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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Developer LinkMediaFire


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HIP [Furry7], (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Скачать HIP, (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

HIP [Cacao4], (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Скачать HIP, (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

HIP [Hades7], (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades6], (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades5], (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Hades4], (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Zeus10], (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Скачать HIP, (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [changelog thread]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [changelog thread]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [changelog thread]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [changelog thread]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [changelog thread]

Release (2016-01-24) [changelog thread]

Release (2015-05-08) [changelog thread]



Общая инструкция по установке модов.

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<noindex>HIP от 01.09.2015</noindex>

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SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

This release of SWMH is save-incompatible with the previous release (2015-08-16). All other modules are fine.

EMF's New World Order scenario customization still hasn't returned, but it will.


If using the SWMH map, the 'Find Title' function will CTD if you start your search with the characters 'b' or 'd'.

EMF v4.01

Crusader and Mujahid traits no longer award martial skill

Vanilla map: Duchy of Flanders de jure moved to Kingdom of France

SWMH map:

Manual advancement of start date in the game lobby has been extended to 1337.1.1, like vanilla (still no bookmarks after 1205, though)

Castle cultural buildings and cultural retinues have been added for the new German sub-cultures in SWMH, along with the Szekely

Gothic/Geat culture now has a heavy infantry cultural retinue

Cultural modifiers have been streamlined and balanced

FIX: Romanian and Albanians will no longer have two different cultural buildings, and Albanians now have a retinue

FIX: Robert Guiscard no longer has an overlapping war (2 CBs at once) in the Alexiad (1081) start

MINOR: De jure Irish kingdom title no longer automatically destroyed upon scenario start; this should no longer be an issue with SWMH

Mongol Empire:

Invasion is now firmly guided to follow historical patterns (almost entirely without railroading it!)

To address the issue of pacifist Mongols (an extreme problem on SWMH but also an annoyance on the vanilla map), EMF now has supplementary AI code ("pillage-burn") that forces a shock-and-awe invasion with multiple simultaneous wars, relatively smart target selection, and other neat tricks to better represent the extremely aggressive and rapid expansion of the Mongol Scourge.

Invasion uses a custom CB designed to minimize the unlanding of original characters and their subsequent replacement with Mongol-cultured feudal lords. The Mongols were indeed rather "hands-off" overlords, and it should be much more fun to be conquered by the Mongols (merely the beginning of a new era rather than a reason to ragequit)!

Mongol Empire will no longer convert away from the Tengri faith until at least 30 years after its arrival.

The Conqueror trait (which makes characters particularly ruthless) will stop being applied to Mongol invaders after the year 1300


Starting troops in 867 are now sufficient to beat Bulgaria and properly wreak some havoc on Eastern Europe

Their 867 invasion now uses a custom CB and extended event chain which properly migrates them in a way similar to that done previously to the release of Horse Lords, and it is much more robust for their purposes.

Those without Horse Lords are also fully-supported by the new CB, events, and decision.

Less overpowered than in previous releases (excluding the prior EMF 4.0, which had reverted to the poor vanilla event troop setup)

Migration code respects player vassals of the Magyars, unlike previous code, and will never eliminate them.

Elective monarchy faction logic significantly improved, toward the goal of generally reducing the faction's likelihood to revolt

Robert Guiscard's 5 Norman-Byzantine Wars from 1066 until his death have been removed in favor of an invasion of the Balkans in 1081.4.1 (Alexiad start), for historical accuracy

However, it is likely that his earlier Italian campaigns against the ERE will receive special treatment (with a custom CB) in the future.

Rewrote Remove Ahistorical Empires scenario customization for more simplicity and robustness

FIX: Will no longer deactivate an ahistorical empire title if it is actually held (but will still make it titular-- notably affects Abbasids in 769)

Nomad settlement to feudal:

Completely rewritten province culture/religion conversion logic (number of provinces proportional to population+manpower) to settle your non-nomadic lands in a much more contiguous/clustered and intuitive, aesthetically-pleasing way. This is also a vanilla bugfix, because their method was completely faulty.

Players settling-down get to keep their previous demesne nomadic provinces (no point in forcing you to go to Liberation wars to regain control of the land you already controlled directly)

Nomads spawn 2x less one-time event troops, proportional to number of empty holding slots abandoned, than previously.

