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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht

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Дорогие форумчане, выложит ли кто-нибудь сабмоды на вархаммер? Один товарищ хотел сделать мод на Кислев, да заглох он, вроде как. Думаю, что многие со мной выразят благодарность тем, кто выложит парочку.

Медиафаир сдох (по крайней мере у меня), а на этот мод текут слюни, кто-нибудь видел другие способы скачать мод?

Вариант скачать у парадоксов отпадает, т.к играю на пиратке.

Pacific Coast Highway
Медиафаир сдох (по крайней мере у меня), а на этот мод текут слюни, кто-нибудь видел другие способы скачать мод?

Вариант скачать у парадоксов отпадает, т.к играю на пиратке.

С mediafire всё хорошо.


Видимо я счастливчик, у меня сайт отказывается грузится ни в каком из браузеров.

Буду искать решение , но если вдруг Ваха окажется на других загрузчиках - дайте мне об этом знать.

Сабмод на альбион

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Огромное спасибо! Интересно будет попробовать, так как это чуть изменит игру за Норски и позволит поиграть за альбионцев.

А есть ещё какие-нибудь моды от парадоксов? Хотелось бы попробовать ещё чего-нибудь.

Огромное спасибо! Интересно будет попробовать, так как это чуть изменит игру за Норски и позволит поиграть за альбионцев.

А есть ещё какие-нибудь моды от парадоксов? Хотелось бы попробовать ещё чего-нибудь.

Есть, но они заброшены вроде бы.

Там еще юзер создал тему про мод переделку дуэльной системы, но пока только концепт обсуждает. Изменения по-идеи небольшие, скоро мб выложит.

Есть, но они заброшены вроде бы.

Там еще юзер создал тему про мод переделку дуэльной системы, но пока только концепт обсуждает. Изменения по-идеи небольшие, скоро мб выложит.

Интересно, доведут ли они до ума прокачку дуэльного скилла, как было в GoT-е, или оно так и останется рудиментом...


Может кто подсказать всевозможные интересные саб-моды к ФБ подходящие под последнюю версию?


<noindex>Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 0.13]</noindex>

Mod is compatible with version 2.5.2 of CK2.

Horse Lords DLC strongly recommended

changelogНажмите здесь!

Fixed Cathayan retinues not being available to Celestial Jade

Fixed broken Stop Studying Magic decision

Fixed bug in the Mahtmasi turning events

Removed papal succession for Shadowrealm due to unsolvable bug

Arabyan-cultured women can now pick Scholarship and Theology foci as long as they are not Ormazdians or Kitabid

Fixed Vampiric Skinks investigating alignments

Fixed Skink Priest opinion malus

Fixed Straighten Up decision not being available for Ormazdian rulers

Further slight nerfing on the Califate Uprising

Minor tweaking on dwarf portraits

Changed Dynasty Tree texture size

Nagashi experiment raid made available to humans

Sudenburg is now part of dejure Araby

Fixed Dark Crystal Ambition being disabled by going questing

Minor fixes on Sudenburg title nesting

Fixed cultist lovers corrupting incorruptible characters

Fixed vampire adoption issue with illegitimate children

Added Hung graphical culture

Added timer on handle concubine decision

Fixed bug for slavery event

Asrai avatars are now fully immortal

Removed cannot_marry = yes from creature_skink, creature_orc and creature_goblin, added max_wives = 0 to their respective religions and deactivated the targetted character/title decisions to assign titles to those races

Hung should now use the Mongol unit pack, and the Kurgan the Turkish one

Added Ogre graphical_culture, religion and title localisation

Sauri do not become infirm/incapable because of old age

Re-did great maw religion icon

Fixed employment decisions crash

Fixed Cathayan retinue building requiring castle walls rather than city walls

Fixed Spawning Pools not appearing for Southlands Lizardmen

Fixed daemon banishing event not removing the "friend" summoner if he is the one attempting to murder/banish the creature

Nerfed Greenskin colonization event troops

Summoned K'daai now show up with the proper culture

Ogre Kingdoms added

Map detail & texture overhaul

Buffed most retinue's numbers, they should be around 300-500, depending on unit type and how strong they are

Nerfed Sanguine buildings, buffed Grail knights and GK retinues (Grail knight building cost a huge amount for little gain, and the GK retinue was less expensive when compared to KotR)

Added Sanguine building chains, for both feudal and tribal

Greenskins can no longer get the usual nicknames, instead they can get one of 7 (To be expanded later on) nicknames more appropriate of them

