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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Developer LinkMediaFire


Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по поддерживаемой авторами мода ссылке.

Полезная информация





HIP [Furry7], (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Скачать HIP, (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

HIP [Cacao4], (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Скачать HIP, (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

HIP [Hades7], (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades6], (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades5], (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Hades4], (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Zeus10], (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Скачать HIP, (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [changelog thread]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [changelog thread]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [changelog thread]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [changelog thread]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [changelog thread]

Release (2016-01-24) [changelog thread]

Release (2015-05-08) [changelog thread]



Общая инструкция по установке модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Обновил состав модулей HIP; changelog заменил ссылками на него; Стандартизация оформления
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Господа, кто хорошо следит за новостями на Плазе, подскажите:

1. будут ли расширять еще карту (споры о легендарном ДЛС о добавлении Китая не трогая)?

2. какой конкретно мод из сборки отвечает за рандомное отображение флага Монгольской империи, ЗО, Ильханата и т.д.?

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<noindex>HIP Release - 2016-02-16 (Conclave Hotfix)</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

This release IS fully save-compatible with the prior Valentine's Release, 2016-02-14 (initial release for Conclave).


SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface (when it's back, which will be in our next release)

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.01


The Restore the Papacy in Rome decision is now multifarious

If the top liege (i.e., ruler taking the decision) has setup an Antipope:

AND the "de jure" Pope is unlanded, the Antipapal claim will be pressed and Rome given to the new "de jure" Pope.

AND the "de jure" Pope is NOT unlanded, the decision cannot be used.

If the top liege doesn't follow an Antipope, Rome will be given to the "de jure" Pope, as per the usual purpose of this decision.

The new Antipapal logic works for both Catholic (Papal State) and Fraticelli (Fraticelli Papacy) Popes.

The Gender Equality scenario customization decision now sets the Full Status of Women law on appropriate titles when "Full Gender Equality" (i.e., the option which includes laws) is chosen

The newest positive effect of this behavior: Female rulers or rulers with female heirs will no longer suffer any opinion penalties from vassals


De jure claim CBs for the county of Rome or duchy of Latium are no longer valid if the defender is the attacker's religious head

The minimum levy and maximum levy bonuses associated with Crown Authority have been toned-down a bit

King's Peace crown laws have been added back into the game for those without the Conclave DLC

Title Revocation law setup has changed:

If you own Conclave, Title Revocation is a demesne law: Title Revocation Allowed requires your primary title to either be unaffected by any crown law title or for that crown law title to have at least Limited Crown Authority, while Free Infidel Title Revocation can only be passed if your primary title is subject to at least Medium Crown Authority.

If you do not own Conclave, Title Revocation will once again work as it did prior to Conclave's release (as a crown law).

Tribals, like nomads, no longer receive a special Title Revocation law, as Tribal Organization has now been modified to encapsulate that fully.

The "Become Councillor" ambitions are no longer available for advisers (voters already on the council without a specific council position)


All council appointment criteria should now be WAD (a bug in EMF 5.0 was leading to, most noticeably, women being allowed as court chaplains!)

4i (4-interest) factions will no longer inappropriately decide to revolt when their liege's liege has enforced Realm Peace, a situation which would make the revolt war itself impossible

The Fraticelli Papacy now uses the College of Cardinals (Papal Succession), a vanilla bug/oversight that somehow escaped us for far too long!

A few minor localisation fixes & improvements (better tooltips)

SWMH v2.921

Removed incorrectly-placed "Corners of The Earth" map-static objects (e.g., no more Hadrian's Wall on the Northern Irish coast)

CPRplus v2.3.1


Added a new military headgear graphic for the early-period Siberian portrait set [forgot to mention last time]

Added Beja portrait set [sWMH only] (face is changed to the Ethiopian face)


Bolgar portrait uses Steppe face

Portrait sets in the nomadic parts of North Africa and East Africa use "Maghreb" hair for the male (mixture of African and Muslim hair assets) and Muslim hair for the female

Made the martial headgear hide hair in many portraits in Africa

Znaga culture uses the Maghreb portrait set [sWMH only] (for them being settled tribes, unlike the other Berber cultures)


Fixed a bug where female Judaism priest had no corresponding religious attire [vanilla bug]


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Comandante Raven
<noindex>HIP Release - 2016-02-16 (Conclave Hotfix)</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

This release IS fully save-compatible with the prior Valentine's Release, 2016-02-14 (initial release for Conclave).


SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface (when it's back, which will be in our next release)

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.01


The Restore the Papacy in Rome decision is now multifarious

If the top liege (i.e., ruler taking the decision) has setup an Antipope:

AND the "de jure" Pope is unlanded, the Antipapal claim will be pressed and Rome given to the new "de jure" Pope.

AND the "de jure" Pope is NOT unlanded, the decision cannot be used.

If the top liege doesn't follow an Antipope, Rome will be given to the "de jure" Pope, as per the usual purpose of this decision.

The new Antipapal logic works for both Catholic (Papal State) and Fraticelli (Fraticelli Papacy) Popes.

The Gender Equality scenario customization decision now sets the Full Status of Women law on appropriate titles when "Full Gender Equality" (i.e., the option which includes laws) is chosen

The newest positive effect of this behavior: Female rulers or rulers with female heirs will no longer suffer any opinion penalties from vassals


De jure claim CBs for the county of Rome or duchy of Latium are no longer valid if the defender is the attacker's religious head

The minimum levy and maximum levy bonuses associated with Crown Authority have been toned-down a bit

King's Peace crown laws have been added back into the game for those without the Conclave DLC

Title Revocation law setup has changed:

If you own Conclave, Title Revocation is a demesne law: Title Revocation Allowed requires your primary title to either be unaffected by any crown law title or for that crown law title to have at least Limited Crown Authority, while Free Infidel Title Revocation can only be passed if your primary title is subject to at least Medium Crown Authority.

If you do not own Conclave, Title Revocation will once again work as it did prior to Conclave's release (as a crown law).

Tribals, like nomads, no longer receive a special Title Revocation law, as Tribal Organization has now been modified to encapsulate that fully.

The "Become Councillor" ambitions are no longer available for advisers (voters already on the council without a specific council position)


All council appointment criteria should now be WAD (a bug in EMF 5.0 was leading to, most noticeably, women being allowed as court chaplains!)

4i (4-interest) factions will no longer inappropriately decide to revolt when their liege's liege has enforced Realm Peace, a situation which would make the revolt war itself impossible

The Fraticelli Papacy now uses the College of Cardinals (Papal Succession), a vanilla bug/oversight that somehow escaped us for far too long!

A few minor localisation fixes & improvements (better tooltips)

SWMH v2.921

Removed incorrectly-placed "Corners of The Earth" map-static objects (e.g., no more Hadrian's Wall on the Northern Irish coast)

CPRplus v2.3.1


Added a new military headgear graphic for the early-period Siberian portrait set [forgot to mention last time]

Added Beja portrait set [sWMH only] (face is changed to the Ethiopian face)


Bolgar portrait uses Steppe face

Portrait sets in the nomadic parts of North Africa and East Africa use "Maghreb" hair for the male (mixture of African and Muslim hair assets) and Muslim hair for the female

Made the martial headgear hide hair in many portraits in Africa

Znaga culture uses the Maghreb portrait set [sWMH only] (for them being settled tribes, unlike the other Berber cultures)


Fixed a bug where female Judaism priest had no corresponding religious attire [vanilla bug]



В шапке.
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<noindex>HIP от 4.03.2016</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

This release is for CKII v2.5.2. Please opt-out of any betas and ensure that you're running the correct game version.


SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.02


Compatible with CKII v2.5.2

As warned, 2.5.2 added new vanilla personality traits, and this renders old, pre-2.5.2 savegames trait-incompatible (all character traits will be shifted/shuffled in the new version-- NOT recommended)

See patch 2.5.2's changelog for incorporated changes

Refactored and expanded law group: Administration

Early Feudal Administration: Default equivalent to old Feudal Administration but available at all tiers

Late Feudal Administration: Unlocks all advanced succession laws (Primogeniture, Seniority, and Ultimogeniture) independently of Crown Authority

Its requirements are largely based upon Legalism technology level and the level of Crown Authority, if any, affecting the title at the time of its passing:

Legalism tech level 5 unlocks it regardless of CA.

Legalism tech level 4 unlocks it if affected by at least Limited Crown Authority.

Legalism tech level 3 unlocks it if affected by at least Medium Crown Authority.

Majesty tech level 3 is required.

Must be duke-tier or higher unless your liege has already enacted the law, in which case there is also no prestige cost for passing it.

Duke-tier, king-tier, and emperor-tier require prestige costs of 500/750/1000, respectively, to pass the law.

NOTE: Medium Crown Authority and High Crown Authority still independently unlock Seniority and Primogeniture/Ultimogeniture, respectively.

Imperial Administration: Equivalent to same-named law of the past, but it now also requires a prestige cost of 1000 to enact

All non-gender succession laws have been completely overhauled under the hood for greater flexibility regarding manual succession law changes (changing the law intentionally as opposed to by faction demand)

Succession law changes have a prestige requirement and cost that scales with the title's tier (barony/county/duchy/kingdom/empire costs 125/250/500/750/1000 prestige, respectively).

Succession law change reactions are now far more intelligent, with events to handle disinheritance or being displaced from the line of succession and much more.

This has required a major overhaul; if you notice any strange behavior relating to succession laws, please report it.


Added prestige costs (and requirements) for raising Tribal Organization law

Added prestige costs for raising Crown Authority law; the cost is half the required amount, and the requirements haven't changed

Non-aggression pacts between vassal and liege no longer prevent those vassals from joining factions

Now that this is moddable, AI vassals will no longer dissolve their NAPs with their liege if their liege opinion is negative

The De Jure Holding War CB can no longer be used to take holdings from vassalized holy orders when it wouldn't be available if the holy order were independent. The decisions to expel the holy orders are still available, for the player.

In multiplayer, only the game host will be able to use or see the scenario customization decisions

For non-hosts in multiplayer, other decisions that normally would've been hidden until unpausing are now shown beforehand, as in vanilla (again, only relevant to MP).

(EMF+SWMH) The English Melting Pot now also assimilates Anglo-Norse and Danish province and character cultures within the English region

(EMF+SWMH) The Formation of Rum event now also transfers the duchy of Tayk from the ERE to Rum

The minimum liege levy provided at -50 opinion is now 0% rather than 25% (below -50 opinion, vassals will still not provide any troops); at +100 opinion it is, of course, still 100%

Slightly less prestige will be gained from battles

Shattered retreat:

Movement speed reduced to +30% from +50%

Maximum chosen path length for retreat capped at 7 provinces on SWMH (-30%) and 6 provinces on the vanilla map (-40%)

Threat and Defensive Pacts:

Compared to vanilla, it is less likely for distant AIs to join/stay in a defensive pact, and the current size of a realm is less of a factor whenever increasing Threat level.

EMF+SWMH behavior also assumes natural realm sizes (number of holdings in the realm) are about twice as large, and the equations for Threat gain and loss reflect that assumption.

In 4i (4-interest) faction revolts, succession law faction revolts, and faction revolts to lower Crown Authority, only rebels that are allowed to inherit feudal titles may usurp liege titles upon rebel success (no prince-bishops, no bishop nominees, no horses, etc.)


Due to strange behavior in multiplayer, battlefield duels have been disabled in multiplayer games (thanks to @Lord of Pain for the report)

The ambitions to become a councillor (of which there are 5) now properly abort if the character becomes independent

SWMH v2.922

Fixed CTD opening the religion tab as a Yazidi: removed extra sixth holy site in Azerbaijan

Changed Livonian Brothers of the Sword to be inactive outside their historical period, with a (silent) formation event when Catholics begin to hold land in Livonia

Changed Kingdom of Tara to be deactivated and absorbed de jure if it is ever held at the same time as the Kingdom of Ireland.

Changed titular tribal duchies to use cultural titles in place of "High Chief," where they exist

Changed the reformed Roman Empire to use cultural titles instead of "Emperor"

Changes to 867 Navarre:

García Jiménez holds Guipúzcoa instead of Álava

Independent Álava ruled by Basque rebel Eglyón

Rodrigo, Count of Castile, given claim on Álava

Assorted history cleanup

Tribal fixes for some of the Scottish Isles

Succession law fix for Scotland for 1066

Minor localisation changes for Scots and Saxons

Anglo-Saxon Earldoms adjusted to reflect 1066 Godwinson Earldoms

More Saxon Dynasty fixes

Name weighting added to Norman, Frankish, English, Saxon, Englisc

867 Northumbrian nobles given claims to encourage historical factionalism

Englisc (Anglonorse) culture added

A Melting pot culture formed from Norse ruled England, representing the Anglo-Danish, named as Englisc in game.

Several character changes made to bring in Englisc characters - most famously the Godwinsons.

Province history added for Englisc.

Relevant localisation added

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.2.0

Various changes around the map, especially in HRE and ERE. Adding a few more cultural names. More to come.

Compatibility with latest SWMH

miniSWMH: Performance-Friendly SWMH v1.1.1

Compatibility with latest SWMH

CPRplus v2.3.2


Incorporated South Indian portrait pack assets and modified all portraits in India accordingly

Added an early-era version of the Eastern Slavic portrait

Added the Pecheneg portrait using Steppe-area and Turkish portrait assets

Added new Western and Muslim beard assets (given to portraits in the nearby areas as well)

Added a new helmet graphic to early-era Ugric and Siberian portraits

Added new clothing assets to early-era Eastern Slavic and pagan Hungarian portraits

Added new headgear assets to the Celtic and late-era Anglo-Saxon portraits

Added new hair assets to the Sogdian portrait set using Persian and Turkish assets

Added new eye assets to the Anglo-Saxon portrait


Replaced some of the colorless or early-Western-color-variant clothing and headgear frames in early-era Western Slavic and Bohemian portrait sets with those found in the Ugric portrait pack

Adjusted skin tone of the Turkish, Steppe, Levantine, Maghreb, Ashkenazi, and CPRplus’s Muslim face

Bohemian characters now use Ugric hair

Early-era Western Slavic and Bohemian portraits now use CPRplus armor asset

Non-pagan Norse characters now wear Norse clothing

Added a light blonde hair color to old-aged Norse, Norman and Baltic characters

Modified overly fat chin for Turkish characters

Modified overly white hair color for old-aged Hungarians and Steppe characters


Nose no longer floats on top of the blindfold for some of the portrait packs using the Western or Muslim face

Andalusian Arabic and Sephardi females who are not Muslim no longer wear the burka

Changed the vanilla Western face version of the Dutch portrait to use Western hair like its CPRplus Western face version

Position adjustments to Western beard and nose

Removed the duplicate hair color entries from young Byzantine males

Fixed the hair color discrepancies between early- and mid-era Baltic characters

Adjusted pupil position of Norse male eyes

ARKOpack (2016-03-03)


adds some few CoA stuff for zoroastrians

adds 70 new tamgas CoA for tengri

reworked existing tengri's CoA and adding more than 70 new tamgas CoA

10 new dynastic CoA (Percy, de Vere, Mowbray, Marshal, de Mandeville, Bigod, de Brienne -baron-, de Brienne, de Guines, de Coucy)

saxon dynasties fixes (by Woodyman)

full 2.5.x update

some colour tweaks


improved load savegame view

new shortcut : "ENTER" for continue a save button

improved minor title view

voting law tab improved

improved councillors' view (now takes account correctly additional councillors -AGOT mod request- )

various cut texts and alignements fixes

law views' banner are now interface dependant (red for christian, green for muslim etc.)

improved conclave view

one additional realm law is displayed without scrolling (5 instead of 4)

one minor title is displayed without scrolling

various changes is laws views

2.5.x update

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts (2016-03-02)

Added @IoannesBarbarus's ARKOpack-Interface compatch

Fixed "unselect character" observe-mode button not appearing

Compatibility with CKII v2.5.2


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]]>HIP от 4.03.2016]]>

changelogНажмите здесь!

This release is for CKII v2.5.2. Please opt-out of any betas and ensure that you're running the correct game version.


SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.02


Compatible with CKII v2.5.2

As warned, 2.5.2 added new vanilla personality traits, and this renders old, pre-2.5.2 savegames trait-incompatible (all character traits will be shifted/shuffled in the new version-- NOT recommended)

See patch 2.5.2's changelog for incorporated changes

Refactored and expanded law group: Administration

Early Feudal Administration: Default equivalent to old Feudal Administration but available at all tiers

Late Feudal Administration: Unlocks all advanced succession laws (Primogeniture, Seniority, and Ultimogeniture) independently of Crown Authority

Its requirements are largely based upon Legalism technology level and the level of Crown Authority, if any, affecting the title at the time of its passing:

Legalism tech level 5 unlocks it regardless of CA.

Legalism tech level 4 unlocks it if affected by at least Limited Crown Authority.

Legalism tech level 3 unlocks it if affected by at least Medium Crown Authority.

Majesty tech level 3 is required.

Must be duke-tier or higher unless your liege has already enacted the law, in which case there is also no prestige cost for passing it.

Duke-tier, king-tier, and emperor-tier require prestige costs of 500/750/1000, respectively, to pass the law.

NOTE: Medium Crown Authority and High Crown Authority still independently unlock Seniority and Primogeniture/Ultimogeniture, respectively.

Imperial Administration: Equivalent to same-named law of the past, but it now also requires a prestige cost of 1000 to enact

All non-gender succession laws have been completely overhauled under the hood for greater flexibility regarding manual succession law changes (changing the law intentionally as opposed to by faction demand)

Succession law changes have a prestige requirement and cost that scales with the title's tier (barony/county/duchy/kingdom/empire costs 125/250/500/750/1000 prestige, respectively).

