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When the World Stopped Making Sense

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When the World Stopped Making Sense




WtWSMS — это масштабная переработка Crusader Kings 2. Мод позволяет играть от эпохи Великого переселения народов в любую дату с 476 (падение Западной Римской империи) по 700 год и до конца оригинальной игры в 1453 (падение Восточной Римской империи).


Список новых сценариев:

  • Little Augustus - 2nd of February 476 - Вторжение Одоакра
  • Julius Nepos - 1st of May 480 - Перед смертью Непота
  • A Shattered Empire - 10th of December 480 - Вторжение Теодориха 
  • Frankish Steel - 1st of January 486 - Объединение франков
  • The Gothic Wars - 1st of January 535 - Юстиниан
  • Fallen Giant - 28th of November 511 - Смерть Хлодвига
  • Rule of Dukes - 1st of January 575 - Междуцарствие в Ломбардии

Скачать WtWSMS 0.9.13 [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : MediaFire [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ] | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.




Скачать Early Bookmarks Submod : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

  • 445 "Scourge of God" bookmark focused on Attila the Hun
  • 459 "A New Hope" bookmark focused on emperor Maiorianus of the Western Roman Empire
  • Scrollable 445-476 history
  • Minor tweaks to WtWSMS de-jure and de-facto map setup

Скачать Total War Flags : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

  • Use icons from Rome II and TW:Attila wikis in WtWSMS

Полезная информация

  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  разработчиков

  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  на Paradoxplaza
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  на Crusader Kings II Wiki

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Предыдущие версии (начиная с 0.9.3) можно найти в Releases на Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .


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- Compatibility with vanilla 3.3.2
- Adapted the bloodline of Attila for the mod
- Enabled Coronations for Nicene rulers with the Pope as a religious head in the later game
- Enabled Holy Fury Pagan reformation mechanics for all reformable Pagan religions added by the mod
- Central African given a unique reformation idea (syncretic and ancestor worship) representing Berber Cult of Dead
- Tabitian (Scythian faith) given a unique idea (unrelenting, haruspicy and bloodthirsty) representing steppe traditions and accounts of human and horse sacrifice
- East Africans given unique idea (ancestor worship, eldership and polygamy )
- Zalmoxians given unique idea (river travel, prepared invasions and unrelenting)
- Vasconic pagans given unique idea (equality and harder to convert provinces)
- Semitic pagans given unique idea (syncretic, ancestor worship and polygamy)
- Dravidian pagans given unique idea (syncretic, ancestor worship, and hard to convert)
- Illyrian pagans given unique idea (Sea fairing, unrelenting, and hart to convert)
- Root West pagans given unique idea (Meritocratic and stable)
- Latin Solar pagans given unique idea (unrelenting, meritocratic, and haruspicy)
- Germanic pagans given Norse idea (seafaring and adventuring)
- Georgian pagans given unique idea (haruspicy, ancestor worship, and hard to convert)
- African solar pagans given unique idea (ancestor worship and unrelenting)
- Sanamahi given unique idea (syncretic, river movement, and hard to convert)
- Converted historical buildings into wonders, including the Port of Carthage, the Colosseum of Rome, the Acropolis of Athens, the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Buddhas of Bamyan, Diocletian's Palace in Split, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the Great Mosque of Damascus, the Great Mosque of Samarra, the Alhambra in Granada, the Palace of Aachen, the Golden Gate of Kiev, the St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, the leaning Tower of Pisa
- Added new historical wonders, including the Sarvestan Palace and Tāq Kasrā
- Added new Pagan warrior lodges or extended vanilla warrior lodges for Pagan religions
- Berber religions have access to Warband of Gurzil, a local war deity
- Cybelians, Mithraics, and followers of the Invincible Son allowed to join Olympians
- Tabitians may join the Eagle Warriors now along with nomad and Tengri
- Germanics given access to vanilla Norse lodge Wolf Warriors
- Semitic pagans given new warrior lodge Desert Warriors
- new decision to train in desert and gain falconer and poet traits reflecting traditional Arab pursuits
- Zalmoxian (Dacian) and Illyrian pagans given access to Serpants of the Mountain lodge
- Vasconic Pagans given access to Sugaar's Chosen
- East African pagans given access to Moonlit Fighters
- Root West pagans given access to White Crane Warband
- Sanamahi given access to Blesse of Ema Panthoibi
- Armazi pagans given access to Champions of Armazi
- Dravidian Pagans givcen access to Heart of Aiyyanars
- Followers of the traditional Assyrian religion may join Enlil's legion, though I bet many reading this already have 
- Added events and cultures for dynamic Slavic Migration in Eastern Europe after the year 500
- Added four new government types, including Sub-Roman, High Tribal, Gupta and Pre-Feudal
- Added events for a Sub-Roman to Feudal transition, with the abandoning of Roman taxation, the social status of the army, crisis caused by war and changing cultural values of the aristocracy
- Added and adapted decisions and laws for a Tribal to High Tribal to Feudal government transitions, with appropriate factions, casus bellis and plots
- Removed the feudal government from the map at start
- Added the possibility for Sub-Roman rulers to become Bureaucratic
- Reduced the amount and redrawn the borders of the provinces within the Saharan Empire
- Redesigned the de jure duchies and kingdoms accordingly
- Adapted history of the region to account for the removed provinces and new borders
- Balkanised the kingdom of the Garamantes to make the previously vassal dukes independent

