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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Модификаций для Europa Universalis IV, пока, не так уж и много. Игра вышла не так давно, чтобы обрасти охапкой усовершенствований от игроков, пока ее доводят до блеска сами разработчики из Paradox Interactive. Уже вышло несколько крупных дополнений: Wealth of Nations, Conquest of Paradise и Res Publica, в скором времени появиться еще Art of War, это если не брать в расчет ворох мелких DLC, которые опустошают кошельки игроков, при весьма сомнительной их ценности. Но многим всех этих усилий по усовершенствованию оригинала недостаточно, такие люди сколачивают команду и делают все сами, изменяя игру на свой вкус и цвет - это выливается либо в маленький модик, каких сейчас большинство к игре, но порой появляются такие гиганты как Veritas et Fortitudo. Мод вырос как раз из небольшой модификации Glory of Byzantium, которая расширяла возможности при игре за понятно какую страну, но теперь же он полностью изменяет оригинальную Европу.

Первое что мы видим при запуске VeF, полностью перекроенную карту мира и новые временные рамки компании. Теперь игра стартует с 1309 года и заканчивается в 1865 году. Европа XIV века встречает игрока разноцветной гирляндой крошечных государств, их вассалов и партнеров по унии. Ни одного крупного пятна. Франция еще разобрана, как конструктор, такая же история с Испанией. Хоть какое-то постоянство цвета в Англии, которая увязла по уши в войне с шотландцами. Балканы, Восточная Европа - та же самая картина, зато в Азии господствуют крупные страны. Византия прочно хранит ворота на восток, Персия соседствует с огромной империей Пала. Севернее орды монголов штурмуют русские княжества.

Впрочем первое впечатление производит не столько новая эпоха, сколько то количество стран и провинций которое видит игрок. В одной только Византии можно запутаться (это видимо наследие от прародителя мода), что уж говорить о центре Европы - куда ни плюнь, попадешь в город-государство. Говоря цифрами в Veritas et Fortitudo добавлено более 450 новых провинций на глобальной карте, и около 100 новых государств, с уникальными национальными бонусами. Глаза разбегаются от такого выбора: собрать Нидерланды за Фландрию, Италию за Сан-Марино или может Карфаген за Тлемсен. Начинаешь чувствовать себя как ребенок в кондитерской лавке.

Да, да, я упомянул Карфаген, мод добавил огромное количество стран для "собирания": Бельгия, Иберийский Союз, Североморский Союз, Румыния, Русь, Валлония, Австралия, Чили и многие другие...


Но не только глобальной картой интересен Veritas et Fortitudo, изменения мода затрагивают и другие игровые аспекты. Довольно много изменений привносит мод и в управление. Чего только стоит удаление кнопки "Повысить стабильность", один щелчок и ваши подданные довольны и счастливы. Теперь такого не будет, показатель стабильности регулируется только игровыми событиями на появление которых влияет ваша игра. Много воюете, не дружите с соседями, зааннексили пару провинций с другой религией - ловите минусы, ну и наоборот, миролюбие, развитие инфраструктуры, науки, награждается плюсами, говоря языком Цивилизации - счастливыми рожицами.

Любители понастроить зданий будут очень довольны модом, он добавляет в оригинальную игру огромное количество новых построек, фермы, амбары, кузницы, шахты и многое другое. На постройки требуется только золото, никаких очков дипломатии и администрирования. Правда с наличностью тут проблемы, не смотря на то что провинций в игре стало больше, они дают меньше золота, особенно поначалу игры. Доходность земель меняется со временем, сказывается изменение цен на товары, наличие или отсутствие глобальных революций в промышленности и сельском хозяйстве, лидерство тех или иных фракций в правительстве. Последнее в ваниле было лишь у Китая, Индии и ряда торговых государств, в VeF же, практически каждое государство на карте может регулировать влияние церкви, торговцев и военных на свою экономику и управление.

Торговцам тоже есть чему подивиться в Veritas et Fortitudo, снова вернулись в игру торговые лиги - Ганзейская и Северная. Членство в них дает приятные бонусы вроде увеличения торгового дохода и количества купцов. А это важно, ведь мод добавил на карту новые торговые центры и огромное количество новых товаров со своими бонусами: древесина, драгоценности, масло, молочная продукция и даже алкоголь.


Изменения мода затронули и политику. Было увеличено количество дипломатических отношений без штрафа к очкам дипломатии с шести до десяти, так что нападая на какой-нибудь мелкий Гамбург можно конкретно получить от его союзников и надолго забыть о военном расширении. Вообще искусственный интеллект мода более агрессивен, страны под управлением компьютера любят сколачивать коалиции и давить игрока кучей.

Интересна и новая система вассалов и личных уний, теперь интеграция подчиненной страны проходит в пять этапов и это занимает намного больше десяти лет, вот как это проходит:

Первоначальная интеграция

Интеграция регионального управления

Интеграция провинциального управления

Интеграция военного командования

Интеграция дипломатических миссий

Вы можете ускорять процесс за деньги или очки монарха, но все равно это не старое доброе: завассалил, десять лет и вы мои. Помимо всего этого, после получения нового вассала можно изменить тип его государственности на вассальное губернаторство или даже поставить члена своей династии на его трон. Разумеется, повышая риски восстания в подчиненном государстве.


Не обошли стороной разработчики и науку. Стартуют теперь все нации с нулевой технологии. Бонусы к развитию были слегка смягчены для не "Западных" стран, чтобы они не так уж сильно отставали в развитии. Для стран восточной Европы, например, штраф теперь лишь 10%, не 20, как было в оригинале.

Особенно интересно изменилось дерево национальных идей. Помимо новых направлений, там появились взаимоисключающие параграфы. Инновации, религия или экономика - выбирайте что-то одно. Качественная ваша армия будет или огромная - тоже выбор.

К слову о армии, изменения коснулись и ее. Новые типы войск, новые юниты - все это добавляет мод Veritas et Fortitudo. Правда новые расчеты поединков немного удручают, бои длятся дольше, и зачастую исход боя решают ландшафт и навыки командующего а не численность воинства. Двадцать тысяч отборных византийских бойцов были легко разбиты пятитысячной армией персов в ходе моего наступления в горной местности.

Религия - ну куда уж без нее. Veritas et Fortitudo добавляет новые верования по всему миру. В центре Европы можно наткнуться на Ромуву, на севере встречаются провинции с финскими языческими верованиями, а на востоке можно наткнуться на Тенгри. Это конечно изыски, для любителей чего попроще есть гуситство, англиканство, лютеранство.


Veritas et Fortitudo привносит очень много изменений в оригинальную Europa Universalis 4. Переработке подвергаются фактически все элементы в игре. Мод действительно гигантский, и по размаху усовершенствований и по размеру (более 200мб). Приятным подарком станут графические изменения карты и интерфейса игры: новые флаги, новые границы. А какая тут музыка!

Но разумеется в этой бочке меда не обошлось без ложки дегтя. Игра начинает подтормаживать с модом, особенно это заметно на скорости 4 и 5, бонусом к этому идут периодические отказы запуска игры, заклинивающие новые ивенты и мистические провинции которые переносят ваши войска в другую часть света. Но работа над VeF не прекращается!

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Гайд по установке данного мода  

1. Скачиваем архив.

2. Заходим в папку *Мои документы\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\mod\

3. Открываем скачанный архив и переносим все файлы из архива в папку, описанную выше (Не в паку EUIV\mod).


4. Затем открываем лаунчер игры, переходим в панель *моды* и активируем "Veritas et Fortitudo".



Предыдущие версии мода  


Мод обновлен до 1.17

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Дополнения к моду (1.17.*)  


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - Разнообразит игру за Византию.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - Добавляет североамериканских аборигенов

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - Добавляет больше элементов пользовательского интерфейса. Минимальное разрешение 1920x1080

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - Винтажная карта игры.




Мод обновлен до 1.16

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Версия 3.0.2:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Версия 3.0.0:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Альтернативная Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Veritas et Fortitudo v1.2.2b

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Veritas et Fortitudo v1.2.2a

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Veritas et Fortitudo v1.2.2

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

VeF 1.1.3d:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

И Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , скинуть в папку map.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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эта версия мода  работает на версию игры 1.71 ? скачал мод, установил на версию игры 1.71, но не включается, загрузка доходит до середины и потом игра выключается на desctop... 

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Прошу прощения за задержку. Очередное обновление от 4 сентября

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Уважаемые модераторы, обновите шапку, пожалуйста :)

2 часа назад, tadzreuli сказал:

эта версия мода  работает на версию игры 1.71 ? скачал мод, установил на версию игры 1.71, но не включается, загрузка доходит до середины и потом игра выключается на desctop... 

Попробуйте скачать новую версию и проверьте правильность установки по гайду в этой теме

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14 часа назад, EarlDrac сказал:

Прошу прощения за задержку. Очередное обновление от 4 сентября

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Уважаемые модераторы, обновите шапку, пожалуйста :)

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Release Information

Release Date: 2017-02-16 

Major Changes

  • Updated for EU4 1.18 and 1.19
  • UI sub-mod has been updated for 1.18 and 1.19
  • NOTE: Vintage Map mod has not been updated.
  • Removed Modernisation. Institutions system now takes its place.
  • Integrated Great Powers system.
  • Integrated Blessings system. Used by Coptic and Nestorian religions.
  • Integrated Consort system.
  • VeF's Regency system is disabled if Rights of Man is active.
  • Added Cults system for African religions.
  • Added Militarized Society for Prussia.
  • Added Harem system for Osman/Turkey.
  • Integrated Rights of Man's Ruler Personalities. VeF's Ruler Traits are now disabled if the DLC is active.
  • Added 10 techonolgy levels to the start of the game. Tech groups will now start at different technology levels. Tech requirements have been adjusted to take this into account.
  • Improve Relations and Better Relations over Time modifier have been merged into one. All Better Relations over Time modifiers have been changed accordingly.
  • All tech groups now have somewhat equal units with some local flavour variations.
  • Culture Spread has been tweaked to be far more noticeable.


