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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Developer LinkMediaFire


Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по поддерживаемой авторами мода ссылке.

Полезная информация





HIP [Furry7], (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Скачать HIP, (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

HIP [Cacao4], (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Скачать HIP, (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

HIP [Hades7], (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades6], (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades5], (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Hades4], (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Zeus10], (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Скачать HIP, (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [changelog thread]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [changelog thread]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [changelog thread]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [changelog thread]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [changelog thread]

Release (2016-01-24) [changelog thread]

Release (2015-05-08) [changelog thread]



Общая инструкция по установке модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Обновил состав модулей HIP; changelog заменил ссылками на него; Стандартизация оформления
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Закреплённые сообщения

Старт в 769-м работает теперь?

Нет. Индии тоже нету. Зато есть Ааафрика =)

Язык учить - это, кстати не одного-двух дней дело, что и печально.

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HIP 19.11.2014 - CK2 2.2.1

Charlemagne start не планируется

Индия есть?

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Индия есть?


Также как и старта в 8 веке.

Но зато поправили баги прошлых версий.

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Кто нибудь, скажи есть обновления? разрабы собираются добавлять индию???

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Кто нибудь, скажи есть обновления? разрабы собираются добавлять индию???

Да вот только недавно выпустили.

Чего тебе ещё надо?

А Индии вроде вообще видимо не будет.

Т.К. похоже самим разрабам регион не интересен.

А рисовать новую карту и писать кучу истории на каждого зачуханного раджу ни у кого желания нет.

Это ведь сборник.

Карта отдельно.

Она вообще не меняется всё время пока играл в неё.

Изменено пользователем rvsGermes
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Да вот только недавно выпустили.

Чего тебе ещё надо.

А Индии вроде вообще видимо не будет.

Т.К. похоже самим разрабам регион не интересен.

А рисовать новую карту и писать кучу истории на каждого зачуханного раджу ни у кого желания нет.

Это ведь сборник.

Карта отдельно.

Она вообще не меняется всё время пока играл в неё.

Бэтмен, мне лично ничего не надо, а душа желает индию в этом моде.

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Бэтмен, мне лично ничего не надо, а душа желает индию в этом моде.

Я Будмэн!


А не будет твоей индии


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Я Будмэн!


А не будет твоей индии


Та и на**ать на индию...ок, Будешь Бэддмен.

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<noindex>HIP - WoL - 2014 - 12 - 18</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

This update breaks saves.

The version for 2.2.1 will remain available until further notice.

SWMH currently does not include any part of India. This will be rectified in the future.

SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

SWMH does not currently include the winter mechanic. When or if this will be rectified is unknown.


Everything should now work for 2.3, with the exception of ARKO Interface. We hope to have that module ready soon.

EMF 3.0:

Compatible with CKII v2.3 (Way of Life); not backwards-compatible with older versions of CKII

Title-specific malus in the form of the 'Decentralized HRE' law experimentally removed; it should no longer be necessary due to more general balancing mechanic improvements in this version

AI Lucky Rulers:

Now unencumbered by any trait restrictions in all CBs, just like players

Bless With Luck: One can now assign Lucky Ruler status to a specific ruler via this new diplomacy action (regardless of whether the Lucky Rulers scenario customization decision was taken, so luck can now be precisely assigned)

Remove Luck: Having second thoughts? You can always remove Lucky Ruler status at will with this new diplomacy action.

Muslim County Conquest: AI restrictions for usage when an inter-religion war greatly lessened (player usage unaffected)

Warrior/Fighter traits now factor into WoL personal duel system and their bonuses were tweaked a bit

Defines changes (variables which factor into various base game formulae):

Holding levy sizes now half as influenced by the martial stat of the particular holding owner (HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_MULT = 0.75, HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_BASE = 0.025)

Nobles are more likely to choose to personally command their soldiers when a liege raises their levies (OPINION_WHEN_MARSHAL_INSTEAD_OF_SELF = 0)

Vassals will no longer provide any liege levies at all when their liege opinion is below -50 (MIN_LEVY_RAISE_OPINION_THRESHOLD = -50)