Succession law change reactions are now far more intelligent, with events to handle disinheritance or being displaced from the line of succession and much more.

This has required a major overhaul; if you notice any strange behavior relating to succession laws, please report it.


Added prestige costs (and requirements) for raising Tribal Organization law

Added prestige costs for raising Crown Authority law; the cost is half the required amount, and the requirements haven't changed

Non-aggression pacts between vassal and liege no longer prevent those vassals from joining factions

Now that this is moddable, AI vassals will no longer dissolve their NAPs with their liege if their liege opinion is negative

The De Jure Holding War CB can no longer be used to take holdings from vassalized holy orders when it wouldn't be available if the holy order were independent. The decisions to expel the holy orders are still available, for the player.

In multiplayer, only the game host will be able to use or see the scenario customization decisions

For non-hosts in multiplayer, other decisions that normally would've been hidden until unpausing are now shown beforehand, as in vanilla (again, only relevant to MP).

(EMF+SWMH) The English Melting Pot now also assimilates Anglo-Norse and Danish province and character cultures within the English region

(EMF+SWMH) The Formation of Rum event now also transfers the duchy of Tayk from the ERE to Rum

The minimum liege levy provided at -50 opinion is now 0% rather than 25% (below -50 opinion, vassals will still not provide any troops); at +100 opinion it is, of course, still 100%

Slightly less prestige will be gained from battles

Shattered retreat:

Movement speed reduced to +30% from +50%

Maximum chosen path length for retreat capped at 7 provinces on SWMH (-30%) and 6 provinces on the vanilla map (-40%)

Threat and Defensive Pacts:

Compared to vanilla, it is less likely for distant AIs to join/stay in a defensive pact, and the current size of a realm is less of a factor whenever increasing Threat level.

EMF+SWMH behavior also assumes natural realm sizes (number of holdings in the realm) are about twice as large, and the equations for Threat gain and loss reflect that assumption.

In 4i (4-interest) faction revolts, succession law faction revolts, and faction revolts to lower Crown Authority, only rebels that are allowed to inherit feudal titles may usurp liege titles upon rebel success (no prince-bishops, no bishop nominees, no horses, etc.)


Due to strange behavior in multiplayer, battlefield duels have been disabled in multiplayer games (thanks to @Lord of Pain for the report)

The ambitions to become a councillor (of which there are 5) now properly abort if the character becomes independent

SWMH v2.922

Fixed CTD opening the religion tab as a Yazidi: removed extra sixth holy site in Azerbaijan

Changed Livonian Brothers of the Sword to be inactive outside their historical period, with a (silent) formation event when Catholics begin to hold land in Livonia

Changed Kingdom of Tara to be deactivated and absorbed de jure if it is ever held at the same time as the Kingdom of Ireland.

Changed titular tribal duchies to use cultural titles in place of "High Chief," where they exist

Changed the reformed Roman Empire to use cultural titles instead of "Emperor"

Changes to 867 Navarre:

García Jiménez holds Guipúzcoa instead of Álava

Independent Álava ruled by Basque rebel Eglyón

Rodrigo, Count of Castile, given claim on Álava

Assorted history cleanup

Tribal fixes for some of the Scottish Isles

Succession law fix for Scotland for 1066

Minor localisation changes for Scots and Saxons

Anglo-Saxon Earldoms adjusted to reflect 1066 Godwinson Earldoms

More Saxon Dynasty fixes

Name weighting added to Norman, Frankish, English, Saxon, Englisc

867 Northumbrian nobles given claims to encourage historical factionalism

Englisc (Anglonorse) culture added

A Melting pot culture formed from Norse ruled England, representing the Anglo-Danish, named as Englisc in game.

Several character changes made to bring in Englisc characters - most famously the Godwinsons.

Province history added for Englisc.

Relevant localisation added

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.2.0

Various changes around the map, especially in HRE and ERE. Adding a few more cultural names. More to come.

Compatibility with latest SWMH

miniSWMH: Performance-Friendly SWMH v1.1.1

Compatibility with latest SWMH

CPRplus v2.3.2


Incorporated South Indian portrait pack assets and modified all portraits in India accordingly

Added an early-era version of the Eastern Slavic portrait

Added the Pecheneg portrait using Steppe-area and Turkish portrait assets

Added new Western and Muslim beard assets (given to portraits in the nearby areas as well)

Added a new helmet graphic to early-era Ugric and Siberian portraits

Added new clothing assets to early-era Eastern Slavic and pagan Hungarian portraits

Added new headgear assets to the Celtic and late-era Anglo-Saxon portraits

Added new hair assets to the Sogdian portrait set using Persian and Turkish assets

Added new eye assets to the Anglo-Saxon portrait


Replaced some of the colorless or early-Western-color-variant clothing and headgear frames in early-era Western Slavic and Bohemian portrait sets with those found in the Ugric portrait pack

Adjusted skin tone of the Turkish, Steppe, Levantine, Maghreb, Ashkenazi, and CPRplus’s Muslim face

Bohemian characters now use Ugric hair

Early-era Western Slavic and Bohemian portraits now use CPRplus armor asset

Non-pagan Norse characters now wear Norse clothing

Added a light blonde hair color to old-aged Norse, Norman and Baltic characters

Modified overly fat chin for Turkish characters

Modified overly white hair color for old-aged Hungarians and Steppe characters


Nose no longer floats on top of the blindfold for some of the portrait packs using the Western or Muslim face

Andalusian Arabic and Sephardi females who are not Muslim no longer wear the burka

Changed the vanilla Western face version of the Dutch portrait to use Western hair like its CPRplus Western face version

Position adjustments to Western beard and nose

Removed the duplicate hair color entries from young Byzantine males

Fixed the hair color discrepancies between early- and mid-era Baltic characters

Adjusted pupil position of Norse male eyes

ARKOpack (2016-03-03)


adds some few CoA stuff for zoroastrians

adds 70 new tamgas CoA for tengri

reworked existing tengri's CoA and adding more than 70 new tamgas CoA

10 new dynastic CoA (Percy, de Vere, Mowbray, Marshal, de Mandeville, Bigod, de Brienne -baron-, de Brienne, de Guines, de Coucy)

saxon dynasties fixes (by Woodyman)

full 2.5.x update

some colour tweaks


improved load savegame view

new shortcut : "ENTER" for continue a save button

improved minor title view

voting law tab improved

improved councillors' view (now takes account correctly additional councillors -AGOT mod request- )

various cut texts and alignements fixes

law views' banner are now interface dependant (red for christian, green for muslim etc.)

improved conclave view

one additional realm law is displayed without scrolling (5 instead of 4)

one minor title is displayed without scrolling

various changes is laws views

2.5.x update

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts (2016-03-02)

Added @IoannesBarbarus's ARKOpack-Interface compatch

Fixed "unselect character" observe-mode button not appearing

Compatibility with CKII v2.5.2



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Выбираю страну, начинается загрузка,в конце загрузки вылетает игра. Сталкивался с этой же проблемой кто-нибудь?

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Выбираю страну, начинается загрузка,в конце загрузки вылетает игра. Сталкивался с этой же проблемой кто-нибудь?

У тебя какая версия игры?Если 2.5.2 скачай новую версию мода.

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Господа-мододелы только на Европу ориентировались? Пытаясь играть за индийские провинции играть вижу запрет на запрете и просто таки загимпованность. Буддистская ветвь якобы помогает в технологиях, но моему сообразительному (quick) правителю со статами не меньше 15 (ему 55 лет, это был долгий путь) строения на 2,5 уровне города уже приносят больше очков, чем личные качества - от буддистских +4 к знаниям не будет ни жарко ни холодно. Сам правитель сейчас исповедует индуизм, как и большинство вассалов - и тут начинается не пойми что. Только что разбил восстание, думал перераспределить титулы, отдав их более сговорчивым мэрам, но мэры поголовно все относятся к касте брахманов и могут брать только герцогства, переходя от республиканского строя к теократическому. Поголовье же патрициев также целиком относится к касте кшатриев. Выход сейчас только в переходе в джайнизм, чтобы увеличить количество личного владения - и это покончит со славной традицией (а также хорошим доходом) разграбления Мекки, Медины и Басры. Впрочем, поскольку здесь индийские религии наёмников вообще не имеют, хороший доход не так привлекателен. А ещё джайнизм как бы помогает в стабильности, давая +5 отношения с вассалами - при -20 отношений по любому среднему поводу. Интересно видеть как при наведении на окошко отношений вываливается подсказка на больше чем полэкрана с +3 от kind и т.д., со всего 2 отрицательными строчками вверху: -30 not on council, -30 wrong government type (или -25 какая-то амбиция - по вкусу) - и общая сумма +2 отношений.

При всех шагающих по Европе эпидемиях, Анти-Папах и ересях, норманнах и исламистах, управляемости в западной части на порядок больше.

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VIET перестал запускаться с CK+?

В более ранних версиях хорошая совместимость была.

Есть ли какая-нибудь инфа по этому вопросу?

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Через моего оператора невозможно скачать с медиафайр. Доступ к сайту запрещён. Можно, плиз, на другой обменник выложить? Яндиск или майл. От 4 марта на 2.5.2?

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<noindex>HIP от 30.04.2016</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!


This release is incompatible with savegames from prior HIP releases, although games started on yesterday's release are fine so long as your game's ERE hasn't flipped-- partially or otherwise-- to nomadic government.

SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.04


Any issues with imperial governments flipping to, er, nomadic governments should be resolved (was an issue whenever using the Ruler Designer to replace a historical Byzantine Emperor but the bug could be triggered in other ways too)

EMF v5.03


No Ahistorical Empires (new default de jure setup):

By default, EMF now starts with only historically de jure empires on the map (Holy Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, and Persian Empire)

New scenario customization decision: Add Ahistorical Empires

Enables the map's usual ahistorical de jure empires. This customization is reversible with the classic Remove Ahistorical Empires scenario customization decision, which appears after enacting the former decision (and vice versa).

NOTE: The custom kingdom/empire formation decisions are always available to players regardless of the choice to add/remove ahistorical de jure empire, and such custom kingdoms/empires are always disabled for the AI regardless of this setting as well.

With the default setup, the map's usual ahistorical de jure empires are only rendered titular and NOT deactivated

Player & AI multi-kings alike can still create the titular empires if they control the empire title's de jure capital and meet the minimum requirements for empire title creation (e.g., total realm size) in addition to any other title-specific requirements (usually related to control of specific titles and culture/religion)

If you want to fully deactivate them, first use the new customization decision Add Ahistorical Empires followed by the traditional Remove Ahistorical Empires to make it final

Feudal Elective Succession UNLOCKED: it's now always an alternative, additional succession law option for player Muslims and Indians

Decadence Removal:

Decadence has been removed from the game. It is a flawed concept which requires a complete overhaul before it will return.

The notion that all Muslims of common patrilineal descent suffer a curse/blessing for the "sins" of their dynasty members, no matter how distant or unrelated-- and that these dynasty-wide effects include armies' morale, vassal limit, demesne income, chance of random invasion from implausible sources, etc. -- is all stunningly fictional.

NOTE: It is probable that EMF will adopt some form of Rylock's work on decadence replacement in CK2Plus in the future. In short, his approach also completely removes the hard-coded decadence mechanic, but it replaces it with a soft-coded mechanic which is limited to dynasty members in the same top realm, among other improvements.

Iqta & Tribal government types no longer use decadence at all

Decadence events/decisions/ambitions/invasions/defines have been disabled (i.e., the things which serve no other purpose but to affect/reflect decadence)

Viceroyalty Update (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock):

Due to myriad bugs and gameplay-suboptimal restrictions with the Charlemagne DLC's implementation of viceroyalties, how they work has been radically changed compared to vanilla CK2:

There is no separate law for establishing viceroyalties - it comes into play only once the Imperial Administration law has been implemented.

Under the Imperial Administration law, the government type will change to Imperial (or al-Mulk for Muslims - all references to Imperial government from this point will apply equally to the al-Mulk variant). This government type allows free revocation ("free" meaning no tyranny opinion malus; it still costs Prestige) of all Duke- and King-tier vassal titles, with the al-Mulk variant also getting free transfer of vassals.

All feudal vassals of Duke or King tier who also have Imperial government are automatically considered viceroys. This means that, whenever their title is usurped or inherited, the emperor (or their King-tier liege, even if he is also a viceroy) receives an event to assent to their assumption of the title. If the emperor refuses, the viceroy has the opportunity to bribe their liege with favors and/or coin, but failing that the emperor's council will then suggest up to three alternatives - which may include the original heir/usurper if they are liked enough or are the only available ruler in range. The emperor may select one of their options or spend 200 Prestige to override them and usurp the title personally.

The emperor has access to a 'Make Title Inheritable' option, which will make an Imperial vassal change to Feudal government instead - their title will be inheritable and will not need the assent of the emperor from that point on, until and unless it is usurped or revoked by the liege. Feudal government status also automatically applies to rulers who are subjugated through war.

Note that, when first establishing the Imperial Administration law, all vassals will have Feudal government. The only way to turn them to Imperial government is through new titles being granted, or existing Duke/King titles being revoked and re-granted by the emperor.

Restoration of Byzantium:

Whether it be due to AED (Automatic Empire Disintegration) or plain old history (1204-1261), the Byzantine Empire (ERE) title is often enough destroyed due to loss of Constantinople. In the past, this has often resulted in an irreparable situation for the Empire, especially for the AI. Instead, we'd like to more correctly model the 'Imperial Anarchy' that such a loss would imply, so we've added:

New decision Restore Byzantium will appear for those whom control the Queen of Cities, Constantinople, during such a period of imperial anarchy.

Its requirements are best explained by its in-game tooltip, but suffice it to say, they're quite flexible but also no gimme; one must indeed re-establish imperial authority before enactment.

Upon enactment of the decision:

The ERE title will be restored along with, at the least, its traditional laws: Medium Crown Authority, Primogeniture Succession, Free Infidel Revocation, Imperial Administration, and so on.

Any held, titular empires and kingdoms as well as held, de jure vassal kingdoms of the Empire will be destroyed without penalty.

Vassalize the Varangian Guard, if they've been formed.

Vassalize your religious head and grant him Hagia Sophia.

Two new, tiered 'Imperial Invasion' CBs added to model the 'Imperial Anarchy':

A CB to invade Thrace and, most importantly, make Constantinople your new capital. While the AI will avoid 'long shots,' this CB doesn't have bordering requirements, is available to any independent ruler that meets the basic requirements of the Restore Byzantium decision (religious branch, culture group, etc.), and may even be used against those whom also meet those same requirements. Until the Empire is restored or fades from memory, the de jure Imperial capital will be under constant threat of invasion from Byzantine warlords vying to be the successors to the Empire.

A CB available only to the currently-legitimate holder of Constantinople which allows invasion of any of the duchies in the de jure capital kingdom of the Empire, and once its counties are all under heel, optionally allows further invasions of any neighboring duchies in Achaea/Morea (SWMH) or Nikaea.

Note that Papists such as the historical Latin Emperors are not considered "legitimate" by these CBs (or the restoration decision), although a direct path for the titular Latin Empire to become the de jure [Eastern] Roman Empire does now exist if the Latin Emperor should no longer follow the Catholic Pope and practice acceptable Roman customs.

Both CBs, upon success, will subjugate lords of your specific religion and will purge the rest.

Protected Council Appointments:

This new law offers a permanent opinion boost of +10 from all powerful vassals that are members of the ruling council, current and future, so long as their job security is indeed protected (in addition to a temporary bonus from enactment).

What's the catch? So long as a councilmember remains "powerful" (as indicated by the in-game "fist" icon), you cannot fire them from their council position -- or you must revoke the law.

The HRE starts with this law by default.

Castle cultural building selections now uniformly depend upon their province's culture; the previous, relatively complicated and unrealistic criteria based upon owner culture has been removed


New Feature: Close relatives of rulers of Duke+ tier in non-tribal/non-nomadic empires with no important job may now decide to "serve the empire" by visiting the ruler's capital. They will ask their liege for permission, and if permission is granted will transfer to the emperor's court for up to five years. They will automatically return if their original liege dies in the interim, but otherwise will return on their own with one of a number of random possibilities such as an increase in their education trait level, a stat increase, a wife or child (oops!), the Depressed trait, etc. They will, however, elect to remain in the emperor's court if they are serving on the emperor's council or as one of his commanders. (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

New Plot: Overthrow the Empire plot now available for any member of the emperor's council in Imperial or al-Mulk governments. Once the plot power has climbed high enough, the coup will be ready to begin and will kick off an event chain where the plotter and conspirators attempt to take over the palace in a pitched battle which could see any of them captured, injured, or even killed (this includes the emperor, unless the emperor is currently away from the capital - which will keep them safe but does make the coup easier). (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

Adult courtiers within the court of a feudal Emperor-tier ruler may gain one of three traits: Imperial Courtier (for characters with Diplomacy and Intrigue education), Imperial Bureaucrat (for characters with Stewardship or Learning education), or Imperial Guard (for characters with Martial education). This gives the characters in question a boost to their traits, but also makes the emperor who has them in his court eligible for a number of "imperial intrigue" events (some of which are good, some bad, though in general having a lot of courtiers with these traits will increase the chance of negative events). (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

A Duke- or King-tier vassal within an Imperial or al-Mulk realm may use a decision to claim the throne if they have 1000 Prestige, 100 Piety, and either the Proud, Ambitious, or Brave trait. The AI will not use this except in exceptional cases. (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

It is no longer possible for a liege to coerce a vassal to leave their chosen 4-interest faction (i.e., Court, Prosperity, Glory, or Tradition) via the standard spymaster job; however, a liege may still coerce vassals out of the standard, conspiratorial factions as usual

Imperial Reconquest: The CB and related "tier check" decisions/events no longer require complete holding-level control to continue advancing through the reconquest tiers; all that matters is that you have complete province-level control of each tier before advancing to the next

The Theme System laws for the Byzantine Empire (ERE), a legacy of Project Balance, have been removed

Reduced the base probability of a battlefield duel by -30%

Duke- and above-tier AI rulers will no longer marry lowborn spouses (failing all else, spouses will be from the lesser nobility)

Late Feudal Administration law (permanently unlocks advanced succession laws) is now more strict regarding required Legalism technology vs. Crown Authority. Essentially, the technology requirements have all been increased by one level, with CA-independent unlock at level 6 while still being possible to unlock at as low as level 3 (see in-game tooltip for breakdown of Legalism tech vs. currently-effective CA).

