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Дополнения (DLC) к Crusader Kings 2

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 Данная тема предназначена для размещения патчей Crusader Kings 2



Актуальная версия игры - 3.3.4

Самый "свежий" патч в наличии - 3.3.3


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. )

(для установки требуется наличие версии игры 3.3.0 "Holy Fury / Священная ярость")


Патч привносит мелкие изменения, сохранения от версии 3.3.0 совместимы с патчем.



################ 3.3.3 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.2 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.1 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- EU4 converter now outputs the resulting mod directly to the EU4 user folder so that it can be found by the launcher.


Инструкция по установке патча

Файлы из архива распаковать/скопировать в корневую папку игры, согласиться с заменой.



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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  ( hotfix не требуется)

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (Включает Warrior Queen DLC)



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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (JWMQ) 2015-06-11



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (OSRS) 2014-04-11

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (XLME) 2014-04-09


Изменено пользователем Labes


Инструкция (для Linux):

1. Ставим Proton в пункте совместимости параметров игры, ждем пока обновится игра.

2. Качаем DLC и активатор Мидгарда с главной темы

3. Перекидываем в папку CK2

4. Копируем скрипт в файл без расширения с сайта ниже. (для запуска активатора в протон префиксе CK2)
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


4.1. Устанавливаем дополнительные зависимости в терминале. На РАЧ линукс команда такая:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

На других дистрах качайте те же самые, только в других пакетных менеджерах.

5. Редактируем данные строчки в скрипте, если у вас где-то в другом месте стим находится

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Лучше сначала ничего не редактировать, ибо тут указана стандартная директория стима для РАЧ линукс и пр. Если в итоге у вас не заработает. то обратите на этот пункт внимание.


6. Сохраняем под любым названием. Перекидываем скрипт в папку /usr/bin/ (потребуются права рут пользователя), открываем терминал в этой папке.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

7. Открываем терминал в папке с игрой и пишем.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Затем у вас должен высветиться пронумерованный список с версиями Протонов. Ставим цифру в соответствии с пунктом списка с вашей версией Протона. 
Далее у вас высветится список с доступными префиксами, выбираем префикс Crusader Kings II, опять же ставим в соответствии с пунктом списка цифру.

Затем скрипт спросит, нужно ли грузится через вайн. Вы пишите N, т.е нет, т.к в стиме стоит именно Протон, а не чистый вайн (если Y поставить - не пашет у меня).


8. Удаляем из папки с игрой CK2game.exe и проверяем на целостность файлов игру в стиме. 

9. Запускаем

Вроде бы ничего не упустил. 

Изменено пользователем マッドサイエンティスト

Закреплённые сообщения

Выпущен наконец-таки патч 2.2.1. Полный список изменений ниже.

2014-11-18 v2.2.1 (DPOO)Нажмите здесь!


- Fixed bug where revolt vassals could become independent when the revolter died while having no heirs.

- Fixed bug where revolt vassals could become independent when the revolter died and had his realm split under gavelkind.

- Fixed bug where vassals in a revolt did not properly return to their former lieges after the revolt.

- The Iron Crown achievment will now trigger when supposed to.

- Christian Crusades and Muslim Jihads can now never start before the year 900.

- Fixed bug where religion conversion reset succession and crown laws.

- Fixed CTD in chronicle.

- Fixed bug where all event spawned troops that scaled on a target was MUCH larger than supposed to.

- Fixed bug where tribals becoming patricians did not properly enact the patrician elective law.

- Diseases can now occur before 867

- Enabled several additional tribe holding pictures ( including looted variants )

- Decadence now negatively affect your vassal limit.

- Fixed CTD in Religion Tab if you do not own sons of abraham

- Disabled the Depose Liege CB and the Weaken Fellow Vassal plots for not working well enough

- Fixed an issue where adventurers would no longer spawn fleets correctly

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to focus more on the current capital duchy region for the primary heir rather than the "preferred" capital

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to take no heed of what heirs will inherit from outside your realm

- Fixed OOS in multiplayer if all players did not have Charlemagne enabled.

- Muslims are now more likely to become decadent, especially dynasty members of larger realms.

- Fixed bug where the Straighten Up decision could be taken again after 7 days.

- Fixed bug where it was not possible to hand out viceroyalties after reloading the game.

- Resolved crash when opening war overview window in a revolt war.

