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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht

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Новая версия.

Disabled Nomadic liberation cb

Added Nehekharan Government

Made Daemonic Princes immune to some illnesses and negative effects

Attempted fix at monstrous rulers becoming Beastmen

Pigs now have localization

Rebalanced the southern Imperial borderlands buildings (Khypris, etc)

Updated government icons to be more in line with the vanilla ones

Bretonnian Quest events should now trigger again

Settle with tribesmen decision disabled

More Dwarf chars and title history

Fixed Beastman inheritance by duel.

Temporarely deactivated beast rampages in Lustria

Beastmen cannot access to nomad buildings anymore

Beastmen gain population growth/size by wrecking their provinces now

Added more triggers to existing governmnents to prevent conflicts

Added further modifiers to limit Asrai intervention

Added missing gfx cultures to the race assignment decisions and events

Asur colonies can now be tributaries if Horse Lords is owned

Fixed broken positionings

Final 'Placeholder' character removed

Additional triggers on governments to avoid unwanted switching

Added system to mitigate harmful effects of diseases for followers of nurgle

Added some High Elf CoA

Added some Easter Eggs )

Added Dwarf Government

Added Vampiric Government

Government icons for Malekith, Dwarf and Vampiric governments

New Dark Elf CoA added

Fixed outaded convert_to_tribal entry

Added in four magical families including ancestors of Thyrus Gormann and Egrimm van Horstmann

Added Wurtbad (Stirland) and Zandri buildings

Fixed localisation of Bretonnian retinue

Tweaked the values for the Dwarf unique buildings

Fixed crash related to unit models

Fixed several issues with Asur dynasties

Added Geographic regions for use in events, etc.

Lothern primary holding is now Lothern ( the City ) rather than a barony, and Finubar holds it directly

Karond Kar's primary holding is now a city as well (All of Karond Kar's former patrician vassals are now counts under it)

Fixed small error in Fire Mountain's ruler history

Most theocracies removed in Bretonnia (Since "can_hold_temples = yes" no longer works in religions)

Lizardman flag work

Added Reiklandergfx for the western side of the imperial group

Minor fixes on Asur colonies and Asrai joining decisions

Buffed the Carstein's starting horde when moved by the AI

Added on_imprisonment action to free Avatars and forest spirits as long as the captor is inside Athel Loren

Reduced retinue cost for grave guard and increased size for beastman nomadic retinues

Fixed Lore of life not being learned as a hedge wizard

Added better trigger on daemon automatic revoke event

Uploaded complete Empire portrait set for the Imperial cultures not using Silfae's Reiklander set

A new king-tier crown and military gear for the Dwarf portrait set

New military headgear for "Northman" ( Southern Norscan ) portrait set

New Emperor-tier crown for Northman portrait set so that Sigmar looks more Conan-ish

Some events using de jure empires for capital scope and location checks now use geographical regions where appropriate

Added Chaos Dwarf government, Elector Count government and Imperial government

iqta fixed

Reshuffled Chaos Dwarf provinces so that Temples are their primary holding

Chaos Dwarf unique buildings and mechanics adapted to use Temple holdings and the new government

Norsca made consistently tribal (Except some zones in the south and the western Isles)

Abyskhar ( Westernmost Autarri Druchii ) made fully tribal

Fixed some issues with starting Beastmen provinces not being properly nomadic/tribal

Khypris' main holding is now a barony

Mortensland given some non-Norscan vassals to balance the situation out

Ostlander and Ostermarker cultures now use the empiregfx portraits (They're the easternmost Imperial cultures, while reiklandergfx is designed for the westernmost ones)

Updated government icons for Chaos Dwarf and Imperial governments

Added alternative options for the "Turn Feudal" decisions, now turning other races to their proper government form

Fixed Ormazdian being without matrilinear marriages

Flags for dwarfs and others added

Further restriction on Asrai joining war

Fixed Nehekharan trait assignement issue

Fixed low tiers being able to freely imprison high tiers through lovers events

Daemon Prince Apotheosis now removes negative human traits

Gave Kurgans a unique nomad holding icon

Added missing localizations for death caused by the new illness traits

Extended a couple of Reiklander families

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По поводу сабмодов, не трудно ли будет помимо основного мода выкладывать и сабмоды в этой теме или отдельной?

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Подскажите, пожалуйста, отсталому человеку, еще не перешедшему на новую версию, какая версия мода сочитается с оригинальной 2.3.3-2.3.4?

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Подскажите, пожалуйста, отсталому человеку, еще не перешедшему на новую версию, какая версия мода сочитается с оригинальной 2.3.3-2.3.4?

075, я полагаю.

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Fixed the Flamer Outburst bug

Fixed the Join Holy Wars decision being spammable when the target is in a rebellion

Fixed Witch Hunters imprisoning and killing their own court while abroad

Added generic female Witch Hunters to courts

The Realms of Chaos use proper daemons as Heralds now

Vlad von Carstein now calls himself a Grand Count (Just because everyone else is calling themselves an Emperor doesn't mean he has to as well)

Removed the province and duchy associated with the Realm of Chaos

Fixed missing child portraits for the Witch Hunters.

Artois, Gisoreux and Bordeleaux buildings added

Beastmen now obtain population after a successful migration and can only use the migration cb

Sigmarite AI will not use the Imperial Reconquest cb on the Witch Hunters

Fixed the issue with Nehekharan Tomb Kings randomly becoming Servants

Removed obsolete "orkify province" decision

Small correction to the Nehekka maintenance decision

Fixed the issue with the "Make x Green" decision not converting the holdings properly

Added culture modifiers to human cultures.

Added event modifier icons

Fixed Nehekharan trait assignment bug (hopefully)

Prevented Witch Hunter Chapters from firing inappropriate Mercenary Company events

Tribes in Greenskin cultured provinces can no longer be converted into castles or cities before they have been purged

More Dwarf characters added to histories

Chaos Dwarf government now allows to hold castles as well (Slave building events updated to support this)

Tweaked the Bretonnian Virtue triggered modifiers (Now only they only give a morale bonus)

Witch Hunters can no longer wage Claim Wars

Beastmen can no longer wage Greenskins exterminations

If a ruler banishes Witch Hunters from their realm, the Grand Master can wage war to remove said ban

Added Bretonnian cultural modifier

Vampiric religion no longer allows concubines

People burned at the stake will now appear as such on their portrait

Added lunacy events for vampires

Added Dragon Blood portrait set

fixed localization errors for people using non-english settings

Moved some Chaos Dwarf capitals back to baronies

New religion icons for Myrmidian, Ulrican, Kislevite Gods, Old Faith, Halfling Gods, Khornate, Nurglite, Slaaneshi, Tzeentchian, Anath Raema and Nagashi

Fixed foci CTD

Added Bretonnian graphical culture

WAAAAAAGHS! should now destroy all other holdings in a province when converting the capital to tribal

Added Strigany graphical culture

Fixed Imperial Government receiving opinion penalty from Elector Counts and not being able to hand out King and Emperor titles

Fixed issue with vampiric adoption

When used by a Blood Dragon or a Witch Hunter, Greenskin Purge should now convert the province to a culture based on the region you are (In Dwarf, Elf and Lizardman regions, the province will be converted to Strigany for Blood Dragons and to Reiklander for Witch Hunters)

Slann flags added for Lustrian CoA

Added Strigoi graphical culture

Added clothes and hats for Sartosans

fixed rivalry with dead vampire fathers

New Forest Spirit names added

Added basic mechanics for Blood Dragons

Fixed Caliph Al-Umma getting nogovernment

The Council-Knights no longer appear to everybody in the mercenary tab

Blood Dragons can no longer teach or learn Necromancy

The Red Duke now starts in Aquitaine, waging war aganst Bretonnia on start

Blood Dragons can create tributized dynamic mercenary companies, giving them wealth and prestige over time

Blood Dragons can forcefully take empty holdings in occupied enemy counties, building castles if held long enough

Walach removed from Blood Keep, now heading the landless Blood Dragon Holy Order

Added Varison the Blade in the Border Princedoms

Blood Dragons can now acquire a Nightmare Mount

Added holding images for Imperials and Strigany

Removed 'generic' khorne, slaanesh, nurgle, tzeentch, hashut daemon types

More Daemon and Dryad names added

Culture Localisation added

Fixed blood dragon order flag

Moved the unconnected Facebeater Orc counties into the main Facebeater horde territory in Bretonnia

