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 Данная тема предназначена для размещения патчей Crusader Kings 2



Актуальная версия игры - 3.3.4

Самый "свежий" патч в наличии - 3.3.3


Скачать патч Crusader Kings 3.3.3 (зеркало)

(для установки требуется наличие версии игры 3.3.0 "Holy Fury / Священная ярость")


Патч привносит мелкие изменения, сохранения от версии 3.3.0 совместимы с патчем.



################ 3.3.3 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.2 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.1 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- EU4 converter now outputs the resulting mod directly to the EU4 user folder so that it can be found by the launcher.


Инструкция по установке патча

Файлы из архива распаковать/скопировать в корневую папку игры, согласиться с заменой.



Патч с 3.0.0 до 3.0.1

Патч с 3.0.1 до 3.1.0 ( hotfix не требуется)

Патч с 3.1.0 до 3.2.0

Патч с 3.2.0 до 3.3.0 (Включает Warrior Queen DLC)







2.3.6 (JWMQ) 2015-06-11



2.1.3 (OSRS) 2014-04-11

2.1.2 (XLME) 2014-04-09


Изменено пользователем Labes


Инструкция (для Linux):

1. Ставим Proton в пункте совместимости параметров игры, ждем пока обновится игра.

2. Качаем DLC и активатор Мидгарда с главной темы

3. Перекидываем в папку CK2

4. Копируем скрипт в файл без расширения с сайта ниже. (для запуска активатора в протон префиксе CK2)


4.1. Устанавливаем дополнительные зависимости в терминале. На РАЧ линукс команда такая:

sudo pacman -S bash binutils findutils gendesk grep icoutils pcre2 perl yay winetricks; yay -S pev

На других дистрах качайте те же самые, только в других пакетных менеджерах.

5. Редактируем данные строчки в скрипте, если у вас где-то в другом месте стим находится

# top level wine dir, symlink into "$HOME/.local/opt" to flatten paths
# top level wine prefix dir
# top level linux steam dir


Лучше сначала ничего не редактировать, ибо тут указана стандартная директория стима для РАЧ линукс и пр. Если в итоге у вас не заработает. то обратите на этот пункт внимание.


6. Сохраняем под любым названием. Перекидываем скрипт в папку /usr/bin/ (потребуются права рут пользователя), открываем терминал в этой папке.

sudo chmod +x <название скрипта>

7. Открываем терминал в папке с игрой и пишем.

wstart --pprg DLC_Activator.exe

Затем у вас должен высветиться пронумерованный список с версиями Протонов. Ставим цифру в соответствии с пунктом списка с вашей версией Протона. 
Далее у вас высветится список с доступными префиксами, выбираем префикс Crusader Kings II, опять же ставим в соответствии с пунктом списка цифру.

Затем скрипт спросит, нужно ли грузится через вайн. Вы пишите N, т.е нет, т.к в стиме стоит именно Протон, а не чистый вайн (если Y поставить - не пашет у меня).


8. Удаляем из папки с игрой CK2game.exe и проверяем на целостность файлов игру в стиме. 

9. Запускаем

Вроде бы ничего не упустил. 

Изменено пользователем マッドサイエンティスト

Закреплённые сообщения

Патч 2.4.3. Бета 1

Для скачки файла не забывайте писать каптчу с учетом регистра.

Ставится на версию 2.4.2.


1. Запустите "CK II - Update BETA 1 v2.4.3.exe"

2. Найдите папку игры и кликните на Установить

3. При необходимости скопировать крек

4. Играть

Автор - Rezmar

Изменено пользователем motiff


zippyshare.com не открывается

zippyshare.com не открывается

Это, должно быть, ваши персональные проблемы — isup.me показывает, что сервис доступен (у меня он тоже доступен).

zippyshare.com не открывается

зато //www.filedropper.com работает


Патч 2.4.3. Бета 2

Для скачки файла не забывайте писать каптчу с учетом регистра.

Ставится на версию 2.4.2.


1. Запустите "CK II - Update BETA 1 v2.4.3.exe"

2. Найдите папку игры и кликните на Установить

3. При необходимости скопировать крек

4. Играть

Автор - Rezmar

Vovan Lenin

Создай ссылки на скачивание с других источников! Этот грёбанный маил после начала скачивания начинает сжирать всю оперативу, а проц топить так, словно (Разжигание политических споров.)! Из-за него весь комп виснет! Скинь сборку на яндекс\гугл диск.

