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Poland Overhaul

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Приглашаю поучаствовать @BalBeska и @superugrok.

Если Вы, superugrok, будите участвовать в переводе, то просьба провести для нас консультацию, о том как правильно перевести мод.

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Спасибо за помощь:

  • suoperugrok
  • BalBeska
  • Gor.


Изменено пользователем syuzev
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@superugrok, @BalBeska, @Gor..

Перевод окончен. Спасибо всем за помощь! 

Кто может проверить мод на работоспособность?

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2 минуты назад, syuzev сказал:

@superugrok, @BalBeska, @Gor..

Перевод окончен. Спасибо всем за помощь! 

Кто может проверить мод на работоспособность?

Файлы свои и БалБески проверял, все нормально.

Скинь еще свой - проверю все вместе и скажу, все ли хорошо.

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@syuzev может связаться с автором и попросить добавить перевод в стим?

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В 17.10.2016 at 18:11, superugrok сказал:

Файлы свои и БалБески проверял, все нормально.

Скинь еще свой - проверю все вместе и скажу, все ли хорошо.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


В 17.10.2016 at 19:25, BalBeska сказал:

@syuzev может связаться с автором и попросить добавить перевод в стим?


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36 минут назад, syuzev сказал:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Окей, завтра вечером скажу, что и как. Сегодня поиграть не смогу.

Еще одно - если не получится связаться с автором, могу сам попробовать.

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В 15.10.2016 at 19:31, syuzev сказал:

Почти закончил. Думаю, завтра уже выложу


Перевод неполный в твоем файле.

Не хватает еще этого:


