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The Middle-Earth Project

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The Middle-Earth Project


  • Полное погружение в Средиземье. Культурные, религиозные и другие (насколько возможно) аспекты учтены следуя канону.
  • Созданная с нуля карта Средиземья, с более чем 650 провинциями.
  • Воссозданы династии и родословные Средиземья, включая наследственные трейты.
  • Новые играбельные расы, включая эльфов, гномов и полуросликов
  • Участвуйте во всех основных событиях Третьей Эпохи, включая падение Арнора, Гражданская война в Гондоре и Война Кольца.
  • Полностью новые гербы и другие изображения, ещё более погружающие вас во вселенную Толкина.
  • Карта покрывает область от Фородвайта на севере до пустынь на юге, и от Форлиндона на востоке до Руна на западе.

Скачать The Middle Earth Project 0.831 [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] Mod DB [Windows Installer | ZIP-архив] | Steam Workshop

Официальный саб-мод и незавершенный дополнительный контент


Скачать саб-мод MEP Bookmarks : Mod DB

  • Возвращает вырезанные из основного мода эпохи: Fall of Arnor, Kinstrife, Last Alliance и New Shadow
  • Возвращает вырезанную из основного мода закладку Battle of the Five Armies

Скачать Unfinished Developments for the MEP Mod [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] Mod DB

  • Выпуск незавершенных разработок для мода, например расширенный сценарий событий для War of the Ring

Полезная информация


Middle Earth Project 0.83 [для CKII 3.3.2]

Middle Earth v0.821 [для CKII] (MEP 0.821 Hotfix)

Middle Earth v0.82 [для CKII]

Middle Earth для CKII 3.0.1 [от 25.12.2018]

Middle Earth для CKII [от 27.05.2018]

Middle-Earth Project 0.7 Beta от 10.10.2016 [для CKII 2.6.x]

Middle-Earth Project 0.6b Full [для CKII 2.5.x]

Мод для версии CKII 2.4.4

Версия 0.5.1e

Версия 0.5.1b

Версия 0.5b



0.831 - 3.3.X

0.83 - 3.3.2

0.8291 - 3.3.X

0.829 - 3.2.X

0.828 - 3.2.X

0.827 - 3.2.X

0.826 - 3.2.X

0.825 - 3.2.X

0.824 - 3.2

0.823 - 3.1

0.822 - 3.1

0.821 -

0.82 - 3.0.X

0.81B - 3.0.1

0.81 - 3.0.1

0.8 -

0.7c -

0.7b -

0.7a - (crashes happens on 2.8.1+)

0.6b - 2.5.X

0.5.1b - 2.4.3

0.5b - 2.4.2

0.4.1b - 2.2.1 (NOT COMPATIBLE with DLC/patch 'Way of Life')

0.3.1b - 2.1.6 - 2.1.4 and beta

0.2.2b - 2.1.4

0.2.1b - 2.1.3

0.1.5b - 2.0.4. (2.1.1 with Compatibility Patch)



Общая инструкция по установке модов, а также пошаговая инструкция по установке скачанных со Steam Workshop модов.

Изменено пользователем Labes
Заменил частичный Changelog на таблицу совместимости; Актуализация; Стандартизация оформления
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Закреплённые сообщения
Vladislavius First

Что то очень уж долго... выпустите уже так как сделали, а ждать новое DLC можно хоть весь июнь если не больше

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Герцог Цербст
Что то очень уж долго... выпустите уже так как сделали, а ждать новое DLC можно хоть весь июнь если не больше

(Удалено.) Тут не сидят разрабы мода, и твое предложение ушло в вакуум.

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser
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Vladislavius First
(Удалено.) Тут не сидят разрабы мода, и твое предложение ушло в вакуум.

