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370 Изменения в 4.0: Часть 4 Обзор изменений в механике населения 13.02.2025
369 Изменения в 4.0: Часть 3 Обзор изменений в механике торговли и новой системе логистики, а также новых портретов млекопитающих 06.02.2025
368 Изменения в 4.0: Часть 2 Обзор основных направлений развития империи и временной шкалы, нового происхождения Полный сброс (Hard Reset) для Synthetic Dawn, а также изменений в генерации галактик, выборе признаков лидера, достижениях, событиях и уведомлениях 30.01.2025
367 Изменения в 4.0: Часть 1 Обзор выбора предтеч, банка данных, изменений в модификации видов и конструкторе кораблей 23.01.2025
366 Анонс Stellaris 4.0 Обзор возможностей патча 4.0, который выйдет в 2025 году во втором квартале. 16.01.2025
Patch 4.0 (Phoenix)
365 2024 in Review Looking back at the highlights in the year 2024 12.12.2024
364 Sights Unseen 3.14.1592 release notes; things that might be explored and come in future versions 28.11.2024
363 A Journey of Exploration Preview of patch notes for 3.14.1592; reflection on major patches over Stellaris's history and on feedback from diary 361 21.11.2024
362 Overwhelming Forum Power Repost of hotfix 3.14.159 patch notes and follow-up on feedback to previous diary's questions 14.11.2024
361 The Vision Reflection on the vision statement of Stellaris and thoughts on its future 07.11.2024
360 The Archive is Open Reflection on release of 3.14 and Grand Archive plus transcript of recent developer Q&A on Discord 31.10.2024
359 Stellaris 3.14.1 'Circinus' Preliminary Release Notes Preview of 3.14.1 patch notes 24.10.2024
358 New Life in the Galaxy 2 new forms of Space Fauna - Cutholoids & Voidworms; 2 new origins - Treasure Hunters & Primal Calling 17.10.2024
357 The Care and Feeding of Tiyanki The capture and domestication of spaceborne fauna, Domestication traditions, and the Beastmaster civics 10.10.2024
356 Building a Grand Archive and Displaying Your Collection The Grand Archive structure, specimen collection and display mechanics, Archivism tranditions, and the Galactic Curator civics 03.10.2024
355 It Belongs in a Vivarium: Announcing Grand Archive Overview of features in the Grand Archive story pack 26.09.2024
Patch 3.14 (Circinus)
354 Stellaris 3.13.1 'Vela' Preliminary Release Notes Preview of patch notes for 3.13.1 19.09.2024
353 Cosmic Storms Post-Release Fixes and improvements to cosmic storms 12.09.2024
352 Stellaris 3.13 'Vela' Improvements and Preliminary Release Notes Patch notes and information about other improvements 05.09.2024
351 Storm Chaser Origin, Civics, and Precursors Reviewing the Origin and Civics of the Cosmic Storms Mechanical Expansion, and providing some information about the new Precursors 29.08.2024
350 Storms and their Aftermath Overview of general storm mechanics 22.08.2024
349 A Storm is Brewing: Announcing Cosmic Storms Overview of features in the Cosmic Storms expansion 15.08.2024
Patch 3.13 (Vela)
348 Tips From the Devs for the Stellaris Free Weekend! Gameplay tips for new players from the game developers 20.06.2024
347 Stellaris 3.12.5 "Andromeda" Preliminary Release Notes Preview of patch notes for 3.12.5 13.06.2024
346 3.12.3 Released and a Small Peek at the Future Patch notes for 3.12.3, and teaser of Cosmic Storms feature in 3.13 30.05.2024
345 Upcoming 3.12.3 Improvements Preview of changes and improvements in patch 3.12.3 23.05.2024
344 The Art of The Machine Age (Part II - Art Blast Edition) More about the art development in The Machine Age 16.05.2024
343 The Machine Age and Stellaris 3.12.1 'Andromeda' Preliminary Release Notes Patch notes and selected new modding documentation 02.05.2024
342 The Art of the Machine Age (Part I) Overview of art development in The Machine Age 25.04.2024
341 Become the Crisis: Cosmogenesis Overview of new crisis path: Cosmogenesis 18.04.2024
340 A New Crisis, A Release Date, and Announcing the Stellaris: Season 08 Announcement of release date for The Machine Age and Stellaris: Season 08 expansion pass; teaser of new endgame crisis in The Machine Age 11.04.2024
339 Civics and Structures of The Machine Age, and Auto-Modding New civics, Kilostructures (Dyson Swarms & Arc Furnace), and species auto-modification 04.04.2024
338 Rick the Cube Rick the Cube robotic portrait 01.04.2024
337 Individualistic Machines and Machine Gameplay Updates Overview of changes to Machine species and new individualist Machine empires and machine ascension situations 28.03.2024
336 The Origins and Situations of The Machine Age Overview of new origins, situations, and advanced authorities in The Machine Age 21.03.2024
335 Announcing The Machine Age Overview of features in The Machine Age expansion 14.03.2024
Patch 3.12 (Andromeda)
334 "Eridanus" Next Steps Preview of 3.12.2 bugfix, FAQ for expansion subscription, Q&A transcript, and a teaser 07.03.2024
333 3.11.1 "Eridanus" [0a36] Released, Introducing Stellaris Subscription Options Final patch notes for 3.11 and introduction of subscription options for Stellaris DLC 27.02.2024
332 3.11 "Eridanus" Release Notes Preliminary patch notes for 3.11 22.02.2024
331 Custodian Fixes in Eridanus Preview of Custodian team fixes and changes in the 3.11 update 15.02.2024
330 Community Fixes in Eridanus Community modders who have their bugfixes incorporated into the 3.11 update 08.02.2024
329 Technology Beta Wrapup Final results from the Technology Open Beta and an update to Resort Worlds 01.02.2024
328 New Year, New Beta Feedback results and further adjustments to the technology open beta 18.01.2024
Patch 3.11 (Eridanus)
327 2023 in Review Review on the year 2023, and prospect for patch 3.11 (aka Eridanus) 21.12.2023
326 3.10.4 "Pyxis" Released [e9b6] + Upcoming Holiday Tech Beta 3.10.4 patch notes, and plans for a technology open beta 14.12.2023
325 3.10.3 "Pyxis" Released [d2aa] + Further Beta Plans Along with 3.10.3 release, the Dev team shares plans for a Holiday Open Beta to collect feedback regarding potential balance changes to ship production, upkeep, and research 07.12.2023
