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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht

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  • Tweaks to greenskin culture modifiers
  • Fixes and minor tweaks to the dwarf halls
  • Tzeentch holy site fix
  • Greenskin uprising description fix
  • Minor tweak for lahmians
  • Fixed interracial stillbirth not happening
  • Large event chain for dwarfs about a visit to the local pub!
  • Localization fixes for some dwarf stuff
  • Converted most provinces with Greenskins as their holders into Tribal
  • The Estalian Communards turned into a playable Merchant Republic ( Also, some changed the order of some holdings in Estalian provinces so that they're considered republics )
  • Gave patricians to the republic of Barduila
  • Fixed localization for the Chaos Undivided cultist menu
  • Decision icons for the "Chaos cultist menu" decisions
  • Fixed some title issues in the Badlands
  • Modifier icon for Norscan religion
  • Norscans can now choose a patron god or embrace chaos
  • Tilean retinues have been touched up
  • Chaos religion group no longer die from massive mutations
  • syphilitic is now also cured from healing potions
  • Morathi no longer gets the 500 gold when someone hires a sorceress, it should stay with the sorceress now
  • Brewery building for dwarf cities
  • Rebalanced the costs of the raise Greenskin army decision ( It costs 800 prestige and raises 4500 troops instead )
  • The prestige-giving event of the Make Land Green job action now gives less prestige ( 100 down from 150 )
  • WAAAGHs can now only correctly be launched against neighbouring realms
  • Added tribal versions of some Dwarf and Border Princes unique buildings
  • The remade the Tribalize decision for "normal" Tribals ( Any that aren't Greenskins, Wood Elfs or Beastmen ). Now only available to Tribal characters with Tribal lieges, and instead of converting a capital into tribal, it creates a new tribal holding and gives it to a new character
  • Characters can no longer convert a Greenskin's province's culture or religion through the usual means ( Job Actions, random conversion events...; and Greenskins can no longer convert a province to their culture and religion through the usual means.
  • Fix for bug where some dark elf courtiers got 10 gold every 20 days from an event
  • Fixes to Beastmen cb
  • Beastmen can no longer build in tribal holdings
  • Added Quirking decision for Slaaneshi/Atharti/Cult of Pleasure to use on any courtier/spouse
  • Added Polymorph decision for Slaaneshi/Atharti/Cult of Pleasure mages to use on any prisoner
  • Fix for when rulers got the dwarf engineer's 200 gold instead of the engineer
  • AI Dwarfs should now only use Greenskin extermination inside de-jure Karaz Ankor
  • Refusing to send a expedition to a Greenskin infested province no longer costs prestige
  • Greenskin Hideouts modifier will now be applied to all Greenskin provinces held by a non-Greenskin
  • Fixed some duplicate Greenskin dynasties
  • Severely expanded description for the dwarf buildings
  • Nerfed total LI provided by the Chaos Dwarf Slave Levy buildings to 3000 ( down from 7000 )
  • Possible fix for lahmians not being recalled from seduction missions
  • Only humans can be turned into vampires now
  • Added decision for Beastmen to offer wealth to herdstones
  • Added genetic horn traits for Beastmen
  • Tweaked female beastmangfx
  • Added different dwarf warrior classes as traits
  • Added defensive bonuses in impassable mountains and in mountain passes
  • Unique buildings for Findol, Montfort, Parravon, and Cavaroc
  • Chaos Dwarf Barracks no longer give a Gunner levy
  • "Defeated Greenskins" modifier now prevents any other Greenskin Uprisings from happening in 5 years
  • Orcs will now be much likely to challenge their liege if he's a Goblin
  • The Cult of Sigmar now uses the Papal Succession/College of Cardinals mechanics
  • Removed "Ask Hashut for a boon" decision
  • Chaos Dwarfs now get the blessings from the removed decision by using the new "Grand Sacrifice" decision, in exchange for sacrificing prisoners or slave building levels; The better the quality of the sacrifices, the higher the chance of getting better blessings
  • A Chaos Dwarf player may now also sell armaments themselves, rather than waiting for the AI to buy from them
  • Greenskin colonization levels are applied again at the end of the colonization process
  • Replaced most instances of the vanilla Piety icon with ours
  • Allow rulers to commission magic items
    • Rulers have a targetted decision on any wizard in their realm; They can choose any magical item the wizard is capable of making, but must pay 50% more; The extra gold is given to the wizard as payment; The AI will always accept the commission, but a player wizard can refuse

    [*]Made confirmed heretic opinion modifier an execute_reason, prison_reason, and banish_reason

