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 Данная тема предназначена для размещения патчей Crusader Kings 2



Актуальная версия игры - 3.3.4

Самый "свежий" патч в наличии - 3.3.3


Скачать патч Crusader Kings 3.3.3 (зеркало)

(для установки требуется наличие версии игры 3.3.0 "Holy Fury / Священная ярость")


Патч привносит мелкие изменения, сохранения от версии 3.3.0 совместимы с патчем.



################ 3.3.3 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.2 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.1 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- EU4 converter now outputs the resulting mod directly to the EU4 user folder so that it can be found by the launcher.


Инструкция по установке патча

Файлы из архива распаковать/скопировать в корневую папку игры, согласиться с заменой.



Патч с 3.0.0 до 3.0.1

Патч с 3.0.1 до 3.1.0 ( hotfix не требуется)

Патч с 3.1.0 до 3.2.0

Патч с 3.2.0 до 3.3.0 (Включает Warrior Queen DLC)







2.3.6 (JWMQ) 2015-06-11



2.1.3 (OSRS) 2014-04-11

2.1.2 (XLME) 2014-04-09


Изменено пользователем Labes
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Инструкция (для Linux):

1. Ставим Proton в пункте совместимости параметров игры, ждем пока обновится игра.

2. Качаем DLC и активатор Мидгарда с главной темы

3. Перекидываем в папку CK2

4. Копируем скрипт в файл без расширения с сайта ниже. (для запуска активатора в протон префиксе CK2)


4.1. Устанавливаем дополнительные зависимости в терминале. На РАЧ линукс команда такая:

sudo pacman -S bash binutils findutils gendesk grep icoutils pcre2 perl yay winetricks; yay -S pev

На других дистрах качайте те же самые, только в других пакетных менеджерах.

5. Редактируем данные строчки в скрипте, если у вас где-то в другом месте стим находится

# top level wine dir, symlink into "$HOME/.local/opt" to flatten paths
# top level wine prefix dir
# top level linux steam dir


Лучше сначала ничего не редактировать, ибо тут указана стандартная директория стима для РАЧ линукс и пр. Если в итоге у вас не заработает. то обратите на этот пункт внимание.


6. Сохраняем под любым названием. Перекидываем скрипт в папку /usr/bin/ (потребуются права рут пользователя), открываем терминал в этой папке.

sudo chmod +x <название скрипта>

7. Открываем терминал в папке с игрой и пишем.

wstart --pprg DLC_Activator.exe

Затем у вас должен высветиться пронумерованный список с версиями Протонов. Ставим цифру в соответствии с пунктом списка с вашей версией Протона. 
Далее у вас высветится список с доступными префиксами, выбираем префикс Crusader Kings II, опять же ставим в соответствии с пунктом списка цифру.

Затем скрипт спросит, нужно ли грузится через вайн. Вы пишите N, т.е нет, т.к в стиме стоит именно Протон, а не чистый вайн (если Y поставить - не пашет у меня).


8. Удаляем из папки с игрой CK2game.exe и проверяем на целостность файлов игру в стиме. 

9. Запускаем

Вроде бы ничего не упустил. 

Изменено пользователем マッドサイエンティスト
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Закреплённые сообщения
может кто выложить патч?

Патчи тут выкладывает исключительно RezMar.

А вот его цитата:

Will not post beta update.

Wait for official update.

Пока патч не выйдет из беты, то здесь не появится.

И да, пока вы ждете 2.5.2 парадоксы выпустили в бету

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И да, пока вы ждете 2.5.2 парадоксы выпустили в бету

Блииин... :facepalm2:

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For the first time Paradox did update for steam_api.dll file for this game. And it use one of the newest steam_api.dll version.

Because of this I didn't use 3DM emu/crack because idk if latest 3DM emu support this version of steam_api.dll. But I know CODEX did support.

Now is CODEX emu and not 3DM emu.

Next thing no SteamFix crack. Need to wait for @Voksi / REVOLT to make it. He is not here yet... I will post it REVOLT crack when he give us.

For now you can play only SP.


Crusader Kings II - Update v2.5.2 [RezMar] - Checksum (YZAZ)



  • You need to have game updated to v2.5.1 or v2.5.1.1
  • Update removes 1 file, put 13 new files and update 151 files
  • Upload is 24.9 MB

1. Start "CK II - Update v2.5.2.exe".

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy the new crack to activate DLCs.

