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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Developer LinkMediaFire


Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по поддерживаемой авторами мода ссылке.

Полезная информация





HIP [Furry7], (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Скачать HIP, (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

HIP [Cacao4], (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Скачать HIP, (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

HIP [Hades7], (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades6], (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades5], (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Hades4], (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Zeus10], (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Скачать HIP, (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [changelog thread]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [changelog thread]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [changelog thread]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [changelog thread]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [changelog thread]

Release (2016-01-24) [changelog thread]

Release (2015-05-08) [changelog thread]



Общая инструкция по установке модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Обновил состав модулей HIP; changelog заменил ссылками на него; Стандартизация оформления

Закреплённые сообщения
Обеликс из Галлии

Что-то нет ничего про 3.2.x, видимо с новой датой работают.

Обеликс из Галлии

А на 3.2 уже есть версия, только вот что-то тут про нее забыли.


По ссылке:"Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по этой ссылке (пока она поддерживается авторами мода)"- мод актуален.

Изменено пользователем Sergik1777


Мне кажется я где-то по теме видел ссылку на сборку, никто не помнит где? Найти не могу :(


Всем хай! Кто нибудь знает как это исправить?


Сделал всё по инструкции с плазы, только мод в лаунчере не появился, запускал только с русиком из стима.

20 часов назад, Redononr сказал:

Всем хай! Кто нибудь знает как это исправить?


Сделал всё по инструкции с плазы, только мод в лаунчере не появился, запускал только с русиком из стима.

Похоже на конфликт русификатора и мода, попробуйте HIP переустановить. Он обязательно должен отображаться в лаунчере.

22 минуты назад, Lombardy сказал:

Похоже на конфликт русификатора и мода, попробуйте HIP переустановить. Он обязательно должен отображаться в лаунчере.

Спасибо за ответ) А как он себя с другими модами чувствует? У меня большая коллекция модов, но версии под HIP есть только у 4-5 модов, и терять их не хотелось бы.

13 минуты назад, Redononr сказал:

Спасибо за ответ) А как он себя с другими модами чувствует? У меня большая коллекция модов, но версии под HIP есть только у 4-5 модов, и терять их не хотелось бы.

Вообще не очень, т.к. изменения затрагивают многие файлы, поэтому важно чтобы другие моды имели совместимость. Но, если моды не содержат одинаковых файлов, то все должно работать и даже неплохо. 

Мейс Винду

HIP Release - 2019-07-23 (Golden2)