    [*]Started adding in lore characters for the Tomb Kings including Arkhan and his Black Tower

    [*]Tweaked beastman decisions, added revolts for any non-beastman-cultured county under beastmen

    [*]Added nehekharangfx

    [*]Unique buildings are now tied to the capital baronies exclusively, rather than provinces

    [*]Most unique buildings are now rebuildable ( Buildtime and gold values pending for balance )

    [*]Rebalanced Vampire traits so that mortals of the Vampiric religion no longer hate vampires

    [*]Basic setup for Nehekhara and the Tomb Kings

    [*]Tomb Kings now cannot die. Ever. ;)

    [*]Gave Runeswords to all elector counts and emperors

    [*]Basic system for the dwarf warrior classes

    [*]The dwarfen halls should give increased retinue cap now

    [*]More retinues for the dwarfs: thunderers and quarrellers

    [*]Dwarfen babies will get the beardling trait at birth

    [*]Most of the dwarfs created in the start of the game will have their own warrior class trait or the beardling trait

    [*]Old dwarfs become either longbeards or ironbreakers

    [*]Made imperial retinue unavailable for barons unless they are a patrician

    [*]Kingdom of Khemri claimants from the first, second and third dynasty's are up (the remaining dynasty's are coming soon)

    [*]More claimants for Khemri as well as Zandri

    [*]deactivated Execute prisoner decision and set up a moddable targeted decision in its place to handle special situations. It has been put in "vanilla_reloaded_decisions" along with the demand_conversion_decisions.

    [*]Decision tweaking to prevent Tomb Kings from being killed

    [*]General tweaking on casus belli to prevent conquest of Nehekhara by the living

    [*]Added casus belli and events for graverobbers bordering Tomb Kings

    [*]Added three casus belli for Tomb Kings (conquest/subjugation/anti-graverobbers)

    [*]Fixed magic events for Chaos Dwarfs

    [*]Startup event now properly assigns caste traits to all Nehekharans

    [*]Added Tomb King traits to those characters who lacked them at the games start

    [*]Buildings for Khemri and Lybaras

    [*]Increased the minimum age to 200 for the ill health/death events for elves and dwarves

    [*]Added culture conversion mechanics for Nehekharans

    [*]Added nomadgfx

    [*]Added arabyan-nehekharan name list for 'nomad' culture

    [*]Nehekharan undead rulers should no longer have the option to cleanse greenskin provinces

    [*]Fixed that one Orc merc company that anyone could recruit

    [*]Myrmidian, Shallyan and Grail temples will now always be held by females

    [*]Dwarfs become "adults" (loses the beardling trait) at an age of 75

    [*]Dwarfs are more likely to use the shield wall combat tactic

    [*]Increased bottleneck chance/risk in impassable mountains and mountain passes

    [*]Vlad must now hold an empire title for his events and special CB to work

    [*]Added decision for nomads under nehekharan rulers to embrace their faith

    [*]Added flavour events for nehekharans and their living vassals

    [*]Fixed witch hunter spamming

    [*]Nerfed Night Goblin building

    [*]Chaos Dwarf cities, temples and family palaces now also can get the slave buildings



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  • Fix for Wolfenburg and Hergig building swap
  • Dwarf Trait bugfix
  • Successfully settling Nehekharan nomads in Greenskin provinces should now remove th Greenskin Hideout province modifier
  • Decision to unify Imperial faiths ( Available for Sigmarite, Ulrican and Taalite, declares the other 2 Imperial faiths heresies of yours ) (WIP)
  • Heresy icons for Sigmar, Ulric and Taal
  • Gave character and holdings to the Arch-Lector titles, also made them vassals of the Grand Theogonists
  • Arch-Lectors given a piety boost so that they're more likely to be chosen as Sigmarite electors
  • Updated tomb king caste trait icons
  • Nehekharan republics now get the servant caste trait
  • Added new polymorph option
  • Added unruly Beastman child events
  • Various other fixes



Версия 0.6 в шапке.

