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Ancient Religions




Данный мод является продолжением изначального мода от superskierpat, продолженного командой других разработчиков.

В настоящее время модом поддерживаются религии:

  • Кельтское язычество (реформируется в Друидизм)
  • Британник
  • Эллинизм (реформируемый)
  • Прометеизм
  • Культ Титана
  • Египетское язычество (реформируется в Кеметизм)
  • Атонизм

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Предыдущие версии (как 5 оригинальных релизов, так и все Reborn) можно найти в Releases на Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .



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Изменено пользователем Labes
Изменено изображение; Актуализировано описание и информация; Наведен порядок в архивных версиях; Стандартизация оформления

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- Celtic Pagans can now hire Celtic pagan women to any councilor position, assuming they otherwise qualify.

-Note: Celtic Pagans and Druidic's require their Chancellor and Chaplain to have the either the Druid, Bad Druid, or Poet trait. The Invite Druid to Court decision fires an event 3 days after you make the decision. So long as you don't have a Court Druid (minor title) you can make the decision. Also, all Celtic Pagan/Druidic Theocracies are automatically given the Druid trait

- Fixed religion description localization for Celtic Pagan, Druidic, and Hellenic.



руссификатор есть нет

да хоть к чему нибудь, кроме самой игры и MEIOU, он есть

Изменено пользователем Alterus

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- Celtic Pagans can now hire Celtic pagan women to any councilor position, assuming they otherwise qualify.

-Note: Celtic Pagans and Druidic's require their Chancellor and Chaplain to have the either the Druid, Bad Druid, or Poet trait. The Invite Druid to Court decision fires an event 3 days after you make the decision. So long as you don't have a Court Druid (minor title) you can make the decision. Also, all Celtic Pagan/Druidic Theocracies are automatically given the Druid trait

- Fixed religion description localization for Celtic Pagan, Druidic, and Hellenic.


Большое спасибо.


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Pagan religions now use random flags for all title tiers

Added Lets Get Pagan decision available on startup, before unpausing the game

Most of the world is converted to a pagan religion based on culture. Some go Zoroastrian.

Fixed bug in adopt feudalism and republicanism decisions

Removed English localizations in non-English fields. The game defaults to English when a localization is missing anyway, and this indicates where localization is missing.

Fixed ALL validation errors from non-vanilla files

Fixed convert_to_attacker_religion and convert_to_reformed decisions having no effect

Updated README and add DEV installation steps

Added dignity to all new heads of religion

Celtic Paganism:

Added unique title frame and CoA patterns

Added College of cardinals for Druidic religion (falls back to open-elective w/o SoA) !

Changed buttons to be less Christian

Tweaked the selection of the first Arch-druid to ensure he holds a holy site, and favors reformer culture / culture group

Cleaned up councilor allow clauses and made celtic_pagan properly feminist

Improved Invite Druid to Court decision with a follow-up event where the druid actually presents himself and event options to nominate him as Chancellor/Seer/Court Druid, if applicable

Added basic Gaulish culture (no flavor or revival yet), with a cultural building and retinue

Tweaked merc and holy orders composition/growth

Sons of Gwydion growth increased from 10% to 25%

Wolf Tails composition tweaked (smaller units, but more of them; should work out to be the same)

Fianna levy size reduced, to compensate for the fact that they tend to appear before other holy orders and thus get a head start on growth.

Changed hold divination and give offerings to sidhe to be high priority

Changed vassalizing fianna to cost 500 prestige

Fixed auto-suggest court druid notification that kept firing

Druidic education events now work for both genders

Made it clear in events and in trait description that Druids cannot inherit.

