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Witcher Kings


Мод по вселенной Ведьмака. В моде есть чародеи, ведьмы, друиды и каждый из них имеет магические способности. Чародеи, например, могут лечить вас и очаровать противников. Друиды тоже имеют целительские способности, но лечат скорее духовно, чем физически. Использование чар отнимает здоровье и запрещает их использование в течение последующих нескольких месяцев. Каждый рожденный ребенок имеет некий шанс на получение магических умений. Чтобы помочь развить эти таланты, вам придется отправить его на обучение в специальную академию, и он останется там до конца обучения. В итоге, в моде представлен широкий спектр атрибутов мира Ведьмака.


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прохождение по пути Йорвета. возьми особый ножик.

И после битвы с драконом всё ТОЧНО ПРОЯСНИТСЯ.

Кстати, что за бред с модом? Я не могу поиграть, т.к. отсутствует файл благодаря которому мод запускается в лаунчере. Ну тыпонял, такой файл идет с самим модом в комплекте.

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Кстати, что за бред с модом? Я не могу поиграть, т.к. отсутствует файл благодаря которому мод запускается в лаунчере. Ну тыпонял, такой файл идет с самим модом в комплекте.

Так перекачайте, в чём проблема?

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и когда новая версия, не слышно?

Самому интересно.

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 An update I decided to release to appease you guys :P

Not a complete overhaul, but worth an update. here's the lot of changes, basically it includes:

- Map refinements (trees, snow, rivers, topology, etc.) This great work goes to Yurtex - The Great Map Sensei of Crusader Kings 2!! (My new name for him) Bless you man!

- Added cultural buildings for the Elves and Dwarves. (Dwarven buildings 90% complete [still needs the "Dwarven Mines buildings incorporated somehow", Needs tested out by YOU GUYS too. :)) Elven buildings are also largely completed (need revision based on your requests) the main thing missing is the buildings have no pre-requisits, meaning if you have the money you can fully upgrade all your buildings as an elf.. Slightly un-balanced, yet playable (I guess). Halflings haven't really got their own buildings yet, (Instead modified their buildings to be less militaristic, though they have issues with the pre-requisites. Causing them to be largely unplayable. So they're not nessicarily meant to be played as of now though they make good stewards as an AI and generate a good sum of income through taxes, so they are able AI rulers and still collect a large income for their leige. But like I said they aren't a player race as of now, lacking any custom buildings and lacking custom events [Which I have 0 experience in creating them... HELP!!! The only custom event being that they can be commanders of Scoia'tael uprisings.) I want them to be largely reliant on hiring mercenaries for their wars due to their high income, being halflings and all... Gnomes. Well gnomes are there as a race but still stuck with their vanilla buildings and unfortunetly having no custom events of their own either, except similair to the halflings, they have the ability to lead a Scoia'tael uprising of gnomes. (Which can be un-balanced because if they win a Scoia'tael rebellion, as I said before they have no custom buildings making them just as powerful as humans militarily, +5! learning, and not to mention the Gnomish lab building adding a large boost to research. So as you can see, there's some problems there. So I decided to remove the places where gnomes were the major culture. Although they can still randomly join your court through events and be of good use as a courtier. Same with the other Elder races living within your realm if it's a tolerant society, trust me you will find these courtiers quite useful. Dryads are still untouched, I don't recommend playing as them as of now, but they do work just fine as an AI adversary/ally, they have no custom buildings as of now, but like the other races, SOON TO COME!

- Also thanks to Elendhel (who is an independant modder and not a part of our team... yet.) he took the time to revamp our magic duel system.


- The static portraits should work now, I'm going to give all those characters custom stats.. Eventually

- Basic fixes and small changes as well a few are lost to me. Just know I made some GOOD changes.

-JonStryker the owner of this mod worked some of his magic as well, smashing bugs, and ironing out bugs with an obsidian bestowed upon him by the melitele herself. But sorry Jon I'm not to sure what you did at this time. Just a bunch of random stuff I think. Nothing to perticular if I'm not mistaken. You're going to have to correct me if I'm wrong! :)


Again, I want to appologize for the lack of work on this mod recently. If my buddy pulls through and gains interest in the mod to the point of partnering up with me you guys will be seeing more and more of this great mod. Trust me, this kid's a wiz.

Shout out to - JonStryker & Talias for coming up with 90% of the content. I owe you guys one.. or like five or six.

There you go - Witcher Kings 0.57

Have a blast! Give me reports! Give me ideas! Give me help! This can be awesome and you all know it!


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как ощущения?

есть что рассказать?

и из чейнджлога ничего не понять

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 An update I decided to release to appease you guys :P

Not a complete overhaul, but worth an update. here's the lot of changes, basically it includes:

- Map refinements (trees, snow, rivers, topology, etc.) This great work goes to Yurtex - The Great Map Sensei of Crusader Kings 2!! (My new name for him) Bless you man!