- Fixed crash in law view when republics did not have all patrician slots filled.

- Fixed bug where the realm capital did not properly use the patrician elective law.

- Norse fleets can now travel through major rivers as intended.

- The Adopt Feudalism and Form Merchant Republic decisions are now divided into two part - one that is taken to adopt the new government form and upgrade the capital, and a second one that is taken to upgrade the remaining holdings.

- Fixed crash while hovering the call all allies button in observer.

- Tribals now properly get access to crown authority laws when they convert.

- Solved the CTD on Linux, no more need for -threads=1 workaround


- Changed the Shia and Sunni Caliphates creation triggers to require being independent or all lieges being the correct religion

- Religious head titles will no longer be created by the AI if the character cannot afford the cost.

- Decadence revolts are now slightly more likely to happen and have larger units.

- Fixed an issue with gavelkind where, if your primary kingdom or empire was titular, it could cause strangeness

- Fixed bug when characters inheriting revolts still was named after the revolt when it ended.

- The CoA for Italy, Hungary and the duchy of Finland is now properly reset in the later bookmarks.

- Somalis and Ethiopians now get their correct cultural retinues.

- Fixed issue where the random seed for decisions would be the same when pressing the same decision rapidly (giving the same character names for instance).

- Fixed bug with the comparison of culture name lists and religion name lists where name had to be in both lists even for names without religion restrictions.

- The Rise of the Shia revolt is now much bigger.

- Fixed bug where marshal raised troops would desert and take your money irregardless of the situation

- Fixed issue where some CB's that should not be usable against viceroyalties were usable against viceroyalties.

- Fixed so you can't get in a situation where you are at war and the enemy calls in your vassals to defend him.

- Added Scars, red dots and boils to Indian Portraits

- Baronies in a republic county capital now follows the seniority succession law, instead of going to the next doge.

- The opinion malus for having viceroyalties in your realm no longer apply for holy orders and mercenaries.

- Disabled some multiplayer sync checks and logging in singleplayer ( should make singleplayer slighly faster )

- Fixed bug with Elective Gavelkind for vassals, where younger sons would go completely independent

- It is now possible to change religion of your CoA, and it will no longer be randomized upon reloading the game.

- Fixed issue where norse DLC units where replaced by military orders DLC units

- Fixed issue where norse/saxon/celtic DLC units where being replaced by early units from Charlemagne DLC

- Fixed issue where Saxon early clothing from Early Western Clothing DLC was not used.

- AI emperors no longer give out normal kingdom titles to vassals.

- AI emperors no longer creates kingdoms unless there is no other way to manage the vassal limit.

- Creating a new empire now costs money, as intended.

- Clydesdale, Dunbar and Lothian are now Welsh culture in 769.

- Fixed bug where warscore in some cases got capped below 99%.

- Suebi retinues are now 200 Light Infantry and 150 Pikemen, with an appropiate bonus

- Suebi cultural buildings now have the correct description

- Fixed bug where tribal AI converting to patrician did not build trade posts.

- Now cloud saves are actually compressed when saved so no more save file corruption should happen.

- Fixed a bug with Gavelkind where the primary heir would not get the capital county

- Elective Gavelkind: No longer creates titular kingdoms for secondary heirs

- Fixed issue where non-christian dynasty shields from the Charlemagne Dynasty Shield DLC did not work properly.

- Fixed bug where viceroyalties reverted to normal titles when ending revolts.

- Minor localization fixes for the Hashshashin spawning event.

- Fixed bug where becoming a republic from being tribal gave the changed succession law penalty.

- Fixed bug where non-active titles got a new holder.

- Removed the "Tribe of" title prefix from titles.

- Fixed bug where mothers and spouses could not become your spymaster.

- Fixed tooltip for imperial administration duchy revoke effect being invalid.

- Added missing localization for regent being the same religion as the one you wish to convert.

- Added missing icons for the Haruriyyah decisions.

- Fixed bug where supply information were displayed wrong when loading a save game.

- Added missing localization for the Haruriyyah decisions.

- Fixed so corrupt councillor does not steal a patricians family palace anymore when handing out titles.

- Fixed bug where randomized names sometimes ignored checking the allowed name in the religion script.

- Fixed bug where all born daughters got a chronicle entry stating she is the firstborn.

- Consorts are now properly removed when changing to a religion that does not allow that number of consorts.