Nomad lucky rulers now gain some significant benefits as well (previously, the status was only a major boon for feudal/iqta rulers-- we're still working upon improving the bonuses for tribals, although it still makes a big difference for them)

FIX: The per-crown-title lifetime cooldown upon changes to Investiture Law is now properly reset upon title inheritance

FIX: Can now properly create the Frankish HRE when also using using Remove Ahistorical Empires scenario customization decision

FIX: Adopt Feudalism decision should now always be enabled when its tooltip indicates that it should be

FIX: The Seljuks will no longer immediately lose their titular empire-tier title gained when they first spawn/invade (pre-1066 starts)

FIX: Some misfiring PB events related to 'retaking the coast' and the Bulgarian unrest have been removed temporarily due to misbehavior

FIX: All those eligible to be marshals are now also eligible to receive the Commander minor title (prior, many EMF extensions to command eligibility were disregarded)

VANILLA FIX: Reduced the odds of an AI character with theology focus taking the option to become a heretic from 33% to 20%

VANILLA FIX: (Hopefully) stopped spurious 'minor clan reinforcements' event for unrelated provincial revolts (stopgap)

VANILLA FIX: Upon scenario initialization, virtually every king-tier title in the game is given an [uncreatable] placeholder de jure empire when they otherwise lack a de jure empire

Without this measure, the engine currently appears to have various issues with memory leaks, crashes, and buggy behavior.

Mechanism for plugging de jure empire gaps is similar to that used for Remove Ahistorical Empires (though no titles are deactivated!).

MINOR: Crown Authority law increases no longer require at least 1 year to have passed since the title holder has changed his/her primary title

SWMH v2.901

49 provinces removed. Sorry, Ireland!

High Kings of Ireland now titular kings of Tara

Removal of several cultural and religous title usurp/formation requirements, mainly in persia.

New/updated namelist for Sicilian Arabs, Crimean Goths and Sardinians

Tweaked Sardinian nomenclature

Cultural static modifiers redone and reduced in scope.

Moray Firth is open for traffic again, as it is no longer part of the russian river system!

Fabled unit sinkhole in the Karakum desert fixed. Who will stop the mongols now?

Events for Hashshahin, Hansa, Jomsvikings, etc. adapted to work properly with the map.

Geats now have their own dynamic Norse culture split to go along with the standard Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Norman.

Large pile of other bugs fixed.

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.0.1

Finished re-localizing provinces

Various tweaks around the map

Latest SWMH compatibility

ARKOpack 2015-08-20


various tweaks


rearranged trade post/fort view (again)

adjusted realm tree button for a better clickability

added shortcut ENTER to validate chosen focus

added buildview shortcuts (< and > to navigate through holdings)

CPRplus v2.1.1

New Features

HIP installer lets you choose whether to install CPRplus's new Western and Muslim faces

New graphics added for characters with Maimed, Infirm, Attractive, Ugly, Drunkard, Stressed, Depressed,

Possessed, Incapable, Ill, Pneumonic, Leper, and Lunatic traits

New martial headgear graphics for the non-pagan Baltic and late-era Georgian portrait sets

Several new portrait background images have been incorporated from CK2+ and the African portrait pack (the latter of which is unused in vanilla)

Even more contextual triggers to portrait background code (e.g. "military camp" background with the trebuchet comes up only when the character is in siege)

Prisoners are stripped of their headgear now (already implemented in the previous version, but was not listed)


Adjustments to Western, French, Norse, and Celtic female faces; Dutch and Central Asian beards; pagan Norse armor

Early-era Sogdian portrait set now uses Indian clothing and a remixed headgear set (with mixed Indian, Persian, and Turkish elements)

Early-era Dutch portrait now uses Saxon clothing

Estonian culture now uses the Ugric portrait set

(SWMH only) Low Saxon and Low Frankish cultures now use the Dutch portrait set

(SWMH only) Khalaj culture now uses the Sogdian portrait set

Antipopes no longer get the “papal” portrait background

Folderized culture file


Fixed the wrong layer order with the Asian, Silk Road, Kpop, and Otaku female

Fixed a bug where viewing a Norman female character before the year 950 caused a CTD

Executed characters no longer display random background

Fixed the missing headgear element for early-period Andalusians

Removed the artifact from one of the Persian female eye frame (carryover vanilla issue)

A note of thanks to @LordPeter, who gave us permission to integrate retouched portrait background images from the CK2-compatible version of CPRplus.

