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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht

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<noindex>WG v0.1.2</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

- New static portrait for skinks

- Fixed immortal_imperial portraits

- Added Asur Custom Portraits

- New patterns for Dwarf CoA's

- camel training grounds in Araby don't provide units fixed

- amazons are marrying lizardmen fixed

- Chaos invasions removed for fixing

- Slaaneshi cultist event keeps refireing fixed

- Malekith is unselectable from starting screen fixed

- Deamon summoning added for chaos cultists

- Malekith and Morathi won't agree to Demand Conversion requests.

- Filled in missing/inconsistent localizations

- Added commented Druchi dynasties to header of 00_dynasties.txt

- Fixed patterns for norscan coat of arms

- Added localization to era selector characters and made 3 different 2010 eras

- changed religion of some provinces in the Chaos Wastes

- Some more flags lustria


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Версия 0.1.3

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- Updated birth_events.txt to prevent refusing tumbles giving you piety loss

- Liche Priests are now Liche Priests

- Gave a proper description to the Nehekharan religion

- Events that spawn or make someone of your dynasty, and consequentially your heir, now have "recalc_succession = yes" attached to them so that the heir is shown properly

- Gave Asur and Druchii characters (dummy) death dates

- Gave the Asur kings the de jure duchies under them so that the realm is filled out in the realm selection screen

- Added triggered modifiers for long reign, disabled the relative vanilla bonus

- northman portraits

- icons for burnt by asuryan, phoenix king, everqueen and everqueen heir.

- Holy wars cost 50 piety now

- items can be transferred outside of realm

- louis gets younger brother

- some health event fixes

- Southerngfx culture for tileans and amazons (doesn't break portraits if the DLC is missing)

- id switch to make Khazid Aldum work

- Updated succession laws requirements to keep amazons in enatic and orcs and goblins in agnatic

- Amazonian titles start off as enatic primogenitures

- Decision icon for druchii raiding

- A couple of images for existing traits previously using vanilla placeholders

- Undead no longer mutate

- changes to health/life expectancy for elves dwarves after reported 2nd generations dying early

- Louis no longer starts as a grail knight

- No more infinite spawn of slaanesh demon hosts for cultists

- Vampire heir minor title fix

Изменено пользователем Oven
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А changelog можно? ^_^ Пожалуйста =3

Изменено пользователем Ydaa
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там такая же установка?

Да, архивы.

А changelog можно? ^_^ Пожалуйста =3


changelogНажмите здесь!

- Updated birth_events.txt to prevent refusing tumbles giving you piety loss

- Liche Priests are now Liche Priests

- Gave a proper description to the Nehekharan religion

- Events that spawn or make someone of your dynasty, and consequentially your heir, now have "recalc_succession = yes" attached to them so that the heir is shown properly

- Gave Asur and Druchii characters (dummy) death dates

- Gave the Asur kings the de jure duchies under them so that the realm is filled out in the realm selection screen

- Added triggered modifiers for long reign, disabled the relative vanilla bonus

- northman portraits

- icons for burnt by asuryan, phoenix king, everqueen and everqueen heir.

- Holy wars cost 50 piety now

- items can be transferred outside of realm

- louis gets younger brother

- some health event fixes

- Southerngfx culture for tileans and amazons (doesn't break portraits if the DLC is missing)

- id switch to make Khazid Aldum work

- Updated succession laws requirements to keep amazons in enatic and orcs and goblins in agnatic

- Amazonian titles start off as enatic primogenitures

- Decision icon for druchii raiding

- A couple of images for existing traits previously using vanilla placeholders

- Undead no longer mutate

- changes to health/life expectancy for elves dwarves after reported 2nd generations dying early

- Louis no longer starts as a grail knight

- No more infinite spawn of slaanesh demon hosts for cultists

- Vampire heir minor title fix

Изменено пользователем Oven
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Djon Krtaiton


PATCH NOTESНажмите здесь!

