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Princes of Darkness


Мрачное Средневековье стало ещё темнее... Попробуй себя в роли бессмертного вампира или жестокого оборотня. Почувствуй себя не каким-нибудь молодым кровососом или звериным детенышем - а владыкой королевства. Обращай своих придворных или принимай в свои ряды новых вампиров, чтобы выковать династию и жить вечно!



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karde :
- Fixed an issue with prestige/piety and stats from buildings not always working.
- Challenge comp patch bugfix :
- Rebalance of combat ratings effects (thanks to Borigh).
- Disabled warrior training from Warrior Societies since it only works for vanilla religions.
- Halved the cooldown for learning disciplines by favor. Again.
- Fix for the mismatched startup screen since the Challenges patch (thanks to FaoldeTeine and Varlatra from EK for the fix instructions)

- fixed the Crash to Desktop bug caused by Mass Witch Hunters! Rejoice! The Shadow Inquisition will no longer destroy the entire world of vampires in a single moment of raising hunter mercenaries.
- Various bug fixes from Audax Validator
- Separated supernatural change government to decision to vampires and others
- fixes to mortal commoners
- fixes to random hunters to get CWOD/VTM/HTR Shadow Inquisition religions rather than VTR/HTV religions
- small graphical and localization fixes to obscure units, retinues (valdaerman, sahjiya, cainite heretics)(=
- changes to Salubri High and Cainite Heresy religions to distinguish from Cappadocians and Lasombra respectively
- nerfed horse and vehicle speeds
- removed scarring for vampires in duels
- fixed armor/torso slot for some rare mage artifacts
- fix governments for various titles in bookmarks
- fix to some clan religion initialization for Masquerade bookmarks
- fix to Path of the Beast, Path of Redepmtion, Order of St. Panteleimon for vampire society initialization
- fix to secret religions (nosferatulow, etc...)
- fix to is_vamp_anarch trigger
- fix to Gehenna Seer event V
- fix to joining Crimson Curia society of the Cainite Heresy
- flesh crafted ghouls will now get mortal trait
- vampires no longer have the choice to commit suicide




All updates by karde:
- Compatible with CK 3.3.0
- Artifacts from the higher rank of a "Via" Society are now more strictly limited to the Masters of this society. Thanks to River for the fix.
- Added the Calderon, De Cincao and Grimgoth dynasties to finish Sparc's takeover on the Tremere's dynasties.
- Added the Calderon, De Cincao, Grimgoth, Meerlinda, Etrius, LeDuc bloodlines.
- Fix for the new IC religion, Qarmatian.
- Fix for missing onaction events from IC
- Added Animalism II, Chimerstry IV, Daimonion IV, Obeah II and V, Presence V, Auspex IV, Quietus I powers.
- New (and final, hopefully) duel fix. (Thanks to Numeneri)
- Reworked some AI buildings priorities to help it recover after the Black Death.
- Midgard can now be held by an Aesir (reformed EInherjar) character.
- Fixed missing localizations/texts due to a conflict with Paradox's custom localization from IC.
- Added Serpentis I, Presence I, Auspex II, Animalism III, Obeah IV and Quietus III powers.
- Some changes to Odin's lineage to be more accurate to the lore.
- Build cost reduction in technologies replaced by more build time reduction to take into account the new buildings system.
- Added the following Great Works : Alamut, Rome, Ceoris, Carthage, Setite Founding Temples, Erciyes, Cathedral of Flesh and the Castle of Shadows.
- Fixed the missing Warrior Societies Powers. Please note that 1/ You still need Holy Fury for those 2/ There are still no quests available at this time (only passive grind).
- Rebalanced Kinslaying with vampires in mind. Only dynasty members now cares if you kill your own lineage.
- Wight characters can't give the kinslayer trait anymore.
- The list of current GW and their location/usage is here :
- fix the readability / prerequisites issues on Warriors Orders has been pushed.
- Added 208 canon characters with wikipedia links. Now, if the vampire is active in 1230 and has a wikipedia page, it's almost certainly in the mod.
- Reworked some dynasties to be more lore accurate/make more sense.
- Reduced the tine needed to activate some plots to make them more usable, especially the awaken from torpor one.
- Fixed the double disciplines showing issue.
- Integrated the last CK2 patch scripted triggers.
- Replaced the Elysium retinue size by some light infantry.
- Fixed an issue with prestige/piety and stats from buildings not always working.



