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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Developer LinkMediaFire


Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по поддерживаемой авторами мода ссылке.

Полезная информация





HIP [Furry7], (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Скачать HIP, (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

HIP [Cacao4], (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Скачать HIP, (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

HIP [Hades7], (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades6], (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades5], (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Hades4], (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Zeus10], (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Скачать HIP, (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [changelog thread]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [changelog thread]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [changelog thread]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [changelog thread]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [changelog thread]

Release (2016-01-24) [changelog thread]

Release (2015-05-08) [changelog thread]



Общая инструкция по установке модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Обновил состав модулей HIP; changelog заменил ссылками на него; Стандартизация оформления
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Закреплённые сообщения

Доброго времени суток! 

Спрашиваю у людей ведающих, авторы мода на парадоксплазе писали что-нибудь по поводу расширения карты на восток или же все интересующие их регионы уже задействованы?

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Нашел на moddb один мод, который основан на HIP.




Там есть все то, что было в HIP, да и еще сверху. Достойно рассмотрения.



К слову, неплохо бы поднять раздел в "Важные". Все-таки HIP - это тот же CK Plus только в профиль. Да и еще некоторые версии этих модов могут работать вместе.

Изменено пользователем Virus25rus
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В 27.08.2016 at 11:54 AM, Сардор сказал:

Где скачать для версии  2.6.1

Мне кажется, что её ещё нет.

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про обнову нечего не слышно ? после этого мода ванила стала резать глаза . Все зависает и долго грузится да и не эстетично все . 

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HIP Release - 2016-09-03 (Hades1)




The hype is real, folks:

At last, we present to you HIP's first release for Crusader Kings II v2.6.X (The Reaper's Due). Note that ARKOpack Interface is not included in this download; it will return to HIP in a future release (when it's ready). Without further ado...

Enjoy with much hype -- SO MUCH HYPE,
- The HIP Team


This release is for CKII v2.6.1.1 It is incompatible with savegames from all prior versions of CKII.


  • If you're still "opted-in" to CKII v2.5.2.2 in Steam, then opt-out, and update the game first.
  • SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.
  • ARKOpack Interface will be ready in a future HIP release.
  • As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface (when it's back)
    • Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts
    • LTM

EMF v6.0

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.1.1
    • Some Customization Decisions Converted to Game Rules:
      • Game rule Ahistorical De Jure Empires replaces decisions Add Ahistorical Empires and Remove Ahistorical Empires.
      • Game rule Gender Equality replaces same-named customization decision.
      • A few others will likely be converted in the future.
    • Agnatic Succession is now the baseline default gender succession law rather than Agnatic-Cognatic Succession. The ERE (top empire title only) and titles with holders of the culture Occitan or the culture group Iberian after the year 1000 will still default to Agnatic-Cognatic succession, and any titles scripted via history to have particular gender succession laws will override these defaults.
    • The Invasion CB (such as that used by William the Conqueror in the 1066 bookmark) now sets the succession law of the target title to that of the attacker's primary title upon success. E.g., if William wins his 1066 invasion, England will become Agnatic Gavelkind appropriately. Also, all new vassals of the attacker will be subjugated for 10 years (and thus unable to join factions against their new liege).
    • (Reaper DLC only) Adjusted the chances of symptoms turning into serious illnesses (healthy characters become seriously ill less often, weak characters more often), and adjusted the chances of some illnesses such as gout and cancer to be less common.
  • FIXES:
    • Missing Zaydi holy sites added and religion description updated to reflect non-heresy status.
    • Congenital trait inheritance from grandparents now more robust and properly reflects the traits of newborns' real fathers, if different from their effective father.