324 3.10.2 "Pyxis" Released [1cff] and December Plans 3.10.2 patch notes, and plans for 3.10.3 & 3.10.4 29.11.2023
323 3.10.1 "Pyxis" Beta and Next Steps Release of the 3.10.1 beta, which includes a number of bugfixes, as well as hotkeys for the Tabbed Outliner. 21.11.2023
322 3.10.0 "Pyxis" Custodian Features Custodian features coming in 3.10: leader consolidation and corresponding changes to council legitimacy, civics, traditions and ascension perks; outliner improvements; event chain subtitles; additional content browser 10.11.2023
321 Origins and Civics 1 new origin - Riftworld; 4 new civics - Hyperspace Specialty, Dimensional Worship, Dark Consortium, and Sovereign Guardianship; 2 new pre-scripted empires - The Certeran Covenant & Guardianship of Nyrr 09.11.2023
320 Astral Threads and Actions Introduction to astral threads & astral actions 02.11.2023
319 Astral Scars and Rifts Astral Rifts offering more opportunities for exploration into the mid and late game 26.10.2023
318 Announcing Astral Planes Announcement of a new expansion (Astral Planes) 19.10.2023
317 Ad astra per aspera Star Trek: Infinite, a new Stellaris-like game project, on which Stellaris players may feel interested 12.10.2023
316 Leader Consolidation Leader Consolidation - changes to leaders' classes, roles, and traits 05.10.2023
Patch 3.10 (Pyxis)
315 The Velvet Glove 3.9.2 patch notes, plans about Diplomacy & Trust, and some preliminary changes coming in 3.9.3 28.09.2023
314 Pi in the Sky Ideas What Custodians have contributed to Stellaris as well as what they're planning for the future 21.09.2023
313 3.9 'Caelum' is Out, What’s Next? Plans about patches 3.9.2 and 3.9.3 14.09.2023
312 3.9 'Caelum' Patch Notes, and Ask Us Anything! 3.9 patch notes 06.09.2023
311 Chiseling Away First update to 3.9 open beta, and Steam Strategy Fest 31.08.2023
310 Matters of Life and Death The Humanoids and Necroids species packs get new contents: a Tradition Tree, Ascension Perk, Traits, and Portraits; Trade gets a rebalance; A new socialist MegaCorp civic; Simplified Automation; More Habitat rework information; Now available 3.9 Open Beta 24.08.2023
309 OK, Bloomer Improvements to the Environmentalists civic; new trait, new origin, and new portrait of Plantoid species; changes to enclave leaders; UI modding changes; interim leader XP updates 17.08.2023
308 Rock On! (Also an Announcement Regarding Species Pack Pricing) Custodian changes coming to 3.9 on Lithoid species as well as species packs planned updates and changes in pricing 10.08.2023
307 Leader Experiments Stellaris Summer Experiments with a focus on class-based leader limits 03.08.2023
306 Habitat Experiments Some summer experiments relating to the Habitat system 27.07.2023
Patch 3.9 (Caelum)
305 Midsummer Festivities Stellaris Free to Play weekend, Stellaris Nexus, a new Starter Pack, and a preview of coming Lithoid attractions 22.06.2023
304 3.8.4 Released, What's Next? 3.8.4 patch notes, some future plans, and an upcoming Free to Play weekend 15.06.2023
303 Stellaris with a Twist Community Event! Changes to ground combat in 3.8.4; 'Stellaris with a Twist' event to celebrate the 7th anniversary 01.06.2023
302 Leaders and 3.8.3 Balance Changes 3.8.3 patch notes; changes to leaders, level caps, and balance; prioritization of bugs and balance; script improvements for councilors; a solution to the Out of Syncs issue 25.05.2023
301 Galactic Paragons is out, what's next? Preview of next 3.8.X patch 16.05.2023
300 Happy Anniversary! 3.8 "Gemini" and Galactic Paragons Release Notes Patch notes for 3.8 and Galactic Paragons, review of the last year of Stellaris 09.05.2023
299 Civics, Origins, and Traditions Overview of new civics, origin, and traditions coming in Galactic Paragons 04.05.2023
298 Renowned and Legendary Paragons Overview of the two paragon types – unique, scripted leaders, each with special content 02.05.2023
297 Leaders, The Council, and Agendas Overview of the council, council agendas, and changes to leaders, with new traits and veteran classes 27.04.2023
296 Announcing Galactic Paragons Announcement of Galactic Paragons expansion 25.04.2023
295 Armies, Sectors, Messages, and More Overview of changes to army building, orbital bombardment, and fleet manager; introduction of new science ship automation options, new capital designations, sector editor, side menu reordering, and new toast notifications and message settings 20.04.2023
294 3.8 'Gemini' Coop Open Beta Release Notes Announcement and preliminary patch notes for 3.8 open beta 13.04.2023
293 Introducing Coop Two cooperative gameplay modes 06.04.2023
Patch 3.8 (Gemini)
292 3.7.4 Released, and Concepts Patch notes for 3.7.4, and preview of concepts tooltips coming in 3.8 30.03.2023
291 First Contact is Out, What's Next? Post-launch support for 3.7 and First Contact story pack 23.03.2023
290 We Have Contact (3.7.2 'Canis Minor' Patch Notes) Preliminary changelog and new achievements for 3.7 09.03.2023
289 Hide and Seek Cloaking & counter-cloaking systems and new low-tech civics 02.03.2023
288 Payback and Insights A new origin (Payback) and Insight technologies 23.02.2023
287 The Art of MSI Art development of MSI (Minamar Specialized Industries) in First Contact story pack 16.02.2023
286 Fear and Archaeotechs in First Contact A new origin (Fear of the Dark) and changes to archaeological mechanics 09.02.2023
285 Observation and Awareness Observation events and interactions with pre-FTL civilizations in First Contact story pack 02.02.2023
284 Broken Shackles Introducing a new origin (Broken Shackles) 26.01.2023
283 The Vision of First Contact A summary of some features and why First Contact story pack comes out 19.01.2023
282 Announcing First Contact Announcement of First Contact story pack 17.01.2023
281 A Message from Minamar Specialized Industries Teaser for patch and DLC 12.01.2023
Patch 3.7 (Canis Minor)