Version 0.4.5

- Great Works compatbility fixes: flintsparc
- Holy Fury dueling now used by vampire plots: flintsparc
- Holy Fury dueling between vampires may result in a destroy/diablerize/stake/release options: flintsparc
- Holy Fury compatibility fixes by flintsparc: interface/generalstuff.gfx, interface/coat_of_arms.txt, 00_portrait_properties.txt, interface/portraits/portraits.gfx,
common/bookmarks/00_bookmarks.txt, common/00_cultures.txt, common/game_rules/00_game_rules.txt
- Holy Fury compatibility fixes by karde: history/titles, history/provinces, landedtitles, history/technology, character files
- Holy Fury bloodlines for Vampires, 138 for Vampires and Werewolves: karde, flinstparc
- Holy Fury bloodlines DLC adaptations for Vampires, Revenants and Great Persons: flintsparc
- Holy Fury combat_rating re-balance for artifacts: grue
- Holy Fury warrior societies adapted for Vampires: Via Einherjar (Norse Gangrel), Via Yasaq (Anda Gangrel), Via Sanguinis (Assamite), Order of the Black Cross (Ventrue),
Order of the Sable Rose (Toreador), Order of Saint Ladre (Nosfeartu), Order of Bitter Ashes, Twilight Order: flintsparc
- Masquerade Exposure system based on Muslim Decadene mechanics: karde and flintsparc
- V5 Predator Types: flintsparc
- Byzantine/Hellenic and Tibet Castle, City and Temple holding icons: emeryville
- Primogen Council Governments: Genoa/Venice/Palermo by Night setup: flintsparc
- Fixed dynastic ties for Sparc's new republican characters. Divided Giovanni dynasty between canon Giovanni vampire and Giovanni revenant breeding stock, to not mess the tree: karde
- Added Josselin the Blessed, the discount Ventrue Michael, to replace Paul Bathalos as duke of Ochrid, Paul having been kidnapped by Sparc's Constantinople Dream: karde
- Added localization keys for Republic Baronies: karde
- Fixed typos of b_malachite religion and Feroux dynasty culture: karde
- Commented out one of the POD_WEREWOLF_WYRM_THRALL.1 duplicate event: karde
- Fixed 971 occurrences (yeap) of generic dynasties using the non existent color = 15 for their CoA, which were murdering the error log: karde
- Fixed 252 (yeap²) missing Ald dynasties culture, which were choking the error log to death: karde
- Added event to award a bloodline to Anarch/Sabbat/Camarilla founder: karde
- Added Constantinople as a requirement to reform the Dream of Constantinople (duh): karde
- Fixed the dynasties tagged as colonial/renn/industrial x without the corresponding culture specified, writing off several hundred of errors reports in the log: karde
- Fix for non working Israelite culture event (was triggered only = yes... with a mtth and a trigger): karde
- Fixed spelling mistakes in the geographical_region file returning errors in the log: karde
- Remove dishonorable duel opinion modifier for battling old characters: flintsparc
- Do not allow vampires in torpor to be duelled: flintsparc
- fixed 2015 newly created vampire childer do not (or ever) get their default clan disciplines. : flintsparc
- remove nudity for hedonist/lustful/seducer characters. Players think its a bug not a feature. : flintsparc
- remove cannibal event from seclusion from disease. Maybe remove go into seclusion entirely for vampires. : flintsparc
- Revert holy wars to Ducal level, since a duchy is equivalent to a modern greater metropolitan area: flintsparc
- added V5 Lasombra symbol for trait, coat of arms: flintsparc
- Ashirra, Gangrel and Toreador Coat of Arms improvements: Hastur Nyoghtha
- Fixed Shadow Inquisition revolts to use Masquerade Exposure (decadence) revolts: flintsparc
- Fixed Court Chaplain appointments: flintsparc
- Fixed floating religious clothing: flintsparc
- Changling/Fae related traits are visible to all again: flintsparc
- Added hunter sects: Akritai, Ilkhwan al-Safa and Judges
- Various bug fixes: flintsparc & karde
- New loading screen art courtesy of Vampire: The Masquerade - Heritage. check them out at Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Version 0.4.4
- Jyhad Diaries, 2015 Bookmark. Modern Nights Vampire: the Masquerade.
- New trait icons based on V5
- Fixed issue with all 1230 objective traits disappearing on loading saved game
- Modern artifacts such firearms and vehicles
- Modern, Industrial, Colonial and Renaissance cultures added
- Modern, Industrial, Colonial and Renaissance graphical cultures added
- Culture conversion events from Medieval to Renaissance to Colonial to Industrial to Modern
- Renaissance, Colonial/Imperial, Industrial era units from Xangelo Generic Units Mod.
- Renaissance, Colonial/Imperial, Industrial era character clothing from Ofaloaf portrait mods.
- Albanian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian cultures added.
- Added introductory narratives by region for 1230 bookmark
- Added Gehenna Prophecies narrative events
- Added Dark Ages artifacts such as steeds
- Added Vampire artifacts such as various blood consumables
- Added Mage artifacts
- A total of 129 artifacts in the mod in addition to CK2 artifacts
- PENTEX subsidaries now offer you all you can want through their mass media advertising!
- Societies: Restricted some societies from showing up to everyone, Each Road now have a Rank 2 Power (gain piety + a trait linked to the Road)
and a Rank 4 Power (gain a powerful artifact unique to this Road).
- Added Inconnu Coat of Arms
- Reworked technology levels per bookmark year. 1230 now has first tier of technology and some influence built on startup, 1350-1355 has no
buildings. 1505 has more technology and buildings than 1230.
- Vampire narrative adventurers: Vlad Tepes, Giangaleazzo, Jeremy MacNei, Laurette Morel and Jan Pieterzoon
- Ventrue characters : Bruce de Guy, Michaela, Hellene Panhard (P. of New York), Nefer-meri-Isis, Anushin-Rawan (P. of Aegean Islands),
Datura (P. of Vera Cruz), Lodin, Kevin Jackson (P. of Chicago), Maltheas, Phaedyme, Si'Djeha
- Ventrue dynasties : Nefer-meri-Isis, Lodin, Anne Bowesley, Camilla returns in 2015
- Lasombra characters : Tepelit, Blue Eye, Monica Black, Cynthia Black, Matteo, Menuven, Antipater of the Hoof, The Nabatean, Pharnabazus,
Mania, The Caballero, Leila Monroe (A. of L.A., in exile), Alison, Virginie "the Prodigy" (A. of Dublin), Giangaleazzo of Milan as Camarilla in 2015.
- Lasombra dynasties : Tepelit, Blue Eye, Gratiano is the last Sabbat Archbishop in Italy in 2015, Virgine
- Toreador characters : Maria, Anabelle Triabell, Modius (P. of Gary), Maximilian, Victoria Ash, Apollo, Calida, Gabriel de Cambrai,
Vidal Jarbeaux "the Fox", Margaret d'Hautmont, Edward Williams (P. of Denver), Violetta, Velvet Velour, Madame Guil, Melusine d'Anjou
- Toreador dynasties : Apollo
- Brujah characters : Marhuel, Ecaterina "the Wise", Mama Lion, Smiling Jack, Jenna Cross (thin blood), Helissente, Don Cerro, Theo Bell,
Dmitra Ilyanova, Carlak (P. of Prague), Alexander Meuser (P. of Jerusalem), Robin Leeland and Tyler. Abu Nijad
- Brujah dynasties : Drake
- Tzimisce characters : Andeleon, Janek Ritka, Jaromir Cerny "the Judas", Marelle "the Sculptor of Wolves", Andras Tholdy,
Kazimir Savostin, Minerva Schwalke-Wojtkiewicz (E. of Voivodate), Demdemeh, Sycorax, Landulf II (P. of Cyprus)
- Tzimisce dynasties : Andeleon, Demdemeh
- Giovanni dynasties: Dunsirn family in Scotland is seeking Camarilla affiliation
- Caitiff characters : Mukhtar Bey (P. of Cairo), The Stoneman, Joseph Pander, Alfred Benezri (A. of Montreal), Maldavis
- Caitiff dynasties : Mamluk, Unbound, Panders
- Tremere characters : Stromberg, Nicolai Antonescu, Abraham DuSable, John Dee
- Others : Moraye the Syrian (Assamite), Lord Thomas Beckett Camden (Cappadocian), Colim Oliver (Autarkis)
- Malkavians characters : Elimelech "the Twice Damned", Lerterimas, Louhi, Lykia, Lados "the Lion of Bactria", William Biltmore,
Marge Khan, Quentin King III (P. of Boston), Alessio Rinaldi "the Peacock Prince" (P. of Ravenna), Lyra, Harold Zettler, Theophana,
Reiner Stoschka
- Malkavians dynasties : Izaha, Lerterimas, Lados the Peacock Prince of Ravenna
- Gangrel characters : Vola "the Red", Wulfgar "the Reaver", Karen Anatos "Midnight Queen", Beckett "the Noddist",
Marcus Sextus "the Egyptian", Inyanga, Alex Swift, Geoffrey Leigh, Vulture (B. of Madison, Wisconsin), Frere Marc,
Danielle Diron (B. of Berlin), Art Morgan, Justin Stone (Detroit)
- Gangrel dynasties : Vola
- Assamite characters : Abu Ilaf, Adnun, Abdalkutba, Anastasius the Axe, Janni, Yazid Tamari, Bakr, Tariq "the Silent", Hazrad Aqim Alaq,
John Sidestorm (TMR), Karnof (TMR attack on Lisbon), Randall Hopkirk (Birmingham), Kasim Bayar (Milan)
- Assamite dynasties : Ilaf, Montgomery Coven the Once and Future King
- Followers of Set: Kemintiri leads the Anathema in 2015
- Bloodlines characters : Theresia "the Songbird", Sayshila, Mokhadaji Ranpur, Roderigo al-Dakhil "Padre Craneo", Pisha, Le Dinh To,
Ramaja, Larux, Nathaniel McCabe (Sabbat D.C.), Sylvester Marlowe "the Ticktock Man"
- Bloodlines dynasties : Siren, Nagaraja
- Other characters : Phaedyme (Ventrue, TMR), Tzaphkiel al-Amin (Salubri), Antoinette Sauveterre (Toreador, TMR), Pietro (Lasombra,TMR),
Marguerite de Paris (Ventrue), Henri Leclair (Ventrue), Radovan (OCT TMR), Irina (OCT TMR), Carlotte, Isaac Goldwin (P. of Baltimore),
Kat (B. of Baltimore, vitelite), Matteo Enrathi (R. of Richmond, TMR, revenant), Malcolm Entwhistle (Ventrue, S. of London),
Jibade (Follower of Set, Detroit), Abu Nijad (Brujah), Serenna "the White" (Salubri)
- 4th dynasties are now done, except edge cases (the Nicktuku, dead in Enoch etc).
- The Tal'mahe'Ra is now a thing in the 1230 startdate. Armenia is their most powerful start (led by the future Del'Roh) but they are
an insidious force from France to Transylvania.
- Revenants: Grimaldi are independent in Monaco in 2015.
- Moved DLC related map item shield interface references to units submod
- created new Thaumaturgical Pyramid government for Tremere
- New Tremere/Thaumaturgy temple building line: chantries, wards
- Ceoris!
- Wraith: the Oblivion aracnoi, religions, Great War bookmark, character geneation. In development.
- Added Camarialla Founder, Sabbat Founder and Original Anarch traits to canon characters for 1505 bookmark
- Lots of bug fixing
- Disabled mortal holy orders formation events
- Disabled mortal papacy crusade
- Disabled Charlemagne Major Events from Mortals: Fall of Avars, Lombards, etc...
- Localization: "Proctor" is now "Principal of Faith"; "Harpy" is now "Herald"; "Hound" is now "Shadow" per V5.
- Localication: fixed "Dementation"
- Revised default came rules, added Cultural Conversion rule "By Historical Era"
- Obfuscate removed from potential for Intrigue spy on focus from WoL. Will work as normal.



Version 0.4.3

- Compatiable with CK2 2.8.3
- Gehenna: Black Death now has a game rule with 4 options: Normal, Deadly, Weak, Off
- Immortal_age set for Cappadocian, Baali, Ravnos, Salubri (karde)
- Reworked Baghdad setup (karde)
- New Event Art, mostly placed in Blood Magick and Attacks (emeryville)
- Removed chancellor death caused by noble
- Removed options for vassal building in Autobuild PoD submod
- Corrected localisation errors
- Fix for Giovanni Objective declaring their religion a heresy (karde)
- Fix for improper vampire usurping
- Fix for non-vampires embracing great people
- Fix for non-vampires embracing or ghouling interesting people
- Vampires slowly turn their demesne provinces to their religion
- Update Great People gfx (Selene)
- Small chance to learn disciplines not known via diablerie
- Player may now learn Disciplines via decisions using favor, prestige and gold!
- Tremere Thaumaturgy Rituals!
- Targeted Rituals: Bind the Accusing Tongue, Bureaucratic Condemnation, Scapegoat, Corrupt Body, Acedia
- Personal Rituals: Burning Blade, Bone of Lies, Soul of the Homunculus, Court of Hallowed Truth
- Fix to allow imperial law to be enacted
- Fix to Plot: Gain Favor
- Fix to Embrace Dynasties not working
- Fix to torpored vamps breaching the Masquerade
- Fixes to plots
- Fix to True Brujah getting traits
- Elders should no longer usurp all weak vampiric titles
- 1230 Final Character Work: Now over 400 canon characters for 1230 setup! (karde)
- John Cabot is no longer cloned, Vasco da Gama can now properly enjoy unlife
- Attack sequences for imprisonment and plots now consider 3rd Gen and combat rating
- New tremere characters and Carna dynasty (karde)
- New gangrel characters and Kurru dynasty (karde)
- New malkavian characters and Plague dynasty (karde)
- New nosferatu characters and dynasties (karde)
- New setites characters and dynasties (karde)
- New assamite characters and dynasties (karde)
- Immortal age set on vampires in histories (karde)
- First fan-submitted character added, Jan van Rousche (karde)
- Coat of Arms (Hastur) for Ventrue, Toreador, Ravnos, Tremere, Anarch, Brujah,
- Koldun, Gangrel, TalMaheRa, Tzimisce, Setites, Assamites, Lasombra, Camarilla
- Alexander, Tubal-cain, Yorak, Vollgirre, Tinia, True Brujah, Twilight



