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Historical Immersion Project


Historical Immersion Project представляет собой модульный проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов и двух модов, созданных исключительно для HIP (EMF и LTM). Два оригинальных мода теперь устаревшие (PB и VIET).

Во время установки HIP эти модули возможно выбирать независимо друг от друга, т.е. только Вы решаете, что именно Вам нужно:

  • EMF - Является основным модулем изменения механики для HIP. Наследник ныне устаревшего Project Balance.
  • ARKOpack Armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack Interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts - Изменяет горячие клавиши на более удобные, добавляет новые горячие клавиши.
  • CPRplus - Добавляет новые наборы портретов, а также улучшает элементы портретов.
  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
    • MiniSWMH - Саб-мод для SWMH, который значительно улучшает производительность за счет деактивации Индии и некоторых частей Африки на карте. Хорош, если у вас низкая производительность и для многопользовательской игры.
    • SED - Саб-мод для SWMH, который делает локализацию более ориентированной на английский язык. Это может быть предпочтительно, если Вам не нравятся "родные" именования в SWMH.
  • LTM - Это переработка графики для карты, придающая ей более чистый вид и высокую четкость.

Скачать Historical Immersion Project [Frosty3] [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] : Developer LinkMediaFire


Самая актуальная версия всегда доступна по поддерживаемой авторами мода ссылке.

Полезная информация





HIP [Furry7], (версия от 18.05.2019, cовместима с CKII 3.1.1)

Скачать HIP, (cовместима с CKII 3.1)

HIP [Cacao4], (версия от 29.08.2017, cовместима с CKII 2.7.2)

Скачать HIP, (версия от 25.04.2017, cовместима с CKII

HIP [Hades7], (версия от 31.12.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades6], (версия от 25.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.3)

HIP [Hades5], (версия от 17.11.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Hades4], (версия от 25.10.2016, cовместима с CKII 2.6.2)

HIP [Zeus10], (версия от 22.08.2016, cовместима с CKII

Скачать HIP, (версия от 17.07.2016, совместима с CKII 2.5.2)



HIP представляет собой модульную проект, состоящий из пяти ранее независимых модов:

  • SomeWhat More Historical (SWMH)
  • ARKOpack
  • Project Balance
  • New Borders, Rivers, and Terrain+ (NBRT+)
  • Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (VIET)

Эти пять модов разделены в общей сложности восьми модулей. При установки HIP вы сами можете выбрать что именно нужно вам:

  • SWMH - Представляет собой новую карту с добавлением новых культур, исторических династий, персонажей и титулов.
  • ARKOpack armoiries - Улучшает гербы в игре, как династические так и гербы титулов.
  • ARKOpack interface - Придаёт интерфейсу игры совершенно новый вид.
  • Project Balance - Повышает историческую правдоподобность с помощью многочисленных настроек.
  • NBRT+ - Улучшает графическую часть карты игры.
  • VIET Traits - Добавляет ряд врожденных черт. Является частью Project Balance.
  • VIET Events - Добавляет множество новых ивентов.
  • VIET Immersion - Направлена на детальное улучшение различных культур и религий. К сожалению, еще не совместим с модулем SWMH.



Frosty3 (2020-07-10) [changelog thread]

Furry7 (2019-05-18 ) [changelog thread]

Hydra6 (2018-06-21) [changelog thread]

Cacao4 (2017-08-29) [changelog thread]

Hades7 (2016-12-31) [changelog thread]

Release (2016-01-24) [changelog thread]

Release (2015-05-08) [changelog thread]



Общая инструкция по установке модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Обновил состав модулей HIP; changelog заменил ссылками на него; Стандартизация оформления

Закреплённые сообщения
Тихончук Іван
В 27.07.2017 в 17:08, Luskor сказал:

Лучи добра всем,

Хотел создать Латинскую империю. Захватил Константинополь, что привело к распаду Византийской Империи. После этого захватил большую часть Балкан, но не могу создать нужный титул. Вот что было написано в файлах мода.

Столица в Константинополе. Религия - арианство (ересь католицизма). Создать кастомную империю могу. Кто-нибудь знает в чём проблема?


Там кажеться не должно быть византийской империи(титула)

3 часа назад, Тихончук Іван сказал:

Там кажеться не должно быть византийской империи(титула)


привело к распаду Византийской Империи.

Византии как государства уже нет, но проблема была в другом, в опечатке в условиях для создания Латинской империи.

e_latin_empire = {
    color = { 150 105 56 }
    capital = 496 # Byzantion
    short_name = yes
    allow = {
        OR = {
            religion = catholic
            is_heresy_of = catholic
        e_byzantium = { has_holder = no }
        e_roman_empire = { has_holder = no }
        c_bvzantion = { owner_under_ROOT = yes }
        title_emperor_basic_allow = yes

В целом, автор ответил на мой вопрос. Проблема была в том, что в предпоследней строчке написали с_bVzantion, вместо c_byzantion, что и не позволяло создать этот титул. Надеюсь, что это кому-нибудь поможет.


Не могу разобраться как поднять авторитет короны при феодализме выше среднего (нужен для наследования нормального), легализм  3 есть, престиж есть. Играю с лайт переводом поэтому  не все понятно...


5 часов назад, Sharagov.D сказал:

Не могу разобраться как поднять авторитет короны при феодализме выше среднего (нужен для наследования нормального), легализм  3 есть, престиж есть. Играю с лайт переводом поэтому  не все понятно...



Возможно, персонаж уже поднимал авторитет короны. А это можно делать только раз в жизни. 


Точно, спасибо


HIP Release - 2017-08-29 (Cacao4)





  • Always remember to delete any preexisting 'modules/' folder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • HIP is modular: different installer choices yield wildly different forms of HIP, so remember:
    • ALWAYS include your version.txt file from the [default] 'mod/Historical Immersion Project' folder with any posts regarding specific behavior in HIP (especially bug reports). If you don't do this, your post'll be much less useful and is apt to be ignored.
  • One must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts
    • LTM
  • SWMH does not include a 769 bookmark. We've no intention to add one, but there might be an unofficial sub-mod for this in the future.
  • SWMH does not include eastern/southern India but does include Rajastan. We've no intention of adding more of India.
  • MiniSWMH is an official SWMH sub-mod which removes India and the least-relevant parts of Africa in order to provide a higher-performance SWMH alternative.