A note of thanks to to @SirRitter, who provided with us custom helmets (given to the non-pagan Baltic and late-era Georgian portraits) using existing DLC assets.


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Более подробно о новой версии можно почитать в описании под спойлером в шапке или на Плазе.

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Подскажите, что делать, когда bat'ник-собиратель мода выдает сообщение о том, что CPRPlus не находит папку с игрой?

The HIP installer could NOT successfully determine your active CKII game folder! Thus, it cannot auto-detect whether you meet all the portrait DLC prerequeisites for CPRPlus.
Изменено пользователем Granuja
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Кто эти казус бели прописывал? Запрет на священные войны. Я пыжусь-надрываюсь одно нормальное клеймо сотворить, потому что дипломатов нет ни хрена, мрут прежде 30-ти, а засранец-викинг уже титулярное королевство имени себя отгрохал.

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Кто эти казус бели прописывал? Запрет на священные войны. Я пыжусь-надрываюсь одно нормальное клеймо сотворить, потому что дипломатов нет ни хрена, мрут прежде 30-ти, а засранец-викинг уже титулярное королевство имени себя отгрохал.

Там со старта в меню интриг

Ты можешь вернуть нормальные холивары без кб.

Кб там нормальные. Сделаны такими для того, чтобы империи сильно не разрастались

Папа, в отличии от ванилы, клеймы даёт только так.

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Что там нового?

changelogНажмите здесь!


SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

An optional, non-default SWMH-Lite which excludes India and certain rarely played regions in Africa is in the works for those of you that would like a high-performance SWMH experience.

EMF v4.03

Province Culture & Religion Preservation:

Some of you may have noticed that activation of the Horse Lords DLC erases original (i.e., intended) province culture and religion under nomads to be mono-cultural. We've written a "province history enforcement" supplement called antinomad that restores the originally intended province culture & religion under nomads when starting a new campaign with Horse Lords enabled.

Works as intended at literally all start dates!

Works for the SWMH map, vanilla map, and even the modified CK2Plus map (antinomad was donated to Plus for this release as well-- you've just got to have it, after all); note that EMF and CK2Plus are not compatible, however.

Will only apply to new campaigns.

Nomads conquering otherwise "empty" land from a different-culture or different-religion nomad now also kicks-in the new Leave A Tribe Behind™ mechanic, to prevent automatic province culture/religion erasure due to Horse Lords mechanics.


28 (twenty-eight!) new ambitions, often tiered, have been added to ensure that you always have something interesting from which to choose from your ambition list:

Become Duke

Become a Great Duke

Become Emperor

Gain Independence

Have Five Children

Have Ten Children

Have Fifteen Children

Have Twenty Children

Increase Size of Demesne: an ambition for each demesne size of 1-12

Lower Decadence: 7 tiered decadence ambitions that kick-in at 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80 decadence each with the aim of reducing decadence by 10, can be repeated on a 5-year cooldown

Assemble a Great Council: Put together a council wherein no councillor has a skill level of less than 18

Change a Province's Culture: Not too dissimilar from Convert a Province, but prepare for a longer wait. If you do want to spread your obscure culture in the game, then this ambition is for you. Note that it applies to any provinces under you rather than just those directly owned by you [player-only].

Increase Personal Combat Skill ambitions have been updated significantly:

Characters with the new commander minor title are much more likely to want to increase their personal combat skill

Christian religious heads will never take the ambition

Ambition now has up-to-date requirements regarding who can lead troops

General objective AI chance rebalancing

Scenario Customization Decisions:

New World Order has been restored for CKII v2.4/HL.