- Integrated Ancient Religions v0.46.1 "Imentet", for compatibility with 3.3.2
- Changed the colour of the reformed Zalmoxism religion for it to be more distinguishable from the Germanic religion
- Added the Pagan County Conquest CB for the Hepthal religion
- Added the 526 Antioch earthquake event, as suggested by @I_Jedi
- Added coats of arms for the Beltesonis, Augustulus, Flavius Afranius, Amali and Leon dynasties, courtesy of @Dogs231
- Made the Auiones culture use Norse portraits
- Made the Burgundian culture use Gothic portraits and rewritten its name list
- Made the Greco-Persian culture use Persian portraits
- Renamed the East Anatolic culture group to the Tarim culture group
- Made the Azeri culture use Persian or Caucus graphics if Persian portraits are not owned
- Renamed the Dahi culture to Dahae and changed it to the East Iranian culture group and to Persian portraits
- Made the Utigur and Kutigur cultures use Turkish portraits
- Moved the Gushi culture into the Tarim culture group, changed the names to Tocharian and made portraits Persian
- Moved the Xiongnu culture from the Sinic to the Altaic culture group
- Made the old Magyar culture use Ugric portraits (and changed culture colour?)
- Made the Sakan and Indo-Scythian use Persian graphics
- Moved the Amardian, Sarmatian, Iazyges, Afghan and Saka cultures to the East Iranian culture group
- Moved the Kalash culture to the Indo-Aryan culture group
- Moved the Afar culture to the Cushitic culture group
- Made Julius Nepos bureaucratic in 476, as suggested by @starwarsfan541
- Pelagians can no longer venerate Augustine as a patron saint but instead get the possibility of venerating Pelagius himself
- Added the Culdees as an Insular and Pelagian monastic order
- Added a decision for Pelagian rulers to give alms
- Expanded the tribal organisation description to mention the risk of weak heir seeing the realm shatter after succession
- Added a decision to promulgate the Lex Visigothorum as the Visigoths
- Added some title cultural localisation for Latin group cultures
- Added +5 opinion between the different Gnostic heresies and branches, based upon a similar feature in BTWK, credits to the BTWK team
- Added the Acacian schism in consequence of the Henotikon, together with the possibility of ending it
- Added a decision to close the Platonic Academy in Athens as a Christian emperor controlling the region, as Justinian historically did in 529
- Prevented Bureaucratic governments from having Gavelkind succession, as suggested by @Guthix
- (Legacy of Rome required) Replaced the Grand Tournaments for Greeks and Romans with an annual Chariot Race, as suggested by @mrmastro
- (Monks and Mystics required) Added a decision for a Lombard king of Lombardy to forge the Iron Crown of Lombardy
- Added a special nickname "Viriatus" for a Continental Celtic ruler who succeeds to crown himself the first Continental Celtic Emperor of Hispania, as suggested by @DeathLawlie
- Renamed Pelagian crusade to "March of Good Example", as suggested by @WilyWillis, credits to Lux Invicta
- Added the Armorican cultural province names in Gaul for the Gallic culture, as suggested by @Wangmaster
- Adapted the vanilla Buddhist "reject vices" ambitions for Pelagianism, as suggested by @WilyWillis
- Added an "Icon-Breaker" trait that Antinomian, Pelagian, Total Depravity and Iconoclast characters can gain from sacking Christian temples, as suggested by @WilyWillis, credits to CK2Plus
- Added Gunderit, king of the Gepids, and Odoacer, king of Italy, to the interesting characters screen for the Frankish Steel era
- Finished the VIET "Dance of the dead" event chain by Zaldax, which requires being North, Central or West Germanic and having Supernatural Events rule turned on
- Added many names to various cultures' namelists, as suggested by @MajsterX4
- Added an event about the extreme weather events of 535-536
- Optimised many WtWSMS and VIET events and decisions to slightly improve the mod performance
- Moved Romanian to the Latin culture group together with the rest of the Romance melting-pot cultures
- Added three new songs written by Christian Szajna and updated the whole existing list of songs
- Added 24 new legions shown on the map in the forum but not yet in the mod, courtesy of khagler
- Added a decision to form Spania
- Added a decision to build a Visigothic church to speed up conversion in Santiago
- Added a few title name localisations for the Guanche culture
- Changed Anglicised Roman names in the culture name list and character history into their Latin versions
- Added custom coats of arms for dynasties of Augustus and Diocletian
- Added four building levels for the biuildings added by the mod and divided bonuses and costs by four
- Added custom portraits for Constantine the Great, Maxentius, Julian the Apostate, Jovian, Valentinian, Valens, emperors of the Justinian dynasty, Phocas, Heraclius, Anastasius, Zeno, Basiliscus, Leo the Thracian, Marcian, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Theodosius II, Gratianus, Valentinian II, Julius Nepos and Olybrius
- Added some missing Wikipedia links
- Changed the chariot teams events' picture to one depicting the Hippodrome
- Added a year 500 condition for the Romance melting-pots events to begin to avoid them from firing only a few years after start when starting at dates before that
- Added icons for the WtWSMS holy order decisions
- Added an icon for the "Create Audianistic Papacy" and "Alamannian Sacrifice" decisions
- Added some missing VIET events, credits to cybrxkhan and OrdepNM from the VIET team
- Disabled starting the game between 475.1.1 and the first bookmark
- Additions and tweaks to VIET Events Pictures from VIET 2.0.1 Dawn
- Added VIET-style Flavor events: 4 Noric-Roman, 7 Bosporan, 5 Corduenian courtesy of cybrxkhan
- Added an event allowing the citizens of Constantinople to overthrow an Eastern Roman Emperor of Isaurian culture
- Limited the max warscore from battles to 75% in Imperial Reconquest CBs to make the wars have the potential to be longer and costlier
- Disabled the vanilla imperial reconquest casus belli, which is redundant with the WtWSMS reconquest
- Added the urban prefecture of Constantinople with historical holders as a historical equivalent of the urban prefecture of Rome
- Fixed Alamannia, Praetorian Prefecture of Italy and Praetorian Prefecture of Africa having the same colour
- Fided Gustow having the same colour as Libya
- Added an Eastern Roman Imperial Regalia artifact
- Tweaked the 'Restore the Pontificate Maxima' decision being available for the Latin Empire and not for the Western Roman Empire, as suggested by @Pax Romana
- Added a few historical bloodlines:
- Blood of Augustus
- Blood of Constantine
- Blood of Gupta
- Added a reformed version of the Eiateuta, Armazi and East African Pagan religions
- Changed the deities and the nature of East African Pagan for it to be less generic
- Added an event for late-game Visigoths
- Lowered the impact of 535-536 weather events of disease resistance, as the previous value caused the world to be plagued with plagues in the period
- Removed historical buildings that are now covered by vanilla wonders
- Added a decision for the Cantabrians to erect a stelae
- Increased the penalties for the Tribal government from +2 to +1 demesne size and -10 to -20 vassal limit
- Added war-torn and devastated by war province modifiers
- All tribal kingdoms now have a risk of fracturing upon the death of their ruler
- Added female Lusitanian names for the Galician and East Gallic cultures
- Renamed Nicene faith to "Chalcedonian", as the game takes place after the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and Oriental Orthodox Churches also belong to Nicene Christianity