EMF v7.03

  • MAJOR:
    • Full compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.7.2 (save-compatible)
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] Added new formation mechanics for England (most relevant to campaigns started in 867):
      • In 867, Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia, and Northumbria are all now de jure kingdoms, while the Kingdom of England title is titular.
      • When titular England is formed:
        • England's de jure status will "modernize," becoming the large de jure title with which we're so familiar and rendering those "petty" English kingdoms titular.
        • It will become the creator's primary title.
        • Any "standard" titular kingdom title held by the creator (e.g., Wessex after England absorbs its de jure territory upon formation) will be automatically destroyed if possible.
          • Custom-created kingdom titles will not be destroyed.
      • To form England, the requirements are similar to forming a de jure kingdom: the main difference is that instead of requiring half of the de jure counties of the kingdom, you'll need to control at least half of the English geographical region.
    • Fewer weird AI titular titles and less artificial border gore:
      • In order to reduce border gore induced by artificial game mechanics and reduce instances of strange titles being on the wrong parts of the map consistently, the AI now automatically destroys any titular titles that it holds but no longer requires to remain the same rank.
      • In practice, this is almost exclusively limited to "tribal" titular titles (though some titular titles notorious for artificially inducing border gore via gavelkind, such as the Kingdom of Asturias, will usually also be destroyed by this mechanic eventually). This is functionally very similar to the way in which "tribe=yes" titles worked before CKII v2.2 (Charlemagne) phased out their usage in vanilla.
    • Decline Empire Election self-targeted decision:
      • Sometimes, you don't want to become Emperor. This self-targeted diplo-decision (i.e., available when right-clicking on your own portrait) allows you to waive any right to the inheritance of a feudal elective empire within the lifetime of your current ruler.
      • The waiver cannot be revoked during the lifetime of your ruler, but your successor(s) will inherit normally (unless you use this decision again on them).
      • NOTE: Even after waiving the election, it's still possible/likely to appear within the UI to be the heir to such an empire, but this doesn't matter. The second in the line of succession will inherit the empire upon the death of the Emperor regardless of this minor UI incoherency. Your character will have a visible modifier to remind you that you've waived the election.
    • Casus Belli and Wars:
      • AI is no longer allowed exception to the Medium Crown Authority requirement to use the De Jure Duchy Claim CB. Previously, the CB's extra availability to the AI was motivated by the desire for cleaner borders, and while that was effective, it also led to outcomes such as France reclaiming Normandy far earlier than was historically plausible. Realism and consistency is more important than our anachronistic border aesthetics.
      • AI is no longer allowed to attempt to make the AI Magyars a tributary until they've either migrated into the Carpathian Basin (due to losing enough provinces to their neighbors) or the year 920. This should improve the likelihood that the Magyars will migrate into the Carpathians, because if they gain tributary status, they're not likely to lose any more provinces on the Steppe.
      • [ SWMH ONLY ] Added new, more historically suited and highly sophisticated CB to be used in the various wars in the Viking Invasion of Britain (TOG). Also fixed-up the initial scripted invasion setup from SWMH, as it was in poor shape.
      • HRE Unification Claim CB:
        • Now works like a hybrid claim-and-subjugate CB which actively tries to minimize as much conquest-induced border gore as possible.
        • Previously, if the player had a strong or pressable weak claim on the target kingdom, the CB was blocked in favor of using the standard Claim CB. This is no longer the case; if both CB types are valid for you, you can choose your poison. TIP: If you can afford its [massive] prestige cost, the HRE Unification Claim CB will work better in general and in your favor (with virtually no downside beside the cost).
      • Added Capture Italian Border CB for Sicilian-region Normans vs. the Byzantine Empire:
        • Seizes all Byzantine border counties (within the Sicilian region) on success. [This is quite a lot!]
        • Costs 200 piety (twice the county conquest CB) to use. Related: If either this new CB or the slightly older Norman County Conquest CB invalidate for any reason, your piety costs will be now be refunded.
        • Careful: if you lose such an offensive war, the reverse demand from the Emperor is going to be especially steep for what is essentially a state of total war (upon a medieval budget). Seek a white peace if things have gone sour, as they oft unpredictably do when trying to fight the Roman Empire.
        • EMF will automatically hide the regular Norman County Conquest CB so long as at least 2 such counties would be seized using this CB, and otherwise, the Norman County Conquest CB is available instead.
    • Tribes:
      • Nerfed the base levy & tax provided by tribal holdings very significantly. Tribes will be significantly weaker at outset of the game, but those which can earn enough money and prestige to develop their tribal holdings will quickly grow in power as the game progresses, remaining nevertheless still slightly weaker than previously when fully-developed too. This seems to have addressed a lot of tribal balance issues (and increases difficulty in a fun way).
      • Tribal vassals will now be slightly less enthusiastic about answering call-to-arms from their liege (but still much more enthusiastic than a regular call-to-arms).
      • All tribal unit spawns now suffer standard attrition (previously was only half) and have a double-duration cooldown of 3 years.
    • Defensive pagans:
      • All such religions have had their levy size bonuses eliminated and their garrison size bonuses standardized (usually reduced).
      • The mercenary decision Summon Devout Warriors now costs +50% piety.
    • Halfdan, Ivar, Ubbe, and Sigurdr (of the alleged Ragnar Lodbrok) will now never offer to swear fealty to a Christian king when losing to them in a war, and they will also never use the Convert to Attacker Religion decision that more or less amounts to the same.
    • (867) A Future with Better Progression toward Ottonian-like HRE Formation:
      • This feature is actually still WIP, and it is intended to be later complemented by another module that actually waits and finds "potential Ottos" and improves the chances that they'll rise to power. For now, we've only worked on the other side of the equation: if a non-Karling does somehow gain a traditionally Karling title from a Karling, they and potentially their successor(s) will receive a small bonus to make it more likely that they'll rise even further.
        • If Historical Outcome Promotion is set to Sandbox, none of this will happen.
        • This is part of our personal philosophy on dynamism in the game: when the AI manages to do great things on its own, give it positive feedback so that it might be able to do even greater things. Of course, this requires a sense of scope and balance, but the idea is to avoid a mess of vaguely interesting AIs and instead promote several that stand out with their own story (and that of those they vanquished).
      • Initial availability of the HRE Unification Claim CB has been slowed so that it's more possible for non-Karlings to re-create the HRE. However, it speeds up after 900 AD and continues doing so until 950 when there is no further impedence. This has purely pragmatic motivations.
      • Independence factions will be less feisty within the Frankish Realm if the HRE is still considered being restored.
      • The AI will not declare war with the HRE Unification Claim CB upon targets defending against a civil war (again, purely pragmatic motivations).
    • Tweaked the Turmoil in The East (1219) bookmark's timing and selectable characters, as one (Yolande) was essentially an automatic game-over.
    • The religious head title for East African Pagan Reformed now has creation requirements.
    • Better Submodding / Personal Modding Support to Come: emf_config:
      • The emf_config module will provide a central place (events/emf_config.txt) where the 3 main types of EMF "configuration" occur:
          • Before EMF does its own campaign initialization
          • After it does initialization (but before the welcome event)
          • Upon every save/reload of a previous savegame (for preserving save-compatibility as the configuration changes)
        • While that file will explain a ton of variables and flags that can be set there and sets its own defaults, there is a separate file events/emf_config_user.txt which contains 3 empty events invoked right after "vanilla EMF" has done whatever it was going to do in each configuration stage. This is the perfect place for a submod / your personal mod to override and tweak a sweeping amount of behavior with absolutely minimal conflict with actual EMF files, making your diffs upon new releases either easy or trivial.
        • These are tweaks & behavioral changes that are inappropriate for game rules, BTW. Some game rules might spawn from the popularity of certain configuration options, but that is merely a bonus.
        • At the time of this release, what's configurable via emf_config is largely limited to the behavior of the first pass at a new feature in particular (as well as the behavior of our mechanics that prevent nomadic province culture / religion erasure, e.g. Leave A Tribe Behind). In the future, much more will be made simple to tweak via this interface.
  • FIXES:
    • MAJOR: As an Imperial liege, you may now grant kingdoms to feudal dukes in order to convert them to Imperial government too. This was always intended behavior.
    • Imperial Decay:
      • "Historical" decay ratings (i.e., set in history files) are again respected, so, e.g., the Byzantine Empire starts with a rating of 30 and the HRE with a rating of 10 in 1066, while the Abbasid Caliphate starts with a rating of 50 in 867.
      • MAJOR: Mechanic should now work properly across save & reload! A change in the way the base game considers variables in CKII v2.7.1 activated a dormant bug in EMF which resulted in decay ratings resetting to 0 when they shouldn't.
    • Fixed all instances of code suffering from a regression in the base game regarding character creation. Specifically, it gave them a random dynasty when it should not, and it randomized certain traits when it should not. Notable affected cases (not nec. all the time): Rollo/Hrolfr, Seljuk, Timur, Sabuktagin, Temujin and much of his family, the Imamah Claimant (a Fatimid), the founder of the Assassins (usually Hassan i-Assan), reincarnations of Isis, etc. Thanks to @Mafiabrett for the identification of the solution to the problem.
    • Fixed a crash resulting from Crusade Adventurers when the code is deciding what to do with them after a Crusade. Fixed some other Crusade code oversights.
    • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Fixed the Latin Empire being impossible to create.
    • Isis will stop getting the Uncrowned trait, along with potentially other rulers of primary-type titles.
    • Catharism, Bogomilism, and Manichaeanism have always been designed by us to be religions which can support Investiture Law (religious head picks bishops vs. choice of free investiture). However, at some point CK2 started caring that we weren't also defining these religions as having the investiture feature (previously, it was enough to make the law available and have a religious head); now, the Investiture mechanic (including the appropriate Councils of Elders and other such variants upon the College of Cardinals enabled by the Sons of Abraham DLC) works like a charm for these religions again.