 POL_DEFENSIVE_STANCE:0 "Defensive Stance"
 POL_DEFENSIVE_STANCE_desc:0 "In a war against the Soviets we will be heavily outnumbered and outgunned. We will have to stay on the defesnive, at least at first."
 POL_IRON_WALL_A:0 "Project Iron Wall A"
 POL_IRON_WALL_A_desc:0 "We must take the precautions necassary to ensure the safety of our nation, our allies, and the rest of Europe from Communism. We must build a great line of defence between the Soviet Union and the rest of Europe."
 POL_IRON_WALL_B:0 "Project Iron Wall B"
 POL_IRON_WALL_B_desc:0 "The ground works for our great line of defence have been set and the most key points have been secure but Europe is not safe yet, there are still many fortifications left to build and weakpoints to reinforce."
 POL_IRON_WALL_C:0 "Project Iron Wall C"
 POL_IRON_WALL_C_desc:0 "The great line of defence between the Soviet Union and the rest of Europe is almost complete. Just a few more forts and reinforcments left to build."
 POL_FORTIFY_VILNIUS:0 "Vilnius Fortfied Area"
 POL_FORTIFY_VILNIUS_desc:0 "Vilnius is one of the regions most vunerable to Soviet Attack. It must be fortified."
 POL_FORTIFY_SARNY:0 "Fortified Area Sarny"
 POL_FORTIFY_SARNY_desc:0 "The Soviet Union is guaranteed to send in forces from our southern front in the upcoming war. Sarny must be reinforced."
 POL_FORTIFY_POLISIE:0 "Polisie Fortified Area"
 POL_FORTIFY_POLISIE_des:0 "Though Polisie is the most secure front against the Soviets it should be fortified nonetheless. Every precaution should be taken."
 POL_INVASION_RUSSIA:0 "Invasion of Russia"
 POL_INVASION_RUSSIA_desc:0 "We will not wait for the Russians to attack us. We will bring the war to them."
 POL_WINTER_PREPARATIONS:0 "Winter Preparations"
 POL_WINTER_PREPARATIONS_desc:0 "History has proved that the Russian winters are nothing to scoff at. We must prepare if our armeis are to even have to stand a chance against the cold."
 POL_SELFSUSTAINING_ARMIES:0 "Self-Sustaining Armies"
 POL_SELFSUSTAINING_ARMIES_desc:0 "Due to the sheer scale of Russia it will be impossible to actively supply our armies with everything they need. In many situations they will be on their own and they must be ready for it."
 POL_SCAVANGING_BATTALIONS:0 "Scavanging Battalions"
 POL_SCAVANGING_BATTALIONS_desc:0 "Battalions created specifically for the purpose of scavanging will ensure their divisions are equipped with fresh food, water, and other basic neccessities."
 POL_AUTHORIZE_PILLAGING:0 "Authorize Unrestricted Pillaging"
 POL_AUTHORIZE_PILLAGING_desc:0 "Russia is simply too harsh for our soldiers and innocents will have to pay the price. Authorizing unrestricted pillaging will be a heavy blow to our armies morale and our own conscience, but it will be necessary for our armies to survive."
 POL_FIELD_HOSPITALS:0 "Field Hospitals"
 POL_FIELD_HOSPITALS_desc:0 "There will be no way to transport wounded soldiers back to Poland in time to treat any severe injuries. All divisions must be equipped with fielded professionals that will save the lives of our soldiers."
 POL_MAINTENANCE_BATTALIONS:0 "Maintenance Battalions"
 POL_MAINTENANCE_BATTALIONS_desc:0 "Transporting every damaged piece of equipment back to Poland to be fixed will take far too much time. Our armies must be ready to fix their own gear."
 POL_ENGINEER_BRIGADES:0 "Engineer Brigades"
 POL_ENGINEER_BRIGADES_desc:0 "Engineer brigades will fix every problem our armies will face. They will do anything from building new fortifications to constructing bridges."
 POL_MOBILE_ARMY:0 "Mobile Armies"
 POL_MOBILE_ARMY_desc:0 "Warfare in the east is very different to that of the west; the landscape is simply too wide and open for trench warfare to be possible. Armies must be ready to move from one location to another in a moment's notice be it to attack or defend."
 POL_MODERNIZE_ARMY:0 "Army Modernization Emphasis"
 POL_MODERNIZE_ARMY_desc:0 "Warfare has changed drastically since The Great War. All our efforts should be focused on implementing the most recent military inovations."
 POL_MOTORIZED_ARMY:0 "Motorize the Army"
 POL_MOTORIZED_ARMY_desc:0 "Motorization of our armies will allow for an easier and faster transportation of troops and equipment."
 POL_MECHANIZED_ARMY:0 "Mechanize the Army"
 POL_MECHANIZED_ARMY_desc:0 "We must continue to implement military innovations into our army to keep it strong."
 POL_ADAPT_TANKS:0 "Adapt Foreign Tanks"
 POL_ADAPT_TANKS_desc:0 "We can adapt already built tanks to fit our own purposes"
 POL_MEDIUM_TANK_CONCEPT:0 "The Medium Tank Concept"
 POL_MEDIUM_TANK_CONCEPT_desc:0 "The medium tank is a combination of the cruiser and the heavy tank. In theory it should fit all purposes, but will have to see how it works in practice."
