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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht

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В 29.05.2020 в 21:12, Carduus сказал:

Установил английскую версию на английскую же пиратку. Мод запускается нормально. Артефакты, великие строения и родословные на месте, но сам мод идёт медленно из-за размеров карты


По ссылке можно официальные субмоды на выпиливание разных частей мира для ускорения процесса


2 часа назад, Gorborer сказал:

Ребят, там вроде новая версия подъехала, если я не ошибаюсь конечно.

Это ты не видел?


В 04.06.2020 в 16:14, UGU сказал:


Это ты не видел?


Нет. Не видел

1 час назад, Carduus сказал:

Нет. Не видел


Мейс Винду

- Added ai_check_interval to all WH decisions, which will help performance as well as the frequency of greenskin/beastmen duels etc.
- "Empire Unification" decision made more difficult to achieve until it can be updated completely
- Updated map/terrain/"colormap" with new effects for the vortex static model
- Updated map/terrain/"colormap" with new effects for Kislev/Norsca/Troll County
- Updated map/terrain/"colormap_water" with new effects for the vortex static model
- Updated map/trees for an overall better map
- Imported Vortex Model and Shader credit: Arasakes
- Imported Gold Mine Models around the old world
- Updated Green Knight portrait/trait with community version
- Repaired missing Bretonnian on_actions for knight errant trait
- Repaired and split the grail knight and questing knight event chains (not perfect but until the overhaul it will work 100%)
- Compressed GFX files
- Quick and dirty removal of mass conversions
- Chaos cult uprisings correctly give demon event troops and a demon commander to the leader, also cultist leaders who are independent rulers are more willing to declare their true faith.
- Beastmen are no longer acceptable marriage material for everyone
- Updated the worship trait icons in gfx in case we use them
- Added some Druchii artifacts to main characters
- Added Modern GFX for Druchii artifacts
- Removed Galleys from Skavenblight
- Capped Skaven breeding events file. REQUIRES MORE TESTING
- Daemon Prince reinforcements from the Warp now last longer
- Fixed mutations. I removed the brackets from the culture_groups. culture_group = goblin_group instead of culture_group = { goblin_group }
- Resized custom government icons
- Kislev now gets its own government type: "Tzardom" with unique charframes and more!
- Chaos now gets its own government types:
        "Chaos Horde" for nomads
        "Chaos Host" for tribals
        "Chaos Court" for feudal
- Unique Chaos charframes and more! (perhaps darken/tweak charframes in the future)
- Arkhan the Black is now properly recognized by his peers as a fellow Tomb King and not a Liche Priest. His portrait remains the same though.
- e_cathay_west_governor title added so the game doesnt keep endlessly creating new versions of it for the offmap power.
- ai_cleanup_events has been restored which should enable the following
    Demand Religious conversion decision now works.
    Dwarf traits at start cleanup
    Elven maturity
    Court cleansing for Khemri Servants and Skaven Breeders
    Dwarf babies should not be born old already
    Elven youth trait assignment
    Everqueen inheritance
    Free mage_apprentices and pet_consorts on death of Master
    The Red Duke is dead, destroy the special title
    Big Akghan succession
    Martek Scholar succession
    Destroy Samurs Witch Hunter Chapter
- Merged RD_Trait distribution system from FaolDeTeine
- Added and localized the Ruler Designed Vampire trait for people who want to start as a vampire
- Made it much harder to become the Everchosen
- Sacrificing prisoners for necromantic power as Vlad now lasts 4 months instead of 1
- Beginning of the warpstone overhaul!
        For now you can consume warpstone for magic power just like sacrificing prisoners
        Vlad starts with 5 Clusters of Warpstone that his minions gathered from mordheim
        More to come!
- Changed WH_Defines to allow consorts to be dismissed
- Unlocked the Everchosen events for players, with some restrictions
- Adjusted the winds of magic and its affect on the world
- Chaos Mark traits added and localized
- Fixed a minor graphical error on a loading screen
- Cleaned up and overhauled the landed titles folder (should also fix realm colors instead of renaming the files)
- Ostrosk history file repaired no longer an instant game over
- Changed EVERY SINGLE file to ANSI - CRLF - Windows 1252
- The King of Bretonnia now starts with the brave trait to stop him from occasionally starting craven
- Bretonnia buildings changed into local culture checks
- Same treatment for
- Skaven Congested province modifier nerfed to -5% from -50% since its stackable
- Repaired Localization everywhere
- Temp fix for greensking buildings bug, not a proper fix but will stop the capital being nuked atleast if we cant find the root cause
- Added recent_county_uprising to a bunch of revolt events, all the non vanilla adapted ones didnt stop additional rebellions triggering.
- Added a likely fix for the save corruption issue caused by beastmen, less chance it will incorrectly link two nomad beastman titles together and cause the save to brick.
- Added decision icon for grail quest
- skaven_foreignconquest cb requirements relaxed to allow dukes to use it, but at a cost of 1500 prestige
- Updated the Circlet of Iron so that you need magic potential to use it.
- Replaced Neueslander Gunnery School with Pistoliers
- Removed the duplicate files and fixes the castle wall requirements for halflings
- Cleaned tooltips and added scripted triggers
- Quick fix for the holy war CB bug