Core of the Facebeater lands changed to Orc/Gork&Mork

Added a Bretonnian holder to the aforementioned former Orc counties ( Cabernet and Gastix )

Grail Knights can no longer become Knights of the Realm through deeds in battle

Tevari names added

Norscan cultures split into three themes - Northern, southern, fjarmann

Daemon dynasties updated for lesser daemons and princes

Added holding icons for Bretonnians

Added some additional regions to the Empire over-region

Some title history fixes all around the map

Added Vampire Knights as a special unit

Blood Dragons can now convert their turned characters into Vampire Knight retinues

Blood Dragon Holy Order now using Vampire Knights special unit

Fixed startup bug

Fixed Vampire paradoxical dynasty bug

State Troop System added to the Empire

Fixed Beastmen uprising not firing anymore

Fixed Cultist flags

Undead and Daemons no longer aviable as pet consorts

Fixed Slaanesh gifting pegasus to already mounted characters

Fixed vampires remaining old on turning

Added Strigoi and Strigany rulers

Added titular title for the Red Duke, destroyed on death

Fixed Crown Laws appearing for nomads

Added Strygos

Strigoi can now go in hibernation

Strigoi and Strigany can now prepare invasion over dejure Strygos, reform the Empire-tier and conquer the remaining provinces after through decision and two specific casus belli

Old World Pantheon and Southern Pantheon religious group sons and daughters from 16 to 35 of age might now ask their father for permission to enroll in one of the Universities of the Old World and Araby for 4-5 years ( Which University they'll choose depends on their location )

There are various outcomes to their studies, some beneficial and some not, so consider before sending your children to University!

You might also send your children to the university yourself through the "Send X to study at an University" (You will get a choice of 3 Universities depending on your location)

For the Old World and Southern Pantheon religious groups, heresies and heretic rebels have been replaced by generic "Fanatics," zealots who follow radical sects and denominations of the cult the province follows

Instead of converting provinces to a heresy, the fanatics spread their influence through the "Fanatic Presence" province modifier If left to their own devices, the situation might explode and bands of zealots will start to rebel against the province's owner

Your Court Chaplain can now be sent to clear out Fanatics in any of your realm's provinces, using the "Proselytize" ( Convert ) decision

If your religion has a head, they might ask of you to rid of the fanatics in your provinces, and might even help you if they like you well enough

Realms of Chaos Bookmark should no longer crash

Luther Harkon given Sartosan ( Pirate ) clothing, and given some vassals as well (Also he's now the "Grand Commodore" of the Vampire Coast, as in the fluff)

Added proper piety/religion related modifier icons

All provinces in Ekrund are now mountains

Further divided Norsca and Kislev into more Geographical regions (Southern, Central, and Northern Norsca and Southern/Northern Kislev )

Minor fixes to the greenskin government

Vampires cannot heal from insanity

Strigany rulers can now send their courtiers to trade with foreign realms, gain wealth, and, eventually, establishing outposts there (if not driven away by the angry locals)

Fixed conversion decisions aviable to inappropriate characters

Warpdust plot made less likely to succeed

Stromfels CoAs added

Strigoi are now Voragi, if Strygos is reformed, a culture conversion may be pushed for to any Strigany ruler in the region.

More culture conversion events for the Strigany/Voragi

Added restriction on Holy Wars and Tributary wars for Dwarves

Normal pregnancies are now also incapacitating in the last three months

New flags for Strygos area

Additional Mercenary flags

Fixed Blood Dragons becoming Grail Knights in battle

Strigoi like each other more now

Strigoi harder to assassinate

Witch Hunters and Grail Worshipers can no longer send/be sent to universities

Humans, Dwarfs, Elfs and Halflings who aren't of any Chaos or Necromantic religion might now get any "Sympathetic" trait towards Old World, Southern Pantheon, Old Gods, Cadai, Cytharai, Dwarf and Halfling religious groups, through the Theology Focus event

Localization fixes for Dwarfs

Added a full Dwarf building chain for Castle holdings: Dwarf unit composition is made up of solid troops with high defense, mostly heavy infantry, archers and gunners.

Dwarf Castle holdings won't produce any kind of cavalry or pikemen

Dwarf Cities produce a small quantity of artillery as well

Nerfed Greenskin buildings all across the board (Main camp produces less archers, troll camp less war beasts, night goblin camps less light infantry, and the black orc camp gives less bonuses to land morale and offensive melee troops overall)

Greenskins won't get any buildings at all in Castle and City holdings, only "rump" buildings called "Wreckages" which reduce bonuses of those holdings

Greenskin Temples keep only the main Temple building up to level 4

Orcs who stay too long at peace ( Around 10 years ) might now get the "Weak Warboss" modifier

Goblins are much more likely to pick the assassination plot against other Greenskins, even more so against weak warbosses

"Weak Warboss" modifier maluses intensified, now it gives -75 vassal opinion and a monthly penalty to prestige

Bretonnians can no longer hire Hammers of Azagar, Sons of War and Gryphon Legion

Added Necrarch graphical culture

Cleanup decision for Beastmen barons causing issues

Fixed orcs revolters becoming theocracies (maybe)

Added defense tactic for Asur during a Druchii invasion

Regimental, Witch Hunter, Blood Dragon dynasties added

Added Voragi and Lahmian dynasties

Fixed Nehekka dynasties

Fixed broken positioning in Stirland and River Ruin

Squig names added

Added Necrarch characters

Nagashi necromancers can now use a special raiding cb to capture subjects and use them for their experiments to produce troops, piety or increase their learning

Necrarchs can be commissioned magic items by any independent undead ruler

Bretonnia's dejure capital is now Couronne

Added modifier on Necrarch Commission Item decision to avoid spamming

Voragi are now localised as Strygan

Necrarchs now must make their fledglings mage apprentices (or the chosen victim must already be their apprentice)

Fixed landless Strigany automatically leaving any foreign court

Increased chance of elves discovering their magic potential before training

Fixed dead Mage Apprentices receiving training events

Added adjacencies to Arnheim and the Shifting Isles

Added some missing islands to island regions

Chaos Wastes Nurglite balancing & polishing dynastic names

Added separate plot for killing special creatures, disabled regular murder plot for them

Fixed Necromancy training bugs

Added Gift Abyssal Terror decision for Necrarchs

Added monster hunter nicknames

Fixed missing Dwarf Mason icons

Added Lizardmen graphical culture & government

Added Lizardmen government icon

Ormazdian and Kitabid characters might now go on a pilgrimage to Martek

Ormazdian characters might now choose between supporting the Zirvite sect the Aghrimanite sect

Sigmarite, Ulrican, Taalite, Myrmidian, Shallyan, Grail and Manannite characters might now go on a pilgrimage to a holy site of their cult

Northern Gods characters might now celebrate the festival of Dazh

Added the Human colonies of Skeggi, El Cavado and Port Reaver in Hexoatl, Lustria

Bumped up the starting tech level of Lustria a little bit

Added some pirates to the islands north of Amazonia

Amazon religion is now feminist = yes

Some provinces in the Vampire's Coast are now feudal

Moved Grail holy site in Aquitaine to Bordeleaux (The First Chapel)

Added a War Mammoth building to nomad holdings in Norsca and the Chaos Wastes

Added a Pirate Den building to castle holding for Stromfels characters

Lizardmen now locked in Open Elective (with semi-appointment)

Lustrian tribal holdings can be upgraded only if the Jungle has been trimmed entirely in the related county

Fighting the Jungle's advance is now a settlement decision

Capital holdings with Spawning Pools can randomly generate a Skink Priest each century

Changed Slann names

New Glanborielle flag

Added Sartosan holding icons

Added Ritual casus belli for Lizardmen to collect sacrifices and lower decadence

Added Subjugation casus belli for Lizardmen to vassalize decadent Lizardmen

Lizardmen can no longer fabricate claims; Instead, they send their Chancellor looking for artifacts in the jungle

Nagashi religion ignores defensive attrition

Old Ones religion uses decadence

Added special retinues to Lizardmen

Added faction to dethrone a decadent Lizardman liege

Added Skink Priests courtiers in history

Added Tilean dynasties

Occasionally a Slann may call a Great Expedition against any non-lizardman realm on the map, to which any independent Skink can partake

Every time a war has been declared, a sleeping Slann might either disprove of it, or awake, taking direct charge of the realm until it is concluded (Once the war is over, the Slann returns to sleep and the Skink resume his previous charge)