 POL_HUSSARS_REBORN:0 "Polish Hussars Reborn"
 POL_HUSSARS_REBORN_desc:0 "After over 100 years of absence the feared Polish hussars will return,upgraded, to the battle fields of Europe bringing our nation countless victories and glory."
 POL_EXPAND_ARMY:0 "Army Expansion Emphasis"
 POL_EXPAND_ARMY_desc:0 "War is coming and we must be prepared. We can not waste time experimentng with new technologies, rather we must focus on strategies we know work."
 POL_STANDARDIZED_EQUIPMENT:0 "Standardize Equipment"
 POL_STANDARDIZED_EQUIPMENT_desc:0 "Standarization of our armies' equipment will allow us to arm our armies far more quickly and efficiently."
 POL_EXPAND_CAVALRY:0 "Expanded Role of the Cavalry"
 POL_EXPAND_CAVALRY_desc:0 "Even if cavalry is no longer fit to fight on the front lines it can still perform many other useful tasks such as transporting men and equipment."
 POL_LIGHTER_ARMAMENTS:0 "Lighter Armaments"
 POL_LIGHTER_ARMAMENTS_desc:0 "Miniturizing our armies heavier equipment will make it somewhat less efffctive but also easier to transport and carry."
 POL_KPWZ35:0 "KP wz. 35"
 POL_KPWZ35_desc:0 "Karabin Pszeciwpancerny is concept anti tank rifle. It is light and easy to transport and may prove to be very effective on the modern battlefield."
 POL_CAVALRY_STRIKE:0 "Cavelry Strike Forces"
 POL_CAVALRY_STRIKE_desc:0 "Enemy troops will never be able to rest easy when they know that our cavalry could emerge from any place at any time only to disappear as instantly as they came."
 POL_FOUR_YEAR_PLAN:0 "Four Year Plan"
 POL_FOUR_YEAR_PLAN_desc:0 "The four year plan will allow our nation to industrilize faster and help us recover from the Great Depression."
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION:0 "Central Industrial Region"
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_desc:0 "The Central Industrial Region will become the new heart of Polish industry, bringing prosperity to our nation."
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_EXPANDED:0 "Expand the Central Industrial Region"
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_EXPANDED_desc:0 "Further expanding the Central Industrial Region will make our nation prosper even more."
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_ACTIVE:0 "Activate the Central Industrial Region"
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_ACTIVE_desc:0 "The time has come to activate the Central Industrial Region's full potential."
 POL_DEVELOP_OLD_POLISH_REGION:0 "Adapt the Old Polish Region"
 POL_DEVELOP_OLD_POLISH_REGION_desc:0 "The Old Polish Region has been the core of Polish industry since the 19th century and with a few modernizations here and there it will continue being such."
 POL_DEVELOP_KRESY_LANDS:0 "Industralize the Kresy Lands"
 POL_DEVELOP_OLD_POLISH_REGION_desc:0 "The Kresy Lands, officially known as Poland B, have always been extremely backwards in comparison to the rest Poland. Naturally this issue must be addressed."
 POL_FILL_RAILWAY_GAPS:0 "Fill the Railway Gaps"
 POL_FILL_RAILWAY_GAPS_desc:0 "Very few railway lines connect Poland A and B making tranportation from one region to the next extremely dificult and inefficient. Correcting this issue will be necessary if we wish to properly integrate The Kresy Lands into our country."
 POL_INDUSTRY_POLANDB:0 "Industrilization of the Kresy Lands"
 POL_INDUSTRY_POLANDB_desc:0 "The scene is set for us to start industrilizing and properly integrating the Kresy Lands into Poland."
 POL_EXPERIMENTAL_GROUNDS:0 "Experimental Testing Grounds"
 POL_EXPERIMENTAL_GROUNDS_desc:0 "The Kresy Lands possess much unpopulated territory, territory that could be used for testing our newest weapons and inventions."
 POL_NEUCLEAR_WEAPONRY:0 "The Krakow Project"
 POL_NEUCLEAR_WEAPONRY_desc:0 "Nuclear technology is becoming more and more promising especially with regards to bomb making. We should launch secret program with the intention of making a nuclear super weapon."
 POL_EXPAND_AIRFORCE:0 "Expand the Airforce"
 POL_EXPAND_AIRFORCE_desc:0 "Since the end of the Great War the airforce has become a far more significant element of warfare. If we want our army to be truly strong we also need greater airpower."
 POL_AIR_INOVATIONS:0 "Air Innovations"
 POL_AIR_INOVATIONS_desc:0 "Many new inventions showed up in the past years that could prove to be greatly beneficial to our pilots."
 POL_EXPANDED_ROLE_AIRFORCE:0 "Expanded Role of the Airforce"
 POL_EXPANDED_ROLE_AIRFORCE_desc:0 "The airforce can be used for many other purposes besides as a support for ground forces. It would be foolish to not use it to its full potential."