- Failed imprison attempts now result in an event chain allowing the player to attack the vampire or let them escape
- Players targeting an Elder with a kill plot now get progress reports that provide breakthroughs which trigger the plot faster
- Martial added to age and generation traits to give them greater impact
- Temporis discipline added ranks 1-5 with stat boosts
- Temporis added to True Brujah instead of celerity
- Tzimisce with Proud, Lustful, Hedonist, Seducer, Seductress no longer use vicissitude portraits
- Auspex users can now properly be terrified that every vampire practices diablerie
- All True Brujah are now really of the True Brujah clan (karde)
- All of the following clans have had immortal_age added to their characters : Ventrue, Toreador, Tzimisce, Lasombra, Brujah (karde)
- Fix for missing Nosferatu and Ravnos decisions icons. (karde)
- Minor Tzimisce changes. Myka Vykos and Vladimir Rustovitch are now fair (both of them would never use vicissitude on themselves at this point of time). Myka is now properly Via Peccati, and Vladimir via regalis. Noriz is now Djavakhi lineage rather than Yorak's. (karde)
- New 1230 count level characters who become important with time (karde)
- New religions based on modern bookmark (karde)
- Holy sites added for religions (karde)
- New traits for clans suchs as True Brujah, Samedi, Harbingers of Skulls, Daughters of Cacophony, Nagaraja, Kyasid (karde)
- Changes to siring events to add proper traits and religion for new clans (karde)



Version 0.4.2

Completed 1230 Character Setup. Canon Vampires to play as or interact act with across the whole map on 1230 bookmark! (karde)
Completed Dynasties for every major vampire lineage back to Caine (karde)
1230 Player Objectives for every major clan and sect. Player Objectives are hard to get but shape the world with their impact. (karde)
Holy Sites for most Vampire clans (karde)
Tzimisce vicissitude portraits (emeryville)
New Event Artwork (emeryville)
New Holding Artwork (emeryville)
Completed CoAs for all CWOD vampire dynasties (Hastur, sparc)
Optimizated run-speed via updated events and population control
Tons of fixes
New Political Plots: 7 new plots for player, AI uses via events
New WoD themed Kill Plots: No more vanilla kill plots. Now use Diablerie, Haven, Delegated and Personal attacks against your foes.
AI Balance Work and Events: Lots of work put to balance AI plotting, factions and revolts. No more stagnant large Empires!
Vanilla Factions tweaked for Vampires and WoD
Mortal Ruler Influence System: Gain bonuses or negatives based on controlling powerful mortal families over time
Interesting Mortals added: Interesting mortals are now generated using templates for both the player and AI. AI get better mortal spawns based on their title rank. Player gets them via random event.
Great People added! Great People are historic figures that will spawn in a time and location as a game progresses. If a player does not embrace them they will be embraced by vampire clans and sires interested in their personality type.
Examples are: Fibonacci, Joan of Arc, Geoffrey Chaucer, Gilles de Rais, the Borgias, Edward Longshanks... Saints, Sinners, Tyrants, Philosophers, Courtesans, Writers and more! Over 70 in this update.
Mentor and Childe event system added: Choose to mentor new childer and mold them as they become vampires.
New events will flesh out how they view you, their new unlife and fit into the world around you.
Shadow Inquisition Narrative Events added for 1230 bookmark. Shadow Inquisition rises and begins a campaign against the Kindred.
Anarch Revolt Narrative Events added for 1230 bookmark. Anarchs revolt against an unjust system, becoming harder to handle as time moves on.
Gehenna: Black Death Events added for 1230 bookmark. The first Gehenna type event will shake up the world as the mortal population plummets.
Camarilla and Sabbat Narrative Events added for 1230 bookmark. Dynamically form a Camarilla and Sabbat with each 1230 playthrough. If you are powerful enough you may be the main instigator to form the Camarilla. Founders get special founder traits for each group.




Further fixes to avatar for players without graphical DLC.

- 11 new characters with difficult starts and interesting motivations (credit karde)
- Fix for Tunis, Tripolitania, Tangiers, Algers, Marrakech and Alexandria getting hit by dominate and forgeting counties (credit karde)
- One Rome, Many Suitors: 13 new characters for Italia with a focus on duke level setup. Viva l'Italia!
- increase rate of torpor awakening
- more holding art (credit emeryville)
- update fix for troops from sparc
- update government preferences for vampires (sparc)
- changed rival dueling for vampires
- fixed error in ghoul asking for embrace event
- more vanilla death events changed
- fix to mass vampire comes back
- fix to typos in mercenary troops
- fix to event art filenames
- removed imperial administration law needing revoke title law 2
- fix for loading saves changing inheritance laws and causing massive opinion penalties with vassals each time
- AI elder vampires now have a chance to learn one of the 8 most common disciplines at rank 1 every decade.
List is: Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, and Presence



Version 0.4.1

Had issues with the Steam upload and split the mod into three parts.

Ghoul Events Added: Ghouls now have chances to spawn random events that their Domitor will receive. Ghoul events are more likely to happen at certain ages or situations.

Event list:

Ghoul provides gift of gold to domitor.
Ghoul provides gift of an item to domitor.
Ghoul requests gold from domitor for a chance to increase influence (technology).
Ghouls are jealous of each other.
Ghoul kidnapped.
Ghoul commits suicide.
Ghoul is killed defending domitor from assassination attempt/hunter attack/lupine attack.
Ghoul begins to lose control of the beast.
Young Ghoul attempts rebellion.
Ghoul is injured; option to heal via vampire blood from domitor.
Ghoul requests domitor ghoul their spouse.
Old Ghoul feels weak and requests vampire blood.
Ghoul/Revenant Courtier Requests Embrace from Liege Event

Ghoul event GFXs and more added (credit emeryville)

Added Event where Mass Vampire returns to Sire to supplicate for recognition as their childe

Added Plot defense triggers for defensive disciplines, age, and generation
Placed these into most common death causes including vanilla kill plots

New art for Castle, Temple and City holding icons: Western, Desert and Mongol (credit emeryville)

City Buildings:
Population buildings added to select cities that unlock other influence building.
Disciplines: Dementation allows you or your spy master to cause insanity.
Added Serpentis 5: Divine Form. Divine Form makes you taller, stronger, tougher and inspires awe. It also gives a unique nickname, 'the Unliving God'.
Clan eminence influence building grants supernatural levies.
Civic Ward (Bribed Bureaucrat, Influenced Politician, Ghouled Mayor, Controlled City Hall, Conditioned Civilian Administration )
University (Bribed Student, Influenced Professor, Ghouled Dean, Controlled University, Conditioned Student Body )
Hospital (Bribed Orderly, Influenced Nurse, Ghouled Doctor, Controlled Hospital, Conditioned Hospital Staff )
Orphanage (Bribed Orphan, Influenced Bully, Ghouled Matron, Controlled Orphanage, Conditioned Orphans )
Prison (Requires Controlled Night Watch, Bribed Prisoner, Influenced Guard, Ghouled Warden, Conditioned Prison Gang )
Guild Ward (Bribed Apprentice, Influenced Journeyman, Ghouled Guild Master, Controlled Guilds )
Papillion Ward (The Rack. Requires Controlled Tavern + Brothel)
Slums (Bribed Beggar, Influenced Landlord, Ghouled Slumlord, Controlled Slum )
Abattoir Ward (Slaughter house. Requires Animalism. Bribed Drover, Influenced Meat Cutter, Ghouled Butcher, Conditioned Butcher's Guild )
Asylum (Requires Malkavian. Bribed Inmate, Influenced Orderly, Ghouled Superintendent, Controlled Asylum, Conditioned Inmates )

Castle Buildings:
Farms (Requires Plains. Bribed Serf, Influenced Kulak, Ghouled Publican, Conditioned Farmers )
Forests (Requires Forests. Bribed Woodsman, Influenced Lumberjack, Ghouled Sawboss, Conditioned Lumberjacks )
Mines (Requires Mountains. Bribed Miner, Influenced Mine Foreman, Ghouled Mine Boss, Conditioned Miners )
Caravan (Requires Dessert. Bribed Caravaner, Influenced Caravan Guard, Ghouled Merchant, Conditioned Cravan )
Nightmare Stables for each clan and upgrade at Cavalry 5
Flesh Lab - Basic Flesh Lab, Small Flesh Lab, Ghouled Assistant, Large Flesh Lab, Masterful Flesh Lab
Gargoyle Rookery (Requires Thaumaturgy, Tremere) Minimal Rookery, Small Rookery, Ghouled Assistant, Large Rookery, Masterful Rookery
Necropolis (Requires Mortis or Necromancy) Bribed Gravedigger, Influenced Undertaker, Ghouled Sexton, Controlled Necropolis, Zombies
Oubliette (Requires Obtenebration): Tiny Oubliette, Small Oubliette, Large Oubliette, Master of Shades
Leper Colony (Requires Nosferatu) Bribed Leper, Influenced Nun, Ghouled Leper Headman, Controlled Leper Colony, Conditioned Lepers
Blood Cult (Setites) - Meager Cult, Small Priesthood, Ghouled Demagogue, Large Cult, Conditioned Cultists
Blood Cult (Malkavian) - Meager Cult, Small Priesthood, Ghouled Demagogue, Large Cult, Conditioned Cultists
Flesh Chapel (Requires Vicissitude)- Basic Flesh Chapel, Small Flesh Chapel, Ghouled Assistant, Large Flesh Chapel, Masterful Flesh Chapel

Castle and Temple Eminence buildings updated to match special troops for Tremere and Tzimisce.