SWMH v3.03

  • In 867, England is now comprised of four de jure Anglo-Saxon kingdoms: East Anglia, Mercia, Northumbria, Wessex
  • Additionally, Strathclyde is now a de jure kingdom in 867
  • Tweaks to the situation in southern Russia in 867, particularly around Kiev
  • Pechenegs are no longer unified in 867
  • Cuman tweaks: some territorial tweaks between the Cumans and the Kipchaks, and eastern Kipchak territory is now a separate horde (Qangli/Kankalis)
  • Tweaks to define values related to nomads
  • Kiev is now a port
  • Channel Islands are de jure France in 867

CPRplus 2.8.3

    • Added an Assyrian portrait set, used by the Assyrian culture [SWMH only]
    • Kurdish portrait now has its own face assets
    • Bohemian, West Slavic, East Slavic, and South Slavic portrait types now switch based on religion (whether pagan or non-pagan) rather than before/after the year 950
    • Late-era variants added for late-era Coptic portrait set [SWMH only]
    • Adjustments to pupil size and color across all portraits
    • Slightly increased the Personal Combat Skills requirement for the special armors
    • Norse-Gael children now use Celtic child icons
    • Early-era Breton characters now wear
    • Andalusian Arabic characters no longer wear Western special armors [SWMH only]
    • Pupil location adjustment to the Norse portrait
    • Fixed the wrong layer order with the Saxon portrait




Хлебушный Макорошек

Выскакивает HIP exe. Я не могу понять как установить?


16 часов назад, Хлебушный Макорошек сказал:

Выскакивает HIP exe. Я не могу понять как установить?



Запускаешь HIP.exe. Жмешь всегда Enter. В папке с инсталятором появится папка с модом и .mod файл. Их скидываешь в моды. Все. 

Хлебушный Макорошек
5 часов назад, Virus25rus сказал:


Запускаешь HIP.exe. Жмешь всегда Enter. В папке с инсталятором появится папка с модом и .mod файл. Их скидываешь в моды. Все. 


Хлебушный Макорошек

Мод не обновлялся?

Чёрный Рыцарь

Подскажите, есть ли русификатор для мода? Желательно бы фулл конечно, но какой есть хотяб


В теме локализации этого мода есть машинописный перевод. Он уже не подходит ?@Чёрный Рыцарь

Чёрный Рыцарь
11 минуту назад, zzzwolle сказал:

В теме локализации этого мода есть машинописный перевод. Он уже не подходит ?@Чёрный Рыцарь

22 октября писал, уже давно нашел, но он так и не пригодился, взялся за СК2+


Подскажите пожалуйста, идет ли HIP для 2.7.2 на 2.8 / есть ли информация по обнове до 2.8?

4 часа назад, Droococoo сказал:

Подскажите пожалуйста, идет ли HIP для 2.7.2 на 2.8 / есть ли информация по обнове до 2.8?


Не идет. 
Учитывая, как выходили другие обновы, через три-четыре недели будет.

3 часа назад, Virus25rus сказал:


Не идет. 
Учитывая, как выходили другие обновы, через три-четыре недели будет.


Про обнову не слышно?


HIP Release - 2017-12-11 (Hydra1)




This release is for CKII v2.8.1. It is not compatible with any old save games.


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting 'modules/' folder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • HIP is modular: different installer choices yield wildly different forms of HIP, so remember:
    • ALWAYS include your version.txt file from the [default] 'mod/Historical Immersion Project' folder with any posts regarding specific behavior in HIP (especially bug reports). If you don't do this, your post'll be much less useful and is apt to be ignored.
  • One must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts
    • LTM
  • SWMH does not include a 769 bookmark. We've no intention to add one, but there might be an unofficial sub-mod for this in the future.
  • SWMH does not include eastern/southern India but does include Rajastan. We've no intention of adding more of India.
  • MiniSWMH is an official SWMH sub-mod which removes India and the least-relevant parts of Africa in order to provide a higher-performance SWMH alternative.