Daemon names added

Baron names hidden on some races

Localisation for new triggered modifiers

Restricted all crown laws but 0 if the Phoenix King has not been crowned by flames

Restricted all succession laws but Feudal Elective if the Phoenix King has not been crowned by flames

Restricted enatic/enatic-cognatic if the holder is Asur and owns e_ulthuan

Restricted nick_the_old from applying to immortals/longlived species

Added negative triggered modifiers for Asur rulers under specific circumstances

Reduced bonus for being Phoenix King/Everqueen

Druchii portraits are now less purple

Fixed Everqueen not having the everqueen trait

Added custom cultures for the optional packs

TOG and CM load game crash fix

Dwarf Holds should now autobuild on all kinds of Mountains

Fixed a title history issue with one Dark Elf province

Added Religious icons for the High/Dark Elves and the Lizardmen

Smoothed the religious icons so that they don't look so rough and blocky

Doom Counter event fix, it is now hidden and won't bother people every six months

Made people 50% more likely to refuse the call of chaos, and cultist plots take 50% longer now (This should also further reduce the rampant demon summoning :P )

fixed issue with greenskin events for non orcs

made demon armies not inheritable

Added old gods rebels event

Updated elven event triggers

Moved/removed extra flags

Slight map update

More title localisation

Changed camera location for start screen

Made cultists more likely to suffer mutations

Made the Dragon Isles Lizardman (except the northern tip of the northern isle, which is apparently a Chaos Dwarf slaver outpost)

Corrected tribal titles for Orcs & Goblins

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Версия 0.2.1

changelogНажмите здесь!

- New events for Asur Isolationists and Interventionists political parties

- New Asur Colonization system

- Updated some religion descriptions ( ancestor_gods through amazon )

- Fixed some missing provinces

- Updated titles group Norsca to start with Agnatic like intended

- Undead should now be immune to all diseases and infirmities

- Random Dynasties for summoned demons

- Minimum age 16 to study magic, fixed

- Witch Hunters now root out open chaos worshippers, just like they do open vampires if you have any in your realm

- Added debate decision/event chain for interventionists vs. isolationists

- Fixed capital location of some (wrong) Talabheim-based titles

- To summon demons, you now need to be higher tier than baron, plus (for the AI) have either lunatic, ambitious, or zealous traits

- Changed succession_laws.txt for Norscan culture group and Slaaneshi religion (tribal)

- Vlad gets more event troops since he always loses these days

- Fixed some reported positions errors

- Set The Empire and it's four split parts to use the HRE shield border rather than the generic one

- Added decision to restore Everqueendom if k_Averlon passes to someone else

- Remas, Verezzo, Bцgenhafen, Ambacht, Texelhaven and the Ironsides League are now true Merchant Republics

- Added Dark Elf CoA sheet

- New mechanics and traits to handle loss of attraction for old age

- Added basic High Elf rune heraldry. 95 of them.

- Added flags to many titles

- Fixed (stop)Study Magic decisions

- Made mod title in launcher consistent

- Added subjugation opinion to Vlad's CB

- New Asur Colonization system

- Updated god names and high god names for everyone

- Child wards can now only change culture to guardian's if they are the same culture group, plus other minor tweaks and fixes

- Greatly reduced frequency of tomb rot and moved to on_actions

- Greatly reduced frequency of tomb rot and moved to on_actions

- Fix: Everchosen quest cannot repeat now (via global flag, so for now, only one everchosen can appear per game, but since his empire doesnt dissolve on his death, people will just have to fight for the title internally through normal ck 2 mechanics)

- Code optimization; A lot of events moved to trigger from on_action pulses

- Changed religion colours for good viewing

- Added Atharti religion to Ghrond

- Moved Luthor Harkon to the coast

- Ulthuan / High Elf Flags added

- Orc children now have a "father", and chaos cultists/open worshippers in your realm will now no longer hate you if you turn to chaos openly

- Bayaji culture added for Southlands region use

- Made Dwarves look more Dwarf like by making them have longer beards even when young

- Added Wood Elf religion (Asrai-Caldei) and included the full Elf pantheon

- Religious icons for the Cult of Pleasure/Atharthi, Amazons, Taalites, Shallyans and Norse Dwarfs

- Defensive Attrition added to the Nehekharan/Lizardman/Amazon religions

- Added traits for isolationists, interventionists and a dynastic stain for sons of a burnt Phoenix King

- Restricted Holy Wars only for interventionist Asur under e_ulthuan

- Added decision to cross the flames of Asuryan for Phoenix King

- Added decision to take a stance

- Centralization and Crown authority tied in to isolationist policy for elves under e_ulthuan

- New events for Asur coronation of the Phoenix King

- New images for upcoming updates

- Added text descriptions and fixed spelling decision names

- Summoned demons now follow proper religion

- Dark Elf dynasties added for all subcultures

- Cultist fixes

- added Dwarf names

- added Petty Kings to various cultures

- Fixed some flags

- Bookmark description updates

- Gamarasa's dwarf tunneling/adventuring event chain

- Orcs and chaos can now use the slavery system too

- Druchi feast and raiding localisation fixes

- Changed start date so there's no snow on the starting screen

- tomb rot event removed

Изменено пользователем Oven
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Новая версия 0.3- http://www.mediafire.com/download/deh476wa...nacht+0.3.0.zip