Localization for City, Clan, Temple Eminence buildings added.

Shadow Inquisition added. Shadow Inquisition Dynasties and Coat of Arms Added: House Murnau, Order of the Poor Knights of the Passion of the Cross of Acre, Red Order, Sisters of St. John and Oculi Dei.
Shadow Inquisition has a 5% to 10% chance of appearing in any European province.

New Nosferatu unit texture (credit emeryville).
Improved blood spatter on mass vampire texture.

New special troops: Cavalry of all clans, sects, traditions and kiths.

Canon Characters; Marcus Licinius, Zarathustra, Panfilo, Anicius, Qarakh, Deverra, Arnulf the Goth, Alessandro de Garcia,
Natalya Svyatoslav, Robin of Nottingham, Gisheler, Camilla, Melusine d'Anjou, John of York, Bladdud, Archbishop Adrian, Marcus Verus,
Lucius Trebus Rufus, Shutatarra, Abd al Hadi, Shamit Ibn Yasir, Darshuf, Seterpenre, Kahina, Maatkare, Andreas Aesgyptus, Radulfr,
Eon de l'Etoile, Gaius Marcellus, Saviarre, Geoffrey du Temple, Darvag Grozny, Myca Vykos, Symeon, Karl the Blue, Ulfsdottir,
Vera, Selina, Antoine le Fanu, Lucretia Giovanni, Dionysius, Herleva, Kyprios, Hektor, Periander, Cocceius, Lucretia von Hardtz,
Lucius Cornelius Scipio, Melitta Wallenberg, Armin Brenner, Eirik Longtooth, Absalon, Rutor, Fortinbras,
Giovanni: Claudius, Ambrogino, Pietro, Markus Musa and Ignazio
Baali: Azaneal, Cybele, Arishat, Sahar-Hannibaal and Mary the Black

Tremere emprire is now a tributary of the Fiefs of the Black Cross

Goratrix is now the Duke of Dauphine.

Combat balancing:
Assigned new combat value to all special troop types
Lowered morale bonus given by nightmare and domination by half.
Lowered command bonus given per point of martial of commander.
Lowered threshold for charge tactics to take place, they can now take place after day 1.
Lowered all tactics time to 2 days. Now tactics will switch much faster and simulate faster paced battles.
Lowered pursue attack for all troops.
Moved vampire infantry units to heavy infantry type to use and benefit from vanilla charge and advance tactics.
Moved werewolves to heavy cavalry type to simulate their brutal charges.
Vanilla retinues removed.
Tweaked retinue settings in defines to make number of counties weight less.

Added several mercenary companies. Changed restrictions on several Requiem mercenary companies to make them available in Masquerade.

Fixed county assignment in Normandy and Toulouse.
Fixed hunting mortal now decreases blood thirst in addition to granting blood of the mortal temporary modifier.
Revenant child acquires Revenant trait and loses mortal 3 days after reaching adulthood. Fixes child portrait issue.
Praxis reduced cost to 1 gold and build time of 1 day to remove exploit for gold by building destruction. Praxis is just a place holder to deal with a game engine mechanic that was causing holdings to disappear.
Influence points and growth rate added to influence buildings.
Changed Tzimisce unit model. Fixed Assamite unit model blades.
Canon revenant families finally get their coats of arms and disciplines.
The impact of martial upon levy size has been reduced.
Fixed Jerusalem province
Fixed bracket error near Vicissitude 1 in train vampire disciplines file.
Karde's fixes for empire level titles and their war bugs.
Removed Infidel Revocation Law. In order to stop vampire flood late in the game due to the AI using 'Create new vassal' button the Infidel Revocation Law is now set to never be available.



Version 0.4

Army sizes have been greatly reduced! Again, Army sizes have been greatly reduced!
Event spawned army sizes (such as adventurers and revolts) have also been reduced by 90% or more.
Special Troops added with icons: vampires, ghouls, szlachta, vozhd, gargoyles, werewolves, kinfolk, fomori, fae, mages and wraiths.
Supernatural troops will be far more powerful than mortal troops.
Retinues will now be very important.
Vanilla buildings replaced with Supernatrual Influence.
Influence (technology) grows quickly. Buildings are very important. You won't be prince long without influence.
With so many changes we are looking for player feedback on the balance of these big combat/building changes.
Graphical factor increased for Special Troops (Supernatural Troops).
Influence (Technology) dropped lower for all bookmarks.
Tribal holdings replaced by feudal castles in all provinces.
Western holdings of Castle, Town and Church now have spooky icons.
Added Mage embrace decision.
Added Thaumaturgy related Mage embrace ritual.
Added more than 100 special troops/retinues for supernaturals for vampires, werewolves, mages and fae.
New units make use of vanilla and DLC councillor and military units as military units.
Gargoyles and Werewolves have new unit graphics. Known issue: they are not animated.
Added Gargoyle creation for Tremere.
Added new mass unit creation events.
Mass embrace, mass ghoul, mass gargoyles, mass szlachta creation decisions all restricted to higher recruitment influence.
Mass embrace reduced to 5 vampires per decision. Mass ghoul decision reduced to 10 ghouls per decision.
Added Clan based retinue / special troops that reuse councillor and cultural models: Assamites, Gangrel, Tzimisce and Werewolves.
Fixed an issue where disciplines weren't being assigned at character initialization.
Canon characters added: Hector Aguilera, Ambrosio Luis Moncada, Tercio Bravo, Elieser de Polanco, Galerius, Marcellus Rufus, Boukephos,
Norbert of Xanten, Gotzon, Cleobolus, Karotos, Gratiano de Veronese, Nahir, Sejanus, Sybil
Changed the event that starts intrasociety rivalries so they now don't spawn if the existing rivals are over 2.
Added Coats of Arms for Houses of the Order of Hermes.
Added Coats of Arms for Houses of Suhhar Council, the Solomonic Taftani: Ashab al-Sakhr, Ashab al-Najm, Ashab al-Yad, Ashab al-Qalb, Ashab al-Nahr and Ashab al-Halqa.
Changed initialization that was causing Tremere Mages to spawn after Clan Tremere exists.
Added Kinain trait for fae-blooded children. Reworked changeling child event occurrence.
Reworked awakened mage child event occurrence.
Fixed diablerie decision by adding remove_trait for blood potency and generation.
Fixed vampire aging by adding remove_trait for age and blood potency traits. Also fixed some issues by placing remove_trait ahead of add_trait respectively.
Added some God and Devil localisation.
Changed diabolist localisation to "diablerist".
Boosted Nosferatu same opinion by 20 points to 30.
When Nosferatu are created they will lose the trait "fair" (attractive).
Vampires and Fae/Changelings can no longer use Blood or Glamour to heal while in prison.
Children can now be ghouled or embraced by player vampires.
Added some names to supernatural graphical cultures.
Put bookmark checks on player embraced childer to guide them to bookmark appropriate roads or paths.
Added a decision to change to a supernatural government; this also fixes AI governments after startup.
Fixed 1355 bookmark for Tibet and Nepali to be dominated by Stargazers werewolf tribe.
Max Crown Law Changes set to 10.
Long Reign Bonus set to year 50.
Disabled many vanilla/DLC mercenary bands.



Version 0.3.7

Compatabile with CK 2.8.0
1505 Convention of Thorns bookmark! Camarilla vs. Sabbat! 1505 is a bookmark with canon characters for clan emperors.
1506 Shattered Sects bookmark! Camarilla vs. Sabbat! A shattered world.
New canon characters: Rafael de Corazon, Josef von Bauren, Mistress Fanchon, Milov Petrenkov, Camilla Banes, Sofia, Jamal, Hedeon Yaroslavich and Velya the Vivisectionist.
More canon Malkavian princes in 1230 and 1505 bookmarks: Ramzik & Shavarash of Sinope; Roque of Pamplona; L’Enfant Perdu of Antwerp; Peisistratos of Athens and Roos of Jönköping.
More canon Tzimisce voivodes in 1230: Byelobog the White God, Noriz of Moldavia.
More canon Assamites in 1230: Karim of Samarkand, Ahmed ibn Zayyat of Tripoli.
Stargazers have moved to Tibet. Bonegnawers are now the dominate Garou tribe in India.
New tri-color random coats of arms for Cainite Heresy, Sabbat, Tremere, Koldun/Tzimisce.
New full color coat of arm for Ashirra dynasties.
Ashirra caliphate now an empire over Arabia and Cairo. Caliph Suleiman Ibn Abdullah, Mullah of the Ashirra leads the sect.
Modified empire map colors and shield frames.
Embrace Werewolf decision has a 5% chance of creating an abomination, 95% chance of destroying the werewolf.
Canon trait given a description.
STAT_PIETY_LOYALTY has localisation.
Changed Bookmark Era Images.
Updated some canon character portraits.
Through the use of the new "dynasty = actually_culture" option; we are able to get rid of most landed "Ald" dynasty characters when they get their supernatural traits.
Converting to or away from the Sabbat should result in the appopriate antitribu/clan traits.
Camarilla, Low Clans and High Clans independent rulers should favor the sect of their clan over the sects of other clans.