General Changes and Fixes

  • Lowered the cost of Dock and Drydock buildings
  • Nestorian religion no longer has Patriarchal Authority. Now uses Blessings.
  • Coptic religion no longer has Patriarchal Authority. Now uses Blessings.
  • Drastically lowered the price of upgrading the Venetian Arsenal.
  • Nomads estate: Raise Host action will now make sure the province is controlled by the country.
  • Prussian and Russian event modifiers have been reworked.
  • Lowered Coptic's Tolerance of the True Faith.
  • African religions no longer use Piety.
  • Lowered the cost of Commercial Monopoly Shinto action.
  • Papal Government can no longer marry.
  • Religious governments now have an alliance acceptance malus towards different religions.
  • Celestial Empire government increases Institution Embracement Cost instead of lowered Tech cost.
  • Colonial Government lowers Institution Embracement Cost.
  • Horde Government lowers Institution Spread speed.
  • Japanese Governments now keep their dynasty.
  • Added new government for Prussia.
  • Added new government for Osman/Turkey.
  • Merchant Republics can now create Trading Cities that are part of their Trade League and cannot expand.
  • Tribal governments lower institution spread speed.
  • Added Heir and Consort names for governments.
  • Hordes no longer get Iranian monarchy government names.
  • Sammas of Sindh are also Jams.
  • Increased the cost of developing provinces.
  • Shinto is now syncretic.
  • Land privinces no longer have an inherent 25% Manpower Modifier. This is now part of the Beast of Burdens institution.
  • Base Tax/Production/Manpower above 20 will now have an effect on passive development growth.
  • Lowered the Tech Cost reduction from Native Advancements.
  • Removed Integration of Minorities Parliament Issue.
  • Charter University Parliament Issue no longer cares about tech group.
  • Easy difficulty: Players now also get faster manpower recovery, higher unrest reduction, higher AE impact reduction, and corruption reduction.
  • Large colonial nations also give +5 land forcelimits.
  • Lowered unrest and republican tradition penalty from Sow Discontent.
  • Removed Reactionary Rebels.
  • Revolutionary rebels now care about Enlightenment instead of tech group.
  • Iceland separatists are now restricted to Iceland.
  • Coffee bonus is now Institution Spread instead of Fort Defense.
  • Removed Western Arms Trade triggered modifier.
  • Added Rapid Collapse of Society triggered modifier for natives.
  • Adjustments to Polish and Lithuanian Dynamic Province Names.
  • Added Dutch, Flemish, Germanic, Danish, and Luxemburgian DPN for Luxemburg.
  • Nyitra DPN changed to Slovak culture.
  • Timurids get reduced Liberty Desire while on the rise.
  • Fixed Hereditary Monarchy being able to manually convert to another government.
  • Oases now lower movement speed instead of development cost.
  • Fixed constitutional monarchy not getting the proper variables.
  • Fixed case where Castile/Spain could be stuck with a permanent Religious Turmoil modifier due to the way the Moriscos were set up.
  • Lowered the Republican Tradition from the Palace building.
  • Lowered the base number of States. These have been moved to the new tech levels.
  • Lowered the base monarch point cap to 999.
  • Lowered fort maintenance.
  • Settler chance now decreases as colonies grow.
  • Trade Goods now provide an effect on the province if Rights of Man is active.
  • Doubled the bonus of Grain.
  • Changed the bonus of Wine to Unrest.
  • California can now get Wine.
  • Changed the bonus of Lead to Fire Damage.
  • Tripled the bonus of Dyes.
  • Increased the bonus of Slaves.
  • Changed the bonus of Cotton to Colony growth.
  • Gems reduce inflation.
  • Doubled the bonus of Copper.
  • Increased bonus of Spices.
  • Doubled bonus of Ivory.
  • Changed bonus of Fish to Sailors.
  • Doubled bonus of Hemp.
  • Incrased bonus of Sugar.
  • Incrased bonus of Pearls.
  • Sandalwood can appear in Hawaii.
  • Government buildings now lower State maintenance instead of increasing tax.
  • Lowered the build cost of the Government building line.
  • Lowered the build cost of the production building line.
  • Increased the tax gained from the Religion building line.
  • Hordes now have to pay half of the reinforcement cost of units.
  • Rise of the Ottomans now also get lower reinforcement cost.
  • Religious rebels are much more likely to move towards their provinces that are being converted.
  • Ivory can no longer spawn in Greenland.
  • The Hagia Sophia will now get minarets when turned into a Mosque, and removed if the Byzantine Empire is reformed.
  • Lowered the impact of Military tech on land maintenance.
  • Added flavor to Japanese units.
  • Changed color of Coptic religion.
  • Points to Gain Stability now modifies the Stability gain threshold directly instead of in increments of 10%.
  • Stability gain threshold now has a minimum of 100 (-80% Points to Gain Stability) and no longer has a maximum.
  • High American tech group now uses Western Units.
  • Lowered the culture spread penalty from having a neighbor province of the same culture.
  • Lowered the culture spread penalty from development. Each develpment level now affects it instead of happening in intervals.
  • Fixed being able to promote culture when you already had a culture union of that culture group (and thus having no effect).
  • Fixed promoting culture applying to all provinces in the area and not just those within your culture group.
  • Fixed encouraging culture applying to all provinces in the area, and not just those that could be encouraged.
  • Added custom icons for Promote and Encourage culture modifiers.
  • Culture Conversion Cost modifier has been renamed to Culture Spread Time, and acts as a multiplier on culture spread.
  • It is no longer possible to manually change culture.
  • Changed various Global Goods Produced flat modifiers to percent modifiers.
  • Yuan Monarchy, Celestial Empire, and Angevin Union now maintain their dynasty.
  • Adjusted Purity and Tolerance policies.


  • Will now prioritize certain advisors.
  • Removed no-building block during war.
  • Hard difficulty: Lowered unrest reduction.
  • Will no longer integrate a union if they have a decision that does it (e.g. Spain formation).
  • Will no longer core a province if they have a decision that does it (e.g. Turkey's move capital to Constantinople).
  • Can now reform Iqta government.
  • Forming Hansa now possible without Mare Nostrum.
  • Fixed case where AI could get multiple Janissary modifiers.
  • Adjusted idea choices for Aragon, Castile, and Portugal.
  • Byzantium will lose their decline maluses after 1350.
  • Will no longer support independence of the Romagnan stats that are subject of the Papal State.
  • Adjusted building factors.
  • Sweden will no longer colonize at the start as long as their revolt is happening.


  • Restore Personal Union Casus Belli now lasts for 20 years (was 10) and can only trigger against non-subject monarchies.
  • Added Casus Belli and wargoal to take Permanent Claims.
  • Nationalism Casus Belli now requires Nationalism istitution instead of technology.
  • Kipchak can no longer declare war on the subjects of their enforcer.
  • Mayan expansion wars no longer called Imperial wars.


  • Our Generals Are Bored event will no longer constantly fire. Our generals aren't cosntantly bored!
  • Fixed some issues that could cause the Schism not triggering.
  • Multiple adjustments to the early Scandinavian events.
  • Buddhism events: Increased income from Inheritance of a Monk event, and adjusted the provinces affected by the Hostile Monastery modifier.
  • Stability effects in events will now give ADM power if Stability is already at 3. Also the amount of National Stability received is now more random.
  • Iqtas and Ottomans that are no longer muslim will lose their government.
  • Various Colonial events will now take the Random New World into account.
  • Added event for Important Natural Harbors becoming Centers of Trade.
  • Added Consort events.
  • Fixed Colonial Border Conflict event to ending properly.
  • Sforza takeover event no longer triggers if Milan is the lesser partner in a union and will now also give a Sforza heir.
  • Fixed the Copernicus event being titled Petrarch.
  • Event to build the PLC navy will now build galleys instead of infantry.
  • Fixed case where you could be locked into a regular regency due to timing issues.
  • Removed the event spam when France was short a cardinal.
  • Added Coptic events.
  • Fixed some corruption events having incorrect scope.
  • Commedia Dellarte requires European capital instead of Western tech.
  • Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité requires Enlightenment instead of tech, and is no longer year-locked.
  • Byzantine Refugees requires Renaissance instead of tech.
  • Support the Florentine School requires Renaissance and European capital.
  • Golden Age of Dutch Printing no longer limited to Netherlands, but instead to the owner of Holland. Requires Printing Press instead of tear and tech.
  • Endorse Renaissance Philosophy requires Renaissance to be enabled instead of year and tech. Adds Renaissance to capital.
  • The South German Organ Tradition and Support Baroque Music requires capital in Europe instead of western tech.
  • Various Devotion events that required certain autonomy in a province now check if the province is in a State.
  • Ottoman government is excluded from most Dynastic events.
  • Elective Monarchy government is excluded from dynastic events that kill heirs.
  • Lux Stella is now available to all religions and gives a wider variety of rulers based on religion.
  • Added Cult events.
  • Reworked and added Brandenburg/Prussia events.
  • Ethiopia's Helen of Ethiopia event will give a consort instead of an advisor with Rights of Man.
  • France's Inheritance of Anjou requires that Province no longer exists, and that France has a Valois/Anjou dynasty.
  • Reworked Russian events.
  • Iberian Wedding will give a consort if there isn't one.
  • Spain's Crusade against Oran reworked to be a reward for taking Oran.
  • Increased the chance for the Anjala League to happen.
  • Added Paracelsus event.
  • Added Harem events.
  • Mercantilism events will no longer trigger when at maximum Mercantilism.
  • All religions with Piety now have access to some piety events.
  • Made various maintenance events more efficient.
  • Orthodox event Great Synod now has a positive to choosing the option that lowers PA.
  • Orhtodox event Lithurgical Reform now gives more Legitimacy/Horde Unity to match the republican tradition gained.
  • Parliament events that required a fort now require a fort level.
  • Added Personality events.
  • Pragmatic Sanction can now occur in random setup.
  • Price change events that dealth with the New World can now occur with the Random New World.
  • Wave of Obscurantism can no longer trigger while under the effect of Obscurantism, and Obscurantism lasts longer.
  • Various random events now have an extra option based on the ruler's personality.
  • Moriscos revolt event now requires Moriscos to exist.
  • Forming Hansa now makes you a Merchant Republic, and allows national ideas to be changed.
  • Event to build a Palace will no longer trigger if the country already has one. It will also build a Palace.
  • Added Fervor events.
  • Added a new heir option for Theocracies.
  • Comet Sighted will now have an effect.
  • Fixed Ming spawning with Speratists that were against them instead of for them.
  • Fixed Ming spawning with Inefficient Bureaucracy.
  • Rum should now be more likely to break free from the Ilkhanate before the Ilkhanate dies.
  • Adjusted Cities Demand Old Rights to work with the government mechanic.
  • Fixed issue with Venetian-Genoese trade war.
  • Timurids spawn a little bigger.
  • Liberties selection now give separatism instead of unrest.
  • Horde Reform also takes into account Persian hordes.
  • Belgium and Greek cores event require Nationalism institution istead of tech/year.
  • Adjusted Peasants Getting Uppity to work with the government mechanic.
  • Adjusted Growth of Cities attracts Serfs to work with the government mechanic.
  • Art of War's early reformers events won't trigger after 50 years since the Reformation started.
  • Updated and added new events for Denmark.
  • Updated and added new events for Norway.
  • Turkey event Atam-Dedem Kanunu Codified can only trigger if Turkey is muslim.
  • Escalated Witch Trials will now remove previous Witch Trials modifier.
  • Art of War Blockade event will no longer give overland help option for island provinces.
  • The Forts information event has been moved to the Encyclopedia.
  • Republic elections now give rulers with somewhat randomized stats.
  • Lowered the Mercantilism from Ayutthaya's events.
  • African can no longer get the The Survivor event.
  • Mewar: The return of Rana Jodha Rathore can no longer trigger in games started before 1438. Fixed target province.
  • Removed event changing units for Scandinavians and Byzantines at later tech level. They now get the units normally.
  • Coptic religion can no longer get Orthodox Monk advisors via event.
  • Event to focus on Bureaucracy or Meritocracy now tells you the current values. Will also no longer give the Meritocracy option when it is at 95 or above.
  • Removed Military Genius event.
  • Losing the HRE war from forming the Roman Empire now changes you to the Roman Republic and releases all subjects.


  • Aspirations of Liberty no longer locked to tech gruop. Requires Enlightenment institution instead of ADM 34.
  • Revolution disaster now requires that the capital be in Europe instead of Western technology.
  • Ilkhanate Collapse disaster will now give high unrest, instead of the unrest being in all of their provinces at the start.
  • Reign of Terror disaster is now visible and progress can be stopped.
  • Country-specific disasters are now visible from the start.
  • Pretenders now end the Internal Conflicts disaster properly.

Missions and Decisions

  • Abdication decisions are disabled if Rights of Man is active.
  • Spanish decision to Finish the Reconquista now requires the Reconquista to have started.
  • Bharat and Hindustan formables check for non-Steppe Hordes with animals instead of non-nomad techs.
  • Holy Roman Emperor no longer blocked from forming Jerusalem.
  • Malaya no longer formable by Steppe Horde instead of Nomad Tech.
  • Persia no longer formable by Roman Empire Turkey, or Byzantium.
  • Aragon can now form Spain diplomatically.
  • Added decision to reform from Celestial Empire.
  • Removed Culture Shift decision as this is now handle by the new Culture mechanic.
  • Province limit of changing to Merchant Republic now looks at provinces in states.
  • Reformig Iqta now requires Beasts of Burden.
  • Indian Trade Company no longer limited to Western Tech.
  • Hire Privateers no longer limited by tech group.
  • Added decision for Pagans to convert to non-Pagan religions.
  • Moving capital to St. Petersburg no longer cares about tech group.
  • Added decision for tribal/primitives reforming.
  • Abolishing slavery now gets rid of slaves immediately.
  • Lithuania's decision to convert to Christianity is now visible from the start.
  • Lithuania's conversion to Christianity will now change the Gediminai dynasty to Jagiellon.
  • Forming Turkey now also requires that there is no other country with the Ottoman government.
  • Decree of Muslim Conversion can no longer be taken over and over, and can no longer be taken if there are no Muslim provinces in Iberia.
  • Expulsion of Moriscos now require Moriscos to exist.
  • Forming Turkey no longer gives a permanent claim on Constantinople.
  • City of the World's Desire mission requires Byzantine to be under 4 provinces.
  • Nomads reforming now have limited access to Realm Management.
  • Missions that give claims will no longer remove permanent claims when aborted.
  • Colonial missions in general will now look at colonial regions instead of regions.
  • Added Coptic missions for Rights of Man.
  • Increased duration of Baltic Ambition modifier from Danish Trade mission.
  • Ally/Vassalize missions no longer target Historical Rivals.
  • Vassalize missions no longer target trade league members.
  • All three Russian formation decisions now give claims on the same provinces.
  • Forming Sokoto also gives claims on Zazzau.
  • Forming Spain dipomatically now requires no Muslims in Iberia, instead of just no Granada.
  • Rest of the World Religion Decisions now require an ADM 3 ruler instead of a Theologian.
  • Recover Prestige missions can only be completed once, and the rewards have been changed.
  • Added missions for High American tech group.
  • Poland's Conquer Danzig and Western Prussia missions can only appear after 1460.
  • Reworked Portugal's Route to India missions.
  • Mission to convert province no longer targets colonies.
  • Added Russian missions to conquer Nogai and Siberia.
  • Scotland's Conquer Orkney mission appears after 1480.
  • Turkish mission to conquer Egypt no longer targets the Hejaz.
  • Russia's capital move to St. Petersburg decision now changes culture of new capital to that of the old capital.
  • Prussia's missions will no longer target their subjects.
  • Claiming the Roman Throne is now required to form the Roman Empire.
  • Fixed Roman culture not being given out properly when forming the Roman Empire.


