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Stellaris («Стелларис»)

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Исследуйте огромные, полные чудес галактики! Paradox Development Studio, создавшая франшизы Crusader Kings и Europa Universalis, представляет Stellaris, эволюцию жанра больших стратегий с исследованиями космоса в своей основе.

Stellaris, включающая насыщенный стратегический игровой процесс, обширный выбор инопланетных рас и неожиданное повествование, имеет глубокую сложную систему, которая вознаграждает вас, когда вы пересекаете мир, открываете, взаимодействуете и узнаёте больше о множестве видов, с которыми вы столкнётесь за время своего путешествия.

Оставьте своё имя в космическом масштабе открытием далёких небесных поселений и цивилизаций. Станете ли вы расширяться за счёт войны или пройдёте путём дипломатии для достижения своих целей?

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Здесь обсуждаются игровые механики и аспекты Стеллариса. Для обсуждения вопросов реализма существует Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
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1 час назад, Kerovan сказал:

пример: случился пожар- млекопитающие убегут,птички улетят, грибы и растения сгорят.

Эти то грибы могут двигаться.



Посоны, нужен ваш совет. Как игра обращается к игроку (то есть президенту/императору) в эвентах?

Если император что-то делает, это "вы" или "я"?

Я вот не могу вспомнить примеров такого.


Вот мод пилим, чтобы понятней было о чем я.


Спустя мгновение из портала появляется нечто больше напоминающее дрейфующее скопление мусора, нежели функционирующее космическое судно. Немногочисленные плоские поверхности покрыты крупными надписями сделанными с ошибками, общий смысл которых сводится к “не стреляйте, мы свои”. Корабль не имеет привычного стыковочного узла и вы решаетесь послать дронов, чтобы заглянуть внутрь. Дроны, укрывшись от космического вакуума силовым полем, вскрывают одну из его внешних перегородок. Навстречу им выходят десятки комично одетых мужчин и женщин разных возрастов. Кажется, они пытаются установить с одним из дронов диалог на ломаном, но понятном вам языке.

Из того, что удалось разобрать, выяснилось, что несколько поколений назад корабль ученых потерпел крушение на одной из планет вселенной по ту сторону портала, к счастью, ее климат оказался весьма благоприятным. Для того, чтобы вернуться назад, ученые основали проект строительства челнока, способного достигнуть портала - “ковчега”. Прошли века, сменялись поколения, но по указаниям, оставленным учеными, их сыновья, внуки и внуки их внуков, продолжили строительство, и наконец “ковчег” был готов.

Это кажется невероятным, но все эти мужчины, женщины, дети потомки тех, кого совсем недавно вы отправили внутрь портала; и десятилетиями, следуя заветам предков, они тщательно конспектировали все, что им удавалось узнать о другой вселенной.

Вы бегло просматриваете часть из тысяч страниц записей сделанных разным почерком и разными руками, но неизменно аккуратно. Ученым потребуется немало времени чтобы их проанализировать. Сейчас же, думая о произошедшем, вы улыбаетесь. Вселенная - странная штука. И не только наша.


Изменено пользователем had
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1 час назад, had сказал:

Эти то грибы могут двигаться.



Посоны, нужен ваш совет. Как игра обращается к игроку (то есть президенту/императору) в эвентах?

Если император что-то делает, это "вы" или "я"?

Я вот не могу вспомнить примеров такого.


Вот мод пилим, чтобы понятней было о чем я.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Показать содержимое

Спустя мгновение из портала появляется нечто больше напоминающее дрейфующее скопление мусора, нежели функционирующее космическое судно. Немногочисленные плоские поверхности покрыты крупными надписями сделанными с ошибками, общий смысл которых сводится к “не стреляйте, мы свои”. Корабль не имеет привычного стыковочного узла и вы решаетесь послать дронов, чтобы заглянуть внутрь. Дроны, укрывшись от космического вакуума силовым полем, вскрывают одну из его внешних перегородок. Навстречу им выходят десятки комично одетых мужчин и женщин разных возрастов. Кажется, они пытаются установить с одним из дронов диалог на ломаном, но понятном вам языке.

Из того, что удалось разобрать, выяснилось, что несколько поколений назад корабль ученых потерпел крушение на одной из планет вселенной по ту сторону портала, к счастью, ее климат оказался весьма благоприятным. Для того, чтобы вернуться назад, ученые основали проект строительства челнока, способного достигнуть портала - “ковчега”. Прошли века, сменялись поколения, но по указаниям, оставленным учеными, их сыновья, внуки и внуки их внуков, продолжили строительство, и наконец “ковчег” был готов.

Это кажется невероятным, но все эти мужчины, женщины, дети потомки тех, кого совсем недавно вы отправили внутрь портала; и десятилетиями, следуя заветам предков, они тщательно конспектировали все, что им удавалось узнать о другой вселенной.

Вы бегло просматриваете часть из тысяч страниц записей сделанных разным почерком и разными руками, но неизменно аккуратно. Ученым потребуется немало времени чтобы их проанализировать. Сейчас же, думая о произошедшем, вы улыбаетесь. Вселенная - странная штука. И не только наша.


так и подумал что так ответите. лол представьте бегающие грибы оч смешно))), ну ходить то они могут, а вот насчет бегать.

го олимпиаду в стеларисе, думаю по бегу первыми будут пауки.кстати прикольная идея представьте команду бегунов: пауки, няшные лисички,тараканы и т.д.))

нет конечно хорошо что разнообразие видов в игре, жаль только что у всех одни и те же корветы и т.д.с оружием никакого разнообразия(

к залетам на 5 километров допускаются только птички, няшные мухи подали петицию -жалобу в мок))).А им отвечают: правила придумали до того как встретили ваш вид, ждите пересмотра правил через год.))

Изменено пользователем Kerovan
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cудя по некоторым портретам грибница захватила или вошла в симбиоз с другими видами которые могут передвигаться

посему грибы в стеларисе вполне могут  ходить а может и  бегать (в зависимости от свойств носителя )

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Только что, RiscoUK сказал:

cудя по некоторым портретам грибница захватила или вошла в симбиоз с другими видами которые могут передвигаться

посему грибы в стеларисе вполне могут  ходить а может и  бегать (в зависимости от свойств носителя )

Не говоря о том, что мох не может убежать от пожара, но это ему не особо мешает.