A Skink can now also try and awake a Slann vassal by decision, when at war

Added an Ormazdian holy order, the Hashishin, that will get founded at the start of the game

Tweaked decadence events to trigger for female Ormazdians

Female Ormazdians might now go on a Pilgrimage to Martek as well

Straighten up should now be available to use on Ormadian characters

Added flavor feast to the Atruhayid

Moved era buttons to the center of the era screen

New Lizardmen title grating decision adapted to the Greenskins

Added Schreckenhof and Vollerstein to new Mordheim duchy

on_startup event to assign Lustrian jungle province modifiers now uses the Lustria georegion instead of province IDs

All around nerf of Norscan buildings

Fixed Tribal Daemon Princes unable to convert to feudalism

Added Amazon graphical culture

Added miyan rulers in Lustria

Additional Greenskin CoA added

New Bookmark icons

New Halflings noses, should no longer qualify as feet

Added Investigate Alignment plot for Skinks

Fixes on Amazons and Miyan laws

Added Amazonian rulers

New Chaos CoA for Khorne and Undivided

Mootlander Halfling's chins are now always fat

If all Slann die, Lizardmen get a casus belli against everything

Amazons use an alternative Decadence system, with an anti-decadence faction similar to the Skinks'

Added Sartosan names

Added matrilineal marriages

Added holding icons for Amazons and Miyans

Amazons can now use the take ward apprentice and learn hedge magic to gain the Lore of Beasts, if they have the potential

Lizardmen, Miyan and Amazons should now always use the Aztec unit models if available

Lizardman dynasties added

Reiklander dynasties added

Added long event chain for Tournament festival for the Amazons.

Added new headgear for male Mootland Halflings

Adjusted female Halfling hair and headgear to proper positions

Fixed some issues with Halfling and Dwarf portraits clipping out of the portrait frame

Amazons and Asrai can now properly build their tribal culture buildings

Amazons can now declare Flower Wars agains Pygmies as well

Added safety event giving random dynasty to Skinks and Amazon Lowborns to avoid Decadency weirdness

Added decision to quest for the Fountain of Youth if inside Lustria

Amazons can now use the castrate decision

Added recovery event for people who have become undernourished because of long prison time

Updated decadence description

Miyan and Amazon dynasties added

Added characters to southern Lustria

Fixed Vampire titles in history to properly start as Cognatic Open

Now Amazons can only appoint females and be requested by females

Decadent trait with Complacent trait for Amazon events

Set Arabyan-Sartosan gfx (muslim+sartosan)

Fixed lowborn prospects for vampirism being adopted before having received the Blood Kiss

Fixed Strygan culture not having special holding icons

Added Amazonian education mini-chain

Added fledglings for Harkon on start

Slann can no longer proselytize

Fixed Skink Priests and Slann getting mutations for being "mages"

Recalibrated Skink prophecy interpretations

Fixed dinosaur duels finishing prematurely because of clean up event

Fixed Chamaelon Skinks description being too long

Fixed Slann unable to hire Sauri marshals and commanders

Attempted fix to proper Amazons being wrongfully assigned the human trait

Added Monster trait for the dinosaur rampages and fixed their spawning events

Added new trait to ensure males and unworthy females are out of title holding in Amazonia

Fixed Chaos Zealots being disbanded when in an unholy raid

Added Sotek purification cb for Lizardmen

Miyans get can now sacrifice to Kulaiki, the Great Devourer, rather than to the Amazon goddesses at the end of a Flower War

Miyans may now eat their prisoners

Large Greenskin AI realms might now declare WAAAGHs! against strong and large realms on a five year pulse

Greenskin AI is more likely to launch WAAAGHs! against stronger realms

Higher levels of the Greenskin Control law no longer give a opinion bonus

Myrmidianism is now autocephalous; The High Temples of Magritta and Remas are now pentarchies and religious heads of all Estalia and all Tilea respectively

Religion descriptions for Amazon and Atruhayid updated to better reflect recent changes

Bugfixes on Serena's ritualistic mating

Fixed Daemon being converted by Court Chaplains

Added events for Amazons asking their liege to go on a hunt with them

Added Wood Elf CoA

Fixed second half-breed twin getting spared by the Reaper event

All elector counts in the empire should currently start with 2 vassal state troop regiments

Added fun and amazing Realms of Chaos characters to play as

Kurgan names added

matri. marriage for Kislev and Roppsmen

Changed a number of Agnatic realms to Agnatic-Cognatic or Absolute Cognatic

More title succession changes

Removed unique imperial buildings to fit state troop distinction

Made imperial retinues more in line with state troop distinction

Characters added to Athel Loren

Nehekharan CoA added

If a Myrmidian theocracy holds either Inquisitoria General (Magritta) or Matermyrmidia (Remas), its holder will be granted the respective high temple ( pentarchy ) title

More names for Gospodar and Kislev + slavification of current names

Ormazdic CoA added

Myrmidian CoA added

fixed nurgle's blessing not firing for pneumonic characters

pneumonic and ill are no longer opposites

New headgear for the Miyan portrait set

Some Bookmark updates

Reworked on Bretonnian women portraits

Empty nomad holding pictures for the new holding sets should now show

Proper headgear set for Miyan females (rather than just using the male set)

Fixed Studying Magic available for busy or incapable characters

Modified numerous CoA files, resorted them, created a new baseline heraldry set

Removed slavic names from Norscans

Restored ( and fixed ) the Aztec CoA frame for the Old Ones religions

Added Kurgan graphical culture

Fixed some unique building descriptions, Lizardman unique building descriptions should now show up

Moved some High Elf buildings so that they're in their proper places (Everqueen's Court actually in the Everqueen's capital, and so on)

Tweaked scopes of some Chaos Wastes events

Added heavy infantry retinue for Kurgans

Added new graphical culture for Dwarfs

Added Background and Kid pictures for dwarves

No more Tribals in the Chaos Wastes

Revamped Chaos Dwarves portraits

Only landed cultists may now declare a chaos revolt

AI will not create any more state troop regiments if they already have 6 regiments under their direct control

Nerfed gunners special unit

Add End Times counter based on the winds of magic. Could result in a Game Over if Chaos is unchecked for too long

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Vladislavius First


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Fixed the Flamer Outburst bug

Fixed the Join Holy Wars decision being spammable when the target is in a rebellion

Fixed Witch Hunters imprisoning and killing their own court while abroad

Added generic female Witch Hunters to courts

The Realms of Chaos use proper daemons as Heralds now

Vlad von Carstein now calls himself a Grand Count (Just because everyone else is calling themselves an Emperor doesn't mean he has to as well)

Removed the province and duchy associated with the Realm of Chaos

Fixed missing child portraits for the Witch Hunters.

Artois, Gisoreux and Bordeleaux buildings added

Beastmen now obtain population after a successful migration and can only use the migration cb

Sigmarite AI will not use the Imperial Reconquest cb on the Witch Hunters

Fixed the issue with Nehekharan Tomb Kings randomly becoming Servants

Removed obsolete "orkify province" decision

Small correction to the Nehekka maintenance decision

Fixed the issue with the "Make x Green" decision not converting the holdings properly

Added culture modifiers to human cultures.

Added event modifier icons

Fixed Nehekharan trait assignment bug (hopefully)

Prevented Witch Hunter Chapters from firing inappropriate Mercenary Company events

Tribes in Greenskin cultured provinces can no longer be converted into castles or cities before they have been purged

More Dwarf characters added to histories

Chaos Dwarf government now allows to hold castles as well (Slave building events updated to support this)

Tweaked the Bretonnian Virtue triggered modifiers (Now only they only give a morale bonus)

Witch Hunters can no longer wage Claim Wars

Beastmen can no longer wage Greenskins exterminations

If a ruler banishes Witch Hunters from their realm, the Grand Master can wage war to remove said ban

Added Bretonnian cultural modifier

Vampiric religion no longer allows concubines

People burned at the stake will now appear as such on their portrait

Added lunacy events for vampires

Added Dragon Blood portrait set

fixed localization errors for people using non-english settings

Moved some Chaos Dwarf capitals back to baronies

New religion icons for Myrmidian, Ulrican, Kislevite Gods, Old Faith, Halfling Gods, Khornate, Nurglite, Slaaneshi, Tzeentchian, Anath Raema and Nagashi

Fixed foci CTD

Added Bretonnian graphical culture

WAAAAAAGHS! should now destroy all other holdings in a province when converting the capital to tribal