EMF v10.1

    • Cadet Dynasties:
      • AIs will now sometimes form their own cadet branches of large dynasties (sometimes even cadet branches of large cadet dynasties if you play long enough).
      • In short, a cadet is a member of the dynasty that isn't closely related to the current dynasty head (though some factors reduce the degree to which they must be distant), has no titles to inherit of their own, and is a second son (has an elder sibling that technically could inherit -- if there's anything to inherit).
      • A cadet can form a cadet dynasty if their current dynasty has at least 30 living members, they manage to somehow gain a title of Count- or higher-tier and have at least one eligible heir (according to their laws) to those titles. Theocracies and republics cannot form cadet dynasties, although patricians, feudals (including imperial), and tribal rulers can.
      • Cadet dynasties track their parent dynasty (and grandparent dynasty and so on if applicable), so we can start to include special cases for child-parent dynastic relations in elective succession, the claimant faction, and other such places where favoring a dynasty over another matters.
        • This work isn't yet ready (it's going to take a long time to overhaul the notion of dynastic relation in this game), but you can at least see the relations tracked by hovering over the character portrait tooltip of a [living] cadet dynasty member: after their, e.g., "Dynasty: de Milano-Portucale" line on the tooltip, you'd see a "Parent Dynasty: Welf-Milano" line and, in this example, a "Grandparent Dynasty: Welf" line after that.
      • Naming (and qualification) of the cadet dynasties has been very carefully designed to model the patterns of the most well-known dynasty for its many cadet branches: the Capets, and in general, Western European and German practices. It also works very hard to pick names that will be distinct, plausible, and help show the dynasty's origin at a glance. For cultures that use founder-named dynasties, we simply let the hard-code name the new dynasty after the founder -- not much that we can do to enhance that with the tools available.
      • Caveats:
        • The CoA (Coats of Arms) for new cadet dynasties is something that we cannot control from script (it's random) -- and if you think about it, it's a pretty hard problem for a computer, as it's largely one of aesthetic -- although those with a little modding know-how can alter the CoAs to their heart's content.
        • After careful consideration of how much having a positive opinion modifier between parent and child dynasties would cost in terms of performance (every cadet dynasty member having a soft-coded opinion modifier of like +3 since "Same Dynasty" is +5 to every parent cadet dynasty member and vice versa, wherein at least one of those dynasties is definitely large), it was deemed not worth it for the paltry opinion boost and potentially big performance hit in extreme situations. [The current "Same Dynasty" opinion is hard-coded and doesn't have any non-negligible performance hit at all.] What really matters is how the AI votes, favors claimants, etc.
      • We plan to do more with this feature beyond what we've already mentioned. At the very least, we'd like to give players the option to form their own cadet dynasty under certain circumstances (much less restrictive than for the AI), but alas, that is future work.
      • Tips:
        • Though this feature is really neat, it's not designed to spawn cadet dynasties left and right. That would be ahistorical and a bit disruptive to normal gameplay. Thus, if you want to see them or get a cadet branch or two of your very own, then the easiest way to do that is to play fairly large (i.e., total -- alive or dead -- member count) dynasties at later start dates where the ancestral trees already have many branches and a lot more dynastic rulers have laws like Primogeniture which will not split title inheritance upon succession (disinheriting most of the second sons which would still be heir to titles with Gavelkind).
        • One typically needs to play quite awhile (at least 50 years realistically, but we'd expect more like 100 years under more average conditions) before the conditions are right for a cadet branch to form.
    • Game Rules:
      • Intermediate Genetic Traits:
        • With the recent addition of a number of new congenital traits upon various spectrums (height, attractiveness, intelligence, strength, etc.) in EMF and the fact that the most middle-of-the-spectrum (just barely above or below average) traits have very little immediate gameplay effect but, in the opinion of some of our players, dilute character congenital traits overall if you have to see them all the time, we've introduced this new game rule to allow you to hide or show these "in-between" traits. [We cannot remove them entirely, as they are important to the genetics system working as designed, among other feasibility reasons.]
        • By default, the intermediate spectrum traits (e.g., Bright, Dim, Delicate, Burly, etc.) will be hidden, in keeping with the idea that the more "vanilla-like" option is the default, but this is now within your control. If you feel like the new genetics system introduced a bunch of trait spam, then the default is for you. If you enjoy seeing the greater variety (and thus total number) of genetic variations, then the Visible option to the game rule is for you.
    • Genetics:
      • To reduce the surprise / randomness factor for players and their first generation of offspring, player genes are now initialized to be either straight average (all heterozygous allele pairs) or a chance at slightly above average immediately when the game starts rather than mixing them according to standard genetic probability distributions as per normal. However, if the player character does have genetic trait(s), their DNA will still be set according to those traits in the normal fashion. This essentially just removes most of the randomness component from your first generation (though of course your spouse/consort's DNA is not given this treatment, and that will obviously matter still).