280 A Look Back at 2022 Retrospective on Stellaris development over 2022 15.12.2022
279 3.6.1, Holiday Beta, and More 3.6.1 patch notes, 3.7 open beta, 2022 ModJam 08.12.2022
278 Release the Hounds Post-launch support for 3.6 "Orion" 01.12.2022
277 The Hunt is On (Stellaris 3.6 'Orion' Patch Notes) 3.6 patch notes 23.11.2022
276 Death is the Beginning Cordyceptic Drones civic and reanimated leviathans 17.11.2022
275 Bless Thy Soul Holy Covenant federation type 10.11.2022
274 3.6.0.beta.final.final(1)v2 Copy November 1st Update to the 3.6 "Orion" Open Beta 01.11.2022
273 A Peek into the Future New UI elements and a partial list of changes coming in the next update to the 3.6 "Orion" Open beta 27.10.2022
272 The Pact is Signed and Spoken Changes to Covenants and Psionic Ascension, more Accessibility Features, and an Open Beta changelog 20.10.2022
271 Ready…? Fight! Fleet combat rebalance and the 3.6 "Orion" Open Beta 13.10.2022
270 Traditional Results (of Summer Experiments) Rework of ascension paths: new ascension perks & tradition trees of Psionic, Genetic, Cybernetic and Synthetic Ascension Paths 06.10.2022
269 Digging a Grave, and Galactic Matters Tiyanki Graveyard and new galaxy shapes coming in 3.6 29.09.2022
  Patch 3.6 (Orion)    
268 Toxoids are Among Us, What's Next? (Plus a Transcript!) 3.5.2 hotfix, future plans about 3.6 "Orion", and September 19th Discord Q&A Transcript 22.09.2022
267 3.5 'Fornax' Patch Notes, AI, Performance, and Modding 3.5 Changelog, as well as details on improvements coming to AI, Performance, and Modding in the 3.5 "Fornax" Update 15.09.2022
266 Rise a Knight! Overview of the other new origin (Knights of the Toxic God) 13.09.2022
265 The Art of Toxoid Clothing Toxoid portraits designs, especially their clothing designs 08.09.2022
264 Damn the Consequences Overview of Overtuned origin, new species traits, new civics, and new Detox ascension perk 06.09.2022
263 Announcing Toxoids Announcement of Toxoids species pack 01.09.2022
262 Ringworlds, Reliquaries, Relics, and More Preview of outliner section for megastructures, accessibility improvements, changes to Caravaneer reliquary purchases, more species pack achievements, further relic balance changes 25.08.2022
261 Challenge Accepted New difficulty settings, species pack achievements 18.08.2022
260 Summer Culture Rework of culture workers 21.07.2022
259 It Belongs in a Mega-Art Installation! Relic balance changes 07.07.2022
Patch 3.5 (Fornax)
258 3.4.4 'Cepheus' Information Patch notes for 3.4.4 16.06.2022
257 Summer is Coming... Overview of various developers' summer experiments 09.06.2022
256 Making a Station Overview of art development with Salvagers enclave station as example 02.06.2022
255 Overlord Q&A May 5th Discord Q&A transcript 26.05.2022
254 3.4.3 'Cepheus' Patch Released (Checksum 9d15)... What's Next? Future plans about 3.4.3 and 3.4.4 19.05.2022
253 Three in One 3.4 'Cepheus' Patch Notes and more! Patch notes, modability changes, and the Progenitor Hive Origin reveal. 05.05.2022
252 Artificial and Automated Intelligence Update on the AI refinements and Sector automation from the Custodian team to 3.4 and the Subterranean Origin reveal. 28.04.2022
251 All Roads Lead to Deneb IIb Discussion on the Hyper Relays and their function as well as potential benefit to creating a network of them. Reveal of achievement icons, new flag background colors, symbols, and patterns. 21.04.2022
250 Elevating Civilization Walk through of Orbital Rings and their new starbase buildings, Quantum Catapult megastructure, the Scholarium specialist vassal empire, more specialist holdings, and new Galactic Community resolutions 14.04.2022
249 New Friends Reveal of three new enclaves (Salvagers, Shroudwalkers, and Mercenary), the Bulwark specialist vassal empire, more Overlord holdings, the Imperial Fiefdom civic 07.04.2022
248 Special Prospects A look at the Prospectorium specialist vassal empire and a glance at new origin icons with their names 31.03.2022
247 New Ways to Rule Review of negotiation of terms for vassals, spending vassal loyalty, and a glance at Overlord holdings 24.03.2022
246 Announcing Overlord Announcement of the Overlord expansion pack and vassalization mechanic overhaul 17.03.2022
245 We have a Situation Explanation and walk-through of the upcoming Situations system and its scope 10.03.2022
Patch 3.4 (Cepheus)
244 A Time for Change Announcement of the change of game director from Daniel Moregard to Stephen Muray 03.03.2022
243 3.3 'Libra' is out, now what? Patch notes for 3.3.2, and some planned goals for influence, espionage and Idyllic Bloom in 3.4 24.02.2022
242 3.3 'Libra' Patch Notes and Release Date Announcement Patch notes for 3.3.1 17.02.2022
241 Unity Open Beta and the Dev Clash Unity Open Beta changelogs, and the Dev Clash Season 3 10.02.2022
240 Scripting Improvements in 3.3 Scripting changes & improvements 03.02.2022
239 AI++ Further improvements to AI performance in 3.3 27.01.2022
238 Ascensions, Betas, and More Quick overview of the new Planetary Ascension tiers, unity generation, and Permanent Employment megacorp civic. Dev Clash announced, and 3.3 Beta release. 20.01.2022
237 Reworking Unity, Part One Planned changes to unity generation and administrative capacity in 3.3 13.01.2022
236 Happy Holidays and thanks for all the fish Review of 2021 Stellaris releases. Holiday hiatus announced until January 13th 2022. 09.12.2021
235 AI feedback and future plans Planned goals for AI updates in 3.3 02.12.2021
234 Aquatics and 3.2 are out, now what? Update on Custodian priorities post patch 25.11.2021
Patch 3.3 (Libra)
233 Aquatics & 3.2 'Herbert' Patch Notes Patch notes for the 3.2 update 18.11.2021
232 3.2 Balance Changes and Performance Improvements Improvements to balance and performance 11.11.2021
231 Aquatics Portraits and Art Preview and design process of the Aquatic Species Pack portraits and animations 04.11.2021
