Технические вопросы и решение проблем мода «Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht» - Страница 7 - Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Технические вопросы и решение проблем мода «Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht»

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Данная тема предназначена для технических вопросов и решения проблем в моде «Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht».


Часто встречаемая ошибка:

Внимание: нельзя устанавливать мод в папку "[папка с установленной игрой CK II]\mod\" Если устанавливать по этому адресу, то часть персонажей при старте могут оказаться непроработанными и недоступными для игры (низкого рода), игра вылетает (прекращает работу) при попытке сохранения.

Мод необходимо распаковывать в папку "[Мои документы]\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod". Например:

"C:\Users\[Имя пользователя]\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\" - Windows 7/8/10

"C:\Documents and Settings\[Имя пользователя]\Мои документы\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod" - Windows XP

Изменено пользователем Kassatka
о часто встречаемой ошибке

Закреплённые сообщения
ЛогНажмите здесь!
 [instanttextboxtype.cpp:92]: Not used, use maxWidth and maxHeight file: launcher/interface/main.gui line: 87

[instanttextboxtype.cpp:92]: Not used, use maxWidth and maxHeight file: launcher/interface/main.gui line: 104

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: take_events_when_disabled, near line: 179

" in file: "interface/unitpanel.gui" near line: 179

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: take_events_when_disabled, near line: 487

" in file: "interface/unitpanel.gui" near line: 487

[sound.cpp:235]: Sound generic_click_04 not found.

[sound.cpp:235]: Sound generic_click_04 not found.

[sound.cpp:235]: Sound generic_click_04 not found.

[sound.cpp:235]: Sound generic_click_04 not found.

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: take_events_when_disabled, near line: 179

" in file: "interface/unitpanel.gui" near line: 179

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: take_events_when_disabled, near line: 487

" in file: "interface/unitpanel.gui" near line: 487

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: defense, near line: 1064

" in file: "common/traits/S_traits.txt" near line: 1064

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: costs_piety, near line: 1456

" in file: "common/retinue_subunits/00_retinue_subunits.txt" near line: 1456

[technology.cpp:731]: Missing Tech seed values:

[technology.cpp:768]: None.

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: government, near line: 2490

" in file: "decisions/realm_decisions.txt" near line: 2490

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: government, near line: 2007

" in file: "decisions/settlement_decisions.txt" near line: 2007

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 252

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 252

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 341

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 341

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 431

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 431

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 436

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 436

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 518

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 518

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 589

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 589

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 745

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 745

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 1044

" in file: "common/governments/feudal_governments.txt" near line: 1044

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Malformed token: yes, near line: 136

" in file: "common/governments/nomadic_governments.txt" near line: 136

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5400050 61. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 7000101 61. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 9000 61. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 9001 61. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 9002 61. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 9003 61. Already exists in game.

[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 9004 61. Already exists in game.

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: NOT, near line: 4018

" in file: "events/lovers_events.txt" near line: 4018

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: lower_tier_than, near line: 4019

" in file: "events/lovers_events.txt" near line: 4019

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: NOT, near line: 4068

" in file: "events/lovers_events.txt" near line: 4068

[persistent.cpp:37]: Error: "Unexpected token: lower_tier_than, near line: 4069

" in file: "events/lovers_events.txt" near line: 4069


Господа-товарищи,выручайте.Переустановил игру под новый патч,а игра мне устраивает подлянку-выдает типичный вылет на флагах.Такое уже случалось,фиксилось у меня это установкой другого репака.Перепробовал абсолютно все.Игра без мода идет,а с ним крашится.Может быть виноват мой старый ноутбук,но все равно-это дичь какая-то.

На всякий случай скидываю лог,мб найдется спаситель.

Качай другой репак (а лучше лицензию, 100р то почти и не деньги по нынешним временам), у меня такая фигня была с модом на игру престолов, скачал другой репак и стало норм.

domestic_dynasticНажмите здесь!
 guiTypes = {

windowType = {

name = "dynastic_view"

backGround =""

position = { x = 0 y = 97 }

size = { x = 576 y = 512 }

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iconType ={

name ="bg_dynastic"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_bg"

position = { x= 0 y = -98 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



windowType = {

name = "liege_info"

backGround =""

position = { x=150 y=0 }

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fullScreen = no

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guiButtonType = {

name ="liege_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_50"

position = { x= 92 y = 12 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="liege_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

position = { x= 86 y = 5 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="liege_portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead_small"

position = { x= 133 y = 36 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



iconType = {

name ="liege_portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_50"

position = { x= 128 y = 13 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="liege_portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_50"

position = { x= 92 y = 2 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="liege_opinion_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_opinion_bg"

position = { x= 147 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "liege_opinion"

position = { x= 139 y = 6 }

textureFile = ""

font = "Arial12"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "-30"

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iconType = {

name ="liege_opinion_2_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_opinion_bg"

position = { x = 147 y = 20 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "liege_opinion_2"

position = { x = 139 y = 26 }

textureFile = ""

font = "Arial12"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "-30"

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guiButtonType = {

name ="liege_shield"

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iconType =


name ="liege_crown"

spriteType = "GFX_shield_crown_strip_medium2"

position = { x= 67 y = 1 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="liege_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg"

position = { x= 74 y = 50 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "liege_label"

position = { x = 78 y = 57 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



guiButtonType = {

name = "quick_plot_button"

position = { x=29 y=177 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_quick_plot_button"

clicksound = generic_click_02


# guiButtonType = {

# name = "diplomacy_button"

# position = { x=27 y=207 }

# quadTextureSprite ="GFX_button_goto_diplo"

# clicksound = generic_click_02

# }

guiButtonType = {

name = "barber_button"

position = { x=100 y=20 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_customization_barber_button"

clicksound = generic_click_02

pdx_tooltip = "BARBER_TOOLTIP"


guiButtonType = {

name ="toggle_forbidden_to_lead_armies"