      • Improved the accuracy of detecting randomly-generated characters on game initialization such that it is even more unlikely for a historically-scripted ruler to have their genetic traits modified at all.
      • Some of the modifiers of the intermediate genetic traits (see the game rule described in NEW FEATURES) have been eliminated (not even the tiniest of general vassal opinion boosts or maluses, e.g.). This is to emphasize that these slightly below or above average genetic traits have little direct effect upon rule, and if they are hidden by the game rule, there won't be surprises that are actually important to your character when you're looking at modifier breakdowns.
      • Ruler-designed characters:
        • Rulers are now guarded against any genetic trait modifications.
        • If a spouse is selected in the Ruler Designer, they will be subject to standard birth chances of genetic traits.
        • If a spouse and children are selected in the Ruler Designer, the children will undergo genetic inheritance as if they'd been properly born.
        • If children but no spouse are selected in the Ruler Designer, the children will only be subject to standard birth chances of genetic traits (cannot inherit genetics from designed ruler without a spouse).
        • Ruler-designed rulers, spouses, and children will undergo genetic processing immediately on game initialization rather than potentially getting a random distribution of genetic traits after a delay (where applicable).
      • When an AI Duke- or higher-tier ruler marries a lowborn in a barn (i.e., the AI's last-ditch effort to gain any spouse whatsoever), the genes (note: not their own traits but their genes) of the newly-wed spouse are now reset to be only either neutral or positive. This will, on net, improve genetic outcomes for the couple's offspring. This measure partially compensates, in this extreme case, for the fact that the marriage AI has no way to prefer avoiding spouses with terrible genes.
    • Holy War (Religious Subjugation):
      • In the prior version, we introduced an inheritance block for those subjugated via holy war upon any external-realm titles held by a ruler of their prior religion group before they were force-converted. The block only applied when the would-be inheritor was a ruler (i.e., when there was a risk of titles actually being externally inherited), but we decided that wasn't enough: even an unlanded courtier that was force-converted ideally wouldn't inherit external-realm titles of their prior religion group simply because cross-religion external inheritance is total yuck. Now, the inheritance block applies to non-rulers too.
      • For any that might have been confused by the fact that you still receive Vassal Inheritance Warning alerts regarding rulers that, in the UI, apparently are heir to titles that the external-realm, prior-religion-group inheritance prevention mechanic blocks them from inheriting, note that due to technical limitations with CKII succession, the inheritance can only be blocked at the very last moment before death of the external-realm ruler. Ergo, those alerts will still show despite not mattering in practice whatsoever, unfortunately.
    • Imperial Decay:
      • Being granted or otherwise gaining (i.e., not inheriting or usurping) an empire title no longer causes any gain in decay.
      • Usurping an empire title now causes much, much less decay gain than it would've previously. While a roulette of constant usurpations will still increase decay, a single usurpation will hardly make a dent. A usurpation still implies some "changing of the guard" regarding the imperial bureaucracy (while still contributing to the corruption / at least a temporary loss of efficiency of that bureaucracy), so it is now treated as a more neutral form of title transfer regarding decay.
      • Strengthened the effect of an entrenched ruling dynasty upon decay gain due to inheritance (number of consecutive rulers of the same dynasty). This is mostly to give players a bit more challenge continuing to hold on to the imperial crown for many generations, as entrenched as we tend to become. However, it is the dynastic entrenchment's effect upon bureaucratic corruption that matters for this decay component.
      • Reversed the effects of Crown Authority upon decay gain due to inheritance to make more sense:
        • Lower levels now cause less decay gain, while higher levels cause more decay gain.
        • Since Imperial Decay is about the tendency toward corruption and overall bureaucratic efficiency over time when unchecked (and not about the authority of the Crown), it makes more sense that a large bureaucracy centralized in the highest tier of the realm's government (higher Crown Authority) would have more potential for corruption or reduction in bureaucratic efficiency when that highest tier of the government changes rulers. In contrast, a decentralized bureaucracy in which a number of tiers of the realm's government are all responsible for their share of governance (lower Crown Authority) would be less affected by the top tier title changing rulers.
    • Seljuks:
      • Upon declaring war on the ERE over Anatolia, Seljuks will get 1.05x their levies in event troops instead of 1.63x their levies.
      • All Seljuk event troops' reinforce rate are now -75% from normal.
      • Toned down the matching troops that a Seljuk invader gains -- while their invasion mission is still active -- significantly.
    • The vanilla "You're no longer trait XYZ" events which remove a random personality trait when a character has more than 5 have been disabled for all rulers with the intention of promoting more coherent personalities. Previously, they were only disabled for players in EMF, which has always been greatly appreciated, but now AI rulers are also exempt. The landless aren't exempt.
