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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht

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8 часов назад, Feliks K сказал:

файл BR_stillbirth_event

Если надо то можно через консоль получить наследника

присвоив нужный вид обоим персонажам

add_trait creature_*

pollinate * *

give_birth *

а вообще неплохо ещё использовать чит на добавления придворных девушку и парня любой заданной культуры когда не хватает для семьи

или чит move * из двора любого правителя

Хмм, читы помогают сократить время (оно бесценно ) их наличие радует)





можно в файлах включить трейты-предметы

+ если артифакты некоторые из мода могут работать - книги, и пару предметов, а вот некоторые нет.


В 21.10.2019 в 00:46, UltraStrategyMag сказал:

Разработчики выкатили  свой сайт. На нём вы также можете поучаствовать в бете-тесте новой версии. Если успеете.

Разработка мода будет вестись под последнюю версию CK2, планы на CK3 есть, но отсутствие кочевников в игре и анимированные портреты мешают реализации некоторых рас Вархаммера (Орки, Бистмены и т.д). Так что, ждем обновлений.







Да зачем об CK3 думать, пусть сначала нормальную версию на вторые запилят.  тем более сейчас, это очень удобно. Больше ДЛС не будет, патчей , скорей всего тоже. Значит можно пилить, не опасаясь, что внезапно поломают Параходы игру. 


Есть, кстати, новости о версии для 3.2. (3.1 или 3.0 хотя бы)? А то чот 2.8 уже совсем староватая

В 09.11.2019 в 13:24, werter1995 сказал:

Есть, кстати, новости о версии для 3.2. (3.1 или 3.0 хотя бы)? А то чот 2.8 уже совсем староватая

Присоединяюсь к вопросу

6 часов назад, aaronium сказал:

Присоединяюсь к вопросу

Можете пока не ждать новые версии мода, команда на данный момент занимается набором добровольцев для тестирования, хотят измерить общий баланс и работоспособность. 


Где взять версию CK 2.8.0??? Облазил всё нигде нет


20 часов назад, MaxArtemas сказал:

Где взять версию CK 2.8.0??? Облазил всё нигде нет


у меня сохранилось на гугл-диск залил



Изменено пользователем 27wolf

2 часа назад, 27wolf сказал:

у меня сохранилось на гугл-диск залил



Спасибо большое! :)


Не знаю, на сколько это тупой вопрос, но пойдёт ли на версию 3.3?


Нет не пойдёт мод работоспособен только на версии 2.8

Кто нибудь достал бетку 3.0? Как это вообще выглядит? С тобой должны связаться или как? Просто я писал на сайте все тишина

21 час назад, Warfail сказал:

скачать эту версию конечно же нигде нельзя?


Поделитесь скриншотами, господа 

3 часа назад, RichTrip сказал:

Поделитесь скриншотами, господа 

Зачем? 🤔

22 часа назад, SyLaR_MoZZZg сказал:

Зачем? 🤔

Хочу узнать стоит ли оно того, чтобы скачивать 🧐

2 часа назад, RichTrip сказал:

Хочу узнать стоит ли оно того, чтобы скачивать 🧐

там ссылкок на скачку нет


2 часа назад, RichTrip сказал:

Хочу узнать стоит ли оно того, чтобы скачивать 🧐



(ограничения по размеру файлов) https://yadi.sk/d/eMDSmkCj_oz90A


Changelog V1.3.17
# Minor Changes II
-Updated Frontend GFX for the loading bar and the hints section to fit longer hints
-Converted the new popup sections of the Frontend GUI used for the featured ruler/ck3 trailer
-Moved the new Map Mode job to the spymaster
-for now the offmap "china" power has been moved to the southlands and araby. This will be converted into Cathay in the southlands overhaul
-All bugs reported from V1.3.16 are fixed

# Cassus Belli Overhaul I
-Grail crusades will continue to use the old crusade system
-The new crusade system will be converted to work for chaos, these "Black Crusades" will be elaborated on in the chaos overhaul
-A Northern crusade can be called by Holy Orders of the Empire
-Reconquista system has been converted to the Tilea/Estalia regions of the old world.