You'll now get 3 additional options for how to handle nomads, as they don't follow the normal de jure rules that non-nomads do:

Make each clan independent-- all vassal clans will become independent, but no new clans will be generated

Give each clan a single province-- one county per Khaganate, and new clans will be generated to fill the holes (this is the most like 'Independent Counts' for nomads)

Leave nomads alone-- you guessed it, simply leaves nomadic realms alone

Now respects the Gender Equality customization and generates female rulers at a 50/50 ratio when applicable

Patricians can no longer use the "Rapid Conquest" CBs

Gender Equality:

Customization has been revamped, giving 3 independent options:

Gender-equal council (excludes the Marshal position)

Gender-equal military (includes the Marshal position and determines who can lead troops / be a commander)

Full Gender Equality: Every title in the game for which Absolute Cognatic succession is an option will use Absolute Cognatic, and the AI will never change it back, nor will new titles use Agnatic succession when they should use Absolute Cognatic

In addition to rewriting the gender succession laws to make this possible, there are still cases where the hard-code will give Agnatic succession to newly-created characters, and these are caught on a yearly maintenance pulse which corrects them to Absolute Cognatic if they qualify

No longer gives access to the buggy Enatic and Enatic-Cognatic succession laws

Council and Succession:

Barring other exclusionary rules, all council positions may be held by a woman if cathar, messalian, bogomilist, or mazdaki and their liege is the same religion

Characters with the monk or nun trait, if other rules allow, will now be allowed to be appointed to the court chaplain position with religions & government forms that otherwise require them to already be a landed priest/priestess (e.g., those with autocephaly)

Dismissing a councillor that's become incapable or has gone into hiding no longer earns you a "Fired From Council" opinion malus

"Job Security Concerns" (a small opinion malus earned from a councillor when they're fired and later re-hired) can no longer stack

Can now jump straight to Absolute Cognatic succession if religion is mazdaki in addition to messalian religion and basque culture

If your religion/culture qualifies for jumping straight to Absolute Cognatic, there is no minimum prestige requirement for doing so

Religious Authority and Province Conversion:

Province religious conversion via the 'Proselytize' job action now always takes +25% more time on average

Due to an effective imbalance in relative Religious Authority for Muslims:

Muslims may call Jihad with as low as 30% RA rather than the usual 40% required

Sunni, Shia, and Ibadi religions receive a permanent +10% religious authority on scenario startup (new campaigns only)

Provinces under Islamic control now spontaneously convert to the owner's religion twice as fast (was previously very slow) and earn a 5-year +1% religious authority as they would if converted by the 'Proselytize' job action

(EMF+SWMH) Seljuk will no longer spawn in mercenary courts or any other foolish place for launching a subsequent invasion

(EMF+SWMH) Manifest Destiny Invasion CB (special invasion CB for Seljuks and Timurids) now targets the whole intended conquest region for both dynasties (did not previously due to lack of all de jure empires in that area on SWMH)

Leave A Tribe Behind™ now ensures that the new tribe will be a minor holding in the previously-empty province (not the capital) when the conqueror is nomadic

EMF's regional weather effects no longer affect Garrison Size, because this can have confusing effects on the locally available levy

Upon major revolt invalidation, the temporary Levy Efficiency laws that were applicable during the war for the revolt leader and the liege are now, in addition to the other possible war outcomes, corrected immediately

Make Tribute CB will now less commonly be used against players than previously (normally, we encourage AIs to use available CBs against players over other targets, but in this case, it's a bit spammy, because the CB is virtually always available)

Make Tribute CB will be less commonly used by non-Muslim feudal rulers against other non-Muslim feudal rulers

The decision Raise Tribal Army has been removed due to the sheer and implausible advantage and opportunity for abuse that it gives players.

Characters ages 50+ and especially 60+ have less health reduction due to the 'Old Age' and 'Very Old Age' modifiers, respectively.

AI will now prefer a direct land border (as opposed to traversing a sea zone) when using any of the relevant duchy-tier holy war CBs

If a reformed pagan, the Holy War CB can no longer be used against targets of your unreformed faith

Special Holy War CB can now be used by either any holy order against a target in another religion group or by the King of Jerusalem for a de jure duchy within Jerusalem against a target in another religion group

Special Holy War CB no longer induces a holy war cooldown

Religious Reconquest CB now requires at least one of the same-religion provinces in the target duchy to be non-nomadic

Non-nomads can no longer holy war for duchies that lack any non-nomadic settlements

Nomad settlement: more hardcode-induced border gore reduction

(EMF+SWMH) FIX: Standard culture conversion events should now prevent Geat-cultured provinces from flipping back to Norse before their time

(EMF+SWMH) FIX: Culture/religion conversion modifiers to promote inland Turkmenification and discourage it coastally in the Rum/Byzantium areas now work properly again (SWMH EE changed the underlying cultures at work)

FIX: Properly adjust Levy Efficiency laws for the liege and major revolt leader in the case of 3rd-party revolts (e.g., Claimant wars)

FIX: Usurpation of single-holding provinces containing a nomad capital should now still Leave a Tribe Behind™ when supposed to do so (but it won't appear until the next game day)

FIX: Nomads can no longer use the Religious Reconquest CB

FIX: Nomads settling as merchant republics will now properly use the new post-settlement mechanics

If a nomad settled as a republic in an EMF 4.02 save, it may have left behind stray game state which could mess with future settlement of the prior nomadic realm's territory, even if as feudal. However, upgrading to this version of EMF will dynamically fix any such stray game state automatically.

