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Ancient Religions


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- Update to 2.5.2

- Factored in the existence of the Feeble, Dull, Shrewd, and Robust traits for events and decisions, where appropriate.

- Fixed bug in Pagan Subjugation that allowed vassals who subjugate another realm of equal or greater rank to their liege to become independent, which had been introduced in Cecrops.

- Used new infamy modifier for custom CBs.

- Hellenic County Liberation = 75% Infamy

- Hellenic Reconquest = 85% Infamy

- Promethean Expansion gets no modification.



Скажите а у эллинизма глава религии есть?

Скажите а у эллинизма глава религии есть?

Нет. Ну, во всяком случае в Ванилле у эллинизма главы религии нету.

Apostlle of Satan

Приветствую. Не могли бы вы мне подсказать, какая версия мода подойдет под версию игры 2.3.6? Имеется ли такая?


Приветы, а обновление будет, он не русифицирован? 


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  • Compatibility with CK2 2.6.2
  • New Game Rule: AI Revival
    • On: Player and AI are both able to get Ancient Religion revival events.
    • Off: Only the player can get Ancient Religion revival events.
  • Did my best to obey the Supernatural Events Game Rule. Please report events that should be obeying it but aren't.
    • Left the Sacred Symbols and Sidhe events alone intentionally, since they are an important mechanic for Celts.
  • Increased the frequency of the event that clears the Angry Sidhe modifier after a decent/good sacrifice.


  • Fixed a bunch of broken flavor events
  • Hellenic Reconquest is now usable once every 50 years, not once per lifetime.


  • Neoplatonist traits (Stoic, Skeptic, Epicurean) are now considered good traits for doctors.


  • Druid is considered a good trait for doctors.
  • Added new "Battle Raven" Celtic Crusader trait.


  • Added new "Mighty Bull of Montu" Kemetic Crusader trait.


  • Added new "Lightbringer" Atenic Crusader trait.





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- Added unit modifiers to Hellenic, Titan, Promethean, Kemetic, and Atenic.
- Compatibility with CK2 2.7.
- Your old saves will probably work, but back them up just in case!
- Secret Religious Societies are available for all 7 religions.
- Trait icons are placeholders for now. Real ones will be added in v0.39.1 "Atalanta"

- Improved the conversion events slightly.
- Unlanded children of the liege will not discount the possibility of converting just because they are Zealous.
- The player's court will always convert (unless they are landed, like councilors, or prisoners).
- The Insanity conversion event will now also cascade through the realm, allowing vassals and courtiers to convert with you.
- This should give Celtic revivals a leg to stand on. It's still unlikely they'll be more than a blip, but there's always a chance.
- Unfit King mechanic is enabled on an experimental basis.
- It is controlled by a game rule, and is disabled by default.
- In an effort to balance the ability to abdicate, the old ruler will have a strong claim on all titles and all Powerful Vassals will get a weak claim.
- Please give feedback on this mechanic!
- Added Devil Worshipper Society called The Unseelie Petitioners.

- Added new Mercenary company, The Myrmidons.
- This company comes into existence when the entire duchy of Thessalonika is converted to Hellenism.
- Has 4 pure heavy infantry regiments.
- Updated the Philosopher event chain.
- It is now possible to fire when the Empire has 130 or fewer realm holdings, up from the previous limit of 100.
- More events have been added to the chain to make the Philosopher earn any support he may get from the Emperor, and to allow for a better story to unfold.
- Added Devil Worshipper Society called The Coven.
- Prometheans and Titans have access as well.

- Added Devil Worshipper Society called The Fangs of Apep.

- Atenic have access as well.


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  • Added some missing text in localisations.


  • The Pendragon title is no longer applied to every Welsh/Breton/Pictish Emperor of Britania, only the first.
  • Some bits of French translation, provided by Amendile.