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_toggle_allow_as_leader"

position = { x= 180 y = 6 }

clicksound = generic_click_01



windowType = {

name = "barber"

backGround = "background"

position = { x=600 y=200 }

size = { x=300 y=300 }

moveable = 1

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = "0"

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

guiButtonType ={

name ="background"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_customization_barber_bg_area"


iconType = {

name ="customization_barber_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_customization_barber_bg"

position = { x= 0 y = 0 }


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_150"

position = { x= 75 y = 33 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_150"

position = { x= 63 y = 20 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "next_hair"

position = { x=185 y=210 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_buildview_next"


guiButtonType = {

name = "prev_hair"

position = { x=85 y=210 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_buildview_prev"


guiButtonType = {

name = "next_beard"

position = { x=185 y=245 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_buildview_next"


guiButtonType = {

name = "prev_beard"

position = { x=85 y=245 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_buildview_prev"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "hairstyle_label"

position = { x = 95 y = 212 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 4 y = 4}


maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 30

format = centre

fixedsize = yes


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "beard_label"

position = { x = 95 y = 247 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 4 y = 4}

text = "RD_BEARD"

maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 30

format = centre

fixedsize = yes


guiButtonType = {

name = "accept"

position = { x=153 y=312 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_standard_button_112"

buttonText = "CUT"

buttonFont = "vic_18"


guiButtonType = {

name = "decline"

position = { x=30 y=312 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_standard_button_112"

buttonText = "EXIT"

buttonFont = "vic_18"



### HEIR

windowType = {

name = "heir_info"

backGround =""

position = { x=-13 y=160 }

size = { x=300 y=200 }

moveable = 0

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = "0"

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

guiButtonType = {

name ="heir_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_50"

position = { x= 92 y = 12 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="heir_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

position = { x= 86 y = 5 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="heir_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg"

position = { x= 74 y = 50 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "heir_label"

position = { x = 78 y = 57 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"




windowType = {

name = "regent_info"

backGround =""

position = { x=71 y=160 }

size = { x=300 y=200 }

moveable = 0

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = "0"

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

guiButtonType = {

name ="regent_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_50"

position = { x= 92 y = 12 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="regent_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

position = { x= 86 y = 5 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="regent_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg"

position = { x= 74 y = 50 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "regent_label"

position = { x = 78 y = 57 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



##### tabs

guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_1"

position = { x=9 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.8


guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_6"

position = { x=93 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.8


guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_2"

position = { x=177 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87


guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_3"

position = { x=268 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87


guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_4"

position = { x=359 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87


guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_5"

position = { x=449 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87



instantTextBoxType = {

name = "family_text"

position = { x = 10 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

format = center

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "relations_text"

position = { x = 108 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "vassals_text"

position = { x = 185 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "VASSALS"

maxWidth = 70

maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "vassals_nr"

position = { x = 221 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "(14)"

maxWidth = 40

maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "courtiers_text"

position = { x = 276 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "COURT_TAB"

maxWidth = 70

maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "courtiers_nr"

position = { x = 312 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "(14)"

maxWidth = 40

maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "ally_text"

position = { x = 366 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "ALLIES_TEXT"

maxWidth = 70

maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "ally_nr"

position = { x = 402 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "(14)"

maxWidth = 40

maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "abroad_text"

position = { x = 456 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 70

maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "abroad_nr"

position = { x = 491 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "(14)"

maxWidth = 40

maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



### sorts

guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_tier"

position = { x=39 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_88"

buttonText = "TIER"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_name"

position = { x=126 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_188"

buttonText = "CHAR_NAME"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_tax"

position = { x=312 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_88"

buttonText = "CHAR_TAX"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_opinion"

position = { x=398 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_112"

buttonText = "OPINION"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


listboxType =


name = "vassal_listbox"

position = { x=22 y = 410 }


size = { x = 491 y = 244 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

spacing = 1

scrollbartype = "standardlistbox_slider"

borderSize = {x = 10 y = 10}



windowType = {

name = "char_family_window"

backGround =""

position = { x=19 y=377 }

size = { x=300 y=200 }

moveable = 0

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = "0"

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

iconType =


name ="charview_family_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_family_bg"

position = { x= -9 y = 1 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="charview_family_bg_2"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_family_bg_2"

position = { x= -9 y = 1 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="repover_charview_1"

spriteType = "GFX_repover_charview_1"

position = { x= 6 y = 5 }


iconType =


name ="repover_charview_3"

spriteType = "GFX_repover_charview_3"

position = { x= 6 y = 5 }


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "parents_text"

position = { x = 18 y = 10 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_PARENTS"

maxWidth = 150

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "grandparents_text"

position = { x = 193 y = 10 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 150

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "guardian_text"

position = { x = 375 y = 10 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 115

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "children_text"

position = { x = 105 y = 102 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 300

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "siblings_text"

position = { x = 32 y = 194 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 250

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "siblings_text2"

position = { x = 105 y = 194 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 300

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "spouses_text"

position = { x = 328 y = 194 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 150

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "parents"

position = { x = 36 y = 35 }

size = { x=200 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

format = left

spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "grandparents"

position = { x = 200 y = 35 }

size = { x=200 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

format = left

spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "guardian"

position = { x = 340 y = 35 }

size = { x=200 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

format = center

spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "children"

position = { x = 31 y = 127 }

size = { x=490 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

format = left

spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "siblings"

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spacing = 0


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name = "siblings2"

position = { x = 31 y = 219 }

size = { x=490 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

format = left

spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "spouses"

position = { x = 320 y = 219 }

size = { x=175 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

format = left

spacing = 0




windowType = {

name = "char_relations_window"

backGround =""

position = { x=19 y=377 }

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moveable = 0

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = "0"

