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Патчи для Cities: Skylines


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Данная тема предназначена для обсуждения патчей к игре Cities: Skylines





Colossal Order очень старались, и теперь мы готовы представить вам первый пострелизный патч для Cities: Skylines. Главной темой этого патча, как вы можете увидеть, являются багфиксы.

Мы определили и устранили большую часть наиболее актуальных технических вопросов, и теперь проблемы должны исчезнуть у тех, кто до этого не мог поиграть в Cities: Skylines.

Так как мы выпускаем патч при помощи Steam, его появление может занять около двух часов. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что ваш Steam включен, а также включена возможность обновления игры.




Windows: исправлена проблема с Visual Studio и потерей файла ColossalNative.dll;

Windows/OSX: исправлена ошибка, при которой у некоторых пользователей не было доступа к папке пользователя;

Linux: исправлены некоторые случаи сбоя изображения на двух мониторах;

Linux: проведены различные работы по оптимизации;

Linux: надеюсь, устранена проблема с производительностью и спама в логах. Мы не воспроизвели эту проблему, так что решали её в слепую.

Linux: добавлена поддержка $XDG_DATA_HOME. Если вы используете пользовательский путь для XDG и уже играли в игру на этом компьютере, вам нужно будет вручную переместить пользовательские файлы из папки по умолчанию ~/.local/share/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines в $XDG_DATA_HOME/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines;

Mac/Linux: исправлено падение игры при выборе здания в Asset Editor

Все платформы: добавлена отладочная информация, которая может быть полезна для пользователей, словивших ошибку;

Все платформы: добавлена поддержка -screen-height и -screen-width;

Моддинг API: исправлены OnCalculateResidentialDemand, OnCalculateCommercialDemand и OnCalculateWorkplaceDemand. Также исправлены запросы для офисных зданий;

Инструмент обновления дорог теперь работает для создания односторонних и двусторонних дорог. Направление односторонних дорог изменяется правой кнопкой мыши;

Радиус эффективности зданий теперь более точный;

Добавлен ползунок зернистости плёнки в разных вариациях графики;

Добавлен ползунок громкости Чирпера в опции;

Убраны щёлкающие звуки, которые можно было услышать в конце экрана загрузки;

Здания, загруженные в Workshop, теперь автоматически распределяются по категориям;

Исправлена ошибка, при которой нажатие и удержание кнопки мыши над интерфейсом вызывало некоторые проблемы;

Исправлена ошибка, при которой парковки продолжали работать у сгоревших зданий;

Исправлены недочёты текста на разных языках;

Некоторые другие фиксы.

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: если ваша конкретная проблема не была пофикшена, то это уже в нашем списке дел на ближайшее будущее. Не волнуйтесь!

Огромное спасибо всем тем, кто внёс свой вклад в поиск ошибок.

С уважением

Команда Cities: Skylines



Изменено пользователем Noobozadrot
Изменение оформления

Ну и сам патч от комрада RezMar Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


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Необходима версия 1.1.1b

Изменения в версии 1.1.1cНажмите здесь!
  • Fixed input issues on Linux making the game unplayable
  • Removed taxis displaying in the milestone Unlocking panel, even though they were not available
  • Fixed paradox account unable to remember the user was logged in
  • Fixed the country list of the paradox account registration form to match the list from the PDX account webpage
  • Fixed a few layout issues in the Options panel which caused localized strings to be clipped in several places


Новый патч до 1.2.0 и DLCНажмите здесь!

Cities Skylines - Update v1.2.0-f3 [RezMar]

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  • Игра должна быть версии v1.1.1c.
  • Обновление убирает 3 файла, добавляет 20, модифицирует 90 файлов
  • Весит 554.74 MB

Не забудьте использовать таблетку от CODEX для запуска этой версии.


Изменения в версии 1.2.0 и дополнение After DarkНажмите здесь!

