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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Developer LinkMediaFire


Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по поддерживаемой авторами мода ссылке.

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HIP [Furry7], (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Скачать HIP, (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

HIP [Cacao4], (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Скачать HIP, (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

HIP [Hades7], (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades6], (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades5], (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Hades4], (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Zeus10], (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Скачать HIP, (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [changelog thread]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [changelog thread]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [changelog thread]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [changelog thread]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [changelog thread]

Release (2016-01-24) [changelog thread]

Release (2015-05-08) [changelog thread]



Общая инструкция по установке модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Обновил состав модулей HIP; changelog заменил ссылками на него; Стандартизация оформления

Закреплённые сообщения
Rey Mitchell

@Shamilboroda Случилось чудо. Она скачалась. Как?.... Не знаю. Но проблема решена)

У меня одного с последним обновлением после 950 года стало вылетать?


Залил на DropMeFiles, 14 дней будет доступно для скачивания с момента написания этого сообщения:  https://dropmefiles.com/8NPBO

добавлено 1 минуту спустя

@Bakum так ты поверх старой версии мода поставил новую и играешь на том же сохранении, и теперь вылетает?

2 часа назад, Arzazel сказал:

Залил на DropMeFiles, 14 дней будет доступно для скачивания с момента написания этого сообщения:  https://dropmefiles.com/8NPBO

добавлено 1 минуту спустя

@Bakum так ты поверх старой версии мода поставил новую и играешь на том же сохранении, и теперь вылетает?

Нет, старую удалил, начал новую игру

В 19.03.2020 в 17:31, Arzazel сказал:

Залил на DropMeFiles, 14 дней будет доступно для скачивания с момента написания этого сообщения:  https://dropmefiles.com/8NPBO

добавлено 1 минуту спустя

@Bakum так ты поверх старой версии мода поставил новую и играешь на том же сохранении, и теперь вылетает?

Что это?



Свежая сборка HIP мода, просто залитая на DropMeFiles


Помогоите, пожалуйста.

Проблемы с утановкой.

Распаковал архив в папку mod, запускаю exeшник - ошибка. "Не удалось запустить приложение по скольку его параллельная конфигурация неправильна..."


А данная сборка модов есть с переводом на русский язык, тех вещей, которые она добавляет в игру?

В 19.03.2020 в 15:31, Arzazel сказал:

Залил на DropMeFiles, 14 дней будет доступно для скачивания с момента написания этого сообщения:  https://dropmefiles.com/8NPBO

добавлено 1 минуту спустя

@Bakum так ты поверх старой версии мода поставил новую и играешь на том же сохранении, и теперь вылетает?

Здравствуйте, можно новую ссылку на скачивание новой версии данного мода? 


HIP Release - 2020-07-09 [Frosty3]

Изменений очень много, полный список под спойлером (на англ., естественно).