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser
разная фигня

Создай ссылки на скачивание с других источников! Этот грёбанный маил после начала скачивания начинает сжирать всю оперативу, а проц топить так, словно (Разжигание политических споров.)! Из-за него весь комп виснет! Скинь сборку на яндекс\гугл диск.

А обязательно писать одно и то же в нескольких темах? Автор вас не услышит всё равно, автор пребывает в заключении.

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser

Vovan Lenin
А обязательно писать одно и то же в нескольких темах? Автор вас не услышит всё равно, автор пребывает в заключении.

В смысле в заключении? В бане что-ли? Это вот это: "Должность: Нарушитель [11 дней]"?



The 2.4.3 patch is live!

This is a slightly updated patch from the 2.4.3 v3 beta that includes a fix to the mercenary feast events and better usurpation of titles. If you have had problems with events not popping up when loading a save, those should be fixed now and the fix also works for saves that didn't show the events in 2.4.2

Best of luck in your future endeavors!

ChangelogНажмите здесь!
 2015-07-23 v2.4.3



- No longer loops through every dead character and inactive titgle at monthly tick anymore, should help with late game performance

- Optimized trade routes update frequency


- Republic campaign funds visible to all

- AI more aggressive in campaigning for the doge title

- better trade post distances when port is within the same sea zone as owned territory

- shortcut tooltips look better when only info in tooltip

- The info button will close the info-window if already open

- AI accept chances more precise when writing '+'

- Regent accept tooltip uses actual base reluctance (needs to be definite yes)

- Fixed a bug in the province center point calculation, distances between provinces should be more consistent now

- Fixed a bug allowing you to abandon trade posts in your provinces regardless if you owned the trade post or not.

- Antipopes should now seize the treasury of the Vatican if their claim on the Papacy is pressed.

- Lobby diplomacy items are now spaced correctly.

- The republic view won't display dead heirs anymore.

- Stewardship bonus from character focus now influences the demesne tax bonus correctly.

- Observer players will no longer get stuck in the game after the server had been lost.

- When playing a nomad, settling as a merchant republic through a holding owned by a vassal merchant republic won't lead to duplicate family palaces and non-merchant patricians anymore.

- Fixed shortcuts in the end of battle and end of siege screens, the goto option is now bound to the "g" key.

- The game won't think any fabricated claim is a claim on Canaries in the learning scenario anymore.

- Minor clan rebel starting troop numbers are now being scaled with the khagan's population and they decrease the khagan's population by 10%.

- Fixed a bug that was preventing wars to update properly when an unlanded character won a title for which there was another war in progress.

- Added a confirmation dialog for disbanding individual regiments.

- Portraits in the republic view are now being updated correctly.

- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused allies to be hostile towards each other if there was a revolt war without a temporary title.

- Nomads are no longer blocked from moving their capital to provinces with ongoing trade post and fort constructions.

- Revolting nomad vassals won't become independent when losing a title in aother war anymore.

- Raiding adventurers will no longer end up as landless clan vassals under a khagan when leading a revolt and losing all landed titles in another war.

- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause laws to change incorrectly for rebels after their war ends.

- Unattackable non-nomad counts won't exist anymore.

- Unlanded characters inheriting duchy or higher titles won't prefer feudal government when the predecessor was not feudal anymore.

- Unlanded characters getting titles in wars for claim won't prefer feudal government when the previous holder was not feudal anymore.

- Various fixes to event triggers etc.

- Various minor text fixes and improvements.

- Various improvements to decision tooltips.

- Corrected the Serbian and Bulgarian names for Dyrrachion.

- Fixed a bug that made Hellenic Pagan religion available in the Ruler Designer.

- Tweaks and balancing to the decisions for creating Portugal, Castille and Aragon, including more informative tooltips.

- The Kingdom of Leon can now be created by the holder of the Kingdom of Asturias.

- Added more characters and dynasties to the Steppes.

- Rebalanced the effects of the decisions for expelling and readmitting the Jews, and also improved the tooltips for those decisions.

- The Duchy of Livonia is now part of the de jure Kingdom of Finland at all start dates.

- A character can no longer be slandered with bastardry rumors if they already a known bastard.

- Fixed a bug that allowed a ruler to be attacked with two pagan subjugation wars simultaneously.

- Robert II de Hesbaye (Capet ancestor) is now playable in 769.

- Random looting events are now working properly again.

- The chance to have twins is increased if mother and/or grandmothers had twins.

- Chronicle random events aren't "Serpents" every time.

- No longer inactivates titular titles that should be creatable (Caliphates, Duchy of Visby, etc.)