In the past, it was possible to bypass Crown Authority or Administration law requirements when enacting advanced succession laws if no crown law title affected your succession law title. With the advent of Late Feudal Administration, this loophole is no longer allowed for Primogeniture/Ultimogeniture, but it is still allowed for Seniority.

Obligations law sliders now all have unique graphics for each of the 4 vassal classes instead of text; Focus law sliders were already graphical

Threat / Defensive Pacts:

Defensive pacts cannot form against a ruler unless their threat level is at least 15% (threshold increased from 5%)

Reduced different-religion-group defensive pact distance cut-off to 300, which is the same value used for same-religion-group defensive pacts

The maximum amount of threat increase per province conquered in a war is now 4% instead of 8% (vanilla's reference cap is 15%/province)

Threat loss from granting independence to non-de-jure vassals reduced by -90%

Threat gained through inheritance reduced by -67%

Threat will be no longer be gained due to vassals

AI, when evaluating whether to join/leave a defensive pact, is now less sensitive to distance from the threat than in the previous version of EMF but still significantly more sensitive than vanilla (i.e., they are less likely to take part in d-pacts against distant threats, ceteris paribus)

Custom kingdom/empire formation decisions now only create titular titles; you'll have to drift them into de jure status the normal way

De jure assimilation of duchies into kingdoms (de jure drift) now requires 75 years of de facto duchy control (instead of 100 years); for reference, recall that in EMF 5.02, the time requirement for de jure assimilation of kingdoms into empires was dropped to 50 years (instead of 100 as well) -- kingdoms drift faster than duchies

Monthly prestige gain from held count- or higher-tier titles has been halved across the board; monthly prestige gain from vassals, weighted by vassal-tier, has NOT changed, however.

Prestige gain from creating titles has also been nerfed:

Duke-tier titles earn you 125 prestige (vs. vanilla 200)

King-tier titles earn you 250 prestige (vs. vanilla 400)

Empire-tier titles earn you 500 prestige (vs. vanilla 800, previously 1200 in EMF)

Prestige costs of destroying titles have likewise been updated to equal the new, lower prestige gains from title creation

Automatic Empire Disintegration:

The "de jure" historical empires whose legitimacy doesn't rest upon control of Constantinople (the HRE, its Frankish HRE variant, Persia, and the [restored] Roman Empire) now require higher min. realm size than 100 to be exempt from AED, unless they have at least High Crown Authority:

The HRE variants require at least 200 realm size (300 on EMF+SWMH)

The [restored] Roman Empire requires at least 300 realm size (400 on EMF+SWMH)

Persia requires at least 200 realm size

Added comprehensive all-CBs blocks upon certain targets:

Non-republican AIs cannot target titles which would wipe-out a merchant republic, although players can wipe them out as they please

(EMF+SWMH) All CBs which operate upon de jure territory (e.g., most invasions, holy wars, etc.) protect against outside forces using them for conquest of the Saharan region (which includes the Kanem/Hausaland kingdoms in the interior), unless the attacker or defender are players, or the defender's capital is itself outside of the Saharan region

Holy order and mercenary titles can never be contested (esp. important for third-party claims)

Nomads' landless clan titles and their empire-tier khaganate title can never be directly contested in any form of claim war

EMF's war AI will no longer be as infamously aggressive against players immediately after campaign start; their preference for giving players hell will return as the game progresses, but we should no longer see any Day-1 DoWs from the AI in certain starts

Rulers should now "go native" (embrace local culture) less frequently and more rationally

EMF now actively breaks tributary relations when an independent tribute becomes vassal to another ruler

For the independence faction, tribal rulers now care much less about whether their liege has de jure pretension over them (will be more rowdy)

Castle cultural buildings, cultural retinues, and combat tactics:

Added new cultural buildings, retinues, and adjusted tactics for Castilians, Leonese, and Aragonese cultures (emphasis on heavy cavalry and infantry)

Made the 'Shock Charge' tactic available to Occitans to put them on par with their French overlords

Granted the Old Saxons the appropriate cultural tactic for their cultural building/levy composition

Readjusted Romanian, Russian, and Lithuanian retinues to better complement their army compositions

Added new retinues for Bosnian, Carinthian, Galician, Cornish, Anglo-Norse, Norse-Gaelic, and Old Saxon cultures

Adjusted Arab cultural building to restore maintenance values to a reasonable level

Added North African cultural building & retinues which are more coherent with their Berber cultural tactics

Adjusted Dutch/Frisian/Low Frankish cultural building and retinues in order to promote synergy with their cultural tactics

Adjusted Lombard cultural building and retinue to be more aligned with cultural tactic and historical legacy

Adjusted Albanian retinue for better cultural tactic coherency

Councillors may no longer be reassigned instantly and require a cooldown of 3 months before redeployment

Bonus consequence: placing a councillor now lifts the "fog of war" at their location again, as it does in vanilla (with no cooldown, this would've been an exploit).

(Vanilla Map) Duchy of Aragon de jure moved to Kingdom of Aragon in 1066 and later start dates

(EMF+SWMH) Christian Iberian kingdom dynamic de jure expansion: Duchy of Badajoz is now a potential de jure expansion target for Portugal (3rd in priority after Leon and Castille, respectively)

Reduced Mongol invasion event troops and reinforcements by -33%


Council Authority law has been removed due to serving no practical purpose after other additions & changes in this version

If using any of the age customization traits in the Ruler Designer, those traits will be immediately removed upon campaign initialization rather than requiring up to an in-game month before removal

Loot per nomadic population (i.e., when raiding nomadic provinces) has been doubled

Rulers now have up to 2 months to influence undecided council members' votes after proposing a law change (up from 1 month)

The 'crowded court' threshold for increasing disease spread chance has been raised by +50% to 60

The randomized reward event for completing the 'Convert a Province' [religion] ambition is now hidden; the reward will nevertheless apply

AED (Automatic Empire Disintegration), when trying to select an appropriate kingdom title to which a rump empire should be demoted, now uses the "51% rule" for de jure county control (i.e., more than half) rather than the 50% rule normally used for kingdom title creation

Mortals may no longer plot to kill the All-Seeing Isis!

Convert to Merchant Republic, the day-1 scenario customization "diplo-action," is no longer an option for rulers of landless tiles -- no Popes, no mercenaries, no holy orders ... and no Isis!


Creating or usurping titles as the Byzantine Empire (ERE) will no longer cause mysterious net prestige deductions

Various rare but potentially serious issues caused by the succession law overhaul of EMF 5.02 have been addressed with yet another succession law overhaul. We've eliminated the possibility of such issues due to using a more "vanilla-friendly" design to achieve the very same goals (with the very minor exception noted below).

Due to limitations of CK2's succession law system: when enacting a succession law change, it is now possible to spend more prestige than you actually have, which could result in negative prestige. Though this is unlikely to occur when otherwise meeting the requirements for succession law changes, pay mind to the prestige costs of succession law changes in order to avoid negative prestige.

AED (Automatic Empire Disintegration) will no longer pick fallback kingdom titles which are actually inactive or titular (very rare but major & stupid)

Fixed the De Jure Holding War CB not being available in some cases that it should (and not usurping intended baronies) as well as an issue with the 3rd-Party De Jure County Claim CB


4-interest faction demands for their liege to surrender a county title are now WAD

Primogeniture Succession no longer appears as a [disabled] succession law option for Muslims

(EMF+SWMH) Christian Iberian kingdom dynamic de jure expansion: Duchy of Beja now only requires complete county control to qualify for dynamic drift (i.e., not necessarily complete subholding control), like the other duchies covered by this system

Fighter/diplomat traits now properly reference educator skills rather than requiring an actual guardian to be assigned (fixes many kids no longer developing such traits post-Conclave)

Fixed "government flavor" triggers to work w/ EMF's alternative law setup for Imperial Administration and to consider the HRE and alt-history Saint-Empire Romain (western/frankish HRE) titles equivalently

Corrected some incorrect culture references in 00_combat_tactics.txt

Removed extra Frisian castle cultural building

Vanilla fix for missing localisation in the "tournament is over" event

Fixes for some grammar localisation (incorrect pronouns) in a few of the old Project Balance ambitions

Succession law factions no longer require their associated laws' additional "allow" conditions to form-- only their "potential" (i.e., such factions now ignore Crown Authority or Administration laws-- only pragmatically affects Primogeniture and Seniority factions)

(EMF+SWMH) Fixed a minor issue with Frisian provinces converting to Dutch when they should not (e.g., before Dutch culture has even emerged from Frankisk / Low Frankish culture)

SWMH v2.93


Overhaul of Arabia (2 new Kingdoms, 2 new Duchies, 5 new Counties and redrawn Vanilla provinces)

Overhaul of Mesopotamia (2 new Duchies, 2 new counties and redrawn Vanilla provinces including new corridors across the Arabian deserts and through Palmyra to the Euphrates)

2 new Arabian cultures (Yemeni and Hijazi)

Several new dynasties and more than 100 new characters for the Yemenis, Hijazis, Bedouins and Levantines

Arabia and Mesopotamia:

Overhauled the landed_titles setup for Arabia and Mesopotamia.

Completed the nativization of Barony/County/Duchy localisations for the area and added several new dynamic names (specifically Coptic and Assyrian ones)

Added native titles for the Assyrians (Special shout-out to Caoimhin, who was a great help with that)

The Abbasid Caliphs are now using the Levantine culture instead of Bedouin

many, many title history changes

Added Banu Ghatafan, Banu Sulaym, Banu Qays, Banu Ka'b, Banu Tamim, Banu 'Annizah and Banu Shammar title holders to the Centre of Arabia for the entire game. To represent the fluidity and complexity of tribal life in there

Added an Abd-al-Qays tribal placeholder dynasty ruler for Eastern Arabia in 867

Added the Qarmatians for pre-1076 Eastern Arabia (The period now offers an exciting four-way setup for who gains power (Qarmatians vs Al-Bahlul vs ibn Ayyash vs Uyunis)

Split the previously huge Hashimite Dynasty of Mecca into 4 Cadet branches (Banu Musa, Banu Hawashim, Banu Sulayman, Banu Qatadah)

Added the Najahids and Mahdids of Zabid

Added the Husaynid Emirs of Medina

Added Banu Muntafiq tribal rulers for Southern Iraq

Added Banu Salih rulers for Qinnasrin

Bumped the Banu Mazyad of Hilla and Kufah to Emir status (they were semi-independent rulers of the regon)

Special shoutout to @Gwyn ap Nud for all the help putting together the title histories


Nomads in Africa and Arabia converted to tribal government form

Fixed title history messes for the ERE after 1204. The area should now be functionally playable and much more accurate

Utilized the 1204 de-jure Kingdom setup for the ERE. The Empires ceases to exist between 1204 and 1261

Several new characters and dynasties for the late-period ERE and post-Seljuk Anatolian Beyliks

Started utilizing the ability the ability to de-jure drift Counties. The Anatolian duchies will shift into more appropriate titular titles in later bookmarks

Bumped the Titular Anatolian Sultanates down to Emirates (except for the Ottomans)

New pre Sultanate title for the Ottomans until the conquest of Bursa

Finished the Clean-up of remaining Turkish characters east of Anatolia. They've been turned into Turkmens as they're intended to be

additional changes to the Turkification/Kurdification of Armenia.

Added a titular duchy of Siena


King Malcolm Virgo is now dead at the right time.

Minor Anglo-Norman families extended and historic holdings adjusted.

Missing Irish title holders added.

Invalid liege and holder fixes in England and Ireland.

Non-tribal holdings in Britain removed in tribal areas.

Robert the Old's first son added and other children given their proper mother.

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.2.1

Compatibility with latest SWMH

miniSWMH: Performance-Friendly SWMH v1.2.0

Compatibility with latest SWMH

CPRplus v2.5.2


Added “cool armor” graphics for Catholic Western European characters (7 in total, 3 of which are reserved for characters with the Crusader trait); character must have high Personal Combat Skills (above 3 in vanilla and 5 in EMF) stats; Martial stats (below or above 20) influences which armor the character gets

Added brand new graphics for nuns and the Preferatus

Reintroduced age-based beard portrait code:

Characters start growing beard only after age 18

If Catholic or its heresy, characters will go beardless if they have piety-related nickname

Catholic clergy are beardless as in previous version, unless they have the Wicked Priest trait

Added various makeup, face paint, freckle, etc. elements to females across the world

Siberian face is now more unique than before and is no longer the same as the Mongol face

Added a separate graphic for the Attractive trait for darker-skinned portrait sets to use (those in Africa and southern India)

Added new hair assets to portraits across Africa

Added new headgear assets to the Ethiopian portrait

Added a new emperor-tier headgear to non-pagan African portrait

Added a couple of brand new emperor- and king-tiered clothes to male mid-period German, Norman, Breton, Occitan, Ashkenazi, Dutch, Lombard, and Anglo Saxon portraits

Added new eye graphics to Georgian and Alan portraits, based on old Mediterranean portrait materials

Male characters older than 80 will become bald

Now any character who controls or serves in Rome gets access to the “Papal” portrait background

Pagan Norse characters’ armor no longer has chain mail

New helmet graphics for Muslim and Maghreb female

Levantine, Muslim, Kurdish, and Coptic [sWMH only] portraits now feature more than one hair color

Added many new pupil colors to most of portrait sets


Iris size overhaul in portrait sets across Europe, Middle East, and Africa for better pupil color visibility

Celtic female face overhaul (cuter!)

Mongol female eye overhaul (more like human!)

Southern Slavic characters now wear Byzantine headgear

Modified Slavic female’s eyes so that they fit better with the overall face:less shadows around the eyes, skin tone matching, and nose rib alignment fix

Modified Turkish characters’ skin color tone and cheeks (deep dimple removed from young female)

Modified female Turkish character’s mouths

Adjusted the position of male Cuman and Turkish mouths

Adjusted size of some facial features of Finno-Ugric- and Iberian-based faces so that trait-based graphics fit better

Toned down whites of the eyes in Indian portraits

Made whites of the eyes more visible for Iberian, Andalusian, Italian, Byzantine, Levantine, Maghreb, and Persian portraits

Modified Maghreb face to be more distinct from Iberian face

Slightly modified Western, French, Saxon and Norse eyes

Modified non-pagan Norse hairs

Modified Dutch/Hungarian beards

Changed Levantine face tone to be closer to previous version’s

Adjusted lightings on early-era Western Slavic headgear

Adjusted too much baggy eyes in Celtic male and Italian female

South Indian male uses Indian beard

Small modification to female Mongol clothes and headgear

Adjusted the size of Ethiopian male clothes

Fixed the reddish nose frames for male Norse characters [vanilla issue]

“Church” background should no longer be as dominant among courtiers in Christian theocracies

A new emperor- and king-tiered cloth for Khitan female

Khitan female is back to using “Chinese” hairstyles


Reverted the “nose on top of the beard” fix previously applied to Western, Occitan, French, English, and Muslim portraits because the fix caused an issue with the Ill and Pneumonic trait graphics

Removed an extraneous part (string) in mid-era Anglo-Saxon helmet

Mid-era Celtic headgear now hides female hair

Non-muslim Somali (and also Znaga and Zaghawa in SWMH) females no longer wear burka

Fixed the wrong eye file used in North Indian male portrait

Fixed the wrong eye pupil references in South Indian portrait

Fixed an oversight where one female hair frame had much less chance of appearing [Vanilla bug]

Fixed a possibly crash-inducing oversight in young Byzantine male portrait code

Fixed the wrong age-group reference in old Byzantine male hair

LTM © for SWMH


(Optional) Selection of alternate, & rejected country borders + old + all vanilla

(Optional) High saturation-Low Transparency in political mode

(Optional) Low saturation-High Transparency in political mode

(Optional) Basic flat map


New non-passable border

New country border

New province border

Slight increase in border intensity, still less than vanilla

Non-realm border now fade away as the camera is pulled back

Lowered border height to vanilla settings


Reshaped terrain of Massif Central

Reshaped terrain of Britain

Reshaped topology of Scotland

Reshaped terrain along Tigris & Euphrates

Reshaped trees in Nordkalotten, Finland, Novgorod, Baltics, & Sweden

Reshaped terrain in Nordkalotten, Finland, Novgorod, Baltics, & Sweden

Reshaped Irish terrain

Reshaped Armenian valley topology to be softer & follow terrain

Added northern wetlands

Added farmland: focus on rivers, outlets, & branches

Added coastlines (cliffs & beaches) to France, Portugal, north Spain, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia... (TBC)

Moved Italian Apennines terrain to its corresponding topology

Moved Göta highlands terrain to its corresponding topology

Removed trees for himalayan treeline

Removed the green plains' sharpness around damascus

Compatibility with SWMH's arabia release


Removed vanilla's seasonal recolouring of rivers

Expanded physical ice range to cover russian rivers

Slightly recoloured of most fake lakes

Recoloured Gotland & other Baltic Isles

Recoloured Iberia & Italy

Recoloured Carpathians

Recoloured Himilayas

Recoloured Turkey (TBC)

Recoloured shores of caspian sea, north africa, & normandy

Added salt lakes

Removed seams around the Urals & Iran

Adjusted snow colour

Corrected colours & contours of water depths

Recoloured water in all map modes


Replaced texture for hills

Replaced texture for foothills

Reworked texture for marshland

Reworked texture for arid plains

Reworked texture for farmland

Flooded fake lakes with real water in Nordkalotten

Added seperate texture for mountains in arid areas

Added seperate texture for hills in arid areas

Added seperate texture for hills in asia minor

Added two textures for coastline terrain

Replaced texture for ice

Reverted desert texture back to vanilla (with adjustments)

Increased normal sharpness for most textures

Increased mipmap sharpness for most textures

Slightly increased saturation in all textures


Increased water height & water height cap

Increased trees width & height

Replaced normal for most textures

Decreased red hue in arid climate

Increased green hue in temperate climates

[Temporary] Farmland function as plains

Renamed Arctic terrain to Boreal

Added localisation for marshland terrain

Increased boreal's movement cost & bottleneck chance

Removed/Lessened paradox's terrain seams

Increased of map transparency & saturation

LTM © for Vanilla Map

Initial version


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<noindex>HIP от 30.04.2016</noindex>

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This release is incompatible with savegames from prior HIP releases, although games started on yesterday's release are fine so long as your game's ERE hasn't flipped-- partially or otherwise-- to nomadic government.

SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.04


Any issues with imperial governments flipping to, er, nomadic governments should be resolved (was an issue whenever using the Ruler Designer to replace a historical Byzantine Emperor but the bug could be triggered in other ways too)

EMF v5.03


No Ahistorical Empires (new default de jure setup):

By default, EMF now starts with only historically de jure empires on the map (Holy Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, and Persian Empire)

New scenario customization decision: Add Ahistorical Empires

Enables the map's usual ahistorical de jure empires. This customization is reversible with the classic Remove Ahistorical Empires scenario customization decision, which appears after enacting the former decision (and vice versa).

NOTE: The custom kingdom/empire formation decisions are always available to players regardless of the choice to add/remove ahistorical de jure empire, and such custom kingdoms/empires are always disabled for the AI regardless of this setting as well.

With the default setup, the map's usual ahistorical de jure empires are only rendered titular and NOT deactivated

Player & AI multi-kings alike can still create the titular empires if they control the empire title's de jure capital and meet the minimum requirements for empire title creation (e.g., total realm size) in addition to any other title-specific requirements (usually related to control of specific titles and culture/religion)

If you want to fully deactivate them, first use the new customization decision Add Ahistorical Empires followed by the traditional Remove Ahistorical Empires to make it final

Feudal Elective Succession UNLOCKED: it's now always an alternative, additional succession law option for player Muslims and Indians

Decadence Removal:

Decadence has been removed from the game. It is a flawed concept which requires a complete overhaul before it will return.

The notion that all Muslims of common patrilineal descent suffer a curse/blessing for the "sins" of their dynasty members, no matter how distant or unrelated-- and that these dynasty-wide effects include armies' morale, vassal limit, demesne income, chance of random invasion from implausible sources, etc. -- is all stunningly fictional.

NOTE: It is probable that EMF will adopt some form of Rylock's work on decadence replacement in CK2Plus in the future. In short, his approach also completely removes the hard-coded decadence mechanic, but it replaces it with a soft-coded mechanic which is limited to dynasty members in the same top realm, among other improvements.

Iqta & Tribal government types no longer use decadence at all

Decadence events/decisions/ambitions/invasions/defines have been disabled (i.e., the things which serve no other purpose but to affect/reflect decadence)

Viceroyalty Update (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock):

Due to myriad bugs and gameplay-suboptimal restrictions with the Charlemagne DLC's implementation of viceroyalties, how they work has been radically changed compared to vanilla CK2:

There is no separate law for establishing viceroyalties - it comes into play only once the Imperial Administration law has been implemented.

Under the Imperial Administration law, the government type will change to Imperial (or al-Mulk for Muslims - all references to Imperial government from this point will apply equally to the al-Mulk variant). This government type allows free revocation ("free" meaning no tyranny opinion malus; it still costs Prestige) of all Duke- and King-tier vassal titles, with the al-Mulk variant also getting free transfer of vassals.

All feudal vassals of Duke or King tier who also have Imperial government are automatically considered viceroys. This means that, whenever their title is usurped or inherited, the emperor (or their King-tier liege, even if he is also a viceroy) receives an event to assent to their assumption of the title. If the emperor refuses, the viceroy has the opportunity to bribe their liege with favors and/or coin, but failing that the emperor's council will then suggest up to three alternatives - which may include the original heir/usurper if they are liked enough or are the only available ruler in range. The emperor may select one of their options or spend 200 Prestige to override them and usurp the title personally.

The emperor has access to a 'Make Title Inheritable' option, which will make an Imperial vassal change to Feudal government instead - their title will be inheritable and will not need the assent of the emperor from that point on, until and unless it is usurped or revoked by the liege. Feudal government status also automatically applies to rulers who are subjugated through war.

Note that, when first establishing the Imperial Administration law, all vassals will have Feudal government. The only way to turn them to Imperial government is through new titles being granted, or existing Duke/King titles being revoked and re-granted by the emperor.

Restoration of Byzantium:

Whether it be due to AED (Automatic Empire Disintegration) or plain old history (1204-1261), the Byzantine Empire (ERE) title is often enough destroyed due to loss of Constantinople. In the past, this has often resulted in an irreparable situation for the Empire, especially for the AI. Instead, we'd like to more correctly model the 'Imperial Anarchy' that such a loss would imply, so we've added:

New decision Restore Byzantium will appear for those whom control the Queen of Cities, Constantinople, during such a period of imperial anarchy.

Its requirements are best explained by its in-game tooltip, but suffice it to say, they're quite flexible but also no gimme; one must indeed re-establish imperial authority before enactment.

Upon enactment of the decision:

The ERE title will be restored along with, at the least, its traditional laws: Medium Crown Authority, Primogeniture Succession, Free Infidel Revocation, Imperial Administration, and so on.

Any held, titular empires and kingdoms as well as held, de jure vassal kingdoms of the Empire will be destroyed without penalty.

Vassalize the Varangian Guard, if they've been formed.

Vassalize your religious head and grant him Hagia Sophia.

Two new, tiered 'Imperial Invasion' CBs added to model the 'Imperial Anarchy':

A CB to invade Thrace and, most importantly, make Constantinople your new capital. While the AI will avoid 'long shots,' this CB doesn't have bordering requirements, is available to any independent ruler that meets the basic requirements of the Restore Byzantium decision (religious branch, culture group, etc.), and may even be used against those whom also meet those same requirements. Until the Empire is restored or fades from memory, the de jure Imperial capital will be under constant threat of invasion from Byzantine warlords vying to be the successors to the Empire.

A CB available only to the currently-legitimate holder of Constantinople which allows invasion of any of the duchies in the de jure capital kingdom of the Empire, and once its counties are all under heel, optionally allows further invasions of any neighboring duchies in Achaea/Morea (SWMH) or Nikaea.

Note that Papists such as the historical Latin Emperors are not considered "legitimate" by these CBs (or the restoration decision), although a direct path for the titular Latin Empire to become the de jure [Eastern] Roman Empire does now exist if the Latin Emperor should no longer follow the Catholic Pope and practice acceptable Roman customs.

Both CBs, upon success, will subjugate lords of your specific religion and will purge the rest.

Protected Council Appointments:

This new law offers a permanent opinion boost of +10 from all powerful vassals that are members of the ruling council, current and future, so long as their job security is indeed protected (in addition to a temporary bonus from enactment).

What's the catch? So long as a councilmember remains "powerful" (as indicated by the in-game "fist" icon), you cannot fire them from their council position -- or you must revoke the law.

The HRE starts with this law by default.

Castle cultural building selections now uniformly depend upon their province's culture; the previous, relatively complicated and unrealistic criteria based upon owner culture has been removed


New Feature: Close relatives of rulers of Duke+ tier in non-tribal/non-nomadic empires with no important job may now decide to "serve the empire" by visiting the ruler's capital. They will ask their liege for permission, and if permission is granted will transfer to the emperor's court for up to five years. They will automatically return if their original liege dies in the interim, but otherwise will return on their own with one of a number of random possibilities such as an increase in their education trait level, a stat increase, a wife or child (oops!), the Depressed trait, etc. They will, however, elect to remain in the emperor's court if they are serving on the emperor's council or as one of his commanders. (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

New Plot: Overthrow the Empire plot now available for any member of the emperor's council in Imperial or al-Mulk governments. Once the plot power has climbed high enough, the coup will be ready to begin and will kick off an event chain where the plotter and conspirators attempt to take over the palace in a pitched battle which could see any of them captured, injured, or even killed (this includes the emperor, unless the emperor is currently away from the capital - which will keep them safe but does make the coup easier). (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

Adult courtiers within the court of a feudal Emperor-tier ruler may gain one of three traits: Imperial Courtier (for characters with Diplomacy and Intrigue education), Imperial Bureaucrat (for characters with Stewardship or Learning education), or Imperial Guard (for characters with Martial education). This gives the characters in question a boost to their traits, but also makes the emperor who has them in his court eligible for a number of "imperial intrigue" events (some of which are good, some bad, though in general having a lot of courtiers with these traits will increase the chance of negative events). (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

A Duke- or King-tier vassal within an Imperial or al-Mulk realm may use a decision to claim the throne if they have 1000 Prestige, 100 Piety, and either the Proud, Ambitious, or Brave trait. The AI will not use this except in exceptional cases. (brought over from CK2Plus and implemented by @Rylock)

It is no longer possible for a liege to coerce a vassal to leave their chosen 4-interest faction (i.e., Court, Prosperity, Glory, or Tradition) via the standard spymaster job; however, a liege may still coerce vassals out of the standard, conspiratorial factions as usual

Imperial Reconquest: The CB and related "tier check" decisions/events no longer require complete holding-level control to continue advancing through the reconquest tiers; all that matters is that you have complete province-level control of each tier before advancing to the next

The Theme System laws for the Byzantine Empire (ERE), a legacy of Project Balance, have been removed

Reduced the base probability of a battlefield duel by -30%

Duke- and above-tier AI rulers will no longer marry lowborn spouses (failing all else, spouses will be from the lesser nobility)

Late Feudal Administration law (permanently unlocks advanced succession laws) is now more strict regarding required Legalism technology vs. Crown Authority. Essentially, the technology requirements have all been increased by one level, with CA-independent unlock at level 6 while still being possible to unlock at as low as level 3 (see in-game tooltip for breakdown of Legalism tech vs. currently-effective CA).

In the past, it was possible to bypass Crown Authority or Administration law requirements when enacting advanced succession laws if no crown law title affected your succession law title. With the advent of Late Feudal Administration, this loophole is no longer allowed for Primogeniture/Ultimogeniture, but it is still allowed for Seniority.

Obligations law sliders now all have unique graphics for each of the 4 vassal classes instead of text; Focus law sliders were already graphical

Threat / Defensive Pacts:

Defensive pacts cannot form against a ruler unless their threat level is at least 15% (threshold increased from 5%)

Reduced different-religion-group defensive pact distance cut-off to 300, which is the same value used for same-religion-group defensive pacts

The maximum amount of threat increase per province conquered in a war is now 4% instead of 8% (vanilla's reference cap is 15%/province)

Threat loss from granting independence to non-de-jure vassals reduced by -90%

Threat gained through inheritance reduced by -67%

Threat will be no longer be gained due to vassals

AI, when evaluating whether to join/leave a defensive pact, is now less sensitive to distance from the threat than in the previous version of EMF but still significantly more sensitive than vanilla (i.e., they are less likely to take part in d-pacts against distant threats, ceteris paribus)

Custom kingdom/empire formation decisions now only create titular titles; you'll have to drift them into de jure status the normal way

De jure assimilation of duchies into kingdoms (de jure drift) now requires 75 years of de facto duchy control (instead of 100 years); for reference, recall that in EMF 5.02, the time requirement for de jure assimilation of kingdoms into empires was dropped to 50 years (instead of 100 as well) -- kingdoms drift faster than duchies

Monthly prestige gain from held count- or higher-tier titles has been halved across the board; monthly prestige gain from vassals, weighted by vassal-tier, has NOT changed, however.

Prestige gain from creating titles has also been nerfed:

Duke-tier titles earn you 125 prestige (vs. vanilla 200)

King-tier titles earn you 250 prestige (vs. vanilla 400)

Empire-tier titles earn you 500 prestige (vs. vanilla 800, previously 1200 in EMF)

Prestige costs of destroying titles have likewise been updated to equal the new, lower prestige gains from title creation

Automatic Empire Disintegration:

The "de jure" historical empires whose legitimacy doesn't rest upon control of Constantinople (the HRE, its Frankish HRE variant, Persia, and the [restored] Roman Empire) now require higher min. realm size than 100 to be exempt from AED, unless they have at least High Crown Authority:

The HRE variants require at least 200 realm size (300 on EMF+SWMH)

The [restored] Roman Empire requires at least 300 realm size (400 on EMF+SWMH)

Persia requires at least 200 realm size

Added comprehensive all-CBs blocks upon certain targets:

Non-republican AIs cannot target titles which would wipe-out a merchant republic, although players can wipe them out as they please

(EMF+SWMH) All CBs which operate upon de jure territory (e.g., most invasions, holy wars, etc.) protect against outside forces using them for conquest of the Saharan region (which includes the Kanem/Hausaland kingdoms in the interior), unless the attacker or defender are players, or the defender's capital is itself outside of the Saharan region

Holy order and mercenary titles can never be contested (esp. important for third-party claims)

Nomads' landless clan titles and their empire-tier khaganate title can never be directly contested in any form of claim war

EMF's war AI will no longer be as infamously aggressive against players immediately after campaign start; their preference for giving players hell will return as the game progresses, but we should no longer see any Day-1 DoWs from the AI in certain starts

Rulers should now "go native" (embrace local culture) less frequently and more rationally

EMF now actively breaks tributary relations when an independent tribute becomes vassal to another ruler

For the independence faction, tribal rulers now care much less about whether their liege has de jure pretension over them (will be more rowdy)

Castle cultural buildings, cultural retinues, and combat tactics:

Added new cultural buildings, retinues, and adjusted tactics for Castilians, Leonese, and Aragonese cultures (emphasis on heavy cavalry and infantry)

Made the 'Shock Charge' tactic available to Occitans to put them on par with their French overlords

Granted the Old Saxons the appropriate cultural tactic for their cultural building/levy composition

Readjusted Romanian, Russian, and Lithuanian retinues to better complement their army compositions

Added new retinues for Bosnian, Carinthian, Galician, Cornish, Anglo-Norse, Norse-Gaelic, and Old Saxon cultures

Adjusted Arab cultural building to restore maintenance values to a reasonable level

Added North African cultural building & retinues which are more coherent with their Berber cultural tactics

Adjusted Dutch/Frisian/Low Frankish cultural building and retinues in order to promote synergy with their cultural tactics

Adjusted Lombard cultural building and retinue to be more aligned with cultural tactic and historical legacy

Adjusted Albanian retinue for better cultural tactic coherency

Councillors may no longer be reassigned instantly and require a cooldown of 3 months before redeployment

Bonus consequence: placing a councillor now lifts the "fog of war" at their location again, as it does in vanilla (with no cooldown, this would've been an exploit).

(Vanilla Map) Duchy of Aragon de jure moved to Kingdom of Aragon in 1066 and later start dates

(EMF+SWMH) Christian Iberian kingdom dynamic de jure expansion: Duchy of Badajoz is now a potential de jure expansion target for Portugal (3rd in priority after Leon and Castille, respectively)

Reduced Mongol invasion event troops and reinforcements by -33%


Council Authority law has been removed due to serving no practical purpose after other additions & changes in this version

If using any of the age customization traits in the Ruler Designer, those traits will be immediately removed upon campaign initialization rather than requiring up to an in-game month before removal

Loot per nomadic population (i.e., when raiding nomadic provinces) has been doubled

Rulers now have up to 2 months to influence undecided council members' votes after proposing a law change (up from 1 month)

The 'crowded court' threshold for increasing disease spread chance has been raised by +50% to 60

The randomized reward event for completing the 'Convert a Province' [religion] ambition is now hidden; the reward will nevertheless apply

AED (Automatic Empire Disintegration), when trying to select an appropriate kingdom title to which a rump empire should be demoted, now uses the "51% rule" for de jure county control (i.e., more than half) rather than the 50% rule normally used for kingdom title creation

Mortals may no longer plot to kill the All-Seeing Isis!

Convert to Merchant Republic, the day-1 scenario customization "diplo-action," is no longer an option for rulers of landless tiles -- no Popes, no mercenaries, no holy orders ... and no Isis!


Creating or usurping titles as the Byzantine Empire (ERE) will no longer cause mysterious net prestige deductions

Various rare but potentially serious issues caused by the succession law overhaul of EMF 5.02 have been addressed with yet another succession law overhaul. We've eliminated the possibility of such issues due to using a more "vanilla-friendly" design to achieve the very same goals (with the very minor exception noted below).

Due to limitations of CK2's succession law system: when enacting a succession law change, it is now possible to spend more prestige than you actually have, which could result in negative prestige. Though this is unlikely to occur when otherwise meeting the requirements for succession law changes, pay mind to the prestige costs of succession law changes in order to avoid negative prestige.