- Increased the amount of consorts allowed across all applicable religions
- Changed magic polymorph to properly change your gender and give appropriate traits
- Updated take consort decision to allow to take male - male concubines and female - female concubines
- Cleaned up employment decisions and allowed you to hire council positions
- Beginning of the Trade system overhaul:
        New Routes
        New Buildings
        New Balance
        Reworked systems from vanilla
            Gold(Empire, Bretonnia, Border Princes, Araby)
- Removed all trade posts at game start from the old system
- Placed new Trade Posts at Game Start
- Akendorf unique building restored
- Restored Vlads Subjugation Localization
- Loosened Building restrictions for Sudenburg
- Shared portrait properties overhaul (bloodsplatter/hairlip/blackeye)
- c_calxi no longer believes its a desert or ocean. Ive informed it of its jungle status
- Polish Sylvanian Buildings
- Nehekharan removal submod created
- Reworked Khorne blood tournament to use HF calculations
- Reforming Myrmidia will now give you byzantine elective
- Fixed Enactic Succession
- Removed duplicate Halfling buildings
- Orcs can no longer be elected to rule Bretonnia, in fact most races should now be excluded properly from elections
- Made the ship-creation decisions for lizardmen and skaven easier and checked more often so they dont have to walk around the world (May also do this for orcs)
- Fixed Bloodline for Chaos Dwarfs and the localization for the Empire Bloodline
- Fixed Warpstone artifact Loacalization
- Extended Trade Routes all the way offmap
- Added GFX for new employment decisions
- Made Grail Quest a High Priority decision
- Repaired on_actions file with updates from vanilla, Sway/Antagonize should now work
- new_character_effect adds extra age to elves and dwarfs between the ages of 16 and their respective ages of majority so only a few randomly generated characters are too young to marry or hold land
- fixed a broke else_if in the new_character_effect breaking the system for non humans and removed a dupe extra age from wh_setup.5 for tomb kings
- Added a new decision (Return to the Old Ways if you are Hung/Kurgan, Become Chaos Horde otherwise) that lets non nomadic chaos worshipers convert to Chaos Host gov if their realm is entirely within the chaos wastes region. Hung/Kurgan are much more likely to do this
- Added GFX for this decision
- Made a champion for the each of the chaos gods out of the 4 norscan brothers (3 of whom are in the border princes area)
- Fixed localisation error for the minor title "Champion" in the empire.
- Added can_use_retinue_trigger to every retinue
- Elector Counts now start with state troops
- Sudenburg now starts with raised retinues
- Reworked the respective chaos chosen of each of the ruinous powers to actually represent their god a bit more in traits, education, and base stats.
- Also gave The Chosen of Khorne a bit more land to see if he does anything when not limited by his tributaries
- Added Cold One Mount GFX
- Made the PTSD event HFP.11019 have different options and descriptions for some cultures/religions that dont mind killing
- Fixed an infinite while loop caused by old magic calculations
- Changed the chaos champions to be around their 20s, Added a wife for nurgle champion from the khagan of Khursaze
- The Fay Enchantress is now human, but retains her beauty forever, as it should be
- Fixed history files. Birth, marriage, and age stuff. Missing = in trait assignments. removed old unused traits.  Fixed mount for the red duke not spawning. Nickname fixes
- Khalida artifact and new face mask(Needs to be applied to khalida)
- Added Generic Druchii artifacts
- Fix to Drakenhof starting with a city as the capital and fixed the drakenhof unique buildings
- Tribals can hold castles if the county culture is the same, some tribals e.g. amazons cant become feudal, so if their land was taken and upgraded to a castle it becomes useless to them if retaken
- Disinherited Neferatas and Ushorans brother and his children so if they die we dont end up with a random tomb king in the badlands/mountains
- Fixed crash with pick_main_deity, by coincidence a large number of ai took the decision at once, but because the modifier that stopped them taking the decision again was done after the events chain they seemed to pick it hundreds of time in a row
- Merged Malekith death and overthrown empire destruction event. Now when Malekith loses his empire or dies e_naggaroth is destroyed
- If Malekith held e_ulthuan as well and the the heir to e_naggaroth gets both empires and is not in the asur_group then e_ulthuan is destroyed as well
- Malekith will also permanently lose access to his unique government if he is overthrown to show his authority has been broken beyond repair (Not sure on this change specifically may adjust)
- Added decision for reclaiming e_naggaroth if you have the whole capital kingdom and either a large enough realm size or completly control 2 other kingdoms in Naggaroth
- Chaos Dwarfs also get some extra age for adult characters spawned by events. So they can potentially be made commanders
- Removed the trait addict from Valka. Addict gives you events where you lose base stats currently
- First wonder in the Chaos wastes, the Inevitable City, notably give big population max and pop growth to chaos nomads along with other minor boosts, no custom upgrades right now
- Added chaos cult sleeper agents:
    The ai can attempt to recruit even when the society has reached the max membership limit, if they succeed in the event chain the recruited target will not join the full society
    and instead simply change secret religion and be flagged a sleeper agent.

