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Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game


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# Great War Manifestation


event = {

id = 2061

country = GER

trigger = {

ai = no

NOT = { dissent = 13 }

NOT = { event = 2000 }

NOT = { war = { country = GER country = FRA } }

NOT = { alliance = { country = GER country = FRA } }


name = "EVT_1110R_NAME"


picture = "great_war_manifestion"

style = 0

persistent = yes

date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1936 }

offset = 45

deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1963 }

action_a = {

name = "ACTIONNAME1110A"

command = { type = dissent value = 3 }


Изменено пользователем Kvasir

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может этоНажмите здесь!

# Great War Manifestation


event = {

id = 2061

country = GER

trigger = {

ai = no

NOT = { dissent = 13 }

NOT = { event = 2000 }

NOT = { war = { country = GER country = FRA } }

NOT = { alliance = { country = GER country = FRA } }


name = "EVT_1110R_NAME"


picture = "great_war_manifestion"

style = 0

persistent = yes

date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1936 }

offset = 45

deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1963 }

action_a = {

name = "ACTIONNAME1110A"

command = { type = dissent value = 3 }



Да, этот.

Да, этот.

Куда вы говорили прописать ##### перед самим названием,или после event = ?

Куда вы говорили прописать ##### перед самим названием,или после event = ?

ОбразецНажмите здесь!

# Great War Manifestation


#event = {

#id = 2061

#country = GER

#trigger = {

#ai = no

#NOT = { dissent = 13 }

#NOT = { event = 2000 }

#NOT = { war = { country = GER country = FRA } }

#NOT = { alliance = { country = GER country = FRA } }


#name = "EVT_1110R_NAME"


#picture = "great_war_manifestion"

#style = 0

#persistent = yes

#date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1936 }

#offset = 45

#deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1963 }

#action_a = {

#name = "ACTIONNAME1110A"

#command = { type = dissent value = 3 }



Ребята ,выложите плисс на закачку эту игруху, максимально просто только через файл обменник..ну не шарю я как качать через торрент

Ребята ,выложите плисс на закачку эту игруху, максимально просто только через файл обменник..ну не шарю я как качать через торрент

В первом посте есть ссылка на народ. :)  

Спасибо, нашёл ссылочку и моя прога торрент сама подхватила без трахомудии...решил познакомиться с Iron Cross и Darkest Hour .... параллельно играя в твой "3й рейх Дима :) 

Спасибо, нашёл ссылочку и моя прога торрент сама подхватила без трахомудии...решил познакомиться с Iron Cross и Darkest Hour .... параллельно играя в твой "3й рейх Дима :)  

DH считаю пока слабо играбелен. :)

Никита jew94 Нефедьев
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Мужики у кого там есть аккаунт с зарегистрированными играми ? меня из-за этого по сылке не пускает,говорят на ссылке информация о новом патче

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex> Мужики у кого там есть аккаунт с зарегистрированными играми ? меня из-за этого по сылке не пускает,говорят на ссылке информация о новом патче

Там по ссылке вот этот текст. 

Beta testers are neededНажмите здесь!
 Beta testers are needed 


We'll need about 5 reliable people for beta testing of new features we're implementing for future patches. 

This is not a fun task, so if you only want to play the latest game version better skip this post and don't waste our or your time 

It is not a payed job either. 

Candidates should be able to spend about 6-8 hours weekly (on average) on this, to have good communication skills, to be ready to work on a task/issue that could be boring, to check the forum for reported issues and log those in a proper way to the bug-tracker, to verify fixes or check new features for problems.

Previous experience in beta testing and/or working with bug trackers will be of great use.

Those of you that are approved will get access to the development forum, our bug-tracker and to the latest game files of course. You can also earn a line into DH credits 

If you're interested, please contact us at darkest.hour.team@gmail.com with few words about yourself and why you're good candidate for this.

Thank you,

Darkest Hour Team


Никита jew94 Нефедьев
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ПАТЧ ВЫШЕЛ! загрузите выложите линк на загрузку :)

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex> ПАТЧ ВЫШЕЛ! загрузите выложите линк на загрузку :)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. 112.02 MB.

