[DLC] Age of Wonders III - Eternal Lords Expansion - Age of Wonders - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

[DLC] Age of Wonders III - Eternal Lords Expansion

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Kona Kai


Не вчитывался. Судя по отзывам, можно подымать уничтоженные города в виде городов нежити, которые являются вариацией от этого же живого города, к тому же в этом городе не будет роста населения, кроме как, создав постройку в которой "плодятся" живые и потом пополняют население мёртвого города. Также будет доступно заклинание, превращающее город в нежить, для отыгрыша доброго некроманта.

Также были разговоры, что города нежити дают больший доход.

Почему то не могу скопировать полностью новость, т.к. получается пустое сообщение. А выкинув текст получается отправить.

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Новость мне по нраву.

Ещё как.

Kona Kai


Первые классовые юниты некроманта. Привидения, которые воскресают прямо на поле боя, реаниматор, (временно) поднимающий трупы прямо в бою.

А еще будут новые специализации.

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Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Артики лойсовые, особенно реаниматор.

Вот только будет ли оно симпатяшно в игре?

Kona Kai

Hi there, today we introduce the second batch of Necromancer units, that we are currently developing for the upcoming expansion.

Up first is the Deathbringer, this unit was designed to be able transform enemy units into ghouls during battle. Although this is a strategically interesting and powerful ability, some of you pointed out issues around dealing with infected units in your ranks, such as how easily they could be cured and how much of a burden it would be for non-necromancer players to have undead-ified units under their control. To try address these we've changed the design so that the Deathbringer can curse units during combat. If the cursed unit is then killed, it will come back as a Ghoul under the Necromancer player's command after combat, if that player is victorious. If the other side wins, the corpses are considered to have been burned. There is no infection through mere damage (this would be OP and bring about the Ghoul apocalypse a little too easily J ). This way it is a reverse style of resurgence with no post battle healing frustration for victorious players facing Deathbringers.

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The Deathbringer, isn't she stylish?

Although not the hardest hitting melee unit in terms of physical strength, the Deathbringer has a phase like ability and backstab, making her a very dangerous opponent. When you are fighting a battle and about to lose, keep your more powerful units away from her or you might encounter them as Ghouls during a later encounter.

With the visual design we aim to move away from the standard vampire type. She is hardened for battle looks menacing, spiky, her rapier made for the final piercing strike bringing unlife.

The second unit for today is the Bone Collector, a massive tank unit that feeds on – and gets buffed by corpses.

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Bone Horror Concept. Note the dragon head pincer and the little skeleton as its wiggling "mouth" tentacles

The bone collector is constructed from of a giant pile of bones of various creatures. When moving it resembles a giant crab; using a dragon's skull as a giant pincer melee weapon. It has the ability to collect the bones of dead units, and add them to itself, which heals damage it has sustained, and also provides it with a small buff to attack and defense, making the unit more powerful for each body it eats for the duration of the battle. To top it all off, this unit has wall crushing and undying, meaning the unit reassembles itself after death if the enemy takes too long winning the battle.

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The Bone Collector looking for more Bones

We plan these two as city production units for the Necro, with the Deathbringer likely having racial (ghoul) variants. Let us know what you think of this units and stay tuned for more Necro and of course many of the other features we are working on for the coming expansion!

Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Также будет доступно заклинание, превращающее город в нежить, для отыгрыша доброго некроманта.
"Добрый некромант", "заклинание для отыгрыша доброго некроманта"...

О Боги, ну зачем так извращаться в игре?! Это совершенно лишнее, не логично и глупо. только книгу заклинаний бредом захламлять.

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Bone Horror Concept. Note the dragon head pincer and the little skeleton as its wiggling "mouth" tentacles

Концепт выглядит гораздо лучше и стильней модельки. Неужели нельзя было примерно так и нарисовать (больше "лишних" деталек, а не тупо нагромождение костей)?

Юнитов для некроманта много делают?

Я так понимаю, есть надежда что этот класс могут проработать даже лучше (как-минимум не хуже) класов из оригинала?

Ещё бы магу хоть пару юнитов добавили, и вообще немного расширить асортимент базовым классам было бы не лишним.

Kona Kai

инфа про новые заклинания

при копирования текста сюда получаю пустое сообщение.

Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Kona Kai

Случайные события на карте, в том числе глобальные

Туманы, падающие звезды, буря столетия, восстание короля Личей...

Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Kona Kai
AoW3 has been very successful for us so far; it is the bestselling AoW game in the series. Which I think is fantastic considering it is our first self-publishing effort. Of course numbers for Civ are in another league. That is one of the greatest strategy series ever, made by a large team with a publisher apparatus and stock market to feed. When we release the expansion next year it means we have developed the game for nearly a year since release with most of the team. Creating DLCs for AoW3 is time consuming; Like a new race requires not just the units, but the units converted to all classes, city models for the TC maps, a full set of Hero components, descriptions, and tons of icons. Game systems are complex and new features take a long time to insert and debug. Very costly!

However, next to the Necromancer class, we have at least one new race coming up and a bunch of other much requested features. We’re also looking at improving the core of the game, such as bringing back Race Relations.

We thank everybody for their support and hope to bring a lot more, you can support the game by spreading the word; especially by posting (hopefully positive reviews) on sites like Metacritic, GoG and Steam!


Improving Race Variety & Starting Perks

As well as working on new content for the upcoming expansion, we’re also working on refining the content that’s already in the game. These refinements will be released in a free update at the same time as the DLC, and will be available for all players.

Specializations, Starting Skills and the Leader Editor

Currently, when choosing certain specializations, a leader will get a starting bonus. For example, choosing Adept Of Air will grant 5 extra mana income from Air Nodes. However, not all specializations currently give a bonus, and the player can’t see what those bonuses are when they create their leaders. Dealing with the latter is a simple tweak to the specialization’s popup:

1 - Specialization Popup

For the former problem, we’ve reviewed every specialization and tried to add bonuses to those that didn’t have them, while rebalancing those that did. For example, here are some of the changes that are being considered:

* Adept Of Air – Air Nodes generate an additional 5 mana per turn, Earth Nodes generate 5 less mana per turn.

* Master Of Air – Air Nodes generate an additional 5 knowledge per turn. The player starts with a spell that allows them to transform neutral mana nodes into Air nodes.

* Expander – Farms and Springs of Life generate an addition 50 population growth per turn.

* Explorer – All ships and cities gain +1 vision range

We’ve also been revamping other parts of the leader editor to give players more information about the things they have to choose between:

While doing this we realized that Orc and Dwarven cities do not gain an economic bonus like the other races, so the economic starting bonus for each race now looks like this:

* Human Cities have +5 production

* Goblin Cities have +20% population growth

* High Elf Cities have +3 knowledge

* Dwarven cities can build Siege Workshops for 50 gold less

* Orc Cities can build Barracks for 50 gold less

* Draconian Cities have +3 mana

* Halfing Cities have +50 happiness


Instead of generic race and class lore we now list an overview of all perks for a particular character in the character selector. We’ve also added selectable icons that access the Tome of Wonders to display the full information on Race, Class or specialization. (Also added this to the diplomacy screen, where it wasn’t possible to see which specialization leader have)

Units and Racial Variety

We’ve been working on a number of changes to try and make the unit line ups of the different races more varied as well. Currently the difference between Dwarven Infantry and Orc infantry is a shield and some stat differences, we’re looking into ways to make the units feel more unique when they’re used on the battlefield.

War cry

For example, some Orc units have a new ability called War Cry. This once per battle ability costs no actions points to be used and grants the unit +3 melee damage until the end of the turn. This ability really reflects the Orc approach to battle (shout and kill first, ask questions later) and gives orc players the ability get a bit more damage when they need it most (which is always).

Defensive strike

Certain Dwarven units, on the other hand, have been given the Defensive Strike ability, which allows them to make a melee attack and then immediately go into guard mode. This ability plays more into the Dwarven character of a slow and steady approach, carefully demolishing ones foes while keeping oneself safe at the same time.

For the Goblins, a slightly more radical approach has been taken with the removal of the Skewer unit and the re-introduction of the Butcher, an old favorite from Shadow Magic:

3 - Goblin Butcher

The return of the Goblin Butcher

Butcher’s are elite Goblin troopers who wield magic, blood soaked weapons that grant the life stealing ability. Unique amongst the racial Pikemen, this is a tier 2 unit, which gives it the stats needed for it to take up its role as an anti-hero and anti-cavalry unit.

These are just a small selection of the changes that are being tested for the upcoming patch, no decisions are final of course and anything could change once we start testing the balance in multiplayer. If you have any ideas for refinements, we’d love to hear them!


Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Kona Kai

Today we return to the reveal of the ultimate Necromancer Units for the upcoming – still unnamed! – Expansion.

