Fallout's Doomsday 2.0 for Darkest Hour - Страница 6 - Моды и моддинг - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Fallout's Doomsday 2.0 for Darkest Hour


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Тут все так радостно обсуждают новую версию, но где ссылка на неё?

Тут все так радостно обсуждают новую версию, но где ссылка на неё?

FODD 2.2 Full (FIX 13 included)

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Изменено пользователем MrNazar


Вообще такая ситуация.

Играю арахнидами, атаковали меня партизаны, у моей армии организация упаала до нуля( у меня 4 отряда, а их 30 было)

После этого мои отряды не отступили, а так и продолжили под огнем стоять.

Организация 0, боесбособность либо не падает, либо падает очень медлено.

Это вообще нормально ? Просто у меня что сейчас, что на 2,1 так же было. И это у всех фракций так.

Тут все так радостно обсуждают новую версию, но где ссылка на неё?

Оно с переводом?

Ребята, я раскурил, от чего каждый час гибнут генералы и прочие милые проблемы и ошибки. Когда ставите версию 2.1 - НЕ СТАВЬТЕ поверх нее русификатор. Она и так на русском. У меня все проблемы были именно из-за этого. Надеюсь, инфа кому нибудь пригодится. :)

Ребята, я раскурил, от чего каждый час гибнут генералы и прочие милые проблемы и ошибки. Когда ставите версию 2.1 - НЕ СТАВЬТЕ поверх нее русификатор. Она и так на русском. У меня все проблемы были именно из-за этого. Надеюсь, инфа кому нибудь пригодится. :)

Так вот оно что... а я думал, это я такой уникум, что у меня проблем нет. А я просто английскую версию ставил.

Ребята, я раскурил, от чего каждый час гибнут генералы и прочие милые проблемы и ошибки. Когда ставите версию 2.1 - НЕ СТАВЬТЕ поверх нее русификатор. Она и так на русском. У меня все проблемы были именно из-за этого. Надеюсь, инфа кому нибудь пригодится. :)

Имеется в виду русификатор из шапки. Они несовместимы, от слова "совсем".


Не знаю почему, но у меня глюки начались после того, как я влез в папку doomsdaytext.csv (типа русифицировать). Откатил изменения - стала работать нормально. :unsure:

Короче, там было не столь много. Трогать не буду. Скоро будет русификатор для новой версии.


Народ,я косо выразился в шапке. Адаптированный русификатор УЖЕ ВСТРОЕН В МОД, который можно скачать пом второй ссылке,первая ссыль лишь для тех,кто любит играть на инглише.


Я как понимаю мод мёртв

В 03.11.2016 at 04:12, термитище сказал:

Я как понимаю мод мёртв

ну разработчик на парадоксплазе довольно активно отвечает на вопросы

В шапке первая ссыль на Яндекс не работает.Мод толком неоткуда качать.



Там обнова, русик бы адаптировать или хоть старый сбросить



Там был fix 13b ещё, и в феврале большая обнова

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# Changelog 14 (CHECKSUM: ZZZE)
Added warning about the 'very easy' difficulty. It's also renamed 'Blue Emmu'
Added a few graphics for the White Legs (while a flag is included, I'm not satisfied with it). And many icons.
Minor fix to short name of Power Armour division (unit_nams.csv).
Updated modifiers.csv to reflect new divisions (it also avoids some weird bugs)
Changed the icons because there was a visual error when some were displayed

FODD_ID_Numbers.txt: Added new ID number ranges for White-Legs, Beastlords and Unifications file.

- event_text.csv: Changed to account for new unifications file, added some new unification descriptions.

- General: Added Blue Emmu warning.
- Unifications file: Improved, expanded, changed, new ID range. Many Unification bugs solved.
 - Fixed event to Unify Vera Cruz (granted wrong cores).
 - Fixed event to Unify Alaska (granted a fort on the Galapagos). Added an extra check to not spawn the forts twice, and a few infra along with the forts.
 - Added event to core Hawaii, along with a image for it.
- White-Legs: Now their raids will fire properly.
- NCR: Fixed Tribal raids
- Robot_Nation: Fixed tribal raids (Robot Nation suffers half penalties at tribal raids, due to their being robots and better able to deal with such an attack).
- Broken_Hills: Fixed tribal raids.
- Slaving raid events fixed for: Den, The Huns, The_Vipers, Mexican_Raiders, Caesar's_Legion. Prepare to hate slavers like its 1860.