  • Diplomatic Technology now increases the number of accepted cultures.
  • Added 10 techonolgy levels to the start of the game. Tech groups will now start at different technology levels. Tech requirements have been adjusted to take this into account.


  • Accepted Culture Threshold modifiers have been changed to Number of Accepted Cultures
  • Adjusted the bonus, levels, and costs of various custom ideas.
  • Added chance modifiers for better randomly generated custom idea sets.
  • Innovative Ideas also lower Embracement Cost.
  • AI Colonial Nations are no longer barred from getting Exploratin ideas.
  • Grand Fleet ideas now give Sunk Ship Morale damage received instead of Naval Tradition decay.
  • Merchant Marine ideas no give Naval Tradition from battle instead of Naval Tradition decay.
  • Merchant Marine ideas now also give Capture Ship Chance.
  • Land Ideas now also give Institution Spread Speed and Movement Speed.
  • Quality Ideas now give Army Tradition from Battle instead of Army Tradition.
  • Cavalry Ideas now give Shock Damage Received and Cavalry Flanking instead of Land Attrition.
  • Infantry Ideas now give Movement Speed instead of Land Attrition.
  • Artillery Ideas now give Fire Damage instead of Attrition for Enemies.
  • Mercenary Ideas also give Capture Ship Chance.
  • Standing Army Ideas also give Movement Speed.
  • Plutocracy Ideas now give Institution Spread instead of Light Ship Cost.
  • Sweden gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Russia gets Institution Spread instead of Mil Tech Cost.
  • Netherlands get Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Lowered Portugese Discipline.
  • Bavaria now lowers Points to Gain Stability instead of increasing it.
  • Byzantium now gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Increased Oman Trade Steering.
  • Lowered Bohemian Infantry Power. Also lowers Shock Damage Received.
  • Palatinate gives Improved Relations instead of Heretic Tolerance.
  • Palatinate gives Advisor Cost instead of Possible Advisors.
  • Ethiopia gets a missionary instead of missionary strength and stab cost.
  • Ethiopia gets Infantry Power instead of Discipline.
  • Lowered Lithuania tolerance and manpower recovery speed.
  • Lithuania no longer gets a second Manpower Recovery Speed bonus.
  • Orissa gets lower Shock Damage received instead of Garrison Size.
  • Assam gets Shock Damage Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Najd gets Movement Speed instead of Leader Shock.
  • Najd gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Cavalry Power.
  • Only Kongo gets Kongo ideas.
  • Javan Ideas give Institution Spread instead of Idea Cost.
  • Added Wallachian ideas.
  • Navarra gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Dahomey gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Kanem Bornu gets Shock Damage Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Ajuuraan gets Institution Spread instead of Mil Tech Cost.
  • Smolensk gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power and Mil Tech Cost.
  • Ashanti gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Kazan gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Morale of Armies.
  • Wales get increased Stab Cost reduction and increased heretic missionary strength.
  • Lan Xang gets Institution Spread isntead of Tech Cost.
  • Jaunpur gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Jaunpur gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Hamburg ideas.
  • Quebec gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Translyvania ideas.
  • Brazil gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Benin gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Added Bremen ideas for Bremen and Bremen-Verden.
  • Munster gets Fire Damage instead of Artillery Cost. Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Catalonia gets Sunk Ship Morale Received instead of Trade Steering.
  • Lanna gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Infantry Power.
  • Added Kiche ideas.
  • Bali gets Shock Damage Received instead of Morale of Armies.
  • Added Kasgaria ideas.
  • Galicia gets Sunk Ship Morale instead of Morale of Navies.
  • Added Dali ideas.
  • The other Munster gets Sunk Ship Morale Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Betsimisaraka gets Capture Ship Chance instead of Trade Ship Combat Ability.
  • Added Malwa ideas.
  • Added Pattani ideas.
  • Added Lorraine ideas.
  • Added Slovakian ideas.
  • Teutons get Institution Spread instead of Leader Pool
  • Lowered Prussian/Teutons/Brandenburg discipline.
  • Knights get Capture Ship Chance instead of Tolerance of the True Faith.
  • Pomerania also gets Privateer Efficiency.
  • Georgia gets Shock Damage Received instead of Legitimacy.
  • Hesse gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Corfu gets Trade Efficiency instead of auto-explore and a colonist.
  • Lowered Corfu prestige.
  • Lowered Scania/Norway discipline.
  • Songhai gets Caravan Power and Institution Spread instead of Goods Produced.
  • Rajput also get Movement Speed.
  • Bengali get institution spread instead of tech cost.
  • Anatolian Beyliks also get loot speed.
  • Irish get shock damage received instead of attrition.
  • Malayan get Naval Tradition from Battle instead of Morale of Navies.
  • Arabian get Cavalry Flanking.
  • Sulawesei get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Malagasy ideas for Boina, Menabe, Baare, and Merina.
  • Added Kongolese Minor ideas for Loango and Ndongo.
  • Albania, Latin Empire, Trebizon, San Marino, Swabia, Al Andalus, Hojo, Mori, and Otomo get Institution Spread instead of tech cost.
  • Kitara, Florence, Lucca, Mantua, Modena, and Pisa get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Jerusalem, Archbishoprics, Anhalt, Augsburg, Brunswick, Frankfurt, Prussia, Angevin, Khmer, Cherokee, and Athens get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Improve Relations and Better Relations over Time modifier have been merged into one. All Better Relations over Time modifiers have been changed accordingly.
  • Diplomatic Ideas now lower warscore cost.
  • Cavalry Ideas increase shock damage.
  • Infantry ideas lower fire damage received.
  • Mercenary ideas also increase condottiery size.
  • Greatly increased the mercenary maintenance reduction of Mercenary ideas. Standing Army ideas are no longer better at lowering Mercenary Maintenance than Mercenary ideas.
  • Slightly increased the land and naval maintenance reduction of Standing Army ideas.
  • Drafted Army ideas also lower reinforcement cost.
  • Lowered Turkey's core-creation idea to 10%.
  • Lowered Japan's discipline to 5%.
  • Increased Rajput Resistance to -0.03 war exhaustion.
  • Changed Marwari Trading HOuses to Trade Efficiency.
  • Enabled Culture Spread Time custom idea.
  • Centralization ideas no longer give Biennial Culture Spread.
  • Changed Russia's extra Infantry Cost to Culture Spread Time.
  • Changed Aragon's Diplomatic Reputation to Culture Spread Time.
  • Changed Karaman's Num of Accepted Culture to Culture Spread Time.


  • Removed the starting Mercantilism value of most countries
  • Nyitra is now Slovak and the primary tag for Slovak.
  • Renamed Brandenburg province to Berlin.
  • Adjusted historical ruler number and chances for Aragon, Castile, and Portugal.
  • Added more female rulers for Portugal.
  • Portugal: Localized Portugal's starting ruler/heir. Fixed Dinis's DoB and rule date. Added birth dates.
  • Ilkhanate's provinces no longer start with high unrest.
  • Historical advisors are now discounted.
  • Yuan now has a core in Xishuan.
  • Genoa and Venice now start with some Mercantilism.
  • Genoa accepts Pontian and Greek cultures. Added birth dates.
  • Venice starts with Diplomatic national focus.
  • Gave Ardalan province its proper capital. Changed to Sunni with cloth instead of Shiite with rice.
  • Ottomans and Nomads start with visibility of the Caucuses. Removed Muslim visibility of the Caucuses.
  • Added wastelands in Norway, Iran, Anatolia, and Armenia.
  • Added new province in Iran.
  • Addded more female names to many countries.
  • Renamed Puerto Rico to Borikén.
  • Added the Skanemarket to Skane, and changed the trade good to Fish.
  • Ilkhanate now starts with their proper heir.
  • Byzantium now starts with lower forcelimits.
  • Changed Baden's dynasty to von Zahringen.
  • Bosnia accepts Croatian.
  • Burgundy accepts Wallonian.
  • Fixed dynasty of Syrmia.
  • Added birth dates for Bavaria's rulers.
  • Added rulers for Betsimisaraka.
  • Removed historical friendship between Danzig and the Hansa cities in the main mod. Still in place in GoB.
  • Rome is now the starting trading port of the Papal State.
  • Dhundhar: Fixed Uddharana's monarch name.
  • Delhi accepts Panjabi from the start.
  • Foix: Set fixed capital. Added birth dates. Added starting heir. Updated historical ruler numbers.
  • Forli: Set fixed capital. Renamed Ordellaffi dynasty to Ordelaffi.
  • France: Localized names. Fixed historical rulers. Adjusted leader names. Added birth date. Set Revolutionary France code.
  • Frankfurt: Set fixed capital.
  • Moved Chola to GoB.
  • Changed Catalonia's flag.
  • Gelre: Changed dynasty to van Wassenberg. Localized ruler names. Fixed Reinoud's numbering. Adjusted starting rulers. Added heirs.
  • Andhra: Will now be rank 2 when representing the Reddis.
  • Bastar: Changed to rank 2.
  • Gao: Removed extra Dia in Kossoi's name.
  • Gazikumukh: Changed to SUnni.
  • Great Britain: Accepts Welsh. Better sync with England.
  • Gondwana: Changed to Rank 2. Represents Deogarh instead of Chanda.
  • Genoa: Changed to rank 2.
  • Georgia: Adjusted starting rulers.
  • Glogow: Added heirs and adjuster rulers.
  • Gotland: Changed to rank 2 in main mod. Changed to Oligarchic Republic. Set starting mercantilism.
  • Granada: Changed to Rank 2 Iqta (now properly an Emirate). Swapped primary and accepted culture. Adjusted rulers. Adjusted ruler numbers.
  • Garjat: Now a Rank 2 Tribal Kingdom with Garjati culture. Added earlier rulers.
  • Germiyan: Changed Germiyanli dynasty to Germiyanoglu.
  • Gujarat: Changed to Sunni Iqta with capital at Ahmadabad.
  • Thessaly: Adjusted starting ruler. Changed to Despotic Monarchy.
  • Gwalior: Changed to Rank 2.
  • Garjat province: Changed culture to Garjati. Added Garjat core.
  • Bohemian-Nyitra historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Bremen-Lubeck-Hamburg-Riga historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Croatia-HCS historical rivalry i snow mutual.
  • France and Austria are now historical rivals.
  • Austria-Hungary historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Austria-Osman/Turkey historical rivalry is now mutual.
  • Austria: Localized starting ruler's name. Added consorts. Added accepted cultures in later dates.
  • Hainaut: Fixed ruler numbers. Localized ruler names. Changed "von Avesnes" dynasty to d'Avesnes. Added consorts.
  • Hamburg: Added starting mercantilism.
  • Haiti: Added 1806+ history.
  • Hausa: Fixed capital location. Changed to Tribal Despotism. Added 1846+ rulers.
  • Hedjaz: Now starts as a vassal of Mamluks. Changed to Rank 2 Tribal Kingdom. Changed starting ruler. Added 1344-1392 rulers.
  • Hesse: Localized rulers. Added birth dates. Added heirs. Fixed ruler numbers. Added 1813+ history.
  • Hojo: Fixed capital location.
  • Hohenlohe: Added starting heir. Added ruler birth dates. Added 1313+ history.
  • Hamid: Removed one-sided historical rivalry with Byzantium. Added 1328+ history.
  • Transylvania-Nyitra historical rivalry is now mutual.
  • Hohenlohe province: Fixed capital name. Added history.
  • HUngary: No longer accepts Croatian. Now accepts Slovak and Transylvanian. No longer historical rivals with Byzantium, Bohemia, Poland, Bulgaria, Transylvania, and Croatia. Remaining rivalries are now mutual. Fixed later capitals.
  • Ikeda: Fixed capital.
  • Imereti: Fixed ruler numbers. Localized rulers. Fixed capital. Added 1329-1401 history. Added 1696+ history.
  • Inca: Added 1320-1410 rulers.
  • Injuids: Fixed capital. Added rulers.
  • Mogostan, Esfahan, and Abarquh now have Injuids cores instead of Muzzafarids.
  • Khuzestan now has Jalayirid core instead of Injuids.
  • Renamed Iraq-E Ajam, Kutiasi, and Iraq-I Arab to Teheran, Imereti, and Baghdad respectively.