 POL_SUPPORT_BOMBER_CONCEPT:0 "Develop Support Bombers"
 POL_SUPPORT_BOMBER_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Many new and promising innovations have come about that can revolutionize our support bombers."
 POL_TATCICAL_BOMBER_CONCEPT:0 "Tactical Bomber Concept"
 POL_TATCICAL_BOMBER_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Bombers should be all purpose tools; if they are needed as support then they will be able to, if they need to work as a seperate entity then they shall."
 POL_STRATEGIC_BOMBER_CONCEPT:0 "Strategic Bomber Concept"
 POL_STRATEGIC_BOMBER_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Bomber should be specialized, after all machines that are designed specifically for a given task do that task the best."
 POL_PARATROOPERS_CONCEPT:0 "Paratrooper Forces Concept"
 POL_PARATROOPERS_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Recent inovations have added new means of out manuvering our enemies from above."
 POL_JET_ENGINES:0 "Jet Engines"
 POL_JET_ENGINES_desc:0 "Jet engines are still in their early experimental stages of development, but if they do indeed turn out to work as antcipated they may just be the thing that we need to dominate the skies."
 POL_ROCKETRY:0 "Rocketry"
 POL_ROCKETRY_desc:0 "Why waste precious pilots delivering bombs to your enemies when you can make the bombs deliver themselves?"
 POL_FUTURE_AIR_WARFARE:0 "Future of Air Warfare"
 POL_FUTURE_AIR_WARFARE_desc:0 "The ariel battlefield has changed drastically in the past years; we must be ready to adapt our strategies and tactics accordingly."
 POL_SEMP:0 "The Semp"
 POL_SEMP_desc:0 "The Semp may just turn out to be the greatest and deadliest flying machine in the history of mankind. With it in our arsenal we will be sure to dominate the skies."
 POL_INTERCONTINENTAL_WARFARE:0 "Intercontinetal Warfare"
 POL_INTERCONTINENTAL_WARFARE_desc:0 "It will soon be possible to wage war in between continents directly with our newest intercontinental ballistic systems. No one will be safe from us."
 POL_DEVELOP_NAVY:0 "Develop the Polish Navy"
 POL_DEVELOP_NAVY_desc:0 "If we trully wish to become an influential power we must have means of protecting our interests out in the seas."
 POL_AGRESSIVE_NAVY:0 "Navy of Agression"
 POL_AGRESSIVE_NAVY_desc:0 "Our primary concern must not be to control the seas, but to prevent the enemy from trully doing so."
 POL_DEFENSIVE_NAVY:0 "Standing Navy"
 POL_DEFENSIVE_NAVY_desc:0 "Only a navy that can control the waves will ensure the success of our armies."
 POL_DEATH_FROM_ABOVE:0 "Death from Above"
 POL_DEATH_FROM_ABOVE_desc:0 "We shall destroy the ships of our enemies not with our own navy, but with our airpower."
 POL_AIRCRAFT_CARRIER_FLAGSHIP_desc:0 "The aircraft carrier will project our deadly airforce far beyond land."
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_SUBMARINES:0 "Study Foreign Submarines"
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_SUBMARINES_desc:0 "Our submarines are subpar to foreign ones. Luckily we can study theirs."
 POL_DEATH_FROM_BELOW:0 "Death from Below"
 POL_DEATH_FROM_BELOW_desc:0 "Our enemies will quickly learn that they shouldn't fear enemy forces which they can see, but rather those which they can't."
 POL_UNITED_BALTIC_FLEET:0 "The United Baltic Fleet"
 POL_UNITED_BALTIC_FLEET_desc:0 "The navies of the coalition must stop acting as sperate entities and become a single coehsive force."
 POL_BALTIC_DOMINION:0 "Baltic Dominion"
 POL_BALTIC_DOMINION_desc:0 "With the aid of the Swedes the coalition will be uncontested in the Baltic Sea."
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_BUILT_SHIPS:0 "Study Foreign Built Ships"
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_BUILT_SHIPS_desc:0 "By studying foreign naval technology we can work to improve our own ships."
 POL_DEVELOP_LIGHT_SHIPS:0 "Develop Light Ships"
 POL_DEVELOP_LIGHT_SHIPS_desc:0 "Light ships are the backbown of any navy. We must ensure that they are up to date."
 POL_DEVELOP_HEAVY_SHIPS:0 "Develop Heavy Ships"
 POL_DEVELOP_HEAVY_SHIPS_desc:0 "No navy can be called mighty that does not have heavier class ships."
 POL_BATTLESHIP_FLAGSHIP_desc:0 "The battlehsip is the king of the ocean. Our navy would simply be incomplete without one."
 POL_INVASION_FORCE:0 "Invasion Force"
 POL_INVASION_FORCE_desc:0 "We can use our navy not only exert our control of the seas, but also over distant lands."
 POL_TRANSPORT_INNOVATIONS:0 "Sea Transport Innovations"
 POL_TRANSPORT_INNOVATIONS_desc:0 "Recent innovations gave invading armies the potential to become even deadlier."
 POL_invite_to_faction_tooltip:0 "is invited to [Root.GetFlag]§Y[Root.GetName]§!'s faction.\n" 