Vassals will provide a minimum of 25% of their liege levy obligation at the new -50 liege opinion threshold for levies (with linear scaling above the threshold). E.g., -100 to -49 opinion nets 0% levies, -50 opinion nets 25% levies, 0 opinion nets 50% levies, 25 opinion nets 62.5% levies, 50 opinion nets 75% levies, and so on (MIN_LEVIES_ABOVE_OPINION_THRESHOLD = 0.25)

When unloading troops (e.g., raiders) from a galley, it now takes twice as long as previously, so it's now the same as vanilla (ARMY_UNLOAD_MOVE_COST = 20.0)

When loading troops (e.g., raiders) back into galleys (when the ships are not in port), it now takes twice as long as it did for them to unload (ARMY_LOAD_MOVE_COST = 40.0)

Capturing the heir of your enemy during a war is now "only" worth 30% warscore instead of 50% (CAPTURED_HEIR_WAR_SCORE = 30.0)

While levy reinforce rates are the same (4%/yr base), vassals' reinforcement of their liege levy contribution reinforces 25% more slowly than their personal levy (LIEGE_LEVY_REINF_RATE = 0.03)

Vassals pay 20% less for levy maintenance when the levies are raised by a liege rather than the vassal personally (LIEGE_LEVY_COST_MULTIPLIER = 0.8)

Viceroys (including minor/duke viceroys) provide 20% less liege levies, ceteris paribus-- now the same as vanilla (LIEGE_LEVY_VICE_ROYALTY_MULTIPLIER = 0.8)

During civil wars, the revolt leader will be able to raise more troops than normal from his fellow revolters (REBEL_LEADER_MINIMUM_LIEGE_LEVY_MULT = 1.25)

More severe penalties to liege levy contributions depending upon how far they are away from the liege's capital. Strict distance is not used for these penalties; instead, "concentric rings" of decreasingly-concentrated de jure territory tiers with respect to the liege's capital county are used. EMF was (and still is) much less severe in these penalties than vanilla because of its additional 'dynamic levies' (or, 'dynlevy') mechanic which also scales down effective liege levies with realm size. However, some adjustments were in order to better achieve EMF's goals:




OUTSIDE_LIEGE_LEVY_MULT = 0.5 (was 0.7, now no extra penalty for your capital being in an area of the map with no de jure empire-- also just a lot less arbitrary)

Weakened medium-to-large lieges' levy potential when spreading development over their entire capital duchy rather than concentrating on their capital county; there are still major levy bonuses for capital county, now neither bonus nor penalty for capital duchy, and appropriately-varying penalties elsewhere (CAPITAL_DUCHY_LEVY_MULT = 1-- was 1.25, CAPITAL_DUCHY_VASSAL_LEVY_MULT = 1-- was 1.15)

Some strategic notes:

One still has every incentive to completely control their capital duchy (i.e., all province capitals) in order to maximize tax income due to more vassal barons. If your capital county has a lot of capacity and your demesne limit is scarce, the trade-off between maximum taxes (spread yourself over duchy) and levies (pump capital full of castles) is your choice to make. Also consider that retinues are very expensive but have obvious military advantages over levies.

Keep in mind that the aforementioned, dramatic capital county levy bonuses (as well as the de jure tier liege levy penalties) apply to EVERY ruler-- not just you; therefore, it is extremely beneficial to total realm levy power to maximize the demesne efficiency of all your vassals by ideally limiting every ruler in your realm to a single county (regardless of tier).

Viking raiding parties now face more serious risks, as they cannot instantly escape the moment you send an army their way. When raiding as a Viking, you're going to need to use more realistic tactics and target selection to plunder and pillage with the best.

Capital selection matters a lot. Don't be afraid to move your capital. Unless you happen to start with an ideal capital, you should probably move your court at least once. In some areas of the map or upon major conquests/inheritances, it may be beneficial to do so a number of times. Remember, the de jure setup around the capital is critical-- not just the province and encompassing duchy.

Be more wary of overextending your realm territorially. Upon reaching monumental sizes, something to consider would be spinning-off independent kingdoms that will aid you more efficiently in war.

