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Патч 1.17

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Китай действительно требует доработки, т.к. У НЕГО НЕТ СОСЛОВИЙ (а есть его глупые фракции).

Соответственно не исполнить "частичную отмену автономии" (клерикалы, например, отменят усечение автономией налогов).

Попробовав несколько раз нынешний Мин, плюнул и забросил его. ИМХО Мин в 1.16 - это игра для мазохиста.


Желающим всё же играть за Мин могу посоветовать избавиться от его ФП "Поднебесная".

Ну тут собственно вся игра построена на молитвах богу наёмников, не наёмники только кавалерия и пушки. Абсолютно вся пехота наёмники. В начале когда голды не особо много вообще тоска печаль. Надеюсь они что-то доработают с Мингом на 1,17.

П.С. "Поднебесная" одна из самых зачетных форм с кучей халявных очков, стабильности, легитимности. Другое дело, что владения довольно много едят на обслуживание, а выхлоп с них никакой

Изменено пользователем MetallAlximist
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Закреплённые сообщения

Благодарю за поправки, да, с очисткой идей я немного тупанул - впервые слышу данное слово в таком значении.

Про embeded QA так и не понял - как лучше написать? В общем и целом я понимаю смысл профессии, но вот как написать её название - хз. В данном случае они занимаются поиском и исправлением багов же, то бишь, типа тестеры. Но это не подходит, скорее всего. Методист, как мне кажется, вообще не походит.

В общем спорно, оставлю оригинал, подправлю примечание.

Про "долговую яму" благодарю, не знал (или не помнил), что этот термин так звучит на английском.

Ах, точно, я же уже не могу редактировать. Жаль. Ну ладно, не критично (кроме "очистки" миссий).

Изменено пользователем MastAKK
Ссылка на комментарий

Благодарю за поправки, да, с очисткой идей я немного тупанул - впервые слышу данное слово в таком значении.

Про embeded QA так и не понял - как лучше написать? В общем и целом я понимаю смысл профессии, но вот как написать её название - хз. В данном случае они занимаются поиском и исправлением багов же, то бишь, типа тестеры. Но это не подходит, скорее всего. Методист, как мне кажется, вообще не походит.

В общем спорно, оставлю оригинал, подправлю примечание.

Про "долговую яму" благодарю, не знал (или не помнил), что этот термин так звучит на английском.

Ах, точно, я же уже не могу редактировать. Жаль. Ну ладно, не критично (кроме "очистки" миссий).

QA у нас в стране не переводят, так как это сокращение, так что можешь не переводить ^_^ , тестеры входят в QC, а QC входят в QA, то-есть у QA более крупный сектор контроля качества


Изменено пользователем Myxach
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Возможно у меня лыжи уже не едут, но в дневнике кажется нигде не говорилось, что там все изменения из 1.17, а Йохан в своем твиттере вообще написал что в 1.17 уже 200 строчек чейнджлога.


200 строчек не показатель. Ниже, под спойлером, чейнджлоги патча 1.16.1. Причем та часть, которая не является изменениями механики, а является изменением интерфейса, моддинга, багфиксов и т.д.

Около 380 строчек и раза в два больше чем первая часть с изменениями механик.Нажмите здесь!


# Interface


# Country

- Long country names (especially when revolutionary) no longer overflow their given space.

- Better rounding of monthly advisor cost in Country Court View.

- Estate loyalty is now always displayed with two decimals.

- Country Government View: Modifiers in Country Modifiers list are now sorted by name.

# Ledger

- Added a Province Development page to the Ledger.

- Ledger page listing province now shows correct manpower values.

# Map

- Straits are now colored red if they can be blocked by the player, and dark gray if they cannot be blocked.

# Outliner

- Estates are now shown in the Outliner.

- Outliner: Mission icon now shown for all Naval mission types.

# Provinces

- When you try to sell or grant a province that belongs to an estate, the description will now include the resulting change in loyalty, influence and territory.

- Updated interface when making Cores to show Development instead of Base Tax.

# Tooltips

- Improved information in Estates tooltips.

- Fixed tooltip error when checking wargoal effects as defender.

- Improved bribe tooltip for parliament issues.

- Added Fort Maintenance modifiers to tooltip

- Added tooltip for the effects of local unrest in province view.

- Added tooltip showing modifiers to maximum Diplomatic Relations.

- Fixed tooltip for curia chance having two %%

- Added tooltips showing reasons for having (or not having) Military Access.