- Can no longer search for inactive titles in the find title dialog

- Fixed capital problem inheritance for gavelkind that could occur with custom kingdoms and Elective Gavelkind where it would give away your only Province.

- Patricians are richer and need large courts so they are better prepared to deal with epidemics and won't get infected by being overcrowded anymore

- Added better protection to the immediate family of a landed ruler from epidemics and overcrowded modifier

- Should now properly remove nomad capitals if supposed to and also search through for duplicates in the province

- Fixed revolting viceroys becoming normal rulers upon war invalidation

- Should always reset the tributary status if your liege is a tributary or suzerain

- Fixed problem where you could get stuck in a war with your prepared invasions target and receive the penalties for expiring the invasion timer

- Fixed with colors for raiders and made colors also differ more per tier level

- Fixed outdated localization for forts

- Fixed so dead people should no longer be title claimants, should no longer make dead people win crusades.

- Lowered the amount of dignity de-jure capital gives so Kingdom of Venice don't get more dignity than Empire of Italia.

- Added historical rulers for Sri Lanka.

- Converting to local religion via decision now costs Prestige and gives Piety.

- Pagan AI rulers now take more factors into account when greeting foreign preachers and deciding whether to convert. Factors include realm size, the threat of dangerous holy wars, desire to reform their government, Pagan homeland attrition etc.

- Unreformed Paganism is now much less likely to stay on as a major force after the first 2-3 centuries in early starts.

- Non-nomadic characters won't ensure non-empty primary holdings in their counties on inheritance if that inheritance will make them nomadic.

- The game will now detect rare cases of nomad capital holdings being in non-capital provinces and automatically fix the issue.

- Fixed a bug when provinces were incorrectly evaluated as occupied in some rare circumstances.

- Fixed so governments are not re-evaluated on reloading a save, they should now be persistent.

- Ticking war score won't be based on de jure titles for non-de jure casus bellis anymore.

- Attrition information won't obscure the selection button when multiple units are selected anymore.

- Nomad buildings unlocks will now be shown in technology tooltips when playing a nomad.

- Technology view building unlock tooltips formatting improved.

- Tribal holdings won't lose a part of their levy numbers incorrectly on succession anymore.

- Disease icons no longer overlap trade route icons in the province view.

- Dynasty name and patrician house title name are now being kept in sync when renmaing one of them.

- Fixed a bug where the game could hang after a nomad settled in a province with no de jure empire.

- Mongol Empire, Golden Horde and Chagatai AI nomads don't settle anymore.

- Tribals don't switch their government to feudal when a kingdom is created on elective gavelkind succession anymore.

- Merchant republics are not blocked from building a trade post on a trade route if they own the province anymore.

- Revoked title's succession law now switches to nomadic correctly when a nomad gets the title.

- Invalid title relations where county holder is different than the capital holding holder (if not empty) are now being detected and fixed each day.

- Next college cardinal score is now always 0 for incapable and imprisoned characters.

- Non-khagan nomads can't subjugate empires anymore.

- Provinces with only one holdings are now counted as nomadic counties owned by a nomad for clan land size computations.

- Both clan limit and clan land demand now only take nomadic counties into account.

- Minor clan revolt leader dying now causes the war to end properly.

- Betrothals don't invalidate the "Get Married" ambition anymore.

- Baronies that for some reason end up not being vassals of the county they're in are not getting stuck in the old realm when somebody wins the county in a war.

- If you have 50% or more horse archers you can no longer trigger the harass tactic

- Can now stop an on-going assault

- Tweaks to diseases so they don't outbreak as often

- Now displays population instead of demesne in character view for nomads

- Now disables the banish button if it is not a valid action on a prisoner

- Now Linux can also use the social media buttons!

- Fixed succession bug caused in republics if the doge was revolting against his liege

- Portraits in the title view now update correctly each time the view is opened.

- Fixed a barber view crash.

- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when saving the game after a settlement had been destroyed and not cleaned up properly.

- Laws for ducal titles now reset to default laws when the title is granted to someone else.

- Female heir vassal opinion penalty doesn't apply to viceroylaty titles anymore.

- Khan's can no longer conquer their way into the Holy See, they have to be elected like everybody else

- Fixed bug causing assault to not be properly stopped

- Fixed problem with inheritance of claims in history

- Fixed problem when Nomads becomming unlanded preventing them from transforming into raiding adventurers

- Capital is now set correctly when creating Castille, if Burgos province is owned.