MINOR: Pagan and non-pagan versions of the Holy War CB merged into one

MINOR: Base fertility modifier dropped to -10% from -5%

SWMH v2.903

Tweaks to Ragusa / Dubrovnik's historical trade posts

Localisation fixes

Multiplied the MTTH of certain 'Islamization of Persia' culture conversion events by 100 (prior value was a bug)

Fixed 'France' not being 'Francia Occidentalis' in the 867 start

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.1.1

Finished redefining vanilla localisations inherited by SWMH (e.g. provinces, noble titles)

Several minor tweaks and corrections (e.g. Finnish Pagan -> Uralic)

Latest SWMH compatibility

CPRplus v2.1.4

New Features

New Ethiopian face assets added, given to the Ethiopian and Somali portrait sets

Characters under house arrest now display the “bed” background rather than the “dungeon” background and wear proper clothing (they are still behind bars and don’t wear headgear)


Ethiopian portrait set now uses African clothes (tentative, will soon be replaced by new assets)

Late-period Southern Slavic female wears Western Slavic headgear and Byzantine clothes, rather than vice versa

Non-pagan Norse use non-pagan Norse hair assets rather than Western hair

Normans use Western hair rather than Southern hair

Norman female wears Western clothes rather than Southern clothes

Occitans wear French headgear in the late era


Added the missing middle headgear layer to the Ethiopian female

Added the missing early-period variants in the vanilla-Western-face version of the Occitan portrait set

Fixed various graphical issues with headgear for Western Slavic, Southern Slavic, Bohemian, and non-pagan Hungarian portrait sets

Fixed alignment adjustment errors found in the Occitan portrait set

Western Slavic, Southern Slavic, Bohemian, and non-pagan Hungarian females no longer display hair while wearing armor

Old-aged males with the Southern Slavic and Norman portrait sets now use age-appropriate hair color

Fixed a loophole in portrait code for monks in the early era

[sWMH only] Sicilians now correctly use the Sicilian portrait set


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Новая версия и изменения добавлены в шапку.
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отличный мод- брат (старший или младший у всех по разному) СКплюс...

но вот не могу понять в мастерскую стим его запилить им религия не позволяет...

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Чего-то никто не потрудился обновить, а между тем, уже получается позавчера случился ХИПпи Кристмас.

Самая последняя версия ХИПа с элементами СК2+Нажмите здесь!

SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

If you get a lump of coal in your stocking this year, it's probably because you didn't play enough of this. You've been warned.

Those who contribute feedback to the EMF elves will definitely NOT get a lump of coal for Christmas.

EMF v4.04

Due to collaboration with the CK2Plus team (Rylock in particular), EMF now features the jointly-overhauled "interest faction" system from Plus as well as extended civil war mechanics. The system has so many moving parts that an oversimplified summary of the system will have to do for this changelog (pay attention to tooltips for faction mood effects of some your actions or achievements as well as opinion-breakdown tooltips for faction members).

The new factions (of which virtually every vassal is a member of exactly one):

Court -- cares most about autonomy and recognition

Prosperity -- cares most about wealth, order, and sustained peace

Glory -- cares most about prestige-- their own, their liege's, their realm's-- and are pro-war

Tradition -- cares about piety & faith, resists change, hates heresy, and prefers the tried-and-true

Civil wars due to the 4 interest factions (which may have been sparked due to failure to comply with a myriad of possible demands) as well as the generalized Lower Crown Authority Faction and succession law factions now use a much more dangerous, high-stakes CB and feature dynamic call-to-arms as well as post-war rewards/penalties for loyalists/neutrals/rebels and other such tasty Christmas treats.

