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Tianxia: Silk Road Expansion

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@Brykley Используй облегченный русификатор... Глобальные моды с фулл-русиком не дружат...


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Повелитель Бессмыслицы

Приветствую всех. Скачал и установил мод Tianxia: Silk Road Expansion (https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/mod-tianxia-silk-road-expansion.816899/). Проблема с ним заключается в том, что юниты на карте "старого" мира отображаются некорректно(они перенесены на энное расстояние вниз), причём на добавленной части карты всё, как надо. Танцы с бубном в файле positions.txt не дают результатов. Если кто сталкивался с подобной проблемой или знает, как её можно решить, я буду весьма признателен, если вы поделитесь решением.spacer.png

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@Повелитель Бессмыслицы Какая версия игры и с какими модами запускал?

Не запускайте глобальные моды с полным русиком, они требуют адаптации...

Изменено пользователем Мольберт
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Повелитель Бессмыслицы


6 часов назад, Мольберт сказал:

@Повелитель Бессмыслицы Какая версия игры и с какими модами запускал?

Не запускайте глобальные моды с полным русиком, они требуют адаптации...

Насколько я понял, 3.0.1(CDYZ)
Tianxia Jade Dragon Portraits Expansion
Tianxia Khitan Portraits
Tianxia Khitan Unit Pack
Tianxia Mongol Portraits Expansion
Tianxia Music Pack
Tianxia The Republic Clothing Expansion
Tianxia Tocharian Portraits
Tianxia Turkish Portraits Expansion
Хотите сказать, это может быть из-за русика?

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Повелитель Бессмыслицы

Хмммм, кажись, я понял, в чём дело...

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Повелитель Бессмыслицы

Действительно, после отключения русификатора проблема исчезла. Интересно, а как связаны русификатор и смещение координат объектов на карте..
Спасибо за помощь

Изменено пользователем Повелитель Бессмыслицы
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@Повелитель Бессмыслицы Рекомендую обновить игру до 3.2.1 или 3.2.2 т.к. моду нужны эти версии...

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@Повелитель Бессмыслицы А Полный русификатор, помимо файлов локализации, затрагивает файлы отвечающие за игровой контент...

Потому он и не подходит для глобальных модов... Рекомендую использовать лайт-русификатор...

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Патчноут грядущей версии:


Open Alpha 7.2.0 (????)
- Old saves are not expected to work, regardless of whether they're Tianxia saves or not.
- Supported start dates: 769.1.1 (Charlemagne), 867.1.1 (The Old Gods), 936.8.7 (The Iron Century), 1066.9.15 (Stamford Bridge).
- Random World, Shattered World, and the EU4 Converter are all unsupported.

- Updated Tianxia for patch 3.3.3.
- Fixed many minor bugs not mentioned below.

Artifacts and artifact spawning:
- Cura Si Manjakini now spawns for the ruler of c_temasek rather than the ruler of k_malaya in the late starts where it's around.
- The Heirloom Seal of the Realm is now held by Tang in the IC start.
- The Works of Shan Yu should now hopefully spawn more appropriately and in/near China.
- Added The Tale of Genji and The Pillow Book as artifacts in 1066 and later, spawning in Japan.
- Rings are now tied to Finger slots (two per character).
- Many weapons that either are unsuitable for warriors or that are dishonorable (e.g. handguns, axes, maces, crossbows) cannot be used by Warriors of the Rising Sun.
- Several weapons supposedly used to slay dragons now are flagged as dragonslayer weapons. This can only mean good things...
- Grace artifact can no longer be given to the Emperor of China for Grace.
- Several Tianxia weapons that weren't flagged as combat weapons are now properly flagged as such.
- Added several new artifacts tied to new event chains, some of them quite powerful, others not so much.
- Yamato characters now appreciate the Kojiki.

- Fixed Chinese pretender bloodline tooltip.
- Added Chinese pretender and real bloodlines for empires named Min and Sui, as well as the ability to name pretender and real empires those names.
- Removed the free invasion from the Wanyan bloodline as they have access to other CBs for the historically relevant land.
- Gave the Wanyan bloodline some extra monthly prestige and higher Jurchen opinion.
- Added historical bloodlines for the Srivijaya and the Sailendra dynasties.
- Added a historical bloodline for the Fujiwara clan, available in 867 and later.
- Added a bloodline for Taejo of Goryeo, granted if he wins his starting war in the IC start and available in 1066.
- Added a bloodline for Sang Sapurba (well after 1066) and adjusted the Alexander bloodline events a bit to account for its existence.
- Added a bloodline for Hachimantaro (Minamoto no Yoshiie), available in 1066.
- Added a bloodline for Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first Kamakura Shogun (well after 1066).
- Added a bloodline for Anawrahta of Bagan, available in 1066.
- Added a historical Chinese Imperial bloodline for the Sakanoue clan, available from 769.
- Added a Confucius bloodline for his (unlanded) descendants. Cannot be inherited matrilineally.
- Added a bloodline concerning a certain... party crasher...
- Added a generic Regency bloodline in case a regency is created by someone that doesn't belong to the Fujiwara bloodline.
- Added a generic version of Taejo's bloodline, should he die before his war ends.
- Added a generic Shogunate bloodline, in case a shogunate is created by someone other than Minamoto no Yoritomo.
- Added a special bloodline available through a certain event chain tied to the Warriors of the Rising Sun.
- Added a bloodline for successful Treasure Fleet invaders.
- Added missing Tianxia Ancestor Veneration bloodlines.

- Added several bookmarks highlighting interesting characters in the Far East for the first four start dates.

- Tribal crossbow ranges should now properly be available and active for Chinese, Koreanic, and Viet characters.
- Added a tribal pillar for the Yupaychaspa religion.
- Gave Wako characters access to the Japanese/Yamato/Ryukyuan cultural buildings.
- Added tribal and castle cultural buildings for Quechua culture.