Added Strigany graphical culture

Fixed Imperial Government receiving opinion penalty from Elector Counts and not being able to hand out King and Emperor titles

Fixed issue with vampiric adoption

When used by a Blood Dragon or a Witch Hunter, Greenskin Purge should now convert the province to a culture based on the region you are (In Dwarf, Elf and Lizardman regions, the province will be converted to Strigany for Blood Dragons and to Reiklander for Witch Hunters)

Slann flags added for Lustrian CoA

Added Strigoi graphical culture

Added clothes and hats for Sartosans

fixed rivalry with dead vampire fathers

New Forest Spirit names added

Added basic mechanics for Blood Dragons

Fixed Caliph Al-Umma getting nogovernment

The Council-Knights no longer appear to everybody in the mercenary tab

Blood Dragons can no longer teach or learn Necromancy

The Red Duke now starts in Aquitaine, waging war aganst Bretonnia on start

Blood Dragons can create tributized dynamic mercenary companies, giving them wealth and prestige over time

Blood Dragons can forcefully take empty holdings in occupied enemy counties, building castles if held long enough

Walach removed from Blood Keep, now heading the landless Blood Dragon Holy Order

Added Varison the Blade in the Border Princedoms

Blood Dragons can now acquire a Nightmare Mount

Added holding images for Imperials and Strigany

Removed 'generic' khorne, slaanesh, nurgle, tzeentch, hashut daemon types

More Daemon and Dryad names added

Culture Localisation added

Fixed blood dragon order flag

Moved the unconnected Facebeater Orc counties into the main Facebeater horde territory in Bretonnia

Core of the Facebeater lands changed to Orc/Gork&Mork

Added a Bretonnian holder to the aforementioned former Orc counties ( Cabernet and Gastix )

Grail Knights can no longer become Knights of the Realm through deeds in battle

Tevari names added

Norscan cultures split into three themes - Northern, southern, fjarmann

Daemon dynasties updated for lesser daemons and princes

Added holding icons for Bretonnians

Added some additional regions to the Empire over-region

Some title history fixes all around the map

Added Vampire Knights as a special unit

Blood Dragons can now convert their turned characters into Vampire Knight retinues

Blood Dragon Holy Order now using Vampire Knights special unit

Fixed startup bug

Fixed Vampire paradoxical dynasty bug

State Troop System added to the Empire

Fixed Beastmen uprising not firing anymore

Fixed Cultist flags

Undead and Daemons no longer aviable as pet consorts

Fixed Slaanesh gifting pegasus to already mounted characters

Fixed vampires remaining old on turning

Added Strigoi and Strigany rulers

Added titular title for the Red Duke, destroyed on death

Fixed Crown Laws appearing for nomads

Added Strygos

Strigoi can now go in hibernation

Strigoi and Strigany can now prepare invasion over dejure Strygos, reform the Empire-tier and conquer the remaining provinces after through decision and two specific casus belli

Old World Pantheon and Southern Pantheon religious group sons and daughters from 16 to 35 of age might now ask their father for permission to enroll in one of the Universities of the Old World and Araby for 4-5 years ( Which University they'll choose depends on their location )

There are various outcomes to their studies, some beneficial and some not, so consider before sending your children to University!

You might also send your children to the university yourself through the "Send X to study at an University" (You will get a choice of 3 Universities depending on your location)

For the Old World and Southern Pantheon religious groups, heresies and heretic rebels have been replaced by generic "Fanatics," zealots who follow radical sects and denominations of the cult the province follows

Instead of converting provinces to a heresy, the fanatics spread their influence through the "Fanatic Presence" province modifier If left to their own devices, the situation might explode and bands of zealots will start to rebel against the province's owner

Your Court Chaplain can now be sent to clear out Fanatics in any of your realm's provinces, using the "Proselytize" ( Convert ) decision

If your religion has a head, they might ask of you to rid of the fanatics in your provinces, and might even help you if they like you well enough

Realms of Chaos Bookmark should no longer crash

Luther Harkon given Sartosan ( Pirate ) clothing, and given some vassals as well (Also he's now the "Grand Commodore" of the Vampire Coast, as in the fluff)

Added proper piety/religion related modifier icons

All provinces in Ekrund are now mountains

Further divided Norsca and Kislev into more Geographical regions (Southern, Central, and Northern Norsca and Southern/Northern Kislev )

Minor fixes to the greenskin government

Vampires cannot heal from insanity

Strigany rulers can now send their courtiers to trade with foreign realms, gain wealth, and, eventually, establishing outposts there (if not driven away by the angry locals)

Fixed conversion decisions aviable to inappropriate characters

Warpdust plot made less likely to succeed

Stromfels CoAs added

Strigoi are now Voragi, if Strygos is reformed, a culture conversion may be pushed for to any Strigany ruler in the region.

More culture conversion events for the Strigany/Voragi

Added restriction on Holy Wars and Tributary wars for Dwarves

Normal pregnancies are now also incapacitating in the last three months

New flags for Strygos area

Additional Mercenary flags

Fixed Blood Dragons becoming Grail Knights in battle

Strigoi like each other more now

Strigoi harder to assassinate

Witch Hunters and Grail Worshipers can no longer send/be sent to universities

Humans, Dwarfs, Elfs and Halflings who aren't of any Chaos or Necromantic religion might now get any "Sympathetic" trait towards Old World, Southern Pantheon, Old Gods, Cadai, Cytharai, Dwarf and Halfling religious groups, through the Theology Focus event

Localization fixes for Dwarfs

Added a full Dwarf building chain for Castle holdings: Dwarf unit composition is made up of solid troops with high defense, mostly heavy infantry, archers and gunners.

Dwarf Castle holdings won't produce any kind of cavalry or pikemen

Dwarf Cities produce a small quantity of artillery as well

Nerfed Greenskin buildings all across the board (Main camp produces less archers, troll camp less war beasts, night goblin camps less light infantry, and the black orc camp gives less bonuses to land morale and offensive melee troops overall)

Greenskins won't get any buildings at all in Castle and City holdings, only "rump" buildings called "Wreckages" which reduce bonuses of those holdings

Greenskin Temples keep only the main Temple building up to level 4

Orcs who stay too long at peace ( Around 10 years ) might now get the "Weak Warboss" modifier

Goblins are much more likely to pick the assassination plot against other Greenskins, even more so against weak warbosses

"Weak Warboss" modifier maluses intensified, now it gives -75 vassal opinion and a monthly penalty to prestige

Bretonnians can no longer hire Hammers of Azagar, Sons of War and Gryphon Legion

Added Necrarch graphical culture

Cleanup decision for Beastmen barons causing issues

Fixed orcs revolters becoming theocracies (maybe)

Added defense tactic for Asur during a Druchii invasion

Regimental, Witch Hunter, Blood Dragon dynasties added

Added Voragi and Lahmian dynasties

Fixed Nehekka dynasties

Fixed broken positioning in Stirland and River Ruin

Squig names added

Added Necrarch characters

Nagashi necromancers can now use a special raiding cb to capture subjects and use them for their experiments to produce troops, piety or increase their learning

Necrarchs can be commissioned magic items by any independent undead ruler

Bretonnia's dejure capital is now Couronne

Added modifier on Necrarch Commission Item decision to avoid spamming

Voragi are now localised as Strygan

Necrarchs now must make their fledglings mage apprentices (or the chosen victim must already be their apprentice)

Fixed landless Strigany automatically leaving any foreign court

Increased chance of elves discovering their magic potential before training

Fixed dead Mage Apprentices receiving training events

Added adjacencies to Arnheim and the Shifting Isles

Added some missing islands to island regions

Chaos Wastes Nurglite balancing & polishing dynastic names

Added separate plot for killing special creatures, disabled regular murder plot for them

Fixed Necromancy training bugs

Added Gift Abyssal Terror decision for Necrarchs

Added monster hunter nicknames

Fixed missing Dwarf Mason icons

Added Lizardmen graphical culture & government

Added Lizardmen government icon

Ormazdian and Kitabid characters might now go on a pilgrimage to Martek

Ormazdian characters might now choose between supporting the Zirvite sect the Aghrimanite sect

Sigmarite, Ulrican, Taalite, Myrmidian, Shallyan, Grail and Manannite characters might now go on a pilgrimage to a holy site of their cult

Northern Gods characters might now celebrate the festival of Dazh

Added the Human colonies of Skeggi, El Cavado and Port Reaver in Hexoatl, Lustria

