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Патчи для Europa Universalis 4

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So, the time has come for the first update which is a hotfix adressing some of the early problems. The priority with hotfixes are generally that they are a) Important and b)Simple fixes. If they fail B) we cant really push them out without serious testing otherwise we will just end up breaking more than we fix.

However, work continues on even greater changes and we have decided to do with EU4 what we allready do with CK2 and thats use open betas. These will be experimental and you have to opt in to use them, just be warned there might be serious problems that we havent seen yet so use at your own risk. The first Open beta will be versioin that will be made available later today.

The plan is that the team will continue working on updating and changing Conquest of Paradise and in roughly two weeks we should roll out a 1.5 patch.

Patchotes 1.4.1:


- Fixed incompability issues with map, causing crashes with 1.3 saves.

- Fixed bug where ironman saves where broken on tag change

- Now possible to enforce peace if your colony declares war on others

- Migration only moves the migrating nations units

- Fixed crash in province view if the province being watched migrates

- Native american AI can no longer build non native buildings

- Natives americans no longer get alerts that they cant build buildings that they cant Build

- No longer possible to get achievments in observemode by selecting a country

- Fixed a bug where AI would have the wrong attitude set towards its vassals, resulting in them not diploannexing them

Угу, уже скачался. Контрольная сумма еа04


в соответствующей Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. изменения нового hotfix'a уже переведены.

Ссылка на 1.4 не открывается.

Выложите на др. хост.


Priest, в шапке предоставлены две ссылки на разные сайты для кача. вы обе проверяли?;)

1.4 устарел :) вышел


Патч 1.4.1 + 14 DLCs:

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Изменено пользователем vitovt13


v1.4.1.1 Open Beta

The open beta for the next patch is now live. You access it via the BETAS tab under properties for EU4 in STEAM. We are making no guarantees at this point, this is just for testing. You can't run ironman on the open beta so when you are playing your epic grand campaign, I recommend running the proper 1.4.1 version. But, it you want to be wild and crazy, opt in to the beta and report any problems in this thread.

When you report any problems, make sure you say which version you played. If you started the game in one version and continued in the other, we need to know this too.

The final version of this update will be 1.5.

Вольный перевод: открытое бета-тестирование следующего патча теперь доступно в стиме. Айронмен не работает в версии с бэта-патчем. Финальная версия получит номер 1.5.


Текущие измененияНажмите здесь!

- Fixed several spelling errors in NEWCOLONIALCOUNTRY_5

- Mission rule_the_seas now give 5 prestige

- Mission construct_grand_fleet now give 10 navy tradition and 10 prestige

- netherlands_nation only cedes French provinces to France if France exists

- Fixed localisation problem for LIBERATE_COLONY

- Event republics.3 can no longer fire for colonies

- Event catholic_flavor.1 will no longer fire outside of Europe

- Added colonial nation variants of event "Minorities flock to $PROVINCENAME$"

- Fixed missing end of desc_achievement_the_five_colonies

- Nouvelle Flandre spelled Nouvelle-Flandre

- Colonies or AI former colonies can no longer form most formable countries

- Added decision for the Pope to be able to move back his capital to Rome

- Fixed a bug where vassalizing a country and taking over their wars would result in all your allies dishonoring your alliance

- Fixed a bug that was causing the AI to refuse support independence request based on their own distance to overlord instead of their overlord's distance to supporter

- The tooltip for annul treaties-option in peace offer view now shows what treaties that will annulled.

- The entries in the loans-list now tells the total amount of money to repay.

- Ships can no longer blockade ports while patrolling.

- Trade winds are no longer used in Random New World, and correctly restored after resign.

- The values in the tooltip for inflation change are now rounded correctly.

- Removed the active country from the federation-list in diplo screen.

- Increased AI aggressiveness

- Rewrite AI logic for returning home when in exile, should hopefully resolve all issues with exiles being stuck in foreign countries

- Fixed another bug with AI exiles stuck in foreign countries

- Fixed a bug in naval invasion AI that could cause AI to become stuck in invasion mode without ever boarding ships

- AI: Should now be much better at transporting troops to allies' territory during war

- Fixed an issue where AI countries without armies would not build troops because they were waiting for money to build more expensive unit types

- Added a checkbox to decisions to set whether or not you want to be notified about the decision being available to take

- AI: Will now use larger stacks when carpeting sieging high level forts

- AI: Will now lift sieges in order to attack enemy armies that are besieging higher priority targets

- AI: Now considers terrain and leaders a bigger factor when determining combat odds

- AI: Now much more reluctant to enter scorched provinces

- The message notification for reaching max improve relations now has a button for recalling your diplomat

- Reaching max improve relations will no longer automatically recall your diplomat

- AI: More prio on conquering pagan states with gold provinces

- AI: Will no longer diplo-vassalize HRE vassals if it is trying to enact Renovatio

- AI: Will now take out more loans if fighting in a war where their independence is threatened

- AI: Will now consolidate badly damaged regiments if low on manpower or about to enter battle

- Fixed another issue with supply range cache and undiscovered provinces

- Allied overlords of nations you are declaring war on will now correctly show as not willing to join the war on your side

- AI: Will no longer ignore small nearby enemy stacks if they have nothing better to do

- Some effects that gave +1000 manpower (which is iirelevant), now give a full years manpower in a few events.