- Added tooltip for heir, when having no heir.

- Continue Game on frontend now has tooltip for name of save.

- Fleet maintenace tooltip now says that it influences ship repair speed.

# Units

- Unit View: The sorting of Trade Node list items when selecting trade missions is now more intuitive.

- Naval Unit View: Improved button tooltips.

- Unit View: Current mission is now shown for navies.

- Unit View: There is now one button for selecting naval mission instead of several.

# Other

- Changed "Send" button to "Confirm" to reduce confusion.

- Tweaked display in parliament to fit all issues.

- Changed interface for showing/hiding incompatible saves.

- Added SI values to waroverview.

- Imperial Authority modifiers now shown in tooltip.

- Imperial Authority no longer measured in %.

- White Peace to us message is now default to popup.

- Religious modifiers now use same number formatting rules as other modifers


# Usermodding



- Added the define CONDOTTIERI_MIN_DURATION to enable tweaking of Condottieri.

- Added the trigger trade_league_embargoed_by.

- Added a "sailors" console command

- Technology can now be scripted to give more max_states.

- Governments now have a specific max_states as a modifier as well.

- define_ruler with female = yes now works for republics

- Fixed province not being able to belong to multiple province groups

- Added the define MINIMUM_TRADE_POWER_SHARE_FOR_PRIVATEER_OPINION_HIT that sets the minimum share of total trade power in a node at which you get the pirated_us opinion modifier.

- Added has_spy_network_in and has_spy_network_from triggers.

- Added add_spy_network_in and add_spy_network_from effects.

- Added global_ship_trade_power modifier type and the in_trade_league static modifier.

- Added is_state trigger

- Added is_territory trigger

- Added num_of_states trigger

- Added num_of_territories trigger

- Added num_of_provinces_in_states trigger

- Added num_of_provinces_in_territories trigger

- Added define PEACE_INDEPENDENCE_FACTOR that specifies size of desire to avoid peace while war score is between -5 and less than cost of independence.

- Added 'add_corruption = x' effect.

- Added 'corruption = x" trigger.

- Mercantilism trigger now works when checking versus another nation through scope change.

- added a min_autonomy modifier for country.

- added a all_power_cost modifier for country.

- Added define CORRUPT_BUDGET_FRACTION to control how large of an AI's budget goes towards fighting corruption.

- Added define DIPLOMATIC_ACTION_OFFER_CONDOTTIERI_BASE_MULT to control chance of Offer Condottieri.

- Added a 'yearly_corruption_increase = x' trigger.

- Added can_increase_stability scripted function

- Added 'ai_attitude = { who = x attitude = y }' trigger.

- Province modifiers set to hidden now work correctly

- Added min_local_autonomy modifier

- Using add_unit_construction in estate interactions now works

- Added 'is_permanent_claim = x' trigger.



- Fixed corrupt savegame bug from estate_influence

- Added add_disaster_progress = { disaster = x value = y } effect.

- Added has_disaster_progress = { disaster = x value = y } trigger.

- Added can_add_seat_in_parliament scripted function

- Added can_add_estate scripted function


- Added ALLOW_ESTATE_IN_CAPITAL to defines

- Added heirs_can_be_generals to governments

- Added province scope to can_increase_autonomy scripted function

- Added province scope to can_decrease_autonomy scripted function

- Added province scope to can_make_core scripted function

- Added province scope to can_improve_tax scripted function

- Added province scope to can_improve_production scripted function

- Added province scope to can_improve_manpower scripted function


- Added the define DELIBERATE_RETREAT_MORALE_PENALTY to define how much morale is lost when a unit is ordered to retreat for remaining units.

- Added can_form_trade_league=yes criteria to governments.


- Added define FORT_MAINTENANCE_CHEAT to enable/disable new AI maintenance cheat.

- Added the AI define DESIRED_DEFICIT to control how fast AI spends money in excess of long term goal.

- Added define UNCONDITIONAL_SURRENDER_MONTHS for how many months it takes until Unconditional Surrender forces victor to peace.

- Added triggers is_trade_league_leader and can_justify_trade_conflict.

- There is now a disabled_po section in casus belli definitions that allows you to disable individual peace options for a given casus belli type.




# Script


# Decisions

- The Din-i-Illah decision is no longer restricted to one type of muslims.

- Removed Shamanism Religion.

- A country that is reduced to only Iceland can now form Iceland.

- Granada can now form Spain if they fulfill other requirements.

# Estates

- USA can now get the clergy estate if they are a theocracy.