- Added a fictional Romano-British count in Nantes to represent their local influence even after the end of Riothamus' authority
- Added new rulers for Cyprus
- Added historical governors of Osrhoene
- Added many historical governors of Campania
- Added four historical governors for Sardinia
- Added five historical governors of Dalmatia
- Added two historical duces Numidiae
- Added one historical dux Byzacenae
- Added Rogatianus, consularis Tusciae suburbicariae, vassal of the WRE in 476
- Added Sulpicius, bishop of Bourges 584-591
- Filled in historical vicars of the Seven Provinces prior to the first start date
- Added Venantius, corrector of Lucaniae et Bruttiorum
- Added four historical governors of Sicily prior to the first start date
- Added two playble historical governors of Sicily
- Added two historical governors of Crete prior to 476
- Added two historical governors of Apulia
- Added two historical comites of Tours
- Added four historical comites of Angouleme
- Added Vaefarius, Frankish dux east of the Jura in 573
- Added Ennodius, comes of Poitiers in 577 and dux of Poitiers and Tours 585-587
- Added Austrapius, dux of Poitiers and Tours in 556
- Added Berulfus, dux of Poitiers and Tours in 585
- Added one other historical Frankish dux
- Added Dulcidius, father of Emperor Justin II
- Added Waddo, comes of Saintes before 584
- Added Eumerius, bishop of Nantes 533-550
- Added three historical comites of Javols
- Added three historical bishops of Reims
- Added twenty historical comites Orientis
- Added a fictional Bosporan Hypsistarian count under Crimean Goths, as suggested by @Erik W
- Added a fictional Dacian Zalmoxian count under Gepids, as suggested by @Erik W
- Added a fictional Galatian Hellenic Pagan count under Pontus, as suggested by @Erik W
- Added the consuls of 401, 403, 520, 521
- Added Agerochius, historical governor of Haemimontus in 535
- Added Herodes, praeses of a province in the East, with his family
- Added Hilarion, pater civitatis of Jerusalem
- Added Hierodoxus, pater civitatis of Attalia
- Added Theodorus, pater civitatis of Smyrna
- Added Demosthenes, historical pater civitatis in the Eastern Roman Empire
- Added Pergamius, praefectus augustalis in 482, with his relatives, including John the Silent
- Added many other historical praefecti augustales
- Added a few historical governors of Syria Salutaris
- Added thirteen historical governors of Palaestina Prima (Iudea in game)
- Added ten historical duces of Palaestina
- Added two historical governors of Arabia
- Added three historical duces of Phoenice Libanensis
- Added two historical governors of Phoenice
- Added two historical governors of Galatia
- Added Basilianus Macedonius, historical governor of Rhodope
- Added two historical governors of Thebais
- Added four historical governors of Arcadia
- Added four historical vicars of Thrace
- Added three historical magistri miI. of Thrace as a governor of the diocese
- Added Servandus, a historical governor of Scythia Minor
- Added Helias, a historical proconsul of Crete in 539
- Added six other historical governors in the Eastern Roman Empire
- Made Suebi lands Visigothic after the conquest in 585
- Added a war for Justinian's invasion of Hispania
- Changed the Roman localisation of Salamanca from Salamancus to Helmantica
- Altered the cultural setup in northern Hispania
- Modified the political situation prior to Leovigild's conquest and added representation of the conquests
- Added seven historical governors of Numidia prior to 476
- Added Gemellus, governor of Southeast Gaul under Theoderic
- Added two historical defensores civitatis in Minorca
- Added three historical rectores Provinciae under the Franks
- Added one historical bishop of Arles
- Added two historical comites civitatis of Meaux
- Added one historical comes of Châteaudun
- Added three historical patricios in Burgundy
- Added one historical comes of Bordeaux
- Added one historical comes of Cambrai
- Added Servatus, dux Raetiarum under Theoderic the Great
- Added one historical comes of Limoges
- Added one historical comes of Rouen
- Added one historical comes of Clermont-Ferrand
- Added Boocolabras, a fugitive from the Avars at the Eastern Roman court in 582, who slept with the Avar khan's wife
- Added historical governors of Moesia Secunda in 538 and 582
- Added three historical duces of Moesia Secunda
- Fixed Lalland having no holder after 534
- Ikonion is no longer held by Zeno until 492
- Added the nickname "the Younger" to Theodosius II
- Set a more accurate date of king Chlodomer's death
- Fixed Chlothar not gaining Tours and Poitiers after Chlodomer's death
- Made the Praetorian Prefect of Africa in 544 also hold Tripolitania in 543
- Some corrections in 583-585 scrollable history of western Gaul
- The Ostrogothic kingdom no longer holds land east of the Danube
- In 535 bookmark the Gepids no longer hold two provinces that used to split the Sklaveni realm in half
- Made the vassal of ERE in Dalmatia in 535 bookmark a governor of Dalmatia instead of exarch of Ravenna
- Transferred Alexandretta from Oriens to Cilicia to better match both the historical and the mod's de jure territory
- Fixed duplicate Claudius Iulius Eclesius Dynamius
- Fixed Pompeius not being the father of Paulus, Caesaria and two other siblings of Anastasius
- Fixed duplicate Rufius Achilius Sividius
- Fixed the previously created fictional holders of Prus tribe not being used in history of the counties
- Added a historical marriage between the consul of 510 and the daughter of the consul of 485
- Made the previously added consul of 519 Eutharic Cilliga actually hold the Senate
- Added some fictional rulers of the Narvik tribe from Early Bookmarks Submod to make them playable in later starts, credits to @tsf4
- Added fictional holders for the northern tribes of Mo, Bjarma, Vologda, Roslagen, Pechory, Toropets, Mordvins, Uusimaa, Savo, Aaninen, Votyaki and Zyriane to make them playable in later starts
- Added fictional holders for the high chiefdom of Rostov to make it playable in later starts
- Added fictional holders for the high chiefdom of Vladimir to make it playable in later starts
- Added fictional holders for the high chiefdom of the Lettigalians to make it playable in later starts
- Added fictional holders for the high chiefdom of the Zemigalians to make it playable in later starts
- Added fictional holders for the high chiefdom of the Saami to make it playable in later starts
- Added fictional holders for the high chiefdom of the Kola to make it playable in later starts
- Fixed the appearance of Apulia on character selection map in the early VI century
- Added Elias, a historical dux in Egypt
- Added Vasak, a historical dux of Roman Armenia
- Fixed the direct vassals of the Praetorian Prefecture of Illyricum appearing as direct vassals of the ERE on the character selection screen
- Made the various governors of Dalmatia hold Senj and Veglia to better match the historical borders of the Roman province of Dalmatia
- Added Sunhivadus, an Ostrogothic official, as a holder of Samnium
- Added Fridibadus, a historical Ostrogothic comes Saviae
- Added Ursus, a historical Gothic dux Norici
- Added Alypius, a historical vicarius Britanniarum before the first start date
- Added seven historical vicarii Asiae before the first start date
- Fixed five provinces in southern Italy being held by the holders of Sicily instead of the exarchs of Ravenna after 584
- Added six historical praetores Siciliae
- Fixed Venice being held directly by the Eastern Roman emperor instead of the exarchs of Ravenna after 584
- Added Anio, a historical comes at Aprutium in 598
- Added five historical praetorian prefects of Italy
- Added three historical magistri miI. Spaniae
- Added two historical proconsuls of Achaia
- Added one historical comes of Pannonia Sirmiensis
- Added three historical governors of Insulae
- Added one historical governor of Flaminia before the earliest start date
- Added ten historical urban prefects of Rome
- Added one historical vicar of Pontus
- Added one historical governor of Mauretaniania Tingitana
- Added one historical governor of Mauretaniania Caesariensis
- Added one historical governor of Lusitania
- Added three historical governors of Tripolitania
- Fixed Valerius Faltonius Adelfius's wife name
- Fixed Empress Aelia Eudocia having a wrong spouse added (Flavius Bauto)
- Fixed age of Flavia Domitilla: she was born 9 years after her mother's death
- Fixed age of Lucius Septimius Severus: he was born 15 years after his father's death
- Fixed age of Aurelius Celsinus: he was born when his father was 5 years old
- Fixed age of Anastasia, half sister of Constantine who was born when her mother was 65 years old
- Fixed age of Flavius Probinus based on Geni
- Fixed mother of Vibia Matidia Sabina based on Geni
- Fixed Bonifacius being father of Sebastianus (his son-in-law)
- Fixed Sidamic and Abasgian genealogies. Characters were born many years after their parents death
- Fixed genealogy of Lakhmids (Al-Numan I not being son of Imru al-Qays II because they were born in same date)
- Fixed genealogy of Quraishites (it may still be imperfect). Before this genealogy had many duplicate characters from vanilla
- Removed claims of Quintus Aurelius Memmius Symmachus on Papacy
- Connected Boethius with children and added unused dynasty name for him and his father
- Added dynasty names for Claudius Iulius Eclesius Dynamius and Rufius Achilius Sividius, which were used by deleted duplicates
- Added new dynasty names for Gregorius Attalus, Paeionius and Mummolus
- Fixed age of Odyssius, Moesia Superior holder
- Fixed age of Gaius Basilius: he was born 25 years after his father's death
- Fixed wrong dynasties of some characters - few East Slavic and one Alanic in Spain
- Fixed age of Chlodio: he was born 17 years after his father's death
- Added ten historical duces of Thebais
- Added eight historical duces et augustales of Alexandria
- Added nineteen historical Patriarchs of Alexandria
- Added one historical dux of Scythia Minor
- Added one historical dux of Isauria
- Added one historical comes Isauriae
- Added three fictional governors of Isauria to make it playble in later start dates
- Added three historical governors of Byzacena
- Added one historical governor of Samnium
- Added one historical governor of Pannonia Secunda
- Removed the Content trait from Burdunellus and Peter, because they were historically ambitious usurpers against the Visigothic rulers of Spain, as suggested by @symmachus AKA Pax Romana
- Added two historical duces Syriae
- Added one historical dux of Osrhoene
- Added one historical vicar of Macedonia
- Added one historical governor of Bithynia
- Added one historical governor of Cappadocia
- Added one historical governor of Cilicia
- Added twelve historical Patriarchs of Jerusalem
- Added two historical bishops of Jerusalem before the Council of Chalcedon
- Added twenty-four historical Patriarchs of Antioch
- Made Northern Italy actually become Aquileian in the second half of the sixth century
- Added five historical Patriarchs of Aquileia
- Fixed culture of the existing Arsacids and added more Arsacids from the vanilla
- Added fifteen historical bishops and Patriarchs of Aquileia
- Fixed the Massalian holder of Massalia duchy controlling no land
- Moved Saluzzo and Piedmont from Burgundy to WRE
- Fixed the end date of Odoacer's Invasion of Rome
- Fixed Rugiland remaining on the map after the death of Feletheus
- Fixed the governors of Sassaninian Arbayistan holding no counties
- Added two sisters of emperor Maurice
- Added two historical comites excubitorum
- Added one historical vicarius Hispaniarum
- Moved Massalia's capital from Nice to Provence, which is the province that contains Marseille
- Added two Suebic kings
- Changed the culture of Edeko, the father of Odoacer, from Skirian to Thuringian
- Fixed Alaric II of the Visigoths not having a mother
- Added Baduarius, a son-in-law of emperor Justin II
- Added Areobindus, a general of Justinian killed in 546 by the rebel Guntharis
- Added a missing marriage link between Heraclius's parents
- Added a missing marriage link between Leontia Porphyrogenita and Julius Patricius
- Added Papimus, a cavalry officer under Leontius
- Fixed duplicate Gwrast the Ragged
- Fixed some rulers of Rostov and Vladimir having Christian names
- Fixed the dynasty rulling Rostov having a Christian name
- Added Sabbatius, the father of emperor Justinian
- Added Salla, a Visigothic dux in Spain in 483
- Added Sisisclus, a historical Visigothic dux of Baetica in 619
- Added Claudius, a Hispano-Roman Nicene dux of Lusitania in the late VI century
- Added one historical dux of Libya
- Changed non-existant "berber" culture provinces in Sahel to Tuareg and religion from African to Central African (Berber)
- Overhauled government types attributed in history to add the Sub-Roman and High Tribal governments
- Made the two tribal polities of Gifla and Sussex in Britain tribal in-game
- Fixed duplicate Bayan I
- Renamed the Duchy of Catalonia to Barcinensis for historical accuracy
- Renamed the titular Duchy of Bordeaux to Burdigala for historical accuracy
- Renamed the titular Duchy of Auvergne to Arvernia for historical accuracy
- Added Magnus Maximus and Eugenius to WRE title history
- Removed Welsh and Breton cultures prior to 600
- Changed culture of Lugdunum and Vienna from Burgundian to Romano-Gallic
- Expanded the history of Domnonia and made it Nicene rather than Pagan at start
- Made Caecina Aginatius Albinus, praefectus urbis Romae in 414, a son of Albinus, praefectus urbis Romae in 402
- Made the Visigothic kingdom a triburary of Italy between 511 and 526 to represent Theodoric the Great being king Amalaric's regent