FIX: Automatic empire disintegration should no longer create titular kingdoms when searching for a valid king-level title for the emperor upon which to fallback

FIX: Pagan holy war now costs only 200 piety the first time and then 300 piety thereafter (was costing 500 piety instead)

FIX: You may now properly press third-party (for a vassal) de jure claims on counties and baronies against different-religion holy orders

FIX: Peace pledge ambition is now properly enforced by third-party claim CBs (cannot even attempt to press de jure claims or regular claims for a subject character while peace pledge is active)

MINOR: AI now actually always prefers to 'Press All Claims' rather than press them individually

MINOR: Eliminated needless exceptions for Byzantium & Roman Empire from all 5 de jure claim CBs' tooltips

SWMH 2.86f:

Now works with 2.3

Some minor fixes

VIET 1.9.0:

Added 15 war, 9 rock/mineral, and 5 Indian cuisine flavor events

Added VOLCANIC ERUPTION event chain

Added Greek 2 music pack

Meteor strike province modifiers now also decrease levy size and reinforce rate

Fixed a few syntax errors

Fixed several events not being triggered

Fixed Aztecs always using chocolate-flavored toothpaste if they convert to Zoroastrianism

Fixed inconvenient boner event happening to females

CPR 2.0.9:

Added otakugfx portrait set combining a Celtic appearance with Chinese clothing and hair (unused; just there for fun) (I'm a terrible person I know)

Portrait sets that previously used the old Mediterranean portrait DLC as a base (i.e. Georgian, Alan, and Levantine portrait sets) now use the new Med portraits as a base instead

Mediterranean portraits now tend to have more darker hair (i.e. fewer blonde Greeks)

Iberian portraits now have more hair color variety (I.e. blonde Iberians are possible)


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<noindex>HIP - WoL - 2014 - 12 - 18</noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

This update breaks saves.

The version for 2.2.1 will remain available until further notice.

SWMH currently does not include any part of India. This will be rectified in the future.

SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

SWMH does not currently include the winter mechanic. When or if this will be rectified is unknown.


Everything should now work for 2.3, with the exception of ARKO Interface. We hope to have that module ready soon.

EMF 3.0:

Compatible with CKII v2.3 (Way of Life); not backwards-compatible with older versions of CKII

Title-specific malus in the form of the 'Decentralized HRE' law experimentally removed; it should no longer be necessary due to more general balancing mechanic improvements in this version

AI Lucky Rulers:

Now unencumbered by any trait restrictions in all CBs, just like players

Bless With Luck: One can now assign Lucky Ruler status to a specific ruler via this new diplomacy action (regardless of whether the Lucky Rulers scenario customization decision was taken, so luck can now be precisely assigned)

Remove Luck: Having second thoughts? You can always remove Lucky Ruler status at will with this new diplomacy action.

Muslim County Conquest: AI restrictions for usage when an inter-religion war greatly lessened (player usage unaffected)

Warrior/Fighter traits now factor into WoL personal duel system and their bonuses were tweaked a bit

Defines changes (variables which factor into various base game formulae):

Holding levy sizes now half as influenced by the martial stat of the particular holding owner (HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_MULT = 0.75, HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_BASE = 0.025)

Nobles are more likely to choose to personally command their soldiers when a liege raises their levies (OPINION_WHEN_MARSHAL_INSTEAD_OF_SELF = 0)

Vassals will no longer provide any liege levies at all when their liege opinion is below -50 (MIN_LEVY_RAISE_OPINION_THRESHOLD = -50)

Vassals will provide a minimum of 25% of their liege levy obligation at the new -50 liege opinion threshold for levies (with linear scaling above the threshold). E.g., -100 to -49 opinion nets 0% levies, -50 opinion nets 25% levies, 0 opinion nets 50% levies, 25 opinion nets 62.5% levies, 50 opinion nets 75% levies, and so on (MIN_LEVIES_ABOVE_OPINION_THRESHOLD = 0.25)

When unloading troops (e.g., raiders) from a galley, it now takes twice as long as previously, so it's now the same as vanilla (ARMY_UNLOAD_MOVE_COST = 20.0)