Version 0.3.6

We are now have official approval from White Wolf and Paradox. We are part of the Dark Pack.
Player Vampire Masquerade Breach Event
AI Vampire Masquerade Breach Event
Hunt Mortal decision: Obfuscate, Protean Beast Form, Hunter, Via Bestiae, Tariq el Bedouin, Hunter trait and Hunting Focus allow "Hunt Mortal" decision to secretly
hunt and kill a mortal, draining them completley of blood to reduce your blood thirst. Still a cruel act; but now with no negative opinion.
While hunting, it is possible to be wounded or be obseved while hunting and thus breaching the Masquerade.
New Load Screens.
Added Setite clothing.
Changed spawns of Ankaran Sarcophagus and Sword of Nul so that there is only one of each.
Antonian Ventrue added.
Kingdom of Ericyes created.
Courts of Love changed to Feudal Elective Succession.
Increased Cainite Heresy.
Werewolves can no longer be ghouled.
Added wyrm_taint and sworn_to_gaia hidden traits to increase negative opinion from litany werewolves to vampires and black spiral dancers.
Increased werewolves, decreased vampires among: Norse, Swedes, Norwegians, Altaics, Russians, Mordvins.
Modified artifact restrictions: Via Caeli and the Order of Bitter Ashes can now activate Christian and Jewish artifacts.
Ashirra can now activate Muslim and Jewish artifacts. Code of Tremere, Via Mutationis, Derech Lilit and Mages can activate Hermetic artifacts.
Added Klaives including Bane Klaive, Grand Klaive, Klaive of Yuri Tvarivich, the First Klaive and Fang Dagger.
Modified religions adjusting conversion, aggression. Updated religion god names.
Modified storyteller events for bookmark check to prevent save games from being overwritten with new supernatural initialization.
Localisation fixes for Secret Religions.
Increased minor titles for Vampire High Clans, Ashirra, Anda, Einherjar, Toreador, Sea of Shadows, Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords.
Religion (Sect) Piety Stat name changed for Vampires to Loyalty. Religion (Tribe) Piety Stat name changed for Werewolf to Gnosis.
Werewolf Gifts traits are no longer Leadership traits.
Fixed K-Cairo localisation to "Cairo".
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_LONG_REIGN_BONUS = 20
Vampire sects now allow brood mate marriages and sire/childe marraiges.
Changed some Society Currency localisation names.
Changed vampire discipline events to use red "martial" border instead of "purple" intrigue border.
Removed contents of vanilla wikipedia localisation to avoid rare occurrence of random character sharing character ID # with a vanilla character with a wikipedia link.
Fixed blood potency aging issues that led to double blood potency traits.
Code cleanup. Lots of error correction.
Empire titles will now be properly be destroyed if holder lacks requirements. Indian caste will be properly assigned to supernatural holders based on holding type.
Changed vampire aging scripts to use age trigger rather than min_age pre-trigger for triggered_only event for on_pulse on_action.
Way of Life changes:
Obfuscate 2+ permits wielder to use the "Spy On" targeted decision.
Seduction Focus 'Seduce' targeted decision can be used on sires and childer without restriction, age difference no longer factored into seduction success among vampires.
Diablerizing a higher generation vampire will no longer raise the generation of the diabolist.
Fixed issue where a small number of non-Nosferatu characters were getting Nosferatu graphical culture.
AI vampires will no longer create imbecile, slow or inbred childer.




Demanding Sect (religious) conversions will now be possible. Prestige and piety requirements reduced to same as vamilla CK2.
This will make vassal/courtier management much easier as you can force conversions to your sect. Or will it?
Secret Religions for all religions and initial Secret Religious Cult setup for Baali, Inconnu, Promethean and Furores.
Many characters will now be secretly part of a sect and working in that sect's interest rather than the one they publicly profess.
More than 5% of all vampires will be practicing a secret sect.
Operating as a secret sect may well now be the fastest way to convert provinces to your sect.
Known issue: Evoke Sympathy and Induction might not be working correctly. Prepare ground and Openly Adopt Faith does work.
Split Vampire Low Clans sect into Gangrel, Malkavian and Nosferatu.
Cainite Heresy is now a separate sect and largely secret. Order of the Sable Rose and Order of St. Panteleimon have secret Cainite Heresy members. Crimson Curia is now the society for revealed
members of the Cainite Heresy.
Hermetic society quests and apprentices are now available to Code of Tremere, Via Ossium, Via Mutationis and Derech Lilit society members.
New decision to awaken torpor dynast: if a member of your dynasty is in torpor, you make awaken them at the risk of dire blood thirst and a cost of 500 prestige.
Fixed torpor decision, added additional modifiers. Created awoken_from_torpor character modifier to use instead of character flag.
Modified vampire aging events to improve code efficiency: less trait checks, now on 5 year or decade long pulse instead of MTTH.
Created a vampire aging event to make unimportant torpored vampires to vanish (death) annually.
Added a gold cost to mass ghoul and mass embrace for outfitting of troops.
Diabolist trait now only visible to characters with Auspex 2 or higher.
Baali trait now only visible to Baali.
Daimoinon discipline only visible to others with Daimoinon discipline.
Created canon trait. Canon characters are less likely to enter torpor and get a intrigue bonus. If in torpor, they are more likely to awaken from it. They are less likely to be drained or diablerized by AI.
Canon characters are more likely to embrace.
Added Werewolf breeding origin: lupus, metis and homid
Added Werewolf shape shift decisions and forms: lupus, hispo, crinos, glabro, homid
Added Werewolf Rage mechanics similar to Vampire Blood Thirst. Shapeshifting increases rage. Werewolf wounds can be healed with rage.
Added proof of concept Garou Crinos/Hispo/Lupus portraits
Added proof of concept Glabro portraits
Added random Coats of Arms: Wyrm/Black Spiral Dancers, Silver Fangs, Fianna, Children of Gaia, Bone Gnawers, Glass Walkers, Stargazers, Silent Striders, Get of Fenris, Shadow Lords, Red Talons and Black Furies
Added Protean 4: Beast Form, Protean 5: Mist Form, Obtenebration 5: Shadow Form, Vicissitude 4: Zulo Form and Vicissitude 5: Blood Form
Added physical discipline decisions to invoke Celerity, Resilence and Vigor for a cost of blood thirst.
Added mental discipline decions for a cost of blood thirst to invoke Dominate: Mesmerize (to gain a favor), Majesty: Summom (bring a character to your court)
Lengthened time of blood thirst.
Added random Coats of Arms: Malkavian Low, Nosferatu Low and Gangrel Low.
Added canon vampire characters: Cretheus, Danika, Grimgroth, Abetorius, Marconius, Ilse Reinegger, Gustav Breidenstein, Marbuena, Andrew of Normandy,
Nicholas the Younger, Balthazar, Fulgencio d'Idalia, Hilel al-Masaari, Silvester de Ruiz, Badr, Ismael, Mireia Subira, Rufus, Nabonidus, Antara,
Abu Sardir, Antonius the Gual, Antonius the boy-king, Palamon, Sharif, Fatimah, Asimah, Mirri, Agonistes, Al-Muntaqim, Al-Muntathir, Lazarus, Angelique
Added canon werewolf characters: Yuri Tvarivich, Sophia Tvarivich, Utra, Foma, Vassili, Ragnor, Boris
Title work in Iberia, North Africa, Russia, Germany
Added titular empires: Crescent Moon, Shadow Curtain, Ashina Khanagate
Added Cairo Kingdom and new duchies for Egypt.
Modified empire coat of arm frame model object designation to change frames so Koldun, Setites, etc... get dragon/wyrm frames. Fiefs of the Black Cross gets the HRE frame.
Added a pulse and MTTH events that will make sure spawned courtiers get their world of darkness traits sooner rather than later.
Empowering the primogen: by default council voting power law is enabled
Expanded priscus and whip titles to more clans; localisation. Localisation for landed titles and jobs according to clan, sect and empire. Quality of life improvement on displaying minor titles.
Removed embrace_mortal minor title. All player embraces of childer can be done through targetted decision or intrigue decision.
Restored ghoul minor title, but made it ai only.
"Of Enoch" dynasty created for Caine and the Antediluvians.

Decreasing AI decision that increase blood thirst to decrease wight spawn.
Small fix to hermetic society decision
Wights now immune to summon, mesmerize and entrancement. Wights will now not shift into intangible forms.