    Every 5 years the sleeper agents will check if the society has dipped in membership below the limit and join automatically if it has, when a general cultist uprising happens
    any sleeper agents will convert, leave any non chaos societies and join in alongside the normal society members.

    People the player recruit will always join the society bypassing the limit same as before.
    rank 3 members of the cult can now also declare an uprising, as the cults are global and members in realms other than the single rank 4 member were essentially useless
    the ai will not currently declare an uprising if the player is in the same realm as a rank 3 or 4 member.
- Added lots of flavor to the greenskin-specific events
- First pass at Clean Up\Rebalance of Chaos traits
- Added our first minor race: The Fimir
    This is just the framework, they will be polished and expanded on in future patches.
- Fixed "Become Mason" decision



Сыграл тут в новую версию. и скажу одно, лагает она ГОРАЗДО меньше.


Магии по-прежнему нет?


Доброго всем! Тут такое дело... крч у многих других модов есть версии в стим, а тут нема. Кто знает ,подскажите.

Но проблема  в том, что сделал вроде всё как нужно, но обнавлятор не пашет , а игра вылетает так же как и у чела сверху ( на этапе загрузки).

заранее спасиб!

Мейс Винду

- Malekith should now be incapacitated properly just like a tomb king in combat and from murder plots instead of just continually walking away unscathed
- Restored some of the unique buidlings removed in the past as others have become wonders
- Added chaos religion icon for Mapmode and topbar
- Added greenskin religion icon for Mapmode and topbar
- Updated khorne_berserker trait to be RED
- Adjusted the new chaos character frames
- Fixes to the Assign Racial Trait system
- Fix so the ai wont back out of the convert to chaos horde decision
- Added a prestige and is_adult requirement to reestablish_naggaroth decision
- Fixed Arabyan castle buildings
- Added a max limit of 1000/500 to a bunch scaled_wealth commands in prosperity events and claim fabrication
- Fixed find court physician doing nothing
- The ai can now only assign a courtier with a matching religion and culture as their court tutor
- Empire Elective is now fixed
- Fixed backup event to kill characters born of incompatible parents or races that shouldnt reproduce which only checked the father scope not true_father, so hidden bastards could still be born
- The Duel against the Green Knight on your grail quests are to the death!
- Fix for weak_warboss modifier being permanent with no way to remove it, now winning a challenger duel will remove the modifier, also made sure orc duels are to the death
- Set custom tooltips for the laws to reduce the overall size of the tooltips.
- Fixed a dynasty (33098) which random Lowborns of all cultures where being randomly given to, dynasty had no name in the files
- Munzig was one of the provinces that is supposed to have a gold mine in it, but wasnt one of the provinces that allowed a tradepost
- Dissabled the blocking of internal vassal wars for Druchii
- You can now take the forge bloodline ambition multiple times provided you havent already forged a bloodline with that character, prestige cost to take the ambition scales up from 20000 > 40000 > 50000 > 60000 and capping at 75000 once you have four forged bloodlines
- Freebootaz and Pirates have begun to get some love:
    Seagit(goblin pirates) and Freeboota(orc pirates) cultures and portrait gfx added
    Freeboota government implemented
    Finished Pirate Fleet government as well as some alterations to account for it
    spritetypes file set up for Pirate Fleet and Freebootaz government
    localisation file for Pirate Fleet and Freebootaz governments
- Restored the "Enforce Realm Peace" Button. Though its still up for debate wether to just remove it completely
- Fix for the child portraits, elves and dwafs who reach 16 should have the correct portrait
- Fixed Hellebrons Dark Fire amulet not showing its gfx correctly
- Dark Elves and High Elves no longer lose opinion from having troops raised too long
- Added a random event that can trigger every decade or so when you are old world religion ruler and border an openly chaos realm or across across a short sea from one.
    A group of cultists will enter the realm and move to random realm lords court and join an appropriate cult society if able.
    This event has a higher chance to trigger if bordering a realm ruled by a demon prince or chosen.
    The cultist have a higher chance of being caught depending on your state intrigue (unless you spymaster is a secret cultist).
    Realms that have expelled the witch hunters will always fail to catch them.
- Fixed it so the hunt apostate lord spiritual action gives people burnt at the stake the burned portrait same as those burnt by witch hunters.
- Added Warpstone Meteors and Veins
- Overhauled Warpstone System
- Added Black Marketplace
- Increased Vlads starting forces for both the player and the AI
- Overhauled Vampire Retinues
    Undead Horde, summoned troops with a 100% offensive and 50% morale bonus
    Dire Wolves, summoned troops with a 10% offensive 50% morale bonus
    Crypt Ghouls, light infantry with a 40% offensive and 20% defensive bonus
    Cairn Wraiths, pikemen with a 40% offensive and 20% defensive bonus
    Grave Guard, heavy infantry with a 20% offensive and 40% defensive bonus
    Hexwraiths, light cavalry with a 40% offensive and 20% defensive bonus
    Black Knights, heavy cavalry with a 20% offensive and 40% defensive bonus
    Vampire Knights, special troops, with a 70% offensive, 30% defensive, and 50% morale bonus
    Corpse Carts, chariots, 50% defensive and 50% morale bonus
    Crypt Horrors, war beasts, 50% offensive and 100% defensive bonus
    Vargheists, war beasts, 100% offensive 50% defensive bonus
- Vlad Von Carstein now starts with a Large Retinue Army to match the other Elector Counts
- Fixed Daemon Portraits
- Fixed a bunch of minor bugs



Update. Хотфикс 1.16


- Added vampire religion icon for Mapmode and topbar
- Fixes for some GFX
- Fixed the witch hunters having 0 mercs
- Added an option to ruler designer to start with magic
- Some fixes to the warpstone stuff (no longer shall the world descend into addiction and death)
- Limshof now has a holder
- Mausoleum temple building should be fixed for Vampires
- Increased maintenence cost for Vampire Retinues
- Added a Game Rule for the Vampire Wars:
    Default: ~55K troops for Vlad
    Stronger: ~100k troops for Vlad (great for multiplayer in The Empire)
    Off: The wars will not be scripted


Изменено пользователем Мейс Винду

В 16.06.2020 в 00:18, JustGamer сказал:

Доброго всем! Тут такое дело... крч у многих других модов есть версии в стим, а тут нема. Кто знает ,подскажите.