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Release Information

Release Date: 2017-02-16 

Major Changes

  • Updated for EU4 1.18 and 1.19
  • UI sub-mod has been updated for 1.18 and 1.19
  • NOTE: Vintage Map mod has not been updated.
  • Removed Modernisation. Institutions system now takes its place.
  • Integrated Great Powers system.
  • Integrated Blessings system. Used by Coptic and Nestorian religions.
  • Integrated Consort system.
  • VeF's Regency system is disabled if Rights of Man is active.
  • Added Cults system for African religions.
  • Added Militarized Society for Prussia.
  • Added Harem system for Osman/Turkey.
  • Integrated Rights of Man's Ruler Personalities. VeF's Ruler Traits are now disabled if the DLC is active.
  • Added 10 techonolgy levels to the start of the game. Tech groups will now start at different technology levels. Tech requirements have been adjusted to take this into account.
  • Improve Relations and Better Relations over Time modifier have been merged into one. All Better Relations over Time modifiers have been changed accordingly.
  • All tech groups now have somewhat equal units with some local flavour variations.
  • Culture Spread has been tweaked to be far more noticeable.


General Changes and Fixes

  • Lowered the cost of Dock and Drydock buildings
  • Nestorian religion no longer has Patriarchal Authority. Now uses Blessings.
  • Coptic religion no longer has Patriarchal Authority. Now uses Blessings.
  • Drastically lowered the price of upgrading the Venetian Arsenal.
  • Nomads estate: Raise Host action will now make sure the province is controlled by the country.
  • Prussian and Russian event modifiers have been reworked.
  • Lowered Coptic's Tolerance of the True Faith.
  • African religions no longer use Piety.
  • Lowered the cost of Commercial Monopoly Shinto action.
  • Papal Government can no longer marry.
  • Religious governments now have an alliance acceptance malus towards different religions.
  • Celestial Empire government increases Institution Embracement Cost instead of lowered Tech cost.
  • Colonial Government lowers Institution Embracement Cost.
  • Horde Government lowers Institution Spread speed.
  • Japanese Governments now keep their dynasty.
  • Added new government for Prussia.
  • Added new government for Osman/Turkey.
  • Merchant Republics can now create Trading Cities that are part of their Trade League and cannot expand.
  • Tribal governments lower institution spread speed.
  • Added Heir and Consort names for governments.
  • Hordes no longer get Iranian monarchy government names.
  • Sammas of Sindh are also Jams.
  • Increased the cost of developing provinces.
  • Shinto is now syncretic.
  • Land privinces no longer have an inherent 25% Manpower Modifier. This is now part of the Beast of Burdens institution.
  • Base Tax/Production/Manpower above 20 will now have an effect on passive development growth.
  • Lowered the Tech Cost reduction from Native Advancements.
  • Removed Integration of Minorities Parliament Issue.
  • Charter University Parliament Issue no longer cares about tech group.
  • Easy difficulty: Players now also get faster manpower recovery, higher unrest reduction, higher AE impact reduction, and corruption reduction.
  • Large colonial nations also give +5 land forcelimits.
  • Lowered unrest and republican tradition penalty from Sow Discontent.
  • Removed Reactionary Rebels.
  • Revolutionary rebels now care about Enlightenment instead of tech group.
  • Iceland separatists are now restricted to Iceland.
  • Coffee bonus is now Institution Spread instead of Fort Defense.
  • Removed Western Arms Trade triggered modifier.
  • Added Rapid Collapse of Society triggered modifier for natives.
  • Adjustments to Polish and Lithuanian Dynamic Province Names.
  • Added Dutch, Flemish, Germanic, Danish, and Luxemburgian DPN for Luxemburg.
  • Nyitra DPN changed to Slovak culture.
  • Timurids get reduced Liberty Desire while on the rise.
  • Fixed Hereditary Monarchy being able to manually convert to another government.
  • Oases now lower movement speed instead of development cost.
  • Fixed constitutional monarchy not getting the proper variables.
  • Fixed case where Castile/Spain could be stuck with a permanent Religious Turmoil modifier due to the way the Moriscos were set up.
  • Lowered the Republican Tradition from the Palace building.
  • Lowered the base number of States. These have been moved to the new tech levels.
  • Lowered the base monarch point cap to 999.
  • Lowered fort maintenance.
  • Settler chance now decreases as colonies grow.
  • Trade Goods now provide an effect on the province if Rights of Man is active.
  • Doubled the bonus of Grain.
  • Changed the bonus of Wine to Unrest.
  • California can now get Wine.
  • Changed the bonus of Lead to Fire Damage.
  • Tripled the bonus of Dyes.
  • Increased the bonus of Slaves.
  • Changed the bonus of Cotton to Colony growth.
  • Gems reduce inflation.
  • Doubled the bonus of Copper.
  • Increased bonus of Spices.
  • Doubled bonus of Ivory.
  • Changed bonus of Fish to Sailors.
  • Doubled bonus of Hemp.
  • Incrased bonus of Sugar.
  • Incrased bonus of Pearls.
  • Sandalwood can appear in Hawaii.
  • Government buildings now lower State maintenance instead of increasing tax.
  • Lowered the build cost of the Government building line.
  • Lowered the build cost of the production building line.
  • Increased the tax gained from the Religion building line.
  • Hordes now have to pay half of the reinforcement cost of units.
  • Rise of the Ottomans now also get lower reinforcement cost.
  • Religious rebels are much more likely to move towards their provinces that are being converted.
  • Ivory can no longer spawn in Greenland.
  • The Hagia Sophia will now get minarets when turned into a Mosque, and removed if the Byzantine Empire is reformed.
  • Lowered the impact of Military tech on land maintenance.
  • Added flavor to Japanese units.
  • Changed color of Coptic religion.
  • Points to Gain Stability now modifies the Stability gain threshold directly instead of in increments of 10%.
  • Stability gain threshold now has a minimum of 100 (-80% Points to Gain Stability) and no longer has a maximum.
  • High American tech group now uses Western Units.
  • Lowered the culture spread penalty from having a neighbor province of the same culture.
  • Lowered the culture spread penalty from development. Each develpment level now affects it instead of happening in intervals.
  • Fixed being able to promote culture when you already had a culture union of that culture group (and thus having no effect).
  • Fixed promoting culture applying to all provinces in the area and not just those within your culture group.
  • Fixed encouraging culture applying to all provinces in the area, and not just those that could be encouraged.
  • Added custom icons for Promote and Encourage culture modifiers.
  • Culture Conversion Cost modifier has been renamed to Culture Spread Time, and acts as a multiplier on culture spread.
  • It is no longer possible to manually change culture.
  • Changed various Global Goods Produced flat modifiers to percent modifiers.
  • Yuan Monarchy, Celestial Empire, and Angevin Union now maintain their dynasty.
  • Adjusted Purity and Tolerance policies.


  • Will now prioritize certain advisors.
  • Removed no-building block during war.
  • Hard difficulty: Lowered unrest reduction.
  • Will no longer integrate a union if they have a decision that does it (e.g. Spain formation).
  • Will no longer core a province if they have a decision that does it (e.g. Turkey's move capital to Constantinople).
  • Can now reform Iqta government.
  • Forming Hansa now possible without Mare Nostrum.
  • Fixed case where AI could get multiple Janissary modifiers.
  • Adjusted idea choices for Aragon, Castile, and Portugal.
  • Byzantium will lose their decline maluses after 1350.
  • Will no longer support independence of the Romagnan stats that are subject of the Papal State.
  • Adjusted building factors.
  • Sweden will no longer colonize at the start as long as their revolt is happening.


  • Restore Personal Union Casus Belli now lasts for 20 years (was 10) and can only trigger against non-subject monarchies.
  • Added Casus Belli and wargoal to take Permanent Claims.
  • Nationalism Casus Belli now requires Nationalism istitution instead of technology.
  • Kipchak can no longer declare war on the subjects of their enforcer.
  • Mayan expansion wars no longer called Imperial wars.


  • Our Generals Are Bored event will no longer constantly fire. Our generals aren't cosntantly bored!
  • Fixed some issues that could cause the Schism not triggering.
  • Multiple adjustments to the early Scandinavian events.
  • Buddhism events: Increased income from Inheritance of a Monk event, and adjusted the provinces affected by the Hostile Monastery modifier.
  • Stability effects in events will now give ADM power if Stability is already at 3. Also the amount of National Stability received is now more random.
  • Iqtas and Ottomans that are no longer muslim will lose their government.
  • Various Colonial events will now take the Random New World into account.
  • Added event for Important Natural Harbors becoming Centers of Trade.
  • Added Consort events.
  • Fixed Colonial Border Conflict event to ending properly.
  • Sforza takeover event no longer triggers if Milan is the lesser partner in a union and will now also give a Sforza heir.
  • Fixed the Copernicus event being titled Petrarch.
  • Event to build the PLC navy will now build galleys instead of infantry.
  • Fixed case where you could be locked into a regular regency due to timing issues.
  • Removed the event spam when France was short a cardinal.
  • Added Coptic events.
  • Fixed some corruption events having incorrect scope.
  • Commedia Dellarte requires European capital instead of Western tech.
  • Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité requires Enlightenment instead of tech, and is no longer year-locked.
  • Byzantine Refugees requires Renaissance instead of tech.
  • Support the Florentine School requires Renaissance and European capital.
  • Golden Age of Dutch Printing no longer limited to Netherlands, but instead to the owner of Holland. Requires Printing Press instead of tear and tech.
  • Endorse Renaissance Philosophy requires Renaissance to be enabled instead of year and tech. Adds Renaissance to capital.
  • The South German Organ Tradition and Support Baroque Music requires capital in Europe instead of western tech.
  • Various Devotion events that required certain autonomy in a province now check if the province is in a State.
  • Ottoman government is excluded from most Dynastic events.
  • Elective Monarchy government is excluded from dynastic events that kill heirs.
  • Lux Stella is now available to all religions and gives a wider variety of rulers based on religion.
  • Added Cult events.
  • Reworked and added Brandenburg/Prussia events.
  • Ethiopia's Helen of Ethiopia event will give a consort instead of an advisor with Rights of Man.
  • France's Inheritance of Anjou requires that Province no longer exists, and that France has a Valois/Anjou dynasty.
  • Reworked Russian events.
  • Iberian Wedding will give a consort if there isn't one.
  • Spain's Crusade against Oran reworked to be a reward for taking Oran.
  • Increased the chance for the Anjala League to happen.
  • Added Paracelsus event.
  • Added Harem events.
  • Mercantilism events will no longer trigger when at maximum Mercantilism.
  • All religions with Piety now have access to some piety events.
  • Made various maintenance events more efficient.
  • Orthodox event Great Synod now has a positive to choosing the option that lowers PA.
  • Orhtodox event Lithurgical Reform now gives more Legitimacy/Horde Unity to match the republican tradition gained.
  • Parliament events that required a fort now require a fort level.
  • Added Personality events.
  • Pragmatic Sanction can now occur in random setup.
  • Price change events that dealth with the New World can now occur with the Random New World.
  • Wave of Obscurantism can no longer trigger while under the effect of Obscurantism, and Obscurantism lasts longer.
  • Various random events now have an extra option based on the ruler's personality.
  • Moriscos revolt event now requires Moriscos to exist.
  • Forming Hansa now makes you a Merchant Republic, and allows national ideas to be changed.
  • Event to build a Palace will no longer trigger if the country already has one. It will also build a Palace.
  • Added Fervor events.
  • Added a new heir option for Theocracies.
  • Comet Sighted will now have an effect.
  • Fixed Ming spawning with Speratists that were against them instead of for them.
  • Fixed Ming spawning with Inefficient Bureaucracy.
  • Rum should now be more likely to break free from the Ilkhanate before the Ilkhanate dies.
  • Adjusted Cities Demand Old Rights to work with the government mechanic.
  • Fixed issue with Venetian-Genoese trade war.
  • Timurids spawn a little bigger.
  • Liberties selection now give separatism instead of unrest.
  • Horde Reform also takes into account Persian hordes.
  • Belgium and Greek cores event require Nationalism institution istead of tech/year.
  • Adjusted Peasants Getting Uppity to work with the government mechanic.
  • Adjusted Growth of Cities attracts Serfs to work with the government mechanic.
  • Art of War's early reformers events won't trigger after 50 years since the Reformation started.
  • Updated and added new events for Denmark.
  • Updated and added new events for Norway.
  • Turkey event Atam-Dedem Kanunu Codified can only trigger if Turkey is muslim.
  • Escalated Witch Trials will now remove previous Witch Trials modifier.
  • Art of War Blockade event will no longer give overland help option for island provinces.
  • The Forts information event has been moved to the Encyclopedia.
  • Republic elections now give rulers with somewhat randomized stats.
  • Lowered the Mercantilism from Ayutthaya's events.
  • African can no longer get the The Survivor event.
  • Mewar: The return of Rana Jodha Rathore can no longer trigger in games started before 1438. Fixed target province.
  • Removed event changing units for Scandinavians and Byzantines at later tech level. They now get the units normally.
  • Coptic religion can no longer get Orthodox Monk advisors via event.
  • Event to focus on Bureaucracy or Meritocracy now tells you the current values. Will also no longer give the Meritocracy option when it is at 95 or above.
  • Removed Military Genius event.
  • Losing the HRE war from forming the Roman Empire now changes you to the Roman Republic and releases all subjects.