When loading troops (e.g., raiders) back into galleys (when the ships are not in port), it now takes twice as long as it did for them to unload (ARMY_LOAD_MOVE_COST = 40.0)

Capturing the heir of your enemy during a war is now "only" worth 30% warscore instead of 50% (CAPTURED_HEIR_WAR_SCORE = 30.0)

While levy reinforce rates are the same (4%/yr base), vassals' reinforcement of their liege levy contribution reinforces 25% more slowly than their personal levy (LIEGE_LEVY_REINF_RATE = 0.03)

Vassals pay 20% less for levy maintenance when the levies are raised by a liege rather than the vassal personally (LIEGE_LEVY_COST_MULTIPLIER = 0.8)

Viceroys (including minor/duke viceroys) provide 20% less liege levies, ceteris paribus-- now the same as vanilla (LIEGE_LEVY_VICE_ROYALTY_MULTIPLIER = 0.8)

During civil wars, the revolt leader will be able to raise more troops than normal from his fellow revolters (REBEL_LEADER_MINIMUM_LIEGE_LEVY_MULT = 1.25)

More severe penalties to liege levy contributions depending upon how far they are away from the liege's capital. Strict distance is not used for these penalties; instead, "concentric rings" of decreasingly-concentrated de jure territory tiers with respect to the liege's capital county are used. EMF was (and still is) much less severe in these penalties than vanilla because of its additional 'dynamic levies' (or, 'dynlevy') mechanic which also scales down effective liege levies with realm size. However, some adjustments were in order to better achieve EMF's goals:




OUTSIDE_LIEGE_LEVY_MULT = 0.5 (was 0.7, now no extra penalty for your capital being in an area of the map with no de jure empire-- also just a lot less arbitrary)

Weakened medium-to-large lieges' levy potential when spreading development over their entire capital duchy rather than concentrating on their capital county; there are still major levy bonuses for capital county, now neither bonus nor penalty for capital duchy, and appropriately-varying penalties elsewhere (CAPITAL_DUCHY_LEVY_MULT = 1-- was 1.25, CAPITAL_DUCHY_VASSAL_LEVY_MULT = 1-- was 1.15)

Some strategic notes:

One still has every incentive to completely control their capital duchy (i.e., all province capitals) in order to maximize tax income due to more vassal barons. If your capital county has a lot of capacity and your demesne limit is scarce, the trade-off between maximum taxes (spread yourself over duchy) and levies (pump capital full of castles) is your choice to make. Also consider that retinues are very expensive but have obvious military advantages over levies.

Keep in mind that the aforementioned, dramatic capital county levy bonuses (as well as the de jure tier liege levy penalties) apply to EVERY ruler-- not just you; therefore, it is extremely beneficial to total realm levy power to maximize the demesne efficiency of all your vassals by ideally limiting every ruler in your realm to a single county (regardless of tier).

Viking raiding parties now face more serious risks, as they cannot instantly escape the moment you send an army their way. When raiding as a Viking, you're going to need to use more realistic tactics and target selection to plunder and pillage with the best.

Capital selection matters a lot. Don't be afraid to move your capital. Unless you happen to start with an ideal capital, you should probably move your court at least once. In some areas of the map or upon major conquests/inheritances, it may be beneficial to do so a number of times. Remember, the de jure setup around the capital is critical-- not just the province and encompassing duchy.

Be more wary of overextending your realm territorially. Upon reaching monumental sizes, something to consider would be spinning-off independent kingdoms that will aid you more efficiently in war.