- Fixed a bunch of text and other interface issues in the Spanish kingdom creation decisions and events.

- Added missing icons for the "Create Castille/Portugal/Aragon" decisons.

- Added new "W" icon for Wikipedia links.

- Can no longer trigger raid tactic if 50% of your army are horse archers.

- Constantinople province now has shipyards from 769.

- Events pop up on load again

- Inviting mercenaries to feasts now fire correctly

- Usurp title more consistent


- The spawn_unit effect now supports scaling the troop numbers according to population.

- Use scaled_with_population_of to set a character or title whose population will be used for scaling.

- Use for_population to set the reference population the troops numbers are meant for. The troop numbers will linearly scale when the actual population differs from for_population.

- Added a add_population_scaled effect which adds/subtracts a portion of target's population.

- The game won't crash after increasing MAX_LEADERSHIP_TRAITS anymore. However, only 2 trait icons will be displayed in the minor title view unless you add more of them to honorary_titles_view_item.

- Fixed that count value wasn't used by the any_* effects

- Added MAX_HOLDINGS_IN_NOMADIC_PROVINCE define that sets how many holdings a county can have in order for it to be counted as nomadic county owned by a nomad for clan land size computations.

- Fixed in prison trigger so it works when checking if he is not a prisoner when the character is dead as well


- Fixed converter crash with specific scenario that had happened in a save

Изменено пользователем Каллиграф

Флавий Аниций

Выложите новый патч. :)


Here it is a new patch !!!


Chose only one of this update!

This is update only from v2.4.2 to v2.4.3!!!


Crusader Kings II - Update v2.4.3 [RezMar] - Checksum (WIUP)

+ NEW SOUNDTRACKS for v2.4.3
PART 1 -> http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/Zf2dlk8F/file.html
PART 2 -> http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/WJ3I3pST/file.html


  • You need to have game updated to v2.4.2 (AJJW)
  • Update removes 8 files, put 59 new files and update 79 files
  • Upload is 5.29 MB + 266.84 MB

1. Start "CK II - Update v2.4.3.exe".

2. Install update where is your game.

3. Copy the new crack for this version.

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.


This is update only from v2.4.3 BETA (any beta version) to v2.4.3!!!


Crusader Kings II - Update v2.4.3 [RezMar] - Checksum (WIUP)

+ NEW SOUNDTRACKS for v2.4.3
PART 1 -> http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/Zf2dlk8F/file.html
PART 2 -> http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/WJ3I3pST/file.html


You need to have game updated to v2.4.3 BETA (any version of beta)

Upload is 7.53 MB + 266.84 MB

1. Start "CK II - Update v2.4.3.exe".

2. Install update where is your game.

3. Copy the new crack for this version.

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.


Музыка сама обновляется или же нужно вручную ее запихивать в dlc? Или же нужно копировать в папку soundtrack?


Songs dlc folder need to go in to the Soundtrack folder. NOT IN THE DLC FOLDER!!!

Songs dlc folder need to go in to the Soundtrack folder. NOT IN THE DLC FOLDER!!!


Сами DLC обновлены не были?

Обновите коллекцию, будьте любезны.




Впервые антивирус ругается на новый патч.

Вопрос таков - насколько забагована эта версия?

как то быстро вышел 2.44, что они поменяли там?

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Лучшие авторы в этой теме

  • e479


  • Eclairius


  • Дoбро


  • Midgard


  • RezMar


  • vitovt13


  • Aurelius36


  • Red Khan


  • Menschenhasser


  • Aspen


  • fffggg


  • El Búho


  • motiff


  • varrus


  • Каллиграф


  • HellasJovanni


  • simuil


  • Scald


  • Alterus


  • Evk


  • Timych


  • VETER15


  • Elest


  • SShredy


Лучшие авторы в этой теме

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Я делал так у меня работает. 1. Устанавливаем игру в стиме. 2. Откатываем игру на версию 3.2.1  (тыкаем ПКМ на игре в библиотеке- свойства- БЭТА версии-выбрать в списке 3.2.1). Закрываем ст


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Crusader.Kings.II.Holy.Fury-CODEX https://rarbggo.org/torrent/7vbczm8 https://rarbggo.org/download.php?id=7vbczm8&f=Crusader.Kings.II.Holy.Fury-CODEX-[rarbg.to].torrent magnet:?xt=u


i Дополнительный контент (DLC-дополнения) для Crusader Kings II Тип издания: RePack-сборка. За основу взята актуальная Steam-версия DLC-дополнений (версия Steam-фай

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