  • Aspirations of Liberty no longer locked to tech gruop. Requires Enlightenment institution instead of ADM 34.
  • Revolution disaster now requires that the capital be in Europe instead of Western technology.
  • Ilkhanate Collapse disaster will now give high unrest, instead of the unrest being in all of their provinces at the start.
  • Reign of Terror disaster is now visible and progress can be stopped.
  • Country-specific disasters are now visible from the start.
  • Pretenders now end the Internal Conflicts disaster properly.

Missions and Decisions

  • Abdication decisions are disabled if Rights of Man is active.
  • Spanish decision to Finish the Reconquista now requires the Reconquista to have started.
  • Bharat and Hindustan formables check for non-Steppe Hordes with animals instead of non-nomad techs.
  • Holy Roman Emperor no longer blocked from forming Jerusalem.
  • Malaya no longer formable by Steppe Horde instead of Nomad Tech.
  • Persia no longer formable by Roman Empire Turkey, or Byzantium.
  • Aragon can now form Spain diplomatically.
  • Added decision to reform from Celestial Empire.
  • Removed Culture Shift decision as this is now handle by the new Culture mechanic.
  • Province limit of changing to Merchant Republic now looks at provinces in states.
  • Reformig Iqta now requires Beasts of Burden.
  • Indian Trade Company no longer limited to Western Tech.
  • Hire Privateers no longer limited by tech group.
  • Added decision for Pagans to convert to non-Pagan religions.
  • Moving capital to St. Petersburg no longer cares about tech group.
  • Added decision for tribal/primitives reforming.
  • Abolishing slavery now gets rid of slaves immediately.
  • Lithuania's decision to convert to Christianity is now visible from the start.
  • Lithuania's conversion to Christianity will now change the Gediminai dynasty to Jagiellon.
  • Forming Turkey now also requires that there is no other country with the Ottoman government.
  • Decree of Muslim Conversion can no longer be taken over and over, and can no longer be taken if there are no Muslim provinces in Iberia.
  • Expulsion of Moriscos now require Moriscos to exist.
  • Forming Turkey no longer gives a permanent claim on Constantinople.
  • City of the World's Desire mission requires Byzantine to be under 4 provinces.
  • Nomads reforming now have limited access to Realm Management.
  • Missions that give claims will no longer remove permanent claims when aborted.
  • Colonial missions in general will now look at colonial regions instead of regions.
  • Added Coptic missions for Rights of Man.
  • Increased duration of Baltic Ambition modifier from Danish Trade mission.
  • Ally/Vassalize missions no longer target Historical Rivals.
  • Vassalize missions no longer target trade league members.
  • All three Russian formation decisions now give claims on the same provinces.
  • Forming Sokoto also gives claims on Zazzau.
  • Forming Spain dipomatically now requires no Muslims in Iberia, instead of just no Granada.
  • Rest of the World Religion Decisions now require an ADM 3 ruler instead of a Theologian.
  • Recover Prestige missions can only be completed once, and the rewards have been changed.
  • Added missions for High American tech group.
  • Poland's Conquer Danzig and Western Prussia missions can only appear after 1460.
  • Reworked Portugal's Route to India missions.
  • Mission to convert province no longer targets colonies.
  • Added Russian missions to conquer Nogai and Siberia.
  • Scotland's Conquer Orkney mission appears after 1480.
  • Turkish mission to conquer Egypt no longer targets the Hejaz.
  • Russia's capital move to St. Petersburg decision now changes culture of new capital to that of the old capital.
  • Prussia's missions will no longer target their subjects.
  • Claiming the Roman Throne is now required to form the Roman Empire.
  • Fixed Roman culture not being given out properly when forming the Roman Empire.


  • Diplomatic Technology now increases the number of accepted cultures.
  • Added 10 techonolgy levels to the start of the game. Tech groups will now start at different technology levels. Tech requirements have been adjusted to take this into account.


  • Accepted Culture Threshold modifiers have been changed to Number of Accepted Cultures
  • Adjusted the bonus, levels, and costs of various custom ideas.
  • Added chance modifiers for better randomly generated custom idea sets.
  • Innovative Ideas also lower Embracement Cost.
  • AI Colonial Nations are no longer barred from getting Exploratin ideas.
  • Grand Fleet ideas now give Sunk Ship Morale damage received instead of Naval Tradition decay.
  • Merchant Marine ideas no give Naval Tradition from battle instead of Naval Tradition decay.
  • Merchant Marine ideas now also give Capture Ship Chance.
  • Land Ideas now also give Institution Spread Speed and Movement Speed.
  • Quality Ideas now give Army Tradition from Battle instead of Army Tradition.
  • Cavalry Ideas now give Shock Damage Received and Cavalry Flanking instead of Land Attrition.
  • Infantry Ideas now give Movement Speed instead of Land Attrition.
  • Artillery Ideas now give Fire Damage instead of Attrition for Enemies.
  • Mercenary Ideas also give Capture Ship Chance.
  • Standing Army Ideas also give Movement Speed.
  • Plutocracy Ideas now give Institution Spread instead of Light Ship Cost.
  • Sweden gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Russia gets Institution Spread instead of Mil Tech Cost.
  • Netherlands get Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Lowered Portugese Discipline.
  • Bavaria now lowers Points to Gain Stability instead of increasing it.
  • Byzantium now gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Increased Oman Trade Steering.
  • Lowered Bohemian Infantry Power. Also lowers Shock Damage Received.
  • Palatinate gives Improved Relations instead of Heretic Tolerance.
  • Palatinate gives Advisor Cost instead of Possible Advisors.
  • Ethiopia gets a missionary instead of missionary strength and stab cost.
  • Ethiopia gets Infantry Power instead of Discipline.
  • Lowered Lithuania tolerance and manpower recovery speed.
  • Lithuania no longer gets a second Manpower Recovery Speed bonus.
  • Orissa gets lower Shock Damage received instead of Garrison Size.
  • Assam gets Shock Damage Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Najd gets Movement Speed instead of Leader Shock.
  • Najd gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Cavalry Power.
  • Only Kongo gets Kongo ideas.
  • Javan Ideas give Institution Spread instead of Idea Cost.
  • Added Wallachian ideas.
  • Navarra gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Dahomey gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Kanem Bornu gets Shock Damage Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Ajuuraan gets Institution Spread instead of Mil Tech Cost.
  • Smolensk gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power and Mil Tech Cost.
  • Ashanti gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Kazan gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Morale of Armies.
  • Wales get increased Stab Cost reduction and increased heretic missionary strength.
  • Lan Xang gets Institution Spread isntead of Tech Cost.
  • Jaunpur gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Jaunpur gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Hamburg ideas.
  • Quebec gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Translyvania ideas.
  • Brazil gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Benin gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Added Bremen ideas for Bremen and Bremen-Verden.
  • Munster gets Fire Damage instead of Artillery Cost. Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Catalonia gets Sunk Ship Morale Received instead of Trade Steering.
  • Lanna gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Infantry Power.
  • Added Kiche ideas.
  • Bali gets Shock Damage Received instead of Morale of Armies.
  • Added Kasgaria ideas.
  • Galicia gets Sunk Ship Morale instead of Morale of Navies.
  • Added Dali ideas.
  • The other Munster gets Sunk Ship Morale Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Betsimisaraka gets Capture Ship Chance instead of Trade Ship Combat Ability.
  • Added Malwa ideas.
  • Added Pattani ideas.
  • Added Lorraine ideas.
  • Added Slovakian ideas.
  • Teutons get Institution Spread instead of Leader Pool
  • Lowered Prussian/Teutons/Brandenburg discipline.
  • Knights get Capture Ship Chance instead of Tolerance of the True Faith.
  • Pomerania also gets Privateer Efficiency.
  • Georgia gets Shock Damage Received instead of Legitimacy.
  • Hesse gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Corfu gets Trade Efficiency instead of auto-explore and a colonist.
  • Lowered Corfu prestige.
  • Lowered Scania/Norway discipline.
  • Songhai gets Caravan Power and Institution Spread instead of Goods Produced.
  • Rajput also get Movement Speed.
  • Bengali get institution spread instead of tech cost.
  • Anatolian Beyliks also get loot speed.
  • Irish get shock damage received instead of attrition.
  • Malayan get Naval Tradition from Battle instead of Morale of Navies.
  • Arabian get Cavalry Flanking.
  • Sulawesei get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Malagasy ideas for Boina, Menabe, Baare, and Merina.
  • Added Kongolese Minor ideas for Loango and Ndongo.
  • Albania, Latin Empire, Trebizon, San Marino, Swabia, Al Andalus, Hojo, Mori, and Otomo get Institution Spread instead of tech cost.
  • Kitara, Florence, Lucca, Mantua, Modena, and Pisa get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Jerusalem, Archbishoprics, Anhalt, Augsburg, Brunswick, Frankfurt, Prussia, Angevin, Khmer, Cherokee, and Athens get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Improve Relations and Better Relations over Time modifier have been merged into one. All Better Relations over Time modifiers have been changed accordingly.
  • Diplomatic Ideas now lower warscore cost.
  • Cavalry Ideas increase shock damage.
  • Infantry ideas lower fire damage received.
  • Mercenary ideas also increase condottiery size.
  • Greatly increased the mercenary maintenance reduction of Mercenary ideas. Standing Army ideas are no longer better at lowering Mercenary Maintenance than Mercenary ideas.
  • Slightly increased the land and naval maintenance reduction of Standing Army ideas.
  • Drafted Army ideas also lower reinforcement cost.
  • Lowered Turkey's core-creation idea to 10%.
  • Lowered Japan's discipline to 5%.
  • Increased Rajput Resistance to -0.03 war exhaustion.
  • Changed Marwari Trading HOuses to Trade Efficiency.
  • Enabled Culture Spread Time custom idea.
  • Centralization ideas no longer give Biennial Culture Spread.
  • Changed Russia's extra Infantry Cost to Culture Spread Time.
  • Changed Aragon's Diplomatic Reputation to Culture Spread Time.
  • Changed Karaman's Num of Accepted Culture to Culture Spread Time.