EMF v11.2

    • Adopt Feudalism now also automatically passes Limited Crown Authority on all held titles that have crown laws.
    • Adopt Feudalism and Found Merchant Republic now also automatically pass Title Revocation Allowed for all eligible, held titles.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] Non-nomadic provinces with only temple holdings can now prosper. If a nomadic character owns a province with only temple holdings, those provinces can now also prosper if they contain more than one holding.
    • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Provinces owned by nomads with only one temple holding can no longer prosper.
    • Restoring Old Borders of the Roman Empire:
      • Significantly improved performance when playing with Legacy of Rome enabled and a human player is playing as the Byzantine Empire, the Roman Empire, or the Latin Empire, especially when they are getting closer to restoring the original Roman borders.
        • Originally, the 15 events to check whether certain Roman borders were restored happened every 20 or so in-game days, and each check could potentially run a bunch of fairly slow sub-checks for whether the emperor/ess completely controls specific de jure duchies and/or map regions. These checks have now instead been made to run only when the emperor/ess or one of their vassals acquires a new title in some way, and only if that new title is supposed to be one of the old Roman borders.
      • Following a religion other than Hellenic or a Christian one no longer prevents the events for restoring the old borders of the Roman Empire from firing.
      • AI rulers can now also get events for restoring the old borders of the Roman Empire.
      • The events for restoring old borders of the Roman Empire now also show up for all characters within the realm of the emperor/ess who just restored them.
      • The event for restoring all of the original borders of the Roman Empire now show up for every ruler within diplomatic range of the emperor/ess who just restored them.
    • Elective Succession Laws:
      • Electors:
        • Eldership can now have up to 8 electors instead of only up to 7.
        • Dynastic Elective, Eldership, Pictish Elective, and Tanistry succession laws now also allow any claimants to become candidates, even if they are not of the current ruler's dynasty.
        • Under Feudal Elective succession, independent but de jure vassals of the title can no longer be electors; electors have to be direct or indirect vassals of the title. However, they can still be candidates and potentially win (which would end up causing their successors to become eligible electors as long as they do not become independent).
        • Under Feudal Elective, Dynastic Elective, Elective Gavelkind, Pictish Elective, and Tanistry succession, non-feudal and non-theocratic rulers can now be electors if they are direct vassals of the title in question, though they must also be count- or higher-tier if the holder of the title is feudal.
        • Under Elective Gavelkind, Pictish Elective, and Tanistry succession, if a title holder has another de jure title of the same tier, the de jure vassals of that other title can no longer be electors for the first title unless they are also de jure vassals of it.
        • Under Feudal Elective and Dynastic Elective succession for a de jure title that is also the title holder's primary title, if the title holder does not have any titular titles of the same tier, any of their vassals for whom the they have no de jureliege title of the same tier can now also be electors.
          • Example: the King of England also holds the Kingdom of Denmark and has some vassals who are de jure part of the Kingdom of Scotland. If both the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Denmark are Feudal Elective, then the King of England's vassals who are de jure part of the Kingdom of Scotland but have no lands in the Kingdoms of England or Denmark can now be electors for the Kingdom of England. Should the King of England acquire the Kingdom of Scotland, those Scottish vassals would no longer be electors for the Kingdom of England, even if the Kingdom of Scotland does not have Feudal Elective succession.
        • Under Dynastic Elective, Eldership, Pictish Elective, and Tanistry succession, secondary titles that are of duke- or lower-tier no longer have their own elections, similar to how it works under Feudal Elective and Elective Gavelkind. Aztec Elective, Imperial Elective, and Princely Elective succession also get this change, though this is not relevant for them unless they are assigned to a duke- or lower-tier title by a submod.
        • Under Imperial Elective, all characters who are neither councilors nor advisors but who can still vote in the council (or could vote if the council had any authority) are now also electors. This primarily affects regents, but can also extend to other characters through submods.
        • Under Eldership succession, the amount that age and/or learning contributes to whether or not a character becomes an elder is now gradual instead of divided into distinct steps. Children are now also never selected as elders.
        • Under Princely Elective, if the emperor is holding exactly one prince-elector title, the game does not add a new, eighth elector to the pool.
        • Princely ElectivePrince-Elector Titles:
          • When starting a new game from a date where the (non-Carolingian) HRE already exists, all prince-electors are the ones that were the historical prince-electors (or major players in the electoral college) at that particular date.
            • The prince-bishoprics of Köln/Cologne, Mainz, and Trier are always prince-electors. The secular electors start out as the duchies of Saxony, Franconia (Upper Lorraine in SWMH until 1052), Swabia, and Bavaria in 962, and will over the course of scrollable history switch to be Saxe-Wittenberg/Saxony, Bohemia, Brandenburg, and Pfalz respectively by the late 13th century (the last to switch will be Swabia to Brandenburg).
          • When the game decides to designate a title as a prince-elector for Princely Elective, kingdom titles that were historically a part of the Holy Roman Empire now get prioritized over generic kingdom titles.
          • One of the emperor's titles can now become a prince-elector title if the emperor does not hold any prince-elector titles, though this is only likely to happen if they hold one of the historical secular prince-elector titles.
          • The game is now more likely to spread secular electors out geographically.
          • In case there is more than one eligible character when the game is looking for a new prince-elector, the game is now more random in breaking the tie.
          • Characters who hold a holy site of their religion in their demesne are now significantly highly rated to be ecclesiastical electors. This is usually most relevant when forming an early HRE on the vanilla map.
          • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Forming the HRE early now dynamically allocates elector titles instead of choosing between fixed sets depending on the region of the founder's capital province. There are also no set title preferences for electors if the HRE is formed this way.
          • Holders of elector titles no longer lose their electorship if they lead a revolt against the emperor of the HRE.
          • The set of titles that are considered historical electors now depends on the type of HRE in the game. They are listed below, with arrows describing how if a certain title is not held by anyone who could be an elector, the game keeps moving down the list until it either finds a title where this is the case or it exhausts all titles in the list for a given elector. Holding any of these titles increases the likelihood that a character is selected as a new elector when a spot opens up, with higher-tier titles giving a much larger bonus, and with fringe elector titles giving a slightly smaller bonus than core elector titles:
            • Ecclesiastical Electors:
              • For the regular HRE, the three core ecclesiastical electors are Köln/Cologne, Mainz, and Trier, with their de jure duchy titles taking priority over their county titles. The one fringe ecclesiastical elector is Chur, with its de jure duchy title taking priority over its county title.
              • For the SER, the three core ecclesiastical electors are Reims, Vivarés/Vivarais, and Liège, with their de jure duchy titles taking priority over their county titles. The one fringe ecclesiastical elector is Basel, with its de jure duchy title taking priority over its county title.
              • For the Carolingian HRE, the three core ecclesiastical electors are Köln/Cologne, Reims, and Vivarés/Vivarais, with their de jure duchy titles taking priority over their county titles. The one fringe ecclesiastical elector is Basel, with its de jure duchy title taking priority over its county title.
            • Secular Electors:
              • For the regular HRE, the four core secular electors are Franconia->Pfalz->Lotharingia->Lower Lothringen/Lorraine->Upper Lothringen/Lorraine, Swabia, Bavaria(->Niederbayern in SWMH), and Saxony(->Saxe-Wittenberg in SWMH)->Meissen, with the correspondingly named kingdoms taking priority over duchy titles. The two fringe secular electors are Kingdom of Bohemia->Duchy of Bohemia and Kingdom of Pomerania/Wendland->Duchy of Brandenburg.
              • For the SER, the three core secular electors are France->Valois/Île-de-France->Lotharingia->Lower Lorraine/Lothringen->Upper Lorraine/Lothringen, Aquitaine, and Burgundy->Provence, with the correspondingly named kingdoms taking priority over duchy titles. The two fringe secular electors are Kingdom of Bretagne/Brittany->Duchy of Bretagne/Brittany and the de jure kingdom of Barcelona->Duchy of Barcelona.
              • For the Carolingian HRE, there six to seven core secular electors that include all core secular electors of both the regular HRE and the SER, with Saxony excluded if the Saxon Wars are avoided. The two fringe secular electors are identical to the ones that the SER has.
            • Note that alternate world HREs do not have any titles marked as historical electors, so holding specific titles does not increase the chance of being selected as a new elector when a spot opens up.
      • AI Voting Behavior:
        • Electors are no longer more likely to vote for the ruler's candidate if the ruler is Just.
        • If a ruler is controlled by a human player, electors who do not like the ruler and/or do not trust their opinion are now less likely to vote for any candidate who is of the ruler's dynasty (other than themselves), as opposed to just the candidate currently favored by the ruler.
        • AI rulers are now much more likely to select one of their children or someone from their dynasty as their candidate. If a dynast who is not their preferred candidate becomes the prospective heir, they are also very likely to switch their vote to the dynast.
        • Voting preferences based on their personal opinion towards a candidate and/or a candidate's Prestige, Piety, education, high combat rating, attributes, and/or old age are now all based on gradual scoring instead of discrete steps.
        • When considering their opinions towards the current ruler, electors who are not the ruler's direct vassals now still use the opinion they would have if they were the ruler's direct vassal.
        • If an elector is selected by the ruler as their candidate, and said elector has a positive opinion of their ruler, they are now more willing to vote for themselves based on the fact that their ruler backs them.
        • Voting preferences based on whether a candidate is Lustful, Chaste, Greedy, or Charitable now make more sense than before.
        • Shrewd, Burly, and Bright are now also taken into consideration when voting for candidates.
        • Electors that follow a religion in the Eastern religious group now dislike candidates of their religion who do not happen to follow the same branch as they do, the same way it works for reformed religions with Autonomous.