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

iconType =


name ="charview_relations_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_relations_bg"

position = { x= -9 y = 1 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="repover_charview_2"

spriteType = "GFX_repover_charview_2"

position = { x= 6 y = 5 }


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "friends_text"

position = { x = 105 y = 10 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_FRIENDS"

maxWidth = 300

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "rivals_text"

position = { x = 105 y = 102 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_RIVALS"

maxWidth = 300

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "in_laws_text"

position = { x = 32 y = 194 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_IN_LAWS"

maxWidth = 250

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "lovers_text"

position = { x = 328 y = 194 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_LOVER"

maxWidth = 150

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


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name = "friends"

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size = { x=490 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

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OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "rivals"

position = { x = 31 y = 127 }

size = { x=490 y=64 }

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spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "in_laws"

position = { x = 31 y = 219 }

size = { x=265 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

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spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "lovers"

position = { x = 320 y = 219 }

size = { x=175 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

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spacing = 0




guiButtonType = {

name = "button_close"

position = { x=515 y=-84 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_main_close_button"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

shortcut = "ESCAPE"

pdx_tooltip = "CLOSE"


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_wikipedia"

position = { x=495 y=-34 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_wikipedia_link"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_dynastytree"

position = { x= 484 y = 9 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_goto_dynasty"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_familytree"

position = { x= 484 y = 42 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_goto_family"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_realmtree"

position = { x= 484 y = 75 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_goto_hierarchy"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04



### Character Info

windowType = {

name = "character_info"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=30 }

size = { x=240 y=512 }

moveable = 0

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = "0"

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

guiButtonType = {

name ="character_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_150"

position = { x= 76 y = 7 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_150"

position = { x= 64 y = -6 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead"

position = { x = 186 y = 133 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



guiButtonType = {

name = "character_designate_heir_button"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_designate_heir"

position = { x=195 y=18 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


pdx_tooltip_delayed = "title_designated_heir_desc"


iconType = {

name = "character_portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_150"

position = { x=195 y = 18 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name = "character_portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_150"

position = { x=78 y = 18 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="opinion_bg_big"

spriteType = "GFX_opinion_bg_big"

position = { x= 220 y = 182 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "opinion_text"

position = { x = 219 y = 188 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = ""

maxWidth = 40

maxHeight = 20

format = centre

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_shield"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_shield_big"

position = { x= -15 y = 40 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="character_crown"

spriteType = "GFX_shield_crown_strip_big"

position = { x= 17 y = 11 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="spouse_portrait"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_char_100"

position = { x= 218 y = 55 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_100"

position = { x= 210 y = 46 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "arrange_marriage"

position = { x=292 y=178 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_arrange_marriage"

clicksound = generic_click_04


iconType = {

name ="spouse_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg2"

position = { x= 214 y = 140 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "prev_spouse_button"

position = { x= 219 y = 123 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charview_wife_prev"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "next_spouse_button"

position = { x= 297 y = 123 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charview_wife_next"

clicksound = generic_click_04


iconType = {

name ="marriage_type_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_marriage_type_icon"

position = { x= 217 y = 143 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "spouse_text"

position = { x = 222 y = 147 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_SPOUSE"

maxWidth = 90

maxHeight = 20

fixedsize = yes

format = centre

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead"

position = { x = 297 y = 140 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



iconType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_100"

position = { x= 295 y = 63 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_100"

position = { x= 214 y = 63 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "name"

position = { x =143 y = -58 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_22_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "§WJulius Caesar"

maxWidth = 325

maxHeight = 24

fixedsize = yes

format = left


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "born"

position = { x = 448 y = -57 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_22_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

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maxHeight = 24

format = right


guiButtonType = {

name ="dynastic_shield"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_shield_medium"

position = { x= 393 y = -2 }

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clicksound = generic_click_04


iconType = {

name ="decadence_label"

spriteType = "GFX_decadence_label"

position = { x= 396 y = 62 }


iconType = {

name ="icon_decadence"

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pdx_tooltip = "DECADENCE_TITLE"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "DECADENCE_DESC"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "decadence_text"

position = { x = 408 y = 64 }

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text = "100%"

maxWidth = 50

maxHeight = 20

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "dynasty"

position = { x = 358 y = -22 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "af Stenkilsдtten"

fixedsize = yes

maxWidth = 135

maxHeight = 20

format = centre


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "culture"

position = { x = 327 y = 87 }

textureFile = ""

font = "Arial12_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "Swedish Catholic"

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maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 20

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iconType = {

name ="religion_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_religion_icon_strip"

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iconType = {

name ="government_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_feudal_government"

position = { x= 347 y = 38 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name = "plot_icon"

position = { x= 365 y = 105 }

spriteType ="GFX_icon_diplomacy"


guiButtonType = {

name = "quick_ambition_button"

position = { x= 332 y = 103 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_quick_ambition_button"

clicksound = generic_click_02


iconType = {

name = "ambition_icon"

position = { x= 334 y = 105 }

spriteType ="GFX_icon_diplomacy"


guiButtonType = {

name = "quick_focus_button"

position = { x= 394 y = 103 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_quick_focus_button"

clicksound = generic_click_02


guiButtonType = {

name = "focus_button"

position = { x= 394 y = 103 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_icon_diplomacy"

clicksound = generic_click_02


guiButtonType = {

name ="cancel_plot"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_cancel_ambition"

position = { x= 379 y = 119 }


guiButtonType = {

name ="cancel_ambition"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_cancel_ambition"

position = { x= 348 y = 119 }


## icons + stats

iconType = {

name ="icon_demesnesize"

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name = "demesnesize"

position = { x = 450 y = 89 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "1/1"

maxWidth = 60

maxHeight = 20

format = right


iconType = {

name ="icon_populationsize"

spriteType = "GFX_nomadview_pop_icon"

position = { x= 428 y = 84 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "populationsize"

position = { x = 450 y = 89 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "1/1"