FIX: Automatic empire disintegration should no longer create titular kingdoms when searching for a valid king-level title for the emperor upon which to fallback

FIX: Pagan holy war now costs only 200 piety the first time and then 300 piety thereafter (was costing 500 piety instead)

FIX: You may now properly press third-party (for a vassal) de jure claims on counties and baronies against different-religion holy orders

FIX: Peace pledge ambition is now properly enforced by third-party claim CBs (cannot even attempt to press de jure claims or regular claims for a subject character while peace pledge is active)

MINOR: AI now actually always prefers to 'Press All Claims' rather than press them individually

MINOR: Eliminated needless exceptions for Byzantium & Roman Empire from all 5 de jure claim CBs' tooltips

SWMH 2.86f:

Now works with 2.3

Some minor fixes

VIET 1.9.0:

Added 15 war, 9 rock/mineral, and 5 Indian cuisine flavor events

Added VOLCANIC ERUPTION event chain

Added Greek 2 music pack

Meteor strike province modifiers now also decrease levy size and reinforce rate

Fixed a few syntax errors

Fixed several events not being triggered

Fixed Aztecs always using chocolate-flavored toothpaste if they convert to Zoroastrianism

Fixed inconvenient boner event happening to females

CPR 2.0.9:

Added otakugfx portrait set combining a Celtic appearance with Chinese clothing and hair (unused; just there for fun) (I'm a terrible person I know)

Portrait sets that previously used the old Mediterranean portrait DLC as a base (i.e. Georgian, Alan, and Levantine portrait sets) now use the new Med portraits as a base instead

Mediterranean portraits now tend to have more darker hair (i.e. fewer blonde Greeks)

Iberian portraits now have more hair color variety (I.e. blonde Iberians are possible)


Я правильно полагаю что Индии нету?

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Я правильно полагаю что Индии нету?

Changelog в помощь:

SWMH currently does not include any part of India. This will be rectified in the future.

SWMH does not include a 769 start. There is no plan to add one.

SWMH does not currently include the winter mechanic. When or if this will be rectified is unknown

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глючный мод...адамы смиты размножаются

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кто нибудь, гляньте пожалуйста на плазе, есть ли к нему обновления???

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По просьбе пользователя Jagir

Released 2014-01-16. For CKII 2.3.2. Нажмите здесь!

EMF 3.03

Updated for CKII v2.3.2

[scenario Customization Decision] Convert to Merchant Republic

This scenario customization decision converts your feudal ruler into the Doge of a new, independent, and optionally de jure kingdom-tier merchant republic.

The 4 rival patrician families will be auto-generated by the game once you unpause. Similarly, note that you also cannot build trade posts until immediately after unpausing the game (day 2).

Cool extra, related feature: there is now a special 'Convert to Merchant Republic' diplo-action available upon essentially any coastal feudal ruler (but only before unpausing the game). With this diplo-action, you can create AI merchant republics-- and still choose whether they're de jure kingdom-tier or simple duke-tier-- wherever you damn well please. Paint the map.

[scenario Customization Decision] No CB Cooldowns

You may now choose whether to disable all CB "cooldowns" (for all rulers) via the new customization decisions menu (affects holy war, county conquest, republics, subjugation, tribal invasion, etc.)

Can be enacted at any time but is currently irreversible once enacted

More Crown Authority, More Money

All non-default increments of crown authority laws now grant an additional +2.5% feudal, city, and clergy tax. This can add up very quickly, especially for feudal tax in large realms.

If you can set legal precedent in favor of the crown on any subject (protected inheritance, internal king's peace, etc.), it is reasonable to expect that the same crown would be able to require / demand slightly higher taxes, ceteris paribus. Naturally, raising crown authority also reduces vassal opinion and may put you at risk of revolts (just as always), so the pay-off isn't fundamental.

This makes pursuing centralization of power with the crown a more lucrative business, if nothing else. While each crown law has always had its strategic benefits, it has never been more clear that centralization of power with the crown is, in essence, theoretically good for the crown.

Now perhaps you can finally afford those shiny retinues in order to crush the consequent rebellions of disempowered nobles! [ More work to be done soon on better rebellions, though! ]

Distribute Recently Acquired Land

Decision now also works for counties acquired through inheritance

Cosmetic improvements (some automatically-generated tooltips were misleading, and a [wrong] character portrait was shown under certain conditions)

Once decision is taken, it will now prompt for the full set of recently-acquired counties and no longer stop once your character is no longer over their demesne limit. Simply choose not to grant what you want to keep, and remember, even if it's recently-acquired, you'll never be prompted about anything in your capital duchy.