CPRplus v2.6.0

    • Incorporated East African portrait assets, adjusting skin tone
    • Overhauled the Western African face, incorporating some materials from the East African portrait pack
    • Incorporated vanilla’s eye patches and masks (eye patch does not show up if the character is Blinded)
    • Those portrait sets that use Byzantine headgear and/or cloth make use of Late Byzantine portrait assets
    • CPRplus’s original Ethiopian headgear assets now show up in the early era (before 950)
    • Coptic portrait now uses Levantine face [SWMH only]
  • FIXES:
    • West African face paint no longer removes hair
    • Fixed placement oddities with Indian portrait sets
    • Somali provinces now have the holding icons that were originally assigned to them in CPR
    • CPRplus’s slightly altered Eastern Slavic armor now appears correctly

SWMH v2.935

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.1.1
  • Fixed the long-running, mysterious "anybody can usurp Asturias" bug (which only players could affect)

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.2.6

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.1.1

MiniSWMH: Performance-Friendly SWMH v1.2.5

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.1.1

ARKOpack Armoiries (CoA) 2016-09-30

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.1.1

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts [HIP] 2016-08-31

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.1.1

VIET Events v2.0.1

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.1.1




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HIP Release - 2016-09-06 (Hades2)




In order to address some undesirable bugs/behavior from the initial Hades1 release for CKII v2.6.1.1, we're following-up with a fast-tracked Hades2 that will hopefully address all known issues, and as you shall see in the changelog, also adds some new, cool changes.

Enjoy with much confidence that we've got your back on fixes & feedback,
- The HIP Team


This release is for CKII v2.6.1.1. It is compatible with savegames from all prior versions for CKII 2.6.X (just the one from 3 days ago).


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting modules/ folder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.
  • ARKOpack Interface will be ready in a future HIP release.
  • As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface (when it's back)
    • Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts
    • LTM

EMF v6.01

  • MAJOR:
    • Coronations:
      • Coronation event text will now mention the performing bishop, if there is one.
      • Vassals of neighboring realms are no longer invited to a coronation - they are either in the same realm as the ruler being coronated or they are independent.
      • The bishop performing a royal/imperial coronation is no longer random. Five days after invitations are sent out, bishops will begin asking to perform the ceremony - beginning with the religion head (if invited) and moving down through the ranks by tier, friends/relatives, and then baron-tier bishops first in the ruler's capital and then elsewhere in their realm. Only one such request fires each day until the coronation is performed (and they stop the moment you accept one).
    • Fighter & Diplomacy Traits:
      • Fighter training now does not start until age 6 (rather than age 5).
      • Added more checks to adjust the time it takes for a child to increase their training skill.
      • Once a child levels up in either Fighter or Diplomat training, they will not do so for at least another year.
      • Female children do not receive Fighter training unless they are eligible to lead armies.
      • Female children do not receive Diplomat training unless they are eligible to be chancellors or are independent rulers.
      • Educators are now increasingly better at training children the higher their own Fighter or Diplomat skill is.
      • Chancellors can slowly increase their Diplomat skill over time.
      • Fighter skill can now decrease more than one level after age 45, but after it decreases it won't decrease again for another 10 years at least.
    • The Become a Saint ambition should now take longer to complete, and there will be far fewer AI characters who attempt it and succeed (and thus fewer saints being declared overall).
    • The Become King ambition will no longer be selected by rulers that are outright disqualified from creating their capital kingdom title (due to special creation requirements, which are present at least in some form for every kingdom title), if it is not already held by another ruler.
    • When a player ruler dies, their successor will immediately have their current focus and ambition cleared, if any.
    • Within the first year after a player's succession, the focus of any of their children who are in their court may be cleared once via the new Clear Childhood Focus diplo-decision.
    • Military:
      • Increased raised-levy maintenance cost factor a bit (from a factor of 2.2 to 2.5).
      • Slightly decreased warscore-worth of normal battles (from a multiplier of 1.33 to 1.25).
      • Significantly increased warscore-worth of battles that are part of a crusade/jihad/GHW (now vanilla) or a duchy adventure or similar (higher than vanilla).
    • One may no longer plot to fabricate a claim upon their liege's primary title if it is king-tier or higher.
    • Gaining a claim on an Imperial throne can no longer be done by mercenaries or holy orders, and the claimant must now be of the emperor's religion.
  • FIXES:
    • Recently Acquired modifier has been changed back to the proper hourglass icon.
    • Fixed one Imperial courtiers event where you could become a friend of the wrong courtier.
    • When a character dies due to health complications from dwarfism, the death reason should now be localised as such (instead of just 'death_dwarf').
    • Fixed vanilla omission of the Caliphal Subjugation CB with regard to the new "when launching a war adds a major cooldown or costs a lot of piety, it will be removed/refunded if the war invalidates" practice.
    • (EMF+SWMH) Great Moravia is no longer rendered titular upon formation of the HRE to avoid the "anybody can usurp titular titles, including AI" bug.