AED (Automatic Empire Disintegration) will no longer pick fallback kingdom titles which are actually inactive or titular (very rare but major & stupid)

Fixed the De Jure Holding War CB not being available in some cases that it should (and not usurping intended baronies) as well as an issue with the 3rd-Party De Jure County Claim CB


4-interest faction demands for their liege to surrender a county title are now WAD

Primogeniture Succession no longer appears as a [disabled] succession law option for Muslims

(EMF+SWMH) Christian Iberian kingdom dynamic de jure expansion: Duchy of Beja now only requires complete county control to qualify for dynamic drift (i.e., not necessarily complete subholding control), like the other duchies covered by this system

Fighter/diplomat traits now properly reference educator skills rather than requiring an actual guardian to be assigned (fixes many kids no longer developing such traits post-Conclave)

Fixed "government flavor" triggers to work w/ EMF's alternative law setup for Imperial Administration and to consider the HRE and alt-history Saint-Empire Romain (western/frankish HRE) titles equivalently

Corrected some incorrect culture references in 00_combat_tactics.txt

Removed extra Frisian castle cultural building

Vanilla fix for missing localisation in the "tournament is over" event

Fixes for some grammar localisation (incorrect pronouns) in a few of the old Project Balance ambitions

Succession law factions no longer require their associated laws' additional "allow" conditions to form-- only their "potential" (i.e., such factions now ignore Crown Authority or Administration laws-- only pragmatically affects Primogeniture and Seniority factions)

(EMF+SWMH) Fixed a minor issue with Frisian provinces converting to Dutch when they should not (e.g., before Dutch culture has even emerged from Frankisk / Low Frankish culture)

SWMH v2.93


Overhaul of Arabia (2 new Kingdoms, 2 new Duchies, 5 new Counties and redrawn Vanilla provinces)

Overhaul of Mesopotamia (2 new Duchies, 2 new counties and redrawn Vanilla provinces including new corridors across the Arabian deserts and through Palmyra to the Euphrates)

2 new Arabian cultures (Yemeni and Hijazi)

Several new dynasties and more than 100 new characters for the Yemenis, Hijazis, Bedouins and Levantines

Arabia and Mesopotamia:

Overhauled the landed_titles setup for Arabia and Mesopotamia.

Completed the nativization of Barony/County/Duchy localisations for the area and added several new dynamic names (specifically Coptic and Assyrian ones)

Added native titles for the Assyrians (Special shout-out to Caoimhin, who was a great help with that)

The Abbasid Caliphs are now using the Levantine culture instead of Bedouin

many, many title history changes

Added Banu Ghatafan, Banu Sulaym, Banu Qays, Banu Ka'b, Banu Tamim, Banu 'Annizah and Banu Shammar title holders to the Centre of Arabia for the entire game. To represent the fluidity and complexity of tribal life in there

Added an Abd-al-Qays tribal placeholder dynasty ruler for Eastern Arabia in 867

Added the Qarmatians for pre-1076 Eastern Arabia (The period now offers an exciting four-way setup for who gains power (Qarmatians vs Al-Bahlul vs ibn Ayyash vs Uyunis)

Split the previously huge Hashimite Dynasty of Mecca into 4 Cadet branches (Banu Musa, Banu Hawashim, Banu Sulayman, Banu Qatadah)

Added the Najahids and Mahdids of Zabid

Added the Husaynid Emirs of Medina

Added Banu Muntafiq tribal rulers for Southern Iraq

Added Banu Salih rulers for Qinnasrin

Bumped the Banu Mazyad of Hilla and Kufah to Emir status (they were semi-independent rulers of the regon)

Special shoutout to @Gwyn ap Nud for all the help putting together the title histories


Nomads in Africa and Arabia converted to tribal government form

Fixed title history messes for the ERE after 1204. The area should now be functionally playable and much more accurate

Utilized the 1204 de-jure Kingdom setup for the ERE. The Empires ceases to exist between 1204 and 1261

Several new characters and dynasties for the late-period ERE and post-Seljuk Anatolian Beyliks

Started utilizing the ability the ability to de-jure drift Counties. The Anatolian duchies will shift into more appropriate titular titles in later bookmarks

Bumped the Titular Anatolian Sultanates down to Emirates (except for the Ottomans)

New pre Sultanate title for the Ottomans until the conquest of Bursa

Finished the Clean-up of remaining Turkish characters east of Anatolia. They've been turned into Turkmens as they're intended to be

additional changes to the Turkification/Kurdification of Armenia.

Added a titular duchy of Siena


King Malcolm Virgo is now dead at the right time.

Minor Anglo-Norman families extended and historic holdings adjusted.

Missing Irish title holders added.

Invalid liege and holder fixes in England and Ireland.

Non-tribal holdings in Britain removed in tribal areas.

Robert the Old's first son added and other children given their proper mother.

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.2.1

Compatibility with latest SWMH

miniSWMH: Performance-Friendly SWMH v1.2.0

Compatibility with latest SWMH

CPRplus v2.5.2


Added “cool armor” graphics for Catholic Western European characters (7 in total, 3 of which are reserved for characters with the Crusader trait); character must have high Personal Combat Skills (above 3 in vanilla and 5 in EMF) stats; Martial stats (below or above 20) influences which armor the character gets

Added brand new graphics for nuns and the Preferatus

Reintroduced age-based beard portrait code:

Characters start growing beard only after age 18

If Catholic or its heresy, characters will go beardless if they have piety-related nickname

Catholic clergy are beardless as in previous version, unless they have the Wicked Priest trait

Added various makeup, face paint, freckle, etc. elements to females across the world

Siberian face is now more unique than before and is no longer the same as the Mongol face

Added a separate graphic for the Attractive trait for darker-skinned portrait sets to use (those in Africa and southern India)

Added new hair assets to portraits across Africa

Added new headgear assets to the Ethiopian portrait

Added a new emperor-tier headgear to non-pagan African portrait

Added a couple of brand new emperor- and king-tiered clothes to male mid-period German, Norman, Breton, Occitan, Ashkenazi, Dutch, Lombard, and Anglo Saxon portraits

Added new eye graphics to Georgian and Alan portraits, based on old Mediterranean portrait materials

Male characters older than 80 will become bald

Now any character who controls or serves in Rome gets access to the “Papal” portrait background

Pagan Norse characters’ armor no longer has chain mail

New helmet graphics for Muslim and Maghreb female

Levantine, Muslim, Kurdish, and Coptic [sWMH only] portraits now feature more than one hair color

Added many new pupil colors to most of portrait sets


Iris size overhaul in portrait sets across Europe, Middle East, and Africa for better pupil color visibility

Celtic female face overhaul (cuter!)

Mongol female eye overhaul (more like human!)

Southern Slavic characters now wear Byzantine headgear

Modified Slavic female’s eyes so that they fit better with the overall face:less shadows around the eyes, skin tone matching, and nose rib alignment fix

Modified Turkish characters’ skin color tone and cheeks (deep dimple removed from young female)

Modified female Turkish character’s mouths

Adjusted the position of male Cuman and Turkish mouths

Adjusted size of some facial features of Finno-Ugric- and Iberian-based faces so that trait-based graphics fit better

Toned down whites of the eyes in Indian portraits

Made whites of the eyes more visible for Iberian, Andalusian, Italian, Byzantine, Levantine, Maghreb, and Persian portraits

Modified Maghreb face to be more distinct from Iberian face

Slightly modified Western, French, Saxon and Norse eyes

Modified non-pagan Norse hairs

Modified Dutch/Hungarian beards

Changed Levantine face tone to be closer to previous version’s

Adjusted lightings on early-era Western Slavic headgear

Adjusted too much baggy eyes in Celtic male and Italian female

South Indian male uses Indian beard

Small modification to female Mongol clothes and headgear

Adjusted the size of Ethiopian male clothes

Fixed the reddish nose frames for male Norse characters [vanilla issue]

“Church” background should no longer be as dominant among courtiers in Christian theocracies

A new emperor- and king-tiered cloth for Khitan female

Khitan female is back to using “Chinese” hairstyles


Reverted the “nose on top of the beard” fix previously applied to Western, Occitan, French, English, and Muslim portraits because the fix caused an issue with the Ill and Pneumonic trait graphics

Removed an extraneous part (string) in mid-era Anglo-Saxon helmet

Mid-era Celtic headgear now hides female hair

Non-muslim Somali (and also Znaga and Zaghawa in SWMH) females no longer wear burka

Fixed the wrong eye file used in North Indian male portrait

Fixed the wrong eye pupil references in South Indian portrait

Fixed an oversight where one female hair frame had much less chance of appearing [Vanilla bug]

Fixed a possibly crash-inducing oversight in young Byzantine male portrait code

Fixed the wrong age-group reference in old Byzantine male hair

LTM © for SWMH


(Optional) Selection of alternate, & rejected country borders + old + all vanilla

(Optional) High saturation-Low Transparency in political mode

(Optional) Low saturation-High Transparency in political mode

(Optional) Basic flat map


New non-passable border

New country border

New province border

Slight increase in border intensity, still less than vanilla

Non-realm border now fade away as the camera is pulled back

Lowered border height to vanilla settings


Reshaped terrain of Massif Central

Reshaped terrain of Britain

Reshaped topology of Scotland

Reshaped terrain along Tigris & Euphrates

Reshaped trees in Nordkalotten, Finland, Novgorod, Baltics, & Sweden

Reshaped terrain in Nordkalotten, Finland, Novgorod, Baltics, & Sweden

Reshaped Irish terrain

Reshaped Armenian valley topology to be softer & follow terrain

Added northern wetlands

Added farmland: focus on rivers, outlets, & branches

Added coastlines (cliffs & beaches) to France, Portugal, north Spain, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia... (TBC)

Moved Italian Apennines terrain to its corresponding topology

Moved Göta highlands terrain to its corresponding topology

Removed trees for himalayan treeline

Removed the green plains' sharpness around damascus

Compatibility with SWMH's arabia release


Removed vanilla's seasonal recolouring of rivers

Expanded physical ice range to cover russian rivers

Slightly recoloured of most fake lakes

Recoloured Gotland & other Baltic Isles

Recoloured Iberia & Italy

Recoloured Carpathians

Recoloured Himilayas

Recoloured Turkey (TBC)

Recoloured shores of caspian sea, north africa, & normandy

Added salt lakes

Removed seams around the Urals & Iran

Adjusted snow colour

Corrected colours & contours of water depths

Recoloured water in all map modes


Replaced texture for hills

Replaced texture for foothills

Reworked texture for marshland

Reworked texture for arid plains

Reworked texture for farmland

Flooded fake lakes with real water in Nordkalotten

Added seperate texture for mountains in arid areas

Added seperate texture for hills in arid areas

Added seperate texture for hills in asia minor

Added two textures for coastline terrain

Replaced texture for ice

Reverted desert texture back to vanilla (with adjustments)

Increased normal sharpness for most textures

Increased mipmap sharpness for most textures

Slightly increased saturation in all textures


Increased water height & water height cap

Increased trees width & height

Replaced normal for most textures

Decreased red hue in arid climate

Increased green hue in temperate climates

[Temporary] Farmland function as plains

Renamed Arctic terrain to Boreal

Added localisation for marshland terrain

Increased boreal's movement cost & bottleneck chance

Removed/Lessened paradox's terrain seams

Increased of map transparency & saturation

LTM © for Vanilla Map

Initial version


Огромное спасибо добрый человек. Единственный, кто откликнулся. Теперь можно пощупать этот мод после СК2 +.

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Отличный мод. Еще бы чуток развить, добавить фишечек из других модов(того же СК2) и будет настоящая конфетка.

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HIP от 24.05.2016


changelogНажмите здесь!



Howdy folks!

This release is mostly packed with new content in EMF-- from a total religion overhaul to some truly kick-ass adventurers, and despite the rather dramatic changes, it's save-compatible[1]. The changelog speaks for itself.

Special thanks and credit are owed to @Gwyn ap Nud and his Religious Improvement Project, a HIP sub-mod, for ideas and historical work as well as, of course, credit to the CK2Plus mod -- particularly Rylock's past work upon which much of this was based. [ Oh, you hadn't heard? Yes, Rylock's on the EMF team now. Read about it here. ]

[1] We give this release a "yellow" save-compatibility rating. In other words, nothing should break, but with such huge changes to particularly the religious setup, it's possible some weird but probably trivial stuff may happen with old saves. New games are, of course, recommended anyway to actually take advantage of most of the new religious setup.

Pleased to please,

- The HIP Team

This release is for CKII v2.5.2. It should be compatible with savegames from the prior release (2016-04-30).


CAUTION: Enabling VIET Events may cause crashes; this is an issue we've just recently identified and about which we know little, but please be warned. Note that it is disabled by default.

SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.05


Religion/Heresy Update:

Many of the game's heresies (and a few of the non-heresies) have been given an upgrade to ensure their differences are more than simply cosmetic. The individual alterations are noted under the Changes section below, but the major features are listed here.

There is a new system called Lateral Conversion which applies whenever a character or province would normally convert to a random heresy. Weighting to particular heresies is given based on the character or province's culture and/or location, but it is also possible for them to convert to heresies of other religions within their group, other non-heretical religions within their group, or (at a much smaller chance) even other religion groups altogether if the conditions are right (meaning if they are in the right regions for such conversion to be realistic -- you're not going to have German Catholics converting to Muslim in Frisia, for instance).

Adoptionist and Arian have been added as early Catholic heresies. They exist in the Charlemagne and Old Gods bookmarks, and will stop appearing after 1000 provided there are no rulers with those heresies currently in existence.

Miaphysite has been broken up into Coptic and Apostolic. Apostolic covers Armenia and Georgia, led by the Catholicos religion head, while Coptic is everything else (in Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia) and still led by the Coptic Pope religion head. Paulician has been moved to be a heresy of Apostolic rather than Orthodox, and Tondrakian has been added as an additional Apostolic heresy.

Maronite has been added as a non-heretical Christian religion, covering the few provinces around Beirut which are currently marked as Monothelite.

Mahdite and Nabawite have been added as new Sunni heresies (as per Gwyn ap Nud's Religion Improvement Project).

Yazidi has been moved into the Zoroastrian religion group, and is no longer considered a heresy (but is still valid for Muslim lateral conversion).

Haruri has been added as a new Ibadi heresy (as per RIP).

Isma'ili has been broken off from Shiite as a new non-heretical Muslim faith (which is initially a heresy until the rebellion event around 900). Waqifi and Zaydi have been added as Shiite heresies (as per RIP), while Druze and Qarmatian are Isma'ili heresies (also as per RIP).

Zurvanist has been added as a new Zoroastrian heresy.

Manichean is no longer a Zoroastrian heresy, but a non-heretical religion within the Zoroastrian group. Mandaean has been added as a heresy for it.

Adventurer Update:

Claimant adventurers must now raise sufficient coin for their cause in order to actually begin their war. They will assume a temporary title immediately and begin touring realms outside their target's in search of rulers whom will either grant them coin or let them canvass their demesne and vassals for support. Those rulers also have the option of sending them away or even attempting to capture the adventurer in order to ransom them back to the adventurer's target. Once the adventurer gets enough coin, they will raise their army and attack -- marching from the capital of a ruler who offered them assistance. If they don't raise enough support, are imprisoned due to betrayal, end up with a landed title, or die (nevermind how!), then their adventure will be abandoned.

Women may now also become claimant adventurers if the target title does not have Agnatic succession and the claimant is both Ambitious and is formidable (has very high stats). If the title is Absolute Cognatic, the female claimant need only be Ambitious to qualify.

Duchy adventurers (such as vikings in search of their own duchies) have had their targeting AI upgraded, and will tend to target smaller realms of a different culture group before they target larger ones. Seafaring adventurers will also focus on targets which are in the same 'sea zone' (example: Norwary, Denmark, Britain and the northern coast of France and Germany are all part of the same North Sea zone) rather than ranging further.

The first 100 years of the Viking Age will now see Norse duchy adventurers being far more commonplace than they otherwise would be with their more focused targeting.

Decadence Replacement:

Muslim males will now, once again, acquire the Decadent trait.

Instead of 'decadence' being tracked as a rating, the head of a Muslim dynasty can acquire a Decadent Dynasty trait of increasing negative effect based on the number of dynasty members who are Decadent. The dynasty head themselves being Decadent is even more serious. The only Decadent dynasty members which apply to this total, however, are those who are vassals or below of the dynasty head. If they're in other realms, then they will not contribute toward a Decadent Dynasty rating.

An independent Muslim ruler with the Decadent Dynasty trait at a higher level of negative effect may get events that increase the chance of rebellion in provinces of their religion, and a rebellion that begins in that province may be a Decadence Rebellion which will seek independence.

The Convince to Straighten Up diplo-decision can only be taken by the dynasty head against Decadent members of their dynasty who are their vassals or below. It requires 50 Piety to use the decision on a non-ruler and 100 Piety to use it on a ruler. If the target ultimately refuses to abandon their Decadent trait, they may be arrested and justifiably banished (but not executed). The AI logic involved for both the dynasty head and the target has been improved.

An imprisoned Muslim dynasty member who has the Takfir opinion modifier may be banished by their dynasty head even if the dynasty head is not their proper liege.

Decadent characters who are exiled or who escape imprisonment will gain a non-inheritable claim on close family members' titles, and will be much more likely to become adventurers.

If the Muslim dynasty head is not the liege or above of a same-dynasty ruler, that ruler may elect to begin their own dynasty. They may do this after one year of rule, but the AI will not do so if they are the heir or a pretender to any titles held by a member of their dynasty.


Crusade changes:

There is no longer a customization decision for Vanilla Crusades.

A religion head must possess a non-titular title in order to declare a crusade.

Previously, there was a delay of several years after the vanilla event which declared the commencement of the Christian crusades or the Muslim jihads and the actual flag being set which permitted the CB to actually be used. This delay also occurred after the beginning of a game after 1095 (to prevent instantaneous dueling crusades/jihads from being declared by the AI). The player had no idea, however, of when the CB was actually unlocked. The events have now been changed to make it so that only the last one, the one which actually prompts the CB to be useable, shows the event that all players see.

