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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (SWMH)
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (EMF)
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (CPRplus)
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (LTM)
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (VIET) (устаревший)
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (предшественник EMF, устаревший)

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по поддерживаемой авторами мода Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .

Полезная информация

  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  разработчиков
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  на Paradoxplaza
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  на Crusader Kings II Wiki




Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]

Release (2016-01-24) [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]

Release (2015-05-08) [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  по установке модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Обновил состав модулей HIP; changelog заменил ссылками на него; Стандартизация оформления
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This release is for CKII v2.8.2.1. It is compatible with savegames started on all past HIP releases for CKII v2.8.X (Hydra1 to current).


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting modules/ subfolder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • HIP is modular: different installer choices yield wildly different forms of HIP, so remember:
    • ALWAYS include your version.txt file from the [default] mod/Historical Immersion Project/ folder with any posts regarding specific behavior in HIP (especially bug reports). If you don't do this, your post'll be much less useful and is apt to be ignored.
  • One must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts
    • LTM
  • SWMH does not include a 769 bookmark. We've no intention to add one, but there might be an unofficial sub-mod for this in the future.
  • SWMH does not include eastern/southern India but does include Rajastan. We've no intention of adding more of India.
  • MiniSWMH is an official SWMH sub-mod which removes India and the least-relevant parts of Africa in order to provide a higher-performance SWMH alternative.
  • It's still possible to play with a [slightly modified] vanilla map if SWMH doesn't suit you. Simply give the installer a 'no' on SWMH in that case.