Да это крик души просто, а не серьёзно обращение

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Vladislavius First

Мне сейчас больше интересно как разрабы будут мод под новое DLC делать, типы правления прийдёться наверное моддить, магократия к примеру) Степные демократии у кочевников, что то по типу "Икты" у Харадримов, племенные демократии у Дунландцев или Лосотов, хотя за них вообще в феодальную систему вообще нельзя продвинутся, нету зданий определенных что бы феодализироваться, да и смысла не вижу в этом особого, за Лоссотов только грабежом и можно веселится, а так особо не чем

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Мне сейчас больше интересно как разрабы будут мод под новое DLC делать, типы правления прийдёться наверное моддить, магократия к примеру) Степные демократии у кочевников, что то по типу "Икты" у Харадримов, племенные демократии у Дунландцев или Лосотов, хотя за них вообще в феодальную систему вообще нельзя продвинутся, нету зданий определенных что бы феодализироваться, да и смысла не вижу в этом особого, за Лоссотов только грабежом и можно веселится, а так особо не чем

Хватит уже труп мучить, надоели.

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Хватит уже труп мучить, надоели.

А мне очень хочется обновления мода. Очень люблю все по Средиземью, так что надеюсь, что разрабы не забросили. Здесь же можно все расширять и прорабатывать, вводить новые стартовые даты, цепочки ивентов.

Вот в последнем патче мода как-то эльфы были ослаблены. Если за них не играть, то Трандуил и Галадриэль сливались в войне Кольца. И там по мелочи хотелось бы исправлять.

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Последнее обновление было 4 декабря, так что шансов практически нет. Они даже к Way of Life не адаптировали.

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Странные вы, трупом зовёте того кто просто спит, люди делают мод, просто у них времени не хватает

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Хватит уже труп мучить, надоели.
Последнее обновление было 4 декабря, так что шансов практически нет. Они даже к Way of Life не адаптировали.

Я еще раз повторяю,работа над модом идет,пусть и не очень быстро, прежде чем бросаться словами могли бы хоть страницу на moddb их чекнуть.

Don't worry guys, we're not dead. We're doing our best with the few free time we've got!
Изменено пользователем afe643
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Странные вы, трупом зовёте того кто просто спит, люди делают мод, просто у них времени не хватает
Я еще раз повторяю,работа над модом идет,пусть и не очень быстро, прежде чем бросаться словами могли бы хоть страницу на moddb их чекнуть.

Вся моя претензия была к тому, что писать раз в две недели сообщения ни о чём в теме мода — не лучшее решение. Когда будет обновление, тогда и можно будет что-то обсуждать, а пока один и тот же пользователь просто приходит поболтать впустую. Надоедает.

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Обнову обещают в конце Июля-начале Августа. Ждём, верим, надеемся.

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<noindex>Middle Earth Project 0.5b</noindex>

ChangelogНажмите здесь!

Compatible with version 2.4.2 of CK2, and integrating features from Way of Life and Horse Lords DLCs.


- WoL and HL features integrated

- Perfomance massively increased

- Many bug fixes and tweaks

- Population mechanics added

- Colonisation tweaked

- Wilderness overhauled

- Playable holy orders (Swan Knights, Black Serpent)

- Map changes, Mirkwood appearance overhauled

-Removed buggy and recurring events from wotr informing that hobbits have left, and that rohan is under attack

-Deleted file MEP_Narsil, it was causing CTD with aragorn and I dont see why narsil should be so easily reforged anyways

-Removed all those wilderness holdings from Aragorn, had to give them to new wilderness chars, since he always got them even though holder was set to 0 due to inheritance i suppose

-Deleted events buildings 100, 101, and 102. They were buggy and kept repeating endlessly when holding any of those, aragorn kept getting them in the WOTR bookmark

-Changed end date to 99999 in hopes of fixing the CTD on load/resign (if a character has a death date beyond the mod end date, it will cause this crash) but it didnt work so the problem is somewhere else in /history folder

-Fixed rather annoying load/resign CTD. The problem was that someone had used those special dwarven/elven letters in both landes_titles and history/provinces. That causes problems - special characters like that should only be used in localisation, not directly in game files.

-Removed MEP_gondor_wotr events: They re good flavor, but it means that AI Gondor will always lose the main war because it uses up its levies in battles vs event armies before the main assault

-Fixed title history so that Rohan no longer holds half the Vale of Anduin

*Added population mechanics for Dunedain/Numenorean Group, Elves, and Dwarves.