- Added cultural buildings for the Elves and Dwarves. (Dwarven buildings 90% complete [still needs the "Dwarven Mines buildings incorporated somehow", Needs tested out by YOU GUYS too. :)) Elven buildings are also largely completed (need revision based on your requests) the main thing missing is the buildings have no pre-requisits, meaning if you have the money you can fully upgrade all your buildings as an elf.. Slightly un-balanced, yet playable (I guess). Halflings haven't really got their own buildings yet, (Instead modified their buildings to be less militaristic, though they have issues with the pre-requisites. Causing them to be largely unplayable. So they're not nessicarily meant to be played as of now though they make good stewards as an AI and generate a good sum of income through taxes, so they are able AI rulers and still collect a large income for their leige. But like I said they aren't a player race as of now, lacking any custom buildings and lacking custom events [Which I have 0 experience in creating them... HELP!!! The only custom event being that they can be commanders of Scoia'tael uprisings.) I want them to be largely reliant on hiring mercenaries for their wars due to their high income, being halflings and all... Gnomes. Well gnomes are there as a race but still stuck with their vanilla buildings and unfortunetly having no custom events of their own either, except similair to the halflings, they have the ability to lead a Scoia'tael uprising of gnomes. (Which can be un-balanced because if they win a Scoia'tael rebellion, as I said before they have no custom buildings making them just as powerful as humans militarily, +5! learning, and not to mention the Gnomish lab building adding a large boost to research. So as you can see, there's some problems there. So I decided to remove the places where gnomes were the major culture. Although they can still randomly join your court through events and be of good use as a courtier. Same with the other Elder races living within your realm if it's a tolerant society, trust me you will find these courtiers quite useful. Dryads are still untouched, I don't recommend playing as them as of now, but they do work just fine as an AI adversary/ally, they have no custom buildings as of now, but like the other races, SOON TO COME!

- Also thanks to Elendhel (who is an independant modder and not a part of our team... yet.) he took the time to revamp our magic duel system.


- The static portraits should work now, I'm going to give all those characters custom stats.. Eventually

- Basic fixes and small changes as well a few are lost to me. Just know I made some GOOD changes.

-JonStryker the owner of this mod worked some of his magic as well, smashing bugs, and ironing out bugs with an obsidian bestowed upon him by the melitele herself. But sorry Jon I'm not to sure what you did at this time. Just a bunch of random stuff I think. Nothing to perticular if I'm not mistaken. You're going to have to correct me if I'm wrong! :)


Again, I want to appologize for the lack of work on this mod recently. If my buddy pulls through and gains interest in the mod to the point of partnering up with me you guys will be seeing more and more of this great mod. Trust me, this kid's a wiz.

Shout out to - JonStryker & Talias for coming up with 90% of the content. I owe you guys one.. or like five or six.

There you go - Witcher Kings 0.57

Have a blast! Give me reports! Give me ideas! Give me help! This can be awesome and you all know it!



И не слова про Саскию. Р-разочароване

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заметил -

очень быстро плодятся персы - мастера-войны.

мгновенно лечат бесплодие. Эксель женился.

Это только 5 лет прошло.

И ещё, взгляните на названия династий Каэдвена. А потом в литературу 18-19 века. Знакомы?

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Ох щит, похоже, что Нильфгаард таки захватил Темерию и Аэдирн. В третьем Ведьмаке увидал карту у Логвинова, он же 12 часов в неё гамал.

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в прошлую войну Аэдрин-таки был захвачен.

А Темерию по Марибор оккупировали.

и когда будет фикс проблем.

явно багов немало ещё.

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Для обсуждения игры Ведьмак 3 можете проследовать в нижние разделы
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надеюсь, что Ведьмак 3 разогреет-таки интерес к моду...

всё-таки какой потенциал...

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Что за эпидемия оффтопа в моддинге? Перенёс посты в тему Ведьмака. Ещё раз увижу - пойдут преды
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Хм,а русификатор,есть ?

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Witcher Kings 0.7.0   Checksum: 2.6.3 (ALNZ)   Note that previous saves are NOT compatible   Changelog:  

Флавий Аниций

Это скорее класс, чем раса. По теме: мод сильно недоработан, давно заброшен и сомневаюсь что уже возродится. Лучше не тратить на него время и поиграть в другие глобальные моды: AGOT, Elder Kings,


Witcher Kings     Мод по вселенной Ведьмака. В моде есть чародеи, ведьмы, друиды и каждый из них имеет магические способности. Чародеи, например, могут лечить вас и очаровать пр

Флавий Аниций

Радует, что сей мод ещё жив.  @Каллиграф, добавьте пожалуйста ссылку в шапку. 


Русификатор для версии 0.8.1  


Тут мод адаптировали на 2.8. Скачать


Witcher Kings 0.9    


Вышла версия мода для 3.2.1. Добавлены общества, великие сооружения, торговые маршруты https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-witcher-kings/downloads/witcher-kings-0110-windows-installer https://www

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