Paid content | After Dark Expansion

Plenty of props and buildings added

After dark menu music

Loading image variation support

New Loading screens

District toolbar has been split to 3 tabs: Paint, Industrial specializations and Commercial specializations

Economy panel shows specializations in the income and tooltips

Economy panel shows taxi

Unlocking panel shows new commercial specializations

Crime info view has a jail availability, prisoners and capacity

Prisoners added

Commercial specializations added: Leisure and Tourism

Leisure and Beach assets added

Unlocking requirements for specializations and new buildings

New policies added

New Steam achievements added

District panel now shows both industrial and commercial specialization

Menu logo shows after dark for DLC owners

Prisons added

Police cars collect criminals

Police vans transport criminals to prisons

Taxis added to info view legend

New strings added, for example bicycles now have a correct info panel

International airport added

Cargo hub added

Taxi service added

Bus terminal added

Bicycles and bicycle paths working

Free for all players:

Service buildings show notification when there is no road access

Day/night option added

Added icons to info panels of vehicles and citizens

Building and attached prop window/illumination/light depends on if building is active / has electricity

Night ambient sounds implemented

New music implemented for the night

Lights go off when a building is on fire

Pink Unicorn billboard added!

Budget window now has sliders for both day and night time

Day/Night transport lines

Shoreline now has land value and land value info view shows it even if it is not built yet

Content manager: ability to create custom district styles (custom building collections) from downloaded assets to be used on districts

District panel now has a drop down allowing to change its style set

Added day time control slider in Map and Asset editor

Added Day/Night indicator where the zoom/tiles mode button is

Visual night and day cycle added

Street lights

New textures for lighting windows added to existing buildings

Modding: Textfields support added to mod options

Fixed: Left and right mouse button references in all languages

Fixed: PDX Accounts creation lacks countries

Fixed: Logged out of paradox account on every return to main menu

Fixed: Markers are invisible to the players when placed on an asset in Asset Editor

Fixed: Short description text goes out of bounds in Load Asset window if text is too long

Fixed: Exploit: It is possible to keep the crime at 0% using only 2 Fire Stations and no Police Stations

Fixed: Using Ctrl+backspace to erase your search word in the Content Manager does not bring back the whole list

Fixed: Content Manager: Using Ctrl+v in the searchbox does not update the results.

Fixed: High density commercial building H2 3x4 Shop04a has its store sign intersecting with the building model

Fixed: The industrial H3 1x1 Facility05 building has a flickering metal cargo box.

Fixed: Options: The X button applies the new settings on the New Screen Resolution prompt.

Fixed: UI : Road upgrades: The road upgrade tooltip does not display long enough.

Fixed: Citizens can often be seen going down the metro station's stair case through the handrail.

Fixed: Clouds still move in the sky while the simulation is paused.

Fixed: Low Health prompt triggered even if you have 0 citizens (only happened when using mods)

Fixed: RUS/GER: In the Content Manager, the text of the "Publish" button is a little cut off

Fixed: "Reset key mapping" does not follow the capitalization norm of the rest of the buttons

Fixed: Advisor start text does not change language when changing language in-game

Fixed: Visitors will not leave a building when it is turned off.

Fixed: Medium roads can be upgraded to Highways with functional Service buildings connected to them. (Warning added to service

buildings not connected to a road.)

Fixed: European Theme: The Theatre and the Hypermarket European Unique Buildings are too hard to unlock.

Fixed: Sliders in the Options Menu should have indications of their value.

Fixed: Content Manager: The Categories title is misplaced.

Fixed: Citizens vanish when entered in the Japanese Garden.

Fixed: Clicking on the Auto-save option toggles the Auto-open Chirper messages option.

Fixed: The Sea-and-Sky Scraper Unique Building has the already built icon displayed at all times.

Fixed: Spelling mistake in the information box of the Fire Station building.

