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The Guild 2

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Год выпуска: 2010

Жанр: Strategy (Manage/Busin/Real-time)

Разработчик: Runeforge Games Studio

Издательство: JoWooD Entertainment

Платформа: PC

The Guild 2: Renaissance увеличит размер карт в четыре раза по сравнению с оригиналом и добавит сценарии «The Alps» и «The Free Republic of the Netherlands». Игроки получат доступ к девяти новым профессиям. Они попробуют себя в роли наемников, каменщиков, банкиров, мельников, владельцев таверн и ферм. Зарабатывать дворянские титулы придется по новым правилам — служа в армии во время войны или предоставляя королю рекрутов.

Авторы обещают значительно улучшить искусственный интеллект, благодаря чему конкурирующие династии перестанут быстро погибать. Игровой мир станет более живым: в лесах и полях появятся дикие животные, а на улицах города — грузчики, пьяницы и нищие. Кроме того, Runeforge добавит в игру новые здания, полностью переработает систему судопроизводства и напишет для аддона отдельный саундтрек.

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Предназначены для английской версии игры. Если у вас есть русификация, устанавливайте ее после патча.

SergeyRom писал:
Качаете отсюда например, версию GOG, ее потом можно пропатчивать.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

А отсюда качаете последний патч 4.21

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Играйте на здоровье.



Изменено пользователем Kapellan
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Закреплённые сообщения
Millenarian Emperor
Доброго времени суток! купил в "Steam" игру "The Guild 2 Renaissance", но локализации на ней нет.

Версия игры 4.15.

Перерыл интернет в поисках русификатора, но все ссылки на скачивание 2-летней давности и уже не работают, а скачать удалось только для более ранних версий игры, в которых русифицируется далеко не все, половина остается на английском, исчезла часть эмблемок товаров, вместо них вопросики...

Может быть есть у кого нормальный русификатор для версии 4.15, уж очень хочется поиграть :013:

Ну раз вы искали и не нашли толком ничего, то вряд ли другие найдут.

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Ну раз вы искали и не нашли толком ничего, то вряд ли другие найдут.

ну мало ли, вдруг у кого завалялось??.. :unsure:

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гляну, вроде где то делал архив..отпишусь позже

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

ps + есть вариант найти репаки 4,15 установить, взять текст оттуда, потом удалить

Изменено пользователем Лех
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Ну а пока все ждут 3 часть,в стиме 22 декабря появился бета патч 4.2 для гильдия реннессанс

Изменения патчаНажмите здесь!
 Today we are releasing a new patch for Guild 2 Renaissance which includes tons of fixes, remastered music tracks, guest appearance by the German medieval band "Versengold" and a modlauncher for comfortable switching between mods.



4.2 (revised)

*** Fixed Bugs ***

- Bank: offering, taking and payback of credits optimized

(thanks to Kinver and Fajeth)

- AI of the hospital was reworked (thanks to Kinver and Fajeth)

- Some chairs in the conference room of the city hall were not


- Pathfinding of the sims optimized

- The Calenberg map is now assigned to Germany

- Pub: "Assign to dance", "Assign to salacious services" and

"Assign to >thief's service<" have been optimized

(thanks to Kinver)

- "Curse a Building" at the cemetery is now functional

(thanks to Kinver)

- Orchardist: bugfixes within the ai

- Bugfixes and reworks within all maps; amongst other things like

optimizations for pathfinding and missing ressources

- Bugfixes with the titles Count, Marquess, Prince and

Imperial Prince (thanks to McCoy!)

- The usage of perfume, jewellry and clothing had no effect

(thanks to M.C.)

- The measure "Sit" in tavern and pub is now functional as provided

(thanks to DarkLiz)

- It occured that the gravedigger of the local graveyard was not

located near to the grave. Burial sequences were started in the

middle of the map

- Bugfixes for pathfinding and interaction of the ai with the

measures "Spend the night together", "Sweet-talk someone",

"Take a bath" and "Ask to dance"

- Bugfix with the event of war

- Bugfix of an error in the waiting hall of the hospital, which

caused from time to time that the patients were not treated

- The AI now uses "Paralysis Poison", "Black Widow Poison",

"Toadslime" correctly

- Upgrading buildings now correctly spawns a scaffold.

- "Press Protection Money" by AI optimized

- Fixed an AI-error with the use of alderman's chain

- Fixed a bug with the gaining of guild fame for the AI

- Especially during advanced games errors with diseases of AI sims

could occur.

- In the bankhouse, during pickpocketing and during "thief's service"

an error with the payment/pickpocket could occur.

- Fixed an AI-error with buying the raw-material-boxes from the


- Fixed some bugs in the logic of trials

- In the case of divorce an error could occur when the newly divorced

partner tried to leave the residence.