The Oriental cultural and religion groups no longer share the same ID in code

Removed the old shoddy tournaments and replaced them with an adapted version of the AGOT tournament system

Aged up some Chaos Dwarf characters and made a few of them into Sorcerer-Prophets

Updated Akghan and Ormazdian religion descriptions to be more accurate towards the new fluff

Added DLC check to state troops

Nerfed border princedom buildings, most will be below imperial buildings now

Buffed most imperial city buildings, no longer will Altdorf be below the new world colonies, but they're still weaker than most non-human buildings

Fixed an issue with Bretonnian city buildings requiring castle buildings and buffed Peasant levy slightly

Added some Nomad Ogre buildings, they replace the regular nomad buildings that wouldn't make sense for Ogres to have

Also added 8 horde retinues for the Ogres, from Ironguts to Stonetusks

Added Great Maw holy sites

Small tweaks to various religion's god names

Cultural councilor titles should now show up correctly for Nomads as well

Most of the nomads in the crater of Zanbaijin are now tributaries to Jozan the Immortal

Fixed an issue with Bretonnian Merchant guards having the same build time and cost as Grail knights

Becoming a Grail Knight properly removes the questing trait

Added Asur castle buildings, they are all different based upon the realm they are in, so Yvress will have a different set of buildings from Chrace

Made some tweaks to Akendorf, Myrmidens, and Khypris, to make them more appealing for the player to move their capitol to these places

Added Norscan tribal buildings, they will now convert to their proper buildings upon feudalizing or turning into a republic

Chaos Dwarfs sacrifices now give a opinion penalty with the sacrifice's dynasty members

Slave Raids now trigger properly on the raided province, instead of the raider's capital

Sea provinces edited or removed, positioning data updated

A bunch of titular titles edited or removed for clarity

Tweaked Dwarf buildings

Added Kislevite portraits

Added Ropsmann clothing and hair for savage kislevites

Variations on Kislevite faces employed for Eastern Imperials, to entirely remove westerngfx

Repositioned the eastern Imperial set beards ( and the marshal headgear ) to better fit the new faces

Fixed error with some Ogre buildings not having the correct prerequisites

Living Sylvanian no longer use westerngfx

Added sympathy trait for Oriental Gods group religions

Chaos Worshipers no longer convert to local religions when leading ( or being part of ) a dynamic Nomad merc band

Fixed huge inconsistency with the Necrarch trait, the trait itself was incorrectly spelled ("Necrach") and then referenced elsewhere as if it was spelled correctly

Added geographical regions for new provinces and zones

Ogres can now eat prisoners by decision

Tweaked cultural modifier to make Ogres tougher

Tagged several traits to no longer be customizer selectable

Greenskins may now build tribes in empty nomad provinces of their culture and religion, at the expense of 100 prestige

Greenskin temples are now theocracies again (Odd Tribes)

A vampire with more than one vampire lover will eventually be forced to pick only one eternal soulmate now

The rulers of the Imperial Grand Provnices and the Avelorn will now show up with their correct, fluff titles (Grand Prince/Duke/Baron/Count, Chancellor and Everqueen)

Tweaked empty nomad Ogre holding picture for better grayed out visibility

Added Ancestral religion unit modifiers to the Norse Ancestors religion as well

Added tileangfx, estaliangfx & mykengfx

Added holding icons for the mediterranean cultures

Tweaked a few character dnas so that they look closer to their referenced

Added title holder localisations for some cultures missing them (Indish, Nipponese, some new for Myken)

Cathayan females now use the correct marshal armour

Tileans now have unique marshal gear

Fixed Court Priest appointing conditions to vanilla standards

Blood Dragon-cultured humans created at court generation should no longer start the game automatically as vampires

Added event for targets of vlad's conquest to submit immediately upon war declaration

Arabyans wanting to study in universities now properly go to the university of Martek instead of the inexistent university of Kufra

Knights generated if there are not enough participants in a Bretonnian tournament should now be Grail-worshipers themselves

Updated some of the low quality "cast lore" event pictures

Old Imperial portraits now use a mix of Westerlander and Norscan features

Added Wasaili castle culture building and retinue

Added Halfling holding pictures

Removed Christian crosses from the Religion tab background image

very basic 2.5 compatch

Myken cultural building provides gunpowder instead of horse archers, to match bp buildings