-Their lands are either lightly populated, populated, or densely populated

-Set up starting event to populate the major areas

-When you get a new province in-game to your culture, it'll automatically be lightly populated with a -66% penalty to troops and income

-Populations can be increased via a decision, which is very costly and takes 20 years

-When a province is occupied by enemies, there is a MTTH event of 5 years which lowers the population level by one (from dense to normal, from normal to light)

-Removed shire provinces from Aragorn, it makes no sense to have the hobbits attack him with dejure cb

-Changed retinue values. Seems they no longer stack with culture, so some dunedain and elven/dwarven ones needed a stat boost

-Nerfed Isengard Uruk pits. Saruman had 45k troops, it was crazy.

-Removed file MEP_alliance.txt from events, it was all unlocalised and therefore useless until someone localises it

-Deleted orcs_decisions since it was a duplicate of MEP_orcs_decisions

-Copied over vanilla dynasty_decisions.txt, since ours was out of date and possibly not working

-Removed all special troops for now. They cause CTDs when seen on the map since a recent patch if they are not all individualy graphically defined (which I don't know how to do)

-Quite a few event and decision validator errors fixed

-Made it so that the special buildings, at least in many cases, are only in the barony where theyre supposed to be, not the whole province and sub-baronies

-Removed coat_of_arms.txt from /interface. Something in there was causing a CTD when a certain army in that region was spotted, most likely related to Rivendells Banner/COA

-Retinues were vastly overpowered, Gondor could raise something like 30,000 troops in retinues alone if at full strength. Brought them back in line with vanilla values, except that reinforce cost is still half of vanilla.

-Did some balancing of realm power by editing some buildings, it might still need some work but seems better now. Before, Saruman and Sauron won 99% of the time.

-Fixed crash with CTD on checking fort tab

-Integrated events/decisions from Way of Life and Horselords

-Updated some event files with more recent vanilla versions where I could see there was no custom content in ours

-For the event file adventures_the_old_gods.txt these cultures can spawn adventurers to take on a duchy title (orcs already have another mechanic in-game):

culture = culture_black_numenorean

culture_group = culture_barding

culture_group = culture_northmen

culture = culture_eotheod

culture = culture_rohirrim

culture = culture_hillmen

culture = culture_umbareans

-In the same event file, any character with a claim to a king title can try to take it via an adventure army (vanilla mechanic)

-Brought back the Old Gods rebel events, not sure why they were removed.

-I now know why they were removed. They're annoying as hell for a large empire. Kept the event, but reduced frequency by 75%

-Tweaked the Aragorn coronation event so he doesnt just automatically gain the extra provinces in the north. This is unfair to players who have expand that far, suddenly their lands are just taken away by event.

-Small fix for MEP_population_mechanics regarding new elven provinces not getting the lightly populated modifier.

-Bigger fix for MEP population mechanics, it should work properly now

-Removed personalty = yes from Numenorean traits, they got randomly assigned because of it

-Restricted some Way of Life seductions so that you cant go around seducing Sauron, Eagles, Balrogs, ents, or orcs etc

*Couldnt figure out why purge province job action didn't work, so I re-did the whole thing. Now if there are hostile cultures in your realm, you get an event asking if you want to purge your land of enemies. The hostile cultured provinces get a modifier for 10 years with a +5% revolt risk, and after that, the province becomes wilderness and must be colonised again. To prevent maiar and such cultured provinces when Sauron or Saruman takes over, those provinces are immediately turned orcish, instead of wilderness. I removed the job action purge province and the purge decision - it might have worked once, but I played 50 years, and Ithilien was still full of orcs in my Aragorn game so something is clearly not working anymore.

-Removed the events giving both types of Blood of Numenor to random courtiers. It should be rare in the 3rd Age, and if there are too few, the solution is rather to give the trait to more starting nobles rather than just have a random courtier appear with a bloodline as powerful as Denethor or Aragorn...

-On that note, also changed localisation from "Drops of Numenorean Blood" to "Strong Traces of Numenorean Blood" and the strongest one is now "True Blood of Numenor"". Everyone in Gondor and Arnor have "drops", the 2nd trait is still meant to be something special.

-Reduced number of event troops Aragorn gets when he joins Rohan. Those 2.5k heavy cavalry smashes Sarumans army too easily.

-Took away lands from Boromir and Faramir. If landed, they ll often marry commoners, which many players wont like - myself included :P

-Code optimization. Moved all events that could be, to on_actions instead of MTTH.

