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Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

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Год выпуска: 2011 

Текущая версия игры: Darkest Hour 1.3 RC3

Жанр: Strategy (Real-time / Grand strategy) / Top-down 

Разработчик: Darkest Hour Team 

Издательство: Paradox Interactive 

Системные требования

Операционная система: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista 

Процессор: Intel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+ (single core) 

Оперативная память: 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM on Vista) 

HDD: 2 GB Available HDD Space 

Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce™ 6800 or ATI™ Radeon® X850XT and above Video Card 

Звуковая карта: DirectX-compatible Sound Card

Тип издания: лицензия 

Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский, Французский, Итальянский, Испанский, Немецкий, Польский, Португальский, Шведский 

Лекарство: Не требуется 


Разработанная командой опытных модеров с форума Paradoxplaza, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game является автономной игрой из серии Hearts of Iron.

Игрок пройдет через множество мрачных страниц 20-го века - с начала Первой Мировой войны и до Холодной войны.

Darkest Hour представит новый искусственный интеллект, который теперь в состоянии реагировать на сотни различных ситуаций одновременно, наряду с динамической дипломатической системой, которая позволит игроку иметь реальное влияние на ход истории.

Особенности игры

- Короткие и великие кампании позволят игрокам испытать самые темные часы 20-го века.

- Новая переработанная карта, очень подробная, с массой стратегические и тактические возможностей. 

- Динамическая дипломатическая система дает игроку большее влияние на ход событий. 

- Новый искусственный интеллект способен реагировать на сотни различных ситуаций.

- Развитая система научных разработок.

- Большие возможности для создания модов и новых юнитов.







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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  Размер 1.81 МБ

Порядок установки:

1. Darkest Hour

2. Patch 1.02 или 1.03 

3. Patch 1.05

4. Hot-Fix.exe 1.05.1

Для игры существует ряд модов и дополнений:


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - улучшают графическую составляющую игры

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - мод, посвященный Первой Мировой войне и межвоенному периоду

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - альтернативная история, победа Германии в Первой Мировой войне

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - мод по послевоенному миру (1945-1964)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - графика войск и построек, совместима с историчными модами (т.е. с Kaiserreich несовместимо)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - действие разворачивается в 21 веке

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - вам не нравятся усы Гитлера, алчность Геринга или политическая платформа национал-социализма? Тогда этот мод для вас - победу на выборах в Германии в 1933 году одерживают не нацисты, а представители левых сил (вам ещё предстоит выбрать, кто это будет :))

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - возвращение самого популярного мода к играм серии Hearts of Iron. Начните подготовку к неизбежному столкновению и приведите свой народ к славе и доминированию в мире





Мастер снабжения — дивизии под его командой потребляют меньше топлива и припасов.
Мастер обороны — повышает защищённость и стойкость подчинённых ему дивизий.
Мастер наступления — повышает все показатели атаки своих сил.
Мастер зимней войны — подчинённые войска не терпят ухудшения характеристик в движении или битве зимой.
Хитрый лис — эксперт маскировки и камуфляжа, дивизии под его началом всегда имеют преимущество внезапности, обычно совсем незаметны для вражеской разведки, и прицеливание по ним вражеских самолётов очень затруднено.
Инженер — его дивизии способны пересекать реки без ухудшения характеристик.
Мастер штурма — незаменим при атаке вражеских укреплений.
Мастер танковой войны — способен увеличить скорость своих частей, а если командует преимущественно танковыми дивизиями, то и показатели атаки.
Коммандо — горные части, парашютисты и морпехи под его командой получают большие улучшения показателей атаки и обороны.
Старая гвардия — снижает скорость, с которой его дивизии набирают опыт.
Лис пустыни — его дивизии способны воевать в пустынях без ухудшения характеристик.
Крыса джунглей — мастер организации сражений в джунглях.
Мастер городского боя — его дивизии хорошо обучены воевать в городе.
Рейнджер — подчиненные войска способны вести бой в лесах.
Альпинист — его дивизии способны воевать в горах без ухудшения характеристик.
Мастер контрнаступления — настоящий профессионал, дивизии которого способны сдержать натиск противника и перейти в контрнаступление.
Мастер наступления — его солдаты отлично обучены наступлению по всему фронту.
Мастер окружения — его дивизии смогут окружить врага.
Мастер блицкгрига — способен организовать стремительные рейды на позиции противника.
Дисциплинированный — военачальник, способный поддерживать дисциплину на высоком уровне.