230 The Art of Aquatics Ships & the Drake A look at how the Aquatics Species Pack ships and the Aquatic Dragon were developed 28.10.2021
229 Aquatics Species Pack Announcement of the new species pack - Aquatics Species Pack 21.10.2021
228 New Content & Features in 3.2 New Pompous Purists civic, new options for anomalies, events for terraformation and a fix for AI terraforming 14.10.2021
227 Looking after the AI Improvements to AI economic script 07.10.2021
226 Custodians & Next Steps Update on the future patches: 3.2 planned for November and 3.3 for February 30.09.2021
Patch 3.2 (Herbert)
225 3.1.2 "Lem" Patch Update Patch notes for the 3.1.2 update 23.09.2021
224 Lem is out, what now? Transcript of the Q&A with developers and new wallpapers 16.09.2021
223 Release Date and Patch Notes for the 3.1 Lem Update Patch notes for the 3.1 Lem update and announcement of release date on September 14 2021 09.09.2021
222 Moddability Updates in Lem An in depth dev diary on new changes to modding including variable changes, sprite sheets, randomness being actually random, and modder early access request 02.09.2021
221 Balance and Quality of Life Improvements Balance notes on changes to Void Dwellers and Shattered Rings; QoL notes on Ecumenopolises and other assorted items; additional information on Civic balance changes 26.08.2021
220 Additions to Humanoids Species Pack Dev diary provided new information on the three new civics (masterful crafters, pleasure seekers, and clone army) added to the Humanoids species pack 19.08.2021
219 Selectable Traditions Select-able traditions discussion as well as an overview of changes to existing traditions and three new traditions coming in the Lem update 12.08.2021
218 Plantoids Gameplay Post break review of three new traits and two new civics for plantoids in the Lem update 05.08.2021
217 Custodians Feedback and Q&A Transcript Solicited feedback and Community Feedback review and the Discord Q&A transcript 01.07.2021
216 Changes to Necroids Content in the Lem Update Discussion of updates that will be found regarding the Necroids, Necroid Hiveminds, Death Cults, and Reanimated Armies 17.06.2021
215 Gameplay themes & Balancing considerations Broad overview of direction for Species pack gameplay themes, future balancing changes, and Unity & Empire sprawl brainstorming 10.06.2021
  Announcing "The Custodians" initiative and the free Lem Update Announcement of the division of the Stellaris team into a maintaining team and an expansions team as well as a look at future update processes 03.06.2021
Patch 3.1 (Lem)
211 3.0.3 Beta Updates Highlighting changes planned in version 3.0.3 and that is currently available in the beta branch 06.05.2021
210 A post-Nemesis address Addressing issues and complaints with version 3.0 'Dick' 22.04.2021
209 Nemesis - Attack of the Patch Notes Patch notes for version 3.0.1 14.04.2021
208 Nemesis patch notes Patch notes for version 3.0 08.04.2021
207 Challenging Origins April Fools' Day joke 01.04.2021
206 Directing Nemesis Daniel Moregård discusses the challenges in creating and balancing systems in Nemesis 25.03.2021
205 Announcing the 3.0 'Dick' Update Announcement of the 3.0 (Philip K. Dick patch) version of Stellaris and some changes to announced features 18.03.2021
204 Scripting Language and Moddability Improvements Changes to the scripting language/modding in 3.0 11.03.2021
203 VFX in Nemesis A look at the VFX of Nemesis 04.03.2021
202 Nemesis Ship Set & Art Direction Discussion on the ship art and design process 25.02.2021
201 Galactic Imperium The creation and effects of a Galactic Imperium 18.02.2021
200 The Custodian Custodian, their diplomatic options and ships 11.02.2021
199 Become the Crisis Announcement of Nemesis and preview of the player-controlled crisis 04.02.2021
198 Provocations Discussion on operations of an aggressive nature 28.01.2021
197 Operations and Assets A look on spy Operations and Assets 21.01.2021
196 [REDACTED] Introduction to the concepts and basic mechanics of Spy Networks 14.01.2021
195 Happy Holidays & Help Stellaris Espionage announcement and open job positions 17.12.2020
194 Intel Introduction to the concepts and basic mechanics of Intel 03.12.2020
193 Signal Discovered A look at the updated first contact mechanics 26.11.2020
192 Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be... Rework of population growth, changes to buildings and districts due to this as well as updates from the two previous Development diaries 19.11.2020
191 And Yet It Moves Discussion on experimental rework of colony automation and pop resettlement 12.11.2020
190 Leading Economic Indicators A new district and reworked building slots 05.11.2020
Patch 3.0 (Dick)
189 Necroids 2.8 Patch Notes & Update Patch notes for 2.8 22.10.2020
188 Necroid Characters & the Art process A look at how the Necroids species pack characters/portraits were developed 15.10.2020
187 Post-mortem A reveal of the Necrophage origin and mechanics as well as additional details on Reanimated Armies 08.10.2020
186 Necroid Ships & the Art Process A walkthrough of the design process for a species ship set focusing on Necroids 01.10.2020
185 Announcing Necroids Announcement of the Necroids species pack 24.09.2020
184 Fwd: Notice of Termination On the topic of Death Cults and their sacrificial edicts 17.09.2020
183 Memory Allocation Here, a new civic to remember us by 10.09.2020
182 The Perils of Scripting and How to Avoid Them How to write scripts to interact with the game; the best practices for mod creators 03.09.2020
181 Threading and Loading Times Discussion on threading in Stellaris and startup time improvements 27.08.2020
Patch 2.8 (Butler)
180 DLC Visibility Experiment Experimentation on how DLC is shown in game 14.05.2020
179 4th Anniversary & 2.7 'Wells' Update A look at the space journey Stellaris had over the past years 07.05.2020
178 Federal improvements (UI and more!) Improvements to federations for the upcoming free update 30.04.2020
177 Edict Rework A subject dear to the hearts of many galactic rulers - namely Edicts 23.04.2020