Fixed: The tooltip for burned down buildings has a low resolution pie chart displaying 0 jobs

Fixed: Bulldozing Medical Clinic with patients in it makes them either die or get instahealthy

Fixed: Game Crashes on Exit

Fixed: Buildings should now spawn with all or their color variations

Fixed: Asset editor: Train templates are not working

Fixed: Asset editor: Using infoshot and thumbshot tools affect sky rendering

Fixed: Asset editor: Custom asset that are set not available in asset editor are available

Fixed: Asset editor: Baked LOD textures sometimes don't show correctly for very simple and small assets

Fixed: Credits won't start from the beginning when viewed more than once.

Fixed: Game flickers when autosaving on all resolutions in Fullscreen, except on 1920x1080

Fixed: Sometimes, at the very end of a loading tip, the text of the loading tip will appear corrupted for a split second.

Fixed: When switching resolution and applying it from windowed to fullscreen, the aspect ratio is not properly set

Fixed: Tiles that don't have buildings (fields, etc.) still have a building construction animation as they build up.

Fixed: The "Recreational Use" policy is inconsistent with its description.

Fixed: Using the Bulldozer shortkey while in free camera mode prevents the user to deactivate the bulldozer normally.

Fixed: When enabling free camera, the camera button disappears but is still clickable

Fixed: Asset Editor: All the European designated Wall Ads have incorrect icons.

Fixed: Asset Editor: Incorrect icon for the Small Fountain is displayed.

Fixed: Options: Keymapping : It is impossible to keymap the middle mouse button.

Fixed: The "Average Zoned Buildings Level" text in a district's Info Panel is overlapping with the Level icon.

Fixed: Paradox Account: The user is unable to log out of their Paradox account after creating or loading a game in the same game


Fixed: Map Editor: Possible to use terrain brush through parts of the brush option window

Fixed: Options: Clicking on the Auto-save option toggles the Auto-open Chirper messages option.

Fixed: People working in a Service Vehicle change name every time they get out.

Fixed: Content Manager: Disabling Maps, Savegames, or Assets does not prevent the user to access empty menus.

Fixed: Starting a New Game while all Maps are disabled causes a corrupted game.

Fixed: Map Editor: The user is able to set a brush strength with a value exceeding 1.

Added error message: Saving a save file when the Local Disk is full causes multiple issues.


Предыдущие версии

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Изменения в версии v1.1.1bНажмите здесь!
  • Added 30 new buildings (growables)
  • Added tunnels for Pedestrian path
  • Improved error handling for when a mod does unholy operations
  • Added "unsubscribe all" button in the Steam Workshop category in Content Manager
  • Fixed De-zoning areas sometimes results in zoned tiles reappearing
  • Fixed trains stuck to map borders
  • Important note: This takes a few minutes to go into effect on old saves experiencing this issue. Please let it work its magic!
  • New option panel layout
  • Auto-save option added for games
  • Graphics: visual glitches with pavement on steep slopes fixed
  • Fixed polish UI audio volume not fitting the Options panel
  • Fixed the keymapping in all languages not fitting to fit on 2 lines
  • Fixed missing info tooltips for markers (smoke, large smoke, info tooltip shot, invisible parking space and steam)
  • Fixed the "-noWorkshop" toggle to completely disable the Steam workshop integration
  • Fixed mouse wheel to scroll the build toolbar
  • Added shutter sound to snapshots in map editor
  • Fixed left and right mouse button references in all languages
  • Ability to reset keybindings to default without losing all other settings
  • Installing multiple workshop items at once should not freeze the game anymore
  • Dedicated options space for mod settings (IUserMod.OnSettingsUI(), added checkbox, button, slider and dropdown support) - Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
  • Asset editor: Added new thumbshot and infoshot tools for capturing thumbnail and infotooltip images, respectively
  • Asset editor: Automatic snapshot, thumbshot, and infoshot are taken when opening the save panel for an asset (unless the user already took them)
  • Asset editor: Save asset panel now has the ability to select which to use of available thumbnails and infotooltips
  • Asset editor: Trailer and LOD colors show correctly in the editor when editing color variations
  • Asset editor: Removed color variation property from trees since it is not used by the game
  • Asset editor: Optimizations on saving/loading custom assets
  • Asset editor: Fixed a bug where creating several new assets during the same session would get the same ID, resulting in e.g. snapshots going to the same folder
  • Asset editor: Fixed additional polygons sometimes appearing in the models when scaling and/or rotating models
  • Asset editor: Scaling the model larger no longer makes it vanish from the preview camera
  • Asset editor: Overriding only some of the lod textures (e.g. assetname_lod_d) now works again without having to override any of the others
  • Asset Editor: Railtracks now available in Intersection editor
  • Asset Editor: Loading an asset does not reset the previously entered description
  • Asset Editor: Level 2 specialized industrial buildings can now be imported and edited
  • Design: Now possible to see what all future milestones unlock
  • RUS/GER: Fixed the "View on steam workshop" text cut-off in Content Manager.
  • Fixed trucks stop and wait outside cargo train station, blocking traffic
  • Added population info in the load panel for new save games