Change log Darkest Hour 1.02Нажмите здесь!
 Darkest Hour 1.02

(Changes since patch 1.01)

Patch Installer changes:

1. Made the patch installer compatible with all Darkest Hour distributions (Steam, Impulse, Boxed German version etc.)

2. Set correct registry keys for all Darkest Hour distributions (fixes a problem with reported version in Launcher)

3. Converts the boxed German only version into a fully functional Darkest Hour (restores all languages, deleted pictures and changed names)

Engine changes:

1. Moved in-game multiplayer messages few pixels down for better view.

2. Fixed a bug with land units' arrival time calculation on save/reload at the same game hour when the move order was given.

3. Fixed a bug in best port in area selection used for convoys.

4. Fixed a bug with country description text set in scenario files (replaced by default one on deselect/select of a country). Changed default scenario text format to 4 digit year instead of 2 (TAG_YYYY_DESC).

5. Added convoyed out resources/oil/supplies to daily resources flow statistics page.

6. Fixed tool-tip for atwar = TAG trigger.

7. Fixed a bug with naval units left in ex-allied ports when alliance is broken peacefully. Such fleets will be moved out of the port at 1 o'clock.

8. Fleets that has no valid naval base set will automatically rebase to the closest allied port now (checked once on 15 days). Fleets on Rebase, Move, Redeploy, Transport, Amphib. Assault or Sneak move missions are skipped.

9. Fixed issues with secederegion and secedearea commands. Now these commands behave as secedeprovince command does. 

10. Added new options to secedeprovince, secedearea and secederegion commands (check event commands.txt for details).

11. Fixed a bug with 'intelligence' scenario parameter not applied to AI countries.

12. Implemented a new command for delayed triggering of events: event (check event commands.txt for details).

13. Allowed Pause button shortcut to be re-defined in buttons.txt. Added 2 new button definitions that can be used as shortcuts in buttons.txt : pause (ASCII 0x13) and space (ASCII 0x20). NOTE: There are problems if spacebar is used as shortcut for button (impossible to use empty space in rename units/divisions for example).

14. Added new optional division/brigades models parameter: on_upgrade = yes/no(default). When set to "yes" current model's upgrade_time_factor and upgrade_cost_factor modifiers will be used on upgrade to the next model instead those of the next model.

15. Fixed a bug with supply check for units (reported as supplied by own/allied capital even if the country has no supplies at all). 

16. Fixed a bug with naval units supply check (reported as supplied as long as they have a valid naval base even if there are no supplies there).

17 Fixed a bug with oil and supply check for units supplied from allied capitals (reported as supplied/fueled even if there are no supplies/oil there).

18. Fixed a bug with supply check for units in combat supplied from own/allied capital (reported as supplied even if there are no supplies available).

19. Fixed a bug with oil usage of ships in ports (no oil consumed, always reported as having enough oil).

20. Fixed a bug with supply and oil usage and status update on units in combat.

21. Fixed a bug with convoyed out oil calculation (more oil then currently available at home can be convoyed out).

22. Tweaked convoy logic to not convoy out from home supplies or oil if these are required for troops at home.

23. Tweaked required supply convoy transports calculation logic to take into account available at home supplies/oil for transportation too (not just required at the destination).

24. Fixed a bug with supply convoys exporting more supplies then need at the destination in some rare cases (huge need of oil for example).


25. Greatly improved game speed in games with many units and ongoing wars. Map scrolling is faster too.

26. Many tweaks to and bugs fixed in production AI (sliders, priorities, production):

    - construction of Land Forts to province in higher level then set in AI files

    - construction of Coastal Forts to province in higher level then set in AI files

    - bug when IC has been assigned to upgrades when MP is less then 5 even if AI is set to not upgrade

    - Improved distribution of exceeding IC logic (IC that remains after all immediate needs are covered)

    - bug with production sliders for AI countries (too much IC assigned to CG in some cases)

    - bug with Production AI not building anything if MP is less then 5

    - tweaked logic used for max serial production line calculation

    - removed hard-coded logic for brigades that can be attached to Garrison units (MP, AT, AA)

    - removed hard-coded logic for brigades that can be attached to Carriers (Granted CAG only), TAC (granted ESC only), STR (granted ESC only) and HQ (granted AA only) to avoid exploits (producing with brigade not researched yet) and to allow producing with more then one brigade (CV's only).