# Events

- rebalanced Saved by a Princess event to be a choice.

- Changed Habsburgs in Spain events (flavor_spa.13 and flavor_spa.15) to check if France is rivals with the ROOT country rather than Spain, in case the ROOT country is Castile as supported.

- Expulsion of Merchants event (trade.3) should no longer occur when there is no other trade power who can react to it.

- Religious Turmoil disaster now ends after 25 years regardless of whether other ending conditions have been fulfilled.

- Mughal flavor event 3, "The Sikh Rebellions" will no longer be impossible to trigger. It will also now be tied to having Sikh provinces.

- Mughal Flavor Event 1, "The Maratha Revolt" can now trigger any time after 1650 and the text has been adjusted to better reflect the circumstances when it does.

- The Danish disaster Count's feud now requires that Denmark be a monarchy.

- Caliph Approves of Sultanate event (west_african.3) now shows stability loss as one line rather than several stacked.

- Transatlantic Slave Trade event option to accept the slave trade now costs 10 prestige instead of 20.

# Modifiers

- Added Conquest of Alexandria triggered modifier for Copts.

- The Cholula Temples modifier now also gives devotion.

- Rebalanced "Animist Syncretism" modifier.

# New Ideas & Policies

- Added Luba Ideas.

- Added Kuba Ideas.

- Added Lunda Ideas.

- Added Butua Ideas.

- Added African Great Lakes Group Ideas.

- Added Imerina Ideas.

- Added Malagasy Ideas.

- Added Antemoro Ideas.

- Added Betsimisaraka Ideas.

- Added Zambezi Group Ideas.

- Added Maravi Ideas.

- Added Tumbuka Ideas.

- Added Congolese Group Ideas.

- added various Irish ideas

- Vijayanagar Traditions now gives infantry power instead of Religious Unity.

# Setup

- Added birth date for Napolйon I to give him the correct age.

- Fixed Danish Trade mission triggering and succeeding on the wrong criteria.

- Added custom ideas for female advisor chance and ability to have female rulers as generals.

- Province histories of Breda and Antwerp will now be more consistent.

- Antwerp now correctly to the east of the Scheldt.

- Antwerp now correctly part of Brabant in 1444.

- Fixed borders of Barcelona so that the province now includes the actual city.

- Added provinces and many new tags to Eastern Africa.

- Added provinces and many new tags to the Congo Basin.

- Added strait between Iberia and North Africa

- Revised map of Ireland, 4 tags added and development increased.

- Revised map of Sweden, Finland, England, Scotland and Scandinavia.

- Revised map of Hungary and Transylvania.

- Revised map of Northern Russia. Added Odoyev tag in the Upper Oka Basin.

- Revised map of Lithuania and Belarus.

- Revised map of France, French starting development boosted.

- Reduced Lithuanian starting development.

- Miao culture is now in the Chinese culture group.

- Estonian is now in the Baltic culture group.

- Karelian is now in the Russian culture group.

- Renamed Scandinavian culture group to Nordic.

- Finnish is now in the Nordic Group.

- Finno-Ugric group renamed to Ugric.

- Magyar culture group removed.

- Added Carpathian culture group for Hungarian, Romanian as well as the two new cultures Slovak and Transylvanian.

- Renamed Arab culture group to Levantine.

- Oghuz Culture Group removed. Azeri culture is now in the Iranian group, Turkmen culture is in the Altaic group and Turkish culture moved to the Levantine Group.

- Removed Qasimi culture.

- Revised Russian Culture group

- Added Iceland tag.

- Welsh culture is now in the British group.

- Added Highlander culture and Highlands tag.

- Added Nyitra tag.

- Split Japanese culture into Togoku, Kyushuan and Saigoku cultures.

- Split the Mutsu province.

- Added Nanbu tag (replacing unused Revolutionary France tag).

- Naxos and Aquileia now has Venetian primary culture.

- The Duchy of Athens now has Tuscan primary culture.

- Added Slovak and Hungarian dynamic province names.

- Split German Region into North German and South German Region.

- Created an Ural Region from eastern half of Russia region.

- Moved Zungaria and Altai Sayan areas from Central Asia to Mongolia.

- Split Indonesia Region to Malaya & Celebes.

- Merged Baluchistan and Khorasan into one region.

- Merged Chile and Laplata region.

- Moved some areas from West Africa to Sahel.

- Palawan is now a part of Luzon instead of Brunei.

- The Celebes Region is now called Moluccas.