EMF v8.05

    • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1
    • New Game Rule: Non-Dynastic Succession
      • Off (Default): If the player has a non-dynastic heir and dies, then Game Over.
      • On: If the player has a non-dynastic heir upon death or abdication, then they will continue the game as their heir (with their heir's dynasty), avoiding a Game Over.
        • Doesn't apply to republics or nomads! Their dynastic succession is partially hard-coded.
        • But it does apply to mercenaries and holy orders, in addition to the usual types of playable rulers.
        • This makes the game rule Matrilineal Marriages much more reasonable (and historical) to disable.
        • Correctly understands the difference between the heir to your primary title and your "real" heir (i.e., the one with a crown icon on your character sheet), so e.g., being elected out of office in an empire with Feudal Elective Succession does NOT mean you continue playing as the next emperor but instead that you will play as your "real" heir.
        • Also handles all abdications in addition to regular succession. If your abdication heir (i.e., to whomever you are abdicating) is not of your dynasty, it will be handled in the same way as a non-dynastic succession.
    • All crown laws traditionally governed by a lifetime cooldown -- Crown Authority, Religion Head Investiture, and Imperial Kingdom Creation -- now expire their cooldowns after 50 years. This is particularly handy for immortal rulers.
    • AI rulers are now restricted to hiring their cultural retinue, because it is more often than not the best choice for them strategically. [Plus a little extra immersion.]
    • Performance: Heavily optimized the top CPU-eating decision triggers (top 30% of total decision trigger evaluation time).
    • Buildings can now suffer damage during or upon completion of a siege, reducing them to a lower tier.
    • Smith events for weapons or crown jewels now have a maximum to how much they can charge you.
    • Casus Belli:
      • The Liberate Religion CB (sometimes granted by taking the Strengthen Religion ambition) introduced with CKII v2.8 (JD) has been disabled, although if you're in such a war in your savegame, it will still complete as it would've prior to its removal. The CB was overpowered, and it overlapped in concept with EMF's preexisting Religious Reconquest CB, which requires no ambition to wage (but is not kingdom-tier and uses EMF's Religious Subjugation mechanic).
      • All 3 types of ducal-tier holy war CBs now increase your progress toward the Strengthen Religion ambition upon holy war success. Previously, Religious Reconquest and the "special circumstances" version of Holy War didn't do so.
      • Ducal County Conquest (a Jade Dragon CB) can no longer be used on counties that do not directly border the attacker's subrealm.
      • Non-nomadic / sedentary AI rulers can no longer use any of the multitude of county conquest CBs, including the two county-tier de jure claim CBs, to target nomadic provinces. Unfortunately the hard-coded war targeting AI for non-nomads still overvalues provinces that would be essentially useless to them, hence the extra level of restriction on them.
      • The piety costs of using the Unjust Conquest CB have all been increased by +50% in all cases. Gold costs remain the same.
      • Pagans can no longer use the Unjust Conquest CB -- they already have both religious and non-religious versions of county conquest CBs which cost roughly the same (pagans were a special case for Unjust Conquest that was almost free to use).
      • All of the tributary CBs (for the 3 normal tribute types, sans the Offmap tribute type) have been standardized to:
        • Require a direct border (no seazones), but that border may now be through a preexisting tribute, allowing tributes to be chained in all cases.
        • AI won't try to prematurely make a tribute out of the Magyars, because if that happens, it's highly unlikely that they'll ever lose enough provinces on the Steppes to trigger the beginning of their migration into the Carpathian Basin.
        • Make all tribute types available even if you own only one of either the Horse Lords DLC or the Jade Dragon DLC.
    • Border Gore Reduction:
      • Several new, more sophisticated measures have been taken against "artificial" border gore for the AI (i.e., not "realistic" border gore due to the nature of feudalism but messes simply consequent of the game's design).
      • Additionally, capital-connectedness tracking for independent realms, a measure which is used primarily to quickly identify enclaves and similar, has been souped up to be more accurate more of the time; this will improve the behavior of dozens of mechanics and/or AI reasoning that rely upon capital-connectedness tracking.
    • From 867 starts (or 769), Rollo is now more likely to succeed in conquering and controlling the Duchy of Normandy even after submission to the French king -- likely enough that it should be practical for Norman culture and dynasties to take root in their historical region in the majority of games.
    • Nomads that are granted Lucky Ruler status will now only enjoy half the bonuses to manpower, tax, and population.
    • Clergy now directly dislikes (i.e., slight opinion malus) it when rulers have taken out loans. The more they have loaned, the more they dislike it.
    • Slightly increased the temporary bonus for AI rulers that manage to dethrone a Karling from one of the traditional Karling kingdoms in 867 (not relevant if Historical Outcome Promotion is set to Passive, wherein this mechanic is inactive).
    • When liberating a same-religion province in a holy war, the bonuses are now significantly higher for the province -- hopefully enough to counteract all the negative modifiers from the war(s) that preceded their liberation.
    • Bogomilism is now hostile to Catholicism so long as it is also a heresy of Orthodoxy.
    • Added a Sicilian Arabic melting pot, applying to any members of the Arabic culture group ruling in Sicily from 900-1000.
  • FIXES:
    • It is now possible to take the combat trait advancement (CTA) ambitions -- Develop Personal Combat Skills, Become a Trained Fighter, Become a Skilled Fighter, Become a Formidable Fighter -- even if you are an independent ruler. It was not intended to exclude independent rulers.
    • When the HRE is restored from the TOG bookmark (867), the HRE stem duchies of Upper Lorraine and Lower Lorraine will now properly be restored along with it, instead of remaining part of de jure Lotharingia.
    • Pagan County Conquest CB now respects the standard conquest restrictions on the Sahara region.
    • Fixed an issue with the new "will not lose baronies to gavelkind in your capital county" rule as it related to nomads and merchant republics; they were not properly excluded from the mechanic.

CPRplus v2.9.4

    • Lombard portrait set now uses CPRplus’s Western hair and beard

ARKOpack Armoiries (2018-05-20)

  • Major:
    • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1
    • Employed the new War of the Rose game bonus emblems, available for Chrisitan group.
  • Minor:
    • Adds some stuff for random muslim CoA, using emblems (used outside the customizer)
    • Some dynastic names and coded CoA improvements by Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
    • A few new flags or improved old ones

ARKOpack Interface (2018-05-20)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.2.18

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1

Arumba's and Internal Tab Shortcuts (2018-05-20)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1




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В 24.05.2018 в 21:36, vitovt13 сказал:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Changelog (.)