Изменено пользователем Dima-Stranik

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хотфикс к версии 1.01, на кот выкладывалась ссыль на форум парадоксов ранее.

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Какие изменения вносит хотфикс?

Да и кто знает как обстоят дела с нормальным русиком?

Знаю, что пока не готов. ;)

Вышел новый патч 1.01.1. Кто там обладает логином-паролем - можете выудить?

ChangesНажмите здесь!
 Patch Installer changes:

1. Made the patch installer compatible with all Darkest Hour distributions (Steam, Impulse, Boxed German version etc.)

2. Set correct registry keys for all Darkest Hour distributions (fixes a problem with reported version in Launcher)

3. Converts the boxed German only version into a fully functional Darkest Hour (restores all languages, deleted pictures and changed names)

EXE changes:

1. Moved in-game multiplayer messages few pixels down for better view

2. Fixed a bug with land units arrival time calculation on save/reload at the same game hour when the move order was given

3. Fixed a bug in best port in area slection used for convoys

Launcher changes:

1. Fixed a rare crash when no web browser is defined

Translation changes:

1. Fixed a corruption of saved games in result of wrongly formatted string in German, Italian, Polish and Spanish languages

2. Added few missing translations to French

Event changes:

1. Fixed event 2192531 U09 - Franz Joseph is dead does not fire because the wrong minister id is checked.

2. Fixed events 3104503, 3104504 and 3104505 for 1914 Russia

3. Fixed Persian Corridor event

4. Fixed a problem with Free France capital remaining in Brazzaville

5. Modified event 2003005 (Re-occupation of the Rhineland) so that it increases peacetime IC modifier from 0.9 to 1.0;

AI changes:

1. Fixed typos in 2 German 1914 AI files

2. Adjusted bugged German leader ratios in 1936 AI file.

Scenarios changes:

1. Tweaked Majors starting techs in 1914 campaign.

2. Removed wartime IC penalty (was 0.8) and set peacetime IC penalty to 0.9 in 1936 scenario for Germany

3. Removed wartime IC penalty (was 0.8) and peacetime IC penalty (was 0.7) in 1936 scenario for Hungary

4. Removed peacetime IC penalty (was 0.6) in 1936 scenario for Romania

Unit changes:

1. Fixed maxspeed bugs on M.armor and L.armor brigades

2. Fixed typo's in marine.txt file

3. Fixed bug with Maxspeed for AA and made a Buildtime balance change to AA & SP_AA.

Other DB Changes

1.Fixed modifiers.csv file format (FULL) (fix for missing modifiers)


Darkest Hour 1.01

EXE changes:

1. Tweaked Nuke AI targeting:

- nukestriketolerance now is used as the starting value in Nuke evaluation – the higher it is, the more often the AI will use nukes. It is recommended to set this a bit under 0.0 to order the AI to nuke bigger enemy Core provinces. Good values in most cases are about -50 to -20

- nukestrikedesirability is used as a multiplier on the final value if it is > 0.0. A good value seems to be about 50.0. If set to 0.0 or less the AI will not use nukes at all.

2. Damage to infrastructure taken by nukes uses 0.1 steps to allow rebuilding back to 100% infra.

3. Fixed Remaining infra after nuking cannot be less than 1 step (0.1 or 10%) to avoid AI problems.

4. Allowed IC in provinces to be reduced to 0 from nukes (was limited to 0.1 IC before)

5. Fixed a problem with saving of damaged IC - sometimes it could be wrongly restored upon reload

6. Fixed a bug with <strength> command not being applied to units in the redeployment pool that haven’t been deployed to the map yet.

7. Tweaked Light Levels on provinces in Diplomatic Map mode (in general all were too dark).

8. Fixed bugs with events and decisions availability on change of TAG

9. Fixed occasional CTD problems after change of TAG

10. Fixed missing leaders on multiple change of TAG commands in the same game session.

11. Fixed CTD on game load with extra logs (settings.cfg) enabled. Only if there are naval brigades in the redeployment pool of a country.