        • Zealous electors now overlook Possessed when considering the ruler's candidate instead of overlooking Lunatic. Non-Zealous electors now consider Possessed when considering the ruler's candidate.
        • Elders under Eldership succession no longer prefer high Stewardship characters more than usual.
        • Elders with Intrigue education under Eldership succession now score characters who have a similar Intrigue-based background as them more highly, just like how elders with Diplomatic, Martial, Stewardship, and Learning educations score candidates that share their background more highly as well.
        • Electors now also consider a candidate's Dynastic Prestige in addition to their regular prestige. Candidates with less Dynastic Prestige than what the elective title's tier would give them (40 for empires, 20 for kingdoms, 10 for duchies) are now heavily disfavored by electors who are not of the same dynasty, a cadet dynasty, or the dynasty's parent dynasty. Otherwise, candidates gain 1 point for every 20 Dynastic Prestige that a character has, up to a limit of 20 points (achieved at 1000 Dynastic Prestige) to prevent too much dynastic stickiness.
        • Martial scores of candidates are no longer given extra consideration under Elective Gavelkind succession by warrior culture electors.
        • Combat Rating scores of candidates are now considered by non-pacifist tribal characters under all succession types, not just under Elective Gavelkind. They now also consider Combat Ratings ranging from 0 to 105, not just from 25 to 80. Warrior culture electors who are not tribal no longer take Combat Rating into extra consideration however.
        • Electors with low Zeal no longer care about a candidate's Piety, and electors with high Zeal now care twice as much about a candidate's Piety as before. Electors who also would see a candidate's religion as foreign do not care about their Piety at all.
        • Tribal electors now consider the government type of electors in all cases, not just under Eldership, Elective Gavelkind, and Tanistry, and feudal and republic electors now consider the government type of electors even under Eldership, Elective Gavelkind, and Tanistry.
        • Faith biases under Dynastic Elective are now reduced to be on par with those under Eldership, Elective Gavelkind, and Tanistry.
        • Cultural biases for tribal electors are now always higher, not just when under Eldership, Elective Gavelkind, or Tanistry.
        • Electors with high Ambition who could also be candidates are now much more likely to vote for themselves if they have even higher Ambition than what Ambitious alone would give.
        • Under Eldership, Displeased elders no longer deliberately vote for poor candidates. Instead, they will try to vote for someone who does not belong to the current ruler's dynasty.
        • Under Eldership, non-Ecstatic elders are now OK with voting for other elders who are either their friends, their lovers, or a non-foe close relative.
        • Under Princely Elective, prince-electors are now hesitant to vote for other electors who are not also their friend, lover, or non-foe close relative. If the emperor also holds an elector title, the other prince-electors are also less likely to vote for the heir of that elector title if said heir is not their friend, lover, or non-foe close relative, though the penalty is (deliberately) a lot less than the penalty for candidates who already are electors.
      • Candidates:
        • Hunchback and Wrymouth now disqualify candidates under Imperial Elective.
        • Dynastic Elective, Eldership, Elective Gavelkind, and Tanistry now allow characters who are either of a cadet dynasty to the current ruler or of whose dynasty the current ruler's dynasty is a cadet dynasty to be candidates.
      • Voting Power:
        • Under Princely Elective, if all traditional prince-elector titles are held by characters who can vote in the election, and the emperor is not a prince-elector, all prince-electors get an extra 99 voting power (extra 199 for theocracies under Religion Head Investiture). The emperor's vote can still be used to break ties and to shepherd the votes of the prince-electors.
        • Under Eldership, if the current ruler is less than 40 years old, all elders get an extra 99 voting power due to the ruler themselves not being considered old enough to have the same electoral clout as an elder. The ruler's vote can still be used to break ties and to shepherd the votes of the elders.
        • Imperial ElectiveSuccession:
          • The amount that a councilor's job-related attribute and prestige contribute to their voting power is now gradual instead of divided into distinct steps. This also means that there is no cap on either of those contributions anymore.
          • The amount that attributes contribute to voting power is now a much smoother, even transition as a person goes from very low values to very high ones.
          • Marshals get two times as much voting power from their Martial as commanders. This is to counteract the effect where other councilors can get extra voting power from also being commanders while the marshal cannot.
          • Secondary spouses now gain less voting power for being married to the ruler.
          • Religious heads of the religion to which the ruler belongs now also gain extra voting power from it, even if they are not their ruler's Court Chaplain.
          • Greek politician electors with high Intrigue no longer gain extra voting power based on it, and Roman politician electors with high Diplomacy no longer gain extra voting power based on it. Instead, all politician electors gain extra voting power based on either their Intrigue or their Diplomacy; generally, the higher of the two is what contributes, but those in the Byzantine cultural group have a preference for using Intrigue, while those who are not have a preference for using Diplomacy.
          • Advisors and regents now also count as politician electors.
          • The current ruler's diplomacy no longer always contributes to their voting power. Instead, the contribution is based on either their Diplomacy or their Intrigue; generally, the higher of the two is what contributes, but Intrigue is preferred if the ruler belongs to the Byzantine cultural group, and Diplomacy is preferred if they do not.
          • Regencies now reduce the ruler's voting power by 25 and increase the regent's voting power by 25. If the regency is because the ruler is a child ruler of the Roman Empire or a successor to the Roman Empire, this reduction stacks with the reduction from being a child.
          • Child rulers of a successor to the Roman Empire now have their power reduced by 50 (from 40) in addition the reduction from being in a regency.
    • When Bogomilism is a heresy of the Orthodox, Monothelite, or Iconoclast faiths, it is now only treated as hostile to Catholicism and vice versa if Catholicism is not also a heresy of some kind.
    • Special behavior on the part of Taoist, Paulician, and Bogomilist religions with respect to what religions are hostile to them and/or to which religions they are hostile is no longer carried over to Random Worlds.
    • Added false negatives to the reaction of husbands and male senior consorts to when their female partner becomes pregnant to another man. Instead of always getting the "I was away, wasn't I?" event when this happens, characters who are Trusting now get a 50% chance of getting the normal pregnancy notification event, and characters who are neither Trusting nor Paranoid now get a 1% chance of getting the normal pregnancy notification (Paranoid characters will always get the "I was away, wasn't I?" event, but of course they also have a 50% chance of getting that event even when it is actually their child with which their partner is pregnant).
    • When a wife or a female consort knows they are pregnant with the child of a man who is not their legal partner, they will still get 10 Prestige if their legal partner does not already know that the unborn child is not theirs.
    • Holy Fury Crusades:
      • Halved the initial chance of an attacker joining a crusade when it is declared.
      • The attacker:defender strength ratio threshold above which potential new attackers with non-positive Zeal will no longer even consider joining a crusade during its monthly preparation phase is now 1.5 (from 2.0).
      • The attacker:defender strength ratio threshold above which potential new defenders will be especially willing to join is now 1.5 (from 2.0).
      • The pope now no longer cashes in favors with AIs to get them to join an ongoing crusade if the attacker:defender strength ratio is 1.25 or higher (from 2.0 or higher).
      • Potential new attackers are now less likely to join a crusade in preparation phase if the attacker:defender strength ratio is 1.0 or higher, and they are now especially less likely to join if the ratio is 1.25 or higher.
    • History's Forgotten Women:
      • The event where 1-2 daughters would sometimes be generated for various AI rulers (called "History's Forgotten Daughters") has been replaced with a new, more complex system for generating both wives and daughters at startup.
      • The system has three settings that can be changed through game rules: Default, Aggressive, and Off. The system is turned off completely at the Off setting, which is also the default setting for Random World games instead of Default. Otherwise, the system behaves as detailed below.
      • At Default, wives and daughters are only generated if it is extremely likely that a character did actually have a wife and/or daughters who are missing from the game's history files.
        • Wives are generated at startup for male characters who can marry and have children who are not Bastard, Legitimized Bastard, or Child of Consort, but do not have a registered mother.
        • Daughters are generated at startup for married rulers (or rulers with dead spouses) between the ages of 20 and 84 (64 for women) who could feasibly have (had) children, but who either have no children, have only one child (alive or dead) by the age of 25, and/or have only two children (alive or dead) by the age of 35; they also need to have (had) a spouse to whom this also all applies, but who is also not a ruler. In order to not affect succession, the ruler also can only have titles with Agnatic or Agnatic-Cognatic succession, and if they have any titles with Agnatic-Cognatic succession, those titles must not be an elective-type of title, the ruler must not be able to designate heirs, and the ruler must also either already have a male heir or a female child with a legitimate, male child. Descendants of Temujin will also never get generated daughters (because their family trees are extremely detailed and well-known).
      • At Aggressive, wives and daughters are generated where it's reasonably likely that the character could have had a wife and/or daughters who are missing from the game's history files.
        • Wives are generated at startup when they would have been under the Default setting, but also if the character is a duke, count, or baron who can marry, is 30 years old or older, has no recorded wife in the game's history files at all, is not Celibate or a Eunuch, and does not have the nickname "the Chaste".
        • Daughters are generated at startup when they would have been under the Default setting, but the age limits are relaxed to be no children at age 20, one child by the age of 23, two children by the age of 26, three children by the age of 30, and four children by the age of 35. Daughters can now also be generated under Cognatic, Enatic-Cognatic, and Enatic succession, though not for Seniority, Patrician Elective, or Open titles, and only if the ruler already has three other potential heirs. Elective-type titles that are not Agnatic still prevent daughters from being generated, as will heir designation if the ruler has any title that does not have Agnatic succession.