Sea provinces removed

Fixed small-huge issue with birth notifications potentially crashing the game

Fixed some technology issues with the southern darklands and k_strygos

Adapted the Vampire Wars bookmark to the new Era format and made it the default custom game bookmark

Dwarfs and Norse Dwarfs can now use their mountain reconquest CB again

Norscam Gods, Northern Gods and Kukaili religion characters may now use vanilla's pagan subjugation under the same conditions (only against other norscan, northern and kukaili rulers)

Can no longer use the Nomad Liberation CB against nomads in the Chaos Wastes or Beastmen

Con no longer use the Ormazdic (Vanilla Muslim, actually) county conquest against Greenskins

Arabyans should now use the Muslim councilor map models

Fixed some issues with Dwarf title history in Zhufbarak and Karak Kadrin

Adapted the Realms of Chaos and the Blood of the Ancients bookmarks to the new format

Removed Morathi and Finubar from the Blood of the Ancients bookmark and replaced them with High King Alrik and High Priest Astragoth, representing the Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs respectively

Legacy of Nagash era bookmark added

Gospodars, Kislevites and Ungols now use the Russian unit pack

Rospmenn use the Finnish unit pack

Nehekharans now use the Zoroastrian Immortal holy order unit model (experimental)

Set permanent portrait DNA for the Imperial claimants

Malekith now is properly crispy in the era screen, and Neferata got her hairdress back

Bretonnians use holy order units for an extra chivalric appearence

Added piety requirement back to the holy war cb

Added separate government flavor names for a lot of situations (High Elf colony, Necrarch, Lahmian and Jade vampiric realms, Chaos Dwarf realms not under Sorcerer-Prophet rule, Orc and Goblin Greenskin warbands, Slann ruled Lizardmen, Ogre kingdom/clan, Pirate realm, Amazon realm and Chaos nomad/tribal)

Reworked the Chaos Wastes' realm layout for better nomad playability and more randomness

Moved councilor title requirements to scripted_triggers

Tweaked the new Conclave laws a little to reflect Warhammer stuff

Fixed the elusive trade route crash FINALLY

Added first path of the Spice Road trade route; from the Mountains of Mourn to Barak Varr, passing through Barak Drazh/Black Crag

Replaced silk bolt in Trade Road icon with a cart wagon

Added the ivory road, arabyan trail, spice route, old dwarf road, great north road and great reik road trade routes, they aren't set on stone, so subject to change

Arabyan Trail renamed to Golden Route, and is much more complex now, branching to Western Araby, Estalia and Tilea

Added Silver Road, Skull Road, Pass to the East, Old Forest Road, Altdorf-Middenheim Road, Grimway and North Road trade routes

Adapted Silk Road events to the Warhammer trade routes

Added Norscan and Ostermark-Kislev trade routes

Pigbarter made into an independent merchant republic composed of human traders of various cultures

Made some rulers and patricians in the Empire into Manannites (esp. those ruling Manannite provinces)

Added new magic system

Added new magic XP system

Tweaked levy maintenance cost back to pre-2.5 values

Added Perilous Beasts bookmark

Karak Raziak and Khazid Irkulaz made Dwarf/Ancestral

Warboss Aggro of Karak-Eight-Peaks now a King tier ruler

Empress Ottilia III now has her runesword

Azalais' title should now be capitalized again

Greenskins should in theory no longer become theocracies unless they're barons holding temples

Xen-Huong now is given a dynamic temporary title on startup to avoid most kinds of diplo-interaction

Yabbas al-Hawt is now Ormazdic

Cost of holy war cb raised to 75 piety

Greenskin Extermination CB now costs 20 gold to represent the cost of an extermination expedition

Tweaked starting Nomad Horde composition and manpower so that their starting troops are much bigger and they don't get wiped out 2 years into the game

Tweaked Beastman horde retinues so that they start with much larger hordes than the rest of nomads

Added government flavour names for the Imperial Grand Provinces ( plus Sylvania, the Mootland and Westerland ), Miyan and Mootlander halflings

Replaced trait = strong with is_strong_trigger where applicable

Added our tiered congenital traits to is_strong_trigger, is_weak_trigger, is_smart_trigger and is_dumb_trigger

Races that can't use the Seduction focus should no longer be able to get the mater seducer/seductress traits by any means

Added safety for monster and animal traits to not let them hold titles

Asur (and, to lesser extent, Asrai, Dwarves and Vampires) now are locked into sharing their power with their councillors no matter what