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В 23.10.2016 at 11:11, superugrok сказал:

Перевод неполный в твоем файле.

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 POL_DEFENSIVE_STANCE:0 "Defensive Stance"
 POL_DEFENSIVE_STANCE_desc:0 "In a war against the Soviets we will be heavily outnumbered and outgunned. We will have to stay on the defesnive, at least at first."
 POL_IRON_WALL_A:0 "Project Iron Wall A"
 POL_IRON_WALL_A_desc:0 "We must take the precautions necassary to ensure the safety of our nation, our allies, and the rest of Europe from Communism. We must build a great line of defence between the Soviet Union and the rest of Europe."
 POL_IRON_WALL_B:0 "Project Iron Wall B"
 POL_IRON_WALL_B_desc:0 "The ground works for our great line of defence have been set and the most key points have been secure but Europe is not safe yet, there are still many fortifications left to build and weakpoints to reinforce."
 POL_IRON_WALL_C:0 "Project Iron Wall C"
 POL_IRON_WALL_C_desc:0 "The great line of defence between the Soviet Union and the rest of Europe is almost complete. Just a few more forts and reinforcments left to build."
 POL_FORTIFY_VILNIUS:0 "Vilnius Fortfied Area"
 POL_FORTIFY_VILNIUS_desc:0 "Vilnius is one of the regions most vunerable to Soviet Attack. It must be fortified."
 POL_FORTIFY_SARNY:0 "Fortified Area Sarny"
 POL_FORTIFY_SARNY_desc:0 "The Soviet Union is guaranteed to send in forces from our southern front in the upcoming war. Sarny must be reinforced."
 POL_FORTIFY_POLISIE:0 "Polisie Fortified Area"
 POL_FORTIFY_POLISIE_des:0 "Though Polisie is the most secure front against the Soviets it should be fortified nonetheless. Every precaution should be taken."
 POL_INVASION_RUSSIA:0 "Invasion of Russia"
 POL_INVASION_RUSSIA_desc:0 "We will not wait for the Russians to attack us. We will bring the war to them."
 POL_WINTER_PREPARATIONS:0 "Winter Preparations"
 POL_WINTER_PREPARATIONS_desc:0 "History has proved that the Russian winters are nothing to scoff at. We must prepare if our armeis are to even have to stand a chance against the cold."
 POL_SELFSUSTAINING_ARMIES:0 "Self-Sustaining Armies"
 POL_SELFSUSTAINING_ARMIES_desc:0 "Due to the sheer scale of Russia it will be impossible to actively supply our armies with everything they need. In many situations they will be on their own and they must be ready for it."
 POL_SCAVANGING_BATTALIONS:0 "Scavanging Battalions"
 POL_SCAVANGING_BATTALIONS_desc:0 "Battalions created specifically for the purpose of scavanging will ensure their divisions are equipped with fresh food, water, and other basic neccessities."
 POL_AUTHORIZE_PILLAGING:0 "Authorize Unrestricted Pillaging"
 POL_AUTHORIZE_PILLAGING_desc:0 "Russia is simply too harsh for our soldiers and innocents will have to pay the price. Authorizing unrestricted pillaging will be a heavy blow to our armies morale and our own conscience, but it will be necessary for our armies to survive."
 POL_FIELD_HOSPITALS:0 "Field Hospitals"
 POL_FIELD_HOSPITALS_desc:0 "There will be no way to transport wounded soldiers back to Poland in time to treat any severe injuries. All divisions must be equipped with fielded professionals that will save the lives of our soldiers."
 POL_MAINTENANCE_BATTALIONS:0 "Maintenance Battalions"
 POL_MAINTENANCE_BATTALIONS_desc:0 "Transporting every damaged piece of equipment back to Poland to be fixed will take far too much time. Our armies must be ready to fix their own gear."
 POL_ENGINEER_BRIGADES:0 "Engineer Brigades"
 POL_ENGINEER_BRIGADES_desc:0 "Engineer brigades will fix every problem our armies will face. They will do anything from building new fortifications to constructing bridges."
 POL_MOBILE_ARMY:0 "Mobile Armies"
 POL_MOBILE_ARMY_desc:0 "Warfare in the east is very different to that of the west; the landscape is simply too wide and open for trench warfare to be possible. Armies must be ready to move from one location to another in a moment's notice be it to attack or defend."
 POL_MODERNIZE_ARMY:0 "Army Modernization Emphasis"
 POL_MODERNIZE_ARMY_desc:0 "Warfare has changed drastically since The Great War. All our efforts should be focused on implementing the most recent military inovations."
 POL_MOTORIZED_ARMY:0 "Motorize the Army"
 POL_MOTORIZED_ARMY_desc:0 "Motorization of our armies will allow for an easier and faster transportation of troops and equipment."
 POL_MECHANIZED_ARMY:0 "Mechanize the Army"
 POL_MECHANIZED_ARMY_desc:0 "We must continue to implement military innovations into our army to keep it strong."
 POL_ADAPT_TANKS:0 "Adapt Foreign Tanks"
 POL_ADAPT_TANKS_desc:0 "We can adapt already built tanks to fit our own purposes"
 POL_MEDIUM_TANK_CONCEPT:0 "The Medium Tank Concept"