Но проблема  в том, что сделал вроде всё как нужно, но обнавлятор не пашет , а игра вылетает так же как и у чела сверху ( на этапе загрузки).

заранее спасиб!

Разрабы больше в дискорде и в форуме paradoxplaza сидят, а так же мод очень активно развивается. 


https://ck2.paradoxwikis.com/Warhammer:_Geheimnisnacht вот тут все ссылки на него, просто этот форум и русский перевод уже давно мертвы. 

Вот ссылки если не увидишь 

Thread - https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/warhammer-geheimnisnacht-legacy-v1-13-release.1392048/

Subforum - https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/warhammer-geheimnisnacht-mod.902/

Discord - https://discord.gg/Caz6r6j/ 


О, да. Ждал обнову невероятно долго, а потом и вовсе забыл, может на год, если не на два. Я, наверное, испытаю волшебные вещи. Всем спасибо за ссылочки :)



Жаль что саб моды на выпел регионов больше не работают.

Руслан Нагоев

Скажите а для v 3.3.2 есть? Если есть, то какую версию мода надо качать?


5 часов назад, Руслан Нагоев сказал:

Скажите а для v 3.3.2 есть? Если есть, то какую версию мода надо качать?


Держи. https://www.mediafire.com/file/bq6nr9adsjusrog/WH-Geheimnisnacht-Legacy_v1.16.zip/file

Руслан Нагоев

Большое спасибо

2 часа назад, Руслан Нагоев сказал:

А русификатор есть?

Русификатор есть но к сожаление лишь на старую версию на этой версий он будет работать крайне не коректно.

@had обновите пожалуйста версию мода в шапке

у всех после установки сабмодов на низкое кач. текстур и ванильные портреты орки превращаются в монголов, а король бретонии становиться королевой и за них нельзя играть, или только у меня?




Я уж и смотреть в дискорд позабыл.


Значит так, в предвкушении нового лонграна, скажите пожалуйста, могут ли нынче сильванцы создать Имперскую форму правления вообще? Чтобы Герцоги-Вампиры вели Объединённое Человечество по дороге выживания и борьбы с Хаосом? :)

Изменено пользователем demol

12 часа назад, vlad27 сказал:

у всех после установки сабмодов на низкое кач. текстур и ванильные портреты орки превращаются в монголов, а король бретонии становиться королевой и за них нельзя играть, или только у меня?

Вы точно установили последние версии сабмодов? С дискорда брали?

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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht     i Скачать WH: Geheimnisnacht v1.3.7.1 [совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : MEGA [zip | exe] | Steam Скачать WH: SUBMODS [не


Тем временем на плазе вышла новая версия мода: http://www.mediafire.com/file/84cnxn3n8wdz1sm/geheimnisnacht+1.1.0.zip

Мейс Винду

Разрабы обещают скоро полноценный дневник... https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/official-community-update-2.1184473/        

Torn Knight

Выкладываю дневник утром, чтобы те, кому это интересно, читали его за кружкой утреннего кофе/чая. Сам новую версию тестировать пока что не буду, ибо без хотфикса этого почти никогда не делаю, пот


А тут новая версия вахи подъехала, не благодарите http://www.mediafire.com/file/jzceg7q1b7c4dwk/geheimnisnacht+1.0.zip    

Torn Knight

Выше список изменений, здесь же выкладываю Дневник разработчиков, который вышел одновременно с этим списком, но в котором разработчики дал пояснения по каждому из блоков изменений и немного систематиз

Torn Knight

Доброго времени суток. Сегодня вышла версия 1.3.7, спустя почти год с выхода прошлой версии. Все это время мод обновлялся по системе SVN, так что разработки не прекращались, просто не было дневников.


Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 1.2]   Mod is compatible with version of CK2.  

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