ИзмененияНажмите здесь!
 Fix for duel engine: Hit points assigned from some traits now work correctly

Added new mutation traits

Set up the scars layer to work to represent obesity/undernourishment; set the boils layer to work to represent boils, scars, burnt by Asuryan, disfigurement and six new mutation effects

Cadai worshipping Asur with court inside Ulthuan will no longer create an independence faction, unless they are the player

Dragon Princes will be more likely to create a faction for Feudal Elective if the Phoenix King switches to something else

Added combat_rating for all traits needing it

Fixed crossed triggers for debate loser event

Fixed conflicting triggers preventing from creating the new factions

Modded so dwarves will not get old before 200; fixed hidden vampires still getting the trait old at 50

Fixed Asrai acting like Asur colonies

Fixed Asrai using Asur colonies cb

Activated Holy War for Asrai until specific cb are created

Added racial insults tied to creature_traits

Joel Williamson's Magic Engine update/fixes

Dwarf/elven health and life expectancy tweaked so that hopefully they'll no longer die so young

Finalized all the religious descriptions and polished some others

Fixed exploit allowing Asur to grant colonial titles before they could be set as independent by event

Split up some Athel Loren duchies

Possible fix for kingdom titles being destroyed

Tzeentch will now toy with his weaker followers, giving them a chance to learn magic, or fail and become a mutated monster

Given the High Kingdom title to the king of Karaz-a-Karak ( Actually canon, Alrik was High King around 2010 )

Added creation requirement to the High Kingdom

Kislevite religious head made landless so that it can't be created

Vampire Coast title added for Luthor Harkon to play with

Historical Asrai Characters added

Added retinues for Chaos and Norscans, with chaos god specific champion retinues (Heavy Infantry with good stats) plus a cultural retinue for the wastelanders

Fixed and changed Berserker chain, will no longer be built 4 separate times, also only available to the Norse

Hung and Kurgan get a special building for them that gives a good amount of horse archers and a small amount of heavy cavalry

Potential CTD fixed by removing the "family member demands a title" part of family_events.txt

Everchosen/Chaos rulers no longer gets spammed with magic events from vassals

if you convert a vassal after turning to chaos the negative opinion malus from confirmed heretic will be removed within a year

Additional Dark Elf Flags added

Fixed holy sites for ancestor_gods, atruhayid, manannite, ormazd, sigmarite, stromfels, taalite, ulrican, norse_ancestor_gods and shallyan

Fixed some wrong religion requirements in job_titles

Fix for endlessly repeating Bretonnia event for those past age 35, asking if they want to stop or continue questing

Fixed localization for retinues and noble stables

title fixes

Added events for followers of Khorne

Fixed numerous small errors in provinces, positioning, river types, army and chancellor positions, etc

Lesser Demon traits and Static Portraits (Bloodletter, Plaguebearer, Flamer, Daemonette)

Dwarven Reconquest CB on mountains/mountain passes held by greenskin or skaven religion groups

Return from Tunneling fix

Lizardman reproduction placeholder system added

Amazon updates: they should be almost playable now but still WIP

Cheaper and faster reinforcement of retinues

The Sisters of Twilight added

Updated some more Dwarf title and family histories

Alith Anar's family and added the shadow warriors mercs

Mercenary growth per century set to 5% (from 100%)

Prisoners can now no longer summon demon armies

added Nurgle follower event

New flags for Amazonia and Lustria

Added icons for old decisions missing them

Fixed up Neferata's position on the map and gave her some creepy handmaidens to serve her

Numerous flags added

Tweaked independence faction for Asur

Blood Keep gets Strigany/Vampiric

Divided the Traits on the character interface to make room for more

Reworked and refined Dwarf unification

Walach Harkon given blood keep, his "son" given command of (vassalized) blood dragon knight merc company

Lahmians can now seduce general human religion groups, and not just vampiric

Fixed Huatl flag

Added Repanse de Lyonesse as ruler of Lyonesse, also gave her family members

Fixed interface overlapping and some wrong links between icons and decisions

Added at least one dynasty member for each Wood Elf family besides Lord Daith and Araloth the Bold. This should stop any families from dying off too quickly!