EMF v8.0

  • MAJOR:
    • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.1 (Jade Dragon)
    • All duke-tier Holy War CBs (3) now use a new mechanic unlike any other: Religious Subjugation
      • Goals include challenge improvement, reduction of the "gamey" factor of holy war with a much more realistic model of it, preservation of historically relevant dynasties, much more dynamic and complex outcomes, and promotion of culturally diverse realms with more religious aftermath and without losing the "spoils of war" fun factor (i.e., still going to gain land for yourself).
      • When a holy war is won, the holy warrior will choose among three strategic integration choices on a spectrum from open arms to mailed fist that shall set the tone of their peace terms to the conquered.
        • This choice will significantly impact not only how the conquest itself will complete but also the integration of the affected peasant population and spread of the conqueror's faith locally for many years to come.
        • An in-game tooltip will remind you of the pros & cons of each side of the spectrum of three choices.
      • The war loser will then be presented with an ultimatum: bend the knee and convert to conqueror's religion, or forfeit all of their titles within the target duchy.
      • If the war loser refuses to submit, then the same ultimatum will be given to each of their direct vassals whom have subrealm titles that are de jure vassals of the duchy.
        • If any of them also refuse, the ultimatums will continue descending the realm tree.
      • If a ruler receives such an ultimatum and chooses to bend the knee:
        • They'll be able to choose to either truly convert religion or only publicly (i.e., take their old faith as a secret religion).
        • If they are of the same tier/rank as the war winner, their same-tier titles will be destroyed.
        • They'll ask all of their vassals to convert with them (a request which will also descend recursively down the realm tree from liege to direct vassal).
          • Such vassals will have 3 options: truly convert, only publicly convert (i.e., take old faith as secret religion), or flat out refuse to convert at all.
            • If they refuse outright, they will not ask their direct vassals to convert with them, of course, so the conversion down the realm tree will stop with them.
      • Whenever a ruler mass-converts in these ways, so will all close kin, spouses, and dynasty members in their court convert with them.
      • Forcing a pagan king to bend the knee and convert might trigger the sainthood mechanic (for either the convertor or converted, depending).
      • Once all decisions on the war loser realm's side have been made, the winner will receive an event showing exactly what will happen (who bent the knee; which titles will be usurped; and statistics like total number of nobles converted, titles seized, and same-religion lords liberated, etc.)
        • If no counties would've been seized at all, then the option to usurp a single county (despite promises made otherwise in those ultimatums, which does have ramifications) will be provided for up to 3 different counties selected according to both the base criterion allowing it to be usurped at all and their fitness (i.e., the top 0-3 counties in terms of holding count). Base criterion for being allowed to usurp a county (in the target duchy) in this case:
          • The owner of the county has at least another county.
          • The owner of the county is AI-controlled (need to think more about this in multiplayer, hence this restriction).
          • There were at least 2 total possible counties that could've been gained in the war (if every ruler had refused the ultimatum and all titles were taken).
      • Note that no king-tier holy war CBs have been adapted to use this mechanic yet, but it seems likely in the future that this very dynamic sort of approach will again be applied.
      • For submodders:
        • The Holy War (both regular and 'special circumstances' variant) and Religious Reconquest CBs' usage of this new Religious Subjugation mechanic may be toggled with the older, traditional holy war success effect via a flag which can be set in emf_config. This saves having to override all of 00_cb_types.txt if the old way is desired.
        • As always, see events/emf_config.txt for the documentation / example usage and override/modify events/emf_config_user.txt to actually change the configuration.
    • Better Religious Rebels:
      • The religious [peasant] revolt mechanic has been completely rewritten from vanilla. Religious rebels can now:
        • Spawn from multiple nearby revolt source provinces as well as welcome other rebels of their religion from other provinces into the fold as the rebellion rages.
        • Call-to-arms nearby independent coreligionists to seek assistance in their rebellion.
        • Loot every settlement they sack.
        • Press coreligionist peasants from provinces of their religion into their army upon occupying a settlement. Can you say, "wildfire?"
        • Actually be a challenge to defeat.
        • If they win the rebellion:
          • They'll usually form an aesthetically pleasing and yet organically formed realm, rather than a smattering of random counties or a perfect little de jurechunk of land.
          • Form a titular duchy until/if they can form a de jure title. These duchies are named, e.g., "Catholic Segovia."
          • They'll receive the new Peasant Ruler trait and some survivability bonuses for the first generation.
      • Such revolts are now much more causally linked to holy wars and their chosen integration policy: if you holy war a bunch or are very harsh, expect some trouble. This is in contrast to the vanilla system for revolts in which there is very rarely any clear link between why a given province revolted and your actions as a ruler.
    • Imperial Decay Facelift:
      • Imperial Decay is now a percentage from 0-100%, with distinct effects which follow a curve of downward spiral at every percentage point.
      • Its effects have become considerably more sinister.
      • A character's exact ID rating can now be seen either via the usual character modifier or via their portrait tooltip.
      • The Lower Imperial Decay decision can now be used when your decay rating is as low as 3%.
    • A whole ton of unlogged changes and fixes, frankly. We didn't have the time to catch-up the changelog to all of the development this cycle. But, here's some of it:
    • Titular title automatic destruction:
      • Now also applies to the player, but not when the player has made a titular title his primary title or when the player has specifically created the titular title.
      • Does not fully deactivate titles after destroying them but instead simply marks them as defunct and prevents their creation (and that 'Titles You Can Create' alert). This allows the titles to be found via 'Find Title/Region', viewed in the title screen, and their history to still be viewed.
    • Titular title creation:
      • Titular duchy creation is now disabled for the AI, as it was creating them pathologically to no end.
      • Titular kingdoms can once again be created, but the creator must be independent and either have at least 5 counties in their subrealm or be a republic.
    • Two new cultural melting pots: Neapolitan and Sicilian
      • Both melting pots are "top-down" (convert lieges before their direct vassals), and a player in the crosshairs of either melting pot has the option to stick with his current culture. If he does so, all of his vassals will also resist the melting pot.
      • Both melting pots will start some time after 1100 and should definitely be wrapped up by 1150 and require a liege source culture that is Norman/Frankish in origin.
      • Neapolitan culture will now arise in its corresponding region with other, additional allowed vassal/courtier/province source cultures of:
        • SWMH ONLY ] Greek, Umbrian, Laziale, Tuscan, Lombard, and Langobardisch (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish/Arpitan).
        • VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Italian and Greek (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish).
      • Sicilian culture will now arise in its corresponding region with other, additional allowed vassal/courtier/province source cultures of:
        • SWMH ONLY ] Arabic (entire culture group), Greek, Umbrian, Laziale, Tuscan, Lombard, and Langobardisch (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish/Arpitan).
        • VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Arabic (entire culture group), Italian, and Greek (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish).
      • Note that the Sicilian melting pot only takes place on the Island of Sicily and within Calabria, whereas the Neapolitan melting pot covers the rest of the Kingdom of Sicily.
      • Additionally, the English melting pot has been rewritten to use the same basic logic as the Sicilian and Neapolitan melting pots; this approach is simply more robust and flexible.
    • Western Christians (e.g., Catholics) that aren't heretics may now target pagans in the Saxony/Pomerania/Bohemia/Moravia region with the 'special circumstances' variant of the Holy War CB, which costs no piety.
      • To qualify as an attacker, none of your lieges (if any) may differ from your religion.
    • The 'special circumstances' variant of the Holy War CB has been tweaked (aside from using the new religious subjugation mechanic):
      • Reduced truce timer (5 years instead of 10)
      • No longer incurs a holy war cooldown
    • Plotting to revoke a vassal barony is once again allowed.
      • Previously, we retracted the feature (and it was never in vanilla), because we felt that it was too gamey in practice. This was due to myriad issues: one example would be that the player can raise their levies and park them over the baron's capital province prior to the war actually starting (because plot-fired wars are scripted and bypass the no-raised-levies rule), winning the war and getting a free revocation without a fight.
      • However, this is also a rather nice little feature to have, so we've taken some measures to address those issues.
        • They'll put up a bit more of a fight reliably now.
        • There is a 7 year cooldown on plot-revoking a barony. If you need a second barony faster, you'll simply have to revoke it the normal way.
      • Note that to qualify to plot-revoke a barony, the following conditions must be met:
        • It must be within one of your held counties for which the de jure duchy title is also personally held or that duchy contains your capital.
        • You must be duke- or higher-tier.
        • You cannot be a merchant republic (they don't get to revoke stuff willy nilly).
    • VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Added new culture Neapolitan with proper cultural buildings, cultural retinues, and cultural command tactics. Neapolitan already existed on SWMH.
    • Added cultural command tactic preferences for flank leaders of the following cultures:
      • Swedish
      • Danish
      • Icelandic
      • SWMH ONLY ] Umbrian
      • SWMH ONLY ] Laziale
      • SWMH ONLY ] Dalmatian
    • Deactivated the Demand Gavelkind player-only targeted decision added as part of the Reaper's Due DLC, because it makes no freakin' sense beyond "stuff that would be cool if I wanted to be gamey."
    • When (and if) the Kingdom of Hungary is created as a result of the Magyar migration into the Carpathian Basin, all claims on the Magyar tribal kingdom title will be transferred to the new Hungary title before the tribal title is destroyed.
    • Better handling of logic throughout EMF for determining whether a character will inherit titles, specifically with regard to the case of prevailing Religion Head Investiture law and characters nominated to be bishops.
    • Traits like UncrownedCrowned By The Pope, and others that pertain to current rulership status are now removed immediately upon all abdications (rather than waiting for a maintenance pulse to fix it).
    • The decision Convert to Attacker Religion has been fully removed. Note that there are now other mechanics in EMF which do accomplish virtually the same thing but with a lot more style and a lot fewer issues.
    • The "Constantine's Return" event which can convert the ERE to Iconoclast if losing in multiple wars will no longer affect the TOG (867) bookmark -- only the Charlemagne (769) start.
    • SWMH ONLY ] Finns and Balts, while they can still raid, are no longer considered seafarers, so these AIs will no longer range far and wide with their mighty tribal navies to raid.
    • SWMH ONLY ] Most of the North African / Berber cultures are now considered seafarers, so they will occasionally show up on your shores to raid.
    • The AI will now only accept skilled Jewish courtiers into their court (via the fairly common event that spawns them) if they already have some sort of Jew at court. This might be made less strict in the future, as efforts have been made in the base game in CKII v2.8.0 to stop the rampant issues with realms turning Jewish in no time flat due to Jewish educators.
    • By request of a submodder, we've added 'custom_jerusalem' and 'custom_mesopotamia' geographical regions to EMF. [It is very difficult to keep these files synchronized if overriding them as a submodder.]
    • The AI, unless a Patrician / Merchant Republic, now has minimum income requirements to hire new retinues. It's for their own good.
  • FIXES:
    • The "not interested in hearing about this [claimant] adventurer's every movement" options in the events which notify you of the travels of the claimant adventurer which is targeting you were not working as intended; they will now actually stop such notifications from being sent to you. (thanks @Toa Kraka)
    • Imperial Reconquest CB again properly forces you to use its tiered conquest system rather than all territory under any of the conquest regions being a valid target (was kind of like vanilla but still limited to the sum of all the tiered regions, in the previous version).
    • The Norman County Conquest CB tooltip is now fully consistent in describing that it costs 100 piety to use (rather than claiming 200 in one place and 100 in another).
    • Cosmetic fix to the Sainthood announcement event (mismatched event window border dimensions).