  • Removed the starting Mercantilism value of most countries
  • Nyitra is now Slovak and the primary tag for Slovak.
  • Renamed Brandenburg province to Berlin.
  • Adjusted historical ruler number and chances for Aragon, Castile, and Portugal.
  • Added more female rulers for Portugal.
  • Portugal: Localized Portugal's starting ruler/heir. Fixed Dinis's DoB and rule date. Added birth dates.
  • Ilkhanate's provinces no longer start with high unrest.
  • Historical advisors are now discounted.
  • Yuan now has a core in Xishuan.
  • Genoa and Venice now start with some Mercantilism.
  • Genoa accepts Pontian and Greek cultures. Added birth dates.
  • Venice starts with Diplomatic national focus.
  • Gave Ardalan province its proper capital. Changed to Sunni with cloth instead of Shiite with rice.
  • Ottomans and Nomads start with visibility of the Caucuses. Removed Muslim visibility of the Caucuses.
  • Added wastelands in Norway, Iran, Anatolia, and Armenia.
  • Added new province in Iran.
  • Addded more female names to many countries.
  • Renamed Puerto Rico to Borikén.
  • Added the Skanemarket to Skane, and changed the trade good to Fish.
  • Ilkhanate now starts with their proper heir.
  • Byzantium now starts with lower forcelimits.
  • Changed Baden's dynasty to von Zahringen.
  • Bosnia accepts Croatian.
  • Burgundy accepts Wallonian.
  • Fixed dynasty of Syrmia.
  • Added birth dates for Bavaria's rulers.
  • Added rulers for Betsimisaraka.
  • Removed historical friendship between Danzig and the Hansa cities in the main mod. Still in place in GoB.
  • Rome is now the starting trading port of the Papal State.
  • Dhundhar: Fixed Uddharana's monarch name.
  • Delhi accepts Panjabi from the start.
  • Foix: Set fixed capital. Added birth dates. Added starting heir. Updated historical ruler numbers.
  • Forli: Set fixed capital. Renamed Ordellaffi dynasty to Ordelaffi.
  • France: Localized names. Fixed historical rulers. Adjusted leader names. Added birth date. Set Revolutionary France code.
  • Frankfurt: Set fixed capital.
  • Moved Chola to GoB.
  • Changed Catalonia's flag.
  • Gelre: Changed dynasty to van Wassenberg. Localized ruler names. Fixed Reinoud's numbering. Adjusted starting rulers. Added heirs.
  • Andhra: Will now be rank 2 when representing the Reddis.
  • Bastar: Changed to rank 2.
  • Gao: Removed extra Dia in Kossoi's name.
  • Gazikumukh: Changed to SUnni.
  • Great Britain: Accepts Welsh. Better sync with England.
  • Gondwana: Changed to Rank 2. Represents Deogarh instead of Chanda.
  • Genoa: Changed to rank 2.
  • Georgia: Adjusted starting rulers.
  • Glogow: Added heirs and adjuster rulers.
  • Gotland: Changed to rank 2 in main mod. Changed to Oligarchic Republic. Set starting mercantilism.
  • Granada: Changed to Rank 2 Iqta (now properly an Emirate). Swapped primary and accepted culture. Adjusted rulers. Adjusted ruler numbers.
  • Garjat: Now a Rank 2 Tribal Kingdom with Garjati culture. Added earlier rulers.
  • Germiyan: Changed Germiyanli dynasty to Germiyanoglu.
  • Gujarat: Changed to Sunni Iqta with capital at Ahmadabad.
  • Thessaly: Adjusted starting ruler. Changed to Despotic Monarchy.
  • Gwalior: Changed to Rank 2.
  • Garjat province: Changed culture to Garjati. Added Garjat core.
  • Bohemian-Nyitra historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Bremen-Lubeck-Hamburg-Riga historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Croatia-HCS historical rivalry i snow mutual.
  • France and Austria are now historical rivals.
  • Austria-Hungary historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Austria-Osman/Turkey historical rivalry is now mutual.
  • Austria: Localized starting ruler's name. Added consorts. Added accepted cultures in later dates.
  • Hainaut: Fixed ruler numbers. Localized ruler names. Changed "von Avesnes" dynasty to d'Avesnes. Added consorts.
  • Hamburg: Added starting mercantilism.
  • Haiti: Added 1806+ history.
  • Hausa: Fixed capital location. Changed to Tribal Despotism. Added 1846+ rulers.
  • Hedjaz: Now starts as a vassal of Mamluks. Changed to Rank 2 Tribal Kingdom. Changed starting ruler. Added 1344-1392 rulers.
  • Hesse: Localized rulers. Added birth dates. Added heirs. Fixed ruler numbers. Added 1813+ history.
  • Hojo: Fixed capital location.
  • Hohenlohe: Added starting heir. Added ruler birth dates. Added 1313+ history.
  • Hamid: Removed one-sided historical rivalry with Byzantium. Added 1328+ history.
  • Transylvania-Nyitra historical rivalry is now mutual.
  • Hohenlohe province: Fixed capital name. Added history.
  • HUngary: No longer accepts Croatian. Now accepts Slovak and Transylvanian. No longer historical rivals with Byzantium, Bohemia, Poland, Bulgaria, Transylvania, and Croatia. Remaining rivalries are now mutual. Fixed later capitals.
  • Ikeda: Fixed capital.
  • Imereti: Fixed ruler numbers. Localized rulers. Fixed capital. Added 1329-1401 history. Added 1696+ history.
  • Inca: Added 1320-1410 rulers.
  • Injuids: Fixed capital. Added rulers.
  • Mogostan, Esfahan, and Abarquh now have Injuids cores instead of Muzzafarids.
  • Khuzestan now has Jalayirid core instead of Injuids.
  • Renamed Iraq-E Ajam, Kutiasi, and Iraq-I Arab to Teheran, Imereti, and Baghdad respectively.

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Release Information

Release Date: 2017-02-16 

Major Changes

  • Updated for EU4 1.18 and 1.19
  • UI sub-mod has been updated for 1.18 and 1.19
  • NOTE: Vintage Map mod has not been updated.
  • Removed Modernisation. Institutions system now takes its place.
  • Integrated Great Powers system.
  • Integrated Blessings system. Used by Coptic and Nestorian religions.
  • Integrated Consort system.
  • VeF's Regency system is disabled if Rights of Man is active.
  • Added Cults system for African religions.
  • Added Militarized Society for Prussia.
  • Added Harem system for Osman/Turkey.
  • Integrated Rights of Man's Ruler Personalities. VeF's Ruler Traits are now disabled if the DLC is active.
  • Added 10 techonolgy levels to the start of the game. Tech groups will now start at different technology levels. Tech requirements have been adjusted to take this into account.
  • Improve Relations and Better Relations over Time modifier have been merged into one. All Better Relations over Time modifiers have been changed accordingly.
  • All tech groups now have somewhat equal units with some local flavour variations.
  • Culture Spread has been tweaked to be far more noticeable.


General Changes and Fixes

  • Lowered the cost of Dock and Drydock buildings
  • Nestorian religion no longer has Patriarchal Authority. Now uses Blessings.
  • Coptic religion no longer has Patriarchal Authority. Now uses Blessings.
  • Drastically lowered the price of upgrading the Venetian Arsenal.
  • Nomads estate: Raise Host action will now make sure the province is controlled by the country.
  • Prussian and Russian event modifiers have been reworked.
  • Lowered Coptic's Tolerance of the True Faith.
  • African religions no longer use Piety.
  • Lowered the cost of Commercial Monopoly Shinto action.
  • Papal Government can no longer marry.
  • Religious governments now have an alliance acceptance malus towards different religions.
  • Celestial Empire government increases Institution Embracement Cost instead of lowered Tech cost.
  • Colonial Government lowers Institution Embracement Cost.
  • Horde Government lowers Institution Spread speed.
  • Japanese Governments now keep their dynasty.
  • Added new government for Prussia.
  • Added new government for Osman/Turkey.
  • Merchant Republics can now create Trading Cities that are part of their Trade League and cannot expand.
  • Tribal governments lower institution spread speed.
  • Added Heir and Consort names for governments.
  • Hordes no longer get Iranian monarchy government names.
  • Sammas of Sindh are also Jams.
  • Increased the cost of developing provinces.
  • Shinto is now syncretic.
  • Land privinces no longer have an inherent 25% Manpower Modifier. This is now part of the Beast of Burdens institution.
  • Base Tax/Production/Manpower above 20 will now have an effect on passive development growth.
  • Lowered the Tech Cost reduction from Native Advancements.
  • Removed Integration of Minorities Parliament Issue.
  • Charter University Parliament Issue no longer cares about tech group.
  • Easy difficulty: Players now also get faster manpower recovery, higher unrest reduction, higher AE impact reduction, and corruption reduction.
  • Large colonial nations also give +5 land forcelimits.
  • Lowered unrest and republican tradition penalty from Sow Discontent.
  • Removed Reactionary Rebels.
  • Revolutionary rebels now care about Enlightenment instead of tech group.
  • Iceland separatists are now restricted to Iceland.
  • Coffee bonus is now Institution Spread instead of Fort Defense.
  • Removed Western Arms Trade triggered modifier.
  • Added Rapid Collapse of Society triggered modifier for natives.
  • Adjustments to Polish and Lithuanian Dynamic Province Names.
  • Added Dutch, Flemish, Germanic, Danish, and Luxemburgian DPN for Luxemburg.
  • Nyitra DPN changed to Slovak culture.
  • Timurids get reduced Liberty Desire while on the rise.
  • Fixed Hereditary Monarchy being able to manually convert to another government.
  • Oases now lower movement speed instead of development cost.
  • Fixed constitutional monarchy not getting the proper variables.
  • Fixed case where Castile/Spain could be stuck with a permanent Religious Turmoil modifier due to the way the Moriscos were set up.
  • Lowered the Republican Tradition from the Palace building.
  • Lowered the base number of States. These have been moved to the new tech levels.
  • Lowered the base monarch point cap to 999.
  • Lowered fort maintenance.
  • Settler chance now decreases as colonies grow.
  • Trade Goods now provide an effect on the province if Rights of Man is active.
  • Doubled the bonus of Grain.
  • Changed the bonus of Wine to Unrest.
  • California can now get Wine.
  • Changed the bonus of Lead to Fire Damage.
  • Tripled the bonus of Dyes.
  • Increased the bonus of Slaves.
  • Changed the bonus of Cotton to Colony growth.
  • Gems reduce inflation.
  • Doubled the bonus of Copper.
  • Increased bonus of Spices.
  • Doubled bonus of Ivory.
  • Changed bonus of Fish to Sailors.
  • Doubled bonus of Hemp.
  • Incrased bonus of Sugar.
  • Incrased bonus of Pearls.
  • Sandalwood can appear in Hawaii.
  • Government buildings now lower State maintenance instead of increasing tax.
  • Lowered the build cost of the Government building line.
  • Lowered the build cost of the production building line.
  • Increased the tax gained from the Religion building line.
  • Hordes now have to pay half of the reinforcement cost of units.
  • Rise of the Ottomans now also get lower reinforcement cost.
  • Religious rebels are much more likely to move towards their provinces that are being converted.
  • Ivory can no longer spawn in Greenland.
  • The Hagia Sophia will now get minarets when turned into a Mosque, and removed if the Byzantine Empire is reformed.
  • Lowered the impact of Military tech on land maintenance.
  • Added flavor to Japanese units.
  • Changed color of Coptic religion.
  • Points to Gain Stability now modifies the Stability gain threshold directly instead of in increments of 10%.
  • Stability gain threshold now has a minimum of 100 (-80% Points to Gain Stability) and no longer has a maximum.
  • High American tech group now uses Western Units.
  • Lowered the culture spread penalty from having a neighbor province of the same culture.
  • Lowered the culture spread penalty from development. Each develpment level now affects it instead of happening in intervals.
  • Fixed being able to promote culture when you already had a culture union of that culture group (and thus having no effect).
  • Fixed promoting culture applying to all provinces in the area and not just those within your culture group.
  • Fixed encouraging culture applying to all provinces in the area, and not just those that could be encouraged.
  • Added custom icons for Promote and Encourage culture modifiers.
  • Culture Conversion Cost modifier has been renamed to Culture Spread Time, and acts as a multiplier on culture spread.
  • It is no longer possible to manually change culture.
  • Changed various Global Goods Produced flat modifiers to percent modifiers.
  • Yuan Monarchy, Celestial Empire, and Angevin Union now maintain their dynasty.
  • Adjusted Purity and Tolerance policies.