  • Fixes the Crotone Academy of Engineering's bonus being backwards (+5% local build time, rather than -5%).
  • Prometheans now have access to the Hermetic Society.
    • Neoplatonist traits give you Hermetic Society currency.


  • Some bits of French translation, provided by lukaslunt.


  • Aten characters now use the Iqta government by default.
    • This was intended to go out in Ares but was forgotten.
    • This change is intended to be temporary; a custom government for Aten characters is probably in the cards.


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  • Compatibility with CK2 2.7.1
  • Most conversion events now set secret religion rather than open religion.
  • Fixed a lot of localization bugs related to societies and custom localizations.
  • Implemented the decisions to secretly convert to a religion if you own a holy site of that religion.
    • For logical consistancy, the entirely fictional heresies of Prometheanism and Titanism require at least one province in the world to have their religion before the decision can be taken.
  • Adjusted merc compositions again in an attempt to make them more like vanilla holy orders and merc companies.
    • They've also been adjusted in some places to be a little less terrible and random.
    • I'm very open to constructive feedback on merc compositions.


  • Updated acceptable cultures for the Studied the Classics event chain.
    • Removed Norman, French, and Occitan cultures.
    • Added Serbian and Croatian, but it is much rarer (20% as likely, to be precise).


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  • Hellenic can now be a secret religion.
  • Secret Cults can be created for Hellenism.


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  • Fixed a bug that broke the Old Wizard event chain for Celts.
    • This update should automatically fix your save for you as well. If it doesn't, PM me on the forums and I'll try to do something for you.

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  • Modifiers to Prosperity for many events and decisions have been added for Reapers Due owners.
    • All festivals/celebrations added by the mod now add a small amount of prosperity.
    • Decisions to construct new holdings (Crotone, Luxor, etc.) add large amounts of prosperity.
    • Gaining a Sacred Symbol adds a small amount of prosperity, but losing one removes the same amount.
    • And many more!
  • Many fixes for small bugs.
    • A lot of bugs related to conversion events have been fixed. (Secret Religion related commands are not idiomatic).


  • The Depopulation mechanic of the Expansion CB has been re-written to modify Prosperity instead (for RD owners only, the old system still works if RD is off).
    • Now, sieged provinces will lose three levels of prosperity, and all their progress toward higher prosperity will be lost.
    • The CB cannot be used if there are any provinces in your realm that are depopulated at any level.
  • Added events to send immigrants from your prosperous demense provinces to depopulated ones, losing Prosperity in one province to reduce depopulation in the other.
    • These events represent the Promethean policy of lebensraum and replace the old event that triggered on the Depopulated modifier for Reapers Due owners.
    • There is a chance that the province converts to your culture and religion. This chance increases dramatically for each level of Prosperity you transfer.
    • If you don't want to give up a level of prosperity in one of your demesne provinces, you can ask your direct liege for help.
      • Your direct liege can deny the request, send settlers (one prosperity), or forward your request to their liege.

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  • Fixed a bug with the Old wizard event chain for Celts.


  • Fixed a bad condition in the Expansion CB.


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  • Secret Cults now can only Prepare Ground in provinces owned by members of the Secret Cult.
  • When apostates are burned at the stake and members of the society are informed, there is now an option to leave the society. The character is then barred from being recruited to any secret religious societies or devil worshipper societies for 5 years.


  • The Old Wizard has slightly better traits now and will automatically become a Zealous Druid if you decide to go Celtic Pagan, assuming he's alive and in your court.
  • When conversion cascades down your realm tree, characters whose true religion is Celtic pagan will always accept conversion to Celtic pagan.


  • Based on some feedback from forum user PlotVitalNPC, I've changed how moving prosperity to devestated provinces works to add some player agency.
    • The devestation of the province is reduced from -3 Prosperity to -2 Prosperity.
    • You now select the donor province with a title decision (right click on the county shield) called "Prepare Settlers".
    • You then select the receiver province with another title decision called "Send Settlers".
    • Only one province at a time can be preparing settlers.
      • The selected province has an empty modifier called "Preparing Settlers" so you know which one it is.
      • The modifier expires after 30 days.
      • You can use a decision "Stop Preparing Settlers" to de-select that province.