SWMH v3.1

    • Extended the playable timeline backwards to 1018, complete with appropriate character, province, title histories, and bookmarks
    • HRE and Poland reoverhauled: New provinces, new flags, and many hundreds of new title holders and their extended families
    • Introduction of the Kingdoms of Guge and Kashmir from the Vanilla setup
    • New Duchies for Kabulistan (Walishan and Kabul) Khorasan (Guzgan), and Mauretania (Sijilmasa
    • New provinces for Zabolestan (Bamiyan) and the Tarim Basin (Yarkand and Niya)
    • Overhaul of the Ilkhanate history setup, with disintegration of the realm in the late period
    • Additions of various late-period Byzantine characters in positions of power
    • The Niklotid family now turn Low-German and changes into the von Mecklemburg dynasty around 1230
    • Introduced Cadet Branches to the existing von Babenberg family tree (von Sulzbach, von Schweinfürt etc.)
    • Changed most of Golden Horde vassals into Tributary States
    • Revised holy sites for Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Bon
    • Overhaul of the setup of Wales (credit and thanks given to AdmiralFischer) with various changes and additions of lots of new characters and dynasties
    • Overhaul of several Muslim family trees, with special attention given to Noblewomen (Uqaylids, Fatimids, Zirids, Sulayhids, Umayyads etc.)
    • Several revisions to the policy, status, and emperors of China
    • More details to Nasrid, Qutlugh-Khanid, and Kartid characters