- Fixed the Praetorian Guard's history, fixing the Western Scholae Palatinae decision
- Added the missing priest key for the Germanic Pagan religion
- Filled in some missing secret society localisation
- Fixed the conditions of the maintenance event for keeping the bureaucratic government
- Fixed the Thracian Goths being listed as tributaries of the ERE even after disappearing
- Fixed double and sometimes even triple tributary suzerains leading to large deficits and complicated alliance webs
- Fixed Chinese off-map event troops spawning in Africa
- Fixed the eastern edge of the map not being recognised in the mod
- Fixed events about the spread of Christianity, adoption of feudalism and religious divergences between Christians firing repeatedly
- Fixed Aramaic characters not corresponding to Aramean provinces
- Fixed a few positions in Northern Africa
- Fixed the Aquileian Patriarchy remaining active after resolution of the Aquileian Schism
- Fixed the wrong Merovingian king being referenced as an important character in the Fallen Giant bookmark
- Changed Nicene characters on the British Isles to Insular prior to the Synod of Whitby
- Fixed Justinian's Plague's appearance not corresponding with the historical date with the historical scenario
- Added additional checks to ensure characters involved in foederati negotiations remain landed throughout, to prevent war declarations on unlanded characters
- Prevented the Western Roman Emperor from losing the Western Roman Imperial Regalia in the "Fall of Rome" event in cases where he keeps titles outside Rome and Ravenna
- Added some missing VIET decision icons
- Added some missing localisation to the VIET "Gwyl Madant" event chain
- Prevented the Avars asking for money event from firing for the ERE in case the Gepids no longer exist
- Fixed a few Tibetan mercenary bands being located in North Africa
- The scripted event for the Frankish king to decide to change religion now requires the old melting-pots to be activated with game rule
- Integrated the Third Temple building with the decision to build the Third Temple
- Fixed the county of Znojmo having no holder between 546 and 548
- Fixed the history of the Lombards
- Disabled the VIET volcano event until it's fixed by a vanilla patch or WtWSMS
- Fixed the history of the Caucasian Alans
- Fixed the "Failed Crops" modifier appearing in every province after 545 on every startup
- Fixed the spawned troops of Zeno disbanding too late, leading to a large amount of troops when starting between his victory over Basiliscus and 480
- Fixed the history of Kucha between 560 and 595
- Fixed the Venedi tribe being of the Venedi culture rather Vistula-Veneti as their provinces
- Removed remaining characters of the now unused Latin culture by turning them into Romans
- Fixed Triarius not being holder of Thracian Goths
- Fixed the history of b_anicius and b_terracina
- Fixed the history of Avars, Obodrites, Kashgar and Himyar
- Fixed some names in Iazyges namelist
- Fixed Amalfi being republican-type holding
- Fixed Mazandaran not having any holders after 531
- Fixed history of Pisa and some Lombard duchies
- Fixed Elemunding dynasty using newly added Augustulus CoA
- Fixed the death by getting lost in the desert having no sound
- Fixed the Gothic War appearing in the ledger in 476
- Fixed the decision to mend the Acacian Schism being visible after the historical reunion
- Fixed "Invasion of ---" being declarable on realms with legions
- Changed culture of the Nestorian patriarchs from Levantine Arabic to Aramean
- Changed culture of the Alexandrian patriarchs from Egyptian Arabic to Coptic
- Fixed a few of the conversion events in the melting-pots event chain not leading to conversion when the character insists
- Fixed conversion demands for melting-pot events appearing despite conversion having already happened
- Fixed the duchy of Deheubarth not being present
- Fixed Toledo not becoming the Visigothic capital in 507
- Fixed the Fylkirate appearing at start despite the Norse religion not existing
- Fixed Valais being theocratic-type holding
- Fixed dynasties for Raetian and Romano-Noric cultures didn't appeared in game
- Fixed duplicate characters in Britain
- Fixed duplicate Publilius Caeionius Caecina Albinus
- Fixed the Ashina dynasty's genealogy and added their bloodline
- Fixed the family tree of the Iberian Kings
- Fixed a conflict between the religious revocation law in vanilla and the tolerance law added by the mod
- Fixed a victory against a foederati rebellion not restoring the foederati contract