First The Wailer. This is an offensive support unit which can debuff enemies with its radial Wail of Despair ability. This eardrum busting screech makes affected enemies more vulnerable to attacks from other Undead units through the morale penalty it invokes. Additionally, the wail causes blight and spirit damage – the Wailer has bad corpse breath apparently. The unit has Phase and Pass Wall, making it easy to enter the midst of enemy lines to unleash its screech.

The look of the Wailer is inspired by Munch’s The Scream.


When the unit emits the Wail of Despair, the unit stretches out its arms, pulling its head and spine forward for added drama.

The Dread Reaper remains the master of death and is the Tier 4 Necromancer unit. His lengthy list of abilities include the core undead / incorporeal stuff and it’s worth noting the new Dread Reaper is able to fly. Its attacks are enhanced by Energy Drain, which drains up to 50% of the move points from enemies. The Reaper’s ultimate attack is Invoke Death; the target must resist or die. If the unit resists and lives it loses a big chuck of its hit points, which it cannot regain during the battle (no healing!).


We experimented with alternative looks for the Reaper, but stuck to the classic design mostly.

Can nothing stop this horror? Well, the strongest of the Reaper attacks only works on units with a pulse. And because it is undead it is subject to certain counters like Spirit attacks. Players facing Reapers should use Ranged attacks. Invoke Death is short range and the Reaper’s Fearsome ability can only panic melee units. Some additional Undead counters are placed in new specializations, which we’ll reveal soon. And you might be relieved to hear this unit doesn’t have Undying.


New visual features are a particle cloud with rotating skulls and an hour glass which the Reaper turns when he uses the Invoke Death Ability.

So let us know what you think! You might ask yourself if these 7 Necro characters make up all of the new units in the next expansion. Certainly not; we’ve just started scratching the surface – stay tuned for more

Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Kona Kai

хоть и не про некроманта, а про изменения в движке игры и в следующем за некромантом, т.е. 3-ем DLC, всё же отпишу сюда, что вышел подкаст explorminate.com

Некоторые детали из подкаста.

Взаимоотношения с расами: поступки вроде разорения города какой-то расы, либо высокий уровень счастья в городе какой-то расы будут влиять на отношения с нейтральными городами, счастье городов этой расы во владении игрока и даже на города во владениях другого игрока (города несчастливых рас могут послать сообщение другому игроку, к которому эта раса относится лучше, и предложить ему захватить этот город, при этом когда войска этого игрока появятся в городе, горожане поднимут восстание, и в битве у защищающегося игрока в тылу будут отряды ополченцев). Кроме того, отношения с расами будут накапливать "опыт" (к примеру, за найм героев этой расы), и по достижению уровней будут предлагаться расовые апгрейды (к примеру, плюс к броне юнитов расы или доп. доход с шахт городам этой расы). Расы по-прежнему ничего друг против друга не имеют, они любят/не любят только игроков.

Игра по имейлу: перешли от концепции передачи файлов по эл. почте (что работало не очень хорошо: проблемы с размером передаваемых файлов, разными протоколами) к хранению данных на их мультиплеерном сервере. Сообщения о сделанном ходе будут приходить на мыло, но сами сейвы будут лежать на их сервере (что поможет против читов, позволит ввести опциональную систему ходов не по порядку с неясной механикой, а также счетчики времени на ход).

Фростлинги: новый подход, ледяные ведьмы теперь не просто юнит в линейке: новые фростлинги теперь потомки старых и ледяных ведьм. Так как ведьмы магические существа, то новые фростлинги не просто гоблины на севере, а приобрели новые качества.

Глобальные события (было в журналах): изменения в стоимости заклинаний, видимости на карте, и т.д. Количество будет, видимо, в районе 15.

Ограничения в постройке большого количества городов: обсуждаются как влияние на мораль, так и экономические меры. Но пока ничего конкретного.

Модификации: так как игра постоянно развивается, модификации не должны ломаться после любого изменения в игре, что сложно. Скорее всего будет возможно создавать новых юнитов, а также новые заклинания и способности, поскольку теперь они не железно запрограммированы, а сделаны из модулей и условий.

Возможно, будет еще одно условие победы.

Все сказанное еще в процессе разработки, никаких гарантий, возможны изменения.

Будут журналы разработчиков с подробностями по этим и другим фичам. Новыми объявленными фичами считаются только первые три пункта, возможны еще и другие.

Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Kona Kai

Today we reveal the first information on the Frostlings, who return as a revamped, fully loaded playable race in the upcoming Expansion

Frostlings are a race of humanoids that settled in the cold northern regions long ago. Gradually adapting to the harsh winter clime, they possess a pale complexion and large, beady, deep-blue eyes. Often called Snow Goblins or Ice Devils the Frostlings have been at constant war with people living in more comfortable climes.

Frostling Architecture is influenced by Nordic Pole Churches, Iglos and organic Gaudi style Spires.

After the Second Age of Wonders, the Frostlings retreated deep into the lands where winter never subsides and the sun’s rays have no power. There they evolved by mating with native Frost Witches. They developed a strong resistance to cold and some Frostlings gained magical abilities.

Frostlings embark on frequent raids on warmer lands. Their seafaring skills, offensive fighting style and frost magic strike fear in the heart of the peoples they raid. But Frostlings are even more deadly in their home arctic clime, where they build big cities crafted from ice. Their matriarchal society is governed by chariot riding Frost Queens.

Today we take a look at the first two Frostling Units, the Icescaper and the Frost Witch

The Icescaper: The Tier 1 Icescapers have their origins in Frostling city building; they have the ability to magically form and scape ice. The Icescapers’ ice balls damage and Freeze units at a distance. Their ice pick has the Shatter Strike ability which inflicts extra damage versus frozen units. The Icescaper pairs well with the Frost Witch as she can cause Frost Weakness with her Inflict Chilling ability making the Icescaper to be much more effective. As all Frostling units, the Icescaper has the ability to Fast Embark.

The Frost Witch: Frost Witches were originally native fey creatures of the arctic. After they were absorbed into the Frostling race, the Witches were treated with something almost resembling worship, and they have been held in high regard ever since. The most powerful of them are elevated to Frost Queens. The Frost Witches’ Castigate ability throws Frozen Flames (a mix of fire and ice) at enemies. Futhermore, her attacks Inflict Chilling, making enemies more vulnerable to Frost Damage.

In coming development journals we’ll be looking into more Frostling Units!

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Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Kona Kai писал:

Жнец классно выглядит

Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Today we reveal the first information on the Frostlings, who return as a revamped, fully loaded playable race in the upcoming Expansion

Frostlings are a race of humanoids that settled in the cold northern regions long ago. Gradually adapting to the harsh winter clime, they possess a pale complexion and large, beady, deep-blue eyes. Often called Snow Goblins or Ice Devils the Frostlings have been at constant war with people living in more comfortable climes.

Frostling Architecture is influenced by Nordic Pole Churches, Iglos and organic Gaudi style Spires.

After the Second Age of Wonders, the Frostlings retreated deep into the lands where winter never subsides and the sun’s rays have no power. There they evolved by mating with native Frost Witches. They developed a strong resistance to cold and some Frostlings gained magical abilities.

Frostlings embark on frequent raids on warmer lands. Their seafaring skills, offensive fighting style and frost magic strike fear in the heart of the peoples they raid. But Frostlings are even more deadly in their home arctic clime, where they build big cities crafted from ice. Their matriarchal society is governed by chariot riding Frost Queens.

Today we take a look at the first two Frostling Units, the Icescaper and the Frost Witch

The Icescaper: The Tier 1 Icescapers have their origins in Frostling city building; they have the ability to magically form and scape ice. The Icescapers’ ice balls damage and Freeze units at a distance. Their ice pick has the Shatter Strike ability which inflicts extra damage versus frozen units. The Icescaper pairs well with the Frost Witch as she can cause Frost Weakness with her Inflict Chilling ability making the Icescaper to be much more effective. As all Frostling units, the Icescaper has the ability to Fast Embark.

The Frost Witch: Frost Witches were originally native fey creatures of the arctic. After they were absorbed into the Frostling race, the Witches were treated with something almost resembling worship, and they have been held in high regard ever since. The most powerful of them are elevated to Frost Queens. The Frost Witches’ Castigate ability throws Frozen Flames (a mix of fire and ice) at enemies. Futhermore, her attacks Inflict Chilling, making enemies more vulnerable to Frost Damage.

In coming development journals we’ll be looking into more Frostling Units!

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под рашку закос

Кто-нибудь в курсе, когда дополнение с фростлингами выйдет?

Изменено пользователем Karabann

Kona Kai
Кто-нибудь в курсе, когда дополнение с фростлингами выйдет?