- Secondary wives are now properly removed (or changed to concubines if applicable) when changing to a religion that does not allow that number of wives.

- Fixed Kalat province barony setup.

- Clarified the calculation of liege levies in its tooltip.

- Fixed some bugs with Gavelkind in empires with held kingdoms

- Fixed bug where custom kingdoms and empires lost their pagan shield when loading a save.

- Fixed allow triggers for creating some titles.

- Fixed some female titles wrongly localized to the male names

- Corrected the tech requirement of getting rid of pagan homeland attrition.

- Tweaked the supply modifier of pagan homeland attrition.

- Fixed error in vassalization of holy order decision

- Usurped titles no longer inherit laws from the previous title if they usurped the title from within that realm or if they were unlanded.

- The Ironman-button in the lobby now correctly show if ironman is enabled or not.

- Fixed bug where titles could not be destroyed.

- Fixed bug where the duchy of Thrace was a viceroyalty while held by the emperor.

- Added missing newline in the Renounce Iconoclasm tooltip.

- Fixed bug where administration laws were reset to feudal when changing religion.

- Revolts no longer count towards vassal limit.

- Fixed bug where the Byzantine duchy revoke did not work upon reloading a save.

- The event where marshal raised raiders are dismissed now properly refers to your marshal instead of the court chaplain.

- Marshal raised raiders are now dismissed first after half a year if they are not in use.

- The convert to Andalusian decision is no longer available for Andalucians.

- Form a new Empire now require you to have either 3 kingdom titles or a realm size of 180, instead of both.

- Fixed an issue with the "Convert to Local Religion" and "Abandon Heresy" event triggers.

- Changed or expanded name lists for several cultures.

- The new culture conversion events and decisions no longer require the Charlemagne DLC.

- Fixed some Frankish characters in 769 start who were prematurely calling themselves French.

- Fixed some issues with Holstein province history.

- All byzantine emperors will now have clothes regardless of what DLCs are enabled.

- Byzantine children are no longer invisible when playing with Early Eastern Clothing Pack enabled and Mediterranean Portraits disabled.

- Fixed bug where combats with multiple units on one side would always pick the WORST leader for each flank

- You can now only complete the "Become Exalted Among Men" ambition once per lifetime.

- Fixed OOS if all players did not reselect their characters after the last player had loaded the save.

- Tribals will now upgrade towards castle if their liege is feudal and city if their liege is republic.

- Removed the vassal king opinion penalty.

- Faction CBs are now invalidated when the liege is in a faction.

- The Byzantine free revoke on duchies are now in the Imperial Administration law.

- If the Charlemagne DLC is enabled, the Byzantine free revoke on duchies only applies to Viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where the Centralization law was reset to the first level when enabling High Tribal Organization.

- The viceroyalty status of titles are now reset when the top liege gets the title, instead of just the liege.

- Lowered the opinion penalty for feudal vassals for granted viceroyalties (was -5 for king viceroys and -2 for duke viceroys, is now -2 for kings and -1 for dukes).

- Vassals can now grant viceroyalties if their topliege have laws allowing this and they have viceroyalty titles to give away.

- The viceroyalty flag for titles now resets when the topliege inherits the title, not just the liege.

- Viceroyalty titles can no longer be given as a normal title to a vassal.

- Added missing decision icon for offering to help with lieges titles.

- Minor localization fixes for events.

- Viceroyalties now provide their lieges with fewer levies.

- Fixed bug where overridden tribal holdings were not properly removed.

- The decisions for forming kingdoms and empires now have their succession laws inherited from the base title.

- Fixed CTD when using the console to increase attributes and the target character was dead.

- Event when regent is in on plot to lower tribal organization now have the right localization.

- Crash fixes for total conversion mods when learning scenario characters did not exist.

- Fixed republican succession where the capital was not a county capital.

- Tribal buildings now show what castle and city buildings they convert to in their tooltip.

- Republics now use their succession laws properly for all their titles and not just some of them.

- Fixed bug where looters were able to siege several holdings in one province simultaneously.

- Fixed broken calculation of months when determining if the war is undecided.

- Fixed bug where characters selected before loading a save was still the selected character after the save was loaded.

- Fixed issue where the exported chronicle showed the wrong year.

- Fixed bug where chronicle entries were missing from the chronicle.

- Characters with portraits in the chronicle will no longer be pruned from the database.