- Made it impossible for Shinto and Japonic Buddhist characters to attack the Tenno with certain CBs (primarily ones that'd take Yamashiro or unland him). Chinese Imperial rulers are excepted.
- Blocked all CBs for people that are part of the Treasure Fleet, that are preparing a Treasure Fleet, and that are due to be part of it.
- It is now possible for Chinese Imperial rulers to press weak claims on China against an emperor of China that has a Poor or Lost Mandate rating.
- The Aztec (and Inca) emperors no longer need prestige to launch Tribal Invasions, provided they've kept their respective culture and have their respective reformed or unreformed religion. This should fix the "Aztecs sit around and do nothing after landing" issue.
- The Aztec and Inca emperors can now declare tribal invasions on pagans, as their initial wars otherwise might invalidate.
- Anyone whose top liege has a government that ignores religion (Chinese/Japanese Imperial, Confucian Bureaucracy, Japanese Feudal) will now be prevented from waging holy wars and GHWs against anyone that's not a known Devil Worshipper, fixing a possible exploit.
- Shenists, Muists, Ryukyuans, and Thanists can no longer use the Pagan Subjugation CB, consistent with vanilla's civilized Hellenics.
- Holy orders and rel heads can't be subjugated with the Pagan Subjugation CB as that can cause issues.
- The "The Three Mountains" (Ryukyuan), "Invaders" (Aztecs), and "The Unconquered Sun" (Yupaychaspa) Doctrines now grant overseas county conquest, similar to the inherent Norse feature.
- Shinto (excepting the Tenno) and Japonic Buddhist characters have been prevented from pressing de jure barony claims on the Saio and the Saiin (the Imperial Priestesses) for Ise and Kamo (respectively).
- The Tenno can no longer be subjugated with the Indian Subjugation CB, and Shinto and Japonic Buddhist caharacter can now only use it within the same culture group unless it is the Tenno subjugating a Shinto ruler, making things more consistent with how the CB works elsewhere and with Caliphal Subjugation.
- Realms that don't care about religion and their vassals can no longer wage Reconquista wars.
- China can now wage tributary wars against rulers bordering Imperial Tributaries, Protectorates, and Client States, consistent with vanilla's behaviour for China and for Permanent Tributaries.
- Realms that don't care about religion and their vassals can no longer liberate religion.
- Made Chinese Imperial realms that lack Genghis' bloodline more eager to wage tributary wars against realms outside China, and made rulers with the Srivijaya and Sailendra bloodlines more eager to wage tributary wars in general.
- Opened up the Imperial Conquest CB for Chinese Taoist/Buddhist/Shenist rulers if China has no holder, though made it cost more prestige in general for all but the Emperor of China.
- Taejo of Goryeo's initial war now gives him (or his succssor) a bloodline if he wins.
- Added CBs for ending Permanent Regencies, both against the Permanent Regent alone and against the Regency Loyalist faction.
- Added CBs for other Shinto/Japonic Buddhist vassals to take over the Permanent Regency.
- Added faction CBs to force a Permanent Regency (for the Tenno and Shinto/Japonic Buddhist emperors).
- Added a CB for the starting Jin-Tang war in the IC start.
- Added a CB for the reconquest of Korea for Taejo's bloodline and its generic counterpart, requiring Koreanic culture and Buddhist/Taoist/Muist religion.
- Added a CB for the reconquest of Japan for the Tenno, the Regent, any Shogun (emperor-tier ruler), and the Regent of any Shogun, if Shinto/Japonic Buddhist. Cannot be used against the Tenno or his liege.
- Added a CB for the creation of a Shogunate.
- Added a CB for the ending of a Shogunate and the restoration of the Tenno.
- Added the War of Honor CB for members of the Warriors of the Rising Sun. Allies can't be called by either side.
- Added the Rising Sun Subjugation CB, for the Master of the Warriors of the Rising Sun, working as a Crusade (biggest contributor wins).
- Added a Punitive Expedition CB for the Treasure Fleet, used if certain things happen.
- Added a special CB for the Treasure Fleet to create tributaries.
- Added the Treasure Fleet Invasion CB.
- Added a CB related to a refusal to hand over the Sixteen Prefectures in the IC start.
- Added a CB related to the Sunrise Invasion prelude.

Council and council voting:
- Somewhat reduced Council Eunuch willingness to be Pragmatists.
- Prevented the Council from voting against the Permanent Regent or the Permanent Regent's dynasty barring a rivalry.
- Pragmatist Council Eunuchs will no longer be opposed to blocking internal wars, implementing Imperial Administration, having viceroyalities, or preventing external inheritance.

- Fixed some duplicate names.
- Added "castes = yes" to some cultures that needed it.
- Linked Iskander and Alexander in some places it wasn't set up properly.
- Added Wako (Wokou), Batak, Samudran, Sundanese, Balinese, Banjar, Bugi, Cebuan, Papuan, and Quechua culture.
- Added a few more dragon names.
- Dragon culture is now "Chinese enough" by default, seeing as it *is* the *Dragon* Throne...

- Added a few new death reasons, most of them violent.

- Added a bunch more historical dynasties (including a ton of Lis in China...).
- Added/adjusted some dynasty names for new cultures and most cultures that were missing them previously.
- Added some Quechua dynasties, courtesy of Keizer Harm.

Game rules:
- Added a game rule controlling just what kind of draconic guests might show up during the Lunar New Year celebration (only has an effect with Supernatural events enabled).
- Added a game rule controlling how quickly Liao will settle wth their special decision and whether they'll use it at all.
- Added a game rule controlling whether Liao gets event troops when settling.
- Added a game rule controlling whether Wars of Honor can be waged against independent realms or not.
- Added a game rule controlling whether the Rising Sun Subjugation CB is available and whether the AI can use it.
- Added a game rule controlling whether Treasure Fleet Invasions can happen and if the AI can attempt them.
- Added a game rule controlling whether vassals of Chinese and Japanese Imperial realms can create kingdoms freely or not. Does not affect CM custom titles.
- Added a game rule controlling whether vassals of Chinese Imperial realms can create duchies freely.
- Added a game rule controlling when and whether the Inca can invade if you've got Sunset Invasion active.

- Chinese Imperial can no longer grant kingdoms or empires to other government groups.
- Baron-tier rulers no longer use Confucian Bureaucracy.
- Japanese Imperial can no longer grant kingdoms or empires to other government groups but can hold temples and gains monthly piety.
- Japanese Feudal can no longer hold cities but no longer upset vassals due to raising levies.
- Japanese Monastic Feudal can no longer grant kingdoms or empries to other government groups but gain some monthly piety.