12. Changed the hard-coded minimal MP cost for units from 0.1 to 0.001 MP.

13. Code optimizations for the generic events

14. Set policy slider to 0 on country creation for locked sliders (every policy_effects.csv - MANUAL_OR_ BY_INFLUENCE _MOVES)

15. Puppeting/Coups/GoI cannot change locked sliders (every policy_effects.csv - MANUAL_OR_ BY_INFLUENCE _MOVES) anymore

16. Fixed a bug with selectable game maps preventing read of tiles.bmp form Map_X located in MODDIR if there is no such file in default Map_X folder.

17. Made upgrade to model and type moddable for every brigade/unit:

- Upgrade type and model can be specified in brigade/division files. For example to upgrade LArm-2 to ARM-2 add armor = 2 into the model = { } entry for L-Arm-2 in light_armor.txt

- This is optional and can be skipped. By default every unit/brigade is upgradeable to the next model of the same type with 2 exceptions:

1. LArm-2 by default upgrades to ARM-2

2. All ships by default do not upgrade

- It is possible to specify upgrade to a model of the same type also. For example, INT-4 can be set to upgrade to INT-7 directly and skip the two rocket interceptor models in interceptor.txt, simply by adding interceptor = 7

- It is also possible to forbid a specific model to be upgraded at all. To do that set its upgrade model to -2. For example, INT-6 could be set as non-upgradeable even if there is an INT-7 model by adding interceptor = -2

18. Fixed a bug with upgrade time and cost of brigades (current model modifiers were used instead of the modifiers for the next model).

19. “Do not upgrade” button for naval units set to be available only if there is at least one brigaded ship in the fleet or at least one ship that can be upgraded.

20. Updated Statistic page to show upgrade progress on Stat. pages for naval units too.

21. Added new optional division/brigades models parameter: upgrade_time_boost = yes/no. When it is set to yes (default value) upgrade time for models 2 or more levels obsolete will be reduced (as in vanilla). When set to NO there will be no upgrade time reduction for older models.

22. Changed default values of upgrade_time_factor and upgrade_cost_factor from 0.0 to 1.0.

23. Fixed CTD bug on remove_division command if this division is in the build queue.

24. Fixed CTD bug on remove_division command if this division is currently selected by the player.

25. Fixed a bug with the availability of some missions (like Amphibious assault) against rebels when the country is not at war with anyone.

26. Fixed a bug with the optional (misc.txt, ai section) conquer province rules (AI masters can be set to get all provinces conquered by AI puppets) preventing AI puppets from occupying provinces when the AI master is not at war with the 3rd country.

27. Fixed an AI bug with transport fleets wandering in and out of port at random.

28. Fixed CTD on strenght command wrongly applied to brigades in (re)deployment pool

29. Fixed CTD on delete via event command of division currently into the redeployment pool of another country

30. Added new option to events: [all = yes/no (default)]. When such event is triggered by command it will be executed for all countries in TAG = { } list or to all countries in the world when no TAG = { } list is specified.

31. Triggered by a command event with TAG = { } list will not be executed for the current sountry if it is not into the TAG list (and no [all = yes] option set).

32. Fixed a bug with occasional deleteted land units in MP cooperative games during unit split from the second country (hourly, noticed on higher game speeds).

33. Fixed a bug with invasion AI ordering and canceling amphibious attacks at the same game hour.

34. Fixed display flickering on multiplayer game start.

35. Fixed non-allied AI puppets and masters to not spy on each other anymore.

36. Fixed a bug with serial production lines upgrade to another unit/brigade type.

37. Fixed a bug with serial production lines upgrade of unattached brigades.

38. Increased tech tool-tip buffer to fix CTDs in RDD mod

39. Increased intel/diplo information for a country treaties buffer to avoid CTDs when there are too many entries (IC mod).

40. Fixed a bug with supply convoys set from masters to puppets.

41. Fixed no music in Vanilla bug.

42. Fixed a bug with lost attachments bonuses on sold ships.

43. Fixed bugs with transfer of controlled enemy provinces to allies that have cores/claims on those.

44. Fixed a CTD on update of AI war targets list.

45. Disbanded items in production queue added by scenario files (without "manpower = ..." entry) return MP to MP pool now.