    - tweaked Production AI MaxBatchHomeFront parameter usage (removed the requirement of current MP pool to be less then daily produced * 180 for this parameter to be used).

    - bug with production AI producing Infantry units even if these are set to 0 priority by an AI file.

    - tweaked production AI to allow more rapid IC construction when force_ic_until = YEAR AI parameter is valid.

    - fixed a bug with production AI stopping producing any units once it reaches the desired ratio between land/air/naval.

27. Fixed a bug with resource convoys' creation on enabled depots relocation from misc.txt.

28. Fixed a bug with missing flag/counters on change TAG when old country uses changed via event/scenario file default flag.

29. Fixed a bug with Convoy raiding AI trying to rebase fleets to invalid province.

30. Many new misc.txt modifiers:

    - Allow change by players of HoS or HoG

    - Used change TAG on coup logic

    - Use speed to set garrison status (no move allowed) to land units.

    - Max daily dissent that can be added to player controlled countries when not enough supplies are produced

    - Do not start producing any new units when more then THIS percentage of the currently available MP is required for reinforcements of existing units and the country is at war. 

    - Do not start producing any new units when less then THIS MP is available in the pool

    - Min. days after last province controller change required for the AI to secede a province to allied country (used when neither own or allied capital can supply this province

    - Min. days after last province controller change required for the AI to secede a province to allied country (used when neither own or allied capital can supply this province) if the said province is used as supply base

    - Min. required relations between allied countries required for AI to secede claimed by the player provinces to him. 

    - Max. serial line depth for production of Garrison and Militia units 

    - Min. total IC threshold required to enable serial production of naval and air units. 

    - Filter used on available for release countries list based on regular_id and intrinsic_gov_type set in revolt.txt (applied to both players and AI). 

    - Chance to target divisions with no ORG left in land combats. 

    - Max. redeployment days for AI controlled units cheat. 

    - Reinforce to upgrade modifier. 

    - Screen or Capital ships targeting in naval combats. 

31. Old TAG's Claimed Provinces list is cleared on TAG change now.

32. Fixed a bug with no update of regular_id and intrinsic_gov_type on change TAG.

33. Fixed bugs with needed in local depots oil/supply calculation on game reload that can cause convoy problems.

34. Added new optional parameter in revolt.txt: coup = { TAG1 TAG2 … TAGx }. (Check revolt.txt for details).

35. Fixed a bug with canceled free resource trades from Master to Puppet when the Master has resource shortage of any resource. 

36. Fixed bugs with country specific values exported to misc.txt ("country" section) not saved in some cases and reset to default upon reload.

37. Expanded build_division command with 3 new optional parameters: cost, name and where (check event commands.txt for details).

38. New parameters for items in the build queue that can be used in scenario files:

    - unitcost = yes(default)/no      # Used for players only. When set to "yes" preset unit cost will not be recalculated.

    - new_model = yes(default)/no #Used for AI countries only. When set to "yes" the build unit will be always with the latest available model.

39. Fixed bugs in some triggers evaluation when used with no country set in generic events – lost_VP, lost_national, lost_IC, alliance, war, access, non_aggression, guarantee, trade, puppet, participant, military_control, nuked.

40. Fixed a bug with supply convoys to depots which require more oil/supply that can be stored in a local depot and in result huge amount of oil or supplies can be lost every day.

41. New invasion AI parameter: province_priorities = yes/no(default) (check Invasion AI - How To.txt for details).

42. Include claimed provinces to the tool-tip about provinces that are going to be seceded to a released country.

43. Expanded ground_def_eff event command (check event commands.txt for details).

44. Fixed a bug where one air wing in air unit on bombing mission takes most of the damage.

45. Fixed a bug where min. mission ORG setting is replaced by STR setting upon saved game reload.

46. Fixed a bug preventing events set for REB tag to fire.

47. Added another value to MANUAL_OR_ BY_INFLUENCE _MOVES in policy_effects.csv

48. Exported dissent hit on country release to policy_effects.csv (MODIFIER_DISSENT_ON_RELEASE).

49. Fixed a bug in VP calculation used to halve dissent on new country release (used national provinces instead of controlled).