Now also searches your court for up to 2 best-fit candidates for each province and allows the option to select one of these instead of a new, random character when prompting for each province

Now applies the proper Indian caste trait to newly-created characters, if relevant

Newly-created characters will have a stewardship education rather than a fully-random education.

Vanilla's 'Ask For Help Managing Titles' decision is now disabled unless your chancellor is another player; EMF's decision is safer and more reliable.

Ruler Designer Unlocked

There is now no need to use external mods such as "Ruler Designer Unlocked!" with EMF (no age costs).

You can add whatever traits to your character that you please and set whatever character properties that you like. Ruler-design responsibly, ahem.

You may customize your age exactly from 16-79 with any combination of the 6 age customizer traits in the Ruler Designer (+1 year, +2 years, +4 years, ..., +32 years). These "age traits" disappear within a few days of unpausing.

Great Goddess Isis of Duat now has her very own sexy portrait set and a proper Ancient Egyptian religion icon (portrait art thanks to Crakdtoothgrin!)

AI rulers won't use de jure county claims, de jure duchy claims, or third-party de jure county claims to conquer AI merchant republics' capitals unless they are themselves another merchant republic and not part of the same greater realm

AI decision to seduce as well as tendency to pick the seduction focus has been yet further nerfed

When using the Pagan Subjugation CB, it is now only necessary to share a border with the enemy in the target kingdom-- not to actually be landed within the target kingdom too (plus some other changes)

Independence Faction is less likely to jump the gun on ultimatums at relatively low faction power ratios

[Ambition] Disabled Find Hobby ambition when Way of Life DLC is active; Find Hobby is not currently compatible with the Way of Life lifestyle trait distribution method

OPTIMIZED: Dynamic levy efficiency laws are now only applied to a ruler's primary title rather than all primary-tier titles and should automatically copy whenever their primary title changes (plus other optimizations)

OPTIMIZED/FIXED: AI no longer uses employment decisions to randomly spawn courtiers of various types, as in vanilla-- far fewer random courtiers will be spawned and may fix a stability issue

FIX: Religious Reconquest now, like standard Holy War, allows Reformed Norse to wage war over sea zones

FIX: Bulgarian Empire title creation conditions now consistent with other empire titles (minimum realm size of 120)

FIX: AI Lucky Rulers are no longer subject to trait restrictions when attempting to use the Pagan Subjugation CB _outside_ their capital de jure kingdom (same restrictions as players)

FIX: The Autonomy Faction's remove_internal_peace CB had 3 on_add sections (duplicate); it now has one, as it should

MINOR: Vassal AIs must be king-tier or higher to fabricate claims outside their realm; however, vassal duke AIs may do so as well if the target realm's top liege is a player (like previously)

MINOR: All councillor ambitions use expectation_of_liege = yes to hint the AI



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Интересно, кто нибудь спросит о наличии индии в новой версии мода?:)

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Простите, у меня одного слетели юниты у монголов, аврабов и т.п.? Как-то не очень смотрится монгольский конный лучник, как европеец

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По просьбе пользователя Jagir

Released 2014-01-16. For CKII 2.3.2. Нажмите здесь!

EMF 3.03

Updated for CKII v2.3.2

[scenario Customization Decision] Convert to Merchant Republic

This scenario customization decision converts your feudal ruler into the Doge of a new, independent, and optionally de jure kingdom-tier merchant republic.

The 4 rival patrician families will be auto-generated by the game once you unpause. Similarly, note that you also cannot build trade posts until immediately after unpausing the game (day 2).

Cool extra, related feature: there is now a special 'Convert to Merchant Republic' diplo-action available upon essentially any coastal feudal ruler (but only before unpausing the game). With this diplo-action, you can create AI merchant republics-- and still choose whether they're de jure kingdom-tier or simple duke-tier-- wherever you damn well please. Paint the map.

[scenario Customization Decision] No CB Cooldowns

You may now choose whether to disable all CB "cooldowns" (for all rulers) via the new customization decisions menu (affects holy war, county conquest, republics, subjugation, tribal invasion, etc.)

Can be enacted at any time but is currently irreversible once enacted

More Crown Authority, More Money

All non-default increments of crown authority laws now grant an additional +2.5% feudal, city, and clergy tax. This can add up very quickly, especially for feudal tax in large realms.