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Изменения в версии 1.1.0Нажмите здесь!
  • Over 50 European style buildings
  • Wall-to-wall buildings enabling players to build those European streets and neighbourhoods
  • Three new starter maps
  • Tunnels, one of the community’s most requested features
  • A number of Asset Editor additions including the ability to import custom vehicles
  • A multitude of smaller cosmetic additions and bug fixes.
  • Please note:
  • The European style buildings are a map theme, meaning you will need to play a map in the European biome in order to see them.
  • Many mods and (some) custom assets will not work with 1.1.0 and will need updating by their author. We have worked hard to cause as few conflicts as possible with popular mods, yet this is a substantial update and with the code & functionality changes some issues have been impossible to avoid. Going forward we aim to find a solution where we can work with our core modders pre-launch to give them ample time to adjust their creations before the public have access.
  • Our brand manager (the handsome guy you've seen in several videos) has the following to say about the expansion plans for Cities: Skylines.
  • ”Cities: Skylines will continue to follow the traditions set by other recent Paradox releases such as Crusader Kings II and Europa Universalis IV of paid expansions combined with large updates of free content ensuring that all players, whether they choose to purchase the expansions or not, will have plenty of new features to look forward to. One of the major differences, however, between those titles and Cities: Skylines will be that minor DLC updates will be uncommon. The majority of content updates will be significant upgrades and additions.
  • Going forward, we will focus on giving away the main features for free and improving the modding tools, while also selling major expansions around new mechanics. But we will also continue to offer free content such as new buildings and road types.”
  • Full patch notes for Cities: Skylines 1.0.7 - 1.1.0
  • Features & New
  • New: European theme added
  • New: 72 European buildings in the European theme
  • New: Support for corner and adjacent buildings in the European theme
  • New: 3 maps added with European theme (Cliffside Bay, Foggy Hills and Grand River)
  • New: Tunnels for roads and rail added
  • New: Metro tunnels can be built at different levels
  • Options: V sync option added
  • Options: Invert Y mouse axis added
  • Editor & Modding
  • Launch options: added -noWorkshop to disable Steam workshop
  • Asset editor: Increased limit for bridge pillar count
  • Asset editor: Hedge added to residential props
  • Asset editor: Added custom vehicle importing
  • Asset editor: Added the ability to set custom thumbnails and tooltip images for all types of assets (in the save panel)
  • Asset editor: New editable properties exposed
  • Asset editor: Added ability to inherit building unlock milestone from template
  • Asset editor: vehicles have a Steam tag "Vehicle"
  • Asset editor: Fixed cut off text and missing spaces in the Properties box
  • Asset editor: Water Service buildings can now have proper pipe connections
  • Asset editor: Custom harbors and cargo harbors are now usable in-game
  • Asset editor: Custom airports now get visited by planes, like an actual airport
  • Asset editor: Fixed issue where some custom assets could not be loaded in-game after editing
  • Asset editor: Fixed missing texture for landfills
  • Asset Editor: Fixed a rare issue where holding and releasing the mouse button would not be recognized
  • Content manager: Introduced a new layout
  • Modding API: Added OnEnabled/OnDisabled support for IUserMod. Called everytime a mod is becoming active or inactive
  • Map editor: Fixed issue where users could place a water source outside the map area
  • Map editor: Fixed free camera hotkey not working
  • Bugfixes & Misc
  • Linux: support for JPG workshop previews added
  • Linux: users can now use numpad-Enter in-game
  • Linux: Fixed rare issue where users crashed due to a faulty asset
  • Fixed issue with 1x1 buildings "disappearing" when zoomed out too far
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • devInfo.txt is no longer needed
  • Achievements are now properly localized
  • Small contrast changes in some information windows to improve colorblind accessibility
  • Fixed issue where some elevated roads became immune to interaction
  • Metro and train lines now properly update when changed
  • Cruise ships no longer travel over land :’(
  • The 2x2 OreCrusher now has a purpose in life
  • Ireland is properly represented on the Union Jack
  • Cursor no longer disappears when you press Esc whilst rotating the camera
  • Adjusted upkeep cost of some roads to the one displayed in th[/code][/code]eir tooltip
  • People no longer die when your city is at 0 population
  • Fixed an issue where right clicking a button would highlight it incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where free camera mode was not enabled after viewing milestones
  • Fixed an issue where changing language in-game would not change language for some menus
  • Fixed an issue with mouse button key bindings
  • Fixed an issue where the options menu would not be closed properly by hitting the esc key
  • Fixed an issue where temporary save files would sometimes be visible
  • Fixed an issue where roads would snap to inaccessible sections of hydro dams
  • Fixed a graphics issue where text would sometimes be corrupted at the bottom of save and load menus
  • Trees in terrain heights view should now have the proper colors for their elevation
  • Fixed an issue where users could elevate the height of gravel paths, even though they could not place them
  • Fixed a minor graphical issue in the content manager
  • Fixed some text alignment problems
  • Text references to left and right mouse buttons now take left-handed mouse settings into account
  • Added confirmation prompt for Reset Unique Buildings