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maxHeight = 20

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iconType = {

name ="icon_vassallimit"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_vassallimit"

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name = "vassallimit"

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font = "vic_18_black"

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maxWidth = 60

maxHeight = 20

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iconType = {

name ="icon_levies"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_armylevies"

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "levies"

position = { x = 450 y = 141 }

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font = "vic_18_black"

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maxHeight = 20

format = right


iconType = {

name ="icon_wealth"

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "wealth"

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maxHeight = 20

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name ="icon_prestige"

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maxHeight = 20

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iconType = {

name ="icon_piety"

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name = "piety"

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font = "vic_18_black"

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maxHeight = 20

format = right


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name ="icon_diplomacy"

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name = "diplomacy"

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maxHeight = 20

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name = "diplomacy2"

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maxHeight = 20

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iconType = {

name ="icon_martial"

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name = "martial"

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maxHeight = 20

format = right


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "martial2"

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text = "(18)"

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maxHeight = 20

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iconType = {

name ="icon_stewardship"

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maxHeight = 20

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name = "stewardship2"

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name ="icon_intrigue"

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name = "intrigue"

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maxHeight = 20

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name ="icon_learning"

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name = "learning"

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maxHeight = 20

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "learning2"

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maxWidth = 20

maxHeight = 20

format = right


## overlapping boxes

instantTextBoxType = {

name = "titles_label"

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textureFile = ""

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maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 20

fixedsize = yes

format = left


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "claims_label"

position = { x = 36 y = 250 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 20

fixedsize = yes

format = left


# instantTextBoxType = {

# name = "diplomatic_relations_label"

# position = { x = 36 y = 277 }

# textureFile = ""

# font = "vic_18_black"

# borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


# maxWidth = 100

# maxHeight = 20

# fixedsize = yes

# format = left

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "traits_label"

position = { x = 36 y = 278 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 20

fixedsize = yes

format = left


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "titles"

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format = right


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name = "claims"

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format = right


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "diplomatic_relations"

position = { x = 320 y = 234 }

size = { x=195 y=32 }

format = right


iconType = {

name ="icon_commandmodifier"

spriteType = "GFX_commandmodifier_icon"

position = { x= 333 y = 267 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


# OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

# name = "traits"

# position = { x = 320 y = 244 }

# size = { x=195 y=32 }

# format = right

# }

# OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

# name = "LeadershipTraits"

# position = { x = 367 y = 271 }

# size = { x = 60 y = 32 }

# format = left

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# OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

# name = "modifiers"

# position = { x = 417 y = 271 }

# size = { x=100 y=32 }

# format = right

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name = "traits"

position = { x = 60 y = 272 }

size = { x=250 y=32 }

format = right


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "LeadershipTraits"

position = { x = 353 y = 272 }

size = { x = 60 y = 32 }

format = right


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "modifiers"

position = { x = 417 y = 271 }

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format = right




## char entry

windowType = {

name = "character_50"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x = 64 y = 64 }

moveable = 0

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horizontalBorder = ""

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

guiButtonType = {

name ="portrait"

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position = { x= 0 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

position = { x= -6 y = -7 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead_small"

position = { x = 0 y = 30 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



iconType = {

name ="portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_50"

position = { x= 35 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name = "portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_50"

position = { x = -4 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



### vassal entry

windowType = {

name = "vassal_entry"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x = 200 y = 61 }

moveable = 0

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = ""

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

iconType = {

name ="charview_list_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_list_bg"

position = { x= 0 y = -10 }

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guiButtonType = {

name ="portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_50"

position = { x= 11 y = -7 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

position = { x= 5 y = -14 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead_small"

position = { x= 43 y = 24 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



iconType = {

name ="portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_50"

position = { x= 47 y = -6 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name = "portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_50"

position = { x = 6 y = -6 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="shield"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_shield_medium2"

position = { x= 60 y = 10 }

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name = "shield_crown"

spriteType = "GFX_shield_crown_strip_medium2"

position = { x = 71 y = -7 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "name"

position = { x = 105 y = -1 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "Bosse II"

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maxHeight = 20

fixedsize = yes

format = left


iconType ={

name ="liege_prestige"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_prestige"

position = { x= 378 y = -6 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

scale = 0.90


iconType ={

name ="liege_piety"

spriteType = "GFX_dynastic_icon_piety"

position = { x= 403 y = -6 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

scale = 0.90


iconType ={

name ="vote_right"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_voteright"

position = { x= 428 y = -3 }

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "title"

position = { x = 106 y = 23 }

textureFile = ""

font = "Arial12_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "Duke of Uppland"

maxWidth = 170

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iconType ={

name ="tax_who_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_crownpope"

position = { x= 272 y = 14 }


iconType = {

name ="pope_opinion_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_opinion_bg"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "pope_opinion"

position = { x = 295 y = 24 }

textureFile = ""

font = "Arial12"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "-30"

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fixedsize = yes

format = centre


iconType = {

name ="tax_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_wealth"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

scale = 0.85


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "tax"

position = { x = 333 y = 22 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "-30"

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maxHeight = 18

fixedsize = yes

format = right


iconType = {

name ="opinion_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_opinion_bg"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "opinion"

position = { x = 411 y = 24 }

textureFile = ""

font = "Arial12"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "-30"

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maxHeight = 18

fixedsize = yes

format = centre



## trait entry

windowType = {

name = "character_traits_entry"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x = 26 y = 26 }

moveable = 0

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verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

iconType = {

name ="trait_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_martial"

position = { x= 0 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



## title entry

windowType = {

name = "character_title_entry"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x = 25 y = 25 }

moveable = 0

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verticalBorder = ""