Fixed interface-related CTD

Increased ratio of black-haired druchii over white haired ones

Added a barebones system for the Slann to be mostly asleep ("Incapacitated") and wake up in times of war and when the Winds of Chaos are strong

Added a few Slann to the history files (some Lizardman cities now selectable :) )

You can now recruit engineers as a dwarf ruler

De Jure drift set from 100 to 1000 years

Update to daemon summoning cultist events

Summoning daemons as a cultist now makes you declare independence war on your top liege

losing this war makes you abdicate to a non chaos family member

All playable rulers in your culture group or realm will get a negative opinion of you and your close family members

Open worshipers or cultists of the same god (or undivided) will not get this negative opinion

Updated sleeping slann to make them more interesting

Ulrika and Magdova added to Kislevite names

Revised holdings in Lustria

Lizardmen must appoint Saurus as marshal/general, if they have any

Added new allowances/restrictions for job titles depending on culture/status

Added new conditions to Vanilla nicknames inappropriately granted

Added Cult of Pleasure mechanics for Elven characters

Added concubines to Cult_of_pleasure, increased Atharti concubines from 2 to 3

Added two traits to represent new concubine system, added new traits to represent troubled pregnancy

Fixed Slaaneshi being able to access Cognatic and Agnatic but not Agnatic-Cognatic

Birth events modified to take into accounts the new troubled_pregnancy chain and prevent strong independent landed women from having their children dynasty-snatched

Set proper triggers in lovers_events and wol_lover_events to avoid male concubines acting like lovers

Edited Break_up decision to prevent player from breaking up with concubines

Added make pet_consort and make_noble_concubine targeted decisions for the new concubine system

Added retire_to_harem decision, added pleasure_twist decision for hidden cultist, added manage_consort decision for open cultists

Added events for new concubine system handling capture, management, release and pregnancy with a male harem

Added multiple chains of events to become an elven cultist depending on specific traits, added mutation chain (activated by abusing concubines and twisting innocents), added twisting chain (activated by targeted decision) to make others hidden cultists

Added chain of events to give flavor to hard and troubling pregnancies

Added "red-herring" events to parallel the cultists

Added recurring events for the retire with harem decision

Added icons for the bookmark images

Added icons for new traits

embark shortcut + minor crusading changes

Bretonnia fixes: Localization errors, and now grail knights carry on questing even when wounded

Reduced the AI trigger for going on grail quest to having 10 martial, from 15, which should lead to more AI grail knights

Malekith (or any non-chaos worshiping ruler) will never again wage war to take something in the Chaos Wastes

Made it so Old Gods worshippers (when AI controlled), might also try to holy war against land in the Chaos Wastes

New Greenskin system

Greenskins have access only to 1 set of laws, this represents roughly a mix of the vanilla tribal organization and centralization laws

The Greenskin Power law has 4 levels, besides the default one, and will automatically advance to the next level at 250, 500, 750 and 1000 prestige respectively in one year's time

You can spend the prestige requirement to enact the next level of the law using the "Impose your rule" decision, but it will incur the wrath of a Greenskin pretender that'll challenge you do a duel. If you lose or escape the duel, the law will go one step down

Greenskins are MEANT to be played exclusively as tribals; no Greenskin aristocracies or merchant republics ( Just try and imagine group of Orc traders discussing about imports and exports ). As such, they don't have access to the Adopt feudalism/Become a Republic decisions and can't convert tribal holdings into castles, or cities

Greenskins get a decision to colonize a province and "Orkyfy" it's holdings. This decision will instantly convert the main holding of the province into a tribe, and add a province modifier that, in the time of 4 years will make the province flip to the Greenskin character's culture and religion, and transform all non-Temple holdings into Tribes

Greenskin colonization is stopped if any non-Greenskin conquers a province when it still has the "Greenskins settling" modifier. The modifier will be removed and the main holding will be re-converted into a castle

Greenskins don't have access to the "normal" tribal building tree, but can build special buildings which help mitigate the fact that they can't become feudal or republican

Greenskin Emperors and Kings can get a "Weak Warboss" triggered modifier if they're one of these: under 9 martial, have less than 9 martial stat, are imprisoned, or have the traits weak, incapable, infirm, weak, craven, clubfooted, wounded blinded or hiding

Greenskin Emperors and Kings with the "Weak Warboss" modifier will get an event that'll give a strong claim to their main title to ALL of their Greenskin vassals