-I m afraid I had to delete the calender events entirely - with this as MTTH:

mean_time_to_happen = {

days = 1

modifier = {

factor = 0.00001

always = yes



It is extremely resource intensive, and not worth the drain on performance for just that small yearly event notification.

-Also deleted MEP_numenor_reconquest.txt. It uses these triggers several times:

completely_controls = d_umbar ### WARNING: completely_controls is a very demanding trigger.

-Incidentally, this was the cause of the 20 day slowdown of the mod, together with the other MEP_Numenor file which inexplicably also caused huge lag.

-Deleted event where Sauron gets 1000 gold from the Variags every few months while at war. It is quite unbalancing, and there is no way that the Variags are that rich.

*Remake of colonization system. Sorry Lon, but I got too annoyed trying to colonize Annunimas and nothing happening 3 times in a row, and its always easier rebuilding an event from scratch than fixing someone else's


-Special mechanics for dunedain, you can choose to colonise with middle men at a lower cost

-If you have an elf, dwarf, or a halfling in your court you can at higher cost colonise a province with these cultures

-Changed localisation of Gondorian Commoners back to Gondorian Middlemen. It doesn't make sense to call them commoners, as they can also be nobles. Middlemen is a more accurate term, describing their lack of Dunedain "High Men" ancestry.

-Added Arnorian Middle men culture also.

-Fixed issue with commanders not working properly

-Removed these # groups from the Duchy adventure old gods event, we don't want Rohirrim and such attacking Gondor or Bardings attacking the elves and dwarves

OR = { # Only these for now

culture = culture_black_numenorean

#culture = culture_barding

#culture = culture_northmen

#culture = culture_eotheod

#culture = culture_rohirrim

culture = culture_hillmen

culture = culture_umbareans

has_character_flag = demon_child_non_pagan


-Temporary fix: Patricians and their families no longer get banished when good/evil side conquers and banishes the nobles of another side. This is to prevent Mordor from getting the Pelargir republic and becoming a republic himself. Placeholder fix until better one is found.

*New Blood of Numenor mechanics

-At start up, before the kinstrife bookmark, everyone of gondorian, arnorian, dunedain etc culture gets the lesser trait blood of numenor if they dont have it

-After the kinstrife, only 70% of Gondorians and Arnorians get it, while 100% of dunedain still get it

-If you lose the trait, Dunedain and Arnorians become Arnorian middle men, and Gondorians become Gondorian Middle men. Black Numenoreans can remain black numenorean cultured even if losing the trait, as there is no real need for a "black numenorean middle men" culture, and they shouldn't switch portraits to haradrim either :P

-Temporary fix. Internal version has patrician portrait bug with elves and possibly some others, i m reverting the elven, hobbit, and dwarf portrait sets to thsoe from Birthright, which do not have the patrician portrait bug - at least until Lonhaldar comes back and fixes the current versions.


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Герцог Цербст

Боже, это так прекрасно... Я счастлив.

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Vladislavius First

Феодализма слишком много...

Изменено пользователем Vladislavius First
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Феодализма слишком много...

Там же сказали, что в следующей версии запилят нормально все фичи из Way of Life и Horse Lords, и добавят больше типов стран что-ли...

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Comandante Raven
<noindex>Middle Earth Project 0.5b</noindex>

ChangelogНажмите здесь!

Compatible with version 2.4.2 of CK2, and integrating features from Way of Life and Horse Lords DLCs.


- WoL and HL features integrated

- Perfomance massively increased

- Many bug fixes and tweaks

- Population mechanics added

- Colonisation tweaked

- Wilderness overhauled

- Playable holy orders (Swan Knights, Black Serpent)

- Map changes, Mirkwood appearance overhauled

-Removed buggy and recurring events from wotr informing that hobbits have left, and that rohan is under attack

-Deleted file MEP_Narsil, it was causing CTD with aragorn and I dont see why narsil should be so easily reforged anyways

-Removed all those wilderness holdings from Aragorn, had to give them to new wilderness chars, since he always got them even though holder was set to 0 due to inheritance i suppose

-Deleted events buildings 100, 101, and 102. They were buggy and kept repeating endlessly when holding any of those, aragorn kept getting them in the WOTR bookmark

-Changed end date to 99999 in hopes of fixing the CTD on load/resign (if a character has a death date beyond the mod end date, it will cause this crash) but it didnt work so the problem is somewhere else in /history folder

-Fixed rather annoying load/resign CTD. The problem was that someone had used those special dwarven/elven letters in both landes_titles and history/provinces. That causes problems - special characters like that should only be used in localisation, not directly in game files.