CPRplus 2.9.2

    • Incorporated Chinese and Tibetan portraits
    • Incorporated previously SWMH-only Assyrian and Khotanese portraits to vanilla game (Assyrian and Saka cultures, respectively)
    • New “cool” armors for Byzantine, East Slavic, and some South Slavic culture group characters
    • New assets for Orthodox priests
    • Removed all CPR-legacy custom portraits save for the “Urzhailian” portrait
    • Skin tone adjustments for various Indian portraits
    • Eye asset adjustments for Assamese portrait
    • “Special” Chinese armors are now available to emperor-/king-tier characters of Han, Khitan, or Jurchen culture and Han, Khitan, or Jurchen-cultured Marshal of an emperor-tier Han, Khitan, or Jurchen character
    • Khitan portrait uses Chinese headgear and clothes
    • Additional cosmetic elements for Sogdian headgear
    • Taoist Han males are no longer exempt from going bald by virtue of being Taoist [Vanilla bug]

ARKOpack Armoiries (2017-12-09)

  • MAJOR:
    • 2.8.1 upgrade
    • specific sets of random CoA for Finnic pagans, Slavic pagans, Baltic pagan (so they won't used anymore Norse specific stuff)
  • MINOR:
    • some dynastic names improvments by ese-khan
    • updated some colours for random coats of arms
    • made army banners CoA-shaped for christian world
    • some new France flags (Valois, Orleans, Vexin, Paris and such, based on de France/Capetian lillies)
    • adds a new CoA frame for chinese stuff (taoist)
    • old flags cleanup
    • stole some CoA from SWMH and vice-versa
    • redrew some others CoA (Ireland, Aquitaine, Normandy, China...)
    • various addition for christian random coa (a few templates and emblems for now - more to come later on)
    • adds some CoA template for taoists
    • some few improved versions of coa templates for random CoA

ARKOpack Interface (2017-12-09)

  • MAJOR:
    • 2.8.1 upgrade
    • new event type available (see a preview here)
  • MINOR:
    • some improvments and new stuff around in religion icons background in character sheet
    • on-map land tradeposts are les enORMOUS
    • fixed vanilla rally point icons being too shiny in an out of place way
  • FIXES:
    • various graphical and positions tweaks
    • wrong favor icon used and fixing its positions
    • long events options are now displayed correctly
    • character modifiers zone size in character view
    • fixed vanilla uglyness and misalignements in realm view
    • indian military view oddities
    • claim coa frames dimensions were a bit off
    • off-map power window having a too short to display long chima empire names

LTM (C) compatch for 2.8 and SWMH

  • Adjusted brightness for the new terrain-in-wasteland feature
  • Removed normal maps for the new terrain-in-wasteland feature (as it was in previous versions)
  • Adjusted ice texture for the new terrain-in-wasteland feature
  • Updated mapitems to include JD CoAs
  • Adjusted Hungarian lakes to match
  • Adjusted Indus delta to match SWMH
  • Adjusted Indus delta to match SWMH
  • Adjusted Pommeranian coast to match SWMH
  • More farmland along the Nile




HIP Release - 2017-12-14 (Hydra2)




This release is for CKII v2.8.1. It is compatible with old savegames from all HIP releases for CKII v2.8.X (Hydra1).


  • Always remember to delete any preexisting 'modules/' folder before extracting the release download into your mod folder.
  • HIP is modular: different installer choices yield wildly different forms of HIP, so remember:
    • ALWAYS include your version.txt file from the [default] 'mod/Historical Immersion Project' folder with any posts regarding specific behavior in HIP (especially bug reports). If you don't do this, your post'll be much less useful and is apt to be ignored.
  • One must use the same modules as previously used with old savegames. Exceptions which may be enabled or disabled at your pleasure:
    • SED: English Localisation for SWMH
    • ARKOpack Interface
    • Arumba and Internal Tab Shortcuts
    • LTM
  • SWMH does not include a 769 bookmark. We've no intention to add one, but there might be an unofficial sub-mod for this in the future.
  • SWMH does not include eastern/southern India but does include Rajastan. We've no intention of adding more of India.
  • MiniSWMH is an official SWMH sub-mod which removes India and the least-relevant parts of Africa in order to provide a higher-performance SWMH alternative.