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Change log:Нажмите здесь!
 2016-03-03 v2.5.2



- Reworked Coalitions into Defensive Pacts:

- Renamed Infamy to Threat, and Coalition to Defensive Pact

- Defensive Pacts are entirely Defensive and will never launch Offensive wars against the target

- Coalition/Defensive Pact Mapmode now only shows the Defensive Pacts against selected Realms

- Split up defensive pacts based on religious groups

- Threat level controls the size of realms which are allowed to join defensive pacts to protect themselves from a threat

- Threat level controls how far away realms can be in order to join in defensive pacts

- AI Realms with equal or greater troop strength than a target will never join Defensive Pacts against them

- Your own religious group have a lower defensive pact distance

- As a Realm's threat increases, the different Defensive Pacts will be willing to work together to contain them.

- Updated Threat alert tooltip with detailed information

- Maximum Threat from a single source capped at 100%

- Maximum threat from a province capped at 15%

- Minimum threat from a province set to 2%

- Minimum monthly threat decay set to 0.21%

- Maximum monthly threat decay set to 0.4%

- Claims for yourself now only gives 85% threat.

- Claims for someone else now only gives 50% threat.

- Dejure claim for yourself now only gives 50% threat.

- Dejure claim for someone else now only gives 30% threat.

- Liberate nomad duchy generates only 75% of threat

- Battle and Retreat changes:

- Made battles give 25% more warscore, to get battle warscore closer to what it was before the casualty reduction

- Won battle vs hosts give twice the warscore

- Shattered retreat no longer count distance through sea or wasteland

- Added attrition during shattered retreat

- Shattered armies ignore leader attrition reduction

- Shattered retreat now considers province size (through movement cost) when computing distance to target

- Looters who shatter won't be able to loot that province's owner for a while anymore

- Looters will shatter to their boats if they can

- Total Warscore from battles capped at 75% for attacker

- Shattered retreat favors slightly coastal provinces adjacent to boats you can embark in

- Added faction to force abdication of kings and emperors

- Fixed game over caused by daughters running away and becoming mercenaries

- Added events for skilled educators to influence children during adolescence

- Added a button for playing the next song

- Added a setting for ignoring context sensitive music (ie regardless of culture and if being in war or not).

- Added additional favor events

- Added Groom an Heir ambition

- Fixed instant OOS between different platforms

- AI no longer transforms matrilineal betrothal into regular marriages (and vice versa)

- No longer possible to break betrothal set up as from a favor

- Added new law, Council Authority

- Added character modifier Rejecting Seduction Attempts

- Characters with Rejecting Seduction Attempts can not be targeted by the seduce decision

- Added options to seduction targets to ask seducers to go away


- Fixed some issues with characters not resetting their hosts

- Fixed issue with Blot event making the host a lover instead of the intended target

- Faction for Elective Succession has been tweaked to appear less frequently

- Council allows their liege to hand out demesne if vastly above demesne limit

- Fixed issue where duplicate laws were set when granting titles

- Ask Liege for Title now only grants counties

- Added favor effect to counter offer event asking broke liege to sell land

- Brilliant Strategist will now also apply one random leadership trait

- Added assert details for undeclared opinion modifiers

- It is no longer possible to ask liege for land if they have a regent

- AI children will more often gain childhood traits

- Made tooltip to show options leading to childhood traits

- Added new traits Brawny and Frail, which are similar to Strong and Weak but non-congenital.

- Added the traits Shrewd and Dull, which are similar to Quick and Slow but non-congenital.

- Added scripted triggers which check for related traits, e.g. is_strong_trigger checks for either strong or robust. Others are: is_dumb_trigger, is_weak_trigger, and is_smart_trigger

- Various events and decisions etc which checked for strong/weak/quick/slow etc now also check for brawny/frail/shrewd/dull

- Added text for the outliner when new conclave alerts are disabled

- Events adding Strong or Weak now add Brawny or Frail

- Most events adding Slow or Imbecile now add Dull instead, exception is when upgrading to slow from imbecile

- Events giving Quick or Genius now add Shrewd (except Devil spawn). It is possible to stack Shrewd with quick/genius

- Event 64080 shall no longer cause men to impregnate themselves

- Viceroys can no longer switch primary titles

- Close relatives can now form alliances

- Vassals in hiding are no longer upset about not being on the council

- Added confirm pop-up when clicking on Abandon Game in MP

- Fixed a problem where the wrong council vote result was received for Declare War Interaction

- Top bar buttons and their corresponding shortcuts are now disabled if you are in observer mode

- No longer able to CTA character into wars with a religious head that is different from their religion

- Allies attached to a retreating army can no longer be engaged

- AI no longer declare war on player during Learning Scenario

- People with NAPs with their liege will no longer join Factions against their liege

- People who have a NAP with their liege will leave factions against their liege if they're in one (e.g. they got the NAP after joining the faction)

- Fixed revolters against a viceroy becoming independent on that viceroy's death

- Fixed characters not becoming vassals of people who usurp their main title if they had a liege before hand

- Divorces and event-based marriage breaking now remove non aggression pacts

- Councilors who get replaced correctly get the fired from council opinions

- Fixed Councilors for Major Revolt leaders not being sent home when the revolt ends and they are no longer a vassal of said leader

- Inherited opinions against a Liege's successor are now more comprehensive in what they include

- If you manage to seduce your spouse it will no longer be considered a scandalous act of incest (unless you are married under by certain religious ceremonies) because you are related (being spouses to each other), even if you are keeping it in the family.