Landed titles:
- Ashoka's Chosen are no longer available for rulers that have access to the Shaolin Monks or the Sohei.
- Fixed some issues with Tengri and Bön crusade weights, including the fact that the former ignored several important kingdoms (e.g. Khazaria, which has a holy site).
- Added crusade weights for all of Tianxia's reformed pagans.
- Added/updated cultural naming for some titles.
- Reminded the Aztecs that Gizeh supposedly is the "Holiest place outside Tenochtitlan" and that maybe waging GHWs for it and considering it the capital for their rel head thus is warranted.
- The duchy of Asyut now has a capital: Asyut.
- Mzab's capital is now in the proper province.
- The empire of Kanem now has a capital: Djimi.
- Moved the Hindu holy site previously in Mathura to Angkor (Wat) so that SEAsia matters more for the religion.
- Moved the Buddhist holy site previously in Lumbini to Pajang (Borobudur) so that SEAsia matters more for the religion.
- Removed the Treasure Fleet merc band, as it would be confusing with the actual Treasure Fleet being a thing.
- Moved the capital of the Han Junks merc band to Hangzhou (was Samatata).
- Moved the capital of the Jurchen Corsairs merc band to Pahali (was Samatata).
- Added holy orders for all of Tianxia's reformed pagan religions plus the Taoist religion.
- Restricted the ability to create various Tianxia empires for the AI based on culture, similar to how vanilla handles things.
- Sukhothai is now spelled properly, fixing an issue where the mod was "literally unplayable".
- The duchy of Aru's capital is once more Aru.
- The duchy of Suvrnadvipa's capital is now Barus.
- The duchy of Kalapa is now known as Sunda if held by a Sundanese character.
- The kingdom of Kalimantan now has Banjar culture.
- The kingdom of Sarawak now has Dayak culture.
- The kingdom of Mindanao now has Cebuan culture.
- Fixed several instances of titles having color values exceeding 255.
- Many, many baronies now have specific CoAs if Buddhist (outside China) or Taoist (inside China), courtesy of Brightgalrs.
- Added recreation conditions for k_chrysanthemum_throne, should the unthinkable happen. You need to be Shinto and either have three holy sites, possess all three pieces of the Imperial Regalia of Japan, or be an Amaterasu Descendant with 500 piety.
- A certain Japanese kingdom that may or may not have been ruled by a sorcerer queen exists in the history files.
- The Yulin, Longwu, Shenwu,m and Shence Guards now grow a bit more over time.
- The Yojimbo merc company is now available for Shinto/Japonic Buddhist rulers and is no longer a vassal of the Tenno.
- Added some new titular empires relevant to the Iron Century start, Liao settling, Xi-Xia, and Treasure Fleet invasions.
- Split the kingdom of Japan into kingdoms with a much saner size.

- Chinese Imperial emperors with a Poor or Lost Mandate rating now lose access to viceroyalities. Existing viceroyalities remain, but they cannot be handed out as viceroyalities again unless/until the Mandate rating goes up again.
- Chinese Imperial emperors with an Average or better Mandate rating now have Duchy Viceroyalties enabled at all times.
- There are now laws governing how much power the Permanent Regent has, enacted through regular decisions shifting them one step in favor of either the Permanent Regent or the Tenno/Shogun.
- Chinese and Japanese Imperial rulers no longer have access to Gavelkind.
- Viet, Kaharingan, and Sanamahi pagans can now use Eldership succession if tribal (or reformed with their unique Doctrines or Ancestor Veneration).
- Chinese Imperial, Japanese Imperial, Confucian Bureaucracy, Japanese Feudal, and Japanese Monastic Feudal no longer have access to Seniority.
- Japanese Imperial no longer has access to Primogeniture.
- Chinese Imperial, Japanese Imperial, Confucian Bureaucracy, Japanese Feudal, and Japanese Monastic Feudal no longer have access to Ultimogeniture.
- Japanese Feudal and Japanese Monastic Feudal no longer have access to Eldership or Tanistry.
- Mongol nomads belonging to Genghis' bloodline now have a special elective Kurultai succession law. Manpower and population affect voting score, along with certain other things.
- The Tenno now has a special "elective" succession law. Unless the Permanent Regent is fully empowered the Tenno is the sole voter, and the Tenno's vote decides unless the Permanent Regent actively meddles. Marriage ties and the dynasty of the mother (or father, if relevant) are quite important for the AI reasoning.
- Japanese Imperial rulers no longer permit titles to pass outside the realm at any point.
- A Poor Mandate rating now disables Protected Inheritance.
- Anyone with a Permanent Regent cannot block internal or external vassal wars.
- The Tenno can no longer revoke titles if he has a Permanent Regency, nor can a Confucian Bureaucracy Shogun.
- A Chinese Imperial emperor with a Poor or Lost Mandate rating can no longer revoke titles.
- The Tenno can no longer have Early Feudal administration.

Minor titles:
- The Designated Regent title cannot be revoked from a Permanent Regent or someone that should be the Permanent Regent.
- Sanamahi, Melanesian, Kaharingan, Ainu, and Yupaychaspa pagans now have access to the normal pagan honorary titles (Champion, etc.).
- Master Engineers are once more not useless.
- The learning requirement for Council Eunuchs is now 12, consistent with other advisors. Generated eunuchs have been updated accordingly.
- Chinese Imperial emperors can now give up to five non-forced concubines the Fei title and up to eighteen the Pin title.
- The Shogun honorary title is no longer available.
- The Shikken honorary title is no longer available.
- The Tenno can now give up to two non-forced concubines the Hi title, up to three the Bunin title, and up to four the Hin title.

- Made some vanilla nicknames a bit more widely available in the Far East.
- Added a nickname concerning a certain... party crasher...
- Added nicknames related to various characters involved in an event chain concerning a certain... party crasher...
- Added nicknames for certain people you can encounter in an event chain associated with the Warriors of the Rising Sun.
- Added the "Ichi no Hiro" nickname for Fujiwara no Yorimichi. He was, after all, just the First Subject.
- Added the "Hachimantaro" nickname for Minamoto no Yoshiie. Can also rarely be gained by great warriors that are Shinto/Japonic Buddhist.
- Added a few more Water Margin nicknames for the relevant characters.
- Added a... foxy nickname for Japonic women with certain traits and high Intrigue and Diplomacy... and for some women that aren't exactly human, should Supernatural events be enabled...