- Fixed bug where filler-entries showed the wrong year.

- The call all tribal allies tooltip now tells you when you can not call tribal vassals.

- AI no longer changes viceroyalty laws to handle being over vassal limit.

- Tribals and pagans can now raid others of the same religion.

- Triggered modifiers will no longer be added repeatedly and will be removed when no longer valid.

- Fixed bug where succession laws inherited from viceroyalties defaulted to gavelkind instead of the intended law.

- It is no longer possible to destroy viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where factions to change succession laws were allowed against viceroyalties.

- When copying laws from viceroyalties, the liege title will be used for copying the laws.

- Fixed bug where the mongols could enact the open elective law.

- Viceroyalties can no longer change succession laws.

- Pressing "G" when having several units selected will now merge the units instead of changning mapmode.

- Blocked several CB's and plots against viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where characters lost the viceroyalty-tag on their titles when they rebelled against their liege.

- Fixed bug where characters did not lose the viceroyalty-tag when they inherited their top liege title.

- Forming a merchant republic no longer creates a patrician of your own dynasty vassal.

- Mercenary costs are now calculated properly before raising them.

- Elective Gavelkind: Fixed a bug where claims were not awarded correctly on kingdom split inheritance

- Optimized message logging in Release builds.

- Fixed a bug where looter armies just standing around would prevent peace Prestige loss for aggressive pagans

- AI: Rebalanced raid propensity. Rulers with Prestige loss on peace are now more aggressive

- AI: Tweaked Prepared Invasion propensity slightly

- AI: Less likely to answer calls to arms if busy raiding

- Fixed an issue with exiled characters' destination

- Added a revenge event for the sons of Lodbrok against Aella

- It is now possible to see all the laws of your lieges titles in the law view.

- Fixed exploit where the recently conquered modifier was not properly applied until the day after a holding was conquered.

- The opinion modifier for vassals for handing out viceroyalties are now only applied to feudal non viceroyals on duke-tier or higher.

- Fixed bug where the opinion modifier for handing out viceroyalties did not apply for viceroyals in the history files.

- The empty holdings modifier for garrison and levies are now calculated after the other modifier.

- Tribal holdings now get less taxes and levies if the province is of the wrong culture or religion.

- The opinion modifiers for being of the wrong religion is now increased for tribals against their liege.

- Right click now works on mac when using borderless.

- Family prestige no longer gives a bonus to vassal limit.

- The chronicle now closes when pressing escape.

- Fixed bug where the caliphate title could be given to vassals of the wrong religion, females and characters without the Sayyid or Mirza traits.

- Fixed bug where the 99% warscore cap was not properly applied in certain wars.

- Fixed bug where the AI did not end wars when at 100% warscore due to the recipient having previously declined a peace offer.

- Fixed bug where characters were not properly selected after loading a save if a character was selected before the save was loaded.

- Children created in ruler designer now properly counts as heirs to your titles.

- The decision to donate money to the knights templar now have its intended decision icon.

- Chronicle should now properly show birth of first son even if he has older sisters.

- Rare event that makes a vassal switch side between Charlemagne and Carloman should now work properly.

- Saxon Blood Court event no longer gives you the Crusader trait.

- Prepared Invasions are now enabled for Germanic Pagans with the start of the Viking Age.

- Added some more Celtic realm names to Britain.

- Several minor text fixes.

- Viking Age event is now fully compatible with old save games.

- Reworked system for Ramadan events. They will no longer pop in a bunch at the same time.

- Fixed DND-flag and pulled adventurers out of hiding while preparing for a war.

- Fixed Incorrect alpha for female muslim headgear fixed for the Early Eastern Clothing Pack DLC.

- Now allowed some more leeway with granting "contested titles" while involved in wars and civil wars

- Adventurers will no longer accept being invited to your court.

- It is no longer possible to use the succession changing factions against muslim lieges.

- Fixed bug where the characters in the era picker were unclickable after going back from custom game setup.

- Fixed bug where the pagan versions of Coat of Arms were not properly applied to custom created kingdoms and empires.

- Fixed inconsistencies in credits.

- Fixed bug where the same plot entry was shown twice in the plot view.

- Event spawned troops through the councillor jobs are now named Zealots, Raiders and Warriors.

- Various text fixes.

- Scottish culture event now properly converts province culture to Scottish.

- Added missing Romuva holy sites in early start dates.