    • The 'Request Vassal Transfer' decision and associated events have been updated to:
      • Allow any tier of a vassal to request a vassal transfer if they are the most immediate de jure liege of that vassal, regardless of whether the de jure liege title was, e.g., king-tier and the vassal's primary title was count-tier. [Yes, this wasn't possible in vanilla for some reason.]
      • Actually instruct AI lieges to respect the "never transfer me" flag set upon vassals whom have achieved independence from their liege rather than simply transfer them right back under that liege after they gain independence.
      • Teach AI lieges that it's better to hold on to merchant republic vassals rather than let them go to an underling.
    • The AI will is no longer affected by the 3-year cooldown on the "Employ Court Physician" decision to counterbalance the fact that they cannot take traits into account when assigning the Court Physician minor title and don't always assign the title, either. Human players who take over AIs will still be affected by the cooldown if the AI took the decision within 3 years beforehand however.
    • Court Maintenance Events:
      • The court events which assign random -- and in our opinion, silly -- nicknames to courtiers are now disabled.
      • Disabled the event that would randomly upgrade or downgrade a random courtier's skills.
      • The events for courtiers randomly getting relations, and courtiers getting random modifiers can all now happen to AI courts.
      • All court maintenance events are disabled for human courtiers (should there be any).
      • Incapable courtiers should no longer get events where they randomly get relations or modifiers.
      • Fixed the logic behind courtiers randomly becoming lovers so that it is now more likely at high opinion instead of being impossible at low opinion, and so that it properly follows attraction patterns (e.g., homosexuals taking on same-sex lovers, celibate and eunuch characters not taking on lovers). Close relatives and Chaste characters are also much less likely to become lovers, while Lustful and Hedonist characters are much more likely to become lovers. Characters that are too old will also not become lovers with characters who are young enough to feasibly have children.
      • Tweaked the opinion-based factors for whether two random courtiers become friends or rivals so that there is now a third-tier factor of at least 30 and at most -30 respectively and so that the cutoff for the first tier for becoming rivals is at at most -5 opinion instead of at most 5 opinion.
    • Events related to ambitions to improve a stat can now trigger for unlanded characters.
    • Unprotected Sex, STDs, and Pregnancy:
      • Changed the chances for pregnancy caused by unprotected sex during an event: instead of it being 10% chance multiplied by 2 for each partner that is fertile and multiplied by 0.5 for each partner that is infertile, the chance is now the two partners' fertility multiplied together, divided by 2, and rounded down by up to 2.5%.
      • Normalized chances of getting pregnant from the event where a lover comforts a married character to be the same chances as other cases where characters have unprotected sex.
      • Normalized chances of getting pregnant from the papal orgy private communion event to be the same chances as other cases where characters have unprotected sex.
      • Normalized the chances of getting pregnant from the event for a hedge knight seducing a courtier to be the same chances as other cases where characters have unprotected sex ten times instead of immediately impregnating the seduced courtier.
      • All bastards of the pope (Fraticelli or Catholic) will now trigger the Vatican Prince/Princess event unless the mother's spouse thinks the child is his.
      • The events for the ancestors steering a character to be lovers with a courtier, steering a character to be friends with a courtier, and steering a character to be rivals with a courtier can no longer create new characters; instead, they will simply never happen if there are no eligible courtiers. The lovers event will also now use the same chances for getting pregnant as other cases where characters have unprotected sex.
      • Introduced chance of getting a venereal disease from certain seduction events that involve having sex with an unnamed character and normalized chances of getting pregnant from them to be the same chances as other cases where characters have unprotected sex.
    • The events for a hedge knight seducing a courtier and a hedge knight distinguishing themselves can now trigger for AI rulers.
    • Modified multiple cases of peasant rebels spawning so that there is a 50% chance of spawning a female rebel peasant leader and so that heresiarchs have a chance to be female depending on their religion and the game's rules.
    • Crown Authority:
      • Reducing Crown Authority, whether explicitly or due to a usurpation, no longer adds a cooldown to raising the laws. Only raising Crown Authority adds a cooldown. This was the behavior prior to the previous version of EMF.
      • Gave the AI some more breaks regarding maintaining higher levels of Crown Authority toward the goal of them not always being stuck at either Autonomous Vassals or Limited for the entire game.
    • Patricians / Merchant Republics:
      • Merchant Republics now use a different equation for calculating who will be the next doge. Campaign funds contribute 1 per gold to Respect (from 5 per gold in vanilla), Prestige contributes 10 per prestige to Respect (from 2 per prestige in vanilla), Age no longer contributes to Respect (from 1 per its square in years in vanilla), and there is no longer a randomization factor of 500 that can potentially contribute to Respect. This, together with other changes to Merchant Republics and Patricians, should make it much harder to be the eternal, undisputed ruler of a Merchant Republic.