Ambitions, Plots, and Factions:
- Chinese Imperial rulers that aren't part of Genghis' bloodline now have an interest in the "See the Realm Prosper" ambition.
- People that are about to join a Treasure Fleet voyage or that have embarked upon one cannot join or remain part of any faction.
- War Voting Power no longer disables faction joining for council members if there's a Permanent Regent.
- The Independence faction blocking against Mongol and Nahuatl rulers now also check for holding the Mongol Empire (will be updated to account for the breakaways down the line) and the Aztec Empire, as does the new Quechua check for the Inca Empire, meaning e.g. a Mongol Emperor of China isn't safe from the faction by virtue of having Mongol culture.
- Various blockers for the AI joining the Independence faction now get disabled if the top liege has a Poor or Lost Mandate rating. Enjoy your Mingsplosions!
- The Claimant faction now accounts for the Ryukyuan reformation Doctrines granting Equality.
- The AI now NEVER joins a faction to push another dynasty's claim on the Chrysanthemum Throne unless the Imperial Family previously lost it, and also NEVER supports a Permanent Regent's claim on it, unless they are the claimant in question or they no longer are Shinto or Japonic Buddhist.
- The "Gain Land for an Unlanded Daughter" ambition now accounts for the Ryukyuan reformation Doctrines granting Equality.
- Added factions for installing Permanent Regents for the Tenno and Shinto/Japonic Buddhist emperors that are feudal and aren't Chinese Imperial.
- Added Regency Loyalist factions, which come to the aid of the Permanent Regent if an attempt is made to depose him by force. The Permanent Regent's dynasty join this ASAP in AI hands and tend to be reluctant to leave it.
- Added a Proclaim Shogunate faction, usable against the Tenno if there isn't a Shogun already. The Permanent Regent cannot join this faction.
- Added an End Shogunate faction, usable if the Tenno is part of the same realm. The Shogun's Permanent Regent (if applicable) cannot join. The Tenno cannot be blocked from this faction.
- Added a plot to become a Permanent Regent that can be used if the Tenno or Shogun has a normal regency and you are a voter, a sufficiently powerful vassal, or part of a regency bloodline.
- Added a plot to replace the Permanent Regent with a new and more loyal Permanent Regent that just happens to be you.

On Actions:
- Chinese Strategists have been reminded that giving people lessons in the Art of War is part of their job.
- Scholar-Bureaucrats have been told that they can't slack off just because their initial employer died.

Religion and Religion Features:
- Rulers belonging to Dogmatic religions have been informed that heathenry is intolerable even if the heathen in question isn't a pagan.
- The Aztec and Yupaychaspa unique Doctrines plus the The Three Mountains Doctrine now grant overseas county conquest.
- Added the "The Unconquered Sun" unique Doctrine for the Yupaychaspa faith, granting the benefits of Stable, Unrelenting, and most of Seafarer (no river movement).
- Nestorians can now intermarry with Shenists, unless they reform in a Dogmatic manner.
- Zunists can intermarry with Yupaychaspa rulers (unless either is Dogmatic), seeing as they both worship the sun and might be "close" to their siblings.
- Hindus can now intermarry with Melanesians, unless they reform in a Dogmatic manner.
- Buddhists and Jains are no longer allowed to intermarry with Kaharingans, unless enabled by a Cosmopolitan reformation.
- Updated the color of the Ainu religion.
- Added a better interface skin for the Shenist religion.
- Added a better interface skin for the Muist religion.
- Updated the color of the Ryukyuan religion.
- Added a better interface skin for the Ryukyuan religion.
- Disabled male temple holders for the Ryukyuan religion (unless enabled by a reformation).
- Added the "seafarer" flag to the Ryukyuan religion, making them eager to raid overseas if they can raid.
- Added a better interface skin for the Shinto religion.
- Reduced the Shinto Intrigue boost to 3 (was 4).
- Shinto rulers might now be asked to defend the Tenno if he is attacked by heathens (has no effect on vassals).
- The Kaharingan religion now uses the African CoA frames and secondary event pictures.
- Added a better interface skin for the Kaharingan religion.
- Updated the color of the Kaharingan religion.
- Added the "seafarer" flag to the Kaharingan religion, making them eager to raid overseas if they can raid.
- Added a better interface skin for the Melanesian religion.
- Updated the color of the Melanesian religion.
- Added the "seafarer" flag to the Melanesian religion, making them eager to raid overseas if they can raid.
- Added a better interface skin for the Sanamahi religion.
- Added a better interface skin for the Thanist religion.
- Added the Yupaychaspa religion and a reformed version. Knowing the CK2 forum, the fact that siblings can marry is probably the most interesting bit about it.

- Gave Wako characters access to the same retinues as Japanese/Yamato/Ryukyuan characters.
- Added a Quechua retinue.