- Cleaned up old tech system defines from defines.lua

- Adopt feudalism decision now require at least one in the Noble Customs technology.

- Found Merchant Republic decision now require at least one in the Trade Practices technology.

- It is no longer possible to form custom kingdoms when not being independent.

- The tribal councillor jobs no longer dissapear when having a regent.

- Tweaked triggers for Russian and Scottish culture emergence events.

- Tweaked AI logic for liege converting to capital province culture in some cases.

- Moved/added new dynasties to several cultures.

- Changed some early characters in history files from Dutch to Frisian culture.

- Revised name lists for early East Slavs.

- Corrected a history database issue where some Saffarid and Kabul Shahi subjects stayed Zunist after being subjugated.

- Ireland is now tribal in 867.

- Reduced severity of effects of unused and angry tribal event troops disbanding.

- Hiding character going celibate now gives spouse and lovers intended opinion modifiers.

- Adapted some Charlemagne story event triggers to protect against weirdnesses caused by using the ruler designer on major story characters.

- Changed trigger for Irminsul event to make it more likely to happen.

- Khazar rulers can now receive Jewish exiles regardless of ruler religion.

- Christian rivals will no longer reconsider their rivalry against other Christians unless they recently switched religion to Christianity.

- Pagan feast events reworked and should no longer pop in bunches at the same date.

- Tweaked triggers for Russian and Scottish culture emergence events.

- Tweaked AI logic for liege converting to capital province culture in some cases.

- Moved/added new dynasties to several cultures.

- Changed some early characters in history files from Dutch to Frisian culture.

- Revised name lists for early East Slavs.

- Corrected a history database issue where some Saffarid and Kabul Shahi subjects stayed Zunist after being subjugated.

- Ireland is now tribal in 867.

- Reduced severity of effects of unused and angry tribal event troops disbanding.

- Hiding character going celibate now gives spouse and lovers intended opinion modifiers.

- Adapted some Charlemagne story event triggers to protect against weirdnesses caused by using the ruler designer on major story characters.

- Changed trigger for Irminsul event to make it more likely to happen.

- Fixed issues in CB logic that could result in viewing wrong tooltip

- Now custom kingdoms instantly dejure drift on formation, however only if the dejure kingdom/empire is not created and if you completly control the titles.

- Custom kingdoms now cost 300 wealth instead of scaled wealth

- Custom empires now cost 1000 wealth instead of scaled wealth


- Reduced archer bonus during Volley Tactic ( from 300% to 200% )

- Shieldwall Tactic is now possible if a flank has atleast 20% of either Light Infantry, Heavy Infantry or Pikemen and atleast 20% archers

- Feint Tactic is now a Light Infantry Tactic, it is possible with atleast 20% Light Infantry and atleast 20% Archers and gives bonus to Light Infantry and Archers and a Penalty to Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry

- Lowered Massive Longbow Volley Tactic bonus to Archers to 350% ( from 420% ) and reduced the 2 affinities bonus to 100% ( from 300% )


- Fixed another crash when modding away the learning scenario character

- Fixed bug where the match_mult condition in spawn_unit did not get the correct levies from vassals when calculating strength.

- Fixed bug where historical wars did not properly start up.

- Added copy_title_laws flag to the create_title effect (yes will copy laws from the base title)

- The priority_shortcut flag in interface scripts can now be used to define priority shortcuts. Priority shortcuts will fire before any other shortcuts.

- Added error log message for assigning is_viceroyalty in history where the title is owned by the top liege.

- Event spawned troops with an earmark can now be custom-named by using the earmark key and "_ARMY" or "_ARMY_OF" in the localization.

- Added define for first year to execute tech, used for optimization, needed for mods.


- Now norse_pagan does not convert to norse_pagan_reformed in converter

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser

Выпущен наконец-таки патч 2.2.1. Полный список изменений ниже.

я не могу в английский.

Декаданс теперь бьет по муслимам?Они теперь смертны или опять бессмертные демоны?

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser

я не могу в английский.

Декаданс теперь бьет по муслимам?Они теперь смертны или опять бессмертные демоны?

Да, декаданс усилили судя по изменениям, насчёт того, смертны они или нет — сейчас пойду обновлять и проверять, так-то должны бы уже, сколько было криков.

Да елки...Лучников довольно сильно ослабили, а я только осознал имбавость валлийцев.