- Merchant Shipping Act has been changed, and now gives +1 merchant as an effect, but is only available to countries with 5 ports, and requires full trade & naval ideas.

- Importation Act is now just a trade bonus, but requires full trade & administrative ideas and nothing else.

- Merchant Adventures now gives +33% trade range instead of +25%, allowing a trading netherlands to reach Western Europe.

- Polish revolt events are a little bit stronger now.

- Fixed a bug where AI nations would be unable to cancel a treaty of support independence even after they had ceased being willing to uphold it

- AI: Will no longer demand the return of unlawful territory from its allies and dependancies

- AI: Will no longer send missionaries to non-core provinces

- Reduced trust impact on HRE elections to fit the new trust calculations

- AI: Should now always try to cede a siege to warleader if it has no interest in the province

- Fixed some bad tooltips in call to arms diplo reasons

- Nations that are supporting independence will now automatically join their supported nation in an independence war unless they have a truce or is fighting in a war together with its overlord

- AI: Will now ignore attitude towards a nation's allies when checking whether to answer call to arms from a nation whose independence it is supporting

- Default sort for protect trade is now "trader present", as that is usually what you want to send to.

- Bavarian Archbishops can only happen at an actual ruler change for Cologne now.

- East India Traderoute triggered modifier is now available for americans and africans, and is no longer limited by <30% mercantilism.. effect is now +5% trade income.

- Western Arms trade now reduc es techcost by 10% instead of 5%.

- Junior partners in a union is no longer allowed to change government.

- You can now always core a province adjacent to your colonial subjects.

- Reformation (and Calvinism) now only happens in Europe.

- Giving a colony independence now gives them +100 opinion of you.

- Support Independence is now cancelled if the overlord is giving a colony away.

- Revolutionary Republic now becomes a revolutionary empire instead of despotic monarchy if tradition is too low.

- The General estates now requires inflation at at least 10, and 50 bankloans.

- Fixed a few issues that made Napoleonic era not working as intended for France.

- Cardinals will no longer spawn from territories not on the same continent as the Holy See.

- Colonial Governments now have a severe malus on Papal Influence.

- Funj should no longer spawn with lots of natives in it.

- Ships will no longer spread their damage as much in naval combat, and will keep firing at ships with 0 morale to sink them if possible.

- achievement_no_pirates_in_my_carribean now count vassals as well

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI Emperor from granting Electorates under certain circumstances

- Fixed a bug where AI armies would be locked up wandering back and forth between provinces trying to find a resting spot

- AI: Will now use more artillery in its armies

- Fixed a bug where you could annex a nation with an isolated capital by demanding all their provinces individually

- Fixed a CTD in call to arms

- AI: Will now prioritize steering to capital in virtually all situations where it is an option

- Regencies can no longer have the Militarist AI personality

- Tweaked several missions to have better triggers

- Can no longer get the same mission twice

- Fixed a bug where AI native states could build normal buildings due to missing script triggers

- When playing random new world: Trade routes leading to a trade node, located in random new world, not yet discovered is no longer visible on the map.

- Fixed Liberty Desire Trigger tooltip.

- Money out of thin air exploit plugged. You can no longer send subsidys to subject nations.

- Tweaked Construct Grand Fleet mission probability to be lower-.

- You will no longer get empty units when annexing a vassal or integrating a union partner.

- Reworked prices to take colonial system better.

- Fixed a bug which caused monarchs to get different stats than what was shown in tooltips from events, when a dynasty was defined for them in the event.

- Annexing or integrating another country now makes you take over all their dependencies as well.

- Tweaked some morale bonuses

- Fixed bad grammar in EVTDESC870

- You can no longer use special characters when pasting from clipboard.

- Navies retreating now pick closest port with naval distance, not the shortest how birds fly.

- Fixed a bug where you couldn't send a colonist to a colony that you had recalled a colonist from.

- Fixed CTD in the console command "own".

- The tooltip on the terrain-GFX in province view now tells what other terrains that exists in that province.

- The federation tooltip in the diplo view now always shows the correct leader.