- Compatibility with vanilla 2.8.3
- Integrated Ancient Religions v0.41.3 "Cardea" (интеграция подмода - Древние религии)
- Added the conquest of Italy by the Ostrogoths in the history (Исторические события, связанные с завоеванием Италии остготами добавлены)
- Added a decision to recreate the Praetorian Guard as a mercenary band for WRE and RE, as suggested by @cchiu23 (Добавлено решение на создание преторианской гвардии как отряда наемников (ЗРИ, РИ))
- Added game rules to give the player a choice between the old and the new melting pot events (Добавлены правила игры для игрока в случае ситуаций, когда приходится выбирать между старыми и новыми событиями, связанными с механизмом "плавильного котла")

- Fixed the issues with coat of arms not appearing due to a bad merge with vanilla changes (Исправлены гербы, не появлявшиеся в ванилле)
- Fixed it being impossible to get the effect of the Last Roman Empire decision when starting after Nepos' death (Исправлено решение на эффекты от решения на "Последнюю Римскую империю", после смерти Юлия Непота)
- Fixed the issue with events demanding conversion firing after major battles (Исправлены события, связанные с насильственным крещением после ключевых баталий)
- Fixed Nubian Warrior Barracks being visible to all cultures that aren't Coptic (Исправлен баг с бараками войнов-нубийцев)
- Disabled VIET events informing about events in China, which didn't work with the Jade Dragon DLC China offmap power (Отключены события, связанные с Китаем (надо дополнить))
- Fixed the history of duchies between Garamantes and Egypt making them disappear in favor of multi-province counts, all with the same colour (Исправлена история графств меж гарамантами и Египтом, которые часто имели сходные цвета)
- Fixed the initial melting-pot flag not being set if the ruler was already feudal or Christian at start (Исправлен флаг "плавильного котла", который не устанавливался даже при феодализме\принятом христианстве)
- Fixed Persian empire cultural name localisation in French in the dedicated sub-mod (Исправлено наименование Персии для французской локализации)