Updated the Shallyan religion icon to a clearer version

Revamped religious clothing

Slann rulers (any kind of ruler) will now always have Mage-Priest as their title

Bretonnian Knight traits (Errant Knight, Knight and Grail Knight) will disappear if the character converts away from the Grail religion

Adepted the "Elective Leagues" mod by Jessie Ruderman for the Border Princes ( Available only to Humans whose capital is inside the Border Princes region ) ADAPTED FROM "Elective Leagues" BY JESSIE RUDERMAN <noindex>http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...amp;searchtext=</noindex> ALL CREDITS TO HIM

Added new druchiigfx and nagarythiangfx

Made fake cultures not appear in the lists ingame

Added Caledoriangfx for western Asur

Covered Ulthuan, Naggaroth, Asur colonies, & Lustria with playable characters

Religions that can have female temple holders now have a chance of getting a female priest with the "employ holy man" decision

Added missing Elf gfx cultures to the employment decision race trait assignment

Asur who owe a favour to other Asur can be forced to switch political stance by targetted decision

Blackguard set up as Druchii holy order vassalized to Naggaroth

It dissolves on Malekith's death alongside the Empire

As long as it exists, all young elves (triggered on_adulthood are requested for a draft that lasts 100 years (after which they can decide whether to remain in the army forever or return to their previous liege), lieges can avoid the draft through bribes

Young Druchii women can become Witch Elves by decision. The training can be fatal and lasts ten years

Witch Elves cannot get married, but are not excluded from inheritance

On_birth, there's a chance for druchii boys to get stolen by Witch Elves and grown as Assassins; The training lasts 20 years and can be fatal

Assassins cannot hold land nor get married.

Filled character-empty provinces all across the map

Gave Cain Avon away to a vassal to avoid the stupid Phoenix King AI setting it as Ulthuan's capital

Added Private Meeting targetted decision for Isolationist Asur: through this mechanic two rulers can interact to deal on one or two issues selected by the rulers themselves and combined depending on their traits

Through this action, a ruler can attempt to ask the other one for money, for a favor (or to cancel a prehexisting owed favor), he can persuade him to divorce or to marry him or he can attempt to slander him (which triggers a debate-like chain whose loser incurs in a prestige hit)

After hearing the request, the second ruler gets to pick his side of the deal (or give away what the other needs for free or not at all).

Tweaks on council positions for Asur

Hunt Down should not be cluttering normal characters' interface anymore

Having necromantic power makes it progressively more likely to be hunted down by plot

Everqueen and Everprincess are automatically fit to be Court Chaplains for Asur rulers

Added cannot_marry scripted triggers containing all traits with cannot_marry = yes for quick use in events

Feudal mercenary bands can only be created by Tileans, Estalians, Border Princes and Ogres

Added provinces_setup (Terrain entries commented out, that way the game should load the actual map terrain when loading a save instead of picking it from province_setup)

Fixed wrongly made condition in succession laws

Several minor titles have been set so that if they are assigned by the Phoenix King, they create a supercourtier (custom Duke-tier title for the holder)

Added Elven Scion and Elven Maiden traits for young elves to prevent the rampant lowborn marriages

Added targetted decision for Isolationist to ask a Favor to another Isolationist by spending prestige rather than gold

Added targetted decision for elven ruler to send son or close relative to the court of the Phoenix King, thus making him a supercourtier

Druchii Witch Elves can no longer accidentally become Sorceress and viceversa

Fixed invincible characters managing to survive the End Times

Added events to make divorce as Asur considerably more complicate: the offended party can now be requested a lot of money or roughly half of his demesne by the divorced spouse

Added decision for childless Asur spouses to agree on marital inheritance of their titles (causes gameover for players)

Updated Dwarf icons

Added flavor events to differentiate the marriage ceremony depending on the elven race

Fixed some wrong brackets at combat tactics

Fixed Everprincess not losing Supercourtier Status when succeeding her mother

Fixed Tablet search being called against the unreachable Dragon Isles

Fixed type of marriages for elven Courtship chain not being assigned properly

Fixed Skinks going to war in the Dragon Isles

Fixed Skinks not getting assigned random dynasty on startup

Added cleanup decision for youngster elven traits

Fixed viceroyalty laws being wrongly available to Asur

Removed state troop dummy cultures and updated respective state troop files

Added event to avoid Greenskins converting away from Gork&Mork/Spider God

Greenskins and Ogres can no longer convert away from Gork&Mork/Spider God, and Great Maw