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  • Made the Slann temple holders and creating Skinks to take their place as rulers
  • Added interracial marriage lock
  • More playable skinks added to Lustria
  • (probably) solved the missing trait icons for the dwarf traits
  • Added special buildings for Estalians
  • Re-added Camel Cavalry ( more than 6 special units are now possible )
  • Vassal Priests should now appear in the Religion tab
  • Made the Grande Charte and Kuldevind into proper merchant republics
  • Strongly nerfed Gunners in the melee phase
  • Dwarf and Chaos Dwarf portraits now have age progression
  • Fixed Troll Pen exclusivity error
  • Gender-swapped ruler can marry to their new opposite gender (within court)
  • Empire of Norsca is no longer held on start
  • Fixed event considering consorts as lovers (hopefully it's the last one).
  • Fixed Khalida being unable to lead her troops
  • Fixed Morathi dying of old age
  • Removed retinues for Nehekharans
  • Fixed tech history for Karaz Ankor and Athel Loren
  • New unique Dwarf/Elf buildings/areas
  • Fixed plot/regency "reasoning" bug
  • Dwarves now get the old portraits at 200 years.
  • Piggolo restored
  • Fixed a bunch of localisation issues
  • Hammerer regiments have been added
  • Fixed bug with Chaos Dwarf slavery buildings not transferring properly on changing the capital
  • Disabled all kinds of Seduction actions for or towards Lizardmen and Greenskins, as well as the focus itself
  • Added aztek dynasty CoA's by [PRKL] AlexanderBoesen for lizardmen
  • Nehekharan special building only aviable to actual Tomb Kings.
  • Armoricans now use Celticgfx instead of the Nortagnese
  • Fixed issue with the Grand Sacrifice to Hashut not properly removing slave buildings if choosing to sacrifice these
  • General cleaning and repositioning of Dwarf beards
  • No longer possible to trigger the Chaos Dwarf decisions to sell into slavery or sacrifice to Hashut multiple times
  • No longer possible to use the Chaos Dwarf decisions to sell into slavery or sacrifice to Hashut on the same character
  • No longer possible to sacrifice or sell Tomb Kings into slavery as a Chaos Dwarf
  • No longer possible to sacrifice Tomb King prisoners in the Great Sacrifice to Hashut decision as a Chaos Dwarf
  • Fixed same_opinion for vampire traits
  • Added new chaospawngfx
  • Increased retinue cost
  • Made so Slann and Liche Priests can become Court Chaplains regardless of education
  • Added nickname for Forsaken characters
  • Tweaked ambitions and focuses to prevent Khemri servants, Beastmen, Orcs and Chaos Spawn from taking inappropriate objectives
  • Nehekharan Church is now patriarchal as lore intends
  • Nerfed Ghrond Sorceresses: To hire the retinue now the holder of Ghrond also needs to be a Druchii Sorceress herself
  • Added new traits for Chaos Spawn and lunacy
  • Replaced lunatic with lunatic_1/2/3, according to what was needed
  • Removed lunatic trait from cbs and common
  • Fixed an event not firing when losing the hammerer honorary title
  • Fixed the missing trait icon for a "dwarf warrior"
  • Fixed females getting warrior traits
  • Fixed certain courtiers of counts and dukes having the longbeard trait even though they are not eligible for it
  • Decreased the skill of longbeards in the pub event chain
  • Dwarfs can become hammerers, longbeards or ironbreakers at an age of 250 instead of 300
  • Revamped Lustria, Araby and Nehekhara terrain appearance
  • Added provinces to Lybaras, Lahmia and Rasetra kingdoms
  • Added Karak Hafak province in Black Mountains
  • Ironsides back to being a republic
  • Additional river/island adjacencies added
  • localised names added for Lustrian locations
  • New flag for Azgarazar
  • Cleaned up title histories
  • Prevented beastmen, Khemri servants and Chaos Spawn from takin certain objectives and foci
  • Various fixes on dwarfen events and decisions
  • Added four new cosmetic mutations
  • Additional triggers and modifiers for nicknames.
  • Ormazdian Caliphate Uprising tweaked to happen less often, but to be more dangerous
  • Added scriptures and priest names for religions missing them
  • Added icon for the Northern Gods religion
  • Greenskins can't hold temples now
  • Greenskins holding temples or with pries education get the Waaagh lore trait + magical power 1 ( Remember, Greenskin magic is really shitty at lvl 1, so this shouldn't be too OP )
  • Adapted some sons of abraham events to warhammer
  • Added Indish culture to the Oriental group
  • Fat Indian merchant is now a Fat Cathayan merchant
  • Lots, and lots, and lots of stability fixes