This release is for CKII v2.8.2.1. It is compatible with savegames started on all past HIP releases for CKII v2.8.X (Hydra1 to current).


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting modules/ subfolder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • HIP is modular: different installer choices yield wildly different forms of HIP, so remember:
    • ALWAYS include your version.txt file from the [default] mod/Historical Immersion Project/ folder with any posts regarding specific behavior in HIP (especially bug reports). If you don't do this, your post'll be much less useful and is apt to be ignored.
  • One must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts
    • LTM
  • SWMH does not include a 769 bookmark. We've no intention to add one, but there might be an unofficial sub-mod for this in the future.
  • SWMH does not include eastern/southern India but does include Rajastan. We've no intention of adding more of India.
  • MiniSWMH is an official SWMH sub-mod which removes India and the least-relevant parts of Africa in order to provide a higher-performance SWMH alternative.
  • It's still possible to play with a [slightly modified] vanilla map if SWMH doesn't suit you. Simply give the installer a 'no' on SWMH in that case.

EMF v8.05

    • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1
    • New Game Rule: Non-Dynastic Succession
      • Off (Default): If the player has a non-dynastic heir and dies, then Game Over.
      • On: If the player has a non-dynastic heir upon death or abdication, then they will continue the game as their heir (with their heir's dynasty), avoiding a Game Over.
        • Doesn't apply to republics or nomads! Their dynastic succession is partially hard-coded.
        • But it does apply to mercenaries and holy orders, in addition to the usual types of playable rulers.
        • This makes the game rule Matrilineal Marriages much more reasonable (and historical) to disable.
        • Correctly understands the difference between the heir to your primary title and your "real" heir (i.e., the one with a crown icon on your character sheet), so e.g., being elected out of office in an empire with Feudal Elective Succession does NOT mean you continue playing as the next emperor but instead that you will play as your "real" heir.
        • Also handles all abdications in addition to regular succession. If your abdication heir (i.e., to whomever you are abdicating) is not of your dynasty, it will be handled in the same way as a non-dynastic succession.
    • All crown laws traditionally governed by a lifetime cooldown -- Crown Authority, Religion Head Investiture, and Imperial Kingdom Creation -- now expire their cooldowns after 50 years. This is particularly handy for immortal rulers.
    • AI rulers are now restricted to hiring their cultural retinue, because it is more often than not the best choice for them strategically. [Plus a little extra immersion.]
    • Performance: Heavily optimized the top CPU-eating decision triggers (top 30% of total decision trigger evaluation time).
    • Buildings can now suffer damage during or upon completion of a siege, reducing them to a lower tier.
    • Smith events for weapons or crown jewels now have a maximum to how much they can charge you.
    • Casus Belli:
      • The Liberate Religion CB (sometimes granted by taking the Strengthen Religion ambition) introduced with CKII v2.8 (JD) has been disabled, although if you're in such a war in your savegame, it will still complete as it would've prior to its removal. The CB was overpowered, and it overlapped in concept with EMF's preexisting Religious Reconquest CB, which requires no ambition to wage (but is not kingdom-tier and uses EMF's Religious Subjugation mechanic).
      • All 3 types of ducal-tier holy war CBs now increase your progress toward the Strengthen Religion ambition upon holy war success. Previously, Religious Reconquest and the "special circumstances" version of Holy War didn't do so.
      • Ducal County Conquest (a Jade Dragon CB) can no longer be used on counties that do not directly border the attacker's subrealm.