If you lose one of these civil wars against rebels:

Any specific demands related to the civil war will be enforced (e.g., reverting the succession law on your primary title after a change)

Crown Authority will be lowered on all of your crown titles (if applicable).

Tribal Organization will be lowered (if applicable).

All of your counties that are de jure vassal titles to any of the rebels will be surrendered to their de jure liege. Counties that rebels have claims upon will be surrendered as well.

All of your vassals that are de jure vassals of any of the rebels will be transferred under the rebel with the most specific (lowest-tier) de jure liege title.

If you are the original civil war defender (i.e., you didn't ascend the throne in the middle of such a civil war), your primary-tier and primary titles may be usurped by rebels with claims on them, that are pretenders to them, or that are heirs to them. Failing that, you will be forced to abdicate.

If you are victorious over such a civil war:

All of the rebels will be thrown into prison, and what happens to them afterward is entirely up to you.

(EMF+SWMH) Automatic de jure expansion of the Christian Iberian kingdoms (i.e., Portugal, Leon, Castille, and Aragon) has been completely rewritten to be much more fair, lead to a more realistic Reconquista, less railroaded / more flexible in total possibilities for which duchies drift into which kingdoms, and very robust

If the Byzantines regain de jure Rum, Rum will become titular, with the territory reverting to de jure Anatolia / Konya under the de jure Byzantine Empire

Galicia, when titular, is now deactivated and destroyed after acquiring a de jure king- or empire-tier title

The "legal marriage age" and the age at which young adult portraits are shown has been reduced to 14. The age of adulthood (i.e., when the kids may become rulers without a regent) is still 16.

Some significant "natural selection" maluses have been added to the "dwarf" trait, as due to its relatively high inheritance chance despite low birth incidence rate, we were all too frequently seeing long lines of prestigious Dwarven Emperors and Popes in late-game.

The Secret Society of Dwarven Aristocracy is nonplussed.

AI will now always be open to pressing an anti-Pope's claim on the Papal State or Fraticelli Papacy, regardless of whether they'll be able to vassalize the new Pope upon success

Republics can now seize cities/counties w/i 250 distance of any realm county (instead of 200)

Vassal patricians in a republic now consider all of the republic's realm provinces when calculating distance to targets for CB restrictions (i.e., all provinces in the Doge's subrealm rather than their own)

Winning a war or holy war as an ally now always triggers success of their respective war ambitions for all CBs

The Imperial Reconquest CB will no longer automatically usurp Papal State holdings above baron-tier and not in counties that are directly held by the Papal State at all (unless the war is actually against the Papacy)

Nomadic county liberation now has a truce of 3 years (instead of 5)

Muslim County Conquest, when a religious war and when vassalizing the target rather than usurping the county (due to the target being a count without any other county titles), now gives a proper "Subjugated By Different Religion" temporary opinion bonus (+45)

Regents will no longer screw with your Crown Authority pathologically

The Decadence Usurpation CB will no longer be capable of usurping holy order / mercenary / religious-head titles (unless same religion for the religious-head titles)

FIX: Fixed a bug wherein certain AI vassals could use the Bid For Independence CB where they should not be able to do so

FIX: The new Become King ambition icon now works properly. Thank you GIMP, for still being junk at exporting DDS

FIX: Correct event option text when fulfilling the Change a Province's Culture ambition

SWMH v2.91

New Stuff:

re-overhaul of Armenia (7 new counties and 3 de jure new duchies)

re-overhaul of Georgia (5 new counties and 5 de jure new duchies)

overhaul of Arran and Azerbaijan (2 new counties and redrawn Vanilla borders)

overhaul of Jazira (2 new counties and redrawn Vanilla borders including a new sexy Wasteland near Mosul)

2 new Eastern Christian cultures (Coptic and Assyrian) 1 new Persian subculture (Adhari) and 1 new Eastern Culture (Khotanese)

dozens of new dynasties and characters for the Georgians and Armenians

continued the trimming of provinces over the entire the map. The number of provinces have not increased as a result of this

Prussians split into 9 tribes(only 7 around at the same time though), with history covered from 860-1360 featuring several hundreds rl prussians(mainly after 1230).

