New Ship Classes & More 2 (NSC2) - Страница 4 - Иностранные моды - Перейти к содержимому

New Ship Classes & More 2 (NSC2)

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New Ship Classes & More 2


Модификация добавляет новые классы кораблей к существующим, а так же много дополнительных возможностей, которые будут использованы как игроками, так и игровым ИИ.


  • Новые классы кораблей: ударный крейсер, боевой крейсер, корабль поддержки флота, исследовательский корабль, авианосец, дредноут, титан (улучшен по сравнению с ванильной версией), флагман.
  • Модернизация класса корабля: новые опции раздела улучшений включают в себя PD Destroyer, Light Carrier, линкор Spitfire, Heavy Carrier и Supercarrier.
  • Продвинутые Поведения Корабля: Follow, Charge, Artillery, Flanking, Hit and Run и оригинальный Default.
  • Генерация/удаление гиперлиний: меняйте галактику по своему желанию - создавайте новые гиперлинии и уничтожайте существующие.
  • Звездная база Солнечной Крепости: Эта новая звездная база 6-го уровня является основной защитной станцией системы.
  • Новые модули и здания Звездной базы: различные новые модули и здания для улучшения ваших звездных баз.
  • Новые специальные компоненты: специальные компоненты обновления для всех классов.
  • Новое оружие: несколько новых специальных видов оружия для большего количества дакка.
  • Штурмовые транспорты: Транспорты теперь могут быть вооружены для бомбардировки планет до высадки десанта
  • Станции Возвращения Защиты: Станции и Крепости теперь можно строить как улучшения Звездной базы.
  • Новые события: Новые захватывающие цепочки событий принесут в игру еще больше острых ощущений и веселья
  • И многое другое: множество других настроек и улучшений для улучшения игрового процесса.



The Corvette

Specialization: Fast Attack Craft

The Corvette is a multi-purpose fast attack craft. Designed to be deployed in groups, they are suitable for quick hit-and-run strikes on larger ships as well as for basic non-vital colony


The Destroyer

Specialization: Short Range Escort

The Destroyer is an escort ship, designed to provide fleet ships with a short range defense against smaller attackers. It can also be used as anti-fighter/missile defense craft with the
upgrade Frigate segments, granting it access to many point-defense layouts.


The Cruiser
Specialization: Light Warship

The Cruiser is designed to be the "main" warship of a fleet, and a group of them will typically consist of the majority of a fleet's medium range firepower. They will feature average
speed, weapons, and defenses, but will be relatively cheap and quick to build, allowing a player to build up a decent fleet augmented by a few capital ships.


The Strike Cruiser
Specialization: Fleet Interdiction

The Strike Cruiser is fairly expensive when compared to the Cruiser, but features a much faster speed and excellent defenses for its size. Its primary purpose is to interdict an escaping
‘enemy fleet with a special aura and slow it down (in both sublight and FTL) long enough for larger ships to catch up and enter the engagement.


The Battlecruiser

Specialization: Standard Warship

The Battlecruiser is a heavier, slower, and more powerful version of the Cruiser. It's primary role is to dish out as much damage as a Battleship, but at a faster speed and lower cost. This
ability comes with a price, however, as the ship's utilities and defenses cannot match those of a fully equipped Battleship.


The Battleship
Specialization: Heavy Warship / Small Craft Defense

The main capital ship of the fleet, the Battleship's role is to both dish out heavy damage and take it. The role of this ship is to "tank" enemy fire as a big, tempting target while the main
body of the fleet (usually Cruisers and Battlecruisers) are throwing large amounts of "bulk" mid-range firepower at the enemy. As tech progresses and larger classes become available,
the Battleship can be upgraded into a specialized unit to protect against smaller ships, such as Corvettes and Destroyers.


The Carrier
Specialization: Carrier

The Carrier serves as the home base for its numerous strike craft and can be upgraded to maximize its structural space for even more hangar bays. Although it is larger than a
Battleship, most of the hull space is dedicated to launch and landing systems, leaving little room for anything more than a few weapons. It is highly recommended that it be protected
by other warships.


The Dreadnought

Specialization: Heavy Warship

The Dreadnought is a very heavy version of the Battleship. It features very heavy weapons and defenses, and is designed to put out damage as well as take it. Too expensive to be the
main combat ship of the fleet, but provides a nice bonus to overall fleet firepower.


The Titan

Specialization: Fleet Command Ship

The Titan is a unique ship designed to be the largest main-line warship, but is too expensive to serve in any capacity other than as a fleet command ship. It features very heavy
weapons and defenses, and will feature an aura slot to provide bonuses to all of the ships in its fleet.