      • Non-nomadic / sedentary AI rulers can no longer use any of the multitude of county conquest CBs, including the two county-tier de jure claim CBs, to target nomadic provinces. Unfortunately the hard-coded war targeting AI for non-nomads still overvalues provinces that would be essentially useless to them, hence the extra level of restriction on them.
      • The piety costs of using the Unjust Conquest CB have all been increased by +50% in all cases. Gold costs remain the same.
      • Pagans can no longer use the Unjust Conquest CB -- they already have both religious and non-religious versions of county conquest CBs which cost roughly the same (pagans were a special case for Unjust Conquest that was almost free to use).
      • All of the tributary CBs (for the 3 normal tribute types, sans the Offmap tribute type) have been standardized to:
        • Require a direct border (no seazones), but that border may now be through a preexisting tribute, allowing tributes to be chained in all cases.
        • AI won't try to prematurely make a tribute out of the Magyars, because if that happens, it's highly unlikely that they'll ever lose enough provinces on the Steppes to trigger the beginning of their migration into the Carpathian Basin.
        • Make all tribute types available even if you own only one of either the Horse Lords DLC or the Jade Dragon DLC.
    • Border Gore Reduction:
      • Several new, more sophisticated measures have been taken against "artificial" border gore for the AI (i.e., not "realistic" border gore due to the nature of feudalism but messes simply consequent of the game's design).
      • Additionally, capital-connectedness tracking for independent realms, a measure which is used primarily to quickly identify enclaves and similar, has been souped up to be more accurate more of the time; this will improve the behavior of dozens of mechanics and/or AI reasoning that rely upon capital-connectedness tracking.
    • From 867 starts (or 769), Rollo is now more likely to succeed in conquering and controlling the Duchy of Normandy even after submission to the French king -- likely enough that it should be practical for Norman culture and dynasties to take root in their historical region in the majority of games.
    • Nomads that are granted Lucky Ruler status will now only enjoy half the bonuses to manpower, tax, and population.
    • Clergy now directly dislikes (i.e., slight opinion malus) it when rulers have taken out loans. The more they have loaned, the more they dislike it.
    • Slightly increased the temporary bonus for AI rulers that manage to dethrone a Karling from one of the traditional Karling kingdoms in 867 (not relevant if Historical Outcome Promotion is set to Passive, wherein this mechanic is inactive).
    • When liberating a same-religion province in a holy war, the bonuses are now significantly higher for the province -- hopefully enough to counteract all the negative modifiers from the war(s) that preceded their liberation.
    • Bogomilism is now hostile to Catholicism so long as it is also a heresy of Orthodoxy.
    • Added a Sicilian Arabic melting pot, applying to any members of the Arabic culture group ruling in Sicily from 900-1000.
  • FIXES:
    • It is now possible to take the combat trait advancement (CTA) ambitions -- Develop Personal Combat Skills, Become a Trained Fighter, Become a Skilled Fighter, Become a Formidable Fighter -- even if you are an independent ruler. It was not intended to exclude independent rulers.
    • When the HRE is restored from the TOG bookmark (867), the HRE stem duchies of Upper Lorraine and Lower Lorraine will now properly be restored along with it, instead of remaining part of de jure Lotharingia.
    • Pagan County Conquest CB now respects the standard conquest restrictions on the Sahara region.
    • Fixed an issue with the new "will not lose baronies to gavelkind in your capital county" rule as it related to nomads and merchant republics; they were not properly excluded from the mechanic.

