Мод 1933 - Страница 75 - Моды форумчан - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Мод 1933


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Еще бы увеличить количество запасаемого опыта армия/флот/авиация потому как улучшать можно много чего(и хочется). И получение его облегчить.

1 час назад, Gaspar сказал:

Бригады ПВО появляются без проблем. Шаблоны гарнизонов и ЖД я не убирал.

События тестировались не раз, проверил в игре - все появляется.

1 час назад, LordAlone сказал:

Еще бы увеличить количество запасаемого опыта армия/флот/авиация потому как улучшать можно много чего(и хочется). И получение его облегчить.

2000 мало?

Насчет получения, возможно облегчится после добавления из ванилы в папку common мода папки unit_leader. По крайней мере по отзывам так, пока ещё тестируется, но в теории мод должен и так использовать все ванильные файлы, если они не меняются на его уникальные.


anty2! Простите за назойливость, но я не могу понять, как мне нужный файл на форум выложить.


День добрый! Когда ожидается следующая версия мода? Имеются некоторые наработки, хотелось бы выложить их непосредственно за пару дней до выхода.

Только что, Gulaev сказал:

anty2! Простите за назойливость, но я не могу понять, как мне нужный файл на форум выложить.

Братан, там, где ты пишешь эти комменты, есть фраза со скрепкой : "Переместите файлы сюда, чтобы прикрепить их, или Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Только помни, что файл должен быть до 0,49 Мб.

28 минут назад, Gulaev сказал:

anty2! Простите за назойливость, но я не могу понять, как мне нужный файл на форум выложить.

Можно на яндекс диск и дать ссылку, можно скопировать текст сообщения под спойлер.

добавлено 1 минуту назад
4 минуты назад, Poisonblack07 сказал:

День добрый! Когда ожидается следующая версия мода? Имеются некоторые наработки, хотелось бы выложить их непосредственно за пару дней до выхода.

Привет. К годовщине мода - 17 июня, будет новая бета 0.34.

55 минут назад, anty2 сказал:

К годовщине мода - 17 июня, будет новая бета 0.34.


кстати, как башни собираетесь реализовать? Я имею в виду список калибров. Останутся как старые, или немного переделаете, а то он лично у меня вызывал нарекания (85-мм пушка для сау).


[23:10:29][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/ussr1933.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[23:10:29][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/ussr1933.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[23:10:55][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_diffuse.dds'
[23:10:55][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_normal.dds'
[23:10:55][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_specular.dds'
[23:10:56][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_diffuse.dds'
[23:10:56][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_normal.dds'
[23:10:56][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_specular.dds'
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_light_armor_1_mesh" (or ENG_light_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_light_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_light_armor_2_mesh" (or ENG_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_medium_armor_1_mesh" (or ENG_medium_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_medium_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or ENG_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or ENG_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or ENG_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or ENG_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_modern_armor_mesh" (or ENG_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_light_armor_0_mesh" (or FRA_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_light_armor_2_mesh" (or FRA_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_medium_armor_1_mesh" (or FRA_medium_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_medium_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or FRA_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_heavy_armor_1_mesh" (or FRA_heavy_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_heavy_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or FRA_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or FRA_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_modern_armor_mesh" (or FRA_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_light_armor_0_mesh" (or GER_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_light_armor_2_mesh" (or GER_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_medium_armor_0_mesh" (or GER_medium_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_medium_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or GER_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or GER_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or GER_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or GER_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_modern_armor_mesh" (or GER_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_light_armor_0_mesh" (or SOV_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_light_armor_2_mesh" (or SOV_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_medium_armor_0_mesh" (or SOV_medium_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_medium_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or SOV_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or SOV_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or SOV_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or SOV_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_modern_armor_mesh" (or SOV_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_light_armor_0_mesh" (or USA_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_light_armor_2_mesh" (or USA_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_medium_armor_0_mesh" (or USA_medium_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_medium_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or USA_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or USA_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_heavy_armor_1_mesh" (or USA_heavy_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_heavy_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or USA_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_modern_armor_mesh" (or USA_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_modern_armor_entity]
[23:11:02][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: on_research_complete, near line: 56
" in file: "common/technologies/infantry.txt" near line: 69
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1900356 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1900357 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1900210 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 2300114 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 2949
Unexpected token: =, near line: 2949
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 2989
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3036
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3036
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3075
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3097
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3097
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3136
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3157
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3157
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3196
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3217
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3217
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3256
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3277
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3277
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3316
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3337
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3337
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3376
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3962
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 3965
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3981
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 3984
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 4099
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 4102
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 4118
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 4121
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 4235
Unexpected token: =, near line: 4235
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 4254
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 5200202 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 5200211 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:11][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1 55. Already exists in game.
[23:11:11][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 2 55. Already exists in game.
[23:11:11][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 3 55. Already exists in game.
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid division template id.: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:12:00][texturehandler.cpp:163]: Texture Handler encountered missing texture file: gfx//interface//society_techstree_bg.dds
[23:12:00][texturehandler.cpp:303]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//interface//society_techstree_bg.dds.