  • Most files with Linux EOLs converted to Windows EOLs ( to ensure consistency )
  • Replaced many vanilla localizations with more Warhammer-appropriate stuff
  • Avaki flag added
  • culture groups now use vanilla unit gfx to prevent possible crashes
  • Fixed missing culture names
  • Fixed duplicate dynasty
  • Changed Dragon Isles Lizardmen to Lost Lizardmen
  • Added Dark Elf mercenaries
  • Removed capital holding from Realm of Chaos
  • Duplicate event ID fixes
  • Added new Anath Raema religion for the tribal Druchii
  • Added insanity modifiers (WIP)
  • Added character trait for SETTRA!!!
  • Changed Brightland Heath to Tor Hoeth
    Moved Holy Sites to landed_titles
  • Regions update
  • Changed Meissen province to Wurmgrube
  • Cleaned, indexed and improved performance of racial decisions and startup events
  • Greenskins can no longer employ debutantes
  • Zandri back to being feudal
  • Fixed the Byzantine events triggering a blank event
  • Fixed bug with beauty inheritance traits not being assigned
  • Moved strength and intellingence traits on_actions rather than MTTH
  • Reduced Asrai joining foreign wars factor
  • Added cleanup event to remove norscan gods modifiers when a norscan converts
  • Readapted byzantine events to work for mykans
  • Added new triggers for vanilla music, hymns of Abraham, hymns to the old gods and songs of Byzantium
  • Added new temporary songs until custom soundtrack is finished
  • Norscan now no longer use christianized hairstyles
  • Given King-tier Viceroyalties to Naggaroth
  • New lunacy events
  • Fixed Asrai going to war against themselves
  • Added custom holding icons for Asur, Asrai, Druchii, Dwarves, Chaos Dwarves, Greenskins and Nehekharans
  • Fixed black holding bug for northmangfx and kurgangfx
  • Added some more culture rules
  • Fixed Nehekharan titles
  • Added flavor events for addicts
  • Added flavor events for the Chaos Wastes
  • Fixed Beastman titles
  • Tentative Monstrous culture added
  • Quarrellers and thunderers finally hate each other
  • AI is more likely to become a Thunderer or Quarreller if thier father is, respectively
  • Altered colours for improved clarity
  • Aged up numerous characters to reduce landed children
  • Added graphical_cultures for bloodletters, daemonettes, plaguebearers and flamers
  • Added magic_potential traits and flags to handle predisposition of magic for characters
  • Added events to assign properly the flags and reveal the traits whenever necessary
  • Added possession mechanics
  • Added summoning decisions
  • Overhauled magic learning systems for Asur and Druchii
  • Set up Magic apprenticeship for Chaos and other magic-friendly societies
  • Added some magic bloodlines and some mage courtiers in Kislev, Norsca, Ghrond and the Chaos Wastes
  • Filled out the Druchii Autarri lands and the Asur Tiranoci colonies in Lustria with characters
  • Black Sky Orc horde in Lustria divided into smaller realms
  • Gave patricians to all merchant republics
  • Remas now has it's proper patrician families in power (Former Princess Andrea Bonetti has been moved to the county of Pontecorvo)
  • Knochenküste and Salkalten are back to being feudal realms ( They were never meant to be republics in the first start date )
  • Removed most non-tribal holdings in tribal lands ( Mostly in Athel Loren and Autarri lands )
  • High Kingdom empire removed (Its religious head quality has been transferred to a county-level title)
  • Added religious branches to Gork & Mork religion
  • Some tweaks to the new holding icons
  • Greenskins with clerical education no longer get the lore_waaagh trait
  • Added holding images for Beastmen, Kurgan and Sylvanians
  • Added holdings icons for Arabyans
  • Set up alternative cultural and religious triggers for the remaining DLC music tracks
  • Added decision and event chains for characters trying to learn magic on their own
  • Altered various Empire realm colours
  • Changed holdings in Chaos Wastes
  • Chaos Dwarven Sorcerers now do in fact turn to stone on death by curse
  • Additional flavor for demons
  • Chaos bids for independence now allow fellow vassal cultist to join in
  • Added a few icons for all decisions and events
  • Autarri and Athel Loren provinces now properly tribal (again...)
  • Nerfed Goblin cultural modifier and troops ( halved the attack and defense values of all their units )
  • Greenskin decision now costs more prestige and no longer gives heavy infantry
  • Added Vampire portraits for Carstein vampires
  • Changed the turn courtier into vampire and turn vampire into vampire heir into targetted decisions