- custom_idea_legitimacy is now blocked for steppe horde government types in random generation.

- Northern Thai is now part of the Burma Region instead of Indochina.

- Moved Malaya & Tenasserim areas from Indochina to Malaya.

- Indonesia Region is now made up of west java, central java, lesser sunda, eastern java, brunei, kalimantan, kutai ares.

- Merged the New Zealand region into the Oceania region.

- Moved Altishahr from Central Asia to Tibet

- Merged Korea into Manchuria region.

- Moved Guangxi from South China to Xinan.

- Moved Zimbabwe and Quelimane from East Africa to South Africa

- Moved Silesia from Germany to Poland.

- Moved Smolensk from Russia to Ruthenia

- Merged West India and Rajputana regions to Western India region.

- Created a Upper Peru region from Upper Peru, Beni, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Northern Chile

- Split West Africa region to give coastline one region called Guinea, while the inland is the Niger Region.

- Zaporozhie now has Steppe Nomad government and corresponding tech, to fit with what cossacks normally get when they break free.

- Added 8 more colonial placeholders for Random New World.

- Fixed text being cut off in Stability description during tutorial

- Changed the primary cultures of Corsica, Etruria, Pisa and Sardinia Piedmont from Lombard to their appropriate capital cultures.


# Bugfixes


- Peace: Fixed issue with Shogun getting Aggressive Expansion from its Daimyos taking land.

- Fixed on_colonial_reintegration action to only trigger when restoring colonial status after a failed independence war.

- Fixed exploit due to being able to send several Peace Offers on the same day. You must now wait a day between sending offers.

- The Holy See tooltip now shows opinion modifier to papal influence even when having positive opinion.

- Tariff efficiency now bounded between 0% and 100% even with modifiers. Tooltip also shows this.

- Fixed: Increasing/decreasing tariff efficiency didn't actually cost ADM points.

- CTD fix in improve relations.

- Fixed: In subjects tab, triple-digit tariff efficiency didn't fit in its bounding box.

- Fixed: On spawning rebels, the game addressed the province owner with the title of the controller.

- You're no longer hindered from building army templates consisting of solely mercenaries by manpower.

- Fixed: When overwriting a cloud save, "save games" was added to the filename by default.

- Fixed: Exiting Ironman before first save caused left-over empty save file.

- Fixed: First save created empty backup file.

- Global manpower modifiers now also affect base manpower.

- Manpower tooltip now shows correct values.

- Fixed inconsistent arrival date for armies.

- Mac crash fix in blockade fleet AI.

- Fixed issue where clicking on units in naval combat would show "uncolonized province" view.

- Fixed: In subjects tab, Trade Companies had misaligned icons, showed huge income and sorted strangely in many categories.

- Removed excessive space in tooltip for total trade income in trade tab.

- Fixed: Already unlawful provinces not shown as HRE property when demanding them in peace.

- Changed autonomy effect on local forcelimits from additive to multiplicative.

- Fixed: Autonomy tooltip didn't mention forcelimits effect.

- Fixed bug that allowed native american nations to annex or vassalize provinces with humiliation cb.

- Emperors who have revoked privilegia will no longer have relations such as royal marriages cost a relation slot when they are with HRE vassals.

- Fixed: Fleet templates maintenance cost shown as build cost.

- Removed excessive decimals in tooltip for abandoning idea group.

- Removed excessive decimals showing total development in economy tab.

- Fixed province not being able to belong to multiple province groups

- Trade Wind icons no longer get stuck on the screen.

- Fixed: Missionaries could get stuck when colonial nations formed.

- Fixed "has_new_dynasty" trigger not evaluated correctly in combination with "NOT".

- Fixed: No message was shown when player became Papal Controller.

- Fixed: The outliner tooltip for siege end date flickered between two dates.

- Resurrected countries now have all previous relations cleared bidirectionally. No more unidirectional truces.

- Allies with the same overlord now auto-join independence wars.

- Allying another subject of the same overlord is now disabled if you (or they) have a truce with your overlord

- Fixed march flipping for marches with high LD.

- Gotland rebels will now attack Blekinge. (Odd case of inactivity solved.)

- Fixed: When assigning a province to an estate, the tooltip showed current values instead of prospect.

- Fixed crash because Trade Company was not removed when province changed owner.

- Japan and the Daimyo can no longer guarantee or warn one another.

- Autonomy modifiers now show extra precision when necessary.