Bumped up the starting tech level of Lustria a little bit

Added some pirates to the islands north of Amazonia

Amazon religion is now feminist = yes

Some provinces in the Vampire's Coast are now feudal

Moved Grail holy site in Aquitaine to Bordeleaux (The First Chapel)

Added a War Mammoth building to nomad holdings in Norsca and the Chaos Wastes

Added a Pirate Den building to castle holding for Stromfels characters

Lizardmen now locked in Open Elective (with semi-appointment)

Lustrian tribal holdings can be upgraded only if the Jungle has been trimmed entirely in the related county

Fighting the Jungle's advance is now a settlement decision

Capital holdings with Spawning Pools can randomly generate a Skink Priest each century

Changed Slann names

New Glanborielle flag

Added Sartosan holding icons

Added Ritual casus belli for Lizardmen to collect sacrifices and lower decadence

Added Subjugation casus belli for Lizardmen to vassalize decadent Lizardmen

Lizardmen can no longer fabricate claims; Instead, they send their Chancellor looking for artifacts in the jungle

Nagashi religion ignores defensive attrition

Old Ones religion uses decadence

Added special retinues to Lizardmen

Added faction to dethrone a decadent Lizardman liege

Added Skink Priests courtiers in history

Added Tilean dynasties

Occasionally a Slann may call a Great Expedition against any non-lizardman realm on the map, to which any independent Skink can partake

Every time a war has been declared, a sleeping Slann might either disprove of it, or awake, taking direct charge of the realm until it is concluded (Once the war is over, the Slann returns to sleep and the Skink resume his previous charge)

A Skink can now also try and awake a Slann vassal by decision, when at war

Added an Ormazdian holy order, the Hashishin, that will get founded at the start of the game

Tweaked decadence events to trigger for female Ormazdians

Female Ormazdians might now go on a Pilgrimage to Martek as well

Straighten up should now be available to use on Ormadian characters

Added flavor feast to the Atruhayid

Moved era buttons to the center of the era screen

New Lizardmen title grating decision adapted to the Greenskins

Added Schreckenhof and Vollerstein to new Mordheim duchy

on_startup event to assign Lustrian jungle province modifiers now uses the Lustria georegion instead of province IDs

All around nerf of Norscan buildings

Fixed Tribal Daemon Princes unable to convert to feudalism

Added Amazon graphical culture

Added miyan rulers in Lustria

Additional Greenskin CoA added

New Bookmark icons

New Halflings noses, should no longer qualify as feet

Added Investigate Alignment plot for Skinks

Fixes on Amazons and Miyan laws

Added Amazonian rulers

New Chaos CoA for Khorne and Undivided

Mootlander Halfling's chins are now always fat

If all Slann die, Lizardmen get a casus belli against everything

Amazons use an alternative Decadence system, with an anti-decadence faction similar to the Skinks'

Added Sartosan names

Added matrilineal marriages

Added holding icons for Amazons and Miyans

Amazons can now use the take ward apprentice and learn hedge magic to gain the Lore of Beasts, if they have the potential

Lizardmen, Miyan and Amazons should now always use the Aztec unit models if available

Lizardman dynasties added

Reiklander dynasties added

Added long event chain for Tournament festival for the Amazons.

Added new headgear for male Mootland Halflings

Adjusted female Halfling hair and headgear to proper positions

Fixed some issues with Halfling and Dwarf portraits clipping out of the portrait frame

Amazons and Asrai can now properly build their tribal culture buildings

Amazons can now declare Flower Wars agains Pygmies as well

Added safety event giving random dynasty to Skinks and Amazon Lowborns to avoid Decadency weirdness

Added decision to quest for the Fountain of Youth if inside Lustria

Amazons can now use the castrate decision

Added recovery event for people who have become undernourished because of long prison time

Updated decadence description

Miyan and Amazon dynasties added

Added characters to southern Lustria

Fixed Vampire titles in history to properly start as Cognatic Open

Now Amazons can only appoint females and be requested by females

Decadent trait with Complacent trait for Amazon events

Set Arabyan-Sartosan gfx (muslim+sartosan)

Fixed lowborn prospects for vampirism being adopted before having received the Blood Kiss

Fixed Strygan culture not having special holding icons

Added Amazonian education mini-chain

Added fledglings for Harkon on start

Slann can no longer proselytize

Fixed Skink Priests and Slann getting mutations for being "mages"

Recalibrated Skink prophecy interpretations

Fixed dinosaur duels finishing prematurely because of clean up event

Fixed Chamaelon Skinks description being too long

Fixed Slann unable to hire Sauri marshals and commanders

Attempted fix to proper Amazons being wrongfully assigned the human trait

Added Monster trait for the dinosaur rampages and fixed their spawning events

Added new trait to ensure males and unworthy females are out of title holding in Amazonia

Fixed Chaos Zealots being disbanded when in an unholy raid

Added Sotek purification cb for Lizardmen

Miyans get can now sacrifice to Kulaiki, the Great Devourer, rather than to the Amazon goddesses at the end of a Flower War

Miyans may now eat their prisoners

Large Greenskin AI realms might now declare WAAAGHs! against strong and large realms on a five year pulse

Greenskin AI is more likely to launch WAAAGHs! against stronger realms

Higher levels of the Greenskin Control law no longer give a opinion bonus

Myrmidianism is now autocephalous; The High Temples of Magritta and Remas are now pentarchies and religious heads of all Estalia and all Tilea respectively

Religion descriptions for Amazon and Atruhayid updated to better reflect recent changes

Bugfixes on Serena's ritualistic mating

Fixed Daemon being converted by Court Chaplains

Added events for Amazons asking their liege to go on a hunt with them

Added Wood Elf CoA

Fixed second half-breed twin getting spared by the Reaper event

All elector counts in the empire should currently start with 2 vassal state troop regiments

Added fun and amazing Realms of Chaos characters to play as

Kurgan names added

matri. marriage for Kislev and Roppsmen

Changed a number of Agnatic realms to Agnatic-Cognatic or Absolute Cognatic

More title succession changes

Removed unique imperial buildings to fit state troop distinction

Made imperial retinues more in line with state troop distinction

Characters added to Athel Loren

Nehekharan CoA added

If a Myrmidian theocracy holds either Inquisitoria General (Magritta) or Matermyrmidia (Remas), its holder will be granted the respective high temple ( pentarchy ) title

More names for Gospodar and Kislev + slavification of current names

Ormazdic CoA added

Myrmidian CoA added

fixed nurgle's blessing not firing for pneumonic characters

pneumonic and ill are no longer opposites

New headgear for the Miyan portrait set

Some Bookmark updates

Reworked on Bretonnian women portraits

Empty nomad holding pictures for the new holding sets should now show

Proper headgear set for Miyan females (rather than just using the male set)

Fixed Studying Magic available for busy or incapable characters

Modified numerous CoA files, resorted them, created a new baseline heraldry set

Removed slavic names from Norscans

Restored ( and fixed ) the Aztec CoA frame for the Old Ones religions

Added Kurgan graphical culture

Fixed some unique building descriptions, Lizardman unique building descriptions should now show up

Moved some High Elf buildings so that they're in their proper places (Everqueen's Court actually in the Everqueen's capital, and so on)

Tweaked scopes of some Chaos Wastes events

Added heavy infantry retinue for Kurgans

Added new graphical culture for Dwarfs

Added Background and Kid pictures for dwarves

No more Tribals in the Chaos Wastes

Revamped Chaos Dwarves portraits

Only landed cultists may now declare a chaos revolt

AI will not create any more state troop regiments if they already have 6 regiments under their direct control

Nerfed gunners special unit

Add End Times counter based on the winds of magic. Could result in a Game Over if Chaos is unchecked for too long


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Fixed the Flamer Outburst bug

Fixed the Join Holy Wars decision being spammable when the target is in a rebellion

Fixed Witch Hunters imprisoning and killing their own court while abroad

Added generic female Witch Hunters to courts

The Realms of Chaos use proper daemons as Heralds now

Vlad von Carstein now calls himself a Grand Count (Just because everyone else is calling themselves an Emperor doesn't mean he has to as well)

Removed the province and duchy associated with the Realm of Chaos

Fixed missing child portraits for the Witch Hunters.

Artois, Gisoreux and Bordeleaux buildings added

Beastmen now obtain population after a successful migration and can only use the migration cb

Sigmarite AI will not use the Imperial Reconquest cb on the Witch Hunters

Fixed the issue with Nehekharan Tomb Kings randomly becoming Servants

Removed obsolete "orkify province" decision

Small correction to the Nehekka maintenance decision

Fixed the issue with the "Make x Green" decision not converting the holdings properly

Added culture modifiers to human cultures.