- Fixed bug where AI countries sometimes started new federations even thou they already were member of another federation.

- The "change capital"-message now displays the correct capital name.

- It's no longer possible to get achievements in observe mode.

- Selecting "Spectator" in the end of game screen now brings you into the real observe mode.

- AI: Will now check to see whether it has transports that can reach the target before launching a naval invasion

- Fixed a bug where a rebel hunting unit would have its movement canceled each day due to another, closer rebel hunting unit that couldn't reach the target

- AI: Less prio on culture conversions unless significantly ahead of time in diplo tech

- Support Independence will now properly be removed when an independence war turns it into an alliance

- Fixed a bug where separate peace in an independence war would end the entire war

- AI: Less interested in vassalizing non-bordering states not of the same culture group (such as hungary & urbino)

- Militarist AI is now more willing to take on high core cost provinces

- Diplomatic, Administrator & Colonial AI are now less willing to take on high core cost provinces

- AI: Protectorates will now use the same logic as independent nations for buying provinces

- AI: Protectorates will now fabricate claims

- Fixed some issues where peace screen would display the wrong amount of prestige gained from certain peace deals

- Return core can now be scripted to give AE for returning cores to vassals by tweaking PO_RETURN_CORES_BADBOY

- Added AI_CONVERT_CULTURES to defines, if set to 0 ai will not convert cultures

- Added VASSAL_FABRICATE_CLAIMS to defines, if set to 1 vassals will use fabricate claims on foreign powers

- Added VASSAL_BUY_ANY_PROVINCE to defines, if set to 1 vassals will buy provinces regardless of strategic interest

- AI: Will now only take the Abolish Slavery act if they have full innovative ideagroup

- Fixed reversed names in support independence popup

- AI: Will now accept buying provinces as long as the total OE after purchase would not be above 95%

- AI: Subjects will now only accept buying non-core provinces if their OE is 0

- AI: Will no longer accept buying a non-accepted culture province or wrong religion group province unless it is a core, claim, or they have owned it at any point during the game

- AI: Subjects will now only buy provinces if they are a core, claim, or they have owned it at any point during the game

- Suggest Demands should now be better at being able to tell when a player wants a province or a vassal from the enemy

- Can no longer ask a state to become a protectorate while either country is at war

- States with slow tech groups will no longer consider themselves Colonial Powers for the purpose of giving fleet basing rights

- Tweaked army recruit AI to be a bit smarter about build order when rebuilding their army from scratch

- Fixed a bug where 'Leader may negotiate for us' was sometimes defaulted to on for players

- AI: Now has a 1% chance of taking option B in Event 9462 "Scheming Bureaucracy"

- Wargoals are now only valid for warleaders, original attacker & defender, and overlords of original attacker & defender

- AI: Will now be more intelligent about what ships it disbands when naval spending is too high

- TRP and TUN are now historical friends

- FRA and BUR are now historical rivals

Fixed correct province number for Delaware in colonial_eastern_america

- "Tariffs on <tradegood>" events now only give 1% liberty desire

- Fixed localisation for liberty_desire trigger

- Value for liberty_desire trigger is now presented as a percentage

- Event 6025 no longer give defensive_modifier/offensive_modifier if you have the opposite one

- Event 6030 no longer gives offensive_modifier if you already have the defensive_modifier

- Event 714 no longer triggers if you have defensive_modifier or offensive_modifier

- Added second option to event colonial.1 and colonial.16 to add to existing colony

- Added an event to inform Austria getting a union CB from event flavor_hun.2

- Added missing localisation for Pequot culture

- vassalize_france mission is now about establishing a union instead

- Events flavor_per.1 and flavor_per.2 now give the correct monarch points

- Portugal is no longer ruled by a twelve-year-old

- Event ideagroups.400 now works for protestant and reformed countries

- Exported DAYS_PER_PHASE to defines

- Exported DAYS_PER_SIEGE_PHASE to defines

- Exported COMBAT_DICE_SIDE to defines

- Natives will no longer get missions to build buildings they can't build yet.

- GUI are no longer locked when entering observe mode when game is over.

- Fixed CTD in CRebelFaction::WriteMembers.

- When migrating, the country now brings the province culture into the new province.

- When migrating, all constructions besides merchants gets moved as well.