176 Habitat Tiers Upcoming changes to habitats, their districts, buildings and tech 09.04.2020
175 Space Fauna Space creatures tweaks and resolutions related to them 03.04.2020
174 Federations is out, now what? A mention of Tiyanki improvements in the May update 26.03.2020
Patch 2.7 (Wells)
173 Federations is soon upon us! (with patch notes) Patch notes for 2.6 12.03.2020
172 Reworking the AI A look at the AI mechanics and plans to improve it. 05.03.2020
170 Performance and other technical issues Summary of causes of performance issues and a demonstration of the improvement. 20.02.2020
169 Origins Q&A Q&A related to Origins events, civics and Fallen Empires' Origins 13.02.2020
168 Diplomacy Q&A Q&A sessions about General Diplomacy, Diplomatic stances, Diplomatic Weight, Diplomatic Relations, and Envoys 06.02.2020
167 Galactic Community Q&A Q&A sessions about the Galactic Community 30.01.2020
166 Federation Q&A Q&A sessions about the Federation rework 23.01.2020
165 Ready for 2020! Polish progress update and information about upcoming Q&A sessions 16.01.2020
164 Summary of the Year 2019 2019 journey retrospective and changes in Stellaris Dev team composition 12.12.2019
163 Juggernaut & Mega Shipyard New Spaceship and Megastructure 05.12.2019
162 New Diplomatic Features Envoys, Diplomacy interface, Diplomatic Stances and Favors 28.11.2019
161 Development Update An update on performance and AI development and a tentative release window for Federation 21.11.2019
160 Origins Full Reveal A list of all 18 Origins that will be present at the release 14.11.2019
159 Galactic Community A look to its creation, Resolutions, Diplomatic weight, Favors, Galactic Council and Focus 07.11.2019
158 Federation rework Types, Perks, Laws and Internal mechanics of Federations 31.10.2019
Patch 2.6 (Verne)
157 Things That Rock Announcement of the Lithoids species pack, preview of Lithoid species portraits and ships, introduction to Lithoid species mechanics, and patch notes for version 2.5. 24.10.2019
Patch 2.5 (Shelley)
156 The 2.4 "Lee" patch The new paradox launcher comes to Stellaris 09.10.2019
155 Origins New dedicated background stories for your empire, derived from Civics 26.09.2019
154 UX Design Behind-the-scenes of the UI 12.09.2019
153 Empire Sprawl & Administrative Capacity Changes that aim to give a more important role to Empire Sprawl 29.08.2019
Patch 2.4 (Lee)
152 Summer Experimentation Useful experimentation that didn't make it 15.08.2019
151 2.3.3 beta patch A beta patch for the summer 04.07.2019
150 2.3 "Wolfe" Patch Notes An early peek at the 2.3 'Wolfe' patch notes 30.05.2019
149 Technical improvements 64 bit, Performance improvement and AI 23.05.2019
148 Relics & Relic Worlds Relics, Relic Worlds, Relic UI and User Experience 16.05.2019
147 An update on Sectors & Designations Details of new sector and designation system for planet automation 09.05.2019
146 The Baol and The Zroni Precursor: changes and new ones 02.05.2019
145 Archaeology A new dimension to anomalies and express narrative in a more evolving and controlled manner 25.04.2019
144 Megastructures, Habitats and Minor Artifacts Rework of Habitats, Ringworlds, megastructure construction changes and introducing Minor Artifacts 18.04.2019
143 Changes to megastructures Rework of Galactic Wonders ascension perk and megastructures now require a research component 11.04.2019
142 Sectors The future of the sector system 28.03.2019
Patch 2.3 (Wolfe)
141 Exploring the Future Update on patch 2.2.6 and a discussion on the future direction of the game and tentative features to be added 28.02.2019
  2.2.x post-launch patch v2 Updates about the final 2.2.x post-launch patch, minor changes to modifiers and interface 14.02.2019
140 2.2.x post-launch patch A highlight of some of the bigger things that may change in the definitive 2.2.x post-launch support period 24.01.2019
139 Dnote's Inferno The where and how -- the ins-and-outs of the product management team by Bevan aka "Dnote". 17.01.2019
138 We're back Back from holidays, bugs, and patches. 09.01.2019
137 Updates, holidays, and the future Changes in leadership, holidays, and beta patch 20.12.2018
136 2.2 'Le Guin' patch notes An early peek at the 2.2 'Le Guin' patch notes 29.11.2018
135 Script changes and modding in 2.2 Script changes and modding 22.11.2018
134 Slave Market, and more! Slave market, unity ambitions, and mandates 15.11.2018
133 The Caravaneers Travelling caravaneers and deals in MegaCorp 08.11.2018
132 Ecumenopolis and Megastructures New megastructures and constructable planet types in MegaCorp 01.11.2018
131 MegaCorporations Titular feature of MegaCorp: MegaCorporations 25.10.2018
130 New and Changed Technologies in Le Guin Updated economic & planetary building technologies 18.10.2018
129 Tradition Updates Updated traditions for the new mechanics and tradition type 11.10.2018
128 Decisions and Planetary Bombardment Rework of planetary edicts into decisions and changes to planetary bombardments 04.10.2018
127 Trade Value and Trade Routes Introduction of trade value, trade routes and the associated piracy rework 27.09.2018
126 Sectors and Factions Sector Rework and Faction Happiness Rework 20.09.2018
125 The Galactic Market Addition of a galactic market, internal markets, and changes to trader enclaves 13.09.2018
124 Planetary Rework (part 4 of 4) Planetary reworks, relating to gestalt consciousnesses and habitats. 06.09.2018
123 Planetary Rework (part 3 of 4) Planetary reworks, involving changes to Stability, Happiness and Crime. 30.08.2018
122 Planetary Rework (part 2 of 4) Planetary reworks, involving changes to jobs, strata and unemployment, housing, growth and migration. 23.08.2018
121 Planetary Rework (part 1 of 4) Planetary reworks, involving changes to deposits and buildings and the addition of districts. 16.08.2018
120 New Economy System A new economic back-end implemented for 2.2 -- the birth of economic templates and economic units. 09.08.2018