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Изменения в версии 1.0.7сНажмите здесь!
  • Fixed: disappearing custom assets should now show normally
  • Modding: assembly version should now be ignored when loading a map
  • Misc: Embedded mod information to save games (to help debugging and for future improvements)
  • Asset editor: fixed an issue where dragging/rotating props may conflict
  • Asset editor: fixed user-made LOD model getting overwritten by a generated one in some cases
  • Asset editor: fixed problems sometimes occurring when rescaling models in the import window
  • Localization: German loading tips improved
  • Warning text added when enabling a mod
  • Save to cloud box now remain checked if the loading was performed from a cloud save
  • Japanese garden for everyone
  • Added command line parameter "-limitfps x" to set a target fps
  • Mac/Linux: Fixed custom assets not loading due to an invalid PNG format.
  • Mac: Removed menu bar & docks in fullscreen mode
  • Asset Editor: the default size of assets created from templates now matches the template size if loading props
  • Asset Editor: fixed a case where the default textures may get corrupted and require to restart the game
  • Asset Editor: already placed props can now be moved around and rotated in place (respectively using the left and right mouse click) when no tools are selected
  • Asset Editor: fixed cases where LODs may not rotate with the building in the import panel
  • Steam workshop: Steam fixed the workshop not being showing when in offline mode in the latest Steam client release (24 Mar)
  • Locale: added LOADING text
  • Misc: fixed a case where command line arguments may conflict
  • Misc: removed an invalid key binding option
  • Misc: Added screenshot shortcuts to rebindable input (default is F12 for normal screenshot and shift+F12 for hi-res screenshot, also local screenshots now go to gameUserFolder/Screenshots) Steam screenshot feature is untouched and still the preferred method to take screenshots
  • Misc: Info views panel added to the Escape chain so the last Escape press will close the info views now
  • Misc: Save map does not show builtin and workshop maps any longer
  • UI: Fixed arrows sprites not showing feedback when interacted with
  • UI: Fixed color picker color not displaying in the right color space
  • No more duplicate name error for identical names coming from different packages
  • Paths can not be built inside elevated roads anymore
  • Elevated roads can now be upgraded or changed direction if one-ways
  • .ccs files displayed in red can now be selected in the load panel when trying to recover a failed save (when a save fails and attempt to preserve itself generating a .ccs file)
  • French localization improved
  • General audio improvements (should help address the sound stuttering issue with some sound cards)