SWMH v2.936

  • Actually fixed the "anybody can usurp Asturias" bug this time

CPRplus v2.6.1

    • Added a new portrait set: Egyptian (brand new face)
  • FIXES:
    • Altaic cultures should now see Mongol advisor graphics on the map




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San Salvador

Всем привет, подскажите, почему все время выдает эту ошибку для фэйс-пака?


Изменено пользователем San Salvador
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Nosius Maximus

@San Salvador, для установки фейспака нужна исключительно лицензионная версия игры со всеми DLC (в том числе South Indian Portraits, которая выдается за регистрацию на парадоксплазе). Иначе его никак не поставить.

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В 20.09.2016 at 23:04, Nosius Maximus сказал:

@San Salvador, для установки фейспака нужна исключительно лицензионная версия игры со всеми DLC (в том числе South Indian Portraits, которая выдается за регистрацию на парадоксплазе). Иначе его никак не поставить.

Глупости, просто в установщике для фейспака конкретный адрес в стимовской папке прописан. Нужно создать необходимую директорию, он прочитает длц и установится.

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2 часа назад, eddardbolton сказал:

Глупости, просто в установщике для фейспака конкретный адрес в стимовской папке прописан. Нужно создать необходимую директорию, он прочитает длц и установится.

Как установить этот мод ? Ответь, пожалуйста

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2 минуты назад, kah.x228 сказал:

Как установить этот мод ? Ответь, пожалуйста

  1. If you have a modules folder in your mod folder, delete it.
  2. Unzip everything inside the downloaded .7z archive (e.g., HIP_-_WoL_-_<RELEASE DATE>.7z) directly into your mod folder (cannot stress this enough -- unzip directly into your mod folder Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod).
  3. Run HIP.exe, which was unzipped into your mod folder.
  4. Answer the questions the command line asks. Default answers are shown in square brackets following each prompt.
  5. Enable HIP through the launcher, disable other mods that you may have enabled previously, and start the game. By default, the mod's name in the launcher is HIP - Historical Immersion Project.

Если у тебя пиратка и ты хочешь чтобы CPRplus работал — директория игры должна находиться в стим папке, пример: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Crusader Kings II

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20 часов назад, eddardbolton сказал:

Если у тебя пиратка и ты хочешь чтобы CPRplus работал — директория игры должна находиться в стим папке, пример: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Crusader Kings II

Не работает

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2 часа назад, FATA- сказал:

Не работает

Вот специально взял и проверил на версии 2.6.1. Все прекрасно работает.

Ах, забыл добавить, на сколько я помню папка с игрой должна называться Crusader Kings II и никак иначе, не надо менять даже регистр. Автор мода прописывал в main.py такой путь, и через стим папку все. Можете попробовать отредактировать, кто хочет.


Изменено пользователем eddardbolton
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22 часа назад, eddardbolton сказал:

Вот специально взял и проверил на версии 2.6.1. Все прекрасно работает.

Ах, забыл добавить, на сколько я помню папка с игрой должна называться Crusader Kings II и никак иначе, не надо менять даже регистр. Автор мода прописывал в main.py такой путь, и через стим папку все. Можете попробовать отредактировать, кто хочет.