- The ai will no longer install vassals of vassals as anti-popes that are automatically invalidated due to not being their direct vassals.

- Added some fixes to mercenary events.

- Increased the negative opinion for powerful vassals not being part of the council.

- Fixed some issues in succession law triggers when you're part of a Duke or Count tier independent realm.

- Added a number of new insults and compliments to the dynamic insult/compliment system for traits.

- Added special childish insults/compliments to many traits. Younger children will now use these instead of the adult ones.

- Committing suicide now gives you a strong negative general opinion modifier.

- Mercenary bands you own can be renamed using the customization dlc

- The realm view interface updates automatically when a title is being renamed

- Imbecile characters use childish insults

- Changed the name of "Context sound" setting to "Dynamic ambient sounds"

- Realm peace properly blocked when council is discontent

- AI with high vassal opinions are more prone to go against the will of the council

- AI with low rationality (insanity) are more prone to go against the will of the council

- AI will go against the council if it wants to declare war, but the council says no to every war

- Added Peter Skager to the credits

- Added Timor Khanagov to the credits

- AI will no longer spam the player with request council support requests

- DLC and mod tab texts aligned in launcher

- Fixed rare crash in papal election

- Updated councillor spend liege favor to change law tooltip

- Council discontent tooltips are now more clear regarding laws and councillors joining factions

- Fixed bug where females no longer got +0.5 health from birth

- Next song buttons shows current song in tooltip

- Primogeniture and ultimogeniture no longer blocked if the character stands to inherit titles that could potentially make the inheritance illegal (will block if those titles are actually inherited instead)

- Holy orders will join defensive pacts in the same manner as religious heads

- AI more accepting to council support if risking imprisonment

- Non dynastic or close kin children in your court get auto assigned educations at age 15

- Only independent characters can be part of defensive pacts

- Powerful vassal trigger added

- Powerful vassals are decided by realm size using age as tiebreaker

- Change mercenary composition adds newlines in tooltips


- Buy favor can no longer be used on children

- Buy favor can no longer be used on imprisoned, in hiding or incapable characters

- Minimum buy favor cost is based on tier of target, characters closely related to higher tier characters count as the higher tier

- Start faction tooltip updated to show the need for council voting on war declaration

- Change_mercenary_composition shows correct amount of troops in tooltip

- Members of your court may no longer fire your chaplain via the ZE.5030 event

- Pagan and Nomad subjugation now give their opinion bonus again

- Surviving the judgment of Zun now removes imprison reasons and negative modifiers with liege

- Changed order of effects in join holy order events to ensure married people move correctly

- Renamed b_stribo to Stribro

- Added text to the option for ZE.2029

- Fixed borders on some education events

- Reworked the Roman borders restored event to check for region rather than some of the huge duchy list

- Fixed capitalization in EVTOPTC38234

- Desc for haughty now states it can develop into Arbitrary, rather than Haughty

- hold_a_furusiyya now sets and checks for the do_not_disturb flag

- Improved check for cannibal at feast

- Added subjugated opinion modifier to the pagan and nomad subjugation CBs.

- Fixed betrothal forced through favors not being saved

- Fixed Mercenary captains not getting any money if the band doesn't have a creator

- Fixed an issue with the tooltip for the is_powerful_vassal trigger.

- Muslim rulers try to change from elective to turkish when they can

- Improved handling of heads of religion who are subjugated by Nomads

- Kids with faith focus should change to educator's religion

- Status of women 4 law should correctly allow female councillors

- Some tactics which did not correctly check leader martial now do so

- Characters should no longer be able to owe favors to themselves

- The tooltip for effects should now be less prone to lie about things that will happen if it fails to scope to dead characters.

- Removed excessive error logging for dynamic flags causing flooding issues of the error log.

- Added independent trigger to avoid adding favors to yourself

- Deactivated event telemetry in final version

- The Rise of the Shi'a Caliphate event should now be able to fire again.

- Characters with positive relations with their liege will not start overthrow factions

- Fixed an issue with granting a title to an unlanded courtier of a vassal

- Fixed an issue with some wars being invalidated when they shouldn't

- Can no longer form alliances with characters you're at war with


- Added infamy trigger to test if a character have threat higher than asked for value.

- Added change_infamy effect to add or remove threat from a character.

- Added infamy_modifier to casus belli which will be multiplied with the resulting infamy from a war.