Added event modifier icons

Fixed Nehekharan trait assignment bug (hopefully)

Prevented Witch Hunter Chapters from firing inappropriate Mercenary Company events

Tribes in Greenskin cultured provinces can no longer be converted into castles or cities before they have been purged

More Dwarf characters added to histories

Chaos Dwarf government now allows to hold castles as well (Slave building events updated to support this)

Tweaked the Bretonnian Virtue triggered modifiers (Now only they only give a morale bonus)

Witch Hunters can no longer wage Claim Wars

Beastmen can no longer wage Greenskins exterminations

If a ruler banishes Witch Hunters from their realm, the Grand Master can wage war to remove said ban

Added Bretonnian cultural modifier

Vampiric religion no longer allows concubines

People burned at the stake will now appear as such on their portrait

Added lunacy events for vampires

Added Dragon Blood portrait set

fixed localization errors for people using non-english settings

Moved some Chaos Dwarf capitals back to baronies

New religion icons for Myrmidian, Ulrican, Kislevite Gods, Old Faith, Halfling Gods, Khornate, Nurglite, Slaaneshi, Tzeentchian, Anath Raema and Nagashi

Fixed foci CTD

Added Bretonnian graphical culture

WAAAAAAGHS! should now destroy all other holdings in a province when converting the capital to tribal

Added Strigany graphical culture

Fixed Imperial Government receiving opinion penalty from Elector Counts and not being able to hand out King and Emperor titles

Fixed issue with vampiric adoption

When used by a Blood Dragon or a Witch Hunter, Greenskin Purge should now convert the province to a culture based on the region you are (In Dwarf, Elf and Lizardman regions, the province will be converted to Strigany for Blood Dragons and to Reiklander for Witch Hunters)

Slann flags added for Lustrian CoA

Added Strigoi graphical culture

Added clothes and hats for Sartosans

fixed rivalry with dead vampire fathers

New Forest Spirit names added

Added basic mechanics for Blood Dragons

Fixed Caliph Al-Umma getting nogovernment

The Council-Knights no longer appear to everybody in the mercenary tab

Blood Dragons can no longer teach or learn Necromancy

The Red Duke now starts in Aquitaine, waging war aganst Bretonnia on start

Blood Dragons can create tributized dynamic mercenary companies, giving them wealth and prestige over time

Blood Dragons can forcefully take empty holdings in occupied enemy counties, building castles if held long enough

Walach removed from Blood Keep, now heading the landless Blood Dragon Holy Order

Added Varison the Blade in the Border Princedoms

Blood Dragons can now acquire a Nightmare Mount

Added holding images for Imperials and Strigany

Removed 'generic' khorne, slaanesh, nurgle, tzeentch, hashut daemon types

More Daemon and Dryad names added

Culture Localisation added

Fixed blood dragon order flag

Moved the unconnected Facebeater Orc counties into the main Facebeater horde territory in Bretonnia

Core of the Facebeater lands changed to Orc/Gork&Mork

Added a Bretonnian holder to the aforementioned former Orc counties ( Cabernet and Gastix )

Grail Knights can no longer become Knights of the Realm through deeds in battle

Tevari names added

Norscan cultures split into three themes - Northern, southern, fjarmann

Daemon dynasties updated for lesser daemons and princes

Added holding icons for Bretonnians

Added some additional regions to the Empire over-region

Some title history fixes all around the map

Added Vampire Knights as a special unit

Blood Dragons can now convert their turned characters into Vampire Knight retinues

Blood Dragon Holy Order now using Vampire Knights special unit

Fixed startup bug

Fixed Vampire paradoxical dynasty bug

State Troop System added to the Empire

Fixed Beastmen uprising not firing anymore

Fixed Cultist flags

Undead and Daemons no longer aviable as pet consorts

Fixed Slaanesh gifting pegasus to already mounted characters

Fixed vampires remaining old on turning

Added Strigoi and Strigany rulers

Added titular title for the Red Duke, destroyed on death

Fixed Crown Laws appearing for nomads

Added Strygos

Strigoi can now go in hibernation

Strigoi and Strigany can now prepare invasion over dejure Strygos, reform the Empire-tier and conquer the remaining provinces after through decision and two specific casus belli

Old World Pantheon and Southern Pantheon religious group sons and daughters from 16 to 35 of age might now ask their father for permission to enroll in one of the Universities of the Old World and Araby for 4-5 years ( Which University they'll choose depends on their location )

There are various outcomes to their studies, some beneficial and some not, so consider before sending your children to University!

You might also send your children to the university yourself through the "Send X to study at an University" (You will get a choice of 3 Universities depending on your location)

For the Old World and Southern Pantheon religious groups, heresies and heretic rebels have been replaced by generic "Fanatics," zealots who follow radical sects and denominations of the cult the province follows

Instead of converting provinces to a heresy, the fanatics spread their influence through the "Fanatic Presence" province modifier If left to their own devices, the situation might explode and bands of zealots will start to rebel against the province's owner

Your Court Chaplain can now be sent to clear out Fanatics in any of your realm's provinces, using the "Proselytize" ( Convert ) decision

If your religion has a head, they might ask of you to rid of the fanatics in your provinces, and might even help you if they like you well enough

Realms of Chaos Bookmark should no longer crash

Luther Harkon given Sartosan ( Pirate ) clothing, and given some vassals as well (Also he's now the "Grand Commodore" of the Vampire Coast, as in the fluff)

Added proper piety/religion related modifier icons

All provinces in Ekrund are now mountains

Further divided Norsca and Kislev into more Geographical regions (Southern, Central, and Northern Norsca and Southern/Northern Kislev )

Minor fixes to the greenskin government

Vampires cannot heal from insanity

Strigany rulers can now send their courtiers to trade with foreign realms, gain wealth, and, eventually, establishing outposts there (if not driven away by the angry locals)

Fixed conversion decisions aviable to inappropriate characters

Warpdust plot made less likely to succeed

Stromfels CoAs added

Strigoi are now Voragi, if Strygos is reformed, a culture conversion may be pushed for to any Strigany ruler in the region.

More culture conversion events for the Strigany/Voragi

Added restriction on Holy Wars and Tributary wars for Dwarves

Normal pregnancies are now also incapacitating in the last three months

New flags for Strygos area

Additional Mercenary flags

Fixed Blood Dragons becoming Grail Knights in battle

Strigoi like each other more now

Strigoi harder to assassinate

Witch Hunters and Grail Worshipers can no longer send/be sent to universities

Humans, Dwarfs, Elfs and Halflings who aren't of any Chaos or Necromantic religion might now get any "Sympathetic" trait towards Old World, Southern Pantheon, Old Gods, Cadai, Cytharai, Dwarf and Halfling religious groups, through the Theology Focus event

Localization fixes for Dwarfs

Added a full Dwarf building chain for Castle holdings: Dwarf unit composition is made up of solid troops with high defense, mostly heavy infantry, archers and gunners.

Dwarf Castle holdings won't produce any kind of cavalry or pikemen

Dwarf Cities produce a small quantity of artillery as well

Nerfed Greenskin buildings all across the board (Main camp produces less archers, troll camp less war beasts, night goblin camps less light infantry, and the black orc camp gives less bonuses to land morale and offensive melee troops overall)

Greenskins won't get any buildings at all in Castle and City holdings, only "rump" buildings called "Wreckages" which reduce bonuses of those holdings

Greenskin Temples keep only the main Temple building up to level 4

Orcs who stay too long at peace ( Around 10 years ) might now get the "Weak Warboss" modifier

Goblins are much more likely to pick the assassination plot against other Greenskins, even more so against weak warbosses

"Weak Warboss" modifier maluses intensified, now it gives -75 vassal opinion and a monthly penalty to prestige

Bretonnians can no longer hire Hammers of Azagar, Sons of War and Gryphon Legion

Added Necrarch graphical culture

Cleanup decision for Beastmen barons causing issues

Fixed orcs revolters becoming theocracies (maybe)

Added defense tactic for Asur during a Druchii invasion

Regimental, Witch Hunter, Blood Dragon dynasties added

Added Voragi and Lahmian dynasties

Fixed Nehekka dynasties

Fixed broken positioning in Stirland and River Ruin

Squig names added

Added Necrarch characters

Nagashi necromancers can now use a special raiding cb to capture subjects and use them for their experiments to produce troops, piety or increase their learning