The Flagship
Specialization: Flagship

The Flagship is the ultimate symbol of an interstellar civilization's military might. Larger even than the feared Titan, the Flagship has space for five section frames. Designed for
maximum versatility, each section has many configurations, allowing a nation to design their Flagship to suit their purposes. Mounting far more thrusters per ton than any other ship,
the Flagship can be made to take any position in the fleet, from a long-range battery in the rear to a massive brawler at the tip of a fleet's spear.


The Exploration Cruiser

Specialization: Advanced Science Ship

The Exploration Ship is a large combat-capable Science Ship dedicated to exploring new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations, and boldly going where no one has gone
before. It has enough armament to hold its own in a fight and can perform all of the same tasks that a Science Ship can. Itis also capable of equipping several advanced laboratories
and components to assist in its research, jove-2.0)






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Изменено пользователем Maraniro
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Канцлер Шольц



Привет всем! Мы работаем над нашим следующим крупным релизом для NSC2, которым станет Сезон 7 Эпизод 3. Это обновление будет включать в себя новое расширенное меню модов, а также все одобренные предложения. Мы планируем выпустить это обновление где-то в мае.

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Канцлер Шольц

May 13, 2023 - Season 8 Update 1 (Mod Version 8.1)

  • New Save Game is Absolutely Required
  • Mod code updated for Stellaris 3.8 Gemini.
  • NEW NSC2 Mod Menu: We have added an advanced configuration menu to NSC2. It will automatically pop up when you start a new game, and can be accessed at any time during a game via the Edicts screen or via the Mod Settings button if using Dynamic Mod Menu. This new menu will allow you to configure NSC2 to your liking by selecting which features of the mod you want to use during the game. It also includes a FAQ section with the most common questions the dev team gets asked. Please make sure you read all instructions the first time you use the menu so you know how it works! Also please note that not ALL NSC2 features can be turned on and off, as some things are required for other things in the mod to function. We have provided as much customization as is possible.
  • Flagship Change: The Flagship shipyard has now been changed into the Grand Shipyard, which is an actual shipyard where you build the Flagship as you would any other ship class at a starbase. The Grand Shipyard features 5 shipyards and can build the Flagship, the Colossus, the HQ station, Juggernauts, Titans, and Dreadnoughts with bonuses of -50% build cost and +50% build speed. (The Flagship event chain still exists, but has been altered a bit so you can build the Flagship directly rather than wait for the event to spawn it and hope it works properly.)
  • The Machine Shipset ( is now part of NSC2 directly until the original author returns to modding, if she chooses to do so. You can unsubscribe from the main mod on the Steam workshop for now as it is all built in to NSC2 directly. We have gone through and fixed all errors and issues that we could find with the set since it became outdated.
  • Offspring Destroyers, Cruisers, and Battleships now have access to the same ship sections & upgrades as the NSC2 versions of those ships. (We may expand Offspring stuff in the future when we have a chance.)
  • Removed the Prototype Exploration Cruiser event chain. Level 1 Exploration Cruiser tech will now be given via event near the start of the game and will be upgradable to Levels 2, 3, and 4 with tech research. The event which allows you to upgrade your science ships into Exploration Cruisers will happen after you research Level 2.
  • Exploration Cruisers will be limited to 3 at game start and will increase to a total limit of 10 once Level 2 tech is researched.
  • Increased the build limit of Colossus class ships from 1 to 3.
  • Removed the build limit on Titan class ships.
  • Added 3 more weapon and utility sections to the Juggernaut to make it more effective at combat and defense (this is a 300% increase from what it was before).
  • Increased the Juggernaut shipyard capacity from 6 to 15.
  • Increased the build limit of offspring ships by 3x (Original limit was 200 naval capacity, now it is 600).
  • Changed the lowest range on advanced combat tactics from 40 to 30 to account for recent vanilla weapon changes.
  • Added a build limit of 6 to the Starbase Detection Array module to keep cloaking from being completely useless due to the larger number of starbase slots in NSC2.
  • Added the missing HQ Station models for some of the more recent DLC species.
  • All Defense Platform, Station, & Fortress sections that can equip torpedoes now require torpedo tech before they can be used. (This will prevent the AI from building defenses with no weapons.)
  • Increased all Strike Cruiser reactor power levels by 30%.
  • Removed the 4 sizes of Solar Panels from the Starbase Buildings list and instead added one to the Modules list, which can be built more than once.
  • Removed the Power Station from the Starbase Modules list (replaced by the Solar Panels)
  • Added the Defense Station and Fortress to the Emergency Defense Initiative edict.
  • Reduced the default build time for Defense Stations from 150 days to 90 days.
  • Reduced the default build time for Defense Fortresses from 360 days to 120 days.
  • Reduced the range and tracking on the Harrington Missile Pod (the stats it had were for testing, they weren't meant for the final version).
  • Changed the Anchorage starbase module to give 20 naval capacity each and an extra 10 if the Naval Logistics Office is also built.
  • Fixed a bug where the Molluscoid Dreadnought's ship sections were all crammed together. (Can't believe no one noticed this for 5 months! LOL)
  • Fixed a couple bugs with NSC2 starbase and Flagship weapons not having proper ranges and firing arcs.
  • Fixed a bug with small gaps between the Arthropoid Dreadnought and Flagship ship sections.
  • NSC2 cruise missiles, X slot, and T slot weapons will now prioritize targets in this order: Flagship, Titan, Dreadnought, Battleship, Battlecruiser, Carrier.
  • The Electro-Magnetic Flux Cannon and Atomic Photon Flux Cannon will now prioritize targets in this order: Corvette, Destroyer, Cruiser and Strike Cruiser.
  • Fixed a bug where the Multiphasic Sensor Module not giving its Sensor Range bonus.
  • Reduced the Hull Regen on the Damage Control Module from 5% to 1% for balance.
  • Reduced the Shield Regen on the Deflector Array from 5% to 2.5% for balance.
  • Increased the Piracy Suppression on the Kitchen Sink from 3 to 10 due to excessive cleanliness.