Вот это важное уточнение. У меня была арабская двойка вместо римской, сейчас попробую заново.

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6 минут назад, FATA- сказал:

@eddardbolton спасибо, все работает

Фэйпак неплохой, правда с лицами славян они что-то накосячили — все на одно лицо (в прямом смысле, как клоны). Better Looking Garbs получше будет, как мне кажется.

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HIP Release - 2016-10-12 (Hades3)






This release is for CKII v2.6.2. It is compatible with savegames from all prior versions for CKII 2.6.X.


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting 'modules/' folder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.
  • As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts
    • LTM

EMF v6.02

  • MAJOR:
    • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.2
    • Tournaments:
      • All major tournaments have been merged to use the same file (with different text and pictures, based on the type).
      • Nomad Wargames now use the tournament system, in addition to the regular Grand Tournaments and Furusiyyas - the main difference is that they are cheaper and only have a single winner (instead of top three).
      • Independent dukes may now hold Grand Tournaments and Furusiyyas as well as kings and emperors.
      • All tournament types may be held once every ten years. They are canceled by war and if the ruler holding the tournament dies.
      • The cost of a tournament is now variable, with regular tournaments being 200 Wealth or a year's income, whichever is higher (Nomad Wargames are 50 Wealth or 6 months income).
      • All members of a ruler's realm will be invited to a tournament, and they can choose to take part in the fighting (if they are eligible) or they can spectate. This includes the ruler who called for the tournament. Women are allowed to fight in the tournament if they are eligible to be marshals (or would be if they were vassals, in the case of independent rulers). Spectators receive the same update on fights occurring during the tournament as a fighter, and they have a different group of events they are eligible to receive.
      • Updates on the tournament fights include not only who was wounded/killed but also who wounded/killed them.
      • All those attending a tournament have a chance of becoming ill from the crowds, with a greater chance for those who spectate rather than fight.
      • An event chain will pick the 'beauty of the realm' attending the tournament, if one is present, and she will receive the Famous Beauty trait. Former beauties will lose their trait and may become jealous.
      • Tournament romances between those who fight and those who spectate are fairly common, and there is an entire chain devoted to them.
    • Mongol Empire:
      • When the Mongol Empire reaches a certain size (enough to allow for fair-sized successor empires) and the current Khagan dies, it will split into three different realms -- with the heirs assuming new dynasties and abandoning claims in the other realms. Now, it is finally possible for the Golden Horde, il-Khanate, and the Chagatai Khanate (renamed to Moghul Khanate if no member of the Chagatayid dynasty forms it) to dynamically form and for Genghis's dynasty to break up into the houses of Jochi, Tolui, Ogedei, and Chagatai.
      • The Mongol invasion AI code has been further tuned to improve the pace of invasion and general menace of the Mongols while also ensuring more plausible invasion targets and reducing the potential for border gore during the invasion itself. This helps promote cleaner, more desirable outcomes for the aforementioned Mongol Empire split mechanic.
      • When Temujin spawns, many more of his historical relatives are spawned as well.
    • Tribal Holdings:
      • Tribal rulers will occasionally get pious courtiers asking for help to build a temple in one of their demesne provinces, help which can come in the form of wealth, piety, or prestige (but which is considerably cheaper than building the temple on one's own). Building can take up to twenty years or more, provided no events occur which delay the process. Should the pious courtier die or otherwise become invalid, the ruler can appoint another valid courtier to take their place.
      • Tribal rulers can now use the Settle Province job (replacing Settle Tribe) on demesne provinces of their own culture to attempt to build a city there. Once the steward finds a suitable spot, construction on the city can take up to ten years provided no events occur to delay or derail the process.
    • Game Rules:
      • Rule No Extra CB Cooldowns replaces the customization decision No CB Cooldowns.
      • Rule Republic CB Restrictions partially replaces the customization Rules for Merchant Republics; the latter's functionality regarding unlocking higher levels of Crown Authority than Limited Crown Authority has been dropped.
    • Economy:
      • Castle, city, and temple construction technologies now award only an extra 4% tax generation from their holding type per tech level (caps at 32%) instead of the 6.25%/level in vanilla (caps at 50%).
      • Buildings now cost a further +30% across the board.
      • Gavelkind no longer confers any additional bonus to demesne size beyond the vanilla +30% (used to be +50%).
      • (EMF+SWMH) Demesne size limits have been reset to vanilla (and plain EMF). While vanilla does tend to have a higher value per province than SWMH depending upon the region, it doesn't call for an across-the-board demesne cap bonus.
      • (EMF+SWMH) Tribal holding tax modifier for each empty holding slot in its province reduced from 70% per empty slot to the vanilla 50%.
      • The base levy maintenance cost factor has been significantly reduced, although it is still higher than vanilla. This is primarily to allow the tribal AI to avoid auto-bankruptcy whenever they raid. Note that this change unfortunately affects non-tribals as well, as there is no way to separate the two groups' maintenance directly. Note that there are future plans to address this toward the end of furthering EMF's goals for war difficulty and realism.