      • Newly generated patricians will now spawn with some family palace buildings built. For each family palace building line, they will spawn with it at the level equal to the highest level of that building line in their fellow patricians' family palaces.
      • Removed the monthly salary, monthly prestige bonus, and +25 opinion effect for the Patrician Heir minor title to balance out the fact that the AI does not grant the minor title to any of its characters. The minor title now cannot be granted to characters with any inheritance blocker (e.g., Blinded for the Byzantine culture group and concubines).
      • Patricians no longer lose gold when inheriting wealth from their family members. This is meant to eliminate an overly aggressive money sink in the game, which became even more aggressive with split wealth inheritance. It's relatively unnecessary now as well, as there are now way more money sinks available to patricians than in the past.
      • Patricians no longer gain prestige based on their treasury. It was kind of wonky that non-patricians wouldn't get prestige from a full treasury when patricians did. Besides, there are now way more places to spend excess money to generate prestige (e.g. Great Works).
      • Non-doge patricians now always have a seat reserved for them on their liege's council. This spot will usually be automatically be occupied when a patrician becomes eligible, but will still sometimes require the doge's input for a seat to get occupied.
      • The merchant republic-specific minor titles State Inquisitor, High Admiral, and High Judge can no longer be granted to unlanded members of the ruler's dynasty.
    • Nerfed the Recent Succession malus to no longer include demesne levy, demesne tax, or vassal opinion modifier components. Additionally, the "maximum liege levy" malus is now smaller than the "minimum liege levy" malus.
    • Messalian decision to Castrate Yourself now only gives 1% religious authority for 1 year rather than 2% for 10 years.
    • Adjustments to siege-related building destruction: the post-siege destruction event is now less likely for castle settlements, while the destruction event which occurs on a pulse during but not after a siege is more likely in general if the attacker is religiously hostile to the defender.
    • The Pope will no longer ask for very extensive lands/vassals in Italy in exchange for coronation.
    • The Great Work upgrades Armory, Studded Bastions, Soaring Fortresses, Gatehouse Forts, and Killing Fields no longer give flat amounts of troops to all holdings in the province in which they are built. Instead, they give a % bonus to the levies of all holdings in the province in which they are built; Armory, Soaring Fortresses, and Gatehouse Forts give +10%, Studded Bastions gives +12.5%, and Killing Fields gives +7.5%.
    • When a character with one of the relatively new vanilla ascetic traits (Muni, Aryika, Bhikkhu, Bhikkuni, Sanyasi, and Sanyasini) somehow gains a title, those ascetic traits will be cleared just as we already cleanup after ascetics with the traits Monk, Nun, Desert Father, and Desert Mother.
    • When a feudal/imperial, tribal, or nomadic ruler dies with a lower-tier heir whom is a ruler with a government type in the theocracy or republic groups, the heir will first abdicate and adopt the correct government type before succeeding their predecessor.
    • Independence Faction:
      • The faction can now target non-independent lieges (vassal dukes & vassal kings), whereas it's previously only been available against independent lieges.
      • Vassals whose capital is distant from their liege's capital will now be more aggressive than previously, taking into account larger distances as well.
      • Vassals with the same religion and culture group but not the same specific culture as their liege are now less aggressive at relatively short distances from the liege's capital.
      • The direct heir of the liege (whom is not necessarily the heir to the liege's primary title but the character that will inherit their dynastic holdings) will no longer participate in the faction, just as the primary heir (i.e., the heir to the liege's primary title) of the liege will not participate.
      • For faction creation/join chance modifiers regarding wrong-religion lieges, it's now required that the liege's religion actually be hostile to the vassal's. E.g., Orthodox Christianity is not hostile to Apostolic Christianity, so those [Armenian] vassals in the Byzantine Empire won't desire independence simply because the Emperor is Orthodox and they're Apostolic.
        • Due to the move toward considering religious hostility instead of simple religion or religion group mismatch, vassals with hostile heresies / parent religions within the same religion group as the liege now actually care about independence too.
      • Tribal vassals now care even less about whether their primary title is a de jure vassal of the liege, for the purposes of dissuading them from desiring independence.
      • Lieges that are also religious heads (e.g., Caliphs) are no longer treated less aggressively by their vassals following their religion.
      • Vassals whose subrealm is entirely disconnected from the liege's capital now much more aggressively seek independence; not being connected by at least a seazone either is even worse.
    • Claimant Faction:
      • When a claimant faction forms in support of a ruler and prepares to send its ultimatum to their liege, the claimant will now have the additional choices to join the faction (if same liege) with them at the last minute or tell the faction to stand down, which will prevent any more claimant factions forming supporting them for the title that they did for 5 years. Previously, there was no agency over this -- sometimes you don't want to be installed as, e.g., the Emperor -- or at least not for now.