Выложил файл ошибок.

15 часов назад, anty2 сказал:

2000 мало?

Насчет получения, возможно облегчится после добавления из ванилы в папку common мода папки unit_leader. По крайней мере по отзывам так, пока ещё тестируется, но в теории мод должен и так использовать все ванильные файлы, если они не меняются на его уникальные.

Да, спасибо уже заметил. 
Интересная весчь, заключил по фокусу с Италией договора и получил бонусы на флот, так вот к 35-36 году у меня уже исследован последний неядерный авианосец. Возможно стоит конкретизировать помошь в таких случаях.

16 часов назад, Gaspar сказал:


кстати, как башни собираетесь реализовать? Я имею в виду список калибров. Останутся как старые, или немного переделаете, а то он лично у меня вызывал нарекания (85-мм пушка для сау).

Большей частью, как были. Смущает, что калибр 85мм у Су-85, а она относится к противотанковым? У легких САУ этот калибр останется - иначе 75 мм менять не на что. У остальных уберу. 

добавлено 2 минуты назад
7 часов назад, Gulaev сказал:
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. лог ошибок (.)

[23:10:29][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/ussr1933.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[23:10:29][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/ussr1933.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it anyways)
[23:10:55][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_diffuse.dds'
[23:10:55][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_normal.dds'
[23:10:55][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_specular.dds'
[23:10:56][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_diffuse.dds'
[23:10:56][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_normal.dds'
[23:10:56][pdxassetutil.cpp:1100]: Failed to find texture 'GER_tank_heavy_maus_specular.dds'
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_light_armor_1_mesh" (or ENG_light_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_light_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_light_armor_2_mesh" (or ENG_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_medium_armor_1_mesh" (or ENG_medium_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_medium_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or ENG_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or ENG_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or ENG_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or ENG_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "ENG_modern_armor_mesh" (or ENG_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [ENG_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_light_armor_0_mesh" (or FRA_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_light_armor_2_mesh" (or FRA_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_medium_armor_1_mesh" (or FRA_medium_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_medium_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or FRA_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_heavy_armor_1_mesh" (or FRA_heavy_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_heavy_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or FRA_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or FRA_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "FRA_modern_armor_mesh" (or FRA_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [FRA_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_light_armor_0_mesh" (or GER_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_light_armor_2_mesh" (or GER_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_medium_armor_0_mesh" (or GER_medium_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_medium_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or GER_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or GER_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or GER_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or GER_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "GER_modern_armor_mesh" (or GER_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [GER_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_light_armor_0_mesh" (or SOV_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_light_armor_2_mesh" (or SOV_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_medium_armor_0_mesh" (or SOV_medium_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_medium_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or SOV_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or SOV_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_heavy_armor_2_mesh" (or SOV_heavy_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_heavy_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or SOV_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "SOV_modern_armor_mesh" (or SOV_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [SOV_modern_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_light_armor_0_mesh" (or USA_light_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_light_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_light_armor_2_mesh" (or USA_light_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_light_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_medium_armor_0_mesh" (or USA_medium_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_medium_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_medium_armor_2_mesh" (or USA_medium_armor_2_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_medium_armor_2_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_heavy_armor_0_mesh" (or USA_heavy_armor_0_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_heavy_armor_0_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_heavy_armor_1_mesh" (or USA_heavy_armor_1_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_heavy_armor_1_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_super_heavy_armor_mesh" (or USA_super_heavy_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_super_heavy_armor_entity]
[23:10:58][pdx_entity.cpp:2071]: Couldn't find mesh "USA_modern_armor_mesh" (or USA_modern_armor_mesh is not of 'pdxmesh' type) [USA_modern_armor_entity]
[23:11:02][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: on_research_complete, near line: 56
" in file: "common/technologies/infantry.txt" near line: 69
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1900356 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1900357 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1900210 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 2300114 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 2949
Unexpected token: =, near line: 2949
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 2989
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3036
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3036
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3075
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3097
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3097
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3136
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3157
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3157
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3196
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3217
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3217
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3256
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3277
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3277
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3316
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3337
Unexpected token: =, near line: 3337
" in file: "events/Germany.txt" near line: 3376
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3962
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 3965
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 3981
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 3984
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 4099
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 4102
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 4118
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 4121
[23:11:03][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Unexpected token: }, near line: 4235
Unexpected token: =, near line: 4235
" in file: "events/Japan.txt" near line: 4254
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 5200202 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:03][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 5200211 50. Already exists in game.
[23:11:11][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 1 55. Already exists in game.
[23:11:11][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 2 55. Already exists in game.
[23:11:11][id.cpp:85]: Failed to create id 3 55. Already exists in game.
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid subunit.: none, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:40][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid division template id.: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Malformed token: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:11:41][persistent.cpp:36]: Error: "Invalid memeber unit: }, near line: 0
" in file: "save games/SOV_1942_03_20_04_temp.hoi4" near line: 0
[23:12:00][texturehandler.cpp:163]: Texture Handler encountered missing texture file: gfx//interface//society_techstree_bg.dds
[23:12:00][texturehandler.cpp:303]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//interface//society_techstree_bg.dds.