- Fixed a bug where the AI would continuously begin and abort blockades due to other AIs attempting the same thing

- Fixed a bug where hostile fleets that were moving and in combat would be 'invisible' to the AI

- Raised diplovassalize base tax cap from 30 to 40

- AI: Will no longer attach to armies that are not anywhere near hostile territory

- Halved Better Relations Over Time effect from Prestige

- Halved AE reduction from distance

- Fixed an issue in admiral AI where boats would not stay in place for blockades due to bad distance caching

- Fixed tooltips for Inter Caetera to correctly display effects

- Fixed tooltips for Native Trading Principles to display all benefits

- Can no longer sell a province to a country that cannot make said province into a core due to distance

- Fleet Basing Rights now always costs at least 0.5 ducats and caps out at a maximum of 2 ducats at 20 ports

- Fleet Basing Rights no longer gives colonial & coring range

- Fixed bad localisation for Japanese Sankin-Kotai idea

- Increased duration of CB on Form Personal Union missions from 10 to 100 years

- AI: Should now properly enforce peace to protect their colonies when they have a chance at winning

- Will no longer get 'Convert Culture' mission for accepted culture provinces

- Fixed a bug where more than eight lucky nations could coexist if lucky settings were changed mid-play

- Fixed another case where two countries could end up migrating to the same province simultaneously, wiping out the first migrant

- Province and capital name changes will now save even if you switch provinces instead of closing province view

- AI: Should now be smarter about where to explore first

- AI: Will now focus more on establishing a colonial nation before colonizing elsewhere

- AI: Less random about where it prioritizes colonization

- Fixed a display issue in core tooltips where it would simultaneously show a core as expiring and never expiring

- North American Natives now known about the Gulf of St.Lawrence, so they can trade there.

- achievement_norwegian_wood is now valid if all provinces are owned by nation and/or subjects

- RFR no longer keeps its previous ruler as consul

- Less stability gains in the revolutionary events for RFR

- Returning cores and releasing nations will no longer remove cores from releaser if the province is of their primary culture

- Fixed bad scopes in slave tradegoods

- Fixed a bug in peace view where the wrong diplo cost would be shown for certain peace options with valid wargoals

- AI: Will no longer accept an offensive call to arms if the caller has a previous offensive war they would not want to join

- Added stars that represent the leader stats on the onmap interface for units.

- Added leader stats to the tooltip for that unit.

- Battles of Foreign Ground event during Liberalism now requires inflation and warexhaustion to trigger.

- You no longer get Exploration CB on subjects states.

- Colonial Government & Native Council are no longer valid targets for revolutionry cb.

- Haida and Miwok can now get resources when colonized.

- AI for natives will now only build buildings thats valid for it.

- You can now collect trade in any node. Not that its a good idea to do it where you don't have fleet bases.

- Detaching a siegestack now always sets "can-attach-unit" to false.

- Fixed a few issues which causes natives &pirates units to just stand still.

- Reforming natives now also update all units to new unittypes.

- Rewrote display of manpower from provinces to make the impact from goodsproduced actually visible.

- Manufactories now display income primarily on the map, not tradevalue.

- Buildings affecting goodsproduced now show income & manpower impact as well in tooltips.

- The OR trigger in The French Revolution now checks for 50 and not 5 loans

- Added republican tradition events for revolutionary republics

- Added more events for a revolutionary France


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Изменено пользователем Slavkin


А можно поставить 1.4.1 на пиратку версии 1.4 как-нибудь?

Перекинуть содержимое папки Update в игровую.

Потом нужно активировать ДЛЦ повторно?


Спасибо, всё работает.

Выложите последний бета-патч, пожалуйста.

Не дотяну)

А когда примерно (полнедели-неделя-год) выйдет 1.5, на взгляд тестировщиков?)

С 20 числа примерно 2 недели.

The plan is that the team will continue working on updating and changing Conquest of Paradise and in roughly two weeks we should roll out a 1.5 patch.Нажмите здесь!
 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ! [Cкрыть]
Изменено пользователем Timych

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UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.22.0.to.v1.22.2-RezMar - (Checksum 7645) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game updated to v1.22.0 or newer. Updat


Here it is the update.   UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.20.1.to.v1.21.1-RezMar - Checksum (63a8) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game u


Загрузить 1.28.2 Hotfix Patch Europa Universalis IV Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Требование к игре: версия 1.28.1.   З.Ы. Принимаю в дар:


Here it is finally... some old DLCs was updated too. UPDATES ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.22.2.to.v1.23.0-RezMar - (Checksum 1b5e) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE!


A lot of DLCs was updated...   UPDATES ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.23.0.to.v1.24.0-RezMar - (Checksum c6bc) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have


UPDATES ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.24.0.to.v1.24.1-RezMar - (Checksum 0625) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game updated to v1.24.0 (checksum c6bc).


Here it is the update...   UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.19.2.to.v1.20.0-RezMar - Checksum (072a) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game


UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.20.0.to.v1.20.1-RezMar - Checksum (07f1) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game updated to v1.20.0 checksum (072a).

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