    • When an AI Duke- or higher-tier ruler marries a lowborn in a barn (i.e., the AI's last-ditch effort to gain any spouse whatsoever), if the lowborn spouse doesn't have the same religion as the ruler and the ruler is AI, she/he will convert to the ruler's religion.
    • The piety cost for the Request Excommunication diplo-interaction has changed by +500% to 150 piety from the vanilla value of 25 piety.
    • Elective Monarchy and Princely Elective Succession:
      • Pretenders to lower-tier titles whose succession is determined by a higher-tier title with Elective Monarchy or Princely Elective succession law will no longer get extra [weak] claims upon those lower-tier titles -- only the highest-tier title(s).
      • When changing the succession law of the HRE, Elective Monarchy Succession is now a valid choice like all the others (provided the relatively stringent requirements for changing away from Princely Elective are met).
      • Elective Monarchy now gives a vassal limit bonus of +10. Princely Elective already gives +20.
      • [ SWMH ONLY ] In the German HRE's electorate setup, the Duchy of Westfranken instead of the Titular Duchy of Franken is now an elector title.
    • Protected Council Appointments:
      • The law is now the default for merchant republics.
      • Glory Hound and Moneymaker council positions will no longer have pre-defined positions on passing or repealing the law if they are not powerful vassals.
    • The following events can now trigger for AI characters:
      • Soldier Distinguishes himself.
      • A courtier initiates romance with another courtier (for Counts and Baron-tier patricians)
      • A famous herald proposed his service
      • Religious Subjugation (Take Province effect)
      • Gopher Maid
      • Howling at the Moon
      • Rats in the walls
      • Something in the well
      • Tomb Raiding
      • A law against the killing of cats
      • Meeting other crusaders
      • The little group of faithful
      • Meeting a Holy Order
      • Nail in the Iron Cross
      • The HRE crown and the prince.
      • Dice-throwing: Warrior Lodge Member is offered chance to start.
      • Rowdy Troops demand a greater share of the loot or they will leave. (Negotiation effects)
      • Find Commander (for Barons)
      • Sends rumors (about artifact, for Counts and Baron-tier patricians)
      • Inherited ingredients - keep or no?
      • Spoiled Cargo
      • Pirates Attack Ships
      • Pirates Captured
      • Valuable Spice Obtained
      • New Markets Discovered
      • Lost Ship Appears
      • Dockworkers Strike
      • Warehouse Fire
      • Efficient Dockworkers
      • Treasure Found!
      • Improved Charts
      • Captain Rams Pier
      • Hindu ascetic comes to visit
      • Buddhist ascetic comes to visit
      • Jain ascetic comes to visit
      • Diamond is found
      • Thugs
      • Peasants need elephants for clearing forest
      • Crazed elephant runs amuck
      • Temple elephants are dying
      • Hears of levitating yogi
      • The Polos arrive
      • Greek troops not wanting to cross the Indus
      • Kung fu monks
      • U-boat up the Indus
      • Visit Nalanda University?
      • Visit the Ganges?
      • Local Hindu temple asks for donations
      • Buddhist or Jain monks ask for donations
      • Non-Indian merchants upset about naked Jain ascetics
      • Commerce with relics
      • Visit Mount Athos?
      • Chaste Positive (create character)
      • Zealous positive - Muslim: Start
      • Poet: Gain diplomacy
      • Hunchback: of Notre Dame
    • Added many script optimizations (i.e., performance enhancements) related to EMF's religion & heresy modules (to our knowledge, this is/was the second largest resource hog in EMF after the 4-interest faction system).
    • Since you're playing a mod that obviously changes the checksum and thus you cannot earn achievements anyway, the text warning you about a particular game rule setting disabling achievements has been disabled (i.e., "This setting disables achievements!").
    • When a vassal king whose kingdom is a de jure vassal of his liege's empire, the vassal kingdom's crown laws are locked to that of the empire. If such a vassal king were to create a kingdom that is outside the de jure empire (and thus can have its own crown laws), you'd expect that the crown laws on their primary kingdom title (those of the empire) would be copied to the newly-created kingdom, because that's just how title creation works. In vanilla, it does not. Even if the empire and thus the vassal king's primary title at time of kingdom creation had Absolute Crown Authority, e.g., the newly-created crown law kingdom will still start at Autonomous Vassals -- copying its laws from no title at all.
      • Now, in EMF, the crown laws of the de jure vassal king's primary kingdom -- locked to the imperial crown laws -- will always be copied to the newly-created title. Essentially, the relevant laws of the empire title are copied to the new title instead of no laws at all.
    • Lucky rulers (which never appear without the player's say-so -- not to be confused with EU4's concept of it) now have +40 combat skill instead of the the +6 which they had previously, a value from the days before personal combat skill was scaled 10x with the release of Holy Fury.
    • Characters following religions of the Muslim religious group no longer trigger religious outrage when going down the heliocentrism event chain of Scholarship focus.
    • Emperor advisors will now give the same amount of prestige (instead of one Advisor giving 0.75 prestige per month and the other giving 1.0 prestige per month).
    • The Sickly infant trait now gives a higher health malus.
  • FIXES:
    • Fixed issues where the following artifacts would sometimes not spawn properly:
      • Iron Crown of Lombardy
      • Crown of Thorns
      • Seamless Robe of Jesus
      • Cloak of Mohammad
      • Right Hand of St. Demetrius
      • Buddha's Tooth
    • Fixed several traits having asymmetrical opposite trait (i.e., trait exclusivity) relationships. This could've led to unintended pairings of traits on a character.
    • Religious Features:
      • Enacting the Imperial Administration law now follows exactly the same rules for Imperial governments; namely, we now check for the reformed pagan religion feature Temporal Head rather than the norse_pagan_reformed religion specifically.
      • Fixed multiple issues where code was reliant on religion-specific features which would not work properly without Holy Fury enabled.
    • Patricians:
      • Fixed multiple issues related to EMF & vanilla code that erroneously could or could not trigger for patricians whom only hold a family palace.
      • Patrician marriage events will no longer fire if the respective characters' genders did not line up with their own gender laws or the gender laws of their patrician liege.
      • Patricians with only Baron-tier titles can now select the Groom an Heir ambition if their child is their heir.
    • Localised the death reason when a character dies from complications due to their delicate physique.
    • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] When forming the Saint-Empire Romain (western variant of the HRE) and the Ahistorical Empires game rule is enabled, the prior de jure territory of the regular/German HRE is now properly transferred to the Empire of Germany instead of behaving as if the game rule was not enabled and leaving no de jure empire in its place.
    • When seeking to Prepare a Coronation Ceremony as a child, the requirement that the child have an "assertive" trait (Ambitious, Quick, Genius, or Willful) is now correct.
    • When a liege peacefully accepts an Independence Faction ultimatum, no longer will claims on all the faction members' titles be awarded to the liege -- just the Revassalize CB, as is already the case in EMF when an independence war is won.
    • Fixed an issue where AI characters could not complete the "Civilize a Province" ambition.
    • Fixed an issue where Spymasters would not receive monthly prestige from their position when all other council members do.
    • The 4-interest factions (e.g., Court, Tradition, etc.) will now never demand that their liege lower Crown Authority if their liege's kingdom title's crown laws are actually overridden by a de jure liege imperial crown law title and the liege has no actual control over the crown laws on his kingdom title(s). The regular Lower Crown Authority faction already sidestepped this issue properly.
    • Added death reason localisation for deaths due to [rare] health complications from the Tiny trait.
    • Fixed issue wherein patrician councillors with only their family palace holding would not be considered rulers and appropriately handled as such by the new CKII v3.1 court events & exodus decision.
    • The 'Legitimize Bastard' decision and other legitimization events will no longer have the potential to break dynasty trees by only converting the living progeny of the bastard to the legitimate dynasty.
    • Fixed an issue where the event for seducing a guard as a woman while in prison would never trigger because focuses are not allowed to be taken for prisoners. Instead, it now requires the Master Seductress trait.
    • Fixed issues where certain seduction events between characters would not transfer venereal diseases and male seducers would not be in danger of getting venereal diseases.
    • Fixed issues where certain seduction events involving sex with an unnamed character could override pregnancies of already pregnant women.
    • Fixed issues where certain coronation-related events that triggered for the Papacy would not trigger for the Fraticelli Papacy.
    • Fixed an issue where the event for a hedge knight seducing a courtier would trigger for multiple courtiers and could trigger for homosexual courtiers. Also fixed it not passing on venereal diseases.
    • Fixed an issue where the event for the ancestors steering a character to be lovers with a courtier would not pass on venereal diseases.
    • Fixed an issue where the event for a brilliant commander appearing would not properly work for Cathar and Messalian characters and an issue where female commanders could not appear for feminist religions other than those with the Matriarchal religious feature.
    • Fixed an issue where Business Focus' events could not trigger for patricians with only family palace holdings.
    • Fixed an issue where the Feuding Families event chain would never trigger between two AI families or two human-controlled family heads.
    • Fixed issues where multiple ongoing Feuding Families event chains in the same republic could cause the feuds to criss-cross and pollute each other's progress (previously only relevant in multiplayer, but now possible in singleplayer now that AI-AI feuds are allowed).
    • Fixed an issue where the events to end the Feuding Families event chains (Romeo and Juliet, The Battle) could only trigger once, even if the character decides to continue the feud with the family.
    • Fixed an issue where progressing down the Feuding Families event chain once would prevent a character from progressing down it a second time.
    • The Ducal Conquest CB (i.e., Ducal County Conquest), a Jade Dragon CB not to be confused with EMF's De Jure Duchy Claim CB, can no longer be used against your own liege.
    • Fixed an issue where attempting to swap a councillor to the advisor position as an emperor while having a vassal king with their own advisor would sometimes cause the option to swap places to appear when it should not. This also presents a minor performance improvement.