Patch 2.2 (Le Guin)
119 Niven Post-Launch Support (part 4) The second rolling beta to start soon with improvements to be tested over the summer 21.06.2018
118 Niven Post-Launch Support (part 3) Further performance improvement, renaming factions, and extra-pretty screenshots mode. 07.06.2018
117 Niven Post-Launch Support (part 2) Improving performance and increasing L-cluster variety 31.05.2018
116 Niven Post-Launch Support Extended period of post-launch support with a rolling beta patch 24.05.2018
115 2.1 Anomaly Modding A glimpse of some of the under-the-hood-changes coming for modders 17.05.2018
114 Space Creatures, Strategic Resources and Experimental Subspace Navigation Changes to Space Creatures encounters, Strategic Resource discovery and exploitation, and addition of Experimental Subspace Navigation 10.05.2018
113 New Anomalies, Systems and Leviathans New event chains to follow on the galactic grand road 03.05.2018
112 The L-Cluster Heavily modified mysterious gateways leading to an unknown cluster of stars located outside the galaxy 26.04.2018
111 Anomaly Rework & Expanded Exploration Anomaly research changes, hyperlane clusters, and new types of star-systems 19.04.2018
Patch 2.1 (Niven)
110 Creation and Beyond Audio Director Björn Iversen says goodbye 05.04.2018
109 2.0 Post-Release Support (part 2) Still in full post-release support with more details on the coming 2.0.2 patch 22.03.2018
108 2.0 Post-Release Support (part 1) Player feedback and changes coming to War Exhaustion and forced Status Quo 15.03.2018
107 The Post-Apocalypse Revisiting the list of long-term goals for Stellaris 08.03.2018
106 2.0.2 patch notes and the Road Ahead for Cherryh A rolling 2.0.2 beta and larger than normal amount of dev time for post-apocalypse support. 01.03.2018
105 2.0 "Cherryh" patch notes Ramping up for release: patch notes, achievements and new music 15.02.2018
104 Cherryh Feature Roundup Quality of Life features and other minor changes in the coming 2.0 'Cherryh' update 08.02.2018
103 Civic/Ascension Perks Changes and Additions Expanding on changes to Ascension Perks and Civics 01.02.2018
102 Edicts, Campaigns and Unity Ambitions Expanding on edicts - the addition of campaigns and unity ambitions 25.01.2018
101 Marauders, Pirates and the Horde Pirate rework in Cherryh and a Horde mid-game crisis in Apocalypse 18.01.2018
100 Titans and Planet Destroyers An announcement of the Apocalypse expansion and reveal of the first features in it 11.01.2018
99 Ground Combat & Army Rework Ground combat and army rework 21.12.2017
98 Fleet Manager Adding of a new Fleet Manager interface 14.12.2017
Patch 2.0 (Cherryh)
97 Tech Progression in Cherryh Changes to technology progression in the 2.0 "Cherryh" update 07.12.2017
96 Doomstacks and Ship Design Breaking down the doomstack issue into its component problems, and some upcoming changes to the ship designer 30.11.2017
95 Humanoids Species Pack A new species pack straight from the artists with additional VIR content 22.11.2017
Patch 1.9 (Boulle)
94 Ascension Perks & Surveying in Cherryh Adding basic version of ascension perks to the base game. Replacing the existing surveying and star chart system 16.11.2017
93 War, Peace and Claims Warfare overhaul: casus belli, wargoals, war exhaustion, starbase/system occupation, and peace negotiations 09.11.2017
92 FTL Rework and Galactic Terrain Consolidating FTL, expanding on them, and using them to "build" a galactic terrain. 02.11.2017
91 Starbases Major mechanics rework to affect: border growth, space stations and planetary spaceports, ship construction and more 26.10.2017
  Patch 2.0 (Cherryh)    
90 Official Sound Track The Stellaris soundtrack DLC is changed to include all previously released tracks as well as all future track releases 19.10.2017
88 1.8 Post-Release Support Wrapping up of 1.8 soon and moving on to 1.9 12.10.2017
87 A Glimpse of the Future Update of the beta branch status and current patch notes of patch 1.8.2 05.10.2017
86 Čapek/Synthetic Dawn Patch Notes Changelog for the 1.8 "Čapek" update 14.09.2017
85 Decadence and Ascension Changes Awakened empires will now become decadent with time/power and requested changes to ascension paths 07.09.2017
84 Čapek Feature Roundup (part 2) A continuation of the feature round-up in the 1.8 Čapek update 31.08.2017
83 Čapek Feature Roundup (part 1) A round-up of some minor changes and reworks coming in the 1.8 Čapek update 24.08.2017
82 Synthetic Dawn Music Andreas Waldetoft, the in-house composer, on the new tracks for synths included in the upcoming story pack 17.08.2017
81 Machine Uprisings Machine Uprisings feature in the Synthetic Dawn story pack 10.08.2017
80 Machine Empires Synthetic Dawn Story Pack & new kinds of robotic empires 03.08.2017
79 Ship Component & Balance Changes Changes to ship design and combat behavior rework 27.07.2017
78 Robomodding & Robot Changes Unique robotic traits, robot template modding and related assortment of robo-changes in the works 20.07.2017
77 Ethics Voice Packs New voice-over sets for VIR the trusted in-game friendly advisor 13.07.2017
76 Hive Mind & Tradition Improvements Added flavor improvements for Hive-Minds/Devouring Swarms along with traditions flavor changes 06.07.2017
75 Fallen Machine Empire Tweaks to fallen empires in 1.8 along with a new synthetic-type fallen empire in the upcoming story pack 29.06.2017
74 Genemodding Templates Changes coming to genetic modification in the 1.8 Čapek update 22.06.2017
73 The Čapek Update Changes and improvements to Habitability and Terraforming coming in 1.8 15.06.2017
72 Crises & The Contingency Improvements done on the crises front with a major revision of the AI uprising crisis 01.06.2017
Patch 1.8 (Čapek)
71 The Adams Update (part 2) Devouring Swarm civic for Hive Minds, terraforming enhancements, and full patch notes. 04.05.2017
70 The Adams Update (part 1) Ruined megastructures, split taxes sectors, sector stockpiles and new art assets in 1.6 Adams 27.04.2017