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Изменения в версии 1.0.6bНажмите здесь!
  • Windows: исправлена проблема с Visual Studio и потерей файла ColossalNative.dll;
  • Windows/OSX: исправлена ошибка, при которой у некоторых пользователей не было доступа к папке пользователя;
  • Linux: исправлены некоторые случаи сбоя изображения на двух мониторах;
  • Linux: проведены различные работы по оптимизации;
  • Linux: надеюсь, устранена проблема с производительностью и спама в логах. Мы не воспроизвели эту проблему, так что решали её в слепую.
  • Linux: добавлена поддержка $XDG_DATA_HOME. Если вы используете пользовательский путь для XDG и уже играли в игру на этом компьютере, вам нужно будет вручную переместить пользовательские файлы из папки по умолчанию ~/.local/share/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines в $XDG_DATA_HOME/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines;
  • Mac/Linux: исправлено падение игры при выборе здания в Asset Editor
  • Все платформы: добавлена отладочная информация, которая может быть полезна для пользователей, словивших ошибку;
  • Все платформы: добавлена поддержка -screen-height и -screen-width;
  • Моддинг API: исправлены OnCalculateResidentialDemand, OnCalculateCommercialDemand и OnCalculateWorkplaceDemand. Также исправлены запросы для офисных зданий;
  • Инструмент обновления дорог теперь работает для создания односторонних и двусторонних дорог. Направление односторонних дорог изменяется правой кнопкой мыши;
  • Радиус эффективности зданий теперь более точный;
  • Добавлен ползунок зернистости плёнки в разных вариациях графики;
  • Добавлен ползунок громкости Чирпера в опции;
  • Убраны щёлкающие звуки, которые можно было услышать в конце экрана загрузки;
  • Здания, загруженные в Workshop, теперь автоматически распределяются по категориям;
  • Исправлена ошибка, при которой нажатие и удержание кнопки мыши над интерфейсом вызывало некоторые проблемы;
  • Исправлена ошибка, при которой парковки продолжали работать у сгоревших зданий;
  • Исправлены недочёты текста на разных языках;
  • Некоторые другие фиксы.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Спасибо RezMar за выкладывание патчей. / Thanks to our friend RezMar for sharing patches with us.

Изменено пользователем Жора


Yes, we need.

Модераторы, вынесите посты, начиная с ченджлога в новую тему, пост Резмара в шапку, конечно.

Изменено пользователем fffggg

Yes, we need.

Модераторы, вынесите посты, начиная с ченджлога в новую тему, пост Резмара в шапку, конечно.

Попробовал сделать что-то на эту тему. Мало получилось как будто, ну да ладно.

Ну чтож, сегодня опробуем.
я видимо баги обхожу)) хотя с одним согласен - информацию игра дает просто в отвратительном ключе.
Попробовал сделать что-то на эту тему. Мало получилось как будто, ну да ладно.
ща вырастет, дело времени

Патч до версии 1.0.6b

Радиус эффективности зданий теперь более точный;

ага, и не говориНажмите здесь!


Радиусы зданий им править и править :/


ага, и не говориНажмите здесь!