CPRplus v2.9.4

    • Lombard portrait set now uses CPRplus’s Western hair and beard

ARKOpack Armoiries (2018-05-20)

  • Major:
    • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1
    • Employed the new War of the Rose game bonus emblems, available for Chrisitan group.
  • Minor:
    • Adds some stuff for random muslim CoA, using emblems (used outside the customizer)
    • Some dynastic names and coded CoA improvements by Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
    • A few new flags or improved old ones

ARKOpack Interface (2018-05-20)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1

SED: English Localisation for SWMH v2.2.18

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1

Arumba's and Internal Tab Shortcuts (2018-05-20)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.2.1




У меня у одного не запускается на версии ?

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8 часов назад, Jagir сказал:

У меня у одного не запускается на версии ?

Потому что надо последнюю версию

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нужна помощь! поставил HIP а там нет казус белли на сюзеренитет, все длс ответственные за это стоят, пункт в меню отмечен, а казус белли нет((


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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.




This release is for CKII v2.8.3.1. It is compatible with savegames started on all past HIP releases for CKII v2.8.X (Hydra1 through the current Hydra6).


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting modules/ subfolder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • HIP is modular: different installer choices yield wildly different forms of HIP, so remember:
    • ALWAYS include your version.txt file from the [default] mod/Historical Immersion Project/ folder with any posts regarding specific behavior in HIP (especially bug reports). If you don't do this, your post'll be much less useful and is apt to be ignored.
  • One must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts
    • LTM
  • SWMH does not include a 769 bookmark. We've no intention to add one, but there might be an unofficial sub-mod for this in the future.
  • SWMH does not include eastern/southern India but does include Rajastan. We've no intention of adding more of India.
  • MiniSWMH is an official SWMH sub-mod which removes India and the least-relevant parts of Africa in order to provide a higher-performance SWMH alternative.
  • It's still possible to play with a [slightly modified] vanilla map if SWMH doesn't suit you. Simply give the installer a 'no' on SWMH in that case.
  • EMF has Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. for every version since the first.

EMF v8.06

    • When a ruler is deposed by their vassals, they will no longer abdicate to a previously-deposed ruler of the same realm.
    • Vassal kings no longer ignore the Complete King's Peace crown law. When this law applies to them (i.e., they are a de jure vassal of the crown title(s) in which the law is passed, in short), all of their out-of-realm CB usage has been manually blocked to workaround Paradox's "interesting" choice for king-tier vassals to ignore the law by default.
    • Reformed pagans may no longer use the Religious Reconquest CB upon rulers of the unreformed / older version of their religion. They will still be able to use the Holy War CB in general and, of course, the Religious Reconquest CB against other types of pagans when valid.
    • Tributaries:
      • Nomads are now restricted to using the Establish Tribute CB, which establishes a Nomadic-type tributary. Previously, they had access to the Extort Tribute CB as well, which establishes a Default-type tributary, and the reverse is true for non-nomads no longer being able to use the Nomadic-type tributary CB.
      • The Free Tributary CB (a tribute's bid for complete independence) is now available to any ruler that is a tribute, regardless of DLC ownership.
    • Threat gain has been nerfed significantly from the previous version, which was a bit of an experiment, and Threat may continue to be a bit of an experiment to get right.
    • Baron-tier border gore reduction was added in the previous version, but we forgot to add it to the changelog. Yet, we've now changed it again, so let's review:
      • It only acts upon AI rulers.
      • Its previous behavior was, in extreme summary, to force AI rulers to keep both vassal barons and owned baronies de jure to their containing county by surrendering out-of-place baronies or transferring vassal barons to their de jure lieges.
      • Its new behavior is essentially to the same end, except that it allows all non-de jure barons and baronies to be so long as they're located within the same independent realm. Thus, we've essentially just deactivated it for top realm-internal border gore reduction.
      • Out-of-place baronies are also no longer directly granted to their de jure liege: first, an appropriate type of character is randomly generated to hold the barony, and then they are vassalized to the barony's de jure liege.
  • MINOR:
    • Fleshed-out the Norse-Gael melting pot a bit in terms of smoothness of transition and robustness.
    • Seljuk invasion troops now reinforce much more slowly.
    • Lucky Rulers now enjoy +6 combat skill.
  • FIXES:
    • You now only recieve notifications for buildings destroyed in your own demesne, not every siege in your entire realm.
    • The Immortals, when reborn, now properly share the faith of which Zoroastrian-related faith restored their priesthood.
    • Tributary renewal now only applies to the default and nomadic tributary types.
    • A bug which was preventing tributary CBs from being available to non-nomads has been fixed.
    • The 'special circumstances' variant of the Holy War CB no longer checks for a holy war cooldown, so cooldowns incurred from elsewhere could still block the CB (adding the cooldown when using this CB was removed in a recent version).
    • It is no longer be possible for Norse-Gael melting pot events to fire for provinces or rulers that are already Norse-Gael.

ARKOpack Armoiries (2018-06-21)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.3.1
  • A new set of random CoA for christians (crosses series)
  • Improved CoA frames

ARKOpack Interface (2018-06-21)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.3.1
  • Reduced character sheet to fit 800 pixels high screens
  • Character sheet bottom part clean up
  • Added an alternate religion_icon_strip_deco (with no wooden backgrounds for pagans)
  • Provides a new picture for vertical event type (Codex Manesse style church)




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В 22.06.2018 в 15:58, vitovt13 сказал:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Changelog (.)