- Fixed a bug with the repair-measure

- Fixed a bug with repairing carts

- Fixed a bug with "smuggling alcohol" in the divehouse. Additionally

new feedbacks have been added.

- After year 1600 a bug with the towncrier occured

- Pathfinding of ambient sims (animals/ mule driver) have been


- fixed a bug with the visual feedback of favor gains during social


- Certain waypoints in the indoor of the monastery and hospital were


- Fixed a bug with the blackboard; sims no longer laugh about

pamphlets against themselves.

- Fixed a bug with repairing the pirateship and fishing boat.

- During the measure "assign to thief's service" (divehouse) the

cocotte forgot her workingplace after a success and/or with the

beginning of the next round

- Fixed a bug with the assigning to buildings/ residences

(e.g. inherit)

- The measure "Sit down" in the country estate was broken

- At the end of a feast a bug could occur

- Under certain circumstances a heavy bug could occur to AI sims and

to the miller, which cancelled all current actions

- Fixed a bug with the title "Imperial Prince"

- An error occured if you tried to aquire a new title while you

already had the highest possible title

- Fixed an AI error with sowing fields and meadows

- Fixed an exploit in the tavern: taking a bath/dance/bewitch only

gives money to the owner if he doesn't use these measures himself.

- Upgrading a building no longer interrupts the current measure of

the owner

- Patients which can't be treated because of the lack of money will

not try to attend the doctor over and over again

- If the AI tries to buy a certain item because of their consume need

won't spam the measure anymore, if the needed good is not available

(multiple favor loss)

- At several situations and measures, the sims didn't use weapons

(e.g. execution)

- Hospital: bedridden patients do not block the beds, when they have

been already treated.

- The ai was able to send out their minor children to hijack their


- When changing the diplomatic status between two dynasties the favor

is now set correct

- The measure "Welcome a dignitary" was available in opponent

country estates.

- Thieves are not able to burgle abandoned buildings

- The measure "Order sales ban" is now functional as provided

(thanks to Fajeth)

- With the direct hiring of an employee an error occured which

avoided that the sicknesses of the character were cured and that

the bonusses for some of the building upgrades for the character

were calculated

- After the start of the next round the measure "Quacksalver" was

not executed correctly - both for players and for ai

- Gravedigger: due to a number of bugs the ai was unable to manage

the production

- A bug with the measures "hush money" and "protectorate" was

corrected: the mercenary was unable to find all thieves, robbers and


- When a building was built in the surrounding of a city it could

happen, that passing characters and carts stuck and spin around

until the savegame was reloaded. We were able to solve that problem

with a workaround.

- The usage of "Spindle of the Sleeping Beauty" had no effect

- Sermons could be interrupted through different measures. The

audience left the church and the priest restarted the sermon without


- AI characters sometimes stuck in front of a church which had no

owner - the reason was a bug in the needs-system

- Sometimes characters left the conference hall while a council

meeting or a court was held

- If the player has watched a council meeting without having a

character in the room, it could happen that you got access to the

council meeting action bar; this bar still appear, but only for a

short moment

- One received double experience points for using the measure


- The mercenary ai made wrong decisions regarding the measure


- Bugs with leading of own businesses fixed: the employees of patrons,

artisans and rogues receive a productivity bonus from their

employers skill "handycraft"; employees of scholars receive a

productivity bonus from their employers skill "secret knowledge"

... and many more ...

*** Features & Content ***

- The Band Versengold plays in taverns and divehouses and thus raises

the income of the owner and the buildings attractivity

- Own taverns and divehouses get the measure "arrange concert", with

which the player can offer a fee to the band Versengold if they play

in the establishment

- Bored women (married and single) can become groupies of Versengold

with a certain possibility

- AI sims will cheer during concerts

- The player character can also party with the measure "Eat & Drink"

- New object and animation added: Violin

- The old tutorial of Guild 2 has been ported to the game

- The city treasury is now simulated. The office incomes, payment for

worker huts and unoccupied buildings and residences, aswell as the

cost for war are now paid by the city treasury. Also to level up t


Кстати ,дорабатывает игру студия Nordic Games GmbH

Изменено пользователем Nik7777
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Также в официальной группе The Guild 3 разработчики написали ,что последний патч для гильдии 2 Возрождения будет 4,21 - команда начнет работать над ней в весенний период. И вскоре они выпустят исправление багов 4.2 Разрабатывали патч 4.2 некоторые бывшие сотрудники Runeforge. The Guild 3 разрабатывает Golem Labs.

Изменено пользователем Nik7777
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Чуть позже выложу патч 4.2 Выкладываю патч,обновление с версии 4.0 до 4.2

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменено пользователем Nik7777
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Чуть позже выложу патч 4.2 Выкладываю патч,обновление с версии 4.0 до 4.2

]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>

Добрый день!