Necrarchs can be commissioned magic items by any independent undead ruler

Bretonnia's dejure capital is now Couronne

Added modifier on Necrarch Commission Item decision to avoid spamming

Voragi are now localised as Strygan

Necrarchs now must make their fledglings mage apprentices (or the chosen victim must already be their apprentice)

Fixed landless Strigany automatically leaving any foreign court

Increased chance of elves discovering their magic potential before training

Fixed dead Mage Apprentices receiving training events

Added adjacencies to Arnheim and the Shifting Isles

Added some missing islands to island regions

Chaos Wastes Nurglite balancing & polishing dynastic names

Added separate plot for killing special creatures, disabled regular murder plot for them

Fixed Necromancy training bugs

Added Gift Abyssal Terror decision for Necrarchs

Added monster hunter nicknames

Fixed missing Dwarf Mason icons

Added Lizardmen graphical culture & government

Added Lizardmen government icon

Ormazdian and Kitabid characters might now go on a pilgrimage to Martek

Ormazdian characters might now choose between supporting the Zirvite sect the Aghrimanite sect

Sigmarite, Ulrican, Taalite, Myrmidian, Shallyan, Grail and Manannite characters might now go on a pilgrimage to a holy site of their cult

Northern Gods characters might now celebrate the festival of Dazh

Added the Human colonies of Skeggi, El Cavado and Port Reaver in Hexoatl, Lustria

Bumped up the starting tech level of Lustria a little bit

Added some pirates to the islands north of Amazonia

Amazon religion is now feminist = yes

Some provinces in the Vampire's Coast are now feudal

Moved Grail holy site in Aquitaine to Bordeleaux (The First Chapel)

Added a War Mammoth building to nomad holdings in Norsca and the Chaos Wastes

Added a Pirate Den building to castle holding for Stromfels characters

Lizardmen now locked in Open Elective (with semi-appointment)

Lustrian tribal holdings can be upgraded only if the Jungle has been trimmed entirely in the related county

Fighting the Jungle's advance is now a settlement decision

Capital holdings with Spawning Pools can randomly generate a Skink Priest each century

Changed Slann names

New Glanborielle flag

Added Sartosan holding icons

Added Ritual casus belli for Lizardmen to collect sacrifices and lower decadence

Added Subjugation casus belli for Lizardmen to vassalize decadent Lizardmen

Lizardmen can no longer fabricate claims; Instead, they send their Chancellor looking for artifacts in the jungle

Nagashi religion ignores defensive attrition

Old Ones religion uses decadence

Added special retinues to Lizardmen

Added faction to dethrone a decadent Lizardman liege

Added Skink Priests courtiers in history

Added Tilean dynasties

Occasionally a Slann may call a Great Expedition against any non-lizardman realm on the map, to which any independent Skink can partake

Every time a war has been declared, a sleeping Slann might either disprove of it, or awake, taking direct charge of the realm until it is concluded (Once the war is over, the Slann returns to sleep and the Skink resume his previous charge)

A Skink can now also try and awake a Slann vassal by decision, when at war

Added an Ormazdian holy order, the Hashishin, that will get founded at the start of the game

Tweaked decadence events to trigger for female Ormazdians

Female Ormazdians might now go on a Pilgrimage to Martek as well

Straighten up should now be available to use on Ormadian characters

Added flavor feast to the Atruhayid

Moved era buttons to the center of the era screen

New Lizardmen title grating decision adapted to the Greenskins

Added Schreckenhof and Vollerstein to new Mordheim duchy

on_startup event to assign Lustrian jungle province modifiers now uses the Lustria georegion instead of province IDs

All around nerf of Norscan buildings

Fixed Tribal Daemon Princes unable to convert to feudalism

Added Amazon graphical culture

Added miyan rulers in Lustria

Additional Greenskin CoA added

New Bookmark icons

New Halflings noses, should no longer qualify as feet

Added Investigate Alignment plot for Skinks

Fixes on Amazons and Miyan laws

Added Amazonian rulers

New Chaos CoA for Khorne and Undivided

Mootlander Halfling's chins are now always fat

If all Slann die, Lizardmen get a casus belli against everything

Amazons use an alternative Decadence system, with an anti-decadence faction similar to the Skinks'

Added Sartosan names

Added matrilineal marriages

Added holding icons for Amazons and Miyans

Amazons can now use the take ward apprentice and learn hedge magic to gain the Lore of Beasts, if they have the potential

Lizardmen, Miyan and Amazons should now always use the Aztec unit models if available

Lizardman dynasties added

Reiklander dynasties added

Added long event chain for Tournament festival for the Amazons.

Added new headgear for male Mootland Halflings

Adjusted female Halfling hair and headgear to proper positions

Fixed some issues with Halfling and Dwarf portraits clipping out of the portrait frame

Amazons and Asrai can now properly build their tribal culture buildings

Amazons can now declare Flower Wars agains Pygmies as well

Added safety event giving random dynasty to Skinks and Amazon Lowborns to avoid Decadency weirdness

Added decision to quest for the Fountain of Youth if inside Lustria

Amazons can now use the castrate decision

Added recovery event for people who have become undernourished because of long prison time

Updated decadence description

Miyan and Amazon dynasties added

Added characters to southern Lustria

Fixed Vampire titles in history to properly start as Cognatic Open

Now Amazons can only appoint females and be requested by females

Decadent trait with Complacent trait for Amazon events

Set Arabyan-Sartosan gfx (muslim+sartosan)

Fixed lowborn prospects for vampirism being adopted before having received the Blood Kiss

Fixed Strygan culture not having special holding icons

Added Amazonian education mini-chain

Added fledglings for Harkon on start

Slann can no longer proselytize

Fixed Skink Priests and Slann getting mutations for being "mages"

Recalibrated Skink prophecy interpretations

Fixed dinosaur duels finishing prematurely because of clean up event

Fixed Chamaelon Skinks description being too long

Fixed Slann unable to hire Sauri marshals and commanders

Attempted fix to proper Amazons being wrongfully assigned the human trait

Added Monster trait for the dinosaur rampages and fixed their spawning events

Added new trait to ensure males and unworthy females are out of title holding in Amazonia

Fixed Chaos Zealots being disbanded when in an unholy raid

Added Sotek purification cb for Lizardmen

Miyans get can now sacrifice to Kulaiki, the Great Devourer, rather than to the Amazon goddesses at the end of a Flower War

Miyans may now eat their prisoners

Large Greenskin AI realms might now declare WAAAGHs! against strong and large realms on a five year pulse

Greenskin AI is more likely to launch WAAAGHs! against stronger realms

Higher levels of the Greenskin Control law no longer give a opinion bonus

Myrmidianism is now autocephalous; The High Temples of Magritta and Remas are now pentarchies and religious heads of all Estalia and all Tilea respectively

Religion descriptions for Amazon and Atruhayid updated to better reflect recent changes

Bugfixes on Serena's ritualistic mating

Fixed Daemon being converted by Court Chaplains

Added events for Amazons asking their liege to go on a hunt with them

Added Wood Elf CoA

Fixed second half-breed twin getting spared by the Reaper event

All elector counts in the empire should currently start with 2 vassal state troop regiments

Added fun and amazing Realms of Chaos characters to play as

Kurgan names added

matri. marriage for Kislev and Roppsmen

Changed a number of Agnatic realms to Agnatic-Cognatic or Absolute Cognatic

More title succession changes

Removed unique imperial buildings to fit state troop distinction

Made imperial retinues more in line with state troop distinction

Characters added to Athel Loren

Nehekharan CoA added

If a Myrmidian theocracy holds either Inquisitoria General (Magritta) or Matermyrmidia (Remas), its holder will be granted the respective high temple ( pentarchy ) title

More names for Gospodar and Kislev + slavification of current names

Ormazdic CoA added

Myrmidian CoA added

fixed nurgle's blessing not firing for pneumonic characters

pneumonic and ill are no longer opposites

New headgear for the Miyan portrait set

Some Bookmark updates

Reworked on Bretonnian women portraits

Empty nomad holding pictures for the new holding sets should now show

Proper headgear set for Miyan females (rather than just using the male set)

Fixed Studying Magic available for busy or incapable characters

Modified numerous CoA files, resorted them, created a new baseline heraldry set

Removed slavic names from Norscans

Restored ( and fixed ) the Aztec CoA frame for the Old Ones religions

Added Kurgan graphical culture

Fixed some unique building descriptions, Lizardman unique building descriptions should now show up

Moved some High Elf buildings so that they're in their proper places (Everqueen's Court actually in the Everqueen's capital, and so on)

Tweaked scopes of some Chaos Wastes events

Added heavy infantry retinue for Kurgans

Added new graphical culture for Dwarfs

Added Background and Kid pictures for dwarves

No more Tribals in the Chaos Wastes

Revamped Chaos Dwarves portraits

Only landed cultists may now declare a chaos revolt

AI will not create any more state troop regiments if they already have 6 regiments under their direct control

Nerfed gunners special unit

Add End Times counter based on the winds of magic. Could result in a Game Over if Chaos is unchecked for too long


Перевод бы

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Сделал второй сабмод на автокаст боевых заклинаний.