- Added a new government type: Legion government type for the legions, based upon the government in BTWK (credits to the BTWK team)

- Modified the culture and religion of the legion leader. The legion leader has now the culture and religion of the restaurer instead the roman culture.
- Fixed the issue with the Italian Prefecture having 20 000 in dignity rather than 200, which caused it to stay the primary title even though the holders held empires or kingdoms
- Modified the Sassanid government type to prevent Zoroastrian characters outside the Sassanids from receiving it
- Solved the issue which caused temple vassals of the Sassanids to have the wrong holding type
- Changed a few flags for some provinces and titles
- Fixed the issue with holders of the court poet honorary title immediately losing it and the title being available to all cultures
- Prevented characters at war from asking for religious conversion
- Prisoners will no longer always accept to convert
- Added decisions to create the Arian Papacy for Arians, to elevate the Bishop of Avila as a Priscillian and to centralise the Cult of the Serpent as a Sethian
- Prevented the Victory of Theodoric against Italy event from appearing after a white peace rather than a victory
- Fixed the decision of the establishment of a High Patriarch for the Adoptionist religion being for Apollinarianism rather than Adoptionism
- Made the Ostrogoths into a kingdom to solve the issues when Italy is conquered and for a more accurate setup
- Fixed wrong capital locations for a number of duchies in the kingdoms of Gaetulia and Garamantes
- Integrated Ancient Religions v0.38.2 "Egeria", for compatibility with 2.6.2
- Forming the Anubis Guard now requires holding the empire of Africa



Версия 0.9.9

- Compatibility with vanilla 2.6.2
- Greatly expanded history in a variety of regions, with new Frankish tribes, minor realms replacing Mauretaniania and the Cushites and a new setup in India, see the dev diary for a general overview: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
- Added a new government type: Sassanid government type for the Sassanids based on historical research on Persia
- Reworked many colours across the map, based upon: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
- Overhauled the map of Mesopotamia and Western Persia, see on: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
- Ported over a religious tolerance system from Lux Invicta (credits to the team, thanks to Numahr for advice and recommendation)

- Disabled the vanilla religious conversion actions
- Added targeted decisions to convert vassals or prisoners, or convert to the religion of a spouse, consort or concubine
- Added a set of religious tolerance laws
- Modified the likelihood of provinces and rulers converting based upon laws and mentalities
- Divided the religions in five different categories based upon mentalities:
- Proselyte, good at converting others well but vulnerable to conversion from other branches within same religious group
- Ancestral, bad at converting others and very vulnerable to conversion from others
- Bastion of the Faith, bad at converting others but resistant against conversion from others
- Communitarian
- Sectarian

- Added decisions for powerful rulers to restore the Western Roman Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire with associated events

- Integrated Ancient Religions v0.38.1 "Actaeon", for compatibility with 2.6.1
- Disabled the Hellenism, Kemetism and Celtic revival events from ACR
- Removed the Promothean and Titan heresies from ACR
- Added the tribal Nasamones in Africa and changed the dejure of the local area to fit it
- Redesigned the dejure structure of Yemen and reworked Socotra
- Added characters to Constantinian, Syagrii, Ancii, Justinian, Vandalic, Aurelian, Vespasian, Severan, Basiliscan, Neposian and Theodosian dynasties
- Reworked Armorica to a more historical setup
- Reworked the vassals of Soissons to fit the old Roman provincial setup
- Tweaked the governments in East Africa
- Added 6 Monophysite provinces in Arabia
- Replaced ahistorical legions with historical ones: V Iovia (Moesia Superior), IV Flavia Felix (Moesia Superior), V Macedonica (Moesia)
- Moved III Augusta out of Northern Numidia and station it in Numidia Militania instead
- Added a rough Spanish translation of the installer
- Updated conditions for restoring most legions: you have to control the legion's home-duchy and be its dejure king
- Allowed female rulers to restore historical legions
- Improved the loading tips
- Improved bookmarks and era character descriptions
- Deepened Root West religion with reformation and holy order, courtesy of TurtleShroom
- Renamed 'Anglo' culture to 'Angle'
- Added some cultural localization for Old Frisian, by aap5454
- Removed the "Convert a Province" ambition that wasn't intended to be in the mod
- Added missing wealth check for Roman Reconquest CBs
- Moved the Insular holy site of Canterbury towards St. Albans
- Integrated the Nephew to the Purple sub-mod, courtesy of Sarcastik, see on: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
- Restricted WRE rulers from forming the empire of Italia
- Separated the Eagle Lake font to an optional sub-mod
- Fixed the issue with two counties named Scalabis Iulia in Iberia
- Modified the birthdates of Claffo Lethings's descendants for more realistic intervals and childbirths
- Prevented the ERE event about sending gold to the Ostrogths from firing if the two realms are at war
- Restored the ambitions that were removed for those who have Conclave in vanilla 2.5
- Enabled a few flavour events for the Thuringian, Frisian and Alamannian cultures, as well as one for Arians and a few for the Central Africans
- Added a decision for adopting the Bureaucratic government
- Added gods for Melchisedechians as well as African and Latin Solar Pagans
- Antinomians can now do incest, use more seduction and party more often
- Monatists and Donatists can no longer use the seduction focus, as per their religious beliefs
- Taoists can no longer hunt
- Rulers of Gothic duchies now use the Gothic/Protogerman/High German/Old English/German title "Druhtīnaz", literally "suffix for the leader of a war band"
- Lowered the amounts of event troops for Zenon, Theodoric and Odoacer
- Added additional checks to ensure that historical event troops disbands
- Made the barony of Aksum a historical vassal of the empire of Axum
- Fixed some positions and stray pixels in North Africa
- Pope should now convert back to the Nicene religion if converted
- Fixed the issue which caused the Roman Senate to become feudal
- Prevented Kemetics from using holy war and county conquest CB
- Added modifiers to make sure the Sassanid and ERE AI focus on historical areas
- Made Semitic pagans more likely to use the Tributary CB
- Added a date restriction to the pagan subjugation CB, to prevent pagans from subjugating before 800
- Added a prestige requirement to the Roman Reconquest CB for Roman sucessor states
- Added the Macronian, Gokturkish, Reudignian and Yathribi cultures
- Modified the Khwarezmian culture namelist
- Renamed and added some historical dynasties
- Prevented the AI from forming the kingdoms of Vindelica, Germania Inferior, Gallaecia, Tarraconensis, Maxima Sequanorum, Germanica Magna, Lugdunensis, Belgica, Africa and the the empire of Italy
- Restricted the conditions for forming the kingdom of Italy to prevent holders of Italia from forming it
- Added cultural title localisations for a variety of Germanic, Romance, Slavic and Celtic cultures
- Added some Zoroastrian and Hindu mercenaries
- Added new pagan religious heads
- Modified the elective succession law to prevent Persia from switching to it
- Added a reformed Sanamahi religion
- Added some flavour for the Manichean religion
- Soissons and Italy are now bureaucraticc
- Added Mazdeist, Zurvanist and Siyavashist schools of Zoroastrianism
- Added a special retinue for Picts
- Made the AI of a multitude of cultures less likely to pick the convert to liege religion decision
- Added government flavour for the Sassanids and Soissons
- Prevented vassals in Sassanid realms from forming Independence factions
- Added a gamerule for the experimental Rise of Islam feature
- Added cultural tribal buildings, courtesy of Fareoem
- Limited the distance at which Germanic Pagans can migrate
- Made unreformed pagans twice as likely to start independence factions
- Added Glycerius' assassination attempt in the Nepos startdate
- Moved Odoacer to Mantua and turned the initial war against Romulus Augustus into a rebellion