50. Fixed tool-tip of participant trigger when used with value = 0 (check for any alliance).

51. Added 2 new unit model modifiers: reinforce_cost and reinforce_time. 

52. Added extra typo checks on many triggers.

53. Fixed bug where naval bases can be produced in provinces without port allowed (just coastal).

54. Fixed a bug in country creation code setting automatically civil war when VIC country is released.

Launcher changes:

1. Fixed a rare crash when no web browser is defined

Translation changes:

1. Fixed a corruption of saved games in result of wrongly formatted string in German, Italian, Polish and Spanish languages

2. Updated French translation

3. Updated Italian translation

4. Updated German translation

5. Added Russian translation

6. Updated Polish translation

Event changes:

1. Fixed event 2192531 U09 - Franz Joseph is dead does not fire because the wrong minister id is checked.

2. Fixed events 3104503, 3104504 and 3104505 for 1914 Russia

3. Fixed Persian Corridor event (SOviet Union gets the correct provinces and returns them)

4. Fixed a problem with Free France capital remaining in Brazzaville instead of moving to Paris

5. Modified event 2003005 (Re-occupation of the Rhineland) so that it increases peacetime IC modifier from 0.9 to 1.0

6. Siamese Surrender now includes HOL

7. UK Surrender: Honkong gets now occupied by CHI or JAP 

8. Tweaked deathevents for Fritsch, Schacht, Blomberg, and Hess (different effects for keeping them or sending them away)

9. Removed claims on Pirot and Tetovo provinces when Bulgaria switches sides to USSR

10. Removed claims of Hungary when switching sides to USSR. Fix for weird post war borders.

11. Added a decission for the creation of Dutch harbor naval base in 1940

12. Generic decisions scale now according to country IC

13. Unitlevel granted by the licensed unit decision scale depending on US techlevel. when US doesn't exists it works like now

14. Added new generic decision to purchase obsolete units

15. Pearl harbor event moves the us to hawk lobby now

16. Fixed Japanese Surrender to USA - USA no longer steals Korea from China if Koreas is a Chinese puppet

17. Fixed a bug with US elections that caused weird outcomes

18. Fixed Indonesia Head of State Error, they get now a new cabinet as jap puppet

19. It is now possible to cancel the militarycontrol over SPR as FRA 

20. All remove Military Control events use better trigger

21. The United Front event now only fires when warlords exist

22. Improvements to events for performance reasons:

    - removed unused savedate in france.txt

    - removed unused savedate in germany.txt

    - tweaked grandoffensive decisions to use the new delayed event commands

    - Dutch Harbor events use the new delayed event command

    - most generic events now use the TAG entry to reduce engine load

23. Tweaks to post war germany events:

    - Decisions for release of DDR/DFR/AUS/U16 or now avaible much earlier

    - More Allied Nations can release DFR now, not only the USA

    - SOV can release now a puppet Austria U16 instead of AUS

    - Germany and Austria will now get properly placement of their capitals 

24. Bitter Peace now sleeps SOV event 2007034 "Germany invades Poland without our blessing" 

25. Corrected trigger of event 2184008 for FRA (Move the Capital), now ownership is required

26. Removed RUS/SOV flag workaround

27. Russian event "Warsaw is lost" does not happen if Russia releases Poland as puppet

28. DDR and commie Austria are now puppets of USSR upon creation

29. Event Pitman Act - US assistance for Nationalist China wakes now the right leader, adds more resources and gives blueprints

30. Modified Operation Zet - Soviet Assistance to China to add more resources and give blueprints

31. Fixed German annexation of France events.

    - conditions for colony transfer (Germany can decide how many colonies to occupy, if at all)

    - general improvements (better trigger among them)

32. Demobilization decision improved:

    - trigger conditions now all visible in tooltip

    - added extra decision for Switzerland

    - removed redundant trigger from generic decision

    - it is now possible for player to demobilize during war when the mob level is above 8 (general mob) to remove economic penalties

    - added event to remove localflags with an event that fires after 3 months, to prevent exploits