    • Religious Tweaks:
      • Waldensians no longer receive an inherent +2 Sterwardship.
      • Paulicians no longer receive intrinsic morale bonuses for their levies.
      • Zealots may only be raised by Paulicians and Kharijites once every three months rather than once a month.
      • Cathar Perfecti may no longer be Spymasters or Marshals (or lead armies).
      • The Invite Holy Man to Court decision now has a chance of recruiting a woman if your religion is feminist. It also recruits a monk or nun for most Christian faiths, a perfecti for Cathars and Bogomilists, and a desert father or desert mother for Coptics and Monophysites.
      • Characters who commit suicide are no longer permitted to become saints.
    • Nomads:
      • Nomad stewards may now use the Settle Province job (replacing Settle Tribe) to change province culture in your demesne.
      • Nomads' clan limit has been reduced to the vanilla 9 from 12.
      • (EMF+SWMH) Nomadic vassal clans are now satisfied with fewer provinces per clan, because SWMH has far more historical clans per khaganate than vanilla, and this has dogged the efficacy of historical nomadic realms as well as led to the quick extinction of many of those historical clans once the game is actually unpaused with so many khaganates far over their clan limit.
        • Now, virtually no nomadic realms should already be over their clan limit at the start of the game. Expect to see some significantly different outcomes on the steppes than you may have grown accustomed.
    • Dynamic Mercenaries:
      • Some adjustment to AI willingness to make close relatives mercenary leaders -- they'll tend to only send those who are actually militarily-inclined.
      • Women can now be made dynamic mercenary leaders if they are also permitted to lead armies.
    • The 3rd-Party Claim CB-- used for pressing the claims of those under you-- has new vassal rank restrictions regarding whether they'll remain your vassal after the war is successful. To review as well as illustrate this change, any one of the following conditions is sufficient for the claimant to become/remain your landed vassal after such a war, provided that your own rank is higher than the target title:
      • You are of the same dynasty as the claimant.
      • You are the de jure liege of the target title.
      • The claimant is already a vassal ruler (either directly or indirectly), AND:
        • (NEW) Their rank is no less than one rank below that of the target title. E.g., as an emperor pressing a vassal's claim for a kingdom, the vassal must already be of duke- or king-tier to remain your vassal after the war. It will not suffice to grant a courtier claimant a barony or county in this case.
    • Automatic Empire Disintegration:
      • Now checks all special title creation requirements upon potential fallback kingdoms before selecting one to be given to the soon-to-be-demoted Emperor. [It has always checked the minimum de jure territory requirements.]
      • Now lists any king-tier vassals that would go independent as a result of the title destruction, and in the process, fixes a potential source of game state coherency issues due to a 2.6 bug related to title destruction that breaks vassal-liege relationships.
    • Requests to a liege to transfer dejure vassals may now be made once per year, although the AI will do it only once every five years.
    • Added a Bogomilist Imperial government for parity with the non-Bogomilist Imperial and Muslim al-Mulk governments.
    • History's Forgotten Daughters now applies at all start dates (not just prior to 1066).
    • Recruiting vassals into a Court, Prosperity, Glory, or Tradition faction will now take effect instantly. Players may now be recruited as well, if they choose, and do not need to manually join the faction.
    • Balanced some of EMF's unique congenital traits (those once integrated from VIET Traits) and adjusted them so that they'll appear more often.
    • Base provincial supply limits have been slightly lowered.
    • Claimant faction is now much less likely to support rulers outside their independent realm.
  • FIXES:
    • [MAJOR] Tribal players will no longer default to Tanistry Succession (unless within the Celtic culture group).
    • The Magyar migration CB should not invalidate any longer if you occupy all the target's provinces in the eastern carpathian region.
    • The Change a Province's Culture ambition should now also succeed if culture changes due to the new prosperity event chain or through the Magyar migration.
    • The previous release's neato new feature regarding bishop selection for performing coronations now actually works [bishops sequentially ask to perform the ceremony in a rational order of importance to you]. A bug was preventing any bishop selection from happening at all.
    • Maronites may now go on pilgrimage. Tondrakians will now go to Constantinople rather than Axum.
    • Absorbing nomad clans should now result in a proper attempt to overthrow the khan again.
    • Removed erroneous crusade tooltip which mentioned claimants getting the crusade title.
    • Fixed a case where a poorly-translated bible could result in massive MA adjustments to Christian faiths.
    • Fixed an issue wherein de jure emperors usurping secondary de jure empires could theoretically lead to a [slow] cycle of pointless secondary empire usurpation & destruction due to EMF's "one emperor, one empire" mechanic (thanks to @Toa Kraka for pointing this out).
    • Jihads should now be eligible to begin before Christian crusades are valid.
    • Immortals will no longer lose swordsmanship skill due to advanced age.
    • Despot minor title can now still be handed out even when the Conclave DLC isn't active.
    • Removed an old event from Project Balance that was blank regarding the return of Benevento to the King of Sicily.
    • The Catholic and Orthodox faiths will no longer be able to emancipate their religions after the schism has been mended.
    • The emancipation decision now works if the parent religion head is a player - it now permits that player to decide whether a crusade will be called.