Fixed broken flags because of a single character typo



Version 0.3.4

Blood Thirst mechanic added. When making certain decisions or certain events happen, blood thirst increases.
Blood Thirst is represented by a group of red vials on a character record.
There are four stages of blood thirst: blood thirst, severe blood thirst, dreadful blood thirst and dire blood thirst.
Each stage of blood thirst decreases diplomacy, increases combat rating and increases negative opinion.
When at dire blood thirst, there is a great risk of going into torpor or becoming an (unplayable) wight.
Diabolists are more likely to enter torpor or become a wight from dire blood thirst.
Decision to heal wounding, maiming, severe injury, one eyed, one leg, disfigured, eunuch and mangled with increase to blood thirst.
Embracing a mortal into your vampire childe increases blood thirst.
Your first five ghouls through title assignment are free. Other ghouls created increase blood thirst.
Bloodbinding vampire prisoners increases blood thirst.
Blood thirst decreases over time; taking longer for worse stages of blood thirst.
Blood thirst can also be decreased by draining or diabolirizing prisoners.
Maiming, Blinding and Wounding no longer encourage Vampire AI to enter torpor.

Other changes
Max Crown Law Changes now 5 rather than 1.
Max Leadership Traits now 5 rather than 10.
Vampiric Disciplines, Werewolf Gifts and Mage Spheres & Arcanum are no longer leadership traits.
NPC vampires now have a chance of increasing their disciplines.
Mage spheres and arcanum now add combat rating
Negative opinion for different vampiric ages reduced to -10.
Default succession laws changed depending upon sect and clan.
Default gender succesion is true cognatic.
Characters in Torpor can no longer have councillor jobs.
Andrelvis fix to societies without Grand Masters implemented.
Coat of Arms for random Toreador, Ventrue, Tzimisce, Lasombra and Brujah.
Dark Ages Vampire V20 colorized Coat of Arms for the clans.
Tzimisce antediluvian is now of clan Tzimisce.
Mithras sire is now Ventrue antediluvian.
Vampiric disciplines localisation was improved.
Opinion_count_wrong_gov_vs_liege now 0.
Goratrix, everyone's favor diabolist eunuch usurper hedge mage with delusions of grandeur is now in bookmarks. Also other Tremere Inner Councillors: LeDuc, Calderon and Meerlinda.
Wiki entry button now bright red.




Added generation lowering through diablerie
Lower generation now gives more combat rating
Negative opinion for different vampire generations added
Negative opinion for vampire ages increased
Positive opinion for same society reduced
Fixed player character joining societies
Removed obedient from societies to reduce spamming vassalization
Created bloodbound hidden trait, and added restriction to one bloodbind per thrall
Torpor set to never_marry and never_inherit
Removed Kingdom of Middle Francia from Fiefs of the Black Cross
Added Anda Empire
Added canon character: Joachim, Grand Marshall of the Twilight Order; Dobrul the Brave, Khan of the Anda and founder of Via Yasaq
Josef Zvi became leader of Order of St. Ladre
Lilith got her mage spheres and became founder of Derech Lilit
Ennoia became founder of Via Bestiae
Added more wikilinks
Added bookmark character descriptions to 1230 War of Princes
Australopitecus fixed a bug with gangrel discipline assignment in common\scripted_effects\POD_CWOD_vampire_disciplines_init_effect.txt




Fixed customizer/rule designer
Modified vampire rule designer immortality fix to add caitiff clan, blood potency 1, 12th generation and low clans sect to player character if no such choices made in rule designer.
Fixed graphic for caitiff trait
really fixed drain_prisoner localisation--honest!
Fixed society background for via paradoxi and via bestiae
Fixed Tariq el-Shaitan black garb



Version 0.3.2

Added Scarletic's Nosferatu portraits!
Added canon characers: Nasres, Guilelmo Aliprando and Alfonzo of Venice.
Granted holdings to Hélène la Juste, Etienne de Poitiers, Isouda de Blaise, Regis of Marseille, Midian of Hamburg, Bela Rusenko of Sofia, changed holdings for Salianna
Added society Cult of Mithras
Solved issue with Canon characters not being in proper society by setting all startup_limit = 0. Initalize society membership through history/characters and custom scripted effect.
Setup society inheritance
Blooded Assamite/Via Sanguinis society clothing. Removed masks from society clothes for Via Peccati, Via Noctis and Via Hyron. Removed tonsure hair for vamire male religious societies.
Added bookmark requirements to society activation
Adjusted same and opposite opinions between supernatural types



Version 0.3.0:
After the release of Monks & Mystics, we decided to use new code options like scripted_effects and scripted_triggers. This meant a substantial rewrite of some code to make it more modular. Startup is faster. Game play is faster thanks to on_action events and pre_triggers.
Vampires, mummies, prometheans and geists no longer get illness or disease. We may add in some supernatural diseases for them in the future.
Added darker from Darker Map mod.
Added back Caine and the Antediluvians to Masquerade bookmarks.
Added back Classic World of Darkness Dark Ages Vampire Characters.
Added back War of Princes 1230 Bookmark.
Title History work for War of Princes 1230 Bookmark.
Various code shenanigans to have AIs have dynasties other than "generic".
Changes Giovanni Empire shield to DAV20 design.
Disabled vanilla holy orders.
Disabled vanilla crusades.
Covenant (Holy) Wars are now called Jyhads.
Iconnu and Oradea League now pacifist.
Cappadocian dynasties.



Version 0.2:

Compatible with CK2 Version 2.4.2

Compatible with all DLC including Way of Life, Charlemagne and Horse Lords

No DLC required

Had to make many changes to get things working after Way of Life.

For now, AI vampires spawn a random character to embrace, rather than choosing a spouse or councillor. I may revisit this for the AI later.

Player vampires still get to chose their childer.

Speculation is that set_mother/set_father/dynasty commands on pre-existing characters was causing crash at save.

Rewrote training vampire disciplines and werewolf gifts. This removed ngpgn's training disciplines for now. It will probably return with cleaner spacing.

For now, AI are not deciding on raising disciplines/gifts. In the future, AI will get a different set of events to manage discipline/gift/etc... growth; perhaps even an annual check.

Removed all previous versions custom /history/titles /history/provinces and /history/characters--more than 6000 files;

Baseline of cleared characters from Kingdoms Abound Titular Generator was causing crash.

Changed vampire prisoner decisions to targetted decisions that provide a timed character modifier upon draining. Different modifiers for every different supernatural type drained.

Removed vitae code for now.

Created new storyteller scripts that change province religion based on bookmark.

Adapted CK2Plus shattered world decision for a bookmark event for 1250 NWOD shattered world bookmark.

Added abdication of child rulers.

Added Weihan Cynn and Fuil-Beannaithe vampire covenants for Saxon/English and Celtic pagans respectively.

Added supernatural government types.

Corrected spellings of Setite and Inconnu.

Revised conversion script to limit conversions to supernatural specific religions per supernatural type; and also limit clans to join their particular Camarilla clan faction when joining the Camarilla.

I need to add an event that changes antitribu trait on conversion.

Removed custom red vampire character GUI.

Modified religion icon strip and edited covenants appropriately.

Updated defines.lua

Known issues:

Much localization needs to be done.

In Vampire: The Masquerade diablerie, blood potency does improve, but generation improvement is not in the code yet.

Norway likes to remain Catholic, the South Caspian area likes to remain Shia/Sunni.

Feudal government tends to reemerge over time, even though I have an event to stomp it out.

The King of Norway gives up their crown, but his counties don't split up to individual counts in the broken world scenarios.



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Added Scarletic's Nosferatu portraits!
Added canon characers: Nasres, Guilelmo Aliprando and Alfonzo of Venice.
Granted holdings to Hélène la Juste, Etienne de Poitiers, Isouda de Blaise, Regis of Marseille, Midian of Hamburg, Bela Rusenko of Sofia, changed holdings for Salianna
Added society Cult of Mithras
Solved issue with Canon characters not being in proper society by setting all startup_limit = 0. Initalize society membership through history/characters and custom scripted effect.
Setup society inheritance
Blooded Assamite/Via Sanguinis society clothing. Removed masks from society clothes for Via Peccati, Via Noctis and Via Hyron. Removed tonsure hair for vamire male religious societies.
Added bookmark requirements to society activation
Adjusted same and opposite opinions between supernatural types



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Fixed customizer/rule designer
Modified vampire rule designer immortality fix to add caitiff clan, blood potency 1, 12th generation and low clans sect to player character if no such choices made in rule designer.
Fixed graphic for caitiff trait
really fixed drain_prisoner localisation--honest!
Fixed society background for via paradoxi and via bestiae
Fixed Tariq el-Shaitan black garb



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Added generation lowering through diablerie
Lower generation now gives more combat rating
Negative opinion for different vampire generations added
Negative opinion for vampire ages increased
Positive opinion for same society reduced
Fixed player character joining societies
Removed obedient from societies to reduce spamming vassalization
Created bloodbound hidden trait, and added restriction to one bloodbind per thrall
Torpor set to never_marry and never_inherit
Removed Kingdom of Middle Francia from Fiefs of the Black Cross
Added Anda Empire
Added canon character: Joachim, Grand Marshall of the Twilight Order; Dobrul the Brave, Khan of the Anda and founder of Via Yasaq
Josef Zvi became leader of Order of St. Ladre
Lilith got her mage spheres and became founder of Derech Lilit
Ennoia became founder of Via Bestiae
Added more wikilinks
Added bookmark character descriptions to 1230 War of Princes
Australopitecus fixed a bug with gangrel discipline assignment in common\scripted_effects\POD_CWOD_vampire_disciplines_init_effect.txt


В 11.08.2017 в 12:06, vitovt13 сказал:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Changelog (.)