Scripted effects, score values, and triggers:
- The decrease_prosperity_effect effect now actually decreases Prosperity if it is below 3 (vanilla bug).
- Commanders spawned as part of a Mandate of Heaven uprising are now Peasant Leaders. I'm sure ignoring the peasant rabble is the proper course of action...
- add_secret_religion_trait_trigger_is_religion_or_old_religion_flag_clear_flag_after_effect_is_run_this_name_is_a_tribute_to_m_effect is even longer (about 6k lines now).
- add_grace_minor_effect now properly adds 200 Grace, not 250.
- detract_grace_super_huge_effect now properly removes 2000 Grace, not 5000.
- All of Tianxia's non-Ainu and non-Yupaychaspa pagans now get the Indian goldsmith artifacts.
- Hellenics now get Christian/Jewish smith artifacts.
- Bloodline religion requirements now work properly for Tianxia's religions.
- Several checks for bloodlines having flags are now set up properly.
- Cleanup of Chinese Imperial title name flags is now handled by a scripted_effect.
- Significantly overhauled the Mandate of Heaven calculations, and split it into three parts (personal, status of the realm, and misc.).
- Silk Road religion spread now checks for the province of Pisa, not the string Pisa.
- The Chinese Zodiac/Element/etc. checks used for the Lunar New Year should no longer be completely wrong.
- Tianxia pagans should now approach post-reformation conversion considerably more logically than before, as they now actually account for reformation picks.
- Updated several Chinese portrait triggers to account for various graphical cultures using chinesegfx and the fact that Han culture isn't the only Chinese culture.
- Pretender emperors that either belong to the Zhao dynasty or that call their pretender empire Song now get complimetary zhangokfutous.
- Rulers of Chinese Client States and Protectorates can now get the martial headgear used by the WP in vanilla, if they're feudal.
- Chinese makeup is now available in a few more circumstances.
- Chinese jewellery is now available in a few more circumstances.
- female_can_hold_minor_title_trigger now accounts for several more cultures and religions, plus the Ryukyuan and Bön Doctrines.
- is_virgin_trigger now checks for being a concubine, having a later stage pregnancy trait, and certain character modifiers (vanilla error).
- AI controlled Aztec and Inca emperors are now unable to use the Grace system assuming they've got the approprate culture-religion combo and the invader title tied to them.
- China no longer accepts concubine tributes if Status of Women is Full or the succession is Cognatic, Enatic-Cognatic, or Enatic.
- China no longer grants Imperial Marriages if Status of Women is Full or the succession is Cognatic, Enatic-Cognatic, or Enatic, and female dynasty members can get married/betrothed normally if this is the case.
- Many former instances of "has_regent = yes/no" are now "has_actual_regency_trigger = yes/no", to ensure that rulers with a Permanent Regency aren't prevented from doing some things they're supposed to be able to do.

- Japonic Buddhists can no longer join the Savaka-Sangha. If you are a member and become Japonic, you may still remain in the society.
- Japonic Buddhists can now join the Ghost Gatherers (Shinto/Ryukyuan/Ainu DWs).
- Chinese/Viet/Tangut/Kaifeng/Khitan/Mongol Buddhists can now join the Underworld Triad (Taoist/Shenist/Thanist DWs).
- Yupaychaspa rulers can now join the Sacrificers (Dayak/Melanesian DWs).
- Koreanic Buddhists can now join the Procession of Pox (Muist DWs).
- Shinto, Ryukyuans, Japonic Buddhists, and Japonic Christians (that aren't part of a holy order or rel heads) now have access to the Warriors of the Rising Sun (requiring Holy Fury) if they're tribal or feudal. Some event characters might also join despite not living up to this, and Japonic Taoists and Hindus are not evicted. Make sure you act with honor!
- Shinto and Japonic Buddhists now have access to the Fellowship of the Kami, a new Monastic Order available with Monks and Mystics.

- A few more cultures can result in Chinese commander traits when traits are randomized.
- Amaterasu Descendants are now appreciated by Shinto characters, not co-religionists regardless of religion.
- All of Tianxia's reformed pagans now have Crusader traits.

- Peripheral tributaries now break on the death of the suzerain.
- Chinese Client States can no longer get out of defending China due to their contract saying that they both must and don't must defend their suzerain.

- Added Borobudur in Pajang.
- Added the Shwedagon Pagoda in Dagon.