А портреты я ток грибомедведей помню.

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23 часа назад, had сказал:

Посоны, нужен ваш совет. Как игра обращается к игроку (то есть президенту/императору) в эвентах?

Если император что-то делает, это "вы" или "я"?

Случаем не "мы" или вообще "имя_расы" ?

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нашные мухи картинка не статичная- они висят в воздухе и машут крыльями -очень красиво сделали их.

Изменено пользователем Kerovan
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1 час назад, Pasha223 сказал:

Случаем не "мы" или вообще "имя_расы" ?

Ну мы, это если "мы приветствуем вас", но не "мы перебираем бумаги" же.

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####################### VERSION 1.3.0 ########################

# Leviathans Story Pack

* NEW: Players can encounter powerful Guardians that guard secrets and treasures
* NEW: Enclave Stations can be encountered and exist in three different forms; Artisans, Curators and Traders.
* NEW: Trader Enclaves can trade minerals/ECs and sell strategic resources
* NEW: Artisan Enclaves can construct monuments and hold festivals on your planets
* NEW: Curators can sell star charts, aid you with your research and provide valuable insight into how to defeat certain Guardians
* NEW: 'War in Heaven' can be triggered between two Awakened Fallen Empires, resulting in a galaxy-scale war

* NEW: 5 new 'cuties' portrait: 2 Molluscoids, 1 Reptilian, 1 Anthropoid and 1 Fungoid.

* NEW: 5 new songs by Andreas Waldetoft, including a new main theme that will play if the story pack is installed and enabled.

# Features

* NEW: "Federation Victory" victory condition
* NEW: New galaxy setup options - max Fallen Empires, amount of habitable worlds, whether to allow advanced empires near player at start, whether to use clustered starts, and whether to allow end-game crises
* NEW: It is now possible to designate a colony as your new Capital at a cost of 250 influence
* NEW: Added extra large weapon slots. Extra large weapons can only be mounted on battleships and have a limited firing arch
* NEW: Tracking is a new stat for weapons that reduces the evasion of the target by the same amount. Most weapons now have a Tracking value
* Point-Defense is now its own slot size instead of sharing space small slots
* NEW: Torpedo slots have been added to the game
* NEW: Aux utility slots have been added to the game
* NEW: Added 2 new habitable planet classes, Alpine and Savannah
* NEW: Added a new Humanoid species class with 4 new portraits
* NEW: Added toggle to Suppress pop factions, spending Influence to drain their Support over time
* Terraforming rework - terraforming stations have been removed. Any non-colonized planet within your borders can be terraformed for a cost
* Sectors now have settings where the player can toggle certain behaviors on or off
* Strategic Resources have been reworked and now provide a global modifier to your empire as soon as you have at least one of that resource without the need for buildings or modules, allowing you to trade with and for excess resources
* Fleets can toggle whether other AI fleets should follow it or not

* Combat computers have been reworked and each ship size has its own series of computers with different stats and behaviors
* Space Monsters now inhabit specific, randomized regions of the galaxy. You will still find the occasional straggler among the stars, but in general Space Monsters tend to cluster together per-species and more unusual specimens can only be found on their home turf
* Void Clouds now always spawn near the star in their system and guard rich energy deposits
* Crystal Entities now guard a few rewards
* Aura components removed from battleships
* Assault armies can now be recruited even though the planet has reached max capacity. New armies will automatically embark in transports
* It is now possible to resettle pops to and from sector-controlled planets
* Strike Craft now move towards their own kill target instead of their carrier's
* Strike Craft and missiles can now use evasion
* Missiles can now have health, armor and shield
* NEW: Additional Plantoid name list, updated old ones
* Utility Slots of most ship sections have been consolidated
* Battleships and Cruisers have had a couple of sections removed and reworked
* Space Whale weapons are now always small slot weapons
* NEW: It is now possible to ask empires to become your tributary (and to offer to become theirs)
* Strategic resource deposits have been overhauled to fit the resources' new roles. A number of deposits have also had their spawn chances tweaked
* Crystalline weapons are no longer available to players
* Capacity Overload edict is now unlocked by Global Energy Management instead of New Worlds Protocol
* Droid technology is no longer marked as Rare. Chance to appear is unchanged
* Synthetic Thought Pattern technology is no longer displayed as Rare. Chance to appear is unchanged
* NEW: New galaxy setup options - max Fallen Empires, amount of habitable worlds, whether to allow advanced empires near player at start, whether to use clustered starts, and whether to allow end-game crises
* Policy tooltips now display how pop happiness will be affected
* NEW: Frontier Clinic can be upgraded into Frontier Hospital
* NEW: Frontier Hospital is a new building
* NEW: Terraforming rework - terraforming stations, gases and liquids have been removed. Any planet within your borders can be terraformed for a cost
* Terraforming gases and liquids now significantly reduce terraforming cost
* Terraforming is now available earlier in the game
* You can now directly terraform any planet type to any planet type, so long as you have the tech required

* It is now possible to offer and request associate status with a Federation. Associate status acts as a non-aggression pact with the whole Federation and builds up trust between associate and all members of the Federation. Federation members vote on granting and revoking associate status.

# Technology
* NEW: Vitality Boosters, increases leader lifespan by +10 years
* NEW: Frontier Hospital, allows Frontier Clinics to be upgraded into Frontier Hospitals
* NEW: Mega Cannon, unlocks the Mega Cannon extra large weapon
* NEW: Giga Cannon, unlocks the Giga Cannon extra large weapon
* NEW: There is now a technology for terraforming Tomb Worlds, and a rare tech for making Gaia Worlds

#Fallen Empires
* Fallen Empire pops no longer have any negative traits, and start the game with additional positive traits
* Each of the four Fallen Empire types now has their own set of ship designs
* Fallen Empires will now sometimes start with Titan-class ships
* Xenophile Fallen Empires will no longer attack regular empires just for slaving/purging
* Materialist Fallen Empires will no longer attack regular empires just for researching AI
* Xenophile and Materialist Fallen Empires will now sometimes offer tasks and make demands of regular empires that result in an opinion boost if accepted/completed
* Xenophile and Materialist Fallen Empires will now sometimes bestow gifts on regular empires that they have a high opinion of
* Fallen Empires can now 'awaken' and become Awakened Empires if regular empires are growing too strong, if another fallen empire has lost planets, or if there is an end-game crisis ongoing. Awakened Empires get a new personality type and new goals and will attempt to force the rest of the galaxy to bend to their will.
* Fallen Empires now start with multiple levels of each repeatable tech researched
* Fallen Empires no longer start with creature and crisis techs (matter disintegrators, etc)