69 Beyond Utopia Revisiting the old priorities list and the future beyond Utopia 20.04.2017
68 Introductions and Farewells Rikard Åslund (Zoft), master of dad-jokes, passes the project lead torch to newcomer Jamie Wood (Jamor) 13.04.2017
Patch 1.6 (Adams)
67 Update 1.5 Banks Patch Notes Full Patch Notes 30.03.2017
66 Graphics & Interface in Banks Changes to the map in Banks 23.03.2017
65 The Music of Utopia Andreas Waldetoft composed some new music 16.03.2017
64 Minor Features and Tweaks Empire-wide Food, Terraforming Candidate anomaly, War Demand cost reducing, UI improvements 09.03.2017
63 Synthetic and Biological Ascension A closer look at ascension paths 02.03.2017
62 Government, Civics and Hive Minds Banks focus on internal politics warrants a government rework 23.02.2017
61 Indoctrination, Unrest and Faction Interactions Wiz goes into details on indoctrinating pre-FTL species, new unrest system for factions and ways to interact with them 16.02.2017
60 Psionics and The Shroud Psionic Ascension Path 09.02.2017
59 Megastructures Megastructures: the headline feature of the Utopia expansion 02.02.2017
58 Habitats Your new home above your home 26.01.2017
57 Species Rights Changes to pops: species rights/obligations, new degrees of slavery and purging, refugees, core worlds and more. 19.01.2017
56 Ascension Perks The new Ascension mechanic and its following 'species endgame' paths coming in Banks 12.01.2017
55 Unity and Traditions Banks 1.5 will introduce new mechanics 15.12.2016
54 Ethics Rework Reworked empire and pop ethics, as well as a new outlook on factions 08.12.2016
Patch 1.5 (Banks)
52 New Achievements Kennedy hails with 32 new achievements 10.11.2016
51 Extradimensionals and Precursors Kennedy update news - precursors and extradimensionals 03.11.2016
50 The Journey Ahead Current status and general plan for the future 27.10.2016
Patch 1.4 (Kennedy)
49 Graphics & Portraits New graphics and portraits coming in Heinlein and Leviathans 13.10.2016
48 Roar! And Boom! A look at the sound and music of Leviathans 06.10.2016
47 The Guardians The Guardians are the headline feature of Stellaris: Leviathans 29.09.2016
46 Enclaves Enclaves coming in Stellaris: Leviathans 19.09.2016
45 Ship Balance More details on ship roles and weapon re-balance 12.09.2016
44 Space Creature Rework Grounding space creatures to a regional 'nexus' and expansion of space piracy 06.09.2016
43 The Fallen Changes to Fallen Empires in Heinlein, and also "The War in Heaven" events 29.08.2016
42 Heinlein Patch (part 3) Changes to planet habitability and federations/alliances, sector improvements and more galaxy setup options 22.08.2016
41 Heinlein Patch (part 2) Ship roles and weapon re-balance 15.08.2016
40 Heinlein Patch (part 1) Auto-explore, rally points, expansion planner, strategic resource rework 08.08.2016
39 Back in Action Focusing on addressing community feedback in Heinlein 01.08.2016
Patch 1.3 (Heinlein)
38 New Skyboxes Variation added to the universe with the introduction of new Skyboxes 27.06.2016
37 Asimov Patch (part 2) Better looking battles, map modes, nomad fleets, slave factions, new wargoals, diplomatic incidents 20.06.2016
36 Asimov Patch (part 1) Diplomacy improvements, border access, and embassies 14.06.2016
Patch 1.2 (Asimov)
35 QA in Space A little light on QA work 30.05.2016
34 Clarke Patch UI, AI and empire builder improvements, balance changes, bug fixes 24.05.2016
33 The Maiden Voyage Paradox's plans for the next three Stellaris patches 16.05.2016
Patch 1.1 (Clarke)
32 Modding (Art) About modding art, with a focus on characters and ship modding 02.05.2016
31 Modding (Scripting Anomalies) About modding in general, and scripting anomalies in particular 25.04.2016
30 Late Game Crises About late game crises 18.04.2016
29 Pop Factions & Elections About populations (pops), factions and elections 11.04.2016
28 Project Lead speaks The project lead of Stellaris, Rikard "Zoft" Åslund speaks 04.04.2016
27 Music & Sound The soundtrack and sound design of Stellaris 28.03.2016
26 Migration, Slavery & Purges Policies concerning Migration, Slavery and Purges 21.03.2016
25 Reverse Engineering and Unique Technologies Studying debris 14.03.2016
24 AI Unique personalities, threat assessments, AI budgeting 07.03.2016
23 Multiplayer 32-player multiplayer and enhanced stability 29.02.2016
22 Alliances and Federations Multilateral alliances and closely cooperating federations 22.02.2016
21 Administrative Sectors Few directly managed planets, AI-managed sectors 15.02.2016
20 War and peace War goals and war score 08.02.2016
19 Diplomacy & Trade Trade negotiations and subject types 01.02.2016
18 Fleet Combat Weapon/defense types, hands-off combat, and emergency FTL 25.01.2016
17 Ship Designer Choose a design's sections, and fill their weapon and utility slots 18.01.2016
16 Colony Events Events to set your planets apart 11.01.2016
15 Fallen Empires Powerful, isolationist AI empires 04.01.2016
14 Uplifting and Subspecies Uplift and tailor pre-sentients, alter your own people 21.12.2015
13 Primitive Civilizations Study, enlighten, or infiltrate the natives 14.12.2015
12 Policies & Edicts Empire-wide policies, temporary edicts 07.12.2015
11 Research & Technology The hidden, semi-random tech tree 30.11.2015
10 The Spaceport and rare resources Spaceport upgrades and rare resource use 23.11.2015
9 Planets & Resources Planetary differences, resource collection methods 16.11.2015
8 The Situation Log and Special Projects Event journal 09.11.2015
7 Science Ships, Surveys and Anomalies Science ships and events 02.11.2015
6 Rulers and Leaders Role that characters play 26.10.2015
5 Empires and Species What sets species apart 19.10.2015
4 Means of Travel About FTL propulsion 12.10.2015
3 Galaxy Generation How galaxies are generated 05.10.2015
2 Art Vision Artistic choices 28.09.2015
1 The Vision Design goals 21.09.2015
All developer diaries about Stellaris (base game 1.0)