 POL_MEDIUM_TANK_CONCEPT_desc:0 "The medium tank is a combination of the cruiser and the heavy tank. In theory it should fit all purposes, but will have to see how it works in practice."
 POL_HUSSARS_REBORN:0 "Polish Hussars Reborn"
 POL_HUSSARS_REBORN_desc:0 "After over 100 years of absence the feared Polish hussars will return,upgraded, to the battle fields of Europe bringing our nation countless victories and glory."
 POL_EXPAND_ARMY:0 "Army Expansion Emphasis"
 POL_EXPAND_ARMY_desc:0 "War is coming and we must be prepared. We can not waste time experimentng with new technologies, rather we must focus on strategies we know work."
 POL_STANDARDIZED_EQUIPMENT:0 "Standardize Equipment"
 POL_STANDARDIZED_EQUIPMENT_desc:0 "Standarization of our armies' equipment will allow us to arm our armies far more quickly and efficiently."
 POL_EXPAND_CAVALRY:0 "Expanded Role of the Cavalry"
 POL_EXPAND_CAVALRY_desc:0 "Even if cavalry is no longer fit to fight on the front lines it can still perform many other useful tasks such as transporting men and equipment."
 POL_LIGHTER_ARMAMENTS:0 "Lighter Armaments"
 POL_LIGHTER_ARMAMENTS_desc:0 "Miniturizing our armies heavier equipment will make it somewhat less efffctive but also easier to transport and carry."
 POL_KPWZ35:0 "KP wz. 35"
 POL_KPWZ35_desc:0 "Karabin Pszeciwpancerny is concept anti tank rifle. It is light and easy to transport and may prove to be very effective on the modern battlefield."
 POL_CAVALRY_STRIKE:0 "Cavelry Strike Forces"
 POL_CAVALRY_STRIKE_desc:0 "Enemy troops will never be able to rest easy when they know that our cavalry could emerge from any place at any time only to disappear as instantly as they came."
 POL_FOUR_YEAR_PLAN:0 "Four Year Plan"
 POL_FOUR_YEAR_PLAN_desc:0 "The four year plan will allow our nation to industrilize faster and help us recover from the Great Depression."
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION:0 "Central Industrial Region"
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_desc:0 "The Central Industrial Region will become the new heart of Polish industry, bringing prosperity to our nation."
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_EXPANDED:0 "Expand the Central Industrial Region"
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_EXPANDED_desc:0 "Further expanding the Central Industrial Region will make our nation prosper even more."
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_ACTIVE:0 "Activate the Central Industrial Region"
 POL_CENTRAL_INDUSTRIAL_REGION_ACTIVE_desc:0 "The time has come to activate the Central Industrial Region's full potential."
 POL_DEVELOP_OLD_POLISH_REGION:0 "Adapt the Old Polish Region"
 POL_DEVELOP_OLD_POLISH_REGION_desc:0 "The Old Polish Region has been the core of Polish industry since the 19th century and with a few modernizations here and there it will continue being such."
 POL_DEVELOP_KRESY_LANDS:0 "Industralize the Kresy Lands"
 POL_DEVELOP_OLD_POLISH_REGION_desc:0 "The Kresy Lands, officially known as Poland B, have always been extremely backwards in comparison to the rest Poland. Naturally this issue must be addressed."
 POL_FILL_RAILWAY_GAPS:0 "Fill the Railway Gaps"
 POL_FILL_RAILWAY_GAPS_desc:0 "Very few railway lines connect Poland A and B making tranportation from one region to the next extremely dificult and inefficient. Correcting this issue will be necessary if we wish to properly integrate The Kresy Lands into our country."
 POL_INDUSTRY_POLANDB:0 "Industrilization of the Kresy Lands"
 POL_INDUSTRY_POLANDB_desc:0 "The scene is set for us to start industrilizing and properly integrating the Kresy Lands into Poland."
 POL_EXPERIMENTAL_GROUNDS:0 "Experimental Testing Grounds"
 POL_EXPERIMENTAL_GROUNDS_desc:0 "The Kresy Lands possess much unpopulated territory, territory that could be used for testing our newest weapons and inventions."
 POL_NEUCLEAR_WEAPONRY:0 "The Krakow Project"
 POL_NEUCLEAR_WEAPONRY_desc:0 "Nuclear technology is becoming more and more promising especially with regards to bomb making. We should launch secret program with the intention of making a nuclear super weapon."
 POL_EXPAND_AIRFORCE:0 "Expand the Airforce"
 POL_EXPAND_AIRFORCE_desc:0 "Since the end of the Great War the airforce has become a far more significant element of warfare. If we want our army to be truly strong we also need greater airpower."
 POL_AIR_INOVATIONS:0 "Air Innovations"
 POL_AIR_INOVATIONS_desc:0 "Many new inventions showed up in the past years that could prove to be greatly beneficial to our pilots."
 POL_EXPANDED_ROLE_AIRFORCE:0 "Expanded Role of the Airforce"
 POL_EXPANDED_ROLE_AIRFORCE_desc:0 "The airforce can be used for many other purposes besides as a support for ground forces. It would be foolish to not use it to its full potential."
