Мод ROME: ENHANCED v0.51 (с форума парадоксов) - Страница 3 - Моды и моддинг - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Мод ROME: ENHANCED v0.51 (с форума парадоксов)

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>>> v0.51 <<<

Version Release Date: June 1st, 2008


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#1 > To make the game more enjoyable, compelling and immersing for the player.

#2 > To address as many of the commonly cited bugs and issues as possible.

#3 > To employ as much historical authenticity as possible - while still meeting the standards of goal #1

Enhancements and Fixes Currently Include:

* Revised battle system, with higher casualties and a more "epic" feel to the battles, rebalanced unit stats (e.g. cavalry weak against elephants, archers do more damage but are more easily killed if engaged directly, elephants less effective against light units). No more inconsequential ("ping-pong") battles. Assaults no longer take weeks/months. Ships are repaired in a more realistic timespan. All units travel faster.

* Research bug corrected.

* Numerous new tribes added. Dacians, Scythians, Picts and many more.

* Tribes are now Playable and much more interactive.

* Population growth now variable depending on stability, revolt risk, nationalism, governor traits, and trade goods other than just grain.

* Completely revamped Idea system, where you choose your country's military/economic path, and that choice is reflected in the Ideas available.

* New warfare events: Set goals, loot or destroy provinces, enslave populations.

* Your governors' traits now affect the province they control. Effects on tax income, growth, and research rate.

* Culture conversion modified. Cultures in the same group convert faster, and building a temple speeds the process even further.

* A deeper international scene, with various events affecting relations between nations.

* Think the waters are safe? Think again...Pirates now roam the waves!

* You now have the option to automate governor assignment!

And various other changes.

This mod incorporates elements of several mods including:

TheLand's Mod: Colonization and Research Fixed - v0.35 (Events/values)

Keraunos' New Improved Military Mod v1.1 (All)

Numahr's Dynamic Demographics Mod - v0.33 (Events/values)

The Boss' NATIONS MOD - v1.1 (Some nations & flags)

Mr. Numbers' Real National Ideas Mod - v0.5 (All)

zarinth's Cultural Conversion Mod (Events)

Invader_Canuck's Barbarians! Mod v1.0 (Numerous nations/flags)

Antimatter's War and Peace Mod, State Piracy events (Events/modifiers)

Jane Doe's Ambition Event Series v0.1 (character/loyalty events) v0.22

Battlecry's International Relations events (1st Edition), Barbarian events (1st Edition) and Auto-Governor events (1st Edition).

Future Plans

=> Incorporating the Improved Map Mod.

=> Balancing (as always)


v0.2 >> Massana Mod & Real National Ideas Mod incorporated. Numahr's DD updated to v0.33. Assault casualties tripled.

v0.21 >> Minor error corrected

v0.3 >> Massana Mod removed (for now), text bug fixed

v0.31 >> Looter events update to v0.2

v0.32 >> Zarinth's Cultural Conversion modifiers added

v0.33 >> Balancing - civ spread lowered, civ event MTTH doubled

v0.34 >> Shortcut now included. Tribes forcelimit doubled as an anti-barbarian measure

v0.35 >> Event-related CTD issue fixed

v0.35b >> Another bugfix

v0.4 >> Lots of changes! Parthia boosted in early stages (to represent their off-map territories); penalty for non-accepted culture provinces increased; Seleucids changed to Macedonian culture; numerous events added ala Antimatter, Jane Doe, and myself; tribes re-envisioned & refined (now tribal governments have a hard time ruling nations over 5 provinces, and can only switch to another government after reaching 9 provinces); battle system redesigned & refined; documentation updated, now includes new unit stat table, and Real National Ideas explanation;

A number of bugfixes and minor changes as well.

v0.5 >> Numerous bugfixes; some new modifiers for Rome; tribes weakened slightly for balance; Egypt's primary culture changed to macedonian; all Seleucid and Egyptian characters are now macedonian culture; damage modifier lowered slightly; badboy reduction rate increased; barbarian power increased substantially; number of character friends/rivals set to 3; population growth issues balanced; war exhaustion/revolt risk/culture province modifiers altered.

v0.501 >> A number of fixes, as well as nearly-complete rebalancing for patch 1.2; added a new trait "allegiant" which prevents generals/characters from causing/joining civil wars.

v0.502 >> Some minor fixes from previous version

v0.51 >> Tribes edited/rebalanced for v1.2, International Relations events 1st Ed. added, Barbarian events 1st Ed. added, State Piracy events added, Auto-Governors events added, innumerable small tweaks for balance, modifiers to strengthen non-tribe minors added.



Delete any previous version of this mod before proceeding.


a) Run the .exe installer

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Закреплённые сообщения
Да, сам переводил, но это промтовский перевод...

ну понятное дело, не вручную же :D

осталось его только отшлифовать

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ну понятное дело, не вручную же :D

осталось его только отшлифовать

Проблема в том что в папке Europa Universalis - Rome\mod\Rome-Enhanced\localisation\ там все файлы переведено, но в игре серовно встречаются английские собщения.(вот ломаю голову, где ещё не переведено)

Хотя мне кажется в папке Europa Universalis - Rome\localisation\ там есть не переведёные файлы :023:

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дохлые линки на первод у тебя

Если надо, могу сново залить перевод этого мода.

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Если надо, могу сново залить перевод этого мода.

Мне эта игра интересна. Залейте линки перевода пожалуйста.

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Да. Очень сложно. :022: :022: :022:

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