# Decision Overhaul I
-Created "offer brief non-aggression pact" targetted decision, this is intended as a new way to form alliances. Limited to your religion group usually though there are exceptions (such as between humans and dwarfs/elves)

Changelog V1.3.16
# Minor Changes I
-General localisation
-Finalized design on intro loading screen
-Added a few more loading screens from "HAMMK"
-Finished installer
-Fixed unitpanel_specialunits gfx
-Integrated Fake Map Modes (This is somewhat incomplete as the technology section will be repurposed for our needs perhaps to check chaos/vampiric taint)

# Building Overhaul I
# Castle
# Unique Buildings, more to come!
-Altdorf, garrison size, knights, galleys, income
-Middenheim, fort level, garrison size, heavy infantry
-Talabheim, fort level, garrison size, archers
-Nuln, garrison size, military tech, gunpowder, income
-Marienburg, garrison size, light infantry, galleys, tax income
-Sudenburg, garrison size, pikemen, tax income, commander limit, court size
-Grand Moot, reduces short reign penalty up to 10 years
-Three Smoke Rings, garrison size, tax income, local revolt risk reduction
-Sauerapfel, tax income, tech growth, levy size
# Traditional Buildings
-Keeps, gives levy and garrison size
-Wall quality, gives fort level
-Walls, gives fort level, levy size and income
-Castle Town, gives income and increases court size
-Shipyard, gives galleys
-Library, tech growth and retinue size
-Armoury, gives morale and reinforcement rate
-Militia Barracks, gives light infantry and archers
-Barracks, gives heavy infantry and pikemen, adjusted for more pikemen in the WH world
-Stable, gives light cavalry and some heavy cavalry
# The Empire
-Imperial Castle, replaces keep, slightly more garrison for slightly less levy, produces knights
-Imperial Castle Town, replaces Castle Town, gives extra income, increases court size, and lowers retinue cost up to 50%
-Private Estates, increases income and retinue size
-Gunnery School, provides handgunners
# Sudenburg
-Sudenburger castle, replaces Keep/Castle Town, boost to taxes up to 30%, court size, less levy and replaces heavy infantry with light infantry/archers
-House of Knowledge, replaces library, spreads tech growth and increases retinue size
-Exotic Fruit Plantation, replaces Private Estates, increases income
-Satrap Free Companies, replaces Militia Barracks, gives light infantry and archers with an offensive bonus up to 30%
-Infantry Focus, heavy infantry/pikemen offensive and defensive bonus, unlocks Barracks
-Cavalry Focus, light calv/knights offensive and defensive bonus, unlocks Stables
-Satrap Infantry Companies, replaces Barracks, balanced towards pikemen
-Satrap Cavalry Companies, replaces Stables, gives more knights
-Gunpowder Focus, 40% offensive/defensive bonus, unlocks gunners
-Artillery Focus, 40% offensive/defensive bonus, unlocks artillery
-Elephant Focus, 40% offensive/defensive bonus, unlocks elephants
-Satrap Gunner Companies
-Satrap Artillery Companies
-Satrap Elephant Companies
# Neueslander Special Buildings
-Neue Towns, replaces Castle Town. gives income and levy reinforcement up to 30%
-Neue Soldaten, replaces Militia Barracks, less Light infantry, increased morale regeneration
-Rough Riders, replaces Stable, light cavalry only, increases their defense/morale up to 20%
# Halflings
-Halfling Moot, replaces Keep/Castle Town, less levy/garrison, a lot less heavy infantry, increases court size and income
-Hot-Pot Catapults, replaces Castle Fortifications, gives artillery and archers but less fort level
-Halfling Shepherds, replaces Castle Wall, levy size and income but no fort level
-Halfling Militia, replaces Militia Barracks, replaces light infantry with pikemen, less levy overall.
-Halfling Muster, replaces Barracks, Light infantry/archers instead of heavy infantry/pikemen
-War Sheep Riders, replaces Stable, light cavalry only
-Half-tank Foundry, gives artillery, prestige, and morale
# City
# Traditional Buildings
-Wall quality, gives fort level
-Walls, gives fort level, levy size and income
-City Guard, gives pikemen and handgunners
-Merchant Republic Arsenal, gives fort level, garrison size, levy size, and galleys
-City Shipyard, gives galleys
-City Port, gives tax income
-Marketplace, gives tax income
-Training grounds, gives levy size, and garrison size
-Mustering Ground, gives light infantry, light cavalry and archers
-University, gives tech growth and techpoints
# Terrain Locked
-Farmlands, terrain locked, trade value and garrison size
-Mines, terrain locked, trade value and garrison size
-Forest Villages, terrain locked, trade value and garrison size
-Desert Villages, terrain locked, trade value and garrison size
-Tundra Villages, terrain locked, trade value and garrison size
-Steppe Villages, terrain locked, trade value and garrison size
# The Empire
-Imperial Port, gives extra income
-Imperial Marketplace, gives extra income
-Imperial Militia Grounds, slightly more garrison for slightly less levy
-Coaching Inns, levy reinforcement, land organisation and local movement speed up to 30%
# Halflings
-Mootland Ogres, Gives heavy infantry and increases their offensive/defensive up to 50%
# Temple
# Unique Buildings
-Great Temple of Sigmar, garrison size, prestige/piety, gunpowder and heavy infantry with 15% morale bonus
-Temple of the Sacred Flame, fort level, garrison size, prestige/piety, heavy infantry and some knights with 15% defensive bonuses
-Centre For Manaan, more galleys, some tax income, prestige/piety and heavy infantry
-Witch Hunter Temple in Sudenburg, fort level, garrison size, prestige/piety, gunpowder and heavy infantry with 15% morale bonus
# Traditional Buildings
-Temple Wall, fort level, levy size and tax income
-Temple Fortifications, increases fort level
-Elite Barracks, gives Heavy Infantry
-Temple Monastery, gives levy/garrison size
-Militia Quarters, Gives light infantry and archers
-Temple Town, gives income
-Shipyard, gives galleys
-School, gives tech growth, culture points
# The Empire, as well as most of the human races in the game
-Sigmar, replaces Temple Fortifications, fort level, heavy infantry and improves morale up to 10%
-Ulric, replaces Elite Barracks, gives Heavy infantry, and improves offensive up to 10%
-Myrmidia, replaces Temple Monastery, gives slightly less levy/garrison size for some levy reinforcement rate up to 25%
-Taal and Rhya, replaces Barracks, gives more archers than light infantry, and improves archer defensive and offensive up to 10%
-Shallyan Hospice, replaces Temple Town, gives income and piety
-Gardens of Morr, gives knights and improves offensive up to 10%
-Manaan Shrine, replaces Shipyard, gives galleys and tax income
-Verena Library, replaces School, gives tech growth, culture and economy tech points
# Halflings
-Esmerelda, replaces Temple Monastery, gives almost no levy/garrison, decreases local revolt risk up to 30%
# Brettonia
-Grail Chapel, replaces Temple Fortifications, fort level, light cavalry and horse archers to represent mounted yeomen
# Tilea
-Lares Shrine, replaces Temple Fortifications, fort level and Pikemen
# Estalia
-Santiago Shrine, replaces Temple Fortifications, fort level, light cavalry and Knights