<noindex>WG 0.6.1</noindex>

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Added beards for Sylvanian vampires

Increased learning of mage courtiers to make them viable as teachers

Restricted requirements for studying magic

Greenskin duels against lieges should no longer trigger twice

Mayor baronies are properly open elective now

Minor bugfixing on lunacy, asrai and demon hosts

Reworked Vampire turning mechanics to work only with the targetted decisions

Both player and AI can try and resist their liege giving the dark gift

Added proper decision to ask vampire liege for the dark gift

Slightly reduced retinue costs again

Fixed bug allowing Asrai to send children to Hoeth

Fixed bug making Witch Hunters pursuing heretics and vampires while under Chaos Worshippers/Vampire realms

Fixed bug making Sylvanian not gain the human racial trait

Reduced frequency of some of the Chaos Wastes events

Turned the Asrai joining notification into an actual notification

Fixed the Jeanne of Arc CTD

Fixed inappropriate localisations

Fixed Gulf of Olimen and Erengrad port positioning

Fixed faulty age triggers and bug with hedge wizards never finishing their studies

Fixed triggers for vampires

Clean up for the Ruler Designer

Neutered the Ruler Designer to avoid some bugs created by miscreated custom rulers

Vampires now regenerate maimings and wounds like Nehekharans do

Fixed another bug with magic learning going into an endless loop

Fixed characters not gaining higher levels of magic power

Fixed Sorceresses of Ghrond retinue not being aviable to the Hag Queen

Fixed monstrous characters wrongly gaining the beastman racial trait

Fixed Asrai joining war endless loop

Fixed Demons wrongly gaining mutations

Fixed Demons wrongly gaining mutations

Added gfx for vampires turned while underage



<noindex>WG 0.7</noindex>

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The version compatible with 2.4.1

Added trade posts for many families.

Changed Ironsides League to Angazklad

Changed two dwarf patrician families

Vampires now locked True Cognatic Open

Kislevites have True Cognatic aviable and as a starting law

Most events and decisions that used culture groups to assign race traits now use graphical culture instead

Startup event to assign race trait now checks ALL the characters in one single strike, not just rulers

Employment decisions now properly assign a race trait depending on graphical culture

Greenskin revolt now checks if the realm's top liege has the "Defeated Greenskins" modifier before triggering

Greenskins who are vassals can now freely duel characters of the other Greenskin race inside their same realm

Greenskin counts may now gain titles by killing the Greenskin ruler who holds them (Duke-tier and above can't gain counties this way, to avoid exploits)

Added placeholder gfx cultures for Lizardmen, Skaven and Ogres

Fixed issue with Amazon maintenance decision removing the Amazon trait from Amazon females

Amazon theocracies are now always ruled by females

Capital of Amazonia made truly tribal

Added gfx for Daemon Princes of each god.

Combat casting can be used whenever someone is in battle or in a siege

Mage Apprentices cannot marry while studying

Religious conversions cannot be demanded while at war

Hedge wizards cannot be granted magic by Tzeentch while training

Cultists joining a bid for independence receive the correct opinion modifier to allow the liege free imprisonement

Demons do not ask for position in the council

Hundreds or thousands of minor and not so minor typos, grammatical errors or poorly constructed sentences fixed

Giant culture added

Chaos Dwarfs now have to wait 5 years to sell stuff again after using either decision

Added Chaos mechanics

Unholy Subjugation increases the favour of the ruler's patron

Added combat tactics for Daemon hosts and commanding Daemon Princes

Added Daemonic Host special unit

Added and modified Chaos Champion/Chosen/Princes traits

Removed the old "Quest to become Chosen" decision

Limited the Everchosen quest to Undivided

Added decision to make an offering to the Chaos patron

Added Unholy Raid cb for Chaos worshippers against non-Chaos worshippers to gather favour

Overhauled necromantic magic

Added new Undead special unit

Added Nagashi religion

Added decision to become Necromancers and for the Undead to teach to Necromancers

Overhauled the summon undead decision

New flags for various Chaos titles and Iron Rock

Creature type descriptions added

Dwarven tweaking

Vampires now change appearence immediately

Added K'daai gfx

Fixed Daemons still being able to receive titles

Carstein ring doesn't disappear anymore, but rather needs to be stolen, either by plot or by imprisoning the holder (Vampire plotters can take it from themselves)

General cleanup in the objectives folder

Added mount and buildings for Vampires

Gunnery School no longer aviable to Sylvanians

Each holding now only can have a type of Goblin Camp building

Added new DNAs for Vlad and his family (Isabella's hair color remains broken)

Added gfx for Lahmians and Lahmian children

Beastmen can no longer take chaos champions retinues

Ormazdian descent traits are removed when changing religion

Settra has proper duel modifiers

Adapted the new Chaos favor system to the Chaos Dwarfs

Decision to become a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer removed, now to become one, one must accumulate 30 points of favor with Hashut

Favor with Hashut is won through sacrificing prisoners, either through the targeted decision or through the Great Sacrifice decision