      • If a character is eligible for a generated wife, they will always get a generated wife at startup. If a character is eligible for a generated daughter, they will get 0-2 generated daughters, with the actual number depending on the start date (earlier start dates tend toward more daughters), and the number of children that they already have (the fewer they have, the more likely that they will get more daughters). Extremely high and extremely low fertility will also affect this number, as will whether or not the character is a Christian King/Queen or Emperor/Empress (which will reduce odds).
      • Generated wives have random traits and the same culture and religion as their spouse. They are aged such that they are generally a bit younger than their husbands, but are of an age where they could have been the parents of most of their spouse's legitimate children who do not have a recorded mother. If the age range of these children is 30 years or larger, the generated wife is aged such that she could have still been the mother of the youngest child in that group.
      • Generated daughters have random traits and the same culture and religion as their ruler parent. Their dynasty are their mother's if their parents are married matrilineally and their father's otherwise. They are always aged such that their ruler parent and one of their ruler parent's spouses (dead or alive) are valid parents, and such that they will not end up as the primary or secondary heir of any of their ruler parent's titles. However, the maximum age for any generated daughter is 22. If a generated daughter is of the same age as another, non-Twin child from the same parents, both the generated daughter and that other child will gain Twin and become twins.
    • Rulers with an active bloodline that enables Enatic-Cognatic succession now also automatically unlock Agnatic-Cognatic and Absolute Cognatic succession. None-doge patricians however still need their main merchant republic title's gender succession law to be compatible with the succession law that they want to adopt.
    • Non-theocracy Pragmatist, Glory Hound, and Moneymaker councilors without theocracy vassals but who are prince-electors under Princely Elective now generally also vote for Free Investiture and against Religious Head Investiture because these laws influence their voting power relative to the other electors.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] China will no longer have an extra-special desire to conquer the duchy of Kucha, as it is located much further West than the area of the vanilla map that China has an extra-special desire to conquer.
    • If Chinese Interactions is not set to All, rulers with any lands in India are no longer considered within diplomatic range of China if they do not have any lands in the Chinese Region of Influence or Vicinity of China regions. At Within Range, rulers with any lands in Persia are also no longer considered within diplomatic range of China if they do not have any lands in the Chinese Region of Influence or Vicinity of China regions, though rulers with any lands through which the Silk Road runs will still always be considered within diplomatic range.
    • EldershipEvents:
      • The event where a Displeased elder chooses someone to suggest to the ruler to administer on of their counties no longer has them choose between 1-3 members of the ruler's dynasty where one candidate is dumb, one is hated by the ruler, and one is generally incompetent. Instad, the Displeased elder gets to choose between 1-3 claimants of the ruler's title who do not belong to the ruler's dynasty, where one candidate is smart, one is hated by the ruler and liked by the elder, and one is generally competent.
      • The event where an elder is lonely can now trigger for Displeased elders as well, but it can no longer trigger for elders controlled by human players.
      • The event option where the ruler chooses to marry a courtier of theirs to an elder who is lonely has been greatly changed.
        • The selected suitor is now always one towards whom the elder could be romantically interested and whose sexual preferences align with the elder's, instead of one who is the opposite sex of the elder and is not their close relative. However, close relatives of the elder are only considered if the ruler also is either publicly following a religion that is OK with incest or has traits that make them be fine with it despite their religion.
        • The suggested suitor is now more likely to be someone who would be romantically interested in the elder as well, and they are also more likely to be someone who does not belong to the ruler's dynasty.
        • The suggested suitor and the elder only marry if they are allowed to, otherwise they become lovers.
        • If the suitor and the elder do marry, then the marriage will now be matrilineal if the elder is both female and a ruler herself, if the elder is female and the Eldership title does not have male-preference succession, or if the elder is male and not a ruler and the Eldership title has female-preference succession.
        • If the suitor is the same sex as the elder and/or a close relative of the elder, not all other elders might react positively to this choice. Among the other elders, only those who approve of the relationship (depending on their religion, their own sexual preferences, and traits that may let them be fine with incest despite their religion) will get an opinion bonus towards the ruler.
    • If a character has Agnatic-Cognatic or Enatic-Cognatic succession and their current player heir is male or female respectively, children who are not male or female respectively can no longer take the Become Heir ambition.
    • Adjusted Crusade, Jihad, and Great Holy War unlocking conditions:
      • All crusade/jihad/GHW-unlocking events based around certain provinces not being owned by characters of a certain religion and/or religion group now only check the top liege's religion, not the province owner's.
      • Crusades:
        • Can now also be unlocked by the Fraticelli Pope, not just the Catholic Pope, though only if Fraticelli is not a heresy.
        • Can no longer be unlocked by the Catholic Pope if Catholicism is a heresy unless Fraticelli is also a heresy.
        • The event where the crusades unlock because Byzantium has fallen now fires if the Byzantine Empire and/or any Orthodox holy sites in Europe are in the realm of an independent ruler who is either not Christian or considered a heretic by the Pope. The previous conditions were similar, but instead of Orthodox holy sites, the event checked for if either Constantinople or both Athens and Corinth was owned by such a character.
        • The event where the crusades unlock because of non-Christian intrusions into the Catholic heartland now fires if any two provinces that are mainland Western European or Italian holy sites of Western Christian religions, holy sites of Norse or Slavic pagan religions in the Francia, Iberia, and/or Italia regions, are Naples, and/or are in the duchy of Latium are in the realm of an independent ruler who is either not Christian or considered a heretic by the Pope. The previous conditions required such a character to own one of Paris, Toulouse, Provence, Köln/Cologne, or Bremen (though only if Bremen itself was Christian).
        • Can now automatically unlock without any extra conditions if both Muslim Jihads and Pagan Great Holy Wars have been unlocked before them.
      • Jihads:
        • Can no longer be unlocked by caliphs of heretic Muslim religions unless Mecca is in the realm of an independent ruler who is not a Muslim.
        • The event where a caliph automatically unlocks Jihads after 1187 has been disabled.
        • The event where Jihads unlock when Jerusalem is in the realm of an independent ruler who is not Muslim has been folded into the event where Jihads unlock because of non-Muslim intrusions into the Muslim heartland.
        • The event where Jihads unlock because of non-Muslim intrusions into the Muslim heartland now fires if any two holy sites of a religion that has a caliph are in the realm of an independent ruler who is not Muslim. The previous conditions required such a character to own one of Baghdad, Damascus, or Cairo.
        • The event where Jihads unlock because of non-Muslim intrusions into North Africa now fires if any two Muslim holy sites in Africa (from any Muslim religion, not just the one the given caliph is following) are in the realm of an independent ruler who is not a Muslim. The previous conditions required such a character to own one of Marrakesh, Tunis, or Al Djazair.
        • Can now automatically unlock without any extra conditions if both Christian Crusades and Pagan Great Holy Wars have been unlocked before them.
      • Great Holy Wars:
        • Pagan Great Holy Wars can now unlock before Crusades and/or Jihads, but require special conditions for doing so. If only one of Crusades or Jihads are unlocked, then the pagan religion that unlocks Great Holy Wars for all pagans must have two of their holy sites in realms of independent rulers who do not follow the same religion, do not follow the unreformed version of the same religion, and with whom the given pagan religion is not syncretized. If neither Crusades nor Jihads are unlocked, the previous conditions must be met for three holy sites instead of two.
        • Mazdan and Jewish Great Holy Wars can now only unlock after any two of Christian Crusades, Muslim Jihads, or Pagan Great Holy Wars have been unlocked.
      • The events that automatically unlock crusades/jihads/GHWs if they have already been unlocked for two other religions now unlock two times slower if the religion in question owns all of its holy sites and is not syncretized with any religious group for whom crusades/jihads/GHWs have been unlocked. They also now unlock two times faster if the religion in question has at least one of its holy sites owned by a religion for whom crusades/jihads/GHWs have been unlocked and with whom the given religion is not syncretized.
    • When the council proposes candidates for a title under an imperial government type, they are now much more likely to propose more than one alternative candidate who is highly approved of by the council.
    • AI Treatment-Seeking:
      • AI characters who are at an extreme risk of dying from an illness or disease now seek treatment constantly.
      • If an AI character has Bubonic Plague or Cancer, has a good chance of dying, does not have a bad Court Physician, and either has a good Court Physician or is at an extreme risk of dying, they are now significantly more likely to take the risky treatment option as a Hail-Mary.
      • Flu is now also a disease for which the AI will not try a risky treatment unless they have a good chance of dying from the disease (due to having low Health). Previously, this only applied to Food Poisoning.
    • Opinion checks for whether a character can be romantically interested in another now use personal opinion instead of normal opinion, which means realm diplomacy and opinion modifiers from laws and other realm-related sources are no longer taken into account.
    • Province Penalties from Winning with a Religious Subjugation CB:
      • When choosing a light approach to religious subjugation, affected provinces now suffer +0.4% revolt risk and -10% tax income, levy size, and levy reinforcement rate as a baseline, from -20% tax income, levy size, and levy reinforcement rate. They now suffer an additional -5% levy size, tax income, and levy reinforcement rate per settlement instead of -10% for each per settlement, and they now suffer +0.2% revolt risk per settlement instead of +0.5%.
      • When choosing a moderate/normal approach to religious subjugation, affected provinces now suffer +1% revolt risk and -20% tax income, levy size, and levy reinforcement rate as a baseline, from +2% revolt risk and -40% tax income, levy size, and levy reinforcement rate. They now suffer an additional -10% levy size, tax income, and levy reinforcement rate per settlement instead of -20% for each per settlement, and they now suffer +0.5% revolt risk per settlement instead of +0.8%.
      • When choosing a heavy-handed approach to religious subjugation, affected provinces now suffer +2% revolt risk and -40% tax income, levy size, and levy reinforcement rate as a baseline, from +4% revolt risk and -60% tax income, levy size, and levy reinforcement rate. They now suffer an additional -20% levy size, tax income, and levy reinforcement rate per settlement instead of -30% for each per settlement, but their +1% revolt risk per settlement remains the same as before.