Версия 0.9.8


Compatibility with vanilla 2.5.2


Integrated Ancient Religions v0.37.3 "Tullius", for compatibility with 2.5.2

Fixed the Ecumenical Patriarch (d_orthodox) being Orthodox rather than Nicene

Fixed the duchy of Numidia Militana's capital being located in the county of Tunis rather than the intended of Manzakine

Fixed the typo in the name of Aiwareiks (Euric)

Added some and tweaked existing character descriptions in the era selection

Integrated the cultural buildings and retinues from the SWMCB sub-mod, courtesy of GrandiSlayer, see on: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Added/Fixed missing holy sites for certain religions

Added Noric and Raetian in list of Romance cultures

Added some cultural localization for Noric and Raetian cultures

Added a cost for the Reconquest CBs upon declaration, with a minimum of 500 and a scaled cost if 50% of the annual income is above that as well as a cost in case the reconquest fails

Added narrative and character events for Zeno defeating Basiluskos in the 476 startdate

Added narrative and character events for Theodoric defeating Odoacer

Fixed the typo in the Druid trait description

Fixed "Last Roman Empire" decision triggers

Fixed some missing icons for restore legion decisions

Fixed some misplaced positions

Fixed Roman re-conquest events and CBs using custom regions

Fixed duplicate "Fall of Rome" event

Fixed game-over when using migration CB on nomadic lands

Fixed -- in migration CB war name

Reworked fall of Rome story events to add safeties for uncommon cases and make sure Odoacer's event troops are disbanded

Fixed some localization issues



Как решить баг с вылетами (информация от 20.01.2015):

Jagir писал:
У меня тоже были вылеты не помог ни патч ни новая версия мода. Начал игру, сохранил сейв. Открыл сейв нотепадом++, затем ctrl+f ввожу слово noculture и заменяю у каждого персонажа с такой культурой, на любую другую культуру. У меня набралось четверо... затем сохранил сейв... загрузил этот сохраненный сейв и продолжил игру. Вылеты прекратились... сейчас полет нормальный, в игре прошло 23 года.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  по установке модов, а также Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  по установке скачанных со Steam Workshop модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Актуализация информации; Правки оформления

Закреплённые сообщения

Два пустых события вылезают и всё, играть невозможно. Буду ждать версию 2.0.


Мод запустился, но у меня тоже два пустых ивента, и все. :( Вдвойне обидно, потому что выглядит все очень вкусно.


Что-то тут не так. Если разработчики выпускают новые версии, тестируют, значит у них этой очевидной проблемы нет. Попробую поэкспериментировать с отключением длс.

Что-то тут не так. Если разработчики выпускают новые версии, тестируют, значит у них этой очевидной проблемы нет. Попробую поэкспериментировать с отключением длс.

В "багрепортах" уже много подобных жалоб на данную проблему.

Герцог Цербст
с новым годом, версия стабильна?

Да, очень, я за Западный осколок Рима захватил окружающих германцев и восточный осколок путем удачного брака. Жалко только что не совместим с событиями оригинальной игры, нет закладок семисотых, восьмисотых, тысячных годов и дальше. А так очень даже ничего, красивые картинки над эвентами, видно хорошую кисть.

*Судя по тексту выше, не очень стабильная. Но у меня во всяком случае все кошерно

Изменено пользователем Герцог Цербст

*Судя по тексту выше, не очень стабильная. Но у меня во всяком случае все кошерно

Поделитесь секретом, как вы это сделали? :) Запускали на 2.3, со всеми длс?

Герцог Цербст
Поделитесь секретом, как вы это сделали? :) Запускали на 2.3, со всеми длс?

Да, но я как обычно выключил Вторжение Запада, ибо не считаю его нужным. Кроме этого мода никаких нет, все на английском, благо, понятно. Вот вам, например, Король Гундобад (Лол)6yLGRw3EahM.jpg

Подтверждаю,мод на 2.3(со всеми длс) работает отлично,так что ребят крепитесь, тут у вас какие то проблемы. Что касается мода-то он вне сомнений просто прекрасен,очень надеюсь что мод будет развиваться,а не загнется с выходом следующего дополнения к игре.


Проблему для себя решил. Каюсь, играю на пиратке. Удалил старый, скачал и поставил более поздний репак версии 2.3 из главного раздела CKII. Теперь пустые ивенты в начале игры не выскакивают.


<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- перед установкой удалить старую версию и все хвосты

ChangelogНажмите здесь!