- Muslims are now more likely to become decadent, especially dynasty members of larger realms.


Пжлст, выложите патч или полностью пропатчанную игру.


Жаль, генерацию одинаковых династических имен для патрицианских семей по названию столицы при переходе в республику не пофиксили. Очень неудобно для интриг. :(

кликНажмите здесь!
 3152042.jpg [Cкрыть]

не могу найти в ноутах, наместничество полностью исправили?

а то в сохранении, сделанном до патча, так и не появилась опция присвоения.

Red Khan
не могу найти в ноутах, наместничество полностью исправили?

а то в сохранении, сделанном до патча, так и не появилась опция присвоения.

Viceroyalities? Да есть, при чём не один раз. Полностью ли исправили, не уверен, может чего и добавили ещё. :)

угу, ну ладно попробую ещё раз сыграть.

подскажите, где патч 2.2.1 можно скачать?


Патч 2.2.1(DPOO) от RezMar лишь для обладателей игры версии 2.2 и выше:

- скачиваем архив: <noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- помещаем из архива в папку с игрой файл CLEANUP.bat и запускаем его ;

- после завершения процесса можно его удалить;

- перемещаем из папки UPDATE все файлы в папку с игрой;

- соглашаемся с заменой и наслаждаемся игрой

P.S. Не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. :JC_doubleup:

Патч 2.2.1(DPOO) от RezMar лишь для обладателей игры версии 2.2 и выше:

- скачиваем архив: <noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- помещаем из архива в папку с игрой файл CLEANUP.bat и запускаем его ;

- после завершения процесса можно его удалить;

- перемещаем из папки UPDATE все файлы в папку с игрой;

- соглашаемся с заменой и наслаждаемся игрой

P.S. Не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. :JC_doubleup:

а ссылки специально делаются, что бы незарегистрированный не воспользовался?)


а ссылки специально делаются, что бы незарегистрированный не воспользовался?)


Это делается для эстетического вида и слабовидящих.

Патч кумулятивный? Включает изменения из бета-патчей?





Ребят, помогите. Играю на 2.0.4, все устраивает, версии выше тормозят при загрузке. Так вот, играл в какую-то версию, там в битвах и при осадах регулярно попадали враги и члены их семей в плен, гибли вражеские военачальники. А сейчас такое крайне редко. На форуме прочитал, что такая тема с пленными появилась в одном из патчей. Подскажите, в каком


Open Beta Patch Now Available - checksum SPSR

changelogНажмите здесь!


- Reduced the amount of money the pope gets from bishops ( from 40% of tax to 10% of tax for Popes, 20% to 5% for Anti-Popes )

- Added a whole event system for husbands to find out if their wife/concubine has been unfaithful (after "Doubt besets me...")

- Multithreaded startup of the game

- Fixed crash caused by destroyed settlements by Viking looters

- Fixed probable OOS

- Fixed crash when missing certain Unit Pack DLC's

- Fixed memory leak when calculating subunits monthly cost.


- Winning and losing wars now tends to give more nicknames

- Decadence Revolts: Boosted troop strengths

- Decadence Revolts: Vassals more likely to go independent

- Decadence Revolts: the revolt winner no longer gets any claims on vassals that go independent

- Expanded on the Lunatic gained event (6020). Now more common, and with different texts depending on your situation

- Fixed an issue with gavelkind where, if your primary kingdom or empire was titular, it could cause strangeness

- Fixed a bug with the 'holy_war' acquisition method not showing up in title history

- Added some missing acquisition types to the CBs

- Fixed a bug with elective gavelkind in empires with secondary kingdoms where your de facto capital and kingdom did not go to your primary heir

- Winning claim wars on the liege (or when a liege folds to a claimant demand) will no longer incorrectly try to even out the de jure kingdom borders

- Optimized and fixed many bugs in the health events

- Fixed broken dynasty 8601 "de Cantabria"

- Fixed a bug in Charlemagne event CM.1076 preventing Charlemagne from getting a claim on whoever shelters Carloman's wife and children

- Fixed a bug in event 63100 causing issues when vassals change liege on succession due to being over the vassal limit

- Fixed a rare bug where landless title courts could contain random characters with no culture or religion

- Corrected some event border colors

- Tooltips on dead characters now list their primary tier titles

- Spouses now always only have personal opinions of each other

- All non-Muslims can now legitimize bastards

- All religions can now divorce their spouse if there is currently no religious head

- Added divorce reasons to character opinions and to the divorce interactions

- Tweaked the main bastard conception and lover gained events (450 and 456)

- Optimized the lookup of database files

- History province files will now only be loaded if they have correct name. The name need to be put in to the map definition file.