33. Delayed Free France creation to avoid seceding provinces in mainland France to it

34. WW2 eventchain fires now even when germany is already at war (f.e. with CZE)

35. Petain no longer remains a leader of France after the liberation

36. Egypt now secedes Qattara area to UK too during WW2

37. UK now returns Egypt provinces to EGY after the war

38. Modified USSR (Great Patriotic War event) so USSR gets +0.25, instead of +0.2 to wartime IC

39. Modified peace events with China so that China loses all militia units when surrenders + final peace proposal now requires Japan to have 110% of Chinese land units and China must have lost 90% of its national provinces or 90% of its VPs

40. Integrate China-Nanjing in China surrender events

41. Fix Japan surrender event effects - Japan no longer keep claims on China provinces upon capitulation

42. Reworked the Brest Litovsk Treaty in WWI

43. Fixed problems with 1914 peace treaty between Austria and Soviet Union

44. The Great Purge event for USSR now removes the correct units (removes 5 HQs)

45. Tweaked Diplomatic Campaign decision

46. Fixed WW1 alliances/DOWs events chains so that Russia, Serbia and Montenegro join the Entente

47. Added Russian Peace Event to 1914 scenario

48. USSR now gets cores via event on former Polish provinces (in 1945 or later, 6 years after Mol-Ribb Pact)

49. Fixed "Italian regime collapses" event triggers

50. Added new event picture and specific description for the event of the death of Wilhelm II on 06/06/41

51. White Russia countries now gain cores on all of their lands

52. Updated Raj events

53. Second RM pact now includes the historical traded cruiser

54. Rework of 1936 USA surrender events (in particular, takes into consideration the fact that Japan may be allied with Germany)

55. Mobilization for dictatorial US is no longer hindered by congress

56. Optimized Mobilization events to reduce engine load, removed redundant Mobilization events for the AI

57. Nations follow now mobilization pattern, including puppets

58. New released puppets get now a minimal army to fight partisan that is removed as soon as their own army is big enough to take over.

59. Reichskommissariat mobilizations now generate manpower

60. Optimized Winterwar event chain 

61. Optimized Barbarossa ai eventchain

62. Added events for new discovered oilfields in the Balkans

63. Chinese transfer of industry events rescaled for DH's starting provincial industry levels

64. Updated WWI Belgrade Pact event chain (corrected triggers, other improvements)

65. England Surrender has now a prefer total conquest option so that Germany can reject the proposal of England

66. Added commands to remove Ottoman cores/claims in 1914 scenario when they surrender

67. All coup events are now one action events that can fail

68. Fixed many typos in event triggers

69. Ai nations will now switch to a militia build strategy as a final effort to prevent occupation.

70. Fixed 4 militia models given by events (SCW).


AI changes:

1. Fixed typos in 2 German 1914 AI files.

2. Adjusted bugged German leader ratios in 1936 AI file.

3. Germany now enacts 2 year mobilization earlier when running out of MP.

4. Tweaked Air AI to handle the suicidal air AI behavior.

5. Fixed issue with German AI set to reinforce units too early.

6. Tweaked German AI to focus more on reinforcements during war.

7. Added individual mobilization for HUN in 36:

    - raised starting mob level to selective conscription (+23mp)

    - added 2 year conscription after the Anschluss taken or when HUN runs out of mp in 1938

    - added partial mobilization when atwar, or in 1940 

8. Adjusted German Research AI and added a German War Research AI.

9. Tweaked "Germany goes after England when Russian is gone" AI event trigger to avoid triggering while still at war with SOV.

10. Tweaked CHI production AI - it should focus more on MIL now instead of producing fancy and useless things.

11. Tweaked German Production AI.

12. Increased critical oil stockpile from 30 to 45 days

13. Increased desired oil stockpile from 90 to 120 days

14. Vichy France no longer goes to war with Italy over Egypt

15. Added AFG.ai.

16. Fixed ENG liberate countries list.

17. Updated USA liberate list with RUS and most European countries.

18. Tweaked China AI to garrison beach provinces.

19. Added units to Chinese production queue when war starts.

20. Reinforce Chinese land units at once when war starts.

21. Added missing AI file to DH Full - default.ai that was loaded from [core] instead and had invalid research priorities/ignores.