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guiButtonType = {

name ="title_icon"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_shield_small"

position = { x= 0 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="title_icon_crown"

spriteType = "GFX_shield_crown_strip_small"

position = { x= 6 y = -12 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType ={

name ="claim_strong_western"

spriteType = "GFX_claim_strong_western"

position = { x= 4 y = 3 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType ={

name ="claim_strong_muslim"

spriteType = "GFX_claim_strong_muslim"

position = { x= 5 y = 3 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name = "claim_strong_pagan"

spriteType = "GFX_claim_strong_pagan"

position = { x = 5 y = 3 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



## shields entry

windowType = {

name = "shield_entry_medium2"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x = 35 y = 35 }

moveable = 0

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guiButtonType = {

name ="shield"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_shield_medium2"

position = { x= 0 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="crown"

spriteType = "GFX_shield_crown_strip_medium2"

position = { x= 5 y = -30 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"




windowType = {

name = "diplo_info_entry"


position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x=200 y= 13 }

moveable = 0

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fullScreen = no

instantTextBoxType = {

position = { x=0 y =0}

name = "text"

font = "Arial12_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

maxWidth = 200

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text = ""

orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

format = left





Фикс совместимости под новую версию игры.

Изменено пользователем Hadaev

Качай другой репак (а лучше лицензию, 100р то почти и не деньги по нынешним временам), у меня такая фигня была с модом на игру престолов, скачал другой репак и стало норм.

domestic_dynasticНажмите здесь!
 guiTypes = {

windowType = {

name = "dynastic_view"

backGround =""

position = { x = 0 y = 97 }

size = { x = 576 y = 512 }

moveable = 0

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name ="bg_dynastic"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_bg"

position = { x= 0 y = -98 }

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windowType = {

name = "liege_info"

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name ="liege_portrait"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


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name ="liege_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

position = { x= 86 y = 5 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="liege_portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead_small"

position = { x= 133 y = 36 }

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iconType = {

name ="liege_portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_50"

position = { x= 128 y = 13 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="liege_portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_50"

position = { x= 92 y = 2 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="liege_opinion_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_opinion_bg"

position = { x= 147 y = 0 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


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name = "liege_opinion"

position = { x= 139 y = 6 }

textureFile = ""

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name ="liege_opinion_2_bg"

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name = "liege_opinion_2"

position = { x = 139 y = 26 }

textureFile = ""

font = "Arial12"

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text = "-30"

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fixedsize = yes

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guiButtonType = {

name ="liege_shield"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_shield_medium2"

position = { x= 57 y = 17 }

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iconType =


name ="liege_crown"

spriteType = "GFX_shield_crown_strip_medium2"

position = { x= 67 y = 1 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="liege_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg"

position = { x= 74 y = 50 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "liege_label"

position = { x = 78 y = 57 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



guiButtonType = {

name = "quick_plot_button"

position = { x=29 y=177 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_quick_plot_button"

clicksound = generic_click_02


# guiButtonType = {

# name = "diplomacy_button"

# position = { x=27 y=207 }

# quadTextureSprite ="GFX_button_goto_diplo"

# clicksound = generic_click_02

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guiButtonType = {

name = "barber_button"

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clicksound = generic_click_02

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guiButtonType = {

name ="toggle_forbidden_to_lead_armies"

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position = { x= 180 y = 6 }

clicksound = generic_click_01



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name = "barber"

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name ="character_portrait"

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pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


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name ="character_portrait_frame"

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name = "next_beard"

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "hairstyle_label"

position = { x = 95 y = 212 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

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maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 30

format = centre

fixedsize = yes


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "beard_label"

position = { x = 95 y = 247 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 4 y = 4}

text = "RD_BEARD"

maxWidth = 100

maxHeight = 30

format = centre

fixedsize = yes


guiButtonType = {

name = "accept"

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buttonText = "CUT"

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guiButtonType = {

name = "decline"

position = { x=30 y=312 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_standard_button_112"

buttonText = "EXIT"

buttonFont = "vic_18"



### HEIR

windowType = {

name = "heir_info"

backGround =""

position = { x=-13 y=160 }

size = { x=300 y=200 }

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fullScreen = no

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guiButtonType = {

name ="heir_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_50"

position = { x= 92 y = 12 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="heir_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

position = { x= 86 y = 5 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="heir_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg"

position = { x= 74 y = 50 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "heir_label"

position = { x = 78 y = 57 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"




windowType = {

name = "regent_info"

backGround =""

position = { x=71 y=160 }

size = { x=300 y=200 }

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fullScreen = no

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

guiButtonType = {

name ="regent_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_50"

position = { x= 92 y = 12 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="regent_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="regent_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg"

position = { x= 74 y = 50 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


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position = { x = 78 y = 57 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


maxWidth = 80

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



##### tabs

guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_1"

position = { x=9 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.8


guiButtonType = {

name = "tab_6"

position = { x=93 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

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clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.8


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quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

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clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87


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name = "tab_3"

position = { x=268 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87


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name = "tab_4"

position = { x=359 y=350 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_tab"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87


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clicksound = character_view_click

scale = 0.87



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name = "family_text"

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name = "relations_text"

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name = "vassals_text"

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name = "vassals_nr"

position = { x = 221 y = 356 }

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font = "vic_18"

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maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

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name = "courtiers_text"

position = { x = 276 y = 356 }

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maxHeight = 24

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fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


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name = "courtiers_nr"

position = { x = 312 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

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maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

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name = "ally_text"

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maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

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textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "(14)"

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maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