Hellenic Paganism:

Added unique title frame and CoA patterns

Making Hellenism the state religion will now give you the nickname 'the Apostate'

Created decision to recreate the pontificate and pontifex_restored religion modifier

Created titan_pagan and promethean_pagan heresies

Added titan 'Hold Thysia' decision

Titan Cultists are barbaric, it is an unreformed faith that cannot reform, and has many similarities to other such religions

Promethean pagans can no longer use, or are subject to, subjugation

Promethean pagans can no longer use county conquest

Prometheans are pre-reformed and have a creatable head of religion, the Scholarch of the First Academy

Rebalanced the Roman Legion retinue to match vanilla sizes (250)

Fixed hellenic_county_liberation CB discrepancy (using CB on other rulers under same liege causes the CB to end inconclusively): CB cannot be used on same realm characters.

Fixed restore_roman_empire decision having no effect

Fixed mayor not becoming Roman when city restores Roman customs

Allowed Court Bard and Royal Champion for tribal rulers

Made it clear in events and in trait description that Vestals cannot inherit

Fixed a typo that allowed you to emulate multiple heroes

Opened up the conversion event a little more to make it more likely

Removed restriction that it must be before 1066

No maximum age requirement.

No longer requires Christian group, and pagans more likely to convert if moral authority low.

Based chance of courtier converting changed to 15%.

Christians and Muslims far more likely to convert than jews or indians.

Egyptian Paganism:

Added unique title frame and CoA patterns

Added Sed festival decision and event chain, for Pharaoh's having ruled for 30 years:

Can be retaken every 3 years for increased bonuses each time

Chances of bad outcomes, based on traits

Fixed typos in some Egyptian event flags

Atenism heresy is now pre-reformed, but currently has no religious head.



Благодаря одному ненайденному префекту, решившему обновить шапку через быстрое редактирование и полностью испортившему её тем самым, пришлось полностью переписать текст оной. Описания религий и их функций безвозвратно утеряны (да и неактуальны они уже в связи с Reborn’ом.)

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser


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New cover image for Steam Workshop.

Tags added for Steam Workshop.

Pagan County Conquest can now target counties up to one sea zone away. Celts in Britain should have an easier time hoping the Irish Sea or the Channel.

Added missing OR in the paganify event that meant that those cultures who should have gone Tengri, didn't.

Added localization for the new CoA types, so they don't show as coa_plain_celtic, etc., in the Ruler Designer.

Updated the Gone Pagan decision(s) to the latest version available from CK2+. -- Characters that convert via the Gone Pagan decisions will gain the Zealous trait, which should make it less likely for them to instantly convert when faced with a Holy War.

Celtic Paganism:

Children who are already Druids, or are training to become Druids, will not ask their parent to send them for Druid training.

The Sacred Dogs modifier should now work as intended, giving a garrison growth bonus.

The Sacred Lake tax bonus has been reduced from the insane 80% to the, likely intended, 8%.

Your daughter will no longer be referred to as a "madman" if she comes back from her Druid training insane.

Druidic (reformed celtic) can no longer be selected in Ruler Designer.

Added missing gfx for wolf trait.

Fixed localization for the Sons of Gwydion formation event ("restless sons of Emperor." -> "restless sons of the Empire.")

Fixed bug in "Child returns from druidic training with a strange child" event that made the ruler the parent of the strange child, instead of the returning druid.

Fixed some localization that was gender specific. These will continue to crop up as we find them.

The temple of Mellifont (Dublin holy site) should exist in all starts now.


Epic Blood traits no longer selectable in Ruler Designer. Its not finished yet, stop asking!

Promethean Paganism:

Prometheans can now hire women to any councilor position, just like the other religions, as intended.





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Celtic Paganism:

Wolf, Learning Druidic Arts, and Fennid traits have had their fertility moddifiers reduced by a factor of 100.

Court Druid and Bard minor titles no longer restricted by government type. Any ruler (that matches other requirements) can hire them.

Court Bards can no longer be landed. If they are busy administering their own land, how can they have time being your bard all day?

Restless Sidhe is about 40% less likely to occur, and if you've had a good sacrifice to the Sidhe recently it won't happen.