Non-Jade, Non-Mathmasi Vampires can no longer convert away from Vampiric and Nagashi; Jade Vampires can no longer convert away from Vampiric, Nagashi or Celestial; Mathmasi vampires can no longer convert away from Vampiric, Nagashi and Shadowmen; Chaos Worshippers can no longer convert away from Chaos Undivided, Tzeentchian, Nurglite, Slaaneshi, Khornate and Hashut; however, they can all convert between the specified religions (for example, Vampires can convert from Vampiric to Nagashi and vice-versa)

Fixed Naggaroth not being destroyed on peaceful usurpation

Added 5 Ogre Merc bands

Ogre portrait background changed from Greenskin to Norscans (They usually live around snowy mountain peaks)

Added 2 Southlander merc companies

Opened Arabyan merc companies to all the Southern Pantheon religious group

Fixed a possible CTD-causing event

Added a new unique marshal headgear to Ogres

New Southlands CoAs

Added a couple more retinues to Norscans, also added a bunch of Chaos retinue types, only recruitable by Champions

Added Dragon Ogres and Dragon Ogre Shaggoths as retinues, DOs are only recruitable by chosen+ and Shaggoths only by Daemon Princes

Cleaned up feudalization decision

Fixed an issue with Norscans being unable to upgrade their holdings from tribal

Added Fjarmann localization for ALL Lustrian titles(minus baronies)

Added a couple MANLY MAN dynasties

More new Chaos CoA

Greenskin buildings now mostly have military tech as requirement ( To have them slightly more built up on game start )

Imperial Gunnery School building now requires for the ruler to be Imperial, instead of the province

Added some missing duchies to tech history

Fixed the 2 racial divorce decisions being named the same

New lizzardman buildings

Naggaroth's warbeast buildings has been nerfed

Tribal Mabuya should convert to Castle Mabuya now

Added some additional checks to keep witch hunters from uniting the empire

Added pre-flower Asriel to the royal family

Moved holy sites from barony level to county level, also deleted them from 01_landed_titles and moved them to the zz_holy_sites file

Shuffled and added some temples to some provinces so that the holy sites make more sense

The Dragon-Emperor of Cathay now directly holds all off-map Celestial holy sites

The Great Maw off-map holy site is now a duchy level landless, revolt title so that it can't be targeted by most diploactions

Fixed Unkzadrin having more settlements declared than it should in province_setup, causing it to spawn a "---" null holding continuously

Specialised colours for CoAs

Added Charioteer special unit and sprinkled it on several appropriate buildings and retinues

Stromfels Coat of Arms rework

Added cultural troop modifier for the Halflings

Cleaned up Borderland tech a bit

Added pikes to initial Bretonnian keep building

New Ulthuan flags

Added High Elf buildings for their colonies and made the proper buildings only buildable on Ulthuan

Fixed wrong scoping in Beastmen events causing corrupt table entries

Nerfed watchtowers troop numbers

Fixed event that was freezing the game

Fixed beastman duel title grant event, again

Massively nerfed Skeggi and El Cadavo special buildings

Nomad minor clan revolts now trigger correctly for Beastmen

Added missing defines parameters

Added dummy provinces to fill the empty ranges at definitions

Fixes and tweakings on elven courting

Fixed titular Clans defaulting to open elective

Fixed Sudenburg starting as open_elective

Reactivated the Samur Chapter

Halved druchii draft period

Regiment dynasties reassigned

Title history fixes

Duel typo fix

Removed the reworked magic Lores out of the old Magic Engine, left the ones yet to be reworked in

Tiny rivers fix

Minor last minute changes to Vlad's conquests




В шапке.
- из основного архива помещаем 3 zip-архива и 3 mod-файла в соответствующую папку для модов по адресу C:\Users\Username\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\
Папка с модами (место, куда их нужно устанавливать) находится по адресу: C:\Users\...\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\

Удалил второе.

Автор признал что стим ломает мод, так что убрал его из ссылок.

Немного изменил описание установки.

Сделал редактирование проще, а оформление красивее, на пример шапки ck+

Теперь по моду:



Портреты для людей!

Портреты для эльфов! Что характерно, идёт смесь старых и новых. Лесные не изменились.

Новые букмарки. Не знаю для кого. Я ими ещё ни разу не воспользовался.

Торговые пути!

СкриныНажмите здесь!