This release is for CKII v2.8.3.1. It is compatible with savegames started on all past HIP releases for CKII v2.8.X (Hydra1 through the current Hydra6).


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting modules/ subfolder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • HIP is modular: different installer choices yield wildly different forms of HIP, so remember:
    • ALWAYS include your version.txt file from the [default] mod/Historical Immersion Project/ folder with any posts regarding specific behavior in HIP (especially bug reports). If you don't do this, your post'll be much less useful and is apt to be ignored.
  • One must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts
    • LTM
  • SWMH does not include a 769 bookmark. We've no intention to add one, but there might be an unofficial sub-mod for this in the future.
  • SWMH does not include eastern/southern India but does include Rajastan. We've no intention of adding more of India.
  • MiniSWMH is an official SWMH sub-mod which removes India and the least-relevant parts of Africa in order to provide a higher-performance SWMH alternative.
  • It's still possible to play with a [slightly modified] vanilla map if SWMH doesn't suit you. Simply give the installer a 'no' on SWMH in that case.
  • EMF has Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. for every version since the first.

EMF v8.06

    • When a ruler is deposed by their vassals, they will no longer abdicate to a previously-deposed ruler of the same realm.
    • Vassal kings no longer ignore the Complete King's Peace crown law. When this law applies to them (i.e., they are a de jure vassal of the crown title(s) in which the law is passed, in short), all of their out-of-realm CB usage has been manually blocked to workaround Paradox's "interesting" choice for king-tier vassals to ignore the law by default.
    • Reformed pagans may no longer use the Religious Reconquest CB upon rulers of the unreformed / older version of their religion. They will still be able to use the Holy War CB in general and, of course, the Religious Reconquest CB against other types of pagans when valid.
    • Tributaries:
      • Nomads are now restricted to using the Establish Tribute CB, which establishes a Nomadic-type tributary. Previously, they had access to the Extort Tribute CB as well, which establishes a Default-type tributary, and the reverse is true for non-nomads no longer being able to use the Nomadic-type tributary CB.
      • The Free Tributary CB (a tribute's bid for complete independence) is now available to any ruler that is a tribute, regardless of DLC ownership.
    • Threat gain has been nerfed significantly from the previous version, which was a bit of an experiment, and Threat may continue to be a bit of an experiment to get right.
    • Baron-tier border gore reduction was added in the previous version, but we forgot to add it to the changelog. Yet, we've now changed it again, so let's review:
      • It only acts upon AI rulers.
      • Its previous behavior was, in extreme summary, to force AI rulers to keep both vassal barons and owned baronies de jure to their containing county by surrendering out-of-place baronies or transferring vassal barons to their de jure lieges.
      • Its new behavior is essentially to the same end, except that it allows all non-de jure barons and baronies to be so long as they're located within the same independent realm. Thus, we've essentially just deactivated it for top realm-internal border gore reduction.
      • Out-of-place baronies are also no longer directly granted to their de jure liege: first, an appropriate type of character is randomly generated to hold the barony, and then they are vassalized to the barony's de jure liege.
  • MINOR:
    • Fleshed-out the Norse-Gael melting pot a bit in terms of smoothness of transition and robustness.
    • Seljuk invasion troops now reinforce much more slowly.
    • Lucky Rulers now enjoy +6 combat skill.
  • FIXES:
    • You now only recieve notifications for buildings destroyed in your own demesne, not every siege in your entire realm.
    • The Immortals, when reborn, now properly share the faith of which Zoroastrian-related faith restored their priesthood.
    • Tributary renewal now only applies to the default and nomadic tributary types.
    • A bug which was preventing tributary CBs from being available to non-nomads has been fixed.
    • The 'special circumstances' variant of the Holy War CB no longer checks for a holy war cooldown, so cooldowns incurred from elsewhere could still block the CB (adding the cooldown when using this CB was removed in a recent version).
    • It is no longer be possible for Norse-Gael melting pot events to fire for provinces or rulers that are already Norse-Gael.