After a victorious crusade where the crusade kingdom has been handed to a third party (which the AI will do automatically, unless the conquered lands immediately neighbor their own), participants who did not win the kingdom will be contacted by the religion head and asked if they wish to send a relative or worthy courtier to the new kingdom, possibly assuming a county in the kingdom if one is available.

A particularly ambitious or zealous courtier may decide to join the crusades as an adventurer. If the crusade is successful, they will very likely assume a county within the conquered kingdom. If the crusade fails, they will either return to their home court or take their forces and become a mercenary.

General religion changes:

Religion heads (other than Catholic, Fraticelli, or Orthodox) which have no title other than their titular religion head title may be vassalized by a ruler of their faith who has at least 500 Piety and has a holy site within their realm to grant them.

Christian monks/nuns will now be called 'Brother' and 'Sister'. More courtiers will become monks and nuns on their own (though members of a player's dynasty in their own court will always ask).

Cathar changes:

Receive -25% fertility for all Cathar characters.

Have new holy site locations.

Cathar children have an increased chance of becoming Chaste or Homosexual, while zealous adults have a chance of becoming Celibate.

May not use the Seduction, Hunting, or Family focus.

Receive -20% garrison size and -20% levy size, but +30% morale.

May not become monks/nuns - they have access to a Consolamentum decision which grants them the Perfecti trait (and makes them Celibate).

A Cathar ruler without an heir who is either old or celibate may use an Adopt an Heir decision to search for a young boy in a Cathar realm province to adopt as their son (they gain an Adopted trait).

Cathars may not use the Religious or Crusade CB until they are unlocked by event, requiring a Catholic ruler to have first used one of the CB's against any Cathar ruler.

Are less frequent until the Council of Saint Felix event fires in the 12th century.

May now acquire a Cathar Patriarch/Matriarch as a religion head via decision. This religion head is elected by a Council of Perfecti, much like the Catholic cardinals.

May declare themselves a non-heresy via decision: this requires a religion head and an exceptionally pious and prestigious ruler, and may result in the former parent religion's religion head declaring a crusade against them. If the crusade succeeds, the religion remains a heresy forever (unless it should gain prominence over the parent, as usual). If the crusade fails, the heresy gains its own icon and becomes a non-heresy within the parent's religion group.

Fraticelli changes:

Receive +2 Learning, but -1 Stewardship and -50% tax from all temple holdings.

Have access to a special Fraticelli Priesthood law, determining how the faith is organized within the realm.

Are less frequent until the Brother Angelo event fires in the early 13th century.

Waldensian changes:

Receive +2 Stewardship but -50% tax from all temple holdings.

Receive +50% garrison size when defending in their home territory.

Have new holy site locations.

Waldensian priests may both inherit and marry.

Have access to a special Waldensian Charity law and special Give to the Poor and Build Hospital decisions.

Have access to a Translate the Bible decision, which will begin an event chain.

Upon adulthood, a heretic Waldensian may choose one of three special traits as their path.

Have a small number of unique events for rulers based on greed and charity.

Are less frequent until the Poor of Lyons event fires in the early 12th century.

A Waldensian ruler may become the religion head through decision, and it's playable (and does not become a Theocracy). The religion head may not excommunicate or grant claims.

May declare themselves a non-heresy via decision: this requires a religion head and an exceptionally pious and prestigious ruler, and may result in the former parent religion's religion head declaring a crusade against them. If the crusade succeeds, the religion remains a heresy forever (unless it should gain prominence over the parent, as usual). If the crusade fails, the heresy gains its own icon and becomes a non-heresy within the parent's religion group.

Lollard changes:

Receive -50% tax from all temple holdings.

Have new holy site locations.

Lollard priests may marry.

Lollard monks, nuns, and those with the Celibate trait may use a Renounce Vows decision if they have enough Piety.

May acquire a Lollard Primate as a religion head via decision.

Have access to a Translate the Bible decision, which will begin an event chain.

Lollard rulers may acquire a claim against any titles above Count tier held by theocracies in their realm, without penalty.

Lollard rulers may revoke titles held by theocracies who are either not Lollard or who have the Wicked Priest trait, without penalty.

Are less frequent until the John Wycliff event fires in the early 14th century.

May declare themselves a non-heresy via decision: this requires a religion head and an exceptionally pious and prestigious ruler, and may result in the former parent religion's religion head declaring a crusade against them. If the crusade succeeds, the religion remains a heresy forever (unless it should gain prominence over the parent, as usual). If the crusade fails, the heresy gains its own icon and becomes a non-heresy within the parent's religion group.

Adoptionist heresy added:

Adoptionists are functionally the same as Catholics in all gameplay aspects. They do not have a religion head.

Arian heresy added:

Arians are functionally the same as Catholics in all gameplay aspects. They do not have a religion head.

Bogomilist changes:

Have new holy site locations.

Does not use autocephaly or use the pentarchy, unlike Orthodox.

Bogomilist priests can marry, once they begin to appear.

May not become monks/nuns - they have access to a Consolamentum decision which grants them the Perfecti trait (and makes them Celibate).

A Bogomilist ruler without an heir who is either old or celibate may use an Adopt an Heir decision to search for a young boy in a Bogomilist realm province to adopt as their son (they gain an Adopted trait).

Have access to a Build Church of St. Bogomil decision.

An event for Bogomil's appearance in early bookmarks has been added -- prior to this event, the appearance of Bogomilists will be much rarer.

Bogomilists start off with their own feudal government type -- functionally it is the same as regular Feudal Government, but it allows rulers to control temple holdings as well.

Bogomilism starts off as a very decentralized religion that is anti-authoritarian and difficult for Bogomilist rulers to control. They do not have a priesthood (meaning there are no Bogomilist Bishops), and Bogomilist Perfecti will start off not being eligible for most council positions. They can, however, slowly formalize the faith through a series of decisions and a Faith Organization law. It will take many years to complete, and may involve upheaval during the process, but if it should be achieved then a religion head title can be created (elected by a Council of Advisors, similar to the Catholic cardinals) -- allowing Bogomilist bishops to appear and making Bogomilism no longer an Orthodox heresy but a non-heretical religion within the Christian group.

Monothelite changes:

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use the Embrace Alexandrine School decision.

Iconoclast changes:

New Acheiropoieta event chain.

An Orthodox Byzantine ruler before 1000 who is badly losing in a religious war may fire the Constantine's Return event, which may prompt them to become Iconoclast or suffer the consequences.

Apostolic religion added:

All Miaphysites in the Armenia/Georgia region in eastern Anatolia are now Apostolic.

They are functionally the same as Miaphysites in most gameplay aspects, save for having their own holy sites and their own religion head, who always exists.

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use the Embrace Alexandrine School decision.

May create the Order of Saint Blaise holy order.

Paulician changes:

Now exists as an Apostolic heresy, though Orthodox characters may laterally convert to it.

Receives +50% morale and +50% light infantry offensive modifiers.

Have new holy site locations.

May always loot, regardless of cultural or government restrictions.

Paulician priests may both marry and inherit.

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use the Embrace Alexandrine School decision.

May create the Order of Saint Blaise holy order.

May expend 250 Piety to raise a unit of zealots in the same manner that tribal rulers expend prestige.

The Byzantine ruler has access to a Suppress Paulicians decision in early bookmarks, which will attempt to convert Paulician provinces and 'moves' many to a province in present-day Bulgaria.

Paulicians may holy war and use the crusade CB against all who are not their religion, not just those outside their religion group.

The Paulician Patriarch is a playable religion head which remains Feudal Government and does not turn into a Theocracy. The religion head may not excommunicate or grant divorces. Added a decision to become the Paulician Patriarch, if one does not already exist. The Paulician Patriarch may be vassalized by a more powerful Paulician ruler even if they are landed.

May declare themselves a non-heresy via decision: this requires a religion head and an exceptionally pious and prestigious ruler, and may result in the former parent religion's religion head declaring a crusade against them. If the crusade succeeds, the religion remains a heresy forever (unless it should gain prominence over the parent, as usual). If the crusade fails, the heresy gains its own icon and becomes a non-heresy within the parent's religion group.

Tondrakian heresy added:

They do not have a religion head title.

Does not use autocephaly or use the pentarchy, unlike Apostolic.

Is feminist and allows for female temple holders.

Allows Tondrakian rulers to gain up to three consorts in addition to their wife.

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use the Embrace Alexandrine School decision.

May create the Order of Saint Blaise holy order.

Maronite religion added:

Maronites are functionally the same as Orthodox in all gameplay aspects. They have access to their own religion head, who always exists.

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use either the Embrace Alexandrine School or Embrace Antiochian School decision.

Miaphysite changes:

Now called Coptic in-game.

May now create the Knights of Saint Mark holy order.

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use the Embrace Alexandrine School decision.

Have access to a Become Desert Father or Become Desert Mother decision, which grants them a trait similar to monk/nun. Desert fathers and mothers are wandering ascetics (given a 'Father' or 'Mother' title) -- they will abdicate whatever landed titles they possess and occasionally wander from court to court to proselytize.

Nestorian changes:

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use the Embrace Antiochian School decision.

Messalian changes:

Receives +2 Intrigue but -2 Diplomacy.

Messlian priests may marry.

Lunatic, Possessed, or Depressed Messalian men may castrate themselves for a Piety bonus.

Messalians may attempt to 'expel their daemons' through a decision and an event chain, whereby they begin praying and try to remove many of their negative traits. Doing so comes at a cost, but if it is eventually successful they gain the Perfection trait, whereby they are now considered free to sin. Those who do not try to achieve Perfection may instead opt to join the Cult of Lucifer through decision.

Upon adulthood, may choose a patron saint.

The Euchite Patriarchy religion head title may be created via decision, requiring that Antioch is held.

If they have 12+ Learning, they may use the Embrace Antiochian School decision.

May create the Army of Lucifer holy order.

May declare themselves a non-heresy via decision: this requires a religion head and an exceptionally pious and prestigious ruler, and may result in the former parent religion's religion head declaring a crusade against them. If the crusade succeeds, the religion remains a heresy forever (unless it should gain prominence over the parent, as usual). If the crusade fails, the heresy gains its own icon and becomes a non-heresy within the parent's religion group.

General Muslim changes:

Added the regnal naming system for the Sunni caliph, as per the RIP sub-mod.

The Abbasids have a new Anarchy at Samarra event chain (in the Old Gods bookmark, it is already underway). When activated, it adds a Court Anarchy trait to the Caliph, incapacitating them (they have been essentially imprisoned by their own council) and throwing the caliphate into general chaos. This will persist until the caliph or a successor has sufficient stats to re-assert order and declare the existing council to be traitors.

Most Muslim faiths now have access to a Become Muslim Poet and a Become Muslim Mystic decision at age 20, costing 100 Piety to give them the lifestyle trait. Muslims with the Poet trait can use a Write An Epic Poem decision to begin an event chain -- which could result in catastrophic failure or the acquisition of the Diwan Poet trait. Muslims with the Mystic, Theologian, or Scholar trait can use Study the Mysteries of the Qur'an to begin a chain where they immerse themselves in study for various benefits (and possible negative side-effects) -- including access to several levels of the Sufi trait. Those with the Sufi Master and Mystic trait have additional access to a special Search for Omens decision.

Mahdite heresy added:

Mahdites are functionally the same as Sunni in all gameplay aspects. They have access to their own caliphate religion head title.

Nabawaite heresy added:

Nabawites are functionally the same as Sunni in all gameplay aspects. They have unique holy site locations, and have access to their own caliphate religion head title.

Kharijite changes:

Receives +2 Martial but -2 Diplomacy.

Receives 80% morale bonus and 80% offensive modifier to light infantry.

May expend 250 Piety to raise a unit of zealots in the same manner that tribal rulers expend prestige.

Kharijites may declare jihad against all who are not their religion, not just those outside their religion group.

Have access to a Public Execution diplo-action, which grants piety and prestige based on the rank and relative importance of whoever's being executed -- including relatives.

Kharijites may accuse a target as Kafir -- including their own liege -- if they are decadent or an otherwise less-than-stellar example of Muslim piety. Kafir have heavy negatives, but may use decisions to attempt to rid themselves of negative traits and eventually lose their apostate status.

Haruri heresy added:

Haruri are functionally the same as Ibadi in all gameplay aspects. They do not have a religion head title.

Shiite changes:

Shiite has been split into two faiths, with Isma'ili added as a separate non-heretical religion within the Muslim group with its own caliph title as religion head. It begins as a Shiite heresy, however, until the Isma'ili Caliphate Rising event chain (which replaces the Shi'a Caliphate Rising, and has been changed to make it both more likely to happen and more powerful) around 900. At that point, Isma'ili becomes its own faith with its own heresies.

One who inherits or usurps the Shiite or Ismaili caliphate title must either be a close relative of the previous holder or pay 250 Piety (and be Sayyid). If not, the title is destroyed.

Waqifi heresy added:

Waqifi are functionally the same as Shiite in all gameplay aspects. They do not have a religion head title.

Zaydi heresy added:

Zaydi are functionally the same as Shiite in all gameplay aspects. They have access to their own caliphate religion head title.

One who inherits or usurps the Zaydi caliphate title must either be a close relative of the previous holder or pay 250 Piety (and be Sayyid). If not, the title is destroyed.

Druze changes:

Is no longer a heresy but a separate faith within the Muslim group.

Does not appear at all until the Isma'ili Caliphate Rising event chain (or after 909).

Receives +2 Intrigue.

Receives +20% morale bonus.

May only have 1 wife, as opposed to the normal 4 in other Muslim religions.

Does not permit jizya tax, unlike other Muslim religions.

Is feminist and allows for female temple holders. Matrilineal marriages are always allowed.

Uses the Indian reincarnation system.

Have access to a Prepared Invasion CB, useable by particularly pious or capable Druze against other Muslims. It works the same as the viking CB, but without the event forces and delay.

Use the Pact of Time decision to become Juhhal, and may afterwards use the Study the Esoteric Secrets to raise their rank to Uqqal. A sufficiently worthy Uqqal may afterwards become Ajawid.

They now have access to their own caliphate religion head title, available to an Ajawid of sufficient Piety and power.

Qarmatian heresy added:

They do not have a religion head title.

Does not appear until the Isma'ili Caliphate Rising event chain, and at that point is treated as an Isma'ili heresy, although it can be laterally converted to by many Muslims.

Receives 80% bonus to morale and 80% offensive modifier to light infantry/heavy infantry/light cavalry.

May always loot, regardless of cultural or government restrictions.

Mazdaki changes:

Receives +30% morale and +30% defensive bonus when fighting in their home territory.

Mazdaki rulers receive -25% tax from all holdings.

Is feminist and allows for female temple holders.

Does NOT allow for divine blood and close-relative marriages, unlike its Zoroastrian parent.

Have access to a Wealth Sharing law, which determines how much Mazdaki vassals are required to share their wealth with the poor.

May create a new religion head title via decision.

On adulthood, may choose a Power to serve via decision.

Added a Khorramdin Rebellion event chain for the early bookmarks, affecting the Abbasids.

Zurvanist heresy added:

Zurvanists are functionally the same as Zoroastrian in all gameplay aspects. They do not have a religion head title.

Manichean changes:

Manichean is now its own non-heretical faith within the Zoroastrian group.

Receives +30% morale and +30% defensive bonus when fighting in their home territory.

Have new holy site locations.

Do not use the normal feasts, instead having access to Oberve Bema Feast decision.

Upon adulthood, may choose a Shekinah via decision.

Have access to a special Patronize Art decision.

May form the Army of Light holy order.

Uses the Indian reincarnation system.

May create a religion head via decision, elected by a Council of Apostles (in the same manner as Catholic cardinals). The Manichean Archegos may be vassalized by a more powerful Manichean ruler even if they are landed.

Mandaean heresy added:

Mandaeans are functionally the same as Manichean in all gameplay aspects. They do not have a religion head title.

Yazidi changes:

Yazidi is now its own non-heretical faith within the Zoroastrian group, though may be laterally converted to by many Muslims.

It still permits 4 wives and rulers lose piety for attacking members of the same faith, like Muslims, but does not use jizya tax.

Do not use the normal feasts, instead having access to Celebrate Tawыsgeran decision.

May go on a special Yazidi pilgrimage to Lalish, similar to Christian pilgrimages or the Muslim hajj.

Uses the Indian reincarnation system.

An exceptional Yazidi young man has a chance at being recognized as a Koasasa, a reincarnation of one of the Yazidi angels. Only one of each can exist at a time, and the trait they confer has considerable benefits.

Their religion head is no longer a caliphate title.

Catalan culture now has a unique castle cultural building reflecting its Almoghavar retinue

AI Christian nobles will now be much more likely to take duel-defeated foes on the battlefield prisoner than kill them

Free Investiture is now always default before 1000AD, and Papal Investiture the default afterward

AI will now seek to institute Imperial Administration (and thus switch to imperial government type) when it meets the requirements

Loyalist and Malcontent law voting patterns added for the Centralization and Status of Women law groups

Minimum realm size required to create a custom kingdom again reduced to 35 holdings

Battlefield duel probability reduced by a further -30%

Baseline fertility has been increased (esp. during ages 20-29 or for lovers/concubines), and the Lustful and Fertile traits are now more effective


Castillan, Aragonese, and Leonese retinues can now be hired properly

The Imperial Reconquest Tier decisions no longer display "ANY_ALL" for uncontrolled province names in their effect tooltip; one can now see those provinces' names without having to actually take the decision

Fixed a loophole w/ the all-CBs block upon non-republican AIs wiping out AI merchant republics which was possible with so-called "de jure territory" CBs such as invasions, holy wars, imperial reconquest, etc. (versus those that directly contest held titles)

Fixed an issue where the Subjugation CB could be used to "steal" vassals out from under lieges with more immediate de jure pretension

When new primary titles of Duke+ tier are granted to Feudal or Iqta vassals by Imperial or al-Mulk lieges, they will now properly switch government types.