    • Free Infidel RevocationNow Has Extra Penalties:
      • Rulers with Free Infidel Revocation can no longer use a light approach for religious subjugation CBs.
      • Any provinces conquered from an owner with a friendly religion either to an owner with Free Infidel Revocation and of a hostile religion, or to a direct or indirect vassal of a ruler with Free Infidel Revocationand of a hostile religion will automatically get province modifiers as if they were conquered with a religious subjugation CB.
        • Effectively, the province's religion needs to be one where a character with it could have had the title revoked through Free Infidel Revocation, and also one where their old owner could not have done so had they had access to Free Infidel Revocation.
        • The maluses applied are the same maluses as for the default/normal approach to religious subjugation. The maluses scale based on the number of baronies in the province held by someone who could have used Free Infidel Revocation or who is a direct or indirect vassal of someone who could have used Free Infidel Revocation.
        • If the provinces are obtained through a religious subjugation CB, no new/extra maluses are applied.
    • Castes:
      • Removed the extra bonuses from Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya. Caste traits now only have an effect regarding how religions that have caste systems treat the character.
      • For characters not following Zun paganism or an Indian religion or who are not Zun, Hindu, Indo-Aryan, or Dravidian, as well as for games where religions and/or religion names are randomized, Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya are now called Learned Caste, Warrior Caste, and Professional Caste respectively. In-game trait, decision, and chronicle descriptions have been updated to reflect this.
      • Caste traits on characters who do not follow a religion that follows a caste systems are now invisible to everyone who is not of a religion that follows a caste system. Among other things, this means that Buddhists and Jains no longer see if they or any other Buddhist or Jain character is a Brahmin, Kshatriya, or Vaishya.
      • All religions now cause caste traits to be generated for their characters (other than Ma'at, as Isis' ways are incomprehensible to mere humans).
        • Note: if continuing from an existing save, existing characters who are not Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, or Zun will not get caste traits assigned to them, but new characters will. Since characters would remain casteless when converting to Hinduism under previous versions anyway, this should not adversely affect gameplay, though you will miss out on being able to properly reflect your status upon conversion to Hinduism or Zun.
      • Changed the way caste is assigned to children born to parents of different castes. Instead of inheriting the "lowest" of their two parents' castes, children now inherit the caste of their "dominant" parent, i.e. the father if they are a child of a normal marriage, the mother if they are a child of a matrilineal marriage, their non-concubine parent if they are a child of a concubinage, or the parent whose dynasty they would get in all other cases (e.g. if they are a bastard).
      • The Become Kshatriya and Become Vaishya decisions now only convert those unlanded children vassals who are either of the same dynasty as the converting parent or are a Bastard. However, the decisions now also convert grandchildren and great-grandchildren that pass the same requirements.
    • Artifacts:
      • Axe +2 now also gives +0.25 monthly prestige.
      • Handgonne now only gives a +15% Morale Offense bonus to commanded troops (from +20%) and is now considered a quality 5 artifact (from 4).
      • An Upgraded Knife no longer gives +1 Duelist opinion and is now considered a quality 1 artifact (from 2).
      • A Heavy Blade now only gives +7 Personal Combat Skill (from +10), only gives +1 Duelist opinion (from +3), is now considered a quality 2 artifact (from 3), and now gives +5% Morale Defence to commanded troops. An Upgraded Heavy Blade has had similar changes applied, but it now gives +8 Personal Combat Skill (from +11).
      • A Short-Sword now only gives +10 Personal Combat Skill (from +15), only gives +3 Duelist opinion (from +5), is now considered a quality 3 artifact (from 4), and now gives +10% Morale Defence to commanded troops. An Upgraded Short-Sword has had similar changes applied, but it now gives +11 Personal Combat Skill (from +16).
    • Merchant Republic Conclave Councilors:
      • Merchant republic titles are now always forced to have Empowered Council.
      • Advisor minor titles are no longer available to the doges of merchant republics. Yes, this also creates further incentive to have at least one of the doge's patrician vassals be a powerful vassal.
      • The Great Councilor minor title no longer grants an opinion bonus towards the current doge and now also grants a monthly salary of +0.1 wealth, which is identical to the monthly salary of actual councilors.
      • Great Councilors can no longer be manually fired from their minor title role. Instead, a Great Councilor can be promoted to a proper council position (i.e. Chancellor, Marshal, Steward, Spymaster, or Court Chaplain) through the Promote Great Councilor targeted character decision, though only if they are eligible for such a position and only if they are either filling in an empty spot or the current holder of the position can be fired.
    • Founding of Cadet Dynasties:
      • The conditions for being able to found a cadet have been standardized to all use the emf_is_cadet_disqualified scripted trigger instead of there being slight variations between the events that mark a person as eligible for founding a cadet dynasty and actually having them found a cadet dynasty.
      • Men can no longer found a cadet dynasty if their religion has Enatic Clans unless Gender Equality is set to Full.
      • Women can now found cadet dynasties if they belong to a feminist religion, even if Gender Equality is not set to Full.
      • Being the aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or cousin of a dynastic head now also disallows a character from forming a cadet dynasty if they share the same culture and basic religion as their dynastic head.
      • Being the sibling or child of a dynastic head now also disallows a character from forming a cadet dynasty if they share the same basic religion but not the same culture as their dynastic head.
      • The sibling check for unlanded characters to make sure there is an older sibling who could inherit before them now properly takes into account that character's half-siblings, and it now checks for younger siblings instead of older ones if the dynastic head's primary title has Ultimogeniture succession.
      • Characters eligible to found a cadet dynasty must now also have at least 500 Prestige before a cadet dynasty is actually founded, which is the same amount of Prestige required for the Become Distinguished ambition. This ensures that whoever founds a cadet dynasty has to actually be an important person that would warrant them splitting off.
      • If a dynastic head has any title whose succession law is based on their heir being of the same dynasty as them, potential cadet dynasty founders now need to have one further degree of relatedness to them compared to if the dynasty head didn't have any such title (e.g. if normally a potential cadet dynasty found would need to not be the dynasty head's sibling, parent, or child, under a dynasty-based succession law, the potential cadet dynasty founder would also need to not be the dynasty head's aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or cousin).
    • Bloodlines that increase a character's take from crusade pots now apply their percentage increase multiplicatively instead of additively. This means that the bonus is increased if the character supports the official crusade recipient and is completely negated if the character chooses a Selfish stance for the given crusade.
    • The Hermetic Apprentice minor title no longer grants any prestige, and therefore can now also be freely granted to patrician heirs of a doge.
    • Added three music tracks to the game: two will play for Muslim and Zoroastrian rulers, and the third will play for Indo-Aryan and Dravidian rulers. All three tracks are royalty-free and have licenses that should not cause issues with YouTube copyright algorithms. Authors are fully credited and licenses are stated in music_credits.txt.
    • Choosing to give gemstones obtained from a Chinese envoy to a spouse when the character has multiple spouses now only gives the gemstones to the primary spouse if they are neither incapable, in prison, or otherwise inaccessible. Otherwise, the gemstones will be given to a random spouse who is neither incapable, in prison, or otherwise inaccessible.
    • If a Theocracy ruler changes their religion to one where they would not be eligible to remain a Theocracy ruler, instead of always spawning a new character to replace them, they can now be replaced by a suitable member of their court instead, if one exists. The new character needs to be the same religion as their new one, needs to be allowed to become a priest, and needs to either be lowborn or have the same dynasty as the old ruler; characters who have the same culture as the old ruler will generally be preferred.
    • al-Mulk government has been renamed al-Mamlaka, a more conceptually appropriate term.
    • The chances of becoming pregnant from unprotected sex now scales continuously with both partners' fertility instead of being constrained to 2%-chance steps.
    • The Kshatriya/Warrior Caste trait has a different icon for Christian, Jewish, and Pagan characters that is more appropriate than one containing a Persian/Indian-style headdress, as well as a separate icon for Muslims that is also different.
  • FIXES:
    • Reverted the change where Low Tribal Organization would unlock access to title revocation laws due to issues with overlap regarding crown authority laws. Passing Low Tribal Organization now just enables title revocation without the option to switch it off for opinion bonuses, just like pre-11.1 behavior.
    • Passing High Tribal Organization now properly passes the default tribal focus and tribal obligation laws, and tooltips are now properly present in all tribal organization laws showing whether they would lock or unlock access to tribal focus and tribal obligations laws.
    • If playing without Conclave, tribal organization laws no longer display tooltips about unlocking tribal levy and tribal tax laws (since they do not exist in EMF).
    • Found Merchant Republic now properly passes Limited Crown Authority on held titles with crown laws, as Autonomous Vassals is not normally allowed for merchant republics.
    • The tooltip saying whether or not Free Infidel Revocation can be passed no longer displays two entries for "Is NOT Hellenic" before the Hellenic faith is reformed.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] The Custom Wealth Transfers rule now properly shows up and can be set to a value other than Players Only.
    • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Hasar (Temujin's brother) now properly inherits genetic traits from his parents when he spawns.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] The Assassins no longer always murder a character's spouse if they are decadent.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] Switching away from Chinese Imperial now properly switches to an imperial government type if the ruler still has Imperial Administration.
    • Dynastic Elective now properly has an elector pool that reflects its description.
    • Introduce Heir to the Realm now properly shows up for eligible children.
    • The special council voting logic where Holy Fury crusades and prepared invasions would always be accepted by the council in vanilla now work properly in EMF.