Изменено пользователем Alex_


<noindex>Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 0.13.1]</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

Defensive pacts will no longer join across religious groups

Cosmetic skaven tunnels map fix

Refixed sex appeal cutoff

The "convert to local religion" event for Horse Lords/Conclave dynamic merc bands should now only happen to non-Chaotic Humans, and only if the local religion is of the old world, southern pantheon or oriental cults religions

Cosmetic map adjustments

Fixed a crash happening when not having the Horse Lords DLC activated


<noindex>Reduced Textures Performance Submod</noindex>

- для обладателей слабого "железа";

- активируется вместе с основным модом

Изменено пользователем vitovt13


А 0.13.1 ставится поверх 0.13.0 или надо старый мод удалить?

А 0.13.1 ставится поверх 0.13.0 или надо старый мод удалить?


Dev Diary - SkavenНажмите здесь!

"Greetings from the Lords of Decay, pathetic manthings!.. It is I, the Most Exalted and Sublime Warlock-Engineer Morskittar, holder of Skavenblight, Most Magnificent Leader of Clan Skryre and the greatest Skaven to ever live-live!"

"It has been brought to my most exquisite attention that some of you are pitifully attempting to adopt the superior Skaven lifestyle, rightfully well failing. As you should-should! Silly manthings are not smart like Skaven, of course they cannot pretend to be Skaven!"


"Oh, what's this? No marry-mate button!?! How I'm supposed to spawn spawnlings with no marriage?! Silly manthings! All breeders are for mating, that's what they're born for! Could you see a breeder doing something else-else than breeding? Then it wouldn't be a breeder! Tsk tsk."


"I've got-got plenty of breeders of course-course! A Skaven as important as myself has swats of them! Here, let me show one... I'll get-pick one from my Breeding Pits, in my great and most wondrous fortress-city of Bellholm, yes-yes! Breeders are lazy-fat things, so you need to have Breeding Pits to put them in-in, that's why they're called Breeding Pits. That is obvious, but I have to spell it out-out, since you're stupid manthings that don't even know-know how to breed-breed! That's why there are much more Skaven than manthings around, didn't you know that?

Of course you didn't!

Silly manthing.

Since I have breeders in my court, I will breed with all of them as I please-want. I don't need to make-gift a ring on their paw-paws, they're too twisted-fat anyways!

Having many breeders is always good-better, so you can have many more Skaven, yes-yes! Skaven are not like other stupid-slow things, no-no: when a ratling is born, it gets eaten or ready to fight-kill in just a year-year, do you see-see?"


"Sometimes ratlings are born-made with black fur, those grow strongest, you can make-grow them into Stormvermin or, if you're one of those silly-sneaky pitiful Eshins, you can make-grow them into Assassins. Some rare times, the ratling comes out with horns and white fur-fur: that is a sign of much great blessing from the Horned Rat! All those ratlings grow up to be most powerful and holy Grey Seers, yes-yes! This stupid breeder just made me a pitiful brown-furred ratling, but no matter! While the breeder is stupid and most incompetent, through the brilliant and most wondrous tecno-wizardry of the most excellent CLAN SKRYRE, of which I am the greatest inventor EVER, I can make it grow as a better-useful Warlock-Engineer like myself-self!"


"Pathetic weaklings, contesting my most rightful claim as ruler of ALL the Skavendom! They shall learn their place, yes-yes! I could just teach them a lesson, make them pay much tribute to the most excellent CLAN SKRYRE with a daring Subjugation, but that is not what I need-want! I want their land-lands, yes, for a cunning masterful plan to start my great conquest of the Surface World!"


"Unlike the most holiest Grey Seers, which receive their mighty power-magic from the Horned Rat himself-self, I, as a brilliant and most ingenious Warlock-Engineer, can find my own power, by consuming shards of the most-precious warpstone, yes-yes, to power up my greatests invention-machines! The more warpstone I use, the most powerful is my spell, but for such a pitiful-weak enemy, only one will be needed-spent.

My mighty armies far outnumber the weakling forces of my enemy: all of my pathetic, treacherous underlings answered to my commands and joined forces under me! Of course they did-come, for I am such a generous and great, most magnificent leader, that they feel compelled to serve and grovel at me-me ALL the TIMES, as I rightfully deserve so-so.

Our armies are most numerous than any army of the things in the surface, our cities are filled with Clanrats ready to fight-die for me, their house-training buildings built much fastest than any weird-brittle house of surface things thanks to the pathetic work of the slave-slaves."

"But, o Mighty and Most Intelligent Leader, you'd say, surely now that you've conquered your enemies, you'll stupidly let them treacherously dress with the dress-coats of their beaten Clan, to keep their laws and customs, like us stupid manthings do above! WRONG!!!"