# Balance

* In Empire Setup, the planet "climate wheel" has been removed and replaced with three "climate categories" divided by the state of the planet's hydrosphere - Dry, Wet or Frozen.
* Habitability is now based on which climate type the planet belongs to . Base habitability on homeworld type is 80%, planets of same climate 60%, and the other climates 20%
* Certain techs are no longer needed to colonize potentially-habitable worlds
* Significantly reduced the default number of habitable worlds in the galaxy (player-adjustable)
* Ships with hyper drives can now only engage FTL from outside the system's gravity well, as opposed to anywhere in a system
* Ships have had their armor and evasion rebalanced. Small ships have high evasion but low armor, and vice versa for large ships
* Weapons have been rebalanced so that weapons are effective against ships of corresponding sizes. Large weapons are good vs. large ships, but bad vs. small ships. Armor penetration has also been rebalanced in accordance with slot size
* Missiles can now miss and be evaded
* Higher-tier Missiles now have more Evasion and HP. Point Defense and Strike Craft have also been rebalanced in accordance with this new design. Bombers deal significant damage to ships, and Fighters defend against Bombers
* There is now a cap on how many ships can orbitally bombard a planet at the same time, so large planets won't have their defenses fall in a few days to end-game fleets

* Randomly generated starting home planets are now somewhat random in size (16-20 instead of always 16). Earth is always size 16, and Unity is always size 18.
* Admiral skill effect on ship upkeep removed
* Purge time increased from 6 to 30 months
* Protectorate tech discount increased from 50% to 80%, but they can no longer trade research agreements
* Protectorates are now much likely to draw techs that their overlord has researched.
* Collectivists are now allowed to use Xeno Slavery policies
* Hard cap on Naval Capacity increased from 1000 to 9999
* Removed blocker on colonizing stone age planets due to native interference policy. Instead, empires without full interference can only choose to establish enclaves once the planet is colonized
* Can no longer resettle pops to a planet if their habitability would be <40%
* Removed planetary administration requirement to resettle pops to a planet
* The damage reduction gained from armor now scales down with ship size, so a single piece of armor on a corvette has significantly more effect than on a battleship, etc
* Aggressive AI personalities are now more likely to be among the empires assigned Advanced status at game start
* Tile blockers that give adjacency effects can no longer be cleared
* Chance for Scientist leaders to gain traits on level up increased from 7% to 10%
* Chance for non-Scientist leaders to gain traits on level up increased from 10% to 20%
* Ethos spread should now be somewhat more even across Empires at game start, so you are less likely to get an all-Pacifist galaxy
* Transport ships will not be targeted by hostiles if they are escorted by military ships
* Low ship HP no longer results in reduced maintenance cost
* Generating wormholes outside friendly borders now takes 30% more time
* Hyperdrive windup time now scales up with the origin system's distance to friendly territory
* Warp wind-down time now scales up with the destination system's distance to friendly territory

#Diplomacy & War
* Reduced opinion effect of relative power of subjects.
* You may now take conquest wargoals on planets whose majority species correspond to the conqueror's founder species, even if your war philosophy normally does not allow conquering
* Threat generation is now reduced when conquering empires that have aggressive personalities, and removed altogether for conquering Fanatic Purifiers and Awakened Fallen Empires
* Reduced opinion effect for relative power of subjects
* Wargoals against allies of the main defender are now more expensive to set
* Only Spaceports and Military Stations are now worth warscore when destroyed
* It is no longer possible to directly declare war on subject empires who would call their overlord to war. You have to declare war on the overlord instead
* Removed "Not Diplomatically Relevant" blocker modifier and replaced it with a border range modifier
* "Abandon Planet" wargoal now generates threat and costs the same amount of warscore as "Cede Planet"

#Fallen Empires
* Fallen Empires no longer start with creature and crisis techs (matter disintegrators, etc)
* Fallen Empire Pops now spawn with additional positive traits and no negative traits

#Encounters & End Game Crises
* Space Monster systems are now slightly less common
* Crystal Entities have been significantly strengthened and are balanced around corvette, destroyer and cruiser sizes
* All end-game crises ships have had their armor and evasion rebalanced
* Mining Drones have been rebalanced and now guard valuable mineral deposits
* Space Amoebas now spawn in larger stacks
* Space Amoebas are now faster, deal more damage and have more HP
* Space Whales now deal more damage and have more HP
* Crystal Entity weapons have been rebalanced so that small, medium and large weapons use a scaling armor penetration
* Upgraded the Nomads' arsenal and ship designs
* Reduced Nomad Fleet HP and damage bonus modifier from +50% to +25%. Overall they should be stronger than before
* Reduced HP of Nomad ark ships and gave them basic weapons

* NEW: Collectivist empires now have Faction Suppression Cost reduced by 10%/30%
* NEW: Individualist empires now have Policy Happiness Impact reduced by 20%/60%
* NEW: Materialist empires now have Building Cost reduced by 5%/15%
* NEW: Xenophobe empires now get increased border projection
* Xenophobe empires now gain +max rivals instead of +rival influence gain
* Xenophile empires no longer have a penalty to rival influence gain
* Military empires now gain +rival influence gain instead of +max empires
* Pacifist empires no longer gain a penalty to max rivals

* Maximum number of species traits increased from 4 to 5
* Trickster trait effect on evasion replaced with +20% combat speed. In addition, effect on emergency FTL damage increased from -25% to -50%.
* Aggressive trait effect on fire rate reduced from +10% to +8%
* Cautious trait effect on evasion replaced with +10% weapon range
* Scout trait now also increased ship speed by +20%

Despotic Empire
* No longer reduces building cost
* No longer increases slave food and mineral output
* Now reduces Colony Influence Cost by 15%
* Now increases border range by 10%