(EMF+SWMH) Mongol AI will no longer stall and do nothing in historical starts where they're already on the map


Imperial Reconquest CB now usurps the target duchy title under more correct circumstances

No longer allowed to serve a claimant faction ultimatum for a supported claimant that's already in open revolt

CPRplus v2.5.3


Maghreb, Berber, West African, and Guanche [sWMH only] males should no longer remain beardless once they reach 18

Fixed the wrong clothing reference in early-era English portrait set and mid-era ”urzhailian” portrait set



The trade zones map mode now properly colors sea zones dominated by Merchant Republics instead of just the provinces which contain trade posts



Изменено пользователем Lord-Inquisitor
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<noindex>HIP от 28.05.2016</noindex>


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This release is for CKII v2.5.2. It is compatible with savegames from the past 2 releases.


SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:

SED: English Localisation for SWMH

ARKOpack Interface

Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts


EMF v5.06


Imperial Decay:

All emperors who are non-tribal and non-nomadic must now contend with a rating called Imperial Decay. This increases with each succession based on several factors: +1-4 based on whether this is an ongoing dynasty (the longer the same dynasty rules the land, the more ID goes up each succession), +2 if the title was usurped, +1 if the Imperial Administration law exists, +3 if Crown Authority is Limited or Autonomous Vassals, +2 if Crown Authority is Medium, +1 if Crown Authority is High, and -2 to +7 based on the empires gross size. An overthrow actually reduces ID by 10 ('out with the old, in with the new'). From that point, ID is increased further by losing major wars but can be reduced by winning major wars, holding tournaments, becoming coronated, and also through the Lower Imperial Decay decision.

A number of random events may fire which raise or lower Imperial Decay based on the positive or negative qualities of the emperor (or their regent).

The ruler's exact Imperial Decay value will be displayed in the notification box each time it changes. It is also visible in the description of the Lower Imperial Decay decision, if 10+.

What does Imperial Decay actually do? If it's less than 10, nothing. Once it raises above 10 it will start reducing the taxes received, the Morale of raised troops, the amount of levies acquired from castle holdings in the emperor's personal domain, and the required levy percentage of vassals. The malus increases every 10 points of ID until it reaches 81+.


All feudal, non-nomadic, non-horde rulers of king or emperor tier now gain the Uncrowned trait upon gaining their title. While this trait exists, Crown Authority cannot be increased and weak claims can be pressed even by those who would otherwise be unable to. The trait lasts until an official coronation is held - this is done by decision, requiring the ruler be at peace, have at least 25 Piety, and a full year's income on hand for the expensive event. This will start an event chain for the coronation itself as well as the feast following, at the end of which the Crowned trait will be applied.

A Catholic head of the HRE (or Roman Empire) must first request permission from the Pope before they can hold a coronation. If the Pope grants permission, they will perform the coronation ceremony themselves, and the ruler will receive a Crowned by the Pope trait instead of simply a Crowned trait.

Orthodox rulers of the ERE (or Roman Empire) have a different system - they must first request permission from the Ecumenical Patriarch to hold their coronation, much like with the HRE. The trait which is applied as a result, however, is either Coronated Basileus or Strong Basileus...which it is depends on a number of factors regarding the new ruler's lineage and stats. A ruler who gains Coronated Basileus may upgrade to Strong Basileus through the use of the Prove Your Rule decision (requiring an expenditure of Prestige and Piety). An Ecumenical Patriarch who refuses to coronate the emperor may be deposed and replaced, though at the cost of tyranny. Note that this also applies to rulers of the ERE who are Iconclast, Bogomilist, or Monothelite -- provided they have a religion head who is also their vassal. If not, then regular coronation rules apply.


Characters with the Byzantine/Roman Despot minor title are now an additional councilmember, similar to the Adviser title

The Messalian Join the Cult of Lucifer decision is no longer exclusive to becoming a Messalian Master

The Religious Emancipation decision may now only be taken by independent rulers

Made the Become Muslim Mystic and Become Muslim Poet decisions more visible, so their requirements can be seen by the player

New trait icons for Cult of Lucifer and Perfection (Messalian)

Monks, nuns, and their Coptic equivalents now set aside their vows if they gain a landed title due to, e.g., a successful claimant faction demand to install them

Allowing a viceroy to keep their title by having them bribe the emperor or give the emperor a favor now increases Imperial Decay rather than affecting vassal opinions.

Added the Corrupt Councillor diplo-decision, which allows a ruler with Imperial Government (or al-Mulk Government) to apply a +50 opinion bonus to a member of their council by simultaneously increasing their Imperial Decay rating - provided the councillor is susceptible to corruption and the ruler has not done so recently.

Imperial Reconquest CB now requires the Strong Basileus trait to use -- if you do not obtain it upon coronation, you'll need to use the Prove Your Rule decision to get it -- unless your religion is neither Orthodox, Iconoclast, Bogomilist, nor Monothelite, in which case you need 500 prestige


Rebel reinforcement events should no longer fire for more than one type of rebel at the same time

When rebels take a county, the effects of more than one type of rebel conquest should now not apply at the same time

Fixed an issue with the Imperial Reconquest CB wherein a successful war would sometimes cause vassals of the target duchy title to go independent under some circumstances

Become Muslim Mystic decision now applies the trait properly

Raise Zealots decision, available to Kharijites and Paulicians, now allowed for tribal rulers

Description for Manichaean religion updated

The Abbasid emperor now properly begins the Old Gods bookmark with the Court Anarchy trait already applied

Fixed errent definition for one of the Bogomilist holy sites

We should now be seeing less adventurers who become republics or theocracies upon winning their target title

Women should now only become crusade adventurers if they are eligible to become marshals/army leaders in their home court

CPRplus v2.5.4


[EMF only] Coptic Desert Father always appears bald

[EMF only] Coptic Desert Father/Mother will be likely to have the desert portrait background if available


Revised triggers for the Church portrait background

Castle interior portrait background no longer available to characters in West Africa and the steppes

Throne room portrait background is no longer available unless the character is in a castle holding and is feudal

Sicilian portrait now uses the Italian face [sWMH only]


Adjusted the height of female hair for Italian, Lombard, and [sWMH only] Sicilian portraits

SWMH v2.931

Misc. localisation changes

VIET Events v2.0.0

Resolved all known crashing issues

VIET Traits v2.0.0

Resolved all known crashing issues






Изменено пользователем Lord-Inquisitor
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San Salvador
мод совместим с ск2+

Разве что отдельные модули и то, думаю что нет.

Инсталлятор ругается - говорит что не может найти путь где установлена игра и что он не может установить фэйс-пак, шо делать? :013:

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HIP от 17.07.2016





  • SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.
  • As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts
    • LTM

EMF v5.08

  • MAJOR:
    • Sainthood system added:
      • Added Become a Saint ambition, available to non-heretic Christian characters over 100 Piety (or over 1 Piety, for theocracies). This kicks off an event chain where the character will attempt to shed their negative traits, and will be much easier to achieve if they have a great deal of Piety or a large number of positive traits. Either way, ultimate success is difficult to achieve, but if they eventually do they will receive the [new] Paragon trait and be much more likely to be declared a saint after their death.
      • Non-heretic Christian characters who are slain or executed by a member of a different religion group during an ongoing holy war may gain the Martyr trait, granting piety to their relatives.
      • Exceptionally pious non-heretic Christian characters (this includes martyrs, kings who have converted to Christianity, and the holy men/women who converted those kings) have, upon death, a chance of being declared a saint by their religion head up to a year after death. This chance increases based on the piety and general deeds of the character. Achieving sainthood will grant piety to their living relatives as well as be announced to all members of their faith.
    • New mechanics for kingdom creation tied to new crown law for empires: De Jure Vassal Kingdom Creation
      • The De Jure Vassal Kingdom Creation empire crown law slider has 3 settings:
        • None -- default for all empires, neither the emperor or any of his vassals may create imperial de jure vassal kingdom titles; if reverting back to it later from a higher law setting, it requires Medium Crown Authority to enact.
        • Anyone -- both the emperor and any of his vassals are allowed to create such kingdom titles, slight vassal limit malus (-5), requires High Crown Authority to enact
        • Emperor -- only the emperor and none of his vassals are allowed to create such kingdom titles, same vassal limit malus, slight feudal vassal opinion malus (-5), requires Absolute Crown Authority to enact
      • Each change of the law costs 1500 prestige, slightly upsets any vassals or below of the emperor whom have any subrealm counties within the de jure empire (-10 opinion x 10 years), and the law may only be changed once per lifetime.
      • The AI will not seek to change the law beyond None -- this is overall the most historical behavior, but it does mean that if you want to form de jure kingdoms as a vassal to an AI emperor, you'll have to do so outside of the de jure territory of your empire, effectively as a march. Alternatively, custom kingdoms are still allowed since they're initially titular.
      • Though it's not within the CK2 timeline, consider the formation of the Kingdom of Prussia first outside the de jure territory of the HRE to get an idea behind the gist of this law slider's function.
      • As an empire grows over time, it becomes increasingly important to be able to form vassal kingdoms; that is why the law allows player emperors to seek reform in order to deviate from the tradition of only dukes being vassal to an emperor within their de jure imperial territory. Additionally, the Emperor setting of the law allows for precise control over how that will be done by the emperor.
      • Note that Bohemia is not subject to this law and may be created under standard conditions.
      • Saves from prior versions of EMF will be automatically upgraded to the Anyone setting. The Byzantine Empire, however, will be automatically upgraded to the None setting in old saves, in keeping with the [relatively inflexible] status quo from prior versions.
      • Now that this restriction is in place by default, we can finally allow AI emperors to create (and not unnecessarily destroy) kingdom titles without the issue of imperial de jure vassal kingdoms being wantonly created by the emperor.
    • General:
      • While exceeding your vassal limit will still severely degrade your tax income, it will no longer affect your available demesne and liege levies. This prevents numerous major exploits.
      • Nerfed tech spread and tech points generation due to buildings as well as the static coastal tech spread modifier.
      • When forming the Holy Roman Empire or Frankish HRE (Saint-Empire Romain), the stem duchy kingdoms of Lower Lorraine and Upper Lorraine will again spring into existence instead of Lotharingia lingering.
      • Adventurer governments are now no longer allowed to be theocracies or republics. Like holy orders, previously, they just assumed the government form of whichever court from which they came.
    • Casus Belli:
      • Non-feudal rulers now comprehensively abdicate their previous titles before assuming a higher-tier feudal title via a CB.
      • New CB: 3rd-Party King's De Jure County Claim
        • Emperors may now press de jure county claims for their vassal kings -- no longer just for their vassal dukes. This is a relatively rare CB opportunity, but when its need does arise, it is extremely helpful, sensible, and consistent with other Casus Belli.
        • For reference, the name of the CB displayed on the UI's CB selection list takes the form "King's De Jure Claim on <TITLE>." This is intentionally a bit different than usual 3rd-party de jure ducal claim CBs, because we cannot show the portrait of the vassal king on the CB selection button as we can with those.
      • The Holy War and Religious Reconquest CBs now only allow traversing sea zones to the target duchy if it can be done via a subrealm province that is transitively connected to the aggressors' top realm capital via direct province adjacencies (i.e., exclaves separated by sea zones or regular old land-separated exclaves cannot be used as basis for a holy war for a target duchy that does not directly border the aggressor subrealm).
      • The Holy War CB no longer costs any piety to use if the attacker holds a kingdom or empire which is de jure liege or above to the target duchy.
      • Better Civil War Names:
        • Rather than all of the 4i faction wars, succession law faction wars, and crown authority faction wars using the same CB with the same war name (e.g., "2nd Revolt of the Byzantine Revolt League"), the main rebellion CB now has a differentiated counterpart for every type of war goal and reason for rebellion. Now, you'll see war names in-game like "2nd Byzantine Civil War to Restore Agnatic-Cognatic Succession," "3rd French Civil War for Elective Monarchy in Aquitaine," and "English Civil War to Overthrow Liege (Obligations)."
      • The Manifest Destiny Invasion CB -- available to Seljuks and Timurids -- can no longer be used against same-dynasty targets, and the attacker must be duke- or above-tier.
    • Multiplayer:
      • AI lieges are no longer given a handicap with regard to 4i -- 4-interest -- faction mood assessment in multiplayer.
      • All of the possible positive-mood "faction reward" events, which occur when a 4i faction votes to either support you in its faction-specific, unique way or when such a faction votes to simply offer you gold tribute, now actually work in multiplayer.
    • Laws:
      • Feudal Elective Succession no longer prevents usage of the crown authority sub-laws Free Infidel Title Revocation, Complete King's Peace (non-Conclave), and External Inheritance Disabled.
      • Some of the 4i factions have always especially disapproved of high levels of Crown Authority under the HRE; now, they do so identically under the Frankish HRE (Saint-Empire Romain).
      • Enacting changes to Investiture crown laws now has appropriate effects upon Religious Authority and temporary religious head opinion (affects Catholic, Fraticelli, Cathar, Bogomilist, and Manichean religions).
      • While Religion Head Investiture (commonly known as 'Papal Investiture' for Catholic/Fraticelli) is still not a default law until the year 1000AD, head investiture can now be enacted at any point in time rather than only after the year 1000AD. AI will not seek to enact it any earlier than previously.
      • Crown Authority level basic effects have been altered toward the goal of providing sufficient rewards for achieving and maintaining, e.g., Absolute Crown Authority:
        • Minimum liege levy modifiers now range from none to +60% in +15% increments beyond Autonomous Vassals.
        • At High Crown Authority, maximum liege levy is modified by +10%, and at Absolute Crown Authority, maximum liege levy is modified by a whopping +30%.
        • At High Crown Authority, demesne cap is boosted by +1, and at Absolute Crown Authority, demesne cap is boosted by a whopping +3.
        • Remember, when it comes to liege levies, the "minimum" liege levy is that which is provided at the minimum opinion at which vassals will provide any troops at all (-50), the "maximum" liege levy is that which is provided at maximum vassal opinion (100), and the realized liege levy will scale linearly between this minimum and maximum along liege opinions of -50 to 100.
      • The total cost of raising Tribal Organization to its maximum setting has been reduced to 3500 prestige from 5000 prestige (-30%) with prestige costs steps of 500/750/1000/1250.
    • Military:
      • Characters' martial skill now directly influences their army morale: the impact is scaled by the martial attribute value, so 10 martial = +4% morale, 15 martial = +6% morale, 20 = +8% morale (a linear curve of land_morale = 0.004*M, where M is martiall skill level).
      • (EMF+SWMH) The dynamic levies (i.e., "dynlevy") min/max liege levy law modifier increments (of which there are 64) which scale with ruler realm size (number of holdings in subrealm) have been modified to allow the law's [nonlinear] scaling curve to stretch from realm sizes of less than 24 with no malus to realm sizes of at least 520 for maximum malus (-50%). This penalizes medium-sized realms less than currently and applies more relative penalty to very large realms like the HRE.
    • Temples / Bishroprics / Mosques:
      • Temples have been made significantly more attractive from a base tax, base levy/garrison, and levy reinforcement rate perspective. Base city levy reinforcement rates have been halved, in contrast.
      • The temple military building tree has been modified to produce a strong heavy infantry + pikemen combination well-supported by archers.
    • Holy Orders:
      • The Saqaliba are now an Isma'ili holy order instead of Shi'ite (along with the Hashshashin, which had already been converted to Isma'ili).
      • The Arsiyah's events & decisions have been updated to trigger off the appropriate new Sunni heresies (introduced a few releases ago with the new religious setup), should they take-over Sunni and become non-heretic.
      • The Hashshashin / Assassins formation code now uses the historical founding character of Hassan i-Sabbah if he's alive at the time of formation.
      • (EMF+Vanilla) The Hashshashin now properly consider EMF's custom decadence mechanic when choosing assassination targets (was already true for EMF+SWMH).
      • General audit for consistency across all holy order code, which resulted in reversal of some unintended behavior.
      • Whenever any holy order is created, a standard set of effects are now applied (some were the case for certain orders, some others, some not at all-- the vanilla setup is quite inconsistent). Some of the more important, new effects:
        • Ensure that they have the correct kind of feudal government for their religion. Previously, holy orders had the government type of whichever ruler happened to run the event which spawned them (essentially random, but usually feudal). This led to theocracy holy orders, republican holy orders, etc., and that was certainly not ideal.
        • If their religion's Religious Authority is less than 75%, then add a 10-year RA modifier of +5% to their religion.
    • Religion:
      • Becoming a Messalian Master is now more difficult: it requires a period of prayer and fasting just the same as driving out daemons, and only offers a chance of success (with the chance higher depending on the level of Piety for the character). A 250 Piety cost is incurred when beginning the prayer, and the character must wait at least three years before they can attempt it again.
      • Becoming a Messalian Master now only raises Religious Authority of the Messalian faith if it is currently below 75%.
      • The reward event for the Convert a Province ambition is back and has been improved significantly, including the first usage of EMF's new notification-tab-only trait gain/loss notification system.
      • For a heresy to overtake its parent religion via the classic SoA heresy takeover mechanic, the heretic religion now requires 10 provinces more than the parent rather than 5. [In 1066+ starts, Zaydi was frequently taking-over Shi'ite by default due to the recent legitimization of Isma'ili.]
      • The Court Anarchy trait is no longer inherited by the next Sunni caliph when starting from the Old Gods bookmark.
      • Muslims should now be more aggressive, and they enjoy 2 Military Organization technology levels' worth of additional retinue cap, although their retinue maintenance cost remains the same.
      • (EMF+SWMH) Total levy sizes and levy reinforcement rate for Muslims has been boosted a bit to counterbalance the fact that the Muslim world is very holding- and province-sparse compared to Europe on SWMH.
    • The Fabricate Heresy plot is no longer useable on actual heretics and invalidates if the target becomes one.
    • The new Revassalize CB now lasts 50 years instead of 40 (provided that the ex-vassal doesn't die first).
    • The notification of Imperial Decay at the beginning of the game now uses the player's portrait rather than Isis's portrait.
    • The effect tooltip for passing a succession law change will now warn you when doing so would leave you with net negative prestige.
    • New icons for Go Crusade, Go Jihad, Become a Saint, Become Regent, and Plot to Kidnap
    • Maintaining a mercenary band (Zeus, HL) now has a smaller negative impact upon demesne levy size.
    • Ramadan events & decisions optimized a bit and no longer show positive/negative decadence effects when they can't actually have an effect.
  • FIXES:
    • Several of the new plots now properly take into account the plotter's Plot Power when calculating the chance of success.
    • Several vanilla fixes for the council power laws (used to result in unexpected/unfair opinion modifiers upon usurpation of titles, opinion modifiers when not actually vassal to the associated council, etc.)
    • The exact rating of Imperial Decay will now always show, even if 0, on the tooltip for the Lower Imperial Decay decision, which is always available to be inspected
    • The 3rd-Party De Jure County Claim CB is now WAD; it was not issuing CBs when it should (for the last couple months), although the "De Jure Ducal Claims" alertbox still listed the CBs it should've been allowing.
    • Turned off vanilla Conclave event which could apply a Borrowed From Jews modifier the ruler could never lose.
    • If you've expelled the Saqaliba [holy order], then you can now no longer borrow money from them, as it should be.
    • The Muslim County Conquest CB (same-religion-group variant) is now properly available, in all cases, against targets with the same liege.