- Optimized several decisions a bit.
- Many decisions (feasts, hunts, pilgrimages, etc.) have been blocked for rulers preparing or about to embark on a Treasure Fleet voyage, as things otherwise can break quite badly.
- Holy order rulers can no longer convert religion using decisions. Stop being silly!
- Chinese Imperial, Confucian Bureaucracy, and Japanese Feudal Buddhists no longer have access to the decisions to convert to Hinduism or Jainism. You can still convert using other means.
- Realms that don't care about religion and their vassals can no longer take part in the Reconquista (except if they are the primary defender).
- Restoring the Byzantine Empire is no longer an option for vassals (vanilla error), but eligible characters aren't prevented from doing it if they've somehow vassalized the Tenno (Tianxia error).
- Japonic rulers can no longer create Ashoka's Chosen; they've got the Sohei.
- Chinese ruler can no longer Create Ashoka's Chosen; they've got the Shaolin Monks.
- The Tenno no longer sees the decision to adopt Chinese Imperialism, seeing as that's a barbarian government of no interest to the Chrysanthemum Throne.
- It is no longer possible to adopt Chinese Imperialism if you have a regent.
- Only Japonic Buddhists need to care about the Tenno when considering whether to become Chinese Imperial (the Shinto religion is unable to get the government, so no need to check that).
- Creating a pretender empire now gives you Imperial Administration and Duchy Viceroyalties.
- Creating a pretender empire now gives a weak inheritable claim on China.
- AI Japanese and Yamato Buddhists no longer care for creating pretender empires. They've got their own government stuff to enjoy!
- AI characters that don't have a culture that's only eligible for Chinese Imperial when the cultural restriction is disabled no longer care for creating pretender empires.
- The decision for tributaries to break away now properly checks Chinese Protectorates not "protectoraye"s.
- Jurchen characters no longer need prestige to use their decisions to convert from Tengri to Buddhism or Taoism.
- It is now easier to create Jurchen Jin, particularly if you hold land in the China region or China's de jure.
- Added a title decision for Khitan rulers with a pretender bloodline (a.k.a. Liao) to settle as Chinese Imperial.
- Tiger hunts can no longer take place on islands that don't have tigers, and the Manchurian, Korean, and Chinese "jungle" is now correctly referred to as a forest.
- Japonic Buddhists now use a different decision when going on a pilgrimages, which sends them to an event suggesting that maybe there are pilgrimages near home they might like.
- If you've jumped through all the necessary hoops it is now possible to restore the Roman Empire as a pretender emperor, in which case the Roman Empire inherits the pretender name you're using (e.g. "Liang").
- It is no longer impossible to restore the Roman Empire if you've somehow vassalized the Tenno.
- The special decision to recreate China as a Chinese Imperial ruler now requires provinces in the China region that aren't in Dali or Taiwan.
- The special decision to recreate China as a Chinese Imperial ruler can no longer be taken with a Poor or Lost Mandate rating.
- You no longer get free Chinese arifacts if you recreate China.
- Other pretender emperors now get weak inheritable claims on China when China is reacreated with the special decision.
- You now properly get Primogeniture, Imperial Administration, and Duchy Viceroyalties when recreating China with the special decision.
- Added a decision for Chinese Imperial rulers, Taoists, Shenists, and Chinese Buddhists to celebrate the Lunar New Year. You might want to look to the skies, should the Year of the Dragon be beginning and Supernatural events be enabled...
- Added a decision related to a certain... party crasher...
- Added a decision for a Chinese Imperial Emperor of China to prepare and send out a Treasure Fleet.
- Added decisions for vassals to ask to join the Treasure Fleet, to change their mind about joining, and to head home early.
- Updated the decision to move China's de jure capital to make the starting dynasties of various realms in the Iron Century start pick suitable capitals if they get the Dragon Throne.
- Chinese JD characters are now better if the realm they originated from has an Unquestioned Mandate rating.
- It is now possible to recruit Chinese Physicians if you have both JD and RD and you have land in China or your top liege is the Emperor of China.
- Disabled the decisions to convert between "Chinese enough" religions for the AI, both for consistency with the Dharmic conversion decisions and for a small performance increase.
- Added a targeted decision to make women that are part of the Emperor of China's dynasty available for regular marriage, available if they're your descendant and in your court.
- Added a number of decisions related to plots/factions concerning Permanent Regents and Shoguns.
- Added a decision for the Tenno's Permanent Regent to meddle in the succession (the AI checks it using an event on_yearly_pulse).
- Added a decision for the Tenno to nullify succession meddling (the AI checks it using an event on_yearly_pulse).
- Added a decision to increase or decrease the Permanent Regent's powers.
- Added a decision for the Permanent Regent to appropriate some of their liege's money, for the good of the realm.
- Added a decision for Shinto/Japonic Buddhist emperors of Japan to de jure drift Ezo (k_yezo) and Ryukyu for money.
- Added a decision for the Permanent Regent to transfer a vassal from their liege's control to their control, for the good of the realm.
- Added a decision for the Permanent Regent to replace their liege's spouse with a kinswoman, for the good of the realm.
- Added a decision for the Shogun to transfer a vassal (that isn't the Permanent Regent) from the Tenno to their control, for the good of the realm.
- Added a decision for the Tenno to give a kins(wo)man the Minamoto surname, permanently excluding them and their offspring (barring an intermarriage) from the succession. Not used by the AI as it'd risk wiping out the Imperial Family through sheer stupidity.
- Added a decision for the Permanent Regent to release a prisoner from their liege's dungeon, for the good of the realm.
- Added a decision for the Permanent Regent to execute a prisoner in their liege's dungeon, for the good of the realm. Cannot be used against their liege's dynasty, and the Permanent Regent counts as the killer for Kinslayer/etc. checks.
- Added a decision for the Permanent Regent to transfer a title (that isn't a primary tier title or k_chrysanthemum_throne) from their liege's control to their control, for the good of the realm.
- Added a decision for the Shogun to transfer a title (that isn't a primary tier title or k_chrysanthemum_throne) from the Tenno to their control, for the good of the realm.
- Non-Japonic Buddhists cannot celebrate the Hanami any longer.
- Shinto characters can now go on a pilgrimage to the Chrysanthemum Throne (if not the Tenno), Ise, the Kumano pilgrim route, or Mount Fuji, if Monks and Mystics is active.
- Japonic Buddhists can now go on a pilgrimage to Shikoku or Mount Koya, in addition to the normal Buddhist holy sites, if Monks and Mystics is active.
- The Tenno can now appoint Imperial Priestesses to the Ise and Kamo shrines.
- Added a decision for Xu Zhigao to rename himself Li Bian and claim the Tang legacy.
- Yamato and Wako characters might also consider Seppuku and Jigaki, but rulers that aren't Shinto or Buddhist no longer have access to those decisions.
- Added several decisions related to the new societies.
- Added several new artifact decisions tied to certain artifacts that can be earned by doing something quite impressive indeed...
- Added decisions to found the Sohei and the Sons of the Dragon, as well as standard decisions for various new pagan holy orders.