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name = "abroad_text"

position = { x = 456 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

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maxWidth = 70

maxHeight = 24

format = left

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "abroad_nr"

position = { x = 491 y = 356 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "(14)"

maxWidth = 40

maxHeight = 24

format = right

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



### sorts

guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_tier"

position = { x=39 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_88"

buttonText = "TIER"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_name"

position = { x=126 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_188"

buttonText = "CHAR_NAME"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_tax"

position = { x=312 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_88"

buttonText = "CHAR_TAX"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "sort_opinion"

position = { x=398 y=381 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_sort_112"

buttonText = "OPINION"

buttonFont = "vic_18_black"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


listboxType =


name = "vassal_listbox"

position = { x=22 y = 410 }


size = { x = 491 y = 244 }

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spacing = 1

scrollbartype = "standardlistbox_slider"

borderSize = {x = 10 y = 10}



windowType = {

name = "char_family_window"

backGround =""

position = { x=19 y=377 }

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iconType =


name ="charview_family_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_family_bg"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="charview_family_bg_2"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_family_bg_2"

position = { x= -9 y = 1 }

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iconType =


name ="repover_charview_1"

spriteType = "GFX_repover_charview_1"

position = { x= 6 y = 5 }


iconType =


name ="repover_charview_3"

spriteType = "GFX_repover_charview_3"

position = { x= 6 y = 5 }


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "parents_text"

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font = "vic_18"

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name = "grandparents_text"

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "guardian_text"

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name = "children_text"

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name = "siblings_text"

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name = "siblings_text2"

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name = "spouses_text"

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name = "parents"

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name = "guardian"

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name = "spouses"

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windowType = {

name = "char_relations_window"

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spriteType = "GFX_repover_charview_2"

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name = "friends_text"

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fixedsize = yes

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "rivals_text"

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textureFile = ""

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borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_RIVALS"

maxWidth = 300

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fixedsize = yes

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "in_laws_text"

position = { x = 32 y = 194 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_IN_LAWS"

maxWidth = 250

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "lovers_text"

position = { x = 328 y = 194 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_LOVER"

maxWidth = 150

maxHeight = 24

format = centre

fixedsize = yes

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "friends"

position = { x = 31 y = 35 }

size = { x=490 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

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name = "rivals"

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size = { x=490 y=64 }

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spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "in_laws"

position = { x = 31 y = 219 }

size = { x=265 y=64 }

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spacing = 0


OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

name = "lovers"

position = { x = 320 y = 219 }

size = { x=175 y=64 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

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spacing = 0




guiButtonType = {

name = "button_close"

position = { x=515 y=-84 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_main_close_button"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

shortcut = "ESCAPE"

pdx_tooltip = "CLOSE"


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_wikipedia"

position = { x=495 y=-34 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_wikipedia_link"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_dynastytree"

position = { x= 484 y = 9 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_goto_dynasty"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_familytree"

position = { x= 484 y = 42 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_goto_family"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "button_realmtree"

position = { x= 484 y = 75 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_goto_hierarchy"

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

clicksound = generic_click_04



### Character Info

windowType = {

name = "character_info"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=30 }

size = { x=240 y=512 }

moveable = 0

dontRender = ""

horizontalBorder = "0"

verticalBorder = ""

fullScreen = no

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name ="character_portrait"

quadTextureSprite= "GFX_char_150"

position = { x= 76 y = 7 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"

pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_150"

position = { x= 64 y = -6 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead"

position = { x = 186 y = 133 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"



guiButtonType = {

name = "character_designate_heir_button"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_designate_heir"

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pdx_tooltip_delayed = "title_designated_heir_desc"


iconType = {

name = "character_portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_150"

position = { x=195 y = 18 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name = "character_portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_150"

position = { x=78 y = 18 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="opinion_bg_big"

spriteType = "GFX_opinion_bg_big"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


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name = "opinion_text"

position = { x = 219 y = 188 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = ""

maxWidth = 40

maxHeight = 20

format = centre

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="character_shield"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_shield_big"

position = { x= -15 y = 40 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType =


name ="character_crown"

spriteType = "GFX_shield_crown_strip_big"

position = { x= 17 y = 11 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name ="spouse_portrait"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_char_100"

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pdx_tooltip = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP"

pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


guiButtonType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_100"

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guiButtonType = {

name = "arrange_marriage"

position = { x=292 y=178 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_arrange_marriage"

clicksound = generic_click_04


iconType = {

name ="spouse_label_bg"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_label_bg2"

position = { x= 214 y = 140 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


guiButtonType = {

name = "prev_spouse_button"

position = { x= 219 y = 123 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charview_wife_prev"

clicksound = generic_click_04


guiButtonType = {

name = "next_spouse_button"

position = { x= 297 y = 123 }

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charview_wife_next"

clicksound = generic_click_04


iconType = {

name ="marriage_type_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_charview_marriage_type_icon"

position = { x= 217 y = 143 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "spouse_text"

position = { x = 222 y = 147 }

textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}

text = "FAM_SPOUSE"

maxWidth = 90

maxHeight = 20

fixedsize = yes

format = centre

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guiButtonType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_dead"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_overlay_char_dead"

position = { x = 297 y = 140 }

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iconType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_100"

position = { x= 295 y = 63 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


iconType = {

name ="spouse_portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_100"

position = { x= 214 y = 63 }

Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "name"

position = { x =143 y = -58 }

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font = "vic_22_black"

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text = "§WJulius Caesar"

maxWidth = 325

maxHeight = 24

fixedsize = yes

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "born"

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textureFile = ""

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maxHeight = 24

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guiButtonType = {

name ="dynastic_shield"

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iconType = {

name ="decadence_label"

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name ="icon_decadence"

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name = "decadence_text"

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "dynasty"

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text = "af Stenkilsдtten"

fixedsize = yes

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "culture"

position = { x = 327 y = 87 }

textureFile = ""

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text = "Swedish Catholic"

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name ="religion_icon"

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name ="government_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_feudal_government"

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name = "plot_icon"

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spriteType ="GFX_icon_diplomacy"


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name = "quick_ambition_button"

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name = "ambition_icon"