# Retinue Overhaul I
-Warrior Priests of Sigmar, sigmarite, heavy infantry with a 50% offensive and 100% morale bonus
-Wolves of Ulric, ulrican, heavy infantry with a 100% offensive and 50% morale bonus
-Company of the Green Hat, taalite, archers with a 100% offensive and 50% defensive bonus
-Druids of the Secret Fire, old faith, light infantry with a 100% defensive and 50% morale bonus
-Stormguard, manannite, heavy infantry with a 50% offensive/defensive and morale bonus
-Swordsmen, light infantry with a 40% offensive and 20% defensive bonus
-Spearmen, light infantry with a 20% offensive and 40% defensive bonus
-Archers, archers with a 30% offensive and 30% defensive bonus
-Crossbows, archers with a 60% offensive bonus
-Halbadiers, pikemen with a 20% offensive and 40% defensive bonus
-Greatswords, heavy infantry with an 40% offensive and 20% morale bonus
-Outriders, light cavalry with a 40% defensive and 20% morale bonus
-Imperial Knights, heavy cavalry with a 40% offensive and 20% morale bonus
-Handgunners, gunpowder with an 40% offensive and 20% morale bonus
-Deathwatch, Stirland, light infantry with a 20% offensive and 60% morale bonus
-Berserkers, Nordland, heavy infantry with a 50% offensive and 30% morale bonus
-Beasthunters, Talabacland, archers with a 50% offensive and 30% defensive bonus
-Landsknecht, Averland, pikemen with a 50% offensive and 30% morale bonus
-Carroburg Greatswords, Middenland, heavy infantry with a 60% offensive and 20% morale bonus
-Forlorn Hope, Sylvania, heavy infantry with a 20% offensive and 60% morale bonus
-Black Riders, Solland, light cavalry with a 40% offensive and 40% morale bonus
-Reiksguard, Reikland, heavy cavalry with a 50% offensive and 30% morale bonus
-Long Rifle Company, Hochland, gunpowder with a 60% offensive and 20% defensive bonus
-Ostland Ogres, Ostland, heavy infantry and gunpowder with a 100% offensive/defensive bonus for both
-Pike-and-Shot Company, Ostermark, pikemen and gunpowder with a 50% offensive/defensive bonus for both
-Westerland Marines, Westerland, heavy infantry and light infantry with a 40% offensive bonus for both
-Wissengun, Wissenland, artillery with a 60% offensive bonus
-Wissengun, Wissenland, artillery with a 40% offensive and 20% defensive bonus
-Imperial Free Company, archers and light infantry, 30% defensive bonus for both
-Imperial Infantry Company, pikemen and heavy infantry, 20% defensive bonus for both
-Imperial Cavalry Company, light cavalry and heavy cavalry, 20% offensive bonus for both
-Imperial Gunner Company, gunpowder units, 20% offensive/morale bonus
-Imperial Artillery Company, artillery units, 20% offensive/morale bonus
-Imperial Elephant Company, elephant units, 20% offensive/morale bonus
-Crazy Chefs, light infantry, 20% offensive/defensive bonus
-Halfling Trackers, archers, 20% offensive/defensive bonus
-Pantry Guards, pikemen and heavy infantry, 20% offensive/defensive bonus
-War Sheep Riders, light_cavalry, 20% offensive/defensive bonus
-Battle Ram Riders, heavy cavalry, 20% offensive/defensive bonus
-Hot Pot Catapults, artillery, 100% offensive/defensive bonus
-Great Eagle Riders, war beasts, 100% offensive/defensive bonus