- Added over 2000 new events, mainly related to China, Japan, and the Sunrise Invasion.
- Blocked some event chains and sub-chains for people that are preparing or about to join a Treasure Fleet, as things otherwise can break.
- Meddling mothers cannot longer replace the Permanent Regent.
- Discovered murder attempts against people in hiding no longer have twice as large Grace penalties in multiplayer games.
- Holy orders can no longer build castles in land belonging to a Chinese or Japanese Imperial realm or a realm ruled by a Shinto/Japonic Buddhist ruler that's got the Tenno as a vassal.
- Haruspicy events now work for Tianxia pagans that have it as an inherent feature (Kaharingans and Ainu).
- Shenists now properly get (Western, for now) Zodiac signs assigned on birth.
- Certain Astrology + Haruspicy + Autonomous events can now fire properly when relevant Tianxia Doctrines have been selected.
- Yupaychaspa reformers that pick Dogmatic and Temporal can now become high gods as well.
- Ancestor Veneration should no longer be broken for Tianxia's pagans, as they now actually have relevant bloodlines.
- It is now possible to ger artifacts in a flavour event when crusading against Tianxia religions.
- Chinese guests now check for the right kind of tributaries when deciding whether to show up.
- Special JD characters no longer get to slack off because offmap China isn't a thing.
- Some region checks during the kowtow have been updated to work with the new region setup in Japan.
- Shinto rulers no longer struggle quite as much with converting Buddhist provinces.
- Added some events concerning the Sixteen Prefectures and the possibility of them not being handed over.
- Lover events that should use event targets now use event targets.
- Japonic Buddhists no longer think that scimitars are more awesome than regular swords. Of course, katanas would just be better, if we had them...
- Shinto, Japonic Buddhist, and Tengri rulers can no longer request maces or axes from weaponsmiths, but they can get bows instead, for greater artifact diversity (and to avoid WotRS characters forging weapons they can't use).
- Smiths no longer create a Circlet of the Heavens when they should create a Circlet of the Sun (vanilla bug).
- Adjusted the chance of Islam spreading in Indonesia a bit.
- Religions that reform with a Doctrine granting Divine Blood should no longer get Incestuous Adulterer/Adulteress modifiers, seeing as they don't care about incest.
- Council Power factions should now be properly blocked from making a Chinese or Japanese Imperial realm Elective.
- AI characters will no longer convert religion to keep Chinese Imperial if they're Zealous.
- AI willingness to convert to keep Chinese Imperial now checks for the more restricted set of cultures even if the game rule is set to let all cultures be Chinese Imperial, meaning e.g. a Russian Taoist that converts to Sunni won't convert back to Taoist.
- Updated AI Chinese Imperial naming logic to work for various dynasties relevant during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, as well as Xi-Xia.
- Updated temple names to cover a few more historical temple names where relevant.
- Set up starting Mandate levels for Chinese Imperial rulers in the first four start dates.
- Chinese Physicians can now appear from time to time with JD and RD active.
- Moved yearly Grace gain for tributaries to on_yearly_pulse.
- Fixed some issues with the Grace events.
- Improved Hanami logic slightly.
- Added a bunch of events related to the Lunar New Year.
- The player is now informed if someone else's Mandate rating changes.
- Mandate revolts now only target pretenders that have Lost the Mandate of Heaven, while the actual Emperor of China also can get them with a Poor Mandate rating.
- The Mandate revolt leader is now a Peasant Leader but has slightly better stats overall.
- The value of the Silk Road now changes a bit depending on the Emperor of China's Mandate rating.
- Added a bunch of events related to the new Permanent Regency and Shogunate mechanics.
- Added some Wako events.
- Added some events to rarely get Japanese/Yamato/Wako courtiers to swap between Buddhist and Shinto.
- Added some events where you might get a new female courtier as a Japonic or Shinto ruler or a ruler with a province in Japan/Ryukyu/Yezo. If Supernatural events are enabled, this woman may or may not be hiding a tail or nine...
- Added a few events concerning a woman with unusual hair that might show up in Japan/Ryukyu/Yezo if Supernatural events are enabled.
- Added some events concerning foreigners washing up on your shores for Shinto/Japonic Buddhist rulers in Japan/Ryukyu/Yezo. They might be trouble, or not.
- Added Shenist mourning events.
- Added events for Shinto and Japonic Buddhist pilgrimages.
- Added events related to the Treasure Fleet and its voyage.
- Added events for the Warriors of the Rising Sun.
- Added events for the Sunrise Invasion and various things related to the Yupaychaspa religion, such as the Aclla and a holy order.
- The Aztec landings now use unsafe_war, to make them less likely to break.
- Added some new artifact events concerning certain new artifacts, most of them talkative...

- Added a large number of title CoAs, most of them courtesy of Brightgalrs and Keizer Harm.
- Added Yupaychaspa dynastic coat of arms, courtesy of Keizer Harm.
- Cleaned up some bad event pictures.

- Made significant changes to nearly every character history file in the mod. Yes, really.
- Made changes to over half of the province history files in the mod (culture adjustments, religion adjustments, holding number adjustments).
- Adjusted technology slightly in the south.
- Made significant changes to the vast majority of the title history files in the mod. Yes, really.
- Added some wars in the Iron Century start.

- Added and updated a bunch of localisation.

- Changed some geographical regions a bit and added a few more.
- Added five new sea zones between India and Sumatra (one of them split off from an existing sea zone).

Выход планируется 22 сентября

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Vladislavius First

Выход планируется 22-го августа)
На Плазе уже обнова бета-версии есть)

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Ioannes III Batatzes
В 22.08.2020 в 13:06, Мольберт сказал:

Open Beta 0.1.0:


Еще бы залить на файлообменник. Думаю не у каждого есть там аккаунт.

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Версия "Open Beta 0.1.1":

Исключительно исправления и правки баланса...


Open Beta 0.1.1 (OSIE) - 26/9/2020
- k_jinghunan should now properly use the Chu CoA in 936.
- JD.10030 (Chinese refugee event) should no longer fire in realms that'd not be able to interact with China.
- JD.10030 can now also fire if the EoC's Mandate is Poor or Lost.
- JD.10030 can now also fire if there's no China but there's at least one pretender emperor around.
- Peng Shichou is no longer permitted to incorrectly claim Meng Zhixiang of (Later) Shu as his father.
- e_black_turtle's preferred capital is now correctly changed to Bianjing if (Later) Jin wins the starting war against (Later) Tang.
- CBs for (re)conquering China are now correctly restricted to feudal (is_feudal = yes) rulers.
- Confucian Bureaucracy, Average+ Mandate Chinese Imperial, and Japanese Imperial rulers without a Permanent Regent now start with Title Revokation Allowed instead of no title revokation law set.
- Fixed some society currency gains not showing up.
- Adventurer settling now correctly checks port ownership for the would-be settler, not for a province.
- It is no longer possible to seek out the lair of the Emperor of Embers if you're due to join the Treasure Fleet or have the do_not_disturb flag (which is set if you e.g. are attending a feast), as those things would cause issues.
- Dragon hunts should now only be accessible for rulers that actually are close enough to the lair of the Emperor of Embers.
- Mercs no longer rank up past rank 2 in the WotRS, as they shouldn't hog the limited spots.
- RIP.21009 (Martial Eternal Life event) now correctly has a narrative_frame.
- WotRS poetry contest event option selections should now generate a proper number of options.
- WotRS poetry contest event option selections should no longer loop 100k times and freeze the game.
- "Chinese enough" AI rulers that take over a pretender empire from another dynasty will no longer stop being pretender emperors if China has no holder or if the holder of China isn't Chinese Imperial.
- "Chinese enough" AI rulers that have a Chinese Imperial bloodline before taking over a pretender empire from another dynasty will no longer stop being pretender emperors.
- Buddhists with relevant cultures can now be selected to join relevant DW societies at the start.
- Buddhists should hopefully no longer get ejected from relevant DW societies upon joining.
- People seeking to join the Underworld Triad will no longer be contacted by the Ghost Gatherers, as that would result in them getting ejected upon joining.
- Opportunities to recruit dragonslayers no longer results in your character forgetting all about continuing with their quest and simply sitting around until they're forced back home by the cleanup event.
- The "Power at a Price" event's follow-up events no longer fire on the same day and have been changed to narrative_events.
- Renaming of China should now loop properly when you create a pretender empire.
- People with negative personal combat skill will no longer "help" the Treasure Fleet fight in various events as that is counterproductive.
- WotRS sake and poetry contests are now held between members of the WotRS, not between a member of the WotRS and a member of any society.
- It should once more be possible to reform pagans with HF.
- It is no longer possible to end up with two education traits thanks to a Hanami event.
- Fixed "off by one" error in LNY zodiac and element calculation.
- Several LNY events that previously were character_events are now narrative_events.
- Getting a Permanent Regent now correctly enacts Unrestricted Vassal.
- Laws governing viceroyalities, title revokation, external inheritance, and vassal wars should now properly update when someone's Mandate rating changes.
- The WotRS should no longer give missions to declare Wars of Honor against independent rulers if this has been forbidden with the relevant game rule.
- The WotRS should no longer give vassals missions to declare wars of Honor against rulers they're blocked from waging war on due to laws.
- Fixed several WotRS mentor/student events firing in the wrong scopes.
- Fixed several WotRS mentor/student events firing multiple times when they should only fire once.
- Fixed some localization referring to "All Realm Provinces" that should refer to a specific province.
- Made many localization strings shorter to make them fit inside the relevant event windows.
- Altaic and Japonic rulers now refer to a Tanist as a Chosen Heir. This is relevant for the special Kurultai and Chrysanthemum Throne succession laws.
- You should no longer see references to a "Shaguang TA" that obviously does not exist.
- DW events no longer refer to a [Blank] some events where Tianxia DW societies are involved.
- Reduced the number of contractions used in localization to a more sensible amount.
- Vassals of Japanese Imperial rulers are now correctly forbidden from kingdom creation if there *isn't* a Permanent Regent, not when there *is* a Permanent Regent.
- Fixed an issue where the handover of the Sixteen Prefectures also resulted in land elsewhere being handed over.
- Chinese tributaries that fail to fight off China after refusing a generous offer to increase their tributary tier no longer get to avoid the tier increase by virtue of technically not being a tributary during the war.
- The WotRS mission to get a new student should now complete properly regardless of how it is achieved, and you should now know if it has been completed.
- It is now possible to complete the WotRS mission to construct a castle (was previously impossible).