Royal histories added for East Saxons, West Saxons, Mercians, East Anglians and Northumbrians

CA/Tarim basin reoverhaul: Removed Dzungaria and added Khotan instead)

Changes, Overhauls:


Many, many title history changes

changes to the Turkification/Kurdification of Armenia. It is now significantly slower, to portray that the Armenians lingered on in very large numbers throughout Eastern Anatolia for most of the CK2 period

Several big Armenian and Georgian noble families conspicously missing have now been given land from 1066 onwards

The Georgian Kingdom have now been split up in 867. The Constituent parts of what later became Georgia (Kakheti, Kartli and Abkhazia) are now all independent

The Shirvanshahs, Shaybanids of Filastin and Kharijites of the Northern Jazira are now independent in 867

The Emirs of Tblisi are now independent up until the 1120's, because they have a separate Tblisi province

The Bagratid Dynasty have been split in 3. Bagratuni and 2 Cadet Branches (Bagrationi and Kvirikian)

Added the autonomous Begtiginids of Erbil for the 1100s and early 1200s

Added the Ahmadilis of Maragheh

Overhauled the landed_titles setup for Jazira, Georgia, Armenia and Arran. Completed the nativization of Barony/County/Duchy localisations for the area and added several new dynamic names

The Uyghurs are feudal and Buddhist past the mid-10th century

Removed or replaced baronies in the Tarim Basin that are not physically present on the map

Added a playable duchy of Khotan in 867

General changes:

The Emirs of Aleppo have been moved in under Caliphal control in 867

Changed the Culture of the Popes of Alexandria and the Patriarch of the East to the 2 new Eastern Christian cultures

New nomencalture for Occitan and Aragnose culture

New Aragonese namelist

Prussian namelist and dynasties expanded significantly.

New Canarian culture

Iceland and the Canaries now tribal.

Small batch of new flags, mainly for Italy.

Anglo-Saxon history, dynasty and culture names regularised and updated

Axed the Duchy of Basra, now split between Nefoud and Tigris, with the later being renamed as Al-Batihah

Fixed the Title histories of Persia up to and including the Break up of the Greater Seljuk Empire in 1157

General Clean-up of remaining Turkish characters east of Anatolia. They've been turned into Turkmens as they're intended to be

One Tengri holy site changed from Dzungaria to Barskhan.

Khitan culture and nomenclature improved.

Other history fixes:

Great Heathen army numbers dropped and ahistoric invasion of East Anglia removed

More England province and barony dynamic names added and regularised

Gave Mercia its historic 867 borders

Tweaks to the Magyar characters in 867

MiniSWMH v1.0

Initial public version

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.1.2

Latest SWMH compatibility

MiniSWMH compatibility

ARKOpack 2015-12-23


Some colours tweaks

Tweak to Khitan dynasties names by ese_khan

Dynastic CoA for de Aragon, Bagratuni

New CoA for Aragon & Barcelona (all tiers)


Fixed a few more files for Mac/Linux users

On-map siege smoke is now slightly inflamed

Fixed SI DLC icon position

CPRplus v2.2.0

New Features

Added the Kurdish portrait set, given to the Kurdish culture

[sWMH only] Added the Coptic portrait set, given to the Coptic and Assyrian cultures

[sWMH only] Updated the Guanche portrait set, given to the Canarian culture

[sWMH only] Reassigned the Khotanese portrait set to the Khotanese culture

Added early-era variants to the Uyghur portrait set

Incorporated more Mongol headgear assets from Huanglukuzhu’s Horse Lords Remake + New Portraits & Units mod

Incorporated Turkish beards and hairs from CrackdToothGrin's Steppe Faces mod, given to the Steppe, Alan, and pagan Hungarian males

Incorporated the Orthodox priest robe from CrackdToothGrin's Better Klobuk mod

Incorporated vanilla’s unused Western “pagan” clothing assets, given to the Baltic and early-era Western Slavic and Bohemian portrait sets

Added new hair, cloth, and headgear assets for the Khitan and Mongol portrait sets using existing assets for more historical accuracy

Celtic, Breton, and Norse-Gael portraits now have early variants

Characters that are in hiding now dress up like courtiers


Tweaks to female Western, French, and Celtic noses

“Shady” clothes and headgear are now only available to Spymaster

Pagan Hungarian characters wear historically more accurate clothes and headgear (steppe-area assets)

Bolgar characters wear historically more accurate clothes and headgear (Cuman hair, more turbans in the mid-era)