-Removed MEP_gondor_wotr events: They re good flavor, but it means that AI Gondor will always lose the main war because it uses up its levies in battles vs event armies before the main assault

-Fixed title history so that Rohan no longer holds half the Vale of Anduin

*Added population mechanics for Dunedain/Numenorean Group, Elves, and Dwarves.

-Their lands are either lightly populated, populated, or densely populated

-Set up starting event to populate the major areas

-When you get a new province in-game to your culture, it'll automatically be lightly populated with a -66% penalty to troops and income

-Populations can be increased via a decision, which is very costly and takes 20 years

-When a province is occupied by enemies, there is a MTTH event of 5 years which lowers the population level by one (from dense to normal, from normal to light)

-Removed shire provinces from Aragorn, it makes no sense to have the hobbits attack him with dejure cb

-Changed retinue values. Seems they no longer stack with culture, so some dunedain and elven/dwarven ones needed a stat boost

-Nerfed Isengard Uruk pits. Saruman had 45k troops, it was crazy.

-Removed file MEP_alliance.txt from events, it was all unlocalised and therefore useless until someone localises it

-Deleted orcs_decisions since it was a duplicate of MEP_orcs_decisions

-Copied over vanilla dynasty_decisions.txt, since ours was out of date and possibly not working

-Removed all special troops for now. They cause CTDs when seen on the map since a recent patch if they are not all individualy graphically defined (which I don't know how to do)

-Quite a few event and decision validator errors fixed

-Made it so that the special buildings, at least in many cases, are only in the barony where theyre supposed to be, not the whole province and sub-baronies

-Removed coat_of_arms.txt from /interface. Something in there was causing a CTD when a certain army in that region was spotted, most likely related to Rivendells Banner/COA

-Retinues were vastly overpowered, Gondor could raise something like 30,000 troops in retinues alone if at full strength. Brought them back in line with vanilla values, except that reinforce cost is still half of vanilla.

-Did some balancing of realm power by editing some buildings, it might still need some work but seems better now. Before, Saruman and Sauron won 99% of the time.

-Fixed crash with CTD on checking fort tab

-Integrated events/decisions from Way of Life and Horselords

-Updated some event files with more recent vanilla versions where I could see there was no custom content in ours

-For the event file adventures_the_old_gods.txt these cultures can spawn adventurers to take on a duchy title (orcs already have another mechanic in-game):

culture = culture_black_numenorean

culture_group = culture_barding

culture_group = culture_northmen

culture = culture_eotheod

culture = culture_rohirrim

culture = culture_hillmen

culture = culture_umbareans

-In the same event file, any character with a claim to a king title can try to take it via an adventure army (vanilla mechanic)

-Brought back the Old Gods rebel events, not sure why they were removed.

-I now know why they were removed. They're annoying as hell for a large empire. Kept the event, but reduced frequency by 75%

-Tweaked the Aragorn coronation event so he doesnt just automatically gain the extra provinces in the north. This is unfair to players who have expand that far, suddenly their lands are just taken away by event.

-Small fix for MEP_population_mechanics regarding new elven provinces not getting the lightly populated modifier.

-Bigger fix for MEP population mechanics, it should work properly now

-Removed personalty = yes from Numenorean traits, they got randomly assigned because of it

-Restricted some Way of Life seductions so that you cant go around seducing Sauron, Eagles, Balrogs, ents, or orcs etc

*Couldnt figure out why purge province job action didn't work, so I re-did the whole thing. Now if there are hostile cultures in your realm, you get an event asking if you want to purge your land of enemies. The hostile cultured provinces get a modifier for 10 years with a +5% revolt risk, and after that, the province becomes wilderness and must be colonised again. To prevent maiar and such cultured provinces when Sauron or Saruman takes over, those provinces are immediately turned orcish, instead of wilderness. I removed the job action purge province and the purge decision - it might have worked once, but I played 50 years, and Ithilien was still full of orcs in my Aragorn game so something is clearly not working anymore.