CPRplus v2.6.2

    • Hungarian portrait now uses Ugric child icons
    • Non-pagan Turkish male now has Turkish hair
    • More turbans hide hair now
    • Toned down some of the blue and auburn pupil colors
  • FIXES:
    • Egyptian male now turns bald in the same manner as the rest of male characters
    • Fixed several typos that may have caused oddities here and there

ARKOpack 2016-10-11

    • 2.6.2 compatibility
    • outliner improvments
    • (temporary) removal of province view
    • new desert city holding design
    • some new empty settlements graphics where vanilla lacks some (turkish, indian, southindian)
    • a lot more choice for CoA design for the "customizer" religion

SWMH v2.97

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.2

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts 2016-10-11

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.6.2


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Играл недавно в версию Frosty2 и решил немного написать о своих впечатлениях.         Начну с войн и восстаний. Восстания это какой-то ад. Я до сих пор не понимаю, откуда появляются эти десятки т


Historical Immersion Project   Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP


Вышел мод https://www.mediafire.com/file/eh86h6qhvybtvst/HIP_2019-02-14_Furry1.7z/file


zijistark, глава HIP Team


Better Balkans and Carpathians unleashed for the Holy Furry! Interesting changes for russians: The russian cultural name "Rusisku" is replaced with "Ruski" Yassy (Peresechen) is now und


HIP Furry3 and my mod got updated! I renamed the slavic faith to "Slovenska Vera"   Have fun!


Новый большой релиз от 6 марта - Frosty2.    Список изменений огромный. Скачать/Зеркало


HIP Release - 2017-08-29 (Cacao4)      

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