46. Fixed a bug with supply convoys not sending fuel in some cases.

47. Fixed a bug with supply convoys sending too much supplies in some cases.

48. Tweaked secede provinces to alies AI.

49. Added new optional revolt.txt parameter defining list of countries that are not allowed to release the country. no = { TAG1 TAG2 … TAGx }

50. Expanded alliance_leaader command to work with current alliance too


Launcher now compares the latest version number to the current version number to see if it's higher before enabling update button

Launcher allows for hiding languages from the list

Disabled Portuguese and Swedish languages from Launcher as the game is not fully translated to those languages.

Improved handling of situation of no supported resolutions and corrected problems with maximum available resolution too low

Map changes:

removed/added dozens of river connections

removed over two dozen unwanted "edge" connections

fixed missing national borderline in Africa

moved a few US provinces into the correct Areas

seazone areas tweaked for better ai behavior - air missions

fixed climate in a bunch of provinces

minor namefix in Rhodesia (thanks to jpoc)

tweaked mp of rhodesia to take higher volunteer ratings into account.

moved cape town harbor icon to the actual capetown location

added Naval base level 3 in Pretoria

added Puerto Belgrano naval base

moved Luban airport, had the Lublin position

some other map icons repositioned

Australian infrastructure templates completed. Values set in 'province.csv'

Central and West Africa infrastructure templates completed. Values set in 'province.csv'

Central Asia infrastructure templates completed. Values set in 'province.csv'

corrected some mistakes in the western Sahara infrastructure.

blocked connections into provinces without appropriate transportation infrastructure

fixed wrong army coords

fixed wrong look at coords for some navalprovinces

Maui and Kauai are now reachable

activated a missing harbor in SAF

removed unused seazone continent entries

area fixes

Completed the rest of canada infrastructure templates

Maui and Kauai now reachable from sea


Gave France 2 more VPs in Metropolitan France (Brest and Lille).

Gave Germany 2 more VPs (Danzig, Dresden)

Gave Italy 1 more VP in Northern Italy (Genoa)

Gave UK 2 more VPs (Hong Kong and Colombo)

Gave 2 more to USSR, in Tashkent and Sverdlovsk

Moved Australia's VP in Collie to Perth

Gave Chile’s 2 VPs (Santiago, Valparaiso).

Gave Colombia a second VP at Barranquilla.

Gave Denmark 2 VPs (Copenhagen, Arhus)

Gave Indochina 1 more VP (Hanoi)

Gave Iran 1 more VP (Gameroon)

Gave Iraq 1 more VP (Basrah)

Gave Ireland 2 VPs (Dublin and Cork)

Moved Japan's VP in Ponape to Truk

Gave Japan 1 more VP in Port Arthur

Gave Netherlands 1 more VP in Hollandia

Gave New Zealand 1 more VP in Christchurch

Gave Portugal 1 more VP in Porto

Gave Saudi Arabia 1 more VP in Riyadh

Gave South Africa 1 more VP in Johannesburg

Gave Syria 1 more VP in Damascus

Gave Thailand 1 more VP in Nakhan Sawan

fixed VP that was supposed to be at Guantanamo.

added 1 VP in Verdun (100)

removed 1 VP from Brazzaville (907)

Graphic changes:

removed unused skin files

fixed flag of Slovakia

fixed flag of Serbia

removed duplicated flags,shields,icons,counters from Full

Deleted wrongly named and duplicated flags,shields,icons,counters form Core

added SPA_14 flag icon and counter

added Senussi (LBY) counter

fixed flag name which caused a CTD when selecting Lybia in 1914 Scenario

fixed Kashmir counter

added DH-Style flags for all nations

fliped all flags, to proper vertical display

merged full flags with Core.

replaced obsolete AT Icon with an Medium Tank Icon

replaced obsolete SPR-Art Icon with an SP-AA Icon

added ProtestAlexanderetta event picture

added ENG naval model pics

added swedish naval div pics

added italian naval div pics

added JAP naval division pics

added GER/U08 naval division pics

added generic division naval pics

added ENG naval model pics

added USA naval model pics

added GER/U08 air modles pics

added transparent news headers to Core

removed all news_header files (except for U08 and U09) from FULL as those are now in Core

removed paper backgrounds from DH Light as those look weird with normal events (and pictures) used in Light

Deleted plate_decision.bmp from DH Light as it is a duplicate of Core

Deleted plate_decision.bmp from DH Full as it is a duplicate of Core

updated default decision plate (Core)

fixed cursor

added new leader/minister/tt pics (486 so far)

tweaked interface

FIxed the Rhodesia & Nyasaland flag doesn't match the shield.