- CAN: The Aeronautics related tech team (for Can) now unlocks a year earlier (2247)

- White-Legs: Now have proper acess to Wasteland (LUX), White Legs can finally take wastelands territory and fight marauders. Territory scalled back, they have too much as it is.
- Harlequins: Fixed transport starting position (it was defaulting to a Wasteland island outside the map because the province it was assigned to wans't coastal anymore).
- Vault_City: Hit with a nerf hammer, as it was more powerful in some aspects than the NCR. Less IC and energy in general. #Este cambio yo no lo tengo.

# Changelog "MINI"
Small update:
    Given a proper name to "Madagascar" (world_names.csv)
    Added proper minister pictures (mad1,mad2,mad3) and proper traits (minus in air)
    Granted teach teams to "Madagascar"
    TODO: Grant them events and a proper description. Once done, maybe move them to the begining of the scenario.

# Changelog 15
- Fixed some missing string regarding units.
- First attempt at improving IA of PSZ. Added alternative IA (WIP)
- Increased threat of PSZ if appears via the End War chain. I may have exaggerated a little.
- Modified the event "End Game Choice" to enable PSZ as an additional player if the end-war is not desired.
    - AI works decently. War against Enclave still happens, but I may leave that.
- Added the "Mayan Empire" at the beginning. Removed Gaining_control events for provinces 4309, 7375, 7376.
- Fixed some embarrassing errors regarding the Mayan faction.
- Added a core province to the spiders (for easier control on the swamp)
- Updated revolt.txt
- Resources.txt: You can't get more than 3 raiders via the metal event.
- Added a few minister types
- Blocked connection 6706-6800 in Canada
- Somewhat reduced the time required for the initial wave of marauders to spawn. Pending further modifications (currently it takes ~3min)
- Increased threat of Zombie Apocalypse. It's also slightly more likely to happen in general.
    There is a DOW against Junkers via event as failsafe under some circumstances.
- Nelly Gun redesign: The event gives the Reservation a "flying bomb" of range limited to the zone in question (unable to be rebased). It's strength based on the kind of shell.
    - The balancing may be a little off, as a flying bomb seems to be unable to damage multiple units at the same time. Still better than the non-working previous state.
    - Purged redundant events and description with extreme prejudice
- Small buff to DK on random basis. The war tends to stall on AI hands. Higher base IC for DK may translate into their victory in the long run, if it comes to that.
- Initiated chain for Peace Junkers-FUSA if the war drags until 2246 with DK still around.
    For some reason, Junkers became more competent while making unrelated changes. Now, FUSA tends to reach a standstill.
- Created initial events for Mayan Empire
    - Incomplete. There is one chain missing.
- Updated several files. Nothing noteworthy, mainly minor fixes and corrected some omissions.
- Decreased many tech's dates.
- Added new model of police for the mutants, plus new tech for it.
- Attempt at fixing slaver raids chain: Had to sacrifice some amusing descriptions of the MEX raiders in the process.
- Minor change on minister pics for MAD. Added minister pictures for NUKA.
- Florida is now a jungle-forest
- White_legs.txt: Attempt at fixing tribal raids.

- Several other minor changes that I no longer remember.

- Attempt at fixing slaver raids chain: Had to sacrifice some amusing descriptions of the MEX raiders in the process.
- Attempt at fixing the Slaver flavor events. Now I feel dirty.

- Added contributions of "Pirate300" with minimal alterations.

- Added introductory events


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15-й хофикс (beta 7) - ссылка в подписи одного из разработчиков  (Arcangelus)


В 01.04.2017 в 13:19, HugoBo-SS сказал:

Там был fix 13b ещё, и в феврале большая обнова

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# Changelog 14 (CHECKSUM: ZZZE)
Added warning about the 'very easy' difficulty. It's also renamed 'Blue Emmu'
Added a few graphics for the White Legs (while a flag is included, I'm not satisfied with it). And many icons.
Minor fix to short name of Power Armour division (unit_nams.csv).
Updated modifiers.csv to reflect new divisions (it also avoids some weird bugs)
Changed the icons because there was a visual error when some were displayed

FODD_ID_Numbers.txt: Added new ID number ranges for White-Legs, Beastlords and Unifications file.

- event_text.csv: Changed to account for new unifications file, added some new unification descriptions.