-Removed the events giving both types of Blood of Numenor to random courtiers. It should be rare in the 3rd Age, and if there are too few, the solution is rather to give the trait to more starting nobles rather than just have a random courtier appear with a bloodline as powerful as Denethor or Aragorn...

-On that note, also changed localisation from "Drops of Numenorean Blood" to "Strong Traces of Numenorean Blood" and the strongest one is now "True Blood of Numenor"". Everyone in Gondor and Arnor have "drops", the 2nd trait is still meant to be something special.

-Reduced number of event troops Aragorn gets when he joins Rohan. Those 2.5k heavy cavalry smashes Sarumans army too easily.

-Took away lands from Boromir and Faramir. If landed, they ll often marry commoners, which many players wont like - myself included :P

-Code optimization. Moved all events that could be, to on_actions instead of MTTH.

-I m afraid I had to delete the calender events entirely - with this as MTTH:

mean_time_to_happen = {

days = 1

modifier = {

factor = 0.00001

always = yes



It is extremely resource intensive, and not worth the drain on performance for just that small yearly event notification.

-Also deleted MEP_numenor_reconquest.txt. It uses these triggers several times:

completely_controls = d_umbar ### WARNING: completely_controls is a very demanding trigger.

-Incidentally, this was the cause of the 20 day slowdown of the mod, together with the other MEP_Numenor file which inexplicably also caused huge lag.

-Deleted event where Sauron gets 1000 gold from the Variags every few months while at war. It is quite unbalancing, and there is no way that the Variags are that rich.

*Remake of colonization system. Sorry Lon, but I got too annoyed trying to colonize Annunimas and nothing happening 3 times in a row, and its always easier rebuilding an event from scratch than fixing someone else's


-Special mechanics for dunedain, you can choose to colonise with middle men at a lower cost

-If you have an elf, dwarf, or a halfling in your court you can at higher cost colonise a province with these cultures

-Changed localisation of Gondorian Commoners back to Gondorian Middlemen. It doesn't make sense to call them commoners, as they can also be nobles. Middlemen is a more accurate term, describing their lack of Dunedain "High Men" ancestry.

-Added Arnorian Middle men culture also.

-Fixed issue with commanders not working properly

-Removed these # groups from the Duchy adventure old gods event, we don't want Rohirrim and such attacking Gondor or Bardings attacking the elves and dwarves

OR = { # Only these for now

culture = culture_black_numenorean

#culture = culture_barding

#culture = culture_northmen

#culture = culture_eotheod

#culture = culture_rohirrim

culture = culture_hillmen

culture = culture_umbareans

has_character_flag = demon_child_non_pagan


-Temporary fix: Patricians and their families no longer get banished when good/evil side conquers and banishes the nobles of another side. This is to prevent Mordor from getting the Pelargir republic and becoming a republic himself. Placeholder fix until better one is found.

*New Blood of Numenor mechanics

-At start up, before the kinstrife bookmark, everyone of gondorian, arnorian, dunedain etc culture gets the lesser trait blood of numenor if they dont have it

-After the kinstrife, only 70% of Gondorians and Arnorians get it, while 100% of dunedain still get it

-If you lose the trait, Dunedain and Arnorians become Arnorian middle men, and Gondorians become Gondorian Middle men. Black Numenoreans can remain black numenorean cultured even if losing the trait, as there is no real need for a "black numenorean middle men" culture, and they shouldn't switch portraits to haradrim either :P

-Temporary fix. Internal version has patrician portrait bug with elves and possibly some others, i m reverting the elven, hobbit, and dwarf portrait sets to thsoe from Birthright, which do not have the patrician portrait bug - at least until Lonhaldar comes back and fixes the current versions.



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Vladislavius First

Саурон с самого начала сценария Война Кольца у всех своих васслов отбирает территории... его в итоге свергают иногда, и он сбегает в Изенгард ил к Радагасту...

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Это просто божественно, наконец-то можно снова окунуться в Средиземье! Авторам большой респект.

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Обожаю моды в стиле "Властелина Колец", респектую таким ребятам что продолжают делать такие моды.

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