Translation changes:

fixed German translation of swedish naval classes

added missing Italian translation

added missing German translation

added missing Spanish translation

added missing French translation

added missing Polish translation

General DB changes:


removed unnecessary comments

fixed format of events

moved textstrings to proper files

DB changes:

reduced min strength for airsuperiority mission

activated range penalty for fleets bigger than 33 units to prevent superstacks

reset force StrategicRedeployment parameter to 2 months

increased groundcombat STR damage by 20%

removed MP growth modifiers from Hawk/Dove lobby policy slider

slight increase in economy hit while mobilised

Implemented corrections to mobilization policy slider (mp gain during war mostly)

fixed central planing gc effect

added 2 teams to ARG and CZE

reset many enddates to 1925

removed duplicated minister in ministers_rom.csv

fixed some columns in Swedish naval classes

initial commit of Dutch ship classes

Italian naval model updates

adjusted USN ship classes

adjusted JAP naval models

Slightly decreased land/coastal base prod time

reduced cost for all infantry types slightly

removed all brigades from Paratroopers

reduced mp cost of aircavalry brigade

Fixed airattack stat on model 7-8 (was 3, set to 4 as model 6)

Adjusted interval between 2 spying missions

medium tank brigades allowed for divisions that use other tank brigades

added medium tank brigade to MOT removed it from marines

reduced build time of basic landunits by 10%

increased build time and cost of aircrafts to be more in line with other units

cloned unitnames/pics for ger/fra twin nation

reordering JAP BB names, so that Yamato, Musashi, and Shinano aren't the next names to be used in the 1914 scen

Updated airdoctrine researchers who had "aircraft_testing", replaced with training

doubled Militia mp cost

Transports are now faster, stronger, better

major changes/increases to naval ranges

Slightly increased STR range

Implement "Kaiser Franz"'s china leaders pack (1914 scenario)


naval_tech.txt file clean up:

removed unnecessary comments and commented-out obsolete techs

better formatting here and there

moved naval_torpedoes_s model 2 to model 1 (was dummy model before)

made naval_torpedoes_s model 0 not upgradeable

removed redundant models from naval torpedo file

removed gaps in bb and interceptor ids

1940 LArm upgrade now to 1939 Basic Medium Armored Division

tweaked req. tech id for strategic bombing 1951 tech.

fixed bug in nuke submarine tech

1917 Super heavy armor bg. now upgrade to 1917 Heavy Armor bg. which in turn upgrades to the 1924 Medium armor bg.

fixed wrong hq upgrade path in some doctrines

DD-0s and CVE-0s will now become obsolete obsolete

Slightly decreased land/coastal base prod time

Tweaked land/coastal forts prod bonuses (increased)

Replaced aircraft_testing with training

"Nuclear Profileration" is now researchable

It's now possible to build light Armor earlier

Decryption devices techs are now dependent of each other

fixed CAG models and techs

1918 AA Brigade needs 1917 Static AA

1940 Rocket Art tech needs 1940 Field Artillery tech

Further minor fixes regarding requirements and turning models obsolete

Updating Naval Logistics bonuses to ranges

Nuclear Submarine Secret tech event requires now Submarine tech

Rocket Assembly Line tech requires now 7580 "Flying Bomb Development"


fixed Rhodesian capital ID (thanks to jpoc for catching this)

fixed CHL provinces

fixed MEN cores

German player can now only release release RKs

Added limitations to Occupationzone release

Scenario files:

added Italian claims on Eritrea, Somalia, Abyssinia, Italian East Africa and French and British Somaliland

added two claims to Austria in 1936

added "flag_ext" for Senussi (LBY) so it uses the correct flag/shield in 1914 Scenario now

fixes to Holland's Naval OOB

1914: nerfed Interceptors to model 0 in all OOB - No country fielded armed fighters units august 1914

updating USA's OOB, old 1800s-era DDs in favor or newer models, nothing older than WWI-era.