 POL_SUPPORT_BOMBER_CONCEPT:0 "Develop Support Bombers"
 POL_SUPPORT_BOMBER_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Many new and promising innovations have come about that can revolutionize our support bombers."
 POL_TATCICAL_BOMBER_CONCEPT:0 "Tactical Bomber Concept"
 POL_TATCICAL_BOMBER_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Bombers should be all purpose tools; if they are needed as support then they will be able to, if they need to work as a seperate entity then they shall."
 POL_STRATEGIC_BOMBER_CONCEPT:0 "Strategic Bomber Concept"
 POL_STRATEGIC_BOMBER_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Bomber should be specialized, after all machines that are designed specifically for a given task do that task the best."
 POL_PARATROOPERS_CONCEPT:0 "Paratrooper Forces Concept"
 POL_PARATROOPERS_CONCEPT_desc:0 "Recent inovations have added new means of out manuvering our enemies from above."
 POL_JET_ENGINES:0 "Jet Engines"
 POL_JET_ENGINES_desc:0 "Jet engines are still in their early experimental stages of development, but if they do indeed turn out to work as antcipated they may just be the thing that we need to dominate the skies."
 POL_ROCKETRY:0 "Rocketry"
 POL_ROCKETRY_desc:0 "Why waste precious pilots delivering bombs to your enemies when you can make the bombs deliver themselves?"
 POL_FUTURE_AIR_WARFARE:0 "Future of Air Warfare"
 POL_FUTURE_AIR_WARFARE_desc:0 "The ariel battlefield has changed drastically in the past years; we must be ready to adapt our strategies and tactics accordingly."
 POL_SEMP:0 "The Semp"
 POL_SEMP_desc:0 "The Semp may just turn out to be the greatest and deadliest flying machine in the history of mankind. With it in our arsenal we will be sure to dominate the skies."
 POL_INTERCONTINENTAL_WARFARE:0 "Intercontinetal Warfare"
 POL_INTERCONTINENTAL_WARFARE_desc:0 "It will soon be possible to wage war in between continents directly with our newest intercontinental ballistic systems. No one will be safe from us."
 POL_DEVELOP_NAVY:0 "Develop the Polish Navy"
 POL_DEVELOP_NAVY_desc:0 "If we trully wish to become an influential power we must have means of protecting our interests out in the seas."
 POL_AGRESSIVE_NAVY:0 "Navy of Agression"
 POL_AGRESSIVE_NAVY_desc:0 "Our primary concern must not be to control the seas, but to prevent the enemy from trully doing so."
 POL_DEFENSIVE_NAVY:0 "Standing Navy"
 POL_DEFENSIVE_NAVY_desc:0 "Only a navy that can control the waves will ensure the success of our armies."
 POL_DEATH_FROM_ABOVE:0 "Death from Above"
 POL_DEATH_FROM_ABOVE_desc:0 "We shall destroy the ships of our enemies not with our own navy, but with our airpower."
 POL_AIRCRAFT_CARRIER_FLAGSHIP_desc:0 "The aircraft carrier will project our deadly airforce far beyond land."
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_SUBMARINES:0 "Study Foreign Submarines"
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_SUBMARINES_desc:0 "Our submarines are subpar to foreign ones. Luckily we can study theirs."
 POL_DEATH_FROM_BELOW:0 "Death from Below"
 POL_DEATH_FROM_BELOW_desc:0 "Our enemies will quickly learn that they shouldn't fear enemy forces which they can see, but rather those which they can't."
 POL_UNITED_BALTIC_FLEET:0 "The United Baltic Fleet"
 POL_UNITED_BALTIC_FLEET_desc:0 "The navies of the coalition must stop acting as sperate entities and become a single coehsive force."
 POL_BALTIC_DOMINION:0 "Baltic Dominion"
 POL_BALTIC_DOMINION_desc:0 "With the aid of the Swedes the coalition will be uncontested in the Baltic Sea."
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_BUILT_SHIPS:0 "Study Foreign Built Ships"
 POL_STUDY_FOREIGN_BUILT_SHIPS_desc:0 "By studying foreign naval technology we can work to improve our own ships."
 POL_DEVELOP_LIGHT_SHIPS:0 "Develop Light Ships"
 POL_DEVELOP_LIGHT_SHIPS_desc:0 "Light ships are the backbown of any navy. We must ensure that they are up to date."
 POL_DEVELOP_HEAVY_SHIPS:0 "Develop Heavy Ships"
 POL_DEVELOP_HEAVY_SHIPS_desc:0 "No navy can be called mighty that does not have heavier class ships."
 POL_BATTLESHIP_FLAGSHIP_desc:0 "The battlehsip is the king of the ocean. Our navy would simply be incomplete without one."
 POL_INVASION_FORCE:0 "Invasion Force"
 POL_INVASION_FORCE_desc:0 "We can use our navy not only exert our control of the seas, but also over distant lands."
 POL_TRANSPORT_INNOVATIONS:0 "Sea Transport Innovations"
 POL_TRANSPORT_INNOVATIONS_desc:0 "Recent innovations gave invading armies the potential to become even deadlier."
 POL_invite_to_faction_tooltip:0 "is invited to [Root.GetFlag]§Y[Root.GetName]§!'s faction.\n" 