The Grand Sacrifice decision now gives a random "gift" (which may not always benefit the petitioner) depending on the quality of the sacrifice

Chaos Dwarf slavery buildings now decay over time (Relative to the character's stewardship)

Added retinues to the Chaos Dwarfs

K'daai daemons added: Unlike most other daemons, due to the nature of Hashut, they won't be the result of a random possession, and can't be summoned into prisoners; They can only be acquired as gifts from Hashut or summoned by a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer

Compressed the usual Slave selling decisions into the main decision (They're now event options in the main slavery menu)

Added province modifier icons related to slavery

Bretonnian overhaul underway

At the game's start, all Bretonnian characters who aren't lowborn and with martial education or above 10 martial will be made bretonnian knights

sons of Bretonnian feudal rulers might now ask for permission set out to become Questing Knights, and return ( Or not! ) as Knights a few years later

Expanded tournaments for the Bretonians

"Go questing" decision disabled, the Grail Quest decision remains, but is to be replaced at a later date by a better version of it

Bretonnians now get bonuses to army morale and unit combat efficiency the higher their piety ( Named "Virtue" for the Grail religion ) is, capping at 2000 piety

Added most features and decisions related to the vanilla Norsemen to the Norscans, including Blots, Runestones and Holmgangs (Only Norscan Gods characters may celebrate Blots; all cultural Norscans may raise runestones and be challenge or challenge into Holmgangs)

Added holding icons for Lahmians

'Good' quality mountain terrain for the Old World added

Ported vanilla's cultural buildings to cultures lacking unique buildings as placeholder

Added at least one retinue to cultures missing them

Proper minimap added

Toned down the vortex's effect on the Winds of Chaos.

New Morrslieb loading screen

New & Improved loading screen

Nerfed Human Holy Orders

Fixes on retinues and static modifiers

Dwarfs are inherently slow leaders, whereas elves are light-footed

Bretonnians can no longer switch to Viceroyalties

Dwarfs more likely to get infertile after each pregnancy

Added Kislev unique building

Added 20 new Dwarf CoA designs

Fixed wandering spellsinger event

Male Dwarves can become infertile as well now

Basic compatch with 2.4.1 complete

Asrai can no longer take concubines

Integrated new DLC music

Made Ormazdians use the Iqta government

Added new government form for Asur

Added missing holding icons for the custom cultures

Cultural buildings are now based on ruler's culture, rather than the province's

Fixed Warhammer races empty tribal and nomad holding pictures not showing properly

Ropsmenn now use Cuman DLC portraits

Added some more retinues to the Imperials

Added seafarer to some religions

Re-added Prepared Invasions ( viking_invasion )back into the game for the Norscan Gods characters; removed it for the other religions, replaced by "seafarer = yes" where appropriate

Moved the Greenskin laws into the laws subfolder

Chaos Dwarf flags and CoA added

Nurgle's Rot and other bad illnesses automatically cured for the undead and the daemons (except Nurglite Daemons, of course)

Changed Nehekharan Nomads into Nehekka to avoid confusion

Ruler Designer issues fixed


Уже 7.1 вышла

  • Removed faulty holding_conversion commands from Beastmen, Asrai, Greenskins etc. events and decisions causing the bugged holdings and the cash/levy bug.
  • Greenskin and Beastmen provinces are no longer handled through Marshal Suppressing revolts, but rather through a specific targetted_decision on the province.
  • Fixed issues with vanilla events appearing with no localisation.
  • Added custom government for Asrai.
  • Asrai/Greenskins/Beastmen no longer able to use the anti-nomad cb or the tributary cb.
  • Any Asur vassal with the Highborn Government must be asked for levies as if he were a tribal, unless his liege is also an Asur with Highborn Government.
  • Fixed minor typos in some traits and decisions.
  • Fixed battle magic decision not working.
  • Buffed Vlad's troops.
  • Other minor fixes