    • AI patricians should no longer try to start prepared invasions if the game rules are set so that patricians cannot use "Fast Conquest" CBs.
    • The Byzantine Empire and its vassals now properly show up as having Imperial government in the main menu before starting a new game.
    • Pillage Settlement can properly no longer be taken if another province owned by the same character has been pillaged recently.
    • Non-Taoist characters whose public religion is in the Eastern group now always properly consider Taoist as a hostile religion (for public purposes).
    • Husbands are now properly notified if their wife whose is also their lover gets pregnant.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] The Rashtrakuta and Alfred the Great bloodlines are now properly added.
    • If a player's direct heir happens to hold one of the forbidden titles for being emperor of the HRE (i.e., Kingdoms of Burgundy and Italy) and the player is the current emperor, then when the player dies, the forbidden title(s) held by the player's heir will no longer be destroyed.
    • When the Fourth Crusade is launched, the crusade piety pot is now properly reduced to 0 instead of potentially going into the negatives.
    • The Fourth Crusade now properly retains the target that is set when the doge makes their passionate speech.
    • The event where a character is prompted to convert to the culture of their capital province can now properly trigger for non-Nahuatl capital provinces.
    • The event where a theological debate occurs during the business trip Business Focus event chain no longer triggers twice if a character chooses the high learning option in the event before it in the chain.
    • Fixed a few cases where Theocracy characters for whom the Fake Feudal government type needed to be used for changing their religion would not turn back to Theocracy afterwards (e.g. when they are married, but their new religion does not allow priests to marry, they will now divorce their spouse before trying to flip back to Theocracy).
    • If a Theocracy character who would normally need to go through a Fake Feudal government type when converting converts to a Muslim religion or a religion where feudal characters can hold temples, they now properly convert to an appropriate type of feudal government instead of staying as Fake Feudal.
    • If playing with Holy Fury, de jure vassals of the target title in the First Crusade are now properly willing to join the defender's side.
    • The Birth of the Druze will now properly show the name of the founder of the Druze religion, and the event box is no longer smaller than the event's color border.
    • Titles that can be held without land and titles that must always be a character's primary title can now have Agnatic-Cognatic and Cognatic succession.
    • The description of Princely Elective succession now properly displays the titles of traditional electors for the Saint-Empire Romain. It also no longer assumes that the first three elector titles are counties and that the last four elector titles are duchies.
    • Princely ElectivePrince-Elector Titles:
      • Rulers who own both Bohemia and another traditional elector title no longer get double credit for owning titles that traditionally were electors.
      • The game no longer gives extra priority to indirect vassals of the HRE/SER who are among the most powerful vassals within their direct liege's realm.
    • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] A Silk Road trade post can now be built in Debul again.
    • Fixed various cases where only the leader of a crushed revolt would be imprisoned and have their revolt-based event troops disbanded instead of this happening to all vassal participants in the revolt.
    • The tooltip for the Declare War decision no longer falsely implies that vassals cannot declare internal wars of any kind if their realm has Internal King's Peace or Complete King's Peace, as wars against direct lieges are always allowed (primarily to make sure revolts can still fire properly).
    • The tooltips for Internal King's Peace and Complete King's Peace now properly list their effects of disabling certain war types for vassals.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] Deccan is now properly considered part of India.
    • Fragmentation of the Mongol Empire:
      • The new owners of each of the Mongol successor state titles are now much more likely to transfer entire vassals to each other who are located in the wrong territory instead of stripping these vassals of all of their titles and transferring the titles to the appropriate Mongol successor state owner directly.
      • If a province is in the home region of one of the new Mongol successor states, but is only connected to the successor state's capital through a few provinces that are not in the home region of the same Mongol successor state, it is now much less likely to end up getting transfered to a different Mongol successor state.
      • Events that previously required player input before their effects would take place now don't, and instead the player is just shown a tooltip of the effects that had taken place when the event fired. This is necessary to make sure vassal player characters can get transferred properly during the event chain instead of causing their part of the chain to halt and get out of sync with the other characters' parts.
    • The event where titular titles are automatically destroyed if their holder has a de jure title of a higher rank (or the same rank and where the titular title isn't one that must always be the character's primary title) now no longer triggers if the titular title in question has different succession behavior for its primary heir than any de jure titles that could cause it to be automatically destroyed. Among other things, this also means that if a character has a primary title that is de jure and follows an elective succession type, any titular titles they have that are lower-tier than it that also cannot be paired to a higher- or same-tier de jure title also under it are no longer automatically destroyed (since losing the election could cause the heir to the elective title to be different from the heir to the titular one).
    • France's access to De Jure Claim CBs for the Kingdom of Aquitaine if the Kingdom of Aquitaine has no holder now also extend to the De Jure Duchy Claim CB.
    • The event where an unlanded relative or courtier becomes sick now immediately triggers a treatment request if the appropriate options are chosen, and it now also displays a tooltip for the options that would cause the unlanded character to seek treatment when they would want to.
    • Human characters successfully seducing another character now always get the option to make them their lover, even if the character they control would not be romantically interested.
    • Isis and her courtiers can no longer be swayed or antagonized, and they can no longer be dueled or recruited into warrior lodges should they somehow pass all other requirements for those decisions.
    • Event-spawned babies now properly get all EMF-specific events that occur at normal birth.
    • The tooltips in the weaponsmith event chain now properly display the new prospective effects of the different artifacts that can be made instead of their vanilla effects.
    • Great Works models:
      • Statue of a Horse now has a 3D model of a statue instead of that of a generic Great Work.
      • Aztec Pyramid now has a 3D model of a pyramid instead of that of a generic Great Work.
      • Petra no longer has a 3D model, just like how Underground City doesn't. For those playing with the Conclave Content Pack, there will be a model of the Petra on the map anyway.
    • Taking things further with a same-sex potential lover during a tournament now properly ends up with the character interacting with the potential lover instead of with themselves.
    • Factions now only demand reversions to succession laws that could be passed regularly under the current holder.
    • Factions can now properly demand that a ruler revert back to Enatic-Cognatic or Enatic succession.
    • Merchant republic capital provinces are no longer immune to being targeted by adventurers and/or spawned revolts.
    • Wealth transfer decisions in multiplayer now properly display the amount of wealth transfered.
    • Religious heads are now properly more likely to accept requests for a crusade or great holy war if their religious authority is less than 70%, with a greater boost if it's less than 50% and an even greater one if it's less than 25%.
    • Warrior Training can no longer be taken if a character has too many leadership traits compared to their education. However, AI characters with a lifestyle trait can now take this decision.
    • When a character visits a tomb of a saint, they can no longer be "inspired" to take up a trait that they already have or that the saint character did not have.
    • Under Eldership succession, Pleased elders are now properly influenced by a candidate being Strong and/or Slothful.
    • Under Imperial Elective succession, candidates who have a Diplomacy, Martial, or Intrigue score between 25 and 29 can now properly get recognized for being good orators, generals, or schemers, thereby potentially increasing their candidacy scores.
    • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] If playing with Charlemagne Story Events set to On, Bertrada will now properly approach Carloman for forgiveness if Charlemagne dies before Carloman.
    • When playing with Conclave, spawned characters aged between 9 and 15 will no longer sometimes spawn with 4 or more childhood personality traits.
    • If a tributary's suzerain revolts against their liege while the tributary is in a Free Tributary war against the liege, the war is no longer invalidated, and if the tributary wins before the revolt ends, they are set free from their suzerain.
    • The Become Heir ambition's conditions are now based off of the character's liege/parent's player heir, not their current heir.
    • Vassal titles that do not have crown laws and whose crown law title has External Inheritance Disabled can no longer be inherited by characters outside their crown law title's realm.
    • Added a failsafe measure that should prevent patricians from being able to build trade posts in the territory of a ruler that has embargoed their merchant republic, which would previously cause the trade post to be automatically destroyed after it finishes without refunding its construction cost.
    • The religion requirements for the Imperial Reconquest casus belli have been made visible.
    • Some of the Warrior Lodge legendary hunt events that depend on the presence of a co-hunter and that previously did not check if the co-hunter was alive when the event fired now properly do so.
    • All crowns and scepters tied to specific titles should now always get transfered to the proper new holder of the given title upon the death of the old holder.
    • Characters no longer have the option to pay for the maintenance of inherited artifacts that are indestructible, since the penalty for not doing so would be the destruction of the artifact.
    • Sets of modifiers that are most commonly used in succession voting have now been outsourced to common/scripted_score_values/emf_succession_voting_score_values.txt. Going forward, changes to succession voting rules will mostly be done through the score modifiers found in that file.
    • The scripted trigger for emf_is_swmh is now based on a separate file that gets overwritten at install time when appropriate instead of being based on whether or not the SWMH global flag is set. The global flag is still set and used, both for compatibility purposes and because events can use it as a pre-trigger, but submods that contains some functionality that changes depending on whether or not SWMH (or MiniSWMH) is installed should preferably use that scripted trigger instead of manually checking for the presence or absence of the SWMH global flag.
    • Submods that change the effects of certain council laws now have these changes automatically replicated in changes to tribal organization laws instead of needing a separate set of entries for them.