When a Greenskin Emperor or King dies with the Weak Warboss modifier, it's realm crumbles. All the Emperor and King tier titles that they held are destroyed, and all its vassals become independant

Greenskin Conquest now usurps the title instad of vassalizing the count

Added decision for Greenskins to adopt other Greenskins into their clan

Unique title names for feudal Stromfels characters

Stromfels characters now have access to the coastal conquest CB ( Because PIRATES )

Added Slaaneshi event, ambitions, and decision

Fix for ping-pong effect of certain AI open vampires and chaos when targeted by witch hunters

Added decision for druchii and asur to start preparing an invasion of Ulthuan (unlocks the related cb)

Added new ulthuan_invasion cb (activated by targetted decision) avaiable both to druchii and asur to fight for the control of Ulthuan

Prevented Druchii to start a claim war against e_ulthuan while preparing an invasion on e_ulthuan

Added new druchii_subjugation cb to handle druchii infighting

Added on_action event for Malekith's death

Added decision for druchii to have their prisoners eaten by cold ones

Added decisions for owners of dragons/gryphons to have their prisoners devoured by their respective mounts

Added decision a for Tilean and Estalian Myrmidians to restore the

Myrmidia's Empire + a Myrmidia Incarnate trait for the restorer ( Basically, a copypaste of vanilla's Restore Roman Empire decision, with some changes )

"Myrmidia's Empire" will change name to Remean Empire or Gran Estalia if held by a Tilean or an Estalian respectively

Players now get +1 suspicion from only imprisoning accused cultists when a witch hunter comes around (before it was -1, and could be abused)

Witch Hunters no longer keep accusing the same people sometimes; exonerated characters get a flag, which is removed on average every 2 years after the investigation which makes them immune to further/new charges

Added more retinues, mostly for the Tileans/Estalians

Added Norscan-to-Chaos gods events, they are based off of the Chaos temptation events so some testing will need to be done to see how often rulers convert

Added 28 Asure Princes

Fixed up the current Everqueen’s name and added Alarielle

Added in Tyrion and Teclis as well as both their parents (more work will be done on them later)

End date set to 9999

Ruathym has been split into smaller parts

Added khorne_berserker, trait, and events

Barduila, Erengrad and Knochenküste added to the Republic selection tab

Modified Dwarf and fixed portraits all around so that they look less... strange

Adapted vanilla "join a holy order request" to Witch Hunters

Jafar now holds the Sorcerer's Islands

Better flag for the Blood Dragons

Added cultural troop buildings for Estalians, Tileans and Mykens

Vlad loses the Carstein ring after being saved from death five times, rather than when reaching realm size 150 when run by the AI

False Grail Quest: If the ruler does not see the real grail within 7 years, he sees the false grail. Can then choose to believe it, or continue questing. If he believe it, he gets false_grail religion

Everyone on a grail quest keeps questing now until success or death, even maimed rulers keep questing and you can't stop it once begun (it s success or death)

Attempted matrilieal marriage fix for Ottilia III

WoL insults activated

Изменено пользователем mmigo1
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Сделал два сабмода.

Первый дает возможность меня законы короны бессмертным персонажам (перенес из бефрайта).

Второй добавляет решение на автопревращение придворных в вампиров.



Поддерживаю вышенаписанное. Мне, как человеку далекому от вахи, было бы крайне приятно и хорошо, если бы краткая информация по вселенной присутствовала в шапке. Ну там, что за что воюет, кто кого давит etc. Народу было бы приятней прочесть пару предложений по каждой фракции, чем летать по ссылках, тем более, по вахе (Fantasy) я нашел только анлоязычную вики. Не все поймут.

Можно просто добавить ссылку в шапку.


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Сделал два сабмода.

Первый дает возможность меня законы короны бессмертным персонажам (перенес из бефрайта).

Второй добавляет решение на автопревращение придворных в вампиров.



Можно просто добавить ссылку в шапку.


Благодарю за ссылку, не знаю, как я прошел мимо этой вики.

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Фикс от разрабов: <noindex>http://www.mediafire.com/download/6dwrl8zh...0.3.1+patch.zip</noindex>

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Собственно патчноут для фикса 0.3.1:

Slowdown caused by Malekith going to war should be fixed, please report here if it is still happening in your game.

Для тех кто не может в английский (хотя что такие индивидуумы забыли в англоязычном моде?) поясню - фикс исправляет тормоза/фризы вызванные участием Малекита в войне, если не помогло - ныть на форуме разрабов.

Кстати ссылка на них при стиме https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...sions/406933179

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Маленький сабмод, сделанный правой пяткой.