Вот весь перевод. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. . Половину перевел я, другую половину перевел Gor.

В 23.10.2016 at 11:11, superugrok сказал:

Так-же скинь мне самую последнюю версию переведенных Ivents от BalBeska

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Ну что?

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@syuzev, файлы проверил, перевод мода можно считать завершенным. В вашем файлике с нац. фокусами было несколько помарок, я их поправил.

Свяжусь с разработчиком, чтобы он файлы перевода загрузил в мастерскую. Ссылочку на скачивание исходных файлов перевода лучше не давать.

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8 часов назад, superugrok сказал:

@syuzev, файлы проверил, перевод мода можно считать завершенным. В вашем файлике с нац. фокусами было несколько помарок, я их поправил.

Свяжусь с разработчиком, чтобы он файлы перевода загрузил в мастерскую. Ссылочку на скачивание исходных файлов перевода лучше не давать.


Можно ли создавать тему у вас в разделе "моды"?

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10 часов назад, syuzev сказал:


Можно ли создавать тему у вас в разделе "моды"?

Такая тема уже есть. Сюда будем выкладывать переведенные нами моды.

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46 минут назад, superugrok сказал:

Такая тема уже есть. Сюда будем выкладывать переведенные нами моды.

Попытайтесь связаться с создателем мода. У меня не получается это сделать

Изменено пользователем syuzev
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2 часа назад, syuzev сказал:

Попытайтесь связаться с создателем мода. У меня не получается это сделать

Занимаюсь этим. Через неделю сообщу результаты.

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Извиняюсь за задержку. Перевел давно, но к старому компьютеру доступ получил только сегодня. @syuzev, если свою часть выполнил - мод готов.


Беру  Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Займусь polrework_poland_ideas


@syuzev Завершил перевод, скидывать сюда?


@syuzev Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Быстренько, однако стоит проверить файл в игре. Ибо мог, что-то написать неправильно . 


Молодец! Спасибо за помощ


Почти закончил. Думаю, завтра уже выложу  


@syuzev Пока сижу болею, решил еще раз перепроверить свой файл перевода, нашел несколько ошибок, исправил. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  

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