Star Empire
* No longer reduces building cost
* No longer increases slave food and mineral output
* Now reduces Colony Influence Cost by 30%
* Now increases border range by 20%

* "Opinions Respected" effect on happiness reduced from +25% to +15%
* "Opinions Disrespected" effect on happiness reduced from -40% to -20%

* Lessened the odds of "Trouble in Paradise" and "A Change of Heart" occurring early in a colony's lifetime. Added a chance for it to occur after 4 years instead, with very low odds
* Changed "Trouble in Paradise" and "A Change of Heart" events so they change ethics in one step towards the empire's opposite, instead of instantly inverting it to the opposite extreme. Also added a check so that the events cannot happen more than once every 5 years
* Tree of Life anomaly is now 66% less likely to occur, but provides slightly better effects
* Interstellar Railroad faction event now always removes 1 pop instead of a random amount

* Added a new utility component, Afterburners, increasing a ship's combat speed
* Thrusters now provide 0/3/6/9 Chance to Evade instead of a +0%/+10%/+20%/+30% modifier
* Sensors now provide 0/3/6/9 Tracking instead of 0/2/4/6 Chance to Hit
* Jump Drives are now researchable for all FTL types (but still very rare)
* Laser weapons now deal 20% less damage to shields
* Laser weapons' armor penetration changed from 33% to 15/30/60% depending on slot size
* Plasma weapons now deal 20% less damage to shields
* Plasma weapons' armor penetration changed from 75% to 60/80/90% depending on slot size
* Disruptor weapons' shield damage increased from +100% to +200%
* Projectile weapons' shield damage increased from +15% to +33%
* Projectile weapons' armor penetration changed from 0% to 0/15/30% depending on slot size
* Torpedo weapons have been reworked and are now only Torpedo slot size
* Arc Emitters are now extra large weapons
* Particle Lances are now extra large weapons

Shield Capacitor
* Is now an aux slot instead of utility slot component
* Power usage reduced from 50 to 20
* Mineral cost reduced from 50 to 20

Crystal-Infused Plating
* Is now an aux slot instead of utility slot component and increases ship HP by +5%
* Mineral cost reduced from 40 to 25

Crystal-Forged Plating
* Is now an aux slot instead of utility slot component and increases ship HP by +10%
* Mineral cost reduced from 50 to 30

Regenerative Hull Tissue
* Is now an aux slot instead of utility slot component
* Mineral cost reduced from 50 to 30

Flak Battery
* Is now a medium slot weapon instead of a large slot weapon
* Ranged increased from 40 to 50

Flak Artillery
* Is now a medium slot weapon instead of a large slot weapon
* Ranged increased from 40 to 50

Cloud Lightning
* Damage changed from 6-12 to 1-27
* Range increased from 40 to 50
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 100%
* Now deals 25% less damage to shields

* Power usage reduced from 5/10/20 to 2.5/5/10
* Shield HP reduced from 25/50/100 to 20/40/80

Improved Deflectors
* Power usage reduced from 7.5/15/30 to 5/10/20
* Shield HP reduced from 50/100/200 to 30/60/120

* Power usage reduced from 10/20/40 to 7.5/15/30
* Shield HP reduced from 75/150/300 to 45/90/180

Improved Shields
* Power usage reduced from 12.5/25/50 to 10/20/40
* Shield HP reduced from 100/200/400 to 70/140/280

Advanced Shields
* Power usage reduced from 15/30/60 to 12.5/25/50
* Shield HP reduced from 125/250/500 to 105/210/420

Medium Railgun
* Maximum damage increased from 46 to 49

Large Railgun
* Maximum damage increased from 99 to 100

Kinetic Battery
* Mineral cost reduced from 100 to 50
* Power usage reduced from 100 to 50

Kinetic Artillery
* Mineral cost reduced from 120 to 60
* Power usage reduced from 120 to 60

Small Autocannons
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Tracking is set to 65%

Medium Autocannons
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Now also has 10% armor penetration
* Tracking is set to 35%

Large Autocannons
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Now also has 20% armor penetration
* Tracking is set to 10%

Small Ripper Cannons
* Damage changed from 4-17 to 4-16
* Accuracy increased from 82% to 83%
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Tracking is set to 65%

Medium Ripper Cannons
* Damage changed from 8-36 to 8-33
* Accuracy increased from 80% to 81%
* Now also has 10% armor penetration
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Tracking is set to 35%

Large Ripper Cannons
* Damage changed from 21-74 to 21-67
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 76%
* Now also has 20% armor penetration
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Tracking is set to 10%

Small Stormfire Cannons
* Damage changed from 5-19 to 5-17
* Accuracy increased from 82% to 84%
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Tracking is set to 65%

Medium Stormfire Cannons
* Damage changed from 11-39 to 10-35
* Accuracy increased from 80% to 82%
* Now also has 10% armor penetration
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Tracking is set to 35%

Large Stormfire Cannons
* Damage changed from 25-84 to 26-70
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 77%
* Now also has 20% armor penetration
* Attach cooldown reduced from 3.15 to 2.35
* Tracking is set to 10%

Swarmer Missiles
* Is now a medium slot weapon instead of a large slot weapon
* Damage changed from 18-38 to 8-12
* Attack cooldown reduced from 2.50 to 2.10
* Ranged reduced from 50 to 60
* Missile Evasion is 200%, making them impossible to hit by PD

Whirlwind Missiles
* Is now a medium slot weapon instead of a large slot weapon
* Damage changed from 21-41 to 10-15
* Attack cooldown reduced from 2.50 to 2.10
* Ranged reduced from 50 to 60
* Missile Evasion is 200%, making them impossible to hit by PD

Sentinel Point-Defense
* Minimum damage increased from 1 to 2
* Maximum damage increased from 2 to 3
* Accuracy increased from 20% to 80%
* Tracking set to 20%

Barrier Point-Defense
* Minimum damage increased from 2 to 3
* Maximum damage increased from 3 to 4
* Accuracy increased from 30% to 80%
* Tracking set to 30%

Guardian Point-Defense
* Minimum damage increased from 3 to 5
* Maximum damage increased from 4 to 6
* Accuracy increased from 40% to 80%
* Tracking set to 40%