23 часа назад, RichTrip сказал:

Хочу узнать стоит ли оно того, чтобы скачивать 🧐

Конечно, ведь это один из самых крупных модов для Крестов 2. Вот тебе скрин каноничного инцеста 😏




2 часа назад, SyLaR_MoZZZg сказал:

Конечно, ведь это один из самых крупных модов для Крестов 2. Вот тебе скрин каноничного инцеста 😏

Меня больше интересует проблема производительности и стабильности. Где в районе версий 2.8.-3.0 она была аховой, и чудо было чтобы партия продлилась 50 лет.

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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht     i Скачать WH: Geheimnisnacht v1.3.7.1 [совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : MEGA [zip | exe] | Steam Скачать WH: SUBMODS [не


Тем временем на плазе вышла новая версия мода: http://www.mediafire.com/file/84cnxn3n8wdz1sm/geheimnisnacht+1.1.0.zip

Мейс Винду

Разрабы обещают скоро полноценный дневник... https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/official-community-update-2.1184473/        

Torn Knight

Выкладываю дневник утром, чтобы те, кому это интересно, читали его за кружкой утреннего кофе/чая. Сам новую версию тестировать пока что не буду, ибо без хотфикса этого почти никогда не делаю, пот


А тут новая версия вахи подъехала, не благодарите http://www.mediafire.com/file/jzceg7q1b7c4dwk/geheimnisnacht+1.0.zip    

Torn Knight

Выше список изменений, здесь же выкладываю Дневник разработчиков, который вышел одновременно с этим списком, но в котором разработчики дал пояснения по каждому из блоков изменений и немного систематиз

Torn Knight

Доброго времени суток. Сегодня вышла версия 1.3.7, спустя почти год с выхода прошлой версии. Все это время мод обновлялся по системе SVN, так что разработки не прекращались, просто не было дневников.


Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 1.2]   Mod is compatible with version of CK2.  

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