- The character screen no longer shows the score of the player.

- The character screen now shows how many troops that character can raise.

- It is now possible to cancel your own plot in your character screen.

- Demesne size and vassal limit is now visible in the character screen.

- The loading screen for the most recent dlc is now always shown first when loading the game.

- Tengri no longer get pagan homeland attrition penalty against other pagans.

- Reformed Zunists no longer have pagan defensive homeland attrition.

- Fixed CTD when resigning from games.

- Fixed broken options in events which used the religion = christian trigger.

- Fixed bug where the cost of vassal mercenaries were not calculated properly.

- Fixed bug where ironman saves became broken when creating a new save after loading an old one.

- AI will now prefer using CB's without piety and prestige costs.

- Fixed bug where elective gavelkind in some cases stole provinces from other realms on succession.

- Fixed crash when trying to host a save stored in a sub-directory.

- Viceroyalties can no longer be granted to characters outside your realm.

- Fixed crash when finishing constructions in settlements without a holder.

- Fixed issue where both tribal settlement conversion decisions were avaliable for republics.

- The decisions for forming the kingdom of Leon and Hungary is no longer allowed if the required kingdoms are viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where the king-tier crown was used for all characters in the lobby regardless of their tier.

- Viceroys becoming unlanded will now hand back their viceroy title to their liege.

- Wars and truces are now visible in the character view.

- Fixed bug where the Assassin Resurface-event did not activate the title.

- Decadence tooltip now uses a consistent amount of decimals.

- Opening the chronicle now pauses the game if not in multiplayer.

- Fixed bug where Empires could be granted as viceroyalties (but did not do anything).

- Fixed bug where the family of Carloman sometimes fled to a revolt.

- Clarified the negative effects for tribal job troops if not used in the job action tooltip.

- Fixed bug where provinces where unselectable after resigning and starting a new game if that province was selected before resigning.

- Fixed issue where De Jure Region modifiers were clamped with Owner Martial Skill in the levy tooltip.

- Fixed history bug where character 30829 (Simone Drengot) had the wrong father.

- Fixed broken allow-trigger in landed_titles.


- Fixed bug where prepared invasion troops were not properly dismissed when the invader died before declaring war.

- Duchy of Thessalonika is no longer set to be a viceroyalty when held by Latin Empire.

- Tweaked the stats of some early Norse characters.

- Isle of Man is now its own de jure duchy.

- Tweaks to Manx title names.

- Taking the "Become Kshatriya Caste" decision now also gives the Kshatriya caste trait to to any unlanded spouses or children in the ruler's court.

- Muslim rulers now correctly get a negative opinion against Byzantine emperor who renounces iconoclasm.

- Saxon Wars event can no longer trigger for non-feudal rulers.

- Added target list for great holy wars for reformed Zunists.

- Tweaked triggers for unlocking crusades and jihads (France and North Africa).

- Tweaked the chances for some ruler nicknames.

- Fixed the names for Church of Zun and West African Church (was wrong format).

- Fixed a bug where a coincillor could sometimes complain to liege about herself.

- Fixed the localisation for the Seljuk Turks title.

- Melitene province in Armenia is now properly considered mountainous terrain.

- Fixed a crash when selecting a lowborn theocracy at startup.


- Tweaked release from prison and execution logic

- Added AI choice scripts to the bastard is born event (301)


- Added a new insult and compliment system based on strings scripted into the traits. Used in texts with [GetFromRootInsult], [GetRootFromFromCompliment], etc

- Added 'modifier' fields to effects 'random_list' and 'random'

- The 'is_married' trigger can now take a target as well as a bool (like 'is_lover' and 'is_consort')

- Added many new nicknames

- Added possibility to set a specific discoverer to the 'reveal_plot' effect (reveal_plot = ROOT, etc)

- Added trigger 'plot_is_known_by'

- Added event effect 'usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded_and_vassals_n o_adj'

- Added trigger 'any_opinion_modifier_target'

- Added effects 'random_opinion_modifier_target' and 'any_opinion_modifier_target'