Выложил файл ошибок.

У Вас проблемы с текстурами бронетехники - нужно перейти на другую сборку с игрой, где все ДЛС стоят. Иначе будет вылетать, когда новые модели нельзя отобразить.

3 часа назад, LordAlone сказал:

Да, спасибо уже заметил. 
Интересная весчь, заключил по фокусу с Италией договора и получил бонусы на флот, так вот к 35-36 году у меня уже исследован последний неядерный авианосец. Возможно стоит конкретизировать помошь в таких случаях.

Не задумывался, может и стоит давать только на подветки эсминцев и крейсеров. Там бонусы, то не такие уж огромные, а игрок сам решает куда их применять. 

2 часа назад, anty2 сказал:

Большей частью, как были. Смущает, что калибр 85мм у Су-85, а она относится к противотанковым? У легких САУ этот калибр останется - иначе 75 мм менять не на что. У остальных уберу. 


Я про то легкие сау говорил. 85-мм пушка для САУ (не пт)? Нашел только одну такую пушку французкого производства времен ПМВ.

Немцы на своих штурмпанцерах 1 и 2 использовали 150-мм гаубицу.

2 часа назад, Gaspar сказал:


Я про то легкие сау говорил. 85-мм пушка для САУ (не пт)? Нашел только одну такую пушку французкого производства времен ПМВ.

Немцы на своих штурмпанцерах 1 и 2 использовали 150-мм гаубицу.

Я про легкое САУ и говорил, там сейчас всего два доступных калибра 75 и 85, убрать 85, будет один, но может так и сделаю, и продолжу от неё развитие уже к рубкам среднего САУ.

Кстати, скорость изучения надеюсь ускорится?


Кс.№2 - давно хотел заметить, что конструктор артиллерии не дает бонусы ПВО и ПТО.


Для отображения немецких САУ используются иконки советских САУ. Править будешь?

По игре за немцев, на клепать самолетов в приемлемом количестве к 1939 не получается.

В 28.05.2017 в 18:10, nikokrav сказал:

Не все сам. Начинал c черно белых для darkest hour. Оригинальные портреты советских генералов бесили, так авторы халтурили.

Картинка на мой взгляд неплохо раскрасилось. В моде наоборот всё, что только можно цветное - менять не вариант. Я думаю, начинать надо постепенно - тех что есть новых используем. Я в новую бету вставлю готовых, а там видно будет. Цели менять всё у меня изначально нет - новых добавлять да.


Кстати кто знает какие условия для фокуса "Уступки оппозиции ВКПБ" которая анти-Чистки

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