Set most USA DD to level 3 ('16). The USN didn't build any interwar destroyers at all

japan oob bumping the kongos up one model level, to the '34 BC

Reorganized Japanese Navy. It's now a balance of historically accurate and functional in terms of gameplay.

updating all major '36 navies to interwar transports. Some smaller countries are left with pre-WWI era TPs.

updated oob par, pru, uru, col, chl, bol

updated argentine oob

updated iraqi oob to ~1937-1938 values

updated afghan oob to historic (1937) values

German OOB tweaks, divisions formed in 1936/37 are now in the buildqueue

updated Greek Navy OOB for 1914

New SOV 36 OOB

Gave floatplane attachments to some appropriate ships in the RN

Updates to GER's naval models and OOB

Trimmed NZ starting land OOB heavily

Naval OOB for 1914GC fixess Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden

added Hatay State

removed Fengtiang

removed a few ITA coastal forts

added one level of BC tech to Germany

added Bomb dropping doctrine to select majors - Bomb doctrines where further ahead, than armed fighter units

added hospital techs known by some medium-weight nations in 1936

added logistic techs to fix the "StrategicRedeployment bug"

added the two SW tank techs to all nations

replaced the light infantry techs with normal infantry techs for minors as those tech no longer enable militia units

restored missing techs in afghanistan.inc

added US reserve formations

fixed Italy militia division in 1936

Tweaked SU starting dissent

Tweaked Italy war/peacetime modifiers

fixed peacetime GER IC mod

Royal Navy still had pre WWI DD-0s in 1936 campaign, replaced with DD-4s

FRA, UK, USA now also start with strat redeploy tech in 1914

Adjusted German infantry model = 5 to 6, model = 6 to 7

fixed sov oob

tweaks to balticstates by Gytis Urbanavicius, relations and oob improvements

removed some supply techs from minors

Weakened YUG36 and BEL14 to help GER AI

Italy: added 91 (Chambery) to national provinces, moved 378 (Kalymnos) and 379 (Rodos) from national provinces to claimed provinces

Minister files:

moved the startdate of at least one minister per cabinet position to 1936 so all nations have starting ministers. (for minors)

fixed minister personalities U03

fixed a typo in GER ministers file

Tweaked Stalin's traits (20% build time bonus for INF)

slightly tweaked OTT ministers

added chinese leaders for 1914 scenario

Text fixes:

removed all post 1914 text from Spains 1914 scenario desc

fixed wrong short tech name for 1945 strat. bomb.

fixed some diacritic’s in Danish files

fixed typos in the country.csv files left from Armageddon.

Changed some tech names

SP AA short name corrected

added some French air unit model names

changed strings that say "nuclear sub" to "heavy sub"

changed Human wave name to people's army doctrine.

replaced SS with SUB

Carrier Aircraft Group replaced with AA in the carrier techs

fixed some old typos carried over from armageddon

added a few local tank variations: 2 pol 1 ast

added a lot of fixes to airmodelnames

Added missing Production and Construction tech components names

Added all Medicine tech components names

Fixed 1914 scenario Persia name string

Minor improvements to Latvian armynames and unitnames

Modding Documentation:

updated Guide to Darkest Hour

added DH Province List

added Quickstart Guide

Small update to Invasion AI - How To.txt

Small update to DH - Map Editing - Tutorial.rtf

added photoshop action to flip shields

added Guillaume's ID Map

updated Darkest Hour Development Diaries Archive

Event changes:

Darkest Hour light - enabled generic Decisions


removed relative_manpower command from The UK gears up for war event as it is obsolete

minor fix to Japanese surrender in china

changes ai_chance of both actions of event 2007031 (Enemy at the Gate) so that both actions now have 50% chance instead of 100% vs 0% as before;

removed useless decision option from AUS-HUN event

Heavily adjusted Pearl Harbor event. removed all uses of remove_unit in favor of additional remove_division commands.

flipped/fixed land_percentage triggers in some events that were using it wrong

fix of Event 2049037 (US 1944 Presidential election) which had the wrong triggers

deactivated war propaganda when the nation already employs extended mobilisation

added Hatay State events

fixed faulty trigger in ai_mobi

added an extra trigger to prevent this weird case: Because the Vanilla HOI2 Pearl Harbor event for Japan has them declare war on the USA, UK, and Netherlands, this could lead to a war between Japan and Germany.

fixed old events that created outdated unittypes

added new trigger for Russian revolution (579)

complete rewrite of the mobilization decision to make the system more userfriendly

complete rewrite of the soviet move of industry events.