- General: Added Blue Emmu warning.
- Unifications file: Improved, expanded, changed, new ID range. Many Unification bugs solved.
 - Fixed event to Unify Vera Cruz (granted wrong cores).
 - Fixed event to Unify Alaska (granted a fort on the Galapagos). Added an extra check to not spawn the forts twice, and a few infra along with the forts.
 - Added event to core Hawaii, along with a image for it.
- White-Legs: Now their raids will fire properly.
- NCR: Fixed Tribal raids
- Robot_Nation: Fixed tribal raids (Robot Nation suffers half penalties at tribal raids, due to their being robots and better able to deal with such an attack).
- Broken_Hills: Fixed tribal raids.
- Slaving raid events fixed for: Den, The Huns, The_Vipers, Mexican_Raiders, Caesar's_Legion. Prepare to hate slavers like its 1860.

- CAN: The Aeronautics related tech team (for Can) now unlocks a year earlier (2247)

- White-Legs: Now have proper acess to Wasteland (LUX), White Legs can finally take wastelands territory and fight marauders. Territory scalled back, they have too much as it is.
- Harlequins: Fixed transport starting position (it was defaulting to a Wasteland island outside the map because the province it was assigned to wans't coastal anymore).
- Vault_City: Hit with a nerf hammer, as it was more powerful in some aspects than the NCR. Less IC and energy in general. #Este cambio yo no lo tengo.

# Changelog "MINI"
Small update:
    Given a proper name to "Madagascar" (world_names.csv)
    Added proper minister pictures (mad1,mad2,mad3) and proper traits (minus in air)
    Granted teach teams to "Madagascar"
    TODO: Grant them events and a proper description. Once done, maybe move them to the begining of the scenario.

# Changelog 15
- Fixed some missing string regarding units.
- First attempt at improving IA of PSZ. Added alternative IA (WIP)
- Increased threat of PSZ if appears via the End War chain. I may have exaggerated a little.
- Modified the event "End Game Choice" to enable PSZ as an additional player if the end-war is not desired.
    - AI works decently. War against Enclave still happens, but I may leave that.
- Added the "Mayan Empire" at the beginning. Removed Gaining_control events for provinces 4309, 7375, 7376.
- Fixed some embarrassing errors regarding the Mayan faction.
- Added a core province to the spiders (for easier control on the swamp)
- Updated revolt.txt
- Resources.txt: You can't get more than 3 raiders via the metal event.
- Added a few minister types
- Blocked connection 6706-6800 in Canada
- Somewhat reduced the time required for the initial wave of marauders to spawn. Pending further modifications (currently it takes ~3min)
- Increased threat of Zombie Apocalypse. It's also slightly more likely to happen in general.
    There is a DOW against Junkers via event as failsafe under some circumstances.
- Nelly Gun redesign: The event gives the Reservation a "flying bomb" of range limited to the zone in question (unable to be rebased). It's strength based on the kind of shell.
    - The balancing may be a little off, as a flying bomb seems to be unable to damage multiple units at the same time. Still better than the non-working previous state.
    - Purged redundant events and description with extreme prejudice
- Small buff to DK on random basis. The war tends to stall on AI hands. Higher base IC for DK may translate into their victory in the long run, if it comes to that.
- Initiated chain for Peace Junkers-FUSA if the war drags until 2246 with DK still around.
    For some reason, Junkers became more competent while making unrelated changes. Now, FUSA tends to reach a standstill.
- Created initial events for Mayan Empire
    - Incomplete. There is one chain missing.
- Updated several files. Nothing noteworthy, mainly minor fixes and corrected some omissions.
- Decreased many tech's dates.
- Added new model of police for the mutants, plus new tech for it.
- Attempt at fixing slaver raids chain: Had to sacrifice some amusing descriptions of the MEX raiders in the process.
- Minor change on minister pics for MAD. Added minister pictures for NUKA.
- Florida is now a jungle-forest
- White_legs.txt: Attempt at fixing tribal raids.

- Several other minor changes that I no longer remember.

- Attempt at fixing slaver raids chain: Had to sacrifice some amusing descriptions of the MEX raiders in the process.
- Attempt at fixing the Slaver flavor events. Now I feel dirty.

- Added contributions of "Pirate300" with minimal alterations.

- Added introductory events


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15-й хофикс (beta 7) - ссылка в подписи одного из разработчиков  (Arcangelus)


Конечно кластн что разработчики работают вот только я не врубаюсь как поставить сие обновление



2 часа назад, термитище сказал:

только я не врубаюсь как поставить сие обновление

Всё как обычно с модами:

1. распаковать Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  в папку mods

2. накатить Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.




Мой фикс на модельки(я не мастер по этому если что не серчайте) потом выложу ещё Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменено пользователем термитище


Всем привет для FODD 2.2 есть адаптированный русификатор? 

1 час назад, dmdeadman91 сказал:

Всем привет для FODD 2.2 есть адаптированный русификатор? 

Если сделаешь то будет

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