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Changelog 2017-09-02 v0.40.3 "Asteria"  


  • Merged changes from the CK2 2.7.2 "Tiny Patch"


  • Removed two year cooldown for "Invite Druid to Court" decision.


  • Pyramids are now an actual building that will appear in your holdings.
  • Thanks to IhateTrains for importing the code from WtWSMS.
Changelog 2017-09-03 v0.40.4 "Asteria 2"  


  • Resolves bug where tribal characters would usurp county titles in their de jure kingdom, turn feudal, and all holdings would be destroyed.


Сейчас работаю на переводом мода. Перевод пока неполный и несколько корявый, но всё будет.



Что сделано:
  - Переведены всё, связанное с механикой религий
  - Переведены все титулы
  - Переведены все общества
  - Переведено большинство трейтов

  - Частично переведены решения
  - Переведены римские здания и решения
  - Переведены события на католическое восстановление Пентархии

Что осталось:

  - Перевести оставшиеся события и решения (~70% осталось)

  - Перевести оставшиеся трейты (~10% осталось)
  - Адаптировать перевод под последнюю версию (~20% осталость)

Полностью совместим с FULL-переводом от Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (на совместимость сLITE-переводом не проверялось)
Мод коряво работает с DLC "Jade Dragon", о чем следовало бы упомянуть в закрепе.

  - Скопировать с заменой файлов папку AncientReligions в папку Mod (не забудьте сделать бекап!)

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Фикс перевода под версию 0.40.4 "Asteria 2" 

Что сделано:
  - Переведены всё, связанное с механикой религий
  - Переведены все титулы
  - Переведены все общества
  - Переведены все трейты
  - Частично переведены решения
  - Переведены римские здания и решения
  - Переведены события на католическое восстановление Пентархии

Что осталось:
  - Перевести оставшиеся события и решения (~60% осталось)

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Фиксы косяков и перевод некоторых решений(~50% осталось) решения, под версию  0.40.4 "Asteria 2" (с более старыми, кстати, тоже работает)

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v0.40.4 "Asteria 2" с Альфа версией перевода + фикс для совместимости с DLC Jade Dragon

Что сделано:

  - Переведено всё, связанное с механикой религий
  - Переведены все титулы
  - Переведены все общества
  - Переведены все трейты
  - Переведено всё, касающееся древнеегипетских религий (кеметизм, атонизм): события, решения, титулы
  - Переведены все события на дружбу с богами
  - Решена проблема совместимости с DLC Jade Dragon

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как устанавливать то?



Я так понял, то, что уже переведено не совместимо с новейшей версией, так что я, возможно, займусь переводом. :hello:

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Сейчас работаю на переводом мода. Перевод пока неполный и несколько корявый, но всё будет.   !!! ПЕРЕВОД ДЛЯ ВЕРСИИ С ВЕРСИЕЙ 0.40.4 "Asteria 2" БУДЕТ РАБОТАТЬ НЕКОРРЕКТНО!!!  


Фикс перевода под версию 0.40.4 "Asteria 2"  Что сделано:   - Переведены всё, связанное с механикой религий   - Переведены все титулы   - Переведены все общества   - Переведены все трейты


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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Changelog 2017-09-02 v0.40.3 "Asteria"   General: Merged change


Фиксы косяков и перевод некоторых решений(~50% осталось) решения, под версию  0.40.4 "Asteria 2" (с более старыми, кстати, тоже работает) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


v0.40.4 "Asteria 2" с Альфа версией перевода + фикс для совместимости с DLC Jade Dragon Что сделано:   - Переведено всё, связанное с механикой религий   - Переведены все титулы   - Перевед


Я так понял, то, что уже переведено не совместимо с новейшей версией, так что я, возможно, займусь переводом. 


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