Радиусы зданий им править и править :/

Та же самая фигня на новом патче


Cities Skylines - Update v1.0.7b [RezMar]

  • You need to have game version v1.0.6b
  • Red _HOW TO.txt for all information

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Change log:Нажмите здесь!
 1.0.7b - Patch Notes

  • Warning added when enabling a mod
  • Save to cloud box now remain checked if the loading was performed from a cloud save
  • Japanese garden for everyone
  • Added command line parameter "-limitfps x" to set a target fps
  • Mac/Linux: Fixed custom assets not loading due to an invalid PNG format.
  • Mac: Removed menu bar & docks in fullscreen mode
  • Asset Editor: the default size of assets created from templates now matches the template size if loading props
  • Asset Editor: fixed a case where the default textures may get corrupted and require to restart the game
  • Asset Editor: already placed props can now be moved around and rotated in place (respectively using the left and right mouse click) when no tools are selected
  • Asset Editor: fixed cases where LODs may not rotate with the building in the import panel
  • Steam workshop: Steam fixed the workshop not being showing when in offline mode in the latest Steam client release (24 Mar)
  • Locale: added LOADING text
  • Misc: fixed a case where command line arguments may conflict
  • Misc: removed an invalid key binding option
  • Misc: Added screenshot shortcuts to rebindable input (default is F12 for normal screenshot and shift+F12 for hi-res screenshot, also local screenshots now go to gameUserFolder/Screenshots) Steam screenshot feature is untouched and still the preferred method to take screenshots
  • Misc: Info views panel added to the Escape chain so the last Escape press will close the info views now
  • Misc: Save map does not show builtin and workshop maps any longer
  • UI: Fixed arrows sprites not showing feedback when interacted with
  • UI: Fixed color picker color not displaying in the right color space
  • No more duplicate name error for identical names coming from different packages
  • Paths can not be built inside elevated roads anymore
  • Elevated roads can now be upgraded or changed direction if one-ways
  • .ccs files displayed in red can now be selected in the load panel when trying to recover a failed save (when a save fails and attempt to
    preserve itself generating a .ccs file)
  • french localization improved
  • general audio improvements (should help address the sound stuttering issue with some sound cards)


Cities Skylines - Update v1.0.7b [RezMar]

Спасибо, внесено в шапку. Thanks! Topic’ header was updated.


Please remove the link for latest update v1.0.7b.

Developers deliver broken Patch.

If someone downloaded update here it is a downgrade.

Cities: Skylines - Downgrade from v1.0.7b to v1.0.6b [RezMar]

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Only use this downgrade if you installed the last update!!!

Please remove the link for latest update v1.0.7b.

Developers deliver broken Patch.

If someone downloaded update here it is a downgrade.

Cities: Skylines - Downgrade from v1.0.7b to v1.0.6b [RezMar]

Only use this downgrade if you installed the last update!!!

Убрано, откат версии добавлен. Removed, downgrade was added to header.

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser


Cities Skylines - Update v1.0.7c [RezMar]

  • You need to have v1.0.6b installed first
  • Red _HOW TO.txt for all information

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Change log:Нажмите здесь!
 Patchnotes 1.0.7c (incl. 1.0.7b and 1.0.7)