- Fixed Breton cultured provinces

- Fixed various characters (emperors, vandalic and ostrogothic ones mainly)

- Changed culture colour codes

- Partially fixed realm decisions

- Expanded CM, 2.2, WoL and 2.3 Compatibility

- Validation fixes, courtesy of Romulien

- Fixed blank events pop-ups, courtesy of Romulien

- Fixed duplicate tech entries for certain duchies

- Added a recommended bookmark in 480


Герцог Цербст
<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- перед установкой удалить старую версию и все хвосты

ChangelogНажмите здесь!

- Fixed Breton cultured provinces

- Fixed various characters (emperors, vandalic and ostrogothic ones mainly)

- Changed culture colour codes

- Partially fixed realm decisions

- Expanded CM, 2.2, WoL and 2.3 Compatibility

- Validation fixes, courtesy of Romulien

- Fixed blank events pop-ups, courtesy of Romulien

- Fixed duplicate tech entries for certain duchies

- Added a recommended bookmark in 480


У меня периодически вылетает игра с модом, этот фикс решает проблему?


не совсем понимаю логику добавить кучу провинций в северной африке ... или это временно и со временем покромсят всю карту?


<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

Changelog:Нажмите здесь!

- Added some Early Teodosian characters

- Removed the duplicate 1_landed_title, courtesy of Romulien

- Validating fixes, courtesy of Romulien


У меня периодически вылетает игра с модом, этот фикс решает проблему?

Толком не играл ещё, но всплывающие пустые ивенты поправили.


Немного поиграл - пока очень сыро, много багов. При игре за греко-римских язычников и митраистов вылет при клике на закладку религии. Эти религии даже в списке не отображаются. Баги подсчета голосов вассалов при изменении законов короны. ЗРИ почему-то титулярная. Случаются даже рандомные вылеты на пустом месте, когда время на паузе. Но в целом интересно, варварский мир кипит и клокочет как перегретый котел. Надо подождать, пока разработчики выпустят более стабильную версию.

Обрисуйте ситуацию, бета патчи оба надо ставить поверх этого мода????

The Punisher 85
Обрисуйте ситуацию, бета патчи оба надо ставить поверх этого мода????

Нет, просто качай последний бета патч. Это полный мод.

после патча флаги перемешались. Ни один флаг из флагфайлс мода не соответствует такому в игре((((


When the World Stopped Making Sense


<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex> (на патч 2.5.2, старые сохранения не работают)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Дневники разработчиков:

  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Список измененийНажмите здесь!


Compatibility with vanilla 2.5.2


Integrated Ancient Religions v0.37.3 "Tullius", for compatibility with 2.5.2

Fixed the Ecumenical Patriarch (d_orthodox) being Orthodox rather than Nicene

Fixed the duchy of Numidia Militana's capital being located in the county of Tunis rather than the intended of Manzakine

Fixed the typo in the name of Aiwareiks (Euric)

Added some and tweaked existing character descriptions in the era selection

Integrated the cultural buildings and retinues from the SWMCB sub-mod, courtesy of GrandiSlayer, see on: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Added/Fixed missing holy sites for certain religions

Added Noric and Raetian in list of Romance cultures

Added some cultural localization for Noric and Raetian cultures

Added a cost for the Reconquest CBs upon declaration, with a minimum of 500 and a scaled cost if 50% of the annual income is above that as well as a cost in case the reconquest fails

Added narrative and character events for Zeno defeating Basiluskos in the 476 startdate

Added narrative and character events for Theodoric defeating Odoacer

Fixed the typo in the Druid trait description

Fixed "Last Roman Empire" decision triggers

Fixed some missing icons for restore legion decisions

Fixed some misplaced positions

Fixed Roman re-conquest events and CBs using custom regions

Fixed duplicate "Fall of Rome" event

Fixed game-over when using migration CB on nomadic lands

Fixed -- in migration CB war name

Reworked fall of Rome story events to add safeties for uncommon cases and make sure Odoacer's event troops are disbanded

Fixed some localization issues


Установка: Удалите старые файлы мода и извлеките скачанный архив в Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod. не забудьте очистить папку gfx в Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\WTWSMS\gfx.


Что нужно для работы мода:

Винда должна быть 64бит

Оперативы не менее 4Гб

Игру и мод ставим заново!!! Предварительно, внимательно изучив совместимость версий игры и мода.

Инглиш моды не будут работать с полным русификатором!!! Только с лайт русиком ваниллы (папку "localisation" из русика ваниллы закидываем с заменой в папку с ваниллой)

И внимательно изучаем какие ДЛЦ надо или не надо изучать!!!


Как решить баг с вылетамиНажмите здесь!
у меня тоже были вылеты не помог ни патч ни новая версия мода. начал игру, сохранил сейв. открыл сейв нотепадом ++, затем ctrl+f ввожу слово noculture и заменяю у каждого персонажа с такой культурой, на любую другую культуру. у меня набралось четверо...затем сохранил сейв...загрузил этот сохраненный сейв и продолжил игру. Вылеты прекратились ...сейчас полет нормальный, в игре прошло 23 года.
Изменено пользователем Alterus

после патча флаги перемешались. Ни один флаг из флагфайлс мода не соответствует такому в игре((((

Очисти Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\WTWSMS\gfx.

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Популярные сообщения


Hi, I'm a WtWSMS and Early Bookmarks Submod developer. It's really nice to see interest in my submod Next version is coming after WtWSMS update.


When the World Stopped Making Sense     WtWSMS — это масштабная переработка Crusader Kings 2. Мод позволяет играть от эпохи Великого переселения народов в любую дату с


Всем привет! Я один из разработчиков WtWSMS. Мод наконец-то был обновлён!  Список изменений: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Также у нас появился официальный сервер сообщества в Д


Из сабмодов на плазе (маловато, но хоть что-то): Total War Flags Автор взял флаги из TW:Attila и Rome II для некоторых фракций. И не более того.  0cde35201094a547ac88f34beb


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Changelog    


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Checksum: NFSW Compatibility: CK2 Vanilla 2.7.2 This release is save-game compatible with the previous version (back-up saves just in case)


Перевод начните, буду отвечаю


Вдруг кто-захочет завершить перевод (а также исправить ошибки и подгонять под новые версии). Когда то давно, я начал переводить этот мод, но забросил. Надеюсь, кому-нибудь, да пригодится.  P.S. .

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