Also descreased the mtth for the "sidhe are calmed" event, which requires you have at least a neutral response to your sacrifice. Should be far less annoying for those of you with a demense larger than 4 now ;)

Fixed localization problems in the Sidhe events that mistakenly referenced the religion of the province, instead of the ruler. This meant that a Celtic Pagan may occassinonaly say "May the Blessed Virgin protect us!".

Adjusted the Potential on Invite Court Druid and Organize Fianna so it stops cluttering up your menu when its irrelevant. You now must either be a Irish cultured or personally hold land in Ireland to see it (in addition to being Celtic Pagan or Druidic).

Fixed bug that made nearly every child of a Celtic Pagan player reincarnated.

More small localization fixes.


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В шапке.


подскажите пожалуйста, как изменить герб государства, НЕ династии а именно государства

подскажите пожалуйста, как изменить герб государства, НЕ династии а именно государства

Я думаю, никак. А вам собственно, зачем?


мне затем, что в моде Ancient Religions, (древние религии) у каждого политеизма свои гербы и государственные в том числе, при создания римской империи за византию, герб создается случайно, причем там недоработки с цветом, (причем такие что модельки солдат радугой переливаются) я хочу изменить этот герб


А на какую версию патча,есть ли перевод и не конфликтует ли с русификатором?

А на какую версию патча,есть ли перевод и не конфликтует ли с русификатором?

Последняя версия мода должна пойти на 2.3.6. Перевода мода нет.

Ancient Religions Reborn v0.36.4 "Beroe"

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Ancient Religions Reborn v0.36.4 "Beroe"

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В шапке. На какую версию игры ?

Изменено пользователем Alterus

В шапке. На какую версию игры ?


- Compatibility with vanilla 2.4.3

- Fixed issue where Tribal Marshals couldn't use the Train Warriors action

- Hellenism, Prometheanism, The Titan Cult, and Atenism are all available in the Ruler Designer.

- Pagans no longer use random Coats of Arms for Count and higher titles.

- "Studied the Classics" is more likely to occur in later start dates than previously (but still less likely than early start dates).

- The third witch is now a Kemetic pagan.

- Updated religion descriptions using the new _FEATURES localization.

- "Lets. Get. PAGAN!" prevents Christian and Muslim religious heads from calling Crusades/Jihads.

- Added missing councilor localization for alternate governments.

- The Pontifica Maxima will no longer be referred to as a Legata Augusti.

- Roman Viceroys now have unique localization.

- Sed Festival can now be taken after 10 years instead of 30, so you actually have a chance of using it.

- Court Wizard is no longer grant-able.


- Compatibility with vanilla 2.4.3

Спасибо. Добавил.

Namida Sora

совместим с ск+?

Какие условия для появления персонажей с языческими религиями? Начал с 770ых годов за герцога Афин, прошло уже 50 лет, но язычники не возраждаются

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Сейчас работаю на переводом мода. Перевод пока неполный и несколько корявый, но всё будет.   !!! ПЕРЕВОД ДЛЯ ВЕРСИИ С ВЕРСИЕЙ 0.40.4 "Asteria 2" БУДЕТ РАБОТАТЬ НЕКОРРЕКТНО!!!  


Фикс перевода под версию 0.40.4 "Asteria 2"  Что сделано:   - Переведены всё, связанное с механикой религий   - Переведены все титулы   - Переведены все общества   - Переведены все трейты


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Фиксы косяков и перевод некоторых решений(~50% осталось) решения, под версию  0.40.4 "Asteria 2" (с более старыми, кстати, тоже работает) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


v0.40.4 "Asteria 2" с Альфа версией перевода + фикс для совместимости с DLC Jade Dragon Что сделано:   - Переведено всё, связанное с механикой религий   - Переведены все титулы   - Перевед


Я так понял, то, что уже переведено не совместимо с новейшей версией, так что я, возможно, займусь переводом. 


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