Fixed trigger of effect of Mol-Ribb pact

Better trigger for Danzig or War

Easier and more readable trigger for Anschluss decision

puppets now don't demobilise when at war

AH now has grand offensive decision available

Russia, Serbia and Montenegro now historically join the Entente

fixed us specific mobilisation events

Reduced chances for purges to happen in 1936

1914 lost events no longer trigger several times

Bulgaria no longer peace out by event

scw events no longer give modern tanks

Case Yellow and Operation Barbarossa no longer vanishes when polish general goverment exists

modified event 2007025 (The Great Purge) to remove 86 randomly killed leaders (now 30 randomly killed leaders + 150 historical leaders = 180 killed leaders)

complete review of UK Surrender and Empire Falls Apart chains + minor fixes

Slightly easier France surrender (lost national province from 40 to 35)

fixed Free France creation

modified event 2006513 so that Italy gives military access to FRA/ENG when defeated and modified event 2006514 so that Italy grants military access to U08/U09 when defeated

turned German control of Finnish army into decision

corrected trigger of event Danzig Incident

Added Danzig Incident decision

Corrected bug in Austria surrender chain + military access given to Entente

Fixed Allied diplo offensive

Corrected events 2002530 and 2002531 so that Italy gains provinces from France when allied with CP normally (and not only when allied with CP by event)

Made "issue currency" triggers easier to get

Tweaked swiss mobilization events to only spawn militia in friendly provinces

Optimisation - no actual change in function:

optimised minorshutinvasion event file, using TAG = {} only one event is necessary

offset increased from 1 to 3

added TAG = {} limitations to equipment decisions

Minor tweak, added TAG = {} to all generic decisions, to exclude nations that are not used like the UXX fantasy nations, and also exclude HAI, DOM, LUX, and DANZIG/HAYAT STATE/Principality Pindus

added TAG = {} to generic 1914 events

ai_mobi optimization:

replaced multiple set flag events with 2 REB-tag events to set flag for war in SA and EU

replaced Continent trigger in generic events with TAG = {} lists

AI changes:

updated AI files with correct country name from world names config files

Implemented a 5% buffer between AI build schemes to avoid daily switching of AI files.

fix problems with German AI switching between standard and land AI on daily basis

minor fixes regarding british coastal provinces

added a buffer between Soviet land build and panic build AI

set panic build offset to 30 days

fixed AI germany shufling Balkans AI

changed percentage to 30% from 100% in reinforcement boost up - It prevented AI to build new units

fixed wrong id used for manpower focus doctrine

AI files are updated to use new Nuke AI parameters

added flags for mob decisions on scenario start and major fixes to 1914 slider positions


UK now starts Gallipolli

made a bunch of backup AI Files: now when both AH and GER are controlled by the AI, AH gives military control and a huge amount of Exp troops to GER

GER uses a new, second set of AI files in that case.

fixed only Russia declaire war to me and allies

fixes 1914 pacific theatre AI

1914: RUS and OTT are now researching strategic redeployment earlier (mobilization tech)

1914 Ger now takes MC over AH if both are AI controlled (workaround for western frontier bug)

1914 new (more aggressive) AI for BUL and ROM

many Ai improvements, ITA and SCH now grants MC to allies

SCH now grants MC to ger if SCH is part of CP.

ROM now grants MC to RUS

Adjusted troop rates East / west for GER

tweaked Belligerence issue with Germany preventing it from DOW anyone

AST and Raj nolonger sent exp forces to RUS

1914 German AI is now much more careful (lesser encirclements)

USA sends more troops to France

POR sends troops to France

Raised dissent penalty for RUS(event 3104503-05) due to lesser aggressive german ai

OTT is now more carefull (but still is the weak link of CP

Fixes to POR/JAP 1914 AI

Fixed 1914 AI (will no longer build land forts as it prevented them from building anything else)


ai - removed reinforcement line, GER/UK started reinforcing troops after Munich

removed unused AI file (U49.ai) from FULL

added alliance with Germany check for Hungary and Romania shutting down Yugo border protect

added events that shifts ROM and HUN garrisons towards soviet border if Yugo is not a threat

tweaked Operation Husky switch

tweaked Japanese ai to slow down invasion of inner china. sinkiang/yunan/xibei are commented out of the target list - Prevents spearheadattacks on vps in those areas

USA Garrison AI tweak. Should stop shuffle.

fixed UK AI naval shuffle when Italy joins war.

fixed GER invade St John's

fixed US dday.ai - wrong prov IDs

changed jap.ai to release Vietnam

fixed: Japan AI tends to DoW USSR

fixes to the borderguard ai of the Fascist/Communist puppet states, also addition of missing files for those nations.