Хорошо бы сделать полноценный русификатор для новой версии. Я попробовал оптимизировать очень хороший перевод с древнего репака версии 4.15 под версию 4.2 (доработанный текстовый файл прикреплен). В текстовом файле остались без перевода строки добавленные патчем 4.2 (4209-4218, 16334-16467). Испытание перевода проводил на двух версиях игры: на пропатченной версии своего древнего репака (с удалением патчей 4.1 и 4.15) и на пропатченной лицензионной версии. Итоги оказались таковыми: на репак перевод встал просто отлично, а на лицензии просто исчез текст. Русская озвучка нормально встала на обе версии.

Ссылка на текстовый файл:

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Скрины с репака:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Скрины с лицензии:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

P.S. Я не являюсь создателем репаков или переводчиком, а просто большой фанат этой замечательной игры. И хотелось бы как-то поспособствовать в создании и доведении до ума полноценной русской версии.

P.S.S. Пользуясь случаем хотел бы спросить у знатоков игры: можно ли как-то стереть или изменить исходное имя и фамилию со страницы создания персонажа или по ходу игры? В ранних версиях до первой игры имя и фамилия сами изменялись если закрыть и снова открыть страницу создания персонажа, а имя изменялось с изменением пола персонажа. В итоге получается, что играть приходится с нормальным русским именем и фамилией в виде каракули.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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Русифицированная версия 4.2b Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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А есть актуальные ссылки на скачивание? Скачать смог только патч.

p.s. В тему не смог написать - закрыта.

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Вышел финальный патч 4.21!Патч кумулятивный,включается в себя все ранее вышедшие патчи.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Список измененийНажмите здесь!
 4.21 (full patch)

*** Fixed Bugs ***

- ModLauncher: various bugfixes

- number of necessary inhabitants for city-level up was shown


- sometimes it was possible to have 2 Imperial Cities on a map, what

led to the doubled amount of imperial offices

- incorrect error message with guild items, if city had not the right

to have a guild

- while viewing the list of the guildmasters, the city name could have

been shown incorrectly

- sometimes the message of exhausted resources could be spammed by the


- Error with random events fixed

- An error prevented the AI from using toad slime and toad excrement

- the measure "Embezzle Public Money" should no longer end in an

endless loop

- Partners could go away from the bathtube while using the measure

"Take a bath with a partner"

- Outlaws are now being hunted and killed by the guards

- Lovers cannot be employed by AI or other players anymore

- Wedding in the monastry: both partners now go at the same time to the


- AI can now use "Divorce"

- AI will try as hard as possible to get to office meetings and court


- while being at war, a character can no longer be accused

- pregnant women can no longer be tortured

- Medics got stuck if Town-NPCs tried to get treated. Town-NPCs will no

longer visit hospitals

- If Patients didn't have enough money, the hospitals would still lose

the medicine. Now hospitals get their medicines back.

- Now you can't bribe/compliment/flirt to office holders after 16:30,

because this could lead to sims leaving the townhall during the

council meetings.

- Fixed a random bug with town guards, which escorted you forever

- The AI gets a new measure which will prevent them from going bankrupt

(depending on difficulty setting)

- Probability of black death, the ratboy, etc. are now dependent on the


- when crashing into each other, one cart could stop his movement

- office sessions could get stuck

- you can again take credits at the guildhouse

- Using the measure "Quacksalver" could cause problems with the AI, because

they where not able to transfer the content of their inventory to the

inventory of the hospital.

- Young AI Dynastymembers could participate in the production of goods

- Automatic Trade routes do not stop anymore

- Wenches no longer stuck in front of the pub. They will search for new places


- Fixed an protection money-exploit: If your demand is rejected, you will get

a cooldown on further protection money atempts

- robbers will now remove items from their inventory if the robbercamp's

inventory is full

- robbers will no longer follow previously attacked carts

- robbers will no longer have "the bag" in their hands, if the robbercamp's

inventory is full

- dead characters do no longer receive random events

- player carts could stop their route, but it is possible that they get stuck

because of the "spinning-carts"-bug

- Healing diseases no longer removes all additional talent boni due to a workaround.

(Many thanks to Sublogic for his input!)

- Because of a bug with the pathfinding, caused by the construction of a building, some

buildings could no longer be entered. Therefore we developed a workaround, which should work

in most of the cases.

- Cemetery AI is now working again!

- Sims don't get stuck inside the stonemason's building

- The thief-measure "disguise" now has a duration of 1 hour as intended

- Sims that are not in the active player group don't get the message "you are awaken" anymore

- The AI now also needs the right nobility title to insult someone.