May 14, 2023 - Season 8 Update 2 (Mod Version 8.2)

  • New Save Game is Not Required
  • Now that we have a tool to help us automatically create and update the files, NSC2's localisation is now available in all languages in the game. The text will still be in English, but you no longer have to set your game language to English to see NSC2's text.
  • Reduced the number of leaders in the Leader Pool by half due to performance issues (Paradox is aware of this issue and is likely working on a fix).
  • Fixed a bug where some of the Advanced Ship Components were not being properly activated by the mod menu.
  • Fixed a bug where some settings weren't being properly applied by the mod menu.
  • Fixed some minor localisation errors.


May 17, 2023 - Season 8 Update 3 (Mod Version 8.3)

  • New Save Game is Not Required
  • Due to high confusion over the Exploration Cruiser changes and issues with the autodesigner, we have moved all of the Exploration Slot components to Aux slots instead and removed the slots on the right side of the Ship Designer (for the Exploration Cruiser only). This should allow the ship to be autodesigned and remove the issue with the blank side component boxes
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Any mod that overwrites the NSC2 Ship Sizes file will have to be updated before it can continue to be used with this release. If you're using a patch or compatibility mod that has not been updated for these changes, Exploration Cruiser designs will not be able to be saved because there are now no components to fill the boxes since they have been moved to the Aux slots.
  • Because of this change, if you are playing a saved game, you will need to go into the Ship Designer and add the Exploration components you want to your Exploration Cruiser design, save it, and upgrade your ships, because whatever modules were on it before are now gone since the old slots are gone.
  • The Exploration Cruiser's aux slots have been changed: Level 1 now has 1 Aux slot, Level 2 now has 3 Aux slots, Level 3 now has 5 Aux slots, and Level 4 now has 6 Aux slots.
  • Some of the Exploration Components now have limits to prevent the ships from becoming too overpowered. (Sorry guys, no more 600% survey speed LOL)


May 20, 2023 - Season 8 Update 4 (Mod Version 8.4)

  • New Save Game is Not Required
  • NEW STARBASE BUILDING: Solar Capacitors - This building will increase the production of solar panels at the cost of extra upkeep.
  • NEW STARBASE BUILDING: Minor Artifact Storage - This building will increase your minor artifact storage capacity by 3000. (Requires Ancient Relics Story Pack)
  • NEW EXPLORATION CRUISER LAB: Debris Analysis Laboratory - This lab will increase the resources which your Exploration Cruisers can recover from space debris.
  • Please note that when we add new items, they may not be available to turn off in the NSC2 Mod Menu until we have a chance to add that coding, which is more advanced.
  • Solar Panels now have an upkeep of 2 minerals and 2 consumer goods each.
  • The NSC2 Mod Menu will now pop up the first time you load a save game after adding NSC2 to your mod list.
  • Fixed a bug where fleets could not be mothballed again after being reactivated.
  • The Assembly Line Manufacturing building can now be built in systems without colonies as long as there is a Space Factory or Space Foundry on the starbase.
  • The Space Factory and Space Foundry now have increased upkeep if you build an Assembly Line Manufacturing building to boost their production.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't build Titanic batteries properly (the build limit was coded incorrectly.)
  • Made the NSC2 Mod Menu warning screen a bit more clear about what is safe to change during a game.
  • Fixed errors in the descriptions of weapon starbase modules, they should now accurately show how many weapons they add.


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