- Slightly reduced Mandate of Heaven bias towards Average
- All stats (but not stat-granting traits) are now worth equally much when calculating the MoH.
- The MoH reward now scales linearly when it comes to stats.
- The MoH reward from stats is now always positive (assuming at least one stat is non-zero).
- Various Iron Century pretender empires have been changed to start with more vassal-friendly laws (those with Average or better MoH will still be fairly restrictive).
- Chinese Imperial emperors now value special CBs to (re)conquer China more highly.
- Pretender emperors no longer think that tributaries are awesome.
- The EoC is now less interested in tributary wars if there's a pretender emperor holding land in China.
- The Tenno no longer cares for tributaries (given the lack of other CBs he tended to spam them previously).
- Added a small impassable mountain range in northern China, which should keep a settling Liao from going after Dingnan/Xia without first heading south.
- Mercs should no longer get tons of influence or currency in the WotRS.
- Being Japanese Imperial now gives you the same boost to WotRS influence as you'd get from Japanese Feudal.
- AI Ryukyuan/Reformed Ryukyuans are now a bit more reluctant to join the WotRS.
- Lowered random Wako culture spread rate significantly.
- Chinese Imperial and Confucian Bureaucracy rulers can now appoint their heir to any council position and/or as their Designated Regent regardless of said heir's stats.
- The Permanent Regent will no longer step aside if you ask nicely and they're fully empowered.
- The Permanent Regent is now much less eager to step aside if you ask nicely and they've been given additional powers.
- The Permanent Regent is now much less eager to step aside if you ask nicely and the Regency Loyalists are powerful.
- The Permanent Regent is now less eager to step aside if they've got a Regency bloodline.
- Being friends/lovers or otherwise close to the Permanent Regent is no longer guaranteed to make them step aside if they have certain traits (but it still helps a lot).
- Proselytizing in foreign realms and sponsoring of Mass Conversions is now blocked for the governments that don't care about religion (Chinese Imperial, Confucian Bureaucracy, Japanese Imperial, Japanese Feudal).
- Shinto rulers can now proselytize in foreign realms and sponsor Mass Conversions if they do not have any of the governments listed above and would be eligible under normal rules.
- Made plenty of combat_rating-related checks a bit easier.
- Made the WotRS bloodline quest more likely to fire.
- Students are now more likely to get a PCS increase in several events that can fire during WotRS mentoring.
- The duchy of Chaiya is now de jure part of the Kingdom of Malaya (and thus also the Empire of Nusantara).
- The province of Kawthaung now extends a bit further south.

- Commented out various achievement-related on_actions since you can't get achievements and they thus are a waste of performance.

Paradox Forums


Изменено пользователем Мольберт
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Кто подскажет, не отображаются дети кхмеров и всех кто присутствует в Индонезии, Филиппины и тд, но когда взрослеют, то отображаются нормально с 16 лет; Япония и весь остальной мир отображаются дети нормально, моды подключены такие:

BLG/CC for Tianxia;

Better Forts;

Better Looking Garbs;

Colored Buttons;

Immersive Culture Music;

Manic's Units;

No Artifact Losing;

No Interreligious Defensive Pacts;

Patrum Scuta (Ironman);

Purchase Claims;

Tianxia: Ainu Potraits;

Tianxia: Chinese, Khmer, & Tibetan Portraits;

Tianxia: Japanese & Korean Portraits;

Tianxia: Khitan Portraits;

Tianxia: Khitan Unit Pack;

Tianxia: Silk Road Expansion;

Tianxia: Tocharian Portraits;

Visible Health And Fertility;


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@mentalist_2019  Отключи следующие модификации ( они не совместимы с BLG ):

Tianxia: Chinese, Khmer, & Tibetan Portraits

Tianxia: Khitan Portraits

Tianxia: Tocharian Portraits


Внимательно читай описание модов...

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В 09.11.2020 в 08:45, Мольберт сказал:

@mentalist_2019  Отключи следующие модификации ( они не совместимы с BLG ):

Tianxia: Chinese, Khmer, & Tibetan Portraits

Tianxia: Khitan Portraits

Tianxia: Tocharian Portraits


Внимательно читай описание модов...


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