If you can set legal precedent in favor of the crown on any subject (protected inheritance, internal king's peace, etc.), it is reasonable to expect that the same crown would be able to require / demand slightly higher taxes, ceteris paribus. Naturally, raising crown authority also reduces vassal opinion and may put you at risk of revolts (just as always), so the pay-off isn't fundamental.

This makes pursuing centralization of power with the crown a more lucrative business, if nothing else. While each crown law has always had its strategic benefits, it has never been more clear that centralization of power with the crown is, in essence, theoretically good for the crown.

Now perhaps you can finally afford those shiny retinues in order to crush the consequent rebellions of disempowered nobles! [ More work to be done soon on better rebellions, though! ]

Distribute Recently Acquired Land

Decision now also works for counties acquired through inheritance

Cosmetic improvements (some automatically-generated tooltips were misleading, and a [wrong] character portrait was shown under certain conditions)

Once decision is taken, it will now prompt for the full set of recently-acquired counties and no longer stop once your character is no longer over their demesne limit. Simply choose not to grant what you want to keep, and remember, even if it's recently-acquired, you'll never be prompted about anything in your capital duchy.

Now also searches your court for up to 2 best-fit candidates for each province and allows the option to select one of these instead of a new, random character when prompting for each province

Now applies the proper Indian caste trait to newly-created characters, if relevant

Newly-created characters will have a stewardship education rather than a fully-random education.

Vanilla's 'Ask For Help Managing Titles' decision is now disabled unless your chancellor is another player; EMF's decision is safer and more reliable.

Ruler Designer Unlocked

There is now no need to use external mods such as "Ruler Designer Unlocked!" with EMF (no age costs).

You can add whatever traits to your character that you please and set whatever character properties that you like. Ruler-design responsibly, ahem.

You may customize your age exactly from 16-79 with any combination of the 6 age customizer traits in the Ruler Designer (+1 year, +2 years, +4 years, ..., +32 years). These "age traits" disappear within a few days of unpausing.

Great Goddess Isis of Duat now has her very own sexy portrait set and a proper Ancient Egyptian religion icon (portrait art thanks to Crakdtoothgrin!)

AI rulers won't use de jure county claims, de jure duchy claims, or third-party de jure county claims to conquer AI merchant republics' capitals unless they are themselves another merchant republic and not part of the same greater realm

AI decision to seduce as well as tendency to pick the seduction focus has been yet further nerfed

When using the Pagan Subjugation CB, it is now only necessary to share a border with the enemy in the target kingdom-- not to actually be landed within the target kingdom too (plus some other changes)

Independence Faction is less likely to jump the gun on ultimatums at relatively low faction power ratios

[Ambition] Disabled Find Hobby ambition when Way of Life DLC is active; Find Hobby is not currently compatible with the Way of Life lifestyle trait distribution method

OPTIMIZED: Dynamic levy efficiency laws are now only applied to a ruler's primary title rather than all primary-tier titles and should automatically copy whenever their primary title changes (plus other optimizations)

OPTIMIZED/FIXED: AI no longer uses employment decisions to randomly spawn courtiers of various types, as in vanilla-- far fewer random courtiers will be spawned and may fix a stability issue

FIX: Religious Reconquest now, like standard Holy War, allows Reformed Norse to wage war over sea zones

FIX: Bulgarian Empire title creation conditions now consistent with other empire titles (minimum realm size of 120)

FIX: AI Lucky Rulers are no longer subject to trait restrictions when attempting to use the Pagan Subjugation CB _outside_ their capital de jure kingdom (same restrictions as players)

FIX: The Autonomy Faction's remove_internal_peace CB had 3 on_add sections (duplicate); it now has one, as it should

MINOR: Vassal AIs must be king-tier or higher to fabricate claims outside their realm; however, vassal duke AIs may do so as well if the target realm's top liege is a player (like previously)

MINOR: All councillor ambitions use expectation_of_liege = yes to hint the AI



Еще бы перевод осилить ;D

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zijistark, глава HIP Team


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