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spriteType ="GFX_icon_diplomacy"


guiButtonType = {

name = "quick_focus_button"

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quadTextureSprite ="GFX_charview_quick_focus_button"

clicksound = generic_click_02


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name = "focus_button"

position = { x= 394 y = 103 }

quadTextureSprite ="GFX_icon_diplomacy"

clicksound = generic_click_02


guiButtonType = {

name ="cancel_plot"

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guiButtonType = {

name ="cancel_ambition"

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## icons + stats

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name ="icon_demesnesize"

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font = "vic_18_black"

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maxWidth = 60

maxHeight = 20

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iconType = {

name ="icon_populationsize"

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name = "populationsize"

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name ="icon_vassallimit"

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iconType = {

name ="icon_levies"

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name = "levies"

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maxHeight = 20

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name ="icon_wealth"

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name = "wealth"

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maxHeight = 20

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maxHeight = 20

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name = "diplomacy2"

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maxHeight = 20

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name = "martial2"

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maxHeight = 20

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maxHeight = 20

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## overlapping boxes

instantTextBoxType = {

name = "titles_label"

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maxWidth = 100

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name = "claims_label"

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textureFile = ""

font = "vic_18_black"

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fixedsize = yes

format = left


# instantTextBoxType = {

# name = "diplomatic_relations_label"

# position = { x = 36 y = 277 }

# textureFile = ""

# font = "vic_18_black"

# borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0}


# maxWidth = 100

# maxHeight = 20

# fixedsize = yes

# format = left

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "traits_label"

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name ="icon_commandmodifier"

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# OverlappingElementsBoxType = {

# name = "traits"

# position = { x = 320 y = 244 }

# size = { x=195 y=32 }

# format = right

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# name = "LeadershipTraits"

# position = { x = 367 y = 271 }

# size = { x = 60 y = 32 }

# format = left

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# name = "modifiers"

# position = { x = 417 y = 271 }

# size = { x=100 y=32 }

# format = right

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name = "traits"

position = { x = 60 y = 272 }

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name = "LeadershipTraits"

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name = "modifiers"

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## char entry

windowType = {

name = "character_50"

backGround =""

position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x = 64 y = 64 }

moveable = 0

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name ="portrait"

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pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


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name ="portrait_frame"

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position = { x= -6 y = -7 }

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name ="portrait_dead"

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name ="portrait_relation"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_relation_50"

position = { x= 35 y = 0 }

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iconType = {

name = "portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_50"

position = { x = -4 y = 0 }

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### vassal entry

windowType = {

name = "vassal_entry"

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position = { x=0 y=0 }

size = { x = 200 y = 61 }

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name ="charview_list_bg"

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name ="portrait"

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pdx_tooltip_delayed = "CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DELAYED"


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name ="portrait_frame"

quadTextureSprite = "GFX_charframe_50"

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name ="portrait_dead"

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name ="portrait_relation"

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position = { x= 47 y = -6 }

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name = "portrait_status"

spriteType = "GFX_overlay_char_status_50"

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name ="shield"

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name = "shield_crown"

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Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT"


instantTextBoxType = {

name = "name"

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name ="liege_prestige"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_prestige"

position = { x= 378 y = -6 }

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name ="liege_piety"

spriteType = "GFX_dynastic_icon_piety"

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iconType ={

name ="vote_right"

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instantTextBoxType = {

name = "title"

position = { x = 106 y = 23 }

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text = "Duke of Uppland"

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iconType ={

name ="tax_who_icon"

spriteType = "GFX_icon_crownpope"

position = { x= 272 y = 14 }


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name ="tax_bg"

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## title entry

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Фикс совместимости под новую версию игры.

Прошу простить мою криворукость(и сонный разум),но куда мне это закинуть?И таки поделитесь кошерным репаком,буду благодарен.

Прошу простить мою криворукость(и сонный разум),но куда мне это закинуть?И таки поделитесь кошерным репаком,буду благодарен.

Заменить содержимое файла с названием из заголовка спойлера на содержимое спойлера.

Заменить содержимое файла с названием из заголовка спойлера на содержимое спойлера.

Файл в папке мода я отредактировал-игра все также вылетала на "флагах",а лог все также ругается на интерфейс,уже существующие файлы и ошибки в строках.Купил бы и игру,но что-то опасаюсь я,что и на лицензии подобный дурдом произойдет.Потому что ни здешний,не два других репака не запускали игру с модом.На версиях 3-6 игра запускалась чуть дольше ваниллы,но хотя бы работала.

Файл в папке мода я отредактировал-игра все также вылетала на "флагах",а лог все также ругается на интерфейс,уже существующие файлы и ошибки в строках.Купил бы и игру,но что-то опасаюсь я,что и на лицензии подобный дурдом произойдет.Потому что ни здешний,не два других репака не запускали игру с модом.На версиях 3-6 игра запускалась чуть дольше ваниллы,но хотя бы работала.

Я уже писал, что это из-за репака.

Возьми у френда расшарь через стим и затести.

Патч кстатиНажмите здесь!
 Fixed missing Clari and Graefi localisation

Fixed daemon host summoning double id event

General bugfixes

Made so that all dwarf retinue units contain the same amount of warriors

Lustria flags added

Compatibility for patch 2.4.3

Government tweaks

Temporary fixed the issue with Reikland and Talabecland being theocracies by moving the Grand Theogonist to Lichtungsmarkt

Gave the High King title back to the ruler of Karaz-a-Karak

Xene the Lawless might now lead armies herself

Added Witch Hunter Order titles, deactivated old Templars of Sigmar Holy Order

Added custom Open Elective succession law for the Grand Master and the Council-Knights of the Witch Hunters

Added mechanic decisions and events for playable Witch Hunters

Added Witch Hunter hats and clothes

Wh_accused is now a two years modifier rather than a flag

The Grand Master can create dynamic "Chapters" from Witch Hunter courtiers to increase his troop capacity

Added special building on Witch Hunters base

Added settlement decision to send Witch Hunter agents into foreign provinces to clean off Chaos province modifiers and mass mu- cleanse any wicked souls therein

Added missing titles

Added Reiklander dynasties

As a Norscan Gods character, choosing Olric or Orsen as patron gods prevents from getting influenced by Chaos

As a Norscan Gods character, choosing one of the Chaos gods as your patron might influence which one calls to you

Lightened the requirements to become a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer ( Down to 250 years from 500, top age limit no longer 100 )


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменено пользователем Hadaev

Я уже писал, что это из-за репака.