22. Improved default.ai.

23. Added mobilization events for nation U49-U99.

24. Adjusted Nat. Chin tech preferences.

25. Tweaked German invasion AI.

26. Reduced GER AI recklessness.

27. Tweaks to U02 AI.

28. Added TPs production lines to JAP, ENG, USA.

29. ReichKommissariats now defend their own borders.

30. Japanese AI adapted to fight against U05 (Dutch East Indies) instead of HOL.

31. UK will no longer invade North Germany in 1939.

32. After Munich, Belgium places its army in "reinforced peacetime stance", expanding it by 7 more divisions.

33. Improved ENG AI home defense.

34. Added 0.05 GDE to German AI.

Scenarios changes:

1. Tweaked Majors starting techs in 1914 campaign.

2. Removed wartime IC penalty (was 0.8) and set peacetime IC penalty to 0.9 in 1936 scenario for Germany 

3. Removed wartime IC penalty (was 0.8) and peacetime IC penalty (was 0.7) in 1936 scenario for Hungary

4. Removed peacetime IC penalty (was 0.6) in 1936 scenario for Romania

5. Removed Bulgarian core to #331 (Pirot) in 1936 scenario - this province is claimed already.

6. Fixed 1936 scenario starting Austrian OOB

7. Added Eric's corrected HUN and POL 1936 scenario OOBs

8. Added "new_model = no" to most naval units in the production queues of GER, ITA and JAP to ensure that the AI will produce them with the right models.

9. China: added starting techs interbellum supply 1924 (id 1970), scientific management 1910 (id 5810) and early agriculture 1910 (id 5700), lowered starting dissent from 30 to 25

10. France: removed Doctrine Mass Assault and Trench Warfare

11. USSR: lowered peacetime IC mod from 0.75 to 0.7 and wartime IC mod from 0.80 to 0.75 

12. Revised 1936 scenario OOBs for BEL and HOL (Eric)

13. Updated 1936 scenario CZE OOB (Eric)

14. Adjusted researched Naval doctrines in 1936 scenario for Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Holland

15. Added Naval supremacy to Argentina and Brazil in 1936 scenario.

16. Updated OOBs for DEN, EST, LAT, LIT, NOR, SWE

17. Added 1933 scenario

18. Updated OOBs for AST, CAN, NZL, SAF

19. Updated OOBs for British Raj, IndoChinese Union and French Mandate over Syria and Lebanon

20. Added Italian claims to Metsovo

21. Fixed 1914/36 Greek cabinet

22. Corrections to U08 (1914 scenario) colonial OOB, cabinet and naval OOB (bestmajor)

23. Cleaned 1936 GER production queue and add items via AI only event

24. Added Maginot line to FRA 1933 queue

25. Updated UK Nav OOB. HMS York and Exeter were York-class cruisers (CA-V) not County-class (CA-IV)

26. Adjusted mobilization level to new OObs.

27. Danish warships "Niels Juel" and "Peder Skram" reduced to CA-III and CA-II

28. Fixed Greek ship models. Georgios Averof is a CA-II. Helle/Elli are CL-I

29. Added Dutch East Indies to all scenarios

30. Added U03 (IndoChinese Union) in the list of selectable nations in 1914 scenario

31. Updated Finnish air OOB

32. Updated USSR 1936 scenario starting techs


Unit changes:

1. Fixed maxspeed bugs on M.armor and L.armor brigades

2. Fixed typo's in marine.txt file

3. Fixed bug with Maxspeed for AA and made a Buildtime balance change to AA & SP_AA.

4. Tweaked generic HQ speed 

5. Brigade production time adjusted to reflect historical training time of attached units.

6. Adjusted Brigade upgrade cost/time to reflect the historical problems of producing enough armored vehicles, compared to the very easy replacement of artillery pieces, airplanes and small arms. 