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  • Fixed Steal Carstein Ring plot
  • Added new nomadic government for Beastmen and adapted previous mechanics to work accordingly
  • Fixed Nomadic provinces flying away in the Chaos Wastes
  • Greenskin province purge decision made slightly cheaper for the AI
  • Greenskins should no longer spawn when failing to clean a province if there's already a Greenskin uprising going on
  • Provinces successfully cleansed of Greenskins and Beastmen now get properly converted into Nehekka ( Desert Nomad ) culture if the holder is a Nehekharan
  • Start date at defines set to 2010.7.1 again, since the crash related having late start dates and CM/ToG enabled was solved
  • Fixed encoding error in the e_norsca history file
  • Kurgans should now also arrive at nomadic provinces in the Chaos Wastes
  • Fixed Necromancers being able to start two apprenticeships at the same time bug
  • Added several Wood Elf princes characters
  • Added Atylwyth and Kings Glade buildings
  • Councillor Jobs fixed up
  • Greenskin colonization now done through settlement_decision ( Right click capital, and use the "Make X Green"
  • Greenskin colonization will now destroy all holdings but the capital, which will become tribal
  • There's a chance for colonization to fail due to Greenskin animosity
  • Added VERY WIP Imperial portraits (fancy hats)
  • 2.4.2 compatch

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 Small beastmen fixes

Mean time to happen of Chaos Dwarf slave building decay changed from 50 years to 250

Orc CoA work

Asrai dynasties expanded

Tileans now use the unit models from the Italian DLC

Bretonnians may now return from the Grail Quest

Chaos Dwarf Grand Sacrifice decision may no longer disappear after getting certain gifts

Chaos Dwarf slave builings will no longer decay beyond level 1, and the mean time to happen of the event is set to 200 years ( Up from 50 )

Adapted some stuff from Horse Lords

Some of the Human holy orders now have the holy order features from Sons of Abraham ( Knights of the White Wolf, Knights of Sigmar's Blood, Knights of the Blazing Sun, Knights of the Black Rose, Knights Mariner, Sisters of Sigmar and the Order of the Eagle )

Added Greenskin "Warband" government

Added Greenskin Tier rings.

Slightly increased the vortex's pull

Unholy Subjugation no longer increases the doom counter

Fixes on daemonic combat tactics

Fixed the bug with cultist daemonic hosts multiplying into the millions

Beastmen have now their own nomadic retinues rather than the vanilla horse archer-based ones

Updated Beastmen government rings

Added Grave Guard retinue for Vampires

Buffed the Chosen and Daemon Prince of Nurgle traits to counteract the malus given by the stacked illnesses

Added new government forms for Druchii and Malekith

The Empire of Naggaroth now crumbles if Malekith dies or is usurped

Cultist plots fix

Revised some Dog of War merc compositions

Made Chaos Wastelanders into nomads if you have Horse Lords

Greenskins now get a decision to give away count titles to random courtiers ( A title decision; right click county CoA and "Give X away"), to circumvent engine limitations

Fixed Druchii not having proper theocracies

Fixed Dwarf events

Fixed Slave raids not happening

Minor fixes on Nehekharans and Slaaneshi

Fixed bugged Chaos magic learning chain

Now daemons free themselves on_imprisonement rather than waiting MTTH

Removed nomad_dispute cb

Dwarf fixes

SETTRA! now regenerates faster than other Tomb Kings

Viking Invasions are no longer localized as WAAAGHs!

Fixed Beastmen destroying their already-nomadic capital and moving into an empty settlement bug


Made Chaos Wastelanders into nomads if you have Horse Lords - самое интересное.

Изменено пользователем Hadaev

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 Small beastmen fixes

Mean time to happen of Chaos Dwarf slave building decay changed from 50 years to 250

Orc CoA work

Asrai dynasties expanded

Tileans now use the unit models from the Italian DLC

Bretonnians may now return from the Grail Quest

Chaos Dwarf Grand Sacrifice decision may no longer disappear after getting certain gifts

Chaos Dwarf slave builings will no longer decay beyond level 1, and the mean time to happen of the event is set to 200 years ( Up from 50 )

Adapted some stuff from Horse Lords

Some of the Human holy orders now have the holy order features from Sons of Abraham ( Knights of the White Wolf, Knights of Sigmar's Blood, Knights of the Blazing Sun, Knights of the Black Rose, Knights Mariner, Sisters of Sigmar and the Order of the Eagle )

Added Greenskin "Warband" government

Added Greenskin Tier rings.

Slightly increased the vortex's pull

Unholy Subjugation no longer increases the doom counter

Fixes on daemonic combat tactics

Fixed the bug with cultist daemonic hosts multiplying into the millions

Beastmen have now their own nomadic retinues rather than the vanilla horse archer-based ones

Updated Beastmen government rings

Added Grave Guard retinue for Vampires

Buffed the Chosen and Daemon Prince of Nurgle traits to counteract the malus given by the stacked illnesses

Added new government forms for Druchii and Malekith

The Empire of Naggaroth now crumbles if Malekith dies or is usurped

Cultist plots fix

Revised some Dog of War merc compositions

Made Chaos Wastelanders into nomads if you have Horse Lords

Greenskins now get a decision to give away count titles to random courtiers ( A title decision; right click county CoA and "Give X away"), to circumvent engine limitations

Fixed Druchii not having proper theocracies

Fixed Dwarf events

Fixed Slave raids not happening

Minor fixes on Nehekharans and Slaaneshi

Fixed bugged Chaos magic learning chain

Now daemons free themselves on_imprisonement rather than waiting MTTH

Removed nomad_dispute cb

Dwarf fixes

SETTRA! now regenerates faster than other Tomb Kings

Viking Invasions are no longer localized as WAAAGHs!