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Дон Андрон

Дневник разработчиков №115 от 17 мая 2018 года

Бонус - модификация правил аномалий


Добро пожаловать в дополнительный и неанонсированный подарочный дневник разработчиков!

Подготовка к PDXCon занимает основную часть нашего времени, но когда участники этого дела получили предварительные рабочие версии игрового набора "Distant Stars" - то предположили, что будет полезным помочь вам приоткрыть капот игрового движка и взглянуть на некоторые его изменения ещё до самого выхода игрового обновления. В прошлых дневниках мы уже обсуждали те правки, которые обновление 2.1 "Нивен" внесёт в изменение аномалий, но что это будет означать для любителей самостоятельно модифицировать игры? Надеюсь, что переработанный лист правил игровых аномалий сделает вашу жизнь намного проще.

Теперь остановимся, и немного порассуждаем о технической части. Остановимся на старой доброй аномалии "Погребённый в песке":


00_anomaly_categories_3.txt said:


00_anomaly_categories_3.txt said:

anomaly_category = {
    key = "DES_BURIED_CAT"
    desc = "DES_BURIED_DESC"
    picture = "GFX_evt_desert"
    level = 2

    spawn_chance = {
        modifier = {
            add = 3
            is_planet_class = pc_desert
            from = {
                owner = {
                    NOT = {
                        has_country_flag = masters_writings_politics_found
                        has_country_flag = ai_admiral_found

    on_spawn = {

    on_success = {

    on_fail = {
        ship_event = { id = anomaly_failure.4030 }




00_anomalies_3.txt said:


anomaly = {
    event = anomaly.4030
    category = "DES_BURIED_CAT"

    weight = 1

    potential = {
        always = yes

anomaly = {
    event = anomaly.4135
    category = "DES_BURIED_CAT"
    weight = 1
    potential = {
        owner = {
            NOT = { has_ethic = ethic_gestalt_consciousness }


Выглядит просто ужасно, не правда ли? 50 строк сценария, разделенных на три записи в двух разных файлах.

Но не бойтесь, вот светлое будущее!


    picture = "GFX_evt_desert"
    level = 4
    spawn_chance = {
        modifier = {
            add = 3
            is_planet_class = pc_desert

    max_once = yes
    on_success = {
        1 = anomaly.4030
        1 = {
            modifier = {
                factor = 0
                owner = { has_ethic = ethic_gestalt_consciousness }
            anomaly_event = anomaly.4135

Теперь это менее 25 строк сценария, и все в одном файле! Чисто. Эффективно. Гладко и ровно.

Мы подготовили удобное описание того, какие самостоятельные изменения вы сможете провести в игровой версии 2.1:


an_anomaly_category = {                # Anomaly category ID key

    should_ai_use = yes/no            # Allows AI empires to generate the category. Default: no

    desc = "key"                    # Optional, if no desc is given "<category key>_desc" is assumed

    desc = {                        # Can also use triggered descs. First valid entry will be used.
        trigger = { ... }            # Scope: planet, from = ship
        text = "key"                # Localization key for description
    picture = GFX_picture            # Picture displayed in category window
    level = int                        # Anomaly level, 1 to 10

    null_spawn_chance = 0.5            # Default 0. 0.0 - 1.0 (0 to 100%) chance category will NOT spawn
                                    # even if it is picked by the anomaly die roll. Used to make
                                    # categories for unusual objects (e.g. black holes) actually rare.
    max_once = yes/no                # default NO, if true will spawn category only once per empire
    max_once_global = yes/no        # default NO, if true will spawn category only once per game

    spawn_chance = {                # Chance for this anomaly category to spawn, 
        base = <num>                # relative to other valid categories. Default: base = 0
        modifier = {                # Spawn chance modifier
            add/factor = <num>
            <triggers>                # Scope: planet, from = ship

on_spawn = { <effects> }        # Executes immediately when anomaly category is spawned. 
                                    # Scopes are this/root: planet, from: ship
                                    # NOTE: on_spawn effects will not run if category is spawned through console

    on_success = {                    # Picks anomaly event to fire; similar to random_list
        1 = {                        # Base chance
            max_once = yes            # Individual outcomes default to max_once = yes,
            max_once_global = no     # and max_once_global = no
            modifier = {            # Optional modifiers
                add/factor = <num>
                <triggers>            # Scope: ship, from: planet
            anomaly_event = <id>    # New effect anomaly_event fires specified event ID. Scope: ship, from: planet           
        }                            # Can also use ship_event, though it gets different scopes:
                                    # ship, from: ship, fromfrom: planet       

        1 = <event id>                # shorthand for 1 = { anomaly_event = <event id> }

    on_success = <event id>            # Shorthand for on_success = { 1 = { anomaly_event = <event id> } }
}                                    # Only use if there is only one outcome in the category


Всё на сегодня. Ожидайте новостей с PDXCon.



Оригинальный текст - https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/stellaris-dev-diary-115-2-1-anomaly-modding-bonus.1098533/

Автор текста - LordMune

Автор перевода — Дон Андрон. Перевод для сайта Strategium.ru

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