7. Added upgrade bump to infantry model 1930 (upgrade to use trucks in addition to horses)

8. Moved speed increase to 5, from 1942 to 1939 infantry

9. Changed speed of 1936 Infantry to 4.5 

10. Added fuel consumption to 1931 and 1936 infantry

11. Increased TC cost of pre 1931 infantry by 20% 

12. Reduced HQ fuel consumption to more reasonable levels

13. Removed Engineer brigades from Garrison units

14. Reduced fuel consumption of land, air and naval units 

15. Fixed max brigades for transport planes to allow attaching of escorts

16. Fixed typo, 1914 Infantry had a to high soft attack

17. Made Garrisons a more viable unit choice:

    - lowered IC cost

    - reduced upgrade time/cost slightly

    - increased defensiveness to be an alternative to infantry in defense

    - decreased toughness further

    - added a 10%-20% hard component to represent dugin and armored components of garrisons

18. Adjusted upgrade cost/behavior of Divisions

19. Adjusted reinforcement cost/behavior of Divisions

20. Implemented new ranges for air models

21. Removed duplicated Improved Medium Tank entry.

22. Tweaked Engineer brigade models.

23. Made Heavy Armor and Super Heavy Armor brigades available for Cavalry, Mechanized and Motorized divisions.

24. Tweaked Heavy Armor and Super Heavy Armor brigades' stats and upgrade paths.

25. Tweaked units' speed caps for attached brigades. 



1. Fixed wrong artillery requirement for post-war tank III

2. Removed all speed bonuses to HQ units get from land doctrines

3. Cheapened naval doctrines

4. Added 10% morale bonuses to land units in tech Mobility Focus Doctrine 

5. Reduce land and naval doctrines research times


1. Changed Königsberg/Klaipedia connection to a sea connection

2. Tweaks to Wake sea zone coordinates

3. Added 1 VP in Wuhan (1317) and 1 VP in Changsha (1308)

4. Various fixes to country colors

5. Removed river connection between Szekesfehervar (278) and Szeged (280)

6. Adjusted Finnish industry

7. Added a VP in Dutch Guyana to avoid Germany annexing HOL in Europe in 1940

8. Added 10 unused ids for off-map countries

Graphic changes:

1. Added new mini-map

2. Added scandinavian propaganda picture 

3. Added new flag for Mexico in 1914

4. Updated air unit model pictures for all major nations

5. Added Weimar flag

6. Added DDR propaganda picture

7. Added new buttons

8. Added over 200 missing leader pictures for EST, LAT, FIN, IRE, SWE, U08, EUS, CAN, ENG, FRA and ITA

9. Added new bg_auto_trade.bmp

10. Added new top bar graphic

Other DB Changes

1.Fixed modifiers.csv file format (FULL) (fix for missing modifiers)

2. Tweaked several Soviet commanders availability, death and rank dates

3. Update of air unit model names for all major nations

4. Adapted ships' ranges for Darkest Hour Light to account for the new map mechanics

5. Removed all U05 references from DH Full (unused ex-Ostland file; RKOstland uses U40 TAG)

6. Fixed corrupted strings in scenario_text.csv (used % as a symbol for percentage while %% should be used instead!)

7. ReichKommissariat now have army names defined in armynames.csv

8. Fixed short tech names for many armor techs

9. Fixed U20 (Com. FIN) cores to exclude provinces historically taken by USSR

10. Tweaked SPA parameters to allow it to be created via coup from Nazi Germany over SPR or commie Spain

11. Manpower ministers and tech tweaks:

    - Chief of Staff School of Mass Combat: removed the reduced building time, added +3% to Org and Morale of infantry, militia and garrisons and +3% supply stockpile.

    - Minister of Security Man of the People: added a 5% money - production bonus.

    - Medicine techs: 1%/2% manpower bonus and added a trickle back modifier

    - Hospital tech: reduced the trickle back gain to 2% and 3% respectively

12. Added missing TECH_APP_ARMOR_146_NAME text

13. Ministers and leaders of Volunteers' Army (UTC tag) are now loaded

14. British Raj is now only releasable by ENG

15. Implemented China-Nanjing as new country 

16. Expanded the minister db for 1933

17. Removed English leaders from India

18. Socialist Republic of Romania (U30) was renamed Romanian People's Republic

19. Sigmund Freud is no longer the nuclear researcher for Austria 1914

20. Updated credits.txt and launcher.csv with latest contributors' names

21. Added Historic speeches

22. Implemented Dutch East Indies

23. Included new minister personalities for Mexican Revolution

24. CGX ministers are now paternal autocrat instead of LW radicals

25. Added a document with leader traits id/description

26. Increased reinforce to upgrade modifier to 0.5

27. Corrections to U08 leaders


Installation notes:Нажмите здесь!
 1. Download the patch from one of this link (you have to wait 45 seconds for timer to reach 0, then press "REGULAR DOWNLOAD" button)