- Fixed: From "Handle them!" Stability and Expansion menu, sending a missionary was never possible and it didn't say why.

- AE gain displayed in peace window is now correct for vassalization treaties.

- Imperial Liberation CB is no longer given for annexing a HRE member (it did no longer have any effect anyway since unlawful territory was added as a requirement).

- Fixed crashbug with rebelfactions and recruitment in some savegames.

- num_of_religion no longer crashes when used in 00_scripted_triggers.txt

- Can no longer create Client States in besieged provinces.

- Fixed multiple blockade desc tooltips for same unit.

- Added "-mapmodebug" command line option to work around missing map mode updates in some very rare instances, which is also automatically enabled if no updates are registered in 10 seconds.

- Fixed Hungarian Monarch numbering issue and adjusted their ruler name odds a bit.

- Fixed exploit where you could bypass guarantees when adding countries as co-belligerents.

- Fixed issue where saves would sometimes get corrupted when using Threaten War.

- Missionary cost tooltip in Economy View is now correct.

- Fixed: Accepting a mission that is no longer valid selected a random mission instead.

- Declare war dialog no longer shows human allies as requiring favors to join a war.

- You can now select Trade Nodes for trade-related Naval Missions be clicking on the map.

- Multi Player: Fixed issue where you could click e.g. HRE and papacy buttons before game started.

- Fixed a few inconsistencies with months being assumed to be 30 when setting duration for some older spy actions.

- Fixed bug where you could annex a country and/or it's colonial nation in one war without taking all their provinces.

- "Too few to siege" icon now shows also in provinces without fort.

- Fixed superflous claim listing in Russian Nation forming decision

- Fixed inconsistent text in Rival Selection Screen.

- Fixed bug where AI would rival you at 80 or more trust.

- Build To Unit: Built units will now avoid enemies better on the way to the original unit.

- Added full description to government tooltip in the Change Government screen.

- Fixed: Countries resurected through Demand Unlawful Territory kept their (potentially very) old tech levels.

- Invisible Caravans and Ships transporting trade goods on the map no longer invisible..

- Fixed exploit involving adding Custom Nations to a save and then loading another save.

- Peace: When demanding vassalization, the Country that becomes a Vassal now lose all their Vassals, Protectorates and Marches.

- Preventing colonial maintenance from going out of bounds, which should eliminate "colonies experience massive growth due to colonial maintenance" bug.

- Province tooltip no longer suggests you can move armies with transport ships if you don't have any.

- Long names in Peace View's "Return Province" tab no longer overflow to the right.

- Triple-digit subject army sizes now fit inside their bounding boxes in Subjects Tab.

- Fixed alert for Parliament Seats to be added, it will no longer be hidden after you have 10 seats.

- No longer possible to make an Independence War a Colonial War.

- Fixed missing "Is core" tooltip for "The Buddhists strike back" Achievement.

- Fixed: Ships that were Protecting Trade occasionally went out of range, giving no Trade Power.

- Fixed: In some cases allies thought war had <-25% War Score when it was >25%.

- Fixed map not being updated when selecting country in lobby when in diplomatic mode.

- Random new world nations will no longer get earlier core dates than year 2

- Starting a game as a custom nation will no longer give earlier core dates than year 2

- Missing localization for a war goal war name will no longer freeze the game

- Fixed a CTD that sometimes happened when a province became a colony while its window was open.

- AI should no longer reject valid peace deals if they've been predicted as accepted locally.


Пока они эти 200 строчек не покажут непонятно будет, что они изменили. Пока они сказали только о том, что переделывают шпионаж, сделали так что корабли распущенные в порту возвращают матросов в пул и чинят баги. Тут одно "чинят баги" может на 190 строчек потянуть :)

Благодарю за поправки, да, с очисткой идей я немного тупанул - впервые слышу данное слово в таком значении.

Про embeded QA так и не понял - как лучше написать? В общем и целом я понимаю смысл профессии, но вот как написать её название - хз. В данном случае они занимаются поиском и исправлением багов же, то бишь, типа тестеры. Но это не подходит, скорее всего. Методист, как мне кажется, вообще не походит.

В общем спорно, оставлю оригинал, подправлю примечание.

Про "долговую яму" благодарю, не знал (или не помнил), что этот термин так звучит на английском.

Ах, точно, я же уже не могу редактировать. Жаль. Ну ладно, не критично (кроме "очистки" миссий).