Скорее всего весной-летом. В феврале-марте скорее всего выйдет Некромант с случайными событиями, там банально работы много. А фростлинги будут в 3 DLC, туда ещё что нибудь докинут. Это я сужу по обрывкам сообщений разработчика, что есть в доступе.

А я так понял, что раса Фростлингов и класс Некроманта будут в следующем DLC

Kona Kai
А я так понял, что раса Фростлингов и класс Некроманта будут в следующем DLC

Возможно. Уже не помню где именно читал, но было упоминание, что фростлингов могут включить в третье DLC. Хотя изначально их хотели вместе с некромантом ввести. Но сейчас кроме некроманта ещё и случайные события добавляют, так что сомневаюсь. По сравнению с первым DLC слишком уж много будет во втором, если туда ещё фростлингов.

Kona Kai писал:
Возможно. Уже не помню где именно читал, но было упоминание, что фростлингов могут включить в третье DLC. Хотя изначально их хотели вместе с некромантом ввести. Но сейчас кроме некроманта ещё и случайные события добавляют, так что сомневаюсь. По сравнению с первым DLC слишком уж много будет во втором, если туда ещё фростлингов.

Так на сколько я понял первое DLC не очень продавалось... поэтому если они много чего напихают во второе DLC, то продажи возрастут... наверное...

Изменено пользователем Candramelekh
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Kona Kai

In this concluding journal about the Frostling race units we show you the mighty Ice Queen and her Royal Guard

Frostlings are a proud and sturdy race, which have been moving towards a matriarchal society since the Frost Witches first befriended them. Their Kings today are always chosen by the High Queen and it is she who ultimately rules all the Frostling clans in the Kingdom together with her chosen husband. It is quite common for a High Queen to go through multiple Kings during her reign. The clans have a high degree of independence, but the situations where a clan goes against the explicit wishes of its High Queen are rare and usually fuelled by powerful Frostling women.


Concept Art for The Royal Guard and Queen

The Ice Queen (not to be confused with the High Queen!) is the prime example of how the Frost Witch blood improves the race as a whole. Talented women with a large amount of the magical blood streaming through their veins can become Ice Queens, who really allow the Frostlings to shine on the battlefield by bringing the full power of the icy North to bear.

Men with a lot of Frost Witch blood can become Royal Guards. They are highly trained men that use the magic in their bodies to a dangerous degree, transforming themselves into beings of ice in order to better protect the all-important Ice Queen and other Frostling women.

Most Frostling Lords and Ladies tend to have quite a bit of Frost Witch blood in their veins as well, making them taller and subtly different in appearance from standard Frostlings. It also grants them higher immunity to the cold. In courtly circles it is a matter of pride to show this off by foregoing the normal heavy thick furs and dress in light 'summer' clothes.

The Royal Guard: Changed to a high degree by the frost magic blood of their ancestors these men live to guard the Frostling women. Pikemen first and foremost, they strike first and deal more damage to and have higher defense against mounted units and flyers. Their active ability is Pledge of Protection, which can only target Frostling women, gives the Guard +2 defense and redirects any damage done to his charge to the Royal Guard, mitigated by 35%. Their Frost Weapons Inflict Frostbite and being made of ice gives them Arctic Concealment. As a last line of defense, once they succumb to their wounds the magic in their frozen bodies causes them to explode and deal damage to all enemies around them.


The Frostling army in game

The Ice Queen: The ultimate Frostling support unit, the Ice Queen is a formidable opponent, especially for races not suited to the cold. Riding a chariot drawn by polar bears, she brings her Dome of Frost wherever she goes. All units which aren't Frostlings or have 100% Frost Protection and who stand next to her suffer -1 defense, -1 resistance and get a bit of frost damage each turn. The Ice Queen can cast an Ice Nova, which deals frost damage to all enemy units next to her with a chance to Inflict Freezing Cold. It also breaks the guard stance of all enemy units within a 3 hex radius. So you can see why you'd want to protect her!


A Queen riding her Chariot

Even on the strategic map the Ice Queen supports her race with her Arctic Nova ability which spreads the Arctic clime in an area around her, but which costs her her life.

I hope you enjoy these last Frostling units and look forward to using them, I do! Of course, what is stated here is work-in-progress and things may still change depending on balance testing and feedback, so let us know what you think!

Be sure to check back next week, when we'll have a Christmas-themed surprise for you!

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