2. Unpack Darkest Hour Unified Patch 1.02.b1.rar using WinRAR, 7-zip or any other compatible archiver and the password that can be found in the attached at the end of this post text file.

3. Run Darkest Hour Unified Patch 1.02.b1.exe and follow the instructions.

4. Run the game and check if you have correct checksums:

VEIX - Darkest Hour Full

RWHI - Darkest Hour Light

EOUH - (none) (Darkest Hour Vanilla)


Patch 1.02.b1 NotesНажмите здесь!
 1. This patch can be applied over any unmodified distribution (Steam, Impulse, Amazon, Boxed German version, GamersGate etc) and version (1.00, 1.01 betas, 1.01, 1.01.1) of Darkest Hour.

2. It contains all patch files and hot-fixes released by us so far.

3. Saved games in Darkest Hour Full made with any of the previous patches are NOT compatible with this patch.

4. Mods that use modified misc.txt or policy_effects.csv files have to be updated to this patch before being used

5. Saved games in Darkest Hour Light/Vanilla or any mod that use own mod folder made with older patches should be fully compatible with this patch too.

6. The Patch will turn the boxed German only version of Darkest hour into a fully functional version (restores all languages and censored files)!

7. This is a BETA patch and as such there could be balance or other issues. You can help us resolving those by reporting any problems you encounter in the game.


Пароль к патчуНажмите здесь!
 ^D@rkESt-HoUr_1.02.Beta_1!|UnIfieD_PatcH^ [Cкрыть]
Изменено пользователем Dima-Stranik

Никита jew94 Нефедьев


Никита jew94 Нефедьев

ADDED 1933 SCENARIO ADDED RUSSIAN TRANSLATION" Блин! то сегодня вышел новый кайзер рейх,а теперь и то! я просто счастлив :D

Блин! то сегодня вышел новый кайзер рейх,а теперь и то! я просто счастлив :D

эмм.. а ссылочку не дадите? :)

Никита jew94 Нефедьев
эмм.. а ссылочку не дадите? :)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

И да,архив по повду патча на даркест хоур просит ключ

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

И да,архив по повду патча на даркест хоур просит ключ

Пароль: ^D@rkESt-HoUr_1.02.Beta_1!|UnIfieD_PatcH^

хм.. странно но я не вижу сценария 33 года после нового патча...

Никита jew94 Нефедьев



По факту в папке сценариев есть папка 1933, но нехватает файла 1933.eug

Забыли они его положить что-ли. У кого там доступ к форуму есть - можете посмотреть, что по этому поводу пишут?

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Год выпуска: 2011  Текущая версия игры: Darkest Hour 1.3 RC3 Жанр: Strategy (Real-time / Grand strategy) / Top-down  Разработчик: Darkest Hour Team  Издательство: Paradox Interacti


Лучше, чем дерьмецо ХОИ 4


Вышел патч 1.05 для Darkest Hour. Главные изменения:  - модифицированы несколько спрайтов, которые вызывали проблемы с игрой на компьютерах с новейшими драйверами AMD GPU; - добавлено авто-пр


@Trex Нужно кликнуть ЛКМ по аэродрому (т.е. выбрать одно звено), а потом обвести значок с зажатым Shift. 


Для ищущих Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Будут  участвовать все, но бонусы генерала будут только у подчинённых непосредственно генералу. Есть другая сторона медали: генерал быстрее прокачивается, когда у него меньше дивизий в подчинении. Т.е


Открыть текстовым редактором файл Darkest Hour\config\Buttons.txt Найти блок  с  id = "BUTTON_PAUSE" поменять  значение shortcut на space   Пример:   press = {     id =


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