 10%, 12.5% or 15%

Chain Lightning: A spell that does 7% damage, with a random chance to hit repeatedly. Foresight applies a modifier that increases the chance of this spell hitting more than once.

Comet of Cassondora: A highly scripted spell, the damage effect occurs randomly after 10 days, and the damage effect itself can be anywhere between 25% and 75% to either your army, or your enemies army, it can also randomly destroy a holding, on a very small chance. This spell is heavily influenced by the foresight spell, and can be cast during a battle for a province, only for the comet itself to arrive while a second army is sieging the province.

Lore of Beasts.


Lore of beasts is a lore based around fighting a war of attrition. Unlike other lores, the primary damage dealing of the spell is done through a weak but reliable damage spell, along with effects that increase attrition damage at the location. Also included within the lore are spells to turn the mage himself into a literal beast.

Wrath of Nature: This spell is a no frills solid 7% damage effect that reliably can be used to hurt the enemy.

Beasts Gone Wild: Causes the province to apply increased attrition.

Servants of the Wild: Summons 40 war beasts for the mages service.

Transformation of Kadon: Applies a trait that gives large boost to martial and personal combat, while decreasing learning intrigue, diplomacy and stewardship.

Light Lore.


The Lore of Light is the Lore you want when you want your armies to never break, and daemons to run in terror...

Holy Fire: This first spell like most others does 7% damage. However, if your enemy general is a Daemon, the spell will do a whopping 17% damage on a single spell point...

Speed of Light:This spell enables a new Tactic that functions like a charge, it improves melee damage substantially.

Wall of Light: This spell enables a tactic that when it fires substantially boosts your armies defense.

Light of the Heavens.: There are spells and then there are SPELLS, and this is certainly a SPELL. This spawn hits not just the province your mage is in, but all neighbouring provinces with a large morale boost for your troops, and a 3% damage effect on all enemies, but wait, if they are daemons it does 13%.

Shadows Lore.


Shadows Lore is all about winning the battle without neccesarily winning the war, it will let a numerically smaller army successfully duel and hold off a much larger force with its morale heavy effects.

Shadow Bolt: This Spell inflicts significant morale damage, while inflicting 3% damage to the enemy army.

Steed of Shadows: Grants a powerful movement buff to the caster that lasts for 10 days

Mortal Terror: Applies a strong morale debuff to enemy armies lasting for 10 days.

Wave of Darkness: does 10% damage to enemy armies and 75% morale damage to all armies in the province and in neighbouring provinces.

Death Lore.

A lore that specializes in damaging the undead and inflicting the permanent state of death, Death Lore if a mix of heavy damage spells and very powerful restrictive debuffs.

Death Bolt: Does 8% damage to the target army and has a 35% chance of killing the command of the targeted army.

Ward of Death: Summons a palpable wall of death around the current location preventing any armies from moving in or out, lasts for 15 days.

Death's Majesty: Forcibly disbands all the armies of the enemy army leader that possess undead earmarks.

The Black Sphere of Xerses: Summons a powerful damage effect that does 5% damage every day for 5 days, with a 55% chance to move to a neighbouring province.

Life Lore.


The most powerful of the supportive and buffing lores, Life Lore is based in damage over time and powerful heal effects.

Grasping Vine: does 2% damage every day for five days.

Life Blossom: Heals 5% of your army every day for five days.

Overgrowth: does 1% damage and 1% healing every day for 12 days in the target province and every neighbouring province.

Resurrection: Has a 75% to refill all holdings in the target province and in every neighbouring province. Each province has its own 75% chance.

Lore of Fire.


There are some problems in life that just require a little fire to solve. The lore of fire consists of a number of powerful damage effects aimed at reducing enemies to ash.

Fireball: Does 7% damage as a direct effect, and inflictings a random lasting 3% damage effect each day since.

Burning Blade: Enables the Burning Blade tactic which causes increased damage in melee and skirmish.

Blast of Flame: Inflicts a massive 30% damage effect, while doing a periodic 3% damage effect which lasts for a random time.

Firestorm: Firestom lasts for 30 days and does 1% damage to your army, and 7% damage to an enemy army every day.

Metal Lore


The Lore of Metal is a potenent Battle Lore, with strong defensive effects mixed with powerful damage effects.

Flesh to Gold: Does 6% damage to enemy armies and generates gold for the owner of the caster.

Weight of Iron: Adds a powerful movement speed debuff to the province.

Curse of Rust: Reduces the armour of all an enemies troops by 90% lasts for 7 days.

Blessings of Steel: Drastically increases the casters troops defense value.


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Кое-кто перевёл дневник про скавенов раньше меня, при том что я его уже забрал. В следующий раз, пожалуйста, не делайте так. Мне пришлось удалить уже на четверть готовый перевод. Если же я сказал что буду переводить уже после того как вы взялись за перевод, то отпишитесь в следующий раз. А вот за качество могу похвалить, мне понравилось.

Впрочем, ныть по этому поводу я более не намерен, вот вам дневник про ЙОЛЬФОФЬ.

Эльфийские ухаживания и политикаНажмите здесь!

Окей, кроме скавенов ещё кое-что было добавлено в последнем обновлении.


Начиная с этого обновления не удивляйтесь, если увидите что не можете связать себя узами брака с шестнадцатилетними эльфами. Новый статус, представленный эльфийской девой/ эльфийским юношей, который пропадает в 45, или раньше, если до этого произошёл брак. Это не позволяет ИИ устраивать брак в течении нескольких первых лет и поощряет искать супругов в другом месте, вместо поиска их среди молодых безземельных придворных.


Я закодил новую механику с длинным эвентовым процессом, позволяющим искать супруга более динамично, с кучей вариаций.


Как только вы начинаете процесс, у вас есть несколько вариантов, чтобы добиться вашего потенциального партнера, в зависимости от ваших черт характера. Также можно использовать деньги и престиж для покупки услуги. Процесс ухаживания может продолжаться месяцами, в зависимости от ваших успехов. С каждой попыткой проходит случайное кол-во времени (от 50 до 250 дней), после чего вам заявляют о удаче/неудаче. Результат зависит от культуры и трейтов (Тёмные эльфы не так любят садоводство, как высшие).


Чем больше успехов, тем вероятнее что предложение примут (учтите, если потенциальный супруг безземельный, то последнее слово за его сюзереном). После первого успеха избранник получает трейт «ухаживания», препятствующий другим ухаживать за ним, однако он пропадёт если вы не справитесь.


Как только будете готовы, вы сможете прекратить ухаживания и предложить брак и его тип. На данный момент на это влияет куча факторов


Тут не очень хорошо ухаживали, но благодаря услуге за помощь в политическом вопросе он был вынужден принять брак.


Ультуан стал более живым после конклава. Он постоянно децентрализован, что означает полную власть совета, что даёт вам больше политического влияния в большой белой капле.

В дополнение этому мы вводим новую механику суперпридворных.


Раздача придворных титулов теперь важна для короля-феникса. Создаётся титулярный временный титул для безземельных персонажей, тем самым увеличивая число влиятельных людей при дворе.


В дополнение этому, ваши вассалы (и колонии, при соответствующей политике) могут попросить взять своих детей к вашему двору, даруя им влияние и статус суперпридворного. Это стоит им, а отказ понизит ваши отношения.

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