SWMH v3.28


    • The de jure capital county of the Kingdom of Sicilia has been changed to Palermo from Napoli.

ARKOpack Interface (2019-06-05)


  • Full CKII v3.2.1 compatibility patch

CPRplus v3.0.7


    • Adjusted Personal Combat Skill value necessary for special armor (EMF-only)
    • Fixed the wrong headgear assignment to the early-era Kurdish male portraits
    • Fixed a hair issue with the old-aged Alan female portrait
    • Fixed typos in Assyrian and Sicilian portrait files
    • Dalmatian children now use the Italian child icons (Vanilla issue)
    • (SWMH-only) Moravian culture will now use the proper graphical culture


Здравствуйте. У меня есть небольшой вопрос по поводу установки мода. Мод заменяет файлы оригинальной игры? Я имею ввиду, он заменяет файлы располагающиеся в корне игры? Или он распаковывает файлы только в mods и т.п. ?

Если первый случай, то после удаления мода придется переустанавливать игру?

Если установишь в корень - придётся для удаления мода переустанавливать. Если скинешь в mods - неть. 

З.Ы. При установке мод по умолчанию распаковывает нужные файлы в новую папку в той же директории, где лежал установщик.

4 часа назад, Midareru сказал:

Если установишь в корень - придётся для удаления мода переустанавливать. Если скинешь в mods - неть. 

З.Ы. При установке мод по умолчанию распаковывает нужные файлы в новую папку в той же директории, где лежал установщик.

Спасибо. Разобрался. 😀

А в моде нет Индии? Или я не правильно поставил?

33 минуты назад, Ashy сказал:

А в моде нет Индии? Или я не правильно поставил?

Всё правильно. На карте SWMH Индии нет. Можно при установке отказаться от SWMH, но установить остальные модули, тогда останется стандартная карта.

Рекомендую всем фанатам HIP ознакомится со следующими сабмодами, ИМХО, они интересны и гармонируют

HIP: Cultural Melting Pots | Empires of Conquest - добавляет большое количество  плавильных котлов

HIP - Better Balkans & Carpathians - улучшение Карпат и Балкан как видно из названия. Венгры точно окажутся в Паннонии, в Хорватии будут править Домагоевичи, показано становление болгарского народа.

HIP - More Cultural Names - нужен для работы предыдущего сабмода, изменяет названия провинций с учётом культуры владельца

Medieval Trade Routes (HIP map) - улучшение торговых путей

Так же рекомендую всем ознакомится с этими двумя модами (подойдут и на ваниллу): Caesar's Books - Immersive Artifacts - добавляет 140 реальных книг, Caesar's Wonders - Immersive Great Works - добавляет 20 Великих построек

В 10.08.2019 в 16:23, DrBor сказал:

Рекомендую всем фанатам HIP ознакомится со следующими сабмодами, ИМХО, они интересны и гармонируют

HIP: Cultural Melting Pots | Empires of Conquest - добавляет большое количество  плавильных котлов

HIP - Better Balkans & Carpathians - улучшение Карпат и Балкан как видно из названия. Венгры точно окажутся в Паннонии, в Хорватии будут править Домагоевичи, показано становление болгарского народа.

HIP - More Cultural Names - нужен для работы предыдущего сабмода, изменяет названия провинций с учётом культуры владельца

Medieval Trade Routes (HIP map) - улучшение торговых путей

Так же рекомендую всем ознакомится с этими двумя модами (подойдут и на ваниллу): Caesar's Books - Immersive Artifacts - добавляет 140 реальных книг, Caesar's Wonders - Immersive Great Works - добавляет 20 Великих построек

Шалом! Спасибо, а есть еще сабмоды к этому моду? А можно всех посмотреть? Мне бы хотелось найти к этому моду сабмод на меровингов или более раннюю стартовую дату.

4 часа назад, Jagir сказал:

Шалом! Спасибо, а есть еще сабмоды к этому моду? А можно всех посмотреть? Мне бы хотелось найти к этому моду сабмод на меровингов или более раннюю стартовую дату.

Выше выложил сабмоды с которыми играю сам. В мастерской стим HIP - 'Renascentia Romanorum' - добавляет римскую культуру. Ещё куча сабмодов в теме HIP на плазе, но их не тестировал.

ЕМНИП, на более ранние даты сабмодов нет, а официальных не предвидится

Изменено пользователем DrBor


Мод может конфликтовать с музыкальными модами?


1 час назад, Rorcha сказал:


Мод может конфликтовать с музыкальными модами?


Нет, не должен.

1 минуту назад, Lombardy сказал:

Нет, не должен.

Странно. Я включил музыкальный мод и у правителя появился временный титул который невозможно уничтожить, он всё блокирует, а после  я не мог ставить советников, вообще.

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  • Тамплієр


  • Virus25rus


  • Jagir


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Играл недавно в версию Frosty2 и решил немного написать о своих впечатлениях.         Начну с войн и восстаний. Восстания это какой-то ад. Я до сих пор не понимаю, откуда появляются эти десятки т


Historical Immersion Project   Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP


Вышел мод https://www.mediafire.com/file/eh86h6qhvybtvst/HIP_2019-02-14_Furry1.7z/file


zijistark, глава HIP Team


Better Balkans and Carpathians unleashed for the Holy Furry! Interesting changes for russians: The russian cultural name "Rusisku" is replaced with "Ruski" Yassy (Peresechen) is now und


HIP Furry3 and my mod got updated! I renamed the slavic faith to "Slovenska Vera"   Have fun!


Новый большой релиз от 6 марта - Frosty2.    Список изменений огромный. Скачать/Зеркало


HIP Release - 2017-08-29 (Cacao4)      

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