SWMH v2.933

  • The core of EMF's recently overhauled religious setup has been ported to base SWMH. Most of the extended religious mechanics haven't and won't be ported, but those central to new religions have (e.g., the Isma'ili Caliphate Rising event chain).
  • Further historical setup update to the Seljuk and Ghurid realm, 1066-1210
  • Ghaznavids now have more vassals until mid-12th century
  • Removed a duplicate Ma’danid Baloch realm between the 11th and 12th century
  • Added the Banijurids in the Khottal/Khuttal area in 867 (undocumented change in the last version)
  • Strait of Hormuz now goes through Hormuz rather than Makran
  • Added 80 additional Wikipedia links for Turkish, Persian, and Mongol characters
  • Altered Dutch culture color to be more distinct
  • Altered color of the Duchy of Ravenna to no longer be identical to the Duchy of Milan
  • Extensive title creation/usurpation conditions revisions in coordination with support for EMF's new De Jure Vassal Kingdom Creation imperial crown law

CPRplus v2.5.6

    • Occitan and Basque characters now have the Iberian nose
    • Non-pagan Turkish female now wears Turkish clothes instead of Byzantine ones
    • Berber and Beja characters now wear the same clothes as Ethiopian characters [SWMH only]
    • Avar characters now use the Hungarian portrait




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1 час назад, vitovt13 сказал:

HIP от 17.07.2016


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  • SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.
  • As always, one must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba's Keyboard Shortcuts
    • LTM

EMF v5.08

  • MAJOR:
    • Sainthood system added:
      • Added Become a Saint ambition, available to non-heretic Christian characters over 100 Piety (or over 1 Piety, for theocracies). This kicks off an event chain where the character will attempt to shed their negative traits, and will be much easier to achieve if they have a great deal of Piety or a large number of positive traits. Either way, ultimate success is difficult to achieve, but if they eventually do they will receive the [new] Paragon trait and be much more likely to be declared a saint after their death.
      • Non-heretic Christian characters who are slain or executed by a member of a different religion group during an ongoing holy war may gain the Martyr trait, granting piety to their relatives.
      • Exceptionally pious non-heretic Christian characters (this includes martyrs, kings who have converted to Christianity, and the holy men/women who converted those kings) have, upon death, a chance of being declared a saint by their religion head up to a year after death. This chance increases based on the piety and general deeds of the character. Achieving sainthood will grant piety to their living relatives as well as be announced to all members of their faith.
    • New mechanics for kingdom creation tied to new crown law for empires: De Jure Vassal Kingdom Creation
      • The De Jure Vassal Kingdom Creation empire crown law slider has 3 settings:
        • None -- default for all empires, neither the emperor or any of his vassals may create imperial de jure vassal kingdom titles; if reverting back to it later from a higher law setting, it requires Medium Crown Authority to enact.
        • Anyone -- both the emperor and any of his vassals are allowed to create such kingdom titles, slight vassal limit malus (-5), requires High Crown Authority to enact
        • Emperor -- only the emperor and none of his vassals are allowed to create such kingdom titles, same vassal limit malus, slight feudal vassal opinion malus (-5), requires Absolute Crown Authority to enact
      • Each change of the law costs 1500 prestige, slightly upsets any vassals or below of the emperor whom have any subrealm counties within the de jure empire (-10 opinion x 10 years), and the law may only be changed once per lifetime.
      • The AI will not seek to change the law beyond None -- this is overall the most historical behavior, but it does mean that if you want to form de jure kingdoms as a vassal to an AI emperor, you'll have to do so outside of the de jure territory of your empire, effectively as a march. Alternatively, custom kingdoms are still allowed since they're initially titular.
      • Though it's not within the CK2 timeline, consider the formation of the Kingdom of Prussia first outside the de jure territory of the HRE to get an idea behind the gist of this law slider's function.
      • As an empire grows over time, it becomes increasingly important to be able to form vassal kingdoms; that is why the law allows player emperors to seek reform in order to deviate from the tradition of only dukes being vassal to an emperor within their de jure imperial territory. Additionally, the Emperor setting of the law allows for precise control over how that will be done by the emperor.
      • Note that Bohemia is not subject to this law and may be created under standard conditions.
      • Saves from prior versions of EMF will be automatically upgraded to the Anyone setting. The Byzantine Empire, however, will be automatically upgraded to the None setting in old saves, in keeping with the [relatively inflexible] status quo from prior versions.
      • Now that this restriction is in place by default, we can finally allow AI emperors to create (and not unnecessarily destroy) kingdom titles without the issue of imperial de jure vassal kingdoms being wantonly created by the emperor.
    • General:
      • While exceeding your vassal limit will still severely degrade your tax income, it will no longer affect your available demesne and liege levies. This prevents numerous major exploits.
      • Nerfed tech spread and tech points generation due to buildings as well as the static coastal tech spread modifier.
      • When forming the Holy Roman Empire or Frankish HRE (Saint-Empire Romain), the stem duchy kingdoms of Lower Lorraine and Upper Lorraine will again spring into existence instead of Lotharingia lingering.
      • Adventurer governments are now no longer allowed to be theocracies or republics. Like holy orders, previously, they just assumed the government form of whichever court from which they came.
    • Casus Belli:
      • Non-feudal rulers now comprehensively abdicate their previous titles before assuming a higher-tier feudal title via a CB.
      • New CB: 3rd-Party King's De Jure County Claim
        • Emperors may now press de jure county claims for their vassal kings -- no longer just for their vassal dukes. This is a relatively rare CB opportunity, but when its need does arise, it is extremely helpful, sensible, and consistent with other Casus Belli.
        • For reference, the name of the CB displayed on the UI's CB selection list takes the form "King's De Jure Claim on <TITLE>." This is intentionally a bit different than usual 3rd-party de jure ducal claim CBs, because we cannot show the portrait of the vassal king on the CB selection button as we can with those.
      • The Holy War and Religious Reconquest CBs now only allow traversing sea zones to the target duchy if it can be done via a subrealm province that is transitively connected to the aggressors' top realm capital via direct province adjacencies (i.e., exclaves separated by sea zones or regular old land-separated exclaves cannot be used as basis for a holy war for a target duchy that does not directly border the aggressor subrealm).
      • The Holy War CB no longer costs any piety to use if the attacker holds a kingdom or empire which is de jure liege or above to the target duchy.
      • Better Civil War Names:
        • Rather than all of the 4i faction wars, succession law faction wars, and crown authority faction wars using the same CB with the same war name (e.g., "2nd Revolt of the Byzantine Revolt League"), the main rebellion CB now has a differentiated counterpart for every type of war goal and reason for rebellion. Now, you'll see war names in-game like "2nd Byzantine Civil War to Restore Agnatic-Cognatic Succession," "3rd French Civil War for Elective Monarchy in Aquitaine," and "English Civil War to Overthrow Liege (Obligations)."
      • The Manifest Destiny Invasion CB -- available to Seljuks and Timurids -- can no longer be used against same-dynasty targets, and the attacker must be duke- or above-tier.
    • Multiplayer:
      • AI lieges are no longer given a handicap with regard to 4i -- 4-interest -- faction mood assessment in multiplayer.
      • All of the possible positive-mood "faction reward" events, which occur when a 4i faction votes to either support you in its faction-specific, unique way or when such a faction votes to simply offer you gold tribute, now actually work in multiplayer.
    • Laws:
      • Feudal Elective Succession no longer prevents usage of the crown authority sub-laws Free Infidel Title Revocation, Complete King's Peace (non-Conclave), and External Inheritance Disabled.
      • Some of the 4i factions have always especially disapproved of high levels of Crown Authority under the HRE; now, they do so identically under the Frankish HRE (Saint-Empire Romain).
      • Enacting changes to Investiture crown laws now has appropriate effects upon Religious Authority and temporary religious head opinion (affects Catholic, Fraticelli, Cathar, Bogomilist, and Manichean religions).
      • While Religion Head Investiture (commonly known as 'Papal Investiture' for Catholic/Fraticelli) is still not a default law until the year 1000AD, head investiture can now be enacted at any point in time rather than only after the year 1000AD. AI will not seek to enact it any earlier than previously.
      • Crown Authority level basic effects have been altered toward the goal of providing sufficient rewards for achieving and maintaining, e.g., Absolute Crown Authority:
        • Minimum liege levy modifiers now range from none to +60% in +15% increments beyond Autonomous Vassals.
        • At High Crown Authority, maximum liege levy is modified by +10%, and at Absolute Crown Authority, maximum liege levy is modified by a whopping +30%.
        • At High Crown Authority, demesne cap is boosted by +1, and at Absolute Crown Authority, demesne cap is boosted by a whopping +3.
        • Remember, when it comes to liege levies, the "minimum" liege levy is that which is provided at the minimum opinion at which vassals will provide any troops at all (-50), the "maximum" liege levy is that which is provided at maximum vassal opinion (100), and the realized liege levy will scale linearly between this minimum and maximum along liege opinions of -50 to 100.
      • The total cost of raising Tribal Organization to its maximum setting has been reduced to 3500 prestige from 5000 prestige (-30%) with prestige costs steps of 500/750/1000/1250.
    • Military:
      • Characters' martial skill now directly influences their army morale: the impact is scaled by the martial attribute value, so 10 martial = +4% morale, 15 martial = +6% morale, 20 = +8% morale (a linear curve of land_morale = 0.004*M, where M is martiall skill level).
      • (EMF+SWMH) The dynamic levies (i.e., "dynlevy") min/max liege levy law modifier increments (of which there are 64) which scale with ruler realm size (number of holdings in subrealm) have been modified to allow the law's [nonlinear] scaling curve to stretch from realm sizes of less than 24 with no malus to realm sizes of at least 520 for maximum malus (-50%). This penalizes medium-sized realms less than currently and applies more relative penalty to very large realms like the HRE.
    • Temples / Bishroprics / Mosques:
      • Temples have been made significantly more attractive from a base tax, base levy/garrison, and levy reinforcement rate perspective. Base city levy reinforcement rates have been halved, in contrast.
      • The temple military building tree has been modified to produce a strong heavy infantry + pikemen combination well-supported by archers.
    • Holy Orders:
      • The Saqaliba are now an Isma'ili holy order instead of Shi'ite (along with the Hashshashin, which had already been converted to Isma'ili).
      • The Arsiyah's events & decisions have been updated to trigger off the appropriate new Sunni heresies (introduced a few releases ago with the new religious setup), should they take-over Sunni and become non-heretic.
      • The Hashshashin / Assassins formation code now uses the historical founding character of Hassan i-Sabbah if he's alive at the time of formation.
      • (EMF+Vanilla) The Hashshashin now properly consider EMF's custom decadence mechanic when choosing assassination targets (was already true for EMF+SWMH).
      • General audit for consistency across all holy order code, which resulted in reversal of some unintended behavior.
      • Whenever any holy order is created, a standard set of effects are now applied (some were the case for certain orders, some others, some not at all-- the vanilla setup is quite inconsistent). Some of the more important, new effects:
        • Ensure that they have the correct kind of feudal government for their religion. Previously, holy orders had the government type of whichever ruler happened to run the event which spawned them (essentially random, but usually feudal). This led to theocracy holy orders, republican holy orders, etc., and that was certainly not ideal.
        • If their religion's Religious Authority is less than 75%, then add a 10-year RA modifier of +5% to their religion.
    • Religion:
      • Becoming a Messalian Master is now more difficult: it requires a period of prayer and fasting just the same as driving out daemons, and only offers a chance of success (with the chance higher depending on the level of Piety for the character). A 250 Piety cost is incurred when beginning the prayer, and the character must wait at least three years before they can attempt it again.
      • Becoming a Messalian Master now only raises Religious Authority of the Messalian faith if it is currently below 75%.
      • The reward event for the Convert a Province ambition is back and has been improved significantly, including the first usage of EMF's new notification-tab-only trait gain/loss notification system.
      • For a heresy to overtake its parent religion via the classic SoA heresy takeover mechanic, the heretic religion now requires 10 provinces more than the parent rather than 5. [In 1066+ starts, Zaydi was frequently taking-over Shi'ite by default due to the recent legitimization of Isma'ili.]
      • The Court Anarchy trait is no longer inherited by the next Sunni caliph when starting from the Old Gods bookmark.
      • Muslims should now be more aggressive, and they enjoy 2 Military Organization technology levels' worth of additional retinue cap, although their retinue maintenance cost remains the same.
      • (EMF+SWMH) Total levy sizes and levy reinforcement rate for Muslims has been boosted a bit to counterbalance the fact that the Muslim world is very holding- and province-sparse compared to Europe on SWMH.
    • The Fabricate Heresy plot is no longer useable on actual heretics and invalidates if the target becomes one.
    • The new Revassalize CB now lasts 50 years instead of 40 (provided that the ex-vassal doesn't die first).
    • The notification of Imperial Decay at the beginning of the game now uses the player's portrait rather than Isis's portrait.
    • The effect tooltip for passing a succession law change will now warn you when doing so would leave you with net negative prestige.
    • New icons for Go Crusade, Go Jihad, Become a Saint, Become Regent, and Plot to Kidnap
    • Maintaining a mercenary band (Zeus, HL) now has a smaller negative impact upon demesne levy size.
    • Ramadan events & decisions optimized a bit and no longer show positive/negative decadence effects when they can't actually have an effect.
  • FIXES:
    • Several of the new plots now properly take into account the plotter's Plot Power when calculating the chance of success.
    • Several vanilla fixes for the council power laws (used to result in unexpected/unfair opinion modifiers upon usurpation of titles, opinion modifiers when not actually vassal to the associated council, etc.)
    • The exact rating of Imperial Decay will now always show, even if 0, on the tooltip for the Lower Imperial Decay decision, which is always available to be inspected
    • The 3rd-Party De Jure County Claim CB is now WAD; it was not issuing CBs when it should (for the last couple months), although the "De Jure Ducal Claims" alertbox still listed the CBs it should've been allowing.
    • Turned off vanilla Conclave event which could apply a Borrowed From Jews modifier the ruler could never lose.
    • If you've expelled the Saqaliba [holy order], then you can now no longer borrow money from them, as it should be.
    • The Muslim County Conquest CB (same-religion-group variant) is now properly available, in all cases, against targets with the same liege.

SWMH v2.933

  • The core of EMF's recently overhauled religious setup has been ported to base SWMH. Most of the extended religious mechanics haven't and won't be ported, but those central to new religions have (e.g., the Isma'ili Caliphate Rising event chain).
  • Further historical setup update to the Seljuk and Ghurid realm, 1066-1210
  • Ghaznavids now have more vassals until mid-12th century
  • Removed a duplicate Ma’danid Baloch realm between the 11th and 12th century
  • Added the Banijurids in the Khottal/Khuttal area in 867 (undocumented change in the last version)
  • Strait of Hormuz now goes through Hormuz rather than Makran
  • Added 80 additional Wikipedia links for Turkish, Persian, and Mongol characters
  • Altered Dutch culture color to be more distinct
  • Altered color of the Duchy of Ravenna to no longer be identical to the Duchy of Milan
  • Extensive title creation/usurpation conditions revisions in coordination with support for EMF's new De Jure Vassal Kingdom Creation imperial crown law

CPRplus v2.5.6

    • Occitan and Basque characters now have the Iberian nose
    • Non-pagan Turkish female now wears Turkish clothes instead of Byzantine ones
    • Berber and Beja characters now wear the same clothes as Ethiopian characters [SWMH only]
    • Avar characters now use the Hungarian portrait







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Historical Immersion Project   Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP


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zijistark, глава HIP Team


Better Balkans and Carpathians unleashed for the Holy Furry! Interesting changes for russians: The russian cultural name "Rusisku" is replaced with "Ruski" Yassy (Peresechen) is now und


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HIP Release - 2017-08-29 (Cacao4)      

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