ARKOpack Armoiries (2018-06-21)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.3.1
  • A new set of random CoA for christians (crosses series)
  • Improved CoA frames

ARKOpack Interface (2018-06-21)

  • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.3.1
  • Reduced character sheet to fit 800 pixels high screens
  • Character sheet bottom part clean up
  • Added an alternate religion_icon_strip_deco (with no wooden backgrounds for pagans)
  • Provides a new picture for vertical event type (Codex Manesse style church)




Спасибо пан Витовт13, но уже на патч 2831 где бы еще достать его.

Ссылка на комментарий

17 часов назад, Jagir сказал:

Спасибо пан Витовт13, но уже на патч 2831 где бы еще достать его.





В 21.06.2018 в 16:35, e479 сказал:

Скачайте, ссылку же я кидал сюда - Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
Активатор там уже есть. Перевод возьмете у меня из подписи. Файлы модов помещайте в папку C:\CK2DATA\mod и будет вам счастье



Изменено пользователем vitovt13
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В 24.06.2018 в 12:00, vitovt13 сказал:


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. оффтоп (.)





Дякую за пидтримку. Человеческое спасибо)

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Отто фон Афухбах

А есть руссификатор к моду на версию 2.8.1?

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В 04.07.2018 в 14:49, Отто фон Афухбах сказал:

А есть руссификатор к моду на версию 2.8.1?

Нет, и скорее всего не предвидится от слова совсем.

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В 04.07.2018 в 14:49, Отто фон Афухбах сказал:

А есть руссификатор к моду на версию 2.8.1?

На данный момент русификация мода в процессе, но существует машинный перевод, который подходит к последним версиям.

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В 22.07.2018 в 20:42, Lombardy сказал:

На данный момент русификация мода в процессе, но существует машинный перевод, который подходит к последним версиям.

Можно ссылку или где можно скачать машинный перевод? На какие версий есть ручной перевод?

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8 часов назад, Nikita2205 сказал:

Можно ссылку или где можно скачать машинный перевод? На какие версий есть ручной перевод?

Есть только машинный (здесь 

), ручного пока нет, так как переводом фактически занимаюсь один.

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Отто фон Афухбах

@Lombardy, а на какую версию перевод? 

Ссылка на комментарий

12 часа назад, Lombardy сказал:

Есть только машинный (здесь 

), ручного пока нет, так как переводом фактически занимаюсь один.

Могу я ли чем то помочь, в плане перевода?

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В 12.08.2018 в 08:17, Отто фон Афухбах сказал:

@Lombardy, а на какую версию перевод? 

Подойдет на любую, кардинальных изменений в тексте нет. 

добавлено 3 минуты спустя
В 12.08.2018 в 09:27, Nikita2205 сказал:

Могу я ли чем то помочь, в плане перевода?

Конечно, переводом файлов или проверкой/редактированием готовых материалов на предмет опечаток, лишних пробелов и т.п.   

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12 часа назад, Lombardy сказал:

Подойдет на любую, кардинальных изменений в тексте нет. 

добавлено 3 минуты спустя

Конечно, переводом файлов или проверкой/редактированием готовых материалов на предмет опечаток, лишних пробелов и т.п.   

Где можно этому научиться? Я раньше никогда этим не занимался, но горю желанием перевести мод, ибо он мне показался очень интересным.

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В 14.08.2018 в 07:27, Nikita2205 сказал:

Где можно этому научиться? Я раньше никогда этим не занимался, но горю желанием перевести мод, ибо он мне показался очень интересным.

Да, учиться по большому счету нечему, главное знать язык. 

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Historical Immersion Project   Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP


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zijistark, глава HIP Team


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Interesting changes for russians: The russian cultural name "Rusisku" is replaced with "Ruski" Yassy (Peresechen) is now under the rule of the Tivertsy


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. and Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. got updated! I renamed the slavic faith to "Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Vera"   Have fun!


Новый большой релиз от 6 марта - Frosty2.    Список изменений Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. . Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. /Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


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