Adjusted French production scheme (now builds some land forts and has slightly less peacetime penalties)

Adjusted SOV AI to use more units for reserves purposes

Emphasized SOV AI defense in depth strategy

tweaked Romanias exp force ratio

Fixed bugged country = XXX in spy missions chance for AI settings

Belgium AI will now build forts in Liège, Brussels and Namur (WW2).

Tweaked Holland AI to build forts (WW2)

Hungary no longergives all of its troops to Germany before Barbarossa

China should no longer SR as many units (also simplified war switch)

decreased Soviet aggressiveness at the start of Barbarossa

fixed many events preventing Germany from invading SU (was still trying Sealion..)

Added Mulmein and Tavoy to British Raj Garrison Ignore list

Germany starts now a nuclear program (if Barbarossa successful)

added individual mobilization events for greece ww2

Invasion of Norway should now happen sooner

Germany should now garrison Slovakia

Greece should nolonger declare war against Soviet union

ersatz conversion should happen more often

Raj is now a stronger commonwealth partner

slight tweaks to GER AI triggers (Barbarossa + YUG)

There will be no more weird AI coups

Germany will now build V1 and the US will build rockets

Bulgaria no longer joining CP too early

US no longer wasting ICs to build radars on homeland

fixed YUG invasion triggers

Germany will now build Siegfried line

USA will now build more TPs

Simplified DDAY triggers

Изменено пользователем Helios

Никита jew94 Нефедьев



Никита jew94 Нефедьев, всё гораздо проще. Камрады которые занимаются переводом, его не доделали. :)

Ну у кого-то ж был доступ :((

Ну у кого-то ж был доступ :( (

Ссылка в шапке ветки. :)

Никита jew94 Нефедьев

Ай да Дмитрий молодец =D,кто то всё же купил на геймер гэйтс даркест ? )))) а кстати где любительский русификатор ?

Ссылка в шапке ветки. :)


Изменено пользователем Helios

Ай да Дмитрий молодец =D,кто то всё же купил на геймер гэйтс даркест ? )))) а кстати где любительский русификатор ?

Любительский русификатор делают. Как только, так сразу. :)

Архив под паролем :(

Изменено пользователем Helios

Комрады - скачал Patch 1.01.1.rar директом, файл просит пароль. Чего ему сказать такого, чтобы он сразу заработал?


Никита jew94 Нефедьев

если скачть с депозита просит пароль,в остальных не просит?

если скачть с депозита просит пароль,в остальных не просит?

Я с мультиаплоада качал - запаролено. Сейчас качаю с uploading, но это долго...

И подозреваю, везде один и тот же архив и везде запаролен.


Подтверждаю таки запаролен.

Подтверждаю таки запаролен.

Попробуйте ввести: ^D@rkESt-HoUr_1.01.1|UnIfieD_PatcH^


Нда облом...

Попробуйте ввести: ^D@rkESt-HoUr_1.01.1|UnIfieD_PatcH^


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Год выпуска: 2011  Текущая версия игры: Darkest Hour 1.3 RC3 Жанр: Strategy (Real-time / Grand strategy) / Top-down  Разработчик: Darkest Hour Team  Издательство: Paradox Interacti


Лучше, чем дерьмецо ХОИ 4


Вышел патч 1.05 для Darkest Hour. Главные изменения:  - модифицированы несколько спрайтов, которые вызывали проблемы с игрой на компьютерах с новейшими драйверами AMD GPU; - добавлено авто-прик


@Trex Нужно кликнуть ЛКМ по аэродрому (т.е. выбрать одно звено), а потом обвести значок с зажатым Shift. 


Для ищущих Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Будут  участвовать все, но бонусы генерала будут только у подчинённых непосредственно генералу. Есть другая сторона медали: генерал быстрее прокачивается, когда у него меньше дивизий в подчинении. Т.е


Открыть текстовым редактором файл Darkest Hour\config\Buttons.txt Найти блок  с  id = "BUTTON_PAUSE" поменять  значение shortcut на space   Пример:   press = {     id =


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