EMF v8.0

  • MAJOR:
    • Compatibility patch with Crusader Kings II v2.8.1 (Jade Dragon)
    • All duke-tier Holy War CBs (3) now use a new mechanic unlike any other: Religious Subjugation
      • Goals include challenge improvement, reduction of the "gamey" factor of holy war with a much more realistic model of it, preservation of historically relevant dynasties, much more dynamic and complex outcomes, and promotion of culturally diverse realms with more religious aftermath and without losing the "spoils of war" fun factor (i.e., still going to gain land for yourself).
      • When a holy war is won, the holy warrior will choose among three strategic integration choices on a spectrum from open arms to mailed fist that shall set the tone of their peace terms to the conquered.
        • This choice will significantly impact not only how the conquest itself will complete but also the integration of the affected peasant population and spread of the conqueror's faith locally for many years to come.
        • An in-game tooltip will remind you of the pros & cons of each side of the spectrum of three choices.
      • The war loser will then be presented with an ultimatum: bend the knee and convert to conqueror's religion, or forfeit all of their titles within the target duchy.
      • If the war loser refuses to submit, then the same ultimatum will be given to each of their direct vassals whom have subrealm titles that are de jure vassals of the duchy.
        • If any of them also refuse, the ultimatums will continue descending the realm tree.
      • If a ruler receives such an ultimatum and chooses to bend the knee:
        • They'll be able to choose to either truly convert religion or only publicly (i.e., take their old faith as a secret religion).
        • If they are of the same tier/rank as the war winner, their same-tier titles will be destroyed.
        • They'll ask all of their vassals to convert with them (a request which will also descend recursively down the realm tree from liege to direct vassal).
          • Such vassals will have 3 options: truly convert, only publicly convert (i.e., take old faith as secret religion), or flat out refuse to convert at all.
            • If they refuse outright, they will not ask their direct vassals to convert with them, of course, so the conversion down the realm tree will stop with them.
      • Whenever a ruler mass-converts in these ways, so will all close kin, spouses, and dynasty members in their court convert with them.
      • Forcing a pagan king to bend the knee and convert might trigger the sainthood mechanic (for either the convertor or converted, depending).
      • Once all decisions on the war loser realm's side have been made, the winner will receive an event showing exactly what will happen (who bent the knee; which titles will be usurped; and statistics like total number of nobles converted, titles seized, and same-religion lords liberated, etc.)
        • If no counties would've been seized at all, then the option to usurp a single county (despite promises made otherwise in those ultimatums, which does have ramifications) will be provided for up to 3 different counties selected according to both the base criterion allowing it to be usurped at all and their fitness (i.e., the top 0-3 counties in terms of holding count). Base criterion for being allowed to usurp a county (in the target duchy) in this case:
          • The owner of the county has at least another county.
          • The owner of the county is AI-controlled (need to think more about this in multiplayer, hence this restriction).
          • There were at least 2 total possible counties that could've been gained in the war (if every ruler had refused the ultimatum and all titles were taken).
      • Note that no king-tier holy war CBs have been adapted to use this mechanic yet, but it seems likely in the future that this very dynamic sort of approach will again be applied.
      • For submodders:
        • The Holy War (both regular and 'special circumstances' variant) and Religious Reconquest CBs' usage of this new Religious Subjugation mechanic may be toggled with the older, traditional holy war success effect via a flag which can be set in emf_config. This saves having to override all of 00_cb_types.txt if the old way is desired.
        • As always, see events/emf_config.txt for the documentation / example usage and override/modify events/emf_config_user.txt to actually change the configuration.
    • Better Religious Rebels:
      • The religious [peasant] revolt mechanic has been completely rewritten from vanilla. Religious rebels can now:
        • Spawn from multiple nearby revolt source provinces as well as welcome other rebels of their religion from other provinces into the fold as the rebellion rages.
        • Call-to-arms nearby independent coreligionists to seek assistance in their rebellion.
        • Loot every settlement they sack.
        • Press coreligionist peasants from provinces of their religion into their army upon occupying a settlement. Can you say, "wildfire?"
        • Actually be a challenge to defeat.
        • If they win the rebellion:
          • They'll usually form an aesthetically pleasing and yet organically formed realm, rather than a smattering of random counties or a perfect little de jure chunk of land.
          • Form a titular duchy until/if they can form a de jure title. These duchies are named, e.g., "Catholic Segovia."
          • They'll receive the new Peasant Ruler trait and some survivability bonuses for the first generation.
      • Such revolts are now much more causally linked to holy wars and their chosen integration policy: if you holy war a bunch or are very harsh, expect some trouble. This is in contrast to the vanilla system for revolts in which there is very rarely any clear link between why a given province revolted and your actions as a ruler.
    • Imperial Decay Facelift:
      • Imperial Decay is now a percentage from 0-100%, with distinct effects which follow a curve of downward spiral at every percentage point.
      • Its effects have become considerably more sinister.
      • A character's exact ID rating can now be seen either via the usual character modifier or via their portrait tooltip.
      • The Lower Imperial Decay decision can now be used when your decay rating is as low as 3%.
    • A whole ton of unlogged changes and fixes, frankly. We didn't have the time to catch-up the changelog to all of the development this cycle. But, here's some of it:
    • Titular title automatic destruction:
      • Now also applies to the player, but not when the player has made a titular title his primary title or when the player has specifically created the titular title.
      • Does not fully deactivate titles after destroying them but instead simply marks them as defunct and prevents their creation (and that 'Titles You Can Create' alert). This allows the titles to be found via 'Find Title/Region', viewed in the title screen, and their history to still be viewed.
    • Titular title creation:
      • Titular duchy creation is now disabled for the AI, as it was creating them pathologically to no end.
      • Titular kingdoms can once again be created, but the creator must be independent and either have at least 5 counties in their subrealm or be a republic.
    • Two new cultural melting pots: Neapolitan and Sicilian
      • Both melting pots are "top-down" (convert lieges before their direct vassals), and a player in the crosshairs of either melting pot has the option to stick with his current culture. If he does so, all of his vassals will also resist the melting pot.
      • Both melting pots will start some time after 1100 and should definitely be wrapped up by 1150 and require a liege source culture that is Norman/Frankish in origin.
      • Neapolitan culture will now arise in its corresponding region with other, additional allowed vassal/courtier/province source cultures of:
        • [ SWMH ONLY ] Greek, Umbrian, Laziale, Tuscan, Lombard, and Langobardisch (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish/Arpitan).
        • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Italian and Greek (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish).
      • Sicilian culture will now arise in its corresponding region with other, additional allowed vassal/courtier/province source cultures of:
        • [ SWMH ONLY ] Arabic (entire culture group), Greek, Umbrian, Laziale, Tuscan, Lombard, and Langobardisch (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish/Arpitan).
        • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Arabic (entire culture group), Italian, and Greek (plus liege cultures of Norman/Frankish).
      • Note that the Sicilian melting pot only takes place on the Island of Sicily and within Calabria, whereas the Neapolitan melting pot covers the rest of the Kingdom of Sicily.
      • Additionally, the English melting pot has been rewritten to use the same basic logic as the Sicilian and Neapolitan melting pots; this approach is simply more robust and flexible.
    • Western Christians (e.g., Catholics) that aren't heretics may now target pagans in the Saxony/Pomerania/Bohemia/Moravia region with the 'special circumstances' variant of the Holy War CB, which costs no piety.
      • To qualify as an attacker, none of your lieges (if any) may differ from your religion.
    • The 'special circumstances' variant of the Holy War CB has been tweaked (aside from using the new religious subjugation mechanic):
      • Reduced truce timer (5 years instead of 10)
      • No longer incurs a holy war cooldown
    • Plotting to revoke a vassal barony is once again allowed.
      • Previously, we retracted the feature (and it was never in vanilla), because we felt that it was too gamey in practice. This was due to myriad issues: one example would be that the player can raise their levies and park them over the baron's capital province prior to the war actually starting (because plot-fired wars are scripted and bypass the no-raised-levies rule), winning the war and getting a free revocation without a fight.
      • However, this is also a rather nice little feature to have, so we've taken some measures to address those issues.
        • They'll put up a bit more of a fight reliably now.
        • There is a 7 year cooldown on plot-revoking a barony. If you need a second barony faster, you'll simply have to revoke it the normal way.
      • Note that to qualify to plot-revoke a barony, the following conditions must be met:
        • It must be within one of your held counties for which the de jure duchy title is also personally held or that duchy contains your capital.
        • You must be duke- or higher-tier.
        • You cannot be a merchant republic (they don't get to revoke stuff willy nilly).
    • [ VANILLA MAP ONLY ] Added new culture Neapolitan with proper cultural buildings, cultural retinues, and cultural command tactics. Neapolitan already existed on SWMH.
    • Added cultural command tactic preferences for flank leaders of the following cultures:
      • Swedish
      • Danish
      • Icelandic
      • [ SWMH ONLY ] Umbrian
      • [ SWMH ONLY ] Laziale
      • [ SWMH ONLY ] Dalmatian
    • Deactivated the Demand Gavelkind player-only targeted decision added as part of the Reaper's Due DLC, because it makes no freakin' sense beyond "stuff that would be cool if I wanted to be gamey."
    • When (and if) the Kingdom of Hungary is created as a result of the Magyar migration into the Carpathian Basin, all claims on the Magyar tribal kingdom title will be transferred to the new Hungary title before the tribal title is destroyed.
    • Better handling of logic throughout EMF for determining whether a character will inherit titles, specifically with regard to the case of prevailing Religion Head Investiture law and characters nominated to be bishops.
    • Traits like Uncrowned, Crowned By The Pope, and others that pertain to current rulership status are now removed immediately upon all abdications (rather than waiting for a maintenance pulse to fix it).
    • The decision Convert to Attacker Religion has been fully removed. Note that there are now other mechanics in EMF which do accomplish virtually the same thing but with a lot more style and a lot fewer issues.
    • The "Constantine's Return" event which can convert the ERE to Iconoclast if losing in multiple wars will no longer affect the TOG (867) bookmark -- only the Charlemagne (769) start.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] Finns and Balts, while they can still raid, are no longer considered seafarers, so these AIs will no longer range far and wide with their mighty tribal navies to raid.
    • [ SWMH ONLY ] Most of the North African / Berber cultures are now considered seafarers, so they will occasionally show up on your shores to raid.
    • The AI will now only accept skilled Jewish courtiers into their court (via the fairly common event that spawns them) if they already have some sort of Jew at court. This might be made less strict in the future, as efforts have been made in the base game in CKII v2.8.0 to stop the rampant issues with realms turning Jewish in no time flat due to Jewish educators.
    • By request of a submodder, we've added 'custom_jerusalem' and 'custom_mesopotamia' geographical regions to EMF. [It is very difficult to keep these files synchronized if overriding them as a submodder.]
    • The AI, unless a Patrician / Merchant Republic, now has minimum income requirements to hire new retinues. It's for their own good.
  • FIXES:
    • The "not interested in hearing about this [claimant] adventurer's every movement" options in the events which notify you of the travels of the claimant adventurer which is targeting you were not working as intended; they will now actually stop such notifications from being sent to you. (thanks @Toa Kraka)
    • Imperial Reconquest CB again properly forces you to use its tiered conquest system rather than all territory under any of the conquest regions being a valid target (was kind of like vanilla but still limited to the sum of all the tiered regions, in the previous version).
    • The Norman County Conquest CB tooltip is now fully consistent in describing that it costs 100 piety to use (rather than claiming 200 in one place and 100 in another).
    • Cosmetic fix to the Sainthood announcement event (mismatched event window border dimensions).