SWMH v3.42


    • Religion changes:
      • Changed the location of three Hellenic holy sites so that they actually correspond to locations relevant to the religion. The new holy site locations will only appear in new games; existing saves will still use older locations.
        • Thessalonike -> Achaia (the location of Olympia, the home of the Panhellenic Temple of Zeus and the site where the Olympic games were held every four years)
        • Alexandria -> Siwa/Quattara (the location of the Oracle of Zeus-Ammon, a very famous oracle whose advice was sought out by Alexander the Great)
        • Paterno/Siracusa -> Neapolis/Napoli (the location of Cumae, an important site in the Aeneid)
    • Other changes:
      • Added Arabic dynamic cultural localization for the baronies of Blanche Garde, Belmont, and Forbelet.
      • Changed the Arabic and Persian dynamic cultural localization for the Kingdom of Georgia to the more period-appropriate "Jurzán" and "Gurzán," respectively.
      • Kingdom of Egypt is now called "Egypt" by default.
      • Kingdom of Arabia is now called "Arabia" by default.
      • Changed the Arabic dynamic cultural localization for the Kingdom of Arabia to the more period-appropriate "Jazírat al-'Arab" ("Island of the Arabs").
      • "Establish Castle Habsburg" decision now renames the capital holding to "Habsburg".
      • The King of England can now never create the Kingdoms of Northumbria, Wessex, East Anglia, or Mercia.
      • The Silk Road now passes through the province of Mahodayapuram, and a Silk Road trade post can also be built there.
      • Added equivalencies to Ashkenazi and Sephardi male name lists.
      • Auto-generated names for Arabic cultures now consistently follow ALA-LC translitecdration.
      • The Keshig retinue for non-Mongols has been renamed to At Yasu to make sure the Mongol Keshig retinue has a reason to exist.
      • Moved the Bosnian Culture to the 1150'ies. The Provinces are now Serbian and Croatian beforehand
  • FIXES:
    • Database errors:
      • Fixed the broken dynasty tree of the Hämäläinen dynasty.
      • Ctibor z Kaszëbë now properly stays as a vassal of Wartislaw I between 1124 and 1147, and the counties of Danzig and Swiecie are now properly handed over to Ratibor I upon Ctibor's death in 1147.
      • Radbot of Aargau changes his dynasty to Habsburg in 1027 to prevent the dynasty tree from breaking in case the "Establish Castle Habsburg" is enacted from a pre-1027 start.
      • Kingdom of Navarra no longer starts out with a fictional king in start dates in and after 1336.
      • Barony of Porto in Rome now gets properly removed in 1260.
      • The Margraviate of Brandenburg no longer ceases to exist after the death of Henry II in 1320.
      • The past holders of the Kingdom of Sicily now show up in the title history of both the Kingdom of Trinacria and the Kingdom of Naples.
      • Fixed Thankmar's incorrect culture.
      • Removed and corected duplicate characters of the Qumachlar dynasty in Balkh.
      • Mastropiero patrician house is no longer ownerless between 1178 and 1192.
      • Maria Hetoumi now properly marries Jean d'Ibelin in 1237 instead of marrying herself.
      • Icelandic and Faroese provinces and characters now properly become Icelandic in 1035 instead of Norwegian.
        • Faroese is in an odd spot where it is not clear whether it would be closer to (Old) Icelandic or (Old) Norwegian during CK2's timeframe, especially because those two languages were supposedly extremely similar. Icelandic was chosen purely because of how Middle Norwegian, appearing towards the end of CK2's timeframe, started greatly diverging from both Faroese and Icelandic.
      • The Babonic family is now properly Croatian and have Croatian names, instead of them being Hungarian, having Hungarian names, and being called the "Blagai" family (though the Blagai family did descend from one of the Babonic family's last members).
      • Šubic Dynasty:
        • Removed an excess Šubic dynasty entry and replaced it with an entry for Cudomiric dynasty.
        • Removed all the obviously ahistorical characters from the Šubic dynasty's family tree.
        • Merged Grgur Šubic I, Grgur Šubic II, and Grgur Šubic III into the single Grgur Šubic I that they should be, which also makes sure that the actual Grgur Šubic II and Grgur Šubic III are named as such instead of as Grgur Šubic IV and Grgur Šubic V.
      • Jakov Zamanjic is now properly Dalmatian instead of Frisian.
      • Added a few historical and a few placeholder characters to the Venetian Zorzi dynasty so that their dynasty tree is no longer disconnected.
      • Corrected the birthdate of Francesco Zorzi, which lets Guglielma Pallavicini now be properly set as his mother.
      • The Zunbils properly get claims on Zamindavar now.
      • The patrician houses of Cinque Ports now properly have names for their family palace holdings.
      • Audvald, husband of Ilthiaud Stenkyrka, is now married matrilineally to Ilthiaud and is no longer set as Ilthiaud's half-brother.
    • Localization errors:
      • Non-Mongol Kingdoms will no longer be localized as "Khanate".
      • Characters who would get the nickname "the Gentle" now properly get that nickname instead of "Kyrre".
      • Symrna's Türk name is now properly "Izmir" instead of "Aydin" (Ionía is already called "Aydin").
    • Other errors:
      • Fixed the wrong strait designation between Algeciras and Ceuta/Tangiers.
      • When non-titular, the Kingdoms of Naples and Trinacria are now properly not required to be held to form the Empire of Italia if they are de jure vassals of it. However, if the Kingdom of Sicily is titular, both the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Trinacria must be held to form it if they are not titular.
      • When titular, the Kingdom of Sicily is no longer required to be held to form the Empire of Italia.
      • The Byzantine-Bulgarian wars between 1000 and 1018 no longer invalidate upon starting the game.
      • The following cultures now have non-nomadic cultural retinues even when playing without EMF: Lombardo (Lombard), all East Slavic cultures besides Rusisku (Russian), Karjalainen (Karelian), Vepsläne (Vepsian), Mejralainen (Mari), Mansi (Khanty), Meshchera, Ficht (Pictish), Frenkisc (Old Frankish), Outremer, Suebi, Visigothic, Old Saxon, Mongol, Türkmen (Turkmen), Oghuz, Khaláj (Khalaj), Bolghar, Qarluq (Karluk), Adyghe (Kasogi), Qirghiz (Kirghiz), Uighur (Uyghur), Bashqurd (Bashkir), the Aramaic group, Guanchinet (Canarian), and the Central African group. For all of these cultures, their cultural retinues are either the same as they are in vanilla or the same as what the rest of their cultural group uses.
      • Daylamí (Daylamite), Pashto (Afghan), and Kufichi (Qufs) characters no longer get access to two different cultural retinues.
      • Israelite group characters now get access to the Bar Kochba Guards retinue even if they are not Jewish in order to ensure that they always have access to a cultural retinue.
    • Non-period specific changes:
      • Shuhli dynasty characters in Ahwaz are now of Turkmen culture.
      • Barony of Rabadha in Medina gets removed in 931.
      • The counties of Khetaka and Sarasvata Mandala are now de jure parts of the duchy of Gurjara Mandala in 867 and 936 (they were already de jure parts of it in all other start dates).
      • The province of Zadar/Zara/Jadres no longer flips back and forth between Venetian and Croatian/Byzantine/Hungarian control throughout scrollable history. Instead, it is specifically the city of Zadar/Zara/Jadres that flips back and forth (though it stays under Venetian control after its capture in 1202 because all successful attempts at recapturing it afterwards were reversed within a year).
      • The city of Split/Spalato now flips back and forth between Venetian and Croatian/Byzantine/Hungarian control throughout scrollable history. The first flip is to under Venice's control in 998, and the last is to Venice's control in 1327.
      • Added several members to the Zirid dynasty in Granada.
    • 867:
      • The dates surrounding the close family of Fortún Íñiga, son of the King of Navarra, have been slightly shifted around so that Eneko, not Oneka, is his eldest child, making it significantly more likely for the kingdom to stay Catholic and Basque on its own.
        • Historians are not even sure that the particular Oneka who ended up being the grandmother of Umayyad caliph Abd-ar-Rahman III was the actual daughter of Fortún, let alone the exact dates about when Fortún's children were born and in what order. These newly adjusted dates and birth orders are therefore completely historically plausible, though definitely in no way should they be seen as accurate (incidentally, none of Fortún's children actually became rulers of Navarra, as he was ousted by Antso I Ximena, aka Sancho I, who then went on to found the Jimenez dynasty).
    • 936:
      • Vushmgir now has a claim on the province of Isfahan.
      • The Kingdom of Northumbria title is now active (i.e., can be created) from 936 starts.
      • The province of Ashir is now feudal.
    • 11th century:
      • Zirid Badis's son Buluggin now rules Malaga between 1057 and 1063.
      • A branch of Banu Ifran dynasty now rules the baronies of Bobastro and Ronda in Malaga between 1014 and 1065.
    • 12th century:
      • Added a war between the Seljuk sibling rulers Malik Shah and Muhammed between 1157 and 1158.
      • Ghurids are a tributary of the Seljuk empire between 1152 and 1156.
      • Better historically informed timeline of Herat between 1150 and 1175.
      • Better historically informed timeline of Ahwaz between 1138 and 1160.
      • Added several Abbasid characters.
      • Marin de Gundula, leader of the patrician house de Gundula, is now of Dalmatian culture.
      • The Frankopans no longer control a lot of territory until after the defeat of Mladen Šubic II in the 1322.
      • Venice now takes over Korcula in 1183 and controls it until 1221.
      • Venice now takes over Hvar in 1145 and controls it until 1164.
    • 13th century:
      • After the Sicilian Vespers, the Kingdom of Sicily becomes titular, the Duchy of Sicily becomes de jure part of the Kingdom of Trinacria, and the remaining territories of the previous Kingdom of Sicily becomes de jure part of the Kingdom of Naples.
      • Korcula is now only controlled by the Šubic dynasty between 1221 and 1254. Venice takes over it in 1254, controlled by the Zorzi dynasty.
      • Venice now takes over Hvar in 1278.
        • While control over Hvar was nebulous between 1278 and 1358, we consider Venice to having the most de facto power over the island during this period, especially because of the tenuous control Hungary had over Dalmatia during a major portion of this period.
    • 14th century:
      • The Brahes now properly retain control Østær Skane (Eastern Scania) after 1300.
      • Bosnia remains under the control of Hungary in and after 1326.
      • The Šubic dynasty now correctly loses control over most of their lands after the capture of Mladen Šubic II in 1322. Most of their lands are divvied up between the Frankopans, the Babonices (who also get the Duchies of Croatia and Dalmatia after handing over the Duchy of Slavonia to the Mihaljevices), the Kacices, and Ivan Nepilic.
      • Venice no longer becomes the Šubic family's new liege after 1327.

ARKOpack Interface (2020-07-09)


  • Official support for alternative x768 vertical screen resolution in HIP Installer
  • New muslim market event picture
  • Fixed a slight graphic bug with chancellor councillor banner
  • Better Iron century era choosing illustration
  • Fixed alignements in law view
  • Labels in realm's law buttons in are now centered

ARKOpack Armoiries (2020-07-09)




20 минут назад, Shamilboroda сказал:

HIP Release - 2020-07-09 [Frosty3]

Изменений очень много, полный список под спойлером (на англ., естественно).