* Amount of technologies required to access a new technology tier increased from 5 to 7
* Tier 1 technology cost increased from 240/360/480/600 to 360/480/600/720
* Tier 2 technology cost increased from 900/1200/1500/1800 to 1000/1400/1800/2200
* Tier 3 technology cost increased from 2320/2840/3360/3880 to 3000/4000/5000/6000
* AI-Controlled Colony Ships technology effect on colony development speed increased from 25% to 50%. In addition, Colony Ship cost is reduced by -25%
* Self-Aware Colony Ships technology effect on colony development speed increased from 25% to 50%. In addition, Colony Ship cost is reduced by -15%
* Self-Aware Colony Ships technology cost reduced from 1800 to 1000
* Sentient AI technology cost reduced from 2840 to 2200
* Synchronized Defenses technology now requires Administrative AI instead of Active Countermeasures and is now more likely to appear
* Advanced Shields technology cost reduced from 2840 to 1800
* Planetary Shield Generator technology cost reduced from 1800 to 720
* Planetary Shield Generator now requires Improved Deflectors instead of Shields
* Shield Harmonics now requires Advanced Shields instead of Improved Deflectors
* Focusing Arrays now requires X-Ray Lasers instead of Blue Lasers
* Gamma Lasers technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Particle Lances now requires Gamma Lasers and Battleships
* Plasma Cannons technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Arc Emitters now requires Plasma Cannons and Battleships
* Proton Torpedoes technology cost reduced from 2320 to 1400
* Proton Torpedoes now require Disruptors instead of Ion Disruptors
* Neutron Torpedoes technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Neural Implants technology cost reduced from 600 to 480
* Xenology no longer requires Biodiversity Studies
* New Worlds Protocol is no longer more expensive than other early technologies
* Frontier Health now also requires Genome Mapping
* Genome Mapping effect on food output and leader lifespan replaced by reduced growth time by -15%
* Cloning research cost reduced from 1500 to 1000
* Cloning now requires Vitality Boosters instead of Epigenetic Triggers
* Gene Banks research cost reduced from 3360 to 1400
* Gene Seed Purification now requires Gene Tailoring instead of Cloning
* Gene Tailoring research cost increased from 1200 to 2200
* Gene Tailoring now requires Cloning instead of Epigenetic Triggers
* Targeted Gene Expression research cost increased from 1800 to 4000
* Selected Lineages now requires Vitality Boosters instead of Epigenetic Triggers
* Selected Lineages research cost increased from 1200 to 2200
* Capacity Boosters research cost increased from 2320 to 5000
* Neural Implants no longer require Genome Mapping
* Cell Revitalization now requires Vitality Boosters instead of Epigenetic Triggers
* Standardized Cruiser Patterns research cost reduced from 1800 to 1000
* Standardized Battleship Patterns research cost reduced from 3360 to 2200
* Carrier Operations research cost reduced from 1500 to 1000
* Improved Strike Craft research cost reduced from 1800 to 1400
* Advanced Strike Craft research cost reduced from 2840 to 2200
* Synapse Interceptors now requires Cruisers instead of Carrier Operations
* Synapse Interceptors effect on strike craft damage increased from +5% to +10%
* Heat Recyclers now requires Cruisers instead of Carrier Operations
* Heat Recyclers effect on strike craft damage increased from +5% to +10%
* Gauss Cannons technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Autocannons technology now requires Coilguns
* Stormfire Cannons technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Flak Battery technology cost reduced from 2320 to 1800
* Flak Artillery technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Marauder Missiles technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Swarmer Missiles technology cost reduced from 2320 to 1000
* Whirlwind Missiles technology cost reduced from 3880 to 3000
* Space Torpedoes technology cost reduced from 900 to 480
* Space Torpedoes technology now requires Nuclear Missiles
* Armored Torpedoes technology cost reduced from 1800 to 1400
* Devastator Torpedoes technology cost increased from 3880 to 4000
* Adaptive Bureaucracy technology effect on Edict Cost replaced with increased leader pool and leader recruitment cost reduction
* Living State technology now also reduces leader recruitment cost by 10%
* Regulated Slavery policies now contribute significantly less to Neural Implant tech weights than their unregulated counterparts
* Xeno Cavalry now requires Morphogenetic Field Mastery instead of Targeted Gene Expressions

* Strike Craft engagement range increased from 120 to 130
* Occupied planets will now spawn garrisons when invaded, so they can no longer be sniped back with a single assault army
* Armies are now able to heal in space when not in combat

* Now has higher base firing speed and damage
* HP changed from 2500/4000/5000/6000/7000/8000 to 4000/4500/5000/5500/6000/6500
* Base armor increased from 10/15/20/25/30/35 to 75/80/85/90/95/100
* Now also increases ship build speed by 0/20/40/60/80/100%
* Now also gains 0/2/4/6/8/10 tracking
* Upgrade cost reduced from 300/450/850/1000 to 200/250/300/350/400
* Effect on Naval Capacity changed from 6/7/8/9/10/11 to 2/4/6/9/12/15

* Base armor reduced from 3 to 2
* Base evasion increased from 0 to 60

* Base armor reduced from 12 to 6
* Base evasion increased from 0 to 25
* No longer receives a penalty to Chance to Evade

* Base armor increased from 12 to 30
* Base evasion increased from 0 to 10
* No longer receives a penalty to Chance to Evade
* Ship HP increased from 1200 to 1600

* Base armor increased from 24 to 80
* Base evasion increased from 0 to 5
* No longer receives a penalty to Chance to Evade

Defense Platform
* Base armor increased from 7 to 15

Defense Station
* Base armor increased from 11 to 30

* Base armor increased from 20 to 44

* Clone Vats mineral cost reduced from 350 to 200
* Clone Vats now also has a society output of 4, but also gets a maintenance cost of 2 energy.
* Mineral Silos now increases mineral output on adjacent tiles by +1
* Galactic Stock Market maintenance increased from 2 to 3, but now also has an output of 1 Energy Credit to allow for tile combinations

Power Hubs
* Power Hub 1 no longer costs influence to build
* Power Hub 2 no longer costs influence to build
* Power Hub 2 mineral cost reduced from 250 to 200
* Power Hub 2 effect on energy output increased from +15% to +20%