Надоело постоянно прощелкивать касты.

Отзывы приветствуются.


Вот уж не думал, что у орков одна из самых крутых магий.

Изменено пользователем Hadaev
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Сделал второй сабмод на автокаст боевых заклинаний.

Надоело постоянно прощелкивать касты.

Отзывы приветствуются.

Кстати, если вдруг будет свободное время, которое нечем занять - не мог бы ты сделать сабмод, чтобы королевства лесных эльфов могли воевать по казус белли Wild Hunt со всеми государствами, которые граничат с Атель-Лореном, а не только с теми, которые граничат непосредственно с королевствами? А то бред какой-то, что приходится постоянно только с гномами воевать - даже на Бретонию не нападешь, чтобы детишек похитить, хех.

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Также,вичхантеры рыщут в городах в поисках варп-пыли,а если находят-устраивают чистки,что приводит к резкому повышению риска восстания.Лучше всегда потакать им,не жалея друзей/вассалов-это снижает уровень подозрения,а чем он больше-тем хуже к вам отношение праведников и самих вичхантеров.
Кстати, в вичхантерской механике есть баг. Ивент по привлечению этих ребят ко двору, если есть активность хаоса в провинции, доступен всем религиям старого мира. При этом само решение "Да, приезжайте" призывает ко двору только тех вичхантеров, у кого религия такая же, как и у правителя. С учетом того, что все вичхантеры сигмариты (других не видел), при игре за любую другую религию старого света (Мирмидия, к примеру) регулярно выскакивает сам ивент, но никто не приезжает, потому что мирмидийских хантеров нема. И так продолжается раздражающе бесконечно.
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Кстати, если вдруг будет свободное время, которое нечем занять - не мог бы ты сделать сабмод



Еще нашел такое условие: on_major_battle_won.

Если получится, то запилю мод поднятия мертвецов после битвы.

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Патч ТОЛЬКО для бета патча игры.

И хотфикс.


ПатчноутНажмите здесь!

Fixed Magic Troops led by children and incapable character

Fixed Mordheim not having tecnology

Fixed Imperial reunification decision

Amazon males are put "in stock" (incapacitating new trait) rather than imprisoned, to avoid the shower of banishments

If a ruler is married unfavorably to a landless courtier, provided that the courtier has no powerful close relatives and the succession law favors the ruler's gender, the ruler can switch its marriage by decision (turning regular to matrilineal and vice versa)

Fixed Dinosaurs losing the monster trait

Fixed blank Norse portraits

Fixed negative fort level on greenskin building

Fixed vampire Lowborn turning bug

Added Tournament decision for tribal/nomad Khornate to gain favour by fighting their courtiers/vassals to the death

Added Bretonnian and Tilean building chains

Tzeentchians can offer their family/friends/lovers in a big ritual to gain favour and troops

All the preeminent Chaos worshipers in the bookmark start now as Chosens/Champions

Added Druchii and Asuryan building chains

Various minor bug fixes

Fixed Spawning Pool disappearing bug

Nomads should faction against child rulers now

Added rivermovement for lizardmen

Fixed racial opinions not working correctly for lizardmen

Beastmen gather army and offering decisions now only give little troops and rather increase the nomadic population of the ruler

Being in a province with a Beastmen Herdstone is now enough exposure to warrant possible mutation

Fixed wrong spawning in Chaos Wastes event

Further decreased frequency of the pus explosion in the Chaos Wastes

Hunting down a Daemon Prince as a Chaos worshipper now gives favour to the appropriate patron god

Fixed non-Priest non-vassal Skinks giving their opinion on Slann rumblings

Tweaked the decadence gain/loss on Skink opinions

Fixed and rewritten the event on_adulthood to reveal magic potential in humans/elves to be more dynamic

Increased Witch Hunter Chapter composition

Nurglite Champions/Chosens/Princes/mages can now infect courtiers and prisoners by decision

Some Chaos Dwarf holdings now correctly start with a slave factory

Some localization tweaks

Fixed pagan county conquest available against Necrarchs

Tweaked Lustrian jungle province modifiers

Recoded Amazonian impregnation event during fertility ritual

Fixed new Necrarchs becoming vampiric rather than nagashi

Rebalanced jungle progression and dinosaur rampages

Fixed bug getting Skinks abdicating without warning (hopefully)

Fixed Red Duke stopping being called Red Duke when gaining Emperor-tier

Fixed Slann awakening causing to go out of a war as an ally

Fixed missing nickname

Sartosan-cultured blood dragons should make sartosan-cultured spawns, rather than turning them to the blood dragon culture

Removed some Amazonian ships

Fixed Beastmen Uprising being available to Patricians

Winning as a defender against a Waaagh now qualifies as being an imperial hero

Sartosan culture group now can freely raid

Widened failsafe event against wrong marriages

Added retinues and cultural troop buildings to some cultures missing them (Strygan, Mootlander, Miyan, etc.)

Bretonnian republics can no longer recruit Knights of the Realm retinues

Refurbished Bretonnian/Tilean/Estalian/Myken retinues

Safety links for Vampire Knights model

Some extra retinues for the Arabyans

Added three shiny new retinues for the holder of a restored Strygos.

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Обновил сабмоды до 0.8.1.

Добавил еще один, который сделает обращенного вампира вашим придворным, если он из другого государства или из вашего государства, но не правитель.

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<noindex>Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 0.9.1]</noindex>

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Removed obsolete events from on_actions list

Fixed Cathayan retinues not being available to Celestial Jade

Fixed broken Stop Studying Magic decision

Fixed bug in the Mahtmasi turning events

Removed papal succession for Shadowrealm due to unsolvable bug

Arabyan-cultured women can now pick Scholarship and Theology foci as long as they are not Ormazdians or Kitabid

Fixed Vampiric Skinks investigating alignments

Fixed Skink Priest opinion malus

Fixed Straighten Up decision not being available for Ormazdian rulers

Further slight nerfing on the Califate Uprising

Minor tweaking on dwarf portraits

Changed Dynasty Tree texture size

Nagashi experiment raid made available to humans

Sudenburg is now part of dejure Araby

Fixed Dark Crystal Ambition being disabled by going questing

Character name fix

Minor fixes on Sudenburg title nesting

Fixed cultist lovers corrupting incorruptible characters


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Запилите пожалуйста в шапку актуальную ссылку на парадокс плазу https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index....snacht-mod.902/

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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht     i Скачать WH: Geheimnisnacht v1.3.7.1 [совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : MEGA [zip | exe] | Steam Скачать WH: SUBMODS [не


Тем временем на плазе вышла новая версия мода: http://www.mediafire.com/file/84cnxn3n8wdz1sm/geheimnisnacht+1.1.0.zip

Мейс Винду

Разрабы обещают скоро полноценный дневник... https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/official-community-update-2.1184473/        

Torn Knight

Выкладываю дневник утром, чтобы те, кому это интересно, читали его за кружкой утреннего кофе/чая. Сам новую версию тестировать пока что не буду, ибо без хотфикса этого почти никогда не делаю, пот


А тут новая версия вахи подъехала, не благодарите http://www.mediafire.com/file/jzceg7q1b7c4dwk/geheimnisnacht+1.0.zip    

Torn Knight

Выше список изменений, здесь же выкладываю Дневник разработчиков, который вышел одновременно с этим списком, но в котором разработчики дал пояснения по каждому из блоков изменений и немного систематиз

Torn Knight

Доброго времени суток. Сегодня вышла версия 1.3.7, спустя почти год с выхода прошлой версии. Все это время мод обновлялся по системе SVN, так что разработки не прекращались, просто не было дневников.


Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 1.2]   Mod is compatible with version of CK2.  

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