Added generation lowering through diablerie
Lower generation now gives more combat rating
Negative opinion for different vampire generations added
Negative opinion for vampire ages increased
Positive opinion for same society reduced
Fixed player character joining societies
Removed obedient from societies to reduce spamming vassalization
Created bloodbound hidden trait, and added restriction to one bloodbind per thrall
Torpor set to never_marry and never_inherit
Removed Kingdom of Middle Francia from Fiefs of the Black Cross
Added Anda Empire
Added canon character: Joachim, Grand Marshall of the Twilight Order; Dobrul the Brave, Khan of the Anda and founder of Via Yasaq
Josef Zvi became leader of Order of St. Ladre
Lilith got her mage spheres and became founder of Derech Lilit
Ennoia became founder of Via Bestiae
Added more wikilinks
Added bookmark character descriptions to 1230 War of Princes
Australopitecus fixed a bug with gangrel discipline assignment in common\scripted_effects\POD_CWOD_vampire_disciplines_init_effect.txt


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В 12.08.2017 в 11:56, aptem119 сказал:

Можешь скинуть нормальную ссылку на скачивания а то эта непашит 

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12 часа назад, vitovt13 сказал:

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Blood Thirst mechanic added. When making certain decisions or certain events happen, blood thirst increases.
Blood Thirst is represented by a group of red vials on a character record.
There are four stages of blood thirst: blood thirst, severe blood thirst, dreadful blood thirst and dire blood thirst.
Each stage of blood thirst decreases diplomacy, increases combat rating and increases negative opinion.
When at dire blood thirst, there is a great risk of going into torpor or becoming an (unplayable) wight.
Diabolists are more likely to enter torpor or become a wight from dire blood thirst.
Decision to heal wounding, maiming, severe injury, one eyed, one leg, disfigured, eunuch and mangled with increase to blood thirst.
Embracing a mortal into your vampire childe increases blood thirst.
Your first five ghouls through title assignment are free. Other ghouls created increase blood thirst.
Bloodbinding vampire prisoners increases blood thirst.
Blood thirst decreases over time; taking longer for worse stages of blood thirst.
Blood thirst can also be decreased by draining or diabolirizing prisoners.
Maiming, Blinding and Wounding no longer encourage Vampire AI to enter torpor.

Other changes
Max Crown Law Changes now 5 rather than 1.
Max Leadership Traits now 5 rather than 10.
Vampiric Disciplines, Werewolf Gifts and Mage Spheres & Arcanum are no longer leadership traits.
NPC vampires now have a chance of increasing their disciplines.
Mage spheres and arcanum now add combat rating
Negative opinion for different vampiric ages reduced to -10.
Default succession laws changed depending upon sect and clan.
Default gender succesion is true cognatic.
Characters in Torpor can no longer have councillor jobs.
Andrelvis fix to societies without Grand Masters implemented.
Coat of Arms for random Toreador, Ventrue, Tzimisce, Lasombra and Brujah.
Dark Ages Vampire V20 colorized Coat of Arms for the clans.
Tzimisce antediluvian is now of clan Tzimisce.
Mithras sire is now Ventrue antediluvian.
Vampiric disciplines localisation was improved.
Opinion_count_wrong_gov_vs_liege now 0.
Goratrix, everyone's favor diabolist eunuch usurper hedge mage with delusions of grandeur is now in bookmarks. Also other Tremere Inner Councillors: LeDuc, Calderon and Meerlinda.
Wiki entry button now bright red.



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Demanding Sect (religious) conversions will now be possible. Prestige and piety requirements reduced to same as vamilla CK2.
This will make vassal/courtier management much easier as you can force conversions to your sect. Or will it?
Secret Religions for all religions and initial Secret Religious Cult setup for Baali, Inconnu, Promethean and Furores.
Many characters will now be secretly part of a sect and working in that sect's interest rather than the one they publicly profess.
More than 5% of all vampires will be practicing a secret sect.
Operating as a secret sect may well now be the fastest way to convert provinces to your sect.
Known issue: Evoke Sympathy and Induction might not be working correctly. Prepare ground and Openly Adopt Faith does work.
Split Vampire Low Clans sect into Gangrel, Malkavian and Nosferatu.
Cainite Heresy is now a separate sect and largely secret. Order of the Sable Rose and Order of St. Panteleimon have secret Cainite Heresy members. Crimson Curia is now the society for revealed
members of the Cainite Heresy.
Hermetic society quests and apprentices are now available to Code of Tremere, Via Ossium, Via Mutationis and Derech Lilit society members.
New decision to awaken torpor dynast: if a member of your dynasty is in torpor, you make awaken them at the risk of dire blood thirst and a cost of 500 prestige.
Fixed torpor decision, added additional modifiers. Created awoken_from_torpor character modifier to use instead of character flag.
Modified vampire aging events to improve code efficiency: less trait checks, now on 5 year or decade long pulse instead of MTTH.
Created a vampire aging event to make unimportant torpored vampires to vanish (death) annually.
Added a gold cost to mass ghoul and mass embrace for outfitting of troops.
Diabolist trait now only visible to characters with Auspex 2 or higher.
Baali trait now only visible to Baali.
Daimoinon discipline only visible to others with Daimoinon discipline.
Created canon trait. Canon characters are less likely to enter torpor and get a intrigue bonus. If in torpor, they are more likely to awaken from it. They are less likely to be drained or diablerized by AI.
Canon characters are more likely to embrace.
Added Werewolf breeding origin: lupus, metis and homid
Added Werewolf shape shift decisions and forms: lupus, hispo, crinos, glabro, homid
Added Werewolf Rage mechanics similar to Vampire Blood Thirst. Shapeshifting increases rage. Werewolf wounds can be healed with rage.
Added proof of concept Garou Crinos/Hispo/Lupus portraits
Added proof of concept Glabro portraits
Added random Coats of Arms: Wyrm/Black Spiral Dancers, Silver Fangs, Fianna, Children of Gaia, Bone Gnawers, Glass Walkers, Stargazers, Silent Striders, Get of Fenris, Shadow Lords, Red Talons and Black Furies
Added Protean 4: Beast Form, Protean 5: Mist Form, Obtenebration 5: Shadow Form, Vicissitude 4: Zulo Form and Vicissitude 5: Blood Form
Added physical discipline decisions to invoke Celerity, Resilence and Vigor for a cost of blood thirst.
Added mental discipline decions for a cost of blood thirst to invoke Dominate: Mesmerize (to gain a favor), Majesty: Summom (bring a character to your court)
Lengthened time of blood thirst.
Added random Coats of Arms: Malkavian Low, Nosferatu Low and Gangrel Low.
Added canon vampire characters: Cretheus, Danika, Grimgroth, Abetorius, Marconius, Ilse Reinegger, Gustav Breidenstein, Marbuena, Andrew of Normandy,
Nicholas the Younger, Balthazar, Fulgencio d'Idalia, Hilel al-Masaari, Silvester de Ruiz, Badr, Ismael, Mireia Subira, Rufus, Nabonidus, Antara,
Abu Sardir, Antonius the Gual, Antonius the boy-king, Palamon, Sharif, Fatimah, Asimah, Mirri, Agonistes, Al-Muntaqim, Al-Muntathir, Lazarus, Angelique
Added canon werewolf characters: Yuri Tvarivich, Sophia Tvarivich, Utra, Foma, Vassili, Ragnor, Boris
Title work in Iberia, North Africa, Russia, Germany
Added titular empires: Crescent Moon, Shadow Curtain, Ashina Khanagate
Added Cairo Kingdom and new duchies for Egypt.
Modified empire coat of arm frame model object designation to change frames so Koldun, Setites, etc... get dragon/wyrm frames. Fiefs of the Black Cross gets the HRE frame.
Added a pulse and MTTH events that will make sure spawned courtiers get their world of darkness traits sooner rather than later.
Empowering the primogen: by default council voting power law is enabled
Expanded priscus and whip titles to more clans; localisation. Localisation for landed titles and jobs according to clan, sect and empire. Quality of life improvement on displaying minor titles.
Removed embrace_mortal minor title. All player embraces of childer can be done through targetted decision or intrigue decision.
Restored ghoul minor title, but made it ai only.
"Of Enoch" dynasty created for Caine and the Antediluvians.

Decreasing AI decision that increase blood thirst to decrease wight spawn.
Small fix to hermetic society decision
Wights now immune to summon, mesmerize and entrancement. Wights will now not shift into intangible forms.

Fixed broken flags because of a single character typo




Halloween Update!

Version 0.3.6

Hunt mortals to quench your blood thirst, but you might violate the Masquerade. Deal with the consequences of you or your courtiers violating the Silence of Blood.