Mineral Processing Plants
* Mineral Processing Plant 1 no longer costs influence to build
* Mineral Processing Plant 2 no longer costs influence to build
* Mineral Processing Plant 2 mineral cost reduced from 250 to 200
* Mineral Processing Plant 2 mineral output increased from 3 to 4
* Mineral Processing Plant 2 effect on mineral output increased from +15% to +20%

#Spaceport modules
Fleet Academy
* Ship weapon damage bonus removed
* Ship evasion bonus removed
* Maintenance cost increased from 2 to 4
* Mineral cost increased from 300 to 400
* Influence cost increased from 50 to 100
* Ship fire rate now increased by +5%
* Ship tracking now increased by +3

# AI

* Lots of tweaks and improvements to AI fleet movement and army handling during war

* Sectors will no longer try to race you to build a station around a planet you have an order on
* Fixed an issue where sector AI would build labs of only one field
* Lots of tweaks and improvements to sector AI budgeting and construction

* AI will no longer invite the player to wars they should have no interest in
* AI will no longer repeatedly ask you to join the same war after being declined
* Reduced threat generated for empires that you have a non-aggression or defensive pact with
* Fallen Empires will now only send warnings to empires at -90 opinion or lower (changed from -75)
* The AI is now more likely to select war goals against whoever they are declaring war on rather than against their allies
* Lots of tweaks and improvements to AI acceptance and likelyhood to offer various diplomatic actions to make the AI more diplomatically active

* AI empires will now genetically engineer their species
* AI empires will now terraform planets
* AI empires can now handle the Cultist Ship event
* AI will no longer colonizes with robot pops if they cannot afford more robots
* AI will now build and use robot pops
* AI will now more frequently build resource-requiring buildings and unique buildings
* AI will now remove building that have no use
* AI will no longer build stations in systems with enemy fleets present
* AI will not repair destroyed buildings during war
* AI will now resettle pops
* AI fleets will not follow friendly fleets that are about to upgrade/repair
* AI will no longer prioritize working food tiles on planets with only robots
* Fixed a bug where AI would not build or use armies if current armies were lacking attachments
* AI should be better at using special buildings

# User Interface
* Ship sections are now clearly named after the role they fulfill
* A drop-down menu has been added to the topbar. Many screens have been split up and moved into the drop-down instead of being tabs in other screens
* Strategic Resources now have their own interface that can be accessed through the drop-down in the top bar
* Expansion Planner has been added and can be accessed through the drop-down in the top bar
* Player receives alert for having obsolete ship designs
* Player can now choose to keep all components up to date by toggling a button in the ship designer
* Buildings can be upgraded to their latest upgrade by shift-clicking the upgrade icon
* Fleets will now have the build queue in mind when prioritizing best planet to upgrade a fleet on
* It is now possible to add orders first in queue by CTRL-SHIFT clicking
* Clicking 'go to' on a fleet will now go to it on the galactic map instead of zooming in on it in the system map, unless the camera is already focused on it
* Fixed so that you get reasons why you cannot accept an incoming diplomatic proposal
* Added tooltip to debris special projects
* Added debris contents to situation log entry
* Fixed so that switching selected planet doesn't close the construction menu in spaceport/armies planet view tab
* Wormhole tooltips now state their progress and remaining time
* Changes so that the winding up activity shows days left instead of completion percentage
* Ruler ships should now be more distinct in the planet view
* Holy World planet modifier icon frame is now properly red
* Damaged Ecology planet modifier icon frame is now properly red
* Added checkbox for filtering ship components by slot size
* Tweaks to positions of various interface objects
* A warning icon is display on incompatible save files
* Various tooltip improvements

# Graphics
* Color variations for Avians, Arthropoids, Molluscoids, Fungoids and Plantoids polished
* Added missing color variations for some DLC portraits
* Planet city lights are now more detailed and look less blobby
* Arthropoid colony ship glass color now matches the rest of the ship lights
* Large Amoeba no longer has self-illumination on its entire body
* Fixed alpha issues for Plantoid 04 and Plantoid 09 portraits
* Strike craft are now spread out a bit on the height axis
* Adjusted Arthropoid 18 portrait textures and wings
* Fallen empires now have unique ship textures for each ethos
* Fallen empire now have unique cities for each ethos
* Star surface textures now tile properly
* Holy World planet modifier has a new icon
* Added a number of missing modifier icons

# Modding
* research_technologies console command will no longer unlock creature and crisis techs unless "1" is input as an argument
* The pop_add_ethic effect will no longer add ethics to pops that have an explicit ethos set (Robots, some event Pops). Use the pop_force_add_ethic to bypass this
* modify_species effect can now also change the portrait of a species
* Added set_empire_name, set_empire_flag, set_planet_name and set_sector_name effects
* added scaled_spawn_chance as an alternative to spawn_chance in solar system initializers, the set value is multiplied by the number of stars in the galaxy divided by 100; "5" gives a 10% spawn chance in a 200-star galaxy
* It is now possible to differentiate the FTL_WINDUP_ENTITY for different graphical cultures. For example by creating an entity with the name "arthropoid_01_warp_ftl_ship_effect_entity"
* Added on_fleet_enter_orbit on-action hooks
* Added on_join_alliance, on_leave_alliance on-actions
* create_ship effect now supports effect={}
* Added delete_fleet effect (like destroy_fleet but without any death animation)
* Country types that are set to "use_special_buildables = yes" will now build global ship designs marked as special buildable (if allow trigger permits it) instead of building regular designs
* Added console command "mature_galaxy" which will simulate a 100-year old galaxy
* Added is_boss fleet/ship design setting which hides most ship stats and displays a skull instead of military power in-game
* Added custom_military_power ship design setting which overrides the calculated military power with the given value
* Added on_monthly_pulse on-action which fires monthly