Возьми у френда расшарь через стим и затести.

Спасибо,друже.Действительно из-за репака,ты был прав.Назову в твою честь персонажа в Мордхейме,будет нарезать.

Ребят,я так понимаю уже пара версий новых вышло,баг с вылетом после 40-50 лет игры починили?

Ребят,я так понимаю уже пара версий новых вышло,баг с вылетом после 40-50 лет игры починили?

Может быть, за Евфрату настал лет 50, норм.


Слушайте, у меня при включении данного мода игра немного тормозит.Из-за чего это?Ранние версии работали нормально.

Тут поиграл в последнюю версию мода, всё красиво подпилили конечно.

Но - он у всех так жутко лагает? 3 года игры за 30 минут едва осилил

Тут поиграл в последнюю версию мода, всё красиво подпилили конечно.

Но - он у всех так жутко лагает? 3 года игры за 30 минут едва осилил

Из-за некоторых обстоятельств приходится играть на своем ноутбуке 2009 года,игра тормозит исключительно от резкого изменения масштаба и иногда на последней скорости.Года летят как и в ваниле,только вылеты в первые 30 лет довольно часты,но это из-за сабмода.Мб стоит увеличить файл подкачки/разогнать проц?


У меня 8гб памяти, версия игры 2.4.4, без сабмодов 1 год идет за 30 сек, соответственно 3 года - полтора минуты, и 30 лет я прошел за час(с паузами).

Изменено пользователем Kadosel

версия игры 2.4.4

это многое объясняет


Поставил мод версии 7.5 на игру версии 2.4.3 со всеми DLC. Запустил, поиграл часа четыре. Решил сохраниться. При сохранении вылет на рабочий стол без объяснений. Огорчился, ведь несколько часов игры впустую. Зашёл снова, решил поиграть за кого нибудь другого. Сразу сохранился и тут снова вылет. Как выяснилось, вылетает игра на рабочий стол всё время при сохранении. В оригинальной игре и моде AGOT такого замечено не было, сохранения работали нормально, а здесь вылетают.

ТТХ ПКНажмите здесь!

ОЗУ 8 Гб

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, 2 Гб

QuadCore AMD FX-4350, 4219 MHz


ЧексуммаНажмите здесь!
 2.4.3 (TKGR) [Cкрыть]


Может стоило обновить игру до 2.4.4?


Может стоило обновить игру до 2.4.4?

Дак там же вроде всего 1 незначительный фикс идёт, да и вроде как 7.5 должна работать с 2.4.3

Дак там же вроде всего 1 незначительный фикс идёт, да и вроде как 7.5 должна работать с 2.4.3

Лог бы выложил,было бы яснее.Подозреваю какую-нибудь ерунду с ивентами.У меня вылетает исключительно до 40 года из-за сабмода.Кстати,вот сабмод на Эверквиншу:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменено пользователем EternityKing

Кстати,вот сабмод на Эверквиншу:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

А что этот мод делает, собственно?

Поставил мод версии 7.5 на игру версии 2.4.3 со всеми DLC. Запустил, поиграл часа четыре. Решил сохраниться. При сохранении вылет на рабочий стол без объяснений. Огорчился, ведь несколько часов игры впустую. Зашёл снова, решил поиграть за кого нибудь другого. Сразу сохранился и тут снова вылет. Как выяснилось, вылетает игра на рабочий стол всё время при сохранении. В оригинальной игре и моде AGOT такого замечено не было, сохранения работали нормально, а здесь вылетают.

А автосейв?

А автосейв?

Суть в том, что тоже. Но проблему я уже решил. По своей забывчивости поставил мод в папку с игрой, а не в Документы (где у меня лежал AGOT). Как только переставил куда надо, всё стало работать лучше и без вылетов

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  • had


  • Jagir


  • Blizz


  • Elest


  • Kadosel


  • Sigrael


  • EugeneL


  • vaxo


  • EternityKing


  • simpleguy


  • Белый офицер


  • Cain


  • MetalBear


  • Nadd


  • RabbiT


  • Кастилиус


  • Yandere-chan


  • CrimeanMan


  • kirill_UA


  • Андриан 777666


  • Zloprax


  • Kopistko


  • LeonardHug


  • Aurelius36


Лучшие авторы в этой теме

Популярные сообщения

Белый офицер

Самое очевидное для меня решение - скачать более раннюю версию мода и играть в нее.


@Vairly Можно прочесть этот мой пост и сообщения ниже.  


@Vairly Раскомментировать надо все строки ниже надписи "depopulation modifier dissipating" вплоть до следующего ивента (а именно до строки "character_event = {" не включительно). Раскомментирование де

Флавий Аниций

Да, проблемы с оптимизацией до сих пор не поправили, к сожалению. Могу порекомендовать в качестве альтернативы Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. . Достоинства: - Много контента (большое




благодарю за ответ, я скачал новую версию мода (1.0.1) установил, но после начала игры появляются  пустые ивенты. как решить эту проблему?    


Согласен, проблема осталась. 4гб Оперативы двухядреный, 1гб видеопамяти. Пустые ивенты вылетают так же как и прежде. Чето уже не смешно.


Я играю в старую версию. На СК 2.5.2 

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