SWMH v3.1

    • Extended the playable timeline backwards to 1018, complete with appropriate character, province, title histories, and bookmarks
    • HRE and Poland reoverhauled: New provinces, new flags, and many hundreds of new title holders and their extended families
    • Introduction of the Kingdoms of Guge and Kashmir from the Vanilla setup
    • New Duchies for Kabulistan (Walishan and Kabul) Khorasan (Guzgan), and Mauretania (Sijilmasa
    • New provinces for Zabolestan (Bamiyan) and the Tarim Basin (Yarkand and Niya)
    • Overhaul of the Ilkhanate history setup, with disintegration of the realm in the late period
    • Additions of various late-period Byzantine characters in positions of power
    • The Niklotid family now turn Low-German and changes into the von Mecklemburg dynasty around 1230
    • Introduced Cadet Branches to the existing von Babenberg family tree (von Sulzbach, von Schweinfürt etc.)
    • Changed most of Golden Horde vassals into Tributary States
    • Revised holy sites for Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Bon
    • Overhaul of the setup of Wales (credit and thanks given to AdmiralFischer) with various changes and additions of lots of new characters and dynasties
    • Overhaul of several Muslim family trees, with special attention given to Noblewomen (Uqaylids, Fatimids, Zirids, Sulayhids, Umayyads etc.)
    • Several revisions to the policy, status, and emperors of China
    • More details to Nasrid, Qutlugh-Khanid, and Kartid characters

CPRplus 2.9.2

    • Incorporated Chinese and Tibetan portraits
    • Incorporated previously SWMH-only Assyrian and Khotanese portraits to vanilla game (Assyrian and Saka cultures, respectively)
    • New “cool” armors for Byzantine, East Slavic, and some South Slavic culture group characters
    • New assets for Orthodox priests
    • Removed all CPR-legacy custom portraits save for the “Urzhailian” portrait
    • Skin tone adjustments for various Indian portraits
    • Eye asset adjustments for Assamese portrait
    • “Special” Chinese armors are now available to emperor-/king-tier characters of Han, Khitan, or Jurchen culture and Han, Khitan, or Jurchen-cultured Marshal of an emperor-tier Han, Khitan, or Jurchen character
    • Khitan portrait uses Chinese headgear and clothes
    • Additional cosmetic elements for Sogdian headgear
    • Taoist Han males are no longer exempt from going bald by virtue of being Taoist [Vanilla bug]

ARKOpack Armoiries (2017-12-09)

  • MAJOR:
    • 2.8.1 upgrade
    • specific sets of random CoA for Finnic pagans, Slavic pagans, Baltic pagan (so they won't used anymore Norse specific stuff)
  • MINOR:
    • some dynastic names improvments by ese-khan
    • updated some colours for random coats of arms
    • made army banners CoA-shaped for christian world
    • some new France flags (Valois, Orleans, Vexin, Paris and such, based on de France/Capetian lillies)
    • adds a new CoA frame for chinese stuff (taoist)
    • old flags cleanup
    • stole some CoA from SWMH and vice-versa
    • redrew some others CoA (Ireland, Aquitaine, Normandy, China...)
    • various addition for christian random coa (a few templates and emblems for now - more to come later on)
    • adds some CoA template for taoists
    • some few improved versions of coa templates for random CoA

ARKOpack Interface (2017-12-09)

  • MAJOR:
    • 2.8.1 upgrade
    • new event type available (see a preview here)
  • MINOR:
    • some improvments and new stuff around in religion icons background in character sheet
    • on-map land tradeposts are les enORMOUS
    • fixed vanilla rally point icons being too shiny in an out of place way
  • FIXES:
    • various graphical and positions tweaks
    • wrong favor icon used and fixing its positions
    • long events options are now displayed correctly
    • character modifiers zone size in character view
    • fixed vanilla uglyness and misalignements in realm view
    • indian military view oddities
    • claim coa frames dimensions were a bit off
    • off-map power window having a too short to display long chima empire names

LTM (C) compatch for 2.8 and SWMH

  • Adjusted brightness for the new terrain-in-wasteland feature
  • Removed normal maps for the new terrain-in-wasteland feature (as it was in previous versions)
  • Adjusted ice texture for the new terrain-in-wasteland feature
  • Updated mapitems to include JD CoAs
  • Adjusted Hungarian lakes to match
  • Adjusted Indus delta to match SWMH
  • Adjusted Indus delta to match SWMH
  • Adjusted Pommeranian coast to match SWMH
  • More farmland along the Nile





Не могли бы вы ещё, пожалуйста, заливать новые версии HIP-EU4 конвертера? Был бы премного благодарен :)

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zijistark, глава HIP Team


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HIP Release - 2017-08-29 (Cacao4)      

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