Давненько же не было обнов. Внёс все изменения в шапку темы.


Ссылки на закачку обновлены, т.к. авторы внесли некоторые исправления:


Попробовал в этот мод поиграть за кочевников. Не особо понравилось. Поводы для войны порезали (типа баланс, историчность?). Но не так же тупо баланс устанавливать, запрещая объявлять войны. Вон образовался у меня на границе зачуханный феодал, владеющий единственным городом, даже замка у него нет, а войну ему объявить нельзя, мол я недостаточно большой, чтобы с феодалами воевать, надо 15000 населения, чтобы осмелиться на него напасть.

Зато безземельным (потому что я их захватил и все отнял :unknw:) аланским всадникам в количестве не более 750 можно, значит, вторгнуться в империю сельджуков, к слову не ведущую других войн, осадить столицу без сопротивления и на этом основании получить большую часть Персии... :Cherna-facepalm:




Изменено пользователем Alterus
Изображение убрано под спойлер

В 14.07.2020 в 19:12, Nark сказал:

Попробовал в этот мод поиграть за кочевников. Не особо понравилось. Поводы для войны порезали (типа баланс, историчность?). Но не так же тупо баланс устанавливать, запрещая объявлять войны. Вон образовался у меня на границе зачуханный феодал, владеющий единственным городом, даже замка у него нет, а войну ему объявить нельзя, мол я недостаточно большой, чтобы с феодалами воевать, надо 15000 населения, чтобы осмелиться на него напасть.

Зато безземельным (потому что я их захватил и все отнял :unknw:) аланским всадникам в количестве не более 750 можно, значит, вторгнуться в империю сельджуков, к слову не ведущую других войн, осадить столицу без сопротивления и на этом основании получить большую часть Персии... :Cherna-facepalm:

Усе настраивается :) В настройка игры же можно выбрать какие casus beli будут

18 часов назад, VladislavMGN сказал:

Усе настраивается :) В настройка игры же можно выбрать какие casus beli будут

Хм, насколько мне известно, я включил максимальные послабления. А настраиваются кажется не виды casus belli, а задержки до повторного их использования.


        Играл недавно в версию Frosty2 и решил немного написать о своих впечатлениях.

        Начну с войн и восстаний. Восстания это какой-то ад. Я до сих пор не понимаю, откуда появляются эти десятки тысяч у мятежных вассалов. В оригинале несложно было подавить пару мятежей с помощью гвардии, ополчения с домена и лоялистов, но тут при передаче престола наследнику с ходу выписывают гигантский штраф к ополчению с вассалов, так что до приобретения добротной гвардии либо отдавай минимум полтыщи солдатам удачи, либо снимай корону. Еще и требования от новых фракций в виде приказного "отдавай часть домена или мы начнем бунт" приносят много жара в царское седалище, особенно когда перед этим слил войска в очередной войнушке. На счет войск. Сильно порезали восполнение ополчения, хоть построил ты домики на ускорение пополнения, хоть не построил, разницы никакой. Для крупного феодала это не критично (есть гвардия, наемники и вассалы), но как играть за племенных язычников, для которых война это единственный путь процветания, я пока не представляю. Видимо молится на задание "создать легенду" у управляющего. Еще добавили таймеры и условия на многие кб, но это отключается вроде. Из приятного: переделали "национальные" войска. Например, у восточных славян дружина из тяж пехоты превратилась в тяж конницу и (почему-то) конных лучников.

        Переделали родословные и артефакты. Созданные доспехи и мечи теперь не дают бонуса к военному навыку, только престиж, боевые навыки и защиту боевого духа у войск под командованием. Мне это скорее нравиться, было странно, когда хилый управленец напяливал дедовы доспехи за три тыщи золотых слитков и превращался в сносного тактика. Реликвии вроде тоже слегка ослабили, но ручаться не буду, сравнивал только по памяти. А вот с родословными беда. Большинство исторических родословных активируется только при нужной культуре. Особенно меня порадовала ирландская родословная дающая доступ к танистри, которая требует культуру... дающую доступ к танистри. Браво, видимо создателям мода очень сильно хотелось вставить палки в колеса коллекционерам родословных. Еще слегка подрезали бонусы у созданных родословных (я проверил только "убийственные"), но особые фичи вроде мумификаций и заметания следов оставили, так что не страшно.

        Империи и законы. Вернули авторитет короны. Я начал играть в кресты, когда авторитета не было и очень рад этому. Если механика авторитета была как в этом моде, то это очень фрустрирующая штука, как очень тяжелая штанга, поднимается по полвека, зато падает от любой хотелки вассалов. Еще и как-то невнятно работает авторитет короны вместе с империей и королевскими титулами. Важен авторитет короны только у имперского титула? Или нужно подождать пока королевства станут де-юре территорией империи? Еще у королевских титулов все равно остается возможность поднимать авторитет, но если начать переключать вкладки законов между титулами, то эта возможность то блокируется, то сбрасывает авторитет на минимум, то возвращается на уровень имперского титула. Мрак одним словом. Еще создание империи добавляет лишней головной боли с счетчиком "распада империи", а возможность создания наместнических титулов отобрали. Зато после принятия имперской администрации можно держать города и отзывать герцогства без тирании, такое себе утешение. Хоть теперь у совета нет десять законов по полномочиям, все поделено на три группы: война, суд и дипломатия. Ах, да, налоги передали. Все также можно устанавливать баланс между ополчением и баблом, но теперь можно настроить и суровость поборов взамен на снижение отношений, мне нравиться.

        Про мелочи. Похищениями и подделка улик добавляют интереса при игре за интригана. Ссуды куда суровее, теперь это не "взять ссуду->изгнать евреев->через поколение повторить". Взятие в плен правителя или его семьи теперь регулярное событие, а не праздник раз в сто лет. У разросшихся династий могут появляться боковые ветви. Ввели династические выборы, эдакое танистри для тех культур, что не могут в танистри. Много всяких мелких событий: талантливый полководец может получить клейм на твой основной титул за свои геройства на войне, можно в собственных турнирах побороться и так далее.

        Про саб моды. CPRplus слабее Better Lookin Garbs как по функционалу, так (это уже вкусовщина) и по внешнему виду. Но для разнообразия пойдет. SWMH добавляет много мелких ненужных провинций и еще с ним труднее понять пересекает ли отряд реку при нападении, но за порезанную Скандинавию с Индией и разросшуюся сибирскую глушь я готов терпеть эти минусы. ARKOPack мастхэв для визуала солдатиков и гербов.

        В целом впечатления смешанные. Много уж раздражающих штук для излишней хардкорности, особенно с войной и восстаниями. Надо будет попробовать поиграть за еретиков или племя, чтобы посмотреть что там натворили.

Господа, такая проблема: поставил сей мод на чистую версию (со всеми DLC, без прочих модов и русификатора), однако уже при загрузке вместо большинства слов иероглифы. Как сию проблему решить (и можно ли)?

Мейс Винду

Давно не играл с HIP. А когда в моде успели в хлам понерфить родословные? Часть вообще убрали, а боевые навыки в оставшихся сильно уменьшили...


Абсолютно без русификатора

Ужас, в чем тогда смысл сборки? Я англоязычную могу скачать и с moddb

В 16.07.2020 в 17:24, Neobiologis сказал:

Браво, видимо создателям мода очень сильно хотелось вставить палки в колеса коллекционерам родословных.


В 12.08.2020 в 22:38, Мейс Винду сказал:

Давно не играл с HIP. А когда в моде успели в хлам понерфить родословные? Часть вообще убрали, а боевые навыки в оставшихся сильно уменьшили...


А и правильно что порезали, пусть иной раз до глупого доходит. Во-первых боевые навыки просто за "деды воевали", порой до +10-15 это как-то ну слишком тупо, как по мне самый норм это прирост престижа, благочестия, мнение определенных товарищей, ну некоторые опции до кучи. Во-вторых себе всегда специально отключаю матрилинейные браки, чтобы не сорваться и не начать добавлять некоторые сочные родословные, поскольку и лень этим заниматься, а жаба душит :), коллекционирование родословных и артов - зло. А так норм, можно и забить в основном.


В 16.07.2020 в 17:24, Neobiologis сказал:

Из приятного: переделали "национальные" войска. Например, у восточных славян дружина из тяж пехоты превратилась в тяж конницу и (почему-то) конных лучников.


И за это им большое спасибо. Почти весь охватываемый период игры это тотальная доминация конницы над пехтурой, за некоторыми специфическими исключениями. Как по мне всяким ильмерцам и прочим кривичам тяжелую пехоту можно было бы и оставить, но вот у русской культуры княжеская дружина должна быть однозначно конной.

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zijistark, глава HIP Team


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