  • Fixed: disappearing custom assets should now show normally
  • Modding: assembly version should now be ignored when loading a map
  • Misc: Embedded mod information to save games (to help debugging and for future improvements)
  • Asset editor: fixed an issue where dragging/rotating props may conflict
  • Asset editor: fixed user-made LOD model getting overwritten by a generated one in some cases
  • Asset editor: fixed problems sometimes occurring when rescaling models in the import window
  • Localization: German loading tips improved
  • Warning text added when enabling a mod
  • Save to cloud box now remain checked if the loading was performed from a cloud save
  • Japanese garden for everyone
  • Added command line parameter "-limitfps x" to set a target fps
  • Mac/Linux: Fixed custom assets not loading due to an invalid PNG format.
  • Mac: Removed menu bar & docks in fullscreen mode
  • Asset Editor: the default size of assets created from templates now matches the template size if loading props
  • Asset Editor: fixed a case where the default textures may get corrupted and require to restart the game
  • Asset Editor: already placed props can now be moved around and rotated in place (respectively using the left and right mouse click) when no tools are selected
  • Asset Editor: fixed cases where LODs may not rotate with the building in the import panel
  • Steam workshop: Steam fixed the workshop not being showing when in offline mode in the latest Steam client release (24 Mar)
  • Locale: added LOADING text
  • Misc: fixed a case where command line arguments may conflict
  • Misc: removed an invalid key binding option
  • Misc: Added screenshot shortcuts to rebindable input (default is F12 for normal screenshot and shift+F12 for hi-res screenshot, also local screenshots now go to gameUserFolder/Screenshots) Steam screenshot feature is untouched and still the preferred method to take screenshots
  • Misc: Info views panel added to the Escape chain so the last Escape press will close the info views now
  • Misc: Save map does not show builtin and workshop maps any longer
  • UI: Fixed arrows sprites not showing feedback when interacted with
  • UI: Fixed color picker color not displaying in the right color space
  • No more duplicate name error for identical names coming from different packages
  • Paths can not be built inside elevated roads anymore
  • Elevated roads can now be upgraded or changed direction if one-ways
  • .ccs files displayed in red can now be selected in the load panel when trying to recover a failed save (when a save fails and attempt to preserve itself generating a .ccs file)
  • French localization improved
  • General audio improvements (should help address the sound stuttering issue with some sound cards)


Cities Skylines - Update v1.0.7c [RezMar]

Спасибо, обновлено. Thanks, topic was updated.

ага, и не говориНажмите здесь!


Радиусы зданий им править и править :/

Я могу ошибаться, но вроде бы в игре припаркованные машины всегда смотрят по направлению движения.

Тогда, судя по скрину - дорога у вас там односторонняя и ведет "от домов к пожарке".

Пожарники, если и могут добраться туда - то сделав круг, видимо - слишком большой круг.

Плюс на перекрестке при движении по этой же дороге - нет стрелок (куда можно повернуть при движении "к пожарной станции"), т.е. с той стороны она тоже одностороняя, судя по всему, и проехать там можно только "от пожарной станции" - поэтому туда они доезжают.

Если я права - радиус здания тут имеет гораздо меньше значения, чем вы думаете.

Попробуйте посмотреть карту доступности пожарки.

Изменено пользователем Ziriel

Я могу ошибаться, но вроде бы в игре припаркованные машины всегда смотрят по направлению движения.

Тогда, судя по скрину - дорога у вас там односторонняя и ведет "от домов к пожарке".

Пожарники, если и могут добраться туда - то сделав круг, видимо - слишком большой круг.

Плюс на перекрестке при движении по этой же дороге - нет стрелок (куда можно повернуть при движении "к пожарной станции"), т.е. с той стороны она тоже одностороняя, судя по всему, и проехать там можно только "от пожарной станции" - поэтому туда они доезжают.

Если я права - радиус здания тут имеет гораздо меньше значения, чем вы думаете.

Попробуйте посмотреть карту доступности пожарки.

на 2-х сторонней работает) с односторонними я лично не извращаюсь)

на 2-х сторонней работает) с односторонними я лично не извращаюсь)

Так а разве на скрине у него двухсторонка?

На двусторонней при такой расстановке - все ок должно быть.

Так а разве на скрине у него двухсторонка?

На двусторонней при такой расстановке - все ок должно быть.

так он радиус винит. =)

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  • fffggg


  • Menschenhasser


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  • dimayn123


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Here it is a big new patch and DLC with it... Have fun guys... Cities Skylines - Update v1.2.0-f3 [RezMar] Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game updated to v1.1.1c. U


Cities.Skylines.Campus-CODEX Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:af146a361a5bfbc1ddb470bcf7a17af9cf618892&dn=Cities.Skylines.Camp


Патч v1.16.0-f3 (требуется версия v1.15.1-f4) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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