Портретные заглушки оркам и гоблинам (теперь с рождения выглядят взрослыми), лизардменам (чтобы разделить на скинков, завров и сланнов - нужно серьезнее менять структуру мода, но лень) и нехекарцам (женщины прикрывают лица масками, стремление к красоте, чо)

Нет засилью человеков!


ЗЫ поправил архив, забыл впихнуть сам файл мода

Изменено пользователем Nadd
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Обновил сабмод, долго думал, упущение ли разработчиков смертность орков (в отличии от гоблоты)... решил что таки фича, и не стал трогать.

Теперь орки и гоблины с фокусом на войну могут дуэлиться с другими зеленокожими безо всякой причины. Сделано это с целью отобразить всеобщую анархию в их владениях.

Если разрабы не будут особо шевелиться с портретами попробую в дальнейшем реализовать полноценные вместо заглушек.

Изменено пользователем Nadd
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http://www.mediafire.com/download/7rtg0331...agreenz_0.1.rar Обновил сабмод, долго думал, упущение ли разработчиков смертность орков (в отличии от гоблоты)... решил что таки фича, и не стал трогать. Теперь орки и гоблины с фокусом на войну могут дуэлиться с другими зеленокожими безо всякой причины. Сделано это с целью отобразить всеобщую анархию в их владениях. Если разрабы не будут особо шевелиться с портретами попробую в дальнейшем реализовать полноценные вместо заглушек.

Спсибо, пойду потестю. Портреты буду, ну я в этом уверен. В некст патче вмпирам добавят к примеру.

Если кто не в курсе, в некс патче уберут конвертацию религий (игрок может оставить себе), межрасовое соблазнение, может межрасовые браки.

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Обновил сабмод, долго думал, упущение ли разработчиков смертность орков (в отличии от гоблоты)... решил что таки фича, и не стал трогать.

Теперь орки и гоблины с фокусом на войну могут дуэлиться с другими зеленокожими безо всякой причины. Сделано это с целью отобразить всеобщую анархию в их владениях.

Если разрабы не будут особо шевелиться с портретами попробую в дальнейшем реализовать полноценные вместо заглушек.

У детей нехекары человеческие портреты.

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По моему у "детей неехарийцев" ещё в оригинале были ванильные портреты, ибо видимо разрабы не смогли сделать портреты мертвых детей, да и зачем, хотя их присутствие в моде напрягает, ибо Неехара - царство мертвых, в котором нет ни детей ни мужчин, ни женщин, а существенное отличие только одежда.

Изменено пользователем Kadosel
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По моему у "детей неехарийцев" ещё в оригинале были ванильные портреты, ибо видимо разрабы не смогли сделать портреты мертвых детей, да и зачем, хотя их присутствие в моде напрягает, ибо Неехара - царство мертвых, в котором нет ни детей ни мужчин, ни женщин, а существенное отличие только одежда.

Это замечание товарищу по поводу сабмода.

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Это замечание товарищу по поводу сабмода.



PS Мне хемрийские дети не попадались в игре.

Остальные предложения тоже приветствуются.

Изменено пользователем Nadd
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Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht     i Скачать WH: Geheimnisnacht v1.3.7.1 [совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : MEGA [zip | exe] | Steam Скачать WH: SUBMODS [не


Тем временем на плазе вышла новая версия мода: http://www.mediafire.com/file/84cnxn3n8wdz1sm/geheimnisnacht+1.1.0.zip

Мейс Винду

Разрабы обещают скоро полноценный дневник... https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/official-community-update-2.1184473/        

Torn Knight

Выкладываю дневник утром, чтобы те, кому это интересно, читали его за кружкой утреннего кофе/чая. Сам новую версию тестировать пока что не буду, ибо без хотфикса этого почти никогда не делаю, пот


А тут новая версия вахи подъехала, не благодарите http://www.mediafire.com/file/jzceg7q1b7c4dwk/geheimnisnacht+1.0.zip    

Torn Knight

Выше список изменений, здесь же выкладываю Дневник разработчиков, который вышел одновременно с этим списком, но в котором разработчики дал пояснения по каждому из блоков изменений и немного систематиз

Torn Knight

Доброго времени суток. Сегодня вышла версия 1.3.7, спустя почти год с выхода прошлой версии. Все это время мод обновлялся по системе SVN, так что разработки не прекращались, просто не было дневников.


Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Version 1.2]   Mod is compatible with version of CK2.  

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