  • Will now prioritize certain advisors.
  • Removed no-building block during war.
  • Hard difficulty: Lowered unrest reduction.
  • Will no longer integrate a union if they have a decision that does it (e.g. Spain formation).
  • Will no longer core a province if they have a decision that does it (e.g. Turkey's move capital to Constantinople).
  • Can now reform Iqta government.
  • Forming Hansa now possible without Mare Nostrum.
  • Fixed case where AI could get multiple Janissary modifiers.
  • Adjusted idea choices for Aragon, Castile, and Portugal.
  • Byzantium will lose their decline maluses after 1350.
  • Will no longer support independence of the Romagnan stats that are subject of the Papal State.
  • Adjusted building factors.
  • Sweden will no longer colonize at the start as long as their revolt is happening.


  • Restore Personal Union Casus Belli now lasts for 20 years (was 10) and can only trigger against non-subject monarchies.
  • Added Casus Belli and wargoal to take Permanent Claims.
  • Nationalism Casus Belli now requires Nationalism istitution instead of technology.
  • Kipchak can no longer declare war on the subjects of their enforcer.
  • Mayan expansion wars no longer called Imperial wars.


  • Our Generals Are Bored event will no longer constantly fire. Our generals aren't cosntantly bored!
  • Fixed some issues that could cause the Schism not triggering.
  • Multiple adjustments to the early Scandinavian events.
  • Buddhism events: Increased income from Inheritance of a Monk event, and adjusted the provinces affected by the Hostile Monastery modifier.
  • Stability effects in events will now give ADM power if Stability is already at 3. Also the amount of National Stability received is now more random.
  • Iqtas and Ottomans that are no longer muslim will lose their government.
  • Various Colonial events will now take the Random New World into account.
  • Added event for Important Natural Harbors becoming Centers of Trade.
  • Added Consort events.
  • Fixed Colonial Border Conflict event to ending properly.
  • Sforza takeover event no longer triggers if Milan is the lesser partner in a union and will now also give a Sforza heir.
  • Fixed the Copernicus event being titled Petrarch.
  • Event to build the PLC navy will now build galleys instead of infantry.
  • Fixed case where you could be locked into a regular regency due to timing issues.
  • Removed the event spam when France was short a cardinal.
  • Added Coptic events.
  • Fixed some corruption events having incorrect scope.
  • Commedia Dellarte requires European capital instead of Western tech.
  • Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité requires Enlightenment instead of tech, and is no longer year-locked.
  • Byzantine Refugees requires Renaissance instead of tech.
  • Support the Florentine School requires Renaissance and European capital.
  • Golden Age of Dutch Printing no longer limited to Netherlands, but instead to the owner of Holland. Requires Printing Press instead of tear and tech.
  • Endorse Renaissance Philosophy requires Renaissance to be enabled instead of year and tech. Adds Renaissance to capital.
  • The South German Organ Tradition and Support Baroque Music requires capital in Europe instead of western tech.
  • Various Devotion events that required certain autonomy in a province now check if the province is in a State.
  • Ottoman government is excluded from most Dynastic events.
  • Elective Monarchy government is excluded from dynastic events that kill heirs.
  • Lux Stella is now available to all religions and gives a wider variety of rulers based on religion.
  • Added Cult events.
  • Reworked and added Brandenburg/Prussia events.
  • Ethiopia's Helen of Ethiopia event will give a consort instead of an advisor with Rights of Man.
  • France's Inheritance of Anjou requires that Province no longer exists, and that France has a Valois/Anjou dynasty.
  • Reworked Russian events.
  • Iberian Wedding will give a consort if there isn't one.
  • Spain's Crusade against Oran reworked to be a reward for taking Oran.
  • Increased the chance for the Anjala League to happen.
  • Added Paracelsus event.
  • Added Harem events.
  • Mercantilism events will no longer trigger when at maximum Mercantilism.
  • All religions with Piety now have access to some piety events.
  • Made various maintenance events more efficient.
  • Orthodox event Great Synod now has a positive to choosing the option that lowers PA.
  • Orhtodox event Lithurgical Reform now gives more Legitimacy/Horde Unity to match the republican tradition gained.
  • Parliament events that required a fort now require a fort level.
  • Added Personality events.
  • Pragmatic Sanction can now occur in random setup.
  • Price change events that dealth with the New World can now occur with the Random New World.
  • Wave of Obscurantism can no longer trigger while under the effect of Obscurantism, and Obscurantism lasts longer.
  • Various random events now have an extra option based on the ruler's personality.
  • Moriscos revolt event now requires Moriscos to exist.
  • Forming Hansa now makes you a Merchant Republic, and allows national ideas to be changed.
  • Event to build a Palace will no longer trigger if the country already has one. It will also build a Palace.
  • Added Fervor events.
  • Added a new heir option for Theocracies.
  • Comet Sighted will now have an effect.
  • Fixed Ming spawning with Speratists that were against them instead of for them.
  • Fixed Ming spawning with Inefficient Bureaucracy.
  • Rum should now be more likely to break free from the Ilkhanate before the Ilkhanate dies.
  • Adjusted Cities Demand Old Rights to work with the government mechanic.
  • Fixed issue with Venetian-Genoese trade war.
  • Timurids spawn a little bigger.
  • Liberties selection now give separatism instead of unrest.
  • Horde Reform also takes into account Persian hordes.
  • Belgium and Greek cores event require Nationalism institution istead of tech/year.
  • Adjusted Peasants Getting Uppity to work with the government mechanic.
  • Adjusted Growth of Cities attracts Serfs to work with the government mechanic.
  • Art of War's early reformers events won't trigger after 50 years since the Reformation started.
  • Updated and added new events for Denmark.
  • Updated and added new events for Norway.
  • Turkey event Atam-Dedem Kanunu Codified can only trigger if Turkey is muslim.
  • Escalated Witch Trials will now remove previous Witch Trials modifier.
  • Art of War Blockade event will no longer give overland help option for island provinces.
  • The Forts information event has been moved to the Encyclopedia.
  • Republic elections now give rulers with somewhat randomized stats.
  • Lowered the Mercantilism from Ayutthaya's events.
  • African can no longer get the The Survivor event.
  • Mewar: The return of Rana Jodha Rathore can no longer trigger in games started before 1438. Fixed target province.
  • Removed event changing units for Scandinavians and Byzantines at later tech level. They now get the units normally.
  • Coptic religion can no longer get Orthodox Monk advisors via event.
  • Event to focus on Bureaucracy or Meritocracy now tells you the current values. Will also no longer give the Meritocracy option when it is at 95 or above.
  • Removed Military Genius event.
  • Losing the HRE war from forming the Roman Empire now changes you to the Roman Republic and releases all subjects.


  • Aspirations of Liberty no longer locked to tech gruop. Requires Enlightenment institution instead of ADM 34.
  • Revolution disaster now requires that the capital be in Europe instead of Western technology.
  • Ilkhanate Collapse disaster will now give high unrest, instead of the unrest being in all of their provinces at the start.
  • Reign of Terror disaster is now visible and progress can be stopped.
  • Country-specific disasters are now visible from the start.
  • Pretenders now end the Internal Conflicts disaster properly.

Missions and Decisions

  • Abdication decisions are disabled if Rights of Man is active.
  • Spanish decision to Finish the Reconquista now requires the Reconquista to have started.
  • Bharat and Hindustan formables check for non-Steppe Hordes with animals instead of non-nomad techs.
  • Holy Roman Emperor no longer blocked from forming Jerusalem.
  • Malaya no longer formable by Steppe Horde instead of Nomad Tech.
  • Persia no longer formable by Roman Empire Turkey, or Byzantium.
  • Aragon can now form Spain diplomatically.
  • Added decision to reform from Celestial Empire.
  • Removed Culture Shift decision as this is now handle by the new Culture mechanic.
  • Province limit of changing to Merchant Republic now looks at provinces in states.
  • Reformig Iqta now requires Beasts of Burden.
  • Indian Trade Company no longer limited to Western Tech.
  • Hire Privateers no longer limited by tech group.
  • Added decision for Pagans to convert to non-Pagan religions.
  • Moving capital to St. Petersburg no longer cares about tech group.
  • Added decision for tribal/primitives reforming.
  • Abolishing slavery now gets rid of slaves immediately.
  • Lithuania's decision to convert to Christianity is now visible from the start.
  • Lithuania's conversion to Christianity will now change the Gediminai dynasty to Jagiellon.
  • Forming Turkey now also requires that there is no other country with the Ottoman government.
  • Decree of Muslim Conversion can no longer be taken over and over, and can no longer be taken if there are no Muslim provinces in Iberia.
  • Expulsion of Moriscos now require Moriscos to exist.
  • Forming Turkey no longer gives a permanent claim on Constantinople.
  • City of the World's Desire mission requires Byzantine to be under 4 provinces.
  • Nomads reforming now have limited access to Realm Management.
  • Missions that give claims will no longer remove permanent claims when aborted.
  • Colonial missions in general will now look at colonial regions instead of regions.
  • Added Coptic missions for Rights of Man.
  • Increased duration of Baltic Ambition modifier from Danish Trade mission.
  • Ally/Vassalize missions no longer target Historical Rivals.
  • Vassalize missions no longer target trade league members.
  • All three Russian formation decisions now give claims on the same provinces.
  • Forming Sokoto also gives claims on Zazzau.
  • Forming Spain dipomatically now requires no Muslims in Iberia, instead of just no Granada.
  • Rest of the World Religion Decisions now require an ADM 3 ruler instead of a Theologian.
  • Recover Prestige missions can only be completed once, and the rewards have been changed.
  • Added missions for High American tech group.
  • Poland's Conquer Danzig and Western Prussia missions can only appear after 1460.
  • Reworked Portugal's Route to India missions.
  • Mission to convert province no longer targets colonies.
  • Added Russian missions to conquer Nogai and Siberia.
  • Scotland's Conquer Orkney mission appears after 1480.
  • Turkish mission to conquer Egypt no longer targets the Hejaz.
  • Russia's capital move to St. Petersburg decision now changes culture of new capital to that of the old capital.
  • Prussia's missions will no longer target their subjects.
  • Claiming the Roman Throne is now required to form the Roman Empire.
  • Fixed Roman culture not being given out properly when forming the Roman Empire.


  • Diplomatic Technology now increases the number of accepted cultures.
  • Added 10 techonolgy levels to the start of the game. Tech groups will now start at different technology levels. Tech requirements have been adjusted to take this into account.