Fixed Beastmen destroying their already-nomadic capital and moving into an empty settlement bug



Есть сабмоды:

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index....ire-wip.866114/ - несколько фич для империи.

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index....ichedom.873586/ -превращение в лича.

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index..../#post-19662767 - торговые пути.

Есть сабмоды:

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index....ire-wip.866114/ - несколько фич для империи.

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index....ichedom.873586/ -превращение в лича.

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index..../#post-19662767 - торговые пути.

А можно их сюда залить пожалуйста? А то тут немало тех кто под веселым роджером плавает.

Изменено пользователем Zloprax

А можно их сюда залить пожалуйста? А то тут немало тех кто под веселым роджером плавает.

Они еще 100 раз будут упдейтится.

Могли бы уже потратить сотку на доступ.

http://www.mediafire.com/download/l8hamf3t...d_and_Steel.rar - торговые пути.

Два другие пока только в проекте.

Вот думаю свой сабмод запилить, сделать вместо спауна армии орков спаун племени орков (как боронство) и шоб они рейдили. Ну и кб на уничтожение поселения для людей и прочих.

Изменено пользователем Hadaev

Могли бы уже потратить сотку на доступ.

Потратил - не пускает.

Да, сабмод для империи интересный, надеюсь всё же выйдет (хотя, может фичи сабмода включат в основную версию, больно уж империя нуждается в доработке в плане эвентов и решений (в частность решение на создание империи отсутствует, что несомненно не так сильно придаёт этому событию торжественности, приходится всё воображать самостоятельно, да и со стороны технической проблемы остаются: номинальные империи (начальные и полученные в ходе наследования), которые можно сохранить при себе и получать с этого немаленькую долю престижа, как личного так и династического (хотя каждый честный человек, конечного, уничтожит их самостоятельно)).

Потратил - не пускает.

Должно пускать, пиши парадоксам в супорт.

Я лично лицензию ск2 и еу4 купил для доступа на подфорумы модофикаций.


Друзья, что можно купить от парадоксов, чтобы попасть на форум этого мода?

Можно купить Викторию, которая сейчас по скидке за 200 рублей, будут ли меня пускать после этого в тему Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht на парадоксплазе?

Друзья, что можно купить от парадоксов, чтобы попасть на форум этого мода?

Можно купить Викторию, которая сейчас по скидке за 200 рублей, будут ли меня пускать после этого в тему Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht на парадоксплазе?

Нужно покупать конкретно крусайдеров, советую подождать распродажи, тогда можно купить их рублей за 70.

НУ или у барыг на плати ру, я там за сотку брал.

ДЛС не нужны.

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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht     i Скачать WH: Geheimnisnacht v1.3.7.1 [совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : MEGA [zip | exe] | Steam Скачать WH: SUBMODS [не


Тем временем на плазе вышла новая версия мода: http://www.mediafire.com/file/84cnxn3n8wdz1sm/geheimnisnacht+1.1.0.zip

Мейс Винду

Разрабы обещают скоро полноценный дневник... https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/official-community-update-2.1184473/        

Torn Knight

Выкладываю дневник утром, чтобы те, кому это интересно, читали его за кружкой утреннего кофе/чая. Сам новую версию тестировать пока что не буду, ибо без хотфикса этого почти никогда не делаю, пот


А тут новая версия вахи подъехала, не благодарите http://www.mediafire.com/file/jzceg7q1b7c4dwk/geheimnisnacht+1.0.zip    

Torn Knight

Выше список изменений, здесь же выкладываю Дневник разработчиков, который вышел одновременно с этим списком, но в котором разработчики дал пояснения по каждому из блоков изменений и немного систематиз

Torn Knight

Доброго времени суток. Сегодня вышла версия 1.3.7, спустя почти год с выхода прошлой версии. Все это время мод обновлялся по системе SVN, так что разработки не прекращались, просто не было дневников.


Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 1.2]   Mod is compatible with version of CK2.  

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