"Clan Skryre rules these lands now, every smart Skaven within them-them is loyal to Clan Skryre or he's DEAD! Isn't it so, you pathetic, cowardly useless minions?! Of course they say yes-yes.

Because they are smart.


That is, smarter than manthings, not smarter than me. I'm the smartest Skaven to ever live-be!

...Oh, you think so? You'll see. You'll all see! I'll swarm you all-all!! I'll bring down the moon and squish you with it!!! WHO'S LAUGHING NOW MANTHINGS?!?! YOU'RE ALL SQUASHED WHILE I'M KING OF THE UNIVERSE!! ME!!!"


"Oh, you think-hope I can't reach you, so far and cozy-dry under your pitiful stupid sun? Look as I start my most GLORIOUS conquest of your pathetic surface!"


"You stupid-dumb manthing, the Underempire stretches-goes through ALL of the Surface, yes-yes! I only need to use the glorious Warpway to send my mightiest armies through the tunnels, all the way to your precious sun-ridden homelands!"


"Who's laughing now, stupid manthing? Who's laughing NOW?!"


"In the meantime, my first ratling has succeeded into become-grow a most skilled Warlock-Engineer, which will help-serve me best in further, most glorious conquests, yes-yes!"


"Many more ratlings like him are coming, all smart and cunning, yes, stupidly plot-squabbling amongst each other. If I went left-gone, they'd probably tear the entire Clan apart. Silly ratlings.

Oh, you'd say, shouldn't you make a contingency plan-plan in case you die, o Great and Magnificent Leader? Like us manthings writing weird primogin law-rules and such-such?

Silly manthings, I don't need a contingency, because I'm not going to die-die! I'm the greatest Skaven to ever live! All those others pitiful Warlocks before me failed and were killed or blown up-splat, but not ME! I'm the chosen one of the Horned Rat, destined to conquer the world! Those other failures thought that too, but they were wrong, because I am, not them! I am, I will, you'll see-see!"


Изменено пользователем vitovt13


Changelog v0.13.2Нажмите здесь!

Fix crash caused by scope error in miscasting results

Skaven courtiers and vassals will constantly bother their lieges for titles when they're over demesne (which always is, having more than 2 duchies or more than 3 counties); refusing to give away some of your demesne will incur in opinion penalty and province malus on your capital

Fixed Skaven tech levels to the proper settings.

Fixed broken events

Tweakings on Skaven cb

Important Skaven hats should not change when in command anymore

Removed the study magic decision

Cleansing decision for barony Khemri/Skaven courts

The Ulthuan population modifiers are now applied on startup and scope to the Ulthuan map region instead to the provinces (Except Lothern)

New Defines folder set up

Fixes to upgrade process for lizardmen ruins

Expanded some of the starting asuryan dynasties

Fixed missing Anath Raema CoA

Tweaking on courting AI behavior

Fixed Grey Councilors becoming infirm and incapable because of old age

Fixed double marriage bug when courting while being proposed normally

Grey Seers can now always be Court Chaplain of a Skaven ruler

Fixed living_jade culture spawning still random courtiers

Fixed Asuryan colonies wrongly starting with agnatic succession

Event Rename for resource management

Only non-Chaotic Human dynamic merc companies should get the "sympathy for local religion" events now

Tweaked the skaven and lore of shadows magic events so that they show the correct event pictures

Updated the Lore of Life event picture so that it looks slightly better

Fixed characters with the lore of death using spells from the lore of fire

Breeders like their lieges, making it less likely for players to just invite them to their court

Breeding pits more accessible on start in Skavenblight

Added localizations to all the Chaos Cultist plots (Convert to Cult and Spread X to Province)

Succession laws (NOT the Gender succession laws) updated to use Conclave's crown laws if Conclave is activated

The Imperial versions of the pre-Conclave Crown Laws will no longer show up if Conclave is enabled

Updated Status of Women law tiers to take into account the cultural differences of human Warhammer cultures



Протестировал 1.13.2

Теперь я сижу на четвёртой скорости o_O

Алсо, всё как всегда:

Малекит угодил в сексуальное рабство своей маме, Влад обучает кислевитов, дочери соблазняют своих отцов. Что вы ещё ожидали от CK?

Нажмите здесь!




Алсо, обновите шапку.

На всякий случай кину сюда частичный апдейт текста:


0.13.2 (2.5.2)

Старые версииНажмите здесь!