  • Accepted Culture Threshold modifiers have been changed to Number of Accepted Cultures
  • Adjusted the bonus, levels, and costs of various custom ideas.
  • Added chance modifiers for better randomly generated custom idea sets.
  • Innovative Ideas also lower Embracement Cost.
  • AI Colonial Nations are no longer barred from getting Exploratin ideas.
  • Grand Fleet ideas now give Sunk Ship Morale damage received instead of Naval Tradition decay.
  • Merchant Marine ideas no give Naval Tradition from battle instead of Naval Tradition decay.
  • Merchant Marine ideas now also give Capture Ship Chance.
  • Land Ideas now also give Institution Spread Speed and Movement Speed.
  • Quality Ideas now give Army Tradition from Battle instead of Army Tradition.
  • Cavalry Ideas now give Shock Damage Received and Cavalry Flanking instead of Land Attrition.
  • Infantry Ideas now give Movement Speed instead of Land Attrition.
  • Artillery Ideas now give Fire Damage instead of Attrition for Enemies.
  • Mercenary Ideas also give Capture Ship Chance.
  • Standing Army Ideas also give Movement Speed.
  • Plutocracy Ideas now give Institution Spread instead of Light Ship Cost.
  • Sweden gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Russia gets Institution Spread instead of Mil Tech Cost.
  • Netherlands get Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Lowered Portugese Discipline.
  • Bavaria now lowers Points to Gain Stability instead of increasing it.
  • Byzantium now gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Increased Oman Trade Steering.
  • Lowered Bohemian Infantry Power. Also lowers Shock Damage Received.
  • Palatinate gives Improved Relations instead of Heretic Tolerance.
  • Palatinate gives Advisor Cost instead of Possible Advisors.
  • Ethiopia gets a missionary instead of missionary strength and stab cost.
  • Ethiopia gets Infantry Power instead of Discipline.
  • Lowered Lithuania tolerance and manpower recovery speed.
  • Lithuania no longer gets a second Manpower Recovery Speed bonus.
  • Orissa gets lower Shock Damage received instead of Garrison Size.
  • Assam gets Shock Damage Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Najd gets Movement Speed instead of Leader Shock.
  • Najd gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Cavalry Power.
  • Only Kongo gets Kongo ideas.
  • Javan Ideas give Institution Spread instead of Idea Cost.
  • Added Wallachian ideas.
  • Navarra gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Dahomey gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Kanem Bornu gets Shock Damage Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Ajuuraan gets Institution Spread instead of Mil Tech Cost.
  • Smolensk gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power and Mil Tech Cost.
  • Ashanti gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Kazan gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Morale of Armies.
  • Wales get increased Stab Cost reduction and increased heretic missionary strength.
  • Lan Xang gets Institution Spread isntead of Tech Cost.
  • Jaunpur gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Jaunpur gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Hamburg ideas.
  • Quebec gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Translyvania ideas.
  • Brazil gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Benin gets Fire Damage instead of Infantry Power.
  • Added Bremen ideas for Bremen and Bremen-Verden.
  • Munster gets Fire Damage instead of Artillery Cost. Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Catalonia gets Sunk Ship Morale Received instead of Trade Steering.
  • Lanna gets Cavalry Flanking instead of Infantry Power.
  • Added Kiche ideas.
  • Bali gets Shock Damage Received instead of Morale of Armies.
  • Added Kasgaria ideas.
  • Galicia gets Sunk Ship Morale instead of Morale of Navies.
  • Added Dali ideas.
  • The other Munster gets Sunk Ship Morale Received instead of Fort Defense.
  • Betsimisaraka gets Capture Ship Chance instead of Trade Ship Combat Ability.
  • Added Malwa ideas.
  • Added Pattani ideas.
  • Added Lorraine ideas.
  • Added Slovakian ideas.
  • Teutons get Institution Spread instead of Leader Pool
  • Lowered Prussian/Teutons/Brandenburg discipline.
  • Knights get Capture Ship Chance instead of Tolerance of the True Faith.
  • Pomerania also gets Privateer Efficiency.
  • Georgia gets Shock Damage Received instead of Legitimacy.
  • Hesse gets Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Corfu gets Trade Efficiency instead of auto-explore and a colonist.
  • Lowered Corfu prestige.
  • Lowered Scania/Norway discipline.
  • Songhai gets Caravan Power and Institution Spread instead of Goods Produced.
  • Rajput also get Movement Speed.
  • Bengali get institution spread instead of tech cost.
  • Anatolian Beyliks also get loot speed.
  • Irish get shock damage received instead of attrition.
  • Malayan get Naval Tradition from Battle instead of Morale of Navies.
  • Arabian get Cavalry Flanking.
  • Sulawesei get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Added Malagasy ideas for Boina, Menabe, Baare, and Merina.
  • Added Kongolese Minor ideas for Loango and Ndongo.
  • Albania, Latin Empire, Trebizon, San Marino, Swabia, Al Andalus, Hojo, Mori, and Otomo get Institution Spread instead of tech cost.
  • Kitara, Florence, Lucca, Mantua, Modena, and Pisa get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Jerusalem, Archbishoprics, Anhalt, Augsburg, Brunswick, Frankfurt, Prussia, Angevin, Khmer, Cherokee, and Athens get Institution Spread instead of Tech Cost.
  • Improve Relations and Better Relations over Time modifier have been merged into one. All Better Relations over Time modifiers have been changed accordingly.
  • Diplomatic Ideas now lower warscore cost.
  • Cavalry Ideas increase shock damage.
  • Infantry ideas lower fire damage received.
  • Mercenary ideas also increase condottiery size.
  • Greatly increased the mercenary maintenance reduction of Mercenary ideas. Standing Army ideas are no longer better at lowering Mercenary Maintenance than Mercenary ideas.
  • Slightly increased the land and naval maintenance reduction of Standing Army ideas.
  • Drafted Army ideas also lower reinforcement cost.
  • Lowered Turkey's core-creation idea to 10%.
  • Lowered Japan's discipline to 5%.
  • Increased Rajput Resistance to -0.03 war exhaustion.
  • Changed Marwari Trading HOuses to Trade Efficiency.
  • Enabled Culture Spread Time custom idea.
  • Centralization ideas no longer give Biennial Culture Spread.
  • Changed Russia's extra Infantry Cost to Culture Spread Time.
  • Changed Aragon's Diplomatic Reputation to Culture Spread Time.
  • Changed Karaman's Num of Accepted Culture to Culture Spread Time.


  • Removed the starting Mercantilism value of most countries
  • Nyitra is now Slovak and the primary tag for Slovak.
  • Renamed Brandenburg province to Berlin.
  • Adjusted historical ruler number and chances for Aragon, Castile, and Portugal.
  • Added more female rulers for Portugal.
  • Portugal: Localized Portugal's starting ruler/heir. Fixed Dinis's DoB and rule date. Added birth dates.
  • Ilkhanate's provinces no longer start with high unrest.
  • Historical advisors are now discounted.
  • Yuan now has a core in Xishuan.
  • Genoa and Venice now start with some Mercantilism.
  • Genoa accepts Pontian and Greek cultures. Added birth dates.
  • Venice starts with Diplomatic national focus.
  • Gave Ardalan province its proper capital. Changed to Sunni with cloth instead of Shiite with rice.
  • Ottomans and Nomads start with visibility of the Caucuses. Removed Muslim visibility of the Caucuses.
  • Added wastelands in Norway, Iran, Anatolia, and Armenia.
  • Added new province in Iran.
  • Addded more female names to many countries.
  • Renamed Puerto Rico to Borikén.
  • Added the Skanemarket to Skane, and changed the trade good to Fish.
  • Ilkhanate now starts with their proper heir.
  • Byzantium now starts with lower forcelimits.
  • Changed Baden's dynasty to von Zahringen.
  • Bosnia accepts Croatian.
  • Burgundy accepts Wallonian.
  • Fixed dynasty of Syrmia.
  • Added birth dates for Bavaria's rulers.
  • Added rulers for Betsimisaraka.
  • Removed historical friendship between Danzig and the Hansa cities in the main mod. Still in place in GoB.
  • Rome is now the starting trading port of the Papal State.
  • Dhundhar: Fixed Uddharana's monarch name.
  • Delhi accepts Panjabi from the start.
  • Foix: Set fixed capital. Added birth dates. Added starting heir. Updated historical ruler numbers.
  • Forli: Set fixed capital. Renamed Ordellaffi dynasty to Ordelaffi.
  • France: Localized names. Fixed historical rulers. Adjusted leader names. Added birth date. Set Revolutionary France code.
  • Frankfurt: Set fixed capital.
  • Moved Chola to GoB.
  • Changed Catalonia's flag.
  • Gelre: Changed dynasty to van Wassenberg. Localized ruler names. Fixed Reinoud's numbering. Adjusted starting rulers. Added heirs.
  • Andhra: Will now be rank 2 when representing the Reddis.
  • Bastar: Changed to rank 2.
  • Gao: Removed extra Dia in Kossoi's name.
  • Gazikumukh: Changed to SUnni.
  • Great Britain: Accepts Welsh. Better sync with England.
  • Gondwana: Changed to Rank 2. Represents Deogarh instead of Chanda.
  • Genoa: Changed to rank 2.
  • Georgia: Adjusted starting rulers.
  • Glogow: Added heirs and adjuster rulers.
  • Gotland: Changed to rank 2 in main mod. Changed to Oligarchic Republic. Set starting mercantilism.
  • Granada: Changed to Rank 2 Iqta (now properly an Emirate). Swapped primary and accepted culture. Adjusted rulers. Adjusted ruler numbers.
  • Garjat: Now a Rank 2 Tribal Kingdom with Garjati culture. Added earlier rulers.
  • Germiyan: Changed Germiyanli dynasty to Germiyanoglu.
  • Gujarat: Changed to Sunni Iqta with capital at Ahmadabad.
  • Thessaly: Adjusted starting ruler. Changed to Despotic Monarchy.
  • Gwalior: Changed to Rank 2.
  • Garjat province: Changed culture to Garjati. Added Garjat core.
  • Bohemian-Nyitra historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Bremen-Lubeck-Hamburg-Riga historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Croatia-HCS historical rivalry i snow mutual.
  • France and Austria are now historical rivals.
  • Austria-Hungary historical friendship is now mutual.
  • Austria-Osman/Turkey historical rivalry is now mutual.
  • Austria: Localized starting ruler's name. Added consorts. Added accepted cultures in later dates.
  • Hainaut: Fixed ruler numbers. Localized ruler names. Changed "von Avesnes" dynasty to d'Avesnes. Added consorts.
  • Hamburg: Added starting mercantilism.
  • Haiti: Added 1806+ history.
  • Hausa: Fixed capital location. Changed to Tribal Despotism. Added 1846+ rulers.
  • Hedjaz: Now starts as a vassal of Mamluks. Changed to Rank 2 Tribal Kingdom. Changed starting ruler. Added 1344-1392 rulers.
  • Hesse: Localized rulers. Added birth dates. Added heirs. Fixed ruler numbers. Added 1813+ history.
  • Hojo: Fixed capital location.
  • Hohenlohe: Added starting heir. Added ruler birth dates. Added 1313+ history.
  • Hamid: Removed one-sided historical rivalry with Byzantium. Added 1328+ history.
  • Transylvania-Nyitra historical rivalry is now mutual.
  • Hohenlohe province: Fixed capital name. Added history.
  • HUngary: No longer accepts Croatian. Now accepts Slovak and Transylvanian. No longer historical rivals with Byzantium, Bohemia, Poland, Bulgaria, Transylvania, and Croatia. Remaining rivalries are now mutual. Fixed later capitals.
  • Ikeda: Fixed capital.
  • Imereti: Fixed ruler numbers. Localized rulers. Fixed capital. Added 1329-1401 history. Added 1696+ history.
  • Inca: Added 1320-1410 rulers.
  • Injuids: Fixed capital. Added rulers.
  • Mogostan, Esfahan, and Abarquh now have Injuids cores instead of Muzzafarids.
  • Khuzestan now has Jalayirid core instead of Injuids.
  • Renamed Iraq-E Ajam, Kutiasi, and Iraq-I Arab to Teheran, Imereti, and Baghdad respectively.

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Ну такое. Пацаны тоже за рельсовость, все институты с Ренессанса появляются только в Европе. Ну, пожалуй, лучше уж так, чем современные индусы в 17-м веке каждую игру.

Изменено пользователем powershiftffs
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Тупой вопрос: а как быть с автономией? Установил политику, чтоб она опускалась до 0 или 10%, а она всё-равно растет как на дрожжах во всех провинциях.

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20 часов назад, G-Force сказал:

Тупой вопрос: а как быть с автономией? Установил политику, чтоб она опускалась до 0 или 10%, а она всё-равно растет как на дрожжах во всех провинциях.

Там она ещё имеет минимум от владений церковных или дворянских в провинции, культуры и ещё пары факторов. А ещё растёт быстро, если недостаточно бюрократии.

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Перезалейте на нормальный хостинг(без регистрации), пожалуйста.

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culture cannot be manually changed


пишет мне игра при попытке сменить культуру провинции, задумка конечно хорошая - сменять культуру по ивентам, но! до конца игры ни у меня, ни у ИИ не изменилась карта культур.


вопрос: что за нахрен???

Изменено пользователем romar
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В 2/25/2017 в 16:54, Sandro сказал:

Перезалейте на нормальный хостинг(без регистрации), пожалуйста.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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Друзья, как реформировать орду? Выпадает ивент, потом 30 лет висит бедствие, в конце выпадает табличка, что всё реформировалось. Дальше есть решение в списке reform the government. Его принимаешь и... нифига не происходит. -200 адм и -1 стаба. Как из дикарей сделать конфетку?

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@Razer98K добавьте,пожалуйста, последнюю версию мода Verits et Fortitudo

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@discovery97 Конечно, Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. . Альтернативная ссылка на Мегу на всякий случай:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Просьба модераторам закинуть в шапку.

Изменено пользователем Razer98K
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При загрузке флагов вылетает. Кто знает как решить проблему?

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взято с Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   hotfix: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Впервые за полгода к вам в тему зашёл, увидел, что патч под 1.17, решил чекнуть апдейты, а его вчера как раз до 1.19 обновили.   Еле нашёл.  Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. 29101


Ну и покупайте на здоровье.На пиратке мод прекрасно работает.Смысла платить денег не вижу.


Не понравился мод. По сути какая-то урезанная версия ваннилы. Поясню: прокачивать города за счет поинтов можно только столицу , остальные города для прокачки не доступны или не нашел как. Дворян,


Когда под права человека будет?


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Через пару дней разрабы обещают обновление под последнюю версию Европы.


Вы про версию 3.5.2? Вот она: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  

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