Mid-era Anglo-Saxon wear historically more accurate clothes and headgear (Western headgear and clothes)

Replaced the ahistorical tartan clothes in the Celtic portrait pack with those from the Saxon portrait pack

Early-era Bretons wear Saxon headgear and early Western clothes

Mid-era Bretons wear Western headgear and French clothes

Mid-era Celts and Norse-Gaels wear Western headgear

Occitans now wear Western headgear and French clothes

Alan males now wear non-pagan Turkish clothes

Early-era Sogdian male no longer wears furry headgear and long hair and beard

Uyghur characters now use Mongol face

Changed the “tribal” background with a more generic-looking one, courtesy of LordPeter

Blue eye colors are no longer as soaring blue

Added more eye color variations to Western, Byzantine, English, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman portraits (more to come for other portrait sets later)

Changed Occitan characters’ eye colors to be the same as the Iberians and French

Changed Levantine characters’ eye colors to be the same as the Persians

Changed Hungarian characters’ eye colors to be the same as Steppe characters

Anglo-Saxon males now have a revised version of the non-pagan Norse beard (same as Western Slavs)

Dutch males now have non-pagan Norse hair

Bohemian females now have Eastern Slavic hair

Western Slavic females now have non-pagan Norse hair

Non-pagan Hungarian males now have a revised version of the Central Asian beard (same as Dutch)

Central Asian characters reverted to use “Central Asian” hair

Crimean Gothic males now have Byzantine beard

Crimean Gothic females now have Byzantine hair

Characters in Latin, Iberian, or Italian culture group are now more likely to be beardless

Catholic priests and monks now always appear beardless

Orthodox priests now rarely appear beardless

Characters over age 20 are now less likely to be beardless

Portrait sets in the Middle East and North Africa go beardless only if the character is not muslim or is under age 20

Norman males are much more likely to have a bowl cut hairstyle


Hopefully fixed a bug where the early

to mid-era graphic change in 950 caused a crash

The game will now make use of all beard and hair assets that are available [Vanilla bug]

Fixed a bug where one of the Norse and African hairstyles was wrongly excluded from appearing [Vanilla bug]

Restored the missing hair layer to the early-period middle-aged Ethiopian male

Restored the missing armor piece to French and English portrait sets

Added a missing armor piece to mid-era Sicilian characters [sWMH-only]

Removed an unnecessary armor piece from non-pagan Hungarian characters

Portrait sets that used CPRplus’s Western beard now use vanilla Western beard

Portrait sets that used vanilla Muslim beard now use CPRplus’s Muslim beard

Fixed an issue where beard comes on top of the nose in Western, English, French, and Occitan portrait sets

Hair and beard alignment adjustment to many portrait sets

Fixed the wrong hair colors for old-aged Central Asian and Bolgar characters

Removed redundancy and brought consistency to eye color schemes in some of the portrait sets

Eye color schemes in the Norman portrait set now have the same reference numbers as the Western portrait set’s (i.e. William the Conqueror now gets the same eye color as in vanilla)

Fixed the wrong child icon reference in the Levantine portrait set

East Asian female headgear is now in the same format as other headgear assets


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Трудно объективно оценивать-сравнивать. Я в СК2+ играл очень давно, мне ХИП более по душе, потому что КАРТА SWMH. А теперь к этой карте еще и систему фракций из СК2+ прикрутили. Все, что мне надо, в одном.

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Трудно объективно оценивать-сравнивать. Я в СК2+ играл очень давно, мне ХИП более по душе, потому что КАРТА SWMH. А теперь к этой карте еще и систему фракций из СК2+ прикрутили. Все, что мне надо, в одном.

А можно вкратце про систему фракций в CK2+?

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Historical Immersion Project   Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP


Вышел мод https://www.mediafire.com/file/eh86h6qhvybtvst/HIP_2019-02-14_Furry1.7z/file


zijistark, глава HIP Team


Better Balkans and Carpathians unleashed for the Holy Furry! Interesting changes for russians: The russian cultural name "Rusisku" is replaced with "Ruski" Yassy (Peresechen) is now und


HIP Furry3 and my mod got updated! I renamed the slavic faith to "Slovenska Vera"   Have fun!


Новый большой релиз от 6 марта - Frosty2.    Список изменений огромный. Скачать/Зеркало


HIP Release - 2017-08-29 (Cacao4)      

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