# Bugfixes
* Fixed some issues with shared Threat where it would not correctly lead to anti-aggressor alliances forming
* Xenophobic robots no longer hate their builders
* Diplomatic statuses such as defensive pacts are now properly cleared when going to war with a country
* It is no longer possible to leave a Federation while at war
* Rebelling civilian ships are now treated as hostile by stations
* It is no longer possible to declare war on empires you have invited as allies in a war
* Growing pops that no longer have a parent pop to grow from are now removed
* Fixed issue with Nomads building too many new ships
* Fixed issue with Nomads not setting an end point for their journey when playing in a tiny galaxy
* Fixed a bug where merging fleets would prioritize the smallest fleet
* Fixed Gaia world spawn chances not being explicitly reduced for inhospitable stars
* Fixed issues with democratic elections alternative parties, issue caused the alternative parties to be invalid
* Technological enlightenment progress bar tooltip monthly progress is displayed with decimals because it's often smaller than one
* Fleet view repair order button enqueues the order last if shift is held down while button is pressed
* Fixed a bug where Small and Medium Mining Lasers had their ranges swapped
* Cancel researching project when fleet order is cancelled
* Start screen background text is scrollable
* Allow newlines when reading species bio from empire design
* Fixed Xeno Integration tech weights
* Fixed issue with Nomads building too many new ships
* Fixed issue with Nomads not setting an end point for their journey when playing in a tiny galaxy
* Survey fleet order checks if fleet can move to system, so players can no longer reach out-of-reach systems using fleet view survey button
* Fixed issue with living metal in strategic resource tutorial
* Fixed so that the corvette construction tutorial doesn't trigger if a corvette or destroyer already has been constructed
* Update tech alternatives for tech area when research in that area has been halted, previously we waited for research in ALL tech areas to be halted
* Allowing Nomads to settle on one of your planets no longer incurs the "New Contact" opinion modifier, and the "Liberator" opinion modifier has been replaced with "Shade-Giver"
* Fixed Regulated Xeno Slavery policy option being available before encountering any xenos
* Fixed Regulated Xeno Slavery policy option not having the correct tech prerequisite
* Fixed notifications for votes to start wars
* Fixed pops not getting appropriate happiness penalties from other pops being purged
* Species description in Game setup edit overview can be clicked to open corresponding edit window
* Several fixes to the Cultist event chain. Added missing event, increased cult army values, fixed FTL type being set. Added portrait to Cultist leader dialog
* Fixed pop factions being destroyed before their names could be printed in the event window when they become rebel countries
* Fixed progression issue in the Yuht Precursor event chain
* Fixed tech weights for Xeno Integration
* Fixed not being able to enslave primitive civilizations under Regulated Slavery policies
* No longer possible to create duplicate diploaction dialog windows when clicking message notifications
* Fixed a bug where liberate planet wargoal could create a pre-sentient empire
* Fixed some faction-created/rebel countries considering pre-sentients to be a valid dominant species and Synths to be invalid
* Fixed sectors occasionally not respecting slavery becoming outlawed
* Fixed some events erroneously adding ethics to level 1 and 2 robot pops
* Fixed a bug where systems near borders would get wrong pin color
* Scrolling in species appearance list no longer highlights all categories
* Countries with no contact establish communications anyway if there exists an overlord-subject relationship between any of the three countries involved
* Abandoned station no longer seem like they belong to random or unidentified empire
* Ship define MOVE_SHIP_TO_FLEET_MAX_DIST determines the max allowed distance for moving ships between fleets
* Growing pops that no longer have a parent pop to grow from are now removed
* Fixed the set_name effect
* If player has comms with previous owner of abandoned station then station name and type is shown in fleet view
* Fixed so that clicking a leader portrait in democratic elections doesn't block selection
* Fixed bug where you could accept offers promising you systems which the other party couldn't give away
* It is no longer possible to create robot clone armies
* Fixed crash that occurred when closing a diplomatic event
* Generating leaders for democratic elections only use pops that aren't growing
* Fixed a bug where war begun message would count fleets gone Missing in Action as wormhole stations destroyed
* Fixed bug where system pins were sometimes invisible
* Fixed so that required components are added into the debris
* When a subject declares war on someone who is not their overlord, the war will no longer incorrectly be called an independence war
* Fleets can no longer follow fleets Missing in Action
* Liberate Planet now works correctly when multiple empires are all liberating in the same war
* Fixed numerous issues with Federation fleets and Federation ship designer
* Spaceport module strategic resource consumption now included in top bar stats
* Make released from overlord opinion modifier unique to avoid spam exploit
* Don't add new contact opinion modifier if communications are established with a vassal
* Store selected war demands when closing/switching the negotiation screen
* Use proper ordinal numbers for 11, 12 and 13
* Don't allow candidates of another species in democratic elections if the government does not allow it
* Fix some invalid in-game dates being written to save files
* Display modifiers affecting resource production in top bar tooltip
* Check that the fleet owner actually can afford to land armies when it costs resources
* Fix broken strategic resource triggers
* Many more minor bug fixes

# Performance
* Misc. performance improvements

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* Ships with hyper drives can now only engage FTL from outside the system's gravity well, as opposed to anywhere in a system



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Патчноут это круто, но странно, что бета-версии в стиме все нет. То хоть за 3-4 дня до выхода патча уже была.

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33 минуты назад, Kaedus сказал:

Патчноут это круто, но странно, что бета-версии в стиме все нет. То хоть за 3-4 дня до выхода патча уже была.

Патчи, которые идут с длс, не выкладывают в бету.


Я надеялся на поприкольней упдейты для модинга. Может, патчноты не полные.

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3 минуты назад, had сказал:

Патчи, которые идут с длс, не выкладывают в бету.


Я надеялся на поприкольней упдейты для модинга. Может, патчноты не полные.

А, вот оно что. Спасибо за ответ.

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Чето почитал по диагонали, первое впечатление - ждал большего....

-Сделали отдельные слоты оружия и брони (напр под торпеды и под розовые пластинки)

-Апнули ракеты и кинетику, опустили лазеры и плазму. мож и выйдет че

-Мощное оружие теперь в экстра больших слотах

-Немного опустили рабство

-Апнули материалистов

-Добавили победу в федерации

-Ну да падшие теперь не просто бревна

-Изменили стоимость и требования кучи тех

-Усилили нейтралов

-Меньше доступных для колонизации миров

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Белый офицер
7 часов назад, serpentskirt сказал:

* Ships with hyper drives can now only engage FTL from outside the system's gravity well, as opposed to anywhere in a system

Они там совсем поехали?