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Deceased WhiteBear
в дневнике кажется нигде не говорилось, что там все изменения из 1.17, а Йохан в своем твиттере вообще написал что в 1.17 уже 200 строчек чейнджлога
В том и дело, что "не говорится". Мы же можем судить только по сказанному. Догадки неуместны.

А сказанное на новый патч пока не тянет.

То, что они хотят в корне изменить шпионаж, не тянет на новую версию?
Они не меняют, а перераспределяют - из линейки идей передают в админтехи. Что там введут нового, неизвестно.
Забавно, но всех компаниях где я работал QA как раз занимались тестированием софта на наличие багов и соответствие тз
Это особенность менталитета xUSSR, в котором "контроль" понимался как проверка, а не управление (как должно быть).

QA и QC принципиально разные вещи, ещё раз повторяю.

Цель QC - получить именно то, что намерены были получить. Неважно как получено.

Цель QA - использование "правильных" методов и средств в работе. Неважно что получено

Нормоконтролер, жеж... ;)
Опять усечение функционала. Оставляете только проверку, и исключаете ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ нормами и ОБУЧЕНИЕ их применению.

Нет, именно методист наиболее точный смысловой перевод.

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В курсе кто - сохранения из 1.16 работать в обновке будут ? Или быстрее партию закруглять пора ?

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Deceased WhiteBear
сохранения из 1.16 работать в обновке будут ?
Пока неизвестно (и PDT думаю тоже). Чисто интуитивно - не видно, отчего бы им не работать.
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Пока неизвестно (и PDT думаю тоже). Чисто интуитивно - не видно, отчего бы им не работать.

Ну да, хотфикс 1.17 вряд ли сломает механику. Там даже переделок то почти нет.

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Дату выхода еще не анонсировали?

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Deceased WhiteBear
Дату выхода еще не анонсировали?
Дайте парадоксам насладиться дневниками ;) Им же 1 мало, надо 5-6 накропать.
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Я конечно понимаю, что кроме ГОСТов, методистов и перевода должностей после дневника обсудить нечего, но всё ж таки в мусорке.
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Очередное голосование в твиттере Йохана.


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Pacific Coast Highway
Очередное голосование в твиттере Йохана.


У кого есть рега на твиттере? Что лидирует? :huh:

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У кого есть рега на твиттере? Что лидирует? :huh:





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Проголосовал за религию. Может они не знают чем заняться в 1.18?

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Чтобы накатать КБ на 3 провинции, потребуется 9 месяцев?

СкриншотНажмите здесь!
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Странный Йохан. Постоянно голосования эти, у каждого спрашивает, что именно ему не нравится и что бы он хотел изменить, пишет, что это хорошее мнение. Или он траллит так?

Чтобы накатать КБ на 3 провинции, потребуется 9 месяцев?

СкриншотНажмите здесь!

Нет, это значит, что после разоблачения шпиона его можно снова посылать уже через 3 месяца. Сейчас 5 лет вроде.

Изменено пользователем nagatofag
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Pacific Coast Highway




Спасибо. Тоже бы отдал голос за экономику. Эх, мечта.. - была бы она похожа на экономику Виктории.. Правда без багов :D

Странный Йохан. Постоянно голосования эти, у каждого спрашивает, что именно ему не нравится и что бы он хотел изменить, пишет, что это хорошее мнение. Или он траллит так?

Нет, это значит, что после разоблачения шпиона его можно снова посылать уже через 3 месяца. Сейчас 5 лет вроде.

Как то радикально они подошли к этому.. Где 5 лет и 3 месяца :huh:

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Deceased WhiteBear
Чуток изменилось:




Сам я проголосовал за Warfare.


Johan Andersson @producerjohan 4 ч.4 часа назад

For EU4 1.17, we're reducing the spy discovered cooldown to 3 months..

Johan Andersson @producerjohan 21 апр.

Another thing for the 1.17 patch for Eu4. Fabricate Claim is unlocked by technology.. Not decided which technology yet..

78%Allow it from start

14%Tech 7 (1492)

04%Tech 12 (1557)

04%Tech 16 (1609)

Johan Andersson @producerjohan 21 апр.

Fabricating Claims being unlocked by tech was a sideeffect from porting spyactions to all be tied to tech.. Currently its on tech 0 in game!

Изменено пользователем WhiteBear
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Чуток изменилось:

Сам я проголосовал за Warfare.

По-моему, вы прибавили своим голосом процент за Warfare -_- . Мне лично больше дипломатии хочется. Её делают, а мне всё маало :D


Изменено пользователем Arsyri
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