- Can now script a revoke trigger for minor titles

- Added a define if faction membership is blocked by having a non-aggression pact with your liege: NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_BLOCKS_FACTIONS.

- Fixed an issue where the any_army and random_army scopes in effects ignored the limit trigger assigned to them.

- Added trigger: is_multiplayer_host_character = yes/no.

- The text command "GetID" now also work on titles and provinces which will return the title tag (eg "k_france") and the province ID respectively.

- Added a define for the fort discount on new holding construction: FORT_CONSUMED_IN_SETTLEMENT_CONTRUCTION.

- Added a define if titular duchy titles should count towards duchy limit for vassal opinion: TITULAR_TITLES_COUNT_TOWARDS_DUCHY_LIMIT.

- Added Scope: real_father_even_if_dead.

- Added effects: any_child_even_if_dead, random_child_even_if_dead, any_dynasty_member_even_if_dead, random_dynasty_member_even_if_dead, any_sibling_even_if_dead, random_sibling_even_if_dead, any_spouse_even_if_dead, random_spouse_even_if_dead.

- Added triggers: any_child_even_if_dead, any_dynasty_member_even_if_dead, any_sibling_even_if_dead.

- "disallow_random_traits = yes" should now blocks more trait correction and generation so that scripted characters with this entry should get their explicit trait setup. The only exception is that children still should get education trait(s) removed.

- Fixed an issue in num_title_realm_provs trigger when you had a title as the current scope and a character in the "who" scope.

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Если поставлю патч 2.4.1 и на него перевод 2.4.5 будет работать???

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Если поставлю патч 2.4.1 и на него перевод 2.4.5 будет работать???

Не будет. Либо будет, но криво. Не пробовал.

Изменено пользователем Тита
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Они наверно хотят постепенно весь мир отхватить, похвально, но вот с этими патчами беда, ибо их штампуют быстро и некачественно пускай поработают над новинками подольше, но так что бы после очередной фичи не шло 20-30 патчей подряд...

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Dear RezMar! Thank you very much for your good work! It allways highly appreciated!

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почему после установки патча 2.5.2 вылетает при запуске лаунчера? Игра пиратка.

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почему после установки патча 2.5.2 вылетает при запуске лаунчера? Игра пиратка.

потому что неизвестно что за пиратка, активируй еще раз ее

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почему после установки патча 2.5.2 вылетает при запуске лаунчера? Игра пиратка.

Та же проблема, активатор пашет, а лаунчер нет

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The Punisher 85

В папке с новым патчем нужно вручную перекинуть новую таблетку от кодекса, парадоксы защиту немного поменяли, серб же написал об этом.

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В папке с новым патчем нужно вручную перекинуть новую таблетку от кодекса, парадоксы защиту немного поменяли, серб же написал об этом.

Спс, заработало, надо было мне внимательней читать.

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В папке с новым патчем нужно вручную перекинуть новую таблетку от кодекса, парадоксы защиту немного поменяли, серб же написал об этом.

я то думал что за новые файлы

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патч 2.5.2 вышел уже или бета еще?

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патч 2.5.2 вышел уже или бета еще?

Т.е сообщение от РезМара с ссылкой на патч уже не катит, нужно ещё раз спросить на форуме?


Изменено пользователем Alex_
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Есть инфа по поводу беты, которую они готовят?

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Есть инфа по поводу беты, которую они готовят?


- Deactivated event telemetry in final version

- The Rise of the Shi'a Caliphate event should now be able to fire again.

- Characters with positive relations with their liege will not start overthrow factions

- Fixed an issue with granting a title to an unlanded courtier of a vassal

- Fixed an issue with some wars being invalidated when they shouldn't

- Can no longer form alliances with characters you're at war with

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У меня Стим отказывается грузить бету. И кэш проверял, и Стим перезапускал. Видимо не судьба.

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У меня Стим отказывается грузить бету. И кэш проверял, и Стим перезапускал. Видимо не судьба.

Её ещё выбрать сначала нужно.

To enable it, go to Steam, right click Crusader Kings II in your library -> Properties -> Betas -> Choose beta from the dropdown list. Make sure Steam updates the game correctly (sometimes you need to verify game cache or restart Steam when switching between branches). The launcher will say 2.5.2 if properly updated
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Её ещё выбрать сначала нужно.


Да всё сделал как нужно. Но Стим не закачивает.

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Я делал так у меня работает. 1. Устанавливаем игру в стиме. 2. Откатываем игру на версию 3.2.1  (тыкаем ПКМ на игре в библиотеке- свойства- БЭТА версии-выбрать в списке 3.2.1). Закрываем ст


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i Дополнительный контент (DLC-дополнения) для Crusader Kings II Тип издания: RePack-сборка. За основу взята актуальная Steam-версия DLC-дополнений (версия Steam-фай

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