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Purge time increased from 6 to 30 months
"Abandon Planet" wargoal now generates threat and costs the same amount of warscore as "Cede Planet"
There is now a cap on how many ships can orbitally bombard a planet at the same time, so large planets won't have their defenses fall in a few days to end-game fleets
Occupied planets will now spawn garrisons when invaded, so they can no longer be sniped back with a single assault army



Вот от этого припекло. И так поедание соседей утомляет, замедлим его еще больше, браво.

Большие пушки у флота порезали, кап увеличили, а где формации позвольте спросить? Еще большая куча-мала на пистолетных дистанциях? Посмотрю-ка я патч на торрент-эдишн, может и обновляться не стоит.

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2 часа назад, tscyber сказал:

Purge time increased from 6 to 30 months
"Abandon Planet" wargoal now generates threat and costs the same amount of warscore as "Cede Planet"
There is now a cap on how many ships can orbitally bombard a planet at the same time, so large planets won't have their defenses fall in a few days to end-game fleets
Occupied planets will now spawn garrisons when invaded, so they can no longer be sniped back with a single assault army



Вот от этого припекло. И так поедание соседей утомляет, замедлим его еще больше, браво.

Большие пушки у флота порезали, кап увеличили, а где формации позвольте спросить? Еще большая куча-мала на пистолетных дистанциях? Посмотрю-ка я патч на торрент-эдишн, может и обновляться не стоит.

Вполне логичные изменения.
Коллективистов надо еще нерфить, но прогресс налицо.
Наконец то Энергоузлы не требуют влияния. Дождались же...

Сильно апнули космопорты, чтобы предотвратить ранние раши. Единственное что не нравится - на ап портов надо совсем мало минералов - раз.
А с учетом того, что корабли апнутый космопорт строит быстрее, я так понимаю, агеймдизы игры решили предотвратить паровые катки. Битвы будут интереснее, ведь теперь комп с 4-мя портами будет клепать флот в промышленных масштабах ПРИ случае войны. Либо когда Вы заняты, а он заходит в тыл.
Мне очень понравилось. 
Единственно я бы стоимость космопорта (и апа) скорее увеличил, поскольку воевать с альянсами, которые штампуют флот аки пирожки... Ну, не совсем приятно. Мидгейм похоже будет не так скучен.

добавлено 2 минуты назад
17 часов назад, flexus сказал:

Чето почитал по диагонали, первое впечатление - ждал большего....

-Сделали отдельные слоты оружия и брони (напр под торпеды и под розовые пластинки)

-Апнули ракеты и кинетику, опустили лазеры и плазму. мож и выйдет че

-Мощное оружие теперь в экстра больших слотах

-Немного опустили рабство

-Апнули материалистов

-Добавили победу в федерации

-Ну да падшие теперь не просто бревна

-Изменили стоимость и требования кучи тех

-Усилили нейтралов

-Меньше доступных для колонизации миров


Если они все изменения запихнут в 1.3, как состригать с покупателя баблосиков в 1.4? :)

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2 часа назад, Saby сказал:

Вполне логичные изменения.
Коллективистов надо еще нерфить, но прогресс налицо.

При чем тут коллективисты, указанное мной касается всех.

2 часа назад, Saby сказал:

А с учетом того, что корабли апнутый космопорт строит быстрее, я так понимаю, агеймдизы игры решили предотвратить паровые катки. Битвы будут интереснее, ведь теперь комп с 4-мя портами будет клепать флот в промышленных масштабах ПРИ случае войны.

А атакующему клепать флот в промышленных масштабах, снести космопорты у ИИ, проехаться ударным кулаком из объединенного флота по разрозненным "флотам" из пары линкоров с саппортом религия запретит?

Пока ИИ не научат адекватно использовать свои силы - по нему так и будут ездить катком, даже при примерно равных силах. Про неравные вообще молчу. Хотя очень интересно послушать вашу версию, что лимитроф с 4 системами может противопоставить соседу с 150 кроме немедленного предложения стать вассалом.

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5 часов назад, tscyber сказал:

Purge time increased from 6 to 30 months
"Abandon Planet" wargoal now generates threat and costs the same amount of warscore as "Cede Planet"
There is now a cap on how many ships can orbitally bombard a planet at the same time, so large planets won't have their defenses fall in a few days to end-game fleets
Occupied planets will now spawn garrisons when invaded, so they can no longer be sniped back with a single assault army



Вот от этого припекло. И так поедание соседей утомляет, замедлим его еще больше, браво.

Большие пушки у флота порезали, кап увеличили, а где формации позвольте спросить? Еще большая куча-мала на пистолетных дистанциях? Посмотрю-ка я патч на торрент-эдишн, может и обновляться не стоит.

Э, вместо захвата планеты ты заставляешь помереть всё население на ней и хочешь получить меньше угрозы? Совершенно логичное изменение. И как это помешает красить карту? Всё равно если ты захватил 2-3 империи тебя и так все ненавидят.

И чем плохи гарнизоны на оккупированных планетах? Они то как мешают захватывать?

1 час назад, tscyber сказал:

При чем тут коллективисты, указанное мной касается всех.

А атакующему клепать флот в промышленных масштабах, снести космопорты у ИИ, проехаться ударным кулаком из объединенного флота по разрозненным "флотам" из пары линкоров с саппортом религия запретит?

Пока ИИ не научат адекватно использовать свои силы - по нему так и будут ездить катком, даже при примерно равных силах. Про неравные вообще молчу. Хотя очень интересно послушать вашу версию, что лимитроф с 4 системами может противопоставить соседу с 150 кроме немедленного предложения стать вассалом.

А кто у нас пурджит, кроме коллективистов и бесполезных ксенофобов?


И кстати, задача разработчиков - как раз усложнить закраску карты, иначе играть будет скучно.

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35 минут назад, tscyber сказал:

Хотя очень интересно послушать вашу версию, что лимитроф с 4 системами может противопоставить соседу с 150 кроме немедленного предложения стать вассалом.


Кондотьеры, лендлиз и добровольцы, мы ждём вас. 9_9

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Когда они пришли за этик дивергенцией, я молчал — мне не всегда нравилась дивергенция. Когда они пришли за коллективистами, я молчал — я не играл коллективистами. Когда они пришли ФТЛ-двигателями,

White Drake

Каждый раз, когда начинают выходить дневники по любой из игр Парадоксов, я уже не могу играть в текущую версию. Мне игра кажется недоделанной без нового аддона)

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