- Fixed a bug in the behaviour of the royal guards

- various small bugfixes

*** Features & Content ***

- new option for the frequency of office sessions:

every round, every 2 rounds or every 4 rounds

- Hannover is available in-game again

- New Map: Ulm

- New Map: Pressburg and Vienna

- The Shadow-AI now can court and marry

- Married AI couples will now always go for the adoption of orphans if

they have no children

- Married Shadow AIs will start with a child

- The Owner of Mines can now hire Mine-Guards

-> These strong guards will protect the mine for 16 hours and can not be controlled

-> There is a cooldown of 24 hours, Player have to pay 1000 gold

-> The AI will protect their mines whenever they can

*** Balancing ***

- When holding a worship priests better their faith

(thanks to LordProtektor)

- Fisher: Now gets more Hering and Salmon

- higher spawnrate of Hering and Salmon at market on maps, without


- After a burglary you can only get as much money as the owner of the

building has

- Price for forced marriage now dependent on the level of the


- Minimum cost of the forced marriage is now 1500

- doubled the amount of healthpoints of the mine

- increased amount of healthpoints of the woodcutter's hut

- Protection money fully rebalanced: now depends much more on the building's level

- Market/Item-adjustments.

- Cemetery gets first item-ugrades for free

- The weight of some ressources have been reduced because of some problems

- The mine is much more expensive to build and also now needs to unlock upgrades for Gold and Gems. All mine-upgrades are quite expensive.

- The measure "Curse building" is now much more likely to succeed if you have a high "secret knowledge" skill

- We fixed an exploit, that allowed to hire henchmen and sell their stuff to make high profits.

- We fixed an exploit, that allowed to marry high leveled spouses: you can no longer hire an employee, fire them and marry them to get a well trained new family member.

Employees who get fired will now be resetted.

- Mercenaries get more profit and lose less favor.

*** other ***

- Vienna now is "Small Town"

- Pressburg had two blackboards

- You can now enter the guildhalls in Vienna and Pressburg again

- Vienna-Map: Completely reworked pathfinding

- Hannover-Map: Completely reworked pathfinding

- Resources on Hannover should not collapse anymore

- Hannover-Map: added Danquardessen as counting house

- various texts reworked

- while executing various measures, characters now run instead of


- you don't need to pay, if you want to change your faith in your

own church

- men can no longer arrange danceshows

- the "donkeyteam" vanishes after 12 hours

- You can't get insulted while you are at home

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Вышел финальный патч 4.21!

Хорошие новости.

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Спасибо. Много хороших исправлений. Вот только недопер, что изменяет или добавляет этот пункт:

"There is a cooldown of 24 hours, Player have to pay 1000 gold"

Мож кто разобрался?

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Русификация The Guild 2: Renaissance 4.21

Инструкция по руссификации ниже:

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3 этап

Качаете файл по этой ссылке Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , (это озвучка игры), просто закидываете этот архив (НЕ распаковывая) в папку:

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Подтверждаем замену!

P.S. На форуме пишут что к патчу 4.21 выпустят скоро hotfix ,который починит работу выбора офисных сессий. B)

P.S.S. У кого русская сборка или репак ,достаточно скачать файл текста. :)

Изменено пользователем Nik7777
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Тем временем, уже выпустили хотфикс для 4.21 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменено пользователем Franc
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Русификация The Guild 2: Renaissance 4.21

Инструкция по руссификации ниже:

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Качаете архив с этой ссылки ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> , (это шрифт для отображения текста), архив распаковываем в любое место, затем папку textures закидываем в директорию игры:

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2 этап

Качаете файл ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> , (это текст) кидаете файл в папку:

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3 этап

Качаете файл по этой ссылке ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> , (это озвучка игры), просто закидываете этот архив (НЕ распаковывая) в папку:

...steam/steamapps/common/The Guild 2 Renaissance/sfx/

Подтверждаем замену!

P.S. На форуме пишут что к патчу 4.21 выпустят скоро hotfix ,который починит работу выбора офисных сессий. B)

P.S.S. У кого русская сборка или репак ,достаточно скачать файл текста. :)

Обновил текст.Вот ссылка на файл текста.(2 этап)

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  • Ответы 129
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  • Просмотры 117677

Лучшие авторы в этой теме

  • Royce_59


  • Diplomate


  • Nik7777


  • Franc


  • amadest


  • Gfm-89


  • Gerodot




  • Torlik


  • Lucas Keyn


  • CrazyFaol


  • Andreo


  • VLCR


  • Goose


  • Толстый


  • CommunistAlex


  • Kin


  • Koh


  • Killen


  • Zom


  • Dobrak


  • clash007


  • Лех


  • Vladimir89


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