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We are now have official approval from White Wolf and Paradox. We are part of the Dark Pack.
Player Vampire Masquerade Breach Event
AI Vampire Masquerade Breach Event
Hunt Mortal decision: Obfuscate, Protean Beast Form, Hunter, Via Bestiae, Tariq el Bedouin, Hunter trait and Hunting Focus allow "Hunt Mortal" decision to secretly
hunt and kill a mortal, draining them completley of blood to reduce your blood thirst. Still a cruel act; but now with no negative opinion.
While hunting, it is possible to be wounded or be obseved while hunting and thus breaching the Masquerade.
New Load Screens.
Added Setite clothing.
Changed spawns of Ankaran Sarcophagus and Sword of Nul so that there is only one of each.
Antonian Ventrue added.
Kingdom of Ericyes created.
Courts of Love changed to Feudal Elective Succession.
Increased Cainite Heresy.
Werewolves can no longer be ghouled.
Added wyrm_taint and sworn_to_gaia hidden traits to increase negative opinion from litany werewolves to vampires and black spiral dancers.
Increased werewolves, decreased vampires among: Norse, Swedes, Norwegians, Altaics, Russians, Mordvins.
Modified artifact restrictions: Via Caeli and the Order of Bitter Ashes can now activate Christian and Jewish artifacts.
Ashirra can now activate Muslim and Jewish artifacts. Code of Tremere, Via Mutationis, Derech Lilit and Mages can activate Hermetic artifacts.
Added Klaives including Bane Klaive, Grand Klaive, Klaive of Yuri Tvarivich, the First Klaive and Fang Dagger.
Modified religions adjusting conversion, aggression. Updated religion god names.
Modified storyteller events for bookmark check to prevent save games from being overwritten with new supernatural initialization.
Localisation fixes for Secret Religions.
Increased minor titles for Vampire High Clans, Ashirra, Anda, Einherjar, Toreador, Sea of Shadows, Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords.
Religion (Sect) Piety Stat name changed for Vampires to Loyalty. Religion (Tribe) Piety Stat name changed for Werewolf to Gnosis.
Werewolf Gifts traits are no longer Leadership traits.
Fixed K-Cairo localisation to "Cairo".
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_LONG_REIGN_BONUS = 20
Vampire sects now allow brood mate marriages and sire/childe marraiges.
Changed some Society Currency localisation names.
Changed vampire discipline events to use red "martial" border instead of "purple" intrigue border.
Removed contents of vanilla wikipedia localisation to avoid rare occurrence of random character sharing character ID # with a vanilla character with a wikipedia link.
Fixed blood potency aging issues that led to double blood potency traits.
Code cleanup. Lots of error correction.
Empire titles will now be properly be destroyed if holder lacks requirements. Indian caste will be properly assigned to supernatural holders based on holding type.
Changed vampire aging scripts to use age trigger rather than min_age pre-trigger for triggered_only event for on_pulse on_action.
Way of Life changes:
Obfuscate 2+ permits wielder to use the "Spy On" targeted decision.
Seduction Focus 'Seduce' targeted decision can be used on sires and childer without restriction, age difference no longer factored into seduction success among vampires.
Diablerizing a higher generation vampire will no longer raise the generation of the diabolist.
Fixed issue where a small number of non-Nosferatu characters were getting Nosferatu graphical culture.
AI vampires will no longer create imbecile, slow or inbred childer.


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Version 0.3.7

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Version 0.3.7

Compatabile with CK 2.8.0
1505 Convention of Thorns bookmark! Camarilla vs. Sabbat! 1505 is a bookmark with canon characters for clan emperors.
1506 Shattered Sects bookmark! Camarilla vs. Sabbat! A shattered world.
New canon characters: Rafael de Corazon, Josef von Bauren, Mistress Fanchon, Milov Petrenkov, Camilla Banes, Sofia, Jamal, Hedeon Yaroslavich and Velya the Vivisectionist.
More canon Malkavian princes in 1230 and 1505 bookmarks: Ramzik & Shavarash of Sinope; Roque of Pamplona; L’Enfant Perdu of Antwerp; Peisistratos of Athens and Roos of Jönköping.
More canon Tzimisce voivodes in 1230: Byelobog the White God, Noriz of Moldavia.
More canon Assamites in 1230: Karim of Samarkand, Ahmed ibn Zayyat of Tripoli.
Stargazers have moved to Tibet. Bonegnawers are now the dominate Garou tribe in India.
New tri-color random coats of arms for Cainite Heresy, Sabbat, Tremere, Koldun/Tzimisce.
New full color coat of arm for Ashirra dynasties.
Ashirra caliphate now an empire over Arabia and Cairo. Caliph Suleiman Ibn Abdullah, Mullah of the Ashirra leads the sect.
Modified empire map colors and shield frames.
Embrace Werewolf decision has a 5% chance of creating an abomination, 95% chance of destroying the werewolf.
Canon trait given a description.
STAT_PIETY_LOYALTY has localisation.
Changed Bookmark Era Images.
Updated some canon character portraits.
Through the use of the new "dynasty = actually_culture" option; we are able to get rid of most landed "Ald" dynasty characters when they get their supernatural traits.
Converting to or away from the Sabbat should result in the appopriate antitribu/clan traits.
Camarilla, Low Clans and High Clans independent rulers should favor the sect of their clan over the sects of other clans.


Изменено пользователем vitovt13


Winter Court Update 0.3.8. Updated for CK2 2.8.1 (Jade Dragon)

Dark Ages Mage, Dark Ages Fae, Changeling:the Dreaming and Mage: the Ascension bookmarks

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Изменено пользователем vitovt13


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Army sizes have been greatly reduced! Again, Army sizes have been greatly reduced!
Event spawned army sizes (such as adventurers and revolts) have also been reduced by 90% or more.
Special Troops added with icons: vampires, ghouls, szlachta, vozhd, gargoyles, werewolves, kinfolk, fomori, fae, mages and wraiths.
Supernatural troops will be far more powerful than mortal troops.
Retinues will now be very important.
Vanilla buildings replaced with Supernatrual Influence.
Influence (technology) grows quickly. Buildings are very important. You won't be prince long without influence.
With so many changes we are looking for player feedback on the balance of these big combat/building changes.
Graphical factor increased for Special Troops (Supernatural Troops).
Influence (Technology) dropped lower for all bookmarks.
Tribal holdings replaced by feudal castles in all provinces.
Western holdings of Castle, Town and Church now have spooky icons.
Added Mage embrace decision.
Added Thaumaturgy related Mage embrace ritual.
Added more than 100 special troops/retinues for supernaturals for vampires, werewolves, mages and fae.
New units make use of vanilla and DLC councillor and military units as military units.
Gargoyles and Werewolves have new unit graphics. Known issue: they are not animated.
Added Gargoyle creation for Tremere.
Added new mass unit creation events.
Mass embrace, mass ghoul, mass gargoyles, mass szlachta creation decisions all restricted to higher recruitment influence.
Mass embrace reduced to 5 vampires per decision. Mass ghoul decision reduced to 10 ghouls per decision.
Added Clan based retinue / special troops that reuse councillor and cultural models: Assamites, Gangrel, Tzimisce and Werewolves.
Fixed an issue where disciplines weren't being assigned at character initialization.
Canon characters added: Hector Aguilera, Ambrosio Luis Moncada, Tercio Bravo, Elieser de Polanco, Galerius, Marcellus Rufus, Boukephos,
Norbert of Xanten, Gotzon, Cleobolus, Karotos, Gratiano de Veronese, Nahir, Sejanus, Sybil
Changed the event that starts intrasociety rivalries so they now don't spawn if the existing rivals are over 2.
Added Coats of Arms for Houses of the Order of Hermes.
Added Coats of Arms for Houses of Suhhar Council, the Solomonic Taftani: Ashab al-Sakhr, Ashab al-Najm, Ashab al-Yad, Ashab al-Qalb, Ashab al-Nahr and Ashab al-Halqa.
Changed initialization that was causing Tremere Mages to spawn after Clan Tremere exists.
Added Kinain trait for fae-blooded children. Reworked changeling child event occurrence.
Reworked awakened mage child event occurrence.
Fixed diablerie decision by adding remove_trait for blood potency and generation.
Fixed vampire aging by adding remove_trait for age and blood potency traits. Also fixed some issues by placing remove_trait ahead of add_trait respectively.
Added some God and Devil localisation.
Changed diabolist localisation to "diablerist".
Boosted Nosferatu same opinion by 20 points to 30.
When Nosferatu are created they will lose the trait "fair" (attractive).
Vampires and Fae/Changelings can no longer use Blood or Glamour to heal while in prison.
Children can now be ghouled or embraced by player vampires.
Added some names to supernatural graphical cultures.
Put bookmark checks on player embraced childer to guide them to bookmark appropriate roads or paths.
Added a decision to change to a supernatural government; this also fixes AI governments after startup.
Fixed 1355 bookmark for Tibet and Nepali to be dominated by Stargazers werewolf tribe.
Max Crown Law Changes set to 10.
Long Reign Bonus set to year 50.
Disabled many vanilla/DLC mercenary bands.



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не подскажите, какая версия подойдёт для ск2 2.7.2  ?

(и имеется ли на такую версию рабочая ссылка)

15 часов назад, yrfin сказал:

не подскажите, какая версия подойдёт для ск2 2.7.2  ?

(и имеется ли на такую версию рабочая ссылка)

Скорее всего v0.3.6, но они везде обновили ссылки на мод под актуальную версию игры.

Black Onix

Актуальную версию можно? :) Version за 25 марта.


В 01.05.2018 в 19:00, Black Onix сказал:

Актуальную версию можно? :) Version за 25 марта.


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Black Onix


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Halloween Update! Version 0.3.6 Hunt mortals to quench your blood thirst, but you might violate the Masquerade. Deal with the consequences of you or your courtiers violating the Silence of B


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