- Added combat rating modifier with triggers 'combat_rating' and 'combat_rating_diff'

- Added fromfromfromfrom scope targets

- Added optional 'as_if_liege' parameter to opinion triggers

- Added triggers 'personal_opinion', 'reverse_personal_opinion', 'personal_opinion_diff' and 'reverse_personal_opinion_diff'

(These do not take state diplomacy, laws or any other such state concerns into account)


- Added 'capital' console command

- Added event effect 'log'

- Added trigger 'has_polygamy'

- Added trigger 'has_concubinage'

- Character modifier descriptions now support text variables

- Added is_holy_site trigger

- Fixed a bug with effect scope any_allied_character

- Fixed a bug with effect scope random_allied_character

- All any-triggers now support the use of count = x

- Added variables to titles

- All variable trigger and effects now work with title variables

- Variables can be displayed with localization system

- Variable triggers and effects can compare variables between types of scopes (country/province)

- Fixed problems with the variable triggers check_variable and is_variable_equal

- Added cal_true_if trigger

- Added set_title_flag effect

- Added clr_title_flag effect

- Added has_title_flag trigger

- Added had_title_flag trigger

- Added save_event_target_as effect

- Added save_global_event_target_as effect

- Added clear_event_target effect

- Added clear_global_event_target effect

- Added clear_global_event_targets effect

- Added support for weighted cultural names

- Added support for weighted regnal names

- Added an on_startup on action

- Exported MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES to defines

- Added support for localized nicknames

- Added effects convert_to_temple and convert_to_tribal

- Renamed effects convert_to_feudal and convert_to_republic to convert_to_castle and convert_to_city

- set_allow_free_duchy_revokation no longer only works for viceroyalties when Charlemagne is enabled

- Added a set_allow_free_vice_royalty_revokation effect

- Fixed bug where the any_independent_ruler and random_independent_ruler could target revolts.

- Added ignores_defensive_attrition effect for religions, used for religions that do not have defensive attrition but will still not get the penalty towards such religions.


- Made converter province mapping up to date with EU4 patch 1.8

- Fixed missing cultures for converter

- Buffed Jerusalem ideas

- Tweaked Aztec and Incan ideas

- Rebalanced hashashin, jerusalem, jewish, kinghts templar and roman ideas to accomodate new values in eu4

- Version compliance with eu4 1.8 patch in the generated mod file

- Gave cathar, fraticelli and waldensian new modifiers to their religion if you have SoA.

- Tech groups should now be up to date with EU4 patch 1.8

- Fixed crash bug when converting a game that has custom titles

- Fixed now so converter mod's no longer changes checksum

- Switched so Miaphysite is not dependent on SoA to become coptic

- Added Karling ideas




Кто-нибудь владеет легально DLC EU 4 CONVERTER? Потому что они снимают всю папку common\eu4_converter\ и помещают в DLC 30 и, конечно они обновляются DLC.

Does anyone own legally DLC EU 4 CONVERTER? Because they remove whole folder common\eu4_converter\ and placed in DLC 30 and ofc they updated that DLC.

Sorry i don't speak Russian.

I can post all updated files but I can't post updated DLC Converter because I don't own DLCs. I own only a game.

Thanks in advance...

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Версия дополнительного контента предназначена для версии игры Crusader Kings II насчитывает 15 основных DLC-дополнений, призванием которых является расширение игровых возможностей и механ


Дублирую с группы на стратегиум: Не скупитесь нажать лайк этому посту     DLC Скачать активатор - Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Инструкция: 1)Закинуть файл в корень игры.


В связи с выходом несколько новых ДЛС, создал тему. В данной теме содержится полный перечень ДЛС.        


Я делал так у меня работает. 1. Устанавливаем игру в стиме. 2. Откатываем игру на версию 3.2.1  (тыкаем ПКМ на игре в библиотеке- свойства- БЭТА версии-выбрать в списке 3.2.1). Закрываем ст


Новый активатор. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   1. Распаковываем файл ActivatorCKII в корень игры. 2. Запускаем игру через ActivatorCKII до игрового меню, закрываем. ActivatorCKII


Crusader.Kings.II.Holy.Fury-CODEX Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e1d2de75e1ded650e2b76fb8f286c6e456cdc763&dn=Crusader.Kings.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   i Дополнительный контент (DLC-дополнения) для Crusader Kings II Тип издания: RePack-сборка. За основу взят

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