Дневники разработчиков мода:

Система магииНажмите здесь!




ПерсонажиНажмите здесь!






"Изменения в патчах" почему-то ломают спойлеры. Не знаю что с этим делать.

Изменено пользователем Alex_

Огромная просьба, если появится сабмод для последней версии, вырезающий западный материк (а так же скавенов, которые лично мне нафиг не уперлись, хотя этот пункт не обязателен) - закрепите пожалуйста его в шапку темы.

Warhammer Geheimnisnacht - Old World Only


Благодарю. Вроде работает.

Еще вот непонятно... Без Конклава - нет вылетов. А как только его подключил - сразу вылеты начались через какое-то время :с


Встречайте ]]>0,13,3]]>

Изменения. Буллеты копировать не умею, каждая фича с новой строкиНажмите здесь!

Added female landed characters to Estalia

Renamed Albionite culture/group to Albion

Renamed Sanguine group to Strigany

Standardised/tidied dynasty entries

Tidying culture files

Remove mountain_pass terrain

Fixed beastmen uprising event causing CTDs

Fixed supercourtier bug.

Lahmians can only bring to court non-Chaotic Human lovers now, to avoid a certain crash

Added new buildings to Nehekhara

Greenskins, Skaven, Vampires, Ogre and Chaos Dwarf children can no longer be converted away from their religion or culture by using the Faith or Heritage childhood focuses

Chaos Dwarfs might no longer convert away from the Hashut religion

Fix in Z_1_magic_system_power.txt

Made the Marienburg-Norsca trade route better looking

Added the black pyramid of Nagash to Khemri, and added potentials to both it and Arkhan's tower so that only Nagashis can use the buildings

Added female characters to Chaos Wastes

Cleaned up Hung and Kurgan names

Made chaos wastes dynasties more chaosy

Added eligible bachelorettes for all chaos wastes cultures and religions

Added and localized a new Chaos Nomad building chain

Added new Chaos Nomad retinues for Kurgan while hung use a mix of old and new

Character adjustments

Made Ungol names actually gender neutral

Made Mousillonians actually Mousillonian

Added Watch Tower buildings to missing provinces

Fixed a typo with the tribal version of the warrior cult, and halved it's bonus numbers

New building chains for chaos dwarf cities and castles

Added Dwarf localization to the Dragon Isles

Further adjusted Chaos Wastes dynasties to be less obviously real-life names.

Removed continental/Latin/Semitic names from Albion culture

Region and Mercenary localisations added

Many mercenary bands altered in composition and location

Dechala the Denied One has brought the Tormentors to the Isle of Gaman and is looking for work

Revised troop numbers from norscan buildings

Added chariot values into the static modifiers where they fit

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer petrification event mean time to happen lowered from 1000 years to 200

Added icons for the Chaos Dwarf Petrification traits

Ulthuan Asur buildings in provinces should no longer disappear when another high elf of a different culture takes the province

Added AI weights to the first new keep buildings, so the AI should absolutely prioritize building them over anything else first

New flags for mercenaries and other titles that were blank or low quality

Изменено пользователем EugeneL

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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht     i Скачать WH: Geheimnisnacht v1.3.7.1 [совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : MEGA [zip | exe] | Steam Скачать WH: SUBMODS [не


Тем временем на плазе вышла новая версия мода: http://www.mediafire.com/file/84cnxn3n8wdz1sm/geheimnisnacht+1.1.0.zip

Мейс Винду

Разрабы обещают скоро полноценный дневник... https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/official-community-update-2.1184473/        

Torn Knight

Выкладываю дневник утром, чтобы те, кому это интересно, читали его за кружкой утреннего кофе/чая. Сам новую версию тестировать пока что не буду, ибо без хотфикса этого почти никогда не делаю, пот


А тут новая версия вахи подъехала, не благодарите http://www.mediafire.com/file/jzceg7q1b7c4dwk/geheimnisnacht+1.0.zip    

Torn Knight

Выше список изменений, здесь же выкладываю Дневник разработчиков, который вышел одновременно с этим списком, но в котором разработчики дал пояснения по каждому из блоков изменений и немного систематиз

Torn Knight

Доброго времени суток. Сегодня вышла версия 1.3.7, спустя почти год с выхода прошлой версии. Все это время мод обновлялся по системе SVN, так что разработки не прекращались, просто не было дневников.


Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 1.2]   Mod is compatible with version of CK2.  

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